Media Literacy Iplan Sy 2022-2023

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Name of Teacher: Mrs. Kristela T.

Reyes Grade Level: 12

Learning Area: English Quarter: 1st
Learning Competency:
Describes how communication is affected by media and information. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1)
Lesson No.: 1 Duration: 1 hour
Key Understanding to With the advent of technology, media and information have become
be Developed essential components of communication. Media provides a platform for
people to share their ideas and thoughts, while information allows people
to connect with others who might share similar interests.
Learning Objectives Knowledge Describes how communication
is affected by media and
Skills Write potential biases and
discuss how these biases
might influence
Attitude Encourage creativity and
critical thinking in selecting
appropriate media and
Resources Needed Reading and writing textbook, ballpen, paper, marker.
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of attendance
 Recap
Show a video clip or present a real-life scenario where
media and information play a significant role in
Engage students in a brief discussion about the impact
of media and information on communication.
(- minutes)
Media Bias Exploration:
In pairs, students analyze different news articles on the
same topic from various sources. They identify
potential biases and discuss how these biases might
influence communication.
Presentation Activity Divide the students into small groups and provide each
group with a set of news articles from different sources
(print, online, social media).
(- minutes) Instruct the groups to analyze the articles and identify
how the information presented affects the message
being communicated.
Encourage them to discuss the credibility, bias, and
potential impact of the media and information on the

Media Role-Play:
Students role-play as journalists, broadcasters, or social
media influencers. They create and present a news
report or social media post, considering the impact of
media and information on communication.
Analysis Facilitate a class discussion to share the findings from
the activity.
Ask guiding questions to help students critically analyze
the influence of media and information on
(- minutes) communication.
Encourage students to provide examples from their own
experiences or current events.
Abstraction Introduce the concept of media literacy and information
(- minutes) Discuss the importance of evaluating and verifying
information from various sources.
Explain how media literacy and information literacy
skills can enhance effective communication.
Practice Application Provide students with a real-life scenario where they
need to communicate a message using different media
(- minutes) and information sources.
Instruct them to analyze the impact of their chosen
media and information on the intended audience.
Encourage creativity and critical thinking in selecting
appropriate media and information.

Media Literacy Scavenger Hunt:

Students form teams and search for examples of media
and information in their surroundings. They analyze the
messages conveyed, discuss their impact on
communication, and present their findings to the class.
Assessment Level of What will I assess How will I assess How will I
Assessment score
Knowledge Assessment: 1. How does 10 points per
media influence number.
the way we

(- minutes) 2. Why is it
important to
evaluate the
credibility of

3. Give an
example of how
bias in media can

True or False:
Media literacy
skills are essential
for effective
communication in
the digital age.

Fill in the blank:

affects the clarity
and effectiveness
of communication.
(Answer: literacy)
Process or
Assignment Reinforcing

(- minutes) Preparing for Ask students to research and analyze a news article
the new lesson from a reputable source.
Instruct them to write a reflection paper discussing how
media and information affect the communication in the
Encourage them to provide examples and support their
arguments with evidence.
Name of Teacher: Mrs. Kristela T. Reyes Grade Level: 12
Learning Area: English Quarter: 1st
Learning Competency:
Identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology
literacy. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-2)
Lesson No.: 2 Duration: 1 hour
Key Understanding to Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are all
be Developed similar in terms of goals. They all share the common goal of cultivating
people’s ability to access, understand, use, evaluate, and create media
messages, information, or content using information technology.
Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy are all
similar to the mastery and understanding of a thing.

Media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy’s differences


Media literacy uses forms of communication and produces ways of

communication. It is about media content.

Information literacy is using, managing, gathering, and verifying

information. It is about library science.

Technology literacy is applying new found knowledge from digital

environments, participating in digital media, organizing, and evaluating
Learning Objectives Knowledge Identifies the similarities and
differences of media literacy,
information literacy, and
technology literacy.
Skills Create a short presentation or
write a reflection paper
discussing the importance and
impact of the chosen example
on society.
Attitude Encourage critical thinking,
creativity, and the application
of the concepts discussed
throughout the lesson.
Resources Needed Reading and writing textbook, ballpen, paper, marker.
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of attendance
 Recap
To engage students, show a short video clip that
highlights the impact of media, information, and
technology in our lives. This could be a news segment,
a documentary, or a relevant TED Talk. After watching
the video, initiate a class discussion about the key
(- minutes) takeaways and how they relate to media literacy,
information literacy, and technology literacy.

Fact or Fake:
Divide the class into two teams and present them with a
series of news headlines. Students must work together
to determine whether each headline is factual or fake.
This activity promotes critical thinking and media
literacy skills.
Presentation Activity Activity: Divide the class into small groups and provide
each group with a set of cards. On each card, write a
statement related to media literacy, information literacy,
(- minutes) or technology literacy. Examples of statements could

"Analyzing the credibility of online sources"

"Understanding the influence of media on public
"Using technology tools to communicate effectively"
Instruct the groups to sort the cards into three
categories: media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy. After they have completed the
sorting activity, ask each group to explain their
reasoning behind the categorization.

Next, give each group a large sheet of paper and

markers. Instruct them to create a mind map or concept
map that visually represents the similarities and
differences between media literacy, information
literacy, and technology literacy. Encourage them to
include examples, keywords, and connections between
the three concepts.

After the groups have completed their maps, have them

present their findings to the class. Facilitate a discussion
to identify common themes and differences among the
Analysis Guide the class in analyzing the information presented
in the activity. Discuss the similarities and differences
that emerged from the group presentations. Encourage
students to reflect on the importance of media literacy,
(- minutes) information literacy, and technology literacy in their
daily lives.
Abstraction Summarize the key points discussed in the previous
activities. Emphasize the interconnectedness of media
(- minutes) literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy,
and how they contribute to being a responsible digital

Practice Application Provide students with a real-life problem related to

media, information, or technology literacy. For
(- minutes) example, ask them to analyze a news article, evaluate its
credibility, and determine its potential impact on public
opinion. Alternatively, you could ask them to create a
social media campaign promoting responsible
information sharing.

Allow students to work individually or in pairs to solve

the problem. Encourage critical thinking, creativity, and
the application of the concepts discussed throughout the

Digital Scavenger Hunt:

Create a list of digital tools and ask students to find
examples of each tool online. They can work
individually or in pairs to search for websites, apps, or
software that represent each category. This activity
enhances technology literacy and information literacy
Assessment Level of What will I assess How will I assess How will I
Assessment score
Knowledge ESSAY TYPE 1. What is the 10 points per
main difference number
between media
literacy and
(- minutes) literacy?

2. Which of the
following is an
example of

3. How are media

literacy, and

4. Give an
example of how
media literacy can
help individuals
critically analyze

5. How can
literacy help
individuals make
informed decisions
in their personal
Process or
Assignment Reinforcing

Enriching Ask students to research and choose one real-life

example where media literacy, information literacy, or
(- minutes) technology literacy played a crucial role. They should
create a short presentation or write a reflection paper
discussing the importance and impact of the chosen
example on society.
Preparing for
the new lesson
Name of Teacher: Mrs. Kristela T. Reyes Grade Level: 12
Learning Area: English Quarter: 1st
Learning Competency:
Identifies characteristics /describes a responsible users and competent producers of media and
information. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3)
Lesson No.: 3 Duration: 1 hour
Key Understanding to A responsible user and competent producer of media and information
be Developed should have these characteristics: Must be Curious. General knowledge.
The ability to write.
Learning Objectives Knowledge Identifies characteristics
/describes a responsible users
and competent producers of
media and information
Skills Create a presentation or poster
to present their findings about
Responsible Media
Attitude Promotes accurate and ethical
Resources Needed Reading and writing textbook, ballpen, paper, marker.
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of attendance
 Recap
To engage students, show a short video clip that
highlights the power and impact of media and
information in society. Discuss the effects of
misinformation, fake news, and the responsibility of
media users and producers in disseminating accurate
(- minutes) information.

Fake News Challenge:

Present students with news headlines and ask them to
determine whether the news is real or fake. Discuss the
clues and strategies they used to make their judgments.
Presentation Activity Workshop: Responsible Media Consumption
Divide the class into groups and assign each group a
specific media platform (e.g., social media, news
(- minutes) websites, online forums). Instruct each group to
research and identify three characteristics of responsible
media consumption for their assigned platform. Each
group should create a presentation or poster to present
their findings to the class.

Instructions for the workshop activity:

a) Research and identify three characteristics of
responsible media consumption for the assigned
b) Create a presentation or poster that highlights these
c) Prepare to present your findings to the class.
Analysis After the presentations, facilitate a class discussion on
the common characteristics of responsible media
consumption across different platforms. Encourage
students to reflect on their own media habits and discuss
(- minutes) strategies to become more responsible media
Abstraction Introduce the concept of competent producers of media
and information. Discuss the qualities and skills
(- minutes) required to create accurate and ethical content. Provide
examples of responsible media producers and their
contributions to society.

Practice Application Real-Life Problem: Present a scenario where students

need to create a social media campaign to raise
(- minutes) awareness about a relevant social issue. Ask them to
apply their understanding of responsible media
consumption and competent media production to
develop a campaign that promotes accurate and ethical
Assessment Level of What will I assess How will I assess How will I
Assessment score
Process or
(- minutes) Products/ Media Ethics Divide the class Rubric:
Performances Debate: into two groups Content:30
and assign them Teamwork:10
different media- Presentation:
related ethical 10
dilemmas (e.g.,
privacy invasion, Total: 50
Each group should
prepare arguments
defending their
position and
engage in a class
Assignment Reinforcing

Enhancing Students will create a media diary for a week. They
(- minutes) should record the types of media they consume, analyze
the content for responsible characteristics, and reflect
on their media consumption habits. They can also
suggest improvements to become more responsible
media consumers.
Preparing for
the new lesson
Name of Teacher: Mrs. Kristela T. Reyes Grade Level: 12
Learning Area: English Quarter: 1st
Learning Competency:
Shares to class media habits, lifestyles and preferences. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-4)
Lesson No.: 4 Duration: 1 hour
Key Understanding to Media habits are ways of media consumption by people. The media
be Developed explosion has given various choices to media audiences and thus they can
choose what they want to consume. The patterns of media consumption
are their media habits.
Learning Objectives Knowledge Discuss class media habits,
lifestyles and preferences.
Skills Provide examples of how
media literacy can empower
individuals to make informed
decisions about media
Attitude Appreciate how media habits
have evolved over time.
Resources Needed Reading and writing textbook, ballpen, paper, marker.
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of attendance
 Recap
Show a short video or present a series of images
depicting various media platforms, such as television,
social media, newspapers, and magazines. Ask students
to identify their preferred media platforms and explain
why they prefer them.
(- minutes)
Presentation Activity Divide the class into small groups and assign each
group a specific media platform (e.g., television, social
media, print media).
(- minutes) Instruct the groups to create a poster or infographic that
showcases the media habits, lifestyles, and preferences
associated with their assigned platform.
Each group should include statistics, case studies, and
examples to support their findings.
After completing their posters, ask each group to
present their findings to the class.
Analysis Lead a class discussion based on the presented posters
and encourage students to analyze the similarities and
differences among the different media platforms.
Discuss the impact of media habits, lifestyles, and
(- minutes) preferences on individuals and society as a whole.
Encourage critical thinking and reflection on the
influence of media on personal choices and behaviors.
Abstraction Introduce the concept of media literacy and its
importance in understanding and evaluating media
(- minutes) messages.
Discuss the role of media literacy in shaping media
habits, lifestyles, and preferences.
Provide examples of how media literacy can empower
individuals to make informed decisions about media
Practice Application Present a real-life scenario where students need to
analyze media habits, lifestyles, and preferences to
(- minutes) solve a problem. For example, ask them to develop a
media campaign targeting a specific audience based on
their preferences and habits.

Assessment Level of What will I assess How will I assess How will I
Assessment score
Process or
(- minutes) Products/ Media Lifestyle Instruct students 50 points.
Performances Blog/Vlog to create a blog
post or vlog
episode where
they document a
day in their media-
filled lifestyle.
They can include
details about their
habits, and
preferences, as
well as reflections
on the impact of
media on their
daily lives.
Assignment Reinforcing

Enhancing Media Habits Timeline:
(- minutes) Ask students to create a timeline of their media habits
from childhood to the present. They can use images,
captions, and short descriptions to illustrate how their
media habits have evolved over time.
Preparing for
the new lesson
Name of Teacher: Mrs. Kristela T. Reyes Grade Level: 12
Learning Area: English Quarter: 2nd
Learning Competency:
Searches latest theory on information and media. (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb7)
Lesson No.: 5 Duration: 1 hour
Key Understanding to Media and information literacy provides the backbone to understanding
be Developed media and the role of media in our society. MIL also provides some of the
essential skills necessary for critical thinking, analysis, self-expression
and creativity – all necessary skills for citizens in a democratic society.
Learning Objectives Knowledge Explain the latest theory on
information and media.
Skills Write a reflection paper on the
importance of staying updated
with the latest theories on
information and media.
Attitude Appreciate how these theories
can be applied in their
personal lives and future
Resources Needed Reading and writing textbook, ballpen, paper, marker.
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of attendance
 Recap
Show a video clip or present a real-life scenario
highlighting the impact of misinformation and the
importance of staying updated with the latest theories
on information and media.
Engage students in a brief discussion about the video or
(- minutes) scenario, encouraging them to share their thoughts and

Organize a debate where students argue about the
relevance and effectiveness of different information and
media literacy theories. Encourage them to support their
arguments with evidence and examples.
Presentation Activity Workshop on Searching for Latest Theories

 Divide the students into small groups.

(- minutes)  Provide each group with laptops or access to
computers with internet connectivity.
 Instruct the groups to search for the latest theories
on information and media under the DepEd
Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide.
 Encourage students to explore reliable educational
websites, scholarly articles, and research papers.
 Each group should compile a list of at least three
theories and present their findings to the class.
 Allocate sufficient time for group discussions and
Case Study Analysis:
Provide students with a case study involving a media-
related issue. In small groups, they must analyze the
case study using the theories they have learned and
propose solutions.
Analysis Facilitate a class discussion to analyze the theories
presented by each group.
Encourage students to compare and contrast the
theories, identifying commonalities and differences.
(- minutes) Discuss the implications of these theories in the context
of media and information literacy.
Guide students in abstracting the key concepts and
(- minutes) principles from the discussed theories.
Encourage critical thinking and analysis of the theories'
relevance in the current media landscape.
Practice Application Real-life Problem Solving

(- minutes) Provide students with a real-life scenario related to

media and information literacy.
Instruct them to apply the theories they have learned to
analyze and propose solutions to the problem.
Encourage creativity and critical thinking in their
Assessment Level of What will I assess How will I assess How will I
Assessment score
Knowledge Assessment True or False: 5 points per
1. Theories on number.
information and
media are static
and do not change
(- minutes) over time.

Fill in the blank:

2. Media and
literacy theories
help individuals
become ________
consumers and
creators of media

Multiple Choice:
1. Which of the
following is NOT
a source of reliable
information for
researching media
and information
literacy theories?
a) Scholarly
b) Social media
c) Research papers
d) Educational
Process or
Assignment Reinforcing

Enhancing Ask students to write a reflection paper on the
(- minutes) importance of staying updated with the latest theories
on information and media. They should discuss how
these theories can be applied in their personal lives and
future careers.
Preparing for
the new lesson
Name of Teacher: Mrs. Kristela T. Reyes Grade Level: 12
Learning Area: English Quarter: 2nd
Learning Competency:
Demonstrates ethical use of information. (MIL11/12IL-IIIc-9)
Lesson No.: 6 Duration: 1 hour
Key Understanding to Foundational issues in information ethics include intellectual property,
be Developed information privacy, and security. From an ethical perspective, the
librarian stands at the crossroads of intellectual property, intellectual
freedom, and corporate social responsibility.
Learning Objectives Knowledge Explain how they ensured the
ethical use of information.
Skills Demonstrates ethical use of
Attitude Value the importance of
verifying the accuracy of the
statements using credible
Resources Needed Reading and writing textbook, ballpen, paper, marker.
Preparation Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Checking of attendance
 Recap
Fact-Checking Challenge:

Provide students with a list of statements or news

articles and ask them to fact-check the information.
Instruct them to verify the accuracy of the statements
(- minutes) using credible sources.
Discuss the results as a class, highlighting the
importance of verifying information before accepting it
as true.
Presentation Activity Ethical Use Workshop

Divide the students into small groups and provide each

(- minutes) group with a scenario related to ethical use of
Instruct the groups to discuss the scenario and come up
with possible actions that demonstrate ethical behavior.
After the discussion, ask each group to present their
scenario and the actions they recommend.
Facilitate a class discussion to analyze the different
perspectives and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each action.
Analysis Introduce the concept of critical evaluation of sources
and discuss strategies for determining the credibility
and reliability of information.
Provide examples of credible and non-credible sources
(- minutes) and guide students in analyzing them.
Teach students about proper citation and referencing
(- minutes) techniques to give credit to the original sources of
Discuss different citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA) and
provide examples of how to cite different types of
sources (e.g., books, websites, articles).
Practice Application Real-Life Problem
(- minutes) Present a real-life problem or scenario where students
need to gather information, evaluate its credibility, and
use it ethically.
Guide students in finding relevant sources, analyzing
their credibility, and using the information responsibly.

Ethical Dilemma Debate:

Divide the class into two groups and assign them

opposing viewpoints on an ethical issue related to
information use.
Conduct a debate where students have to present
arguments supporting their assigned viewpoint.
Encourage critical thinking and respectful discussion.

Assessment Level of What will I assess How will I assess How will I
Assessment score
Process or
(- minutes) Products/ Copyright vs. Fair Create a game 5 points per
Performances Use Game: where students are correct
presented with answer.
different scenarios
involving the use
of copyrighted
Students have to
determine whether
the use falls under
fair use or if it
would require
permission from
the copyright
This activity helps
understand the
boundaries of fair
use and the
importance of
property rights.
Assignment Reinforcing

Enhancing Assign students to research a specific topic and create a
(- minutes) presentation or report.
Instruct them to properly cite all the sources they use
and explain how they ensured the ethical use of
Preparing for
the new lesson

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