Ps 2010-00942
Ps 2010-00942
Ps 2010-00942
*Schothorst Feed Research, Meerkoetenweg 26, 8218 NA, Lelystad, the Netherlands;
†Animal Health Service, Arnsbergstraat 7, 7400 AA, Deventer, the Netherlands;
and ‡Purac Biochem BV, Arkelsedijk 46, 4206 AC, Gorinchem, the Netherlands
ABSTRACT Clostridium perfringens, an α-toxin pro- that a LauL dose higher than 0.15% should be used to
ducing gram-positive bacterium, is an enteric pathogen expect positive effects on lesion severity and mortality.
for poultry. Because subclinical C. perfringens infec- None of the LauL doses led to a significant better re-
tions often result in damage of the intestinal mucosa, sponse on growth performance. In a third trial, efficacy
decreased nutrient digestion, and poor performance, ef- of LauL was compared with commercial products that
2402 Lensing et al.
saturation. Bayliss (1936) investigated the relation be- acids bound to MDG) and C10–C12 FFA (50:50 mix
tween the chemical composition of a soap and its germi- of C10–C12 FFA) on Clostridium-infected chickens. A
cidal properties. For the saturated soaps, he found the total of 600 one-day-old male Ross 308 broiler chickens
maximum antimicrobial activity with sodium myristate were randomly assigned to 5 treatments with 6 repli-
(C14:0) fatty acids. cated cages each. The experiment was carried out from
Among the esters of fatty acids, the naturally occur- 0 to 20 d of age. From day of arrival to d 9, chicks were
ring glycerol esters are the most well known and widely fed a starter diet without any supplements and from d 9
used. In particular, monoesters with medium-chain onward, a grower diet was given. After standardization
fatty acids (MCFA) have been used as antimicrobials to 17 birds per cage at d 9, chicks were challenged with
(Kabara and Marshall, 2005). Other less well-known Eimeria maxima and C. perfringens. Control treatments
esters of fatty acids are the lactylates; these are esters were infected-nontreated (INT) or noninfected-non-
of lactic acid in which the C2-hydroxy group of lactic treated (NINT). Three other infected treatments (IT)
acid is esterified to a fatty acid. The main commercial received the grower diet supplemented with 0.3% FFA
use of lactylates is in the bakery industry, with C18 (IT + FFA), 0.3% of MDG (IT + MDG), or 0.3% LauL
fatty acids (Boutte and Skogerson, 2004). Lactylates (IT + LauL). Products were produced and supplied by
made with MCFA have been used in cosmetics (patent Purac Biochem (Gorinchem, the Netherlands). Dosages
application EP0595528). were chosen based on results from in vitro studies in
Ingredient (%)
Maize 19.35 18.54 — —
Soybean meal, Hipro1 25.73 25.73 19.50 19.53
Sunflower seed meal — — 5.26 5.26
Wheat 47.76 48.57 35.88 35.77
Wheat middlings — — 1.09 1.09
Barley — — 24.24 24.24
Maize starch — — 3.83 3.82
Soybean oil 1.19 1.19 4.81 4.59
Animal fat 1.77 1.77 1.86 1.86
Limestone 1.34 1.83 1.12 1.13
Monocal 0.61 0.62 0.78 0.78
Salt 0.11 0.28 0.12 0.13
Premix vitamins and minerals2 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.70
Premix Lys (HCl 79%) 0.28 0.28 0.31 0.33
Premix Met (dl 99%) 0.22 0.22 0.27 0.28
Premix Thr (l 98%) 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.15
Three in vivo experiments were performed in suc- Yij = μ + Blocki + Treatmentj + eij,
cession. The experimental protocols and all procedures
complied with the guidelines of the Ethical Committee with Yij = response parameter; μ = mean; Blocki =
for Animal Experiments (Lelystad, the Netherlands). effect of block (i = 1 to 6); Treatmentj = effect of
treatment (j = 5, 11, and 8 for experiments 1, 2, and 3,
respectively); and eij = residual error.
Statistical Analysis The model used for experiments 2 and 3 was as fol-
The incidence of C. perfringens (% of birds scored
>0) and mortality rate were analyzed by Fisher’s ex- Yij = μ + Blocki + Dosej + eij,
act test, whereas the severity of lesions, measurements
on production performance, and other parameters were with Yij = response parameter; μ = mean; Blocki =
analyzed by ANOVA using GenStat statistical software effect of block (i = 1 to 6); Dosej = effect of dose (j =
(GenStat version 12, Hemel Hempstead, UK). Raw 9 and 3 for experiments 2 and 3, respectively); and eij
data of BW and feed intake were analyzed for outliers. = residual error.
Outliers were marked significant when exceeding 2.5 × The model used for experiment 3 was as follows:
SD of the treatment mean and were excluded from the
data set. Treatment means were compared by the least Yijk = μ + Blocki + Coccidiostatj + Testk
significant difference. The statistical model(s) used per
experiment were as follows, based on the entire data + Interactionjk + eijk,
sets or subsets for each experiment.
The model used for experiments 1, 2, and 3 was as with Yijk = response parameter; μ = mean; Blocki =
follows: effect of block (i = 1 to 6); Coccidiostatj = effect of coc-
Table 2. The percentage of birds scored positive for Clostridium perfringens lesions and the lesion
severity in the infected-nontreated (INT) group and noninfected-nontreated group (NINT) presented
as mean values of lesion scoring at d 15 and 16 (1 and 2 d postinfection, n = 48)
Lesion severity
Item Positive birds (%) (scale 0 to 4) P-value
Experiment 1
NINT 0 0.0 <0.001
INT 42 1.3
Experiment 2
NINT 0 0.0 <0.001
INT 62 1.8
Experiment 3
NINT 0 0.0 <0.001
INT 83 2.2
cidiostat (j = yes, no); Testk = effect of test product (k the NINT control (Table 3), as expected, whereas the
= with or without LauL); Interactionjk = coccidiostat INT treatment had the lowest BWG. All dietary treat-
× test effect; and eijk = residual error. ments, FFA, MDG, and LauL resulted in a higher FI
Lesion scoring
NINT — 0b 0b 0.0 0.0c
INT — 16ab 68a 0.5 2.1a
IT + FFA 0.3 23a 60a 0.5 2.0a
IT + MDG 0.3 33a 58a 0.5 1.7b
IT + LauL 0.3 17ab 41a 0.4 1.1b
SEM NA2 NA 0.18 0.25
P-value ≤0.05 ≤0.05 0.30 <0.001
BWG FI Mortality
Performance d 9 to 20 (g) d 9 to 20 (g) d 9 to 20 (%)
by challenge (P < 0.001). No lesions were observed in ly), being lower than the ABP group but slightly higher
NINT and NIT treatments, whereas 80% was infected than the LauL treatments and the INT control (data
in the INT control treatment (mean of d 15, 16, and not shown). The highest mortality rate of 32.4% was
17). Supplementation of LauL (0.3 or 0.2%), ABP, or C observed in the ABP treatment, which was higher than
or the combination of 0.3% LauL and C did not reduce in the 0.2% LauL or 0.3% LauLC group (P ≤ 0.05).
the number of infected birds when compared with the Supplementing 0.3% LauL or C resulted in a similar
INT control. Lesion severity of infected birds treated mortality rate as the INT control (Table 5).
with ABP had more severe lesions (2.5) than the INT Results of production parameters of the infected
control and 0.3 or 0.2% LauL treatments (varied from treatments are presented in Table 5. No differences
2.0 to 2.2). Supplementation of C with or without 0.3% in growth performance were observed between treat-
LauL gave intermediate results (2.2 and 2.3, respective- ments.
Table 4. Birds observed with necrotic enteritis (%) and the mean severity of lesions scored in all
necropsied birds at d 15, 16, and 17 (1 to 3 d postinfection, n = 72) and the final BW of the remain-
ing birds at d 37 (experiment 2)
Dosage Positive Severity BW d 37
Treatment1 (%) birds (%) (scale 0 to 4) (g)
Table 5. Production performance of infected birds not treated (INT) or treated with test products (experiment 3)1
Treatment INT IT + 0.3 LauL IT + 0.2 LauL IT + ABP IT + C IT + 0.3 LauLC SEM P-value
which impedes nutrient absorption and digestion (Van A chemical coccidiostat was preferred over an iono-
Immerseel et al., 2004). Besides that, the inflammatory phore because the latter has strong antibiotic proper-
response and activation of the immune system result in ties. Adding an ionophore to the diet could have killed
high energy costs and reduced efficiency of protein uti- off the inoculated C. perfringens even before causing
lization that may lead to a reduced supply of nutrients intestinal damage, creating too big of a risk of failure
for maintenance and growth. of the infection model. In this third experiment, neither
To be able to determine whether the lactylate used in an effect of LauL nor a coccidiostat was observed. The
the current study has potential to be effective against absence of an effect of LauL and the coccidiostat is
C. perfringens, the results on incidence and lesion sever- hard to explain but could have been caused by a stron-
ity were compared with the INT controls. In the first ger infection. The infection was worse in this study, re-
experiment, LauL containing C12–C14 fatty acids es- sulting in 83% of birds showing an average lesion score
terified to lactic acid was tested against C10–C12 MDG of 2.2, whereas experiments 1 and 2 resulted in 42 and
or C10–C12 FFA. Based on lesion severity and mortal- 56% of birds with lesions of 1.3 and 1.6, respectively
ity rate, it seemed that this lactylate had the greatest (Table 2). The infection in the third study might have
potential to reduce negative effects of a C. perfringens been too strong to find a preventive effect of LauL or a
infection. This led to a dose response study with LauL, coccidiostat against an infection of C. perfringens.
which showed a clear significant reduction in lesion se- Although no effect of lactylate was seen in the third