Information Brief - Child Marriage in Zambia
Information Brief - Child Marriage in Zambia
Information Brief - Child Marriage in Zambia
September, 2022
Ministry of Gender: National Strategy on Ending Child Marriage in
Zambia: 2016-2021
2 3
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Effects of Child Marriage • The Adoption (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of
1997 – Protects the rights of the adopted child to
• Propagates poverty: once married, it is rare for girl
consent in relation to marriage; and
children to further themselves in education, thus
• Education Act, No.23 of 2011- Prohibits the
propagating a vicious cycle of intergenerational
marrying off of a child who is a leaner.
• Creates health risks: Results in early child bearing
What can Parliamentarians do?
thus, leading to increased number of child mortality.
• MPs should continue to urge the Government to
• Fuels Gender-based violence (GBV): Greater risk of
report regularly to Parliament on the
physical, sexual and emotional GBV.
implementation of laws and programmes on
Legal and Policy framework in relation to Child ending child marriage;
Marriage in Zambia • Work closely with organisations that create “safe
spaces” for girls to address the underlying causes
A few examples can be cited as follows:
of child marriage;
• The Constitution, Chapter 1 of the Laws of • Monitor implementation of policies such as free
Zambia - defines the age of a child as 18; education, re-entry programmes, provision of
• The Children’s Code Act No. of 12 of 2022 effective menstrual sanitation facilities and
provides for the reforms and consolidates the law provision of comprehensive sexuality education.
relating to children;
• The Marriage Act, Chapter 50 of the Laws of
Zambia – provides for among other things, the
rightful age for marriage;