This document contains a list of vocabulary words in Spanish related to places in a city. It includes terms for various types of buildings, infrastructure, transportation, and public spaces one might find in an urban environment. Some examples provided are aeropuerto (airport), avenida (avenue), cine (movie theater), metro (subway), and parque (park). In total, over 100 Spanish words for locations within a city are defined.
This document contains a list of vocabulary words in Spanish related to places in a city. It includes terms for various types of buildings, infrastructure, transportation, and public spaces one might find in an urban environment. Some examples provided are aeropuerto (airport), avenida (avenue), cine (movie theater), metro (subway), and parque (park). In total, over 100 Spanish words for locations within a city are defined.
This document contains a list of vocabulary words in Spanish related to places in a city. It includes terms for various types of buildings, infrastructure, transportation, and public spaces one might find in an urban environment. Some examples provided are aeropuerto (airport), avenida (avenue), cine (movie theater), metro (subway), and parque (park). In total, over 100 Spanish words for locations within a city are defined.
This document contains a list of vocabulary words in Spanish related to places in a city. It includes terms for various types of buildings, infrastructure, transportation, and public spaces one might find in an urban environment. Some examples provided are aeropuerto (airport), avenida (avenue), cine (movie theater), metro (subway), and parque (park). In total, over 100 Spanish words for locations within a city are defined.
art gallery galería de arte fire brigade cuerpo de bomberos
arts center centro cultural fountain fuente avenue avenida gutter cuneta bank banco bar hairdresser's peluquería bicycle bicicleta highway autopista boarding pensión hospital hospital house hostel hostal bookstall kiosco hotel hotel botanical jardín botánico garden house casa boulevard bulevar information oficina de bridge puente office información inhabitant habitante building site obra en construcción lane callejón buildings edificios laundromat lavadero automático bus autobús lawcourt tribunal bus station estación de autobuses library biblioteca bus stop parada de autobús litter basura castle castillo mail box buzón de correos cathedral catedral market mercado cemetery cementerio monument monumento church iglesia mosque mezquita circus circo motorcycle motocicleta city hall ayuntamiento motorists automovilistas clock reloj movie theater cine consulate consulado museum museo corner esquina neighborhood barrio crossroads cruce neon signs letreros luminosos crosswalk paso de peatones newspaper quiosco de periódicos cul-de-sac callejón sin salida stand night club club nocturno curb bordillo de la acera old people's asilo de ancianos department grandes almacenes home store orphanage orfanato district distrito outskirts afueras de laciudad ditch zanja palace palacio downtown centro de la ciudad park parque drugstore farmacia parking lot aparcamiento stock la bolsa de valores passage pasaje exchange street calle passer-by transeúnte streetcar tranvía pedestrian peatón streetlamps faroles de calle pedestrian zona peatonal zone suburbs las afueras de la phone booth cabina telefónica ciudad subway metro police station comisaría subway estación de metro port puerto station post office oficina de correos synagogue sinagoga prison cárcel taxi cab taxi promenade paseo telephones teléfonos railroad estación de ferrocarril theatre teatro station tourist turista restaurant restaurante tourist office oficina de turismo ring road carretera de circunvalación townspeople habitantes de la road carretera ciudad traffic tráfico school colegio traffic light semáforo sewers cloacas traffic policía de tránsito shop tienda policeman shop windows escaparates tramp vagabundo shopping mall centro comercial trashcan papelera sidewalk acera travel agency agencia de viajes skyscraper rascacielos trees árboles slums barrio bajo truck camión square plaza tunnel túnel stadium estadio university universidad statue estatua zoo zoológico