Lab - Continuous Series

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c Comute mean,median, mode, range, coefficient of range, Interquartile range,

coefficient of QD, mean deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of Standard deviation, C

of variation and variance of the following data
Class interval 0-10 10-20 20-30
freqnency 5 10 25

Class f LCB UCB

0-10 5 0 10
10-20 10 10 20
20-30 25 20 30
30-40 30 30 40
40-50 20 40 50
50-60 10 50 60

Measure Position Formula Value

Mean 33
Median 50 =C15/2 33.33333333
Mode 30 =MAX(C9:C14) 33.33333333
Largest 60
Smallest 0
Range 60
Coef Range 1
Q1 25 =C15/4 24
Q3 75 =3*C25 42.5
IQR 18.5
QD 9.25
Coef QD 0.278195489
MD 10.4
SD 12.88409873
CV 39.04%
Variance 166
artile range, range,
of Standard deviation, Coefficient

30-40 40-50 50-60

30 20 10

m cf h f*abs(m-mean) f*m^2
5 5 10 140 125
15 15 10 180 2250
25 40 10 200 15625
35 70 10 60 36750
45 90 10 240 40500
55 100 10 220 30250
1040 125500


Cell Formula
F9 =(D9+E9)/2
G10 =G9+C10
H9 =E9-D9
I9 =C9*ABS(F9-33)
J9 =C9*F9^2

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