Quadratics Expression
Quadratics Expression
Quadratics Expression
Expression of the form y = ax+
Quadratic Equations
bx + c. a z 0, a, b, c e R is
known as quadratic expression. Quadratic expression when
equated to a constant value, it becomes a quadratic equation i.e.
a+ bxtc= 0, a0 isaquadratic
• For ar+ bx + c=0, a is known as leading term or leading
coefticient, c is constant term.
Sign of the leading coef cient decides the opening of
the parabola.
Irrational roots occur in conjugate pair, i.e., if one root
is - 2 + V3, then second will de nitely -2 - V3.
Rational roots occur when D= 0 or a perfect square.
4. Ifa quadratic equation is satis ed by more than 2 roots,
• Since quadratic equation is 2nd degree equation, it will
then it bccomes an identity.
have two roots.
5 The point, where parabola cuts axis ( intercept of
• Jb - 4ac isknownasdiscriminant(D)anditdetemines parabola) is the value of constant term (c) in Q.E.
the nature of roots.
6 Coordinates of vertex of the parabola are given as
• Quadratic equation can be solved either by using quadratic
formula or by splitting the middle term. This is also used to nd max/min value of
From the equation above, we know that a = 1, b= 5 + Substituting in given quadratic equation.
h) and e =5 + h.
For cqual roots: b4ac =0 Maximum value =
ie. [-(5 + h)j² - 4(1)(5 + ) = 0
Illustration 5: Both the roots of the quadratic cquation
(5 + h) - 4(5 + h) = 0
x- 12r + k= 0 are primenumbers.The sum of all such
P+ 10h + 25 - 20 – 4h = 0
values of k is
P+ 6h + 5 = 0
→ (h+ 5)(h + 1) = 0 Sol. Prime numbers are positive numbers.
→h=-5 or h = - I ..a + = 12
Illustration 3: Solve for x, if x can take only real values a, ß must be prime, only possible case is a = 5 and
214- 10x?- 28 = (0. (NMTC 2010) B= 7 or vice versa.
Sol. Substitute k = to transform the complicated cquation
: k= productof roots = a B
to 2k- 1Ok - 28 = 0
.:. k-Sk - 14 = 0
. k= 35
.:. (k- 7)(k + 2) =0 which is only one possibility
(3)c (4)
(0) 25+p° (2) 25-p?
8. If the roots of the cquation px + 2qx + r = 0 and (3) 5+p (4) 5-p
qr-2/prx+q = 0 be rcal, then 18. If theequation(1 +m²) x+ (2mc)x + (e-a) =0 has
cqual roots then
() p=9 (2) -pr (1) -a= | +m² (2) =a(| + m)
(3) =r (4) =pg
(3) a= (|+m) (4) +=1 +m²
9. If oneroot of theequation x + ar +b= 0 is % times
the other. Then the correct relations among the following 19. If (r + 2) is afactorof kr²- /2x+ I, thenthevalue
is of k is
() 3a²=16b (2) l6a²= 3b
(3) 3a = 166 (4) 16a= 36 () (2) (3)
10. Sum of the roots of the equation 4– 3(2x + 3)+ 128 = 0,
20. Ifa, B are the roots of the equation
is |Maharashtra 2014])
11. The
) 0 (2)
7 (3)
between the two roots of
(4) 8
ax + bx +c=0, then +P
aß +b aca +b
66 Mathematics
() (3) (4) (3)
(4) None of these
21. Va-b +fb -of is [Andhra Pradesh 2008]
30. If-X-a +a then the value of x in terms of a and b is
(1) (2) (3) (4) x and its hypotenuse is 13 cm. ldentify the quadratic
6 representation of the given statement.
24. If one root of the equation
() x(x-7) =13 (2) x²+(x- 7)²= 132
a(b -c)x*+ b (c- a) x + c (a -b) = 0 is 1, then the other
root is
(3) x²+(* +7 = 13 (4) +(x+7²- 132
33. If and B are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial
b(c-a) (2)
a(b-c) c(a-b) f) =- - 4, then the value of - aß is
(1) + 2ac=b² (2) b?- a = 2hc 37. Find the maximum value of expression 5 + 20xr – 4r2?
() (2
() 3 (2) -3 (3) -2 (4) 2
Quadratic Equations 6
1. What is the solution of the equation 10. Twoquadraticequationsx*-bx +6=0 and x-6x tc-0
3 x $2r-l-2 x $ - I= 0.2? have a common root. If the remaining roots of the rst and
second equations are positive integers and are in the ration
(1) x=5 (2) x= I
3:4 respectively, then the common root is |NTSE 2017|
(3) x=-I (4) x = 0
(1) (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
-3r-4=0 haveone root in common,are 13. Thegraph of thecquation y = 2r+4r +3 has its lowest
[NTSE 2018] point at |NSEJS 2010)
(1) (- 1,9) (2) (1, 9)
(3) (- 1, 1) (4) (0, 3)
(3) -3, (4)
14. If the difference of the roots of the equation
5. If a and B are roots of a (r 1) + 2bx = 0 and the
-bx + c= 0 be I, then
quadraticequationwhoserootsare 2a -and 28-! (1) -4c + | =0 (2) b²+4c =0
(3) b²-4c-| =0 (4) b²- 4c =0
is px + qx + r=0 then p + q +ris equal to
(1) 26 (2) 6a - 86 15. Ifr -5x + |=0, then + hasthevalue
(3) 6b - 8a (4) ĮNSEJS 2012|
6 Therealrootsof theequation 2+*-2=0 are (1) 2524 (2) 2525
(1) ,8 (2) -1, -8 (3) 2424 (4) 2010
(3) -1, 8 (4) I,-8 16. Let a, ß be the roots of the cquation
7. Let a, ß be therootsof thecquation r- px + r= 0 (r-aXx-b) +e = 0,c *0.
Theroots oftheequation( - a) (x-B) –c= 0 are
and 22 betherootsoftheequation - qx +r=0.
Then, the value ofr is
() a, c (2) b, c
*B-a8,2 is
19. If a, B, Y are the roots of the
(r+ 6x- 1)= 0,then, (a + ß+)equals [NSEJS 2011|
(1)-4 (2) 23/6 (3) 13
- 2)
20. Ifa and ß aretherootsof thequadraticcquation x²-6x -2 =0 31. Ifx+ 4r +7 is anevennumber, which of the following
and if [NTSE 2016] must be an odd number? INMTC 20131
()) 3r? - Sx - 33 + 9r- 212
a, = a-Bn, thenthevalueof 0 "24g (2) x+x+ 60+ 3x -9
(1) 6.0 (2) 5.2 (3) (4
5.0 3.0 (3) 6r- 2x - 80 + 6r - Sr?
21. Ifx <0 and log, (r - 5x - 65) = 0, then x is (4) x- 10x - 17 + 14x- 46
(1) -13 (2 (3) -6 (4) -5 32. Ifa., B be the roots of the quadratic equation x²-2x + | =0,
22. For theequation(x + x-6=0 |NTSE 2014) then the quadratic cquation whose roots are a + B and
(1) Three are four roots aß is:
(2) the sum of the roots is -1 (I) x²+2x + | =0 (2) x²+ 2x - I =0
(3) the product of the roots is 4 (3) x²-2x - 1 =0 (4) None of these
(4) the product of the roots is -6 33. The number of solutions of the equation
23. If 22r - I + 2l - 2r = 2, then the value of x is
Jy+3+y =I is
0 34.
() 1
(2) 0 (3) 2
(x-1)(m -1) m
() m= (2) m=--
(1) 0 (2) (3) 2 (4)
35. Thevalueof ys+ 2y8+2/s+2\s+28+. is
(3) m=(0 (4) m=|
25. If one of the roots of the equation x - px + q = 0 is |NTSE 2014]
m times the other root then m/(| + m) is cqual to (1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 8 (4) 10
(1) (2)
36. If(-I² +(-3 +(¢-5) +(-7 =0, then xyzt + 16
is equal to |NTSE 2013]
27. The difference between the larger root and the smaller (1) a+b=0 (2) a=b
(3) k=-3 (4) k=0
of.a-pr+p'-) 4
= 0, is 39. Sum of the roots of the cquation 4* - 3(2* + 3) + 128 = 0,
is ĮNTSE 2014]
(1) 0 (2) (4)
(3) 2
28. ax' + bx +c= 0, where a, b, c are real, has real roots if (1) 0 (2) 7 (3) 5 (4) 8