CM011 Syllabus
CM011 Syllabus
CM011 Syllabus
Page 1 of 12
Prepared by: Approved by:
Elizabeth S. Espiritu / Nanette D. Santos Ureah Thea A. Sevilla August 2023 1Q 2023-2024
Mapua University, a global leader in education, fosters sustainable socio-economic growth in society through innovation, digital transformation,
and lifelong education.
1. The University shall move up and entrench itself in the ranks of the world’s best universities.
2. The University shall make significant contributions to sustainable socio-economic development nationally and internationally.
4. demonstrated life-long learning via progress toward completion of an advanced degree, professional
development / continuing education courses, or industrial training courses
5. exhibited professional behavior and attitude in the practice of Engineering or related fields
6. initiated and implemented actions toward the improvement of the practice of Engineering or related fields
B An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret from data
H The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in the
global and societal context
I A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
K An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
L Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments
M Understand at least one specialized field of Engineering practice
3. Prerequisite: None
4. Co-Requisite: CM011
5. Credit: 1 unit
6. Course Description
A fundamental laboratory course which is a combination of experimental and calculation laboratory, this
course includes experiments and exercises related to the principles and theories in chemistry that are
covered in CM011. Part of the course is a Community Immersion Program on the care of the environment.
Student Outcomes*
After completing the course, the students must be able to: ABET
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E F G H I J K L M
CM011LM1: Chemistry Laboratory Module 1
1. Learn the basic laboratory safety protocols. I I R R R
8. Outcome-Based Modular Course Design
May be
Credit Module Lec Lab Credit Pre-
Course Title Module Title Weeks taken if
Unit Code Hrs. Hrs. Units requisites
CM011LM1 0 27 6 0.5 None CM011LM1
CM011LM2 0 18.0 5 0.5 CM011LM1 CM011LM2
Module 2
9. Course Coverage
Session Topic/s Learning Objects CO
In-Person Synch Asynch In-Person Synch Asynch
CM011LM1: Chemistry Laboratory Module 1
Data Sheet
experiments and
and post-lab discussion and Written
post-lab discussion
Final Report
Pre-Lab Activities Pre-Lab
Preliminary Data Sheet Activities
Pre-lab discussion,
and Written Final Report Preliminary Manual
Experiment 1.3 Laboratory
5 5 1.2 Data Sheet 6
Chemical Kinetics: Factors affecting experiments and
and Written
Rates of Chemical Reactions post-lab discussion
Final Report
2.3 Data Sheet
and Written
Post-lab discussion
Final Report
Course Code and Title Revision Date: Effectivity Date: Prepared by: Approved by:
Ureah Thea A. Sevilla
CM011L 1Q Page 6 of 12
August 2023
ElizabethS.Espiritue / Nanette D. Santos
10. Lifelong-Learning Opportunities
Problem solving and laboratory skills developed in this course allow the student to perform technological and
Professional tasks with confidence.
12. Textbooks
A. Beran, J.A., Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry. (10th ed) Wiley.
Experiments in General Chemistry 6th Ed. by Steven Murov Cengage
13. References
B. Brown, T.L., LeMay Jr., H.E., Bursten, B.E., Murphy, C.J., Woodward, P.M. (2011) Chemistry-the Central
Science, 12th ed., Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
C. Chang, R, and Goldsby, K. Chemistry, (12th International edition), New York: McGraw-Hill
D. Masterton, W.L. and Hurley, C.N. Chemistry – Principles and Reactions, 6th ed, Canada: Brooks/Cole-Cengage
E. Silberberg, Martin S. (2013) Principles of General Chemistry (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill
F. Whitten, K.W., Davis, R.E., Peck, M.L., and Stanley, G.G. (2013) Chemistry, 10th ed. Cengage Learning
Followed the
Correctly followed the Followed the
prescribed Followed the prescribed
Title prescribed prescribed format No Title Page
5 format for Title format for Title Page
Page format for Title for Title Page with presented
Page with one with three mistakes
Page two mistakes
Detailed background Incomplete
Intro Detailed background Incomplete background No
1 of the experiment background of the
ducti of the experiment of the experiment Introduction
0 without correct experiment with
on with correct citation without citation presented
citation citation
Complete Complete Incomplete
Incomplete experimental No
Meth experimental experimental experimental
procedure, not written in experimental
odolo 5 procedure written in a procedure but not procedure written in
a clear and concise section/
gy clear and concise written in a clear and a clear and concise
manner concise manner manner Methodology
Interpreted the results
Discuss the results
2 of the experiment Mostly Interpreted Merely discuss the
Interpretation of and partially No
0 completely and the results of the results without any
Results interpreted the interpretation
exemplary in a clear experiment interpretation
and concise manner
The The
conclusio conclusion is
n is clear a vague or not
and clear
The conclusion is
The conclusion is concise
clear and concise No
Conc clear and concise giving a
5 giving a very con
lusio giving an outstanding satisfacto
satisfactory clusi
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generalization of the on
experiment generaliz
ation of
The module grades will correspond to the weighted average scores shown below:
The module grade average will be the weighted average of the module grades based on the credit units of each
a. Attendance. According to CHED policy, the total number of absences by the students should not be more than
20% of the total number of meetings or 9 hrs for a 1-unit-course. Students incurring more than 9 hours of
unexcused absences automatically gets a failing grade regardless of class standing.
b. Submission of Assessment Tasks. All assessment tasks must be submitted as scheduled. No late assessment
tasks shall be accepted.
c. Guided Learning Output. Guided learning outputs through various worksheets in each clusters of topics are
assigned to the students. Problems encountered in the worksheets will be discussed in class.
e. Language of Instruction. Lectures, discussion, and documentation will be in English. Written and spoken work
may receive a lower mark if it is, in the opinion of the instructor, deficient in English.
f. Academic Integrity Policy. It is the student’s responsibility to refrain from infractions of academic integrity, from
conduct that may lead to suspicion of such infractions, and from conduct that aids others in such infractions. Any
of the following sanctions may be imposed to any student who is found guilty of committing online academic
1. Failed mark in the course
2. Suspension for a period of less than one term, with or without community service
3. Suspension for a period of one term or more, with or without community service
4. Non-readmission to the University
5. Dismissal from the University
6. Expulsion
All students who will violate the Academic Integrity Policy of the university will be given zero mark for the exam or
for the activity, and will be given a failing grade for the course. He or she will also be referred to the Prefect of
Discipline for appropriate sanction.
g. Consultation Schedule. The consultation schedules of the Professor are posted outside the CBMES Faculty. On
blended and fully online terms, consultations may be done using any video-sharing platform, such as Facebook
Messenger, Zoom, Google Meet, or Blackboard Collaborate. It is recommended that the student first set an
appointment to confirm the instructor’s availability.
h. Appeal system. All appeals on student assessment must be made by the concerned student within one week after
the return of the assessed student work. In case the student is not satisfied, no later than one week after the
decision of the faculty has been made, he can elevate the appeal to the program chair or dean in case there is no
program chair. The decision of the program chair or dean is final. The faculty must abide with the moderated
decision of the program chair or dean.
i. Modular OBE Grading System. The Modular OBE grading system will be used. Some salient points of this grading
system include:
1. A student who fails a module will get a module grade of IP.
2. A student with an IP grade in Module 1 or 2 in this course will have the opportunity to convert the IP grade
to a 3.00 until the end of the term using the fully online Completion Module (the schedule of which is upon
the discretion of the professor).
3. Unremoved IPs in any of the modules by the end of the term will correspond to a course grade of IP.
4. Students are given an additional quarter to convert the IP module grade to a 3.00. After this additional
quarter, the student needs to re-enroll the module as a Remedial Module in the following term, if offered.
5. A student who incurs a 100% absence in any of the modules will get a grade of 5.00, regardless of
his/her performance in the other modules.
6. A student who violates the Policy on Academic Integrity will get a grade of 5.00.
7. A student who gets an IP in all the modules will get a course grade of 5.00.
j. Modular OBE Grading System (Update). A grade of 5.00 will be given to:
1. A student whose performance is poor.
2. A student who has stopped attending classes at any time without officially withdrawing his courses
through the Office of the Registrar.
3. A student who has accumulated a number of absences equivalent to 20% of the prescribed number of
school days in one (1) quarter. After this number of absences has been recorded, a module grade of 5.00
is given to all remaining modules regardless of class standing.
4. A student who has not accomplished or submitted more than 50% of the course assessments and
requirements in a module.
5. A student who violated the Academic Integrity policies of the University.
Course Syllabus
Edna J. Calderon
Kathlia D. Cruz
Elizabeth S. Espiritu
Marilen M. Martin
Marilyn A. Miranda
Nanette D. Santos Nanette D. Santos
Ureah Thea A. Sevilla 08/19/2021 13:29