Place Branding: From Digital Architecture and Digital Entertainment To Instrumental Value: (Case Study: Instagram in Uencer)
Place Branding: From Digital Architecture and Digital Entertainment To Instrumental Value: (Case Study: Instagram in Uencer)
Place Branding: From Digital Architecture and Digital Entertainment To Instrumental Value: (Case Study: Instagram in Uencer)
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All content following this page was uploaded by Onie Dian Sanitha on 19 June 2023.
This article emphasizes a practical understanding of digital entertainment and digital architecture as a collaborative
strategy in discovering and developing the instrumental values of a place, region, or city. Through digital case study
method of social media-Instagram and the Digital Influencer phenomenon with linear narrative techniques, it leads to
the formulation concept of digital culture which has an impact to discovering the hidden knowledge as instrumental of
place value, place branding and the formulation of the concept good content good architecture.
Keywords: Digital entertainment, Digital architecture, Good architecture, Social media, Instagram,
influencer that can be used to design buildings, building with invisible material, shape, texture, color
especially commercial buildings. and cultural values [13].
In the physical context, the behavior of users or
3. LITERATURE REVIEW occupants greatly influences the design process that is
Since many people believe that brand are made in able to adapt and be in harmony with the environment,
the mind, many companies try to manage their products natural resources and ecosystems [14]. Non-physical
from the side of consumer needs. Such as find the aspects can be in the form of culture and art or art that is
impression from customer-generated with social media abstract and has an influence on knowledge and ideas in
that triggered brand focused [5]. Instagram bring people's daily lives. Several points of view that can have
opportunities for many people to grow, including an influence include busy work activities (economics),
providing experiences that build a brand. This kinship and social organization, language, belief, art,
experience would be a material to develop some marriage and science and technology [15]. In the case of
business. The person behind this instagram platform art, the reference is aesthetics whose estuary lies in
becomes a bridge to sending from the provider to the desire and beauty, both those that can be enjoyed by the
recipient depending on the type of material being eyes and ears, as well as simple to complex
addressed. Artists, Celebrities, Musicians, are embodiments. When it comes to behavior, Freud's
influencers who are currently the most likely to be able psychoanalytic theory is used as reinforcement that a
to convey the message of a product, place, or company person's behavior is indeed influenced by the past
to the world. Through his fame, an influencer can use context which will unconsciously shape reactions [16].
his followers to watch, see, hear, and even enjoy This reaction in the context of the impression of a place
information that is packaged in such a way that it can be can take the form of admiration or even a traumatic one.
understood by his followers. This figure has power to When science makes us understand that all universal
influence many people, so it is not surprising that many laws can make us know many things, then art that
providers use influencer services for branding activities touches the -imagination is able to make us understand
[6]. As Kirby [7] said in his research, there are 3 things something that is particular and complex [17], for
that can be used as media in branding, Architecture, example a good novel is a novel that does not talk about
Franchise, Celebrity and this research discusses universal love like principles of psychology studies, but
celebrities as part of influencers who are very thick with a good novel is a novel that talks about the love that is
Instagram social media. experienced in particular by certain people who are
A space atmosphere designed to create an different from others [18]. Likewise, in the case of
impression depending on the desired concept [8]. This is celebrities' daily lives, which are shared with their
actually similar to the principle of branding concept, followers, they become a particular presentation so that
creating an impression through the presence of an their followers feel something in common with their
atmosphere [9]. However, this atmosphere requires a idol or even become very close. This closeness and
media deliver that is believed to be able to bring similarity is what in Freud's theory called by an
feedback that directs a desired impression [10]. This unconscious condition [16], but when the unconscious
desired impression is actually an important point in finds a similarity then in a consciousness a reaction
branding. For example, a study that shows how arises forms admiration (if positive) or dislike (when the
awareness of a brand will continue and increase by context is negative, traumatic) [19].
always bringing it to life through the selection of the
right influencers and celebrities so that the impression 4. METHODOLOGY
of the brand can be present continuously [6]. Spatial and
This article is a small part of social media impact in
regional planning is an indirect expression of non-
design architecture. By exploring the theories and some
physical forms such as the social and cultural order of
research, will formed the initial criteria as a basic
the community. The applied rules are able to regulate
finding in forming the impression of a place due to
the form of space and mass in the building according to
social media influencers.
the cosmology that is obeyed [11] as well as its
hierarchy and use. This is quite often seen in traditional In this study, 2 selected study objects ASHTA
settlements. In theory, a spatial arrangement is included District 8 SCBD in South Jakarta and Malioboro in
in the planning stage. Social, cultural, and historical Yogyakarta, which are located in Indonesia will
values of the past (linkage history) together with the explored to about 80 participants on Instagram to find
individuals who live in it and integrated with each other out how Instagram users are familiar with the two study
are important elements in interpreting a space becomes objects. The Instagram account used the author’s
a place [12]. Each place has its own personality and account with followers from Yogyakarta, Jakarta,
uniqueness, one of which is found in the design of a Makassar, Surabaya, and Sulawesi. Using the Insta-Poll
filter on Instagram, the questions asked were: where did
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 671
they know these two objects, with limited answer randomly chose to participate. At this stage, we again
choices, namely Instagram Influencers and others. use the Instagram filter in the form of an "ask question"
to find user impressions about the two research objects.
From 86 viewers, there were 48 voters who chose Figure 2 Multiple answer resumes using Instagram Ask
Artist as a source of information about Malioboro, and 8 Question filter.
others were from other information. Meanwhile for the
second poll, there were 68 voters who chose Instagram From a total of 80 participants who answered the
influencers as a source of information about Astha Mall, two questions, several key words that represent the
while 4 chose other information. Then the next stage we answers of the participants were collected which are
conducted indirect interviews with Instagram users who summarized as follows:
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 671
The keywords in Table 1 can be included in the
criteria that lead to a typology in the architecture that
can support user impressions through the atmosphere of Figure 4 Ice berg illustration to describe brand
space. Because the impression leads to a human impression.
perception, it will be easy to illustrate it through the
Polling Data and Ask Questions from Instagram
illustration of ice berg by Freud [16].
filter psychoanalytically can read a pattern where
someone will always come to a place based on his
"wants". This desire is something that is fun, then they
fulfill the basics of that pleasure through screening and
viewing social media and then they are influenced and
decide to go to a place that suits them. Then comes an
initial formulation regarding the criteria for integrating
the sample with theoretical review through the
Psychoanalytic filter, namely something that is
photogenic, aesthetic, panoramic viewpoint, and fun.
Then the brand provider captured the pattern as material
for developing a space design that takes into account the
aspects of the visitors' needs based on the impressions
of the influencers' followers.
Figure 3 Ice berg illustration [20]. In the results of a data survey through Instagram in 2
places, this study found that:
The Ice Berg illustration in psychoanalytic theory
describes the human personality, according to Freud, Place Branding cannot be done by just an
there are 3 forms of human personality that can be architect himself (or formal parties who are
understood in the ice berg. ID (identity-unconscious used to being involved in urban planning) , it
level) illustration that has existed since humans were is need to be support by media in the form of
born, does not recognize values and is dominated by the "Digital Entertainment" such as Instagram
pleasure factor. Ego (pre conscious level) as an element using Influencers as the acceleration to form
that begins to grow so that there is a desire to fulfill the people's perceptions of place to be place
realistic logical demands. In this case the Ego directs the branding.
ID to be more realistic. The next element is the Super “Visual Sense of Amazement” can be a
Ego (conscious level) which grows in humans, in this valuable instrumental concept in considering
superego there is a conscience, the desire to achieve the formation of a brand where the instrument
perfection and this develops naturally, in the super ego points have been described above.
there is also guilt
Instagram Influencer is the figure who are able
When the brand concept is designed by considering to play and shape a perception relying on
personal factors that touch these three elements, that's Digital Media which show the architectural
when there is an attachment that affects many people objects because of his character is able to build
because they feel there are similarities. In general, the a feeling of empathy by creating something in a
individual will pay more attention to something that he content that is able to provide benefits for his
considers familiar and important, so that it becomes followers. Thus, the role of Instagram
easy to remember and unconsciously able to revive the Influencers is very helpful in shaping a
memory that is actually stored at the unconscious level. perception to form the Place Branding.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 671
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