Ersa Wave Soldering Overview en

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Ersa wave soldering systems

In a class of its own!

Technical Highlights:
Lowest cost of ownership
Highest energy efficiency
Lowest energy consumption
Highest machine availability
Extremely service friendly
Enclosed fluxer with low maintenance
Free programmable fluxing areas
Powerful top and bottom heaters
Individual configuration of the preheat
Wide choice of solder nozzles
for all applications
Sequential soldering
Process gas cleaning
Stable tunnel temperature
N2 level independent from the
exhaust system
Flexible conveyor systems to handle
all carriers and frames
Divided conveyor for optimal profiling
User friendly software
Ready for traceability

Ersa wave soldering systems
In a class of its own!

€ The electronics manufacturing soldering systems, all of which stand processes and offer a safe base in
industry is faced with constantly out in terms of availability, cost ef- the production of highly sophisti-
increasing demands for efficiency fectiveness and quality. cated and complex assembly units
and flexibility. At the same time, its with a high heat capacity.
customers require highest quality at Ersa wave soldering systems
unbeatable cheap prices. Manufac- include the following systems: For manufacturing environments, in
turers respond to these increasing, which floor space is the main priority,
and sometimes conflicting, chal- POWERFLOW N2 the POWERFLOW e N2 represents
lenges by adapting their manufac- POWERFLOW e N2 an interesting version. The par-
turing facilities and strategies. In ETS 330 tially modular design of this series
this tense atmosphere, modern wave provides all the essential options in a
soldering systems are an important The POWERFLOW N2 full tunnel inert compressed form, which makes the
part of the economic processing of gas soldering system represents the entire system more compact, thus
wired components in mass soldering maximum expansion stage of this requiring less floor space.
processes. new generation of machines, from
which the POWERFLOW e N2 derives The ETS 330 is a compact wave
The many challenges posed by as a partially modular full tunnel soldering system for the industrial
complex electronic assembly units in system. manufacture of small to medium
the processing stage require modern production volumes. The system is
manufacturing systems that are able The POWERFLOW N2 comprises limited in its configuration options
to flexibly adapt to the most diverse several equipment features: fluxer, and working width, however, it offers
demands. The Ersa POWERFLOW pre-heating sections and solder- easy operation thanks to program
concept allows, for the first time, to ing module offer a wide range of controlled processing of the assem-
implement these different machine configuration options, thanks to blies to be soldered.
concepts into a system. which the system can be adapted
for special customer requirements. Thanks to the safety of very stable
Thanks to its modular design, Ersa Particularly noteworthy are the pre- processes and repeatable param-
POWERFLOW is available in a variety heating section and the soldering eters, Ersa's wave soldering systems
of configurations, including a high- module. These available options are optimise quality, costs and on-time
end full tunnel inert gas soldering specifically customised based on the delivery in the manufacturing pro-
system and open atmosphere wave requirements of lead-free soldering cess of our customers.


Best process safety, even with high throughput

Fluxer – top view Today, spray systems are standard Spray sections for specific products Technical highlights:
equipment for any wave soldering can be entered graphically on ER-
machine, however they differ sig- SASOFT. This highly convenient type
Easy to maintain
nificantly in detail. Ersa offers many of process planning helps to greatly
innovative solutions for the fluxer. reduce flux material consumption. 2 spray heads
Easy to program
Particular attention is paid not only If during the production process Standard containers up to 25 liters
to the safety of systems but also there is no guarantee that the as-
to their cost effectiveness, i.e. flux sembly units are always inserted in The spray systems are supplied
material consumption and process- the same position into the solder directly from standard containers.
ing speed. frames, the PCB scanner can auto- Therefore, the decanting of flux ma-
matically detect the outline of the terial into solid tanks can be avoided,
Using high quality materials enables PCB in order to apply the targeted thus offering maximum safety.
the use of VOC-free flux materials. flux material.
Wave soldering machines also offer
appropriate options for the continu-
ous monitoring of flux material levels
and flux material consumption.

Entry mask for

sequential fluxing

Selective fluxing with high precision

Selective fluxer for

a waste-free flux

Ersa POWERFLUX was developed for This flux material, which crawls Technical highlights:
the fluxing of assembly units, which under the mask, can lead to adverse
Lower flux material consumption
are transported in solder masks. The long-term effects on the assembly
Reduced soiling of solder masks
solder masks are often used here to unit if it comes into contact with
cover already reflow soldered SMT flux material residues from the SMT Reduced need of cleaning solder
components on the wave soldering process.
side. THT components for the wave Longer shelf life of solder masks
soldering process can be found in The Ersa POWERFLUX exploits this No contamination in sectors covered
by SMD due to the wave soldering
the open sectors of solder masks. potential for improvement, since, as
flux material
with an ink-jet printer, it applies the
In a conventional wave soldering flux material only to the sections of
process, flux material is applied with the assembly unit that are also wave
spray fluxers. These apply the flux soldered. The solder masks stay dry
material uniformly and smoothly over and the flux material manages not to
the entire solder mask and PCB. This enter the capillary gap between the
conventional flux process offers two assembly unit and the solder mask.
huge potentials for improvement. On
the one hand, the flux material must
not necessarily be applied on the
solder mask. On the other hand, the
flux material usually crawls into the
capillary gap, which automatically
Multi-nozzle flux
forms between the PCB and the sol- system consisting
der mask, along the mask openings. of 4 spray heads

flexible, efficient, uniform, stable, repeatable

Short-wave infrared emitters trans- Technical highlights:

fer the different energy amounts
Variable in length and combination
almost without inertia.
Convection from below and above
Thanks to convection modules, which Pyrometer control
can be arranged below or above PCB Tunnel temperature compensation
conveyors, PCBs can be gently, uni-
formly and very effectively heated,
whereby heat loss and high tem- In addition, the POWERFLOW fea-
perature differences are minimised. tures automatic temperature com-
Medium-wave emitters also support pensation. The heating of the system
Functional diagram The pre-heating process plays a key homogeneous heating of high-mass tunnel is measured at suitable points
of the inert gas
role during lead-free soldering, since PCBs. and corrects the temperatures of
tunnel of the Ersa
POWERFLOW N2 a substantial portion of the required the pre-heater module accordingly
with atmospheric soldering heat demand is transmit- The speed-controlled blower mo- with complex algorithms. In this way,
cleaning and tem- ted here. The pre-heating section of tors enable the implementation of constant operating conditions can
perature compen-
the POWERFLOW makes sure that, different heat transfer rates at a be ensured despite variable energy
sation of pre-heat-
ing sections under all operating conditions, the constant temperature, which, in turn, output.
pre-heating process runs in a stable is a great advantage in the event of
way and is repeatable. It also ensures mixed throughput of assembly units. Pyrometers for interactive tempera-
that set temperature profiles and ture control or for documentation
process windows are observed. With the freely configurable pre- and future traceability of the PCB
heating section, even the greatest temperature are also available as an
demands can be covered. option.

flexible concepts for all requirements

Process tunnel

For PCB conveying in the soldering The finger conveyor system can be Technical highlights:
system, options include systems with used for conveying bare PCBs, as
Frame or finger conveyor
solder frames and finger conveyors. well as masks. A motor-driven centre
Shared conveyor
support can be positioned and con-
The solder frame conveyor is rested trolled by a programme in order to Use of third-party frames
on a robust pin chain, which is guided prevent bending of wide PCBs. Sturdy chain instead of conveyor
into a profile. Thanks to simple
adjustments to the system, solder Precise PCB tracking allows Low maintenance
frames from external manufacturers maximum throughput rates, since Flexible speeds
can also be conveyed. Replacing a PCBs or solder frames are conveyed Precision
third-party make with a wave solder- through the machine almost without
ing machine manufactured by Ersa separation gaps. Standardised inter-
enables existing solder frames to faces ensure a smooth transition
continue to be used, and investing of PCBs from and to the connected
in new solder frames is no longer peripheral devices.

As an option, the frame conveyor

system can be separated after
pre-heating. In this case, soldering
module conveying has a separate
drive. Hence, different speeds can be
adjusted in the flux, pre-heating and
soldering sections.

Soldering module
Innovations for demanding lead-free applications

POWER-WAVE With regard to soldering modules, automatic soldering supply, as well Technical highlights:
nozzle POWERFLOW N2 resorts to the as residual oxygen content of the
proven Ersa double wave soldering inert gas atmosphere in full tunnel
Double soldering module
technology, on the basis of which systems.
the solder unit has been completely Nozzle height adjustment
(manual and automatic)
redesigned in order to meet the The distance between the solder
(increasing) market requirements nozzle and the PCB can be easily Easy maintenance: The nozzle shaft
can be removed without tools; the
and needs. adjusted from the outside, without
support stand is housed in the
having to open the tunnel. Alterna- machine
The solder unit is designed to be tively, this can also be done auto-
Solder nozzle combinations for
user-friendly and allows the use matically through optional actuators, different applications/Vario Wave
of a wide range of different solder whereby these parameters, as well
Exchange solder pot with trolley and
nozzles. The combination of solder as all other assembly unit-specific
heat-up station
nozzles can be optimally adapted to soldering parameters, are stored in
Soldering bar supply with monitoring
user needs. the soldering programme used.
for all commercially available bar
All relevant parameters of the solder
Sequential soldering
units are continuously monitored,
including the temperature of the
Flexible solder nozzle configuration
solder, the solder level in the solder
pot, the speed of the solder pump Optimal soldering results
drive, the supply of solder bars in the

Combination of For maintenance work, the solder A new generation of solder Other advantages include:
solder nozzles
unit is electrically lowered and nozzles „„
Optimal wetting characteristics
positioned out of the machine on a for critical SMD layouts on the
support stand. The support stand is The newly developed and patented soldering side
integrated directly into the soldering VARIO-WAVE solder nozzle has been Particularly suitable for selective
module and, in order to be used, it especially adapted and optimised solder masks with different
only needs to be pulled out from the in order to meet the various market structure height on the soldering
machine. Accessibility of the solder requirements. It is suitable as a pre- side, where a pressure compensation
pot for maintenance or repair work solder wave and/or final solder wave takes place due to the construction
can be easily achieved. For exam- design of the solder nozzle.
and offers a variable wetting length
ple, solder pump, canal and solder of 35 or 65 mm. Reduced risk of tearing thanks to
nozzle units can be removed from optimal flow characteristics
the solder pot without using tools. In The use of two nozzles in a double Consistent positive feedback from
addition, during assembly, no tools customers
wave solder unit allows a variable
or any kind of adjustment work are wetting length of 35/65/100/135 mm. Compatible with older Ersa soldering
required. systems
Thanks to the combination of the
flexible wetting lengths with a high Suitable for leaded/unleaded
Naturally, a high-quality protective double soldering modules, since the
flow speed of the solder, this solder
functions of pre solder waves and
coating on all parts that come into nozzle is also suitable for the as-
main solder waves are summarised
contact with the solder, providing sembly units of power electronics in a solder nozzle
protection against aggressive sub- with high heat capacity, as well as
stances, is included in all Ersa wave for assembly units with low energy
soldering systems. consumption

Intuitive and easy to operate

POWERFLOW wave soldering ma- For safe machine operation, ERSA- Highlights:
chines are operated via PC control SOFT displays only the data that
Soldering report, process recorder,
with ERSASOFT. This machine visual- matches the actual configuration of alert management (in the scope of
isation software offers an extensive the machine. Anyone who has already delivery)
range of functions, which support worked with Ersa Reflow or selective Clear and intuitive operation
the user during intuitive operation of soldering systems can quickly recog-
Comfortable touch operation
the machine. nise the similar software structure. At
Downward compatibility
the same time, staff training is less
For software interface configuration, required.
all control elements were tailored in Please note that ERSASOFT is
order to provide comfortable touch The process recorder, which continu- fully backward compatible within a
operation. Colour-highlighted and ously records the actual values of​​ machine generation. In this way, the
uniformly structured dialogue boxes all relevant units for the soldering customer can also take part in inno-
allow quick orientation and clear process, or the soldering report, which vative software features developed
separation of input screens, also of- stores process data with all necessary only after the machine is purchased.
fering optimal clarity. In this way, the traceability information, are standard
structured design of the software and owned by ERSASOFT. Similarly,
supports intuitive, and therefore comprehensive alert management is
easy to learn, machine operation. included in the scope of delivery. All
Moreover, task-related allocation arising messages are saved with a
of user rights prevents incorrect time stamp and user ID. This data is
machine operation. available as ASCII data and can there-
fore be more easily further processed
by higher-level systems.

Ready for Traceability
Tracing interface for transparent
production processes

The XML structure of the report file

in accordance with the ZVEI standard
Unique ID of processed materials
e.g.: Barcode, matrix code
> unitname
Machine or workstation
> equipment
Processing time
> starttime, endtime
State of processing,
e.g.: ok or nok > state

In addition, as an option,
the following values ​​are recorded:
Parameters and reference values
> processing parameters
Measurement data > measuring
Library name
Soldering programme name

Traceability with the ZVEI standard. All impor- only after checking the plausibility of
tant process parameters are hereby order data with the wave soldering
The high quality requirements in the offered in a higher-level system in an machine.
electronics manufacturing industry XML structure.
increase the demand for secure Process locking ensures that
product traceability for OEM and In this way, „„faulty products will not be further
EMS companies. For each assembly „„documentation is provided on produced.
unit, the exact origin, time of pro- when and with which process „„wrong products are identified and
duction and manufacturing condi- conditions a specific assembly discharged.
tions must be identifiable. Thanks unit was soldered. „„the process sequence is main-
to clear identification, the origin „„an analysis of process values ​​ tained.
of an end product can be traced (process monitoring), concerning
back to the individual component permitted limit values, is
​​ possible. A specially developed interface
throughout the entire supply chain. „„individual serial numbers can be enables coupling with almost all MES
As a result, errors and their causes assigned to process data (pro- available on the market.
can be quickly and safely identified cess tracing).
in the event of recall. In this way, any
expenses and financial loss for such Traceability and quality assurance of
measures can be strongly reduced. the finished products is therefore
guaranteed. Moreover, the Ersa
Ersa has taken up this challenge and, POWERFLOW N2 can be integrated
as an option, it has equipped the ma- into the process control of a Manu-
chines of the POWERFLOW N2 series facturing Execution System (MES).
with a data interface that complies Such systems approve the process

The solution for demanding jobs

Technical highlights:
Extremely high throughput rates
Process gas purification
Sequential soldering
„„Motor-driven spray head axis
Comprehensive software features
Spray area programming
Automatic spray area acquisition

POWERFLOW is a carrier of technol- For the solder unit, which is very easy software controls and monitors the
ogy in the field of wave soldering to maintain, different solder nozzle entire system. The convenient user
systems. The system stands out for combinations are also available. Wet- interface enables effective, rapid
its wide range of options and can ting times and solder wave heights and safe use of the soldering system
be individually adapted to the most are very flexible and allow high clear- for the user.
diverse requirements. ance in order to optimise soldering
parameters individually for each as- A process recorder works in the
The fluxer can be equipped with two sembly unit. If different solder alloys background, continuously recording
independent flux material supply are used in current manufacturing, all the relevant data of the solder-
systems. Suction above and below different solutions can be provided. ing system. At the same time, data
the assembly unit, as well as a Conveyor systems are available for relevant for manufacturing can be
separate conveyor system, ensure solder frames or directly for trans- made available on a trace interface
maximum cleanliness for the process port of PCBs on finger conveyors. for higher-level MES networks. In the
tunnel. For maintenance works, the opposite direction, a locking process
entire spraying unit can be extended The process tunnel features process can occur. After a sanity check of
out of the machine. gas purification, which constantly order data, the process is approved.
filters out arising impurities. As an
The length of the pre-heating sec- option, the residual oxygen content
tions enables the manufacturing of the inert gas atmosphere is moni-
of assembly units with high mass tored and/or controlled.
while maintaining a high throughput.
Medium and short wave infrared System control is carried out via PC
emitters and convection heating are thanks to a touch screen moni-
available as heating modules. tor. The visualised Ersasoft control

The compact solution

Technical highlights:
Low investment volumes
Convenient floor space
Modern control concept
Extractable fluxer module
Full nitrogen tunnel
Different preheating systems
Finger or frame conveyor

The POWER FLOW e N2 creates the ba- The soldering module is designed as a to 99 soldering programmes, which can
sis for a cost effective soldering sys- double wave unit and offers, without be activated manually or via a coding
tem platform. Its equipment options limitation, the opportunity to use the on the solder frames. A weekly time
can be compared to the POWERFLOW, wide range of proven Ersa solder noz- switch ensures operational readiness
however, with limited availability and zles. The parameters of the soldering in time for the start of a shift. The
functionality. As a result, investment module, which are relevant for manu- control system continuously monitors
costs for these soldering systems are facturing, are continuously monitored all relevant unit states and shows their
lower and less floor space is required by the system control. actual values and
​​ operating conditions
compared to the POWERFLOW. on the operating panel.
As a conveyor system, solder frames
The pneumatically-driven flexible and or finger conveyor systems are also All these features ensure a safe, sta-
programmable spray fluxer is equipped available. ble and repeatable soldering process.
with a spray head and supplied with
flux material from the original con- The POWERFLOW e N2 is operated via
tainer. a 5.7" touch panel or via PC. The op-
tional machine PC offers an extensive
With regard to pre-heating,
​​ the range of functions for the user, such
POWERFLOW e N2 offers the option as a display for the process recorder
to extend process length. Options and the soldering report.
include medium or short wave infrared
emitters or compressed air convection The software is neatly designed and al-
modules. Similarly, convection heaters lows intuitive and safe handling of the
can be installed above the conveyor machine for the user. The control sys-
system in the system tunnel. tem offers the opportunity to store up

Ersa ETS 330
The solution for small and medium-size series

Due to its low investment and oper- The ETS 330 is operated via a 5.7" Technical highlights:
ating costs, the compact ETS 330 touch panel. The clear visualisation
Frame conveyor system
wave soldering machine offers best structure ensures intuitive and safe
Temperature-controlled pre-heating
preconditions to manufacture even operation, making it easy to handle
small production lots in a profession- for all employees. The software can Double wave soldering module
al and cost-effective way. Investing manage 199 soldering programmes In-line chaining
less money does not mean compro- and offers a weekly time switch Modern control system with touch
mising the soldering process. For as- and a solder frame counter. All unit operator interface including weekly
time switch & management of
sembly unit conveying, the machines conditions are clearly shown and
199 soldering programmes
use the Ersa standard solder pallets. the actual values ​​of temperatures
and speeds are displayed as plain
The fluxer is designed as a spray text. Continuous monitoring of the
flux system and, in order to ensure machine and the recording of all Thanks to a small investment, the
repeatable processes, pre-heating necessary operating data ensure ETS 330 allows a payback of initial
offers temperature control and a a safe and repeatable soldering costs in the shortest possible time,
programmable holding time of as- process. even in the event of low proceeds of
sembly units. In this way, despite the products to be manufactured.
construction-related short pre-heat- The conveyor system of the ETS 330
ing, longer heating time is allowed. can process solder pallets with a
width of 330 mm. The ETS 330 is de-
The soldering module contains an signed for manual feeding, whereas
enamelled steel solder pot, which, the system can alternatively also be
as an option, can be equipped with a integrated in a conveyor system and
second wave shaper. thus be operated inline.

Ersa Services
Our global commitment for your success

Around the world, our customers Additional modern training and Ersa is particularly
renowned for
and business partners have access conference facilities in the immediate
providing know-
to spacious demonstration, applica- vicinity permit an intensive exchange how in the form of
tion and training centers outfitted of experience and transfer of know- staff training and
with the most modern equipment. how. Both facilities, the demo centers seminars

There are eight Ersa Service Centers and the conference rooms are used
of this kind in total, all of them for the Ersa Know-How Seminars or
boasting the complete soldering Technology Days, tailored specifically
systems product portfolio, as well as to customer requirements.
the Ersa “Tools, Rework and Inspec-
tion” business line. The Ersa Service Team is already
looking forward to welcoming you to
Regardless of the Ersa Service our application center – whether for
Center you choose: Our experienced testing, training, Technology Days or
application engineers are glad to for the Know-How Seminar. You will
welcome you in all of them, ready to find an Ersa Service Center within
demonstrate the Ersa hardware and striking distance!
test it for specific purposes. The
Customers and interested parties are
pleased to use Ersa application centres in chance to really prove our mettle
order to perform test solderings or to test comes for Ersa when, in cooperation
the efficiency of systems with you, we are allowed to optimize
your subassembly under exactly
defined conditions!

Electronics Production Equipment
Presence in 135 countries

Production plants/
Local agents
Other presence

America Asia France

Ersa North America Kurtz Ersa Asia Ltd. Ersa France
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Plymouth, WI 53073 One Island South Kurtz France S.A.R.L
USA No. 2 Heung Yip Road 15 rue de la Sucharde
Phone +1 920 893 3772 Wong Chuk Hang 21800 Chevigny Saint Sauveur
from the US: 800 363 3772 Hong Kong France
Fax +1 920 893 3322 China Phone +33 38056 6610
[email protected] Phone +852 2331 2232 Fax +33 38056 6616 Fax: +852 2758 7749 [email protected]
[email protected]
Kurtz Ersa México, S.A. de C.V. Kurtz Holding GmbH & Co.
Av. Lopez Mateos Sur Núm. 1450 Int. 7 China Beteiligungs KG
Col. Las Amapas (Plaza las Villas) Ersa Shanghai Frankenstr. 2
Tlajomulco de Zúñiga/Guadalajara Room 720, Tian Xiang Building 97892 Kreuzwertheim
257 304 - 02/2018 | subject to change | © Ersa GmbH

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[email protected] China Fax +49 9342 807-404 Phone +86 213126 0818 [email protected]
Fax +86 215239 2001
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Phone +49 9342 800-0

Ersa GmbH Fax +49 9342 800-127
Leonhard-Karl-Str. 24 [email protected]
97877 Wertheim/Germany

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