2018 Wi-Iucn NL - Internationally Important Waterbird Sites in Manila Bay

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Internationally Important Waterbird Sites

in Manila Bay, Philippines

Arne E. Jensen

October 2018
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Technical Report:
Internationally Important Waterbird Sites in
Manila Bay, Philippines. Arne E. Jensen.
Version October 2018.

Jensen, A.E. (2018). Internationally
Important Waterbird Sites in Manila Bay,
Philippines, October 2018. Technical
Report. Wetlands International and IUCN
National Committee of the Netherlands.

Cover photograph:
Congregations of Black-headed Gull
Chroicocephalus ridibundus at the Sasmuan
Bangkung Malapad wetland in Pasac River,
Pampanga province by Christian Perez.

The statements and the conclusions found

in the report are those of the author, and
may not necessarily be the view of
Wetlands International and IUCN NL.

Contents i
Acronyms iv
Summary v
Background……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Methods…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Limitations……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Results……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
5.1 Waterbirds………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
5.1.1 Waterbirds in Manila Bay……………………………………………………………………. 5
5.1.2 Distribution of waterbirds…………………………………………………………………… 7
5.1.3 Population size…………………………………………………………………………………… 10
5.1.4 Waterbird species and populations of international conservation
importance………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
5.1.5 Globally Threatened and Near Threatened waterbirds……………………… 18
5.1.6 Waterbird population trends……………………………………………………………… 22
5.2 Habitats……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30
5.2.1 Foreshore areas ………………………………………………………………………………… 30
5.2.2 Mudflats and sandbars……………………………………………………………………… 33
5.2.3 Mangroves………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
5.2.4 Fishponds (former mangroves, nipa swamps and foreshore areas)…… 43
5.2.5. Brackish tidal swamps………………………………………………………………………… 45
5.2.6 Saltmarshes………………………………………………………………………………………… 46
Chapter 6 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………………… 47
Chapter 7 Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………………… 51
Chapter 8 References……………………………………………………………………………………………… 52

List of Tables
Table 1. Globally Threatened and Near Threatened species……………………………………… 6
Table 2. Number of resident and migratory waterbird species…………………….…………… 7
Table 3. Main habitat preferences by migratory waterbirds……………………………………… 8
Table 4. Minimum number of waterbirds based on peak count data compared to 11
average count values 2014 to 2018………………………………………………………………
Table 5. Ramsar Convention criteria relevant for waterbirds and their habitats……… 13
Table 6. Sites in Manila Bay of international importance for congregation of
migratory waterbirds and for threatened waterbird species………………………… 14
Table 7. Waterbird species of international flyway importance…………………….………… 15
Table 8. Population trends of waterbirds in AWC and WBCP monitored sites…………… 24

Table 9. Population trends for species occurring in international important
numbers……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Table 10. Trends of 18 internationally important waterbird populations in
annually monitored wetland sites……………………………………………………………… 26
Table 11. Population trends of Heron and Egret species in AWC and WBCP
monitored sites……………………………………………………………………………………………. 27
Table 12. Trends of shorebird species in AWC and WBCP monitored sites………………… 28
Table 13. Trends of Gull and Tern species in AWC and WBCP monitored sites……………. 29
Table 14. Estimated changes in Manila Bay wetlands within 2 meter
water depth……………………………………………………………………………………………….… 30
Table 15. Mudflat areas per province in Manila Bay……………………………………………..………… 36

List of Figures
Figure 1. Distribution of waterbirds in numbers of international importance……………… 9
Figure 2. Distribution of main wetlands habitats in Manila Bay………………………………… 31
Figure 3. Fish biomass distribution in 2015, waterbird congregation areas and
proposed reclamation areas in northern Manila Bay…………………………………… 32
Figure 4. Distribution of coastal mangroves in Manila Bay……….………………………………… 38
Figure 5. Trend in mangrove extent along the coastline of Manila Bay from
1977 to 2015……………………………………………………………………………………………… 39
Figure 6. Development of fishponds in the Pampanga Delta and Hagonoy, Bulacan
from 1976 to 2013……………………………………………………………………………………… 44

List of Plates
Plate 1. Flock of Kentish Plover and Red-necked Stint at lowtide in coastal Bulacan… 6
Plate 2. Feeding congregation of Great Egret, Intermediate Egret and Little Egret
in a drained fishpond in Bulakan municipality……………………………………………… 10
Plate 3. Congregations of Black-winged Stilt at coastal fishponds at
Balanga City………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Plate 4. Murmurations of shorebirds in Bulacan………………………………………………………. 12
Plate 5. Black-winged Stilts and Whiskered Terns feeding in a drained fishpond
in Obando, Bulacan……………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Plate 6. Thousands of Great Egrets and Little Egrets overwinter in Bataan and
in the Pampanga Delta………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Plate 7. Congregations of more than 29,000 Black-headed Gulls are found in
the coastal Pampanga ………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Plate 8. More than 19% of the EAAF population of Pacific Golden Plover
overwinter in Bulacan…………………………………………………………………………………… 19
Plate 9. Caspian Tern has in Manila Bay its second Philippine overwintering
site………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 20

Plate 10. The globally threatened Chinese Egret occur in Manila Bay
wetlands……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
Plate 11. Dredging of shallow foreshore areas and of rivers is a widespread
activity in Manila Bay…………………………………………………………………………………… 33
Plate 12. Foreshore area under conversion into fishponds in Bataan and Pampanga
province……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
Plate 13. Mudflat sample from Barangay Talitip, Bulacan showing the richness of
macrobenthic organisms……………………………………………………………………………… 35
Plate 14. Mudflat habitats found in the Province of Bulacan……………………………………… 36
Plate 15. Patches of old growth natural mangroves in Bulacan province……………………… 40
Plate 16. Most of the foreshore, intertidal mudflats in Manila Bay are converted
to mangrove plantations……………………………………………………………………………… 41
Plate 17. Conversion of mudflats of Sasmuan Bangkung Malapad Critical Habitat
and Ecotourism Area has reduced migratory shorebirds’ feeding 42
Plate 18. Pond dikes disconnecting the tidal inundation of natural mangroves as
part of fishpond conversion in the Pampanga Delta…………………………………… 45
Plate 19. Nipa plantations located in the central Pampanga Delta……………………………… 46

Annex 1. Coastal localities in Manila Bay searched for waterbirds from 2016 to 2018… 56
Annex 2. Taxonomic list of waterbirds recorded in Manila Bay from 2003 to 2018……… 57
Annex 3. Waterbird species in Manila Bay listed under the Convention on Migratory
Species………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59
Annex 4. Localities in Manila Bay with waterbird concentrations, the peak numbers
and the average number of waterbirds………………………………………………………… 61
Annex 5. Map of Key Areas for Waterbirds of International Importance……………………… 64
Annex 6. Migratory threatened and Near Threatened species in Manila Bay wetland
sites and numbers of individuals recorded from 2003 to 2018……………………… 66
Annex 7. Trends of waterbirds in the five Manila Bay sites monitored annually since
2003 (2009)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69
Annex 8. Development and conversions of natural wetland habitats in the Pampanga
Delta and Hagonoy, Bulacan.…………………………………………………………………………. 71


AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines

AWC Asian Waterfowl Census

BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

BMB Biodiversity Management Bureau

DA Department of Agriculture

DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways

EAAF East Asia- Australasia Flyway

ESSC Environment Science for Social Change

IBA Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (an area identified as being globally important for
the conservation of bird populations)

IUCN NL International Union for Conservation of Nature – National Committee of the


KBA Key Biodiversity Area (a site contributing significantly to the global persistence of

LPPCHEA Las Piñas - Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area

NAMRIA National mapping and Resource Information Authority

NEDA National Economic Development Authority

NCR National Capital Region

NGO Non-Government Organization

PRA Philippine Reclamation Authority

TEEB The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

WBCP Wild Bird Club of the Philippines

Information about the presence and status of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in Manila
Bay, Philippines are lacking. This study presents the results of the species, numbers and
distribution of migratory waterbirds as well as the status of their wetland habitats of
international importance for conservation. Intertidal wetlands, such as those located in Manila
Bay provide many ecosystem services but they are not well known in the Philippines. These
ecosystems and migratory waterbirds, among other lifeforms, are increasingly under threat from
socio-economic activities that result to their poor status.

In Manila Bay, intertidal foreshore and riverine wetlands are found both along the coastline and
further inland from the Province of Bataan to Cavite Province. These wetlands are important to
waterbirds and the human communities living in the coastal zone. In midwinter from 171,500 to
around 208,500 waterbirds of 90 species occur in Manila Bay. About 75% of the species are
migratory. They include species threatened with global extinction and that feed on the fish and
invertebrates occurring in shallower areas of the Bay including intertidal mudflats. Sixteen
migratory species especially feeds and roost in large internationally important concentrations in
just nine geographically locations of the Bay. They represent a very high percentage of their
flyway populations, for some species up to about 27%, and as such their presence are
internationally important for conservation.

Both habitats and birds are threatened over the years by aquaculture expansion, water pollution
and coastal development (reclamation, airports, ports, roads, etc.). Global sea-level rise
attributed to climate change is recognized, but flooding from anthropogenic land subsidence is
largely ignored around Manila Bay. Together with unsustainable coastal development, land
subsidence and sea-level raise may substantially reduce important wetland areas with mudflats,
sandbars and shell banks important especially for migratory shorebird species.

The trend in waterbird population development over a period of 15 years since 2003 in three
sampling sites in northern Manila Bay and two sites within Metro Manila were analyzed. The
overall trend showed a total increase by more than 80%, from around 34,100 to 61,600
waterbirds measured as the average difference in five-year intervals. The increasing population
is found in the northern portion of the Bay while the wetlands in the Manila area are suffering
substantial population declines; in the LPPCHEA Ramsar site as much as 90%.
There are different population trends of the different waterbird species. Analysis of 18
internationally important species populations, shows declining populations of at least 11 species,
or about 60%. Of these are two egret species, one tern species and eight shorebird species
depending on the declining mudflat areas in the Bay. While no populations are stable, six other
species populations are increasing; they largely represents more opportunistic wetland species
that also can utilize the expanding fishpond habitats at Manila Bay .
A bilateral project, the Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Plan, between the
Governments of the Philippines and Netherlands is on-going as a response to improve the status

of Manila Bay. The results of this study can be a significant contribution to the knowledge base
on ecosystems and biodiversity, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, inclusive
growth, and other themes to achieve the goal of the continuing mandamus of the Supreme Court
on Manila Bay as well as contributing to the achievement of Aichi targets of the Convention on
Biological Diversity and in implementing strategies of both the Convention on Wetlands of
International Importance (Ramsar Convention) and the Convention on the Conservation of
Migratory Species of Wild Animals.

1. Background
Manila Bay in the Philippines covers more than 1,900 square kilometers and has a coastline of
around 196 kilometers from Cavite City to Mariveles in Bataan province. It is a large semi-
enclosed bay located in the West Philippine Sea and fringed by shallow intertidal areas with
relicts of mud and sandflats, mangroves, and nipa swamps. However, nearly all of the original
habitats have been converted to aquaculture; these include the intertidal mudflats, swamps and
mangrove areas in Bataan, Pampanga, Bulacan and Cavite provinces, and increasingly also the
foreshore and riverine areas in the northernmost part of the Bay (UNEP-TEEB 2017).
Northern Manila Bay is declared as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA No. PH010) by
Birdlife International covering and area of 130,465 ha with the following coordinates: 14o 40' 0"
North, 120o 46' 0" East (Haribon Foundation and BirdLife International 2001, BirdLife
International 2017a). The wetland part of the Bay from northern Metro Manila to Bataan has a
status of Key Biodiversity Area (KBA No. 25) accorded by the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) covering 96,338 ha (Conservation International 2006, IUCN 2014).
Manila Bay is very important for its fisheries production which supports a large urban population
along the periphery of the Bay. There are high concentrations of different fish trapping devices
and extensive areas with fishpens within the open sea area, as well as aquaculture land-uses
along the shorelines (Mialhe et al. 2015, BirdLife International 2017a).
A very large numbers of migratory shorebirds are dependent on the intertidal areas and
fishponds in Manila Bay during the ten-month bird migration season from August to May. The
Bay area has consistently hosted some of the highest numbers of migratory waterbird species
during the Asian Waterfowl Census (AWC) in the Philippines (Li et al. 2009, Mundkur et al. 2017,
BirdLife International 2017a).
There are increasing threats to the habitats including a continued conversion of foreshore tidal
areas and remaining patches of mangroves to aquaculture, sea level rise, canalizing and dredging
of rivers, and pollution in the form of solid waste, domestic sewerage and industrial waste water
etc. (Mialhe et al. 2015).
Recently, a private-public-partnership covering an area of about 18,000 ha from Navotas in
Metro Manila to Bataan Province in the northern most portion of Manila Bay is being assessed
for implementation by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH 2016, PPP Center
2016). The project is called the Manila Bay Integrated Flood Control and Coastal Defense and
Expressway Project, and it intends to reclaim coastal areas from Navotas City in Metro Manila to
Bataan Province. It includes a design for the establishment of five artificial islands within the main
habitats of commercial important fish species and partially within internationally important
congregation areas for migratory waterbirds (Daily Economic 2014, Mooyart et al. 2015, DA-BFAR
2015b, and this study). In addition, there are several proposed land reclamation projects
foreshore of Metro Manila and Cavite (UNEP-TEEB 2017), and a private sector proposal has in

principle been approved by the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) to establish a
new international airport in the largest intact coastal wetland located in Bulacan Province (PPP
Center 2018).

2. Introduction
Wetland ecosystems support a variety of biodiversity and both waterbirds and human
populations depend on their status. Waterbirds represent one of the most visible indicators of
the health and the diversity of the wetland ecosystems. As the overall poor status of the
environment is well known (DENR-ERDB 2000), the status of the waterbirds and key habitats of
international importance were not. Therefore, a series of rapid surveys were conducted in Manila
Bay in April 2016 (coastal waters) and from November 2016 to March 2017 and, in additional
areas, from January to April 2018 (shoreline wetlands).
The surveys mapped the status of remaining habitats of crucial importance for waterbirds,
especially migratory waterbirds congregating in numbers of international importance following
criteria defined by the Convention for Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Secretariat
2017). The surveys were initiated by Wetlands International and IUCN Nl and with the assistance
by volunteers of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines (WBCP) to counter the proposals to
reclamation found in the Philippine Reclamation Authority’s (PRA) National Reclamation Plan
(Philippine Reclamation Authority, Resolution 4161 dated February 25, 2011). PRA originally
called for reclamation of 26,234 ha of Manila Bay, or 70% of the target reclamation projects
within the Philippines.

3. Methods
Waterbirds: Waterbirds, mainly migratory species, was the focus of the research work.
Waterbirds are species of birds that are ecologically dependent on wetlands and the ecosystems
they represent for their entire life cycle.
Bird species were identified using hand-held binoculars and spotting-scopes with magnification
from 20 to 40 x in combination with the use of photography. A drone was used once as an
experiment to assess its applicability for identifying and counting waterbirds at a distance in the
often very inaccessible areas of the Manila Bay wetlands.
The results of the waterbird counts derived from 10 boat-based surveys, two aerial surveys and
a number of supplementary land-based visits to coastal localities in Manila Bay were added to
the information found in the AWC and WBCP databases (Mundkur et al. 2017, DENR-BMB 2003-
2018 and WBCP 2003-2016). Timing of the survey periods was aligned to the mid-winter period
where the international waterbird census organized by Wetlands International also takes place
in January.

Data analysis aimed at a) defining areas where waterbirds congregate in numbers of international
importance and b) to identify what waterbird species and in what numbers they occur in Manila
Bay guided by criteria defined under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International
Importance (Ramsar Secretariat 2017).
The results are based on data from 43 different localities along the coastline of Manila Bay from
Bataan Province to Cavite Province (Annex 1). Avifauna population results and trends presented
in this report represents both the peak and average counts per locality.
Analysis of the avifauna data is limited to those waterbird species occurring in Manila Bay during
the winter months (November to March) in numbers representing 1% or more of the flyway
populations as an indicator of their presence in a wetland of international importance for
migratory waterbirds (Ramsar 2017).
Habitats: Based on the analysis of recent satellite images (Google Earth 2016) mudflats along the
shoreline and rivers, and fishpond mudflats located up to an average of 2.5 km inland were
located from Limay Municipality, Bataan (14°35'18.89"N, 120°35'13.07"E) to mudflats of Cavite
City (14°27'40.60"N, 120°53'7.62"E). These pre-determined localities became the focus of field
surveys carried out from a boat and a helicopter and by additional land-based surveys at some
sites accessible by vehicle.
Ten boat-based surveys were carried out covering the coastline of Bataan Province from Balanga
City to Sasmuan Municipality, Pampanga, and the entire coastline of Bulacan Province from
Pampanga River to Meycauyan River and Bacoor Bay, Cavite. The boat surveys were carried out
on 2 and 9 April 2016 and on 4 and 18 February and on 17 March 2017. Supplementary boat-
based surveys, mainly in Cavite and Bulacan Provinces were carried out from January to March
2018. Aerial surveys using helicopter covered the coastline and inland fishponds from Limay in
Bataan to Pamarawan River in Bulacan. They were carried out on 30 November and 1 December
The presence of mudflats and additional information on the extent of other habitats and
conversion of these were noted throughout the surveys. Using Google Earth images from 2016
the extent of mudflats, mangroves, fishpond areas (former mangroves and nipa swamps) and
foreshore areas within the 2-meter depth of the Bay were plotted and the area coverage per
habitat was calculated.

4. Limitations
The different waterbird species and populations do not occur at the same time in Manila Bay.
Hence, the number of birds analyzed and presented in the report does not reflect the temporary
roosting numbers by trans-migrant populations occurring early or late in the migratory season
(August to October and April to May). Further, the tidal scheme forces egrets and herons, but in

particular shorebirds, to shift between feeding at mudflats at low tide and roosting at higher
ground during high tide. In addition, as all larger mudflats have been converted, the waterbirds
tend to occur in relatively small congregations scattered over wide and sometimes nearly
inaccessible areas. Hence, considering the scarcity of skilled human resources and the logistical
limitations, it is not currently possible to make a count of waterbirds covering the wide areas of
the Bay’s wetlands within a short period of time such as the AWC period covering a few weeks in
January. Within these limitations, the report presents the best estimates of waterbird
populations and their distributions in the Bay.
Detailed bird species identification from a helicopter had its limitations due to speed and
vibrations of the aircraft while on air. However, the approach was meant as a tool to gain access
to otherwise unreachable areas and to obtain new data on major bird congregation areas. As
such the use of helicopter served the purpose well. Results from the aerial surveys were limited
to identification of sites with large congregations of waterbirds, and to estimating their numbers.
Species identification, except for a few species (Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Black-crowned Night
Heron Nycticorax nycticora, Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus and Black-headed Gull
Chroicocephalus ridibundus), were limited to the level of family groups such as white egrets
(Egretta species) and terns (Sternidae species, mainly Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida). For
shorebird species, these could be identified as larger species such as Black-winged Stilt and Pacific
Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva, medium-sized species such as sandplovers (Charadrius species) and
smaller shorebirds such as sandpipers (Calidris species).
Egrets, shorebirds and terns were found to be utilizing large areas with scattered, drained
fishponds further inland but outside of the primary research area, particularly in Bulacan and
Pampanga. Hence, a calculation of the waterbird populations present in the wider Manila Bay
wetland habitats will require the use of extrapolation methods not used in this study.

5. Results
This study focused mainly on wetland areas hosting waterbirds up to an average of 2 km
landwards and 2.5 km seawards; approximately 38,000 ha or about 46% of the Bay’s wetlands
within 2 m water depth. For distribution of the wetland habitats, see Figure 2.

5.1 Waterbirds
5.1.1 Waterbirds in Manila Bay
Waterbirds are a diverse group of over 30 families which are characteristic of, and ecologically
dependent on wetland habitats. In Manila Bay they are presented by families of Grebes
(Podicipedidae), Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae), Bitterns, Egrets and Herons (Ardeidae), Ducks
(Anatidae), Rails, Gallinules and Coots (Rallidae) and by shorebirds in form of Painted Snipes
(Rostratulidae), Stilts and Avocets (Recurvirostridae), Pranticoles (Glareolidae), Plovers
(Charadriidae), and Sandpipers, Snipes and Phalaropes (Scolopacidae). In addition there are Gulls
(Laridae) and Terns (Sternidae).

Every year about 50 million migratory waterbirds migrate from southern non-breeding areas in
Southeast Asia and Australasia, to northern breeding grounds, mostly in Russia, but also in China,
Mongolia, Japan, Korea and Alaska. The sum of these migration routes though 22 countries,
including the Philippines, is defined as the East Asian - Australasian Flyway (EAAF) (Cocklin et al.
Manila Bay is part of the migratory waterbirds EAAF. It serves both as a feeding and roosting area
for thousands of overwintering waterbirds breeding e.g. in northern Russia and China and
residing in the Bay from August to April, or nine months per year. In addition, a high but unknown
number of transmigrant waterbirds pass Manila Bay, mainly in April and in September/October,
from and to areas further south in the Philippines and countries such as Indonesia and Australia
(BirdLife International 2018).
Despite massive overfishing beyond ecological caring capacities and pollution from untreated
sewage water high in toxic components (UNEP- TEEB 2017), Manila Bay consistently has some of
the highest numbers of waterbirds counted during the Asian Waterfowl Census (AWC) in the
Philippines (Li et al. 2009, Mundkur et al. 2017). Among the waterbirds, a high number of species
are fully dependent on mudflats and sandbars associated with the foreshore and riverine
intertidal system. Of these, no less than 32 out of 40 shorebird species occurring in Manila Bay,
are dependent on the presence of mudflats for their life cycle. The figures include nine globally
threatened or near threatened shorebird species (Table 1).

Table 1. Globally threatened and Near Threatened waterbird species occurring regularly in
Manila Bay. Source: IUCN 2017.
Species Endangered Vulnerable Near
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Philippine Duck Anas luzonica x
Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes x
Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus x
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa x
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica x
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata x
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis x
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris x
Red Knot Calidris canutus x
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis x
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea x
Total 3 1 7

Plate 1. Flock of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus and Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis at
lowtide in coastal Bulacan, February 2018. Photo: Irene Dy.

At least 90 species, or about 60%, of all waterbirds found in the Philippines occur in Manila Bay
(Annex 2). In addition there are historical records of Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor and of
Spot-billed Pelican Pelecanus philippensis; the latter now extinct in the Philippines but used to
occur in Bulacan. Further, there are records of two accidentally occurring species: Vega Gull Larus
vegae and Chinese Crested Tern Thalasseus bernsteini (Kennedy et al. 2000).
Of the waterbird species recorded in Manila Bay, 26 are resident species (28.9%), 56 species are
migratory (62.2%), and eight species occur with both resident and migratory populations (8.9.%)
(Table 2). Using the results of the aerial survey by helicopter in November and December 2016,
the percentage breakdown of the number of waterbirds per family group is: 33.3% for Egrets and
Herons, 30.3% for Shorebirds, 33.5% for Terns and 2.9% for Gulls.

Table 2. Number of resident and migratory waterbird species occurring in Manila Bay.
Source: DENR-BMB 2003-2018, WBCP 2003-2016.

Species Resident Migratory Resident Total

and Migratory
Ducks 2 3 0 5
Grebes 1 0 0 1
Bittern, Egrets and Herons 8 4 4 16
Cormorants 0 1 0 1
Crakes, Rails and Coots 10 1 1 12
Shorebirds (waders) 2 37 2 41
Gulls 0 5 0 5
Terns 3 5 1 9
Total 26 56 8 90

Eleven of the species are classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
as globally threatened or near threatened with the risk of extinction (Table 1). Four of these
species are further listed under the Convention for Migratory Species (CMS) as Endangered
Migratory Species. The Convention also lists 24 waterbird species occurring in Manila Bay as
Species in Need of International Conservation Agreements (Annex 3).

5.1.2 Distribution of waterbirds

The waterbirds’ life cycles are dependent on different wetland habitats for feeding, roosting and
breeding purposes (Kennedy et al.2000). The species diversity and distribution of water birds
mirrors the wetland habitat’s food resources, and the extent and quality of these habitats (Choi
et al 2016). The use of the habitats shifts during day and night and with the low and high tides.
For a general overview of habitat associations of waterbirds, see Table 3.

The main distribution of waterbirds of international importance in Manila Bay is presented in
Figure 1. Most are found in Pampanga (46.4%), Bulacan (25.0%) and Bataan (17.1%). Combined,
NCR (Metro Manila) and Cavite only host around 11.5% of the migratory waterbirds.

Table 3. Main habitat preferences by migratory waterbirds in Manila Bay.

Family Foreshore Mudflats Fishponds Mangroves

areas (coastlines and
dry fishponds)
Egrets and Herons   
Larger shorebirds 
Smaller/ medium-sized shorebirds  
Gulls 
Terns  

Shorebirds and terns are highly mobile and they utilize large areas further inland, such as inland
fishponds in Bulacan and Pampanga, which were not areas included in this study. Generating in-
depth understanding of the distribution of waterbirds in the fishponds in the inland wetlands of
Manila Bay will require the application of extrapolation methods not applied in this study. The
size of the former wetlands and the numerous waterbird species, such as egrets and herons in
man-made mudflats, make it challenging (Plate 1 and Plate 2).
Gulls and terns are mainly dependent on the shallower areas of the Bay with water depth of one
to two meters. However, they also occur at deeper waters as well as in the larger river systems.
Terns, especially Whiskered Terns, Chlidonias hybrida, feed in very large numbers across both
coastal and inland fishponds.

The foreshore and riverine intertidal mudflats as well as mudflats in dried fishponds and saltpans,
attracts a large number of shorebird species and populations. They use these areas, both as a
primary feeding habitat and as high tide roosting areas where these are located above the
maximum high tide zone. Mangroves serves as roost habitat for migratory species of egrets and
herons as well as feeding and breeding sites for resident species of herons, bitterns, rails and

Figure 1. Distribution of waterbirds in numbers of international importance in Manila Bay.

Saltmarshes are now few and those that are left are very small in size. Hence, this habitat no
longer plays an important role for either resident or migratory waterbirds. However, the now
overgrown saltmarsh found in the northern portion of Freedom Island, LPPCHEA, previously
functioned as an important high tide roost for migratory shorebirds roosting and feeding in the
Ramsar Site.

No research has been conducted on the avifauna composition and distribution in the remnants
of brackish water swamps, mainly located inland of the Pampanga fishpond areas. Following
known habitat preferences, it can be assumed that the majority of the waterbird species in this
habitat are resident species (Kennedy et al. 2000).

Plate 2. A typical feeding congregation of Great Egret Ardea alba, Intermediate Egret Ardea
intermedia and Little Egret Egretta garzetta in a drained fishpond. Malolos municipality, February
2018. Photo: Irene Dy.

5.1.3 Population size

A minimum of around 171,500 and a maximum of around 208,500 individual waterbirds are
present in the coastal zone of Manila Bay from December to early April (Table 4 and Annex 4).
These figures are based on the average and the peak count results of rapid inventories mainly
conducted from November 2016 to March 2017 and in supplementary sites from January 2018
to April 2018, and data from the AWC counts in January 2017 and 2018. The number of birds
represents 43 coastal localities up to an average of about 2 km inland and the foreshore coastline
within the two meter water levels at neap tide from Limay, Bataan to Cavite City. Boat transects
in the coastal waters 2-2.5km from the coast aimed at count and estimates of gull and tern
species feeding in deeper waters.

Table 4. Minimum number of waterbirds based on peak count data from 2016 to 2018 compared
to average count values 2016 to 2018. Source: DENR BMB AWC Counts 2016-2017, WBCP – Wild
Bird Reports 2014-2016, and Wetlands International and IUCN NL Manila Bay Rapid Inventory
2016 – 2018.
Number of Number of birds in Number of Number of birds in
Province/ birds along foreshore areas up to 2 birds along foreshore areas up to 2
Region shoreline meter water depth shoreline and meter water depth
and average up
average up 2.5 km inland
2.5 km

Peak counts 2016-2018 Total Average of counts Total

2016 - 2018

Bataan 32,471 5,548 38,019 21,972 5,548 27,520

Pampanga 99,009 500 99,809 76,323 500 76,823

Bulacan 33,982 13,177 47,159 33,982 13,177 47,159

NCR 13,385 1,000 14,385 9,795 1,000 10,795

Cavite 7,998 1,500 9,498 7,764 1,500 9,264

Total 186,845 21,725 208,570 150,136 21,725 171,561

Plate 3.
Congregations of
Black-winged Stilt
himantopus at
coastal fishponds
near Balanga,
Bataan, November
2016. Photo: Ivan

Plate 4. When
murmurations of
large flocks of
shorebirds can fill
the sky over the
largest intact
coastal wetlands in
Bulacan, February
2018. Photo: Irene

Plate 5. Flocks of
Black-winged Stilts
himantopus and
Whiskered Terns
Chlidonias hybrida
feeding in a
drained fishpond
in Obando,
February 2018.
Photo: Irene Dy.

5.1.4 Waterbird species and populations of international conservation importance

The Ramsar Convention’s criteria for determining wetlands of international importance falls
under two main criteria: Sites containing representative, rare or unique wetland types; and sites
of international importance for conserving biological diversity. Other Ramsar Convention Criteria
relevant to waterbirds are found in Table 5.

Table 5. Ramsar Convention criteria especially relevant for waterbirds and the habitats they are
dependent on. Source: Ramsar Secretariat (2017).

Criteria Definition
Criterion 2 A wetland should be considered internationally important if it supports
vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered species or threatened
ecological communities
Criterion 4 A wetland should be considered internationally important if it supports plant
and/or animal species at a critical stage in their life cycles, or provides refuge
during adverse conditions
Criterion 5 A wetland should be considered internationally important if it regularly supports
20,000 or more waterbirds.
Criterion 6 A wetland should be considered internationally important if it regularly supports
1% of the individuals in a population of one species or subspecies of waterbird.

Depending on the geographical extent of a waterbird habitat in Manila Bay, there are six sites
fulfilling Ramsar Criterion 5 of supporting 20,000 or more waterbirds and Criterion 6 supporting
at least one percent of a population of one species (Table 6 and Annex 5). Combined, the six sites
represent internationally important congregations of about 145,240, or from 70% to 85%, of the
waterbirds occurring in Manila Bay from December to April.

The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) lists several waterbirds species in Appendix I. This
calls for strict protection of the species by: ‘prohibiting the taking of such species, with very
restricted scope for exceptions; conserving and where appropriate restoring their habitats;
preventing, removing or mitigating obstacles to their migration and controlling other factors that
might endanger them.’ Other waterbird species are listed in Appendix II, which calls for
international cooperation for the protection of species with unfavorable conservation status.
Included in the CMS list are 28 waterbird species found in Manila Bay (Annex 3).

Table 6. Sites in Manila Bay that supports 20,000 or more waterbirds and/or a number of species
congregating in numbers of international importance, and additional sites that support
waterbirds in numbers of international importance based on presence of threatened species.
Internationally Important Hectares Number of Number of Coordinates
Waterbird Sites waterbirds species
> 1% of Flyway
Balanga City – Pilar 700 Peak: 29,368 11 14°41'36.39"N,
Wetlands: Barangay Sibacan, Average: 19,869 120°33'42.92"E
Puerto Rivas, Tortugas and
Balut, and Pilar
Pasac River : Sasmuan, 535 Peak: 28,923 9 14°48'5.72"N,
Barangay Batang 2nd and Average: 17,741 120°36'56.67"E
adjacent tidal mudflats
Lubao Fishponds:
Almacen-Baruya-Sta Teresa 281 23,700 5 14°51'51.15"N,
Bangcal Pugad 312
Pampanga River: 0 to 5.5km From:
Westbank - Malauli, 2080 40,235 2 14°49'7.05"N,
Consuelo 120°39'50.14"E
To: 14°46'7.34"N,
Eastbank -Sapang Kawayan 120°39'3.50"E
and San Roque (Hagonoy)
Paombong-Malolos 1870 22,767 4 From:
wetlands: 14°45'27.96"N,
Masukol, Santa Cruz, 120°46'42.94"E
Pamarawan, Caliligawan and To:
tidal mudflats 14°45'25.10"N,
Bagumbayan -Bulakan From:
wetlands: Bagumbayan, 2480 20,928 2 14°45'3.58"N,
Bambang and Taliptip 120°50'8.71"E

Total 8,258 > 145,240 16

National Important Waterbird Hectares Number of Number of Coordinates
Sites waterbirds threatened
Tanza Peninsula: 14°41'33.74"N,
Navotas and Obando 986 Average: 6,985 8 120°54'58.06"E
LPPCHEA: 14°29'32.99"N,
Las Pinas, Paranaque 397 Average: 2,810 7 120°58'48.21"E
CAVITE 14°27'45.66"N,
Imus River Mouth : Binakayan 150 2,247 2 120°54'52.59"E
Cavite City mudflats 14°27'49.24"N,
32 3,800 1 120°53'21.36"E
Bacoor Wetlands: Kawit 14°27'5.36"N,
258 5,900 3 120°53'28.74"E

Total 1.823 21,742 9

Manila Bay represents some of the highest waterbird population concentrations within the
Philippines. Sixteen (16) species occur in population numbers of international conservation
importance, defined as of 1% or more of the East Asian - Australasian Flyway population, can be
found there (Wetlands International 2017). Of the species identified, one is a duck species, three
are egrets, and 10 are shorebird species. One gull and one tern species also congregate in
internationally important numbers (Table 7).

Table 7. Waterbird species of international flyway importance in Manila Bay: Total estimated
numbers, the percentage of the flyway population and the average percentage of the national
population counted during AWC midwinter counts.
Species Total estimated % of Flyway % of average
numbers in Population national AWC
Manila Bay counts 2016
2017-2018 and 2017
Philippine Duck Anas luzonica 625 8.9 3.4
Great Egret Ardea alba 4,664 4.7 33.0
Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia 363 1.5 0.1
Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes 35 1.0 5.3
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 6,854 6.9 31.2
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 19,164 19.2 85.1
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 280 1.2 7.1
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 5,246 5.3 49.9
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus 831 3.2 17.9

Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii >769 1.0 34.3
Redshank Tringa totanus 1,629 1.6 34.2
Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1,850 1.9 38.3
Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 553 2.2 91.9
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 4,741 1.5 46.3
Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus 27,779 1.4 86.8
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 53,647 26.8 73.9
Total 129,030

The number of congregations in one or more percentages of the flyway populations of the 16
species listed in Table 7 represent about 75% of the average waterbird count values from 2016
to 2018 (Table 4). Some species occur in extraordinarily high flyway population numbers
underscoring the international importance and thereby the need to conserve habitats for
waterbirds in Manila Bay. These include more than 53,000 Whiskered Terns Chlidonias hybrida
(26.8%), 19,000 Pacific Golden Plovers Pluvialis fulva (19.2%), 6,800 Black-winged Stilts
Himantopus himantopus (6.9%) and 5,200 Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus (5.3%). Other
species populations may be undervalued, particularly Great Egret Ardea alba, Intermediate Egret
Ardea intermedia, and Little Egret Egretta garzetta. If the ratio of identified species and numbers
are used for unidentified white egret species counted during aerial surveys, the flyway population
of the Great Egret overwintering in Manila Bay would increase to 18,100 individuals or 18.1% of
the flyway population and the Little Egret population would be above the one percent threshold
of 10,000 individuals for this species.
Considering the average result of the national AWC counts of 2016 and 2017, Manila Bay hosts a
very large portion of the overwintering water bird populations in the Philippines (Table 9). Of the
16 waterbird species occurring with more than one percent of the flyway population, 12 species
occur with more than 30% of the overwintering Philippine populations in Manila Bay. It is
particularly notable for Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta (91.9%), Black-headed Gull
Chroicocephalus ridibundus (86.8%), Pacific Golden Plover (85.1%), Whiskered Tern (73.9%),
Kentish Plover (49.9%), and Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis (46.3%).
Some sites in Manila Bay host both internationally important congregations and number of
waterbird species occurring with one or more percentages of the flyway population (Table 7 and
Annex 5). These sites include the Balanga Wetlands in Bataan, inland portions of the Pampanga
Delta in Lubao and Sasmuan Municipality and the coastal portions of Pasac and Pampanga River
in Pampanga, and sections of intact coastal wetlands found in the municipalities of Malolos and
Bulakan in Bulacan. Other sites host less than 20,000 waterbirds but have presence of a number
of waterbird species above the flyway population threshold set under the Ramsar Convention.
Of these, two remaining coastal wetlands in Metro Manila (NCR), LPPCHEA host five species and
Tanza Peninsula in Navotas host three species. In Cavite, the Noveleta wetlands host two species
and the mudflats at Imus River mouth one species in internationally important numbers (Annex

Plate 6. Thousands of Great Egrets Ardea alba, Intermediate Egrets Ardea intermedia and Little
Egrets Egretta garzetta overwinter in Bataan and in the Pampanga Delta, December 2016. Photo:
Ivan Sarenas.


Plate 7. Congregations of more than 25,000 Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus can
be found in the coastal portion of Pampanga River. Photo: Christian Perez.

5.1.5 Globally threatened and Near Threatened waterbirds
Four out of seven globally threatened waterbird species occur in Manila Bay (Table 1). All records
of these species and of Near Threatened species are found in Annex 6. A summary of the
occurrence and distribution of the threatened species are presented below:
Philippine Duck Anas luzonica (Threat status: VULNERABLE). The species occur in Manila Bay in
relatively high aggregations (8.9% of the global population). The complete conversion of its
habitat in Bataan, Pampanga, and Bulacan, however, has resulted in irregular observations from
just one site, the Pasac River mouth in Pampanga and in no observations from the coastal areas
of these provinces. In the NCR, the only site where it is regularly found, although in small
numbers, is at the LPPCHEA Ramsar Site where 123 birds were recorded in 2016. In Cavite, the
remaining strongholds are fishponds in Bacoor-Noveleta and one area south of the Imus River
mouth. About 75% of the Imus site is now about planted with dense mangrove stands as a results
of tree planting projects. In LPPCHEA, the population is under threat from an increase in the
number of visitors to the ponds where the species occur and from the permanent presence of
stray dogs.
Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes (Threat status: VULNERABLE). A stronghold was Tanza, Navotas
with high numbers of 94 individuals or 2.7% of the flyway population present until 2014. Since
then a substantial decline has occurred. The overall decline measured by counts in a five-year
periods from 2014 to 2018 is 94%; or from 94 individuals to just five individuals by 2018. Another
important area for this species is the coastal mudflat areas from Bambang to Taliptip in Bulacan
(19 individuals in 2017) and Santa Cruz – Pamarawan, Bulacan (3 individuals 2017-2018). In six
other localities only single individuals were observed. Compared to the average number of the
national AWC counts of 2016-2017, 3.5% of the midwinter population in the Philippines is present
in Manila Bay.
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis (Threat status: ENDANGERED). The sites where
the species may occur regularly are Taliptip and Pamawaran, Bulacan, where a Philippine record
high number of 68 individuals were observed in 2018. The only other site with a single record of
the species is from Pasac River mouth in Pampanga (2005). Compared to the average number of
the national AWC counts 2016-2017, 23.3% of the midwinter population in the Philippines can
be present in Manila Bay.
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris (Threat status: ENDANGERED). Manila Bay sites with a relatively
high number include Talitip and Bagumbayan, Bulacan (450 in 2017 and 152 in 2018), Santa Cruz-
Pamarawan, Bulacan (502 in 2018) and Pasac River mouth, Pampanga (114 in 2010). Compared
to the average number of the national AWC counts 2016-2017, 29.9% of the midwinter
population in the Philippines is present in Manila Bay.

Plate 8. More than 19% of the East Asian- Australasian Flyway population of Pacific Golden Plover
Pluvialis fulva overwinters in Bulacan, especially around Taliptip in the Municipality of Bulakan.
Photo: Irene Dy.

Plate 9. The rare Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia has its second Philippine main overwintering
site in Manila Bay. Photo: Irene Dy.

Near Threatened Species

Asian Dowicher Limnodromus semipalmatus. There is one significant record of 103 individuals in
2018 roosting in a saltpan area in Santa Cruz, Bulacan. The only other record is of a single bird
recorded in the Balanga Wetlands in 2007.
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa. Insignificant, single-digit numbers were recorded from Tanza,
Navotas, Pasac River, and Pampanga River, Pampanga and Santa Cruz and Talitip in Bulacan. The
highest recorded number is six individuals in 2017 on Tanza Peninsula in Navotas/Obando.
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica. Occurs in very low numbers regularly in Santa Cruz-
Pamarawan, Bulacan (92 individuals in 2018) and in Taliptip-Bagumbayan, Bulacan (160 in 2018).
Other localities include Pasac River mouth (32 individuals in 2005) and Balanga Wetlands (six
individuals in 2015).
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata. Occurs only in relative high numbers in Santa Cruz-
Pamarawan, Bulacan with 138 individuals counted in 2017. Fourteen individuals were found in
Talitip, Bulacan in 2018 and in Pasac River mouth. Compared to the average number of the
national AWC counts of 2016-2017, 16.1% of the midwinter population in the Philippines is
present in Manila Bay.

Red Knot Calidris canutus. Found occasionally in some of the regular AWS sites. Tanza, Navotas
had 95 individuals in 2005, Balanga Wetlands hosted 12 individuals in 2008, and 95 individuals
were recorded from the Pasac River mouth in 2010. Taliptip, Bulacan had 85 birds in 2018.
Compared to the average number of the national AWC counts of 2016-2017, 14,2% of the
midwinter population in the Philippines is present in Manila Bay.
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea. The species has disappeared from Tanza, Navotas where
up to 157 individuals were observed in 2005. In the Balanga Wetlands the population has
declined from 170 birds in 2003 to 13 individuals in 2015. A decline is also evident in Pasac River
mouth, 68 birds were recorded in 2010 and just one bird was found in 2017. The only remaining
stronghold for the species are the saltpan areas found in Malumot, Santa Cruz and Pamarawan,
Bulacan, where 670 individuals were observed in 2018, and the wetland of Taliptip – Bagumbayan
with 200 individuals in 2004 and 170 individuals in 2018). Compared to the average number of
the national AWC counts of 2016-2017, 66.1% of the midwinter population in the Philippines is
present in Manila Bay.
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis. The only Near Threatened species occurring in Manila Bay
with an aggregate high population of 4,741 individuals or around 1.5% of the flyway population.
The number is the highest of all of the Philippine AWC sites. The species is recorded annually
since 2003. However, substantially declining numbers were observed in many sites. In Tanza,
Navotas from 299 individuals recorded in 2004 to 145 individuals in 2018. In the LPPCHEA Ramsar
site, the 103 individuals found in 2007 were gone by 2018. In the Balanga Wetlands 2,390 birds
were found in 2009 but none could be found in 2017 and 2018. In Pasac River mouth a similar
decline has been observed, from 1,600 individuals in 2005 to no records in 2017. The only
positive development in terms of population trends is in Malumot, Santa Cruz and Pamarawan,
Bulacan where 424 birds were counted in 2017 while 3,254 were recorded in 2018. The latter
count represents one percent of the flyway population. In Taliptip – Bagumbayan 256 birds were
present in 2018. Compared to the average number of the national AWC counts 2016-2017, 46.3%
of the midwinter population in the Philippines is present in Manila Bay.

Plate 10. The globally threatened Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes occur only regularly at the
coastal wetlands in Bulacan province and in Navotas, Metro Manila. Photo: Carlo Gomez.

5.1.6 Waterbird Population Trends

Fifty-five (55) % of the populations of the world’s waterbird species are declining with 17% now
declared as globally threatened (IUCN 2017). The most dramatic waterbird declines are occurring
in Asia, with more than 50% of the waterbird species decreasing in numbers compared to only
15% with growing populations (Wetlands International 2012, BirdLife International 2017b). The
loss of coastal wetlands in East and South East Asia is the single greatest threat to migratory
waterbirds. Major loss of intertidal habitats since the 1980s and projected further loss, accounts
together for a loss of about 75% of the coastal habitats. It will lead to a continued massive decline
in the populations of many migratory waterbirds, especially the shorebirds (Conklin et al. 2014).

Following Conklin et al. 2014, the East Asian-Australasian Flyway has now more globally
threatened waterbird species than any other of the world’s flyways. More than 25% of the
threatened and Near Threatened species in the flyway are species of shorebirds that are
especially sensitive to habitat quality and habitat loss because they are top predators and their
tendency to make long-distance migrations make them dependent on a limited number of key
stop-over habitats such as Manila Bay.

There are no published results on the trends of waterbird populations in the Philippines. The
population trends for Manila Bay presented in this study may be the first for the country but due

to a limited number of sites with monitoring data over time, it focuses only on species and
populations occurring in five regular AWC sites and one other site in Manila Bay, frequently
monitored by members of the WBCP: Balanga Wetlands in Bataan, Sasmuan Bangkung Malapad
Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area at the mouth of Pasac River and wetlands around the
Pampanga River mouth, Pampanga and in Metro Manila (NCR), Tanza peninsula in
Navotas/Obando, and the Ramsar Site Las Piñas – Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area
(LPPCHEA). For details, see Annex 7.
Of 24 flyway waterbird species occurring in the Bay in numbers of international importance and
of which 11 species are also globally threatened or near threatened, the flyway population trends
of 21 of these species show substantial and continued population declines for 16 species, or 76%
of these (Ducks 1, Egrets 2, and Shorebirds 13). There are at the flyway level stable populations
for three species (Little Ringed Plover, Greenshank and Whiskered Tern). Only Black-winged Stilt
has an increasing population (Cockling et al. 2014).

Overall trends
The trend in waterbird population development since 2003 in five annually monitored waterbird
sites shows a total increase by more than 80%, from around 34,100 to 61,600 waterbirds
measured as the average difference in five-year intervals over a period of 15 years. Waterbird
populations in the wetland sites of Metro Manila are in decline, for the Ramsar site LPPCHEA with
at least 37% and eventually as much as 90% percent, if data from the first year of counts in 2003
are compared to the last year of counts in 2018 (Table 8, Annex 7). In Northern Manila Bay, the
populations are increasing. Especially two sites, the Balanga City Wetlands in Bataan and the
lower portion of Pampanga River in Pampanga, both show significant increasing trends in the
numbers of roosting and feeding waterbirds expressed as average values over 15 years
(Pampanga River 9 years): An increase of 151% and 833%, respectively. The Bangkung Malapad
at Pasac River mouth shows a more moderate increase of about 40%. However, across the five
sites analyzed, there are different trends per families and species of the waterbirds, eventually
associated with changes in their preferred habitats and availability of food sources.

Table 8. Population trends of waterbirds in Manila Bay AWC and WBCP monitored sites. Trends
are expressed in percentages from first to last year of counts and as a comparison of first year
counts versus end counts in 2018 (2017).

All Waterbirds Average Trends Trends in % - counts

in % per baseline year
versus 2018 (2017)
Balanga Wetlands 2003 - 2017 2003/2018
+ 151 + 250
Pasac River - Bangkung Malapad 2003 - 2017 2003/2017
+ 41 - 13
Pampanga River 2009 - 2018 2009/2018
+ 833 + 808
Tanza, Navotas/Obando 2004 - 2018 2004/2008
+1 - 54
Las Piñas–Parañaque (LPPCHEA) 2003 - 2018 2003/2018
- 37 - 90

Trends of internationally important populations

Analysis of 18 international important species populations occurring regularly in one or all of the
five annually monitored sites, shows declining populations of at least 11 species or about 60% in
all or the majority of the sites (Table 9). Of these are two egret species, eight shorebird species
and one tern species. Population increases are documented for five species: one egret species,
four shorebird species and one gull species. Compared to the flyway populations trends as
established by Conklin et al. 2014, negative trends in the flyway populations are also the case in
Manila Bay for the populations of Intermediate Egret, Chinese Egret, Lesser Sand Plover, Greater
Sand Plover, Great Knot, Red Knot, Curlew Sandpiper, Long-toed Stint and Red-necked Stint. For
other species with declining flyway populations such as Pacific Golden Plover, the population
trend in the Bay is increasing.

Table 9. Trends per species occurring with one or more percent of the flyway populations and
trends for selected threatened or Near Threatened species occurring in five annually monitored
sites since 2003. Negative trends are shown with red font color and positive trends with black
font color. Blanks represent no trend values. DEC = Decline, INC = Increase, STA = Stable and UKN
= Unknown populations. Source (EAAF trends): Conklin et al. 2014.
Trends, Trends,
Species/Sites Balanga Pasac Pampanga Tanza LPPCHEA Manila EAAF
Great Egret + 68 - 82 + 2900 - 71 + 175 INC UKN
Intermediate Egret -8 - 93 + 200 - 85 - 33 DEC DEC
Chinese Egret - 92 DEC DEC
Black-winged Stilt + 2340 + 1112 +324 - 71 -6 INC INC
Pacific Golden Plover - 55 + 44 + 2030 - 95 - 84 INC DEC
Little Ringed Plover - 81 - 100 - 20 - 100 - 70 DEC STA
Kentish Plover + 61 + 248 + 48 - 61 - 72 STA? STA
Lesser Sand Plover - 67 - 63 - 91 - 60 DEC DEC
Greater Sand Plover - 22 + 10 - 60 DEC DEC
Redshank + 105 + 36 + 370 + 440 - 75 INC UKN
Greenshank + 113 + 182 + 650 + 56 - 37 INC STA
Great Knot - 92 DEC DEC
Red Knot - 100 - 100 - 100 DEC DEC
Curlew Sandpiper - 93 - 96 - 100 DEC DEC
Long-toed Stint - 86 + 2000 - 100 - 100 DEC DEC
Red-necked Stint + 283 - 96 - 82 - 92 DEC DEC
Gulls and Terns
Black-headed Gull + 110 + 3830 + 3100 + 250 - 67 INC UKN
Whiskered Tern - 22 - 35 + 8300 - 51 - 32 DEC STA

For populations with stable flyway populations, the trends for Kentish Plover has increased by
10%. Given possible variations in monitoring effort over time, however, the result may only
indicate a stable population. For other stable flyway population such as those of Little Ringed
Plover and Whiskered Tern, the populations of these are in decline while the population of
Greenshank is increasing in the Bay. Great Egret, Redshank and Black-headed Gull for which the
population trend in the flyway is unknown, their populations are in significant increase in Manila
Bay. For the species occurring in international importance in the northern Manila Bay
represented by the wetlands in Balanga and at Pampanga River, at these sites 10 and 13 species
populations, respectively, are increasing compared to seven and one species population in
decline. The reverse situation is the case for Pasac River, Tanza and LPPCHEA where more species
are in decline compared to the number of increasing species populations (Table 10).

Table 10. Trends of 18 internationally important waterbird populations in annually monitored
wetland sites of Manila Bay.

Sites/Trends Increase Decrease Stable Unknown Overall Trend

Balanga Wetlands 10 7 0 0 Increase
Pasac River 7 9 0 0 Decrease
Pampanga River 13 1 0 2 Increase
Tanza Wetlands 3 15 0 0 Decrease
LPPCHEA 1 13 0 1 Decrease

Trends per families of waterbirds

Herons and Egrets (15 species, mainly Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax, Eastern
Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Purple Heron Ardea purpurea,
Great Egret, Intermediate Egret and Little Egret).
The trends for the fish-eating populations of Herons and Egrets, mainly associated with feeding
in fishponds, shows substantially population increases in the northern Manila Bay, especially in
the wetlands of Balanga City and the Pampanga River (Table 11). At the critical habitat and
ecotourism area of Bangkung Malapad in Pampanga, the populations appear to be stable
although if the numbers counted in 2003 and in 2017 are compared, there is a remarkable decline
by 96%.
In the wetlands of Metro Manila, the trend data shows different values: a decline by nearly 30%
since 2003 at Tanza but an increase by around 40% in LPPCHEA. However, if comparing actual
count results in 2003 and 2004 compared to counts in 2018, the number of Herons and Egrets
were reduced by half in LPPCHEA but had increased by almost 75% in Tanza.
The populations of Great Egret, Intermediate Egrets and of Chinese Egret occurring with one
percent or more of the flyway populations, show different patterns: for Great Egret a very
substantial increase in the Balanga Wetlands and at the Pasac River and Pampanga River but
declines in the Metro Manila sites. Intermediate Egret, on the contrary, suffered substantial
declines in all sites but Pampanga River. The Chinese Egret population at its only regularly
monitored site at Tanza, dropped from an average of 52 birds (2004-2008) to just about four
birds (2014-2018).

Table 11. Population trends of Heron and Egret species in Manila Bay AWC and WBCP monitored

Herons and Egrets Trend % Trend%

Balanga Wetlands 2003- 2017 2003/2018
+ 484 + 49
Pasac River - Bangkung Malapad 2003- 2017 2003/2017
+ 16 - 96
Pampanga River 2009- 2018 2009/2018
+ 123 + 106
Tanza, Navotas/Obando 2004- 2018 2014/2018
- 29 + 73
Las Piñas–Parañaque (LPPCHEA) 2003-2018 2013/2018
+41 - 50

Shorebirds (40 species, mainly Stilts: Black-winged Stilt, Plovers: Pacific Golden Plover, Grey
Plover Pluvialis squatarola, Sand Plovers: Little Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Lesser Sand Plover
Charadrius mongolus and Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii, Godwits and Curlews:
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica, Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus, Eurasian Curlew and Far
Eastern Curlew, Tringa Sandpipers: Redshank Tringa totanus, Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis,
Greenshank Tringa nebularia, Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola, and Calidris Sandpipers: Red
Knot, Great Knot, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata, Curlew Sandpiper, Long-toed Stint
and Red-necked Stint.
Overall, the monitored sites in northern Manila Bay show significant increase in population
trends for shorebirds, in Balanga Wetlands as much as 121% and in Pampanga River over 300%
(Table 12). At Pasac River, the increase over time is more modest and in 2018 the populations at
this site were in decline, eventually due to conversion of mudflat habitats. In Metro Manila, the
populations show a reverse and substantial decline, most notable in LPPCHEA where the trend is
a negative 58%, or even a negative 78%, if the first count result from 2013 is compared with the
last count result from 2018.
There are substantial and very large trend differences between the different populations of the
different species of shorebirds (Table 12). Except in LPPCHEA, the populations of e.g. Black-
winged Stilt, Redshank and Greenshank are significantly increasing. The Black-winged Stilt
population is increasing, perhaps favored by an increase in the extent of the fishpond wetland
habitats which it favors.

Table 12. Trends of shorebird species in the Manila Bay AWC and WBCP monitored sites.

Species/Trends Average Trend %

Balanga Pasac River Pampanga River Tanza LPPCHEA
2003-2017 2003-2017 2009-2018 2004-2018 2003-2018
Overall Trend + 121 + 74 + 311 + 31 - 58
Stilts + 2340 +1112 + 324 - 71 -6
Plovers - 39 +44 + 2030 - 95 - 84
Sand Plovers - 19 + 100 + 103 0 - 71
Godwits, Curlews +7 - 47 0 -13 - 64
Tringa Sandpipers + 307 + 10 + 722 + 90 - 67
Calidris Sandpipers + 146 - 95 + 1095 - 93 - 93

Plovers: Represented mainly by Pacific Golden Plover, both wetlands in Metro Manila and the
Balanga Wetland suffered population decline, around 40% in Balanga. However, at Pasac and
Pampanga Rivers, there were increase in population. At Pampanga River, the trend increase was
very high and more than 2000%.
Sand Plovers: Little Ringed Plover, Lesser Sand Plover and Greater Sand Plover populations are
decreasing in the Bay in general; the Little Ringed Plover in all five of the monitored sites. Kentish
Plover populations shows decline in the wetlands of Metro Manila but increases in the northern
Manila Bay.
Tringa Sandpipers: The populations of Redshank and Greenshank in all monitored sites except
LPPCHEA show significant increases. Of other Tringa species occurring in relatively large numbers,
Marsh Sandpiper s is declining in Metro Manila and at Pasac River by 52% while the population
at the Balanga Wetland increased by 95%.
Calidris Sandpipers: In general, the populations of five regularly occurring sandpipers present in
Manila Bay are in decline (Table 9). Positive trends though, can be noted for Red-necked Stint at
the Balanga Wetland and for Long-toed Stint at Pampanga River (Table 12). Other species such
as Sharp-tailed Sandpiper are not anymore recorded in the Metro Manila wetland sites and only
irregularly in the other sites.
Gulls (5 species, only Black-headed Gull): Both in northern Manila Bay and to a much lesser extent
in Tanza, Metro Manila, there are very remarkable population increases of the Black-headed Gull
that mostly feeds on fish species in the foreshore areas (Table 13). Most notable are the increases
that have taken place in the costal section of Pasac River and Pampanga River where the
congregation of Black-headed Gull is the largest in the Philippines and representing 1.4% of the
flyway population, or more than 29,000 individuals. In contrast, in LPPCHEA, the very small
overwintering population has nearly disappeared.

Table 13. Trends of Gull and Tern species in the Manila Bay AWC and WBCP monitored sites.

Sites Trend % Trend %

Gulls Terns
Balanga Wetlands 2003- 2017 + 63 + 65
Pasac River – Bangkung Malapad 2003- 2017 + 3830 - 49
Pampanga River 2009- 2018 + 3102 + 1764
Tanza, Navotas/Obando 2004- 2018 + 250 -18
Las Piñas–Parañaque (LPPCHEA) 2003-2018 - 67 - 32

Terns (9 species, predominantly Whiskered Tern): There is a 26.8 percent of the flyway
population of Whiskered Tern occurring in Manila Bay. The species mainly feed on smaller fish
species in shallower portions of the Bay’s foreshore areas but it also feeds in its thousands in
fishponds, even very far from the coastline. Notable increasing population trends can be seen in
the Balanga Wetlands but especially in Pampanga River (increase by >1760%) whereas a decline
of nearly 50% has taken place in the Pasac River area around the protected area of Bangkung
Malapad (Table 13). In Metro Manila, the populations at both LPPCHEA and at Tanza show a
substantial decrease, possibly a decline in fish biomass measured in direct count numbers by
comparing counts from the first year with counts in 2018. The decrease in Tanza is over 60% and
in LPPCHEA, it is close to 100%.

5.2 Habitats
There are six distinct wetland habitats in Manila Bay totaling about 81,675 ha supported by more
than 20 river systems and intertidal movements (Figure 2):
1) Submerged foreshore areas, in some sites with seagrass beds, within two meter water depth
(18,183 ha)
2) Foreshore and riverine intertidal sandbars and mudflats and mudflats in fishponds up to an
average of 2.5 km inland (1,343 ha)
3) Natural mangrove stands (679 ha)
4) Fishponds, formerly mangroves, nipa swamps and other brackish water swamps (61,271 ha)
5) Brackish water swamps of Nipa and other swamp vegetation (estimated at >100ha based on
aerial survey)
6) Salt marshes (estimated through sampling < 5 ha).
The reduction is wetlands habitats is 64,047 ha or 71% over a period of around 125 years. The
changes are shown in Table 14.

Table 14. Estimated changes in Manila Bay wetlands within 2- meter water depth. No data are
indicated by question marks. Source: PEMSEA 2004, NAMRIA 1997, UNEP-TEEB 2017.
Habitats Ha/ Year 2017 (ha) Reductions Reductions
(ha) (%)
Foreshore areas less 2 Est. 23,183 18,183 Est. 5,000 21.6
meter water depth (Year 1977)
Mangroves 54,000 (Year 679 53,321 98.7
Mudflats 4,996 (Year 1,343 3,653 73.1
Nipa Swamps Est. 2,272 > 100 2,172 95.6
(Year 1890)
Salt marshes No data <5 ? ?
Total 84,451 20,404 64,047 71.1%

Figure 2. Distribution of main wetlands habitats in Manila Bay 2017.

5.2.1 Foreshore areas

Foreshore areas are defined as the shallow intertidal areas within the two-meter seaward depth.
The relative shallow foreshore areas in this study represent 18,183 ha, mainly north of Metro
Manila, see Figure 2. This diverse ecosystem includes fragmented seagrass areas, mainly offshore
of portions of Bataan and Bulacan. The habitat is the main growth areas for a large number of
fish species vital for both the local economy (Bendaño et al. 2016, UNEP – TEEB 2017) and for
waterbirds such as terns and gulls, especially the Whiskered Tern and the Black-headed Gull.
Densities of demersal fish positively correlate with the distribution of terns and gulls in Bataan
and Pampanga (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Fish biomass distribution in 2015, waterbird congregation areas and proposed
reclamation area in northern Manila Bay. Source: BFAR 2015a, Bendano et al. 2016.

Historically, data over 47 years (1944 to 1991) shows that the foreshore areas within two-meter
seaward depth of Bataan, Pampanga and the Metro Manila coast has shallowed whereas the
Cavite coast to Cavite City there were no changes and the Bulacan coastline indicated a
deepening (PEMSEA 2004). Progradation, seaward from Bataan to Metro Manila, was about
3,416 square meters, gained from 1977 to 1991. During this period the coast also changed to a
more linear configuration as a results of expanding fishpond construction. Prior to this period
most of the coast used to be covered by mangroves (PEMSEA 2004).

Plate 11. Dredging of shallow foreshore areas and of rivers is a widespread activity in Manila Bay.
Photograph shows dredging offshore Orani City, Bataan, February 2018. Photo: Arne Erik Jensen.

The largest foreshore areas are located in Bulacan (6,425 ha followed by Bataan (4,962 ha),
Pampanga (3,562 ha), and NCR (3,234 ha). A comparison of topographic maps of the National
Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) from 1977 and 2016 shows that an
estimated 5,000 ha, or 17% of the foreshore areas in the provinces of Bataan, Pampanga and
Bulacan have been converted to fishponds. This conversion is continuing especially in Bataan and
Pampanga and may not be regulated by the Philippines Reclamation Authority (PRA) despite its
mandate (Plate 12).
Proposed coastal reclamation projects will intersect or potentially cover 23,590 ha of shallow
foreshore and marine waters in Manila Bay and is projected to have detrimental impacts on the
livelihoods for the coastal fishing communities, especially in Pampanga, Bulacan and Cavite
(Beaumont et al. 2008, Sun et al. 2015, UNEP-TEEB 2017). It will consume most of the fish nursery
and macro-benthic foreshore areas and substantially reduce feeding areas for a number of
waterbird species and displace those populations that are dependent on the shallow marine and
tidal areas.
The technical quality of the dikes fronting Manila Bay are generally poor and maintenance
insufficient. In several areas of coastal Pampanga and Bulacan, portions of the dikes have
collapsed, eventually as a result of the impact of waves generated by cyclones and typhoons
passing Manila Bay. One such case is Typhoon Pedring in September 2011 that broke substantial
portions of the seawall dike in Barangay Taliptip in Bulacan according to local community

informants. As a result, the coastal areas of Barangay Taliptip and other areas that are important
to fishery and waterbird conservation are regenerating back to their original wetland habitat.

Plate 12. Aerial photograph of foreshore area under conversion into fishponds in Bataan and
Pampanga Province, 30 November 2017. Photo by Ivan Sarenas. Map: UNEP - TEEB 2017.

Since the 1960s there has been a 40cm raise in sea-levels mainly due to land subsidence caused
by extreme levels of ground-water extraction, and to a much lesser extent, probably caused by
climate change (World Bank 2005, Rodolfo and Siringan 2006). Currently sea-level raise is about
2.6cm annually in Manila Bay. Although newer dikes are build 2.5 - 3 m high in some parts of
Manila Bay, a probable scenario of a 1- m raise in sea-levels by 2100 would inundate about 5,555
ha areas along the coast and nearby areas (World Bank 2005). Consequently, a substantial part
of the shallow portion of the Bay and its mudflat areas may be dramatically reduced.

5.2.2 Mudflats
Natural mudflats are found in areas under influence of tides and river flows. The majority of the
habitat is submerged during high tide and mainly exposed during low tide. Nutritious sediments
are deposited in these areas where they are the basis for a rich and diverse flora and fauna of
microorganisms and benthic organisms (Plate 13). They are a vital food source for the majority
of the waterbirds, especially for more than 30 shorebird species regularly occurring in Manila

Bay. Similarly important are semi-permanent mudflats found scattered in drained fishponds and
in saltpan areas across 61,271 ha of fishponds located primarily in the northern Manila Bay. For
the location of mudflats, see Figure 2.

Plate 13. Mudflat sample from Barangay Taliptip, Bulacan, December 2017 showing the richness
of macrobenthic organisms. Photo: Arne Erik Jensen.

Based on Google Earth 2016 and validated by aerial surveys, the UNEP –TEEB Philippine Country
Study (2017) identified a total of 87 mainly smaller coastal mudflats each averaging about 12 ha.
These are located in 40 clusters along the shores of Manila Bay and about 2.5 km inland, totaling
1,343.3 ha (Table 15). The largest remaining mudflat and sandbar areas in Manila Bay in a good
ecological condition is found in Barangay Bulakan in Bulacan (>313 ha). See Plate 14.

Table 15. Mudflat areas per province in Manila Bay 2016 digitized from Google Earth and ground-
truthed by Wetlands International 2016 – 2017. Source: UNEP-TEEB 2017, ESSC 2017.

Province/Region Areas Clusters Hectares Largest Mudflats (hectares)

Bataan 33 12 223.5 48.66: Pilar, Balanga

Pampanga 34 19 408.1 42.53: Batan II, Sasmuan
Bulacan 19 8 513.2 313.27: Bulakan, Bulacan
52.00: Pamarawan- St. Cruz, Malolos
NCR 2 2 117.3 60.22: Tanza, Navotas
Cavite 3 3 81.02 59.28: Kawit, Cavite
Total 87 40 1,343.3

The survey result of 1,343.3 ha of mudflats and sandbars in 2017 includes both intertidal, coastal
and riverine mudflats and semi-permanent mudflats in drained fishponds up to average 2.5km
inland. Of that area, the most important and ecologically productive mudflats for migratory
shorebirds in intertidal areas is around 1,000 ha. In 1995 it was reported that Manila Bay had
about 4,600 ha of wetlands (BFAR 1995) whereas there was 4,996 ha in 1977 (NAMRIA 2017).
Using NAMRIA 1977 as the calculation, the reduction is 3,653 ha or 73 % over a period of 40
years, an annual average decline of 89 ha. The largest reduction in mudflats areas occurred in
Pampanga and Bulacan, followed by Bataan.
The conversion of mudflat areas to fishponds, establishment of mangrove plantations and
ground water extraction causing land subsidence in connection with sea-level raise, are the main
human pressures on the rapid disappearance of the mudflat habitat. From an ecosystem and
biodiversity point of view, coastal areas where dikes have eroded away can be seen as a positive
development as it increases the likeliness of regeneration of wetland areas suitable as nursery
areas for fish species and feeding areas for waterbirds. The mudflat habitat is the single most
important habitat for a large diversity of migratory waterbirds of which shorebirds are especially
dependent on the presence of mudflats as their primary feeding area.
Where infrastructural obstacles are put up, they likely have caused modifications in water
movement. Changes in water movement impacts wave velocity which again causes impact in
form of sediment increase or decrease along the coastline (Siringan 2015). There are sediment
build-up at the mouth of rivers visible at satellite images, but there are no projections published
on net loss or gain of tidal mudflats versus sea-level rise over time. A complication factor in
projecting mudflat trends is the lack of data on the distribution and extent of possible land
subsidence in the tidal foreshore areas.

Plate 14. Images of mudflat habitats found in the province of Bulacan 2017 and
2018. Photos: Arne Erik Jensen and Cristina Cinco.

5.2.3. Mangroves
A Fisheries Sector Program - Resource and Ecological Assessment of the Manila Bay reported an
estimate of 54,000 ha of mangroves in 1890 (PEMSEA 2004, DA-BFAR 1995). By 1990 mangrove
areas declined to approximately 2,000 ha and were further reduced to only 794 ha in 1995
(PEMSEA 2001). NAMRIA maps from 1977 showed a mangrove area of 956 ha along the coast
area of Manila Bay. In 2010 NAMRIA maps showed that only 496 ha of the coastal mangroves
remained. The UNEP-TEEB 2017 Philippine Country Study calculated 529.4 ha of coastal
mangroves and estimated 150 ha of upstream mangroves in 2017, or a total of 679.4 ha. For
distribution of coastal mangroves (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Distribution of coastal mangroves in Manila Bay 2010. Source: UNEP-TEEB 2017.

Most of the natural mangroves are found in Bataan (37.4%) and NCR (20.1%) followed by
Pampanga (15.3%), Cavite (16.1%) and Bulacan (11.1%).The total area with natural mangroves in
the Manila Bay wetlands is unknown. Sources only refer to mangroves along the coastline of
Manila Bay and no calculations have been made of the mangroves along rivers and creeks inland,
including patches of mangroves found upstream up to 20 km inland in Pampanga and Bulacan.
This study, based on ground-truthing and aerial surveys, however, conservatively estimates that
inland mangroves along rivers and streams to cover at least 150 ha. Together with the coastal
mangroves, the total natural mangroves found in Manila Bay may be more than 679 ha.

These natural mangroves composed of 16 species dominated by Avicennia marina and open
mangrove sub-habitats are important for resident populations of waterbirds (DENR- NCR 2012,
Gestiada 2014, Kennedy et al. 2000). Species of rails, crakes and allies (Rallidae) use these as
breeding areas, and egrets and herons (Ardeidae) use the trees as roost or breeding areas. The
endemic Philippine Duck Anas luzonica also favors this habitat.
Despite the massive decline from 54,000 ha in 1890 to around 679 ha in 2017, mangrove
coverage appears to have increased in the coastal areas of the Bay since 2011 (Figure 5). This
increase can be attributed to the establishment of monoculture mangrove plantations with
Rhizophora mangrove species at mudflats and foreshore areas. Since 2011 the National Greening
Program of the DENR, the BFAR under its Silviculture Program (Dieta et al. 2014), local
governments, universities and NGOs with support from the private sector have undertaken
foreshore planting in Manila Bay.

Figure 5. Trend of mangrove extent in hectares of mangroves along the coastline of Manila Bay
from 1977 to 2015. Source: UNEP -TEEB 2017.


Plate 15. Patches of old growth, natural mangroves are found at several
locations in Bulacan province. Photo: Arne Erik Jensen.


Plate 16. Most of the foreshore intertidal mudflats in Manila Bay were
converted to mangrove plantations from around 2011. Uppermost picture from
Bangkung Malapad, Pasac River, Pampanga. Succeeding pictures are from
Bacoor Bay, Cavite, April 2017. Photo: Arne Erik Jensen.

Using a planting effort of four seedling per square meter (Melana et al. 2000), BFAR alone has
planted around 125 ha of mudflats and shallow foreshore areas with five million saplings (BFAR,
pers. comm. 2018). For samples of foreshore planting, see Plate 15. Mortality rates of the planted
saplings of Rhizophora mangroves and likely decrease in macrobenthic species important for local
livelihoods are not known. Generally foreshore planting of mangroves with Rhizophora species
are not recommended due to high mortality rates and impacts on habitats important for fishery
resources and migratory waterbirds (Erftemeijer and Lewis 1999, Samson and Rollon 2008,
Garcia et al. 2013, Gestiada 2014, Primavera et al. 2016, Partners of the Building with Nature and
Ecoshape Consortium 2017).

Plate 17. Mudflats of Sasmuan Bangkung Malapad Critical Habitat and

Ecotourism Area have been converted into a mangrove plantation reducing
migratory shorebirds’ feeding area. Photo: Robert Hutchinson & Ivan Sarenas.

Critical ecosystems and habitats primarily set aside as protected areas also for waterbirds were
also included in the planting projects. It included the important congregation site for shorebirds
of Sasmuan Bangkung Malapad Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area at the mouth of Pasak River,
Pampanga. The planting effort comes at a great expense for mudflat-dependent shorebird
species (Plate 17).

5.2.4 Fishponds (Former mangroves, nipa swamps and foreshore areas)

The long-term conversion of more than 61,000 ha of mangroves, nipa swamps and other brackish
wetlands, mainly in northern Manila Bay, has undergone at least three phases. These were
facilitated by major socio-economic developments that had detrimental negative impacts on the
natural habitats and ecosystem functions of the areas. Habitats available for the majority of
resident waterbirds such as species of ducks, rails and bitterns, and also for many migratory
waterbird species, have been greatly reduced. On the other hand, fish-dependent species such
as egrets, herons, and marsh tern species are benefitting from the conversion.
The first evidence of aquaculture in Manila Bay is from 1840. Aquaculture took place in natural
bodies of water and was dependent on the intertidal system with rice cultivation dominant along
the major rivers (Larkin, 1993; McLennan, 1980). Since 1996 all former rice-production areas
have been converted to fishponds.
In 1976, fishponds mainly occupied natural wetland areas, however, conversion of the wetlands
has increased dramatically over time. The fishpond expansion in the Pampanga Delta and in
Hagonoy, Bulacan from 1976 to 2013 is from 3,109 ha to 17,995 ha This represent a loss of nearly
15,000 ha in less than 40 years (Mielhe et al. 2015) (Figure 6 and Annex 8).
In the absence of inland wetlands to convert, conversion of the intertidal foreshore and riverine
areas to fishponds increased, mainly in Bataan and Pampanga. Combined, the original wetlands
and converted foreshore areas today cover 61,271 ha of Manila Bay’s wetlands (Figure 2).
The massive conversion of wetlands to fishponds was accompanied by major government
infrastructure projects such as the construction of about 20 kms of channels along the
downstream portion of the course of Pampanga River (Gaillard et al 2008). The engineering works
caused constriction of the floodplain and reduction of alluvial sedimentation of the wetlands
(JICA 2004). In parallel, pond dikes have disconnected the natural tidal inundation of nearly all of
the wetland areas (Plate 17).
Land subsidence due to over extraction from deep water wells occur in most of the Pampanga
Delta and further south to Metro Manila. Sea-level rise, mostly because of land subsidence also
occur with an average of 2.5 cm per year (Mielhe et al. 2015). In conjunction with destructive
typhoons such as Typhoon Pedring in 2011 and poor maintenance and quality of foreshore dikes,
many have collapsed and as a consequence some coastal wetlands important for fish and
waterbirds have regenerated.


Figure 6. The development of fishponds in the Pampanga Delta and Hagonoy, Bulacan from
1976 to 2013. Source: Mialhe et al. (2015).

Plate 18. Pond dikes are disconnecting the tidal inundation of natural mangroves in the process
of converting mangroves to fishponds in the Pampanga Delta, December 2016. Photo: Ivan

5.2.5. Brackish tidal swamps

There were originally (around 1890) an estimated 54,000 ha of mangroves within the 61,271ha
fishpond areas identified during this study (PEMSEA 2001). The difference in the area, about
7,270 ha, is mainly due to an estimated 5,000 ha of foreshore areas converted to fishponds
(PEMSEA 2004, this study). The remaining difference of 2,270 ha may represent scattered Nipa
swamps and other remnants of original tidal wetlands such as oxbow lakes and mudflats further
inland of the Pampanga Delta.
Aerial transect flights along the coastline of northern Manila Bay and over large parts of the
inland delta of Pampanga and inland parts of Bulacan in November and December 2016 revealed
that no larger areas of natural swamps exist. However, patches of about two ha of Nipa per patch
were observed in Pampanga Province only (Plate 18). An indicator of the scarcity of the swamp
habitat is the absence of wild duck species such as the Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna

Plate 19. Nipa located in the central Pampanga Delta, December 2016. Photo: Ivan Sarenas.

5.2.6 Saltmarshes
Coastal saltmarshes occur only in the upper coastal intertidal zone between land and the Bay’s
saltwater area, where it is regularly flooded by the tides. It is dominated by dense stands of salt-
tolerant plants such as herbs and grasses. This habitat is now extremely rare as nearly all natural
shorelines have been diked. In Manila Bay, it is mainly found in a narrow band along the shoreline
at Tanza Peninsula, Navotas, NCR. About two to three ha are located in LPPCHEA in areas where
shorebirds roost at high tide. However, due to mangrove overgrowth in the Ramsar site, the
saltmarsh has nearly disappeared. Other remnants of the saltmarsh habitat were observed at
newly reclaimed parts of Tubo-tubo Island, Bataan.

6. Conclusions

Waterbirds. Manila Bay is included in the list of Philippine Key Biodiversity Areas and as a globally
Important Bird Area.
This study utilized data gathered through rapid inventories in conjunction with waterbird data
available at Wetlands International, DENR – BMB and the WBCP. It leads to the conclusion that
Manila Bay, especially its northern section from Manila to Bataan, hosts the largest congregation
of coastal waterbirds in the Philippines. Overall the number of waterbirds present in Manila Bay
during mid-winter, is from around 171,600 to 208,600 individuals, and represents up to 45 % of
the average of all waterbirds counted in the Philippines during the AWC in 2016 and 2017.
At least 90 waterbird species, or about 60%, of all waterbirds found in the Philippines occur in
Manila Bay. Of these, more than 62%, or 64 are the migratory and are not breeding in the
Philippines. Based on aerial surveys, their populations are represented by around 33% of Egrets
and Herons, 30% of Shorebirds, nearly 34% of Terns and about 3% of Gulls.
Most waterbirds are found in Pampanga (46.4%), Bulacan (25.0%) and Bataan (17.1%). NCR
(Metro Manila) and Cavite combined host around 11.5% of the birds. More species and
populations are dependent on shallower foreshore areas and mudflats including those found in
ecologically intact, drained fishponds (Egrets and Herons, Shorebirds, Gulls and Terns).
Moderately water-filled fishponds attract Egrets, Herons and Terns, while only the mangrove
stands are important to Egrets and Herons among the migratory waterbirds.
Following criteria used to consider site inclusion under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of
International Importance, 70-85% or about 145,000 waterbirds of 16 species congregate in
Manila Bay during midwinter months in numbers of international importance. These
internationally important congregations are concentrated in six geographical areas located north
of Metro Manila, two areas in Metro Manila and one area in Cavite. In addition, the Bay hosts 24
migratory waterbird species are listed under the Convention of Migratory Species as needing
conservation and management through international agreements. In addition 12 waterbird
species are considered globally threatened or near threatened with possible extinction risks. All
the species mentioned above occur within proposed reclamation areas and a new airport area
north of Manila.
Some species occur in extraordinarily high percentages of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway
waterbird population. Of the 16 waterbird species occurring with more than one percent of the
flyway population, 12 species occur with more than 30% of the overwintering Philippine
populations in Manila Bay. It is particularly notable for Long-toed Stint (91.9%), Black-headed
Gull (86.8%), Pacific Golden Plover (85.1%), Whiskered Tern (73.9%), Kentish Plover (49.9%), and
Red-necked Stint (46.3%). Compared to the known flyway populations Manila Bay host at least
53,000 Whiskered Terns (26.8%), 19,000 Pacific Golden Plovers (19.2%), 6,800 Black-winged Stilts

(6.9%) and 5,200 Kentish Plovers (5.3%). These figures underscores the international importance
of Manila Bay and highlights the extraordinary responsibilities of the Philippines to safeguard
these critical populations and their habitats.
The trend in waterbird population development over a period of 15 years since 2003 in three
sampling sites in northern Manila Bay and two sites within Metro Manila show a total increase
by more than 80%, from around 34,100 to 61,600 waterbirds measured as the average difference
in five-year intervals. The increasing population is found in the northern portion of the Bay while
the wetlands in the Manila area are suffering substantial population declines; in the LPPCHEA
Ramsar site as much as 90%.
There are different population trends of the different waterbird species. Analysis of 18
internationally important species populations, shows declining populations of at least 11 species
or about 60%. Of these are two egret species, one tern species and eight shorebird species
depending on the declining mudflat areas in the Bay. While no populations are stable, six other
species populations are increasing; they largely represents more opportunistic wetland species
that also can utilize the expanding fishpond habitats at Manila Bay .

Habitats. In over a little more than a century, Manila Bay, the largest coastal wetland in the
Philippines, has undergone significant and, in most cases, irreversible habitat changes. These
changes have reduced mangroves, mudflats, and associated brackish tidal wetlands at estuaries
and along river systems up to 50 km inland.
Nearly all of the original wetlands habitats have been converted to aquaculture; these include
former tidal mudflats, saltmarshes, swamps, and mangrove areas in Bataan, Pampanga, Bulacan
and Cavite Provinces, and increasingly, also the foreshore areas in the northernmost part of the
Bay. The conversion resulted in a reduction of natural habitats by at least 64,000 ha or 71% of
the wetlands. The largest reduction in original habitats are from the conversion of mangroves,
98.7%, tidal mudflats, 73.1%, and of foreshore areas within two meter water depth, 21.6%, while
saltmarshes have largely disappeared.

The wetlands of Manila Bay have progressively become a uniform landscape of fishponds as a
result of the acceleration of habitat conversion that began in the 1970s. In the last three to four
decades shallow foreshore areas and nutrient-rich mudflats were increasingly likewise
converted. Since 2010, conversion to mono species mangrove plantations has taken place in
nearly all mudflats and many shallow foreshore areas adjacent to existing coastal mangroves.
The mangrove forestation takes place without knowledge on the dependence on the mudflat
habitat by the majority of migratory waterbirds. Except in cases where severe shoreline damages
from typhoons occur, foreshore mangrove planting should be avoided.
The conversion of habitats and the changing land-uses is socio-economically driven. The
Philippine Development Plan (2017 – 2022) underscores the importance of the role of ecosystem

protection and services to ensure ecological integrity and improve the socio-economic conditions
of resource-based communities through sustainable integrated area development. However, the
development of Manila Bay appears to lack an overall land-and-seascape zoning based on
approaches in local and regional development planning that takes into consideration ecosystem-
based habitat and biodiversity management and protection.
Legally, there would have been options to set aside additional areas in Manila Bay for the
protection of waterbirds, e.g., as prescribed in the Presidential Order no. 1412-A (2007) that
established LPPCHEA. Resistance from local governments, e.g. in Hagonoy, Bulacan, and Navotas,
NCR, may have made it a difficult task for the DENR to carry out further protection of wetlands
in Manila Bay. However, the DENR in 2017 proposed to and got approved by the 12 th Conference
of the Parties of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) a resolution promoting conservation
of critical intertidal and other coastal habitat for migratory species. The aim is to enhance efforts
to conserve and promote the sustainable use of intertidal wetlands and other coastal
habitats of importance for migratory species worldwide, and to withdraw or modify any perverse
incentives to convert intertidal or other coastal area. The resolution further encourages to
recognize the international importance of intertidal wetlands for migratory species and
ecosystem services by halting further approval of intertidal flat conversion at priority sites
for migratory species and other biodiversity (CMS Resolution 12.25).
The Philippine Government has recently also taken other important initiatives. Through the
DENR, a number of very important actions was taken to fulfill its obligations to the international
community and in so doing help safeguard waterbird populations of international importance
and the habitats they are dependent upon. These actions include the proposal to and approval
by the Parties to the Convention on Migratory Species of Resolution 12.25 “Promoting
Conservation of Critical Intertidal and Other Coastal Habitat for Migratory Species” and the
Ramsar Resolution 18.22 Resolution on promoting the conservation and wise use of intertidal
wetlands and ecologically-associated habitats”. Further, the adoption of a “Sustainable
Integrated Area Development Strategy” and the current development of the policy ‘Strategic
Environmental Assessment on Resilience’ could serve as key instruments in crafting of future
policies and designing programs that may lead to more responsive decision-making that takes
into account increased ecological stability and ecosystem protection (GIZ 2018).
The tradeoffs between development and conservation of habitats and maintenance of
ecosystem services in Manila Bay is a thorny issue for investors, planners, and decision-makers.
Currently, only about 1.5% of the Manila Bay’s shoreline wetlands are legally protected. Marine
Protected Areas cover less than 1%. Regulatory measures on foreshore uses are mandate-driven
and the mandates for different laws and policies are shared by a number of local, regional, and
national government agencies. Aside from these agencies, jurisdiction over Manila Bay is also
shared by about 30 local government units.

An agreement on the development of a sustainable master plan for Manila Bay, the “Manila Bay
Sustainable Development Master Plan”, was entered into by the Philippines and the Netherlands
in 2017. The development of this Master Plan can follow an inspiring example of integrated
coastal zone management that adheres to sustainable and ecologically sound principles as seen
in the shared wetlands management of the World Heritage and Transboundary Ramsar Site, the
Wadden Sea in Europe. The “Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Planning” could be a
major step forward in protecting the ecosystems and habitats of Manila Bay, and importantly, in
restoring some of the wetland ecosystems with clear benefits for both coastal communities and
for biodiversity.

7. Acknowledgements
I am very grateful to Joni Acay, Kitty Arce, Amado Bajarias Jr., James Biron, Irene Dy, Angelo
Ganotice, Jasmin Meeren, Harry Miller, Christian Perez, Ivan Sarenas, Maia Tañedo, Willem van
den Ven and Mark Jason Villa for their assistance in identifying and counting waterbirds during
the fieldwork in Manila Bay. I especially thank the Commander of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) North Command, Lieutenant General Romeo T. Tanalgo and Colonel Bim
Quemado for granting the use of helicopters during aerial surveys, the former Director of the
Biodiversity Management Bureau, Mundita S. Lim, for the Bureau’s continued support. I also
thank Cristina R. Cinco for her extraordinary help in note-taking and data encoding, and in
organizing all logistics during the field work. I express my gratitude to Chief of Wildlife
Management Section of DENR-BMB Anson Tagtag and to Taej Mundkur, Senior Technical Officer
of Wetlands International, for access to the Philippine waterbird data of the Asian Waterfowl
Database, Annadel S. Cabanban, Country Representative of Wetlands International Philippines
Program, Henri Roggeri, Senior Expert Ecosystems and Water of IUCN Nl and Angelique Songco,
Park Superintendent, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, for review and improvements of the
manuscript, and to Rizza Estadola for editing and formatting.
The study was funded by the Partnership for Resilience 2016-2020 Project, Wetlands
International and by grants provided by the IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands.

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Annex 1
Coastal localities in Manila Bay searched for waterbirds from 2016 to 2018.
Balanga City Wetlands Sibakan, Puerto Rivas, Tortugas and Wawa
Balanga – Abucay- Orani Coastal Fishponds
Orani Mudflats, Tubotubo River and Tubotubo Island
Lubao Maugut, Carpintero, and Pamunsuc River
Sasmuan Pusad, Mabuanbuan and Malubag River
Sasmuan Pasac River and Bangkong Mapalad
Consuelo and Masantol Pampanga River
Hagonoy River mouth
Paombong Masukol: Malumot
Paombong Pulo-pulo and Mantakalin
Paombong Santa Cruz: Wawa, Balot, Binakod, Katsang Wawa, Wawa
Bitas and Vitas
Malolos City Caliligawan
Malolos City Pamarawan: Villongco, Santos, Pulo-pulo
Bulakan, Talitip : Baluarte, Patahan Stream and Meucauayan River
Bulakan Taliptip: Dapdap, Wawang Capis and Taguan Salambao
Bulakan Bambang: Dapdap and Taliptip River
LPPCHEA Ramsar Site Las Pinas and Paranaque
Tanza Peninsula Navotas
Imus River mouth Bacoor to Binakayan
Kawit, Bacoor Bay Inner Bacoor Bay and fishponds in Kawit
Noveleta and Cavite City mudflats Noveleta and San Juan
Cavite City Cavite City mudflats

Annex 2
Taxonomic list of waterbirds recorded in Manila Bay from 2003 to 2018. Source: DENR-BMB
AWC Database 2003-2018, WBCP Wild Bird Records 2003-2016 and Wetlands International –
IUCN Nl Rapid Inventories in Manila Bay 2016-2018.

Taxonomic treatment follows Gill F. & D. Donsker (Eds) 2017. IOC World Bird List (v 7.2) IOC and
Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2017 (WBCP 2017).

Ducks (5) Painted Snipes

Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis
Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Snipes
Eurasian Widgeon Anas penelope Swinhoe’s Snipe Gallinago megala
Philippine Duck Anas luzonica Dowichers, Godwits and Curlews
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula Asianc Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus
Grebes (1) Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica
Bitterns, Herons and Egrets (16) Little Curlew Numenius minutus
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata
Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Tringa Sandpipers
Rufous Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus Redshank Tringa totanus
Striated Heron Butorides striata Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis
Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus Greenshank Tringa nebularia
Javan Pond Heron Ardeola speciosa Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos
Great Egret Ardea alba Grey-tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes
Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia Turnstones
Little Egret Egretta garzetta Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres
Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra Calidris Sandpipers
Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris
Cormorants (1) Red Knot Calidris canutus
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Ruff Calidris pugnax
Rails, Moorhens and Coots (11) Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus
Barred Rail Gallirallus torquatus Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata
Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea
Slaty-breasted Rail Gallirallus striatus Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta
Plain Bush-Hen Amaurornis olivacea Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis
White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus Sanderling Calidris alba
Ruddy-breasted Crake Porzana fusca Dunlin Calidris alpina
White-browed Crake Porzana cinerea Phalaropes
Watercock Gallicrex cinerea Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Prantincoles
Philippine Swamphen Porphyrio pulverulentus Oriental Prantincole Glareola maldivarum
Common Coot Fulica atra Gulls (5)
Shorebirds (Waders) (41) Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus

Stilts and Avocets Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris
Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta Slaty-backed Gull Larus schistisagus
Plovers Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus Terns (10)
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica
Grey Plover P.squatarola Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia
Small Plovers Great Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii
Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula Little Tern Sternula albifrons
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius Aleutian Tern Onychoprion aleuticus
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii
Malaysian Plover Charadrius peronii Common Tern Sterna hirundo
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus
White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus

Annex 3
Waterbird species in Manila Bay listed under the Convention for Migratory Species as Appendix
I – Endangered Migratory Species and as Appendix II - Migratory Species in Need of Conservation
through International Agreements. Source: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species
of Wild Animals 2017.
CMS Appendix I and II Waterbird Species Appendix I Appendix II
Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes x
Eurasian Widgeon Anas penelope x
Common Coot Fulica atra x
Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta x
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola x
Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula x
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius x
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus x
Lesser San Plover Charadrius mongolus x
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii x
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa x
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus x
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata x
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis x
Redshank Tringa totanus x
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis x
Greenshank Tringa nebularia x
Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus x
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola x
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus x
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos x
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres x
Red Knot Calidris canutus x
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris x
Dunlin Calidris alpina x
Sanderling Calidris alba x
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea x
Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus x
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia
Common Tern Sterna hirundo
Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii
Total 4 24

Appendix I – Endangered migratory species

Parties that are a Range State to a migratory species listed in Appendix I shall endeavor to strictly
protect them by: prohibiting the taking of such species, with very restricted scope for exceptions;
conserving and where appropriate restoring their habitats; preventing, removing or mitigating
obstacles to their migration and controlling other factors that might endanger them.

Appendix I comprises migratory species that have been assessed as being in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of their range. The Conference of the Parties has further
interpreted the term “endangered” as meaning “facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in
the near future” and defined the term ‘endangered’ as defined within CMS and the IUCN Red List

Appendix II - Migratory species conserved through Agreements

Appendix II covers migratory species that have an unfavorable conservation status and that require
international agreements for their conservation and management, as well as those that have a
conservation status which would significantly benefit from the international cooperation that could
be achieved by an international agreement. The Convention encourages the Range States to species
listed on Appendix II to conclude global or regional Agreements for the conservation and
management of individual species or groups of related species.

Annex 4
Localities with waterbird concentrations, the peak number of waterbirds, and the average
number of waterbirds in Manila Bay. Source: DENR BMB AWC Counts 2014-2018, WBCP –
Wild Bird Reports 2016-2017, and Wetlands International/ IUCN Nl Manila Bay Rapid Habitat
Inventories 2016 – 2018.
Locality Coordinates Number of birds Total Number of birds Total
(peak counts 2016-2018) (average 2014-2018)
A. B. A. Shoreline B. Foreshore
Shoreline Foreshore and average 2 meter
and 2 meter 2.5km deep waters
average deep inland
2,5 km waters
Bataan Bataan Bataan
Balanga City, From: (included in (included in
Barangay 14°41'40.85" 29,368 column A) 19,869 column A)
Puerto Rivas, N,
Sinacan, 120°34'0.90"E
Turtugas, To:
Coast Limai - 4.24"N, 5,548 5,548
Orani 120°36'5.35"E
Abucay- From:
Samal 14°44'34.78" 2,103 2,103
Fishponds N,

Total 32,471 5,548 38,019 21,972 5,548 27,520

Pampanga Pampanga Pampanga

Sasmuan: From:
Pusad River To: 4,190 4,190
Barangay From: (included in (included in
Batan II: Pasac 14°47'50.72"N, 14,134 column A) 17,741 column A)
River Mouth 120°36'55.48"E
Consuelo- From: (included in (included in
Malauli, and 14°46'5.98"N, 40,235 column A) 13,942 column A)
San Roque – 120°39'14.62"E
Sapang To:
Kawayan –
Sagrada :
River and river

Aerial Survey: From:
Sasmuan 14°49'55.98"N, 23,700 23,700
Inland Ponds 120°37'29.67"E
(2.5- 3.0 km To:
upstreams 14°48'24.25"N,
Pasac)) 120°37'4.98"E
Aerial Survey: From:
Lubao Inland 14°49'14.88"N, 16,750 16,750
Ponds (1- 6km 120°34'24.78"E
upstreams To:
Pamunsuc, 14°51'35.96"N,
Pina and 120°34'24.22"E
Piunaua River)
Aerial Survey: From:
Coast 14°46'5.98"N, 500 500
Sasmuan to 120°39'14.62"E
Hermosa To:

Total 99,009 500 99,509 76,223 500 76,823

Bulacan Bulacan Bulacan

Barangay St. From: 8,343
Cruz – 14°45'38.36"N, 8,343
Malumot 120°46'18.92"E
mudflats and To:
saltpans 14°45'24.27"N,
Barangay From: 7,346
Pamarawan 14°45'27.08"N, 7,346
mudflats and 120°49'16.00"E
saltpans To:
Barangay From:
Taliptip 14°44'18.10"N, 4,849 4,849
mudflats 120°50'48.38"E
Barangay From:
Baluarte – 14°42'34.29"N, 10,564 10,564
Patahan - 120°53'18.29"E
Capiz To:
Wetlands 14°43'47.76"N,
Meucauyan From:
River to 14°42'34.29"N, 2,880 2,880
Bambang 120°53'18.29"E
River To:
Coast from From:
Meucauyan 14°42'34.29"N, 13,177 13,177
River to 120°53'18.29"E
Pampanga To:
River 14°46'5.98"N,

Total 33,982 13,177 47,159 33,982 13,177 47,159

NCR (Metro

LPPCHEA From: (included in NCR (included in NCR
14°30'11.89"N, 1,683 column A) 2,810 column A)
Tanza, From: (included in (included in
Navotas 14°40'56.91"N, 11,702 column A) 6,985 column A)
Coast from From:
Pasay City to To: Est 1,000 Est 1,000
Navotas City

Total 13,385 1,000 14,385 9,795 1,000 10,795

Barangay From: (included in Cavite (included in Cavite
Noveleta To: 3,804 column A) 3,804 column A)
III&IV – San
Juan and
Cavite City
Bacoor: Imus From: 2,247 (included in (included in
River Mouth To: column A) 2,247 column A)
and coastal
Kawit: From:
Barangay To: 1,947 1,713
Marulas and
Coast from From: Est.1,500
Imus River to 14°28'39.42"N, Est.1,500
Zapote River 120°58'8.97"E

Total 7,998 1,500 9,498 7,764 1,500 9,264

GRAND TOTAL 186,845 21,725 208,570 1149,836 21,725 171,561

Annex 5
Key Areas in Manila Bay for Waterbirds of International Conservation Importance.

Annex 6
Migratory Threatened and Near Threatened waterbird species in Manila Bay wetland sites and
numbers of individuals recorded 2003 – 2018. Source: DENR-BMB AWC Counts 2003-2017, WBCP
Wild Bird Report 2003 - 2016, Wetlands International and IUCN NL Manila Bay Rapid Habitat
Inventory 2016 – 2018.
Threatened Species
Species Site Number Year
Philippine Duck LPPCHEA Peak Numbers Yearly since 2004
Anas luzonica 80 2003-2007: 2006
78 2008-2012: 2008
123 2013- 2017: 2016
11 2018
Balanga Wetlands 2 2011
Pasac River mouth 14 2003
16 2010
3 2015
Marula, Kawit 9 2016
Mabolo, Bacoor 9 2016
12 2017
San Juan, Noveleta 115 2018
Imus River mouth 390 2018
Chinese Egret Tanza, Navotas Peak Numbers Yearly since 2004
Egretta eulophotes 94 2004-2009: 2007
41 2010-2014: 2009
6 2015-2018: 2017
LPPCHEA 1 2013
1 2008-2012
6 2014
1 2015- 2016
Balanga Wetlands 1 2017
Pusad River, Sasmuan 1 2018
Pasac River Mouth 1 2014
1 2017
Pampanga River mouth 1 2016
Santa Cruz, Malolos 2 2017
Pamarawan, Malolos 1 2017
3 2018
Bambang, Bulacan 18 2017
Taliptip, Bulacan 1 2018
1 2017
3 2018
Far Eastern Curlew Pasac River mouth 9 2005
Numenius Taliptip, Bulacan 4 2017
madagascariensis 1 2018
Pamarawan, Malolos 68 2018
Great Knot Calidris Tanza, Navotas 1 2004
tenuirostris 2 2006
LPPCHEA 1 2010
Pasac River mouth 12 2003
114 2010
1 2015
1 2016
Talitip, Bulacan 4 2004
420 2017

95 2018
Bagumbayan, Bulacan 57 2018
Santa Cruz, Bulacan 1 2017
383 2018
Pamarawan, Bulacan 19 2017
19 2018
Near Threatened Species
Asian Dowitcher Balanga Wetlands 1 2007
Limnodromus Santa Cruz, Bulacan 103 2018
Black-tailed Godwit Tanza, Navotas 2 2006
Limosa limosa 6 2017
Pasac River mouth 2 2005
1 2014
Pampanga River mouth 1 2017
Santa Cruz, Bulacan 2 2017
Talitip, Bulacan 2 2004
Bar-tailed Godwit LPPCHEA 1 2004
Limosa lapponica Balanga Wetlands 2 2012
6 2015
Pasac River mouth 20 2003
32 2005
Santa Cruz, Bulacan 17 2016
2 2017
4 2017
Pamarawan, Bulacan 92 2018
Bagumbayan, Bulacan 86 2018
Taliptip, Bulacan 74 2018
Eurasian Curlew LPPCHEA 1 2015
Numenius arquata Balanga Wetlands 1 2005
Orani mudflats 1 2018
Pasac River mouth 4 2011
1 2012
4 2015
Santa Cruz, Malolos 135 2017
Pamarawan, Bulacan 3 2017
3 2018
Talitip, Bulacan 14 2017
9 2018
54 2017
59 2018
Red Knot Tanza, Navotas 95 2005
Calidris canutus Balanga Wetlands 12 2008
Pasac River mouth 95 2010
Pampanga River 8 2014
Santa Cruz, Bulacan 2 2017
Pamarawan, Bulacan 3 2018
Taliptip, Bulacan 85 2018
Curlew Sandpiper Tanza, Navotas 157 2004
Calidris ferruginea 113 2005
53 2006
2 2007
LPPCHEA 1 2016
Balanga Wetlands 170 2003
50 2004
1 2005
11 2009
17 2010

32 2011
30 2012
13 2015
Pasac River mouth 68 2010
1 2015
1 2016
Pampanga River 1 2017
Santa Cruz -Malumot, 585 2018
Pamarawan, Bulacan 30 2017
85 2018
Bagumbayan, Bulacan 41 2018
200 2004
Taliptip, Bulacan 129 2018
Red-necked Stint Tanza, Navotas Peak Numbers: Yearly since 2003
Calidris ruficollis 299 2004-2009: 2004
0 2010-2014: 0
145 2015- 2018: 2018
LPPCHEA 103 2003-2007: 2007
50 2008 -2012: 2008
17 2013-2017: 2015
0 2018
Balanga Wetlands 360 2003-2007: 2004
2390 2008 -2012: 2009
1143 2013-2017: 2013
0 2018
Orani mudflats 44 2018
Pasac River mouth 1600 2005
11 2012
83 2016
Pampanga River 15 2014
90 2015
12 2016
380 2017
230 2018
Taliptip, Bulacan 405 2004
83 2017
178 2018
Bagumbayan, Bulacan 78 2018
Santa Cruz -Malumot,
Bulacan 207 2017
679 2018
Pamarawan, Bulacan 217 2017
2575 2018
Marulas, Kawit 10 2010
Imus River mouth 122 2018

Annex 7
Sites in Manila Bay that supports 20,000 or more waterbirds and/or a number of species
congregating in numbers of international importance, and additional sites that support
waterbirds in numbers of international importance based on presence of threatened species.
Internationally Important Hectares Number of Number of Coordinates
Waterbird Sites waterbirds species
> 1% of
Balanga City – Pilar Wetlands: 700 Peak: 29,368 11 14°41'36.39"N,
Barangay Sibacan, Puerto Rivas, Average: 19,869 120°33'42.92"E
Tortugas and Balut, and Pilar
Pasac River : Sasmuan, 535 Peak: 28,923 9 14°48'5.72"N,
Barangay Batang 2nd and Average: 17,741 120°36'56.67"E
adjacent tidal mudflats
Lubao Fishponds:
Almacen-Baruya-Sta Teresa 281 23,700 5 14°51'51.15"N,
Bangcal Pugad 312
Pampanga River: 0 to 5.5km From:
Westbank - Malauli, Consuelo 2080 40,235 2 14°49'7.05"N,
Eastbank -Sapang Kawayan and To:
San Roque (Hagonoy) 14°46'7.34"N,
Paombong-Malolos wetlands: 1870 22,767 4 From:
Masukol, Santa Cruz, 14°45'27.96"N,
Pamarawan, Caliligawan and 120°46'42.94"E
tidal mudflats To:
Bagumbayan -Bulakan From:
wetlands: Bagumbayan, 2480 20,928 2 14°45'3.58"N,
Bambang and Taliptip 120°50'8.71"E

Total 8,258 > 145,240 16

National Important Waterbird Hectares Number of Number of Coordinates
Sites waterbirds threatened
Tanza Peninsula: 14°41'33.74"N,
Navotas and Obando 986 Average: 6,985 8 120°54'58.06"E
LPPCHEA: 14°29'32.99"N,
Las Pinas, Paranaque 397 Average: 2,810 7 120°58'48.21"E
CAVITE 14°27'45.66"N,
Imus River Mouth : Binakayan 150 2,247 2 120°54'52.59"E
Cavite City mudflats 14°27'49.24"N,
32 3,800 1 120°53'21.36"E
Bacoor Wetlands: Kawit 14°27'5.36"N,
258 5,900 3 120°53'28.74"E

Total 1.823 21,742 9

Annex 8
Summary of “The development of aquaculture on the northern coast of Manila Bay (Philippines):
and analysis of long-term land use changes and their causes”. Source: Mialhe et al. 2015.
“The aquaforestry, dependent on the wetlands original eco-system functions and the wide areas
of mangroves lasted about 150 years. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the
wetlands were mainly used to the harvest of nipa palms Nypa fructicans for sugar and wine
production to collection of mangrove firewood. Competition from the sugar cane industry let to
the collapse in the nipa-based production in the mid-1930s followed by a transformation to
aquaculture products.
After decades of mono aquaculture (milkfisk Chanos chanos), economic incentives created a shift
toward shrimp production. The high profit margins dramatically increased conversion of the
wetlands. However, increases in number of environmental constrains such as decline in river
discharge caused by dam-related irrigation system in the uplands, changes in water salinity,
floods and drought caused by regulation in the flow of the main rivers together with fish diseases
have created a more diversified approach. Aquaculture today includes extensive polyculture and
semi-intensive monoculture with species of shrimps, crabs, tilapia, and milkfish. Ponds devoted
to these productions dominate the present-day landscape. Except for tilapia, all other
productions are operated in a brackish water environment in fishponds that ranges from 1
hectare to > 100 ha.
In 1976, fishponds mainly occupies natural wetland areas and conversion of the wetlands has
increased dramatically over time. Since 1996 largely all former rice-production areas have been
converted to fishponds. The fishponds expansion in the Pampanga Delta from 1976 to 2013 is
from 3,109 ha to 17,995 ha, or nearly 15,000 ha over less than 40 years.”


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