1973 Biennial Ex Hi

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1973 Contemporary
Biennial American
Exhibition Art

garden and first floor January 10-March 4

second and third floor January 17-March 11

fourth floor January 25-March 18

Whitney Museum of American Art 945 Madison Avenue, New York

The Whitney Museum's Annual Exhibitions of no prizes are given, but a number of works from
Contemporary American Art, alternating between the show are customarily purchased for the
painting and sculpture, started in 1932, shortly Museum's permanent collection.
after the Museum was founded. This year they be- fWhile the purpose of this series has always
come biennial exhibitions, but the change does been to survey the current state of American art,

not, in effect, alter the Museum's long tradition of it has become increasingly apparent that^eyen a
surveying recent developments in our painting show of this size cannot begin to approximate a f
and sculpture. It simply means that the two media fair cross section of the creative talents and trends
are shown in the same year rather than in succes- of our day.There are simply too many good artists
sive seasons^Furthermore, by turning all five floors in America. We have therefore chosen to concen-

of the Museum over to the Biennial it is possible to trate increasingly — though not exclusively — on
include almost as many works as in two of the those new directions which seem to be generating
former Annuals— each of which occupied about the most creative excitement.jAnd while we show
half the building. the work of well-established artists as well as that
/^The consolidation media also obviates the
of of younger innovators, we try to select those whose
increasingly shadowy between paint-
distinction work has grown, deepened, or changed in ways
ing and sculpture, and facilitates comparisons that offer more than a repetition of their past ac-
between them. We hope, as a result, that the complishments^ We try, in short, to select work
Biennial will prove a more useful indication of which is contributing significantly to the develop-
current directions than the old Annuals, /j ment of our contemporary art.\
As in the past, works for this exhibition are in-

vited by the curatorial staff— not juried. Following John I. H. Baur

a tradition established by the Museum's founder, Director
Whitney Museum of American Art Museum Staff
Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, Founder John I. H. Baur, Director

Lloyd Goodrich, Consultant

Stephen E. Weil, Administrator
Margaret McKellar, Executive Secretary and Registrar
Flora Whitney Miller, Chairman
Robert M. Doty, Curator
David M. Solinger, President
James K. Monte, Associate Curator
Flora Miller Irving, Vice President
Marcia Tucker, Associate Curator
Alan H. Temple, Secretary and Treasurer
Elke M. Solomon, Associate Curator, Prints
Arthur G. Altschul
and Drawings
John I. H. Baur
Patricia Hills, Associate Curator, 18th- and
B. H. Friedman
19th-century Art
Lloyd Goodrich
David Bienstock, Curator, Film
W. Barklie Henry
Bruce Rubin, Associate Curator, Film
Susan Morse Hilles
Margaret M. Watherston, Conservator
Michael H. Irving
Thomas M. C. Johnston
David Hupert, Head, Education Department
Howard W. Lipman
Walter S. Poleshuck, Development Officer
Steven Muller
Donald La Badie, Head, Public Relations
Mrs. Laurance S. Rockefeller
Jean Lipman, Editor, Publications
Robert W. Sarnoff
Libby W. Seaberg, Librarian
Benno C. Schmidt
Charles Simon
Wilbur C. Ashman, Controller
Laurence A. Tisch
Jessie Morrow Mohrmann, Personnel Supervisor
William M.White, Jr.
Doris Wilk Palca, Supervisor, Sales and Information
John Murray, Building Manager
John E. Martin, Head Preparator
Stephen E. Weil, Assistant Secretary Robert F. Clark, Chief Security Officer
All addresses are in New York City unless otherwise John Baldessari b. 1931
noted. The number in parentheses following the address 2405 3rd St., Santa Monica, Cal. (52)
indicates the artist's dealer as listed under "Galleries." Baldessari Sings Lewitt video tape
Unless otherwise noted dimensions are in inches, height
preceding length or width. Thomas Bang b. 1938
One work included in the exhibition is located outside 100 Monroe Parkway, Rochester, N.Y. (27)
the Museum. The location is included in the catalogue Untitled rubber and wire
listing. Most of the works in the exhibition are for sale. 85 X 5 X 25V2
Prices are available at the Information Desk.
Paula Barr b. 1945
133 Mercer St.

Moss Toss acrylic and charcoal on canvas

Alice Adams b. 1930 89 Vz X 49V4
328 E. 89th St. (17)

Long Wall wood Frances Barth b. 1946

144X116X12 address withheld
Key Yellow acrylic on canvas
William Allan b. 1936 60X120
327 Melrose, Mill Valley, Cal. (26, 42)

Prince Fire acrylic on canvas Joel Bass b. 1942

65V2 X 89 3328 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. (54)
Untitled (#000156) mixed media
Terry Allen b. 1943 68V2 X 109
735 East Fedora, Fresno, Cal. (54)
Sailor and . . . The Cortez Premonitions Robert Bechtle b. 1932
mixed media O.K. Harris Gallery, 465 West Broadway
40X90 64 Chrysler oil on canvas
CarlAndre b. 1935 Collection Max Palevsky
Box 540, Cooper Station (56)
Our Lady of Fall River Stringing Her Great Bow and Lynda Benglis b. 1941
Winging an Arrow Through Twelve Axeheads 140 Baxter St. (9)

blue steel sheet Mu, Nu (Alphabet Series) mixed media

96 X 4V2 61 X 111 X14

Jo Baer b. 1929 Fletcher Benton b. 1931

Lo Giudice, 59 Wooster St. (25) 1072 Bryant St., San Francisco, Cal.
H. Arcuata oil on canvas Stainless Steel M stainless steel and plexiglas
22 X 96 X 4 26 X 29 X 3

Malcolm Bailey b. 1947 Tony Berlant b. 1941

462 Broome St. (59) 2802 2nd St., Santa Monica, Cal. (20)
Untitled #25 enamel on plexiglas The Wave mixed media
69% X 69% 23V2 X 26 3/4 X 21
Jake Berthot b. 1939 Howard Buchwald b. 1943
66 Grand St. (27) 155 Suffolk St. (29)

Scruff oil on canvas Untitled oil on canvas

94X60 96X156
Collection Al and Sandra Ordover
Peter Campus b. 1937
Natalie Bieser b. 1948 279A West 22nd St.
201 San Juan Ave., Venice, Cal. (29) Kiva video camera, monitor and mirrors
Honkers on Yonkers mixed media 30 X 12
90 X 90V2 Private Collection

Ronald Bladen b. 1918 Cynthia Carlson b. 1942

182 Fifth Ave. (18) No. 212 Colorado Chautauqua, Boulder, Col. (34)
Untitled painted wood Colorado Landscape No. 3 acrylic on canvas
134X678X264 60X54
William Bollinger b. 1939
John Chamberlain b. 1927
11 Van Wagner Rd., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (27)
Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway
Untitled cast-iron and wood
Lovage mixed media
45 X 67 X 59
Louise Bourgeois (birthdate withheld)
Dan Christensen b. 1942
347 W. 20th St. (20)
Andre Emmerich Gallery, 41 East 57th St.
Number Seventy Two marble
Gray Hannah acrylic on canvas
240 X 240
Frank Bowling b. 1936
Edward Clark b. 1926
535 Broadway
New 400 W. 23 St.
Hello Rosa (for Gregoire and Whee), York
Integrated Oval it 1 oil on canvas
acrylic on canvas
56X192 114X174

James Boynton b. 1928 John Clem Clarke b. 1937

3723 Albans, Houston, Texas (2)
O.K. Harris Gallery, 465 West Broadway
Trout Route oil on canvas Abstract with Subject oil on canvas
68X68 78X102

Peter Bradley b. 1939 Arthur Cohen b. 1945

Andre Emmerich Gallery, 41 E. 57th St. 29 W. 26th St.

Clay Creek acrylic on canvas Baroque Chapel #3 oil on canvas

64 1/4 X 60 1/4 108X104

Roger Brown b. 1941 Joyce Cole b. 1939

701 Buena, Chicago, III. (34) 11 W. 20th St.

Ajar and Ablaze oil on canvas Untitled acrylic on canvas

72X48 60 X 126
Jaime Davidovitch b. 1936 Loretta Dunkelman b. 1937
16410 Fernway Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio (41) 151 Canal St. (1)

Tape Project video tape Ice-Sky caran d'ache on paper

156X420 40% X135

Gene Davis b. 1920 Robert Duran b. 1938

4120 Harrison St., N.W., Washington, D.C. (18) 431 Broome St. (6)

Jabberwocky acrylic on canvds Untitled acrylic on canvas

96X110 82X93

S. A. Davis b. 1945 Jimmy Ernst b. 1920

120 Southern Heights, San Francisco, Cal. (26) Ponus Ridge, New Canaan, Conn. (5)
Josephine nitro cellulose on canvas Another Silence oil on canvas
60X84 72X120

Roy DeForest b. 1930 Fred Eversley b. 1 941

P.O. Box 47, Port Casta, Cal. (26)
1110 West Washington Blvd., Venice, Cal.
Untitled oil on canvas Untitled polyester resin
72X66 40 (diameter) X 11

Stuart Diamond b. 1942

Charles Fahlen b. 1939
454 Broome St.
313 Gaskill St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Informal Grid Lump acrylic on canvas
Untitled mixed media
80 X 75 /2

35 X 62 X 25

David Diao b. 1943

Jackie Ferrara (birthdate withheld)
94 Prince St.
121 Prince St.
Untitled acrylic on canvas
Sheet in Trough mixed media
Dunkelman Gallery, Toronto

Guy Dill b. 1946 Rafael Ferrer b. 1933

511 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
201 San Juan Ave., Venice, Cal. (24)
Untitled steel and concrete House mixed media
36X120 dimensions variable

Jim Dine b. 1935 Louise Fishman b. 1939

Sonnabend Gallery, 924 Madison Ave. 169 Mercer St. (29)

Untitled mixed media Victory Garden of the Amazon Queen acrylic on linen

73 X 75 X 42 4 units, 14 X 13 each

John Duff b. 1943 Sherron Francis (birthdate withheld)

John Bernard Myers Gallery, 50 W. 57 St. (4) 16Waverly Place (15)
Gold Cylinder II fiberglas Mule Shoe acrylic on canvas
72X24X 120 79% X 52 y2
Mary Frank b. 1933 Robert Gordy b. 1933
463 West St. (58) 2630 Bell St., New Orleans, La. (53)
Sundial stoneware Still Life with Bricks acrylic on canvas
33X13X13 60X56

Helen Frankenthaler b. 1928 Adolph Gottlieb b. 1903

Andre Emmerich Gallery, 41 W. 57th St. 380 West Broadway (39)
Thanksgiving acrylic on canvas Open Above acrylic on canvas
104X110% 90X108

Ernest Frazier b. 1942 Jaqueline Gourevitch b. 1933

58 East 4th St. 13 Red Orange Rd., Middletown, Conn. (12)
Orisha for Alvin Loving acrylic on canvas Cloud Painting #64 oil on canvas
96X96 68X56

Richard Friedberg b. 1943 Nancy Stevenson Graves b. 1940

15 Greene St. (18) 164 Mulberry St.

Tetracloud mixed media Montes Apenninus Region of the Moon acrylic on canvas
180X180 72X96

William Geis b. 1940 Stephen Greene b. 1918

P.O.Box 85, Woodacre, Cal. (26) 408-A Storms Road, Valley Cottage, N.Y. (59)
A Rose By Any Other Drain . . . mixed media The Garden of Night oil on canvas
17X20X15 49V2 X 49V2

Gregory Gillespie b. 1936 Ken Greenleat b. 1945

Depot Rd., Haydenville, Mass. (19) Lo Giudice, 59 Wooster St.

Back Door, Williamsburg, Mass. mixed media Humboldt steel

60X96 72X77X87

Carl Glikob. 1941 Mary Grigoriadis b. 1942

131W. 24th St. 382 Central Park West (1)

Pergamene acrylic on canvas Simple Pleasures oil and acrylic on raw linen

92X99 66X66

Michael Goldberg b. 1924 Nancy Grossman b. 1940

222 Bowery (44) 105EldrigeSt. (10)
Gold, Blue, Red, Green, Gold mixed media wood and
J.G. leather
180X40 17X6V2 X8 /2 1

Sidney Goodman b. 1936 Robert Grosvenor b. 1937

323 Harrison Ave., Elkins Park, Pa. (14) 302 Elizabeth St. (9)

Room 318 oil on canvas Untitled wood

75X97 32X268X18

Peter Gutkin b. 1944 Will Horwitt b. 1934
3178 17th St., San Francisco, Cal. (26) 131 E. 15th St. (3)

Steps oil paint and wood Spaces with Iron cast iron and bronze
13X62X33 95V4 X 66% X 51

Ira Joel Haberb 1947 Gary Hudson b. 1936

105 W. 27th St. (18) 1660 Coast Blvd., Del Mar, Cal.
August in a Brown Brick Box mixed media Tryptich Buttress #7-#2-#3 acrylic on duck
12X11 3/4 X5 3 units 66X90 each
Michael D. Hall b. 1941
Joel Janowitz b. 1945
Cranbrook Academy of Art, 500 Lone Pine Rd.,
295 Washington St., Somerville, Mass. (45)
Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (33)
Untitled oil on canvas
Covington painted aluminum

Duane Hanson b. 1925 Neil Jenney b. 1945

1141 Northwest 81st St., Pembroke Pines, Fla. (27)

76 Jefferson St. (25)

Artist with Ladder mixed media Friend and Foe? acrylic on canvas

73 X 29 X 22 27V2 X 98

Collection Mr. and Mrs. Saul Steinberg

Alfred Jensen b. 1903
Randy Hardy b. 1944 152 Hawthorne Ave., Glenridge, N.J. (43)
134 West Broadway The Great Plan: Per III & IV oil on canvas
Crackerjack mixed media 96X96
32 X 65 X 8
Luis Jiminez b. 1940
Robert Hartman b. 1926 Rt. 1, Box 244, Roswell, N. M. (27)
University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
End of the Trail (with Electric Sunset)
Undercast oil on canvas fiberglas and electric circuitry
33X96 84X120X72
JoeHaskeb. 1945
Jasper Johns b. 1930
150 Chambers St.
225 E. Houston St. (8)
Untitled acrylic on canvas
Untitled mixed media
Al Held b. 1928
435 West Broadway (15)
Buffie Johnson b. 1912
Flemish Six acrylic on canvas 231 E. 77th St.

60X60 Lady Murasaki oil on canvas

Collection Edward Cauduro 78X58

Gilah Hirsch b. 1944 Lester Johnson b. 1937

261 OV2 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. (12) 8350 East Morrow Circle, Detroit, Mich. (22)
Mammoth oil on canvas Straight, No Chaser acrylic on canvas
60X60 48X48

Joan Jonas b. 1936 Barbara Kruger b. 1945
Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway 55 Leonard St.

Sapphos video tape 2 AM Cookie (Big) mixed media

54 (diameter)
Donald Judd b. 1928
Leo Castelli Gallery, 4 E. 77th St. Nicholas Krushenick b. 1929
Untitled wood 61 Studio Rd., Stamford, Conn. (43)

dimensions variable Basic Elephant acrylic on canvas

Alex Katzb. 1927
Frances Kuehn b. 1943
435 West Broadway (39)
Edwin oil on canvas RD 4, Box 550, Princeton, N.J. (30)
Hineni acrylic on canvas
LilaKatzenb. 1932
Kay Kurt b. 1944
345 West Broadway (30)
225 East 25 Avenue, Duluth, Minn. (36)
Slip Edge-Bis Cor-ten and brushed stainless steel
Licorice oil on canvas
2 units, 144X42X24 each

Jane Kaufman b. 1938

Ronnie Landfield b. 1947
262 Bowery (44)
Andre Emmerich Gallery, 420 West Broadway
Shrinking Violet sprayed flash on canvas
Jubilant Blue oil on canvas
72 X 144
68 1/2 X 45

Ellsworth Kelly b. 1923

Richard Landry b. 1938
Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway
Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway
Two Panels: White/black oil on canvas
Sax video tape
1 1 1 X 64

Alfred Leslie b. 1927

Lyman Kipp, b. 1929 Noah Goldowsky with Richard Bellamy
North Salem, N.Y. 1078 Madison Ave.
Pendragon painted aluminum The Killing of Frank O'Hara (1966) oil on canvas
120X48X36 96X123

Harriet Korman b 1947 Mon Levinson b. 1926

Lo Giudice, 59 Wooster St. 309 West Broadway (36)
Untitled acrylic on canvas Clear Lozenge I cast acrylic
84X84 37 X 73 X 6V2

Lee Krasner b. 1908 Alexander Liberman b. 1912

180 E. 79th St. (39) Andre Emmerich Gallery, 41 E. 57th St.
Untitled oil on canvas Untitled steel
69X82 108X63X69

Roy Lichtenstein b. 1923 Clement Meadmore b. 1929
Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway 800 West End Ave. (30)

Still Life with Net, Shell, Rope and Pulley Dervish Cor-ten steel
oil and magna on canvas 25 X 52 X 26
Brenda Miller b. 1941
Robert J. Lobe b. 1945 463 West St.
76 Jefferson St. Ten by Ten mixed media
Untitled wood 80 X 80 X 1 to 41
59V2 X 29 X 62%
Richard McDermott Miller b 1922
Alvin Loving b. 1935
53 Mercer St. (55)
262 Bowery (59)
Diane: Seated wax
Brownie, Sunny, Dave and Al mixed media
46 X 66 X 35
dimensions variable

Brice Marden b. 1938 Mary Miss b. 1944

26 Bond St. (6)
Box 304, Canal Street Station (17)

Summer Table oil and wax on canvas Untitled wood

60X105 54X312

John Mason b. 1927 Joan Mitchell (birthdate withheld)

1521 South Central, Los Angeles, Cal. La Tour Ave., Claude Monet, Vetheuil, France (31)
Unfinished Arch firebrick Bonjour Julie oil on canvas
108 X 108X9 112X230

Louisa Matthiasdottir b. 1917 Richard Mock b. 1944

Robert Schoelkopf Gallery, 825 Madison Ave. 179 Stanton St.
Sf/7/ Life with Chicken and Grapefruit oil on canvas Untitled mixed media
40X52 120X110X24
Dennis McCarthy b. 1935
Joan Moment b. 1938
147 Spring St.
238 Puritan Dr., Sacramento, Cal.
Untitled cotton duck
Cactus Palm mixed media
Ann McCoy b. 1946
35 Market St., Venice, Cal. (20) Robert Morris b. 1931
Amazon Waterfall mixed media Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway
162 X 108 Untitled video tape

David McManaway b. 1927 Ree Morton b. 1936

3438 Milton, Dallas, Texas (2) 12 Waverly Place
A Comment mixed media Untitled mixed media
8 /2 X16V4 X12V4

Robert Moskowitz b. 1935 Richard Nonas b. 1936
81 Leonard St. (29) 144WoosterSt.
Untitled acrylic on canvas Southern Jumbo wood
90X75 12X96X96

Robert Motherwell b. 1915 David Novros b. 1941

Lawrence Rubin Gallery, 49 W. 57th St. 431 Broome St. (6)

Shem the Penman acrylic on canvas Untitled oil on canvas

80 1/2 X 108V2 120X90

Catherine Murphy b. 1946 JimNuttb. 1938

Fourcade, Droll Inc., 36 E. 75th St. 5608 Spilman St., Sacramento, Cal. (34)
Jersey City Summer oil on canvas Sliding slowly softly . . . ! acrylic on canvas
38X42 50V2 X 38V2
Collection Peter and Janet Kulesh

Elizabeth Murray b. 1940

27 Cooper Square Kenzo Okada b. 1902
Madame Cezanne Series (in the armchair turning on 101 W. 12th St. (46)
the light.) oil on canvas Pink oil on canvas
two units, 36X36 each 85 X 76V2

Robert Murray b. 1936 Jules Olitski b. 1922

66 Grand St. Lawrence Rubin Gallery, 49 W. 57th St.

Teal steel Seventh Trent acrylic on canvas

(dimensions unavailable) 123X81

Forrest Myers b. 1941 William Omwake b. 1946

238 Park Avenue South (9) 2419 Aspen St., Philadelphia, Pa. (37)
Smoke in the Grass stainless steel pipe Browenel Ticket acrylic on canvas
108X96X276 57X67

Louise Nevelson b. 1900 George Ortman b. 1926

29 Spring St. (43) Cranbrook Academy of Art, 500 Lone Pine Rd.
Night Tree Cor-ten steel Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (23)
105X40X40 Column acrylic on canvas
85X15V2 X 151/2
Kenneth Noland b. 1924
Andre Emmerich Gallery, 420 West Broadway Ray Parker b. 1922
Sun Bouquet acrylic on canvas 101 Prince St. (18)

69X144 Untitled oil and acrylic on canvas

Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Goldberg 93 X 227

EdPaschkeb. 1939 Robert Povlich b. 1937
6439 N. Leavitt, Chicago, III. (13) 16Rivington St.

Paula oil on canvas The Brothers Julio and Ernest oil on canvas
66X45 68X82

Philip Pearlstein b. 1924 Harvey Quaytman b. 1937

163 West 88th St. (21) Paula Cooper Gallery, 100 Prince St.

Female Model on Bench with Blue Coverlet Slow Sound and Light Show BP aquatec on canvas
oil on canvas 105X109
Joseph Raffael b. 1933
Joel Perlman b. 1943 13Tamarach Rd., San Geronimo, Cal. (29)
81 Greene St. Landscape oil on canvas
Chevy Short (for Jeannie Day) steel 92X132
72 X 67 X 36
Christina Ramberg b. 1946
Irving Petlin b. 1934 709 Buena, Chicago, III. (34)
267 West 11th St. (42) Waiting Lady acrylic on composition board
Rubbings from the Calcium Garden . . . Fire Children 23X31 /4

oil on canvas Collection A. James Speyer

Robert Rauschenberg b. 1925
William Pettet b. 1927 Leo Castelli Gallery, 4 E. 77th St.
31 Desbrosses St. (57) Untitled mixed media
Untitled acrylic on canvas 72X108X33
88 3/4 X 81
Peter Reginato b. 1945
LarryPoons b. 1937 60 Greene St. (12)

Lawrence Rubin Gallery, 49 W. 57th St. Hannibal steel

#4 acrylic on canvas 38X82X132
71 1
/4 X145
James Reineking b. 1937
Katherine Porter b. 1941 319 Greenwich St.

618 Onate PI., Santa Fe, N.M. (45) Untitled steel

White Square acrylic on canvas 234 X 54 X Vb
Milton Resnickb. 1917
Joanna Pousette-Dart b. 1947 Box 56, Rifton, N.Y. (30)
130 BeekmanSt. Pink Fire oil on canvas
Anashuya acrylic and sand on canvas 88 X 204
Tony Robbin b. 1943
Richard Pousette-Dart b. 1916 71 Franklin St.
286 Haverstraw Rd., Suffern, N.Y. Tonikuni acrylic on canvas
Presence, Lavendre de Senanque oil on canvas 72X170
90X90 Lent by Donna Schneier and Janet Lehr

Dorothea Rockburne (birthdate withheld) John Seery b. 1941
Bykert Gallery, 24 E. 81 St. 73 Leonard St. (15)
6 Pieces from Series Ineinander Raw Bone acrylic on canvas
mixed media 136V2 X114
20 X 40 each

Robert Rohm b. 1934 Richard Serra b. 1939

26 Lake St., Wakefield, R.I. (27, 45)
319 Greenwich St. (8)

Untitled (Water level) mixed media Untitled lead

192X60X72 dimensions variable

Bernard Rosenthal b. 1914

Alan Shields b. 1944
358 E. 57th St. (35)
83 Leonard St. (9)
High Tide brushed aluminum
Hey Mom, How Do I Get Down, or, Who's that Dude
96 X 48 X 54
with the Stripe Up His Ass mixed media
5 wide (other dimensions variable)
EdRudab. 1922
44 Walker St. (9)

Slice acrylic on canvas Nate Shiner b. 1944

96X60 2131 51st Sacramento, Cal. (7)

Hoochie Koochie acrylic on composition board

Ludwig Sander b. 1906 163/e X24
Lawrence Rubin Gallery, 48 W. 57th St.

Aroostook IV oil on canvas

44X80 EdShostakb. 1941
76 Jefferson St. (18)

Ray Saunders b. 1934 Untitledwood and building board

6007 Rock Ridge Blvd., Oakland, Cal. (14) 48 X 96 X 22

Sfar oil on canvas
Alex Siburney b. 1942
95 Second Ave.
Charles Schucker b. 1914
Untitled mixed media
33 Middagh St., Brooklyn, N.Y. (30)
Empress oil on canvas
AlanSiegel b. 1938
William Schwedler b. 1942 970 Lexington Ave. (29)
28 E. 18th St. (34, 36)
Untitled acrylic on canvas
Better Goods acrylic and oil on canvas 90 X 120

Arden Scott b. 1938 Louis Siegriest b 1899

73 Leonard St. Triangle Gallery, 251 Post St., San Francisco. Cal
Barron Fancy steel Valley of Fire mixed media on masonite
216X16X20 48 X48


Site, Inc. founded 1969 Keith Sonnier b. 1941

60 Greene St. Leo 420 West Broadway
Castelli Gallery,

Sfare St. Project, Binghamton, N.Y. Mat Key Radio Track video tape
(for the Urban Development Corp.)
mixed media
12X96X44 Raphael Soyer b. 1899
88 Central Park West (19)

Arlene Slavin b. 1942 Woman Biting Her Nails oil on canvas

250 W. 27th St.

Sabz-Almas acrylic on canvas
Christopher Sproat b. 1945
89 Bickford St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. (45)
Susan Smith b. 1934
Installation Piece neon
39 Bond St. (17)
dimensions variable
Pink Wall Series #32735 pastel and gesso on
foamcore board
120X132 Bob Stanley b. 1932
3 Crosby St.
Tony Smith b. 1912 Bypassed City acrylic on canvas
66 Stanley Rd., East Orange, N.J. (20) 86X86
Untitled painted wood
Jim Starrett b. 1937
Robert Smithson b. 1938 81 Leonard St.

799 Greenwich St. (56) Tuhelo acrylic on canvas

Spiral Hill and Broken Circle, Emmen, Holland 51 Vz X51V2
mixed media
900 X 720 and 1680 (diameter)
Michael Steiner b. 1945
Marlborough Gallery, 41 East 57th St.
Kenneth Snelson b. 1927
Betonica Cor-ten steel
36 West 26th St. (56)
34 X 130X110
Untitled aluminum and polypropylene rope
PatSteirb. 1938
Joan Snyder b. 1940
164 Mulberry St. (44)
105 Mulberry St. (44)
on canvas
Border Lord oil
Womanchild mixed media 72X108

Jack Sonenberg b. 1925 Frank Stella b. 1936

128 East 16th St. 224 West Houston St. (8) (49)

Perimeter II mixed media Kamonika Strumilowa IV mixed media

108X168X102 90 X 1 1

Gary Stephan b. 1942 Cy Twombly b. 1929
76 Jefferson St. (6) Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway
Untitled oil and acrylic on wood Untitled oil and crayon on canvas
48X100 96X179

Sylvia Stone b. 1928 Jack Tworkov b. 1900

138 Prince St. (15) 161 West 22nd St. (29, 45)

Another Place plexiglas Untitled acrylic on canvas

80X338X17 96X68

George Sugarman b. 1912 Nancy Van Deren b. 1944

21 Bond St. 80 Jefferson St.
Model for Roxanne: a Sculpture Complex Untitled acrylic on canvas
painted aluminum 36X36
39 X 72 X 48
Lester Van Winkle b. 1944
Andy Tavarelli b. 1942 1010 Cleveland St., Richmond, Va. (28)
655 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. (45) Untitled steel and painted wood
Atlantic Avenue acrylic on canvas 17X33X15
Robert Wade b. 1943
Gary Tenenbaum b. 1943 302 Vi South Beckley, Dallas, Texas (36, 51)
32 Union Square Waco light sensitive emulsion on canvas
Untitled acrylic on canvas
90 X 1 1 1

Jeffrey Way b. 1 942
Edgar Tolson b. 1904
54 Leonard St. (45)
Compton, Ky. (47)
Untitled pure pigments and acrylic on canvas
Expulsion of Adam & Eve wood 60X88
William Wegman b. 1943
George Trakas b. 1944
2001 1
/2 Main St., Santa Monica, Cal. (52)
84 Franklin St.
Selected Works 1972 video tape
Mount mixed media
38 X 80 X 231
Neil Welli verb. 1929

AnnTruittb. 1921 John Bernard Myers Gallery, 50 W. 57th St.

3506 35th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. (15) Storm over Brigg's Meadow oil on canvas
Desert Reach painted wood 60X72
80V2 X8X13
Lynton Wells b. 1940
Susan Tunick b. 1946 307 West Broadway (11)
10 White St. AQ 72 photo-sensitized linen and acrylic
Dusty Miller acrylic on canvas 108X135
57 X 98V2 Collection Mr. and Mrs. John H. Slimak

Salle Werner b. 1939 Jackie Winsor b. 1941
Department of Bio-Chemistry, Rice University, 141 Canal St. (9)

Houston, Texas 7 Bound Grid wood and twine

100 watercolor on paper 84 X 84 X 6
Philip Wofford b. 1935
Andre Emmerich Gallery, 41 E. 57th St.
Tom Wesselmann b. 1931
Bowstone Chant acrylic on canvas
231 Bowery (32)
Jenny Claire 16 months oil on canvas
72 X 63V2
Nina Yankowitz b. 1946
Collection Jenny Claire Wesselmann
83 Leonard St. (36)

Untitled acrylic on cotton duck threads

H. C. Westermann b. 1922
Box 28, Brookfield Center, Conn. (21)
The Pig House mixed media
Adja Yunkers b. 1900
49X37X17V2 217 East 11th St.

Variation on Composition XI acrylic on canvas

Jay Wholley b. 1942 63 1/2 X 48
130 Beekman St.

Bethlehem 2 Ton steel and stone Robert Zakanych b. 1935

42X96X120 18 Warren St. (11)

Untitled acrylic on canvas

William T. Wiley b. 1937 78X132

Box 654, Woodacre, Cal. (26) Private Collection

Saintspill acrylic on canvas

84X102 LarryZox b. 1936
Collection C. David Robinson Andre Emmerich Gallery, 420 West Broadway
Nares Plain acrylic on canvas
Hannah Wilke b. 1940
463 West St. (16)

In Memory of My Feelings dyed latex rubber and snaps

8 1/4 X 90

Neil Williams b. 1934

Lo Giudice, 59 Wooster St.

Singer acrylic on canvas


Chris Wilmarthb. 1943

144 Wooster St. (9)

Blue Release steel and glass

60 X 84 X 63

1 A.I.R. 31 Martha Jackson Gallery
2 Atelier Chapman Kelley, Dallas 32 Sidney Janis Gallery
3 Lee Ault &Co. 33 Gertrude Kasle Gallery, Detroit
4 Irving Blum Gallery, Los Angeles 34 Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
5 Grace Borgenicht Gallery 35 M. Knoedler&Co.
6 Bykert Gallery 36 Kornblee Gallery
7 The Candy Store Gallery, Folsom, Cal. 37 Marian Locks Gallery, Philadelphia
8 Leo Castelli Gallery 38 Lo Giudice
9 Paula Cooper Gallery 39 Marlborough Gallery
10 Cordier &Ekstrom, Inc. 40 John Bernard Myers Gallery
11 Cuningham Ward 41 New Gallery, Cleveland
12 Tiborde Nagy 42 Odyssia Gallery
13 Deson-Zaks Gallery, Inc., Chicago 43 The Pace Gallery
14 Terry Dintenfass, Inc. 44 Paley & Lowe, Inc.

15 Andre Emmerich Gallery, Inc. 45 Parker Street 470, Boston

16 Ronald Feldman, Fine Arts, Inc. 46 Betty Parsons Gallery
17 55 Mercer Street 47 The Pied Serpent Folk Art Gallery,
18 Fischbach Gallery Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
19 Forum Gallery 48 Julian Pretto
20 Fourcade, Droll Inc. 49 Lawrence Rubin Gallery
21 Allan Frumkin Gallery 50 Robert Schoelkopf Gallery
22 Gallery Seven, Detroit 51 Smither Gallery, Dallas
23 Gimpel & Weitzenhoffer 52 Sonnabend Gallery
24 Jack Glenn Gallery, Corona Del Mar, Cal. 53 Galerie Simonne Stern, New Orleans
25 Noah Goldowsky with Richard Bellamy 54 Michael Walls Gallery, Los Angeles
26 Hansen-Fuller Gallery, San Francisco 55 Washburn Gallery, Inc.

27 O.K. Harris, Inc. 56 John Weber Gallery

28 Henri Gallery, Washington, D.C. 57 Willard Gallery
29 Nancy Hoffman Gallery 58 Zabriskie Gallery
30 Max Hutchinson Gallery 59 William Zierler, Inc.

Edward Cauduro
Dunkelman Gallery, Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Goldberg
Peter and Janet Kulesh
Al and Sandra Ordover
Max Palevsky
C. David Robinson
Donna Schneier and Janet Lehr
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Slimak
A. James Speyer
Mr.and Mrs. Saul Steinberg
Jenny Claire Wesselmann

Geoffrey Clements
Bevan Davies
Jonas Dovydenas
Lawrence Fink
Jack Fulton
Shunk Kender
Stuart Lynn
Robert E. Mates and Paul Katz
Peter Moore
O. E. Nelson
Eric Pollitzer
Nathan Rabin
Walter Russel
Steven Sloman
Frank J. Thomas
Malcolm Varon

Alice Adams Long Wall

Terry Allen Sailor and . . . The Cortez Premonitions

Paula Barr Moss Toss

Joel Bass Untitled

Robert Bechtle 64 Chrysler

Jake Berthot Scruff

Roger Brown Ajar and Ablaze

Howard Buchwald Untitled

Arthur Cohen Baroque Chapel #3

Joyce Cole Untitled

John Duff Gold Cylinder II

Bob Duran Untitled

Ernest Frazier Orisha for Alvin Loving

William Geis A Rose By Any Other Drain

Gregory Gillespie Back Door, Williamsburg, Mass.

Robert Gordy Still Life with Bricks

Jacqueline Gourevitch Cloud Painting #64

Nancy Graves Montes Apenninus Region of the Moon

Mary Grigoriadis Simple Pleasures


Michael D. Hall Covington

Gilah Hirsch Mammoth

Luis Jimenez End of the Trail (With Electric Sunset)

Lee Krasner Untitled

Nicholas Krushenick Basic Elephant

Kay Kurt Licorice

Alfred Leslie The Killing of Frank O'Hara (1966)
Mon Levinson Clear Lozenge I


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Roy Lichtenstein Still Life with Net, Shell, Rope and Pulley

Brenda Miller Ten By Ten

Joan Mitchell Bonjour Julie

Robert Motherwell Shem the Penman

Robert Murray Teal
Forrest Myers Smoke in the Grass

David Novros Untitled

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Jim Nutt Sliding, Slowly, Softly ... !

Ed Paschke Paula

Philip Pearlstein Female Model on Bench with Blue Coverlet

Larry Poons #4

Joseph Raffael Landscape

Christina Ramberg Waiting Lady

Tony Robbin Tonikuni

Ludwig Sander Aroostook IV

William Schwedler Better Goods

Ed Shostak Untitled

Arlene Slavin Sabz Almas

Susan Smith Pink Wall Series #32735

Robert Smithson Broken Circle, Emmen, Holland

Robert Smithson Spiral Hill, Emmen, Holland

Kenneth Snelson Untitled

Jack Sonenberg Perimeter II

Raphael Soyer Woman Biting Her Nails

Sylvia Stone Another Place

Michael Steiner Betonica
Lester Van Winkle Untitled

Joan Snyder Womanchild

Jeffrey Way Untitled

Edgar Tolson Expulsion of Adam and Eve

Neil Welliver Storm Over Brigg's Meadow

Lynton Wells AQ 1972

Chris Wilmarth Blue Release
Jackie Winsor 7 Bound Grid

Adja Yunkers Variation on Composition XI


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