Mahesh Statement
Mahesh Statement
Mahesh Statement
IFSC : FDRL0001013
Tran Cheque
Date Value Date Particulars Withdrawals Deposits Balance
Type Details
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13-JUN-2022 13-JUN-2022 UPIOUT/216441918990 D 25000 65391.75
08:27:24 AM /satheeshravindren@oksbi//0000
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14-JUL-2022 14-JUL-2022 MB FTB/221954969469/SOUMYA C 5500 28389.75
12:28:05 PM MAH/Mahesh/
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10-AUG-2022 10-AUG-2022 UPIOUT/222265735374 D 48 29273.75
03:52:08 PM /9037119134njara@cnrb/Pay/5111
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15-SEP-2022 15-SEP-2022 NFT/DIRECTOR OF TRE C 1100 16186.75
01:08:19 PM /RBI2592240949180/RESERVE BA
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07-OCT-2022 07-OCT-2022 MB FTB/222804026513 D 3000 20119.75
08:30:12 AM /MAHESHKUMA/null/
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01-NOV-2022 01-NOV-2022 UPIOUT/230516790596 D 10000 6558.75
02:27:49 PM /bijumulberry@okicici/UPI/0000
Abbreviations Used:
DISCLAIMER: This computer generated statement contains the particulars of the transaction(s) in the account that have been updated till the time of day end operations of the CBS system of the
Bank on theprevious working day and the same will not reflect the transaction(s) that have occurred in the account, if any, subsequent thereto. The Federal Bank Ltd. shall not be liable
/responsible for want of fullparticulars of the transaction(s) at the time of the generation of this statement.
This is a computer generated statement which need not normally be signed. Contents of this statement will be considered correct if no error is reported within 21 days of the statement date.
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