Psychology Board Guidelines Guidelines For The 4 2 Internship Program 1 June 2017

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Psychology Board of Australia


for provisional psychologists and supervisors

1 June 2017

PsyBA1705 01
1. Introduction 4 2.10 Arranging an internship 20
Overview 4 Table 6: Arranging a 4+2 internship 20

2. The internship program 4 3. Psychological practice 21

2.1 Entry into the 4+2 internship program 4 3.1 Client contact 22

Figure 1: Psychology registration pathway 4 3.1.1 Simulated client contact 22

2.2 Aims of the 4+2 internship program 5 3.2 Client-related activities 22

2.3 Core competencies 5 3.3 Placements and work roles 23

Table 1: Core competencies 6 3.3.1 Scope of the psychological practice 23

2.4 Development of the core competencies 4. Supervision 24
during the internship 8
4.1 Supervision provided during the internship 24
2.4.1 The first year of the internship. 8
4.1.1 Individual supervision 25
2.4.2 The second year of the internship 8
4.1.2 Other supervision 25
2.4.3 Summary of assessments 9
Figure 4: Breakdown of types of supervision
Table 2: Mandatory assessment tasks 9
in the internship program by number of hours 25
2.4.4 Supervisor-based assessment 9
4.1.3 Direct observation 25
Table 3: Supervisor-assessed tasks 10
4.2 Supervisory arrangements 26
2.4.5 Ethical dilemma tasks 12
4.2.1 Establishing supervisory arrangements 26
2.4.6 Practice with people from diverse
groups task 12 4.2.2 Off-site supervisory arrangements 27
2.4.7 Across the lifespan practice task 12 4.3 The internship plan 28
2.4.8 Psychological tests and instruments 12 4.3.1 Using the internship plan 28
2.4.9 Practice documents portfolio 13
5. Professional development 28
2.4.10 Case reports 13
Figure 3: The case report process 15 5.1 Recognition and recording of professional
development 29
2.5 Practice framework for the internship 16
Table 4: Practice framework for the 6. Completion of the internship 29
4+2 internship 16
6.1 Applying for general registration 29
Figure 2: Breakdown of activities in the
internship program by number of hours 16
7. Conditions and policies governing the
2.6 Recording the internship: the logbook 17 internship 29
2.7 Reporting to the Board 18 7.1 Standards, guidelines and policies 29
2.7.1 Progress reports 18 7.2 Code of ethics 29
Table 5: Reporting to the Board for the 4+2
Internship 18 7.3 Use of title 30

2.7.2 Case reports 19 7.4 Leave 30

2.7.3 Final assessment of competence 19 7.4.1 Annual leave 30
2.8 National psychology examination 19 7.4.2 Extended leave 30
2.9 Timeframes 19 7.5 Changes to work roles or placements 30

2.9.1 Starting the internship 19 7.6 Changes and disruptions in supervisory

2.9.2 Minimum and maximum timeframes 20 arrangements 31

2 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

7.6.1 Temporary disruptions to supervisory
arrangements 31
7.6.2 Changes in supervisory arrangements 31
7.7 Discontinuing the internship 32
7.8 Recommencing the internship 32
7.9 Maintaining provisional registration 32
7.9.1 Annual renewal 32
7.9.2 Application for provisional registration
after three years of provisional registration 33
7.10 Professional indemnity insurance 33
7.11 Dispute resolution 33

Appendix A: Definitions 34

Appendix B: Supporting documents 35

Appendix C: Policy on recency of qualifications

for applicants for provisional registration
in the 4+2 pathway 37

Appendix D: Policy for unsatisfactory supervision 39

Appendix E: Case report requirements 40

General requirements 41
Critical errors 41

Appendix F: Policy for unsatisfactory

case reports 45

3 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017


1. Introduction 2. The internship program

These guidelines have been developed by the Psychology 2.1 Entry into the 4+2 internship program
Board of Australia (the Board) to provide information to
psychologists with provisional registration undertaking Entry into the 4+2 internship program requires the
the 4+2 internship program, and guide their education successful completion of a four-year sequence of
and training. They also provide information for Board- accredited undergraduate study in the discipline of
approved supervisors of provisional psychologists in psychology (or equivalent completed overseas) in the
the 4+2 pathway, including evaluation and reporting past 10 years. For information on courses that meet
requirements. the requirements of the four-year accredited sequence
of study, visit the Accreditation section of the Board’s
The guidelines support the requirements of the 4+2 website.
internship program outlined in the Board’s General
registration standard and the requirements for general Applicants whose fourth year qualification was
registration set out in the Health Practitioner Regulation completed more than 10 years ago need to complete
National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the a refresher training course specified by the Board.
National Law). Suitability of courses will be considered on a case-by-
case basis (see Appendix C for more details).
The National Law is available on the Australian Health
Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) website at Applicants whose qualifications were completed and further information about overseas should visit the Overseas applicants webpage
psychology registration is available on the Board’s under the Registration section of the Board’s website for
website at information about assessment of overseas qualifications.

These guidelines take effect from 1 June 2017. To be eligible to start an internship, the individual must
have provisional registration as a psychologist and a
Overview Board-approved internship program plan.

The 4+2 internship program is two years full-time (or Applicants for provisional registration must meet the
equivalent part-time) of supervised training that involves Board’s other registration standards. For details see the
three interrelated components: Standards and guidelines section of the Board’s website.
• psychological practice carried out in an approved
Online application for provisional registration is available
professional setting
from the AHPRA website under Graduate applications.
• supervision by a Board-approved principal supervisor Alternatively, a paper application form is available from
and one or more secondary supervisors, and the Board’s website under Forms.
• professional development activities that engage the
Provisional registration must be maintained for the
provisional psychologist in active training designed to
entire duration of the internship program and the Board
enhance learning.
will only recognise practice, supervision and professional
development carried out while provisional registration is

Undergraduate Apply for provisional Supervised Apply for general

qualification – registration as a practice – registration as a
4 year sequence psychologist 2 year program psychologist

Figure 1: Psychology registration pathway

4 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

2.2 Aims of the 4+2 internship program 2.3 Core competencies
The primary goal of the internship is to ensure the Provisional psychologists must complete broad
provisional psychologist can demonstrate sufficient generalist training in the core areas of psychology
understanding of and proficiency in the eight core that form the basis of all areas of psychology practice
competencies for safe and effective independent and are therefore necessary for entry-level general
psychology practice. The supervisor has a key role in registration. The term ‘competency’ refers to the
designing an integrated program that supports the range of applied knowledge and skills expected of, and
progressive development and assessment of core demonstrated by, a six-year trained psychologist. The
competencies during the two years of the internship eight core competencies for the internship program align
leading to general registration. with the Board-approved accreditation standards and
international standards.
The 4+2 internship program extends the skills and
knowledge gained in the four-year undergraduate The core competencies are developed across all six years
sequence, in a Board-approved practical setting so the of psychology training. They begin to be developed during
provisional psychologist can: the first four years of training with a thorough grounding
in the scientific discipline and an introduction to the
• demonstrate the ethical and professional standards
application of the discipline. In the fifth and sixth years
of conduct and practice needed of a psychologist
these skills are extended and applied in a professional
• demonstrate the integration of psychological theory practical setting under appropriate supervision.
and practice
Supervisors have an important role in providing
• demonstrate relevant psychological principles,
continuous oversight, review and assessment of the
knowledge and skills in a wide variety of professional
provisional psychologist’s progress towards achieving
settings, with a variety of client groups (such as
the core competencies. This includes regular formal
individuals, groups, couples, families, organisations)
supervision and progress reviews, and direct observation.
and client presentations (such as depression, anxiety,
It also includes providing evaluative feedback and
trauma, relationship issues, work effectiveness,
guidance during development of eight case reports.
change management, selection and recruitment,
promotion of wellbeing, etc.)
Table 1 sets out the core competencies and options for
• demonstrate competence in the administration achieving and demonstrating the competencies.
and interpretation of a range of psychological
assessment tools and techniques Table 3 provides details of the supervisor-based
assessment process for provisional psychologists
• demonstrate skills in diagnosing psychological
to demonstrate attainment of each of the core
disorders and formulating, delivering, recording and
competencies to their principal supervisor. (The Board
reporting appropriate interventions and outcomes
monitors the development of the core competencies
• demonstrate the capacity to work collaboratively with during the internship by reviewing the six-monthly
a variety of professionals progress reports, and case reports). Table 4 contains a
summary of requirements for reporting to the Board.
• cultivate self-evaluation skills to develop awareness
of professional competence and limitations
Individuals who complete the 4+2 internship program
• participate in and understand the philosophy of pathway must pass the national psychology examination
ongoing professional development in order to during the second internship year (after 1,500 hours
maintain and increase their effectiveness as a have been completed) to be eligible for general
psychologist, and registration. The examination assesses applied
psychological knowledge, which is a significant basis of
• participate effectively in the supervision process with
competence in the profession, and helps demonstrate
approved supervisors.
that the practitioner has an appropriate level of
applied professional knowledge and competence. Four
examination domains measure the eight competencies of
the internship program.

5 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Table 1: Core competencies

Core competency Description Supervisor-based assessment options

1. Knowledge of the Overall knowledge of the discipline underpins all Oversight of the professional development plan
discipline of the other competencies and includes: and review, and discussion of activities including
• knowledge of psychological principles, early focus on professional ethics and statutory
professional ethics and standards requirements
• theories of individual and systemic • Review during case report development
functioning and change • Oversight of preparation for the national
• dysfunctional behaviour psychology examination (e.g. discussion of
• psychopathology, and recommended reading).
• the cultural bases of behaviour and
organisational systems.
The expectation for this competency is that
the provisional psychologist demonstrates the
application of theoretical knowledge gained in
their undergraduate course in a practical setting,
as well as extending that knowledge.

2. Ethical, legal Knowledge and understanding of the ethical, • Discussion of ethical dilemmas and legal and
and professional legal and professional aspects of psychological professional matters in supervision sessions
matters practice. • Review three short written or oral reports
by the provisional psychologist on specific
ethical dilemmas written by the (mandatory
• Direct observation of practice
• Review during case report development
• Oversight of preparation for the national
psychology examination (ethics domain).

3. Psychological The use of appropriate psychometric tools • Direct observation, including at least two
assessment and that enable description, conceptualisation, assessment client sessions every six months
measurement and prediction of relevant aspects of a client’s • Oversight of assessment skills development
functioning, behaviour, and personality (the client activities
may be an organisation, group or individual).
• Four case reports with an assessment focus
(mandatory tasks)
• Oversight of preparation for the national
psychology examination (assessment

4. Intervention Activities that promote, restore, sustain or • Direct observation, including at least two
strategies enhance cognitive functioning, emotional intervention client sessions every six months
adjustment and a sense of well-being in • Oversight of intervention skills development
individuals or groups of clients through: activities
• preventative • Four case reports with an intervention focus
• developmental (mandatory tasks)
• remedial services, and/or • Oversight of preparation for the national
psychology examination (intervention
• in groups or organisations, restoring or
enhancing group and/or organisational

6 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Core competency Description Supervisor-based assessment options
5. Research and The application of critical analysis to evaluate • Discussion of research in the context of
evaluation and apply findings from scientific publications in supervision relevant to the internship
psychology to working with clients, as well as to • Case report development and review.
evaluate and report on interventions.

6. Communication The capacity to convey, appraise and interpret • Direct observation of practice
and information orally and in writing, and to interact • Assessment of eight practice documents,
interpersonal on a professional level with a wide range of client and regular review of written communication
relationships groups and other professionals. including case notes and reports (mandatory
• Review of written communication skills
during the case report development
• Discussion of communication issues in
supervision sessions, including evidence
of reading and preparation for the national
psychology examination (communication

7. Working with The ability to apply knowledge and understanding • Discussion and review of issues associated
people from of how the practice of psychology is influenced with working with diverse groups of people in
diverse groups by social, historical, professional and cultural supervision sessions including at least one
contexts. This includes demonstrating the case presentation (mandatory task)
ability to competently and ethically practice with • Discussion of reading to prepare for the
people who differ from the psychologist in ways national psychology examination
including, but not limited to: age, race, colour,
• Direct observation of practice with people
culture, gender, geography, language, sexual
from diverse groups
orientation, educational attainment, physical
attributes, cognitive capacity and socio-economic • Case report/s focusing on clients from
status and religious-spiritual orientation. This diverse groups (if required by the supervisor).
includes sensitivity and knowledge of working
with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

8. Practice across The ability to apply knowledge and understanding • Discussion and review of lifespan issues in
the lifespan of how the practice of psychology is influenced supervision sessions including at least one
by the life stage of clients. This includes case presentation (mandatory task)
demonstrating the ability to competently and • Discussion of reading to prepare for the
ethically practice with people from each of the national psychology examination
major lifespan stages:
• Direct observation of practice with people
• childhood from different lifespan stages
• adolescence • Case report/s focusing on clients from
• adulthood, and different lifespan stages (if required by the
• late adulthood.

7 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

2.4 Development of the core competencies during • Mastery of applied skills in delivering assessments
the internship and interventions relevant to the specific client
presentation, group or setting.
2.4.1 The first year of the internship.
−− Assessment by the supervisor/s must include
The focus of the first year should be on the acquisition observation of at least two assessment sessions
of foundation skills, knowledge and competencies and two intervention sessions conducted with
relevant to psychological work and ensuring that the real clients by the provisional psychologist during
provisional psychologist is able to start work with clients each six months of internship. Before working
in placements and work roles. This should include with real clients, the supervisor may recommend
awareness of ethical issues, development of basic simulated assessments or interventions to
skills, and simulated learning activities to prepare the develop skills, which can form part of the
provisional psychologist for work with relevant client hours of the internship. Assessment by the
groups. supervisor/s can also include psychological
assessment and intervention related activities
The supervisors provide oversight of relevant training completed as a part of skills development
activities, and formal assessment of progress against activities (presentation, written, or discussion
the core competencies. They are expected to assess format).
the readiness of the provisional psychologist to work • The ability to review and appropriately modify
in particular settings before working with clients, to intervention and assessment based on relevant
monitor progress, and, together with the provisional learning.
psychologist, act to address any areas of concern
throughout the internship. −− Assessment and feedback should be provided as
a component of supervision.
Skills training and assessment of progress by • Communication and reporting skills.
−− Assessment by the supervisor/s must include
During the first year of internship, the provisional viewing evidence of appropriate reporting, and
psychologist should demonstrate increasing mastery regular review of documents prepared by the
of relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies. Key provisional psychologist.
training and assessment goals include the following: Case reports provide an opportunity to showcase the
• Understanding of the application of relevant ethical development of multiple competencies. During the first
codes, including: issues using the Board-endorsed year (1,500 hours) the supervisor should assess four
code of ethics; statutory requirements relevant to case reports prepared by the intern as being sufficient to
work/placement setting; and issues relevant to work demonstrate the attainment of appropriate competencies
with clients, such as boundaries, confidentiality, with real clients.
documentation, record keeping, and limits of
competence. 2.4.2 The second year of the internship
−− Assessment by the supervisor must include In the second year of the internship training should build
review of three short written summaries on and extend the basic competencies to a level expected
completed by the provisional psychologist of of a psychologist with general registration. The training
client-related ethical issues/dilemmas. and supervision activities during the second year of the
• Awareness of issues relevant to working with clients 4+2 internship program should focus on progressive
from different social and cultural backgrounds, development and extension of the core competencies
including different age groups and genders. with a range of clients, presentations, and settings.

−− Assessment by the supervisor must include Case reports give the provisional psychologist an
review of two oral and/or written presentations opportunity to demonstrate the application of core
by the provisional psychologist: one on practising competencies in assessment and intervention with
with people from diverse groups (such as cross- a range of clients. During the year, four case reports
cultural practice), and one on practising across completed by the provisional psychologist must
the lifespan.

8 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

demonstrate attainment of appropriate competencies • regular professional supervision (at least 160 hours
with real clients. over the course of the internship), and
• regular review of practice documents.
The provisional psychologist must pass the National
Psychology Examination during their final year of
The supervisor/s will usually also assess progress and
training. Successful completion of all case reports and
demonstration of competence through observation of
passing the examination is necessary and these should
the provisional psychologist undertaking simulated
aim to be completed well in advance of the finish date of
learning activities, especially simulated direct client
the internship to ensure the program can be completed
contact. The supervisor may also choose to set any
on time.
additional assessment tasks he or she deems necessary
for the provisional psychologist to demonstrate all eight
2.4.3 Summary of assessments competencies.
Table 2: Mandatory assessment tasks
2.4.4 Supervisor-based assessment
Mandatory assessment tasks for the 4+2 During the internship, the supervisor must oversee and
internship program assess the development of the core competencies by the
provisional psychologist.
Completed at any time during the internship:
• Demonstrate competent use of nine different The supervisor-based assessment tasks should
psychological tests and instruments apply to the placements/work roles of the provisional
• Portfolio of eight practice documents psychologist. The principal supervisor should provide
instructive and evaluative feedback to support the
Completed in first year: Completed in second development of relevant competencies.
• Three reports on ethical year:
dilemmas • Four case reports Table 3 sets out all the supervisor-based assessments.
• One report on issues • National psychology At the end of the internship, the principal supervisor
working with diverse examination must sign a declaration in the final assessment of
groups of clients competence report that the provisional psychologist has
• One report on practice completed all of the mandatory assessment tasks to a
across the lifespan satisfactory level.
• Four case reports

With the exception of the examination, all these tasks are


In addition to supervisor assessment, two of the first

year case reports and two of the second year case
reports are submitted to the Board for review to ensure
that the supervisor assessment is consistent with the
Board’s expectations. Two of the case reports submitted
to the Board must have an assessment focus, and two
must have an intervention focus.

In addition to these specific tasks, the supervisor/s will

continuously assess the progress of the provisional
psychologist in achieving the eight core competencies
• regular direct observation of practice (at least 16
times throughout the internship)

9 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Table 3: Supervisor-assessed tasks

Assessment tasks Core competencies When should this be More

targeted completed? information in
(see Table 1 for this guideline
details of core
Direct observation and evaluative Competencies 2, 3, 4, 5, Regularly – at a minimum, direct Section 4.1.3 -
feedback: 6, 7 and 8 observation of two assessment Direct observation
sessions and two intervention
Observation of the provisional sessions every six months.
psychologist’s practice with real
clients by the supervisor/s – in person,
videoconference or a recording.

Skills acquisition activities/simulated Competencies 1, 2, 3, 4, At any time during the internship, Section 3.1.1 -
client contact (optional): 6, 7 and 8 recommended during the first six Simulated client
months. contact
May include assessment and intervention
role plays and simulated learning activities Up to 90 hours of simulated client
including reporting, and analysis recording. contact may be logged in the first
Assessment may be via direct observation year of the internship and up to 60
and discussion and feedback and may hours in the second year.
also include assessment and intervention
related activities completed as part of
skills development activities (presentation,
written, or discussion format).

Professional supervision Competencies 1, 2, 3, 4, Regularly throughout the Section 4. -

5,6, 7 and 8 internship, usually at least weekly. Supervision
Supervision should be structured to allow
assessment of all eight core competencies.

Three reports on ethical dilemmas Competencies 2 and 6, In the first year of the internship, Section 2.4.5 -
7 (optional), 8 (optional) recommended in the first six Ethical dilemma
Three short presentations or reports to the months. tasks
supervisor/s describing an ethical dilemma
encountered in practice and summarising
their responses.

A report addressing self-reflection on Competencies 2 and 7 In the first year of the internship. Section 2.4.6 –
practice with people diverse groups Practice with
people from
A short presentation or report to the diverse groups
supervisor/s reflecting on an identified task
issue associated with practising
with people from different social or
cultural backgrounds to the provisional
psychologist’s own.

10 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Assessment tasks Core competencies When should this be More
targeted completed? information in
(see Table 1 for this guideline
details of core
A report addressing practice across the Competencies 2 and 8 In the first year of the internship. Section 2.4.7
lifespan - Across the
lifespan practice
A short presentation or report to the task
supervisor/s reflecting on an identified
issue associated with practising across the

Case reports Competencies 1, 2, 3, 4, Throughout the internship. Section 2.7.2 -

5, 6, 7 and 8 Case reports
Eight written case reports of approximately Four case reports in the first
2,500 words each. Each should be based on year of the internship with two Appendix E:
a different presenting problem completed submitted to the Board by the end Case report
over the course of the internship. of 1,500 hours. requirements

Four of the case reports must focus on Four case reports in the second
the assessment and diagnosis aspect year of the internship with two
of the case and four must focus on the submitted to the Board before the
intervention and treatment aspect of the end of the internship.

Administration of psychological tests and Competencies 1, 2, 3 At any time during the internship. Section 2.4.8 -
instruments and 6 Psychological
This will also be tested in the tests and
Demonstration of competence in the national psychology examination, instruments
administration, scoring, and interpretation taken during the final year of the
of: internship.
• one adult test of intelligence
• one child test of intelligence
• one specialised test of memory
• two standardised personality tests, and
• four other tests or instruments
selected from the exam curriculum.

Review of practice documents Competencies 1, 2, 3, 4, Regular review throughout the Section 2.4.9
6, 7 and 8 internship. - Practice
Regular review of completed practice documents
documents, co-signing where appropriate. The practice documents portfolio portfolio
is compiled during the internship
Assessment of eight practice documents and assessed by the end of the
Assessment of a portfolio of at least
eight practice documents written by the
provisional psychologist.

11 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

2.4.5 Ethical dilemma tasks • awareness of how one’s own background can
influence perception
During the first year of the internship, the provisional
psychologist must complete three presentations or • the ability to acquire relevant knowledge of clients’
reports for the supervisor/s. Each presentation or social and cultural background and diversity issues
report should describe a different ethical dilemma and • understanding of how different cultural contexts can
summarise their responses. As a guide, if the report influence choice of assessment or intervention, and
is written it should be approximately 500-1,000 words.
There should be a strong focus on ethics training early in • whether any special abilities or skills are needed to
the internship. The Board recommends completing these assess or intervene with clients in an effective and
tasks in the first six months of the internship program. culturally relevant manner.
However, the principal supervisor has discretion to need
this task at any time in the first year (1,500 hours). This is a supervisor-assessed task and does not need
to be submitted to the Board. The principal supervisor
Each report must address: reports to the Board when this task is successfully
completed in the next progress report.
• the client problem
• the nature of dilemma or conflict 2.4.7 Across the lifespan practice task
• the specific aspects of the situation that raised During the first year of the internship, the provisional
issues psychologist must complete at least one short
presentation or report to the supervisor/s reflecting on
• the ethical principles that were relevant to those
an identified issue associated with practising across
aspects, and
the lifespan and how the issue would be appropriately
• how ethical principles were applied by the provisional handled.
psychologist in the situation.
It should demonstrate:
The situations should aim to include at least two
• awareness of developmental changes that occur
different age groups and, where possible, a client from a
across the lifespan that influence the types of
different cultural background.
presentations made to psychologists
The ethical dilemma reports are supervisor-assessed • understanding of relevant ethical legal and
tasks and do not need to be submitted to the Board. professional matters
The principal supervisor reports to the Board when
• understanding of how different lifespan stages affect
these tasks are successfully completed via the progress
the choice of assessment or intervention, and
• identification of any special abilities or skills
2.4.6 Practice with people from diverse groups task needed to assess or intervene with clients in an
effective manner and the ability to acquire relevant
During the first year of the internship, the provisional knowledge.
psychologist must complete at least one short
presentation or report to the supervisor/s reflecting This is a supervisor-assessed task and does not need
on an identified issue associated with practising with to be submitted to the Board. The principal supervisor
diverse groups of people. For example the report may reports to the Board when this task is successfully
be about a specific issue associated with practising with completed in the next progress report.
clients from different cultural and social backgrounds
to the provisional psychologist. The presentation should 2.4.8 Psychological tests and instruments
include a reflection on the provisional psychologist’s
own culture or background compared to what they have Over the course of the internship the supervisors must
experienced in practice with diverse groups of people. oversee development of all the skills and knowledge
required for Domain 2: assessment of the national
It should demonstrate: psychology examination curriculum. By the end of
the internship the provisional psychologists must

12 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

achieve proficiency in the administration, scoring and The portfolio should include relevant paper or electronic
interpretation of at least nine different psychological documents, copies of documents or links to relevant
tests and instruments chosen from the national documents to enable retrieval if requested by the Board.
psychology examination curriculum.
In addition to producing practice documents of a
The nine tests and instruments must include: suitable standard, the provisional psychologists must
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of record-
• one adult test of intelligence
keeping procedures, and privacy requirements. In
• one child test of intelligence assessing this task, the supervisor/s must be satisfied
that the provisional psychologist has complied with
• one specialised test of memory
all legal, ethical, professional and organisational
• two standardised personality tests, and requirements related to client records and practice
• four other tests selected from the National documents.
psychology examination curriculum.
2.4.10 Case reports
The exam curriculum and other resources are available What are case reports?
on the Board’s website.
Case reports are an educational and developmental
Each test must be administered, scored and interpreted process designed to help the provisional psychologist to
as many times as necessary to achieve competence. develop and demonstrate relevant competencies under
appropriate supervision. The process of case report
Each test must then be competently demonstrated at development and write-up is a major component of the
least twice to a supervisor during direct observation internship, and successful completion is a mandatory
of practice with real clients, or (where appropriate) in requirement of the internship program.
realistic simulated learning environments. A learning
plan to increase competence in specific mandatory tests The primary purpose of the case report process is
and instruments should be developed as necessary. to demonstrate evidence of competent, evidence-
based practice by the provisional psychologist to their
2.4.9 Practice documents portfolio supervisor. Therefore all case reports must be based
In additional to regular review of completed practice on psychological work carried out by a provisional
documents by the supervisor/s and co-signing where psychologist with real clients. Simulated clients may not
appropriate, the provisional psychologist must assemble be used for case reports.
a portfolio of practice documents for assessment by
the supervisor/s. The portfolio must include eight Written case reports document the provisional
different practice documents written by the provisional psychologist’s ability to comprehensively assess clients
psychologist which are assessed by the supervisor as and provide appropriate interventions in recognised
being of a standard acceptable for an entry level general psychological frameworks. Through their case reports,
psychologist. provisional psychologists demonstrate their:
• applied practice and skills in psychological
The practice documents may include: assessment, measurement and diagnosis (core
• referral letters competencies 1 and 3)

• assessment or intervention reports • applied practice and skills in formulation,

intervention/prevention planning, delivery and
• case notes evaluation (core competencies 1 and 4)
• session plans for individual or group • compliance with relevant legal requirements and
• intervention plans for individual or group ethical aspects of psychological practice (core
competency 2)
• case formulations, or
• application of research and evaluation skills to
• any other relevant documents agreed to by the psychological work with clients (core competency 5)

13 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

• attainment of appropriate written communication placement supervisor or review of the written case
skills (core competency 6), and report relating to a specific area of expertise.
• ability to provide psychological services to a variety of 3. Assessment of a completed case report as meeting
clients (core competencies 1, 7 and 8). the core competencies. A least eight completed
case reports (at least four focusing on assessment
Case reports are more detailed than a typical and four focusing on intervention) assessed during
psychological report as their purpose is to showcase the internship must demonstrate attainment of the
the provisional psychologist’s knowledge and skills and appropriate level of knowledge, skill and practice
demonstrate their thinking and reasoning. needed for general registration.
4. Together with the provisional psychologist, select
What are the case report requirements?
four case reports for submission to the Board.
The provisional psychologist must complete at least The supervisor must ensure that the case reports
eight written case reports of approximately 2,500 words submitted for moderation reflect original work of
each for assessment by their principal supervisor during the provisional psychologist and comply with the
the internship. case report format requirements detailed in these
Each written case report must be based on a different
client, and document a different presenting problem. The
eight case reports should demonstrate the provisional
psychologist’s ability to work with a variety of different
clients which may include those from different lifespan
stages and different social or cultural backgrounds.
Four of the case reports must focus on the assessment,
measurement or diagnosis aspect of the case and four
must focus on the intervention or prevention aspect.

The specific requirements for case reports are at

Appendix E.

Of the eight case reports assessed as satisfactory by

the supervisor, four must be submitted to the Board for
review. Refer to the section on reporting to the Board:
case reports in this guideline for further details.

The role of the supervisor

Case report development by the provisional psychologist

is part of normal supervision during the internship.
The case report development process includes the four
integrated components listed below.
1. Appropriate supervision and oversight of relevant
assessment and intervention by the provisional
psychologist, including providing appropriate
feedback during this process.
2. Critical feedback during the preparation of the
written case report using a clear and transparent
process that adheres to adult learning principles.
Some principal supervisors may choose to delegate
aspects of case report supervision to a secondary
supervisor, such as oversight of the case as a

14 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Figure 3: The case report process

15 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

2.5 Practice framework for the internship
Table 4 shows the number of hours to be completed for each of the three main components of the internship.

Table 4: Practice framework for the 4+2 internship

Internship component Total Breakdown of total hours Relevant section of

hours these guidelines
Supervision 160 At least 100 hours of individual (one-on-one) Section 4: Supervision

Other supervision time can be individual supervision,

small group supervision, or other supervision activities
such as indirect supervision.

At least half (80 hours) must be with the principal


Professional development 120 120 hours must be spread across the course of the Section 5: Professional
internship (e.g. workshops, reading, exam preparation) development

Psychological practice – 1,000 Minimum 1,000 hours, including at least 850 hours of Section 3.1: Client contact
direct client contact real client contact.

Up to 150 hours may be simulated direct client contact

– up to 90 hours in the first year and up to 60 hours in
the second year of the internship.

Psychological practice – 1,720 Client related activities are all the other activities Section 3.2: Client related
client-related activities necessary for the internship and not already logged activities
as supervision, professional development or client

Total 3,000

Figure 2: Breakdown of activities in the internship program by number of hours

16 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

2.6 Recording the internship: the logbook regularly and it must be submitted to the Board within 14
days if being requested for review.
The provisional psychologist must maintain a logbook
to record activities and a journal for written reflection C. Record of supervision
throughout the internship. The logbook is used for
recording and reflecting on the three key components The provisional psychologist must summarise the
of the internship: psychological practice, professional content of each supervision session. The record of
development and supervision. supervision must also include supervisory feedback
and/or evaluative comments from the supervisor who
The logbook and reflective journal must be reviewed conducted the session. The record of supervision must
regularly by the supervisor/s at supervision sessions and be completed by the provisional psychologist on a
may be requested for review by the Board at any time regular basis (for example, on a weekly or fortnightly
during the internship. Failure to submit a logbook within basis) and signed by the provisional psychologist and the
14 days in response to a request from the Board could supervisor/s.
result in the Board not recognising the period of the D. Reflective journal
internship. Repeated failure to maintain and/or submit a
logbook when requested could be grounds for initiating Reflective practice is an essential component of skill and
an investigation into the professional conduct of the professional development by psychologists throughout
provisional psychologist and/or the supervisor. their career in psychology. It involves a critical reflection
on one’s own practice and a commitment to ongoing
The logbook form is available on the Board’s website. professional growth and development.
It contains three sections: A. record of practice, B.
record of professional development, and C. record of Critical reflection is a learning process in which we
supervision. think about what has occurred in practice, examine
A. Record of practice what we thought, how we felt and how we acted; to
think about what we did right and what we could have
Provisional psychologists must maintain a record of done differently, to acknowledge our own limits, and
their practice. Detail about what information to include speculate about what we might do differently in the
is shown on the logbook form. The record of practice future. Psychologists and provisional psychologists
section must be signed by the provisional psychologist, reflect on their practice daily, they take the time to reflect
and sighted and signed by the principal supervisor and evaluate their performance after client sessions
regularly – usually weekly, or fortnightly if the provisional and other professional activities in order to continuously
psychologist works part-time. improve and refine their professional performance.
B. Record of professional development Reflection occurs in different ways, including thinking,
talking with supervisors and peers, and in writing.
Provisional psychologists must maintain a record of
relevant professional development (PD) activities carried Provisional psychologists must document their reflection
out during their internship program. Detail about what on practice in the internship at least weekly or following
information to include is shown on the logbook form. a major professional activity. The journal should be taken
PD activities should be recorded as they are completed, to each supervision session for review/discussion and
and the PD record sighted and signed by the principal signing by the supervisor.
supervisor regularly. The supervisor’s comments about
the PD completed by the provisional psychologist should A template journal is provided on the Board’s website.
be included in progress reports and final reports. Alternative electronic or handwritten formats may
be used if preferred, provided it is acceptable to the
In addition to maintaining a record, the provisional supervisor/s and given to the principal supervisor for
psychologist must keep evidence of participation in the regular review and signing.
activity (for example, receipt, certificate of attendance)
and documentation about the activity (for example, How much you write and the format you use should be
description of the activity and profile of the presenter, discussed and agreed with your supervisor/s taking
notes and written reflection on the activity and into account your own learning and reflection style. The
outcomes). The supervisor should review the PD portfolio

17 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

journal is primarily intended to support development internship and that the training continues to be in
of relevant competencies and to help supervisors and accordance with the approved internship plan.
interns during supervision sessions.
A progress report must be completed every six months
2.7 Reporting to the Board from the start of the internship, irrespective of whether
the internship is being done full-time, part-time, or if a
As shown in Table 5, there are three formal processes for period of leave was taken during the six month reporting
reporting to the Board during the internship: period. However, a progress report is not necessary at
• six-month progress reports the end of the internship if the provisional psychologist
will submit their application for general registration and
• case reports, and final assessment of competence within 28 days after the
• final assessment of competence report. due date of the progress report.

The Board may also request submission of other The principal supervisor must write the six-monthly
documents for review at any time during the internship, reports using the progress report form available on
including the logbook, professional development the Board’s website. They must provide thoughtful,
portfolio, or ethical dilemma assessments completed by evaluative feedback about the provisional psychologist’s
the provisional psychologist. These documents must be progress against each competency, and ensure that
provided within 14 days when requested for review by the every section of the report is completed.
The principal supervisor should aim to complete the
2.7.1 Progress reports progress report within 14 days of the end of the reporting
period and provide it to the provisional psychologist,
The progress reports provide opportunity for the who then reviews and reflects on the report and can
provisional psychologist and the principal supervisor to: add comments and discuss their progress with the
• critically reflect on and assess the provisional supervisor before submitting it to the Board within 28
psychologist’s performance during the supervision days of the end of the six-month reporting period.
Failure to submit reports on time could result in the
• discuss the progress toward developing the eight period of supervision not being recognised. Repeated
competencies, and failure could result in disciplinary proceedings for
• set training goals for the next reporting period. the principal supervisor, secondary supervisor and/
or provisional psychologist. If there are extenuating
Progress reports also enable the Board to monitor circumstances that might prevent the report being
the supervisor’s assessment of progress during the submitted on time, the supervisor must contact the
Board (through their local AHPRA office) in writing before
the due date.

Table 5: Reporting to the Board for the 4+2 Internship

Report Who completes it? When is it submitted to the Board?

Six-month progress reports Principal supervisor Within 28 days of the end of every six month period.
Form PPPR-76

Case reports Provisional psychologist After a review and assessment by the principal supervisor.
Four case reports from a pool with feedback, review
of eight developed during and assessment by the Two must be submitted to the Board before the end of
the internship. Two must be supervisor/s. the first year of internship (1,500 hours) and two must be
assessment focused and two must submitted during the second year of the internship.
be intervention focused.

Final assessment of competence Principal supervisor At the end of the internship with the application for general
Form PPAC-76 registration, after the Board has reviewed four satisfactory
case reports and the national psychology examination has
been passed.

18 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

The Board will review the report and may provide because of errors made in practice, or deficits with
feedback if there are any concerns with the provisional writing up the case. Therefore, provisional psychologists
psychologist’s progress in the internship program, based and supervisors must take care to ensure all the case
on its appraisal of the progress report. report requirements are met and the report is of a
satisfactory standard before it is submitted to the Board.
If there is a change of principal supervisor during the
internship, a transitional progress report is required. See 2.7.3 Final assessment of competence
section 7.6.2 Changes in supervisory arrangements in
this guideline for details. When the principal supervisor is satisfied that all
the core competencies have been achieved and the
2.7.2 Case reports internship program successfully completed, they must
complete the final assessment of competence form
Four of the eight case reports that are assessed which is available on the Board’s website.
as satisfactory by the principal supervisor must
be submitted to the Board for review. Two of the Completing the final assessment of competence
case reports submitted to the Board must have an form certifies that the provisional psychologist has
assessment focus and two must have an intervention acquired and demonstrated proficiency in the eight core
focus. Two case reports must be submitted to the Board competencies and is able to independently, accurately,
by the end of the first year of the internship (that is, in and ethically offer opinion and practise competently.
the first 1,500 hours) and two in the second year. Detailed It also certifies that the provisional psychologist has
case report requirements and assessment criteria are completed all the minimum requirements for the
set out in Appendix E of this guideline and case report internship including practice hours and assessment
submission checklists that detail the marking criteria tasks.
are available on the Board’s website.
2.8 National psychology examination
Case reports must be submitted using the Board’s
case report cover sheet signed by both the provisional A provisional psychologist undertaking the 4+2 internship
psychologist and the principal supervisor. The program must pass the national psychology examination
supervisor’s signature on the case report indicates during the final 1,500 hours of the internship before
that the supervisor believes the case report is of a applying for general registration. This is a requirement of
satisfactory standard and demonstrates the attainment the General registration standard.
of relevant competencies.
The Board expects the provisional psychologist and
The Board reviews case reports against the case their supervisor to design a program of professional
report requirements included in Appendix E. If a case development, study and revision that will prepare
report is assessed against the assessment criteria the provisional psychologist for the examination. The
as unsatisfactory, the Board assessor will provide program should also meet the overarching requirements
comment/s on the case report feedback sheet to of the internship program and the provisional
explain why it is unsatisfactory and allow the provisional psychologist’s own learning and development needs.
psychologist and supervisor to ensure the issue/s is
addressed in other case reports. The National psychology examination curriculum,
National psychology examination recommended
As illustrated in Figure 3, the case report development reading list, and Guidelines for the national psychology
process could involve several resubmissions of drafts to examination are available on the Board’s website and
the supervisor for review and feedback and refinement should be read in conjunction with this guideline when
by the provisional psychologist. developing the internship program plan.

Once a final report is submitted to the Board for review, 2.9 Timeframes
the same report may not be resubmitted if found to be
2.9.1 Starting the internship
unsatisfactory – a different report from the pool of eight
must be submitted to the Board instead. This applies In the interests of a smooth transition from study
regardless of whether the report is unsatisfactory to work, fourth year students can start applying for

19 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

provisional registration online up to six weeks before The provisional psychologist is not allowed to ‘condense’
completing their degree. However, a provisional the internship into less than 88 working weeks by
psychologist is not allowed to start the internship until working extra hours. Provisional psychologists must
the fourth year qualification is successfully completed, continue supervised practice in accordance with these
and the Board has approved provisional registration and guidelines for a minimum of 88 weeks even if they meet
the internship program plan. the other internship requirements earlier.

The Board will take the fourth-year qualification to have The maximum period for completing the 4+2 internship
been successfully completed on the date it receives an program is five calendar years from the start date. The
official academic transcript that confirms successful start date is the date that provisional registration is
completion of all the requirements of the degree and granted by the Board.
eligibility to graduate. The degree must be conferred
before the provisional psychologist finishes the The five year maximum applies regardless of whether
internship and applies for general registration. the internship program is completed on a full-time or a
part-time basis, and includes any periods of leave taken.
The start date for the internship will be the date that the
Board approves the internship program plan and the The Board will not approve internship plans with less
application for provisional registration, unless a different than 14 hours of psychological practice per week, as this
starting date has been agreed. would not enable completion within five years (including
annual leave). The Board will consider extensions to the
2.9.2 Minimum and maximum timeframes five-year maximum timeframe on a case-by-case basis
and will make reasonable accommodations for parental,
The minimum time for completing the 4+2 internship carer, and sick leave, or part-time practice provided
program is 88 weeks. The internship may be completed there is still sufficient continuity to achieve the outcomes
in less than two calendar years if less than the eight of the program.
week annual leave allowance is taken. However,
adequate self-care activities, including appropriate leave, 2.10 Arranging an internship
are an important part of a professional practice so some
annual leave should be taken each year. Table 6 summarises the steps that a candidate for the
4+2 internship should follow to arrange their internship.

Table 6: Arranging a 4+2 internship

Core competency Description Supervisor-based

assessment options
1. Find work role(s)/ Find work role(s)/placement(s) that will allow achievement of the Section 2.3: Core competencies
placement(s) of a core competencies and other requirements of the internship. Section 3: Psychological
psychological nature Formal position descriptions for all positions must be submitted practice
for approval with your internship plan.

2. Find a principal Enter into a supervisory arrangement with a Board-approved Section 4: Supervision
supervisor supervisor.

3. F
ind a secondary Enter into a supervisory arrangement with a Board-approved Section 4: Supervision
supervisor secondary supervisor.

The principal supervisor may help you to identify an appropriate

secondary supervisor and must agree to the secondary

4. Develop an In conjunction with your identified supervisors, you must Section 4.3: The internship plan
internship plan develop an internship program plan using the Board’s internship
program plan form.

20 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Core competency Description Supervisor-based
assessment options
5. A
pply for provisional Submit an online graduate application or complete the paper Section 2.1: Entry into the 4+2
registration form available on the Board’s website. internship program

Supporting documents must be submitted to the Board Section 4.3 The internship plan
with your Next steps checklist if applying online, or with the
provisional registration application form, including:
• the proposed internship program plan
• position description(s) for the work role(s)/placements(s)
for the internship and/or placement contract(s) between the
relevant parties, and
• any other requested documents.
You must also arrange for your final academic transcript
showing successful completion of the fourth-year qualification
to be sent directly to the Board by the issuing educational

3. Psychological practice consultation, case conferences, report writing

and case notes, evaluation, and modification of
As part of the internship, psychological practice involves
the application of psychological knowledge, methodology, • group interventions — training and development,
principles, techniques and ethical standards to individual group counselling, organisational development and
clients, groups or organisations. It takes place in a wide change, consultancy, resource development, and
range of professional practice settings and workplaces. program evaluation, and
Professional practice settings may include: clinical, • individual or group interventions — rehabilitation,
counselling, organisational, neuropsychological, health, career development, outplacement counselling,
educational and developmental, community, sport and employee assistance programs, report writing,
exercise, and forensic. Workplaces where psychological consultation, and liaison.
practice is conducted include: corporations, educational
settings, government departments, health and welfare Psychological practice involves the application of specific
and community agencies, group private practices, and skills such as:
non-profit organisations.
• establishing professional relationships and
Psychological practice conducted by the provisional maintaining professional behaviour
psychologist during the internship should be based on • applying evidence-based theory
the scientist-practitioner model. This focuses on the
use of research findings to inform professional practice • evaluating the efficacy of psychological treatments or
and uses a problem-formulation and hypothesis-testing programs and referring the client to another health
approach. This is an ongoing process that involves practitioner if necessary
defining the problem from available data, generating • communicating with the client about treatment or
hypotheses to explain the problem, testing and other interventions
evaluating the hypothesis, and revising where necessary.
• making referrals
For the purposes of the internship, psychological • self-reflective practice, and
practice involves direct client contact and client-related
activities of a psychological nature, including: • understanding personal and professional limitations.

• individual client interventions — assessment,

counselling, diagnosis, intervention, case

21 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

3.1 Client contact To be recognised for the internship, the supervisor/s
must approve the simulated client contact as relevant to
Client contact means direct client contact performing skills development for the internship. The supervisor/s
specific tasks of psychological assessment, diagnosis, must provide guidance on the ethical considerations
intervention, prevention, treatment, or consultation, and associated with simulation, such as privacy issues,
providing advice and strategies under the guidance of the managing peers’ anxiety over test results, and
supervisor. implications of public exposure to tests when peers
or actors role play the simulation. Simulated learning
A ‘client’ is a party or parties to a psychological service activities must be followed by review and discussion
provided by the provisional psychologist. Clients may to confirm that skills development using simulated
be individuals, couples, families, groups of people, techniques is actively contributing to achieving core
organisations, communities, facilitators, sponsors, or competencies.
those commissioning or paying for the professional
activity. Simulated learning activities may include:
Client contact may include providing psychological advice • role play and reflection
and strategies or other direct contact (such as in person, • use of standardised patients/simulated clients or
by video conference or telephone) with associated parties student/peer actors
of the primary client in the course of providing a service
to the primary client, such as a parent or teacher of a • simulated testing techniques
client who is a minor. • computer clients using screen-based/virtual worlds
The 4+2 internship program requires completion of 1,000 • DVDs of real or simulated clients, and
hours of client contact including at least 850 hours of • shadowing or observing a senior psychologist with a
direct contact with real clients. The remaining 150 hours real client (provided that it also includes discussion
may be completed as simulated client contact or further with and critical feedback from the supervisor after
real client contact. the simulation or observation)

3.1.1 Simulated client contact Simulated learning activities may include both the client
The client contact hours for the internship can include contact and client-related aspects of practice, such as
up to150 hours of simulated client contact learning a role-play client consultation followed by practise of
activities, with up to 90 hours in the first year and up to planning, research, and report writing skills in relation
60 hours in the second year. to the role-play. Simulated client-related activities are
considered client-related activities for the internship and
While not mandatory, some simulated client contact is there is no minimum or maximum amount.
highly recommended, particularly in the early stages
of internship or when developing new skills. Simulated The supervisor/s must provide oversight of simulated
learning activities allow the provisional psychologist activities and clear guidance about which aspects are
to experience problem-based learning, and allow the appropriately claimed as client contact and client-related
development of clinical reasoning and communication activities. The supervisor/s must also ensure simulated
skills in a realistic but controlled learning environment. learning activities are directly relevant to the acquisition
Simulation allows the provisional psychologist to of relevant competencies for work with clients. Extra
experience dealing with feelings and emotions simulated client contact over and above 150 hours can
stimulated by clinical and professional scenarios, while be logged as extra client-related activities.
not putting real patients at risk. It is therefore strongly
recommended that some simulated client contact be 3.2 Client-related activities
completed before starting real client contact at the Client-related activities are all activities, excluding direct
beginning of the internship. Simulated client contact client contact, professional supervision and professional
activities are also recommended for practising new development, which are considered necessary to provide
techniques before using them with real clients. a high standard of service to clients and to support
the provisional psychologist’s achievement of the core
competencies. The supervisor/s provides guidance about

22 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

relevant client-related activities, taking into account the should be provided to the Board together with the formal
provisional psychologist’s development needs and their position description. The practice framework hours
work context. The supervisor/s will also provide guidance summarised in Table 4 for the internship are based
on the appropriate level of detail for recording client- on a work role of approximately 34 hours per week
related activities in the logbook. over 88 weeks including supervision and professional
3.3 Placements and work roles
In practice a variety of different working arrangements
Placements or work roles for the internship must be may be approved for the internship. It is important that
psychological in nature. In particular, they must involve the intern, employer/s and supervisors all have a good
the psychology-specific tasks of assessment, problem understanding of the requirements of the internship
formulation, diagnosis, intervention and prevention. and realistic expectations about the time it will take to
The work role/s must provide a broad and balanced complete an internship in a particular work role.
range of experience that enables skills in all areas to
be developed at a consistent rate, all competencies 3.3.1 Scope of the psychological practice
achieved and the minimum client contact hours to be
met. Work roles or placements that include both
psychological and non-psychological tasks and activities
Work roles that predominately involve providing services may be approved but only if they include, on average, at
in another professional field, such as social work, least 14 hours of psychological practice weekly (either in
occupational therapy, or special education will not be the single work role or together with another position).
approved for the internship. Only the psychological components of the role will be
counted towards the internship program. The Board may
Provisional psychologists are not allowed to work need periodic submission of the log book to ensure the
independently or establish an independent private minimum psychological requirements continue to be
practice because general registration is needed for met.
independent practice. The Board defines ‘independent
private practice’ as a practice in which a psychologist A work role may be limited in scope and not provide
operates as a sole trader, contractor or in a business opportunity for the provisional psychologist to achieve
arrangement with other sole traders and receives a all the core competencies, even if it consists exclusively
fee for service from a client or third party (such as a of duties that meet the psychological practice
referring agency). requirements. For example, ‘occupational suitability
assessor’ roles may involve one-off client assessment
The Board will approve applications to work in group of a limited nature but no ongoing intervention. Some
private practice with other psychologists if the role roles may be too specialised for the internship; they
meets the requirements of the internship and there will may only provide exposure to a narrow range of clients
be sufficient support and supervision for the provisional and presentations and not enable sufficient experience
psychologist. with a range of assessment tools and instruments and
intervention techniques. Such roles may be suitable as
Work roles such as teaching or tutoring in psychology, a short placement for developing specific competencies,
supervising other professionals or working in research but not as a single major placement for the internship.
positions do not constitute psychological work for the
purpose of the guidelines and will not be approved. If a proposed work role for an internship lacks the
However, supervised applied psychological research as necessary breadth of experience, the internship plan
part of a psychological practice role may be accepted, must clearly set out how the provisional psychologist
provided it contributes to achieving the core capabilities will achieve the core competencies in other ways.
for the internship and constitutes not more than 400 This would generally include undertaking two or more
hours of psychological practice. concurrent or consecutive placements which together
cover the broad range of experience necessary. It
It is advisable for the provisional psychologist to have may also include undertaking minor/observational
a formal placement agreement or contract in place placements and organisational visits, and focusing on
for the internship. A copy of the agreement or contract specific competencies in professional development and

23 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017


supervision; simulated learning activities and additional or helping their supervisee/s to find a new primary
tasks or assessments set by the supervisor. The supervisor if appropriate.
supervisor should determine, on average, the percentage
of the provisional psychologist’s total hours of work each It is recommended that supervision occur at least on
week that falls within the definition of ‘psychological a weekly basis while the provisional psychologist is
practice’ for each work role. practising. This is particularly important early in the

4. Supervision A minimum of 160 hours of supervision must be provided

at an average ratio of one hour of supervision to 17 hours
Supervision is an interactive process between a of supervised psychological practice. The supervisor may
provisional psychologist and a supervisor. It provides the vary the frequency and duration of supervision meetings
provisional psychologist with a professionally stimulating during the internship according to the needs of the
and supportive opportunity for growth. Supervision of the provisional psychologist and practice context, provided
provisional psychologist’s professional practice during there is regular direct supervision for the entire duration
the internship period is completed by Board-approved of the program and the overall supervision hours are
supervisors. met.

The purpose of supervision is to guide and provide At least 150 hours of the total supervision must be
feedback on the provisional psychologist’s practice, direct. Direct supervision is defined as real-time verbal
and to assess personal, professional and educational communication between the provisional psychologist
development in the context of their experience of and supervisor/s, conducted either together in the same
providing safe, appropriate and high quality care to room, through video conference (including Skype) or
clients. telephone.

Supervision involves a special type of mentoring Supervision should primarily use visual mediums
relationship in which the supervisor provides supportive where each party can clearly see the other’s facial
direction, facilitative activities, and instructive critique expressions and body language. However, up to 40 hours
to help provisional psychologists to achieve their of supervision for the internship may be by telephone
professional goals. In particular, the supervisor or other direct non-visual communication. Additionally,
oversees the provisional psychologist’s application of the Board may approve more than 40 hours where
procedures and tasks to help them achieve the eight core appropriate because of special circumstances. Proposals
competencies needed for general registration. for more than 40 hours of supervision for the internship
via telephone or other direct non-visual communication
Guidelines for supervisors are available on the website. must be approved in advance by the Board.

4.1 Supervision provided during the internship Up to 10 hours of supervision may be indirect
(asynchronous) supervision such as providing written
Supervision must always be provided within the
limits of the supervisor’s experience and training,
and in accordance with the National Law, registration 100 hours of the total supervision hours must be direct,
standards, these guidelines, the Guidelines for one-on-one supervision by the principal or secondary
supervisors, and the Board-endorsed Code of ethics for supervisor/s. The remainder can be further direct,
the profession. one-on-one supervision, or indirect supervision, or
direct group supervision with the principal or secondary
Supervisors must ensure they are fully able to maintain
the level of commitment necessary when taking on a
new supervisee. They should periodically review their At least half (80 hours) of the total supervision (including
existing supervision commitments and professional direct, indirect, individual and group supervision) must
responsibility to maintain their capacity to provide high be provided by the principal supervisor. The remainder
quality supervision. They may consider negotiating for can be principal or secondary supervision.
a secondary supervisor to take on more responsibility,

24 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017


If supervision is not provided at the ratio of 1 hour of 4.1.2 Other supervision

supervision for every 17 hours of psychological practice,
and/or is not provided frequently for the duration of the The remaining 60 hours of supervision may more
internship, the Board may not recognise the period of direct individual supervision and/or direct group
supervision or may take other action. For details refer supervision (with a group consisting of no more than
to the Board’s policy for unsatisfactory supervision at five supervisees). It may also include up to 10 hours
Appendix D. of indirect individual supervision. Indirect individual
supervision may involve email or other asynchronous
4.1.1 Individual supervision communication. This may include submitting draft
reports or draft correspondence to a supervisor who
100 hours of the total supervision provided during the reviews and provides written feedback and directions
internship must be individual (one-on-one) supervision (such as on a written document).
provided by the principal or secondary supervisors.
The time claimed for indirect supervision should be an
Individual supervision must: estimate of the amount of time the supervisor has spent
writing feedback for the provisional psychologist, not the
• be direct (real-time verbal communication between
time the provisional psychologist spends time reading
the provisional psychologist and the supervisor)
and reflecting on the feedback. As a guide, a one page
• include direct observation of the provisional report or letter might count 15 minutes toward indirect
psychologist’s practice with clients supervision, a three-page report on an individual client
• be provided frequently throughout the internship 45 minutes, and a case report 90 minutes.
when practising (excluding leave periods), regardless
Note: more hours of indirect supervision may be
of the number of hours per week of psychological
permitted in exceptional circumstances, with prior
practice, and
approval from the Board.
• predominantly be at least one hour per session (up
to 40 hours may be claimed for shorter supervision Emails or other asynchronous communication used
sessions) to arrange meetings or exchange information cannot
be counted toward psychological supervision for the

Figure 4: Breakdown of types of supervision in the internship program by number of hours

4.1.3 Direct observation practice with real clients. Direct observation usually
requires an image of each of the parties (including a
Individual supervision for the internship must include clear view of facial expressions) when a supervisor is
direct observation. Direct observation means observation present at the session, or watching a videotape or video
(live or recorded) of the provisional psychologist’s

25 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

conference of the provisional psychologist’s practice with while the remaining supervision can be provided by one
clients. or more secondary supervisors with the agreement of
the principal supervisor. For example, the secondary
The Board may approve audio observation (live or supervisor/s may run group supervision sessions,
recorded) if special circumstances apply and Board provide supervision sessions in their particular area/s of
approval is sought in advance. expertise as relevant, act as an on-site supervisor for a
second placement or employment position, be a ‘back-
At a minimum, the supervisor must observe two up’ supervisor who has agreed to provide supervision
psychological assessments and two intervention when the principal supervisor is on leave or unavailable,
sessions every six months (whether working full-time or or provide independent assessment of case reports.
part-time). The total number of direct observation hours
must be recorded on each six-month progress report. For information about disruption of and/or changes to
the supervisory arrangement during the internship,
A supervisor would usually observe the provisional see section 7.6 Changes and disruptions in supervisory
psychologist’s practice with simulated clients before arrangements.
starting real client contact to ensure that they will be
able to practice safely and ethically. However, simulated Some contribution to supervision programs by
clients should not be counted towards the minimum professionals in related professions (such as psychiatry,
direct observation requirements. human resources management, social work, and
academia) with specialist knowledge relevant to the
The supervisor and the provisional psychologist must be internship may be beneficial. This should be logged
aware of ethical issues when undertaking observation as professional development or client-related activity,
of practice with clients, including informed consent, not psychological supervision. Similarly, supervision
maintaining the integrity of the therapeutic relationship, by a workplace supervisor that is given by way of ‘line
privacy, and confidentiality. management’ should be logged as client-related activity
if it directly relates to psychological work.
A secondary supervisor may complete the direct
observation requirements when the principal supervisor 4.2.1 Establishing supervisory arrangements
is unable to perform direct observation in an approved
workplace setting. The provisional psychologist is responsible for locating
suitable Board-approved supervisors and negotiating
4.2 Supervisory arrangements the conditions for supervision throughout the internship
program, in accordance with these guidelines. Ideally,
A provisional psychologist’s internship is overseen and the principal supervisor should work on-site with the
directed by a Board-approved principal supervisor. The provisional psychologist, although off-site supervisory
principal supervisor must oversee the practice of the arrangements can be approved (see section 4.2.2 Off-site
provisional psychologist and complete the progress supervisory arrangements).
reports and final reports. Supervisors are experienced
psychologists who often practise in specialised areas. Supervision arrangements may be included as part of
Therefore, the principal supervisor will often make use the terms of employment, or provisional psychologists
of the expertise of other psychologists with a depth of may need to find their own external supervisors. The
knowledge or up-to-date experience in particular areas Board’s website provides an online searchable list
to enhance the internship experience. of Board-approved supervisors to help with finding a
suitable supervisor
The Board requires the appointment of one or more
other psychologists as secondary supervisors. A Identifying a suitable principal supervisor may take
secondary supervisor is a Board-approved supervisor, time and require negotiation with several prospective
reporting to the principal supervisor, who assists by supervisors. A meeting between the individual seeking
providing training, supervision, and feedback about the supervision and the potential supervisor should be used
progress of the provisional psychologist. to:

The principal supervisor must provide at least half (80 • determine whether the two people can work well
hours) of the provisional psychologist’s total supervision, together

26 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

• establish the competencies that the supervisor has As a mentor, the supervisor aims to guide and teach the
training and recent experience in, to enable them provisional psychologist by:
to supervise the provisional psychologist’s practice
• overseeing the development of the eight core
during their internship, and
competencies and preparation for the national
• identify potential alternative supervision psychology exam
opportunities to enable the provisional psychologist
• providing opportunities for reflection, discussion
to meet the core competencies not directly
and feedback on all elements of their professional
achievable in an arrangement with the principal
• monitoring the professional activities and standards
Before starting supervised practice, it may be helpful for of the provisional psychologist
the provisional psychologist to reflect on questions such
• intervening in problematic situations by applying or
as the following:
imparting knowledge or skills not yet mastered
• Where am I working and what supervisory needs
• regularly evaluating the provisional psychologist’s
relate to this setting?
performance in the delivery of psychological services
• What are my professional needs and goals? and the procedures used
• Do I have a career plan or path in mind? • providing guidance in administrative issues in
practice settings
• What types of supervision would enable me to
achieve the maximum gains in learning? • facilitating their education and acquisition of skills
• What might I expect from supervision? • ensuring that each client knows that they are
practising psychology under supervision
• What is my preferred learning style and what am I
looking for in a supervisor? • having some exposure to the full range of their work,
including research, communication, intervention and
• Does my proposed supervisor have the experience
and skills I need?
• addressing any issues of underperformance,
To establish and formalise a mutually agreeable providing periodic review and showing due process,
supervisory arrangement, the provisional psychologist and
and the principal supervisor should meet and discuss
• timely feedback and paperwork (for example, case
and/or document in writing:
reports and progress reports), monitoring the
• meeting times and arrangements for cancellations internship plan.
of meetings
• payment arrangements, if relevant 4.2.2 Off-site supervisory arrangements

• records and other documentation to be kept It is preferable for the principal supervisor to be on-site
at the provisional psychologist’s main place of practice.
• availability of the supervisor/s However, an off-site arrangement will be approved if
• expectations, rights and responsibilities of all parties the Board is satisfied that the provisional psychologist
will receive adequate workplace supervision, direction
• reporting arrangements, including those that are and guidance from a secondary supervisor or another
part of the internship plan and other reporting (e.g. appropriate professional, such as another psychologist,
in the workplace) line manager or other registered health professional.
• processes for feedback
Off-site supervision arrangements should be requested
• policies for dealing with confidentiality and other on the internship plan form submitted as part of the
ethical issues, and provisional registration application before undertaking
• whether an appropriate secondary supervisor has an internship. The Board may also request additional
been selected. relevant information, if needed, when making its

27 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

For an off-site supervision arrangement, the applicant Approval of an internship plan by the Board does not
and the principal supervisor should ensure that: guarantee that a work role/placement or the internship
plan will allow the provisional psychologist to develop
• the employer proposing to provide placement
the competencies for general registration. The principal
or employment for the applicant is aware of the
supervisor must assess their progress throughout the
requirements of the internship, and
internship and may direct them to undertake further
• the arrangement complies with the goals of the work roles to ensure all requirements are met.
internship as well as privacy, confidentiality, and
any other relevant workplace and/or employment 4.3.1 Using the internship plan
The provisional psychologist must always follow their
4.3 The internship plan internship plan. The principal supervisor is responsible
for ensuring the plan is followed during the internship.
Before starting an internship, a proposed internship plan
must be submitted to the Board for approval as part of The provisional psychologist must review the plan with
the application for provisional registration. their principal supervisor at least every six months
when completing the progress report, to ensure they
The internship plan must consist of a completed are meeting their training objectives across the eight
and signed Internship program plan form – SPPR- core competencies and attributes. If either the principal
76 (available on the Board’s website) and include the supervisor or the provisional psychologist identifies that
employment position description/s. The internship plan the plan needs significant amendment to enable them
should be developed by the applicant in conjunction to meet the requirements of the program, a revised
with their principal supervisor with input by secondary internship plan must be submitted to the Board with the
supervisors and employers where appropriate. report.

The internship plan is a formal arrangement or contract If there is a significant change in supervisory
between the supervisors, the Board, and the provisional arrangements, such as a new principal supervisor, the
psychologist that outlines: internship plan must be reviewed – for more information
refer to Changes in supervisory arrangements in these
• how the proposed psychological practice conducted
during the internship will enable the provisional
psychologist to achieve the eight core competencies
required for general registration
5. Professional development
• how, and in what ways, the supervisors will
contribute to the learning process, and Professional development (PD) activities help
psychologists to maintain, improve and broaden their
• professional development activities that the
knowledge, gain competence, and develop the qualities
supervisors consider to be appropriate to the
expected in their professional practice. PD is led or
directed by the supervisor/s and involves practice-
based learning activities focused on achieving the core
On receipt of a proposed plan, the Board will review and
• the core competencies that the provisional In consultation with the principal supervisor, the
psychologist is likely to be able to achieve in the work provisional psychologist should design a PD plan with
role(s)/placement(s) clearly identified learning aims that meet their practice
requirements. A professional development learning plan
• whether alternate ways have been identified to meet
template is available on the website.
internship requirements unlikely to be achieved in
the work role(s), and
The provisional psychologist must complete at least 120
• how much psychological practice versus non- hours of PD activities during the internship.
psychological practice is involved in the work role/s.
PD activities can include attending lectures, seminars,
symposia, presentations, workshops, short courses, or

28 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

conferences; learning by reading and using audiovisual 6.1 Applying for general registration
material, including activities completed to prepare
for the National Psychology Examination; and other An application for general registration must use the
self-directed learning. Appropriate PD activities may application form published on the Board’s website and
be offered by professional societies and associations, attach the completed final assessment of competence
universities, workplaces, or commercial providers, and form and all other supporting documents specified on
also peers, colleagues and supervisors. the form. Should the Board not be satisfied that all the
requirements for general registration have been met the
After completing the internship and obtaining general provisional psychologist may need to complete t a further
registration, continuing professional development (CPD) period of internship.
provides an opportunity for lifelong learning to maintain
skills and competence. All psychologists with general The provisional psychologist must maintain their
registration must meet the mandatory CPD registration provisional registration and continue regular supervision
standard. The PD requirements of the internship provide until they hold general registration. The Board will not
an introduction and orientation to CPD. consider an application for general registration until the
minimum internship period has been completed.
5.1 Recognition and recording of professional
development 7. Conditions and policies
The internship plan must include a professional
development (PD) plan developed by the provisional
governing the internship
psychologist, guided by the principal supervisor. The
7.1 Standards, guidelines and policies
PD plan must be reviewed regularly and updated as
necessary when different learning needs are identified. As registered health practitioners, all provisional
To be recognised for the internship PD must be approved psychologists and supervisors must be familiar with the
by the supervisor and recorded in the log book. obligations of registered health practitioners under the
National Law and must practise in accordance with the
Board’s registration standards and policies.
6. Completion of the
internship All the Board’s standards, guidelines and policies are
published on the Board’s website.
The provisional psychologist can apply for general
registration once they have passed the national 7.2 Code of ethics
psychology examination and the principal supervisor Internships are governed by the Board-endorsed Code
completes and signs the final assessment of of ethics. The Code outlines ethical principles and sets
competence form certifying that the provisional standards to guide psychologists, including provisional
psychologist has: psychologists, to a clear understanding of what is
• demonstrated achievement of the eight core considered ethical professional conduct.
competencies to their supervisor
The code expands on three ethical principles:
• completed eight case reports that have been
reviewed by the supervisor • respect for the rights and dignity of people and
peoples (including provisions relating to privacy and
• submitted four case reports that have been assessed confidentiality of information)
as satisfactory by the supervisor/s to the Board for
review and received confirmation of the satisfactory • propriety, and
grade, and • integrity.
• completed the minimum practice hours for the
internship set out in Table 4. Supervisors and provisional psychologists must act in
accordance with the code at all times. Supervisors must
be satisfied that provisional psychologists are familiar
with the code and have a good understanding of legal,

29 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

ethical and professional obligations before starting direct in one year will usually be considered extended leave and
client contact. must be approved in advance by the Board.

When starting employment for the internship, provisional The Board will consider approving work roles that
psychologists should ensure their employer is aware of provide more than eight weeks leave a year – such as
the professional obligation of psychologists to always school psychology roles – on a case-by-case basis.
practice and conduct themselves in accordance with Leave provisions must be clearly stated in the position
principles of the code. description submitted for approval. If a work role that
includes more than eight weeks leave a year is approved
In accordance with the code, all registered psychologists as part of your internship program plan, the Board does
have obligations to protect the interests and welfare not need to be notified when taking the additional leave.
of clients and the public. This includes only practising
within the limits of their professional competence and It is important to note that internships with more than
being aware of the effects their own physical and mental eight weeks leave a year will not be able to be completed
health can have in their ability to practise competently. in two years.

The Code of Ethics is available via the Board’s website. 7.4.2 Extended leave

7.3 Use of title Extended leave may be granted for a period of up to 12

months in exceptional circumstances, with the possibility
Individuals who have provisional registration under of extension.
the 4+2 internship program are entitled to use the title
‘provisional psychologist’ while engaged in supervised If a provisional psychologist needs to take a break
practice as part of the approved internship. from supervision longer than eight weeks and up to 12
months, they must seek written approval from the Board
Provisional psychologists must not use the title in advance where possible. Unexpected long-term leave,
‘psychologist’ or ‘registered psychologist’ or any other such as illness or injury must be advised to the Board as
title that may indicate that they hold either general soon as possible.
registration or an endorsement under the National Law.
For further information about titles, see the Guidelines If approval is granted, the provisional psychologist can
for advertising regulated health services, available on the recommence the current internship after the period of
Board’s website. leave without penalty.

7.4 Leave If a provisional psychologist needs to take a break from

supervision for longer than 12 months, they will need
Provisional psychologists may take annual and/or to discontinue the internship and apply for recognition
extended leave during their internship, subject to the of previous supervised practice when starting a new
conditions of these guidelines. internship at a later time.

7.4.1 Annual leave 7.5 Changes to work roles or placements

Up to eight weeks of annual and/or personal leave a year Requests for approval of a new work role/placement
of the internship is provided. This takes into account or any substantial amendment to an existing work role
provisional psychologists in rural/remote areas where or placement (such as a change in duties) must be
more holidays are typically granted, and the summer submitted to the Board in the form of a new or amended
holidays for psychologists working in schools. The Board internship plan signed by the supervisor and the
does not need to be notified when up to eight weeks of provisional psychologist. A position description for each
annual/personal leave is taken, regardless of whether it proposed new role must be submitted along with the
is taken all at once or in smaller blocks. revised plan.
Any proposed leave periods longer than eight weeks or a The provisional psychologist can begin to accrue hours
proposal for more than eight weeks of leave to be taken of supervised practice in new or substantially amended
work roles/placements from the date the Board receives

30 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

a complete, revised plan and position description, if it is progress report should be provided to the provisional
subsequently approved by the Board. psychologist within 14 days of the end of the supervisory
arrangement to give the provisional psychologist
Provisional psychologists intending to start a new work appropriate opportunity to review and provide
role and/or make amendments to an existing work role independent comment on any aspect of that report. Both
should submit their revised plan and the formal position the supervisor and the provisional psychologist must
description(s) before the change in work role if possible, sign the completed change of supervisor form.
as practice under a plan that is not subsequently
approved will not be recognised. The provisional psychologist must provide their new
principal supervisor with a copy of the outgoing
7.6 Changes and disruptions in supervisory supervisor’s report and lodge it with the Board within 28
arrangements days of the end of the original supervisory arrangement.

7.6.1 Temporary disruptions to supervisory If the supervision arrangement with the principal
arrangements supervisor ceases and the Board has not yet approved
a new principal supervisor, the provisional psychologist
If the principal supervisor is temporarily unavailable
can continue to practise under a secondary supervisor if
for up to eight weeks, the provisional psychologist may
they have submitted the change of supervisor form and
continue to practise under an approved secondary
are awaiting Board-approval.
supervisor during that time. If the principal supervisor
has approved the temporary arrangement the Board If the supervision arrangement with the principal
does not need to be notified; however, the temporary supervisor ceases and the provisional psychologist has
supervision arrangement must be reported in the next not found a new principal supervisor, they must inform
progress report. the Board in writing within seven days and may continue
to practise under an approved secondary supervisor
If the principal supervisor will be unavailable for more
for up to eight weeks in the meantime. However, if
than eight weeks, and the provisional psychologist will be
no secondary supervisor is available, the provisional
practising under a secondary supervisor during the time,
psychologist must stop practising immediately when the
the provisional psychologist and principal supervisor
arrangement with the principal supervisor ceases and
must inform the Board of the amended supervisory
inform the Board in writing within seven days.
arrangement in advance.
The internship plan under a new principal supervisor
If both the principal supervisor and secondary
supervisor/s are unavailable at the same time and The change of supervisor form will also inform the
the provisional psychologist is unable to secure a new Board whether the same internship plan will continue
supervisor for the period, they must stop practising to be used. When there is a change in supervisory
immediately and notify the Board in writing within seven arrangements, the provisional psychologist and the new
days. supervisor(s) may either:

7.6.2 Changes in supervisory arrangements • continue to work under their existing approved
internship plan, or
Change of principal supervisor
• develop a new internship plan (or substantially
When there is a change of principal supervisor the revised plan) if the provisional psychologist and the
provisional psychologist must submit a change of new supervisor(s) think this is necessary.
principal supervisor form to the Board for approval,
preferably in advance of the change, and no later than If the provisional psychologist will be working under a
28 days after the supervisory arrangement with the new or substantially revised internship plan, they can
outgoing supervisor ends. continue practising under the old supervision plan
with the new supervisor in the interim while preparing
The outgoing principal supervisor must provide a the new plan, provided the new plan (including formal
transitional progress report submitted as part of the position descriptions) is submitted to the Board within 28
change of supervisor form. The completed transitional days of the change of supervisory arrangements. If not

31 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

submitted in this timeframe the Board will not recognise • a new internship plan including signed position
the period of practice until the new plan is lodged. description(s), and
• a statement detailing the reason(s) for the break in
The provisional psychologist can begin to accrue hours
the internship.
of work and supervision under the new (or revised)
internship plan from the date a complete plan is lodged
The Board may, at its discretion, decide to recognise
with the Board for approval, if it is subsequently approved
all or part of the previous internship towards the new
by the Board.
internship. Factors that may be considered in such a
decision include:
If new or revised plan is not approved (including
instances where it could not be approved because • the length of the break from the internship
the application was incomplete) the Board will not
• the reasons for discontinuing the internship
recognise the period of internship. The internship will
only be recognised from the date a complete plan that is • degree of contact with the profession or professional
subsequently approved is lodged. development during the period of leave
• any registration/notification issues (such as
Change of secondary supervisor
immediate action, suspension), and
The principal supervisor may approve a change of • progress made towards the core competencies.
secondary supervisor and advise the Board in writing
immediately or in the next progress report. When a The Board will not recognise previous supervised
principal supervisor approves a secondary supervisor practice if a signed and dated progress report for the
they must ensure that the secondary supervisor is period was not provided when the supervision was
Board-approved to provide secondary supervision in terminated, unless exceptional circumstances apply.
the 4+2 internship program. If a secondary supervisor
does not have the appropriate Board approval, the Information about re-starting an internship after an
supervision they provide will not be recognised towards extended break is available in the Board’s Recency of
the supervision hours for the internship. Board-approved practice registration standard.
supervisor status can be checked on the Board’s website
using Search for a supervisor. 7.9 Maintaining provisional registration
Provisional registration must be maintained throughout
7.7 Discontinuing the internship
the 4+2 internship and until general registration is
If a provisional psychologist decides to discontinue their granted. If provisional registration expires without a new
internship for any reason, they must notify the Board in application or renewal being approved by the Board, the
writing of their decision and surrender their provisional individual must not continue to practise as a provisional
registration. This should be done as soon as possible and psychologist nor continue in the internship program.
no later than 28 days after the internship is discontinued.
Should they decide later to resume their training, they The Board will only consider and credit hours of
must re-apply for provisional registration at that time. psychological practice, supervision and professional
development accrued after the date provisional
A progress report needs to be submitted when the registration is approved and while it is maintained.
internship is terminated. If the individual wishes to apply
start a new internship later, the Board will not recognise 7.9.1 Annual renewal
previous supervised practice for any period for which a
Unlike general registration as a psychologist, which
progress report has not been provided.
is renewed by 30 November each year, provisional
registration must be renewed every 12 months from the
7.8 Recommencing the internship
date that the Board approves provisional registration.
If an individual has previously discontinued their
internship and wishes to start a new internship, they Provisional psychologists must apply to renew their
must apply to the Board by submitting: registration before the end of 12 months. The Board
may refuse an application for renewal of provisional
• a new application for provisional registration registration if the applicant does not comply with:

32 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

• any requirements of the National Law will need to organise a new supervision arrangement if
they wish to continue the internship.
• the Provisional registration standard
• the Professional indemnity insurance arrangements While these guidelines encourage the development of a
registration standard, and/or well functioning professional relationship between the
supervisor and the provisional psychologist, allegations
• these guidelines without reasonable excuse.
that relate to the conduct of the supervisor or the
provisional psychologist may become the subject of a
7.9.2 Application for provisional registration after
notification to the Board.
three years of provisional registration
Provisional registration may be renewed twice if required All psychologists and provisional psychologists have
(see section 64(3) of the National Law), but cannot be mandatory reporting obligations under the National Law
held for more than three years, unless a new application to report notifiable conduct as defined under section
is made. 140 of the National Law. This obligation applies to all
registered health practitioners, including if the person is
Individuals requiring more than three years to complete your supervisor or supervisee.
their internship must submit an application for
provisional registration after three years of provisional Where conduct does not meet the threshold for a
registration (form APRR-76) at least 60 days before the mandatory notification but there are still serious
end of their third year of registration, to ensure that they concerns, either party can make a formal voluntary
can continue the internship without disruption. A new notification to the Board if there are grounds
internship plan does not need to be submitted, unless under section 144 of the National Law. Grounds
changes have been made to the previously approved for a notification about the conduct of a registered
supervisory arrangements. psychologist or provisional psychologist may include
failure to comply with the requirements of the Code of
AHPRA will send a reminder to the provisional ethics, these Guidelines for the 4+2 internship program,
psychologist but it is the practitioner’s responsibility to the Guidelines for supervisors, or any other guidelines
submit a new application on time. approved by the Board.

7.10 Professional indemnity insurance If the Board receives a complaint (notification) about
disputes in connection with the internship, the Board
Provisional psychologists must have professional may decide:
indemnity insurance that meets the requirements of
• the complaint is not a matter for the Board, or
the Professional indemnity insurance arrangements
registration standard in place while undertaking their • the matter be considered as a notification about the
4+2 internship. For further details refer to the standard health, performance or conduct of the registrant.
and other information available on the Board’s website.
If the subject of the notification is the supervisor, the
7.11 Dispute resolution Board may review their approved supervisor status.
If a dispute arises in connection with the internship,
the provisional psychologist and supervisor should
work towards settling the dispute by negotiation (to
be carried out in good faith) in the first instance. The
provisional psychologist should initially consult with Next review date: These guidelines will be
the supervisor(s) about grievances that arise about reviewed at least every five years
supervision, and both parties should cooperate with
attempts to resolve them. Last reviewed: 11 July 2017: Appendix E was
updated in the PDF version on 11 July to include
Provisional psychologists and supervisors can both a missing table
choose to terminate the supervision arrangement if
grievances cannot be resolved. A provisional psychologist

33 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Appendix A: Definitions
The following terms are defined as they are used in these Psychologist or General psychologist means a person
guidelines. who holds general registration as a psychologist under
section 52 of the National Law.
AHPRA means the Australian Health Practitioner
Regulation Agency established under section 23 of the Secondary supervisor means a psychologist who has
National Law. been approved by the Board to supervise provisional
psychologists. The secondary supervisor may fulfil
Board refers to the Psychology Board of Australia a component of the supervision in the internship as
established under section 31 of the National Law. agreed with the principal supervisor and the provisional
psychologist and is responsible to the principal
Guidelines refers to these Guidelines for the 4+2 supervisor.
internship program, and any subsequent amendments
approved by the Board. Supervised practice program means a training and
supervision program undertaken in accordance with a
Internship means a supervised practice program plan that has been approved by the Board which consists
approved by the Board. of supervised psychological practice, professional
supervision and professional development activities
National Law refers to the Health Practitioner designed to enable a provisional psychologist to develop
Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and the capabilities and attributes needed for general
territory in Australia. registration.

Principal supervisor means a supervisor who has Supervision is an interactive process between a
been approved by the Board to supervise provisional provisional psychologist and a supervisor. It provides the
psychologists. The principal supervisor is the main provisional psychologist with a professionally stimulating
supervisor who has overall responsibility for the and supportive opportunity for growth. Supervision
program, including oversight of secondary supervisors involves a special type of mentoring relationship in which
for the program. supportive direction, facilitative activities, and instructive
critique is given by the supervisors to help provisional
Provisional psychologist means a person registered as a psychologists to achieve their professional goals.
provisional psychologist under section 62 of the National
Law to enable the individual to complete a mandatory Work role means placement(s)/employment in settings
period of supervised practice to become eligible for providing an opportunity for the development of
general registration as a psychologist. psychological practice skills by provisional psychologists
under guidance of a supervisor or supervisors with
Psychological practice involves the application of clients and in client-related activities relevant to the
psychological knowledge, skills, methodology, principles, attainment of core competencies.
techniques and ethical standards to individual clients,
groups, organisations, or communities.

34 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Appendix B: Supporting documents
Application, reporting and recording forms
This list below provides information on the supporting forms for the 4+2 internship program that are used for
applications, and recording and reporting on the internship.

All the forms are available on the Board’s website:

Document/form Purpose of document/form When is it submitted to AHPRA?

Online application To make an application for provisional Earliest: up to six weeks before completion of
form for provisional registration. your fourth-year degree
Australian-qualified applicants only. Latest: you must apply for and be granted
provisional registration before you can start any
psychological practice, PD and supervision for
the internship.

APRO-76 To make an application for provisional Earliest: you must have successfully completed
registration. all the requirements of your fourth year degree
Application for
and be eligible to graduate
provisional registration APRO-76 can be used as an alternative to, or
if you are not eligible to use, online graduate Latest: you must apply for and be granted
applications. provisional registration before you can start any
psychological practice, PD and supervision for
Australian-qualified applicants only. the internship.

APOS-76 To make an application for assessment Earliest: all qualifications obtained overseas
of overseas qualifications and provisional must have been conferred.
Application for
provisional registration Latest: you must apply for and be granted
for overseas-qualified provisional registration before you can start any
applicants psychological practice, PD and supervision for
the internship.

SPPR-76 1. To develop and record the internship plan 1. Together with the Next steps checklist after
with supervisor/s and apply to the Board for applying for provisional registration online
Internship program
assessment and approval of the plan and
plan form or
2. For making major changes to the plan during
Together with APRO-76 if making a paper
the internship.
application for provisional registration
2. When changing to a new work role or adding a
work role.

ARPP-76 For current provisional psychologists who have Before the end of the third year of provisional
already renewed registration twice and now registration (if applicable).
Application for
must reapply for registration in accordance with
provisional registration
section 64(3) of the National Law.
after three years of
provisional registration

PPLB-76 To record psychological practice activities and for Within 14 days if requested by the Board.
reporting to the Board.
Log book: record of
professional practice

35 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Document/form Purpose of document/form When is it submitted to AHPRA?
PPPR-76 For the principal supervisor to report to the Every six months from the date provisional
Board on progress. registration is granted.
Progress report

CHPS-76 To advise the Board of a change of principal Not more than 28 days after changing supervisor.
supervisor and gain approval for the change.
Change of principal

CSSF-76 A cover sheet for submission of case reports. With each case report
Case report submission

SCAC-76 Checklists to be completed by the provisional Together with each case report and CSSF-76.
psychologist and the principal supervisor to
ensure all criteria have been addressed in
Case report submission reports to be submitted to the Board.

CSAA-76 For the Board’s case report assessors to provide Does not need to be submitted.
feedback to provisional psychologists on their
case reports.
Case report marking
and feedback form

AGEN-76 Apply for general registration. When applying for general registration (after
completing the internship and passing the
Application for general
national psychology exam).

PPAC-76 For the principal supervisor to report to Together with AGEN-76 when applying for
the Board on the provisional psychologist’s general registration
Final assessment of
achievement of the eight core competencies at
the end of the internship program.

36 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Appendix C: Policy on recency of qualifications for applicants
for provisional registration in the 4+2 pathway
Summary • professional development activities such as
workshops, lectures, short courses, online modules,
Registration as a provisional psychologist in the 4+2 and self directed study (including reading and peer
internship program pathway requires that the applicant consultation)
has completed an accredited, four-year sequence of
study in psychology in the last 10 years. If the accredited • internship or other formal practical training program
study was completed more than 10 years ago, a completed overseas for the purposes of professional
refresher training course must also be completed. This registration or equivalent, or
is consistent with university requirements for entry into • professional supervision with a psychology
postgraduate psychology courses in the 5+1 and higher supervisor.
degree pathways.
At a minimum, refresher training must include coverage
This policy sets out the refresher training requirements of all the following topics:
for applicants whose four-year sequence of study was
completed more than 10 years ago. • Core knowledge of the discipline (i.e. knowledge
of all core topics in the discipline as covered in
Delegation undergraduate psychology programs)
• Research methods (i.e. able to describe, apply and
Authority to make decisions on individual applications in
evaluate different research methods, and design
accordance with this policy is delegated to the State and
and conduct psychological research to address
Territory Boards of the Psychology Board of Australia
psychological questions)
(the regional boards).
• Assessment and diagnosis (i.e. knowledge and
Requirements understanding of the construction, implementation
and interpretation of the more widely used cognitive
Applicants wishing to undertake the 4+2 internship and personality assessments)
program whose qualifications were completed more than
10 years ago should successfully complete refresher • Psychological intervention (i.e. knowledge and
training before applying for provisional registration. understanding of the more widely used evidence
Appropriate refresher training may consist of: based approaches to psychological intervention)
a. an accredited fourth year qualification, or • Ethics (i.e. including research ethics and
professional ethics)
b. psychology qualifications completed overseas that
are assessed by the Board as equivalent to an • Psychopathology (i.e. classification and diagnosis
accredited fourth year qualification, or of main psychopathologies, knowledge of the
causes and treatments for emotional, social and
c. another course of study and training that the Board developmental disorders) 
accepts as being suitable refresher training.
Applicants who complete another course of study and
training will have their refresher training assessed on Assessment of refresher training to determine
an individual basis to determine if it is suitable training suitability must be part of an application for provisional
and is comparable in content and level of depth to an registration.
accredited fourth year qualification.
When applying for provisional registration to undertake
Activities that may be acceptable include: the 4+2 internship program, applicants who have not
• university subjects offered by accredited educational completed an accredited fourth year qualification in the
institutions at a third year level or above last 10 years must provide details of:
• all relevant qualifications

37 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

• relevant work history
• membership of professional associations, and
• relevant professional development activities
completed since completing the psychology

Applicants who are seeking recognition of professional

development activities must be able to provide sufficient
evidence of completion and detail of content to enable
the Board to make an assessment about the refresher
training. Relevant documentation may include:
• academic transcripts
• course/unit outlines for subjects, courses,
workshops etc completed
• certificates of completion/attendance
• professional development log/journal
• progress reports and log books for training
programs, and
• supervision diary.

The Board will assess the evidence and either:

1. determine that sufficient refresher training has been
completed, and if all other registration requirements
are satisfied, will grant provisional registration to
start the internship, or
2. determine that further refresher training is needed
to become eligible for provisional registration and
refuse the application.

When further refresher training is needed the Board

will advise the topics that have not yet been sufficiently
addressed. It is the responsibility of the applicant to
source appropriate training opportunities.

38 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Appendix D: Policy for unsatisfactory supervision
Provisional psychologists undertaking the 4+2 internship When supervision hours do not meet the frequency
program must meet the minimum supervision requirements during a six-month reporting period,
requirements of the General registration standard and the provisional psychologist may need to make up
as set out in these guidelines during the internship the supervision hours in the next reporting period.
program in order to become eligible to apply for general Otherwise, the placement, supervision and professional
registration. development hours for the reporting period may not be
accepted and may need to be repeated.
The guidelines state that all provisional psychologists
undertaking the 4+2 internship must receive at least The Board reserves the right to vary the application
one hour of supervision per 17 hours of supervised of this policy to take individual circumstances into
practice with the necessary supervision hours delivered consideration. 
frequently throughout the internship. Additionally,
at least 100 hours of the total supervision must be
individual supervision and the remainder may be group
supervision, other supervision, or additional individual
supervision with the principal or secondary supervisor(s).

Secondary supervisors may not provide more than half

(80 hours) of the total supervision for the internship
unless an exception has been granted because of
exceptional circumstances.

If supervision is not provided at an average rate of one

hour of supervision for every 17 hours of psychological
practice and/or is not provided frequently (usually at
least fortnightly) for the duration of the internship, the
Board may:
• request an explanation from the principal supervisor
and the provisional psychologist, and/or
• require the supervision to be made up in a specified
time period, and/or
• not recognise all or part of the internship hours for
the period during which supervision was inadequate,
• consider revoking the principal supervisor’s Board-
approved supervisor status and/or take other
disciplinary action, if there is evidence of a significant
failure on the part of the supervisor to adhere to their
responsibilities as a supervisor.

39 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Appendix E: Case report requirements
Case reports provide examples of psychological work B. Assessment
completed under supervision, and the written case
Preliminary assessment of symptoms and risk
reports allow the provisional psychologist to demonstrate
skills, psychological reasoning and critical reflection. Observations at interview
Case reports are based on a different presenting Assessment findings
problem and reflect work with actual clients. C. Analysis and Diagnosis

There are two types of case reports: Formulation

Discussion of evidence-based theories
1. Assessment case reports
2. Intervention case reports
D. Recommendation
The marking criteria for both types of case reports that E. Evaluation and Reflection
will be used by the supervisor and by the Board is set out
Evaluation of assessment process
Personal reflection on case report
Supervisors and provisional psychologists should also F. Reference List
refer to the case report submission checklists (available
on the website). Intervention case reports:

Supervisors must complete the relevant case report A. Background

submission checklist with the provisional psychologist
Reason for referral
before submission. The checklists provide guidance
about the components expected by the Board to be Presenting problem
covered in a case report. A total of four case reports Relevant history
must be submitted to the Board for review. Case reports B. Assessment
that are submitted to the Board are reviewed against
the general requirements and specific requirements set Preliminary assessment of symptoms and risk
out below. The provisional psychologist will be provided Observations at interview
with written feedback where appropriate, a numerical Assessment findings
overall global rating, and an overall assessment of the C. Analysis and Diagnosis
case report as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The
Board’s policy for unsatisfactory case reports is included Formulation
at Appendix F. Discussion of evidence-based theories
Format of case reports
D. Plan and Implementation
Case reports are to be written with the following
Intervention plan
headings explicitly included in the case report:
Implementation of intervention
Assessment case reports: E. Evaluation and Reflection
Evaluation of intervention outcome
A. Background
Personal reflection on case report
Reason for referral F. Reference List
Presenting problem
Relevant history

40 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Case report requirements • English expression is so poor or spelling and
grammatical errors are so frequent that evaluation
General requirements is not possible and discussion does not use a prose
Case reports must meet the following general writing style (for example, an overuse of dot-points,
requirements: tables and incomplete sentences)

• demonstrate sufficient diversity in client groups, • the case report does not follow the Board’s format
presenting problems and intervention methods to and/or is missing necessary information
reflect depth and breadth of training, skills and • the case report has evidence of plagiarism, whether
knowledge deliberate or unintentional
• demonstrate understanding of and adherence to • where indicated, risk assessment and management
ethical and professional standards is absent or poorly performed, potentially leaving
• demonstrate that the provisional psychologist clients at risk
operates within their competencies, referring clients • psychological tests and instruments are
to another health practitioner as necessary and inappropriately selected, administered, interpreted
managing potential role conflicts or reported
• contain clear and succinct written expression, • the intervention used is evidently contraindicated in
without significant grammatical or spelling mistakes, the widely available literature
using psychological terminology correctly
• the case report suggests unethical, harmful and/or
• typed in prose format, using a professional standard illegal practice has occurred
of English language
• one or more sections of the case report fails to
• approximately 2,500 words long, (recommended coherently integrate information to reach a logical
minimum of at least 2,000 words and strictly no more conclusion that is essential in the assessment,
than 2,750 words) diagnosis and/or treatment/intervention of the client
• be based entirely on the provisional psychologist’s • it is evident that there has been no appropriate
own work, including the delivery of assessments and modification in psychological practice in the context
interventions of working with diverse groups of people
• written by the provisional psychologist with • diagnostic terminology is incorrectly used (e.g.
instructive feedback and guidance from the making a diagnosis of ‘stress’ instead of ‘generalised
supervisor anxiety disorder’) and not consistent with a
• co-signed by the supervisor, and diagnostic system, and

• demonstrate that the provisional psychologist • the self-reflection section does not demonstrate
is developing the competencies to practise critical self-appraisal of professional practice as it
independently. relates to the handling of the case.

The supervisor/s may, at their discretion, accept re-

Critical errors
writing of case reports which contain errors with the
In addition to assessing the content of the specific writing up of the case (for example, it is poorly written
criteria for case reports addressed under the headings or does not follow the Board’s format) but where the
A-F, case reports that are submitted to the Board provisional psychologist’s handling of the case itself was
for review are likely to be immediately graded as satisfactory.
unsatisfactory if they contain any one of the following
significant deficits:

41 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Case reports meeting Core competency 3: Psychological assessment and measurement must meet the following specific

Report section Section Content to be covered

heading subheading
Reason for • States the reasons for the referral, referral source and context of referral
referral • States the number of sessions and dates of client contact
Presenting • Identifies and describes the presenting problems and symptoms (mood, affect,
A. Background problem cognition, behaviour) or organisational issues in sufficient detail to support the
development of a formulation and diagnosis

Relevant • Includes relevant demographic details

history • Identifies relevant background information (client or organisational history)
Preliminary • Includes information about the client’s current symptoms or issues at
assessment of presentation
symptoms and • Risk factors are discussed or assessed and the report states how any identified
risk risks were managed (if indicated)

Observations at • Describes the client’s presentation at interview, behavioural observations,

interview demeanour, current mental state
B. Assessment
Assessment • Describes assessment methods and any appropriate tests or instruments that
findings have been selected for assessment (including the edition number and abbreviation
where relevant)
• Provides a brief rationale for the assessment method and tests used
• Assessment methods and tests have been used and interpreted appropriately
• Includes a summary of results and correctly integrates this information in the
context of the overall assessment

Formulation • Identifies the predisposing vulnerabilities, precipitating (triggers), perpetuating

(maintaining) and protective factors
• Develops a case formulation integrating factors that account for the client’s
presenting problem or target behaviour

Discussion of • Discusses relevant evidence-based theories and models, including how these
evidence-based inform diagnosis, formulation and intervention delivery

Diagnosis • Provides formal diagnosis using standard diagnostic/classification systems

C. Analysis and relevant to the area of practice (organisational diagnoses must be based on
diagnosis psychological tools and processes)
• Includes discussion about whether symptoms meet all diagnostic criteria
using examples from the client’s presentation (or organisational diagnosis
must be justified); if a diagnostic classification system is used, the intern must
demonstrate their ability to establish whether each of the diagnostic criteria for
each of these have been met; if a diagnostic classification system is not employed,
the intern must indicate which system or framework is being used and justify how
the diagnosis has been derived
• Explores differential diagnoses providing reasons for inclusion or exclusion
• If a formal diagnosis is not made, provide reasons for this decision.

42 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Report section Section Content to be covered
heading subheading
• Suggests possible courses of future evidence-based interventions and plans
D. Recommendation which are realistic given the experience of the provisional psychologist, the
complexity of the issues, and the number of sessions available for treatment

Evaluation of • Provides discussion on the validity and reliability of the assessment process and
assessment results
E. Evaluation and process
reflection Personal • Provides a personal reflection on the case, including lessons learnt and how
reflection on practice might be modified in light of the experience
case report

• Reference list provided in American Psychological Association (APA) format,

F. Reference list
including references to psychological tests and instruments used

Case reports meeting Core competency 4: Intervention strategies must meet the following specific requirements:

Report section Section Content to be covered

heading subheading
Reason for • States the reasons for the referral, referral source and context of referral
referral • States the number of sessions and dates of client contact

Presenting • Identifies and describes the presenting problems and symptoms (mood, affect,
A. Background problem cognition, behaviour) or organisational issues in sufficient detail to support the
development of a formulation and diagnosis

Relevant • Includes relevant demographic details

history • Identifies relevant background information (client or organisational history)

Preliminary • Includes information about the client’s current symptoms or issues at

assessment of presentation
symptoms and • Risk factors are discussed or assessed and the report states how any identified
risk risks are managed (if indicated)

Observations at • Describes the client’s presentation at interview, behavioural observations,

interview demeanour, current mental state
B. Assessment •
Assessment Describes assessment methods and any appropriate tests or instruments that
findings have been selected for assessment (including the edition number and abbreviation
where relevant)
• Provides a brief rationale for the assessment method and tests used
• Assessment methods and tests have been used and interpreted appropriately
• Includes a summary of results and correctly integrates this information in the
context of the overall assessment

43 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Report section Section Content to be covered
heading subheading
Formulation • Identifies the predisposing vulnerabilities, precipitating (triggers), perpetuating
(maintaining) and protective factors
• Develops a case formulation integrating factors that account for the client’s
presenting problem or target behaviour

Discussion of • Discusses relevant evidence-based theories and models, including how these
evidence-based inform diagnosis, formulation and intervention delivery

C. Analysis and
Diagnosis • Provides formal diagnosis using standard diagnostic/classification systems
relevant to the area of practice (organisational diagnoses must be based on
psychological tools and processes)
• Includes discussion about whether symptoms meet all diagnostic criteria
using examples from the client’s presentation (or organisational diagnosis
must be justified); if a diagnostic classification system is used, the intern must
demonstrate their ability to establish whether each of the diagnostic criteria for
each of these have been met; if a diagnostic classification system is not employed,
the intern must indicate which system or framework is being used and justify how
the diagnosis has been derived
• Explores differential diagnoses providing reasons for inclusion or exclusion

Intervention • Provides a brief outline of a proposed intervention plan showing clear and specific
plan treatment goals; specific intervention strategies that will be used for achieving
these goals/targets and plans for managing risk factors if these are indicated
• Ensures that plans are clearly linked with the diagnosis and formulation and
relevant evidence-based theories are discussed
• Ensures that the proposed plan is realistic given the experience of the provisional
D. Plan and psychologist, the complexity of the issues and the number of sessions available
implementation for treatment

Implementation • Demonstrates that the delivery of the intervention is consistent with the plan
of intervention • Provides a succinct summary of the intervention process that demonstrates
intervention skills in implementing the plan
• Provides specific examples of how the intervention was applied to demonstrate
the provisional psychologist’s skill.

Evaluation of • Describes methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention

intervention • Evaluates the outcome or effectiveness of the intervention and any specific
outcome changes in presenting symptoms or organisation performance
E. Evaluation and Personal • Includes a brief discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention
reflection reflection on • Provides a reflection on the case, including lessons learnt and how practice might
case report be modified in light of the experience
• Provides a reflection on the likely prognosis of the client and the need for any
follow-up sessions and/or referral to another health professional or service

• Reference list provided in American Psychological Association (APA) format,

F. Reference list including references to psychological tests and instruments, intervention
manuals, and published outcome trials supporting approach.

44 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

Appendix F: Policy for unsatisfactory case reports
In the 4+2 internship program, provisional psychologists A provisional psychologist who has completed everything
must complete eight case reports that are assessed but the case reports must continue the supervised
by their supervisor/s as satisfactorily meeting the practice program, including receiving frequent
case report requirements in Appendix E and reflecting supervision at an average ratio of one hour for every
appropriate development and achievement of the core 17 hours of supervised practice and submission of
competencies. six-monthly progress reports, until the case report
requirement is met.
Four of the eight satisfactory case reports must then
be submitted to the Board for moderation and review. If The progress of the internship program will be assessed
any or all of these four case reports do not meet these when the progress report or application to renew
requirements, further case reports will be needed. provisional registration is received, or when a new
application for provisional registration is made under
When unsatisfactory case reports are submitted, the section 64(3) of the National Law. If the provisional
Board will follow the policies and procedures outlined psychologist is not making satisfactory progress towards
below. achieving the case report requirement, the Board may
choose not to grant registration or renew registration,
1. If one or more of the submitted case reports
or may place conditions on the practitioner’s provisional
are assessed as unsatisfactory, the provisional
psychologist must submit a further case report
from their pool of eight for each report that is
The Board reserves the right to vary the application
of this policy to take individual circumstances into
2. Revision and re-submission to the Board of the same consideration.
unsatisfactory case report is not allowed – only new
case reports will be accepted. When a case report
is unsatisfactory, the Board assessor will provide
sufficient comment on the case report feedback
sheet to explain why it is unsatisfactory which allows
the provisional psychologist and supervisor to
address the issues in the new case report.
3. If all eight case reports are submitted and less than
four of them are satisfactory, the Board will review
the matter and may decide, one or more of the
a. the provisional psychologist must complete
further case reports and submit them to the
Board for assessment, and/or
b. the provisional psychologist must complete an
additional period of supervised practice of up to
770 hours (35 hours x 22 weeks), or
c. to refuse an application to renew or continue
provisional registration.
4. The provisional psychologist is not eligible to apply
for general registration until the Board has reviewed
four case reports as satisfactory and returned
them to the provisional psychologist, and all other
requirements for general registration are met.

45 Guidelines: 4+2 internship program | Psychology Board of Australia | 1 June 2017

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