Assignment 1

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Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram

Varsha 2021 - Assignment-1

PHY111 Mechanics
1. Prove that the diagonals of an equilateral parallelogram are perpendicular.
2. Let a and b be unit vectors in the xy plane making angles θ and φ with the z axis,
respectively. Show that a = cos θ î + sin θ ĵ, b = cos φ î + sin φ ĵ, and using vector
algebra prove that
cos(θ − φ) = cos θ cos φ + sin θ sin φ.
3. Let A be an arbitrary vector and let n̂ be a unit vector in some fixed direction. Show
that A = (A.n̂)n̂ + (n̂ × A) × n̂.
4. The acceleration of gravity can be measured by projecting a body upward and measuring
the time that it takes to pass two given points in both directions.
Show that if the time the body takes to pass a horizontal line A in both directions is
TA , and the time to go by a second line B in both directions is TB , then, assuming that
the acceleration is constant, its magnitude is g = 2
, where h is the height of the
TA2 − TB
line B above line A.

5. By relative velocity we mean velocity with respect to a specified coordinate system. (The
term velocity, alone, is understood to be relative to the observer’s coordinate system.)
(a) A point is observed to have velocity vA relative to coordinate system A. What is
its velocity relative to coordinate system B, which is displaced from system A by
R? (R can change in time)
(b) Particles a and b move in opposite directions around a circle with angular speed ω,
as shown. At t = 0 they are both at the point r = l ĵ, where l is the radius of the

Find the velocity of a relative to b.
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