Leaflet Beta Key
Leaflet Beta Key
Leaflet Beta Key
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Your key to
a world of
Orffa Info
...balancing the diet
Betaine hydrochloride 93% for
use in pigs, poultry and fish
Beta-Key, betaine hydrochloride 93%
• Beta-Key is a white crystalline powder with excellent free-flowing abilities
and vitamin-like biological effects.
• Beta-Key consist of betaine hydrochloride – C5H11NO2.HCl.
• Beta-Key contains minimal 93% betaine hydrochloride which equals 70.7%
pure betaine.
Choline Choline Betaine
S-adenosyl- Homocysteine
Table 1: Huang et al, 2006: “Changes in hormones, growth factor and lipid
metabolism in finishing pigs fed betaine”
2 days stability trial in open air 2 months stability trial in closed bottles
Dosage recommendations
• Basal dietary choline and betaine levels depend on feed composition (can go up to 1000 ppm).
• Especially in young animals choline requirements can be higher than choline feed levels.
• Betaine may replace all added choline (200 to 800 ppm) in diets for pigs, poultry and fish.
• For a 1:1 replacement of 1 kg of cholinechloride 50%, only 594 grams Beta-Key is needed.
• Research indicates that betaine is more effective than cholinechloride in methylgroup donation,
at maximum reported up to 3 times more effective (Stekol et al, 1953). Oxidation of choline in
mitochondria is believed to be the limiting step (Ecklund et al, 2005).
• Positive effects of betaine addition have been observed with inclusion rates up to 2000 ppm.
• Higher dosage advised for: - Improving carcass quality
- In case of coccidiosis or use of ionophoric coccidiostats
- In case of problems with fatty livers (especially layers)
- During periods of heat stress