Soitec USA, Peabody, MA, USA
Received June 28, 1999; Revised February 24, 2000; Accepted February 25, 2000
Abstract. Building RF/microwave SOI-CMOS integrated circuits has significant speed and power advantages
over circuits built on bulk materials. High quality SOI material exists today which will meet today's device
requirements; on-going development efforts will improve the material available for subsequent device
Key Words: SOI material, unibond, low power, SOI volume production, CMOS-SOI, high resistivity, SOI
supply voltage and a few milliwatts of power reduction of the total capacitance by 15±30%,
consumption, suitable for pagers, cellular phones depending on the circuit design.
and personal digital assistants (see Fig. 1). * It increases the switching behavior of MOS
In addition to the general low power market, this devices, providing a sharper sub-threshold slope.
capability makes SOI best suited to portable com- This allows a reduction in threshold voltage, thus
munications systems. Here, the competition with increasing the current driveability at low voltage
BiCMOS silicon technology favors SOI for two and reducing leakage current.
reasons: power consumption and process complexity. * It reduces junction area by at least two decades,
For example, phase lock loop ICs (PLLs) using which also decreases leakage current.
0.24 mm CMOS-SOI are able to operate at GHz * It lowers threshold voltage temperature sensitivity.
frequencies with a power consumption of 1 mW at One proposed alternative to reduce power con-
only 1.2 V. The power consumption is one decade sumption is to change circuit architecture.
lower than BiCMOS circuits at the same frequency. This could be done, for example, by switching off
As the power consumption is P*CV 2 ? f V ? Ileak some parts of a circuit based on real-time system
where C total capacitance, V supply voltage, needs and by reducing internal clock frequency in
f frequency and Ileak standby current, the supply some noncritical circuit parts. However, the ef®-
86 A. Auberton-Herve et al.
Fig. 3. Simply stacked planar capacitor cell on SOI using a high-E material for 1 Gbit DRAM.
simpli®es the surface topography for the bit line and Buried oxide (BOX) thickness must also be reduced
relaxes the lithographic alignment error tolerance. for deep-submicron optimization. Devices with
Implementation of a 0.15±0.10 mm SOI technology 0.1 mm channel lengths in 50 nm SIMOX Si ®lms on
will require the use of fully depleted, accumulation top of 80 nm BOX layers exhibited a 10 year lifetime
mode transistors. Since these devices will operatewith at Vd 1:6 V [11,12]. Such ultrathin devices suppress
channel dopant concentrations in the 1016 rangeÐ short channel effects and are very attractive due to
106less than required for their bulk counterpartsÐ their high-speed performance.
scaling differs completely from that for enhancement
mode transistors. The key factor in optimizing such
devices is silicon ®lm thickness. Transistors processed 2. Material Issues
with ®lm thicknesses as low as 50 nm demonstrate hot
electron behavior, short channel effects, and break- The material issues are driven, clearly, by device
down voltages better than on bulk silicon [9,10]. requirements. As the devices become smaller, faster,
1995 1999
closer to the surface, lower voltage, etc., the material * The remaining wafer is reclaimed with a touch
requirements become more stringent (Table 1). polish process and can be used both as support
Preparation of the SOI material takes two distinct wafer or the seed wafer in the next process ¯ow.
forms: the manufacture of the material and routine This wafer is nearly identical in thickness to the
characterization with strict statistical process control original starting wafer and stays in silicon speci®-
(SPC). cations (725 + 25 mm for 8 in wafers).
Recently a new manufacturing technology called The two limitations of conventional bonding
Smart Cut has been introduced which allows large technique are solved by this new technology: First,
scale manufacturing of thin ®lm SOI (Unibond the uniformity of the SOI ®lm is ®xed by the
wafers) to be achieved economically for the ®rst uniformities of the implantation and touch polish
time. steps. These two processes induce a total on-wafer
and wafer-to-wafer dispersion better than 100 A,
independent of the silicon ®lm thickness and wafer
size. Second, since the process is done at low
2.1. Material Manufacturing temperature, the thin SOI ®lm is already formed
before the annealing process. (In conventional
Smart Cut technology is based both on ion implanta- bonding, during annealing, the bonded interface is
tion and wafer bonding technologies. While the strained by 725 mm of silicon, but with the Smart Cut
process starts with two wafers, the second wafer is process the annealed interface is only capped by a
not sacri®ced, but reused to create a subsequent SOI few 1000 A of silicon and oxide, which easily
wafer. The ion implantation step assures uniformity conforms to the base structure without strain.) Thus,
of the SOI ®lm. The bonding step assures use of micro voids can be easily detected on as-split wafers.
thermally grown buried oxides and the perfect crys- XTEM analysis has been used after the cutting
talline quality of the top silicon ®lm. steps and again on the ®nal SOI structure, but no
* Starting with two wafers, one is oxidized to form crystalline defects were observed. In addition, tests
what will become the buried oxide layer of the SOI have shown that the intrinsic breakdown ®eld of 40 A
structure. Thermal oxide as the buried oxide gate oxide is 16±17 MV, which is comparable to the
ensures very high insulation integrity without any best silicon material. The CMP step improves the
leakage paths. breakdown ®eld on SOI products with a 40 A gate
* Ion implantation through the oxide forms the Smart oxides and is the key of gate oxide reliability issues
Cut layer. (The dose is proprietary, but in the range on silicon wafers. Gate oxide integrity tests under
of standard implantation processes used in semi- constant current stress show no difference between
conductor manufacturing.) gate oxide grown on Unibond SOI substrates and epi
* Both wafers go through a modi®ed RCA cleaning wafers, even for a large cell size of 1 cm2 .
step; this is an important step to prevent voids at the
subsequent bonded interface.
* The two wafers are bonded together using 2.2. Volume Production
hydrogen bonds (hydrophilic bonding).
* The top wafer is cut away using the implanted Key equipment used to perform the process are a
region as a reference. standard high current implanter and a chemical
* The SOI wafer is then annealed at 1100 C in argon mechanical polisher. Fig. 4 shows a comparison in
to increase the quality of the bonding interface. terms of process capacity between Smart Cut and
After this step, neither chemical revelation nor Simox process. High volume production is allowed
mechanical tests can reveal any weak point at the by the drastic reduction of implantation time, with
bonding interface which exhibits the same proper- more than 15 wafers an hour for a beam current of
ties as a thermally formed silicon/oxide interface. 25 mA; this translates roughly into a manufacturing
* Finally, a touch chemical mechanical polish (CMP) capacity of 100,000 8 inch (200 mm) wafers per year
step ®nishes the top surface to a roughness (taking into account uptimes, . . .).
5 1.5 A (rms); this step removes a few 100 A Wafer bonding appears as a new and speci®c
from the top surface. technological step in the front end microelectronic
RF/Microwave SOI-CMOS Integrated Circuits 89
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5. K. Sunouchi, H. Takato, N. Okabe, T. Yamada, T. Ozaki, S. European SEMI Award.
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6. H. Komiya, ``Future technological and economic prospects for
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7. T. Nishihara, ``A buried capacitor DRAM cell with bonded SOI
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8. T. Nishihara, N. Ikeda, H. Aozasa, and Y. Miyazawa, ``A buried
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9. O. Faynot, A. J. Auberton-Herve, and S. Cristoloveanu,
``Experimental analysis of the thin-®lm thickness in¯uence
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NMOSFETs,'' in IEEE Intl. SOI Conf., p. 114, 1992.
10. O. Faynot, S. Cristoloveanu, A. J. Auberton-Herve, and G.
Reimbold, ``Hot carrier deradation in ultrathin fully depleted T. Barge is a process engineering manager. He
accumulation mode SIMOX NMOSFETs,'' in Proc. 8th holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science from Universite de
Biennial Conf on Insulating Films on Semiconductors, INFOS Marseille and has been working for CNRS. During
93, Elsevier, 1993. the three years he spent in ES2, Le Rousset FR (now
11. Y. Omura and K. Izumi, ``Hot carrier immunity of a 0.1 mm gate
an ATMEL company), he was in charge of
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SSDM, p. 496, 1992. implementation of silicide processes for 0.5 mm
12. W. F. Krause, B. R. Doyle, J. E. Clark, K. L. Jones, and D. M. technology. He joined SOITEC in 1993 to participate
Thornberry, ``A 20-ns multiple architecture 256K SIMOX in collaboration with CEA/LETI to the ®rst develop-
SRAM designed for harsh radiation environments,'' in Proc. ments of the Smart-Cut process and its applications to
1992 IEEE Intl. SOI Conf., p. 168.
the manufacturing of SOI wafers.