AIBA Question Bank IA-1 ODD 2023
AIBA Question Bank IA-1 ODD 2023
AIBA Question Bank IA-1 ODD 2023
4] List out the application of AI and explain any two applications in detail.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a wide range of applications across various industries and
domains. Here is a list of some prominent applications of AI:
1. Healthcare:
2. Finance:
3. Retail and E-commerce:
4. Autonomous Vehicles:
5. Manufacturing:
Two Detailed Applications:
Healthcare - Medical Image Analysis:
Medical image analysis involves using AI techniques to interpret medical images like X-rays,
MRIs, and CT scans. AI algorithms can identify patterns, anomalies, and potential disease
indicators in images. For example, AI can assist radiologists in detecting early signs of
diseases like cancer, enabling quicker diagnosis and treatment planning.
Retail and E-commerce - Product Recommendations:
AI-powered recommendation systems analyse user behaviour and preferences to suggest
products that customers are likely to be interested in. These recommendations enhance the
user experience and drive sales. For instance, platforms like Amazon and Netflix use AI to
suggest products and movies based on a user's past interactions and preferences. This
increases customer engagement and loyalty while boosting revenue.
In these applications, AI leverages data and algorithms to automate complex tasks, make
predictions, and improve decision-making. As AI continues to advance, it is likely to play an
increasingly transformative role across industries, enhancing efficiency, innovation, and
human-machine interactions.
6] Differentiate AI and Natural Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is created by humans Natural Intelligence refers to the inherent
through programming and designing cognitive abilities and learning capacity
algorithms. possessed by living organisms, particularly
Intelligence in AI is derived from Natural Intelligence originates from the
computational processes, algorithms, and complex structure and functioning of the
data-driven patterns. brain
AI systems learn from data and experience Natural Intelligence involves learning,
through processes like machine learning. reasoning, and adapting based on personal
experiences, social interactions, and exposure
to the environment.
AI systems can simulate creativity by Natural Intelligence displays higher-level
generating new content based on learned creativity, understanding, and innovation.
patterns, but this creativity is limited to
patterns present in the training data.
AI lacks genuine emotions and empathy. Natural Intelligence, especially in humans,
includes emotional experiences, empathy,
and complex emotional responses.
AI systems are often designed for specific Natural Intelligence allows humans to
tasks and may struggle to generalize their generalize knowledge and skills to various
learning to new, unfamiliar situations outside contexts, applying learning from one
their training data. situation to solve problems in unrelated
AI systems lack consciousness and self- Natural Intelligence, particularly in humans,
awareness. includes consciousness and self-awareness.
AI is a product of human-designed Natural Intelligence has evolved over
technology and does not evolve naturally. millions of years through the process of
biological evolution.
AI systems are constrained by their Natural Intelligence has inherent flexibility
programming, algorithms, and the data they and adaptability.
are trained on.
AI systems, especially deep learning models, Natural Intelligence has evolved to be highly
can consume significant computational energy-efficient. The brain's energy
resources and energy during training and consumption is relatively low compared to
inference the computational power it provides, making
it an efficient biological system.
8] Explain classification using convolution neural network using suitable diagram and
Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is a widely used technique in
the field of deep learning for tasks such as image recognition, object detection, and more.
The below figure is a complete flow of CNN to process an input image of a vehicle and
classifies the object based on values.
1. Input Image: The input to the CNN is an image. An image is represented as a matrix
of pixel values, where each pixel contains information about color and intensity.
2. Convolutional Layers: Convolutional layers are the core building blocks of a CNN.
They consist of small filters (also called kernels) that slide over the input image to
extract features. These filters learn to capture various patterns and features such as
edges, corners, and textures. As the filters slide over the image, they perform element-
wise multiplication with the local pixel values and then sum the results to produce a
feature map.
3. Activation: After each convolutional operation, an activation function (typically
ReLU - Rectified Linear Activation) is applied element-wise to the feature map. This
introduces non-linearity to the network, allowing it to learn complex relationships
between features.
4. Pooling: Pooling layers, often max-pooling, reduce the spatial dimensions of the
feature maps while retaining the most important information. Max-pooling, for
example, takes the maximum value from a group of neighboring pixels, reducing the
size of the feature maps and making the network more robust to variations in position
and scale.
5. Fully Connected Layers: The output of the convolutional and pooling layers is
flattened and fed into one or more fully connected layers. These layers learn to
combine the high-level features extracted by the previous layers to make the final
decision about the class of the input image.
6. Output (Class Scores): The fully connected layers output a vector of class scores,
representing the network's confidence in each class. This vector is often passed
through a softmax function to convert the scores into probabilities. The class with the
highest probability is the predicted class for the input image.
The technologies behind Cognitive Computing are similar to the technologies behind AI.
These include machine learning, deep learning, NLP, neural networks, etc. But they have
various differences as well.
Cognitive Computing Artificial Intelligence
AI augments human thinking to solve
Cognitive Computing focuses on mimicking human
complex problems. It focuses on providing
behaviour and reasoning to solve complex problems.
accurate results.
It simulates human thought processes to find solutions to AI finds patterns to learn or reveal hidden
complex problems. information and find solutions.
They simply supplement information for humans to make AI is responsible for making decisions on
decisions. their own minimizing the role of humans.
It is mostly used in sectors like customer service, health It is mostly used in finance, security,
care, industries, etc. healthcare, retail, manufacturing, etc.
Whereas, a cognitive assistant suggests potential career paths to the job seeker, besides
furnishing the person with important details like additional education requirements, salary
comparison data, and open job positions. However, in this case, the final decision must be
still taken by the job seeker.
Thus, we can say, cognitive computing helps us make smarter decisions on our own
leveraging machines. Whereas, AI is rooted in the idea that machines can make better
decisions on our behalf.