3.2 Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Cost Schedule

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Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Cost Schedule

ESHS Amount excluded

Item N° Description Specifications Unit VAT VAT Amount
Clause N° [specify currency]

ESHS 1 Resources allocated to ESHS Clause 4 Lump sum


ESHS 2 Preparation and updating Monthly Clauses 1, 2, 3, 5, Lump sum [Cost ESHS 1
ESHS Report, inspections 6, 7, 9 should exclude all
or part of the costs
of those tasks]

ESHS 3 Implementation of the Health and Clauses 1, 9, 21 Lump sum [Cost ESHS 1
Safety Plan: to 25, 27 to 35, should exclude all
Meetings, health care centre, medical 37, 38 or part of the costs
check-ups, emergencies and of those tasks]
evacuations, safety protective
equipment, hygiene

ESHS 4 Accommodation, drinking water, Clauses 36, 40, [The cost for "Site
meals and transportation of staff (*) 41 mobilization" should
(*): The Bidder shall detail the exclude all or part
financial conditions of the supply of of the costs of
accommodation, meals and transport those tasks]
to its staff:
 Accommodation Lump sum
 Meals Lump sum
 Transport Lump sum

ESHS 5 Training and local recruitment Clauses 8, 39 Lump sum [Cost ESHS 1
management costs should exclude all
or part of the costs
associated to those

ESHS 6 Protection of adjacent areas, Clauses 10, 11, Lump sum

biodiversity, prevention of erosion 12, 17, 18
and wastewater management

ESHS 7 Waste and hazardous products Clauses 15, 25, Lump sum
management 39

ESHS 8 Vegetation clearing and Site Clauses 16, 19, Lump sum [The cost for "Site
rehabilitation 20 mobilization" should
exclude all or part
of the costs
associated to those

Total for Bill ESHS ______________ ____________

ESHS costs are deemed to cover operations on all Sites (as defined in Clause 1.3 of ESHS Specifications).
Interim payment certificates shall include the portion of each ESHS cost amounting to the percentage of the actual progress
ESHS Amount excluded
Item N° Description Specifications Unit VAT VAT Amount
Clause N° [specify currency]

achieved in executing the ESHS measures in compliance with the ESHS Specifications and approved by the Engineer.

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