Foca Guidance Material Information Om TM
Foca Guidance Material Information Om TM
Foca Guidance Material Information Om TM
Scope General requirements for the Approved Training Organisation’s
Source: imago GmbH, 13127 Berlin
04.01.2016 1 0 Initial issue. Changes to the limited published draft version 1.61 are:
• List of refereces amended;
• Training manual added;
• Syllabi for licences, ratings and certificates added as appendices;
• Chapter 3.1.4 «Student discipline and disciplinary action» amended with the procedure for
suspending a student from training;
• Chapter 3.1.12 «Flight crew qualification records» amended with an example of personal
files with record of assigned students / instructors;
• Chapter 3.1.21 «Introductory flight – trial lesson» added;
• List of abbreviations and sample of cross-reference table amended accordingly.
02.12.2016 1 1 • Means of publication changed to FOCA Guidance Material / Information (GM/INFO);
• Cover Page (CP) Headline amended with FOCA division identification;
• Page headline changed to FOCA GM/INFO identification;
• «List of Effective Appendices» (CLAPP) implemented;
• LoA «List of Abbreviations» amended with additional terms used in revision 1;
• CL 0 «Introduction», Chapter 0.1 «Purpose» and Chapter 0.2 «Scope» revised to reflect
• Chapter 0.2.1 «Templates in Word Format» implemented providing information on the
availability of manual templates;
• Chapter 0.4 «List of References» amended with the applicable regulations related to
occurrence reporting;
• Chapter 1.1.3 «OM Part C: Route» amended with crossreference to OMM;
• Chapter 1.1.4 «OM Part D: Staff Training» amended with crossreference to OM B;
• Chapter 2.1 «Structure of the Organisation’s Documentation» reference to FOCA CL MS
• Chapter 3.1.0 «Introduction into the Operations Manual» amended example with a
reference to the list of relevant standards and requirements;
• Chapter 3.1.4 «Student discipline and disciplinary action» corrected reference to OMM
chapter «feedback and reporting system» in the example;
• Chapter 3.1.7 «Command of aircraft» amended with provisions of the second row «Solo
Flight» with valid medical instead of only medical;
• Chapter 3.1.8 «Responsibilities of the PIC» literal errors are corrected;
• Chapter «Documents to be carried on Board» aircraft blue booklet bullet «the scope
of utilisation of the aircraft» removed and amended with the EASA Forms 138, 139 and 140;
• Chapter 3.1.12 «Flight crew qualification records (licences and ratings)» example of student
file amended with «copy of language proficiency check results»;
• Chapter 3.1.20 «Safety (general) – equipment, radio listening watch, hazards, accidents
and incidents (including reports), safety pilots etc.» example «Emergency Locator
Transmitter (ELT) accidental activation» amended with the Personal Locator Beacon (PLB).
Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) contacts are changed. In subchapter «Recommended
broadcasts in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes» the broadcast example in table row
«overhead and ready to join the circuit» is corrected. Typing errors in the examples are
• Chapter 3.1.20 «Safety (general)», Subchapter «Handling and reporting of occurrences»
revised based on (EU) 376/2014 and (EU) 2015/1018;
• Chapter 3.2.1 in the table with the example «List of aircraft used for training» the column
«scope of utilisation» changed to «approved operations capability»;
• Chapter 3.2.2 «Aircraft handling» terminology revised in the assessment question and
example specifying that aircraft are to be operated in compliance with the terms of its
Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA), Approved Operations Capability as specified in the Type
Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS), Specific Approvals and within the limitations contained in
the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM). Reference to OM A, Chapter x.20.x «Occurrence
Reporting» is corrected;
• Chapter 3.2.4 «Radio and radio navigation aids» terminology «scope of utilisation» is
changed in «Approved Operations Capability» and legal reference NCO.IDE.195 is
• Chapter 3.2.5 «Allowable deficiencies» condition in which case a MEL requires prior
approval or notification is specified. Terminology «Scope of Utilisation» is changed in
«Approved Operations Capability». Guidance, scheme for MEL development and example
with NCO requirements are amended;
• Chapter 3.3.4 «Weather minima (Instructors)» in the example «VFR Flights» the reference
to Swiss Air Law SR 748.121.11 (VVR) article 38 is deleted;
• Chapter 3.4.3 «Refresher training», guidance, illustration and explanation related to
«refresher seminar» for the revalidation of a CRI, SFI, FTI and TRI are clarified;
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
21.03.2017 1 2 • Chapter «Documents to be carried on Board» amended with the missing evaluation
method CA;
• Chapter 3.1.12 «Flight crew qualification records (licences and ratings)» amended with the
subchapter «List of instructors – Personnel details and qualifications» containing
provisions related to the development of the list of instructors. ATO cross reference table in
chapter 1.1.1 «OM Part A: General» is amended accordingly;
• Chapter 3.1.14 «Flying duty period and flight time limitations (instructors/students)» –
Chapter 3.1.17 «Rest periods (instructors/students)», reporting revised based on (EU) No
376/2014 and (EU) No 2015/1018 in the example subchapter «unforeseen circumstances
– instructor’s/pilot in command’s discretion»;
• Chapter 3.4.3 «Refresher training», guidance, illustration and explanation related to
«refresher training» for the renewal of an FI, IRI, CRI, SFI, FTI and TRI clarified;
• Chapter 4.1.9 «Tests and examinations» amended with requirements, guidance and
procedures, including questions for compliance verification and self assessment, for the
preparation, analysis and review of examination papers;
• Chapter 4.4.1 «Structure and method of theoretical knowledge course», definition of
classroom and self-study clarified. Throughout the whole CL OM/TM the term «homework»
as a synonym for «self-study» is deleted;
• Chapter 4.4.6 «Review procedure», in the example the term «Homework» is replaced by
«personal effort to learn»;
• Chapter 5.1.7 «Commercial Pilot Licence CPL(A)», Subchapter «Guidance on the
distribution and allocation of time constrains», the statement «The minimum hours must not
include homework and/or self-study.» is deleted;
• Chapter 5.1.8 «Multi Crew Pilot Licence MPL(A)», Subchapter «Guidance on the distribution
and allocation of time constrains», the statement «The minimum hours must not include
homework and/or self-study.» is deleted;
• Chapter 5.1.9 «Airline Transport Pilot Licence ATPL(A)», Subchapter «Guidance on the
distribution and allocation of time constrains», the statement «The minimum hours must not
include homework and/or self-study.» is deleted;
• Chapter 5.2.1 «Instrument Rating IR(A)», Subchapter «Guidance on the distribution and
allocation of time constrains», the statement «The minimum hours must not include
homework and/or self-study.» is deleted;
• Chapter 5.2.2 «Competency-based Modular Flying Training Course CB-IR(A)», Subchapter
«Guidance on the distribution and allocation of time constrains», the statement «The
minimum hours must not include homework and/or self-study.» is deleted;
• Chapter 5.2.3 «En Route Instrument Rating EIR(A)», Subchapter «Guidance on the
distribution and allocation of time constrains», the statement «The minimum hours must not
include homework and/or self-study.» is deleted;
• Chapter 5.3.2 «Type Rating Instructor TRI» amended with the statement «if the TRI training
is carried out in an FSTD only, the privileges of the TRI shall be restricted to training in the
• Overall, several minor typing errors are corrected.
23.01.2018 1 3 • Overall terminology for «aircraft / aeroplane / helicopter» verified, as well as «aerodrome /
operating site», «runway / FATO» and «EC70/2012 / EU No 70/2014»;
• Chapter 3.1.8 «Responsibilites of the PIC» added flight time definition for helicopters;
• Chapter Dispatch time of occurrence reporting revised to «Reporting occurences
within 72 hours of becoming aware of the occurrence, unless exeptional circumstances
prevent this»;
• Chapter 3.2.2 «Aircraft handling» added example flight profiles for helicopters;
• Chapter 3.2.3 «Emergency procedures» amended to include helicopter considerations;
• Chapter «Decision-making and Emergency Management» amended to include
helicopter considerations;
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
Note: Appendices to the CL OM/TM have their own individual revision cycle.
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
LECR List of Effective Certification Leaflet Chapters (Ch.) and Reference Boxes (RB)
LECR ISS1 / REV8 / 30.05.2023
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
CL 0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
LIFUS Line Flying under Supervision MORA Minimum Off Route Altitude
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
OEB Operations Evaluation Board Rules of the Air and air traffic
Operational Evaluation
Guidance Material RB Reference Box
FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM
CL 0 Introduction
Ch. 0.0 ISS1 / REV1 / 02.12.2016
This Guidance Material / Information (GM/INFO) is issued as Certification Leaflet (CL). Certification
Leaflets are intended to assist the organisation/operator in the implementation of relevant matters into
the activities and document system of the organisation/operator, as well as to ensure compliance with
legal requirements. It is to be considered as a tool for the organisation/operator in order to ease
processes for obtaining required and defined approvals and authorisations issued by the Federal Office
of Civil Aviation (FOCA). Using the CL will facilitate to establish compliance with defined requirements
and will lead through the respective certification or variation process. This is achieved by the
presentation of key questions to be used by the organisation/operator to question completeness and
compliance of the information contained in the respective document system by performing a self-
assessment prior to submitting the documentation to FOCA.
It is important to understand, that FOCA will use the identical CL when evaluating regulatory compliance
to a specific requirement. The CL is also used as a checklist when performing the authorities’ technical
finding during the certification or variation process. The questions used by the organisation/operator
during the self-assessment are identical to those used by the responsible inspector during the
evaluation process.
0.1 Purpose
Ch. 0.1 ISS1 / REV1 / 02.12.2016
The purpose of this certification leaflet is to provide an applicant for Approved Training Organisation
(ATO) with:
• an overview over the general requirements for the organisation’s documentation regarding
Operations Manual (OM) and Training Manual (TM);
• guidance to develop an Operations Manual and a Training Manual including samples/examples
for the implementation.
0.2 Scope
Ch. 0.2 ISS1 / REV1 / 02.12.2016
The material on hand covers the major aspects of the required structure and content of an approved
training organisation’s documentation based on AMC 1 ORA.ATO.230 (a) and AMC 1 ORA.ATO.230
(b) ensuring compliance with the implementing rule ORA.ATO.130/230.
If an organisation decides to implement a structure according to Air Operations Regulation in order to
familiarise students to the operations manual system of a commercial air operator, a correlation to
ORO.MLR.100 is provided.
The information provided on samples/examples may be incomplete and solely represent a possible
means of how to provide required data. An organisation must add further information or adapt the
examples to their specific needs in accordance with the necessary requirements.
Definitions, when necessary, are outlined and explained within the reference boxes. A separate list of
definitions is not provided.
To ease the technical development of the manual system, templates in Microsoft Word format are
provided for the Operations Manual (OM) and Training Manual (TM). In addition, a template for the
Organisation Managament Manual (OMM), based on the FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) «Management
System», is available as well. They are available on:
• the FOCA website; or [on-line] Available (28.10.2016)
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• The use of the male gender should be understood to include male and female persons.
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Commission Regulation
29.01.2014 Amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
(EU) No 83/2014
Commission Regulation
07.04.2014 Amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
(EU) No 379/2014
Commission Regulation
29.01.2015 Amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012
(EU) No 2015/140
Regulation Air Crew Annex I / Part-FCL:
AMC & GM to Regulation Air Crew
Annex I / Part-FCL «Flight Crew Licencing»:
Amended Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and
Guidance Material (GM) to Part-FCL”
Regulation Air Crew Annex VII / Part-ORA:
AMC & GM to Regulation Air Crew
«Organisation Requirements Air Crew»:
Annex VII / Part-ORA 19.04.2012
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and
Guidance Material (GM) to Part-ORA
AMC & GM to Regulation Air Regulation Air Operations Annex III / Part-ORO:
Operations «Organisation Requirements Air Operations»:
Annex III / Part-ORO Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and
Amended Guidance Material (GM) to Part-ORO
Regulation Air Operations Annex VII / Part-NCO:
AMC & GM to Regulation Air
Operations «Non-commercial Operations with other-than Complex
25.11.2012 Motor-Powered Aircraft»:
Annex VII / Part-NCO
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and
Guidance Material (GM) to Part-NCO
AMC & GM to Regulation Air Regulation Air Operations Annex VIII / Part-SPO:
Operations «Specialised Operations»:
Annex VIII / Part-SPO Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and
Amended Guidance Material (GM) to Part-SPO
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the
Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 03.04.2014 Council on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of
occurrences in civil aviation
Implementing Regulation laying down a list classifying
Commission Regulation occurrences in civil aviation to be mandatorily reported
(EU) 2015/1018 according to Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the
European Parliament and of the Council
Investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents
Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 20.10.2010
in civil aviation
Rules for the airworthiness and environmental
Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 certification of aircraft and related products, parts and
Amended appliances, as well as for the certification of design and
production organisations
Amendment to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as
Commission Regulation (EU)
06.04.2016 regards pilot training, testing and periodic checking for
performance-based navigation
Amendment to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as
Commission Regulation (EU)
27.07.2018 regards the automatic validation of Union flight crew
licences and take-off and landing training.
Amendment to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 laying
down technical requirements and administrative
Commission Implementing
14.12.2018 procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to
Regulation (EU) 2018/1974
Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European
Parliament and of the Council
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The CL consists of a standardised modular reference box system. The following presentation provides
details of the defined format:
Title – subject description of the Reference Box (RB) including revision status
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As stated in the Basic Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, the organisation must implement and maintain a
Management System to ensure compliance with the essential requirements, to provide safe services
and to aim for continuous improvement of this system. Additionally, according to Regulation (EC) No
1178/2011 and 290/2012 amended, an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) shall establish and
maintain an Operations Manual (OM) and a Training Manual (TM) containing information and
instructions to enable personnel to perform their duties and to give guidance to students on how to
comply with course requirements.
The requirements according to ORA.GEN.200 may be documented in a separate OMM – refer also to
FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System, CL2 «The Management System and its
Documentation». Additionally, the requirements for the content of an Approved Training Organisation’s
Documentation are stated in AMC1 ORA.ATO.230(b). Consequently the Basic Structure consists of:
• Organisation Management Manual (OMM)
• Operations Manual (OM)
• Training Manual (TM)
and associated AMC
Operations Manual
ATO Part A – D
Training Manual
Part 1 – 4
It is not required to duplicate information in several manuals. The information may be contained in any
of the organisation’s manuals (e.g. Operations Manual, Training Manual), which may also be combined.
In this case, it should be ensured that manuals contain appropriate references to any
manuals/documents kept separately.
When compiling the documentation/manual system, the organisation may amend, supplement or
substitute elements of the content from other relevant documents such as manufacturer provided
information, commercially produced route and aerodrome publications (e.g. AFM, POM, POH, PIH,
Checklists, AIP etc.). Any such manuals/documents are then to be considered an integral part of the
organisation’s documentation/manual system and also have to be comprehensively referenced.
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Approved Training Organisations (ATO) providing training for CPL, MPL and ATPL may also use the
structure as defined by Air Operations Regulation ORO.MLR.100. This is for the advantage to
familiarise their students with the required manual structure of a commercial air operator. If an Approved
Training Organisation decides to make use of this possibility, a cross-reference table to the structure
as required by AMC1 ORA.ATO.230(b) has to be established.
and associated AMC
Aircraft Operating Matters
Type Related
Route/Role/Area and
Aerodrome/Operating Site
Instruction and Information
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OM Part A: General
Ch. 1.1.1 ISS1 / REV2 / 21.03.2017
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OM Part B: Technical
Ch. 1.1.2 ISS1 / REV1 / 02.12.2016
OM Part C: Route
Ch. 1.1.3 ISS1 / REV7 / 28.06.2022
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• Refer to FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System (MS), CL 2 «The Management
System and its Documentation».
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Is there an introductory text that describes the purpose of the Operations Manual?
This Approved Training Organisation’s (ATO) Operations Manual (OM) for Name takes into account all
aspects of the ATO. It contains instructions to enable personnel to perform their duties and gives
guidance to students on how to comply with course requirements. It is available to all staff and students
if necessary.
It has been developed with consideration to ANNEX VII to the Regulation on Air Crew, Part ORA, Annex
I Part FCL, Part SFCL and Part BFCL and relevant Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and
Guidance Material (GM).
Refer to OMM Chapter 1.6 «Relevant Standards and Requirements»
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3-OMA1-010 OM Part A, Chapter x.1.x «A list and description of all volumes in the Operations Manual»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OMM, Chapter 2.x «Structure of the Organisation’s Documentation/Management System»
In addition to the overview defining the organisation’s documentation, is there a brief description
defining all parts of the Operations Manual?
Is the brief description defining all parts of the Operations Manual included in the OMM and OM?
Is there a comprehensive cross-reference between the OMM and OM?
• Refer also to the FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System (MS), Chapter 3.3
«Structure of the Management System Documentation».
• The organisation should provide a brief description of the parts/volumes defining the Operations
• This description may be in the OMM or in the OM itself.
• The different parts of the Operations Manual may be issued in separate manuals or in one single
• All Parts, A to D have to be mentioned. Should one part be left blank, then that part may not be
omitted but has to be listed with the words «NOT APPLICABLE».
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Does an organisation chart (organigram) exist which describes the Approved Training
Organisation and which shows the relationship of the positions including lines of responsibility?
• The organigram must depict the relationship; in particular the subordination and reporting lines of
the complete organisation.
- Refer to FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) «Management System», Chapter 4 «Organisation,
Lines of Responsibilities and Accountabilities»
• For any ATO, the inevitable management position is the Head of Training
• For ATOs providing training for CPL, MPL and ATPL (according to SECTION II) a CFI and a
CTKI are required.
• The complete organisation may be described in the OMM. Alternatively, the organisational
structure may be depicted in the OMM and the ATO relevant functions in the OM:
Organisation Management Manual
Accountable Manager
Head of Training
Operations Manual
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Are duties and responsibilities for all relevant functions defined and easily accessible?
If the definitions are stated in different manuals are there cross-references available?
• Description of the concept defining duties, responsibilities and accountabilities, refer to FOCA CL
MS Chapter 4.4 «Duties, Responsibilities and Accountabilities – Concept».
• According to the defined organisational structure, the duties, responsibilities and accountability,
of all relevant functions shall be defined in the respective manual(s):
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Are the accountability, duties and responsibilities of the Head of Training comprehensively
Do they include that compliance of the training with the Part-FCL, Part-BFCL, Part-SFCL, as
applicable, and other requirements are ensured?
Do they include that integration of flight training in an aircraft and flight simulation training device
(FSTD) and of theoretical knowledge instruction are ensured?
Do they include that student’s progress and training completion shall be supervised?
Do they include that recording and analysis of occurrences and deviations and that corrective
and preventive actions within the organisation shall be ensured?
Do they include that corporate culture of safety and compliance shall be promoted?
Do they state the authority to implement corrective actions within the department?
• Function:
- The Head of Training manages and supervises the progress and completion of training within
the organisation.
• The Head of Training is subordinated to and reports to the Accountable Manager.
• The accountability, duties and responsibilities shall include that the Head of Training:
- ensures that the training is in compliance with the appropriate requirements, mainly Part-FCL,
Part-BFCL, Part-SFCL, as applicable, and internal requirements;
- ensures satisfactory integration of flight training in an aircraft, training in a flight simulation
training device (FSTD) and the theoretical knowledge instruction;
- develops, implements and improves the training programme, syllabi and session plans,
including training publications, documents and records;
- ensures the correct and appropriate content of the organisation’s documentation in the area
of responsibility;
- supervises the student’s overall progress and completion of training;
- assures the appropriate use of infrastructure, training facilities, equipment and tools;
- is responsible for the processing, storing and filling of all documents and records according to
the provisions of the management system;
- records and analyses any occurrences and deviations from the standards and ensures
corrective and preventive action within the organisation;
- promotes corporate culture of safety and compliance;
- represents the ATO and liaises with FOCA regarding administration and coordination;
- manages and plans continuous education and career development of his subordinates.
• Power and authority of the Head of Training:
- selects and nominates subordinates;
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- defines action to be taken if subordinates do not achieve or maintain the required standards
of performance and/or associated behaviour;
- defines disciplinary actions in case of student’s inadmissible behaviour;
- has the authority to implement corrective action within his department.
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Are the accountability, duties and responsibilities of the Chief Flight Instructor comprehensively
Do they include that supervision and standardisation of instructors are ensured?
Do they include that standardisation of flight and simulator instruction is ensured?
Do they include that instructors’ qualifications required for their activities are ensured?
Do they include that recording and analysis of occurrences and deviations and that corrective
and preventive actions within the organisation shall be ensured?
Do they include that corporate culture of safety and compliance shall be promoted?
Do they state the authority to implement corrective action within the department?
• Function:
- The Chief Flight Instructor manages and supervises the flight and synthetic flight instructors.
• The Chief Flight Instructor is subordinated to and reports to the Head of Training.
• The responsibilities and duties shall include that the Chief Flight Instructor:
- supervises flight and flight simulation training instructors and the standardisation of all flight
instruction and flight simulation instruction;
- assures that all instructors meet the qualification requirements for their activities, and
monitors the validity of their licences, ratings and medicals;
- develops and implements instructor training and refresher programmes;
- supervises the execution of safe and effective training, analyses the teaching capabilities and
competence of the instructors to ensure and improve the knowledge transfer during training
- is responsible for the processing, storing and filling of all documents and records according to
the provisions of the management system;
- records and analyses any occurrences and deviations from the standards and ensures
corrective and preventive action within the organisation;
- promotes corporate culture of safety and compliance;
- manages and plans continuous education and career development of his subordinates.
• Power and authority of the Chief Flight Instructor:
- defines action to be taken if subordinates do not achieve or maintain the required standards
of performance and/or associated behaviour;
- has the authority to implement corrective action within his department.
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Are the accountability, duties and responsibilities of the Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructor
comprehensively defined?
Do they include that supervision and standardisation of instructors are ensured?
Do they include that standardisation of theoretical knowledge instruction is ensured?
Do they include that instructors’ qualifications required for their activities are ensured?
Do they include that corporate culture of safety and compliance shall be promoted?
Do they state the authority to implement corrective action within the department?
• Function:
- The Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructor manages and supervises the theoretical
knowledge instructors.
• The Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructor is subordinated to and reports to the Head of
• The responsibilities and duties shall include that the Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructor:
- supervises the theoretical knowledge instructors and the standardisation of all theoretical
knowledge instruction;
- assures that all theoretical knowledge instructors meet the qualification requirements, have
the appropriate knowledge and experience for their activities;
- supervises the execution of effective instruction, analyses the teaching capabilities and
competence of the theoretical knowledge instructors to ensure and improve the knowledge
transfer during training activities;
- develops, implements and improves the teaching material, lesson plans, training publications
and instructional means;
- is responsible for the processing, storing and filling of all documents and records according to
the provisions of the management system;
- promotes corporate culture of safety and compliance;
- manages and plans continuous education and career development of his subordinates;
• Power and authority of the Chief Theoretical Knowledge Instructor:
- defines action to be taken if subordinates do not achieve or maintain the required standards
of performance and/or associated behaviour;
- has the authority to implement corrective action within his department.
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CL TOPIC OM Part A, Chapter x.4.x «Student discipline and disciplinary action»
3-OMA4-040 OM Part A, Chapter 2.x «Operational Control and Supervision»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
OM Part D, Chapter 3.2 «Procedure to be applied in the event personnel do not achieve or
maintain the required standards»
• Refer also to FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System (MS), Chapter 5 «Safety
Management», subchapter «Decision Tree for Unsafe Acts Culpability»
• The organisation shall have a procedure to be followed if disciplinary actions are required and for
suspending a student from training. Such a procedure may include:
- Expectations of students behaviours;
- Possible inadmissible behaviours;
- Guidance for the identification of:
o violation and unsafe acts;
o continued and deliberate unsatisfactory performance;
o the root cause;
o classification; and
o brief description of actions to be taken;
- A reference to the «Reporting and feedback system», OMM Chapter 7.x.
Example of a disciplinary action process and procedure for suspending a student from training
If disciplinary action is to be taken, the Head of Training may follow the process below:
Discipline Expectations of student’s behaviour are:
• compliance with the procedures;
• following the instructions from instructor, OM and TM;
• understanding and applying time management, taking into account of unforeseen
• appropriate judgement, learning interests and commitment;
• accurate preparation for each training session;
• clarifying doubts or confusions;
• providing information as early as possible if a lesson if a lesson cannot be attended;
• remaining in good health (influence of alcohol, narcotics, drugs, medicines, blood
donation, smoking, diving, ...).
• …
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ATO system clearly and correctly provision, procedure and and procedures
defined? guideline Preventive action and
• Was the task, procedure awareness
or action understood?
• Was the learning subject, Review the training
including the objective, effectiveness and enhance the
For reporting refer to the reporting scheme, OMM Chapter 6.x «Reporting and Feedback System» and hazard
identification and risk management
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Are there restrictions and guidance for the authorisation of training flights?
Are the restrictions for an FI with restricted privileges clearly specified?
Are there provisions and a specific form for the written authorisation for student solo flights?
• The training organisation shall define restrictions and guidance for the authorisation for training
• Student must meet the prerequisites for the intended training.
• Basically, the registration for flight training at the ATO is to be considered as a basic approval for
the flight training.
• A student pilot shall be supervised by a flight instructor and not fly solo unless authorised to do
• The minimum age for a solo flight is:
- for aeroplanes, helicopters and airships: 16 years
- for sailplanes and balloons: 14 years
• There are no solo flights for an IR training or a MEP.
• Permission and authority to issue this authorisation remains with the responsible flight instructor.
• An FI restricted does not have the privileges to approve:
- first solo flights by day or by night; and
- first solo navigation-/cross country flights by day or by night.
In this case, the supervising flight instructor of the FI restricted shall issue the authorisation.
• Before solo flights, the assigned instructor shall verify that the student:
- has a valid Medical;
- is able to apply basic navigation;
- can use R/T communication and operate the required systems and equipment;
- is able to divert to an alternate; and
- knows and understands the intended flight programme and training targets.
• There shall be defined minimum meteorological conditions for the intended flight, considering
visibility, ceiling and wind and any other meteorological phenomena.
• The authorisation for student solo flights shall be in written form, containing:
- Name and date of birth of the trainee
- Date of validity of the medical
- Date of flight
- Programme of the flight and intended routing
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The registration for the flight training is a basic approval for dual training flights. Solo flights require a
special «flight authorisation» issued by the responsible flight instructor. This authorisation includes full
details of the intended training flight and the limits thereof.
The authorisation has to be signed before each solo flight. Before signing it, the instructor has to check
- has a valid Medical;
- is able to apply basic navigation;
- can use R/T communication and operate the required systems and equipment;
- is able to divert to an alternate; and
- knows and understands the intended flight programme and training targets.
An FI with restricted privileges is not allowed to sign the flight authorisation for:
- the first solo flight by day or by night; and
- the first solo navigation-/cross country flight by day or by night.
In this case, the supervising flight instructor of the FI restricted shall issue the authorisation.
If the student has not done any flights within the last 2 weeks, a flight at dual control is mandatory first.
The Flight Assignment has to be carried out by the student during the specific flight.
For weather limitations refer to OM Part C, Chapter x.5.x «Weather Minima».
Flight Assignment to be carried out by the student during this specific flight
Date of birth:
Validity of Medical:
Date of flight:
Licence number:
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Is there a method to plan, coordinate and overview the daily flight activity?
Are there restrictions for the number of aircraft in training areas?
Note: For definition of poor weather condition refer to OM Part C, Chapter 4/5
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Normal weather 6 4 3 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
A/C 1
Student: x; FI: y
A/C 2
Session 1
A/C 3
Student: m; FI: k
A/C 4
Session 8; Area xy
Student: r; FI: s
A/C 5
First Solo Flight; Traffic Pattern
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• The Pilot in Command shall be responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft and for the
safety of all crew members, passengers and cargo on board.
• There should be provisions for the designation of the Pilot in Command for all flights with an ATO
- During dual instructional flights, the instructor shall hold a valid licence, the medical, an
instructor rating including the associated class-/type rating.
- For student solo flights the written authorisation has to be issued (refer also to CL OM/TM
Chapter 3.1.5. «Approval/authorisation of flights»).
When authorising a flight in an ATO aircraft, the instructor is to nominate one person as Pilot in
Command (PIC), bearing in mind the following requirements:
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part A, Chapter x.8.x «Responsibilities of the Pilot in Command»
OM Part A, Chapter 1.4 «Authority, duties and responsibilities of the Pilot in Command»
• The Pilot in Command shall be responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft and for the
safety of all crew members, passengers and cargo on board. This includes the following:
- the safety of all passengers and cargo on board, as soon as the PIC arrives on board, until
the leaving of the aircraft at the end of the flight; and
- for aeroplanes, from the moment it is first ready to move for the purpose of flight until the
moment it comes to rest at the end of the flight and the engine(s) used as primary propulsion
unit(s) is/are shut down.
- for helicopters, from the moment the engine(s) are started until the helicopter comes to rest
at the end of the flight with the engine(s) shut down and the rotor blades stopped.
The pilot-in-command shall be responsible for:
• the safety of the aircraft and of all crew members, passengers and cargo on board during aircraft
• the initiation, continuation, termination or diversion of a flight in the interest of safety;
• ensuring that all operational procedures and checklists are complied with, in accordance with the
Operations Manual, AFM, POH, etc. and common practices of good airmanship;
• ensuring that the weather forecast and reports for the proposed operating area and flight duration
indicate that the flight may be conducted without infringing ATO operating minima;
• the aircraft being refuelled with particular attention to:
- the correct grade and amount of fuel, fuel water checks, fire safety precautions, checking filler
caps for security and correct replacement after refuelling.
• ensuring the pre-flight inspection has been carried out;
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• deciding on acceptance of the aircraft with unserviceability in accordance with the configuration
deviation list (CDL) or minimum equipment list (MEL), as applicable;
• only commencing a flight if all operational limitations are complied with, as follows:
- the aircraft is airworthy and duly registered;
- instruments and equipment required for the execution of that flight are installed in the aircraft
and are operative, unless operation with inoperative equipment is permitted by the minimum
equipment list (MEL) or list of deficiencies;
- the mass of the aircraft and the centre of gravity are such that the flight can be conducted
within limits;
- all equipment, baggage and cargo are properly loaded and secured and an emergency
evacuation remains possible;
- the aircraft operating limitations as specified in the aircraft flight manual (AFM) will not be
exceeded at any time during the flight;
- navigational database required for PBN is suitable and current; and
- any NOTAMs or pilot-in-command briefing materials that could adversely affect the aircraft
operation along its flight plan including any alternate aerodrome.
• not commencing a flight if incapacitated to perform any duties by any cause such as injury,
sickness, fatigue or the effects of any psychoactive substance;
• not continuing a flight beyond the nearest weather-permissible aerodrome or operating site when
the capacity to perform duties is significantly reduced from causes such as fatigue, sickness or
lack of oxygen;
• checking at regular intervals that the amount of usable fuel / energy remaining in flight is not less
than the fuel / energy required to proceed to a weather permissible aerodrome or operating site
and the planned reserve fuel / energy required;
• recording at the termination of the flight, or series of flights, in the aircraft technical log or journey
log for the aircraft:
- utilisation data (fuel / energy, oil, de-icing fluid, etc.) and all known or suspected defects in the
• taking all reasonable steps to ensure that whenever the aircraft is taxiing, taking off or landing, or
whenever it is advisable (e.g. in turbulent conditions) that all persons on board are properly
secured in their seats, and all cabin baggage is stowed in the approved stowage;
• the Pilot in Command shall, as soon as possible, report to the appropriate air traffic services
(ATS) unit any hazardous weather or flight conditions encountered that are likely to affect the
safety of other aircraft;
• the Pilot in Command shall, in an emergency situation that requires immediate decision and
action, take any action he considers necessary under the circumstances. In such cases he may
deviate from any rules, operational procedures, and methods in the interest of safety;
• ensuring that, prior to and during taxiing, take-off and landing, and whenever deemed necessary
in the interest of safety (e.g. in turbulent conditions), each passenger on board occupies a seat or
berth and has his/her safety belt or restraint device properly secured and all cabin baggage is
stowed in the approved stowage;
• that the aircraft is controlled at all times;
• any occurrences being reported according to the ATO reporting scheme (refer to CL MS, Chapter
6 «Reporting Scheme»);
• the notification by the quickest available means of any accident involving the aircraft that results
in serious injury or death of any person or substantial damage to the aircraft or property (refer to
CL MS, Chapter 6.2 «Occurrence Reporting»);
• being familiar with national and international aviation legislation and agreed aviation practices
and procedures in those areas/States where operations are conducted;
• being familiar with the provisions of the ATO Manuals;
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• all training and flight briefings being completed before each flight and all persons on board being
fully briefed, including on emergency equipment and procedures;
• the aircraft documentation being complete and carried on board;
• no portable electronic device (PED) being used, including an electronic flight bag (EFB), which
could adversely affect the performance of the aircraft systems and equipment or the ability of the
flight crew members to operate the aircraft.
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The carriage of additional persons during dual flights is possible. Whereas the carriage of additional
students might be encouraged for training benefit, the carriage of any other persons, not having a direct
interest in the flight, shall be arranged in a restrictive manner.
Passengers have to be briefed on safety procedures before the flight.
The instructor as well as the student has to agree to accept the passenger. Additionally, FOCA inspector
on duty may be carried on dual instructional flight.
The following table summarises the carriage of passengers:
Passengers allowed
Nature of flight
Yes No
Dual instructional flight X
Student solo flight (flight on which a student pilot is the sole occupant of an aircraft) X
Flights with abnormal or emergency procedure training, including critical manoeuvres X
Training with Maximum Operating Mass X
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Aircraft documentation
Ch. 3.1.10 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
CAMO.A.300 CAO.A.025
OM Part A, Chapter x.10.x «Aircraft documentation»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part A, Chapter 8.1.11 «Aircraft Technical Log»
CAME, Chapter 1.1 «Aircraft Technical Log Utilisation and MEL Application» or «Aircraft
Continuing Airworthiness Record System Utilisation»
Is there a method to record data required by the technical log system and the journey log
described? Does the method include:
the means to record data, Electronic Log Book System, Paper, or a combination thereof?
the description of their content and use?
provisions on how unrestricted access to the Log System is guaranteed for all
involved/authorised parties (e.g. Pilots, CAMO, Maintenance)?
means and requirements to record deferred defects (e.g. Hold Item List), if the grey Journey
Log Book (provided by FOCA) is used?
• Details of the aircraft, its pilots (instructor, student) and each leg shall be recorded and retained
for each flight or series of flights, in the form of a journey log or equivalent.
- Approved Training Organisations, holding an Approval according to Regulation Regulation
(EC) No 1321/2014, Part-CAMO or Part-CAO and and maintaining the associated Continuing
Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME), may refer the description of the technical log
system to the CAME, Chapter 1.1 «Aircraft Technical Log Utilisation and MEL Application» or
«Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Record System Utilisation».
- Approved Training Organisations, not holding such an Approval, shall describe the use of the
aircraft Journey Log Book or equivalent including graphical presentation within this Chapter of
the Operations Manual.
- If the grey (provided by FOCA) Journey Log Book is used, a respective statement suffices.
Additionally, a reference to the explanation on page 3 of this Journey Log Book shall be
- The Pilot in Command is responsible for the correct recording of details.
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• The equivalent of an aircraft journey log book should include the following items:
- aircraft registration; - hour meter/flight time counter (if applicable);
- date; - nature of flight;
- crew and duty; - number of landings;
- place of departure; - problems, observations and defects;
- place of arrival; - action taken/maintenance release;
- time of departure; - recording of the completed pre-flight check;
- time of arrival; - signature of the Pilot in Command;
- hours of flight;
• The information or parts thereof may be recorded in a form other than on printed paper. Refer
also to FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) MS, Chapter 3.2 «Electronic Data Processing (EDP)» and
FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Electronic Flight Bag (EFB).
• Unrestricted access to the Log System (paper, electronic or combinations thereof) must be
guaranteed/ensured for all parties involved/authorised (e.g. Pilots, CAMO, Maintenance) in order
to inform them of the technical condition of the aircraft.
• For the management of aircraft defects, the Approved Training Organisation may establish a
separate Hold Item List (HIL) or Deferred Defect List (DDL) considering:
- that only authorised certifying staff (aircraft maintenance personnel) decide whether an
aircraft defect affects flight safety and what rectification action is required before further flight;
- any defect affecting the airworthiness and/or the flight safety or under the provisions of the
CDL/MEL is rectified before further flight;
- any defect not affecting flight safety is rectified as soon as practicable after the aircraft defect
was first identified and within any limits specified in the applicable maintenance data. These
defects shall be transferred into the HIL or DDL by authorised certifying staff only;
- after rectification, the deferred defect (HIL item) has to be comprehensively cleared and
signed off by the authorised certifying staff. Additionally, the cleared item shall be released in
the Journey Log Book field «Action taken/maintenance release».
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SFCL.045 NCO.GEN.135
• The following documents, manuals and information shall be carried on each flight:
Aircraft Blue Booklet • The Registration Certificate
• The Airworthiness Certificate or Permit to Fly
• Airworthiness Review Certificate or the Inspection Confirmation
• The third party Liability Insurance Certificate for aircraft (in SDR)
• The insurance certificate in respect of liability for passengers, if applicable
• The noise certificate, if applicable
• The certificate for aero-towing of gliders, if applicable
• The aircraft radio station operating licence issued by OFCOM, if applicable
• EASA Form 138 Air Operator Certificate (AOC), EASA Form 139 Operations
Specifications, EASA Form 140 List of specific Approvals, as applicable
Aircraft Documentation • Current AFM, POH
Manufacturer provided • Journey Log Book/Technical Log including Maintenance Release or equivalent
Documents • Checklists
• MEL and CDL, if applicable
• Hold Item List (HIL) or Deferred Defect List (DDL)
Planning and Operational • Operational-/Navigation Flight Plan including Fuel / Energy Planning
Documents • Mass and Balance Documentation
• Details of the filed ATS flight plan, if applicable
• Current Weather Information and Forecast
• NOTAM’s and DABS
AIP • Current and suitable aeronautical charts for the route of the proposed flight and
all routes along which it is reasonable to expect that the flight may be diverted
VFR Manual & Guide
• Procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and
Other commercially produced
intercepted aircraft
Route and Aerodrome
• Any other documentation that may be pertinent to the flight or is required by
Information and
the States concerned with the flight
ATO and pilots relevant • Operations Manual of the ATO
documents • Pilot Licence (except for students of a LAPL, PPL or integrated CPL Course)
• Temporary Permission to act as pilot (if applicable)
• Medical
• ID or Passport
• Syllabus
• Pilot’s Log Book
• Authorisation for Student Solo Flight
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• The Pilot in Command shall make these documents available within a reasonable time frame
when requested by the competent authority (FOCA or the respective national authority).
• In case of loss or theft of one of the listed documents, the operation may continue until the flight
reaches its destination or a place where replacement documents can be provided.
• The documents, manuals and information may be recorded in a form other than on printed paper.
Refer also to FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) MS, Chapter 3.2 «Electronic Data Processing
(EDP)» and FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Electronic Flight Bag (EFB).
CL TOPIC OMM, Chapter 10.x «Record Keeping and Archiving»
3-OMA11-080 OM Part A, Chapter 11 «Retention of documents»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part A, Chapter 2.1.x «Supervision of the Operation by the Operator»
OM Part D, Chapter 4 «Description of Documentation to be Stored and Storage Periods»
Does the organisation have a system of record keeping that allows storage and reliable
Does the organisation state that a student pilot changing to another training organisation may
request a copy of her/his training records?
Does the system include the provisions of FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System
(MS), Chapter 10 «Record Keeping»?
• Refer to FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System (MS), Chapter 10 «Record
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3-OMA12-085 OM Part A, Chapter x.12.x «Flight crew qualification records (licences and ratings)»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
OM Part A, Chapter 2.1.x «Supervision of the Operation by the Operator»
OM Part D, Chapter 4 «Description of Documentation to be Stored and Storage Periods»
Is there a means and process for recording and monitoring the validity of the instructor’s licence,
ratings, medical and qualifications?
Is there a means and process for recording the student’s data, entry qualifications and training
Are the means and content of the files for the instructor and for the student defined?
• The organisation has to ensure that the student meets the prerequisites for the intended training.
• The organisation ensures that instructors only get training assignments if they have the
necessary and valid licence, instructor certificate, rating and medical certificate for the respective
• The assigned instructor shall ensure that the student has the necessary licence, rating and
medical certificate for the respective training.
• The organisation has to establish a method for supervising the validity of licence and
qualifications by:
- a means and process for recording and monitoring the validity of instructor’s licence, ratings,
medical and qualifications
- a means and process for recording the student’s data, entry qualifications and training
• Access to the information on Area 100 KSA, kept in the student’s training records, should be
restricted to the student and authorised organisation personnel only, and should not be disclosed
outside the organisation.
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Student File
Folder • Copy of ID or Passport Administration Office
• Copy of Medical
• Personal Data File/Registration
• Record of assigned instructors
• Outcome of the summative assessments
• Results of Mental Maths Test
• Results of Progress Tests
• Copy of Theory Exam Results
• Copy of Radiotelephony Exam Results
• Copy of Language Proficiency Check Results
• Correspondence
• Feedback
• ...
Current Training • Syllabus Student
Documentation • Progress Log
• Flight Assignment for Student Solo Flight
• Test Results
• Lessons and Briefings Working Paper
• ...
Step Task Frequency Responsibility
Data collection • Establish instructor file Upon employment / Administration
Verification • Check file for accurateness Prior to starting any Head of Training
and completeness instructional task
Supervision and • Organise/conduct training Plan yearly individual Chief Flight Instructor
Staff Training and checking / assessment training, checking and
according to training plan assessment according to
(staff training) and expiry expiry date
File Management • Amend and revise file timely Continuously Chief Flight Instructor
according to revalidation or
renewal and upon receiving
evidence; and
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «List of instructors»
OM-D Chapter 1.3 «Training and checking personnel»
• The organisation shall establish a list containing personal details and qualifications of all
categories of instructors for flying training and theoretical knowledge instruction. The list is part of
the initial application. Any amendment thereafter must be notified to FOCA.
• The list of instructors is one of the main instruments to:
- monitor that sufficient qualified personnel are appointed/available for the planned tasks and
activities to be performed;
- monitor that instructors have the applicable and valid licence, instructor certificate, rating and
medical certificate for the intended training;
- demonstrate to FOCA that an adequate number of qualified, competent staff is employed.
• The list shall contain the following data as a minimum:
- First and last name;
- Type and licence number;
- Category of instructor certificate or theoretical knowledge instructor;
- Full time or part time.
• The list may be designed to be used as an employee list, containing additional personal details,
such as address and contact information.
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Name Licence Certificate category or Level of employment …
Type and number TKI
Tom Airspeed CPL(A) CH.FCL.12345 FI: PPL, SEP 80% …
Anna Airflow ATPL(A) CH.FCL.56789 TRI: restricted, A320, MPL 20% …
… … … … …
Kuno Ampère - TKI: 020, 080, 100 incl. freelance …
Eduard Flybywire - TKI: A320, Airplane 50% …
… … … … …
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OM Part A, Chapter x.13.x «Revalidation (medical certificates and ratings)»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
OM Part A, Chapter 2.1.x «Supervision of the Operation by the Operator»
Part D, Chapter 3 «Procedures for Training and Checking»
• The Head of Training is responsible that only instructors with valid licence and qualifications are
assigned for flight training.
• Instructors hold the ultimate responsibility for the validity of their licence and qualifications.
• The CFI may define with whom the proficiency checks have to be performed with.
Step Task Tool Responsibility
Notification Informs the instructor that • Instructor Supervision Administration
a rating or the medical Excel-File
expires (within 3 months) • (I://Org/Supervision/...)
• E-Mail
Organisation Makes appointment with • Telephone/by the best Instructor
Examiner or AeMC/AME practicable means
• FOCA Examiner-List
• List of AeMC/AME
Conducted by Performs revalidation Instructor
• Proficiency check
• Medical examination
• 1h training flight, required minimum flight experience,
application for revalidated rating (SEP/TMG only)
• Assessment of competency
• ...
Administration and Submission of the forms • FOCA administrative Examiner
Notification of FOCA and documents related to requirements, forms and AME
the conducted documents
check/examination • FOCA homepage
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Are there definitions provided relevant to the flight time limitations and rest requirements?
Is there a statement that the provisions related to flight and duty time regulations are in
accordance with the regulation air operations, Part-ORO?
Is there a statement that both, the instructor/student are responsible for the strict observance of
the flight time limitations?
Is there a statement that freelance instructors, engaged in other approved training organisations
and/or commercial air operations, additionally take into consideration the flight and duty time
limitations and rest requirements of the concerned organisation/operator?
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Is there a statement that such records are kept for at least 24 month?
If instructors are engaged in more than one organisation/operator, is there a requirement, to
make such duty records available to all the concerned organisations/operators?
• The organisation shall establish flight time limitation schemes for flight instructors, including:
- the maximum flying hours and the maximum flying duty hours; and
- minimum rest time between instructional duties in accordance with Part-ORO.
• The flight time limitations scheme should be proportionate to the complexity of the training
activities of the ATO. The duty periods and flying hours table shall be applied, however the rest
period for instructors may be simplified.
The following extract of definitions applies:
Break «break» means a period of time within a flight duty period, shorter than a rest period,
counting as duty and during which a crew member is free of all tasks.
Duty «duty» means any task that a crew member performs for the operator, including flight
Annex III Subpart FTL Flight and Duty time Limitations and Rest time Requirements
duty, administrative work, giving or receiving training and checking, positioning, and
some elements of standby.
Duty Period «duty period» means a period which starts when a crew member is required by an
operator to report for or to commence duty and ends when that person is free of all
duties, including post-flight duty.
Flight Duty Period «flight duty period (FDP)» means a period that commences when a crew member is
required to report for duty, which includes a sector or a series of sectors, and finishes
when the aircraft finally comes to rest and the engines are shut down, at the end of the
last sector on which the crew member acts as an operating crew member;
Flight Time «flight time» means, for aeroplanes and touring motor gliders, the time between an
(Block Time) aircraft first moving from its parking place for the purpose of taking off until it comes to
rest on the designated parking position and all engines or propellers are shut down.
Home Base «home base» means the location, assigned by the operator to the crew member, from
where the crew member normally starts and ends a duty period or a series of duty
periods and where, under normal circumstances, the operator is not responsible for
the accommodation of the crew member concerned;
Positioning «positioning» means the transferring of a non-operating crew member from one place
to another, at the behest of the operator, excluding:
the time of travel from a private place of rest to the designated reporting place at home
base and vice versa, and
the time for local transfer from a place of rest to the commencement of duty and vice
Rest Period «rest period» means a continuous, uninterrupted and defined period of time, following
duty or prior to duty, during which a crew member is free of all duties, standby and
Suitable «suitable accommodation» means, for the purpose of standby, split duty and rest, a
Accommodation separate room for each crew member located in a quiet environment and equipped
with a bed, which is sufficiently ventilated, has a device for regulating temperature and
light intensity, and access to food and drink.
Window of «window of circadian low (WOCL)» means the period between 02:00 and 05:59 hours
Circadian Low in the time zone to which a crew member is acclimatised.
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Working Time «working time» means any period during which employees are working at the
employer’s disposal and carry out their activity or duties in accordance with national
laws and/or practice.
The provisions related to flight and duty time regulation including rest requirements are established for
instructors and students in compliance with Regulation Air Crew which refers to Part-ORO.
Both, the organisation and the instructor/student are responsible for the observance of the flight time
No instructor or student shall start a duty period if it is foreseeable that the duty time limitation or rest
period requirement will be violated.
Freelance instructors engaged in other approved training organisations and/or commercial air
operations shall additionally consider the flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements of the
concerned organisation/operator. However, the more restrictive requirements shall apply.
Home base
The organisation assigns in the individual contract with the instructor the location from where the
instructor normally starts and ends a duty period or a series of duty periods and where, under normal
circumstances, the organisation is not responsible for the accommodation of the instructor concerned.
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Positioning, means the transferring of an instructor from one place to another on behest of the
organisation, excluding:
- the time of travel from a private place of rest to the designated reporting place at home base and
vice versa;
- and the time for local transfer from a place of rest to the commencement of duty and vice versa.
If the organisation positions an instructor, the following shall apply:
- all times an instructor spends on positioning is counted as duty; and
- positioning prior to a flight time shall be counted towards the maximum allowable flight duty
period and cumulatively to the duty period.
Overview relation: Duty / Duty Period / Flight Time and Flight Duty Period
Flight instruction
Any commercial
Any activity on behalf of the
Session Debriefing
flight duty
Session Briefing
Post-Flight Duty
Theoretical Knowledge
Pre-Flight Duty
training organisation
The maximum consecutive duty period shall not exceed 7 days (168 hours), and the organisation
ensures that the minimum rest period increases periodically as follows:
Weekly 2 days At least 36-hours period including two local nights.
The organisation ensures that every instructor receives a minimum of seven local days free from
duty within every single calendar month.
Monthly 7 days
The monthly seven day free from duty may be reduced pro rata in case of holidays, sickness,
accident or military service. Days free from duty shall normally be planned at home base.
Every instructor shall be given 96 days free from duty per calendar year at home base. The
Yearly 96 days yearly 96 days of free from duty may be reduced pro rata temporis in case the instructor receives
more than the legal minimum 4 resp. 5 weeks of holidays.
Rest periods for instructors engaged in ATO’s operating primarily non complex aircraft
Instructors shall not commence a training flight if they are tired, feel tired or do not feel fit enough and
might endanger the flight or fail to achieve the training objective.
Post-flight duty
Travelling and
Pre-flight duty
Pre-flight duty
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Post-flight duty
Travelling and
Pre-flight duty
Pre-flight duty
Flight Time Flight Time
(Block time) (Block time)
02:00 – 05:59
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Organisation OM Reference
Address Company Logo
Flight (Block) Time actual month
Landings actual month
Flight (Block) Time actual calendar year since January 1st
Landings calendar year
Working Time actual month
Annual Working Time since January 1st
For students
In general, students undergoing a course of flight training, especially students undergoing an integrated
training, may also be subject to the flight time limitations and rest requirements as defined for
instructors. With the following additions:
- Students should use their rest periods properly prior to a flight and appear well rested and fit for
- Students shall not start a training flight if they know that they are suffering from, or are likely to
suffer from fatigue or feel unfit to the extent that the flight may be endangered and/or the training
target is in question;
- Students are not required to maintain any record of duty, flight duty and rest periods;
- Without prejudice of an approved syllabus, students should not fly more than 3 flight training
sessions/units in any flight duty period; and
- Student pilots should not exceed 6 hours of flight time in any flight duty period.
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SR 748.222.1 Art. 34-38 Richtlinie 318.02.100 D FOCA AltMoC Digital Logbook dLog
CL TOPIC FOCA GM INFO Examination Guide (A)/(H)/(S) FOCA GM INFO «Logging of Flight Time»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
OM Part A, Chapter x.18.x «Pilots’ log books»
OM Part A, Chapter 2.1.x «Supervision of the Operation by the Operator»
• Every pilot must keep a pilot log book and be able to present it upon request without undue
delay. The pilot log book serves as proof for the flight hours required for the extension of the pilot
licence or as confirmation to obtain authorisations and licences necessary for flying experience.
• Acceptable log book formats are:
- paper; or
- electronical/computerised when printed; or
- fully digital, as acceptable to FOCA.
• The form/structure and manner/details of a pilot’s log book are to be in compliance with AMC1
FCL.050 «Recording of flight time». For sailplanes and balloons a suitable format should be used
which contains the relevant additional information specific to the type of operation as specified in
SFCL.050 or BFCL.050 respectively.
• Pilots who regularly fly aeroplanes and helicopters or other aircraft types are recommended to
maintain separate log books for each type of flying.
• For instructions concerning the use and details to record flight time, refer to:
- the introductory pages of the Pilot Log Book Art. No. 803.001; or
- AMC1 FCL.050 / SFCL.050 / BFCL.050; or
- FOCA GM INFO «Logging of Flight Time».
• Instructors of approved training organisations shall instruct and guide their assigned student on:
- the format and content of the pilot log book and how relevant data and information are to be
- the significance of the log book and its content as evidence;
- the importance of the use of ink or indelible pencil with proper and clear handwriting in case
of paper format;
- the relevance to undertake entries as soon as practicable after any flight undertaken;
- carrying the pilot log book during all flights or at least during all solo cross country flights;
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- the requirement to present the pilot log book for inspection upon request by an authorised
representative of FOCA or another national aviation authority (competent authority);
- the violation against these provisions, notably the entry of false information in the pilot log
book and the prosecution according to article 91 and 92 of the Swiss Air Navigation Decree
(Luftfahrtgesetz) or article 251-255 of the criminal code (Strafgesetzbuch) for falsification of
• The instructor shall regularly check the accuracy and completeness of the student’s entries.
• On completion of a course of training the instructor is to sign off or digitally sign the respective
Paper format
• Acceptable paper formats are:
- the official means provided by FOCA (Pilot Log Book Art. No. 803.001 ENG) in paper format
and as published by BBL (Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik, 3000 Bern)
Bundespublikationen für Privatkunden; or
- other commercialy provided paper means in compliance with AMC1 FCL.050 / SFCL.050 /
- electronical/computerised logging, printed and signed on paper in compliance with AMC1
FCL.050 / SFCL.050 / BFCL.050.
Digital format
• A digital log book (dLog) may be used to log flight time and submit the records to the competent
authority electronically.
• Acceptable digital log books must:
- be in compliance with AMC1 FCL.050 «Recording of flight time» with regard to form/structure
and manner/details;
- include a change log, which:
o records every subsequent change;
o cannot be edited by the flight log owner; and
o is automatically attached to the flight log file when it is sent to the authority.
- be electronically/digitally signable, as required;
- ensure that an electronic/digital signature is automatically deleted/withdrawn if a previously
confirmed/certified (HT of ATO/DTO, Instructor, Examiner, etc.) log book endorsement has
been changed.
• Accepted digital log books for Swiss licence holders are published on the FOCA website [on-line] Available (27.11.2020).
• Applications for acceptance of digital log book tools other than listed on the FOCA website are to
be submitted to [email protected].
Air operations
• Details of flights flown under commercial air transport may be recorded in a computerised format
maintained by the operator. In this case an operator should make the records of all flights
operated by the pilot, including difference and familiarisation trainings, available upon request to
the flight crew member concerned.
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ORA.ATO.230 NCO.OP.135
• A flight shall not be commenced until all pertinent flight data for a suitable flight planning has
been compiled. Before commencing a flight, both, the instructor/examiner and the
student/applicant, shall be familiar with the data relevant for the intended flight.
• The organisation is to establish guidance to perform a complete flight planning.
No flight shall commence without a complete and appropriate planning for the intended flight.
Both, the instructor/examiner and the student/applicant, are familiar with the planning and the actual
data as relevant for the intended flight.
As part of the briefing, the instructor shall evaluate the student’s flight planning prior to commencing a
A complete and appropriate flight planning shall include at least:
Organisation Check the availability of the aircraft
Sunrise / Sunset – OPR hours
Current charts and maps / AIP / VFR Manual / Other commercially produced route
and aerodrome / operating site information
Navigation VFR / IFR navigation flight plan
Flight announcement
ATC flight plan
Weather METAR
Significant Weather Chart
Wind Chart
Weather Radar
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Is there a statement that safety is everyone’s responsibility and any reference available to the
Safety Management of the organisation?
Is there a general policy to use the equipment in accordance with manufacturer provided
manuals (AFM, POH, etc.)?
Is there a policy and requirement about the use of radio communication and listening watch?
Is there a provision that emergency equipment is to be checked for availability and
• As a minimum, safety relevant policies and provisions shall be included for the following:
- use of equipment including emergency equipment;
- radio communication and listening watch;
- handling, reporting of occurrences and hazards.
• The organisation shall explain the importance of safety in general in accordance with the
provisions of the Management System (OMM), refer also to FOCA CL Management System MS,
CL 5 «Safety Management»).
It is everyone’s responsibility to provide a safe and secure operation. Adherence to the safety policy,
established operating policies, procedures and instructions as published in the organisation’s
documentation, including the use of the reporting schemes and an in-depth knowledge of
comprehensive emergency response procedures, are essential aspects for a safe and secure
The Safety Management of the organisation has the purpose to maintain and, where practicable,
improve safety levels in all its activities and to minimise its contribution to the risk of an aircraft accident
as far as is reasonably practical.
Besides the responsibility of the training organisation's management, instructors are an important
driving force to demonstrate their commitment to safety, to promote safety in an everyday activity during
training and to operate any aircraft by example.
All instructors/pilot in command shall operate the aircraft according to the respective flight manual
(AFM) / pilots operating handbook (POH) and where applicable, for specific equipment, manufacturer
provided operating instructions. The equipment should always be used to the fullest and optimum
capacity and has to be handled with care.
The instructor/pilot in command shall ensure that instruments and equipment required for the execution
of that flight are installed in the aircraft and are operative, unless operation with inoperative equipment
is permitted by the minimum equipment list (MEL) or list of deficiencies (refer also to OM, Part B,
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Chapter 3.3.4, «Allowable deficiencies»); and are used with maximum care as described in the relevant
Emergency Equipment
In accordance with the pre-flight procedure for the concerned aircraft the emergency equipment is to
be checked for availability and serviceability.
The standard emergency equipment of the organisation’s training aircraft consist of:
Equipment Check if available
Fire Extinguisher Check that located in the designated place;
Check easy accessibility;
Check pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range
or position;
Check expiry date/last inspection.
Emergency escape equipment Check that correctly fitted and secured;
(e.g. emergency safety hammer) Check easy accessibility.
First Aid Kit Check that correctly fitted and secured;
Check the seal
Torches Check that correctly fitted and secured;
Check functionality.
Supplemental Oxygen Check that correctly fitted and secured;
Check functionality;
Check amount of oxygen.
... ...
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) and Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) accidental activation
After each flight select 121.5 MHz on the respective radio equipment to verify that no accidental
activation has occurred.
• If an accidental ELT activation occurs, reset ELT or switch the ELT off, then switch back to
position ARM, unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer operating manual;
• In case of a PLB, switch off the transmitter according to the user manual.
Notify the accidential activation to Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC):
Swiss Air Force
Flugplatz Dübendorf / OZD
CH-8600 Dübendorf Refer also to VFR Manual Switzerland GEN1, Chapter 2
Tel H24: +41 58 484 10 00
e-mail: [email protected]
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Listening Watch
Where an aircraft is equipped with radio communication equipment, the pilot in
command/instructor/student shall ensure that a listening watch is maintained.
VFR flights operating in uncontrolled airspace shall maintain continuous air-ground voice
communication watch on the appropriate communication frequency.
IFR and VFR flights operating in controlled airspaces shall establish continuous two-way
communication with the appropriate air traffic control unit on the respective communication
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Is there a reporting system for both mandatory reporting and voluntary reporting?
Is there a procedure to report serious incidents and accidents?
Do the procedures ensure that any accidents, serious incidents and occurrences are reported by
the organisation to the competent authority through EU Aviation Safety Reporting?
Is the address to the website of Aviation Safety Reporting provided?
Do the procedures include defined time frames for each reporting step and stipulate that reports
shall be made available to the competent authority as soon as possible, but in any case within
72 hours of identifying the occurrence to which the report relates to?
• For the complete guidance of the overall occurrence reporting system, including internal and
external functions, refer to (EU) No 376/2014 and (EU) 2015/1018.
• For the electronic aviation safety reporting system and related guidance refer to Aviation Safety
Reporting [on-line] Available (28.10.2016).
• The organisation shall define two reporting systems:
- Mandatory reporting and;
- Voluntary reporting.
• The introductory text is to include that all persons involved in civil aviation are to report any
occurrence endangering or potentially endangering safety of operation.
• A guidance for or a reference to reportable occurrences may be included.
• Reporting procedures have to include the notification to internal and external parties involved
and/or interested including the relevant dispatch time and contacts:
- For internal reporting the reporting form (e.g. reporting/analysis form) defined by the
organisation has to be used;
- The reporting portal/website for the Aviation Safety Reporting shall be made available;
- For serious incident and accident the initial notification to REGA is required;
- Dispatch times shall require that reports shall be made available to the competent authority
as soon as possible by using the Aviation Safety Reporting, but in any case within 72 hours of
identifying the occurrence to which the report relates to.
• Ideally, a reporting procedure includes the following elements:
- responsibility;
- party to be notified/reported;
- dispatch time/time frames;
- address;
- means to be used.
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• Occurrence reports shall be processed as defined in the Reporting and Feedback System. Refer
to FOCA Certification Leaflet Chapter CL 6 «Reporting Scheme»;
Occurrence Reporting
The main target of the occurrence reporting system is to avoid any re-occurrence and to learn from
reported events.
All persons involved in the organisation or in civil aviation are to report any occurrence endangering or
potentially endangering aviation safety. The following two reporting systems are in place within the
• Mandatory reporting; and
• Voluntary reporting.
Incident «Incident» means an occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an
aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operation.
Serious incident «Serious incident» means an incident involving circumstances indicating that there was a high
probability of an accident and is associated with the operation of an aircraft, which in the case of a
manned aircraft, takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of
flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, or in the case of an unmanned aircraft,
takes place between the time the aircraft is ready to move with the purpose of flight until such time
it comes to rest at the end of the flight and the primary propulsion system is shut down.
Accident «Accident» means an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which, in the case of
a manned aircraft, takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of
flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, or in the case of an unmanned aircraft,
takes place between the time the aircraft is ready to move with the purpose of flight until such time
it comes to rest at the end of the flight and the primary propulsion system is shut down, in which:
• a person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:
- being in the aircraft, or,
- direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached
from the aircraft, or,
- direct exposure to jet blast,
except when the injuries are from natural causes, self-inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or
when the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers
and crew; or
• the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which adversely affects the structural strength,
performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and would normally require major repair or
replacement of the affected component, except for engine failure or damage, when the damage
is limited to a single engine, (including its cowlings or accessories), to propellers, wing tips,
antennas, probes, vanes, tires, brakes, wheels, fairings, panels, landing gear doors,
windscreens, the aircraft skin (such as small dents or puncture holes) or minor damages to
main rotor blades, tail rotor blades, landing gear, and those resulting from hail or bird strike; or
• the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.
Hazard Condition or object with the potential of causing injuries to personnel, damage to equipment or
structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function.
ATIR Air Traffic Incident Reports result from incidents in connection with ATC services.
• Refer to AIP Switzerland, ENR 1.14
Occurrences Occurrences are incidents that pose a significant risk to aviation safety
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Mandatory reporting
Refer to
Accident and Serious Incident
«Reporting of a serious incident or accident»
Refer to
Laser attack
«Specific report for laser attack»
Refer to
Reportable occurrences
«Occurrence reporting»
Air operations
- Unintentional loss of control;
- Landing outside of intended landing area;
- Inability or failure to achieve required aircraft performance expected in normal conditions during take-off, climb or
- Runway incursion;
- Runway excursion;
- Any flight which has been performed with an aircraft which was not airworthy, or for which flight preparation was not
completed, which has or could have endangered the aircraft, its occupants or any other person;
- Unintended flight into IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions) conditions of aircraft not IFR (Instrument flight
rules) certified, or a pilot not qualified for IFR, which has or could have endangered the aircraft, its occupants or any
other person.
Technical occurrences
- Abnormal severe vibration (for example: aileron or elevator ‘flutter’, or of propeller);
- Any flight control not functioning correctly or disconnected;
- A failure or substantial deterioration of the aircraft structure;
- A loss of any part of the aircraft structure or installation in flight;
- A failure of an engine, rotor, propeller, fuel system or other essential system;
- Leakage of any fluid which resulted in a fire hazard or possible hazardous contamination of aircraft structure, systems
or equipment, or risk to occupants;
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The list above applies to other than complex motor powered aircraft (Part-NCO).
For reportable occurrences related to complex aircraft (Part-NCC), Sailplanes, Balloons and Airships refer to [on-line] Available (24.04.2019).
Pilot in Command
Swiss Air Rescue Service Phone: 1414
(REGA) (from abroad: +41 333 333 333)
any person directly
involved in, or Immediately
becoming aware of an Initial notification:
accident or serious - by best practicable means
- Phone:
Head of Training
Written report:
- Reporting/Analysis Form
- E-Mail:
Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle SUST
Bereich Aviatik
Schweizerische Aéropôle 1
Swiss Air Rescue
Sicherheitsuntersuchungsstelle Immediately
Service (REGA) CH-1530 Payerne
Tel. +41 58 466 33 00
Fax +41 58 466 33 01
[email protected]
As soon as Phone:
Safety Manager
practicable E-Mail:
Refer to OMM, Chapter 6.2.2 «Follow-up process for handling occurrence reports»
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Occurrence Reporting
Responsibility Notification to Dispatch time Means/Address
Local broadcast
or Current frequency
Air Traffic Control
If an aerodrome is affected:
Ground frequency
- Aerodrome Operator
C-Office of the aerodrome concerned
Pilot in Command/ - Airport Authority
Initial notification:
- by best practicable means
As soon as - Phone:
Head of Training
practicable Written report:
- Reporting/Analysis Form
- E-Mail:
Aviation Safety Reporting
Within 72 Hours of [on-line] Available
becoming aware (28.10.2016)
of the occurrence,
unless exceptional
circumstances To assigned inspector by the best
Head of Training prevent this practicable means; or
[email protected]
As soon as
Safety Manager Reporting/Analysis Form
Refer to OMM, Chapter 6.2.2 «Follow-up process for handling occurrence reports»
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Initial notification:
- by best practicable means
As soon as - Phone:
Head of Training
practicable Written report:
- Reporting/Analysis Form
As soon as Phone:
Safety Manager
practicable E-Mail:
Refer to OMM, Chapter 6.2.2 «Follow-up process for handling occurrence reports»
Voluntary reporting
Responsibility Notification to Address
Any employee/freelance of the Written report:
organisation, instructors and
Safety Manager / Head of
- Reporting/Analysis Form
students E-Mail:
Refer to OMM, Chapter 6.2.2 «Follow-up process for handling occurrence reports»
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Reporting/Analysing Form
Action taken to manage the event (corrective action) or possible action to mitigate hazard:
Corrective/Preventive Action
Action Responsible Due date
Head of Training
Verification Date: Follow-up: Status: Signature:
Inspection closed
Audit open
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Does the organisation provide guidance on provisions for the conduct of introductory flight/trial
Do the provisions include, that such flights:
are to be conducted with an instructor?
start and end at the same aerodrome or operating site?
are operated under VFR by day only?
• In the context of an approved training organisation, an introductory flight may also be conducted
as a trial lesson conducted by the organisation providing typically training for LAPL and/or PPL
with the aim to acquire new trainees. Such a trial lesson, in which a qualified instructor gives a
demonstration of the controls and some exercises with the participant handling the aircraft are
conducted, should represent a typical flight training session.
• The organisation shall provide guidance on provisions on the safe conduct of trial lessons. Such
- are to be conducted by a flight instructor (FI) and in accordance with the operating
procedures as specified in the organisation’s documentation;
- start and end at the same aerodrome or operating site (except for balloons and sailplanes);
- are operated under VFR by day only;
- are overseen by the Head of Training (HT).
• Flight time may count towards the grant of the proposed category of licence.
• For introductory flights with the aim of promoting aerial sport or leisure with the sole purpose of
gathering persons who share the same interest in general aviation, to fly for pleasure
(sightseeing, aerobatics, or sailplane towing etc) or to conduct parachute jumping refer to FOCA
GM/INFO «Non-commercial operations with other-than-complex motor-powered aircraft –
Marginal Activity»
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An introductory flight is a trial lesson for potential students. For this lesson the following provisions
Step Remark Responsible Reference
Organisation Appointment schedule: Administration • OM Part A, Chapter x.6.x
• reservation of an aircraft; «Preparation of flying
• designate the instructor;
• prepare promotional products;
• inform Head of Training (HT).
Trial lesson Conditions: Instructor
• start and end at the same • OM Part C, Chapter x.6.x
aerodrome or operating site; «Training routes or areas»
• VFR by day;
• meteorological conditions; • OM Part C, Chapter x.5.x
«Weather minima (students
– at various stages of
• introduce facility; aircraft fleet,
airport/aerodrome or operating
site environment;
• outline pilot training concepts and
• conduct the trial lesson on the • LAPL/PPL syllabus lesson
basis of the first phase of plans
LAPL/PPL syllabus containing • TM Part 2, Chapter x.6.x
exercises: «Instructional methods»
- effects of controls;
- straight level flights;
- climbing and descending;
- turning;
- …
• Debriefing/closing
- listen attentively to the
participants impressions;
- name the major strengths;
- motivate the participants
- …
• provide the HT with a feedback
Flight time may count towards the grant of the proposed category of licence if the trial lesson is conducted with a flight
instructor (FI).
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The Operations Manual (OM) Part B is one of the main instruments by which an Approved Training
Organisation (ATO) defines, standardises and secures a safe aircraft type specific operation and forms
the main basis for students’ aircraft theoretical and practical training.
When compiling an Operations Manual Part B an organisation may take advantage of the content of
other relevant documents. Required content may be supplemented or substituted by applicable parts
of the aircraft flight manual or, where such documents exist, by an aircraft operating manual such as
pilot operating handbook or any other relevant documents issued by the manufacturer of the aircraft.
If the organisation chooses to use material from different sources to compile the content of the
Operations Manual Part B, the organisation shall reference the applicable material or include it directly
in the relevant chapters of the Operations Manual Part B.
As the Operations Manual Part B is aircraft type specific, it requires the organisation to compile aircraft
type specific operating procedures for each single aircraft type.
One of the solutions is to include aircraft operating matters applicable for all types of aircraft in the
prescribed chapters of the AMC1 ORA.ATO.230 as a general part. In addition, separate aircraft type
specific Operations Manual Part B containing aircraft type specific information may be established.
and associated AMC OM Part B Type X Checklists
ATO Operations Manual
MEL or
Part A – D Deficiency List
Training Manual AFM / POH
Part 1 – 4
MEL or
Deficiency List
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If the organisation chooses to use material from different sources to compile the Operations Manual
Part B, the organisation shall reference the applicable material within the required chapters as
prescribed in AMC1 ORA.ATO.230.
ATO Operations Manual
Part A – D
Training Manual Training
Part 1 – 4 Handout
MEL or
Deficiency List
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Approved Training Organisations providing training for CPL, MPL and ATPL may also use the structure
as defined by Air Operations Regulation ORO.MLR.100. In this case, the organisation shall establish
Operations Manual Part B for each type of aircraft in compliance with AMC3 ORO.MLR.100
«Operations manual – general» Sub-Chapter B «Aircraft Operating Matters – Type Related».
and associated AMC
OM B Type Y
OM B Type Z
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Are all the documents compiling the Operations Manual Part B comprehensively defined or
referenced and easy to find?
Is there a statement that the aircraft is to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the
aircraft flight manual and associated checklists?
• Aircraft type specific operating procedures and technical details of aircraft used for training can
be found in the manual provided by manufacturer. The organisation shall document (by means of
insertion of references to the applicable material) the sources and the basis which cover the
operational and technical details of the aircraft used. The used materials from the different
sources compile the Operations Manual Part B.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part B, Chapter x.1.x attachment «List of aircraft used for training»
OM Part D, Chapter 1 «Organisation, training and checking personel» or attachment
APP: The use of an Annex I aircraft in training courses to obtain Part-FCL licences and ratings requires an
The organisation shall use an adequate fleet of training aircraft and/or FSTDs appropriate to the course
and scope of training provided.
Aircraft used for Training
• Training aircraft should be:
- equipped as required in the training specifications concerning the course in which it is used;
- outfitted with primary flight controls which are instantly accessible by both, the student and
the instructor, for example with dual flight controls or with a centre control stick. Swing-over
flight controls shall not be used;
- suitable for the syllabi in which it is used and not be limited by the operating limitations
contained in the aircraft flight manual (AFM);
- suitable equipped to simulate instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) and for the
instrument flight training required;
- in the case of aeroplanes and sailplanes, suitable for demonstrating stalling and spin
- for the flight instructor (FI) training courses on aeroplanes and sailplanes, aircraft suitable for
spin recovery at the developed stage;
- in the case of helicopters, suitable for autorotation demonstration;
- complying with noise limitations as specified in VEL 748.215.3 Art. 4, for training towards the
pilot licences PPL(A), LAPL(A) and sailplane towing.
• For the achievement of a licence category (LAPL, PPL, CPL, ATPL, MPL) homebuilt Annex I
aircraft must not be used for training;
• One aircraft fulfilling all the required characteristics for a training aircraft might be sufficient in the
case of a non-complex ATO.
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- registration;
- Operations Manual Part B reference by means of indication to the manuals provided by the
manufacturer (AFM, POH, etc.), checklists and minimum equipment lists and other relevant
documents for flight;
- scope of utilisation;
o IFR;
o VFR Day / VFR Night / VFR Radio navigation, capability for radio navigation training;
- a reference to the contract/user agreement between the organisation and the main owner;
- reference to the continuing airworthiness arrangements, including:
o statement of obligation;
o name of the main operator (not owner);
o reference to the continuing airworthiness organisation, if applicable.
Annex I aircraft
• After specific evaluation process, the following categories of Annex I aircrafts may be used for
- historic;
- experimental, research or scientific purpose;
- homebuilt (must not be used for training for a licence category LAPL / PPL / CPL / ATPL /
- military.
• The evaluation process is to evaluate the suitability of the concerned Annex I aircraft for the
intended training course. The evaluation process differentiates for aircraft with or without an
ICAO-level Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA). For both, the organisation is responsible for the
conduct of the aircraft assessment and is to support FOCA in its evaluation with the result.
• Evaluation process for Annex I aircraft with and without ICAO-level CoA:
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Terms of reference
Clubmember only
User agreement/
Radio Navigation
M inimum
Type/Variant Basic Documentation Checklists Equipment for M ain Operator Reference
Flight (not owner)
Annex I
Normal Rev. 03 / MEL
Diamond DA40-180 HB-XXX AFM Rev. 09 / 2014.01.31 Abnormal/Emergency Rev.B / ● ● ● ● self CAMO Plus XY
Rev. 05 / xx-March-20xx
Normal Rev. 03 / MEL
Diamond DA40-180 HB-XXY AFM Rev. 09 / 2014.01.31 Abnormal/Emergency Rev.B/ ● ● ● ● self CAMO Plus XY
Rev. 05 / xx-March-20xx
AFM 7.01.15-E / Pilot's Guide Sample Air
Diamond DA42 NG HB-XXX Rev.06 / ● ● ● ● ● CAMO Plus XY
18-Feb-2009 Rev.0 24-July-2011 Musterhausen
Rev. 01 /
POH/EASA AFM Abnormal/Emergency Flyingclub xy
Cirrus SR 20 HB-XXX Rev. 12a ● ● ● ● N/A
Rev. 10A / May 9, 2011 Rev. 0 / Example Airport
Pre- / Postflight
Rev. 04 /
PA18 Club
PA-18-180M HB-XXX (AFM) Normal Rev. 16 / N/A ● ● N/A
Historic town
1936 / 05.Dez.1983
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CL TOPIC Contract
3-OMB1-127 OMM, Chapter 11, «Contracting and Monitoring of Contractors»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
OM Part A, Chapter 2.3.x «Operational control»
OM Part B, Chapter 9 «Minimum equipment list»
OM Part D, Chapter 2.3 «Operations Personnel including Crewmembers»
AOC APP: The procedures between an AOC holder and an organisation/operator using an
aircraft listed on that AOC requires prior approval
Is there a written contract/agreement with the AOC holder if the organisation uses an aircraft
listed on an Air Operator Certificate (AOC)?
Are the procedures, defining the transfer of the responsibility of the aircraft, between the AOC
holder and the organisation defined?
Are the procedures entirely documented?
Does the procedure include a description of the means on how relevant functions/personnel are
• An ATO may use an aircraft listed on an operator’s Air Operator Certificate (AOC) appropriate to
the courses and scope of activities provided.
• The use of an aircraft listed on an AOC requires a contract between the AOC holder and the
organisation. This shall be subject to the process for contracting and monitoring of contractors,
refer to:
- FOCA CL «Management System (MS)», Chapter 9 «Contracting and Leasing».
• Air operators also refer to FOCA GM/INFO «ORO.GEN.310 “Mixed Operations”» specifying the
use of aircraft listed on an AOC for NCC, NCO and SPO operations.
• The organisation shall:
- establish procedures containing how the transfer of operational control between the ATO and
the AOC is established. This shall ensure:
o that the responsibility of operational control is identified for each flight by specifying how,
when and to whom the shifting of operational control is communicated;
o how the responsibility is transferred between the organisation and the operator;
o how the organisation deals with failures/defects identified before the flight;
o that every flight is recorded in the aircraft technical log system;
o no changes to the aircraft system and configuration are made;
o that the handover procedure of the aircraft upon its return to the AOC holder is clearly
o that any defect or technical malfunction is reported immediately after the flight and entered
in the technical log system;
o that the AOC holder receives a copy of any occurrence report.
- document the procedures in the contract and/or the AOC holder in their operations manual
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- ensure that relevant personnel are instructed on the procedures. The means of instruction
shall be specified by adressing the relevant function/person, method of instruction and the
integration of staff training program, as applicable. The training should be based on the
documented procedures, including on how:
o to contact the organisation responsible for the management of continuing airworthiness of
the aircraft of the AOC holder (CAMO) for any defect or technical malfunction which occurs
before or during the operation. The information about any defect or malfunction should be
transmitted to the CAMO of the AOC holder before the aircraft is used for the next flight.
The same information should be confirmed by the entries in the aircraft technical log
system; and
o to report any occurrence in accordance with the applicable rules and the internal
• The ATO has to comply with Part-SPA and apply for the SPA required for the type of operation it
intends to conduct with that aircraft;
• The continuing airworthiness of the aircraft used shall be managed by the organisation
responsible for the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft included in the AOC.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part D, Chapter 1 «Organisation, training and checking personel» or attachment
Form143 ATO Certificate Attachment
APP: Privilege to provide and conduct Part FCL training courses and to use specific flight simulation training
devices (FSTD) is subject to prior approval
Does the organisation use adequate and appropriately equipped FSTD’s for the training courses
Is the use of an FSTD specified in the concerned syllabus and associated session plans
Is the adequacy of each single FSTD for the concerned training course syllabus verified by:
checking on the EASA FSTD Qualification Certificate (QC) the:
FSTD identification (e.g. DK-152)?
type or variant of aircraft (e.g. Embraer 190, Generic MEP)?
signature on the Certificate (copy of valid Certificate)?
checking on the FSTD QC specific sections the:
adequacy of the FSTD Qualification Level (FTD 1/2/3, BITD, FNPT I/II/III/MCC, FFS
Qualification Level A-D)?
special restrictions / limitations (e.g. no LPV, no autoland, no UPRT)?
FSTD specifications as applicable to the concerned training syllabus (e.g. IFR-Training,
PBN, Type Rating, CAT II/III)?
- in the case of full flight simulators (FFSs), that the FFS adequately represents the relevant
type of aircraft including qualification level for the concerned type rating course.
• Applications for the use of an FSTD shall be submitted to FOCA including:
- Form 105;
- In the case of:
o non CH-FSTD, the FSTD Qualification Certificate;
o an amendment in the scope of training course the syllabus of the concerned training
course together with PRA and associated compliance list, as applicable;
o a revision and if the FSTD is additionally listed on the training course syllabus, the
corresponding revision of the syllabus, including PRA and associated compliance list, as
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Aircraft handling CA
RB 3.2.2 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 EVALUATION METHOD
CL TOPIC OM Part B, Chapter x.2.x «Aircraft Handling»
3-OMB2-130 OM Part A, Chapter 8.1.11 «Operator’s aircraft technical log»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part B, Chapter 1 «Limitations»
OM Part B, Chapter 2 «Normal procedures»
Is the structure of the normal aircraft handling procedures presented in a format which can be
used without difficulties?
Are the material and the sources which compile the normal procedures comprehensively
Are normal checklists for each type of aircraft provided, including a reference to the checklists
Is there a statement that aircraft are to be operated in compliance with the terms of its Certificate
of Airworthiness (CoA), Approved Operations Capability as specified in the Type Certificate Data
Sheet (TCDS), Specific Approvals and within the Limitations contained in the Aircraft Flight
Manual (AFM)?
Are normal flight profiles provided in accordance with the scope of activity (VFR/IFR)?
General Traffic Pattern
Precision Approach
Non-precision Approach
Visual Manoeuvring/Circling Approach
Missed Approach
• For technical log system and journey log refer to FOCA CL OM/TM Chapter 3.1.10 «Aircraft
• For arrangements related to continuing airworthiness refer to FOCA CL OM/TM Chapter 3.2.1
«Aircraft descriptive notes – Aircraft/FSTD used for training» and list of aircraft;
• Aircraft type specific operating limitations and information of aircraft used for training can be
found in the manual provided by the manufacturer. This information shall at least be stated and
the organisation is to include a reference to the applicable documents;
• The organisation shall establish normal operating procedures that provide guidance to instructors
and students to ensure safe, efficient, logical and predictable means of carrying out flight
procedures and students’ practical training;
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• The organisation is to provide a normal checklist for each type of aircraft. The normal checklist
must be in accordance with the aircraft flight manual (AFM). There are two possibilities to create
a checklist:
1. The organisation uses the latest version of the checklist which is provided by the
manufacturer of the relevant aircraft; or
2. The organisation implements its own normal checklist for each type of aircraft. In this case,
the checklist:
o must include at least all items of the latest version of the aircraft flight manual (AFM);
o items must be consistent with the nomenclature of the AFM and the cockpit;
o format, structure and font used have to be suitable and readable for the various conditions
in the cockpit including the ambient light level.
3. The organisation shall provide guidance on how to use normal checklists.
One Engine
One Engine One Engine
Climb Inoperative Approach
Inoperative Climb Inoperative Cruise
One Engine
Go Around
Inoperative Missed
Emergency Landing
Take Off Rejected Landing
Forced Landing
Taxi / Hover Taxi Take Off Taxi / Hover Taxi
In the picture above, the shaded phases of flight relate to abnormal / emergency conditions and are
outlined in FOCA CL OM/TM Chapter 3.2.3.
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The flight profiles are elements of the aircraft type specific documentation (refer to FOCA CL OM/TM
Chapter 3.2). If not provided by the manufacturer, the following normal flight profiles may be stated:
General Traffic Pattern Take Off
Take Off Precision Approach
Approach/Landing Non-precision approach
Visual Manoeuvring/Circling Approach
Missed Approach
Aircraft handling and operating procedures provide guidance to instructors and students to ensure safe,
efficient, logical and predictable means of carrying out flight procedures and students’ practical training.
Aircraft type specific operating procedures, technical details and checklists of aircraft used for training
can be found as follows:
Subject Reference
General information/descriptive notes OM B, Chapter x.1.x «Descriptive Notes»
Normal checklist
Limitations OM B, Chapter x.2.x «Aircraft Handling»
Normal procedures
OM C, Chapter x.1.x «Performance»
Performance For the applicable aircraft type
OM C, Chapter x.2.x «Flight Planning» specific documentation refer to
the «List of aircraft used for
Mass and balance
OM C, Chapter x.3.x «Loading» training» column «Operations
Loading Manual Part B Reference» of
OM B, Chapter x.5x. «Allowable the concerned aircraft type
Minimum equipment for flight
Applicable aircraft type specific
Aircraft systems documentation and/or theoretical knowledge
training documentation
… …
Normal Checklist
The correct completion of normal checklists is essential for safe operation during all phases of flight
and an effective method for preventing omissions of actions or inappropriate actions.
Safety critical aspects of system and aircraft configuration settings should be cross-checked through
the use of normal checklists. Normal checklist actions are intended to check and verify actions that
were accomplished from memory in accordance with the defined flow pattern.
Time and workload management are key factors in the initiation and effective conduct of normal
checklists. Normal checklists should be accomplished in a timely manner during low workload periods
within the concerned phase of flight to prevent any rush or interruption that could impact the safety
purpose of the normal checklists.
Following an interruption of a checklist flow element, the pilot in command / student should restart the
checklist element flow, as a measure to prevent any item from being omitted and to ensure that the
actions already completed are re-verified.
• For the aircraft type specific normal checklist, refer to the «List of aircraft used for training»
column «Operations Manual Part B Reference».
• For detailed instruction on how to use a normal checklist, refer to the introductory text of the
aircraft type specific normal checklist and the explanatory text provided by the manufacturer.
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Aircraft are to be operated in compliance with the terms of its Certificate of Airworthiness (CoA),
Approved Operations Capability as specified in the Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS), Specific
Approvals and within the Limitations contained in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) and/or other manuals
provided by the manufacturer, such as the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH).
• For the applicable aircraft type specific documentation refer to the «List of aircraft used for
training» column «Operations Manual Part B Reference» of the concerned aircraft type.
Should any limitation be exceeded, the fact is to be recorded in the technical log system (or equivalent)
and reported without delay in accordance with OM A, Chapter x.20.x «Occurrence Reporting».
If any structural or engine operating limitation is exceeded, the aircraft is to be landed as soon as
practicable and/or not to be flown until maintenance check/action is carried out and the aircraft is
released for service again.
• Refer to OM A, Chapter x.19.x «Flight Planning»
Pre-flight Check
The accomplishment of a safe flight begins with a careful pre-flight inspection. The pre-flight inspection
determines that the aircraft is airworthy and that the aircraft is in a condition to perform a safe flight.
Each aircraft has a specific pre-flight procedure designed by the manufacturer.
• For the applicable aircraft type specific documentation refer to «List of aircraft used for training»
column «Operations Manual Part B Reference» of the concerned aircraft type.
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Abeam Threshold
− Set Flaps
Turn base − Reduce Speed xx KIAS / VS0 x 1.5
~ 45 sec. − Start Descend
− Level Off
− Speed xx KIAS / VS0 x 1.8
− Approach Check
On Final
− Set Flaps Climb
− Final Speed xx KIAS / VS0 x 1.3 Touchdown - Speed xx KIAS / VX VY
− Final Check
Aiming Point
Generic sample of a possible graphical presentation only
at xxxx feet
accelerating to xx KIAS
Cruise Climb
at 50 feet or clear of
„Airspeed alive“ accelerating to VY
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1 NM
Overhead Entry
Normal Entry
Generic sample of a possible graphical presentation only
On Downwind
− Check for approach
− Speed xx KIAS / VS0 x 1.5 – 1.8
− Flaps set
On Base
− Speed xx KIAS / VS0 x 1.4
− Flaps set
On Final
−Speed xx KIAS / VS0 x 1.3
− Flaps set
− Final check
150 m
Aiming point
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at xxxx feet
further acceleration to xxx KIAS
at xxx feet AGL or clear of
Pos ROC -> Gear retract accelerating to Vcruise climb or
VR xx KIAS Lift-Off
accelerating to VYSE
Descent check
Gear down
Flaps set
Flaps set
KIAS Vref + xx KTS
Final check
Generic sample of a possible graphical presentation only
or substitute check
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Flap s set
Flaps set
KIAS V ref + xx KTS
Generic sample of a possible graphical presentation only
or substitute check
Descent check
Level off
30 sec
ABM Threshold
Gear down xx sec
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Generic sample of a possible graphical presentation only at xxx feet, Flaps up,
further acceleration to xx KIAS
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Base Crosswind
− Estimate angle of − Maintain xxx ft AGL
descent and xx KIAS
− Maintain approach
speed xx KIAS
Turn base
Abeam threshold Downwind
~ 45°
− Approch speed xx KIAS − Maintain xxx ft AGL, xx KIAS
− Check for approach
~5 ft
- Lift off into hover - Accelerate to climb speed - Climb out at takeoff
and climb speed
15 ft 35 ft
Reject Distance
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35 ft
Reject Distance
Vtoss and Climb Gradient
35 ft
35 ft
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Emergency procedures CA
RB 3.2.3 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 EVALUATION METHOD
Are the materials and the sources which compile the abnormal and emergency procedures
comprehensively documented?
Are abnormal and emergency checklists for each type of aircraft provided, including a reference
to the checklists used?
• Aircraft type specific abnormal and emergency procedures, including the required checklist, are
found in the manual provided by the manufacturer. This information shall at least be stated and
the organisation must include a reference to the applicable documents;
• The organisation must provide an abnormal and emergency checklist for each type of aircraft:
1. The organisation uses the checklists which are supplied by the manufacturer of the relevant
aircraft; or
2. The organisation implements a checklist based on the aircraft flight manual. In this case, the
o is unchanged by the organisation. It is the organisation’s responsibility to make any change in
consultation with the manufacturer / type certificate holder and the associated National
Aviation Authority (NAA), as defined in their procedures;
o must be congruent with the content of the concerned aircraft flight manual;
o must include all items in the same sequence of the aircraft flight manual (AFM);
o nomenclature must be identical with the AFM and the cockpit;
o the design must observe human factor principles. The presentation of the checklist items
and procedures must be appropriate for use in abnormal or emergency conditions.
3. Further guidance and references:
o Guidelines for the Design and Presentation of Emergency and Abnormal Checklist, UK
CAA, CAP 676, 2006;
o On the design of Flight-Deck Procedures, Asaf Degani, Earl Wiener, National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, 1994;
o Human Factors of Flight-Deck Checklists: The Normal Checklist, Asaf Degani, Earl
Wiener, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1990;
o On the Typography of Flight-Deck Documentation, Asaf Degani, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, 1992;
o Human Performance Considerations in the Use and Design of Aircraft Checklists, FAA
o Designing and Testing a Tool for Evaluating Electronic Flight Bags, Divya Chandra,
Michelle Yeh, Vic Riley, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, 2004;
o ICAO Doc 10011 Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training.
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One Engine
One Engine One Engine
Climb Inoperative Approach
Inoperative Climb Inoperative Cruise
One Engine
Go Around
Inoperative Missed
Emergency Landing
Take Off Rejected Landing
Forced Landing
Taxi / Hover Taxi Take Off Taxi / Hover Taxi
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Best Practice
Abnormal and emergency procedures shall include a strategy to handle the experienced critical
This may include:
• a strategy containing an immediate action to maintain the aircraft under control; and
• a guideline or concept to assess the further impact on the flight.
Emergency or abnormal situations are often very time critical and complex and cause high stress levels
and workload.
An emergency situation is a situation in which the safety of the aircraft or of persons on board or on the
ground is endangered.
An abnormal situation is one in which it is no longer possible to continue the flight using normal
procedures but the safety of the aircraft or persons on board or on the ground are not in danger.
Emergency or abnormal situations may develop as a result of one or more factors within or outside an
aircraft, for example:
• Fire on board the aircraft;
• Aircraft technical failure (e.g. engine failure, landing gear malfunction);
• Shortage of fuel / energy;
• Loss of situational awareness;
• Worsening weather;
• Aircraft damage (e.g. as a result of collision, bird strike or extreme weather);
• …
An emergency or abnormal situation may result in a situation where it will be impossible to continue the
flight as planned, resulting in one or more of the following outcomes:
• Loss of altitude;
• Diversion to a nearby aerodrome;
• Forced landing;
• …
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Whenever confronted with an emergency or abnormal situation, the highest priority lies in the control
and successful flying and navigating of the aircraft. Therefore, it is vital that such situations are
handled in a structured manner. A common methodology is used for:
P – Performance Check Configuration (propeller, gear and flaps) according to given situation.
R – Rotor RPM
P – Performance Check Configuration (gear, ext load, mass, hoist) according to given situation.
As first step, the guideline PP resp. RPP shall ensure, that first measures are taken in regard to aircraft
performance in order to clear obstacles and to stabilise the aircraft in regard to aircraft altitude, speed
and track.
When the aircraft is stabilised and clear of all obstacles, the analysis and the decision making process
can be started using the well-known:
Analyse / Action:
A – Analyse check instruments and warnings, try to identify source of trouble; analyse
different possible actions, decide;
SPORDEC is an aeronautical decision making tool and can be used for any decision making process:
S ituation catch Situation shall be analysed, carefully, taking into account all available
P reliminary actions Time critical actions shall be executed (e.g.: by heart items, inform ATC);
O ptions Search for options (e.g.: landing, continue back to home base);
C ontrolling Monitor the situation carefully. If the situation changes for any reason start
again with the situation catch.
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CL TOPIC OM Part B, Chapter x.4.x «Radio and Radio Navigation Aids»
3-OMB4-145 OM Part A, Chapter 8.3.2 «Navigation procedures»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part B, Chapter 9 «Minimum equipment list»
MEL ATA Chapter 23 «Communication / ATA 34 Navigation»
Is there a statement that the aircraft is equipped for the intended training?
Is there a statement that the navigational equipment is serviceable for the intended flight
Are the Approved Operations Capabilities as specified in the Type Certificate Data Sheet
(TCDS) for each type of aircraft/registration defined?
Do they comply with the scope of activity/approved syllabi?
• Aircraft have to be equipped with the radio and radio navigation equipment as required by the
approved syllabi.
• It is the responsibility of the PIC to ensure that navigational equipment is checked for
serviceability relevant to the intended flight session before departure.
• Aircraft type specific equipment (avionic equipment) is to be found in the aircraft flight manual
«Avionic equipment list». The organisation shall insert at least a statement for which flights
sessions the aircraft can be deployed.
• For further guidance and references refer to:
- VFR Manual Switzerland RAC4 «Mindestausrüstung der Übermittlungs- und
Navigationsanlagen für Motorluftfahrzeuge» und «VFR-Transponderobligatorium»;
- AIP Switzerland GEN 1.5 «Aircraft instruments, equipment and flight documents»;
- Air Information Circular (AIC) [on-line] Available (01.12.2017)
The organisation only operates aircraft with the required radio and radio navigation equipment as
required by the approved syllabi.
• For the aircraft type specific capabilities refer to the list of aircraft used for training, column
«Approved operation capability».
The responsibility of the instructor/PIC is to ensure that navigational equipment is checked for
serviceability as relevant to the intended flight session before departure.
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NCC and CAT APP: Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL) are subject to prior approval
Is there a statement that no intended flight/training session shall be commenced unless the
necessary equipment is serviceable?
Does the organisation document for which aircraft a minimum equipment list is provided?
Is there a brief description of the purpose of the minimum equipment list?
• The organisation that uses an aircraft listed on an AOC of an air operator, is responsible to
ensure that the approved MEL includes specific provisions with regard to courses and scope of
activity provided.
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A flight shall not be commenced when any of the aircraft instruments, items of equipment or functions
required for the intended flight are inoperative or missing, unless:
• the aircraft is operated with a minimum equipment list, if established; or
• the aircraft is subject of a permit to fly issued by FOCA.
The instructor is not to accept an aircraft for a flight unless the concerned aircraft is fully airworthy and
the equipment for the intended flight session is installed and serviceable.
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OM Part C, Chapter x.1.x «Performance»
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part A, Chapter 8.1 «Flight preparation»
OM Part C, Chapter 1.x «Sourcing of instruction and information»
OM Part B, Chapter 4 «Performance»
Is there a statement that no aircraft shall be operated unless all performance data of the aircraft
are calculated and within the given limitations of the aircraft flight manual (AFM)?
Is there a guidance defining the data required to calculate the aircraft performance?
Are there provisions to calculate performance, in particular:
Take off
En route
Are there instructions guiding through the required calculations?
Is there a statement that rule of thumb never overrules any limitation, data or required
calculation from the documentation provided by the aircraft manufacturer?
• All aircraft shall only be operated if the performance is appropriate and in compliance with the
applicable rules of the air and any other restrictions applicable to the flight, the airspace or the
aerodromes or operating sites used. This includes in particular:
- Take off performance;
- Route performance;
- Landing performance.
• When calculating performance data, the following information has to be available:
- General meteorological condition, in particular special weather phenomena, wind,
temperature, pressure, etc., for the time between the estimated time of departure and the
estimated time of arrival;
- Actual take off mass;
- Airport elevation;
- Runway length;
- Runway or final approach and take-off area (FATO) characteristics;
- Runway condition, Runway Condition Report (RCR);
- Actual landing mass.
• There must be a statement, that the instructor/student shall only commence a flight if the
following performance data are calculated and are within the limits of the aircraft flight manual
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• Route performance
- General:
o True air speed (TAS)
o Service Ceiling (OEI)
- Specific to helicopters:
o VNE at current temperature at planned altitude.
• Landing performance
- General:
o Climb performance/rate of climb (ROC) IFR during missed approach;
o Climb performance/rate of climb (ROC) IFR one engine inoperative (OEI) missed
o Minimum climb gradient in %.
- Specific to aeroplanes:
o Landing distance/performance (50ft OBST) flaps normal operation;
o Landing distance/performance (50ft OBST) flaps malfunction (where available);
o Landing Distance (LD);
o ground roll.
- Specific to helicopters:
o Hovering in ground effect (HIGE);
o Hovering out of ground effect (HOGE);
o Landing decision point (LDP), where applicable.
No aircraft shall be operated unless prior to each flight, the performance of the aircraft for the conditions
to be expected for the intended flight, at the place of departure, the intended destination and the
intended route, are in compliance with the aircraft flight manual (AFM).
Both the instructor/examiner and the student/applicant are familiar with the performance calculation and
the actual data of the aircraft used.
As a part of the briefing, the instructor shall evaluate the student’s performance calculation prior to
commencing the flight.
The following data has to be available when calculating the performance of the aircraft:
General meteorological condition, in particular special weather phenomena, wind and temperature, for
the time between the estimated time of departure and the estimated time of arrival, actual take off mass,
airport elevation, runway length, runway characteristics, runway condition and actual landing mass. In-
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flight, the landing distance assessment should be based on the latest available weather report and, if
available, runway condition report (RCR).
For airport elevation, runway length and runway characteristics, refer to VFR Manual Switzerland,
To facilitate some calculation, rule of thumb may be applied, but it may not replace any calculation
supplied in any of the documentation provided by the manufacturer. At least the following performance
data have to be calculated before each flight:
Aeroplanes VFR IFR
Phases Single Multi Single Multi
Required calculations
of flight engine engine engine engine
Take off run (TOR) X X X X
Accelerate stop distance (ASD) (where available) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Take off
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Is there a statement that the organisation uses only aerodromes that are suitable for the type of
aircraft used and for the training provided?
Is there a statement that no flight shall be commenced unless the aircraft carries sufficient fuel /
energy and oil for the intended flight?
Specific to the type of flight, is the required minimum amount of fuel / energy specified?
Does the organisation provide requirements to compile a navigation flight plan?
Is there a statement that a navigation flight plan should be compiled and used for VFR en
route and for all IFR flights?
Are there provisions related to the selection and use of aerodromes / operating sites?
Is there a statement that the organisation uses aerodromes / operating sites that are suitable
for the type of aircraft used and course of training provided?
Is there a provision that, before commencing a flight, the instructor and student/pilot in
command shall ascertain that, at the expected time of use, the aerodrome will be available
and that the required ancillary services are provided for the intended flight?
For VFR flights:
Is there a requirement which specifies the planning of an alternative course of action to
provide for the eventuality that the flight cannot be completed as planned?
For IFR flights (if applicable):
Are there conditions if and when alternate aerodromes are required?
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Navigation plan and log • route and route segments with checkpoints/waypoints
• distances, time and tracks
• planned cruising speed and flying times between check-points/waypoints
• estimated and actual times overhead (ETO/ATO)
• minimum altitudes, planned altitudes and flight levels
Fuel / engery calculation • required amounts of fuel / energy
log • destination
• alternate, if required
• reserve
• total endurance
• fuel / energy on board when starting engines
• records of in-flight fuel / energy checks
• fuel / energy on board after engine shut down
Weather information • space to log relevant aerodrome and meteorological information including
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For provisions related to flight planning in general:
• Refer to OM A, Chapter x.19.x «Flight planning (general)»
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Instrument The pilot-in-command shall only select an aerodrome as a destination alternate aerodrome if
approach either:
operations • an IAP that does not rely on GNSS is available either at the destination aerodrome or at a
destination alternate aerodrome, or
• all of the following conditions are met:
- the onboard GNSS equipment is SBAS-capable;
- the destination aerodrome, any destination alternate aerodrome, and the route
between them are within SBAS service area;
- ABAS is predicted to be available in the event of the unexpected unavailability of
- an IAP is selected (either at destination or destination alternate aerodrome) that does
not rely on the availability of SBAS;
- an appropriate contingency action allows the flight to be completed safely in the event
of unavailability of GNSS.
Aeroplane (A)
Selection The pilot-in-command shall specify at least one destination alternate aerodrome in the flight
IFR Destination alternate
plan, unless the available current meteorological information for the destination indicates:
• for the period from 1 hour before until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival; or
• from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival;
whichever is the shorter period:
• a ceiling of at least 1 000 ft above the DH/MDH for an available instrument approach
procedure (IAP); and
• a visibility of at least 5 000 m.
Planning minima An aerodrome shall not be specified as a destination alternate aerodrome unless the available
current meteorological information indicates:
• for the period from 1 hour before until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival; or
• from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival;
whichever is the shorter period:
• for an alternate aerodrome with an available instrument approach operation with DH less
than 250 ft:
- a ceiling of at least 200 ft above the decision height (DH) or minimum descent height
(MDH) associated with the instrument approach operation; and
- a visibility of at least 1 500 m; or
• for an alternate aerodrome with an instrument approach operation with DH or MDH 250 ft
or more:
- a ceiling of at least 400 ft above the DH or MDH associated with the instrument
approach operation; and
- a visibility of at least 3 000 m; or
• for an alternate aerodrome without an IAP,
- a ceiling of at least the higher of 2 000 ft and the minimum safe IFR height; and
- a visibility of at least 5 000 m.
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• a ceiling of at least 1 000 ft above the DH/MDH for an available IAP; and
• a visibility of at least 3 000 m.
Planning minima An aerodrome shall not be specified as a destination alternate aerodrome unless the available
current meteorological information indicates:
• for the period from 1 hour before until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival; or
• from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival;
whichever is the shorter period:
• for an alternate aerodrome with an IAP:
- a ceiling of at least 200 ft above the DH or MDH associated with the IAP; and
- a visibility of at least 1 500 m by day or 3 000 m by night; or
• for an alternate aerodrome without an IAP:
- a ceiling of at least the higher of 2 000 ft and the minimum safe IFR height; and
- a visibility of at least 1 500 m by day or 3 000 m by night.
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A flight shall only be commenced, if the aircraft carries sufficient fuel / energy and oil for the following:
Minimum amount of fuel
Type of flight
Condition Final Reserve Fuel / energy
Visual circuits • taking-off and landing at the same • thereafter to fly for at least 10
aerodrome and always remaining minutes at maximum continuous
in sight of that aerodrome cruise power at 1500 ft (450m)
• time to fly the number of visual above the aerodrome
VFR day circuits
En route flight and air • to fly to the aerodrome of intended • thereafter to fly for at least 30
exercise landing; and/or minutes at holding speed at 1500
• the time to complete the air ft (450m) above the destination
Visual circuits • taking-off and landing at the same • time to fly the number of visual
aerodrome circuits; and
• thereafter to fly for at least 45
minutes at holding speed at 1500
ft (450m) above the destination or
VFR night destination alternate
En route flight • to fly to the aerodrome of intended • thereafter to fly for at least 45
landing minutes at holding speed at 1500
ft (450m) above the destination or
destination alternate
Destination alternate • to fly to the aerodrome of intended • thereafter to fly for at least 45
required landing and to an alternate minutes at holding speed at 1500
IFR aerodrome ft (450m) above the destination or
• to fly to the aerodrome of intended destination alternate
No destination alternate
required landing
Minimum amount of fuel
Type of flight
Condition Final Reserve Fuel / energy
Visual circuits day • taking-off and landing at the same • thereafter to fly for at least 10
aerodrome / landing site minutes at best range speed
• time to fly the number of visual
VFR circuits
All other VFR flights, • to fly to the aerodrome/operating • thereafter to fly for at least 20
including night site of intended landing minutes at best range speed
Destination alternate • to fly to the aerodrome of intended • thereafter fly for 30 minutes at
required landing and to an alternate holding speed at 450m (1500ft)
aerodrome above the destination or
destination alternate aerodrome /
No destination alternate • to fly to the aerodrome of intended operating site
required landing
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As a part of the pre-flight planning, the pilot in command/student shall make a careful calculation of the
required amount of fuel / energy specific to the intended flight session. In addition, the following shall
be taken into consideration:
• the correct and consistent application of the fuel / energy consumption data including associated
unit of measurement as applicable for the concerned aircraft;
• the actual and forecast meteorological conditions;
• the planning of an alternative course of action to provide for the eventuality that the flight cannot
be completed as planned;
• possible traffic delays for the anticipated ATC routings and aerodromes;
• any other condition that may delay the landing of the aircraft (e.g. temporary operating restriction
or closing of a runway, FATO and/or aerodrome, required re-routing);
• procedures specific to the type of aircraft, such as failure of one engine while en route, loss of
pressurisation or any other condition that may increase the fuel / energy and oil consumption.
As part of the briefing, the instructor shall evaluate the student’s fuel / energy calculation prior to
commencing the flight.
Oil quantity
As part of the pre-flight inspection and always prior to starting an engine, the pilot in command/student
must ensure that the engine oil quantity and level is in compliance with the limitations stated in the
aircraft flight manual or an equivalent manual provided by the manufacturer.
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Is there a statement that during any phase of flight, the loading, the mass and the centre of
gravity (CG) position of the aircraft shall comply with any limitation specified in the aircraft flight
manual (AFM)?
Is there guidance on how to define the data required to calculate mass and balance?
Is a form provided to calculate mass and balance data?
During any phase of flight, the loading, the mass and the centre of gravity (CG) position of the aircraft
shall comply with any limitation specified in the aircraft flight manual (AFM), or equivalent document.
It is the responsibility of the instructor/student/pilot in command to ensure that an aircraft is loaded in
such a way, as to meet the limitations related to all mass and centre of gravity (CG) detailed in the
appropriate aircraft flight manual (AFM) or equivalent documentation before each flight.
• the maximum authorised zero fuel mass (MZFM);
• the maximum authorised ramp mass (MRM);
• the maximum authorised take off mass during take-off (MTOM);
• the maximum authorised landing mass during landing (MLM).
Any change of mass and centre of gravity (CG) position should be revised whenever the cumulative
changes to the dry operating mass exceeds ± 0.5 % of the maximum landing mass or, for aircraft, the
cumulative change in CG position exceeds 0.5 % of the mean aerodynamic chord. This may be done
by weighing the aircraft or by calculation and has to be accomplished by an approved maintenance
organisation or the manufacturer of the aircraft. All modifications on the mass and balance shall be
properly documented and made available to the pilot in command.
Lateral balance of an airplane is usually of little concern and is not normally calculated. Some
helicopters, especially those equipped for hoist operations, are sensitive to the lateral position of the
CG and their Pilot’s Operating Handbook/Rotorcraft Flight Manual (POH/RFM) include both longitudinal
and lateral CG envelopes, as well as information on the maximum permissible hoist load or from which
seat solo flights shall be conducted.
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No aircraft shall be operated with a mass greater than the maximum mass indicated and a centre of
gravity different from the limitation detailed in the respective aircraft flight manual (AFM) or equivalent.
Both, the instructor/examiner and the student/applicant are familiar with the mass and balance
calculation and the actual data of the aircraft used.
Before each flight a mass and balance calculation shall be compiled in the calculation form provided
and carried on board. As a part of the briefing, the instructor shall evaluate the student’s mass and
balance calculation prior to commencing the flight.
The following points shall be adhered to:
• only actual mass for crew (instructor/student/pilot in command), passengers and baggage shall
be used;
• only mass limitations specified in the aircraft flight manual (AFM) or equivalent shall be used;
• the calculation of the position of the centre of gravity (CG) for:
- zero fuel mass (ZFM);
- take off mass (TOM);
- landing mass (LM);
• the mass of fuel shall be calculated with following standard density values:
Note: The design of the form shall provide information for the units of measurement to be used.
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Is there an explanation that minimum weather requirements are to be found in the AIP of the
State concerned or other commercially produced route and aerodrome information and
Is there a requirement that a flight shall only be commenced or continued if the actual
meteorological condition is at or above the applicable minimum?
Is there a statement that, before commencing a flight, the instructor and student/pilot in
command shall be familiar with all available meteorological information?
• The applicable VFR/IFR minimum weather requirements are published in the AIP of the State
concerned or other commercially produced route and aerodrome information and documentation.
This information shall at least be stated and the organisation is to include a reference to the
applicable document.
• The organisation shall include the following provisions:
- A flight session shall only commence or continue if the latest available meteorological
information indicates that the meteotological conditions along the route and at the intended
destination and, if applicable, destination alternate aerodrome, at the estimated time of use,
will be at or above the applicable operating minimum.
- In case of volcanic ash, the degree of known or forecasted contamination, hazards,
avoidance, aircraft operating and manufacturer considerations.
- Both, the instructor/examiner and the student/applicant, are to be familiar with the minimum
weather requirements and the actual meteorological condition at the time of use.
General provisions for weather requirements and minima can be found in the AIP and associated
charts/maps or commercially produced route and aerodrome documentation – insert product name of
the accepted documentation of the organisation.
Minimum weather requirements and the actual meteorological condition are standard elements of the
briefing and have to be constantly considered during flight.
In case of volcanic ash refer to the considerations listed in OM A, Chapter x.19.x «Flight planning
A flight session shall only commence or continue if the latest available meteorological information
indicates that the meteorological conditions along the route and at the intended destination and, if
applicable, destination alternate aerodrome, at the estimated time of use, will be at or above the
applicable operating minimum.
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Both, the instructor/examiner and the student/applicant, are to be familiar with the minimum weather
requirements and the actual meteorological condition at the time of use.
VFR Flights
• For the minimum values to conduct VFR Flights refer to:
- VFR Manual, VFR RAC 1.
• When determining the minimum weather required for the intended flight session, the following
shall be at least considered:
- A VFR flight shall only be commenced or continued if the latest available meteorological
information indicates that the meteorological conditions along the route and at the intended
destination, at the estimated time of use, will be at or above the applicable VFR operating
- the dimensions and characteristics of the instruction;
o traffic pattern (circuits);
o air exercise and en route;
- student training status/progress and experience;
- the equipment available on the aircraft for the purpose of navigation;
- the aircraft performance;
- level of progress of the student pilot (refer also to weather minima for students);
- for night operations, adequacy and performance of the available visual and non-visual ground
aids and sufficient lighting in operation to illuminate the runway / final approach and take-off
area (FATO) and any relevant obstacle for night operations;
- ….
IFR Flights
For flights under instrument flight rules (IFR), aerodrome operating minima and procedures for each
take-off, departure, destination and alternate aerodrome, if applicable, shall be selected and used as
published in the AIP of the respective State or commercially produced route and aerodrome
documentation – insert product name of the accepted documentation of the organisation.
When selecting the aerodrome operating minima, the following shall be taken into account:
• Type, performance and handling characteristics of the aircraft;
• student competence and experience;
• dimensions and characteristics of the runways, FATO and final approach;
• adequacy and performance of the available visual and non-visual ground aids;
• sufficient lighting in operation to illuminate the runway / final approach and take-off area (FATO)
and any relevant obstacle for night operations;
• available equipment on the aircraft for the purpose of navigation and/or control of the flight path,
during take-off, approach, flare, landing, rollout and missed approach;
• for helicopters, specific requirements outside of runway environment;
• obstacles at take-off, departure, approach, missed approach and climb-out areas necessary for
the execution of contingency procedures;
• obstacle clearance altitudes/heights for the instrument approach procedures;
• means to determine and report meteorological conditions;
• take-off minima should ensure sufficient guidance to control the aircraft in the event of both, a
rejeceted take-off and an engine failure after rotation;
• flight technique to be used during the final approach.
• The minima for a specific type of approach and landing procedure shall be used if:
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Does the organisation provide minimum weather requirements for students depending on the
type of training?
Is there a policy that the instructor may modify the minimum weather requirements depending on
the level of performance and the fitness of the student?
• The applicable VFR/IFR minimum weather requirements as published in the AIP of the State
concerned or other commercially produced route and aerodrome information and documentation,
also apply as basis for students. The organisation shall specify provisions for minimum weather
requirements for students depending on the type of training and session target:
- The provisions and applicable minima may be included in the respective session of the
concerned syllabus; or
- as an overview in the OM Part C, Chapter x.5.x «Weather minima (students – at various
stages of training)».
• The organisation shall state that the instructor may modify the minimum weather requirements
depending on the level of performance and the fitness of the student, but must never be lower
than the applicable minima.
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In general, the published minimum weather requirements apply. Depending on the type of training the
following provisions for students are applicable:
• Depending on the level of performance and the fitness of the student, weather requirements may be modified by the
• Must never be lower than the applicable minimum weather requirements.
• Aircraft are to be operated within the limitations contained in the aircraft flight manual (AFM).Special consideration
should be given to:
- Maximum demonstrated cross wind;
- Temperature;
- Icing conditions;
- Density Altitude;
- Volcanic ash cloud, haze or odour;
- …
• …
Type of training Requirements
Introductory flights – trial lesson • Applicable VFR minimum weather requirements, no gusts and
• Density altitude: maximum xxxx ft
• …
Circuit • Applicable VFR minimum weather requirements
• …
Cross country • Ceiling: minimum xxxx ft
• Visibility: minimum x km
• Wind: maximum xx kts
• …
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Are there designated areas for air exercises, training of flying skills and procedures?
Are there defined aerodromes / operating sites to be used for training, which are suitable for the
type of aircraft used for training and for the concerned flight session?
Are the cross country routes either defined in:
the respective syllabi; or
as an overview in this chapter?
• The organisation shall use aerodromes / operating sites that have the appropriate facilities and
characteristics to allow training of the manoeuvres, taking into account the training provided and
the category and type of aircraft used. In addition, the organisation shall define and designate
areas for air exercises, training of flying skills and procedures.
- For provisions related to the selection and use of the aerodromes / operating sites refer to
FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.3.2 «Flight planning (fuel / energy, oil, minimum safe altitude,
- For training areas restrictions in relation to the preparation of the daily flying programme refer
to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.6 «Preparation of flying programme (restriction of numbers
of aircraft in poor weather)».
• Route planning and the compiling of a navigation plan shall be made by using the instructions,
information and charts provided by the AIP or commercially produced publications. The
organisation shall define details of routes in the syllabi by considering:
- session target and level of training;
- general safety concerns and the complexity of the airspace structure;
- special hazards in the surrounding area.
• Routes for cross country may be defined in the syllabi or as a general overview in this chapter.
The course of training for the concerned type of licence requires the minimum range, duration
and number of landings which have to be considered when defining cross country routes.
• Designated areas for air exercises, training of flying skills and procedures shall be defined
considering geographical and altitude limits.
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For instructions and information related to aerodromes/airfields, charts and navigation aids including
routes and communication refer to:
• AIP Switzerland and/or VFR Manual; or
• other commercially produced route and aerodrome information and documentation.
For restricted and danger areas as well as temporary reserved areas refer to the Daily Airspace Bulletin
Switzerland (DABS) issued by Skyguide.
• LSGG Geneva
VFR Night
• LSZG Grenchen
• LSZB Bern-Belp
• LSGG Geneva
VFR • LFSB Bale-Mulhouse
• LFSB Bale-Mulhouse
• …
• LSZB Bern-Belp
• LSGL Lausanne La
VFR Air Exercise Blecherette • LSZG Grenchen
• LSGN Neuchatel • LSGE Ecuvillens
Training area: •
• LSGY Yverdon Les LSGS Sion
• Echallens Bains • LSXB Balzers
• Bouveret • LSXB Balzers • ...
• Fribourg • ...
• …
• For provisions related to the selection and use of the aerodromes / operating sites during the
flight planning phase refer to OM Part C, Chapter x.3.x «Flight planning (fuel / energy, oil,
minimum safe altitude, navigation)».
• For selection and reconnaissance of operating sites the well known «WAHIBELU» may be used:
- Wind
- Anflugachse
- Hindernisse
- Beleuchtung
- Umgebung
In addition, nature protection areas (quiet nature, peaceful nature and quiet deer zones) should be
avoided and noise emissions in the same area should be limited.
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Training area:
The following training areas are defined and may be selected specific to the intended flight session:
Area Range Altitude Restrictions
Fribourg Gurmels – Laupen-Neuenegg – Schwarzenburg – Plaffeien – Le Mouret GND and FL100
– Gurmels
Sector N / GND and FL100
Bouveret Vevey – Montreux – Villeneuve – Vouvry – St.Gingolph – Vevey
Sector S / GND and FL130
Echallens Vuarrens – Carrouge – Cheseaux – Cossonay – La Sarraz – Vuarrens GND and FL075
… … …
• For training area restrictions concerning the planning of the daily training programme refer to OM
Part A, Chapter x.6.x «Preparation of flying programme».
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Is there a statement, that the appointed person responsible for the standardisation of all flight
instructions and the evaluation of the instructor’s individual performance is the owner of the
function Head of Training or, depending on the type of organisation, the Chief Flight Instructor?
For the identification of the person responsible for standards/competence of flight personnel, is
there a reference to the list of management personnel containing name and contact details?
• For means and processes by which the standard and competence of ATO personnel is
supported, evaluated and improved, refer to FOCA CL OM/TM 3.4.7 «ATO personnel standards
• The evaluation of standards and competence of ATO personnel is an integral management
process. Each management function is responsible for supporting, evaluating and improving the
competence of their subordinates/direct reports and has the obligation to actively standardise the
activity within their area of accountability:
Accountable Manager
Head of Training
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• A subject of this chapter is the appointment of the owner of the function Head of Training, or
dependent on the type of organisation, the Chief Flight Instructor, as person responsible for the
standardisation of all flight instructions and the evaluation of the instructor’s individual
performance. This information shall at least be stated and the organisation is to include a
reference to the list of management personnel containing name and contact details.
Each management function is responsible for supporting, evaluating and improving the competence of
their subordinates/direct reports and has the obligation to actively standardise the activity within their
area of accountability.
• Refer to OM Part D, Chapter x.7.x «ATO personnel standards evaluation».
For flight instructors of all categories, the Chief Flight Instructor is the appointed person responsible for
the standardisation of all flight instruction and the evaluation of the instructor’s individual performance.
This to ensure that all instructors remain qualified and competent to conduct their duties.
• For the nominated person «Chief Flight Instructor» refer to OMM, Chapter 3.x «Management
Personnel – Name and contacts».
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APP: Training courses for instructor certificates for all categories require prior approval.
Does the organisation specify a training programme for initial instructor qualifications?
Is there a programme specifying how instructors are introduced to the organisation?
Does the programme include an evaluation for applicants?
Does the programme include the management system training?
• The organisation shall ensure that personnel receive initial training and maintain their
competence and skills to perform their tasks. In addition, instructors only get training
assignments if they have the necessary competence, valid licence, certificate, rating and
privilege as well as medical certificate as applicable for the respective training.
• The organisation shall define a training programme specifying the major steps for:
- instructors gaining an initial instructor certificate for all instructor categories;
- theoretical knowledge instructor; and
- qualified instructors joining the organisation.
• Requirements, prerequisites and details of an instructor training course shall be specified in the
training manual and the respective syllabus of the concerned instructor category.
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ATO. This standardisation should include at least familiarisation with the performance
indicators, the ATO’s word pictures for grading, and the ATO’s debriefing system.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part D, Chapter x.3.x «Refresher training»
OM Part D, Chapter 2.1 «Training and checking, for flight crew»
APP: The completion and signing of the attendance form by the organiser (ATO) of a refresher seminar
requires prior approval.
Does the organisation provide provisions and processes on how to conduct refresher trainings?
Do the provisions include, as applicable:
a refresher seminar?
an individual refresher training programme?
a recurrent training and standardisation for instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction?
Refresher seminar
Do the provisions for a refresher seminar include:
a minimum duration, conditions and training subjects as required by the instructor category?
teaching methods and means such as break-out groups, workshops, visual aids, interactive
videos, E-Learning, two-way online meetings and face-to-face seminars?
a requirement that participants must be present for the entire duration of the seminar?
the delivery of an attendance form/seminar completion certificate?
Is there a statement indicating the function of signing the «Attendance Form»?
the form and format of the attendance form/seminar completion certificate?
Individual refresher training programme
Is there a statement that the individual refresher training applies for revalidation, renewal or a
corrective measure as a result of ATO personnel standards evaluation?
Do the provisions for the individual refresher training include:
a case by case evaluation/assessment of the competences of the applicant?
Cosiderations of specific recurrent training requirements (e.g. UPRT, Night, ACR, MOU,
that the development of the individual training is based on:
individual deficiencies, the experience and previous performance of the applicant?
the concerned approved instructor category training course syllabus?
Recurrent training and standardisation for instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction
Is there a statement that the instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction and assessment
are to receive annual recurrent training and standardisation?
Is there a process specifying the development of the recurrent training and standardisation?
Does the development of the recurrent training and standardisation consider:
factual data gained from examinations, assessment results and feedback?
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• The purpose of refresher training is to refresh and expand knowledge as well as to maintain the
abilities in order to remain qualified and competent to conduct the duties of an instructor.
• The organisation shall define a process as applicable to their instructors:
- for the definition of an individual training program for:
o revalidation and renewal requirements;
o corrective measures if an instructor does not maintain the required standard;
- on how to conduct the refresher seminar including an overview of the subjects and related
o if the organisation does not provide refresher seminars, the process specifying the seminar
may include a reference to the contracting ATO, referring to the list of contractors and sub-
contractors, OMM, Chapter 11.x «Contracting and monitoring of contractors»;
- defining the annual recurrent training for instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction,
including an overview of the subjects and related conditions.
Refresher seminar
• The refresher seminar is an interactive course of training comprising presentations, break-out
groups, workshops, visual aids, interactive videos and other teaching aids. Such seminars should
run as specified for the individual instructor category, and attendance from participants will be
required for the whole duration of the seminar.
• For process steps related to the organisation and conduct of a refresher seminar, including the
conditions and details about the training subjects specified for the individual instructor category,
refer to the «Refresher seminar overview» in the example below.
• Upon successful completion of the refresher seminar, the ATO should issue, sign and submit the
attendance form/seminar completion certificate to the candidate and to FOCA. For a sample
form/certificate refer to GM1 FCL.940.FI(A)(2) «FI – Revalidation and Renewal».
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Recurrent training and standardisation for instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction
• Instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction and assessment are to receive annual recurrent
training and standardisation.
• The recurrent training is to ensure standardisation, especially:
- continued inter-rater reliability; and
- that the assessment grades awarded are consistent across the ATO.
• The development of the recurrent training and standardisation should be based on factual data
gained from examinations and assessment results as well as feedback, and emphasise on:
- individual and/or collective deficiencies;
- difficulties and disabilities;
- areas of improvement;
- subjects/topics/methods/assessments and exercises with need of standardisation,
considering the application of:
o teaching skills/capabilities and knowledge transfer;
o grading and assessment system, including word pictures;
o debriefing system across the ATO.
• For process steps related to the organisation and conduct of the recurrent training and
standardisation, including the conditions and details about the training subjects, refer to the
«Refresher seminar overview» in the example below.
The refresher training is to refresh and expand knowledge as well as to maintain the abilities in order
to remain qualified and competent to execute the duties of an instructor.
The refresher training is a major element of the revalidation and renewal requirements for instructor
certificates or qualifications. Additionally, the refresher training may also be a corrective measure of an
individual instructor standard evaluation.
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Refresher seminar
Refresher seminars should be provided to the following instructor certificates:
Instructor Seminar provisions for the individual instructor category revalidation/renewal requirement
Category Revalidation Renewal (see Note)
CRI -- --
SFI X --
FTI -- --
TRI X --
STI -- --
MCCI -- --
MI The MI certificate is based on FI, TRI, CRI
Note: as required by the individual refresher training program based on the result of the canditate’s assessment
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Instructor Selection
The instructor providing flight instruction for a refresher training shall hold the valid privileges for the
issue, revalidation or renewal of the respective instructor category certificate:
Instructor category providing training for
Instructor trainee FI TRI FTI
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Recurrent training and standardisation for instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction
Development and organisation of the recurrent training and standardisation for Area 100 KSA instructors
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Standardisation training CA
RB 3.4.4 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 EVALUATION METHOD
ORA.ATO.130/230 ORA.GEN.200
Does the organisation provide guidance on how to conduct standardisation training? Does the
provision include:
a process defining the execution;
an overview of the content; and
the continuous management system training?
Is the content of the standardisation training based on a systematic analysis of factual data and
results derived from the management system and ATO personnel standard evaluation?
• The purpose of having standardisation is so that safety and organisation goals can be achieved
in a directed and effective manner. Competence is the ability to do something successfully and/or
efficiently and includes the power to deal with particular matters. As a result, the student shall
receive an effective and regulatory compliant training within a safe flight operation environment;
• The standardisation training shall be an interactive internal event moderated by the Head of
Training (HT) for the purpose of developing and implementing a common understanding, level of
knowledge and behaviour to achieve a mutual consistent understanding during the daily training
activity. It may be combined with the commonly known instructor meeting. The content may be
selected from:
- Continuous Management system training, OMM Chapter 9.x «Management system
continuous training»
- Results out of ATO personnel standard evaluation, «OM Part D, Chapter x.7.x»
- Changes;
- Training activities.
• The organisation shall:
- define a process for the determination of the content; and
- provide an overview of the content of the standardisation training.
Standardisation for instructors involved in Area 100 KSA instruction and assessment
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.4.3 «Refresher training».
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Standardisation Training
The purpose of having standardisation is so that safety and organisation goals can be achieved in a
directed and effective manner. Competence is the ability to do something successfully and/or efficiently
and includes the power to deal with particular matters. As a result, the student shall receive an effective
and regulatory compliant training within a safe flight operation environment.
The standardisation training will take place twice a year during the scheduled instructor meeting.
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Proficiency checks CA
RB 3.4.5 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016 EVALUATION METHOD
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part D, Chapter x.5.x «Proficiency checks»
OM Part D, Chapter 3 «Procedures»
Is there a statement that proficiency checks are an element of the instructor refresher and
standardisation for flight instructions of all flight categories?
Are procedures, instructions and guidance to conduct proficiency checks provided? or
is there a reference to the «Examiner Guide EASA Part FCL»?
• Proficiency check means the demonstration of skill to revalidate or renew ratings, and including
such oral examination as may be required.
- Revalidation means the administrative action taken within the period of validity of a rating or
certificate which allows the holder to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or
certificate for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified
- Renewal means the administrative action taken after a rating or certificate has lapsed for the
purpose of renewing the privileges of the rating or certificate for a further specified period
consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements.
• Individual and collective results from proficiency checks are also used for the definition of the
content of instructor’s refresher and standardisation training for flight instructions of all
categories. Refer also to:
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.4.3 «Refresher Training»; and
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter, 3.4.4 «Standardisation Training».
• Procedures, instructions and guidance to conduct proficiency checks are to be found in the:
- «EASA Part FCL Examiner Guide»; and
- «Work Instruction SB WI O-003 FOCA Flight Examiner»;
issued by FOCA.
Proficiency check denotes the demonstration of skill to revalidate or renew ratings and is an element of
the instructor’s refresher and standardisation training for flight instructions of all categories.
For procedures, instructions and guidance to conduct proficiency checks refer to:
• «EASA Part FCL Examiner Guide»; and
• «Work Instruction SB WI O-003 FOCA Flight Examiner»;
issued by FOCA.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part D, Chapter x.6.x «Upgrading training»
OM Part D, Chapter 2.1 «Training and checking, for flight crew»
APP: Training courses (including associated syllabi, where applicable) for licences, ratings, privileges or
certificates require prior approval.
• The term «Upgrading training» shall not be mistaken with the commonly used term for a co-pilot
undergoing a command course in compliance with ORO.FC.205;
• In the context of an ATO, the term “Upgrading training” denotes:
- training for the purpose of achieving a higher category of licence;
- training for gaining further ratings and privileges within the category of licence.
Instructor Certificates
Pilot Licences
• Upgrading and/or extension training will be successfully completed following a training course
according to the approved syllabus for the respective category of licence, rating, privileges or
certificate. This provision shall at least be stated.
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Upgrading training
An instructor shall only carry out flight instruction with the licence, rating, privileges and instructor
certificate appropriate to the instruction given.
In order to gain a category of licence and/or extending/amending ratings and privileges, the instructor
has to undergo an upgrading training. Upgrading training will be successfully completed following a
training course according to the approved syllabus for the respective category of licence, rating,
privileges or certificate.
• For training courses and associated syllabi refer to the Training Manual.
CPL Aircraft Ratings Ratings / Privileges Instructor Certificates
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Does the organisation provide guidance for the evaluation and standardisation of its personnel?
Does the guidance include defined key elements for all personnel levels and functions?
• As already stated in FOCA CL OM/TM Chapter 3.4.4 «Standardisation training», the purpose of
having standardisation is so that safety and organisation goals can be achieved in a directed and
effective manner. Competence is the ability to do something successfully and/or efficiently and
includes the power to deal with particular matters. As a result, the student shall receive an
effective and regulatory compliant training within a safe flight operation environment;
• Competence evaluation is one of the main instruments for the definition of refresher and
standardisation training as well to ensure that all instructors remain qualified and competent to
conduct their duties;
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.4.4 «Standardisation training»
• The organisation shall define means and guidance by which the standard and competence of
ATO personnel is supported, evaluated and improved. Special emphasis shall be given to the
evaluation and standardisation of instructors;
• A simple guidance may include the following main fundamentals:
- Key elements in broad terms which define the content of the evaluation;
- The basis and the means for the evaluation;
- Periodicity of the evaluation.
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CL 4 Training Manual
The Training Manual (TM) is the main instrument by which an Approved Training Organisation (ATO)
defines, controls, provides and standardises training. The content of the Training Manual, specifically
all syllabi, are elements of the training course approval as documented on the attachment to the
Approved Training Organisation Certificate.
Some of the specified subjects in the AMC are relevant for the structure and content for the Training
Manual and the Operations Manual (OM). Various essential subjects of the required content as
specified in AMC 1 ORA.ATO.230(b) are moreover essential elements for the syllabi as needed by the
respective training courses for licences, ratings and certificates. When compiling the training manual,
the required content may be documented either in the corresponding chapter of the Training Manual,
Operations Manual and/or in the respective syllabus.
Thus, it is not required to duplicate information. FOCA recommends to reference those elements from
the Traininig Manual which clearly relate to the content of a syllabus to the corresponding syllabus and
those subjects which are already contained in the operations manual to the associated chapter or sub-
chapter of the concerned part.
When compiling the Training Manual, the organisation may decide to integrate syllabi, lesson and
session plans, forms and records or other elements in a comprehensible appendix. By doing so,
references shall be included in the associated chapter of the Training Manual. It must be kept in mind
that documents contained in an appendix are still part of the Training Manual and the organisation’s
documentation as a whole. It is therefore of outmost importance to ensure consistency with all other
parts and to integrate all appendices – especially approved syllabi – in the system of amendment and
revision as specified in the Organisation Management Manual (OMM).
and associated AMC 1 ORA ATO.230 (a) Appendix
Training Manual
Management Manual
ORA.ATO.130/230 Plan
and associated
Part A – D References Part 1 – 4 References
Operations Manual Training Manual
AFM and
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Ch. 4.0.1 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021
Air crew and air operations regulations uses specific training related terms. Terms used during
education are mostly a question of definition and point of view. Therefore, different terms are used to
basically express the same meaning. Within this document, the following definitions for the indicated
terms are used:
Term …used for:
Air Exercise • An air exercise is equivalent to a session plan – see definition above.
• The term air exercise is commonly used during training courses for licences
and certificates.
Assigned Instructor • An instructor who is assigned to a student and who is responsible for all
aspects of the instructional process during the student’s applicable training.
Candidate / Applicant • Denoting an examinee pursuing the issue, revalidation or renewal of a pilot
licence, certificate or rating.
Difference training • Difference training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge and
(GM1 FCL.710) training on an appropriate training device or aircraft.
Familiarisation training • Familiarisation training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge.
(GM1 FCL.710)
Learning Objective • The LOs define the subject knowledge and applied knowledge, skills and
attitudes that a student pilot should have assimilated during the theoretical
knowledge course. The LOs are intended to be used by an approved training
organisation (ATO) when developing the Part-FCL theoretical knowledge
elements of the appropriate course.
Lesson Plan • A lesson plan is for both, planning and execution of an individual lesson
within the theoretical knowledge instruction. A lesson is subdivided in
units/lectures to reach the defined learning objectives.
Session Plan • A session plan is used during flying training and consists of a breakdown of
flight and/or simulator training, containing details on the exercises to be
conducted including learning objectives.
Student • A person who is studying at an Approved Training Organisation (ATO)
pursuing the issue, revalidation or renewal of pilot licences and associated
ratings and certificate.
Syllabus • A syllabus outlines, lists and summarises topics to be covered in a training
course in compliance with the respective regulation.
Training Course • Is to be considered as the training curriculum for licences, ratings and
certificates which are to be in compliance with the respective regulation.
Training Programme • A training programme is equivalent to a syllabus – see definition below; or
• A training programme is the range of defined courses which outline the
organisation’s/operator’s training concept specific to its scope of business
and activity.
Unit/Lecture • A unit/lecture is a single element of the concerned lesson with a specific
learning objective.
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
• Syllabus is a term used in education and is in general an outline, list and summary of topics to be
covered in education and training courses. Within the environment of an approved training
organisation a syllabus shall be considered as the training curriculum for licences, ratings and
certificates in compliance with the respective regulation. Individual syllabi defining training
courses are subject to prior approval and part of the certificate of the approved training
• Syllabi are part of the Training Manual and the organisation’s documentation as a whole. They
are to be controlled with the system of amendment and revision as specified in the Organisation
Management Manual (OMM). A clear reference to the chapter specifying the applicable system
of revision shall be included.
• Training syllabi shall be presented in a format which can be used without difficulty:
- The format shall be uniquely identifiable;
- There shall be a comprehensive title;
- It shall have the effective date and the revision status;
- Pages shall be numbered;
- It may be also be used as training record. In such cases there should be enough space to
record the students’ progress, performance and attendance. Caption to each field of record
should be provided.
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• For the development of training syllabi, the following structure with associated content has to be
The aim of the course A statement of what the student is expected to do as a result of the training,
level of performance and the training constraints to be observed
Pre-entry requirements Qualifying criteria that must be met before starting the training course of the
Prerequisites for training concerned syllabus such as minimum age, educational and qualification
Credits for previous Qualification and experience requirements before training begins, if
experience applicable.
Overview and Summaries Overview of training course subjects, phases/stages, progress
tests/checks, summary of hours, record of attendance etc.
Theoretical • A detailed breakdown of the content of the theoretical
knowledge instruction knowledge instruction which specifies the subjects to be
studied and tested;
• A statement, of the applicable course/training material The
used; syllabus
Course structure
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Lesson plan CA
RB 4.0.3 ISS1 / REV0 / 23.02.2021 EVALUATION METHOD
Industry practise and educational theory ORA.ATO.230 Part FCL Part SFCL
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendices to syllabi
Does the organisation use lesson plans for their class room instruction?
• The lesson plan is the theoretical knowledge instructor’s guide for running a particular theoretical
knowledge lecture. Its purpose is, to support the instructor in both, planning and executing
individual lessons. It is one of the main instruments to ensure well organised, effective and
standardised training.
• A lesson consists of units which are to be covered within a single lecture to reach the defined
learning objective.
All of LOs as required by the concerned course course shall be implemented. The depth or level
of learning to be achieved and the corresponding level of attainment to be examined or assessed
is based on the Benjamin Bloom taxonomy. Explanation of the taxonomy used may be found in
GM1 FCL.310; FCL.515(b); FCL.615(b); FCL.835(d).
• Lesson plans must not be integrated and maintained in the training manual, as long as they have
no specific content that is needed to be presented in a syllabus requiring prior approval. This is in
order to facilitate any revision or amendment in a simple and efficient way. As already mentioned
above, the lesson plan supplements the associated syllabus and shall be considered as a main
working tool for theoretical knowledge instructors.
• Ideally, a lesson plan consists of the following elements:
Unit The description of the subject/topic in the concerned lesson
Learning objective/
A statement of the goal and what the students are supposed to learn
standard of performance
Teaching method Instructional technique and method for the teaching activity to reach the
learning objective. Means to measure the learning progress during the
Teaching material Statements of the applicable theoretical models, publications and books,
teaching aids, devices, equipment, objects or means used to demonstrate or
clarify a learning subject.
Time schedule and A plan for performing a lesson with its single units to achieve the learning
allocation objectives, specifying the order and allotted time.
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Session plan CA
RB 4.0.4 ISS1 / REV4 / 22.10.2019 EVALUATION METHOD
Industry practise and educational theory ORA.ATO.230 Part FCL Part SFCL
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendices to syllabi
Does the organisation use session plans for their practical flight and/or simulator training?
• A session plan defines the content of practical flight and/or simulator training and is an
instructor’s detailed description and guidance of an individual flight and/or simulator session. It
contains details on the exercises to be conducted including learning objectives;
• Session plans are required elements of a syllabus;
• Session plans may be added with elements such as briefing and debriefing, self-assessment and
instructor’s evaluation records;
• A session plan, typically consists of the following elements:
Session content A statement of the session main objective
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The aim of the course (ATPL, CPL/IR, CPL, etc. as applicable) M/CC
RB. 4.1.1 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 / APP EVALUATION METHOD
CL TOPIC Element of each single syllabus defining a specific training course
4-TMP1-1-235 TM Part 1,Chapter x.1.x «The aim of the course»
Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Par A, Chapter 5.2 «Flight crew»
OM Part D, Chapter 2.x «Training syllabi and checking programme»
APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
• The aim of the course is a statement of what the student is expected to achieve as a result of the
training, level of performance and the training constraints.
• The organisation may decide to include statements of the aim of the course for all applicable
training courses as a list in TM Part 1, chapter 1 «The aim of the course», or include it in the
respective syllabus. If contained in the syllabus a comprehensive reference to the applicable
statement shall be included. Ideally, the aim is presented at the very beginning of the respective
syllabus of the concerned training course.
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2 «Training Syllabus».
For statements defining the aim of all applicable training courses refer to the respective syllabus.
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CL TOPIC Element of each single syllabus defining a specific training course
4-TMP1-2-240 TM Part 1,Chapter x.2.x «Pre-entry requirements»
Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part A, Chapter 5.2 «Flight crew»
OM Part D, Chapter 2.x «Training syllabi and checking programme»
APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
Are the pre-entry requirements for the specific training course defined?
Is there a comprehensive reference to the applicable requirements if the pre-entry requirements
are an integral part of the syllabi?
Are the pre-entry requirements in compliance with EU regulation (Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part
BFCL) as specified for the respective training course?
• Pre-entry requirements are qualifying criteria that must be met for the training course of the
respective syllabus.
• Pre-entry requirements are to be in compliance with EU regulation (Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part
BFCL) as specified for the respective licences, ratings and certificates in general, under the
paragraph title prerequisites.
• The organisation may decide to include pre-entry requirements for all applicable training courses
as a list in TM Part 1, chapter 1 «Pre-entry requirements», or include it in the respective syllabus.
If contained in the syllabus a comprehensive reference to the applicable pre-entry requirements
shall be included. Ideally, pre-entry requirements are contained in the respective syllabus of the
concerned training course.
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2 «Training Syllabus».
• Pre-entry requirements may include, as applicable, the following:
Minimum age
Educational/qualification requirements
According to Air Crew Regulation Annex 1 Part FCL,
Licence/certificate requirements Part SFCL, Part BFCL as relevant for the category of
licence, rating or certificate
Medical requirements
Language requirements
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CL TOPIC Element of each single syllabus defining a specific training course
4-TMP1-3-245 TM Part 1,Chapter x.3.x «Credits for previous experience»
Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part A, Chapter 5.2 «Flight crew»
OM Part D, Chapter 2.x «Training syllabi and checking programme»
APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
• Experience related to former licences, certificates, ratings and flight time may count as credit
towards the concerned training course.
• Credits are to be in compliance with EU regulation (Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL) as
specified for the respective licences, ratings and certificates.
• The organisation may decide to include credits for all applicable training courses as a list in TM
Part 1, chapter 1 «Credits for previous experience», or include it in the respective syllabus. If
contained in the syllabus a comprehensive reference to the applicable credits shall be included.
Ideally, credits for previous experience are contained in the respective syllabus of the concerned
training course.
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2 «Training Syllabus».
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
For syllabi defining training courses refer to Training Manual, «Appendix XXX» of the training manual.
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
Are the time scales and constraints included in the concerned training course?
Are the defined constraints and provisions related to time in compliance with the EU regulation
(Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL) as specified for the respective training course?
• Constraints and provisions related to time are to be in compliance with EU regulation (Part FCL,
Part SFCL, Part BFCL) as specified for the respective training course for licences, ratings and
certificates. The following shall at least be considered during the development of a specific
training course:
- Minimum / maximum duration;
- Minimum hours and experience requirements;
- Minimum hours per learning subject, and in total;
- Sequence and allocation of phases, where applicable;
- Time scheduling in weeks.
• Time scales and schedules are contained in the syllabi of the concerned training courses.
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2 «Training Syllabus».
• For information related to time schedule and allocation in lessons and session plans refer also to:
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.3 «Lesson plan»;
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.4 «Session plan».
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Training programme
Ch. 4.1.6 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
CL TOPIC TM Part 1,Chapter x.6.x «Training programme»
4-TMP1-6-260 OM Part A, Chapter x.6.x «Preparation of flying programme»
Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. OM Part A, Chapter 2.3.x «Operations control»
OM Part D, Chapter 3.x «Procedures»
Is there a method to plan, coordinate and monitor the daily and weekly programme of flying
activities, theoretical knowledge instruction and training in FSTDs, if applicable?
• The organisation shall establish a method to plan, coordinate and monitor the daily and weekly
programme of flying activities/lessons, theoretical knowledge instruction and training in FSTDs, if
applicable. This method should be adapted to the size and complexity of the Approved Training
• For the method to plan, coordinate and monitor the daily flight activity refer to FOCA CL OM/TM,
Chapter 3.1.6 «Preparation of flying programme».
• The means for planning and monitoring the theoretical knowledge instruction and FSTD training
activity may consider the:
- agenda including timetable
- classroom booking
- FSTD identification
- nature of use (kind of theoretical knowledge instruction, examination, briefing, etc.)
- student / class identity
- instructor
• These means may consist of a simple paper agenda up to a sophisticated electronic application.
For guidance and example to develop a method to coordinate and plan the daily and weekly programme
refer to the example provided in FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.6 «Preparation of flying programme».
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CL TOPIC TM Part 1, Chapter x.6.x «Training programme»
4-TMP1-6-265 OM Part A, Chapter 8.1.3 «Methods and responsibilities for establishing aerodrome
Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. minima»
OM Part A, Chapter 8.7.x «Training flight»
• The organisation may reference to the applicable chapters and subchapters contained in
Operations Manual Part A and C.
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.6 «Preparation of flying programme».
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.3.4 «Weather minima (Flying instructors)».
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.3.5 «Weather minima (Students – at various stages of
For bad weather constraints refer to:
- OM Part A, Chapter x.6.x «Preparation of flying programme»;
- OM Part C, Chapter x.4.x «Weather minima (Flying instructors)»;
- OM Part C, Chapter x.5.x «Weather minima (Students – at various stages of training)».
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Does the organisation provide information on the constraints in terms of maximum student
training times?
• The organisation shall establish criteria for constraints in terms of maximum student training
- For restrictions related to flight session training/units refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter
3.1.15 «Flying duty period and flight time limitations (students)» and Chapter 3.1.17 «Rest
periods (students)»;
- The restriction related to flight session training/units may also be applied for FSTD training;
- When the organisation develops a time schedule for theoretical knowledge instruction the
organisation shall consider educational theory – and human factors.
• The organisation may decide to devise information on constraints in terms of maximum student
training times in two different chapters. Constraints related to flight session training/units may be
included in the OM Part A, Chapter x.14.x «Flying duty period and flight time limitations» and
restrictions related to theoretical knowledge instruction and FSTD training in TM Part 1, Chapter
x.6.x «Programme constraints in terms of maximum student training times» or include all
constraints in OM Part A, Chapter x.14.x «Flying duty period and flight time limitations».
Without prejudice of an approved training course, the following constraints in terms of maximum student
training times apply:
In general, a maximum of eight lessons per day shall be considered
Theoretical knowledge instruction when planning theoretical knowledge instructions
Students shall not complete more than three simulator training sessions
FSTD session per day
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Does the organisation provide restrictions in respect of duty periods for students?
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.15 «Flying duty period and flight time limitations
(students)» and review the information especially in the example provided in subtitle «additions
for students».
• The organisation shall include in this chapter a reference to the applicable provisions in OM Part
A, Chapter x.14.x «Flying duty period and flight time limitations».
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
Are the duration of dual and solo flights included in the concerned training course?
Is there a statement that the duration of dual and solo flight are subjects of individual training
course syllabi?
• Constraints and provisions related to duration of dual and solo flights are requirements when
developing exercises for a training course syllabus.
• The following licences and ratings training courses requires constraints and provisions related to
the duration of dual and solo flights:
- Night
• The organisation shall include at least a statement that syllabi include the required provisions
related to the duration of dual and solo flights.
For provisions related to dual and solo flights refer to the respective training course syllabus.
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Does the organisation provide restrictions in respect to maximum flying hours in any day or
Does the organisation provide restrictions in respect to a maximum number of training flights in
any day or night?
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.15 «Flying duty period and flight time limitations
(students)» and review the information especially in the example provided in subtitle «additions
for students».
• The organisation shall include in these chapters a reference to the applicable provisions in OM
Part A, Chapter x.14.x «Flying duty period and flight time limitations».
Does the organisation provide restrictions in respect to minimum rest period between duty
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.16 «Rest periods (instructors)» and Chapter 3.1.17
«Rest periods (students)». For students review the information especially in the example
provided in subtitle «additions for students».
• The organisation shall include in this chapter a reference to the applicable provisions in OM Part
A, Chapter x.14.x «Flying duty period and flight time limitations».
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Training Records
Ch. 4.1.7 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. TM Part 1, Chapter x.7.x «Training records»
OMM, Chapter 10.x «Record Keeping and Archiving»
• Refer to:
- FOCA CL MS, Chapter 10 «Record Keeping».
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Are the means for recording the individual attendance and progress for students defined?
Is the means of record suitable and easy to use?
• For monitoring and controlling purposes the attendance of students shall be appropriately defined
and recorded. For examples of personal files also refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.12
«Flight crew qualification records (licences and ratings)».
• In general the attendance and progress during the course of studies may be recorded in the
individual training record of the respective student. Training syllabi may also be used as training
record. In such cases there should be space provided to record the individual attendance and
• Attendance of theoretical knowledge instruction performed in classes may also be recorded in a
specific classroom attendance record form.
Classroom attendance record: [42]
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Is it specified in which form the records are kept (hardcopies/text paper or digital applications)?
Is the type of format:
specified in this chapter of the training manual? or
specified in OMM, Chapter 10.x «Record keeping and archiving»; and
Is there an appropriate reference to the concerned subchapter of the OMM?
Is the type of form in compliance with the requirements stated in FOCA CL MS, Chapter 10
«Record Keeping» and Chapter 3.2 «Electronic Data Processing (EDP)»?
• Refer to:
- FOCA CL MS, Chapter 10 «Record Keeping»; and
- FOCA CL MS, Chapter 3.2 «Electronic Data Processing (EDP)»
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.12 «Flight crew qualification records (licences and ratings)».
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RB. ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
CA Rules concerning log book entries
Does the organisation provide provisions on how to check training records regularly?
Do the rules include:
function responsible, nature and frequency for checking records?
prior recommendation/registration for test/check/examination:
that the training performed is complete and compliant/correct?
that the training records are accurate and complete?
Does the organisation provide rules and define the responsibilities for log book entries?
Are the rules and responsibilities:
specified in this chapter of the training manual? or
specified in OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.18 «Pilots’ log book»; and is there an appropriate
reference to the concerned subchapter?
are the rules and responsibilities in compliance with the requirements stated in FOCA CL
OM/TM, Chapter 3.1.18 «Pilots’ log book»?
Training records
• The organisation shall provide provisions on how to check training records regularly. This shall
include at least:
- Function responsible for checking records;
- Nature and frequency of record checks;
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Safety training
Ch. 4.1.8 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 / APP Requirement before first solo day, night or navigation etc. M/CC
RB. ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
Is there a statement, that training details for abnormal and emergency procedures, practices and
manoeuvers are to be found in session plans/air exercises of the applicable syllabus?
Is there a statement that the student fulfils prerequisites, experience requirements and that
tests/checks have been passed as applicable to the syllabus and intended session?
• Safety training is the skill acquisition for the handling of abnormal and emergency situations.
• Training details for abnormal and emergency procedures, practices and manoeuvers are major
elements and essential exercises in individual session plans/air exercises of a specific syllabus
as applicable.
• Overview of safety training requirements:
Detailed content • The content and sequence of the training • FOCA CL OM/TM, CL 5
subjects are to be in compliance with EU Appendix «Syllabi for Licences,
Sequence, regulation (Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL) Ratings an Certificates»
Frequency as specified for the respective licences, • FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.21
ratings and certificates. «Air exercise»
• Training subjects and related essential
exercises including consecutive repetitions
are to be integrated in single session
plans/air exercises.
Progress • Relevant prerequisites and requirements • FOCA CL OM/TM, CL 5
• Phase of training Appendix «Syllabi for Licences,
Ratings an Certificates»
• Progress tests
- Chapter 3.1.5
«Approval/authorisation of
- Chapter 4.2.3 «Course
structure: Phase of training»
- Chapter 4.2.5 «Student
- Chapter 4.2.7 «Progress
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Safety training is the skill acquisition for the handling of abnormal and emergency situations. Training
details for abnormal and emergency procedures, practices and manoeuvers are to be found in individual
session plans/air exercises in the syllabus of the applicable training course.
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ORA.ATO.230 Part-FCL
Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. Refer to table «Affected documentation»
APP: Training courses for Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL), Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) and / or
Multi-Pilot Licence (MPL) for Aeroplane and Helicopter (A/H) require prior approval
• Area 100 KSA moves the commercial pilot training from the limited subject learning and testing
towards a linked competency-based training, and especially from memorisation learning towards
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scenario-based teaching that enables understanding, not just isolated factual knowledge of single
• Area 100 Knowledge Skills and Attitudes (KSA):
- is applicable, to integrated and modular ATPL, MPL and CPL training courses (A/H);
- is a specific learning subject including associated learning objectives. It consists of formative
and summative assessments and mental math tests;
- formative assessment(s) and summative assessments may include but not be limited to:
written planning exercises combining multiple subjects; practical exercises using training
devices (if available); scenario-based oral board (viva voce); scenario-based communications
exercises; written assignments or project work; and preparation and delivery of group or
individual presentations;
- assessments are to be debriefed. Debriefs should be effective, highlighting the student’s
strengths and weaknesses and enabling future improvement. The associated method of
debriefing is to be defined in the process «conduct of Area 100 KSA assessments».
• The formal Part FCL examination can be started before mental maths test and the two
summative assessements are completed. In other words, the mental maths test and the two
summative assessements must be completed before the first attempt of the last subject.
The following definitions apply:
Formative • refers to a wide variety of methods that teachers use to conduct in-process
Assessment evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress
during a lesson, unit, or course.
Summative • are used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition and academic achievement at
Assessment the end of a unit, lesson, or course.
Word Pictures • are a verbal description of the learning objectives / standard of performance to be
Mental Math Test • refers to a test checking in non-calculator test scenarios or scenario exercises, the
ability in a time-efficient manner to make correct mental calculation approximations.
Scenario-based • interactive and active learning by solving problems / challenges of cases close to
realistic / real-life work environments
Implementation Tasks
For the implementation of Area 100 KSA the following developments and implementations are required:
• Instructional System Design (ISD) method;
• Competency Framework comprising the description for each single competence including the
related performance indicators to the LOs of 100 02 «Core competencies learning objectives»
and 100 03 «Additional Threat and Error Management (TEM) related Learning Objectives»;
• A grading system which can be applied for assessing the student level of performance;
• Assessment Tool. The Competency Framework combined with the grading system may be
designed to be used as Assessment Tool;
• A process for the conduct of assessments;
• Scenario based assessments and exercises, by covering all of the LOs;
• Method of debriefing;
• Mental math test;
• Theoretical Knowledge Instructor initial training;
• Recurrent training and standardisation;
• A process for students who perform below satisfactory standard;
• Record keeping of student file.
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Affected documentation
Overview of the required documenetation amendments for Area 100 KSA:
Part 1 Appendix
Instructional System
Organisation Management
Training Course Assessment
Part 4
Mental Math Tests
LO 100 04
Part D Process for student who
performs below
Instructors: satisfactory
Initial-; performance
Refresher Training; and List of Assessments and
Standardisation. Mental Math Tests Handout
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Formative Assessment
• At least one formative assessment shall be performed;
• To be conducted during the training;
• Develop competencies and have the opportunity to ask
questions in the Learning Objectives (LOs) of 100 02 «Core
competencies learning objectives» and 100 03 «Additional
Threat and Error Management (TEM) related Learning
• May be conducted in a formative evaluation over a specified • A matrix should be maintained
phase of the course. that shows which LOs are
covered in which exercise;
Summative Assessment • Instructors are to be trained to
deliver formative / summative
• At least two summative assessments shall be performed; assessments;
• Opportunity to demonstrate competency in all LOs of 100 02 •
Area 100 KSA
Assessments should be
«Core competencies learning objectives» and 100 03 debriefed by the defined method.
«Additional Threat and Error Management (TEM) related
Learning Objectives»;
• The LOs may be divided into each individual summative
• Description of the student performance and competency
level (word pictures);
• Grading system for the assessment;
• 35% of the performance indicators in the relevant
competency are satisfactorily to be achieved.
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Assessment design
The individual Area 100 KSA formative assessment(s) and summative assessments design might
• that the content including the defined exercises of the assessment allows the student to
demonstrate and the instructor to evaluate the intended competence/skill in consistence with the
concerned LO;
• that the setup, sequence and environment of the exercises allow to perform standardised and
consistent conduct of assessment and related student performance evaluation;
• utilising a wide range of instructional methods/learning styles;
• practical exercises using training aids/devices;
• scenario based:
- case study exercises, written assignments/project work;
- oral board (instructor oral questioning/test, viva voce);
- communications exercises;
- conversation linked to a part of the course content;
- performance review after group project/assignments;
- written planning exercises combining multiple subjects;
- exercises allowing the application Threat and Error Management (TEM)
• role play that depicts real life situation/scenario;
• presentation exercises, preparation and delivery of group or individual presentations and
Based on the intended content of the assessment, the organisation shall develop student exercise
handout, as applicable. To allow for flexibility and development, the exercises do not need to be
specified in the training course syllabus. In this case, a traceable reference to the applicable
documentation is to be included. In addition, a reference to the applicable assessment tool for the
instructor is to be provided.
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FOCA Guidance Material / INFORMATION Certification Leaflet OM/TM Flying
RB ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016 Procedure for question analysis and review and for raising
replacement papers
RB. ISS1 / REV2 / 21.03.2017
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ad.pdf/examiner_guide_easapartfclhelicopter.pdf [on-line] Available (09.05.2017)
• Examination denotes the formal Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL examination of the candidate’s
theoretical knowledge and proficiency for the issue of a specific licence or rating measured
against the applicable learning objectives. Prior to the theoretical knowledge examinations:
- students must have completed the appropriate elements of the theoretical knowledge
instruction to a satisfactory standard;
- applicants shall take the entire set of theoretical knowledge examinations as applicable to the
concerned licence and/or rating;
- all the required subjects shall be completed within a period of 18 months counted from the
end of the calendar month when the applicant first attempted an examination;
- applicants shall only take the theoretical knowledge examination when recommended by the
Head of Training (HT).
• For all categories of licences and instrument rating, FOCA is responsible for the arrangements,
procedures and conduct of the related part FCL theoretical knowledge examinations.
Consequently, FOCA is responsible for the administrative requirements, organisational matters
and preparation of these examination papers.
The organisation may include at least a statement that candidates have to undergo Part FCL,
Part SFCL, Part BFCL theoretical knowledge examinations for all categories of licences with
• The following Part FCL theoretical knowledge examinations are conducted by the ATO itself:
- Multi-pilot aeroplane;
- Single pilot multi-engine aeroplane;
- Single pilot HPA aeroplane;
- High performance aeroplane (HPA);
- Multi-pilot helicopter;
- Single pilot multi-engine helicopter;
- Type rating helicopter.
• For training course specific requirements related to Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL theoretical
knowledge examinations, refer to FOCA CL OM/TM CL 5 Appendix «Syllabi for Licences,
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Ratings and Certificates», reference box of the concerned category licence, rating or certificate,
training course table, row «Special Considerations».
• Conduct of Area 100 KSA Assessments
- Formative assessment is a process to adjust ongoing teaching and learning, it supports
learning and are developmental for competencies. For the formative assessment:
o at least one assessment is to be conducted during training;
o goals/targets and competencies are to be explained and described as required;
o competencies are to be developed in LOs of 100 02 «Core competencies learning
objectives» and 100 03 «Additional Threat and Error Management (TEM) related Learning
Objectives» and must include the opportunity to ask questions;
o shall help to close gap / weakness through discussions and didactics;
o student are to be supported to identify witnessed gap / weakness and to focus on area of
improvements / corrective actions;
o students are to be engaged in self-reflection;
o the student’s learning process shall be shared and supported;
o assessments should be debriefed by the defined method.
- Summative assessment sum-up the learning. It measures, reviews and surveys the student
achievement(s) following instruction / teaching / education. For the summative assessment
the students:
o shall perform at least two assessments;
o competencies are to be demonstrated in LOs of 100 02 «Core competencies learning
objectives» and 100 03 «Additional Threat and Error Management (TEM) related Learning
o the LOs may be divided in to each individual summative assessments;
o activities are to be monitored;
o performance are to be compared with the defined indicators and level of competencies as
described in the word pictures;
o level of competency is to be analysed and the associated pass mark is to be calculated;
o 35% of the performance indicators in each competency have to be satisfactorily
o assessments should be debriefed by the defined method.
- When developing the Assessment procedure, the following steps are to be included:
oOpening of assessment;
o Monitoring of actions;
o Preparation of debriefing;
o Debriefing;
o Continuous improvement.
• Method of debrief:
- Formative and summative assessments are to be debriefed using a specified method. The
application of the method may be part of the «Conduct of Area 100 KSA Assessment»
process. One of the major objective is, that the instructor facilitates/moderates the outcome
discussion of the assessments. In addition, it should be effective, highlighting the student’s
strengths and weaknesses and enabling future improvement.
- The course of debrief includes:
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Self Assessment
experience, self-
reflection including
(self-) identified level of
Feedback on outcome,
observations, level of
Open Debriefing Dialog competencies and area Summary Closing Debriefing
of improvement(s) /
gap(s) / deficiency(-ies)
Facilitate discussion on
outcome, observations
/ gap / deficiencies and
improvement(s) /
remedial training
• Competency framework which includes the description of each single competence including the
related performance indicators to the LOs of 100 02 «Core competencies learning objectives»
and 100 03 «Additional Threat and Error Management (TEM) related Learning Objectives».
The organisation shall include a comprehensive reference to the competency framework
maintained either in a separate document or part of the assessment tool;
• The organisation shall develop a grading system that can be applied for assessing the students
level of performance. The system shall contain the competency level description, the level of
performance and how many performance indicators are satisfactorily to be achieved to reach
• The Competency Framework combined with the Grading System may be designed to be used as
Assessment Tool. The tool may include:
- the competency;
- competency description;
- indicators;
- a possibility to record:
o the number of performance indicators which were assessed for the relevant competency;
o level of performance – how well the competency was demonstrated in the assessment;
o and for summative assessment, the level of success.
• Assessment matrix for the the Area 100 KSA shall ensure that all of the applicable LOs are
covered in the summative assessments. It shall list all single LOs and reference to the concerned
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assessment. The matrix may be maintained separately. In such a case a traceable to the
applicable assessment matrix shall be included;
• Mental Math Test:
- The student shall demonstrate the ability in a time- efficient manner to make correct mental
calculation. Mental Math Tests are easily to be integrated into:
o 033 «Flight Performance and Planning - Flight Planning and Monitoring»; and
o 061 «Navigation - General Navigation».
- The test shall be scenario based and without using pencil and paper or a calculator or any
other aid;
- The description of the mental math test shall include a statement, that the mental math test is
to be completed before the first attempt on last subject of theoretical knowledge examination;
- The minimum score, 75% or higher, shall be defined.
• The organisation shall provide a development procedure for the preparation, analysis and review
of examination papers. This may include the following guidance:
- Question development;
- Terms and conditions for the conduct of the examination;
- Verification of the suitability of the questions;
- Analysis and review for continuous improvement including replacement of an existing
- Alternative examination for student resit;
- Pass mark 75%.
• «Examination paper» denotes a set of questions, which covers one subject required by the
licence level or rating, to be answered by a candidate for examination;
• The organisation shall provide a procedure for the authorisation of students for examinations and
skill tests. Such a procedure should include:
- the conditions for the recommendation for Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL examinations;
- the requirements/conditions prior to the application for skill tests;
- the evaluation of the student’s progress and performance prior to recommendation;
- statements for the issue of the authorisation and the confirmation of the completion of the
training course by the Head of Training (HT).
• The organisation is to provide rules and procedures for the resit of tests and examinations, which
may include:
- that before the resit of a test the applicant shall undertake remedial training in the area of
- a reference to the review procedures as specified in FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.4.6
«Review procedures» in the case of progress tests during the theoretical knowledge
instruction and/or Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL examination;
- An applicant of a Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL examination shall resit:
o one or more failed subject(s) of the attempt;
o the complete set of examination if:
- failed to pass one of the subjects within 4 attempts; or
- failed to pass all subjects within 18 months; and
- additionally for ATPL, CPL, IR, BIR when failed to pass all subjects in 6 sittings.
- a reference to the FOCA Examiner Guide EASA Part FCL AEROPLANE / HELICOPTER for
resit requirements of partially passed or failed skill test;
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- that a Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL examination or skill test resit must be authorised by
the Head of Training (HT).
• Examination sat at FOCA: • all the required subjects shall be completed within a period
of 18 months counted from the end of the calendar month
when the applicant first attempted an examination;
• an applicant of a Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL
examination shall resit:
- one or more failed subject(s) of the attempt;
- the complete set of examination if:
o failed to pass one of the subjects within 4 attempts;
o failed to pass all subjects within 18 months; and
o additionally for ATPL, CPL, IR, BIR when failed to
pass all subjects in 6 sittings.
• applicants shall only take the theoretical knowledge
examination when recommended by the Head of Training
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learning objectives/standards
of performance of the
applicable training course.
Skill test Skill test means the • Refer to FOCA Examiner Guide EASA Part FCL
demonstration of skill for a AEROPLANE / HELICOPTER
licence or rating issue
including oral examination as
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• In formative assessments:
- Ensure the opportunity to ask questions;
- Help to close gap / weakness through discussions and didactics;
- Repeat/explain the goals/target, as required;
- Teach the student to identify whitnessed gap/weakness and to focus
on area of improvements / corrective actions;
- Engage student in self-reflection;
- Share and support the student’s learning process.
• …
Preparation of • Sort out notes;
debriefing • Analyse and define final level of competency and ensure that all the
applicable LOs are adressed;
• In case of summative assessment:
- calculate the pass mark;
• Verify and determine the individual deficiencies and weaknesses,
possibile difficulties and dissablities, incomplete / insufficient
• Sum-up area of improvement
• …
Debriefing • Open debriefing dialog and facilitate discussion:
- Support and listen to the student’s self-assessment, self-reflection and
identified level of competencies;
- Explain observations, in relation to the definded competencies and the
student learning;
- Ask for and inform the student of area of improvement and
deficiencies and the remedial training, as applicable;
- Provide and ask for feedback and outcome of the assessment.
• Sum-up and close debriefing;
• …
Continuous • Analyse assessment results; Refer to TM Part 1,
improvement • Identify unsatisfactory and undesirable trends, deficiencies in assessment Chapter x.10.x
scenario / setup and environment; «Training
• Evaluate and consider feedback to the training standard evaluation
• …
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100 02 01 00 Communication
(01) Show the ability to identify whether the recipient is ready and able to receive the X
(02) Show the ability to appropriately select what, when, how and with whom to X
(03) Show the ability to communicate clearly, accurately and concisely. X X
(04) Show the ability to confirm whether the recipient correctly understands important X
(05) Show the ability to listen actively and show you understand the information you X
(06) Show the ability to ask relevant and effective questions.
(07) Show the ability to adhere to standard radio-telephony phraseology.
(08) Show the ability to accurately read, interpret, construct and respond to given
documentation in English.
… …
(# of observed indicators / Total # of indicators)
Level of performance 2
Leadership and teamwork Displays effective leadership and • Creates an atmosphere of open
teamwork. communication and encourages
team participation.
• Uses initiative and gives
directions when required.
• Admits mistakes and takes
• …
(# of observed indicators / Total # of indicators)
Level of performance
Problem-solving and Accurately identifies risks and • Seeks accurate and adequate
decision-making resolves problems. Uses the information from appropriate
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(# of observed indicators / Total # of indicators)
Level of performance
Situation Awareness Perceives and comprehends all • Identifies and assesses
the relevant information available, accurately the general
environment as it may affect the
anticipates what could happen
that could affect the exercise or
situations discussed in the • Identifies threats, errors, and
undesirable aircraft states.
classroom, and gives effective
solutions to resolve the situation • Manages threats, errors, and
undesirable aircraft states.
• …
(# of observed indicators / Total # of indicators)
Level of performance
Workload management Manages available resources or • Maintains self-control.
time to efficiently prioritise and • Plans, prioritises and schedules
complete or perform tasks in a tasks effectively.
timely manner. • Manages time efficiently when
carrying out tasks.
• …
(# of observed indicators / Total # of indicators)
Level of performance
Application of knowledge Demonstrates correct and deep • Correctly completes pre-flight
understanding of the subject(s), and is planning in the practical
able to effectively relate this exercise.
UPRT and resilience knowledge between subjects and • Demonstrates KSA and TEM
apply the knowledge for effective relating to phases of flight in the
threat and error management (TEM). ground training environment.
• Correctly and effectively applies
knowledge to identify and
manage threats and errors that
could lead to a potential upset in
scenario situations.
• …
(# of observed indicators / Total # of indicators)
Level of performance
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• Changes in EU Regulation; OMM Chapter x
• Changes in Learning Objectives/Standard of performance; «Compliance
• Changes in Aircraft design, modification and documentation;
• Changes in OSD;
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Forms, records and reports used for tests, assessments and examinations
Test Applicable form, records and reports
Progress test record Student training record/syllabus of the applicable training course
Area 100 KSA Assessments Area 100 KSA formative assessment and summative assessment forms and
mental maths test form.
Application forms for Part FCL FOCA Application forms for theory examinations
examination for all categories of • Forms are available on the FOCA homepage:
licences [on-line] Available
Examination results per attempt and
Skill test application and result FOCA Application and report form:
• Forms are available on the FOCA homepage: [on-line] Available
(28.11.2017) [on-line]
Available (09.05.2017)
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Progress test Before resitting a progress test or an examination attempt, the applicant shall
undertake further training.
Part FCL, Part SFCL,
Part BFCL - Refer to TM Part 4, Chapter x.6.x «Review procedure».
examination • An applicant of a Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL examination shall resit:
- one or more failed subject(s) of the attempt;
- the complete set of examination if:
o failed to pass one of the subjects within 4 attempts; or
o failed to pass all subjects within 18 months; and
o additionally for ATPL, CPL, IR, BIR when failed to pass all subjects in 6
• An examination resit must be authorised by the Head of Training (HT). Refer to TM
Part 1, Chapter x.9.x.x «Authorisation for tests»
Progress check • Before the re-take of a progress check, the student shall undertake a remedial training
in the area where improvement is needed.
• Refer also to TM Part 2, Chapter x.7.x «Progress test».
Skill test • As applicable, an applicant shall resit a partially passed or failed skill test.
• FOCA Examiner Guide EASA Part FCL AEROPLANE / HELICOPTER [on-line] Available (24.01.2017)
Flying training [on-line] Available (09.05.2017)
• Before the resit of a skill test, the applicant shall undertake remedial training in the
area where improvement is needed. The assigned instructor shall:
- identify failed subject(s)/section(s);
- request the student’s self-judgement and evaluate reason and root cause of the
- define and provide remedial and corrective training by applying appropriate
instructional methods. Refer to TM Part 2, Chapter x.6.x «Instructional method».
• A skill test resit must be authorised by the Head of Training (HT). Refer to TM Part 1,
Chapter x.9.x.x «Authorisation for tests».
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Training effectiveness
Ch. 4.1.10 ISS1 / REV6 / 14.09.2021 / APP Discipline
RB ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval.
Is there an Instructional System Design (ISD) method defined? Does the method include a:
procedure for the development of training courses including the following steps:
analysis of training need, requirements, learning objectives and required tests and
course design and development of syllabus?
preparation of lesson and session plans?
training course implementation phase?
evaluation and review phase?
training standard evaluation process:
include analysis of training course results?
consider instructor and student feedback?
contain the training course content review, correction and/or enhancement?
ensure the continuous regulatory compliance including FOCA administrative
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Are the main instruments, compiling the feedback system to detect training deficiencies,
Are there provisions for changing assigned instructors, in particular in case of:
unscheduled short term changes?
scheduled long term/permanent changes?
Is there a procedure/process detailing the actions to be taken should a student provide
continued unsatisfactory performance? or
Is there a reference to OM A, Chapter x.4.x «Student discipline and disciplinary action»?
• Students shall receive an effective and regulatory compliant training within a safe flight operation
environment. The organisation should continuously determine whether a training course has met
its objectives in an effective and efficient manner and seek to detect training deficiencies.
Consequently, training courses shall regularly be analysed by following a systematically defined
training standard evaluation. In addition, it shall serve as systematic and iterative process for
course design and enhancement, commonly known as Instructional Systems Design (ISD).
➔ Identification of unsatisfactory results and
undesired trends, training deficiencies Select and/or design
➔ Evaluate and consider feedback instructional method
Ensure regulatory
• For the course design the organisation shall define a process for the Development of Training
Courses. This process shall include the following steps:
- analysis of:
o training needs;
o requirements;
o applicable learning subjects including associated objectives;
o required tests and / or assessments.
- course design and development of syllabus;
- preparation of lesson and session plans;
- training course implementation phase;
- evaluation and review phase.
• To gain continuous enhancement, the Training Standard Evaluation process consists of a
proactive training course evaluation with a feedback system.
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- the training standard evaluation process may include actions for the:
o data collection and general assessment, including analysis of training needs and
o training course development and/or content review, correction and/or enhancement;
o standard and performance evaluation of instructors;
o identification of students’ unsatisfactory progress;
o definition of corrective measures.
- Major instruments for the feedback system to detect training deficiencies are:
o student progress evaluation;
o tests, assessments and examination results;
o instructors’ information, contributions and reports;
o students training course evaluation and feedback;
o ATO standard evaluation; and
o the management system in terms of safety and compliance management.
- The organisation should ensure that the detailed information obtained through its grading in
Area 100 KSA is de-identified before using it to support course improvement.
• A student may have an assigned instructor responsible for all aspects of the instructional process
during the concerned training course. Changes of assigned instructors and the maximum number
of assigned students to an instructor shall be monitored. The organisation shall provide a
procedure for changing instructors, which may include:
- requirements for:
o unscheduled short term change;
o scheduled long term/permanent change;
- actions required for student transfer;
- recording and documenting of instructor change.
• For student discipline and procedures for suspending from training refer to FOCA CL OM/TM,
Chapter 3.1.4 «Student discipline and disciplinary actions».
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Corrective Refer to:
measures • OM Part D, Chapter x.4.x «Standardisation training»; event based
• OM Part D, Chapter x.3.x «Refresher training».
Identification of Refer to:
• TM Part 4, Chapter x.6.x «Review procedures»;
• TM Part 2, Chapter x.5.x «Student progress»; event based assigned instructor
Action to correct
unsatisfactory • TM Part 1, Chapter x.9.x «Assessments, tests and
progress examinations».
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RB ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
Are the means, requirements and responsibilities specified for the attainment of defined
standards and level of performance?
• Defined standards and level of performance as well as the related standardisation requirements
and procedures are documented throughout the organisation documentation including training
course syllabi, lesson and session plans.
• The organisation shall specify the means, requirements and responsibilities for the attainment of
defined standards and level of performance.
Attainments References Responsibilities
Standards and • Defined philosophies and policies • Organisation Management OMM, Chapter
level of • Specified training instructions, procedures Manual (OMM) 2.x.x
performance and guidance • Operations Manual (OM) «Responsibility
• Published aircraft operating procedures • Training Manual (TM)
• Training course: • Individual syllabi, lesson and HT
- Specified learning objectives and session plans
standards of performance;
- Selected instructional methods and
Standardisation • Initial training provided to instructors in • OM Part D, Chapter x.2.x.
order to gain the required knowledge, skills «Initial training»
and certificate to conduct the duties of an
• Standardisation training for the purpose to • OM Part D, Chapter x.4.x.
develop and implement a common «Standardisation training»
understanding, level of knowledge and
behaviour to reach a mutual consistent
understanding during the daily training
• Refresher training means to refresh and • OM Part D, Chapter x.3.x.
increase knowledge as well as to maintain «Refresher training»
the abilities in order to remain qualified and
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
• Air exercises are a major element of individual syllabi defining approved training courses for
licences, ratings and certificates.
• Air exercise defines the content of the flying/practical training and is a detailed description and
guidance of an individual flight and/or simulator session. It contains details on the exercises to be
conducted including learning objectives for normal, abnormal and emergency operations.
- Air exercises are subject to session plans;
- Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.4 «Session Plan».
• The required air exercises, including content, must be in compliance with EU regulation (Part
FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL) as specified for the respective licences, ratings and certificates.
• Air exercises may be assigned to specific training course phases/stages as applicable and
structured in the most suitable learning/instructional sequence.
- Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.4 «Session Plan»
- Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.3 «Course structure: phase of training»
• The organisation shall include in this chapter, at least a reference to the applicable air exercises.
For the applicable air exercises refer to the concerned syllabus.
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Does the organisation provide air exercise reference lists appropriate to the approved training
Are the reference lists:
specified in the applicable syllabi? or
published as a separate controlled document?
Is there a comprehensive reference to the applicable air exercise reference list?
• The air exercise reference list is a catalogue listing all applicable air exercises of an approved
training course. It is intended as a reference tool for instructors and ideally published in such a
form as to facilitate its daily use.
• Ideally, it consist of:
a brief list of the specified air exercises structured in:
• Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2 «Training Syllabus» and Chapter 4.0.4 «Session
• The organisation may decide to issue the air exercise reference lists:
- as an integral part of the defined syllabi. This may be combined with the student training
record; or
- as a separate document, preferably in flip card form. In such cases, they must not be
integrated and maintained in the training manual, as long as they have no specific content
required to be presented in a syllabus relevant to prior approval.
• The organisation shall include in this chapter a reference to the applicable air exercise reference
For the applicable air exercises reference list refer to the concerned syllabus.
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
Is there a statement that the training course structure and related phases of training are subject
to the concerned syllabus?
• As applicable, the course structure, the content and sequence are to be in compliance with EU
regulation (Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL) as specified for the respective licences, ratings and
• The breakdown and allocation of the content of a specific training course into training levels,
parts or phases/stages and the most suitable learning/instructional sequence is subject of the
associated syllabus.
• For training course specific requirements related to structure and training phases/stages refer to
FOCA CL OM/TM CL 5 Appendix «Syllabi for Licences, Ratings and Certificates», reference box
of the concerned category licence, rating or certificate, training course table, row «Special
In general, the main elements of a training course – as applicable – are:
Theoretical Knowledge • element of the theoretical knowledge instructions which
(also known as ground/technical training) specifies the theoretical subjects to be studied
• element of simulator training sessions containing details on
Flight Training in a FSTD
the exercises to be conducted
• element of flight training sessions containing details on the air
Flying Training/Practical Training
exercises to be conducted
- Sorting training subjects in a logical, most suitable and instructional sequence, arranged in
- Inclusion of progress/stage/level/phase/dual checks for the verification of the student’s
knowledge and skills, as required;
o Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.7 «Progress tests»
The training course structure and related phases of training are subject to the concerned syllabus.
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
• A structured training course with comprehensive defined learning objectives is the basis for a
well-co-ordinated theoretical instruction and practical training.
• The definition of theoretical knowledge instruction and the practice in which theoretical topics are
integrated are subject of the concerned syllabus and associated content of the individual flight
and/or simulator session plans.
• Each individual flight and/or simulator session may include an additional theoretical knowledge
instruction as relevant to the content of the intended exercise (in some courses known as long
briefing), to ensure that the student will be able to apply the knowledge during the practical
training and to acquire the associated skills.
• In addition to the defined flight and/or simulator session, the assigned instructor may vary the
theoretical instruction individually to the student’s need, progress and ability.
The definition of theoretical knowledge instruction and the manner in which theoretical topics are
integrated in practical instruction, are subject of the concerned syllabus and associated content of the
individual flight and/or simulator session plans.
As the instructor monitors the student’s performance and progress continuously, and as part of a single
flight and/or simulator session, the instructor may vary the theoretical instruction individually to the
student’s need, progress and ability.
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Student progress CA
RB 4.2.5 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016 EVALUATION METHOD
• The basis to decide upon the student progress are prescribed training course requirements and
comprehensively defined learning objectives/standard of performance as specified in the
respective syllabus.
- Refer also to:
FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2 «Training syllabus»
o FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.3 «Lesson plan»
o FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.4 «Session plan»
o FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.3 «Course structure: Phase of training»
Training course requirements and learning objectives/standard of performance which must be achieved
for a satisfactory training progress are prescribed in the associated syllabus.
For a successful course progress, the student must achieve the required knowledge, skills and
experience requirements and pass defined tests, checks and/or examinations, as defined for the
applicable training course.
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Instructional methods CA
RB 4.2.6 ISS1 / REV7 / 28.06.2022 EVALUATION METHOD
• Research publications and commercially produced literature provides various theoretical models
related to instructional strategies, techniques and methods in aviation. So, there is no need to
include details on theory on instructional techniques related to teaching and learning.
The organisation shall provide at least a general valid instructional process to ensure an effective
• The organisation shall enforce adherence to prescribed training courses, associated syllabi and
lesson/session plans. Adherence to a prescribed syllabus ensures that students receive a
standardised and regulatory compliant training, structured in a most suitable learning/instructional
process and sequence.
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Students shall receive an effective training by following prescribed training courses. Instructors are to
ensure, that the provided training is according to the content of the applicable syllabus and that the
required instructional methods and techniques are applied.
A typical and effective training includes the following method of instructions:
Instructional process Task, student practice and Reference
Session Training status • Determine the training progress Syllabus/training record
preparation and status
• Review the previous session
including results and
Session review • Determine the intended Session plan
session’s main objectives
• Vary the session programme
according to the actual
conditions, student training
status, performance and needs
Prerequisites • Verify that the student fulfils the • Syllabus and session plan
prerequisites for the intended • OM A, Chapter x.5.x
session «Approval/Authorisation of
• If applicable, issue the flights»
approval/authorisation of flight
• Ensure compliance with flight
time limitations and rest
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• … …
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
Is there a statement that progress tests and related stages, levels and phases of a training
course are subject to the concerned syllabus?
Is there a statement that prior to the conduct of a progress test the related prerequisites are to
be fulfilled and that it is predictable, that the candidate has the level of knowledge and skills to
pass the intended test?
Are there instructions for the conduct of progress tests?
• A progress test is a method to evaluate the students level of achieved knowledge and skill
measured against defined learning objectives/standards of performance of the applicable training
course. They are assigned to training course stages, levels and/or phases. Following the training
course, progress tests will complete the associated phases of training.
• The term «progress test» and its purpose in this context is considered equal to the terms:
- Stage check;
- Dual check;
- Cross-check;
- Phase check;
- etc.
• The definition of progress tests during a training course is subject of the concerned syllabus.
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.3 «Course structure: Phase of training»
- For training course specific requirements related to structure and training stages, levels
and/or phases refer to FOCA CL OM/TM CL 5 Appendix «Syllabi for Licences, Ratings and
Certificates», reference box of the concerned category licence, rating or certificate, training
course table, row «Special Considerations».
• The organisation shall provide guidance for the conduct of progress checks. This is ideally
presented in form of a check-list. Detailed instructions may be defined for the following phases:
- planning;
- notification;
- preparation;
- completion; and
- administration.
• The guidance for the conduct of progress checks shall be consistent with the provisions for tests
and examinations as specified in TM Part 1, Chapter x.9.x «Assessments, tests and
- Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.1.9 «Assessments, tests and examinations»
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Following a training course, students shall pass all progress tests as applicable in the respective
An instructor shall suggest a student for a progress test only, if the prerequisites including experience
requirements are fulfilled, and it is predictable, that the candidate has the level of knowledge and skills
to pass the intended progress test.
Phase Task Reference
Planning Training status determined • Syllabus/training record
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Glossary of terms CA
RB 4.2.8 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016 EVALUATION METHOD
• Glossary of terms:
- a Term is a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a
particular kind of language or branch of study;
Source: Oxford Dictionary [on-line] Available (17.08.2020)
• For the use of the organisation’s documentation without difficulty, the following may be
- explanations and definitions of terms and words used in the manual system, shall be provided
and be readily available;
o refer also to the FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System (MS), Chapter 3.1
«Format of Manual and Documents»
- the glossary of terms and list of abbreviations must be relevant to the documentation
- for basic terminology and abbreviations used in aviation the organisation may reference to the
AIP and/or commercially produced route and aerodrome information/documentation, aircraft
manufacturer provided manuals and documentations, various teaching materials and aviation
literature, as applicable;
- definitions and abbreviations specifically needed for the content of the operations and training
manual, shall be directly available in the manual concerned.
Where required, terms specific to the operations and training manual content are explained in the
concerned chapter and/or sub-chapter.
Refer to applicable teaching materials, aircraft manufacturer provided manuals and documentations,
AIP and/or commercially produced route and aerodrome information/documentation or other aviation
literature for basic terminology and abbreviations used in aviation.
For the list of abbreviations as relevant to the operations and training manual refer to xxx «List of
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Ch. 4.2.9 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
Does the organisation maintain lists to control applicable syllabi, lesson and session plans,
forms and records?
Are the lists:
integrated in the management system? or
itemised as a table of content of the appendix of the training manual?
• Syllabi, lesson and session plans, forms and records or other defined documents are part of the
organisation’s documentation as a whole. They are to be integrated in the management system
as element of document control and system of amendment and revision.
Refer also to:
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0 «The structure and the content of the training manual»;
- FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System (MS).
• When compiling the Training Manual, the organisation may decide to list all applicable syllabi,
lesson and session plans, forms and records:
- in the concerned chapter of the management system; or
- as an itemised table of content containing information on the version and revision status of
the elements contained in the appendix of the training manual.
• When developing a list or an itemised table of content for applicable syllabi, lesson and session
plans, forms and records or other defined documents the following may be considered:
- Data to be controlled:
o Document name, labelling or designation;
o Type of document;
o Version and Revision status;
o Register/index;
- Officially published forms and records issued by FOCA need not be listed nor monitored in
the organisation’s document management.
o Forms are available on the FOCA homepage: [on-line] Available (14.09.2015)
o Refer also to FOCA Examiner Guide EASA Part FCL AEROPLANE / HELICOPTER
nload.pdf/examiner_guide_easapartfclaeroplane.pdf [on-line] Available (24.01.2017)
oad.pdf/examiner_guide_easapartfclhelicopter.pdf [on-line] Available (09.05.2017)
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List of…
Index Name/Labelling Version Revision Effective Date
01 …
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Does the organisation include Part 3 «Flight training in a FSTD» in the Training Manual?
Is there a statement that flight training in a FSTD is subject to the syllabus of a specific training
• The use of a flight simulation training device (FSTD) during a training course is subject to the
concerned syllabus. There is no sustainable difference for the development of a session plan for
flight training in a simulator or an aircraft. Consequently, there is no need to develop a specific
manual for simulator training.
- Refer also to:
o FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.1 «Air exercise»;
o FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.3 «Course structure: Phase of training»;
o FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.4 «Session plan».
• For the purpose of a compliant manual structure, the organisation shall list the Training Manual
part 3 «Flight training in a FSTD» and include a statement that the use of a flight simulation
training device (FSTD) during a training course is subject to the concerned syllabus.
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Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. TM Part 4, Chapter x.1.x «Structure and method of a theoretical knowledge course»
OM Part D, Chapter 2 «Training syllabi and checking programme»
APP: The media used for CPL and ATPL theoretical knowledge instruction requires prior approval.
APP: Distance learning courses require prior approval.
Is there a statement that the structure of the theoretical knowledge instruction is subject to
individual syllabi and associated lesson plans?
• Theoretical knowledge instructions are to be in compliance with EU regulation (Part FCL, Part
SFCL, Part BFCL) as specified for the respective licences, ratings and certificates.
The method, structure, content, distribution and allocation of time constraints including sequence
is subject of individual syllabi defining an approved training course.
- For training course specific guidance on the distribution and allocation of time constraints
refer to FOCA CL OM/TM CL 5 Appendix «Syllabi for Licences, Ratings and Certificates»
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2 «Training syllabus»
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.3 «Lesson plan»
• When structuring a training course into phases, the theoretical knowledge instruction, also known
as ground/technical training, is one of the main elements of a training course.
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.3 «Course structure: Phase of training»
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Long briefing • Long briefing is a required training method used for instructor training
courses. During a long briefing the student instructor provides
theoretical knowledge instruction of a prescribed content with specific
objectives related to the concerned session/air exercise. This for the
development of instructional skills and to deepen knowledge of
content provided.
Additional theoretical • Each individual flight and/or simulator session may include an
instruction during practical additional theoretical knowledge instruction as relevant to the content
training of the intended exercise and to deepen the theoretical knowledge of
the student. This to ensure, that the student will be able to apply the
knowledge during the practical training and to acquire the associated
- Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.2.4 «Course structure:
Integration of syllabi»
Self-study • Self-study is the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge
of an academic subject without assistance from a teacher or tutor.
Source: Oxford Dictionary [on-line] Available (17.08.2020)
The method, structure, content, distribution and allocation of time constraints, including sequence of
theoretical knowledge instruction, is subject of individual syllabi and associated session plans. Refer to
the syllabus of the concerned training course.
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Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. TM Part 4, Chapter x.1.1.x «Distance learning»
OM Part D, Chapter 2 «Training syllabi and checking programme»
Does the organisation provide a list of approved training courses for which distance learning is
Does the organisation provide a brief description of the applicable distance learning solution?
Is the type of solution and its form defined?
Is the scope of the distance learning solution defined for each applicable training course?
Does the organisation provide distance learning by:
contracting a service provider?
In the case of contracted services, are there details of the contractor provided?
operating the technical application internally?
Are there rules and responsibilities to ensure that students have access to instructors?
Is there a procedure to monitor the student’s progress?
In case of Area 100 KSA assessments via distance learning, is there a procedure or process
available, to establish that the students themselves have completed the assessment and that the
assessment method(s) for that particular exercise has (have) been effective?
Is class room instruction included for all training subjects?
Is the amount of time spent not less than 10% of the training course in total or per learning
Are progress tests in all applicable training courses included:
one for each subject for every 15 hours of study, assessed by the organisation? and
additionally, at intervals of 5 to 10 study hours, self-assessed by the student?
Do the instructors involved in distance learning receive training on the related requirements and
• Distance learning is the teaching method to deliver education to students who are not physically
present in a traditional setting of a classroom. It provides the possibility to study independent of
time and/or distance.
A common practice is that the student has:
- access to learning platforms and/or applications; and
- training material in electronic or paper textbook format;
which are available online or offline.
Distance learning in aviation is to be referred to as a hybrid course of study as a certain amount of
traditional classroom instruction is still required for review purposes and by regulations.
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• The application of distance learning elements is subject to individual training courses and
requires prior approval.
• The ATO may be approved to use distance learning:
- for the complete required theory or for single subjects in modular training courses for
- for courses of additional theoretical knowledge for a class or type rating for high performance
SP aeroplanes commonly known as HPA;
- for courses of approved pre-entry theoretical knowledge instruction for a first type rating for a
multi-engined helicopter.
• The organisation may provide distance learning by contracting a service provider or operating the
technical application internally:
technical application
operated by ATO
Concept and solution • Brief description of the applicable distance learning solution includes at least:
- technical application and its form (web-based, computer based, electronic
textbook online or offline, paper textbook, CD etc.);
- type of solution (e.g. e-learning, questionnaire, etc.);
- student accessibility;
- verification of student identity prior to assessments and tests;
- details of the service provider, in case of contracted services.
Also refer to FOCA Certification Leaflet (CL) Management System (MS), CL
9 «Contracting and monitoring of contractors»
Content The detailed content must be in compliance with the respective Part FCL, Part
SFCL, Part BFCL requirements of the concerned training course.
Also refer to FOCA CL OM/TM CL 5 Appendix «Syllabi for Licences, Ratings
and Certificates».
• Structure, content, distribution and allocation of time constraints, including
sequence, are subject to the concerned syllabus.
Classroom • Classroom instruction must be included in all subjects provided. The amount of
instruction time spent shall not be less than 10% of the training course in total and/or per
learning subject as specified in Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL.
• Classroom instruction is provided at a suitable facility at the organisation or
elsewhere, where an instructor provides theoretical knowledge instruction of a
prescribed content with specific objectives related to the concerned lesson, or
delivered by an instructor to a student including videoconferencing appropriate
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Student access
Technical application • Link
• 24 hours / 7 days / 8760 hours/year
• Personal login
• Issued by the administrator of the service provider
Instructor training
Theoretical knowledge instructors receive training on distance learning concepts and requirements
during the organisation’s initial conversion training. Refer to OM Part D, Chapter x.2 «Initial training».
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Lesson plans CA
RB 4.4.2 ISS1 / REV1 / 02.12.2016 EVALUATION METHOD
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APP: Training courses are an element of the ATO certificate attachment and require prior approval
Is there a statement that the teaching material used during a training course are specified in the
concerned syllabus and lesson plans?
• Main study material containing • The syllabus shall include a list of the
theoretical models, fundamental applicable course/training material used during
concepts, explanations etc., such as: the training course.
- manuals, textbooks and literatures • Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.2
Teaching material
• Any device, equipment, object or • Lesson plans shall contain details of the
means used to demonstrate or clarify a applicable theoretical models, teaching aids
learning subject. and relevant content of the applicable course
training material.
• Refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.0.3
«Lesson plan»
• In this chapter, the organisation shall include a reference to syllabi and lesson plans in which the
used teaching materials shall be specified.
For teaching material used during a specific training course refer to the associated syllabus and lesson
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Student progress CA
RB 4.4.4 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 EVALUATION METHOD
• Requirements for a successful progress related to theoretical knowledge instructions are, that the
students has:
- completed all subjects of the applicable syllabus;
- has attained the required amount of classroom instruction;
- achieved the level of knowledge measured against defined learning objectives;
- passed all progress tests successfully.
• Refer also to:
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.4.5 «Progress testing»;
- FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.1.9 «Assessments, tests and examinations».
• The organisation shall file applications for the official Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL
examinations only, if students have proven to possess the required level of knowledge and it is
predictable that the examinations can be passed.
Students shall receive theoretical knowledge instruction according to the lesson plans of the applicable
syllabus. Statements of goals/learning objectives and what the students are supposed to learn are
prescribed in the lesson plans. Students shall enter the Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL theoretical
knowledge examination only if they have:
- achieved the required level of knowledge;
- attained at least xx% of the required classroom instruction;
- completed all the appropriate subjects;
- passed all the progress tests;
- and it is predictable that the examination can be passed successfully.
Refer also to TM Part 1, Chapter x.9.x.x «Authorisation for tests».
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Progress testing CA
RB 4.4.5 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 EVALUATION METHOD
Is there a statement, that progress tests are specified in the syllabus of the applicable training
Is there a guidance on how to organise and conduct progress tests?
Is there a method to evaluate progress test results?
Is a minimum pass grade defined?
• A progress test is a method to evaluate the student’s level of achieved theoretical knowledge
measured against the defined learning objectives of the applicable training course.
• Questionnaires used during self-study are for the purpose of the students self-monitoring and are
not to be considered as progress tests to evaluate the student’s level of achieved theoretical
• The conduct of progress tests shall be specified in the syllabus of the concerned training course.
When developing the syllabus the following progress tests may be included:
- for each subject to evaluate the student’s level of achieved knowledge in the concerned
- the entire set of subjects prior to the Part FCL, Part SFCL, Part BFCL examination to evaluate
that the students have completed the appropriate elements of the theoretical knowledge
instruction to a satisfactory standard.
• For distance learning related progress test requirements refer to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter «Distance learning».
• The organisation shall provide guidelines for the conduct of progress tests. Detailed guidance
may be defined for the following:
- preparation;
- notification;
- conduct;
- evaluation method;
- administration.
• The use of the following empirical formula is a simplified method to calculate test results:
• The minimum pass grade of a progress test shall be defined by the organisation. Part FCL, Part
SFCL, Part BFCL examinations require a minimum of 75%.
• Refer also to FOCA CL OM/TM, Chapter 4.1.9 «Assessments, tests and examinations»
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Progress tests are specified in the syllabus of the training courses. Students shall pass the applicable
progress tests with a minimum pass grade of 75%.
For the organisation and conduct of progress tests, the following guideline applies:
Step Task Frequency Responsibility
Preparation Production of examination questions shall: Initial issue, TKI
• be related to learning objectives; amendment and
• be based on the specified course/training material; revision
• have different degrees of difficulty as relevant to
the learning objective of the topic;
• be defined and appropriately distributed for all
applicable topics of the subject.
Release of progress Submit progress test to HT/CTKI for approval HT/CTKI if
test applicable
Notification/Scheduling • Explain the types, purposes, contents and the First classroom TKI
schedule of progress tests instruction
• Explain the rules and regulations
Conduct • Prepare progress test, classroom and seating Single progress
• Clarify the rules and regulations test:
• Invigilation of the conduct of the test • per subject;
• Timekeeping • prior to the
Part FCL,
Evaluation and • Mark/review questionnaire, evaluate and calculate Part SFCL,
grading the results Part BFCL
• Grade the test anwers – minimum grade of 75% examination.
required to pass
• Identify failed learning objectives individually and
• Provide feedback to students and explain area of
Administration Complete:
• attendance record and progress test report form;
• the students training record/form.
Submit progress test report form to HT/CTKI and
provide feedback concerning the student’s
performance and pass grade.
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Review procedures CA
RB 4.4.6 ISS1 / REV5 / 23.02.2021 EVALUATION METHOD
Does the organisation provide a procedure to be applied if a student does not achieve the
required level of knowledge, skill or attitude?
• The organisation shall have a procedure in place to be applied if a student does not achieve the
required level of knowledge, skill or attitude. Such a procedure may include at least:
- actions to be taken to determine deficiencies and a guideline for the determination of the
required remedial training.
The following procedure applies if a student has not completed the appropriate elements of the
theoretical knowledge instruction for the required standard by:
• failing progress tests, examinations and/or not acquiring the required level of:
- satisfactory performance in a summative assessment; and/or
- knowledge, skill or attitude.
Step Task Responsibility
Evaluation Verify and determine the individual TKI
deficiencies and main weakness by
• Area of unsatisfactory performance: • Refer to «Remedial training after
- Pass grade; failed tests/examinations»;
- Number of failed tests, subjects
and/or unsatisfactory
• The instructor’s standard and • Refer to TM Part 1, Chapter x.10.x.x
performance; «Procedure for instructor change»;
• Possible learning • Pick-up/address concerns about
difficulties/disabilities; progression as early as possible
• Incomplete and/or insufficient and in an appropriate manner;
attendance of classroom instruction; • Evaluate root cause;
• Amount of self-study and personal • Encourage conversation and listen
effort to learn; attentively to the student’s concerns
• … and needs;
• Review student’s self-judgement;
• Motivate the student’s learning,
interests and commitment;
• …
Remedial • Define next steps and scope of the • Determine area of improvements;
training and remedial training; • Specify objectives;
action plan • Devise an agreed action plan with • Define remedies and corrective
the student. actions;
• Create a schedule.
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• Obtain an agreement and commitment to the defined remedies and action plan. Student
Administration • Create a note/memo, amend student’s training record/form; TKI
• Inform HT/CTKI and assigned instructor regarding the defined remedial training
and agreed action plan.
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Ch. 4.4.7 ISS1 / REV4 / 22.10.2019
Does the organisation maintain lists to control applicable summative assessment examples and
at least one mental maths test example?
Are the lists:
integrated in the Training Manual? or
provided as an appendix?
• Examples of Area 100 KSA summative assessments and mental maths test examples are part of
the organisation’s documentation. They may be integrated into this chapter or separately listed
as appendices.
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5.1 Licences
Ch. 5.1 ISS1 / REV0 / 04.01.2016
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Light aircraft pilot licence syllabus LAPL(A)»
APP: The LAPL(A) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
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Note: Swiss Power Flying Federation (Motorflugverband der Schweiz MFVS) provides a LAPL(A)
syllabus template for flight instruction.
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APP: The LAPL(H) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
• Upon completion of a LAPL(H) skill test, the applicant will receive a LAPL(H) including a type
rating for the type used. Therefore, the training must meet the requirements of the LAPL(H), as
well as the requirements of the relevant type rating.
• All mandatory elements of the Operational Suitability Data (OSD), specifically theoretical
knowledge instruction and flying training, must be included in the training.
session in mountainous area may be placed after the solo flight and the
second during the completion of the en route navigation exercises;
• FCL.700 «Circumstances in which class or type ratings are required», refer
to «5.2.4 Class and Type Ratings CR/TR».
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APP: The LAPL(S) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
Note: Category of licence LAPL(S) has been withdrawn by EC 2020/359. Refer to the applicable
licence category as specified in CL 5 Appendix, Chapter 5.1.3 «Sail Plane Pilot Licence SPL».
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Light aircraft pilot licence syllabus LAPL(B)»
APP: The LAPL(B) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
Note: Category of licence LAPL(B) has been withdrawn by EC 2020/359. Refer to the applicable
licence category as specified in CL 5 Appendix, Chapter 5.1.4 «Balloon Pilot Licence BPL».
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Private pilot licence syllabus PPL(A)»
APP: The PPL(A) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
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Note: Swiss Power Flying Federation (Motorflugverband der Schweiz MFVS) provides a PPL
syllabus template for flight instruction.
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APP: The PPL(H) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
• Students not holding the type rating of the helicopter used for training shall complete the relevant
type rating syllabus during the PPL(H) training. In this case, the training must meet the
requirements of the PPL(H), as well as the requirements of the relevant type rating.Upon
completion of a PPL(H) skill test, the applicant will receive a PPL(H) including a type rating for
the type used, if applicable.
• All mandatory elements of the Operational Suitability Data (OSD), specifically theoretical
knowledge instruction and flying training, must be included in the training.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Sail plane pilot licence syllabus SPL»
APP: The SPL training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
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engaged in non-commercial
Pre-entry requirements • SFCL.120 «SPL – Minimum age» --
Credits • SFCL.130 «SPL – Training course --
and experience requirements»
• SFCL.140 «SPL – Crediting of
theoretical knowledge»
Constraints and • SFCL.125 «SPL – Student pilot» • AMC1 SFCL.130 «Theoretical
provisions related to time • SFCL.135 «SPL – Theoretical knowledge instruction for the
knowledge examination» SPL»
• SFCL.130 «SPL – Training course • AMC3 SFCL.130 «Training
and experience requirements» elements for the initial issue of an
SPL with TMG privileges»
Theoretical knowledge • SFCL.130 «SPL – Training course
• AMC1 SFCL.150(b) «Extension to
and experience requirements»
TMG privileges»
• SFCL.135 «SPL – Theoretical
knowledge examination»
Flying training • SFCL.130 «SPL – Training course • AMC2 SFCL.130 «Flight
and experience requirements» instruction for the SPL»
• AMC3 SFCL.130 «Training
elements for the initial issue of an
SPL with TMG privileges»
• AMC1 SFCL.150(b) «Extension to
TMG privileges»
Note: Swiss Sail Flight Federation (Segelflugverband der Schweiz SFVS) provides a SPL syllabus
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Balloon pilot licence syllabus BPL»
APP: The BPL training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
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Note: Swiss Balloon Flight Federation (Schweizerischer Ballonverband SBAV) provides a BPL
syllabus template of flight instruction.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Commercial pilot licence syllabus CPL(A)»
APP: The CPL(A) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
APP: The media used for theoretical knowledge instruction requires prior approval.
• Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) training courses may be provided by one of the following
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Training course for the issue of a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) Condition and requirements
CPL modular • Course for the purpose of achieving the CPL • Part FCL Appendix 3 E
gradually counting training for the higher «CPL modular course –
category of licence as a separate module. aeroplanes»
• Before commencing a CPL modular course, • Part FCL AMC2 to
an applicant shall already be holder of a Appendix 3; AMC1 to
Private Pilot Licence (PPL). Appendix 5
CPL integrated • Course for the purpose of achieving the • Part FCL Appendix 3 D
category of the CPL in one continuous course «CPL integrated course –
of training following a structured programme aeroplanes»
within a set time frame from the very • Part FCL AMC2 to
beginning. Appendix 3; AMC1 to
• The training for gaining the Instrument Rating Appendix 5
(IR) may be integrated.
CPL/IR integrated • Part FCL Appendix 3 C
• The programme may also be entered as a «CPL/IR integrated course
holder of a PPL. – aeroplanes»
• Part FCL AMC2 to
Appendix 3; AMC1 to
Appendix 5
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integrated modular
• The minimum hours required may include different forms of instruction as defined in AMC1 to
Appendix 3.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Commercial pilot licence syllabus CPL(H)»
APP: The CPL(H) training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
APP: The media used for theoretical knowledge instruction requires prior approval.
• Students not holding the type rating of the helicopter used for training shall complete the relevant
type rating syllabus during the CPL(H) training. In this case, the training must meet the
requirements of the CPL(H), as well as the requirements of the relevant type rating. Upon
completion of a CPL(H) skill test, the applicant will receive a CPL(H) including a type rating for
the type used, if applicable.
• All mandatory elements of the Operational Suitability Data (OSD), specifically theoretical
knowledge instruction and flying training, must be included in the training.
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• Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) training courses may be provided by one of the following
Training course for the issue of a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) Condition and requirements
CPL modular • Course for the purpose of achieving the CPL • Part FCL Appendix 3 K
gradually counting training for the higher «CPL modular course –
category of licence as a separate module. helicopters»
• Before commencing a CPL modular course,
an applicant shall already be holder of a
Private Pilot Licence PPL(H).
CPL integrated • Course or the purpose of achieving the • Part FCL Appendix 3 J
category of the CPL in one continuous course «CPL integrated course –
of training following a structured programme helicopters»
within a set time frame from the very
CPL/IR integrated • Part FCL Appendix 3 I
«CPL/IR integrated course
• The training for gaining the Instrument Rating – helicopters»
(IR) may be integrated.
• The programme may also be entered as a
holder of a PPL(H).
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integrated modular
• The minimum hours required may include different forms of instruction as defined in AMC1 to
Appendix 3.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Multi crew pilot licence syllabus MPL(A)»
APP: The MPL training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
Aim of the course • Part FCL Appendix 5 «Integrated • GM1 to Appendix 5 «Integrated
MPL training course» MPL training course»
Pre-entry requirements • FCL.400.A «MPL – Minimum age» --
• Part FCL Appendix 5 «Integrated
MPL training course»
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Credits • -- --
Constraints and • Part FCL Appendix 5 «Integrated • GM1 to Appendix 5 «Integrated
provisions related to time MPL training course» MPL training course»
Theoretical knowledge • Part FCL Appendix 5 «Integrated • GM1 to Appendix 5 «Integrated
MPL training course» MPL training course»
Flying training • Part FCL Appendix 5 «Integrated • GM1 to Appendix 5 «Integrated
MPL training course» MPL training course»
• AMC2 to Appendix 3; AMC1 to
Appendix 5
• AMC1 FCL.745.A
• GM1 FCL.745.A
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Airline transport pilot licence syllabus ATPL(A)»
APP: The ATP training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval;
APP: The media used for theoretical knowledge instruction requires prior approval.
Is the ATP course, modular or integrated method, comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
ATP modular course:
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all relevant subjects for the theoretical knowledge instruction defined and accurate?
Is the provided theoretical knowledge instruction time allocation in total, and per learning
subject, in compliance with the minimum hours required?
ATP integrated courses:
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all relevant subjects for the theoretical knowledge instruction defined and accurate?
Is the provided theoretical knowledge instruction time allocation in total, and per learning
subject, in compliance with the minimum hours required?
Is the flying instruction divided in six phases?
Is the content for each phase complete and does it contain all exercises, including conditions
and minimum hours?
Is the «Advanced UPRT course – aeroplanes» defined?
• Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) training courses may be provided by one of the following
Training course for the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence Condition and
(ATPL) requirements
ATP modular • Course for the purpose of achieving the • Part FCL Appendix 3 B
ATPL gradually counting training for the «ATP modular course –
higher category of licence as a separate aeroplanes»
• Before commencing an ATP modular
course, an applicant shall already be holder
of a Private Pilot Licence (PPL).
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ATP integrated • Course for the purpose to achieve the • Part FCL Appendix 3 A
category of the ATPL in one continuous «ATP integrated course
course of training following a structured – aeroplanes»
programme within a set time frame from the • AMC2 to Appendix 3;
very beginning. AMC1 to Appendix 5
• The training for gaining the Commercial Pilot
Licence (CPL) and the Instrument Rating
(IR) are integrated parts.
• The programme may also be entered as a
holder of a PPL.
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• The minimum hours required may include different forms of instruction as defined in AMC1 to
Appendix 3.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Airline transport pilot licence syllabus ATPL(H)»
APP: The ATP training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval;
APP: The media used for theoretical knowledge instruction requires prior approval.
Is the ATP course, modular or integrated method, comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
ATP modular course:
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all relevant subjects for the theoretical knowledge instruction defined and accurate?
Is the provided theoretical knowledge instruction time allocation in total, and per learning
subject, in compliance with the minimum hours required?
ATP integrated courses and ATP/IR integrated courses:
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all relevant subjects for the theoretical knowledge instruction defined and accurate?
Is the provided theoretical knowledge instruction time allocation in total, and per learning
subject, in compliance with the minimum hours required?
Is the flying instruction divided into three phases for a ATP integrated and four phases for a
ATP/IR integrated course?
Is the content for each phase complete and does it contain all exercises, including conditions
and minimum hours?
• Students not holding the type rating of the helicopter used for training shall complete the relevant
type rating syllabus during the ATPL(H) training. In this case, the training must meet the
requirements of the ATPL(H), as well as the requirements of the relevant type rating. Upon
completion of a skill test, the applicant will receive the licence including a type rating for the type
used, if applicable.
• All mandatory elements of the Operational Suitability Data (OSD), specifically theoretical
knowledge instruction and flying training, must be included in the training.
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• Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) training courses may be provided by one of the following
Training course for the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence Condition and requirements
ATP modular • Course for the purpose of achieving the • Part FCL Appendix 3 H
ATPL gradually counting training for the «ATP modular course –
higher category of licence as a separate helicopters»
• Before commencing an ATP modular
course, an applicant shall already be holder
of a Private Pilot Licence (PPL).
ATP integrated • Course for the purpose of achieving the • Part FCL Appendix 3 G
category of the ATPL in one continuous «ATP integrated course –
course of training following a structured helicopters»
programme within a set time frame from the
very beginning.
• The training for gaining the Commercial
Pilot Licence (CPL).
• Privileges limited to VFR.
• The programme may also be entered as a
holder of a PPL.
ATP/IR integrated • Course for the purpose of achieving the • Part FCL Appendix 3 F
category of the ATPL in one continuous «ATP/IR integrated course
course of training following a structured – helicopters»
programme within a set time frame from the
very beginning.
• The training for gaining the Commercial
Pilot Licence (CPL) and the Instrument
Rating (IR) are integrated parts.
• The programme may also be entered as a
holder of a PPL.
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• For the development of the theoretical knowledge instruction syllabus for an ATP modular course
(privileges limited to VFR) the following guidance for the time constraints applies:
For applicants holding a
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Instrument Rating IR
Ch. 5.2 1 ISS1 / REV4 / 22.10.2019
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Instrument rating syllabus IR(A)»
APP: The IR training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
IR Training Course
• For the development of the IR syllabus the following applies:
Special considerations • Progress tests/checks are typically conducted prior to the Part FCL
examination and prior to the skill test.
• The Part FCL theoretical knowledge examination has to be sat with FOCA.
• For detailed learning objectives for the theoretical knowledge instruction refer
to AMC1 FCL.310; FCL.515(b); FCL.615(b); FCL.835(d) «Learning
Objectives (LOs)».
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• The minimum hours required may include different forms of instruction as defined in AMC1 to
Appendix 6.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Instrument rating syllabus IR(H)»
APP: The IR training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
IR Training Course
• For the development of the IR syllabus the following applies:
Special considerations • Progress tests/checks are typically conducted prior to the Part FCL
examination and prior to the skill test.
• Type rating examination, if applicable:
- Refer to the applicable type rating syllabus.
• The Part FCL theoretical knowledge examination has to be sat with FOCA.
• For detailed learning objectives for the theoretical knowledge instruction refer
to AMC1 FCL.310; FCL.515(b); FCL.615(b); FCL.835(d) «Learning
Objectives (LOs)».
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• The minimum hours required may include different forms of instruction as defined in AMC1 to
Appendix 6.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Competency-based modular flying training course»
APP: The competency-based modular flying training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
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• The minimum hours required may include different forms of instruction as defined in AMC3 to
Appendix 6.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «En route instrument rating (EIR)»
APP: The training course for an en route instrument rating (EIR) is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Basic instrument rating (BIR)»
APP: The training course for a Basic instrument rating (BIR) is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
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- All LOs in the BIR Basic Knowledge (BK) and BIR exam column must be
included in the training course. However, LOs that are indicated in the
column BK only, will not be specifically addressed in a BIR theoretical
knowledge examination.
- Both columns includes a reference to the associated training module
number. Some of these LOs are relevant for more than one training
• The practical training consists of four modules:
- Module 1 provides the foundation of instrument flying competencies;
- Module 2 introduces 2D and 3D instrument approach procedures;
- Module 3 includes en route flight under IFR;
- Module 4 multi-engine IFR flying training module.
• Module 1 is to be completed first, but the order in which Modules 2 and 3,
and Module 4, if applicable, are completed is up to the student.
• The BIR is entirely competency-based. AMC1 FCL.835 provides for each
single module extensive guidance on the competencies required and how to
assess them using the key competencies model of objective, skill knowledge
and attitude.
• It will be up to the training organisation / instructor to determine whether the
competencies have been assimilated to the required standard before
allowing the student to progress to the next module or skill test.
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APP: The CR/TR training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
APP: An AOC holder may be specifically approved to conduct flight training as a part of a Type Rating
training course.
Is the Class/Type Rating training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus covering a:
complete type rating course; or
only elements thereof?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all relevant subjects for the theoretical knowledge instruction defined?
Is the media for theoretical knowledge instruction and the applicable teaching/course materials
Are all the required practical training subjects/exercises specified, including:
conditions and time constraints/minimum hours;
manoeuvers and procedures; and
the number and type of approaches/landings?
Are OSD training elements, if available, included?
Not available?
Are the type of the Part FCL theoretical knowledge examination and the related conditions
Aeroplane (A)
Are UPRT theoretical knowledge and flight instruction elements related to the relevant class or
type defined, if applicable?
Is the FFS used qualified for this training, if applicable?
Is the «Advanced UPRT course – aeroplanes» listed as pre-requisite, if applicable?
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Helicopter (H)
• There is no contextual difference between a type rating and a class rating. Unless otherwise
determined in the Operational Suitability Data (OSD), a class or type rating training course shall
include all relevant theoretical knowledge instructions and flying training.
• Circumstances in which class or type ratings are required:
Class rating Subpart H – «Class and type ratings» GM1.FCL 700
• For additional theoretical knowledge for class or type rating for high performance single pilot
aeroplanes refer to CL OM/TM, Chapter «High Performance SP Aeroplanes (HPA VFR
and IFR)».
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• An initial type rating training course for MPA/MPH may include a multi-crew cooperation (MCC)
- In this case also refer to CL OM/TM, Chapter «Multi-Crew Cooperation Training
Course MCC».
• Type rating training courses for aeroplanes in an FSTD can be conducted with or without zero
flight time training (ZFTT).
- In the case of ZFTT also refer to CL OM/TM, Chapter «Zero Flight Time Training
• For provisions related to flight training (base training) on aeroplanes also refer to CL OM/TM,
Chapter «Flight Training on Aeroplane».
• Type rating training courses for single-pilot non-high-performance complex aeroplanes, single-
pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes or multi-pilot aeroplanes shall include UPRT
theoretical knowledge and flight instruction elements related to the specificities related to the
class or type rating concerned.
• The «Advanced UPRT course – aeroplanes» is a pre-requisite for the first type rating course for
either a single-pilot aeroplane operated in multi-pilot operations, single-pilot high-performance
complex aeroplane, or multi-pilot aeroplane.
• The EASA Type Rating & Licence Endorsement Lists references to the Operational Evaluation
Board (OEB) reports and to the Operational Suitability Data (OSD) Flight Crew where available.
The Type Rating & Licence Endorsement Lists are published by EASA, one for helicopters and
one for all other aircraft.
[on–line] Available (7.5.2015):
OSD available
• If OSD is available for the relevant type of aircraft, the applicant for a type rating training course
shall comply with the OSD and with Air Crew Regulation, Annex 1, Part FCL as relevant for the
concerned type rating.
• Mandatory and recommended training elements provided in the OSD should be the basis for
developing type rating training courses. The organisation has to ensure that the data is integrated
in the concerned type rating syllabus. Recommended parts of the OSD bear the status of an
AMC (refer to AMC2 and AMC3 ORA.ATO.125).
• In the case of variants within a type rating, the differences or familiarisation training shall include
the relevant elements defined in the operational suitability data.
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Note: For time constraints regarding type rating training courses approval, with or without relevant
Operational Suitability Data, refer to (EU) No 70/2014.
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APP: The base training is a part of a type rating course which is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
APP: An AOC holder may be specifically approved to conduct flight training as a part of a Type Rating
training course.
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Does the planning address:
Aerodrome considerations?
Special performance considerations?
Fuel / energy requirements?
Meteorological conditions?
Are the aeroplane type specific procedures defined and covering at least:
Touch and go procedures including crew station duty assignements and call outs?
Complete flight profiles for visual circuits?
An abbreviated flight training normal operating checklist?
Provisions for the use of automatic and flight management systems?
Does the flight training programme include:
Minimum number of landings?
Pre flight inspections?
Emergency and safety equipment and procedures?
Take off and landing practice including 1 go-around?
Training on the differences between FSTD, aeroplane and/or variants?
• Flight training on the aeroplane is an element of a type rating. It is intended to give the student
enough take off and landing experience on the aeroplane. In addition, it allows to train
differences between the FSTD and the behaviour as well as the configuration of the actual
aeroplane. This training element is commonly referred to as «Base Training» or «Flight Training
after Skill Test»;
- For provisions related to the type rating course also refer to CL OM/TM, Chapter 5.2.4.
«Class and Type Raings CR/TR».
• The approved flight training shall be performed by a qualified instructor under the responsibility
- an ATO; or
- an organisation holding an AOC issued in accordance with Annex III (Part-ORO) to
Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 and specifically approved for such training.
• For the development of the element «flight training on the aeroplane» the following applies:
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Aim • The flight training on the aeroplane is intended to give the student take
off and landing experience on the aeroplane and to train differences
between the FSTD and the behaviour as well as the configuration of the
actual aeroplane.
Standard of performance • The student demonstrates:
- control of the aeroplane at all times in such manner that the
successful outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre is never in doubt;
- familiarity with the differences between the actual aeroplane and the
- qualified skills to land the aeroplane safely and with a certain degree
of passenger comfort;
- readiness for the intended flight operations;
- …
Prerequisites • The FSTD training must be completed;
• Skill test passed as applicable to the type rating course syllabus;
• Be familiar with the emergency and safety equipment and procedures
before aeroplane flight training commences;
Planning • Aerodrome considerations:
approval of the aerodrome authority to perform the flight training, noise
abatement procedures, flight path of the circuit, downwind altitude,
obstacles should complicate neither flight path nor training, …
• Special performance considerations:
A procedure to determine the minimum runway length for the touch and
go manoeuvre, …
• Fuel / energy requirements:
Fuel / energy calculation shall allow for the flight to the training
aerodrome according to standard procedures, for all the circuits and for
the returnflight or to the next destination again according standard
procedures. In addition, a reasonable fuel / energy consumption for every
circuit shall be stated, …
• Meteorological conditions:
Visual circuits have to be performed in VMC. A minimum visibility shall be
stated as well as a minimum cloud ceiling, preferable in relation to the
downwind altitude, maximum wind components, …
• …
Aeroplane type specific • Defined either in the OM B or type rating course and should consider:
procedures - Touch and go procedure and considerations including crew station
duty assignments and call outs;
- Complete flight profile (circuit) including altitude, speed schedule and
aeroplane configuration as well as time checks and checklist work;
- Abbreviated flight training normal operating checklist;
- Use / programming of automatic and flight management systems:
Normally the flight training is performed without the use of the
autopilot or flight director. Use of heading, altitude and speed bugs
shall be defined – special care should be laid on the additional
The use of the FMS has to be exactly examined and defined
according aeroplane type and type of the avionics.
Special care should be taken on automatic aeroplane configuration
changes, e.g. automatic speed brakes, ground spoilers, autobraking
system, ...
- …
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Flight training programme • The student shall perform at least four landings in the case of MPAs or
SP HPAs aeroplanes where the student pilot has more than 500 hours of
MPA or SPA experience in aeroplanes of similar size and performance
or, in all other cases, at least six landings.
• One go-around has to be performed.
• At least one full stop landing.
• Neither IMC nor abnormal or emergency situations shall be simulated;
• Pre-Flight inspection;
• Familiarisation of the emergency and safety equipment and procedures,
evacuation procedures and familiarisation of the door operation, …;
• Cockpit preparation;
• Engine start;
• Taxi;
• Flight to the training site according to SOP;
• Take off and landing practice, circuit training according to special
checklist and abbreviated procedures;
• Additional flight training, if required;
• Return flight according to SOP;
• Post-Flight Duties;
• …
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APP: The Zero Flight Time Training is a part of a type rating course which is an element of the ATO
certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
APP: The training methodology for the exterior inspection requires agreement with FOCA.
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Is the ZFTT part of a complete type rating course conducted by the ATO?
Air Operations
Does the Conversion Course include the ZFTT module?
Is it ensured, that the ZFTT module is completed prior commencing the Line Flying under
Are the pre-entry requirements for ZFTT defined?
Is there a statement that:
the commencement of the LIFUS shall not be later than 21 days after the completion ot the
the pilot shall conduct the first 4 take-offs and landings of the Line Flying under Supervision
(LIFUS) in the aeroplane under the supervision of a TRI occupying the other pilot seat?
Is a training methodology defined that ensures that the trainee is fully competent with the
exterior inspection of the aeroplane before conducting such an inspection un-supervised?
• The Zero Flight Time Training is a part of a type rating course. It substitutes the mandatory «flight
training on aeroplane» with an additional training in a Full Flight Simulator (FFS). The specific
ZFTT session contains the take-off and landing training under varying conditions.
• Eligible for an approval for ZFTT are ATOs having the privileges to conduct commercial air
transport operations (AOC Holder) or ATOs having specific arrangements with commercial air
transport operators.
- The operator shall have operational experience on the aeroplane type for at least 90 days;
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- In the case of ZFTT provided by an ATO having a specific arrangement with an operator, the
90 days of operational experience requirements will not apply if the TRI involved in the
additional take-offs and landings has operational experience on the aeroplane type.
• The type rating syllabus shall include the additional session for the ZFTT in the FFS.
• For the development of the element Zero Flight Time Training, the following applies:
Special considerations • When a pilot is changing from a turboprop aeroplane to a turbo jet aeroplane
or vice versa additional simulator training is required.
• The pilot shall conduct the first 4 take-offs and landings of the Line Flying
under Supervision (LIFUS) in the aeroplane under the supervision of a TRI
occupying the other pilot seat.
• The required number of landings may be reduced in accordance with the
defined credits in the respective OSD see also ORO.FC.220.
• The FFS shall meet the appropriate qualification level and be serviceable for
the intended ZFTT session. This include the full serviceablility of the motion
and the visual system.
• The operators conversion course shall include the ZFTT module.
• The operator’s defined qualification requirements for flight crews shall
include the pre-entry requirements for the ZFTT.
Acceptable Means of
Compliance/Guidance Material
Aim of the course -- • The ZFTT is intended to give the student take off and
landing experience at various configurations and enable
the student to commence the Line Flying under
Supervision (LIFUS)
Pre-entry requirements • FCL.730.A • FFS Qualification Level CG, C or interim C:
- 1500 hours flight time or 250 route sectors on a CS-
25 MPA
• FFS Qualification Level DG or D:
- 500 hours flight time or 100 route sectors on a CS-
25 MPA
Credits -- --
Constraints and • ORO.FC.220 • Complete 6 take-offs and landings in an FFS not later
provisions related to time than 21 days after the completion of the skill test under
the supervision of TRI occupying the other pilot seat;
• AMC2 • Commencement of the LIFUS not later than 21 days
ORA.ATO.125 after the completion ot the skill-test
Theoretical knowledge -- --
Flying training • AMC 2 • At least 6 take-offs and fullstop landings in varying
ORA.ATO.125 conditions:
- runway surface conditions;
- runway length;
- flap setting;
- power setting;
- crosswing and turbulence conditions
- maximum take-off mass (MTOM) and maximum
landing mass (MLM);
- …
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Multi-crew cooperation training course syllabus MCC»
APP: The multi-crew cooperation training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and
requires prior approval.
• Competencies gained in a MCC training course are required to operate a multi crew aircraft. The
MCC training course comprises both theoretical and practical elements.
• The MCC training course may be provided by one of the following methods:
- developed as a stand-alone training course or combined with an initial type rating.
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• The Airline Pilot Standard MCC (APS MCC) is an enhanced MCC training course that trains
pilots in multi-crew competencies to airline standards. The APS MCC training course is
developed as a stand alone training course.
• Refer also to CL OM/TM, Chapter 5.2.3 «Class and Type Ratings CR/TR».
cooperation course»
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cooperation course»
Practical • AMC2 FCL.735.A Multi-crew
exercises cooperation (MCC) training course
- aeroplanes
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cooperation course»
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Ch.-OM-Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Advanced UPRT course – aeroplanes»
APP: The Advanced UPRT course – aeroplanes is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and
requires prior approval.
• The objective of this course is that the pilot under training understands how to cope with the
physiological and psychological aspects of dynamic upsets in aeroplanes and develops the
necessary competence and resilience to be able to apply appropriate recovery techniques during
• Applicants for the issue of the first type rating course for either a single-pilot aeroplane operated
in multi-pilot operations, single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplane, or multi-pilot
aeroplane shall have completed an Advanced UPRT course;
• The Advanced UPRT course is a single course syllabus or part of the ATPL integrated or MPL
training course.
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Credits -- --
Constraints and -- --
provisions related to time
Theoretical knowledge • FCL.745.A «Advanced UPRT • AMC1 FCL.745.A, GM1
course – aeroplanes» FCL.745.A
Flying training • FCL.745.A «Advanced UPRT • AMC1 FCL.745.A, GM1
course – aeroplanes» FCL.745.A
Use of aeroplane
• In order to meet the objective of the advanced UPRT training course, the training should be
delivered in a suitable training aircraft. If the aeroplane is certified in the:
- Normal category, the aeroplane shall not be used for advanced UPRT course;
- Aerobatic category, there is no restriction related to advanced UPRT course;
- Utility category, the aeroplane must include the capability of the maneuvers of:
o Stalling; and
o Spin.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «High performance SP aeroplanes training course syllabus HPA»
APP: The High Performance SP Aeroplanes training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
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FCL.720.H ORA.ATO.125
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Pre-Entry Course ME for helicopters»
APP: The Pre-Entry Course ME for helicopters is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires
prior approval.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Aerobatic rating syllabus ACR»
APP: The ACR training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Sailplane towing syllabus»
APP: The sailplane towing training course is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires prior
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FCL.810 ORA.ATO.125
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Night rating syllabus NIT»
APP: The training course for a night rating is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires
prior approval.
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FCL.815 ORA.ATO.125
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Mountain rating training course syllabus MOU(A)»
APP: The training course for a mountain rating aeroplane is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
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FCL.820 ORA.ATO.125
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Flight test rating training course syllabus»
APP: The training course for a flight test rating is an element of the ATO certificate attachment and requires
prior approval.
Is the flight test rating training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all relevant subjects for the theoretical knowledge instruction defined and accurate?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
Are all air exercises specified, including conditions and minimum hours?
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SFCL.215 ORA.ATO.125
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Sailplane cloud flying privileges course syllabus»
APP: The training course for sailplane cloud flying privileges is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
Is the sailplane cloud flying privileges training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all relevant subjects for the theoretical knowledge instruction defined and accurate?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
Are all air exercises specified, including conditions and minimum hours?
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Flight instructor certificate training course FI»
APP: The training course for a flight instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
FI Training Course
• For the development of the flight instructor Aeroplane, Helicopter and Airship training course
syllabus the following applies:
Special considerations --
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FCL.915 ORA.ATO.125
Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Advanced UPRT instructor training course syllabus»
APP: The training course for advanced UPRT instructors is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
Is the advanced UPRT instructor training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
Are all of the theoretical knowledge instruction units accurately defined (approximately 5 hours)?
For the practical/flight training: Are all exercises specified, including conditions and minimum
hours (approximately 3 hours)?
Are the aeroplanes adequate for the advanced UPRT instructor training course?
Are the aeroplanes listed in the submitted list of aircraft?
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Use of aeroplane
• In order to meet the objective of the advanced UPRT instructor training course, the training
should be delivered in a suitable training aircraft. If the aeroplane is certified in the:
- Normal category, the aeroplane shall not be used for advanced UPRT instructor course;
- Aerobatic category, there is no restriction related to advanced UPRT instructor course;
- Utility category, the aeroplane must include the capability of the maneuvers of:
o Stalling; and
o Spin.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Type rating instructor training course syllabus TRI(A)»
APP: The training course for a type rating instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
APP: To instruct two TRI(A) in parallel requires prior approval.
Part 1
Is the teaching and learning:
a pre-entry requirement/prerequisite? or
part of the syllabus?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Part 2
Does the Part 2 include:
a refresher on Part 1 «teaching and learning»?
a review of the technical knowledge in terms of aeroplane systems, performance, mass and
balance of the concerned aeroplane type?
preparation of lesson and session plans?
the development of classroom/briefing and debriefing instructional skills, which include the
preparation and the delivery of example lectures / lessons based on the theoretical
knowledge syllabus of the type rating?
Are the example lectures selected of the more demanding aeroplane systems from the type
rating syllabus?
Are the technical training instruction minimum hours at least 10 hours?
Part 3
Does the Part 3 include:
flight instruction on the appropriate aeroplane/simulator of at least:
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• The aim of the TRI(A) training course is to gain thorough knowledge and understanding on
fundamental principles of teaching and learning, instructional techniques and methods.
• The course shall focus on the candidate instructor’s maturity and judgment including their
understanding of adults, behavioural attitudes, and variable levels of learning ability. It shall
emphasise also on the role of the individual and on human factors in the man-machine
environment. Threat and Error Management (TEM) and Crew Resource Management (CRM),
including the appropriate use of behavioural markers, shall be integrated throughout.
• During the training, the candidate instructor shall get aware of their own attitude towards the
importance of flight safety. The candidate instructor shall learn how to identify common errors
and how to correct them properly, which should be emphasised at all times.
• The type rating instructor training course is applicable for the:
- initial issue of a TRI(A) certificate;
- aeroplane type extension within the scope of a TRI(A) certificate; and
- renewal of a lapsed TRI(A) certificate during the individually defined refresher training.
• Part 1 «Teaching and Learning» may be a course prerequisite/pre-entry requirement and not be
part of the TRI training course syllabus. In addition, applicants holding or having held an
instructor certificate shall be fully credited for Part 1 «Teaching and Learning».
• The syllabus shall be tailored appropriately to the concerned aeroplane type, using theoretical
knowledge and exercises considered more demanding for the student instructor. In addition, the
provisions for demanding aeroplane systems and training areas of special emphasis (TASE)
shall take into account the operational suitability data in accordance with Part-21.
• As intended for the candidate instructor’s qualification, the course shall include additional specific
training for conducting:
- line flying under supervision (LIFUS); and / or
- flying training / base training.
• TRI may instruct in parallel two TRI candidate instructors under the following scenarios:
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- one candidate is sitting at the controls (supported by a suitable pilot), while the second
candidate is sitting at the IOS; this scenario may be used for demonstration of flight
manoeuvres or engine out exercises; or
- both candidates receive instruction (general introduction and handling) at the IOS.
• In this way, both candidates can develop specific competencies independently.
• Additional TRI candidate instructors may be present as observers during such an instruction
given in parallel, with no credit of hours for their TRI training.
TRI Course
• For the development of the type rating instructor training course syllabus the following applies:
Special considerations • When developing the course syllabus, including the associated lesson and
session plans for part 2 and 3, the more demanding aircraft systems and
flying training excersises should be selected. In addition, it shall ensure that
the candidate instructure gains experience in planning, briefing as well as
providing and debriefing sessions by using all relevant instructional methods
from different stations;
• If a Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) representing the concerned
aircraft type is available and accessible, the instruction for the TRI candidate
should be conducted on such an FSTD;
Special conditions are defined where no FSTD exists, refer to AMC1
FCL.930.TRI (b)(3)(ii)(D);
• If the TRI training is carried out in an FSTD only, the privileges of the TRI
shall be restricted to training in the FSTD;
• Also refer to subchapter «TRI(A) Course Structure and Requirements».
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• Should comprise not less than 10 hours of training divided in: (i) - (iii)
- a refresher on Part 1 «Teaching and Learning»;
- a review of the technical knowledge of the concerned aircraft type; and
- training in instructional methods including preparation of lesson / session
plans and classroom / briefing and debriefing instructional skills in form of
example lectures.
• A proportion of the allotted 10 hours could be integrated into the practical flight
instruction lessons of Part 3, using expanded preflight and postflight briefing
• As teaching material, the type rating training course syllabus, including
associated lesson and session plans, should be used to develop the TRI(A)’s
teaching skills.
• The course instructor may be assisted by different experts (e.g. theoretical
knowledge instructors, technician, maintenance engineers etc.) but the example
lectures are to be evaluated by a TRI on the applicable type rating.
• LIFUS route sectors under supervision to the satisfaction of the nominated (v)(A)(b)
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• If the TRI assessment of competence is conducted in an FSTD, the TRI certificate is restricted to flight
instruction in FSTD;
• The restrictions shall be lifted when the TRI has passed the assessement of competence on an aircraft;
• Refer to FOCA «Examination Guide» for aeroplanes:
xaminer_guide_easapartfclaeroplane.pdf [on-line] Available (24.01.2017)
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Type rating instructor training course syllabus TRI(H)»
APP: The training course for a type rating instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
Part 1
Is the teaching and learning:
a pre-entry requirement/prerequisite? or
part of the syllabus?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Part 2
Does the Part 2 include:
a review of the technical knowledge of the concerned aircraft type?
example lectures given by the student instructor?
Are the example lectures selected of the more demanding lessons from the type rating syllabus?
Is there a statement that the example lectures are evaluated by a TRI on the applicable type
Are the technical training instruction minimum hours at least 10 hours?
Part 3
Does the Part 3 include:
Flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft/simulator of at least:
5 hours for single-pilot aircraft?
10 hours for multi-pilot aircraft?
Introduction into the FSTD including Instructor Operator Station (IOS)?
Right/left hand seat familiarization as pilot flying?
Instruction on helicopter training techniques, as applicable?
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Additional training for student instructors being required to train emergency or abnormal
procedures in an aircraft?
Instruction from the FSTD instructor station and from all operating positions?
Training flight on the aircraft as pilot flying?
A training flight on the aircraft under the supervision of a TRI?
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• Should comprise not less than 10 hours of training divided in: (a-c)
- a review of the technical knowledge of the concerned helicopter type; and
- training in instructional methods including preparation of lesson/session
plans and classroom instructional skills.
• For the technical theoretical knowledge instruction the following teaching
material may be used:
- a complete theoretical knowledge instruction syllabus of the concerned type
rating; or
- subjects selected from the applicable theoretical knowledge instruction
syllabus as relevant to the defined test lectures.
• The course instructor may be assisted by different experts (e.g. theoretical
knowledge instructors, technician, maintenance engineers etc.) but the example
lectures are to be evaluated by a TRI on the applicable type rating.
(k 2)
emergency procedures in the helicopter.
• Familiarisation in giving:
- instruction from the FSTD instructor station; and (h)
- instruction from all operating positions.
• Gaining experience in planning, briefing as well as providing and
debriefing sessions by using all relevant instructional methods. These
sessions should include a variety of exercises covering normal,
abnormal and emergency operations.
• Training flights as pilot flying in the instructor’s seating position (gaining
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• Conduct training flights in the role of a TRI (TRI instructor acting as the (l)
student) teaching the aircraft while operating all necessary equipment
(e.g. OEI training switch or speed selectors) and intervening where
• If the TRI assessment of competence is conducted in an FSTD, the TRI certificate is restricted to flight
instruction in FSTD.
• The restrictions shall be lifted when the TRI has passed the assessement of competence on an aircraft.
• Refer to FOCA «Examination Guide» for helicopters:
aminer_guide_easapartfclhelicopter.pdf [on-line] Available (09.05.2017)
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Class rating instructor training course syllabus CRI»
APP: The training course for a class rating instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
Is the class rating instructor training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
Part 1
Is the teaching and learning:
a pre-entry requirement/prerequisite? or
part of the syllabus?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Part 2
Does the part 2 include:
a review of the general subjects of the concerned aeroplane type or class rating theoretical
knowledge syllabus?
preparation of lesson and session plans?
the development of classroom/briefing and debriefing instructional skills, which include the
preparation and the delivery of example lectures / lessons based on the theoretical
knowledge syllabus of the class or type rating?
Are the technical training instruction minimum hours at least:
10 hours for single-engine or multi-engine aeroplane? Or
20 hours for a combination of both, single-engine and multi-engine aeroplanes?
Part 3
Does the Part 3 include:
3 hours of flight instruction on single-engine aeroplanes? or
5 hours of flight instruction on multi-engine aeroplanes or an FSTD representing that class or
type of aeroplane, including at least 3 hours on the aeroplane?
for single-pilot complex non high-performance aeroplanes, gaining competence to provide type
specific UPRT instruction in an FSTD?
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Instrument rating instructor training course syllabus IRI»
APP: The training course for an instrument rating instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
Is the instrument rating instructor training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Are all relevant subjects for the technical training defined and accurate?
Are the technical training instruction minimum hours at least 10 hours?
Are all air exercises specified, including conditions and minimum hours?
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Synthetic flight instructor training course syllabus SFI(A)»
APP: The training course for a synthetic flight instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
APP: To instruct two SFI(A) in parallel requires prior approval.
Part 1
Is the teaching and learning:
a pre-entry requirement/prerequisite? or
part of the syllabus?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Part 2
Does the Part 2 include:
a refresher on Part 1 «teaching and learning»?
a review of the technical knowledge in terms of aeroplane systems, performance, mass and
balance of the concerned aeroplane type?
preparation of lesson and session plans?
the development of classroom/briefing and debriefing instructional skills, which include the
preparation and the delivery of example lectures / lessons based on the theoretical
knowledge syllabus of the type rating?
Are the example lectures selected of the more demanding aeroplane systems from the type
rating syllabus?
Are the technical training instruction minimum hours at least 10 hours?
Part 3
Does the Part 3 include:
flight instruction on the appropriate simulator of at least:
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• The aim of the SFI(A) training course is to gain thorough knowledge and understanding on
fundamental principles of teaching and learning, instructional techniques and methods.
• The course shall focus on the candidate instructor’s maturity and judgment including their
understanding of adults, behavioural attitudes, and variable levels of learning ability. It shall
emphasise also on the role of the individual and human factors in the man-machine environment.
Threat and Error Management (TEM) and Crew Resource Management (CRM), including the
appropriate use of behavioural markers, shall be integrated throughout.
• During the training, the candidate instructor shall get aware of their own attitude towards the
importance of flight safety. The candidate instructor shall learn how to identify common errors
and how to correct them properly, which should be emphasised at all times.
• The synthetic flight instructor training course is applicable for the:
- initial issue of a SFI(A) certificate;
- aeroplane type extension within the scope of a SFI(A) certificate; and
- renewal of a lapsed SFI(A) certificate during the individually defined refresher training.
• Part 1 «Teaching and Learning» may be a course prerequisite/pre-entry requirement and not be
part of the SFI training course syllabus. In addition, applicants holding or having held an
instructor certificate shall be fully credited for Part 1 «Teaching and Learning».
• The syllabus shall be tailored appropriately to the concerned aeroplane type, using theoretical
knowledge and exercises considered more demanding for the student instructor. In addition, the
provisions for demanding aeroplane systems and training areas of special emphasis (TASE)
shall take into account the operational suitability data in accordance with Part-21.
• SFI may instruct in parallel two SFI candidate instructors under the following scenarios:
- one candidate is sitting at the controls (supported by a suitable pilot), while the second
candidate is sitting at the IOS; this scenario may be used for demonstration of flight
manoeuvres or engine out exercises; or
- both candidates receive instruction (general introduction and handling) at the IOS.
• In this way, both candidates can develop specific competencies independently.
• Additional SFI candidate instructors may be present as observers during such an instruction
given in parallel, with no credit of hours for their SFI training.
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• Should comprise not less than 10 hours of training divided in: (i) - (iii)
- a refresher on Part 1 «Teaching and Learning»;
- a review of the technical knowledge of the concerned aircraft type; and
- training in instructional methods including preparation of lesson / session
plans and classroom / briefing and debriefing instructional skills in form of
example lectures.
• A proportion of the allotted 10 hours could be integrated into the practical flight
instruction lessons of Part 3, using expanded preflight and postflight briefing
• As teaching material, the type rating training course syllabus, including
associated lesson and session plans, should be used to develop the SFI(A)’s
teaching skills.
• The course instructor may be assisted by different experts (e.g. theoretical
knowledge instructors, technician, maintenance engineers etc.) but the example
lectures are to be evaluated by a TRI on the applicable type rating.
• 5 hours of flight instruction on the concerned aeroplane type simulator for single- (i) (A)
pilot aeroplane and 10 hours for multi-pilot aeroplane or SP-certified aeroplanes
that are operated in multi-pilot (MP) operations, per candidate instructor.
• Introduction into the FSTD (device, limitations, capabilities, safety features, (ii)(A)
nautical knots, instructor station and emergency evacuation).
• Gaining experience in planning, briefing as well as providing and debriefing
sessions by using all relevant instructional methods from different stations.
These sessions should include a variety of more demanding exercises covering
normal, abnormal and emergency operations, divided in:
- instruction from different stations – normal / abnormal and emergency (i)(C-E)
procedures; (ii)(B/C/F)
- instruction from different stations – Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (vi)
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Synthetic flight instructor training course syllabus SFI(H)»
APP: The training course for a synthetic flight instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
Part 1
Is the teaching and learning:
a pre-entry requirement/prerequisite? or
part of the syllabus?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Part 2
Does the Part 2 include:
a review of the technical knowledge of the concerned aircraft type?
example lectures given by the student instructor?
Are the example lectures selected of the more demanding aircraft systems from the type rating
Are the technical training instruction minimum hours at least 10 hours?
Part 3
Does the Part 3 include:
Flight instruction on the appropriate simulator of at least:
5 hours for single-pilot aircraft?
10 hours for multi-pilot aircraft?
introduction into the FSTD?
familiarisation in giving instruction from different stations based on the session plans of the
concerned helicopter?
Are the different instructor stations defined/determinable in the session?
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SFI(H) Course
• For the development of the synthetic flight instructor training course syllabus the following
Special considerations • When developing the course syllabus, including the associated lesson and
session plans for part 2 and 3, the more demanding aircraft systems and
flying training excersises should be selected. In addition, it shall ensure that
the candidate instructor gains experience in planning, briefing as well as
providing and debriefing sessions by using all relevant instructional methods
from different stations;
• Also refer to subchapter «SFI(H) Course Structure and Requirements».
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• Should comprise not less than 10 hours of training divided in: (a-c)
- a review of the technical knowledge of the concerned helicopter type; and
- training in instructional methods including preparation of lesson/session
plans and classroom instructional skills.
• For the technical theoretical knowledge instruction the following teaching
material may be used:
- a complete theoretical knowledge instruction syllabus of the concerned type
rating; or
- subjects selected from the applicable theoretical knowledge instruction
syllabus as relevant to the defined test lectures.
• The course instructor may be assisted by different experts (e.g. theoretical
knowledge instructors, technician, maintenance engineers etc.) but the example
lectures are to be evaluated by a TRI on the applicable type rating.
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No.
Appendix xy «Multi-Crew Cooperation Instructor training course syllabus MCCI»
APP: The training course for a multi-crew cooperation instructor certificate is an element of the ATO
certificate attachment and requires prior approval.
Is the multi-crew cooperation instructor training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Are all relevant subjects for the technical training defined and accurate?
Are all air exercises specified, including conditions and minimum hours?
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Synthetic training instructor training course syllabus STI»
APP: The training course for a synthetic training instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
Is the synthetic training instructor training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are all flight exercises specified, including conditions and minimum hours?
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Mountain instructor training course syllabus MI»
APP: The training course for a mountain instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate
attachment and requires prior approval.
MI Training Course
• For the development of the mountain instructor training course syllabus the following applies:
Special considerations --
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Ch.-OM Ch.-Seq.-No. Appendix xy «Flight test instructor training course syllabus FTI»
APP: The training course for a flight test instructor certificate is an element of the ATO certificate attachment
and requires prior approval.
Is the flight test instructor training course comprehensively defined in the syllabus?
Does the syllabus provide information about the revision status?
Does the syllabus address all elements of the course?
Is the syllabus presented in a format which can be used without difficulty?
Are the prerequisites defined and are they complete and accurate?
Are the applicable teaching/course materials specified?
Are all relevant subjects for the teaching and learning instruction defined and accurate?
Are the teaching and learning instruction minimum hours at least 25 hours?
Are all relevant subjects for the technical training defined and accurate?
Are the technical training instruction minimum hours at least 10 hours?
Are all air exercises specified, including conditions and minimum hours?
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Appendix xy «Revalidation and Renewal of ratings»
• Revalidation: (of, e.g. a rating or certificate) means the administrative action taken within the
period of validity of a rating or certificate which allows the holder to continue to exercise the
privileges of a rating or certificate for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of
specified requirements.
- The validity period of a rating can only be extended as long as it is still valid. Certain
conditions must be fulfilled before the expiry date of the rating.
• Renewal: (of, e.g. a rating or certificate) means the administrative action taken after a rating or
certificate has lapsed for the purpose of renewing the privileges of the rating or certificate for a
further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements.
- A renewal becomes necessary as soon as a rating has lapsed.
corresponding revalidation.
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