2nd Day
2nd Day
2nd Day
10:00 -1:00
The topic of session: Social Entrepreneurship
Name of the Resource person: Vandana Tripathi
Prf. At K. J. Somaiya College, Ghatkopar
The session started with understanding the word ‘entrepreneur’ where ma’am explained it in
simple words. An entrepreneur is when a person who starts a business is willing to risk losing
to make money. Where the main base of an entrepreneur is an Idea and Attitude. An idea used
in the form of business can generate employment. Similarly, social entrepreneurship is the
importance of creating sustainable businesses that address social and environmental issues.
The speaker emphasized the need for innovative solutions to tackle pressing global
challenges, such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. Social entrepreneurs were
presented as agents of change, who combine business acumen with a social conscience to
create positive impact. Examples of successful social enterprises were highlighted, including
initiatives that champion fair trade, renewable energy, and gender equality. The lecture
concluded with a call to action for aspiring social entrepreneurs to embrace their creativity
and channel it towards creating a better world.
The social enterprising perspective, I learned about the intersection of entrepreneurship and
social responsibility. The lecture discussed how social entrepreneurs are building sustainable
businesses that directly impact their communities, and how these businesses are proving
successful at reducing poverty, improving health outcomes, and addressing local social
challenges. The lecture also focused on the different models of social enterprise, and the
skills and strategies necessary to build an effective social enterprise.
From the government's perspective, social entrepreneurs are seen as key agents in addressing
social and environmental issues that traditional government and market approaches have
failed to address. Social enterprises play a crucial role in promoting sustainable development,
creating jobs, and generating economic growth. The government recognizes the importance
of social enterprises and implements policies to support their growth and impact in society.
These policies can encompass access to finance, tax incentives, and other forms of support
that encourage investment in social enterprises, leading to a more socially responsible
economy. The triple bottom fine is a term used to describe a sustainable investment strategy
that focuses on three areas of impact: social, environmental, and financial. It requires
companies to consider not only their financial performance but also their social and
environmental impact when making business decisions. The ultimate goal is to create a
positive impact on society and the environment while generating profits for investors. This
approach has gained popularity in recent years as investors increasingly prioritize ethical and
sustainable investing.
We also discussed successful social entrepreneurs as follows:
Urvashi Sahni is an Indian social entrepreneur and founder of Study Hall Educational
Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works towards empowering girls with
education. She also established Prerna, an award-winning school for underprivileged
girls in Lucknow, India. Sahni is a recipient of numerous awards for her work in the
field of education, including the Ashoka Fellowship, the Silicon Valley Social Venture
Fund scholarship, and India's National Award for Innovation in Women's Education.
She is also the author of two books, including "The Educated Women: Global
Perspectives on Gender and Education." Her work has had a significant impact on
youth, particularly girls, in India. Through her organization, Study Hall Educational
Foundation, Sahni has been able to provide education opportunities to underprivileged
girls, which has not only improved their chances of getting a job but also empowered
them to have a voice in their communities. Additionally, Sahni's advocacy work on
issues such as child marriage and gender-based violence has brought attention to these
issues and inspired a new generation of young people to speak out for change.
Dr. Devi Shetty is a renowned Indian cardiac surgeon and entrepreneur. He is the
founder and chairman of Narayana Health, one of the largest hospital chains in India.
Dr. Shetty is known for his innovative approaches to healthcare delivery and for
making high-quality medical care accessible to everyone, regardless of their socio-
economic status. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his
contributions to the field of medicine, including the Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan,
two of India's highest civilian honors. Dr. Shetty is also a prolific speaker and writer
on healthcare issues and has authored several books on the subject. His work has had
a significant impact on society by making healthcare more accessible and affordable
in India. He founded Narayana Health, which provides high-quality medical care at
affordable prices and has revolutionized the healthcare industry in India through its
innovative models and technology. His work has also focused on addressing the
shortage of healthcare professionals in India by establishing medical schools and
training programs. Dr. Shetty's efforts have helping to improve the overall health and
well-being of many people, especially those from marginalized communities.
The pond man of India, also known as Rajendra Singh, is an environmentalist and
water conservationist. He has dedicated his life to saving the ponds and rivers of
Rajasthan, India, through his organization Tarun Bharat Sangh. Singh has revived
more than 5,000 ponds and brought back water to drought-stricken regions. His
innovative methods, based on traditional wisdom and community involvement, have
inspired people around the world to conserve water and protect the environment.
Singh has received numerous awards for his work, including the Stockholm Water
Prize, and is considered an inspiration for the global environmental movement.
I left with a strong understanding of how entrepreneurship can be used to create positive
social change while generating revenue and building long-term sustainability. Frontline
workers such as social workers play a crucial role in society by providing essential services to
vulnerable populations. They work tirelessly to support individuals and families who are
struggling to cope with difficult life circumstances such as poverty, homelessness, mental
illness, and addiction. Social workers help clients navigate complex systems and connect
them with resources and support networks that can improve their quality of life. Their work is
essential to building strong and resilient communities that are capable of addressing the
challenges facing our society. Also, play a critical role in social entrepreneurship by
identifying community needs and implementing solutions that meet those needs. Social
workers are often the first point of contact for vulnerable populations, providing support and
guidance that can help individuals overcome challenges and improve their lives. Their
expertise and understanding of community dynamics can inform and shape social
entrepreneurship initiatives, ensuring that they are effective and responsive to local needs.
Without their contributions, social enterprises would struggle to identify and address the
complex and interrelated challenges facing communities.
2;00 – 5:00
The topic of the session: Linking Practice with Social Work Models and Theories
Name of the Resource person: Elvis Thomas
The lecture explores the connection between social work practice and various models and
theories. It highlights the importance of a theoretical framework in understanding and
addressing complex social issues. The lecture discusses the strengths and limitations of
different models and theories, including the ecological systems theory, humanistic
perspective, and cognitive-behavioural approach. It also emphasizes the need for social
workers to be reflective practitioners, constantly examining and adapting their approaches to
fit the needs of their clients and the changing social landscape. Overall, the lecture
underscores the intimate relationship between social work practice and theory in promoting
social justice and positive social change.
We were introduced to various approaches such as:
Remedial Approach - The remedial approach in social work models and theories focuses on
addressing individual problems and promoting personal growth
Global Approach - The global approach emphasizes the interconnected nature of social issues
and advocates for systemic change.
Human Rights Approach - The human rights approach centres on ensuring that basic human
rights are upheld for all individuals.
Linking these approaches with practice involves identifying which approach would best
address the specific needs of a client or community and implementing interventions that align
with that approach. This requires a thorough understanding of each approach and the ability
to apply them effectively in different situations.
System theory is a social work model that views individuals as part of a larger system of
relationships and interactions. This approach recognizes the interconnectedness of various
systems, such as family, school, and community. Social workers using this theory aim to
identify and address issues at the systemic level, rather than just focusing on the individual.
They may use interventions such as family therapy, community development, and advocacy
to improve the overall functioning of the system. System theory is often used in a macro-level
practice, addressing larger social issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination.
- Client System: The Client System model focuses on the individual and their
interactions with the various systems they encounter.
- Target System: Target System model focuses on the relationships among different
- Action System: The Action System model aims to promote change within a specific
- Change Agent: This model emphasizes the role of the social worker in facilitating
change. Understanding and incorporating these models can help social workers
effectively assess and intervene with clients and communities.
Linking practice with social work models and theories of system theory can help social
workers to apply a systematic approach to their intervention strategies. Understanding the
different systems involved in a particular social issue or problem, such as the client system,
target system, action system, and change agent, can help social workers identify the root
cause of the problem, design effective intervention plans, and evaluate the outcomes of their
efforts. By using a systemic perspective, social workers can better serve their clients,
collaborate with other professionals, and contribute to positive social change.