Secrets and Masks
Secrets and Masks
Secrets and Masks
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Character: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Astoria
Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Harry Potter, Tom Riddle |
Voldemort, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt,
Cormac McLaggen, Rubeus Hagrid, Dean Thomas, Pansy Parkinson,
Luna Lovegood, Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix Black Lestrange,
Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy
Additional Tags: Violence, War, Mental Health Issues, Suicide, Substance Abuse,
Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD,
Smut, Blood, Death, Torture, Manipulation, Psychological Trauma,
Explicit Language, Rough Sex, Suicidal Thoughts, Violent Thoughts,
Violent Sex, Legilimency (Harry Potter), Occlumency (Harry Potter),
Potions, Graphic Description, Character Death, Major Character Injury,
Rape/Non-con Elements, Slavery, Blood and Violence
Language: English
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Stats: Published: 2021-06-23 Completed: 2022-11-12 Words: 459,643
Chapters: 75/75
9 years after the battle of Hogwarts, the war still rages on and everyone is much changed
since their days at Hogwarts.
Hermione is the most lethal soldier in The Order, spending her days on rescue missions to
free captured Muggleborn slaves and fight on the front line. For years, she's been meeting
in secret with a spy within Voldemort's ranks to exchange information.
But when she's captured and made prisoner at Malfoy Manor, of all the dark and evil ways
she'd envisioned Malfoy would torture her, she never quite imagined anything this horrific.
I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that I was originally inspired to write this fic after
I read the masterpiece that is Manacled, so I would like to thank SenLinYu for her amazing
work! The memory searching aspect of Manacled is what inspired me, and although I have
adapted that, (and also made Draco head Death Eater, because... ya know... we all love it
when he's Voldemort's right hand man ), Secrets and Masks will be a very very
different fic all together.
03/06/2023: This was the first piece of fiction I'd ever written/ published. I'm dyslexic and
did not have a beta for this (I am very new to fandom and didn't even know what a beta
reader was until I was 3/4 of the way through writing Secrets and Masks, and then I was
like 'You've made it this far on your own, you might as well finish it on your own). I
learned my writing style and about grammar etc as I went, and although I did run everything
through Grammarly and check it repeatedly before I uploaded every chapter, there will be
some grammatical errors/ typo's that I missed.
Anyway, enough babbling from me. I hope you enjoy. Love, Emerald <3
Don't get caught
Hermione took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and pressed herself into the stone wall behind
her. She trained her ears on the quiet, waiting for the footsteps she knew were on their way towards
She just needed a second. Just a moment to catch the Death Eaters off guard and steal the artefact
they carried. She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they were moving it today. Knew this
could be a chance to change the tide of the war, to wipe the slate clean and give the Order a new
lease of life. A fighting chance - Merlin knew they needed it.
"I have a bad feeling about this," Neville whispered from beside her, his voice croaking nervously.
“Are you sure they're moving it tonight?"
"I just am!" Hermione snapped, irritation prickling at her chest. She wished Neville would just shut
up, now was not the time for a conversation.
She knew the artefact was being moved tonight, and was certain there would only be five Death
Eaters guarding it. Voldemort was aiming for ambiguity, to draw less attention and therefore lower
the risk of any interference.
It was being moved through a series of underground tunnels just outside of Derbyshire. A secret
labyrinth-like maze with countless connections, which could lead to Chatsworth House, disused
coal mines, or even as far as Sheffield. A perfect way to avoid being seen, but also an opportunity
for the Order to sabotage them. Trap them in a maze like rats and steal the artefact. It was simply
too good an opportunity to miss.
Yes, she knew it was being transported tonight, because Medusa had told her.
Medusa, she snorted internally. What a ridiculous code name for a spy.
Medusa, the beauty who was seduced by Poseidon in the temple of Athena. Medusa, who enraged
the Goddess so much, she punished her the only way she saw fit - by transforming her into a
monster. Changing her hair into snakes, and giving her eyes so deadly they turned men to stone as
soon as they looked upon her.
She had wondered if the mole was trying to be poetic. Metaphorical, even. If they were trying to
demonstrate that they, too, had been seduced by Voldemort, by his power and promises of
inconceivable strength. Whored themselves for him. Sold their souls to the devil in exchange for
riches and wealth beyond imagination, and turned themselves into a monster in the process.
As much as she resented this ridiculous façade, Hermione couldn't deny that Medusa's intelligence
was never wrong. They'd proven, time and time again, that they were incredibly useful to The
Order. 'A valuable asset', 'irreplaceable' Shacklebolt had said. ‘Of Unparalleled usefulness’.
She supposed her own code name, Lilith, wasn't that ambiguous either.
She'd picked it carefully, and purposefully. Lilith, the first woman, created for Adam in the garden
of Eden. The woman who believed she was equal to Adam, and therefore she didn't need to lay
beneath him. She wouldn't, in fact. Wouldn't bend to lower herself. She was strong, immovable in
her beliefs.
They were qualities that Hermione always strove for in herself. Her Gryffindor courage and
stubbornness had always planted her in the spot; unshakable in her beliefs that The Order had to
win, that good had to conquer evil, and the war must end.
She'd met with Medusa many times to exchange information. Both concealed with their hoods,
masks upon their face, and voice-altering charms cast on their voice boxes; doing everything in
their power to conceal their identities.
She had no idea who they were. She knew he was a man from his staggering height and broad
shoulders. His physique could only be described as that of a soldier; battle-hardened. It went
beyond simply being toned, every muscle in his back and arms were defined and rippling with their
deadly overuse.
Hermione and Medusa had probably shot countless curses at one another on the battlefield since
the war began. They'd probably nearly killed each other a dozen times without realising it.
It was common practice for all Death Eaters to enchant their voice- boxes while on duty. And
Medusa's had a deep bravado, the vibrating effects of the spell only adding to the masculine
undertone. It was almost a growl most of the time; deep and controlled like a lion - but that was all
she knew about him.
Hermione was the only soldier The Order deemed intelligent - and lethal enough - to be able to
meet the opposition on neutral grounds and defend themselves if anything went wrong, should he
change his mind and lure her into a trap.
She supposed Ron might have been selected if things were different, if the war had taken a
different turn. But he hadn't been on a mission in years.....
With a tilt of her head, she signalled for Neville to get in position against the opposite wall; laying
a trap for the Death Eaters which were bound to come down the corridors.
Neville's weary gaze locked on hers from across the dark corridor. He withdrew his wand, his jaw
tight as he motioned with his chin towards the end of the hallway.
Hermione shook her head. “Not yet,” she mouthed. She wasn’t sure if Neville could see through
the dark. Hoped he could though.
They needed to be united if this mission was to be a success. They couldn't put a foot wrong. If
they just stuck to the plan everything would be fine.
Hermione tapped the edge of her wand to the coin in her pocket, signalling that the others should
be in position. It burned back in response; two sharp pulsations of heat. Finnigan and Creevey were
Hermione took another deep breath through her nose, exhaling slowly out her mouth as she readied
Footsteps. The unmistakable click of boots hitting the flagstone, echoing, magnifying off the
concrete walls of the narrow labyrinth they were passing through.
She made eye contact with Neville again. “Five," she mouthed.
“Four," he nodded.
“One,” she said silently before stepping forward and shooting an exploding hex at the left wall
behind the Death Eaters. The stone crunched under the force of her spell. The impact shattered the
immovable concrete and collapsed the wall, sealing the four assailants with Hermione and Neville.
The narrow corridor was engulfed in smoke and debris from the blast.
"Protect the artefact!" the smallest Death Eater, the one who carried the box, shrieked as they
sharply withdrew their wands.
Four of the cloaked figures formed a barricade around the one that carried the wooden box. The air
cracked as they started to Apparate - only to pop back into existence a second later.
"They've warded the area!" the tallest Death Eater shouted, whirling to aim a black-coloured hex at
Hermione's chest. She deflected it with the precise flick of her wrist, then retaliated. "Use the
"What item-" Hermione started to shout as she cast a binding hex, encasing one of the attackers in
thick metal chains which caused him to fall to the ground.
One of the figures withdrew something silver from their pocket; a long, blade-looking item with a
sapphire attached to the hilt. Hermione recognized what it was a heartbeat too late.
A Vhaltera Dagger.
As soon as he touched the gemstone, a blast of dark energy pulsated from the object. It didn't affect
the other cloaked figures; they'd thought ahead, or wore some type of charm to prevent them from
the effects of the dagger.
Black magic radiated from the silver in a searing flash, exploding from it with a force so powerful
it knocked Hermione and Neville into the air. She hissed when her skull connected with the wall
behind her. Was sure she could feel blood at the back of her head.
The dark magic from the blast seemed to seep into her skin. She shivered against the foreign entity
as it crept up her body like ice water. Dark hexes tended to do that; the violent, repugnant brand of
magic always left the victim cold, feeling like their heart was turning to ice, their breath visible and
frozen as though they were standing in the middle of a blizzard - like it was turning them into a
Hermione touched her temples. There was a violent ringing in her ears, and her vision was blurred
as she watched the fuzzy shapes of four Death Eaters step over her and run down the corridor.
The fifth was dead, strangled past the point of suffocation through her own hex.
She sat up and squinted, trying to focus on the sound of his voice. He was on the floor, hand
pressed to his shoulder and blood pouring from his ear, but he was alive. Wounded. Pale, and
visibly shaking. But alive, nonetheless.
She breathed a sigh of relief and forced herself to her feet, ignoring the way her muscles screamed
in protest as she stumbled down the hallway, wand in hand, following the path of the Death Eaters.
"Hermione! Wait!" Neville screamed from behind. "Wait for me! Colin and Seamus can handle
them for a few minutes! Just wait and I'll come with you!"
"Stand down Neville,” she commanded over her shoulder, her own voice croaking as she fought off
a scream from the stabbing pain behind her skull. She guessed she had a skull fracture; possible
swelling in her brain. She would need Fleur to examine her if she ever got back to the base. "I'm not
risking them getting hurt. Stay there and stay safe. I'll come back for you."
He shouted something in response, probably yelled for her to come back. She was already
rounding the dark corridor, too far gone to hear him.
Hermione followed the narrow hallway, one hand on the wall for support and the other grasped
around her wand. Eventually, she heard shouting and the sting of hexes flying through the air.
Seamus and Colin were close.
The sound of the duel spurred her on, thawing the ice in her veins enough to allow her to break into
a sprint.
Her jaw tightened when she found them. One of the Death Eaters was gripping the wooden box
tightly as their eyes darted around the hallway, looking for an escape.
Creevey was doing well against the tallest Death Eater, shooting hex after hex and forcing the
cloaked figure against the wall, forcing him into a vulnerable state. Harry would be proud; he'd
trained him well.
Seamus, however, was struggling. His two attackers got him with an acid hex to the knees. He
howled in pain and clutched the burning flesh as he fell to the floor.
The Death Eater advanced, his wand illuminating green from the tip as he stalked towards Seamus.
He held his wand in the air, readying the curse-
"Avada Kedavra!" A green light shot from Hermione's wand, and hit the attacker square in the
He stumbled, and his body went limp before his lifeless corpse slumped onto Finnigan.
Finnigan pushed the body off him with trembling fingers, crawling to free himself as he stared at
Hermione with panic-stricken eyes.
"T-thanks," he choked, the pain evident in the way his face twisted.
Shit. Colin and the other three Death Eaters were gone.
Hermione retrieved the small Portkey from her pocket - a gold ring wrapped in a silk handkerchief
to keep it from activating - and handed it to Seamus. "Find Neville, get past the wards I set up, and
get out of here."
"It's fine. I'll find him and the artefact," she said, forcing herself to offer a small smile despite the
panic she felt.
She wasn't sure if could do this. She wasn't sure if she was strong enough-
No! No, she could do this. She’d done it before. She needed to do it again. There was no other
"You and Neville need medical attention," she said sternly. "And you're no good to me if you’re
injured. Find him and get out.”
She didn't bother helping Seamus to his feet. She didn't have time, just handed him a potion for the
pain and took off running. She cast a Silencing charm on her boots so they wouldn’t alert anyone
of her advance. She needed to be quick, silent. Her stomach twisted, lurching with dread the further
she got down the stone path.
She should have been able to hear Colin by now, shouldn't she?
She should have heard him shouting, screaming? If he was still alive, then surely he would-
Maybe he's not alive? she thought as she took another corner too fast, having to hold the wall to
stop herself from toppling over. Maybe they already killed him, maybe they already-
No! He was alive. He was alive. He was alive. He was alive. He had to be.
She skidded to a stop when the hallway forked. Two paths; both completely eclipsed in darkness,
not a sound emitting from either. She had no clue which the Death Eaters had taken; which path
Colin was probably being dragged down.
Had they split up? Had Colin been taken down one, the artefact down another? Without giving
herself chance to second guess her decision, Hermione followed her instincts and took the left path.
The silence was almost deafening as she sprinted. Her legs burned with the effort as she propelled
herself forward. She forced herself faster, to take larger strides and ignore the pain in her lungs.
Her eyes locked onto his panicked gaze the moment she rounded the final corner. They'd roughed
him up a bit in her absence. He had a deep cut above his left eye, his cheek was bruised and
swollen, and blood poured from a wound on his left calf.
The three Death Eaters were there; evidently decided against splitting up. Maybe they figured they
had a better chance of fighting Hermione and Colin off together?
But if that was the case, then why hadn't they killed him? Surely they knew they had a better
chance if they did - three against one and all that?
"Evening Granger," one of the masked figures said as he clutched Colin's shoulder, pulling him
further into his chest. The tip of his wand stuck into Creevey's throat, almost deep enough to cut.
"We wondered where you'd gone.”
The one with the artefact chuckled darkly. The other had their wand trained on Hermione's chest.
"Let him go," she bit, her eyes sweeping the room, looking for something; anything to get them out
of this situation.
"Not so fast Golden girl," the second said as he twirled Colin's stolen wand. "Drop the Anti-
Apparation wards you set up and give us your wand. Then, maybe, we'll think about letting you
Hermione liked to think she was logical. Fair. Level-headed to a fault. She always put the needs of
The Order - of the war - above and beyond herself. Beyond anything. Killing Voldemort and
winning the war was of paramount importance.
She could kill the Death Eater with the artefact easily, possibly the other one too. They stood so
close together it could be possible, just one flick of her wrist. She could grab the Artefact before
their bodies hit the floor. The item was important, it could help them win the war, change the
stakes and save so many lives.
The second she extended her arm to cast the curse, his captor would surely end Creevey's life. He
was on the other side of the corridor; she wouldn't have time to kill him too.
The ultimate utilitarian question: Could you sacrifice one life to save a thousand?
As Hermione stared at Colin, she noticed the way his eyes darted to his assailant's torso, then to
her, then to his wand. Signalling something to her. He had a plan.
Well, they didn't really have any other option, did they?
Hermione nodded.
Colin twisted his body, jutting his elbow out violently into his captor's ribs. The Death Eater jolted
and lowered his wand momentarily as the wind was knocked from his lungs from Colin's
In the same moment, Hermione cast a powerful knockback jinx at the other Death Eaters, her spell
sending them flying into the concrete wall with immeasurable force. The one with the artefact got
it worse. Their skull shattered, blood spraying up the stone with the impact and killing them
instantly. The other was temporarily knocked out.
Hermione retrieved the artefact and threw Collin his wand back. She raised her wand to kill the last
Death Eater, her arm extending and the spell dying to brush past her lips and end their life -
"No, don’t kill him!" Colin said as he walked to Hermione's side. He placed a hand on her
shoulder, his face full of concern, his eyes kind. "There's been enough killing tonight. Let him go.
He's too weak to stop us now.”
"Fine." Hermione lowered her arm, her eyes narrowing at the cloaked figure clutching their chest.
"But if you follow us, I will kill you, do you understand?"
She didn't wait to see his answer. The pair took off running towards the exit.
"I can't believe we got it!" Colin shouted minutes later, glee clear in his tone despite the way he
was panting. He was slower than Hermione, a slight limp in his jog from his injury.
As soon as the words left her lips, a green curse shot between them, narrowly missing Hermione's
cheek as it propelled past them and disappeared down the black hallway. She turned, still running,
to see the last two assassins - the one she had spared included - sprinting after them. Their fury was
evident in every long stride they took; their hatred visible in the way their arms jutted out violently
with another killing curse; Hermione and Collin ducked to avoid it.
"We can't make it out!" Colin panted. "They're gonna follow us to the apparition point! My leg is
fucked, I can't run any faster! We need to do something!"
"I have an idea!" Hermione called back as she aimed her wand at the stone walls. She cast the first
spell she could think of, and the stone hummed with the magic she'd infused in them. The walls
creaked as they began to move; the stone scraping across the floor as they started dragging slowly
towards each other.
"Nice one!" Colin laughed. "They're too far behind us, they're gonna get squished!"
"Don't get cocky!" she said as a small light became visible at the end of the corridor. The exit.
They were so fucking close. "We still need to get out. Don't fall! Don't stop running! We can make
Hermione and Colin's pace increased considerably, their legs moving faster than ever before as the
light got larger and larger. Her lungs burned with the need for oxygen. Her legs ached, screaming
for her to stop.
The hallways continued to close in, the rocks getting closer together, the hallway becoming
narrower. They had to go single file, Hermione leading the way as the walls got tighter. The air
was starting to become hot and stifling, suffocating.
Hermione tried to stop the relief from creeping into her chest. Tried to stop herself from smiling
the further they got down the hallway.
They were so close. They could make it. They were going to survive this. Both of them.
Curses continued to shoot past them; the blinding green lights coming faster, more chaotic as the
Death Eaters realized they were too far behind them to survive this. They were undeniably going to
be crushed when the stones connected but their fear was affecting their aim. The curses missed, hit
the walls, the stone, the ceiling instead of their targets.
Finally, Hermione crossed into the light with a scream of elation. Unable to stop the sound from
passing her smiling lips as she became free of the hallway and the fresh air hit her face. She was
outside, with Colin.
The stone walls connected a heartbeat after they were free, compressing the Death Eaters trapped
inside. There was an audible crunch, a sickening squishing sound as their bones and organs were
crushed under the force of the stone walls pressing against each other.
But Hermione wasn't focused on that. She was too busy holding Colin in her arms.
Colin, who had stepped in front of Hermione when one of the attackers had cast a killing curse in a
last-ditch attempt at revenge before they were crushed to death.
Colin, whose chest had taken the violent green hex that'd slipped past the stones just before they
18th November
Ron gripped Hermione's shoulders, his blue eyes swimming with unshed tears. "Mione, they
almost had you! They almost bloody killed you!"
She wished he would just fuck off; she hated displays of emotion like this. She resisted the urge to
slap him, barely. "You're completely overreacting. I am fine. I've done missions like this a
thousand times before and nothing has ever happened. This was an isolated incident."
"I don't care!" Ron shouted. "They killed Creevey, and Finnigan said you were two seconds away
from getting Avada'd yourself! Those slimy gits almost had you! You're not going on another
mission ever again-"
Irritation swept up Hermione's spine, anger heating her skin. "Don't you dare tell me what I can
and cannot do! I am more than capable of looking after myself!" She crossed the boardroom to the
closed liquor cabinet and swung the doors open, reaching with familiar fluidity to retrieve the half-
empty gin bottle and single glass on the highest shelf.
Ron could go fuck himself if he thought she would offer him a drink. She was far too angry. Far
too infuriated by his relentless attempts to keep her in the base; to control her. She'd learned some
years ago that Ron would be quite happy to throw her in a cage of his own craftsmanship. Lock her
up like a wild animal and throw away the key if it meant she was safe. The very concept made her
blood boil.
She kept her back to him as she unscrewed the lid and filled the glass. She tipped her head back
and downed half the tumbler's contents, her throat burning with the bitter, unsweetened gin. She
could feel Ron's eyes on her back, judging her as she drained the rest of the glass with another tilt
of her head.
"You don't know what it's like for me when you leave here," he said. She didn't turn to face him.
"You don't know what it's like when you leave and I don't know if you'll ever come back. It's-"
He cut himself off with a strangled sob, but she still refused to turn around. She planted herself
firmly to the spot. Couldn't bear to have him look at her with those sad blue eyes and beg her; make
her promise she wouldn't go on another mission, like he always did when she'd had a close brush
with death. She'd broken too many promises since the war began, she didn't want to break another
one. She was tired of it.
"Please Mione. Please don't go back out there. It's not safe. One of these days something is going to
happen, and you won't come back to me." She heard his feet scrape awkwardly across the floor as
he came to stand behind her. "And I need you to come back to me.”
Hermione spun to look at him, her nostrils flaring with anger. "I'm not yours to lose Ron. I haven't
been yours for a long time.”
Ron's expression fell; eyes wide and mouth agape as he stared back at her.
Hermione grabbed the gin bottle by its neck and shoved past him to the exit, making sure to
connect with his shoulder on the way past. Hoped it hurt him, too. "Say hello to Romilda for me.
You're going to make an excellent father."
Hermione sat in the frozen garden, alone, drinking her gin; any thought of a coat or blanket
forgotten through her fit of rage. She cast a warming charm on her clothes instead. It wasn't as
effective as a real coat or open fire, but it would do.
She was still wrapped head to toe in her mission uniform; black knee-high combat boots, tight
black jeans, a matching fitted leather jacket, and numerous knives and spare wands strapped to her
through thigh and arm holsters. Her bag was sprawled on the floor beside her with an undetectable
extension charm on it; filled almost to capacity with potions, maps, more weapons, and pre-made
bombs. Ready for anything.
She looked nothing like she had in Hogwarts. All traces of that innocent girl who constantly had
her nose in a book were gone. She was battle-hardened; they all were. The war affected everyone
differently, but Hermione felt considerably different. She was a soldier now. Nothing more,
nothing less.
She laid flat on her back, twirling her wand between her fingers as she stared at the falling snow.
She turned some of the snowflakes into small birds, and changed others to vibrant changes of pink
or purple with a flick of her wand.
She used to love this garden. Used to love sitting out here alone, inhaling the scent of the different
plants and flowers that grew here. There was something homely about watching the flowers bloom
and spread open, baring their souls to the sun above their heads. This garden used to be a sanctuary
for her; a place that gave the promise of new life.
Not anymore though. All the plants were dead, nothing had grown here for years. Yet another thing
the war had taken.
"Thought I'd find you out here," Harry said as the door to the garden creaked open.
Hermione didn't speak, instead focused her magic on gathering falling snowflakes and
transforming them into a bear. She watched the snow bear roar silently into the air, its body
expanding with each added snowflake that hit him.
"I brought a blanket," Harry said quietly, breaking the uncomfortable silence that was stretching
between them. "And cigarettes."
Harry sat down beside her with a smirk. He threw a thin blanket over both their legs, and handed
her the already lit cigarette. "Thought that might get your attention.”
Hermione laughed and set the gin bottle down. She took the cigarette from Harry and inhaled
deeply, feeling the nicotine burn her lungs beautifully on the way down. It had been far too long
since she'd done this. "How did you manage to get these?" she asked, the exhale engulfing her in
smoke. "I thought the factories stopped making these after the evacuations?"
"They did, but I'm the Chosen One," Harry teased with a wink. "I have my ways. Remember?"
"Of course." Hermione couldn't help but smile. "How silly of me to forget.”
It used to be so easy to be with Harry. They used to be able to talk about anything, everything.
There was a time when there wasn't a topic too silly or personal, or a problem too big. They used to
be able to solve anything together.
She didn't know how to speak to him these days. Didn't know what to talk to him about, or how to
fill the uncomfortable silences that always seemed to stretch between them.
"You had a close call today,” Harry finally said, voice soft as it broke through the tension.
"I did.”
"Ron's terrified you're not going to come back next time you go on a mission.” He took a large gulp
of gin, his face crinkling with disgust as he swallowed. "Wants Kingsley to put a ban on you. At
least for a few weeks."
Hermione's eyes snapped to Harry. A deep crease formed between her brows. "You're not serious?"
Harry nodded.
"That's... that's ridiculous! That's completely out of the question!" Rage twisted through her body,
colouring her veins like acid. "He cannot be serious! If he thinks I'm going to sit here while
everyone else-"
"Don't worry,” Harry said quickly, gripping her shoulder and pulling her back down when she
started to get up. "I already went to Kingsley and said it's not an option. You're too valuable on the
field Hermione, he can't risk grounding you.”
The relief she felt was indescribable; an immeasurable weight lifted off her chest. She hated
fighting, hated that she had to kill every time she left these concrete walls. But it was better than
being trapped within them. To Hermione, nothing was worse than that. Not a thing.
"Thank you." She snatched the bottle back and drained the last of its contents, feeling her anger
start to dissipate as the alcohol numbed her senses. She wished she'd brought another bottle out
with her.
"Don't mention it.” Another strangled, lengthy pause stretched between them before Harry spoke
again. He never was good with awkward silences; she could always rely on him to speak first.
"Neville said you killed today."
Except when topics took this direction. On occasions like these, she would welcome the
discombobulated atmosphere. Would welcome the restless, twitchy unease if it meant they didn't
have to go down this road. Again.
Hermione stayed quiet, eyes on the snow falling above her head as she waited for Harry to
undoubtedly pass his judgment on her.
They all hated killing; Hermione particularly despised it. But this was war, and they were losing.
Badly. They didn't have the luxury of using non-lethal hexes anymore - not when the enemy had
grown as strong as they had.
She wished Harry would understand. Wish he would see that sometimes light magic simply wasn't
enough. Sometimes, killing was the lesser of two evils. Surely it would be better to kill a few
hundred Death Eaters, a few thousand monsters if it spared the lives of millions of innocents?
Harry never saw it that way. Even as they looked over the half-massacred area of London that
surrounded them, he didn't see it. Even though the majority of the buildings were crumbling,
windows exploded and blackened from bombs, all traces of life non-existent, he still didn't change
his mind. Always came up with some emotive speech about how things needed to burn before they
could grow again. Something about finding a daisy poking up in the ashes, and hope always being
possible no matter how much destruction lay around them.
She wondered if being encircled by this much decay and destruction felt as normal to Harry as it
did to her. If seeing the Muggle capital in such an apocalyptic state didn't make his stomach twist
uncomfortably anymore, just like her.
Deep down, she knew it didn't. Resented him for it, in fact.
Harry hadn't been out on the field much in the last four years, not since the first bombings. The
Order had started working with what was left of the Muggle armies some time ago. The mixture of
magical and technological warfare seemed to thwart Voldemort's advances for a time. His armies -
made entirely of Pureblood witches, wizards, and magical creatures - didn't know the first thing
about Muggle tanks, helicopter gunners, or bombs.
It worked well for a time; until the smaller warheads started being dropped. Until Harry,
Hermione, and a team were sent to investigate a drop sight to search for possible survivors, and
Harry saw the hundreds of skeletal, burnt bodies lying on the ground; the mass grave of Death
Eaters caught in the blast. The sight of it snapped something in him. Sent him off in a fit of rage.
He said The Order was becoming as detached as Voldemort, and that killing wasn't the answer.
He'd begged the senior members to stop using bombs, and find a way to defeat Voldemort without
the use of such Genocidic weapons.
Despite The Chosen One's pleas, Kingsley and the Muggle Prime Minister still worked together.
After all, their alliance did give The Order a slight edge for a while.
"I did. And if I hadn't, we would be burning the bodies of two of our friends tonight instead of just
one.” She could feel Harry's stare burning a hole into the side of her head. She chose to ignore him,
focusing instead on pulling another drag of nicotine into her lungs, and the gentle buzz forming at
the back of her head.
"It's not your fault Hermione. You did everything you could, I'm sure Collin-"
Hermione groaned and squeezed her eyes closed, as though that would somehow drown Harry's
voice from her ears. "Don't. Don't do that Harry.”
"Do what?"
"Pretend like this isn't my fault. That curse was meant for me," she snapped, even more irritated
now that the cigarette in her mouth had expired. She let it fall to the floor and crushed the bud with
the heel of her boot. "I should be dead. It should be my body you're burning tonight, not his.”
"Don't say things like that! If anything happened to you it would be a catastrophe-"
"And what happened to Colin isn't?"
Harry's expression fell. His eyes tightened, and his mouth pressed into a tight line. "You know I
don't mean that.”
Needing to do something with her hands, Hermione found her wand again, and started to
manipulate the falling snowflakes once more. "It should have been me," she whispered. "I wish I'd
never let him come on that mission."
"He knew the risks. He died protecting one of his friends. It's how he would have wanted to go.”
Hermione scoffed, a mixture of irritation and guilt colouring her tone. "Is that supposed to comfort
"I almost let him die tonight," she found herself admitting, wasn't sure why. The words tore their
way up her throat of their own accord; maybe she needed to get the weight of it off her chest.
Harry said nothing, just watched intently as he lit another cigarette and handed it to her. He didn't
smoke himself, but he'd started carrying a packet with him sometime ago. Knew many of the
refugees craved them. Knew the majority of the soldiers needed them to get through the day.
Hermione was the latter.
She accepted it eagerly and took a deep drag, adding to the addictive buzz in her skull. "There was
a moment when he was captured; three of them vs me and Colin. One had the artefact, one had
their wand pointed at me, and the other had their wand at Colin's throat.” Another pause as she
took a deep breath, steadying herself for the rest of her confession. "I knew I wouldn't be able to
take all three down, so I had a choice; Colin, or the Artefact."
"You wouldn't have done it," he affirmed, his brows knitting together in a reassuring way that only
Harry could do, showing that he believed in her. It made Hermione's chest tighten.
"There was a second, fuck, a split second where I genuinely considered letting him die so I could
take it. Kingsley did say it would change the tide of the war, swing it in our favour.”
"You wouldn't have done it," Harry repeated, his voice trailing off, not sounding as confident. "I
know you; you couldn't have. You would have saved Colin.”
"That's the thing, I don't know anymore. I don't know me anymore. You haven't seen the bodies in
the street the way I have.”
"I know I haven't. I know things are different, believe me, I know. But you can't think like that
Hermione. The reason I didn't want anyone killing and using dark curses is because it changes you.
Dark Magic changes you.”
Well, she knew that was true. She’d felt it herself. Felt that repugnant brand of magic sweep into
her bloodstream the first time she'd killed all those years ago, when she was barely nineteen. It was
an act of self-defence. She hadn't wanted to kill the Death Eater who'd attacked her on an
evacuation mission, but it was the twenty children she was trying to rescue from Hogwarts
dungeons, or the cloaked figure with the wand aimed at her chest.
Her body had moved instinctually. The curse had brushed past her lips before she'd even realized
she was doing it. She'd already lost a small group a few weeks prior because she'd shown mercy to
a Death Eater. That time a young girl, Alice Foster, was killed by the very assassin Hermione had
spared. Then another, then another. She wasn't about to let it happen again. It had traumatized her,
taking a life. Given her night terrors and panic attacks, and shackled her with guilt so heavy she
could hardly breathe from the weight of it.
Ron had been there for her back then. He'd held her in his arms, kissed her face, soothed her and
told her everything was going to be okay. But, there was only so much even Ron could take. Her
catatonic state, her vacant stare and inattentiveness had effectively driven him into the warm,
comforting arms of Romilda Vane. Or at least, that was his excuse. She wasn't sure anymore.
Didn't really care.
Killing became much easier after that. Just an act of war. A battle tactic. She became strangely
detached to the act, until over time, she didn't lose a wink of sleep over it. Chose to comfort herself
with thinking of the lives she'd saved by sending another dark soul straight to hell. She'd probably
end up there herself, when all this was over.
"I worry about you Hermione, we all do,” Harry said, taking her hand and squeezing it lightly.
"You don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself.”
"I know you can. You took care of me and Ron for years, honestly, I don't think we would have
made it past the first year without you.”
They both laughed silently, just one short puff of air, like old friends. Sort of.
"I know you hate to relinquish control, but I think you need something to distract you. Something
else so you don't spend every waking hour of your existence thinking about this war.”
"I don't have anything else, Harry. There is nothing else for me.”
Hermione snorted and shook her head. "That's your advice? Find a boyfriend? Get married? Have a
baby or two? Do you think that would give my life meaning? We're in the middle of a war, and
we're losing Harry, badly. Bringing a child into a world like this would be incredibly selfish and-"
She winced the second the words left her mouth.
"Irresponsible?" Harry asked with a small laugh. "Yeah. I thought the same thing when I found out
Ginny was pregnant the first time. But it changes you, Hermione, being a parent, it's the most
wonderful feeling in the world.”
"It's certainly changed Ron,” she added, the acid clear in her voice as she pulled another drag of
nicotine into her lungs. "He's like a different person since Romilda found out she was expecting.”
Eventually, when the snow got thicker and the temperature dropped, they decided to retreat inside.
They couldn't put off the inevitable anymore, they needed to prepare for Colin's funeral.
The Order had made the decision a long time ago to forgo burials. They didn't have the time or the
resources for a real funeral. Shacklebolt had decreed that graveyards were too open; too risky for
everyone to gather outside and 'be sitting ducks for an attack'.
They opted for pyres instead. The older, more senior members of The Order argued that it was
easier this way. They could gather deep underground, at the very bottom level of their base, and
say goodbye to their fallen friends respectfully. Together. The vents in the basement would suck
the fumes and smoke from the tight space, and a few layers of magic could help conceal the smell.
It never worked entirely though. The bouquet of burning flesh always seemed to linger in the air.
Grotesque. Vile. No one would eat for days afterward. Didn't have the stomach for it.
Hermione stared at her hands as the mist from her shower eclipsed the bathroom. Crimson. Still
thick with Colin's blood. Not blood from the killing curse that should have been hers. No, this was
from a different injury. A deep gash across his leg that must have happened before she found him
and Seamus.
She stripped quickly, threw her blood-ridden clothes into the hamper and stepped into the scalding
water. She scrubbed at her arms and hands, wiping furiously to rid herself of Creevey's blood, of
the evidence of her failure. But it wouldn't go away.
Why ...?
Her skin seemed to hiss in protest; the flesh raw as she scratched it with the loofah again and again
and again. But she couldn't get it off. No matter how hard she scrubbed, Colin's blood seemed to be
fused to her skin.
Hermione leaned against the shower wall and slid down the tile. Unable to keep the tears that
streamed from her eyes, unable to choke back the sob that ripped its way up her throat as she
screamed. She screamed and she cried until her limps ached and her throat was hoarse. Her body
convulsed, lungs threatening to collapse as she allowed herself to let go. To feel.
She so rarely got to feel anymore. She'd witnessed so much death, seen so many bodies burnt
beyond recognition. Sometimes, she just needed to let it out. Let the grief wash over her, exorcise
herself of those emotions, vanquish them from her body by her private tears or screams.
Until eventually, there weren't any tears left. And she was left empty, again.
Everyone attended Colin's funeral. Every single surviving member of The Order of the Phoenix
tore themselves from their tasks to pay their respects - except for Kingsley and a few other senior
members. They were probably too busy cooing over the artefact.
They had to cast several extension charms to lengthen the basement so everyone could fit into the
tight space. And as the funeral began, everyone huddled together, clutching onto one another for
comfort and support.
Despite only being several months younger than Harry, Colin still looked very young. He’d had a
small growth spurt somewhere around the age of fifteen, but he looked small. Innocent. It might
have been his blond curls, or that his cheeks had never quite lost that youthful roundness, but Colin
had always looked several years younger than his age. Always looked closer to being sixteen than
in his mid-twenties, and if possible, he looked even younger now the colour had left his cheeks.
Harry made a speech. He gave a small eulogy of Creevey's life; his accomplishments, his undying
loyalty, and infectious smile that seemed to lift the spirits of everyone around him. 'A pure soul',
Harry said. 'One of the best'.
Muffled sobs filled the air as attendees cast fire hexes to ignite the pyre. Most began to file out
when the burning started, too upset to watch the body of one of their own burn to ashes.
Hermione stayed - she always did. Harry, Seamus, Ron, Luna, and Neville too. They all stood side
by side in silence, watching the flames lick higher and higher, eclipsing their friend and
disintegrate him into nothing. And as the familiar smell of a burning body filled the air, Hermione
prayed to every god she could think of - Muggle or otherwise - that Colin's death hadn't been for
29th November
"I didn't think you were going to show,” a deep, gravelly voice said from behind. "Thought you'd
forgotten all about me.”
Hermione spun toward the sound and drew her wand, aiming it at his throat on instinct. The tip lit
with a small green light; the killing curse ready, the incantation at the tip of her tongue.
"Wow, wow, wow, easy there killer." She could hear the smirk in Medusa's voice as he held his
hands up, showing her that he wasn't armed - not yet. She knew all too well how quickly he could
draw his wand and point it at her temple; he'd done it enough times during their meetings. "Don't
shoot the messenger, Lilith.”
"I don't have time for games Medusa,” she snapped, the charm on her voice box unnaturally
distorting the words. "What's the information?"
"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast," he said, waving his index finger at her. "First things first, you made a
right cock-up last week. I told you to be careful. You almost lost the artefact. Do you have any idea
how valuable that thing is?"
Her fingers twitched to hex him. "My cock up? Are you serious? The team followed your
instructions! And thanks for telling us about The Vhaltera Dagger by the way; they almost died
because of that thing! If it's anyone's fault, it's yours because of your shitty information!"
Medusa tilted his head to the side. She could tell he was mocking her, even from underneath his
mask. "I wasn't there. Don't blame me because your team was underprepared. I gave you enough;
the location, the time, the size of the group. Everything else is on you. Your teams' failure is on
She couldn't help the way she flinched. Couldn't stop the way her back tensed and her spine
straightened, an involuntary reaction, giving her away.
Hermione stayed silent. The grip on her wand tightened, her knuckles turned white as she
swallowed the bile in her throat. Colin's death was still too fresh, like scratching an open wound.
The impulse to lash out was growing stronger, each cruel torment from Medusa's tongue another
lashing that pushed her towards the edge.
God, how she wanted to kill him some days. Wanted to tear his eyes from his skull and shove them
down his throat just to silence him. He always seemed to know how to get under her skin, rile her
up to the point the rational part of her brain dulled and she was a slave to her impulses.
That couldn't happen today. She needed to be calm. Couldn't risk pissing him off and losing their
rat. Couldn't kill him right there on the spot like a dog. No matter how much she wanted to. He was
too valuable; his information was too important.
"Oh, I've lost count, sweetheart. The list goes on and on." Medusa started to circle her; predatory,
the way a wolf circles a baby deer. "But I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I know what I've
done, I know who I am. Do you know who you are?"
"What are you getting at? I don't have time for games. Spit it out!"
Medusa chuckled under his mask. His pace slowed a little, but he didn't stop circling her. "How
does your Order feel about some of your foot soldiers casting killing curses? I hear from a very
reliable source, that the Granger girl has become quite the little murderer, and I know she's not the
only one. They wouldn't have sent you to me, into the snake pit as it were, if they didn't think you
could defend yourself. So, I wonder, how much blood is on your ledger?"
It was a test if she'd ever heard one. A challenge. An open invitation for an execution. He knew the
effect he was having on her, probably guessed it from the way her chin jutted out defiantly, or the
deadly green light illuminating from the tip of her wand.
Hermione took a calming breath, feeling her shoulders tense and relax before they slumped
altogether. She finally lowered her wand. "More than I would like. It keeps me up at night, as it
should. But this is war; we don't have time to be gentle anymore."
"Indeed. Spoken like a true Death Eater," Medusa said as he finished another rotation. She could
feel his gaze burning into hers as he made another round. Examining her, dissecting every twitch of
her hand and micro movement. Sizing her up. "I wonder, were you a Slytherin back in Hogwarts?"
"Ah, it seems I was mistaken. Only a Gryffindor would roar at such an accusation. You lions are
all the same; your bark is always worse than your bite.”
Hermione snorted, feeling her lip twitch upwards into a sort of smirk. "I can prove you wrong if
you'd like?"
"Yeah? What were you thinking? Small Knockback jinx to the knees? Little blinding hex to leave
me vulnerable for ten minutes? I know you lions don't like to use lethal curses if you can help it.”
"How about a hex that boils the blood in your brain?" she asked, loving the way he paused at her
words, like it caught him off guard. "Nothing brightens up your Tuesday evening quite like seeing
a man fall to his knees in agony."
Medusa chuckled at that, his shoulders shaking as he started walking again. It was entirely
menacing, vibrating low in his chest. It slid down her spine like freezing water. She suppressed a
shudder. "You are full of surprises Lilith, even after all these years.”
"Why do you care what house I was in? What difference does it make to all of this? Are you going
to switch sides, again, over some pathetic, long-forgotten quidditch house rivalry?"
He came to a stop in front of her. He was close. Much, much too close. Their chests were almost
touching. "Perhaps. Maybe, after all these years of our secret meetings, I'm growing curious as to
who exactly is under that mask of yours.”
Hermione narrowed her eyes at him, knowing he couldn't see from under the porcelain, doll-like
mask she was wearing. She was dying to know who he was, to figure out which of Voldemort's
loyal dogs had betrayed him.
Voldemort had started ranking his generals early in the war, rewarding loyalty and devotion by
ensuring that different levels of his army wore different masks. A way to showcase their
ruthlessness, and intimidate The Order.
At the bottom of the pile were the Black Masks. They wore the usual dark, cast iron masks; the
ones that had given Hermione nightmares when she was at Hogwarts. They were nothing to her
now. The majority were freshly trained and new to the ways of war. They were still lethal, but most
of the time they were just impulsive. Eager to show their worth to Voldemort, but easy to
manipulate. They made excellent hostages for interrogations, usually sang like canaries on the first
night - no curses needed. Harry encouraged capturing those types of soldiers, probably saw it as
more humane, seeing as they broke quickly.
Next on the hierarchy was the Gold Masks; the second in command. There were maybe thirty in
Voldemort's army. Highly trained, and immeasurably dangerous. Their masks were skulls crafted
from the finest gold, every curve, and dip of the metal shining and covered in spikes. They were
incredible on the battlefield, vicious killers that spared no one. Hermione guessed they were
Voldemort's oldest followers; Yaxley, Rodolphus and Rabastan Le Strange, and Barty Crouch Jr.
The fights always ended in multiple Order members' dead if Gold Masks were on the field.
The highest-ranking Death Eaters were the Demon Masks. Voldemort's right hands. There were
only two of them; a man and a woman. The woman was obviously Bellatrix. She didn't even try to
conceal her identity most of the time; her wild, untameable black hair clearly visible beneath her
Nothing was known about the male Demon Mask other than he was relentless on the field. Lethal.
A monster. The handful of times he'd been seen on the battlefield he'd left a sea of corpses behind
him, no survivors.
The aim of the Demon masks was to instil fear, and they did the job perfectly. The masks
themselves were grotesque, but incredibly intricate. The top half was a pure black human skull,
similar to the black masks; the lower jawbone was an animal's - a wolfs or a lion's, perhaps. The
jaw was made of striking crimson metal with long, sharp prominent fangs that stretched up either
side of the mouthpiece. The most renowned feature of the Demon masks were the horns; two huge,
elaborate things made from the darkest metal, that curved out from their temples to cast the most
sinister shadow.
But Medusa wore a simple black mask. Nothing unusual or fear-inducing about it. It was a façade
if she'd ever seen one.
Hermione knew that he was high-ranking. She guessed a Gold Mask, possibly turned out of spite
for being deemed not worthy or dangerous enough for a pair of horns. He wouldn't have been able
to gather this much information if he wasn't in the inner circle. He was intelligent too, frustratingly
so. He'd managed to pass on invaluable information for years, completely compromising
Voldemort's power and giving The Order a chance. So many lives had been saved and battles won
because of him.
Despite his downright predatory stance and sharp tongue, Hermione had always thought he was
interesting. Found their small battle of wits and sparring matches of words oddly enthralling.
Sometimes she thought - if circumstances were different - she might have actually found him
appealing -
Then she remembered which side he was on. Remembered which master he'd chosen to serve, and
the thought was extinguished as quickly as it'd ignited.
No, there was nothing redeemable about Medusa. No matter how much intelligence he leaked. He
was a monster. A vile, inexcusable murderer. He'd probably killed so many of her friends.
Probably murdered hundreds of Muggles and slept like a baby at night.
"They're moving some girls in a few weeks," he said, derailing her train of thought. "Seven in total,
I believe.”
Medusa held his hands behind his back, and started to circle her again. "Well, one is Shacklebolt's
daughter, so I'm sure he'll be very eager to rescue her.”
"Why now?" she asked, her mind already formulating a hundred different strategies. "Who are the
"Are those really the most important questions right now?" he hissed, voice low as a whisper but
sharp as a blade.
"To The Dark Lords headquarters," he answered, tone lighter, a purr; apparently pleased with her
question. "He means to keep them close and use them as a bargaining chip later. I believe he wants
to use them to draw Potter out. A trade; seven lives in exchange for one. You lot are stupid enough
to fall for it. Hero complex and all.”
Harry would undoubtedly want to offer himself in exchange. Wouldn't be able to stop himself from
being a sacrificial lamb, especially if young witches were involved. They couldn't let that happen.
The prophecy was clear; Harry needed to be the one to kill Voldemort. He was their last hope. If
Voldemort got his claws into Harry, the war would be over. There would be nothing left to fight
"It will be a simple operation, in and out," Medusa said. "Can you manage that?"
She turned to leave, her hands already reaching for the portkey in her bag -
"Send your best soldiers on this one. The Dark Lord is furious that his last mission was intercepted,
he'll be meaning to draw blood this time.”
2nd December
It wasn’t unusual. Quite often she rose to the shouts of petrified soldiers waking from night terrors;
sometimes to the screams of people calling out to lost loved ones that’d been murdered in battle.
Hermione shot out of bed, snatching her wand and satchel from her bedside table, and sprinted to
the infirmary. "What happened?!" she shouted as soon as she crossed the threshold into the
makeshift hospital. Her hands automatically dove into her bag for pain potions she kept there.
"Sneak attack near Manchester,” a young healer named Kirsty, said, voice trembling as much as
her hands while she tried to pin down the writhing wizard beneath her. "They... they tried to disarm
one of his bases but it was a trap.”
The wizard thrashed when Kirsty added Essence of Dittany to the burnt flesh around his shoulder.
He gnashed his teeth together, and hissed as the sting of the medicine interacted with his injuries.
Hermione stood beside his cot. "I'll take this one," she said, jutting her chin to the other beds of
injured soldiers. "Go tend to the others.”
Kirsty released a heavy sigh. She looked like she was on the verge of tears. “Thank you.” She
quickly schooled her expression, and then turned and ran to one of the injured, her dark blonde hair
poking in every direction as she went.
Hermione surveyed the wizard on her bed, trying her best to drown out the screams around her.
Cormac McLaggen was almost unrecognisable. His skin was severely burnt. Scorched flesh
covered half his face and the crisp ivory bone of his cheek and eye socket were visible. The left
half of his body was burnt beyond repair, meaning he would have little use of his left arm and leg.
There wasn't a healing charm in the world strong enough for that type of extensive nerve damage.
She just hoped she could repair enough tissue in time so he wouldn't lose them completely.
" was... eugghhh!" McLaggen squeezed his eyes closed, screaming in pain when Hermione
cast a charm to disinfect the wound on his shoulder. "MOTHER FUCKER, IT HURTS SO
"Please calm down, try to breathe. I can't get you an antidote if I don't know what spell caused
Hermione had only seen it once. If the ace up the Order's sleeves was muggle machines, then
Voldemort's was Black Shadow.
The dragon was an exceptionally large beast. It had pure black scales, eyes that seemed to glow
like Satan, and a wingspan akin to that of a football field. It was twice as big as the Iron Belly she'd
ridden while looking for Horcruxes, maybe even three times as large.
The dragon had earned its name by its gargantuan size. The only warning it was ever present in
battle was the giant, demonic-looking shadow on the ground before the field was eclipsed in
searing heat.
Seamus had survived an attack by Black Shadow once. Had the common sense to hide under a pile
of bodies when the beast flew overhead a final time to check for survivors. He said its flaming
breath was hellfire itself. Hotter than anything he'd ever come across. It‘d melted the strongest
iron, disintegrated bodies to ash and left nothing alive. He said its roar made the very earth shake,
and the sound of its wings beating against the air was comparable only to loud claps of thunder.
Unforgiving. Heart-stopping.
If Black Shadow was being utilized on the field more, then The Order was fucked.
Safe in my cage
12th December
"I have a bad feeling about this," Tonks whispered as she drew a calming breath, concentrating on
changing her hair from the vibrant shade of orange it currently resembled. They couldn't afford to
be seen right now.
"You worry too much." Hermione craned her neck around the side of the lighthouse, trying to get a
better view. "We'll be fine. Medusa has been gathering intelligence on this for weeks. It's a simple
in and out mission."
Tonks nodded. She fiddled with the edge of her sleeves and tapped her boot to the earth. Her nerves
were tangible, almost crackling around her. She hated being away from Teddy - hated it
considerably more since Lupin's death - but she was a fighter. She refused to stay at home while
other people put themselves in danger.
"Ron is going to be so angry,” Tonks murmured as she drew her wand. “He didn't want you to go
on another mission so soon. You know he's going to kill you, right?"
Hermione snorted quietly. "He doesn't get a say in what I do. He has his own family to worry about
"He does," Tonks agreed. "But he cares about you. He just wants to keep you safe.”
Safe in my cage more like. Hermione shook the thought away and tapped the coin in her pocket
with the edge of her wand.
The Muggle armies had been keen to get involved with this raid. They wanted to retaliate after their
own officers were taken as hostages a few weeks ago, but later decided against it. This operation
required stealth and patience. They needed to be silent and unnoticeable while they laid the trap,
and helicopters and tanks were not exactly the quietest things in the world.
Ten Order members had been selected for this mission, Hermione and Tonks included. Harrison
Waters, Kyle Elliott, Josh Rhodes, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Robert Marks, Lee Brookes, and
Xander Lowe.
The plan was simple enough and involved everyone working in pairs. The group was already
scattered in a circle on the field, wands drawn and concealed under a few layers of magic to make
them completely invisible.
Hermione and Tonks were hidden behind the lighthouse a few paces back, acting as scouts. Once
the Death Eaters were in the middle of the circle, surrounded on all sides, the attack would start.
The strategy was to disarm as many Death Eaters as possible, and then go after the carriage to
retrieve the girls. No Anti-Apparation wards were set up; they needed a quick getaway once the
girls were free.
Shacklebolt had given firm instructions that there was to be no killing curses on this mission. No
guns. No bombs. No lethal hexes. 'It's a rescue mission, simple as that,' he’d said. 'No need for
fatalities'. Hermione didn't miss the way his eyes narrowed a fraction at her when he gave the
She and Shacklebolt were usually on the same page when it came to killing; neither liked it, but
both thought it was necessary. Apparently, Shacklebolt was going to appease Harry on this
mission. She wondered how long it would last.
Voldemort had chosen a different means of transportation this time. After the tunnels were used
against his soldiers during the last raid, he'd chosen a more open route for this task. The Death
Eaters were transporting the girls via foot across the coastline, and the interception point for this
mission was the White Cliffs of Dover.
Normally, the Death Eaters travelled by Apparition or Portkey, but slaves and priceless artefacts
complicated matters. Those methods left the Death Eaters vulnerable, made it harder to cast hexes
and transfigure shields to protect whatever they were carrying. The uncertainty of Apparation
risked damaging fragile cargo, and the risk of splinching was increased tenfold if the 'cargo' in
question was fighting and clawing and trying to escape.
Voldemort didn't like taking risks like that, not with objects of such importance. He'd rather risk the
lives of his generals than damage an object he wanted. Would rather chain up the artefact or slaves,
throw them in a carriage and have his soldiers march them across the continent - and the Order
planned to use that to their advantage.
The wind howled furiously around the open coastline. Waves crashed against the base of the cliff
beneath them, smashing into the rocks to create loud booms as the earth was worn away by the sea.
It was the perfect cover for their mission. Hermione couldn't have planned it better herself. Maybe
the hum of a tank's engine wouldn't have been that noticeable after all. She would need to keep
working on her cloaking spells, maybe there was a way they could be utilized on the field more if
the weather conditions were similar to this.
The carriage came into view over the hilltop at 2:53; right when Medusa said it would.
The large, ordinary wooden box was pulled by two Thestral's, and twelve cloaked figures flanking
all sides. Eleven Black Masks, and one Gold Mask. Medusa had been right. Voldemort wasn't
taking any chances this time. He was looking for blood.
The group waited silently, pulses noticeably quickening as the carriage and its guards neared the
Despite the unexpected cover of the wind, Hermione still held her breath, still kept herself as still
as possible as the targets neared the others. She narrowed her eyes as they passed the concealed
forms of Hannah and Lee. The cloaks of the Black Masks must’ve been inches from them. Their
boots must've been practically brushing against Hannah as they made their way past.
The cloaked figure - the smallest of the group - turned slightly, and stared down at the exact spot
where Lee was crouching. They tilted their head to the side, shuffling awkwardly on their feet as
the other Death Eaters and the carriage continued with their route, pulling further away from them.
Hermione's grip tightened on her wand. They couldn’t see Lee; she knew that they couldn’t -
Tonks inched around the corner of the lighthouse, wand drawn and pointing at the enemy -
Hermione aimed hers as the Black Mask raised their hand, reaching towards Lee-
"Parkinson,” the Gold Mask shouted, voice cutting through the tension like the crack of a
whip."Get back into formation!"
The Black Mask instantly snatched their hand away and turned to face the carriage. "Sorry, sir,” a
feminine voice answered. She quickly re-joined the group and resumed her place guarding the right
side of the carriage.
Pansy Parkinson; Hermione had wondered if she was still alive. Apparently so, although she'd not
managed to work her way up the ranks yet. Still at the bottom of the pile despite her father's
undying loyalty and servitude to Voldemort.
Hermione’s heart restarted, and seventeen seconds later, the carriage was in the centre of the trap.
Everyone leaped into action. Kyle and Harrison disarmed the Death Eaters that guarded the left
side of the carriage; Hannah and Susan did the same on the right.
The Thestrals squealed as the Order members popped into existence. Startled, they reared onto
their backs legs, and flapped their wings defensively while the Death Eaters drew their wands.
"A trap!" a Black Mask shouted as he moved to disarm Josh and Robert. "Call for backup!"
The Gold Mask reached into his pocket and tapped something. Hermione tried to stop him, casting
a strong knock-back jinx at him as she sprinted into the battle, but he blocked it with a simple flick
of his wrist.
Non-lethal spells always were easier to block. It was one of the reasons why she hated using them
on the field. They were pointless. Child's play.
She could feel the Gold smiling under his mask as he threw a green curse at her. He knew they
were using less dangerous magic. He knew they undoubtedly had an advantage.
This was not good. This was not fucking good. They needed to wrap this mission up, quickly.
Hermione duelled the Gold, knowing she was the best equipped to keep him occupied whilst the
others fought the Black Masks. If she couldn't kill him, she could at least distract him and stop him
from killing her friends.
Tonks disarmed one Death Eater easily. She snapped their wand the moment it landed in her palm,
and then cast a charm that encased their body in thick metal chains to prevent their escape. She
always followed her instructions to the letter.
Hermione knocked the Gold to his knees, and was just quick enough to cast a shielding charm in
front of Robert before an Avada could connect with his chest, saving his life by less than a second.
"Eyes open!" she shouted as the Gold Mask pulled himself to his feet. A green curse shot from his
wand. She deflected it with a shield. "Immobilise the others! We need to get this over with
Curses and hexes of every colour shot around the field. White. Blue. Orange. Red. The vast
majority were that deadly, sickening shade of green. The Death Eaters weren't taking any chances.
Several narrowly shot past Hermione, just missing her elbow, her legs, her head. Her shielding
magic was always just quick enough to protect her. It seemed that she was the primary target,
which wasn't a surprise really. She was the leader of this group, and one of the most lethal
members of The Order. It made sense they would want to take her out quickly. Eliminate the
biggest threat first, and then watch the rest crumble. That was exactly what she was doing with the
Gold Mask.
She forced her eyes forward when she heard an Avada collide with someone behind her. Forced
herself to keep calm, keep her composure, and only cast a Stupefy at the Gold when Susan Bone's
ear-piercing scream resonated through the air and her corpse fell to the ground.
The Gold chuckled from under his mask when her curse missed his chest, shooting over his
shoulder and disappearing into the thick clouds behind him. Her anger was affecting her aim more
than it should have.
Hermione saw red, and started to cast any hex she could think of in quick succession. The curses
fell past her lips quicker than ever before, each one forcing the Gold Mask back another step. She
wasn't allowed to cast lethal hexes, but surely if he retreated to the edge of the cliff and fell, that
wouldn’t count, would it?
"Your cadets aren't doing too well without your help," the Gold said, his arms swinging violently
in every direction as he attempted to deflect her advances. "Don't you want to help them?"
"I will,” she spat as a powerful white light almost broke his shield, inching him back several paces.
"After I'm finished with you.”
Hermione was so absorbed in her duel that she didn't see Xander fall. So overcome with rage that
she didn't see his chest explode from the force of Parkinson’s hex, decorating the once beautiful
meadow of grass crimson, organs and blood mixing in with the dirt. The sight made Hannah
The Gold Mask continued his retreat. His feet were just inches from the cliff drop.
Out the corner of her eye, Hermione saw Parkinson be engulfed in chains. She heard her fall to the
floor, screaming and thrashing while Harrison checked her for concealed weapons.
Hermione tried not to feel too elated when Lee restrained another Black Mask and threw their wand
over the edge of the cliff.
The Gold dropped his wand like it’d given him an electric shock. It flew quickly into the air, and
then landed delicately in Hermione’s palm.
The battle was almost over. They could do this. They were going to win. A part of her couldn’t
believe it -
And then she heard it. A loud clap of thunder that wasn't thunder at all, but gigantic reptilian wings
beating against the air.
The roar started low. The sound was hoarse but then it deepened. The crescendo was ear piercing.
Hermione's hands instinctually flew to cover her ears to shield her from it. It was hideous, she
swore she could feel it vibrating in her blood. Seamus was right, it really did make the very earth
The moment she saw Black Shadow, Hermione knew she was going to die. The dragon appeared
over the cliff top quicker than she thought imaginable, its gargantuan wings propelling it quickly
over the hilt before baring down.
A male figure sat proudly between its shoulders, Demon mask firmly in place.
As the dragon circled the battlefield from overhead, its shadow blackened the earth. Every flap of
its wings felt like being hit by an invisible tidal wave. Hermione fought to keep her feet planted
firmly to the floor, focusing on not falling over despite the unforgiving force.
The dragon opened its mouth as it came back towards them; an amber light emitted from within.
Hermione felt the heat of its breath before a single flame had even left its mouth. The wave of fire
moved at an immeasurable speed, quicker than she could even think of a possible shielding charm.
Not that it would have done any good. No spell was powerful enough to shield her from that.
Flames shot from the reptile's jaws, exploding onto the grass and disintegrating Kyle and Robert
They never had a chance of escaping it. Didn't even have enough time to scream.
The Gold Masks triumphant cackle raised the hairs on Hermione's arms. "You're dead," he laughed
cruelly, manically. "You're all fucking dead now, little girl.”
Fuck Kingsley.
Hermione cast a final hex, the white light connecting with the Gold's torso with such a force it sent
him careening over the edge of the cliff, leaving him to the mercy of the jagged rocks beneath. She
imagined it killed him instantly, the mixture of gravity and the height probably pulled him towards
the earth with such velocity that his body exploded upon impact. Hoped it didn't though. Hoped he
survived, just so he would suffer. Lay there for hours in agony while he waited for the sweet kiss
of death.
The dragon started to turn at the other side of the field, ready to make another pass over their
heads. It roared again, the low vibrations of it made Hermione's skin pebble. Its mouth and
underbelly ignited, illuminating with fire.
Harrison leaped forward. He knocked another Black Masks unconscious and snapped their wand
while Hannah sprinted to the back of the carriage. She quickly disintegrated the locks and swung
the doors open.
“You're safe,” Hannah cooed as she outstretched her hand, eyes locking with the terrified girls
inside. "It's okay. You're safe.”
"Got any ideas?" Tonks shouted as she cast a shielding charm over the carriage.
"Maybe one!” Hermione fumbled in her bag for a moment, and then threw the Cloak of Invisibility
to Harrison. "Use this to conceal the carriage and take the girls to safety. We'll stay here and
distract the Black Masks. Hopefully it'll give you enough time to escape.”
Harrison's eyes widened with realization. He opened his mouth, presumably to protest, but
Hermione cut him off.
"We don't have time to argue! There isn't another way! Get the girls and-"
The little sunlight they had was blocked by a demonic shadow. The dragon was directly overhead,
high in the sky and nose-diving with incredible speed towards them.
"Go!" Hermione screamed, the terror clear in her voice as the dragon's mouth opened. "Now!”
Hannah and Harrison quickly mounted the Threstrals. Harrison pulled the reins tight and forced the
beasts into a run. Hannah cast a charm on the cloak, extending it with magic so it would be large
enough to cover the carriage and Thestrals.
The dragon started to close in, every flap of its huge wings propelling it closer.
"You need to go quicker," Hermione hushed through clenched teeth as she knocked out another
assailant. Her eyes swept from the carriage, to the approaching dragon, and then back again.
"Come on, you need to be quicker!"
The Thestrals finally pulled the carriage into the air, their small wings bowing, perfectly in sync as
they dragged the box from the ground. Hannah caught Hermione's eye, gave a small nod -
probably a thank you for saving her life - and magically draped the cloak over the carriage and the
And then they were gone. Disappeared into nothing as they made their escape - with the slaves.
As the remaining Order members started to Apparate to safety, Hermione and Tonks stayed behind
to do a final headcount. Hermione scanned the battlefield for anyone too weak to escape on their
own. She refused to leave anyone behind.
Hermione hadn't seen the dragon breathe fire, but she felt it. Fucking hell, did she feel it. Even
though she was at least a few hundred feet away from the beast, as soon as the dragon opened its
mouth and its flames collided with the ground, it felt like a bomb had been detonated. A tsunami of
impossible heat smashed into her body and sent her flying into the air.
She landed flat on her back, the fall stealing her breath. She tried to get up, but the throbbing aches
in her body pulled her back down.
The beautiful grass was completely eclipsed in fire around her. Through the roaring flames,
Hermione thought she could hear someone praying that she was still alive.
The heat continued to increase, getting much, much too hot. The flames were inches from her
body. Hermione tried to blink through the pain, tried to force air into her lungs -
Nothing worked. She couldn't breathe. She didn't care that it would probably taste like smoke.
Didn't care that it would be inhaling in the ashes of her friends' disintegrated bodies. She just
needed to breathe!
"Hermione!" a voice pleaded somewhere in the distance. "Please get up! Oh please, please get up!"
The voice got louder; cool hands clasped around her neck and shoulder and lifted her off the
ground. "Hermione, can you hear me?! I can't Apparate you if you're not conscious! It's too
dangerous! Please open your eyes.”
"....T... Tonks?" Hermione's vision cleared slowly, coming back into focus the more she blinked.
"Oh my … I thought we lost you." Tonks’ vibrant red hair came into view. She was hovering
above Hermione; severely burnt but alive.
The once blue-grey sky was now black, covered in thick, heavy smoke and ash flittering through
the air.
Hermione struggled, but managed to raise herself onto her elbows. "We need to go," she said. Her
fingers fumbled for her wand to Apparate. "I'm fine.”
All the Death Eaters had been immobilized, either unconscious or bound with unbreakable chains
or ropes. Unable to move but watching.
The dragon.
Adrenaline shot through Hermione. White-hot, searing adrenaline that pushed the dizzying ache
from her skull and cleared her vision immediately.
"Steady," Tonks hushed as she pulled a panicking Hermione to sit up straight. "You're bleeding
Her words were cut off. Her tender whisper died on her tongue as her lungs were sliced in half.
The hex, that Hermione didn't see, ripped through Tonks so violently that it tore her body in half,
and left a jagged, crimson line from her left shoulder to her right hip.
Hermione tried to lurch to her feet. A scream tore its way up her throat as both parts of Tonks’
corpse landed either side of her with a thud, but before she had even reached her wand, unforgiving
chains wrapped around her. They pinned her arms to her sides and bound her legs together, making
her unable to support her weight. She fell onto her back again, screaming. The more she fought
against the restraints, the tighter they bound her. The metal dug into her skin, bruising and biting as
she tried to kick her legs out. They crushed her chest and squeezed her lungs as she twisted on the
ground, practically suffocating her.
Over her screams, she heard the thunderous clap of wings. The ground shook violently as she
looked up to see Black Shadow land a few feet away from her. It flapped its colossal wings, and a
final bone-chilling roar emitted from deep in its chest. It lowered its head and shoulder to the earth
"Hermione fucking Granger,” the Demon Mask -Tonks' murderer - sneered as he dismounted the
dragon. His voice was sharp as a blade but strangely familiar, even through the voice altering
charm. "We've been looking everywhere for you.”
A talented little Mudblood
12th December
Hermione's throat was sore. Merlin, it was fucking sore. She didn't think she'd ever screamed this
much in her life.
Her wrists were cut; blood trickled down her arms as she thrashed against the metal restraints he'd
bound her with again and again to no avail.
She'd tried to fight, tried with every fibre of her being to get away from the Demon mask. She'd
tried to head butt him, kick him, even tried to bite him as he'd roughly yanked her to her feet and
dragged her across the field. She'd gotten a few good shots in; a satisfied smirk on her face when
he’d lifted her onto the dragons back, putting her in the perfect position to kick him in the chest
with the flats of both her feet.
The smirk vanished, however, when he'd retaliated with a very ungentle Stupefy between her eyes.
She'd been mostly unconscious after that. She'd woken a few times, jolted awake by the thunderous
clap of reptilian wings, but it was only temporary. Her eyelids always fluttered closed before she
could get a grasp on her surroundings.
Hermione’s senses - and her fight - started to return when the city of York came into view some
hours later. She was still a little groggy when the dragon circled the cathedral, but by the time it
landed on the cobbled streets, she was wide awake.
The Demon Mask curled his fingers around Hermione’s restraints, pulling her right alongside him
as he slid off Black Shadow’s back. He cast a charm on her chains, loosening them just enough to
allow her to walk.
As soon as he started to drag her along, Hermione dug her heels into the ground and pulled back.
They struggled for a moment or two, but eventually the Demon Mask huffed, and cast a wordless
hex that knocked the air from Hermione’s lungs. She collapsed from the intensity of it, but the
Demon didn’t seem to care; just grabbed the chains around her shoulders, and dragged her
backward through the streets.
The exact location of Voldemort's base had never been known to The Order. They knew it was
somewhere in the North Yorkshire area, somewhere easily accessible with plenty of Floo
connections. They guessed it was somewhere elaborate and ostentatious, but he moved so often it
was nearly impossible to pinpoint the exact whereabouts.
Thinking back now, Hermione was furious that she didn't realize it before. York Cathedral; what
an obvious place for his centre of operation. It was the perfect stadium; large, regal, a
demonstration of his strength and wealth. The perfect place to showcase his growing power. The
high, jewelled windows and lustrous gold trimmings were sure to allure new recruits, seducing
them with mirages of riches and power. It sang of all the promises his loyal followers could attain,
if they served their mighty lord well, of course.
Maybe Voldemort considered himself a king amongst his loyal dogs. He never seemed the type for
jewels and gold before, but greed and illusions of grandeur always did do interesting things to the
The cathedral itself was breath-taking. Hermione didn't think she'd ever seen a place so grand, even
before the war. It was undeniably bursting with magical energy; a fortress of solid beauty and
endless possibilities. Even if it was warped by Voldemort's repugnant influence, it still was quite
bewitching to behold. As she was dragged across the floor and the stone cut into her legs, she
couldn't help but think how truly magnificent the building was. A triumph to Muggle architecture.
It was no wonder Voldemort wanted to make it his own, manipulate it to show that Wizarding folk
were vastly superior. Even though the silk tapestries were replaced with dark curtains, and the
images of Christ were transfigured into serpents, it still took Hermione's breath away.
She imagined the pews were previously filled with rows upon rows of men and women, all with
kind eyes and gentle hearts, hymn books clutched to their chests as they peacefully worshipped
their God. The image almost warmed her.
But there were no kind eyes in the room now. Rows of cloaked figures replaced them; filled with
masks of Black and Gold metal. Their hearts were like ice; dead as the people they'd murdered
when they took over this Holy place and made it their centre of operation. There was no warmth in
here now, not anymore.
The air was particularly freezing. Hermione's breath frosted in front of her as she panted and
struggled against her restraints. There would be no warmth from prayers to erase the chill that was
seeping into her bones.
Dementors circled overhead, bowing and floating softly on the ceiling of the cathedral. Their black
cloaks eclipsed the murals of angels and cherub's, covering them like ominous shadows, like the
grim reaper itself.
Well, that explains the cold, Hermione thought bitterly. Their proximity sent a chill down her
Voldemort sat on a dark throne at the end of the aisle. His long, grotesque nails were wrapped
around the edges of the armrest. The Demon Mask threw Hermione at his master's feet and then
knelt beside her. He bowed, and when she didn't follow his lead, he grabbed the back of her neck
and pushed her head to the floor.
Maybe Hermione was wrong. Maybe Voldemort didn't think he was a king amongst his loyal
Death Eaters. Maybe he thought he was a God to them, their own dark prince who had been
resurrected, born again from the ashes of the old war to rise and lay claim to the newer, more
lenient world. A world which had grown a little more tolerant of muggleborns, and even formed a
small, secretive alliance with Muggles.
"My Lord," the Demon mask greeted. "I have brought you a gift."
"I can see that," Voldemort answered. "Did you acquire this gift on your latest mission?"
"Yes. I-"
"You let them get away!" a sharp voice bellowed, and the punishing grip left Hermione's neck. She
lifted her head to see a Gold Mask marching towards them, blind fury evident in every stride he
took. "You fucking idiot! You let them get away with the girls!"
"Careful Gold," the Demon mask sneered, voice calm but biting as he stood, irritated at being
interrupted mid-sentence. "I suggest you choose your next words very carefully. We wouldn't want
our Lord to think you've forgotten how to address your superiors, would we?"
"Superiors?! You're joking, aren't you?" The Gold stopped in front of the Demon, pointing his
finger at that horrible, toothy mask. "The Order got away with the slaves because of you! You don't
deserve the horns on your head you useless-"
The Gold's words were cut off in a grunt, followed by a sickening gargle. He took a shaky step
back, and his hands flew to his stomach to delicately touch the silver dagger that was embedded to
the hilt in his lower chest. Hermione guessed it was lodged between two ribs; the squelching sound
she heard was probably his lungs filling with his blood. The Demon had just punctured the lung of
another general, and Voldemort was smiling.
The Gold fell to his knees in front of Hermione, choking and grasping his chest. She instantly
dragged herself backwards, jumping slightly when her shoulders connected with the Demon's
Voldemort's menacing chuckle resonated through the cathedral walls, the chilling sound echoing,
magnifying as the other cloaked figures joined in. A symphony of death if she'd ever heard it. An
opera of inhumanity.
Hermione's heart hammered violently in her chest, but she forced herself to remain calm. If they
killed their own so easily, so without remorse, what in Merlin's name were they going to do to her?
"You never were one for second warnings, were you?" Voldemort said, a small smile at the edges
of his lips.
"No. I suppose I'm not," the Demon answered simply, his voice still altered by the charm.
Hermione's brow furrowed as she stared up at his mask, as if she might be able to see through the
metal if she concentrated hard enough. Why did he sound so familiar?
"And that is why you are so valuable to me, and why you have earned your place by my side, over
other, more pitiful generals." Voldemort tsk'd as his eyes flittered to the choking Gold on the floor.
"Such a disappointment. Never mind, Rodolphus?"
"Yes, my Lord," one of the Gold Masks answered from across the cathedral. He stood from his
pew and bowed his head to his master like a dog.
"Would you be so kind as to take your brother and heal his wounds, before he bleeds to death on
my new rug?"
Both Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange were Gold Masks, that was interesting. Arthur Weasley
was correct, it was a shame Hermione wouldn't be able to tell him.
"Yes, of course, my Lord," Lestrange said as he made his way towards them. He gripped his bother
harshly by the elbow, ignoring his yelp of pain as he dragged him to his feet and led him into a
private room at the back of the Cathedral.
"And Rodolphus?" Voldemort called just before they closed the door.
"Yes, my Lord?"
"Do remind him to respect his superiors. Next time, I will let him bleed to death if he speaks out of
turn to a Demon. He needs to remember his place.”
"Of course. I will ensure that the message has sunk in before I heal him," Rodolphus bowed his
head a final time, and then disappeared behind the door.
There was a sense of finality in the movement, and Hermione wondered if Voldemort even
expected him to survive. Probably didn't. Probably already had fifty Black Masks eager to jump in
their superiors' grave. They probably would have stabbed him too, given the chance. She didn't
imagine there was much order amongst the lower ranks. They were probably always at each other's
throats, willing to do anything to get promoted. Like dogs in a fighting pit, mauling each other for
the chance of a shinier, more prestigious collar.
"Is it true what he said?" Voldemort asked, eyes drifting over to his chief general again. "Did the
girls getaway?"
"They did, my Lord," the Demon said, wiping the Gold's blood from his black robes. "But I
acquired something much more valuable instead.”
Hermione couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips when the Demon half-turned and gestured
towards her. Couldn't help the way her heart stopped when Voldemort's hollow, ghost-like eyes
landed on her. His stare was intrusive, stifling, like he was cutting her open, filling through her
layers of skin as if they held her secrets.
"Hermione Granger," the Demon snarled the words, as though saying her name left a foul taste in
his mouth. "Potter's favourite mudblood.”
Voldemort tilted his head to the side at the mention of Harry's name. He narrowed his eyes, and his
grip on the elder wand tightened as he looked her over again, as if he was seeing her for the first
"Our intelligence officers tell me that despite her being a mudblood, she is very high ranking in
The Order," the Demon went on. "It's probably the reason why they're losing so badly. Having one
of their kind as their highest ranking general just shows their inferiority to you, my Lord. You
should never trust a mudblood to do a wizard's job.”
The cloaked figures sneered under their masks at the Demon's comments, all chuckling cruelly as
they whispered amongst themselves.
Hermione raised her chin and squared her shoulders, keeping her eyes locked on Voldemort. She
refused to be intimidated. Refused to allow them to think her weaker because of her blood. She was
just as deadly as they were. If the Demon hadn't already taken her wand, she'd prove it. They could
go to hell if they thought she wouldn't slit all their throats without a second's hesitation.
"When I saw her on the field,” the Demon said, "all of our soldiers were neutralized, and two Order
members had already commandeered the carriage and were making their escape.” The Demon
looked down at Hermione in a way that caused a shiver to run down her spine, like someone
walking on her grave. "I knew I only had enough time to intercept one; prevent a few meaningless
slaves from being freed, or capture one of the most vital members of The Order.”
"I can only imagine the secrets she must know," Voldemort said, nodding his head in approval.
"And she will make an exceptional bargaining chip. The perfect damsel in distress to lure Potter out
of hiding. You made the right choice, as usual. Consider your duties completed for the day.
Remove your mask, you deserve a drink."
A slave was brought forward; a small girl dressed in threadbare robes and a metal collar and chain
clasped around her neck. Not that it was needed. The girl was undoubtedly a muggle, or a
muggleborn dosed high with Anti-Magic potions. She wasn't a threat; the collar and chain were
purely symbolic. A tool to demonstrate her place amongst the purebloods. To show her secondary
status. How truly fucking sickening.
As the shivering girl stepped forward, the silver platter she held shook in her hands. She offered a
flute of bubbling champagne to Voldemort, then to the Demon. Her captor snatched a glass with
one hand, the other reached for the back of his head. Hermione watched his gloved fingers
elegantly slip off the hood of his robes to reveal startling white-blonde hair.
Her breath caught in her throat when he removed the metal from his face, and she locked onto
those familiar, cruel grey eyes. The eyes of her childhood bully. The vile, unfeeling traitor who'd
watched her writhe and scream on his parlour floor years ago while his own aunt tortured her. His
eyes didn't burn the way they used to though. Didn't flicker with resentment. Didn't glisten the way
they had when he'd turned away from her that day, when she'd lay screaming, begging for his help.
They were cold now.
Draco Lucius Malfoy. He was still alive. Still as loyal to Voldemort as ever. Still a Death Eater.
No, he was so much more than that now. He was a Demon Mask. She realized she couldn't think
of a more suitable title for him. He really was a soulless demon; a monster. He'd killed his cousin
hours ago. He'd ripped her into two pieces, and now he was sipping champagne with the evilest
wizard of all time with a smug smile on his face.
Although she suspected they'd crossed paths in various war zones over the years, Hermione hadn't
seen his face since the battle of Hogwarts, and he'd changed considerably since then. His shoulders
were broader now and his arms were wrapped in thick muscle, but he was still slender. Build still
fit for a seeker. His skin looked like marble, cold, perfect, not a blemish in sight. His features were
even sharper, rivalling the most beautiful renaissance paintings she'd ever seen. His high
cheekbones were more prominent, jawline more angled. He looked elegant, graceful, and
absolutely fucking lethal.
"You!" Hermione hissed, unable to keep silent as rage twisted through her in a way it never had
Malfoy's eyes snapped to hers. An amused smirk decorated his sharp features as he looked at her.
Malfoy cocked his head to the side, amused. "Care to elaborate, mudblood?"
"And?" Hermione blinked furiously. The room full of murderers ready to decapitate her on a
second's notice forgotten through her indescribable anger. "She was your cousin! She was a
"She was a filthy blood traitor," he snapped, smiling as he sipped his champagne. "She's no family
of mine.”
"Don't you feel the slightest bit of remorse?! Where's your humanity?"
Malfoy scoffed. His eyes darkened as he took a step towards her. The movement was slow, fluid,
predatory. "My only regret is that it was quick. I wish I could have made it last, made her suffer
and realize what a fucking colossal mistake she'd made in choosing the wrong side before the light
left her eyes.”
"You're a monster.”
Malfoy grabbed her chin, his smile turning positively menacing as he tiled her head back to look at
him. "I believe the term you're looking for is Demon.” He pushed her back with one sharp shove.
Hermione fell onto her back, dark chuckles echoing around the cathedral when she got caught in
her chains and couldn't get up. Malfoy drained the last of his champagne, and took his place beside
"Well, as much as I do love to be entertained by a fiery little Mudblood, there really is no time like
the present, is there?" Voldemort said as both his and Malfoy's eyes turned back to her. "Let's see
what Order secrets she has, shall we?"
With the sharp snap of his fingers, two Black Masks were at Hermione's flank. They pulled her to
kneel once more; one gripped her shoulders while the other curled his fingers under her chin and
the top of her head, preventing her from turning away.
Voldemort rose from his chair rather elegantly. He placed his empty flute back on the tray, his
robes swaying around him as he stalked toward Hermione.
Hermione tried to twist away, but the grip on her face was too tight. She couldn't move. Couldn't
do anything. She prided herself on being brave. The thought of begging made her feel sick, but
if the Order’s secrets were on the line - if their very survival depended on it - she had to try. Had to
know that she’d given it all her all; tried everything and left no stone unturned.
Her eyes locked onto Malfoy's, and she made one last attempt to plead with him. "Please! Malfoy,
please don't let him do this!"
He couldn't have changed that much, could he? They'd gone to school together; they'd grown up
together. Surely there was still some humanity left in him? Some small shred of human decency
that inclined him to see that this was wrong, that he shouldn't let Voldemort look through her
memories? Shouldn't there?
But she found nothing there. He just stared blankly back at her; no light in his eyes or flicker of
regard for her screams. His eyes were like stone. Dead.
"Get the fuck away from me!” Hermione spat as she tried to pull away from the elder wand. The
fingers on her face dug more forcefully into her skin, bruising as they held her in place.
"Shhhhhhhhh, this will only take a moment.” Voldemort pressed the wooden tool between her
temples, and then barged into her mind.
His magic hurt. Fucking hell, it hurt! It was excruciating, feeling the spell sweep across her brain
like tentacles from a squid. She could feel it poking and prodding, squeezing across her skull. She
fought the urge to vomit. Choked back her screams of agony and willed herself to be silent. Each
intrusion felt like being flayed open with an axe. A throbbing, piercing pain emitted from deep
within her temples with each push of Voldemort's magic.
She knew there might be a time she would be captured. Knew with every fibre in her body that if
she were, the Death Eaters would want to search her memories. She had far too much valuable
information; knew countless secrets, battle strategies, secret bases, and carefully thought-out
tactics. Her mind was simply too valuable a tool for Voldemort not to invade and use against The
Order. So naturally, she'd planned for this exact possibility.
Hermione took a deep breath and pictured the intruder in her mind. Pictured his magic as a physical
being; a tangible force that she could grasp, and then flew her walls up so high they knocked him
back. She envisioned pushing him from her memories, visualized him sailing through the air so
punishingly fast, like he was free-falling, and out of her head.
Voldemort gasped as he was thrown out of her mind. He fell back, his nails curled around the
armrest of his chair to steady himself. He pressed a hand to his chest, glaring at Hermione as he
drew deep breaths through his nostrils. He looked infuriated, but intrigued.
Hermione was breathless. Pushing him out of her mind so violently had exhausted her but she was
ready, should he try again. He wasn't getting in. She wasn't going to let him. Not a chance.
"That's ... that's not possible," the Gold said. His mask snapped in Hermione's direction and then
back to Voldemort.
"I don't think I've ever seen a Mudblood possess such talents." Voldemort straightened, and dusted
off his robes. "I admit, I didn't think their kind was capable of such magic.”
Hermione continued to glare at him. Her chest heaved from exhaustion, the dizzying pain in her
temples was almost enough to make her collapse but she ignored it. Instead, she focused on raising
her chin higher, and turning her lips upwards into a small smirk.
"You were right to capture this one," Voldemort said. "I can only imagine the secrets she must
have. No one is trained that thoroughly at Occlumency if they don't have anything to hide.”
"Shall I bring in the appraisers my Lord?" one of the Black Masks said, twirling a stay curl of hers
between his fingers. Hermione jerked away from him. "I think this one will be worth a pretty
penny. I know Barty Crouch Junior is in the market for a new slave. He adores his mudbloods.”
The room erupted into dark cackles and whispers. Hermione suppressed a shudder.
Voldemort would undoubtedly want to search her memories routinely. He'd keep searching and
searching, and he'd bide his time until she slipped, but he wouldn't care less where she was kept in
the meantime.
Hermione knew what was likely to happen to her now. She'd saved enough girls on her missions
throughout the years to know what happened when young witches were captured. She'd untied
enough of them from beds, saw their bruised wrists and ankles- sometimes cut to the bone where
they'd tried to free themselves. She'd seen enough blood-soaked sheets to know what was likely to
be awaiting her.
Maybe she would be sold to Rodolphus. Or Yaxley? Maybe they would kill her quickly. She'd
always had a theory that most Death Eaters had pain fetishes, that they liked to torture the poor
girls while they raped them. Cut them, stab them, tear pieces of flesh from the bone while they had
their way with the screaming witch beneath them. They were considered the lucky ones. They only
ever lasted a night or two.
Yaxley removed his mask, and passed the other cloaked figures to kneel in front of Hermione. "If it
would please you, my Lord. I would very much like to have this one. I would pay whatever my
Lord sees fit.” He cupped her chin, a gesture meant to be tentative and, gentle, maybe? It made her
stomach lurch, and caused her skin to pebble in the most sickening way.
The room fell into choked silence when Hermione spat in Yaxley's face. The Death Eater jumped
back in shock; eyes blown wide as he furiously wiped the saliva from his face.
A pureblood, - one of Voldemort's most loyal followers - with a mudblood's spit across his face.
She could only imagine the humiliation Yaxley must've felt. It almost made Hermione giddy.
"How dare you!" Yaxley leaned forward, and smacked her across the face with the back of his
She swore she felt her cheekbone crack under the pressure. It hurt like hell; she tasted blood in her
mouth, but she couldn't keep the smile off her face. Hermione could only imagine how deranged
she must have looked; blood colouring her gums, head swaying from the dizzying pressure of the
slap as she grinned at the Death Eater in front of her. Her possible captor, the man likely to be her
future rapist.
A brave, hot-headed Gryffindor to the very end. She wondered if McGonagall would have been
"No, this one isn't to be sold," Voldemort said. He studied Hermione for a moment, then turned to
Malfoy. "You said this is Potter's favourite Mudblood, did you not?"
"Yes, my Lord," Malfoy said from beside him. A loyal dog on a leash if she ever saw one.
"Yes, my Lord," Malfoy repeated. His expressionless face tightened a fraction. "I believe she
would be most valuable to us. I've seen her on the field, and despite her inferior blood status, she's
absolutely lethal. I'm sure Potter would do everything in his power to get her back.”
"I thought so. Well, in that case, Draco, you will take her.”
Hermione felt all the blood drain from her face. Her smile vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
"As you wish." Malfoy bowed his head, not a hint of humanity in his voice.
Fenrir's chair scraped against the floor as he stood. "But my Lord, Malfoy has always detested our
use of slaves! She would be wasted on him-"
"She will not be his plaything, McNair," Voldemort snapped, irritated. "Not if he doesn't wish her
to be. Malfoy is the best Legilimens we have, and I have something special in mind for this one. If
anyone can break her, it's him.”
Panic washed over Hermione like ice water. This could not be happening. This could not be
If she was given to Malfoy, he would find out everything; the Order's base, the safe houses, the
bunkers, Medusa! He would know everything! She wouldn't be able to keep him out, she knew
that. Despite her countless hours of research on mind barriers and memory locks, despite the
immeasurable hours she'd spent practicing, Malfoy's skill at Legilimency was legendary. There
wasn't a slave alive he hadn't forced a confession from. Not a secret untold or a fruitless
interrogation when he'd gotten his hands on an Order member. Voldemort was right, he was going
to break her.
Malfoy obediently stepped forward. He pulled the leather glove from his hand and offered his
palm to Voldemort, not flinching when his master sharply ran the tip of the elder wand over his
palm and sliced a deep, jagged cut into his skin.
With a flick of Voldemort's wand, Malfoy's blood seeped from the wound and floated into the air.
When it was gathered in a neat crimson ball, Voldemort cast another charm on it. The incantation
slipped past his lips so quietly Hermione couldn't hear it. Malfoy's blood glowed and bubbled for a
moment, then stilled.
Hermione gasped as she felt the cool edge of a blade press against her overheated skin. She
squeezed her eyes shut-
"Not her throat, you idiot," Voldemort hissed. "Have you not heard a single word I've said? She has
valuable information on the enemy, I do not want her dead. Yet."
The blade against her throat pulled away. Hermione opened her eyes and released a ragged
breath. Voldemort looked incandescent, murder glowing in his eyes.
"I... I don't understand, my Lord," the Black Mask, the one with the blade, fumbled.
"Cut her neck at the back, near the top of her spine," Voldemort ordered. "I've cast a charm on
Draco's blood. If he is to be her captor, we want to make sure she cannot escape.”
Hermione squirmed as the Black Mask pushed her to the floor and crushed her face to the blood-
soaked rug. The other pinned her shoulders down, trapping her.
"You see my friends," Voldemort said as he stood over her. "This blood ritual will tie the
mudblood's life to Draco's. It will link them."
Her hair was brushed up from the base of her neck, exposing her skin.
A cool blade pressed against her, at the junction where the base of her skull met the top of her
A deep slice was lashed across Hermione's skin. She hissed and ground her teeth together to keep
from screaming.
Her own blood seeped from the wound and trickled down her neck. It pooled around her, coating
her chin and face as she fought to get up. To move. To do anything to stop this from happening.
But, as before, the grip on her shoulders and head was too tight, too secure. She was helpless. And
she fucking hated it.
"The only way Malfoy would let her escape the Manor would be if she killed him," Voldemort
said. "This ritual prevents her from doing so. It also prevents her precious order members from
killing him, should they attempt to rescue her.”
Hermione couldn't help the scream that tore its way up her throat when she felt the boiling,
magically charmed blood, Malfoy's blood, seep into her system. She thrashed and screeched on the
floor as she felt it spread through her body, searing like acid. It travelled down her spine, using her
muscles and tendons to carry it to the very tips of her toes. The cursed blood metastasized itself to
every possible fibre of her being like cancer. She felt it everywhere, felt him everywhere.
"You are now bound together. Tied forever by blood,” Voldemort whispered, his voice dripping in
venom. "Till death, do you part.”
I'd kill you right now
12th December
Hermione hadn’t expected Malfoy to be gentle when he Apparated them, but she didn’t think he’d
be that rough.
She almost vomited when they reappeared in front of his Manor. His magic was so violent it left
her feeling unsteady and an excruciating pain throbbing between her brows. She suspected he’d
done it on purpose; a cruel tactic to keep her vulnerable. She was much easier to transport if she
was disoriented.
She felt ridiculously weak; her veins were liquid fire from whatever dark magic Voldemort had
metastasized her with when he'd linked her life to Malfoy’s. Her blood burned. Each thump of her
heart brought a fresh wave of impossible heat. It felt like acid was pumping through her body.
Boiling. Sharp. In a way, she welcomed the discomfort.
A small part of her felt like she deserved it. Why should she walk away somewhat unscathed, when
five of her teammates were dead, disintegrated to ashes on a burning field? She'd failed them. She
deserved some form of retribution.
Freezing December rain pelted down on top of them; Hermione felt it cleaning the dried blood in
her hair. It was quite calming, to feel the crimson drop from her chin. Seeing the crimson puddle
on the floor brought a strange sense of clarity with it. Like washing away the vile reminder of her
She tried to breathe in the scent of the rain, breathe it in and forget where she was and think
rationally -
Hermione suppressed a shudder. She bent over slightly, one hand curling around her knee for
support while she massaged her temples with the other. She was dizzy, she felt as though the
ground was swaying beneath her feet. She thought she was going to throw up any moment -
"For Salazars sake," a voice sneered from beside her. "Stop being so fucking dramatic."
"Oh, will you just fuck off!?" she snapped without looking up, fearing the movement might damage
her already fragile equilibrium. "I'm in far too much pain right now, the last thing I need is your
judgment. Now, do me a favour and fuck off!"
If she weren't so nauseously helpless, she would have hexed him to oblivion by now. It was
sickening, really, how powerless she felt. Since the war began, Hermione had been a force to be
reckoned with. She was strong, courageous, lethal, a fucking lioness.
She hardly recognized herself now.
Malfoy gave an irritated sigh. "Come on Mudblood, we don't have all day.”
Hermione ground her teeth together. "Didn't I already tell you to fuck off? You've taken my wand,
assaulted me with I don't know how many hexes, and then dragged me to your master. Heaven
knows what kind of dark and evil blood curse he's infected me with. I'm in pain, I've lost a lot of
blood, and my skull feels like it's trapped between a vice. So if you don't mind, I would appreciate
it if you would give me a minute to catch my breath before you haul me into whatever torture
chamber you have in there!"
"My, my,” Malfoy scoffed, “someone still has a temper. I thought you Gryffindor's were supposed
to be nice?"
"Give me back my wand, and I'll show you how nice I can be!"
"Oh, I would love to see you try," he said, and she could hear the sadistic smirk on his face.
The rain started to pick up. Hermione thought some of the droplets that pelted against her back
might’ve been hail, but she didn't look up to check.
Whatever it was, Malfoy wasn't a fan. He gripped her arm harshly, yanked her up straight, and
dragged her up the stone path towards the manor.
The short walk saturated them both. Hermione's wet curls clung to her face; her clothes were heavy
and dripping water by the time they reached the doors. Malfoy opened them with a flick of his
wand and forced her inside.
His sharp movements jolted her, intensifying the pain in her skull. "What about.... eugghhh.” She
ground her teeth together as he towed her beside him; the pain much easier to manage if she
focused on something else. "What about the dragon?"
Black shadow was a her? That tiny facet of information thwarted her more than it should have. She
didn't know much about dragons, only ever busied herself with learning the basics; possible
weaknesses, strengths and breeding habits, things that might come in handy on the field should she
ever find herself trapped between a stone wall and reptilian jaws. She figured dragons weren't
really an area she needed to know about. There weren't many left, and Charlie Weasley was an
expert. If the Order ever needed information on one, he always had the answers.
But the fact that the gigantic beast that'd turned countless Order members to ash, and whose roar
gave survivors like Seamus night terrors, was female, surprised Hermione. She wasn't sure why.
Her brain was too fuzzy to analyse it further.
"Why didn't we ride her here?" she found herself asking, needing to distract herself from the pain.
"Does it matter?"
Hermione opened her mouth, another question burning to slip past her lips, but the look he gave her
snapped her mouth shut.
He started walking faster through the Manor; Hermione tripped over her own feet as she struggled
to keep up with his long strides. As he dragged her along, she tried to take in as much of her
surroundings as she could, already plotting her escape.
The manor felt different than the last time she'd been here. It was still dark, the décor still largely
teaming with Dark artefacts and gothic paintings; the image of aristocratic wealth. But there was a
warmth here now. A strange blanket of comfort that she didn't notice last time. It was just little
things. She noticed silver trimmings on the edges of the curtain sashes, and countless silver bowls
with small trinkets inside. She saw a vase with beautiful white roses on a window ledge, an elegant
candelabra with citrus-smelling candles burning atop of them, and perfect, hand plumped cushions
placed across a dark green chaise lounge on the second story landing.
They were all very simple things really, but added together, they softened the atmosphere. They
made it a home. Almost.
Malfoy veered sharply to the right and towed her down a narrow hallway. There were rows and
rows of portraits lining the walls; countless pairs of unforgiving grey eyes glaring down at her as
she went by. Their stares were just as cold and disgusted by her as their relative who'd brought her
"Aren't you worried about her? Your dragon?" she clarified when his eyes narrowed in her
Malfoy scoffed, just one short puff of air through his lips. He stopped outside a set of large, dark
oak double doors with brass handles. "No, I'm not. You've seen her on the battlefield, Granger. Do
you really think one of your soldiers could stop her? That one of your pathetic little metal machines
could do anything to her?"
"I've seen her disintegrate those little metal boxes of yours with one breath," he said, the grip on
her arm tightening, bruising. A threat. "I've heard the screams of men when she melts the walls
and trapped them inside. Your soldiers are nothing to her.”
Their scowls lingered on one another. Their glares were like daggers.
Merlin, she fucking hated him. With the exception of Voldemort, she didn't think she'd ever hated
anyone the way she did Malfoy. He was so cruel, just for the sake of cruelty. Like a child holding a
magnifying glass over a herd of ants, scorching them to death just to hear their tiny screams.
Fucking sadist.
Being Voldemort's deadliest soldier wasn't just a job for him, he enjoyed it. Revelled in it.
She felt her hands ball into fists. They shook at her sides as rage twisted through her. "Do you even
Malfoy sighed, his face growing indifferent. Bored. "You'll have to be more specific.”
"Do you even care about how many people you've killed? Doesn't it bother you - even in the
slightest - how many hearts you've stopped from beating?"
He snorted, cocking a brow as the corners of his mouth lifted into a wolfish smirk. "It doesn't
bother me at all. It's part of the job. I consider it a perk of my role, watching your precious Order
members sniffle and beg for their lives. Sometimes, it's the highlight of my fucking day.”
Hermione couldn't help herself. Before she realised she was doing it, she raised her hand, and
slapped him across the face. As hard as she fucking could.
It jerked Malfoy's head to the side; her palm burned from the force of it. She could feel the rage
vibrating off him. Could feel dark magic crackling around him, making the air grow cold. It
reminded Hermione of the chill she felt deep in her bones whenever she was near a dementor.
Malfoy didn't turn back to her immediately. He stared at the wall, jaw tightening and throat
bobbing. Considering. She noticed his hand flex around his wand. He closed his eyes and drew a
deep breath that made his nostrils flare. When he finally opened them and tilted his head back to
her, his expression was venomous. Feral. "You get that one, Granger," he hissed, stepping closer
and curling his fingers around her arm tightly. Hermione swore her heart stopped. "But if you do
that again, you will regret it, I will make you regret it. Are we clear?"
Hermione said nothing, just studied him as the atmosphere strained between them. Despite the
terror she felt, she refused to show it on her face. Chose to twist it into disgust, make it clear how
thoroughly repulsed she was by him. She couldn't show weakness, fear. She wouldn't.
"If you weren't so important to The Dark Lord," he said, nails digging into her arm, "I'd kill you
right now.”
"If I still had my wand," she hissed back, leaning in and raising her chin, "you’d be dead already.”
Malfoy huffed a laugh, and threw Hermione into the unfamiliar room. She stumbled, but caught
herself on a wooden desk before she could fall. She spun to face him; her survival instincts
thumping through the fog in her brain. Never turn your back on your enemy. Never leave yourself
Her eyes darted around the room, looking for a possible escape route, a weapon, anything she
could use.
Well, this certainly wasn't what she expected when she considered what sort of cage Malfoy would
keep her in.
It was a bedroom. A very large, very regal-looking bedroom. All the furniture was made of the
same dark oak as the double doors, and the walls were painted a warm shade of cream. There was
an enormous four-poster bed in the centre of the room that was lined with expensive-looking, crisp
white sheets and perfectly plump emerald green pillows. Next to the window was a desk with a
vanity mirror sitting proudly atop. There were several dressers scattered around the room, a
wardrobe, and a dark green armchair. There were lit candles everywhere, and the same silver vases
with white flowers she'd seen when she entered the manor. All incredibly simple and elegant in
design. All nothing like she expected Malfoy to own.
The west side wall was swallowed by a bay window that looked out onto the gardens, probably
sealed with no possible way to open it. There was another door to the left of the bed, she imagined
it led to a private bathroom. She figured Malfoy would want to keep her confined to her own space,
her own inescapable little birdcage. He wouldn't want her to get her filthy, Mudblood paws on his
nice things. Probably feared she'd infect them with some strange, completely non-existent plague
with a single touch.
The furnishings looked much more expensive than anything the Order could ever own, but they
probably cost nothing compared to the wealth Malfoy had accumulated. This was probably a
servant's quarters; the very dregs of his wealth.
He was the sole heir to the Malfoy line, and the last remaining Malfoy. She couldn't even imagine
what type of wealth he must have, or the gold and riches he must've reaped from being Voldemort's
chief general; his most loyal dog.
Malfoy looked Hermione over as he stepped into the room and locked the doors behind him, an
amused expression on his face. "Concocting a brilliant escape plan, are we?"
"No, you won't," he said slowly, confidently. "You're trapped here, Mudblood. Accept it.”
"The Order will come for me, they're going to find me, and they're going to break this bond
between us," Hermione said, taking a step towards him and tilting her head to look him in the eye.
"And when they break that bond, I will be the one to kill you. Make no mistake, as soon as this vile
little connection between us has been tethered, I will slit your throat with a smile on my face.”
Malfoy didn't respond immediately. He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the side,
assessing her. His gaze was entirely predatory, like he might Avada her any second. Any moment.
Hermione's hand instinctually twitched towards her empty wand holster on her thigh.
Malfoy grinned when he noticed, running his tongue across his top teeth. "I wouldn't expect
anything less from you, Golden Girl. Fearless to the very end. You are a true Gryffindor, aren't
you? My own little lion cub, here to do whatever I see fit.”
Hermione raised her chin defiantly. She refused to show how his words sent a chill down her spine.
She narrowed her eyes instead.
Malfoy's smile grew malicious. He stepped closer, drew his wand, and dug it under her chin. "I'm
going to have such fun playing with you.” He was sizing her up; toying with her the way a panther
torments an injured gazelle. He knew she was trapped. He knew she had no possible way of
escaping. Not yet, anyway.
This was all a sick little game to him. A way to pass the time, keep him occupied until Voldemort
summoned him for another mission. Another assignment, where he would probably murder her
friends, and assassinate the very soldiers sent to find and rescue her.
"Romy?” he said quietly, cold eyes still on hers. He didn't lower his wand.
Less than a heartbeat later, a house-elf appeared beside him with a pop.
"Yes, Master?" Romy asked, his large green eyes glittering eagerly, ready to serve. "How can
Romy be of assistance?"
"Fetch me a glass of red wine," he said, digging his wand into her skin a little more firmly before
dropping it. "And an anti-magic potion.”
"Of course, Sir.” Romy bowed his head, and then vanished with a snap of his tiny fingers.
Malfoy and Hermione said nothing as they waited for him to return. Neither looked away, the
atmosphere crackled between them as they glowered at one another. The air was hostile; thick and
heavy with their disgust for one another.
I fucking hate you, she thought, hoping he might somehow be able to hear it through their unknown
blood connection.
I hate you.
The pop of the elf reappearing didn't make either of them lower their gaze.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
"Here you go, sir," the elf said happily, handing the two items to his master.
Malfoy added the clear potion to the wine, eyes still locked tauntingly on Hermione's. He swirled
the glass in his hand to mix the two liquids, the movement so elegant and refined it looked like
something out of a black and white Hollywood film. He really was the perfect aristocrat, when he
wasn't busy being a mass murderer.
He extended his hand, presenting the glass to her. "Drink," he said; a command, not a request.
Hermione snorted and took a step back. "You're barking mad if you think I'm drinking anything
you give me. Get that thing away from me, heaven knows what you've added to it!"
Flashes of the girls she'd unchained from beds over the years swam through Hermione's head like a
Rolodex of horror. Blood-soaked sheets when she'd failed to rescue Lavender Brown in time.
Parvati Patil's wrists, cut to the bone with the metal cuffs that she'd fought against.
Hermione knew both of these girls well. She knew they wouldn't have surrendered willingly when
they were sold into slavery. They would've fought their captors with all their strength, and the only
thing that would've dulled that fight, would've been potions the Death Eaters had forced down their
If Malfoy wanted Hermione bound to this bed, he was going to have one hell of a fight on his
hands. She would make sure of it.
Malfoy stared at her for a long minute, trying to work out what she was thinking. The moment he
understood, he burst into cruel laughter. "Oh, for Merlin's sake, you really think I'm going to rape
you?! Make no mistake, I wouldn't touch you if my life depended on it."
Hermione refused to lower her accusatory gaze. Or relax at his words. She didn't trust him in the
slightest. Malfoy was one of the only two Demon Masks in Voldemort's army. The list of sins he'd
committed to attain that title must've stretched as high as the Astronomy Tower. He'd sold his soul
to the devil in exchange for a pair of horns. And if he could do all that, the title of rapist probably
wasn't above him either.
"Do you think I'm an idiot Granger?" Draco asked, stepping closer to her. "If anyone is adept at
wandless magic, it's you." He took another step. "I'm sure you've thought of a thousand
contingency plans in case you were caught without a wand, being the prized know it all you are."
And another.
Hermione retreated; panic washed over her as he matched her step for step.
"Why do you think I cast so many hexes on you?" Draco teased. "I needed you dizzy. Weak.
She gasped when her back connected with the wardrobe doors.
Malfoy closed the distance between them with a final step, trapping her there. "This is an anti-
magic potion. Nothing more. Nothing less. It will cancel whatever magic is running through your
veins and can conjure without the use of a wand. Now, you can either drink it yourself, or I can
force it down your throat. Which is it going to be?"
Hermione glared up at him, nostrils flaring as she balled her hands into fists at her sides with what
little movement she had. "Fuck. You.”
Malfoy sighed towards the ceiling. He shook his head, and when he met her gaze again, his eyes
were pure fucking stone. "Have it your way then.”
He grabbed her chin quicker than Hermione thought possible. He stepped forward, roughly
pressing his body against the length of hers, and sealed her to the wardrobe. Her hands immediately
flew to her defence when he tilted her head back. She hit his shoulders, punched his arms, tried to
shift her weight to kick him. Nothing worked. Maybe it was his brute strength, or maybe she was
still just so weak from blood loss and hexes. Whatever it was, it made her attacks completely
ineffective. He didn't flinch, didn't even pause a fraction when she screamed and thrashed against
Hermione realized in those moments that she was completely vulnerable, so indescribably helpless.
She didn't think she'd ever been so scared in her life, and Merlin, how she fucking hated it.
Malfoy forced her mouth open with bruising strength. His other hand pressed the glass firmly to
her lips and forced the liquid down her throat. There wasn't much, barely a mouthful. When he'd
drained the glass, he threw it against the wall where it shattered before into tiny pieces, and then
sealed his large hand over her mouth and nose. The movement forced her mouth to close,
preventing her from spitting the concoction out, but it also stopped her from breathing.
Her arms flailed around her as she tried to escape. She curled her fingers around his wrist and dug
her nails into the skin, trying to pry them away from her. Nothing worked, he was immovable. Her
eyes widened with panic as he watched her. His grey ones were incompletely unfazed by her
struggles, by her undeniable terror. They were cold. Dead as stone.
Hermione's lungs burned with the need for oxygen. The dizzying ache returned to her skull as the
room started to swim out of focus.
The more she fought against him, the more her lungs screamed in protest.
She didn't have a choice. It was swallow the damn wine or suffocate.
Hermione had always loved red wine. She loved the fruity texture and the musky scent that
accompanied it. It reminded her of Harry and Ron, of sneaking bottles of it into the common room
during their final year at Hogwarts. How they would huddle around the fireplace wrapped in a
blanket, and share stories while they drank on a Friday night; a perfect start to their weekends.
Red wine reminded her of warmth. Comfort. Family. It had always been her favourite, the sweetest
treat she could ever imagine.
Not this wine though. This wine tasted like ash. It burned on the way down, made her stomach
lurch in sickening anticipation as it slid down her throat.
Once Malfoy was satisfied that she'd swallowed it, he released her.
Hermione sagged onto the floor, choking, desperate to pull air into her starved lungs. She clawed
frantically at her throat, fighting the dizzying nausea that buzzed around her as the room slowly
swam into focus.
She'd been so close to death, to suffocating at his hands, and Malfoy didn't care.
"Yes, Master?"
"The potion takes twenty minutes to take effect. I have a few things I need to take care of. Watch
our newest little pet, and make sure she doesn't vomit while I'm gone."
Malfoy looked her over a final time before he left. A cruel, sadistic little smirk played on the edges
of his lips as he left.
Hermione was going to kill him; she would make sure of it. Even if it killed her, she was going to
end Draco Malfoy.
The elf banished the shattered glass before Hermione had a chance to snatch a piece. She pulled
herself to her feet, ignoring the crippling ache in her chest, and frantically searched the room.
Hermione didn't respond. She pulled open the drawers of the dresser and shuffled through the
clothes there, looking for a weapon. She found nothing, so she sprinted to the wardrobe and swung
the doors open, hoping she could fashion a coat hanger sharp enough to slit Malfoy's throat. No
luck there either; they were all charmed to be immovable from the rail. Malfoy had thought ahead.
"Does Miss like lamb? Romy likes lamb," the elf said, nodding his head and looking thoughtfully
at the ceiling. "And roast potatoes. Romy loves roast potatoes. Another house-elf who lives here,
Quinzel, says roast potatoes are nasty and gross. But Romy doesn't think so. Does Miss like roast
Hermione ran to the wooden door beside the bed. She was right, it was a bathroom. It was
completely tiled with shiny, marble slates, decorated with silver furnishings and had a huge, copper
bath under a window ledge. Any other day, Hermione would have admired it. Today, she was too
busy planning Malfoy's murder.
She screamed in frustration, her hands flying to her head. Her panic rose when she realized there
was nothing there she could use to attack him either.
"There's no need to get so upset," the elf murmured, fidgeting with the edges of his dark green
pillowcase. "If Miss doesn't like roast potatoes, Romy will happily make something else. Romy
makes very nice cheese sandwiches. Would Miss like those, instead?"
Hermione walked over to the burning candle on the bedside table. Maybe she could burn him?
Maybe she would burn the curtains, burn the whole place down and use that as a distraction?
Maybe she could escape? Surely Malfoy cared about his precious Manor enough that he wouldn't
see it burn?
Apparently, he'd already considered this possibility, and prepared for it. The candles were
charmed, sealed to their position on the bedside table. She ran her hand over the open flame,
thinking maybe she could as least burn herself. Suicide wasn't an option she'd ever considered
before, but her life wasn't worth risking the entire Order.
But as it turned out, that option had been torn from her as well. Although she could feel the heat of
the flame, it didn't burn, didn't scorch the skin no matter how close or how long she held her hand
over it. Malfoy had charmed those, too.
Hermione kicked the bedside table with all her rage. "Fuck!"
"Okay, no cheese sandwiches,” the elf said. "What about lasagne?! Romy makes very nice
Lasagne! If Miss would-"
"Romy," Hermione spat, almost vibrating with anger as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I
appreciate your offer to prepare me dinner, but if you don't be quiet, I'm going to smother you with
those pillows. Okay?"
"Okay," the elf whispered after a few moments of silence. "Romy is sorry. Romy doesn't mean to
make Miss angry.”
"It's fine," she breathed, her heart fluttering slightly when the tiny elf's voice croaked. She didn't
mean to upset him. He seemed very sweet, she just didn't have time to ponder his feelings right
now. She needed to focus, needed to think of an escape plan-
The sound of the bedroom doors bursting back open shot through Hermione. As Malfoy stepped
into the room, she spun to face him, backing away until her spine touched the cream wall. She
knew better than to put her back to him.
Malfoy smiled when he noticed. "I'm curious Granger, how many people have you killed?
Twenty? Fifty?"
"Not nearly enough Death Eaters!" she spat, inching closer to the bathroom. Maybe if she sprinted,
she could lock herself inside? Maybe that would buy her a minute or two?
Malfoy lunged forward, his hands braced on the wall either side of her head. She jumped when he
smacked the wall beside her face, blocking her escape route.
"Humour me," he said. One of his hands curled under her chin, tilting her head back to meet his
cold gaze. "How many times have you thought about killing me?"
"In the last twenty minutes?" Hermione challenged, her lip starting to curl in disgust from having
him touch her. "Or ever?"
"The night you killed Dumbledore," she said. "That was the night I realised that you were a
His eyes tightened. He brought his wand up. "How did you plan on doing it?"
"I thought about knocking you unconscious, dragging you to the Astronomy Tower, and pushing
you off.”
"Interesting," he purred, pressing his wand between her brows. "Very poetic of you.”
"Indeed. And how would you do it now? What possible punishment do you think is worthy of the
sins I've committed?"
Hermione stared at him. She narrowed her eyes, clenched her jaw. "There's not a punishment to
atone for the things you've done. You're fucking monstrous, even the devil couldn't punish you.”
She swore she saw Malfoy's lip twitch into a smirk. "I couldn't agree with you more.”
As quickly as he entered her mind, Hermione threw up her defences. She fought past the
excruciating force of his dark magic, and focused.
She envisioned a building. A fortress of her own making, with high, impenetrable brick walls and a
thick iron door. It was fifty, maybe sixty stories high. It looked like a hotel with rows upon rows of
small windows, perfectly symmetrical to one another.
She could do this. This was what she'd trained herself to do; store all her memories in a safe place
within her mind, build the walls so sturdy, so unbreakable, that even the most skilled Legilimens
couldn't tear them down. Her memories were safe. Unreachable.
Draco whistled as he materialized beside her. He tilted his chin towards the sky, taking in the
large structure in front of them. "You have been busy, Mudblood."
Hermione said nothing, just narrowed her eyes and studied him. He seemed completely unfazed by
her attempts to keep him out of her memories. He looked at the building she'd created to keep him
from her secrets with a sort of bored astonishment. As though he was shocked that someone like
her was capable of creating something like this, even though it wouldn't keep him out forever.
Nothing would.
He hadn't been kept out of many people's minds. She imagined bleeding secrets from others was as
easy to him now; as natural as breathing. He was going to have to work a lot harder to get hers.
She would make him writhe, fight, tirelessly search her head to find them. She hoped it would
possess him. She hoped, with a sick sort of elation, that the failure would drive him mad, unhinge
him and keep him up at night. She needed him distracted, preoccupied with something else so she
could escape.
Or she needed to find a way to break their bond and kill him herself.
"How many years have you been training in memory blocking?" he asked, still appraising the
building in front of him.
Hermione remained silent.
Malfoy's gaze swept to hers. Even in her mind, his eyes were just as cold. Just as unfeeling. He
regarded her impatiently. "No? Don't feel like talking?"
"Fine, if that's how you want to be. Let's have a look in that big brain of yours, shall we?" His
robes brushed against the back of her hand as he made his way toward the entrance. It left a chill
on her skin and caused a shiver to run up her spine.
Malfoy lifted his foot and brought it down against the iron door in a punishing kick.
He brought his foot up again and smashed the heel of his boot against the iron. The noise
ricocheted around them; it vibrated through the air like the harsh beat of a drum, but the door was
still sealed shut. As immovable as the candles in her new prison cell.
Hermione smiled.
Time is a cruel mistress
22nd December
Throughout her incarceration at Malfoy Manor, Hermione came to realise that time was a cruel,
selfish little mistress. Time was uncaring. Unsympathetic. She didn't care that with each tick of her
clock, Hermione felt her tenacious Gryffindor spirit slipping away, felt the fire in her belly and that
burning courage extinguishing with each rising sun. That each day, when Malfoy sharply assaulted
Hermione with his particularly cruel brand of Legilimens magic, that a small part of herself
chipped away. Or that he was tearing away at her, shredding her psyche apart as he tore through
her mind. Time didn't care that she felt herself starting to weaken, splintering, piece by painful
No, of course not. Time didn't care about trivial things like that. She didn't care about the war or
the millions of lives that had been lost during her rotations. She didn't care if Voldemort won or if
he stamped out what was left of The Order and the world was eclipsed by his darkness. The only
thing time was concerned with was ensuring the moon set each evening, and that Helios pulled the
sun to rise each morning with his golden chariot.
Time's goals were simple, unambitious; to bring the promise of a new day. The hope of a fresh
start, a clean slate.
Even if some people didn't want another day. Even if hope was a luxury that some people simply
couldn't afford anymore.
The days dragged on and on. Hermione repeated the same boring, mundane routine with each rise
of the sun.
Her mornings started with Malfoy bursting her bedroom door open - the sound of the wood hitting
the wall violently always jolted her out of what dreamlike state she'd been plotting in.
Malfoy would command her to drink it, more forcefully the second time.
Hermione would either smack his outstretched hand away or spit in his face; whichever seemed the
more appealing at the time; whichever she felt would turn Malfoy's stomach the most. More often
than not, she chose to spit.
He would react in one of two ways; either paralyze her with a hex and pour the liquid into her
throat, or pin her against a surface, pry her mouth open and force it down like he had done on that
first day. Like Hermione, he often chose the more volatile of the two options. The sick bastard
probably got off overpowering her like that.
Afterwards, he would instruct a house-elf to wait with her while the potion took effect, and he
would disappear. The elves would talk to Hermione while they waited for him to return, trying to
defuse the awful strain in the atmosphere. The elf would chat quite casually to her while she threw
a fit, ignoring her as she overturned all the furniture in her room and punched the walls in a fit of
And when Malfoy eventually reappeared, he would barge into her mind. His magic would
bludgeon into her skull like a sledgehammer, and then the image of him would appear in her mind
right alongside her.
Their routine within her mind was just as repetitive. They'd stand side by side and stare at the
fortress she'd made to keep him from her memories, he would make a snide comment - usually
about her appearance or lack of creativity in her design - then he would charge forward and try to
break down the doors.
He'd smiled smugly at her from over his shoulder when he'd done it; his eyes burning triumphantly
as he entered the hotel and Hermione had followed closely behind. His smile had vanished when
they'd entered a long, stretched out hallway, lined with dozens upon dozens of different coloured
wooden doors, all as reinforced as the one into the hotel.
Hermione had organised her mind thoroughly during her training in memory blocking. She'd spent
her isolated evenings honing her craft, filing each memory away behind walls and doors and
locking the most important memories away, as far from his reach as she could manage. She
intended to make this as difficult for him as possible. If he thought she would give up her secrets
easily, he was very fucking mistaken.
Her maddeningly thought-out filling system, coupled with the will of her psyche and years of
training had the desired effect. When he'd failed to force that door to her first real, tangible memory
open by the end of the sixth day, Malfoy started to become volatile.
He was growing more frustrated by the day. His failed attempts to uncover even the smallest of her
memories scratched at his confidence, and the more she wounded his pride, the more unhinged he
became. And the more dangerous. He'd started searching her mind more sporadically after the first
week. At random intervals, multiple times a day. Each session was more painful than the last, but
Hermione held strong. She could do this. He'd crack before she did, she'd make sure of it.
After Malfoy pulled out of her mind, Hermione woke on the floor screaming, gasping and panting
for breath. In many ways, the aftermath hurt more than the initial intrusion.
Legilimency was an exceptionally invasive type of magic. Intimate but unwelcome. It was
punishing, overly taxing on the subject's body, and certainly not meant for continuous, everyday
exposure. Malfoy's relentless use of the spell would have certainly caused concerns if the Ministry
of Magic was still around. Probably would have earned him a good decade in Azkaban, but the
Ministry wasn't there anymore. He wouldn't be carted away to rot in a cell for his inhumane
actions. He wouldn't sit in the corner of a mouldy cage, paranoid, mind melting away as he waited
for the kiss from a dementor.
No one was going to stop him. No one was coming to help her, so the torture continued. It gave
Hermione something to fantasize about though. Gave her something pleasant to focus on while she
lay bored in her pretty little cell.
By the fourth day of her imprisonment, Hermione had begun bleeding out of her eyes after their
sessions. The first time she'd barely noticed it, too busy writhing on the floor, her vision blurred
and temples throbbing. She'd been in too much pain to register the wetness streaking from her eyes
On the fifth day, she'd started to bleed from the corners of her mouth after their sessions and by the
seventh day, it started to streak from her ears too. The harder she fought against the spell, the more
she bled, and the more the pressure in her temples deepened to the point she wondered if her skull
might fracture from it.
Malfoy didn't care. Didn't so much as batter an eyelid when she was on the floor, rasping, choking
for breath. His eyes were always unfeeling, like he wasn't actually seeing her.
Hermione spent most of her day alone. Romy or another house-elf, Quinzel, brought her meals on a
silver tray. At first, Hermione was uncooperative and refused to speak to the elves at all, never
mind letting them know what her food preferences were. They would dawdle for a while, asking
question after question while Hermione stared out the window and onto the lavish gardens,
refusing to respond.
Her rudeness did nothing to deter the elves’ spirits. It was sweet, really, how determined they were
to get to her to eat, particularly at breakfast. If she wasn't so scared or so utterly consumed with the
need to escape, she would've gladly eaten anything they put in front of her.
It wasn't that the food they brought wasn't appealing. Quite the opposite; it was all absolutely
mouth-watering, but Hermione had no appetite. They brought every breakfast food imaginable to
entice her; scrambled eggs on toast, waffles, yogurt and berries. The trays were always lovingly
prepared. The silver was always perfectly polished, and a freshly cut white tulip was always laid
next to the blunt cutlery. Every time, the elves were absolutely downtrodden to find the food
Hermione's hunger strike lasted six days. Until her stomach practically turned in on itself when
Romy entered her room, and brought with him the aroma of sugar and warm batter. Pancakes
covered with syrup and butter - her favourite.
She nearly wept with happiness as she swallowed the first bite. She inhaled the entire tray in five
greedy mouthfuls. She ate more after that. Only ever picking at her food and tearing off small
pieces, but her tiny mouthfuls seemed to please the elves, and certainly spurred their creativity in
the kitchen.
"Miss is free to wander the manor,” Quinzel announced on the tenth day, setting down a silver tray
and smiling at Hermione. Today's dinner was a chicken pasta bake, another white Tulip laying
elegantly by its side.
"I've told you a hundred times, it's Hermione, not Miss," she answered, irritated and refusing to
move from her perch on the window ledge. "And how do I know that your master hasn't warded
the house to set me on fire as soon as I leave this room?"
Quinzel gasped and her tiny hands covered her mouth. "Master would never do that! The elves
would be very cross if he burnt the house down, there would be a lot of mess."
Hermione snorted at the image that popped into her mind. "Of course. We can't have any mess, can
we?" she asked bitterly.
"Quinzel can promise Miss that Master has not set any wards within the house that would harm
Miss," the elf said sternly. "Master has ensured that Miss is safe and cannot harm herself or others,
but no wards have been set up within these walls that would hurt her.”
Nothing within these walls, Hermione's mind sharpened at Quinzel's choice of words. She finally
tore her gaze from the gardens and studied the elf. "Has he set up wards outside of the manor that
would hurt me?"
Quinzel looked awfully uncomfortable. Her bright pink eyes were on the floor as she shifted her
weight between her small, bare feet. She fidgeted with the edges of her bright fuchsia pillowcase as
she said, "Master just needed to be sure that Miss wouldn't be able to escape.”
Well, that was an interesting piece of information. Hermione hadn't left her room since she'd been
captured. She'd assumed that Malfoy wanted to keep her confined to her room, that she'd be zapped
with an electric current or burnt alive by wards if she tried to leave her cell.
Strangely, she felt safer confined to her own space. She'd memorised this room by now, felt she
knew it better than she did her own bedroom within the Order's base. The familiarity of it
comforted her. She knew every curve of the wood on the desk, and every crack in the cream paint.
She felt like it would be harder for Malfoy to get the jump on her from in here. He couldn't surprise
her here, there were no hidden traps or nasty hexes that could catch her off guard. She was safer in
here - sort of.
Hermione flinched when the door to her room suddenly burst open but she didn't turn around. She
leaned her head against the glass window, refusing to acknowledge that he even existed.
"Evening Quinzel," Malfoy's said; his tone rough and biting. "Mudblood.”
"Malfoy," she replied, keeping her eyes on the beautiful garden below, watching rain pelt down
and darkened the grass. "Three times in one day? Oh, I am a lucky girl.”
"Doesn't your master have a more important mission for you?" She snarled each word, making her
disdain for him crystal clear. "You are his prized show dog, aren't you? Surely there's a better use
of your time than this?"
She heard Quinzel gasp from behind her. Felt the air shift and crackle under Malfoy's rage.
Fantastic. If she could sour his good mood even in the slightest, it would be the highlight of her
"Don't make me drag you off that window ledge by your hair," Malfoy sneered. "Because you
know I will.”
That she did know. He'd done it twice since her arrival when she'd refused to cooperate. She wasn't
in the mood for a repeat performance today, her head hurt too much already.
Hermione stood with a huff. She dragged a hand through her hair as she turned to face him. "I don't
know why you bother; you're not going to find anything-" Her breath caught in her throat when she
finally looked at him.
He was covered in blood. It was on his knuckles and hands, striking against his pale skin. It ran all
the way up to his wrists. Jagged flecks of crimson were slashed up and down the front of his robes,
evidence of cutting curses. He reeked of death; the stench of it was enough to make her stomach
Malfoy cocked a brow. His lips twitched up at the edges. "Do you want a list?"
"Whose blood is that?!" she snapped, unable to tear her eyes away from the red that crusted
between each finger; that hung beneath each nail.
Malfoy took a confident step toward her. "It's hard to say, I don't remember all their names. I am
the Dark Lord's prized dog, as you so eloquently put it, I am his demon, I have a lot of important
Malfoy simply shrugged in response, and the sight of his sinister smile made her already hollow
chest ache.
"God, you're a fucking monster,” Hermione said. "Why are you doing all this? If you do get into
my memories and see where The Order's base is, Voldemort will kill everyone inside.”
Malfoy said nothing, just drew his wand and took a step toward her.
Hermione started to back away. "Your cousin's child is with The Order. Teddy is a relative of
yours, your own flesh and blood, and they will kill him if you uncover my memories.” For every
step she took, Malfoy followed. When he backed her against the bathroom door, she tried again,
"He's a child! Doesn't that mean anything to you?!"
Malfoy gripped her throat with his free hand and pinned her against the wall. He tilted her head
back, making sure that she looked into his eyes when he responded, "Not a fucking thing.”
Hermione drew a deep breath, refusing to show the terror that crept up her spine. Defiant, as she
always was. "Are you really that far gone? Isn't there any good left in you, at all?"
"Oh, Granger," Malfoy placed the tip of his wand at her temple. He leaned in close, his nose
brushing hers. "What makes you think there was anything good in me to begin with?"
Malfoy kicked the wooden door hard enough to make it shake. The wood crunched on impact,
splintering under his rage, but didn’t open. Didn’t budge an inch.
"That's not going to work," Hermione sang. She watched the performance from across the hallway,
leaning against another door with a smirk on her face.
"Oh do shut the fuck up!" Malfoy snarled without looking back at her. "It's bad enough I have to
enter your mind to begin with, I don't need your God-awful voice ringing in my ears while I’m
Hermione snorted and folded her arms across her chest, settling in to watch the show.
They'd been in her mind for almost twenty minutes and Malfoy had failed to make any progress.
He'd been attempting to batter down this door since their arrival, and his failure was the most
amusing thing Hermione had seen in weeks.
He was relentless with his method's tonight, unwavering in his fury. Hermione had lost count of
the number of hexes he'd cast against the poor door. He'd tried everything, every dark curse, fire
hex and exploding jinx Hermione knew - even a few she didn't recognise - but nothing worked.
Eventually, he'd become so enraged that he'd resorted to channelling that anger into kicking the
door down himself.
Hermione couldn't stop the joy that bubbled in her chest watching his anger get the better of him.
She’d been thorough with sealing her memories away, even more so with protecting them. She’d
made sure he wasn’t going to get in.
The great Draco Malfoy, Demon Mask, Voldemort's right-hand man, thwarted by a filthy little
Mudblood. There was irony in there somewhere, she was sure of it.
He deserved to suffer, and be so consumed with his own failure that it drove him mad. It all paled
in comparison to what he'd done. It wouldn't be enough to atone for the lives he'd taken, wouldn't
cleanse the blood that soaked his hands - but it was awfully fun to watch him fall apart.
"It's only a matter of time Granger," Malfoy hissed through clenched teeth. He stepped back, and
aimed a particularly strong fire hex at the door.
Smoke and heat engulfed the room, and when it cleared, the door remained unopened. Hermione
giggled, knowing it would grate his nerves. "You've tried that a hundred times and it hasn't
worked," she teased, couldn't help herself. "You may want to rethink your technique.”
Malfoy whipped around to face her, his rage clear in the twist of his brow and curl of his lip. He
looked deadly, lethal and unhinged.
Malfoy marched toward her like a bull charges after a matador. Hermione half expected to see
steam blowing out from his nose. "I would wipe that smug smile off your face if I were you
Granger," he roared, stopping his strides when their chests were pressed together. He leered down
at her, towering over Hermione's small frame. It would have been intimidating if they weren't in
her mind.
He couldn't hurt her here, not really. Any infliction of pain here was imaginary. It wasn't real, only
the after-effects were. This was her mind. While they were here, she had more control. Certainly
more than she did when they were on the outside.
Malfoy’ slip curled in disgust. "What are you smiling at?! I will get into your memories, it's only a
matter of time. So what, exactly, do you find so fucking amusing?!"
"What? Can't you hear my thoughts?" she asked. Her spine straightened against the doorframe;
she refused to cower below him. "Doesn't this awful little connection allow you to do that?"
Malfoy made a disgusted face. "Fuck, no! It's bad enough you’re living in my house, having your
deranged little thoughts bouncing around my head as well would be a fate worse than death.”
Malfoy spun on his heels and stalked back toward the battered door. "Let's get this over with. I
don't have all day.”
"Keeping you from something, am I?” Hermione asked. “Is there a bit of Christmas shopping you
need to do?"
Malfoy snorted and withdrew his wand. "Funny, you can keep track of the days, but you can't
change your clothes." His spiteful eyes raked over her entire body before he started another round
of fire hexes at the door.
Hermione threw him an obscene gesture. She wasn't sure he saw it; she hoped he did though.
She hadn't changed clothes since her capture. Strangely, the wardrobes and chests of drawers in
her cage were filled with clothes. Beautiful clothes. Rails of garments in the softest silks, in every
shade and style she could think of. There must have been a hundred dresses and skirts hanging in
the wardrobe, all extremely lavish and wildly expensive looking.
She'd run her hands across the wool cardigans in the drawers a few times. They did feel nice, soft
and warm, inviting her to pull them from their drawers and rid herself of her tight, restricting
jeans. Despite their beauty, despite the allure of their softness and Hermione's undying desire to
wrap herself in their comfort, she refused. The thought of wearing clothes that Malfoy had
purchased, that he'd possibly picked out for her, made her feel sick.
So she remained in her battle uniform, even ten days on. She couldn't bear to strip. She hadn't even
showered since she'd been brought here. There was something unnerving about ridding herself of
her clothes, laying bare and showering in Malfoy's house. It made her feel more defenceless, more
vulnerable, so she hadn't. Instead, she'd asked the elves to cast cleaning and drying charms on her
skin and clothes each morning and night. It wasn't the same, wasn't nearly as cleansing as running
a hot bath and submerging herself in the bubbles the way she really wanted to, but it meant that
she was clean - and that she didn't have to wear anything hanging in the wardrobes. Because
wearing clothes that Malfoy had picked out, that he'd touched, was akin to having him touch her
23rd December
Hermione sat in her usual spot on the cushioned window ledge in her room, knees pulled to her
chest and her arms wrapped around her calves; her very own perch in her birdcage.
A snowstorm had befallen the manor overnight. The once green grass and perfectly pruned rose
bushes were transformed during the moonlight. The gardens were untouched, not a single footprint
distorting the crisp white snow. If possible, it looked even more alluring now, almost enchanting.
Since the war had begun, Hermione had become quite fond of snow. She used to hate it, used to
think the wretched stuff was vile, useless, nothing but an inconvenience that left everything around
it cold and miserable.
Her opinion couldn't have been more different these days. She adored snow now. Adored the
simplicity of it. Snow hid the evidence of the war; it covered the destroyed buildings and concealed
the burnt meadows where battles had been fought. It covered the blood on the streets and made
everything ... new again. Fresh.
Hermione could never be in a bad mood when there was snow outside, the children living in the
Order's bases wouldn't allow it. The little ones turned positively feral with joy at the sight of the
stuff. Their laughter and screams of delight as they piled on their waterproof coats and enchanted
thermal scarves, all so they could venture outside to build snowmen, were infectious, always had
It was a wonderful thing to witness, to see the children of war actually being children for a change.
It was just a small reprieve from the murders and bombings going on outside; awful things that
their innocent minds were completely unaware of, but it was a reprieve nonetheless, and they
deserved it more than anyone.
As Hermione looked out onto the grounds, she wondered if the children were already up and
playing outside. She wondered if Harry and Ginny's children; Rose, Fred and Severus, had already
dragged their parents outside by their sleeves and demanded that they make snow angels with
them. Her thoughts took a dark turn when Harry's gleeful face flashed behind her eyes. Her
thoughts - filled with children's laughter and crooked snowmen a moment ago - were suddenly
bleeding back into the war. She couldn't help it. Her mind always did veer back in that direction
quicker than the snow would melt.
She started to wonder if the others would still be searching for her, even after all these weeks?
Were they searching for her right now? Were they trudging through the streets in the knee-high
snow to find her, instead of spending time with their families? Their real families?
Probably not. Probably assumed that she’d died on the field that day with Tonks. She would just be
another name on the long, never-ending list of the dead now.
'Hermione Jean Granger,' Harry would say in her eulogy. 'Fallen soldier, missing in action.
Presumed dead'.
She realised, with a stabbing pain in her chest, that's all she was now; a soldier.
She wasn't someone's lover. Wasn't even someone daughter anymore. She gave commands,
formulated battle plans and rescued slaves from the Dark Lord's clutches, but she was just a
soldier. A lethal assassin. A killer. A person who'd murdered hundreds more Death Eaters than
anyone else in The Order.
"What makes Miss happy?" Romy asked when he appeared in her room that afternoon, setting
down a silver tray at the foot of her bed, the same place the elves always left her meals.
Hermione tore her gaze away from the gardens to look at the elf. His eyes were burning questions,
concern clear in the downturn of his tiny mouth. "I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean?"
"Well, Romy and Quinzel have noticed that Miss is very sad all the time. And Romy and Quinzel
do not like sadness, it makes our hearts feel poorly.”
Oh, what a sweet, sweet little thing. How could something so pure of heart and completely devoid
of darkness serve a master as cruel as Malfoy? How had his malevolence and brutality not squished
their bright little souls?
When she finally escaped, she was going to take the elves with her. She swore to it. She was going
to show them a better life and more kindness than they thought possible to make up for the
inhumane treatment they undoubtedly received here.
Romy jumped on the ledge to sit beside her. "We would like to do whatever we can to cheer Miss
up. So Romy is asking, what does Miss like to do to make herself happy?"
"Lots of things," Hermione answered sullenly, trying her best to offer the kind elf a reassuring
smile. It didn't reach her eyes, not the way it used to. She stared out the window again. "Hardly any
of that matters anymore."
"Would it help Miss if Romy provided one of these things? Romy could bring more pots of tea?
Does Miss like reading? Master has a huge library filled with books. Romy could bring books?"
She suppressed a shudder. In her youth, she would've probably fainted at the opportunity to browse
the infamous Malfoy Manor Library. She could only imagine the ancient tomes and priceless first
editions that must've been stored there. Now, however, she couldn't think of anything worse than
touching a book that he'd held in those blood-soaked hands of his.
"Romy would like the trouble, Miss. Romy and Quinzel are very fond of Miss Granger, it would
make us very happy to cheer her up.” She felt the elf shuffle closer to her, felt his warm little hand
come to rest on her thigh. "What makes Miss feel better on days when she is sad?"
Hermione drew a deep breath, feeling her eyes prick with tears at the house-elves kindness. She
couldn't remember the last time someone had shown her this kind of genuine warmth. She still
couldn't look at him. If she looked at him, then she would break. The tears would spill and she'd be
unable to stop them. She couldn't look at him. She just couldn't.
"I like to paint," Hermione whispered honestly. "On days where I feel alone or sad, I like to paint.”
Painting had always been a secret hobby of Hermione's, something she kept to herself. There was
something incredibly soothing about picking up a brush and swiping bright and vibrant colours
across a canvas. It was a different type of therapy to reading. For as long as she could remember,
she'd been obsessed with knowledge. Hungry for it. Throughout her entire adolescence, she'd been
greedy with the need for books. The need to soak up every word and spell and just learn had
always far outweighed anything else. She absorbed everything, no detail escaped her eager mind,
and she could recall everything she'd ever read in almost instantly.
But sometimes that was the problem. Her head was full. Too full. She was bursting at the seams,
threatening to explode with the sheer amount she stored behind those tired brown eyes. Painting
was different. It was a release. A way to rid her mind of the buzzing voices, the constant chatter
and the need to solve problems and just... let it all out. Smear the canvas with whatever she wanted.
Rid herself of the stifling need to know everything and save everyone.
Painting was soothing, calming beyond recognition. Merlin, she didn't realise how much she
missed it until she said it out loud. She would’ve traded anything to have a canvas and brush in her
hand at that very moment...
Or a cigarette.
As Hermione stared at the crisp, untouched snow, pretending it was a canvas and imagining the
shapes she would paint in it, she noticed a shadow form. It was small to begin with, like a tiny
inkblot on an otherwise pristine piece of paper. She thought she'd imagined it at first, but the
longer she stared, the larger it became. She watched it expand, darkening and swallowing up the
snow. It took her far longer than it should have to realise it was a shadow.
A black shadow.
Hermione flung the windows open. She grabbed either side of the frame for support and leaned out
as far as she could. She'd managed to convince the elves days ago to unseal the windows, having
finally assured them that she wasn't going to throw herself to her death the first chance she got.
They’d done as she’d asked but added charms around the open space, just to make sure. She could
open them as far as their design allowed, but magic prevented her from leaning out the windows
too far. Still, it was better than nothing. At least she got to feel a breeze on her face now and again.
Hermione craned her neck towards the sky, and squinted into the darkened clouds until she saw
what she was looking for.
At first glance, she thought Black Shadow was falling. It took until the dragon was much closer for
Hermione to realise that the beast hadn't been shot out of the sky. Her wings were tucked in tightly
at her sides; she was nosediving towards the gardens. Fast. Much, much too fast. She was hurtling
towards the earth like a meteor. At two hundred feet above the manor, she showed no signs of
slowing down. Not at one hundred and fifty feet. Or even one hundred.
Maybe Hermione was wrong, maybe the dragon was falling after all. She held her breath when the
dragon reached around fifty feet, leaning back and bracing for the earth-shaking impact of that
huge, scaled body colliding with the floor-
But Black Shadow opened her wings at the last second, beating them powerfully against the air and
halting her descent just before she hit the ground. Each flap was like a loud clap of thunder that
hurled up the fallen snow below her, causing small flurries to swirl and dance as she lowered
herself to the ground.
When the dragon's back legs touched the gardens, a splash of crimson tainted the crisp white snow
below her, and the earth shook under her weight like a small earth had suddenly struck. She reared
her head toward the clouds and released an ear-piercing roar that made the hairs on Hermione's
arms stand on end. It wasn't like the other roars Hermione had heard from the dragon. It wasn't the
threatening hiss she'd thrown Hermione way when Draco had dragged her onto her back at the
cliffs of Dover, or the deep rumbling battle cry she'd made as she roared into battle. This was
pained and hoarse. More of a shriek than a roar.
Black Shadow shook her huge head as if she was dizzy, spraying more of her blood onto the
Malfoy dismounted her quickly. He tore his mask off by the horns and threw it away with jagged
movements. He whipped around, his arm cut into the air as he spat an order to the house-elves.
Hermione didn’t hear what he’d said, another wail of pain from the dragon drowned his voice out,
but she caught the look on his face. His brow was twisted with fury, his teeth exposed in a snarl.
He was seething. Angrier and more murderous than she'd ever seen him.
The elves appeared straight away, their tiny arms filled with bottles of every coloured potion and
herb imaginable. Hermione watched Draco sharply draw his wand. A pale blue light emitted from
the tip as he cast - what Hermione assumed - was a healing charm below the dragons left shoulder.
She roared again and threw her head into the air. The sound was more splintering this time around,
like a thousand screams all at once. Hermione's hands flew to her ears to shield her from it.
Malfoy cast charm after charm on the dragon as the elves fussed over her injury. His movements
were frenzied, desperate.
Hermione and Malfoy had screamed at each other countless times since her capture. They'd
seethed in each other's faces and pushed and shoved one another, but there was always a sense of
eerie calm in Malfoy. He was always controlled, always had absolute authority over his emotions.
He only showed the things he needed to, things that were useful to him; anger, spite, malice. Any
other time, his expression was the ideal poker face, giving nothing away. He couldn't have looked
further from that now. He looked bloodthirsty. Unhinged.
Malfoy sharply spun to face the house, and Hermione's heart stopped when those cold blue-grey
eyes immediately found hers - only they weren't so cold anymore. They were burning. He barked
another command over his shoulder, his expression stuck in that murderous scowl, then started to
march toward the house, his eyes on Hermione with each step.
Hermione couldn't help the way she started to panic. Couldn't help the way her chest tightened, or
how the air in her cage suddenly became hot and stifling. There was something in Malfoy's eyes,
something feral, like a tiger trapped behind bars too long. She couldn't put her finger on exactly
what it was, but it fucking terrified her.
Without giving herself chance to second guess what her instincts were screaming at her, Hermione
did the one thing she hadn't done in twelve days. She left her cell.
She pushed the door open quickly, swinging it open so suddenly that it smashed into the wall and
left a dent in the plaster. Her stomach lurched with fear when she stepped over the threshold and
into the unknown, she forced herself to beat it down, and took off running.
Hermione sprinted down the left corridor. The portraits whispered as she ran past them, glaring and
tsk'ing, all with the same cold, unfeeling blue eyes. She ignored them all, focusing instead on
keeping her breathing as even and quiet as possible.
She came to a stop near a grand, spiral staircase which forked; one path led to the gardens, the
other into an unexplored area of the manor. She had no idea where she was going. She had no
weapon to defend herself, no plan.
She couldn't leave the estate, the elves had admitted that much to her, but maybe there was
somewhere she could hide from Malfoy? A secret passageway or a small cupboard somewhere?
The house was ostentatiously large, there had to be hiding places somewhere! Malfoy would find
her eventually, but that didn't mean she couldn't stall him for a while. She'd told him time and time
again that she intended to make his searches through her mind as strenuous and difficult as
humanly possible, and she intended to keep her word.
Loud footsteps echoed behind her; the unmistakable click from the heels of a boot against wooden
floors. Malfoy must've been closing in on her.
"Granger," a familiar, sinister voice called. He snarled the words, his rage palpable in every
syllable. "You can't seriously think I won't hunt you down in my own house?"
Hermione sprinted down the stairs, taking two steps at a time and forcing herself to her feet when
her ankles gave out on the bottom step. She moved on instinct and took the path that led her deeper
into the manor. She guessed that she had a better chance at hiding if she was inside the house.
There weren't many hiding spots in the garden, not that she could see from her window, anyway.
Plus, Black Shadow and the elves were probably still out there. Dragons tended to be volatile when
injured. They were exceptionally more dangerous and eruptive when they felt vulnerable, and
Hermione didn't fancy being burnt to a crisp while she looked for a hiding spot.
Her chosen route led her to a large kitchen. She ran to the drawers and tried to yank them open, but
they wouldn't budge. She tried again, wrapping both her hands around the brass handles and using
her bodyweight to pry them open. Her fear felt strong enough to choke her when she realised
nothing was going to work. They were immovable, probably sealed shut with magic. Malfoy really
was a thorough little bastard.
She moved on and checked every cupboard, forcing herself not to scream in frustration when she
found nothing useful in their either. Everything was locked down and secured in place with magic.
She couldn't even use a frying pan to defend herself. She was helpless. Again. With a low growl,
she swung open the pantry door and squeezed herself inside - without a weapon. She kept the
cupboard door open just a crack, not enough to be seen, but just enough to keep an eye on the
When Malfoy stepped into the kitchen, Hermione held her breath.
The way he stalked around the room, the way his blood-soaked fingers trailed delicately over the
granite countertop, it could only be described as predatory. His shoulders were loose and his head
was bowed slightly like a panther. He was searching for her, hunting her. "I know you're in here
Granger." His voice was practically a purr.
Hermione pressed her shoulders as close to the back of the cupboard as she could, hoping, praying
that he couldn't hear the violent beating of her heart.
He made a rotation around the kitchen island, his fingers leaving a trail of blood on the
countertop. "I'd come out if I were you, little lion. I'll only make the Legilimency more painful if
you don't play nicely.”
When he disappeared from her line of sight, Hermione's heart seemed to hammer on the outside of
her body. It seemed impossibly loud, loud enough for him to hear. Each beat was almost painful,
like being hit with a tiny fist-
Malfoy yanked the door to the cupboard open. The suddenness of it startled Hermione so much
that she almost screamed. Almost.
Her adrenaline fuelled her. Fear and panic shot through her system and replaced her blood with fire.
Moving very quickly, she used all her strength, leaned against the back wall, and used the flats of
both her feet to kick his calves.
Malfoy doubled over himself, growling in pain as he used the doorframe for support.
And Hermione made her escape. She quickly crawled under his body and out of the cupboard-
A searing pain spread through the back of her head when he grabbed a fistful of her hair. He
yanked her backwards roughly, flipping her onto her back so he could crouch over her.
Hermione still tried to fight him. Still tried to get as many kicks and punches in to thwart him for as
long as possible, but without magic, Malfoy was a lot stronger than she was. He pressed the length
of his body over the top of hers and crushed her under his weight. She couldn't kick him like this,
but she managed one strong punch against his jaw before he caught both her wrists in one hand and
pinned her arms above her head, silencing her struggles once and for all.
Hermione screamed in frustration, knowing that he'd beaten her. She tilted her chin down,
intending to catch his eye when she spat in his face, but froze when she caught his expression.
Because his eyes weren't simply burning, they were set aflame. An intense blue fire was roaring
around his irises.
And then he forced himself into her mind like a fucking sledgehammer.
The force of Malfoy’s spell knocked the wind out of her. Even inside her own head, she was left
panting and gasping for breath on the floor, and her vision was blurred from the building pressure
in her temples.
It had never hurt like this before. On the outside yes, but not in her own head.
She was faintly aware when Malfoy materialised behind her. She heard his boots click against the
floor of the hallway they were in, felt a chill run down her spine when Malfoy’s damp robes
dragged across her back as he stepped over her body.
He was almost vibrating with rage as he marched toward the door. She could taste his anger. It
coloured the air with a deadly, metallic twang.
"What the-euughhhh," Hermione choked, trying to pull herself up onto her hands and knees. She'd
fucking crawl after Malfoy if she had to. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
This was bad. This was very, very bad. He shouldn't be in her mind right now, not when he was
this rampant. Who knew the type of damage he could do to her psyche while he was this volatile.
'The pain isn't real', she told herself. 'It's not real, it's all in your head.’
She forced herself up onto her elbows. She tried to push the dizzying ache away and focus on what
Malfoy was doing. Focus on the threat.
He went straight for the charred and splintered door that he'd been working on for days, and he
didn't pause in front of it, didn't hesitate for a second. She watched as he swiftly lifted his left leg,
his robes swaying violently behind him, and brought his foot down in a punishing kick.
The door that Malfoy had spent days trying to force open with no success, was now open.
No, it wasn't merely just open. It was completely gone, violently ripped from its hinges under the
force of his kick.
Neither of them moved for a few moments, neither breathed. They both just stared at the crater that
once held the lock to Hermione's first precious memory.
She counted twenty frantic beats of her heart before Malfoy looked at her from over his shoulder.
He threw her the most sadistic smirk she'd ever seen, and then disappeared through the new
She recognised the room the moment she stepped inside. Beige walls with cream carpets, sturdy
wooden furniture and worn leather sofas all pointed towards a small television box. She didn't
need to see the pictures sitting on the shelves to know exactly where she was. It was the place she'd
dreamed of going back to since the war had begun. Fantasized about how euphoric it might feel to
step into this exact room, at this exact moment.
Because it was her childhood home, and it wasn't there anymore. Nothing remained of this safe
haven in the outside world. It was nothing but a pile of ash and bones now; just a nother thing the
war had taken from her.
Malfoy stood in the cosy sitting room, his arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the
wall. She realised as she came to stand beside him, that he didn't look angry anymore. His triumph
appeared to have doused the fires of his rage. He looked smug. His lips lifted in the corners as he
watched the memory before him with rapt attention.
Hermione stared as a child version of herself skidded into the room, singing, followed by a group
of other children all wearing bright pink party hats and sashes. It was her party; her 6th birthday
party, if she was correct.
It was a silly memory; one she wasn't sure why she locked away so tightly. It seemed insignificant
in comparison to the other secrets she carried. Trivial when compared to the Order's bases,
Harry's location, or even her secret rendezvous with Medusa, b ut it was her earliest real memory
so she felt protective of it. It was.... precious to her. Personal. Certainly not something to share
with the Death Eater who stood beside her, the one with blood still dripping from his hands.
"God, I thought your hair couldn't get any bushier than it was back at Hogwarts," Malfoy spat,
watching a younger Hermione lead her friends to the sofas to play games. "It seems I was
Hermione didn't answer him. She had no answer. She was far too angry, far too panicked by the
turn of events this afternoon had taken.
Despite everything she’d done to keep her memories safe, he'd gotten in. His rage had fuelled his
Legilimency skills in a way she never thought possible. He'd barged into her psyche with
unimaginable power, and forced his way through that first door by sheer indignation.
What was she supposed to do now? She could practice her blocking techniques all day long, but if
his rage fuelled him to this capacity, it would only be a matter of time before the rest of her doors
crunched under the heel of his boot. What if she tried to-
Her mind froze from its downward spiral. Her breath caught in her throat when her mother
stepped into the living room. Her mother. Her angelic, pure soul of a mother was holding a
birthday cake with six flaming candles atop. Hermione hadn't seen her since …
"What's the matter little lion?" Malfoy asked, the cold edge returning to his voice. "No insult you
want to spew? No spiteful comeback? No positively Gryffindor speech about how good will
triumph over evil?"
Hermione swore her heart ached when her father appeared from the kitchen holding an ancient-
looking video camera the size of a brick. Her mother placed the cake on the coffee table and
instructed all the children to gather in a circle, and then the gleeful chorus of 'Happy Birthday'
filled the room.
When her mother planted a kiss on her younger selves forehead, Hermione balled her hands into
fists. Her eyes burned with tears. Her chest felt cold and … empty.
"Well, I must say, I am disappointed," Malfoy continued. "I expected more from you. Where's that
feisty little bitch gone-"
"Enough, Malfoy,” Hermione spat. "Just... enough.” She could feel him watching her carefully,
those cold, icy eyes of his taking everything in.
Hermione didn’t look at him, she couldn’t take her eyes off her mother. She’d forgotten how
beautiful her mother was, forgotten the gentle elegance that she just naturally seemed to exude.
She’d been the purest of souls; would’ve done anything for anyone, no matter what it cost her. She
was selfless like that. Pure.
For a long time, Hermione had thought the cruellest moment of her life was erasing her parents’
memories of her, but that paled in comparison to never getting to see them again before they were
murdered. No, the cruellest moment was learning her memory erasing charm had faded three
years after its conception, and hearing that her parents had returned to their family home to
frantically search for their daughter, only to be tortured and executed by the very Death Eaters
that hunted them.
'It's not your fault, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time,' Shacklebolt had said, as if
those two little sentences were enough to comfort her. They hadn't. Not in the slightest.
"You know this is useless,” Hermione whispered, feeling tears prick her eyes as she watched her
parents. "This doesn't tell you anything about the Order."
Malfoy didn't respond, but she knew he was still watching her. Probably dissecting every twitch of
her brow and flutter of her lashes as she tried to keep her tears at bay, checking her for a weakness
he could exploit like the unfeeling psychopath he was.
She wouldn't let him see her weak. Wouldn't let him see she was breaking. Not now. Not ever.
"All that effort," Hermione seethed, forcing as much malice into her tone as possible, "and this is
all you got. A six-year-old girls birthday party. You must be so disappointed.”
"On the contrary Granger," he said, voice low as a whisper but just as venomous as hers, "this
tells me everything I need to know.”
Now, that did catch her attention. She turned her head, finally tearing her face from her mother to
glare at the intruder next to her.
"Your mind isn't as impenetrable as you like to think it is.” He took a step towards her, intending
to see her cower away from him no doubt, but Hermione didn’t move. She rooted herself in the
spot, and raised her chin defiantly. "You're breaking,” he said, “and it's such a fucking pleasure
that I'm the one to break you.”
He let the words linger between them before he turned on his heels and marched out the room.
Hermione watched him take a sharp left when he was over the threshold, undoubtably on his way
to rip another door off its hinges and barge into another one of her memories.
She cast one last glance at her mother, committing the gentle lines of her face to memory, and then
sprinted after him.
Because the only thing worse than having Malfoy run around in her mind, was having him do it
24th December
Draco whistled when he entered the cavern. He squinted into the darkness, searching for the figure
he knew was there as he walked further inside. He held a lantern in his hand, the flame charmed to
be unnaturally bright and vigorous, emitting much more light than it should. Salazar knew it
needed to; this tomb was pitch black.
While he walked, he concentrated his magic on levitating the corpse of a large cow behind him.
The animal's blood dripped sporadically from an incision on its throat, leaving a trail of scarlet on
the scratched concrete.
Draco whistled again and brought the body closer to his side, hoping to draft the scent of the kill
into the tomb and entice the beast within.
A deep rumble cut through the eerie silence, the vibrations of it rattling against Draco's chest. The
temperature spiked suddenly, and then she was there. His dragon stalked out of the darkness, her
head hanging low between her shoulders, hunched, practically crawling towards him.
As soon as he saw her, it felt easier to breathe. The uncomfortable tightness in his chest eased, and
the sickening lurch in his stomach that he'd carried since their separation softened. He hated that
she was being kept here, hated the fact that the Dark Lord had insisted she be detained under their
base of operation while she healed. He said he wanted to keep an eye on her to ensure she received
the best care. He wanted her to recover as quickly as possible, not because he cared for her like
Draco did, but because he couldn't have his most lethal weapon out of commission for too long.
The Order was terrified of his dragon, as they fucking should be. For many, she was a nightmare
come to life; a winged demon materialised on the battlefield and hungry for their screams. The
mere sight of her often reduced even the bravest men to a puddle of desperation, her roar alone
brought the most valiant Order soldiers to their knees.
Although his mother had given him her tiny egg before her passing, Draco had been convinced that
his master was going to take the dragon for his own when he learned what species she was, that
he'd snatch the egg right from Draco's pale fingers when he realised the destruction her flaming
breath would one day cause. He had, in fact, countless times since she'd hatched, but it wasn't
meant to be.
Scandinavian Firethorn Dragon's only chose one rider. They paired themselves with a single witch
or wizard for life and never answered to anyone else. They wouldn't even allow another person the
joy of flying on their backs unless their master had permitted it. Their decisions were final. No
second chances. No exceptions.
But the Dark Lord had still tried to make her subservient to him. The crazy bastard had tried to
bond with her from the moment she'd clawed her way out of her egg. He'd tried to feed her by hand,
tried to soothe her, and he'd even tried to teach the tiny thing to breathe fire, but it all ended with
little nips and the edges of robes set aflame. In the end, she wanted nothing to do with the dark
wizard. She only ever wanted Draco and to this day, wherever he was, she followed.
His dragon was ruthlessly possessive, territorial of what she thought was hers. He belonged to her
as much as she belonged to him.
Draco knew she needed to be here, and that she was being treated by Voldemort's best healers. But
she wasn't at the Manor, she wasn't home, and the separation was stifling.
The dungeons beneath the cathedral were far too small for a beast as magnificent as her. This
concrete cage was more of a prison than anything else. She needed to be outside, wings spread and
head held high like the elegant being she was. She didn't belong here. She belonged at the manor,
with him and what was left of his small - albeit highly dysfunctional - family.
Her nostrils flared and relaxed, inhaling the scent of her dinner. Her ruby-coloured eyes watched
him as he ran a hand across her scaled snout, waiting for him to tell her she was allowed to eat the
corpse that was within her reach.
She nestled her large head into Draco's palm and hummed in the back of her throat, a purr, her
admission of happiness for their reunion.
With a snap of his fingers, the cow's body fell to the floor with an audible squelch. She moved
away from his palm, inching towards her meal, and Malfoy used the distraction to walk along the
side of her body. "Go on then," he said, jutting his chin towards the cow. "Don't mind me, dig in.”
As soon as she started to eat, Draco began inspecting her injuries. As much as he trusted the
healers, he needed proof that she was on the mend.
He ran his fingers across the jagged wound lining her ribs, the scar grew taunt and then relaxed as
she inhaled and exhaled. They were healing nicely, much faster than he'd expected. The deep open
wound under her shoulder - the one that Draco was sure had punctured something vital - was a
mere scar now. Fresh, black scales were quickly growing around the vulnerable skin to protect it,
her armour reforming.
The injury had come from a raid. All they had to do was overturn a resistance base known to be
associated with Potter. It was supposed to be a simple in and out mission with very little numbers
and next to no interference.
The Dark Lord was sure someone had tipped the Order off about the raid, but all the preparation in
the world couldn't have prepared them for the onslaught that ensued. The siege had already begun
when Draco rode in on the dragons back. The majority of the Order soldiers were already deceased
or close to it. The only remaining threat was the three metal tanks that were guarding the entrance,
their last line of defence. Although their barrels were pointing high in the sky and waiting for Draco
and his dragon to arrive, they were no threat. She disintegrated them instantly; the thick, muggle
made metal melted easily under the heat of her flames.
His dragon had been ready to make another pass over the base, all she had to do was blow the front
doors off to allow the Death Eaters to get inside and snatch the hostages. She'd opened her mouth
when the door was in sight, the scales on her back growing hotter as she gathered fire, but just
before she'd released that explosive breath, a fourth tank had appeared out of nowhere, just
suddenly cracked into existence. Draco had realised - a second too late - that the large machine had
been concealed with magic. A few pathetic, easily detectable layers of magic that he would have
noticed if he'd been paying more attention.
Draco swore that his heart had stopped beating when a shell left the tank the very second it had
materialised. A piece of metal the size of a broomstick had exploded from the barrel when they'd
been a mere thirty feet away, far too close to evade the thing, and coming at them far too fast for
him to cast a shield. They were aiming for Draco; their leaders had instructed them a long time ago
that if the infamous Demon Masks were ever on the battlefield, they were the primary targets.
His dragon had swerved just in time to shield him from it, but it meant she bore the worst of the
The ear-piercing screech of pain she'd emitted had been so gut-wrenching, so agonized, that Draco
was sure she was going to die. He'd been convinced that she would fall from the sky, that they
would both plummet towards the earth at such speed his body would've explode upon impact.
As it happens, however, dragons are very resilient, and very ill-tempered when in pain. She'd torn
the metal box and her assailants apart with her claws before the poor bastards had even had a
chance to reload their weapons. Draco had been smiling under his mask the entire time, unable to
stop the cruel sense of satisfaction he'd felt as their screams had rung through the air. Payback
really was a bitch.
"I'm sorry you have to be cooped up in here," he whispered as he ran his fingers across the wound
for a final inspection. "You'll come home soon, I promise.”
She didn't respond. She was far too busy tearing slices of flesh from bone to notice him or her
healing injuries.
Draco hated that he couldn't stay with her longer, or that his visit had to be cut too short in favour
of the other duties that needed his attention today. This afternoon's to-do list was far too long and
morbid than this festive time of year should have allowed.
Even thinking her name brought his blood to boiling point. Despite her captivity, Draco blamed her
for what had happened to his dragon. The muggles tanks had gotten quicker, their bullets were
more dangerous and had become more difficult to manipulate lately, and he would bet every
galleon in his vault that Granger had something to do with it. He could just see her now; bent over
a desk, her hair a wild, untameable mess, deep in concentration, pieces of parchment scattered
messily around her as she tried to figure out ways to thwart the evil, mindless beast that turned their
beloved soldiers into ash.
The Order had become relentless in their attacks since Granger had been captured. A raid at one of
the Dark Lord's bases had been attempted every day since her disappearance. Not that it did them
any good, it always ended in failure. Always resulted in the bodies of their soldiers piled high,
decapitated, often burnt far beyond recognition.
They were sloppy without her. Disorganised. Their stunt with the magically concealed tank was a
stroke of dumb luck, everything else they'd tried in the last few weeks had been an astronomical
failure. Having their chief strategist and most lethal soldier snatched from their grasp had clearly
diminished their confidence. Just as Draco had predicted, the Order was crumbling without her.
Potter was probably throwing a fit back at their base, demanding that every available officer be
deployed and searching tirelessly for her.
Draco knew he'd been right to capture her that day. He'd been sure that she'd prove to be a powerful
pawn to make the Order fall. She was much more useful to the Dark Lord's regime alive than she
was dead. Even if it was tempting to imagine all the ways he wanted to kill her. Sometimes, it was
the highlight of his fucking day to fantasize about how lovely it would be to wrap his fingers
around her throat and squeeze; squeeze and squeeze until the light left her eyes. Other days he
thought it might be more satisfying to torture her a little first. Make it last. Gouge her pretty brown
eyes out, and make her writhe and beg for death before he granted her that mercy.
The list of possibilities went on and on. He added to them daily, sometimes twice a day, depending
on how tenaciously she'd fought him with the Anti-Magic potion that morning.
The Order would do anything to ensure her safe return, literally anything, probably chuck in
whatever was left of the Weasley clan as well just to have Granger back. If Potter was the face of
the resistance, then Granger was the backbone, and they were falling apart without her.
The terrified girl stiffened in the chair she was bound to, the coarse robes that were wrapped
around her body dug into her skin as she cringed away from him.
Nott crouched down in front of her, folded this arms, and rested them on top of her trembling
thighs. "Just tell us where Potter is, and this will all be over. I promise.”
The girl whimpered and shook her head, her body trembling uncontrollably. "I ... I can't... I don't
know w-where he is... I promise... I've ... I've never seen him.”
Nott rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek. His eyes narrowed in irritation. "That's not the
answer we were looking for.”
The bar that hosted this afternoon's interrogation was in one of the deserted areas of the city. It
might’ve been a nice place once upon a time, but the war had twisted and bent it into something
malevolent. Looters had pillaged and destroyed it long ago, the windows were all broken, shattered
glass covered the floor, and all the furniture was burnt and broken and overturned. Where they'd
once been laughter and joy, there was now screams. The stone walls - decorated with violent red
slashes from Nott's efforts - were excellent at magnifying their hostages cries. Their wails of pain
ricochet off the stones, reverberating and building until a chorus of screams rang continuously
through the air like music. A constant, never-ending loop of suffering.
The smell was - fuck.... that could only be described as decay itself. The mixture of blood,
perspiration and the salty tang of tears hung in the air, vile and unmistakable. It didn't help that the
wooden floor was sodden, the boards had absorbed the blood hours ago and were refusing to let go
of the stench.
It was all part of Nott's interrogation technique; pick the most awful, fear-inducing stage for
torture, set the mood and give the victim a taste of what was to come. He wanted their stomachs to
knot when they saw the splattered blood on the floor. He wanted their lips to tremble when they
saw the weapons that he'd neatly lined up on the counter, ready to use to force an extraction out of
them - by whatever painful method was necessary. He wanted them terrified, frightened to death
and soiling themselves before he'd even laid a finger on them, and only when they would beg for
their lives, would he begin his performance.
Nott stood and reached across the bar to retrieve a long silver dagger. "Now, let's try this again,
shall we?" The dim lights overhead cast sinister shapes on Theodore's face, exaggerating the
hollows under his eyes and the sharp angle of his chin. It made him look all the more unhinged,
ore dangerous, and certainly more menacing to his victims.
Not pressed the cold blade against the girls bare, blood-soaked shoulder and dragged it lightly
across her chest as he circled to stand behind her chair. "Let's not play these games, sweetheart. I
know you know where Potter is." He leaned down, and pressed his chest against her back. His lips
ghosted across her cheek as he spoke. His other hand wound around her body, his palm skating
across her hip to keep her in place. "Now, be a good little girl and tell me where he's hiding.”
Draco leaned against the broken jukebox with his arms folded across his chest, wondering who
would have ever thought that Theodore Nott would have been so cruelly gifted in the art of torture.
He'd been worried about him at the start of the war. Worried that his friend, the quiet Slytherin
with mousy brown curls and gentle eyes, wouldn't be able to cope with the dark tasks he would be
Nott had always been the quiet sort back in Hogwarts, always had his head down, eyes on the floor
and doing everything in his power to go unnoticed. His father had forced him to take the Dark
Mark just nine months after Draco had, and he'd done nothing but fret about Theodore in the
months that'd followed. He'd worried that his oldest friend would crack under the pressure, that he
would crumble and cry and refuse to inflict pain on others.
Apparently, Draco's worry wasn't necessary. Theo was nothing like that now. Nothing like that
small, quivering boy that used to shake at the mere mention of a Dementor.
Nott was strong now, powerful. He'd grown into his confidence, and adapted this deadly lifestyle
far easier than Draco had ever anticipated he would. There had been resistance at the start,
something holding him back and preventing him from embracing the darkest parts of himself, and
reaching his full potential as a bloodthirsty Gold Mask. Then one day, he stopped resisting. Like
the flick of a switch, Nott snuffed out that part of himself and became the ruthless bastard he was
And now his methods of torture and interrogation were legendary amongst the Death Eaters.
The girl hostage, Melanie, screamed when Nott tugged her hair back, exposing her throat so he
could press the blade against it.
"Leave her alone!" the male prisoner shouted - Draco couldn't remember his name. The bloke
jerked in his chair, fighting against his restraints while his partner begged for her life. "We already
told you we don't know where Potter is! We weren't in the same base as him!"
"See the thing is mate," Theo said, a sly smile spreading across his face. He increased the pressure
of the blade, and a thin streak of blood seeped from the small incision he'd made on Melanie's
throat. "I don't believe you.”
Or was it Tom?
"What the fuck is wrong with you! We've told you everything we know! I swear!"
"Just let her go! You can do whatever you want to me! Just let her go!"
Tom Thorne! That was his name! He was Ravenclaw's Quidditch captain!
"Oh for Salazar's sake, can we just try this Malfoy's way and get this over with?" Blaise said. He
sat on one of the remaining stools in the bar, leaning against the wall behind him and twirling his
wand absentmindedly between his fingers, "We're clearly not getting anywhere this way.”
Theo threw Zabini a sadistic little smirk. "I'm just getting started. Don't worry, I'll get what we
need. Just let me have a little fun first.”
"You've already had your fun," Zabini said coolly, his expression bored. "You've been at this for
two hours and haven't gotten the results the Dark Lord has asked for. Perhaps you're losing your
touch, Theodore?"
Theo straightened like he'd been cracked with a whip. His smile vanished, and a furious scowl
coloured his face. "Me? Losing my touch?!" he shouted, pointing the blade at his chest to illustrate
his point. "Are you having a fucking laugh?"
Blaise's lips twitched into a smirk. He shrugged, and crossed his ankles casually as he let Nott mull
over his assessment.
Zabini was always calm, always refined and dignified; the patience of a saint, despite the egregious
sins he committed daily. Blaise was intelligent and devilishly quick-witted. His sharp and warped
mind could always conjure the vilest and most horrific punishments. Like Nott, he had an excellent
imagination when it came to torture, but he never lifted a blade, never so much as touched his
victims, he didn't need to. He favoured psychological torture over the psychical. Preferred to
torment a person's mind rather than soil his robes with their blood. He knew exactly how to get
under someone's skin, knew precisely where to stick the metaphorical knife in to extract the most
pain and unhinge his victim, with nothing more than his wit and sharp tongue. He often had them
writhing, desperately trying to claw their chests apart as a reprieve from the mental torture he
In many ways, Nott and Zabini were as different as Yin and Yang. Nott's undeterrable fury was
perfectly in sync with Blaise's calm demeanour. Theo's short fuse and willingness to cast a killing
curse if anyone so much as quirked a disapproving brow at him, was diminished by Zabini's ability
to remain composed, to see the bigger picture and know the wait would be worth the reward. They
were polar opposites of one another, but complimented each other perfectly. Well, when they
played together nicely.
"How could you think that I'm losing my touch?" Nott snapped, voice louder now, evidence of his
dwindling patience. "Look at the state of these two, they're blubbering messes, because of me!"
Blaise quirked a brow. His smirk grew but he remained silent. He was trying to get under Nott's
skin, irritate him to the point he snapped, likely wanted Nott to slaughter the hostages in a fit of
rage and end their interrogation early. Blaise wanted to get home, back to his wife.
Nott's nostrils flared with anger. He drew a deep breath, his eyes burning, then spun and threw the
blade with a strong jerk of his arm, sending it straight into Thorne's skill.
The Ravenclaw died almost instantly. The enchanted blade cut through his bone like it was butter
from the power of Nott's throw. It sliced between his eyes and pierced his brain before he'd even
thought to scream. His blood sprayed up the wall at the impact, joining the crusted scarlet that
clung between each brick there. The poor bloke's eyes widened for a second, blood trickled
between his brows and down his nose. He choked, the sound curling in his throat, and then his
head fell forward, limp against his shoulders.
There was silence. Melanie was still for several moments, frozen in terror, not even breathing as
she stared at her partner's lifeless body. Horrified.
Then she screamed. She screamed and screamed and screamed, each wail reaching a new decibel as
she thrashed against her restraints.
The trio left her to it for a while. Let the helplessness of her situation sink in that little bit deeper,
let her veins turn to ice through her fear - a brief intermission before Nott restarted the
The moment Theo took a predatory step towards Melanie, she started spilling secrets like they'd
forced Veritaserum down her throat. "The Order is still looking for Granger!" she cried. "They're
planning a raid at your base in Newcastle in the next month or so!"
Nott carried on slowly stalking toward her, his lips turning upwards in the corners. Broken glass
from the window crunched under his boots as he approached -
"They figured that must be where you're keeping her!" Melanie continued, her voice growing more
desperate with every step Nott took.
Nott pulled the blade from Tom's skull, causing more of his blood to spray and join that already
decorating the walls and floor. He turned back to her, holding the dripping dagger teasingly in front
of her.
"They know she's still alive!" Melanie squealed when he pressed the blade against her chest, the
end nicking the skin covering her sternum. "Please! I'll tell you everything, anything you want to
know!" Tears streaked down her face and mixed with the blood collected around her cheeks. "Just
please, please don't kill me!"
Nott retracted the blade, and turned back to face Draco and Zabini. He couldn't have looked more
smug if he tried. His smile was practically beaming as he folded a single arm across his chest and
took a deep, theatrical bow. "Taaaadaaaaa! And that's how it's done, ladies and gentlemen!"
Draco couldn't help but clap and indulge in his friends ridiculous theatrics, even if he was covered
in blood as he did so. "Well done Nott. Spectacular show."
The dramatic little bastard always did get results. Vital information and a show, it really was a joy
to watch him work.
Theo smirked at Blaise as he straightened. "Are you satisfied that I still have it in me, Zabini?"
“Yes, yes, I'm absolutely quaking in my boots," Blaise said sarcastically. He wore a triumphant
smile as he walked towards the back of the bar. “I’m sorry for ever questioning your methods,
“Me? Losing my touch?!” Theo spat, making a disgruntled face as he walked back towards
Melanie, ready to extract the rest of the information. "Pffft, he's lost the plot. If anyone is losing
their touch, it's you!"
"You heard me," Nott said coldly as Blaise re-emerged with a dust covered bottle of bourbon.
"You've been trying to get to Granger's memories for how long now? Two weeks? And all you've
gotten out of her is a silly childhood birthday party?"
Blaise took a lengthy swig of the alcohol. A soft groan escaped his throat as he swallowed, and
then he passed the bottle into Theo's greedy fingers, a peace offering. They never did bicker for
long, and they always reconciled at the bottom of a bottle of scotch or whisky.
Theo drained half of what was left before he handed it to Draco. "She's living in the manor, getting
fed and given free roam to explore the grounds. Honestly mate, I think you're going soft.”
"Hermione is at Malfoy Manor?" Melanie gasped, only to cringe away when the three men sharply
turned to glare at her. She didn't speak again, chose to cower in her chair as though that made her
invisible. Forgettable.
"The Dark Lord doesn't care about Granger's memories. We know that eventually we'll capture one
of these lot who knows where Potter is, and we'll break them," Draco said before he took a swig of
the bourbon. It burned beautifully on the way down. "They'll tell us where Potter and the rest of the
rats are, and we'll stamp them out for good. Even if we don't catch anyone with that information,
we can always use her to lure Potter out of hiding. You know he loves a good damsel in distress.”
"So why search her memories at all?" Blaise asked as Draco passed him back the bottle. "Surely
we could just store her in a dungeon somewhere until the Dark Lord wants to use her as a
bargaining chip?"
Draco pushed the hair out of his face, then answered, "Searching her memories is an excuse to get
inside her head. I'm only doing so because the Dark Lord is convinced there is a spy amongst our
Blaise paused and looked at Draco, the bottle just inches from his lips. "A spy?"
Draco nodded. "We have a traitor, gentlemen. A rogue snake whose slithered from the pit to leak
secrets to our enemy.”
"There have been too many instances where secret missions have been intercepted over the years,
and he believes someone within the ranks is leaking secrets to the Order. Given her high status, we
both believe Granger may be the one they've been leaking the information to.”
"Oooooh, does that mean we're all suspects?" Theo laughed. "You gonna cart us away for
interrogation, Malfoy?"
Draco couldn't help but snort. "You're all far too gifted at mind blocking to allow anything so
simple. No, the Dark Lord thinks I will find the answer in Granger's head, no matter how tedious
an exercise it is.”
"So that's it?" Theo asked. "That's why you're spending all these hours prying her mind apart? Just
for some secret meetings that may or may not even be there?"
"No, it's just a secondary assignment. The Dark Lord has more sinister plans for the Mudblood.”
"Nott," Draco said, eyes shifting to Theo. "Over the years, you've seen Granger on the battlefield,
haven't you?"
Theo's brown eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Honestly?" he asked, as if it might be a trick of some
"Yes, honestly," Draco encouraged. "What did you think of her skills on the field?"
Theo rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, seeming to consider his response carefully. When
he finally answered, his voice was low, sort of... wistful. "She was incredible. I was lucky to
escape with my life.”
Draco smirked.
"She cut down our Black Masks like they were nothing, just obstacles in her way. I've never seen
anyone that gifted at killing except for... well.... you, Malfoy," Theo continued hesitantly. "If she
fought for us, I think we would have won this war years ago.”
"Granger is the backbone of the Order, she always has been," Draco said as he reached for the
bottle; Zabini reluctantly handed it over. "She's their chief strategist and most lethal general.
They're crumbling without her, running around like scared little children without their mummy.”
"Yes, we know that," Blaise said. "Potter will do anything to get her back, and they would die
before they let anyone hurt her.”
"So,” Draco sneered, running his tongue across his top teeth as he smiled. "How do you think they
will cope if one of their own, the almighty Golden Girl herself, turns against them?"
Theo and Blaise didn't answer. Draco could practically see the gears in their head turning as they
worked through his cryptic response. After several seconds, both their eyes widened, the realisation
of Voldemort's twisted plan finally dawned on them.
When they both smiled, Draco continued. "How fast do you think they will fall to their knees if
they Apparate onto the battlefield with the intention of saving their lost damsel, only to discover
that she now fights for us?"
Mrs Zabini
25th December
Hermione woke on what used to be her favourite day of the year sluggish, exhausted, and to a gift
sitting proudly atop her window ledge.
She blinked, and immediately rubbed the sleep from her eyes when she saw it, thinking she'd
hallucinated the box that was elegantly wrapped in shiny green paper. She hadn't. No matter how
many times she blinked, no matter how furiously she rubbed at her eyes, it remained.
For a long time, Hermione just stared at it with her brows knitted together. She must've looked
insane; sat up in bed, her back pressed firmly against the headboard, not blinking and her hair a
wild mess - she imagined the dark purple bags around her eyes didn't help either.
By observation, the gift looked harmless, nothing sinister or malevolent about it. It was small and
square, compact, roughly the size of a microwave, and tied with a silver ribbon that was carefully
threaded together to form a bow at the top. The wrapping paper was that deep shade of green that
one could only associate with Slytherins - the one they all wore proudly like a badge of honour; the
colour she recognised in the halls of this manor and in the hue of the leather armchairs. The same
vile shade of green that hung in the tapestries in York Cathedral, the ones she had stared at while
she screamed as Voldemort had mutilated her with dark blood magic. The shade of green that made
her feel sick.
The more she stared at it, the more confused she became - and the more suspicious.
The elves couldn't have gifted her the box. They wore the same pillowcases each day, and although
Hermione had never detected any signs of physical abuse on their small bodies, she doubted
Malfoy afforded them luxuries like galleons or gifts. They were slaves to him; objects meant to
serve and obey, as much of a possession as this manor was.
That only left Malfoy himself, but that possibility sounded just as ridiculous as the elves did. He
wouldn't send her a gift, he just wouldn't. He was horrid and cruel. They hated one another. His
mere existence repulsed her, and every breath she took was an insult to him and his malicious
ideology. He wouldn't send her a gift unless it was meant to cause her harm. Well, that was a
theory she could work with. She wouldn't have put it past Malfoy to tamper with the thing, charm it
so it grew legs and teeth and spontaneously tried to maul her to death. She imagined he would have
gotten a sick little thrill from watching her nose be ripped from her face on this usually joyous day.
Perhaps it was laced with an exploding charm? Or maybe it contained the decapitated head of one
of her fallen friends? That was certainly something he would do; murder one of the opposition
during a battle, slice their head from their shoulders and deliver it to her disguised as a gift. A threat
wrapped in shiny green paper.
Sometime later, her breakfast materialised on its own - without the aid of a house-elf. Apparently,
Malfoy had given the tiny creatures the day off. How fucking noble of him.
Hermione didn't eat her breakfast that morning, just continued to stare at the box as her mind
worked and worked and worked over what it could possibly be. By the time her lunch appeared - a
full Christmas dinner - she moved.
She slid out of bed, ignoring the mouth-watering scent of roast potatoes and cranberry sauce - and
approached the offending box slowly, carefully, pausing between each timid step. The exploding
charm theory was probably the most likely - so she decided it best not to sprint towards the
wretched thing.
She lightly ran a finger over the top of the box, half expecting it to detonate at the most delicate
touch. To her surprise, it didn't explode when she picked it up and it wasn't ticking either. It was
lighter than she'd imagined, it caused no strain at all on her muscles to balance its weight in one
hand. She shook it once, and her breath hitched when she heard something rattle inside. It sounded
like several things, several small things knocking into one another.
After inspecting it for half an hour, she slammed the gift down on her bedside table and sat in her
usual perch. It must have been at least one o'clock in the afternoon, possibly even two, and Malfoy
still hadn't stormed into her room for their Legilimency session.
Was he giving her the day off too? Did he think a little break from their sessions was akin to some
kind of gift? Was that another present?
By four o'clock Malfoy was still nowhere to be seen, and Hermione was growing restless. She
thought about exploring the manor like she had done the day before, but eventually decided against
it. If he wasn't going to show up, she didn't want to risk running into him accidentally.
A day without having to see Draco Malfoy's spiteful blue eyes sounded fucking wonderful.
As she discovered on the 23rd, Malfoy hadn't set up any wards to zap or burn her if she tried to
leave her room, so she'd spent the following day exploring his home. He spent hours of his day
roaming through her head, tirelessly searching for any scraps of her memory he could get his claws
on, so it was only fair if she spent her free time searching his home, running her fingers across
every surface and contaminating every piece of furniture with her 'dirty Mudblood' paws.
She'd even broken a few vases yesterday while she'd explored, hoping that they were indecently
expensive, or priceless and irreplaceable family heirlooms, but, of course, Malfoy was infuriatingly
thorough, and the shards had magically repaired themselves seconds after she'd destroyed them. It
was still satisfying to smash them though, so she continued to do it anyway. Perhaps there was a
limit on how many times they would repair themselves? She could only hope.
She'd explored almost every inch of Malfoy's home on Christmas Eve. She'd wandered the
grounds, explored the vacant hallways and the disused drawing rooms, and found nothing. Nothing
she could fashion into a weapon. No secret passageways out of the manor. No weakness in the
wards surrounding the estate. Nothing. Not a thing.
The only things she had learned was the vast reach of the wards he'd set up. He'd given her some
slack on her dog leash; there was no section of the grounds off-limits to her. She could wander
around the maze of snow-covered flower beds, under every tree and stretch of land, and even as far
as the Malfoy Family cemetery - although she'd stayed clear of that area yesterday. An involuntary
shiver had run down her spine when she'd noticed the rows of curved, snow-covered headstones,
tombs and mausoleums, and she'd turned on her heels and practically sprinted in the opposite
She couldn't help herself, so she'd tested the boundaries a few times. She'd sensed when she was
approaching them; her blood had hummed slightly, and if she squinted very hard, she could see the
air ripple and quiver with the wards. She'd tried to cross the threshold twice in different areas, just
to see what would happen. The moment her fingers made contact with 'The Ripple' - her name for
it- her palms had grown cold and pressed against something hard and firm, like a cold glass wall.
Both times she'd tried to pass through it, increasing the pressure in her hand to test for weaknesses,
and both times, she'd managed to count to four before her body had been overcome with a chilling
sensation. Her temperature had dropped so rapidly it felt like having a dementor wrap itself around
her body, and both times, she'd only managed to hold her hand to the ripple for a few more seconds
before the freezing pain had spiked, becoming so severe that she'd jumped back with a yelp of
pain, and had to hug her body in search of warmth. She'd felt so cold afterwards, she'd been
surprised to see her fingers hadn't turned to icicles when she looked down at them. It certainly felt
cold enough for them to.
From the way her blood felt like it turned to ice in her veins, Hermione imagined that it had
everything to do with the blood ritual Voldemort had used to bind her to Malfoy with. She
shuddered thinking of what other side effects she hadn't discovered yet. It took almost twenty
minutes for her body to thaw out enough for her to have use of her fingers again.
The only relatively positive thing Hermione had found on the grounds, was a beautiful cherry
blossom tree. A gorgeous, tall tree with winding silver branches, pale pink flowers, and a small
wooden bench shaded beneath it. She imagined it would have been a nice spot to read in.
By six o'clock that evening, Malfoy still hadn't made an appearance, and Hermione still hadn't left
her room. She thought about going to bed early - it was probably a good idea to give her body a
much-needed rest to prepare for what was likely to be a torturous day of memory searching and
splintering doors tomorrow - but she couldn't relax. No matter how long she closed her eyes and
nestled into the thick covers of her bed, she couldn't switch off, because she knew the box wrapped
in shiny green paper was still there, watching her, taunting her.
So with an irritated huff, Hermione threw the covers off her body, and spent the remainder of what
used to be her favourite day of the year experimenting with creative - albeit futile - ways to destroy
the vile little gift without opening it. If nothing else, it gave her something to pass the time on that
miserable, snowy evening.
26th December
Hermione sat on her perch with her eyes closed, listening to the birds sing their morning tune while
she meditated.
She concentrated on filing her memories away, carefully crafting new walls and reinforcing the
doors in her mind, ready for when Malfoy came for his first visit of the day. She worked on filing
the most important memories at the back of her mind, visualised them at the very top level of the
hotel. She pictured the doors transforming to steel, pictured the wood eroding away to leave
shining metal in its place. Strong. Impenetrable.
She expected this morning's session to be particularly biting, expected him to make up for their lost
day yesterday by barging into her mind mercilessly. She expected him to make it hurt, and he did.
Fuck - did he make it hurt, but he never said a word about the charred, brutally misshaped box on
her bedside table, so neither did she. Not even the next day. Or even the day after that.
4th January
Despite the 'merciful' reprieve Malfoy gave her on Christmas Day, their exercises were starting to
wear thin on Hermione by the start of January. She felt herself growing weaker by the day.
The blood loss caused by their sessions always left her feeling dizzy and lightheaded afterwards. It
was taking her longer to recover each time, longer to drag herself up off the floor after every
session so she could make her rounds of the manor. Despite exploring the estate each day, she still
hadn't found anything useful to her escape, but the bench under the cherry blossom tree had proven
to be a good spot to meditate in - as long as she asked the elves to cast a warming charm on her
clothes beforehand.
Malfoy had found more of her memories since he'd knocked down that first door. In just under two
weeks, he'd torn his way through her psyche, leaving doors splintered and torn from their hinges.
He only ever saw little things; a few childhood moments that she adored and cherished.
He saw her father put a seven-year-old Hermione onto his shoulders on a trip to the zoo so she
could see the animals more clearly, the first time her parents had taken her to the ballet when she
was eight, and the time she'd fallen off of her bike when she was nine. They were all silly little
moments, but they acted as a line of defence, another barrier that Malfoy had to break through to
get to her more important, more precious secrets. All they did was slow him down, but that was
better than nothing.
The doors didn't open immediately for him, he still had to fight his way through. Hermione felt it
each time he forced himself into a new memory, felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, a deep
stabbing sensation that forced her to clench her teeth together each time a door was ripped open.
It was strange to watch herself growing up, to relive those memories of the girl who used to look at
the world with such wonder and think anything was possible. It was stranger still to have Malfoy
watch it with her.
As soon as he'd forced a new door open, his urgency seemed to vanish from his posture, and he
glided into each room leisurely, unhurried. Despite the apparent urgency of his task, he didn't seem
to be in a rush when they watched her memories unfold. More like the opposite seemed true. He
took his time with each new memory, as if they were somehow just as important as the location of
Harry or The Order's battle plans.
She'd expected him to move on once he saw that the room held another insignificant memory that
was of no use to Voldemort. She'd expected him to turn around and march furiously to the next
door, not saunter into the room, find a perch or wall to lean on, and then watch her grow up. He
seemed weirdly fascinated by their Muggle activities, like he almost enjoyed observing how the
'lesser species' lived. She caught the way his brow furrowed slightly, the only flaw in his otherwise
expressionless face, when he'd watched her and her mother dance in front of their television when
she was nine, copying the steps of the dancers on the screen with elated giggles. She didn't miss
him cock his head to the side, a tiny movement she would have missed if she weren't observing
him so closely, when he'd watched her younger self and family pile into a caravan on their family
holiday, huddling together and sheltering from the unexpected rain.
He made snide little comments along the way like the bully he would always be; he took stabs at
her awkward posture, made never-ending comments about her hair, and even-
Hermione was dragged from her meditation by three delicate knocks on her bedroom door.
To start with, she thought she'd imagined it. Malfoy didn't knock when he was ready for her. Not
once, not ever. He just barged in, often swinging the door open so violently it added to the ever-
growing dent in the plaster on the other side of the wall. So why was he knocking now? Maybe
she'd imagined it. She was so bored, deathly spiritless. She'd probably hallucinated it. Her usually
busy mind had probably created the sound to entertain herself. Or maybe she was finally starting to
go mad.
Hermione turned from the window and stared at the door, waiting to hear Malfoy's snide voice
from the other side of the wood.
Curious, Hermione swung her legs off the window ledge and walked towards the sound. She
stopped in front of the oak doors, her fingers curling around the brass knob while she pressed her
ear to the door. "Hello?" she asked quietly.
"Hello Granger," a soft, feminine voice said from the other side.
Hearing another woman's voice took her completely off caught, Hermione couldn't help but gasp
and jump back. She stared at the door, eyes wide and mouth agape. Who was that?
"Would you be so kind as to open the door?" the voice asked, still soft as a whisper. "I do think it's
time we met. Don't you?"
Did someone else live here? No, that wasn't possible. Hermione had explored the manor every day
for almost two weeks. She'd spent hours and hours wandering the halls and gardens, if someone
else lived here, she'd have run into them by now, wouldn't she?
"Who are you?" Hermione snapped strongly, confidently, despite the unease she felt creeping into
her stomach.
"Won't you please open the door? I would hate to have our introduction through a piece of wood.
It's so much more personal to do it face to face.”
Hermione kept her hand firmly clasped around the doorknob, her muscles refused to twist the
handle and let the stranger in. Her pulse quickened, and her mind started to buzz with a hundred
questions. What if it was a trap? What if she was another Death Eater? What if she was armed?
Hermione wouldn't be able to defend herself. Did Malfoy know she was here?
After a few seconds of hesitation, Hermione drew a deep breath and pushed that panicking voice to
the back of her mind. She started to twist the handle.
Because, no matter who was on the other side of that door, they couldn't be worse than Malfoy.
Hermione froze when she locked onto a pair of brown eyes. Her skin pebbled under her jacket and
her gut-twisted uncomfortably, both common responses when one first caught a glimpse of a
Because the owner of that soft voice, the blonde that stood in the doorframe, looked exactly like
someone Hermione knew to be dead.
The rational part of her brain told her that the petite woman standing in front of her wasn't a ghost,
she couldn't have been. She lacked the opacity that all poltergeists possessed. Her skin was pale but
solid, and she certainly didn't have the soft blue tint of the undead, but still ... she looked just like
her; a mirror image of that girl with flowy blonde hair that Hermione had shared classes with at
There were some differences though, if Hermione looked closely enough. The girl in front of her
was slightly shorter and paler than her deceased older sister. She had a much smaller frame than
Hermione could remember Daphne ever having, her waist and hips were narrower, and her face
was a little fuller. There was an artificial flush colouring her cheeks, and her full lips were painted
an eye-catching shade of red.
In truth, the woman was dazzlingly beautiful. Hermione couldn't remember the last time she'd seen
anyone as striking, as undeniably alluring as the woman stood in front of her. Her brown eyes
practically sparkled under her long, mascara coated lashes. Like the rest of her, her hair was
perfect; softly styled golden curls wove their way to her shoulders, catching the light as she tilted
her head to the side. She was dressed modestly, in high heeled black stilettos with a black, tea-
length dress that nipped in elegantly at her small waist and flared out in a tiered A-line skirt. The
top half of the dress was embroided and had short, lace-covered sleeves. She looked as though she
could be on her way to the Opera, not roaming the halls of this lonely manor.
Hermione nodded. "You took me off guard, I thought you had long brown hair?"
The woman's expression fell slightly. Her smile dropped for a moment as her dainty, perfectly
manicured fingers twisted the handkerchief in her hands.
The blonde's smile returned, wider and brighter than before - it made dimples appear on her
cheeks. It was an authentic, kind smile, one Hermione didn't expect. It made her stomach twist
uncomfortably. Suspicious. "It's Astoria Zabini, now.”
Ah, yes, of course. Hermione had almost forgotten that life went on as normal for those under
Voldemort's leash. Weddings for his followers were probably great big events, nothing like the
tiny, reclusive things the Order called ‘weddings’. Harry and Ginny had said their vows inside a
rubble filled base, Luna and Neville said theirs in the infirmary at one of the Order's bases after an
attack. Astoria Zabini’s wedding was probably nothing like that.
It seemed... strange, that weddings and such lavish events still went on despite the war around
them. It seemed wrong, unfair that the Death Eaters and the rest of Voldemort's loyal follower's
lives were relatively normal; a world apart from the constant stream of death the Order was forced
to endure.
The territories between the opposing sides were clearly divided. The areas under Voldemort's boot
were largely unchanged; the streets were full of people, bars and restaurants remained open, and
shops were still packed and running normally. By all accounts, life went on as normal. No, better
than normal, they thrived - and all they had to do was swear loyalty to Voldemort. Swear their
loyalty to the madman and vow to fight at his side, and he would protect them and give them riches
and land and jewels. Unfortunately for the Order, many had taken that option at the beginning of
the war.
The area's not under Voldemort's 'protection' were a stark comparison to the former. Those areas
were desolate, war-torn. There wasn't a building without damage, not a window unbroken or a
bridge left untorn for miles and miles around. Most took refuge underground, burying themselves
deep into the rubble, forming caves like animals while they waited out the rest of the war.
Only the Order's bases were safe, concealed by magic and enchantments, and buried just as deep
underground. The streets were vacant and quiet, mutilated corpses and skeletons decorated the
pavement and every street corner. The smell was repugnant, the air never seemed to be free of the
stench of death and rot. Those areas were similar to that of Chernobyl. Apocalyptic. But those
areas were where Hermione's base was. They were her home, and she'd give anything to be back
there now. Trade everything she owned to be back in that war-torn, destroyed area of London that
surrounded The Order's central base. She'd welcome that smell of burning flesh in the basement,
because it would mean she was home and free of this fucking nightmare.
"Congratulations on the nuptials," Hermione answered bitterly. "Sorry, I didn't think to send a gift
for the happy couple.”
Astoria chuckled, the smile still clear on her face as she studied Hermione. "I'm sorry I didn't get
the opportunity to introduce myself yet," she said, completely undeterred by Hermione's rudeness.
"I've been visiting friends in Paris for the last few weeks. When Draco said you would be joining
us, I was so upset that I wouldn't be there to greet you-"
"Wait.” Hermione's hand shot up and silenced Astoria mid-sentence. "You live here too?"
Astoria nodded. "We all do: myself, my husband Blaise, and Theodore Nott.”
Well, that certainly didn't make Hermione feel any better. Living under the same roof as the
notoriously bloodthirsty Demon Mask was bad enough, but two other known Death Eaters as well?
Both likely just as ruthless and cold-hearted as the first? Hermione forced herself not to shiver.
"Blaise has been in Germany on an assignment for the Dark Lord since Christmas, and, well the
house is so large, it's no wonder you haven't run into Theo yet,” Astoria said quickly. "Sorry, I'm
babbling. Do you mind if I come in?"
"But this is your room," Astoria answered immediately, as if that was obvious. "I wouldn't want to
intrude on your privacy.”
"Your fearless leader doesn't share the same opinion," Hermione spat, feeling anger start to heat
her blood. "He walks through my memories freely. He kicks down doors in my head and leaves me
with blood pouring out of my ears.”
Astoria smile faltered a little. Her kind eyes darkened. "I am sorry about that. I'm sure Draco
doesn't mean to hurt you-"
Hermione couldn't help but snort. Her hands gripped the wooden doorframe tighter. "Oh, I think he
does. I think he gets some sick thrill out of torturing a mudblood.”
Her reaction ... confused Hermione. Astoria seemed to tense at the word. She clenched her jaw, and
fidgeted with the white piece of cloth between her fingers.
"You didn't open your gift,” Astoria said, changing the subject. Her gentle eyes flickered to
Hermione's left, and she followed the blonde’s line of sight to the massacred gift box on her
bedside table.
Suddenly, things started to click into place; the homely, welcoming touches around the house, the
vases with beautiful flowers, the sweet-smelling candles. They were all things Hermione couldn't
associate Malfoy decorating his home with, because he hadn't. Astoria had. Now that Hermione
had met her, she could see Mrs Zabini's feminine touch in a lot of the furnishings here; in the
curtain sashes, the silver trinkets and perfectly plumped pillows.
Astoria nodded. Her smile grew kinder by the second, if that were even possible. Hermione could
feel some of her hostility weakening the longer Astoria smiled at her. Could feel the icy walls of
her bitterness melting, thawing slowly under Mrs Zabini's warmth. It was starting to make her feel
on edge. She wasn't used to this type of casual conversation, the only ones who'd shown her any
type of kindness since she'd been here were the elves.
"Yes. I thought that you shouldn't be without a gift on Christmas," Astoria said. "I know you're
being forced to stay here against your own will, but I wanted you to have a little something.
Something to make you feel at home.”
What an odd creature the blonde before her was. She was the wife of a Death Eater, a known killer
and likely to be a highly standing general in Voldemort's army, and here she was, genuinely
concerned about the welfare of her husband's mortal enemy.
Hermione could feel the gentle warmth of her kindness. There was nothing fake or disingenuous
about it. She was genuinely pleased that Hermione was here, and even anxious enough about her
well-being that she thought to get her a small gift for Christmas.
As Astoria spoke, another thought popped into Hermione's head. "The clothes? Was that you, too?"
Astoria nodded again. "I'm sorry if they weren't to your taste. As I said, I didn't know you would be
joining us, so I didn't have time to get anything else.” She was very expressive with her hands while
she spoke, and the large diamond on her wedding ring caught the light with every wave and dip of
her hand. "I ordered what I thought you might like, but if they don't fit, I would be happy to charm
them to alter the sizing. I remembered that you and Daph were the same size when we were at
school, so I thought ..." Her eyes drifted to the floor and her voice trailed off. She pulled her
bottom lip between her teeth, hard, so hard Hermione was surprised she didn't break the skin. She
looked terribly uncomfortable all of a sudden. Sad. Like she was dying to say more but dare not.
"I was sorry to hear about your sister,” Hermione said honestly, fighting the urge to reach out and
comfort the witch in front of her. Compassion or not, she was still the enemy. She didn't deserve to
be consoled. Didn't deserve to be embraced or comforted.
"We heard that Voldemort killed her for disobeying a direct order. I was very sorry to hear about
her passing.”
That was the understatement of the century. Voldemort didn't just kill Daphne, he bludgeoned her.
His need to make an example of her in front of the other Death Eaters had led him to incite the
most grotesque, vile punishment he could think of. Her apparent 'soft spot' for Muggles had
inspired him to punish her 'in the most muggle way possible'; the Blood Eagle. Even the name
made Hermione's stomach lurch.
It was an ancient Viking torture method that involved restraining the victim while the skin was
torn from their back, slowly, painfully. From the Orders intelligence, Voldemort had insisted that
all his Death Eaters were present for the spectacle. Hermione couldn't imagine what Astoria must
have thought. Couldn't bear to even think about how sickening it must have felt to watch her sister's
ribs be torn from her spine - one by one. She could only hope that Daphne had already died from
shock before her lungs were pulled through the gap to create her 'wings'.
Astoria didn't deserve to witness her only sister go through that kind of torture. No one did. She'd
known this woman for barely five minutes, and she could already see that Astoria was soft and
gentle, fragile. Completely breakable and not equipped for the ways of war. She'd probably never
even set foot on a battlefield.
Astoria looked up. Her eyes were swimming as she sniffed. "Thank you.”
"A children's hospital," Astoria clarified. "Her ... loyalty to the Dark Lord only stretched so far.”
She paused to cough suddenly into her handkerchief, and Hermione used the distraction to look at
her left forearm. The skin was clean, untainted by the malevolent image of a skull and snake.
Astoria hadn't taken the Dark Mark. That was.... unexpected.
Hermione was sure that Daphne had taken the mark only a few months after the battle of
Hogwarts. She'd guessed that her father had insisted his oldest daughter join the ranks as quickly as
possible, that it was the greatest honour to do so. From an outsider’s perspective, it seemed that he
would have been the type of father to encourage both his daughters to bear that honour.
"I'm sorry," Astoria's voice was muffled into the fabric. "I've been a little under the weather lately,
the snow doesn't help-"
"Did you need something?" Hermione snapped. "I expect Malfoy will be here soon for our third
session of the day.”
"Yes, yes, of course, I do apologise for keeping you," Astoria smirked. "I'm sure you're very busy
concocting escape plans and ways to kill Draco, so I'll just get right to it.”
Hermione pursed her lips. Was.... was Astoria trying to crack a joke?
"I was wondering, seeing as I'm back now and will be spending much more time around the house,
if you would like to join me later for a glass of wine?"
Hermione opened her mouth to speak but closed it again, not trusting herself to respond. When
Astoria noticed her unease, she started babbling, words tumbled out of her mouth almost too quick
for Hermione to understand. She swore the blonde didn't pause to take a breath.
"I know you don't want to be here, but I just think it would be a shame if we don't get to know each
other. I understand that this is the last place you want to be, really, I do, but I want to make your
confinement here as enjoyable for you as possible. The elves tell me you've been wandering the
grounds every day? Well, there's a spot towards the left side of the estate that has a very nice
veranda, it's actually attached to mine and Blaise's bedroom, and it's a lovely spot for a drink. I
could ask the elves to set up a firepit? And of course, I would cast warming charms and you're
welcome to any coat or robe in my wardrobe. We could get a bottle of wine and-"
"Astoria, darling," a low, husky voice called from the edge of the hallway, causing both women to
twist towards the source.
Blaise Zabini. Hermione hadn't seen his face since the battle of Hogwarts, although she expected
that their paths must have crossed on the battlefield over the years. Zabini was known to be
incredibly dangerous. The Order had guessed years ago that he must have been one of the Gold
He strode towards the women confidently, wand in a holster on his arm and his gold skull mask
hanging loosely between his fingers, displaying it proudly to Hermione, warning her. He set the
mask down on a shelf as he made his approach. He gave Hermione a glare, his lips curling up in
disgust while his eyes raked her over from head to toe, making sure she knew the level of revulsion
he felt for her.
The loathing in his expression vanished, however, when he looked at his wife. The abhorrence in
his eyes, and the deadly way he held his shoulders softened, and even that disgusted curl of his lip
faded into a wolfish smile. With a softness Hermione wouldn't have thought possible from a Death
Eater, from a deadly Gold Mask, Blaise wrapped his arms around his wife's slender waist and
picked her up.
Astoria squealed as he twirled her around in a circle. Her legs curled upwards at the knee as she
wound her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, longingly. The sort of kiss that spoke of
nothing but pure devotion and adoration. The sort of passionate kiss that wives gave their husbands
before they went off to war.
Hermione tried to look away, it felt wildly intrusive to watch the couple in their tender reunion -
even if one of the parties was a mass murderer- but she couldn't. She was oddly transfixed by the
display. Found herself watching with a sort of blatant awe that someone so soaked in deadly
violence, someone who killed so easily and without remorse could hold their wife in such a tender
way. That someone whose hands were soaked in so much blood could love someone the way
Blaise so clearly loved Astoria. He adored her, there was no denying that.
"Astoria, my darling, the light of my life,” Blaise whispered against her mouth. He refused to put
her down, even when Astoria broke the kiss to look at him. "Whatever are you doing roaming
around the walls unescorted? I thought I gave clear instructions that you were to be naked in our
bed when I returned from Germany?"
Astoria gave a teasing gasp, then giggled and playfully smacked Blaise on the arm. "You pig!"
"I've been away from you for far too long," Blaise smirked. "Now, answer the question; is there a
good reason you aren't blissfully naked upon my return?"
Astoria grinned back at him. "Well is there a good reason you've returned without a present for
me? I thought I told you not to return until you found me the most lavish and wildly expensive
necklace you could carry-"
"Oh, for fuck sake, would you two just get a fucking room?" a cold voice sneered. Hermione
whipped her head around, and found none other than Theodore Nott standing at the other side of
the hallway, his own gold mask in his hand.
Hermione felt fear twisting through her body. She stood in a hallway with two lethal, extremely
dangerous Gold Masks, known assassins and torturers, without a wand.
"Theodore!" Astoria squealed. She swatted Blaise's shoulder and wiggled in his arms until he
reluctantly set her down. It wasn't until Astoria's feet touched the ground that Hermione realised
the vast height difference between them. Despite the ridiculously high heels Astoria wore, Blaise
still towered over her.
Astoria skipped towards the new Death Eater and threw her arms around his neck in the same
manner she had her husband, and, just like her husband had, Theo picked her up and swung her
around in the air. Hermione got the impression this was the usual greeting the Death Eaters met her
"Mrs Zabini," Nott said as he set her down and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. "Why, don't
you look as beautiful as ever. I take it this dress is new?"
"It is. It's from my trip to Paris," Astoria beamed, giving a practised twirl as she spoke. "Do you
like it?"
"It's marvellous sweetheart, looks absolutely breath-taking on you," Theo cooed. Hermione's pulse
quickened when Nott's brown eyes landed on her. "Dare I say, it might even look good on the
"Theodore!" Astoria clipped Nott around the back of the head like a mother would to a naughty
child. "You know I hate that word!"
"Ouch, was there any need for that Tori?" Nott hissed, tenderly rubbing the back of his head. "That
fucking hurt!"
"Granger is a guest here and I won't have you speaking to her that way!"
"I live here too, and I'll speak to her any way I want!"
"No, you will not! You will treat her with respect and if you think-"
"Right," Blaise's voice cut through the bickering pair. He strode towards his wife, grabbed her by
the waist and carefully flipped her over his shoulder. Even as Blaise carried her away, Astoria
continued to scold Theo, again, sounding like a mother telling off a misbehaving child.
Theo silently threw several obscene gestures at her while Blaise's back was turned.
"I'll be back tomorrow, Granger!" Astoria called before she and Blaise disappeared around the
corner. "You and I will have that drink! I'll make sure of it!"
As Astoria's voice faded away, Theo and Hermione were left to glare at one another. Like Zabini,
she'd heard stories of Nott's growing brutality since the start of the war. His methods of torture and
skills of extraction were practically legendary, and nightmare-inducing. He'd killed hundreds,
thousands, possibly as many as Malfoy had. The working theory within The Order was that Nott
killed simply because he liked it, which was why he was so talented at it.
"Granger," Theo answered, tone cold and biting, despite the smirk that peeled its way onto his
features. He took a few steps toward her, stopping when he was close enough for Hermione to
smell the mixture of blood, whisky and tobacco that clung to him. "What a pleasure it is to finally
see you again. I've been meaning to come and say hello, but you know, duty calls. Order members
to kill and torture and whatnot.”
"Yes, I can imagine that your position can be very time-consuming. Does Malfoy let you have any
days off?" Hermione asked quickly, loving the way Nott's smile faded at her words. "I can imagine
it's quite difficult to take orders from your best friend.”
"Is it easy for you?" she continued. "Watching your best friend outrank you? Become a Demon
Mask and be your superior in every way? I imagine your father wasn't so proud.”
Nott huffed aggressively. His brown eyes sparked with anger. "You're lucky the Dark Lord has
forbidden anyone besides Malfoy to touch you."
Hermione winced.
Nott licked his lip and studied her. His eyes roamed up and down her body, sizing her up. "If I were
you, Golden Girl, I'd be a little more careful of what I say to scary Gold Masks," he whispered,
leaning in, towering over Hermione. She didn't cower away, didn't so much as move an inch. He
observed her for another moment, then turned on his heels and started to walk away. "Have fun
during your Legillimency session today,” he called over his shoulder. "Malfoy was in a foul mood
today during our meeting, so I'm sure it'll be extra fun.”
Hermione watched Nott leave. She didn't even realise that she'd been holding her breath until
Theo's brown curls had disappeared around the corner. When he was gone, she closed her door, ran
to the bedside table, and tore the green paper from the charred gift box. Her heart fluttered when
she flipped the lid open. It was tubes of paint and three paintbrushes, each with different size
bristles and long pale oak handles. She ran her fingers across the polished wood, feeling tears prick
her eyes as she revelled in their smoothness.
This was why Romy had been asking Hermione what cheered her up when she was sad. Astoria
had sent the elves to investigate. She'd been trying to offer Hermione an olive branch; a small act
of kindness to make her incarceration a little more bearable. She had been doing that from the
beginning, first with the clothes, and now with this incredibly thoughtful gift.
Without giving the stubborn part of her brain chance to catch up, Hermione swung her wardrobe
doors open and grabbed a white shirt dress she'd admired in there days ago and a silk scarf. She
stripped quickly - ignoring the way her instincts were screaming at her that this was a trap - and
changed into the dress. It felt odd at first, to rid herself of the uniform she'd worn everyday for
nearly a month, almost like shedding a second skin. She felt cold, exposed, but she ignored it.
She used the silk scarf to tie her hair into a high ponytail, then she grabbed the box and removed
the tubes of paint. Using a dinner tray as a palette, she squirted a large amount of green and blue
paint onto the silver, delighted to find the tubes had been charmed to never empty. She liked
Astoria even more.
Hermione drew a deep breath as she stared at the pristine cream wall that was opposite her
window, her chosen easel. She wondered if Malfoy would be infuriated if she ruined his wall with
her art. She secretly hoped he would. Hoped he would fly into a vicious rage and smash something.
It was always fun to watch him lose his temper, and there wasn't anything else he could punish her
with anyway. So, without letting herself hesitate, Hermione dipped her brush into the large dap of
blue paint, and placed a broad stroke against the untainted wall.
Hermione painted for hours and hours and hours, and she so enthralled in her artwork, so
transfixed as she covered the once cream wall in vibrant shades of blue and jade, that she never felt
a pair of curious grey eyes watching her from the doorway.
Lion cub
10th January
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times," Dumbledore had once said. "If one only
remembers to turn on the light.”
Hermione had replayed that speech a thousand times over since the start of the war.
In the beginning, she’d used it as a focal point. The phrase had grounded her, pulled her from the
dark direction her thoughts usually took, and gave her strength. She used it to drag herself through
battles, to remind herself that the Order could win this war, that there was light at the end of the
tunnel, they just needed to hang on and stay strong.
She'd repeated the phrase when she'd narrowly avoided green curses as she’d dragged Charlotte
Sheldon’s corpse through a burning building, when Jason Aldo had died in her arms two years into
the war, and each time they burned the body of another fallen soldier.
It was a phrase that Hermione knew well, but even she had to admit that Dumbledore couldn't have
envisioned the way things would turn out. She wondered if he would still be as cheerily optimistic
about the future if he could have seen how the bodies would pile high in the streets. If he knew
how many children would die in the first year. Or how many of his beloved students would turn
their backs on one another and murder their friends on the battlefield.
The world had become a much more sinister place since he'd made that speech. There wasn't a
lantern strong enough to banish the kind of darkness that had eclipsed the world since his death.
Some places weren't meant to shine anymore. The world was tainted now. All the light had been
snuffed out, and left nothing but an endless sea of emptiness in its place.
Hermione had found she'd lost the meaning of the phrase over the years. As the war dragged on
and the corpses piled higher, she’d found it harder and harder to rationalise the words, but now, as
she stared out the window and watched Astoria and Blaise wander the gardens together, hand in
hand with smiles on their faces, she found herself reminded of them.
Despite everything, despite the war and decay and the state of the world, they had found one
Hermione had never believed in soulmates. Always thought the notion of one person being
perfectly matched to another was ridiculous - and quite frankly childish. The idea that two souls
who were so undeniably suited would somehow eventually find one another - even in the most
ridiculous and outlandish of circumstances - had always seemed absurd, even comical...
Maybe it was because the logical part of her brain always relied on evidence and facts to prove a
hypothesis, or maybe the war had just made her cynical. Whatever the reason for her stubbornness,
she'd never once deterred from her believes on the matter. Not when she'd watched Harry and
Ginny take their vows. Not when Luna and Neville had had their first child. Or even when Ron had
protested his innocence, and declared it wasn't his fault that he’d fallen for Romilda, they were just
simply meant to be.
No matter how heart-warming those moments had been, Hermione still didn't believe in soulmates.
Those couples were clearly suited for one another, they loved each other deeply and would die to
protect their significant other, but were they destined to be together?
She thought her beliefs on soulmates was immovable, unchangeable - until she saw the way Blaise
and Astoria were together. Their devotion to each other was like nothing Hermione had ever seen.
They didn't merely just love one another, that didn't even begin to scratch the surface of how they
felt, it almost seemed insulting to refer to them that way. It was as if their significant other was the
centre of their entire universe. If Astoria was Blaise's heart, then Blaise was her blood. Both vital to
one's survival, but unable to exist without the other. They needed one another.
Hermione smiled as she watched Blaise twirl his wife in a circle. He pulled her hand towards his
mouth and placed a delicate kiss on her gloved knuckles. Snow flurried under Astoria's long skirt
as she grabbed her husband's face and sealed their lips together. Hermione had watched them do
this almost every day since their returns to the manor.
She thought the novelty might wear off after a few days, that they would grow tired of one another,
and their public displays of affection would vanish. The opposite couldn't have been more true.
Instead, they reminded Hermione of a pair of lovestruck teenagers. Hands always firmly clasped
together, lips even firmer together, hardly ever apart and always laughing. Despite the disdain
Hermione felt towards Blaise, she couldn't deny that the love they had for one another brought a
certain warmth and light to the dark halls of the manor.
Hermione had learned a lot about Astoria since their first meeting. She'd learned that the blonde
was always impeccably groomed, her hair and make-up were perfect, and she was always dressed
as though she might need to attend a ball or gala at a moment's notice.
She'd learned that Astoria had wonderful taste in fashion. On closer inspection, the clothes she'd
stocked Hermione's wardrobe with were all perfect and wildly expensive, most with labels written
in French or Italian. The clothes didn't seem as offensive or scary now she knew Malfoy hadn't
touched them, so Hermione had been wearing them daily. She only chose simple garments; Muggle
denim jeans, T-shirts and long woollen cardigans that were just as soft and warm as she’d imagined
they would be.
She still kept her mission uniform tucked under her bed, couldn't bear to part with it completely.
Her refusal to use the inviting copper bath had melted as quickly as her refusal to change her
clothes, and now she'd added another new activity to her daily routine; a nightly bath filled with
exquisite smelling salts and lotions.
The first bath had lasted a total of forty-five seconds. She hadn't been able to sit there any longer.
She couldn't bear to lower her guard for even a second more, no matter how many times she'd
repeated that she was safe, and no one was going to barge in.
By her second attempt, she managed one minute, the night after two, then three. By the fourth
night, she figured if Malfoy was going to barge into the bathroom while she was naked, he would
have done it by now, so she started to relax. She still found it impossible to switch off entirely, but
it did calm her nerves a little - and being clean again certainly made her feel more human.
Astoria had a keen interest in healing magic and restorative potions. There was a large building on
the right wing of the grounds which was separate from the house, and Astoria had converted it into
a Potions storage unit with several cauldrons and workstations.
The inside of the building was humid and dark, and the shelves were stacked with every ingredient
and potion Hermione could think of. She found Astoria and her husband cooped up inside almost
daily, fussing over ingredients and parchment with a simmering cauldron between them. Whatever
they were trying to cook up either smelled incredibly sweet, or awfully bitter - depending on the
day. Astoria always offered Hermione a kind smile when she entered and asked if she wanted to
join them. The scowl Blaise threw her told Hermione that she was in fact not welcome to do so.
She always politely declined.
Astoria's hands were solemnly never empty. The petite blonde always clutched a glass of wine
between her manicured fingers - either red or white - or a silver flask if she was outside. Hermione
had guessed it was filled with coffee or tea to begin with, just something to warm her hands, but
she wasn't so sure anymore.
And, like Hermione, Astoria liked to wander the grounds of the estate each day as well. However,
unlike Hermione, Astoria never did so unaccompanied.
Some days Theo escorted her; Hermione had run into them on Tuesday in the hallway outside her
room. The pair had had their arms linked and were whispering and giggling to one another as they
made their way past Hermione. Astoria had a glass of red wine in her hands that day.
Most of the time Blaise chaperoned her. Hermione had almost knocked into the pair outside the
main kitchen on Thursday. Astoria had smiled sweetly and asked if she wanted to join them for a
drink, and Blaise had narrowed his eyes at her. The blonde had white wine that day.
Yes, Hermione had learned a lot about Astoria since her return to the manor, but she'd learned even
more about Malfoy.
It was a strange thing indeed to see the way he and Astoria acted when they were around one
another. Hermione had watched them walk together countless times over the past week - she
walked with Malfoy almost as often as she did with her husband. Their arms were always linked
together whenever Malfoy escorted her, and Astoria often rested her head against his shoulder - the
part she could reach, anyway - as they made their rounds.
Their relationship reminded Hermione of a loving brother and sister. There was a softness to
Malfoy whenever he was with Astoria, a kindness that Hermione had never seen in him. He was
gentle in the way he handled her, in the way his eyes twinkled slightly while they spoke, and the
way he took her hand to lead her up any staircase or slight incline of a hill, as though she weren't
capable of walking up them without assistance.
The fact that Malfoy had a kind bone in his body - even a minuscule one - had shocked Hermione
to her core. The first time she'd seen Malfoy take Astoria's hand and help her off the leather
armchair she was perched in, Hermione's jaw had almost hit the floor.
She’d been so shocked, thought it so out of character for him, that she immediately mistook it as a
trick of the light. A one-off. Because if there was one thing she was certain of - above anything
else- Draco Malfoy did not possess a drop of tenderness or human kindness in his veins, never had.
But then she'd witnessed a similar thing happen the next day. And then the day after that.
All the men were incredibly delicate with Astoria. They all treated her like she was made of glass
and never left her on her own for long, but there was something different about the way Malfoy
treated her, it was .... protective. As though the world were too much of a dangerous place for
someone like Astoria, and she needed to be shielded from the hazards outside.
They spent an infuriating amount of time sitting on the bench under the cherry blossom tree, the
one that had quickly become Hermione's favou- the most tolerable place on the estate. She found
them there often, huddled close together and sharing whatever was in that mysterious flask in her
hands. Malfoy always had a cigarette in his mouth while they sat on the bench and talked, and it
took almost every ounce of self-control Hermione had not to ask him for one.
She hoped he hadn’t noticed that she always swiftly left the vicinity every time he had one in his
Astoria didn't laugh as much with Malfoy as she did with Nott or Zabini. Their conversations
always looked much more serious, but he always had a small smile at the edges of his lips when
they were together.
During their walks, Astoria would often suddenly unlink their arms and step in front of Malfoy,
blocking his path and forcing him to stop and look at her. Hermione would watch from her window
as she took his face in her hands - Malfoy had to bend down slightly to allow her to do so - before
Astoria would say something to him. Hermione could never make out what it was, but Astoria
always wore a stern look on her face whenever it happened. Her eyes were always fiercely
determined, her brows always furrowed in the middle. Malfoy would shake his head at her, and
then they would link arms again and carry on as though this bizarre exchange had never happened.
"I never took you for a peeping tom," a low voice whispered from beside her. It was much closer
than Hermione had expected, close enough she could feel his breath on her neck as he spoke, and
the suddenness of it almost made her fall off her perch.
Hermione whipped around to face Malfoy, tripping over her own feet as she stumbled backwards
and tried to put as much space between them as possible.
He smirked, folded his arms across his chest, and leaned against the wardrobe to study her. He was
dressed in his Death Eater robes but they appeared clean today, untainted with flecks of crimson
the way they usually were. "Someone is a little jumpy today." He quirked a brow. "Need
something to calm your nerves?"
"I am not jumpy!" she spat, her face twisting into a scowl as she tried to calm the violent beating of
her heart. "You just startled me! You should learn to knock-"
The words died on her tongue when he reached into his robes and wordlessly withdrew a packet of
cigarettes. Her mouth ran dry when he placed one between his lips, and lit it with the tip of his
He squeezed his eyes closed when he inhaled, tipping his head back towards the ceiling as the
nicotine washed into his lungs.
He was completely exposed like this; every inch of his pale throat was on display and itching to be
sliced open. If she had a weapon, she would have gladly done so.
When he exhaled slowly, he was engulfed in a thick sheen of grey smoke that covered him like a
sinister halo. Malfoy smirked when he looked at her again, giving her that signature lift of his
brow when he saw that her hands were balled into fists.
Fuck, he'd noticed her weakness for the tiny little sticks. Smug prick.
He kept his eyes on hers as he took another drag, and Hermione's stomach twisted when he took a
step towards her. She forced herself not to retreat, forced herself to stay rooted in the spot as he
closed in. He stopped when their chests were almost pressed together, when she had to tilt her chin
upwards to catch his eyes, and then he released the breath he'd been holding, and the smoke hit her
like a brick wall.
Her knees almost buckled. The nicotine washed over her and - fuck, it was indescribable. She knew
she missed smoking; it was always the one thing that calmed her nerves completely, and having a
taste of it teased against her tongue was euphoric. Mouth-watering.
Her eyes glued themselves to his mouth, unable to tear them away as the end of the cigarette
ignited when he pulled in another long drag. He pulled it from his mouth, and after he'd released
another intoxicating breath that made Hermione's eyelids flutter, he extended his hand to her and
offered her the cigarette.
He was teasing her with it. He knew she wasn't going to take it, that she would rather shove a red-
hot fire poker down her throat than wrap her lips around the same butt he had, no matter how much
she wanted one.
No matter how dry her mouth ran or how much her fingers itched to snatch it from him, she
wouldn't take it.
He was being cruel again, taunting her just because he could. Even after all these years, he was still
a bully.
Hermione stepped away from him, she needed to, she could feel her resolve weakening the longer
she remained in the smoke cloud he'd created around them. She dragged a hand through her hair
and started to pace the room, counting backwards from a hundred in her head as she worked to
quiet her hammering heart.
"How's the escape plan coming?" he asked after a few moments of silence.
He took residence on the perch -her perch - and leaned back casually against the glass window to
watch her. He was toying with her, letting her panic and irritation dance through her blood before
he went in for the kill and barged into her mind. He'd realised days ago that he seemed to have
more success with accessing her memories if he riled her up first, that the doors into her mind were
a fraction weaker if he got under her skin before he tried to smash his way through.
Usually, she was able to remain calm. Usually, she knew what he was doing, and was able to think
through it and stop herself from giving him what he wanted. Not today though. He'd tapped into
her hidden weakness for the little cancer sticks, and was using it to his advantage.
"Got any more brilliant ideas of how you're going to kill me yet?" he asked.
"Fuck you.”
Malfoy took another long drag. "No? Nothing?" he asked, the exhale fanning another intoxicating
wall of nicotine in her direction. She forced herself to keep pacing. "I'm disappointed. I thought
your brilliant mind would have found a way to slit my throat by now.”
"Fuck. You!”
"Someone's not very friendly today.” He took a final drag and threw the butt out the window. He
stood and straightened his robes, keeping his mouth closed so smoke billowed out of his nose.
"Aren't you Gryffindor's supposed to be nice and brave to a fault? I thought that was why so many
of you die on the battlefield? Unable to stop your hero complex from shining through. I can't tell
you how many of your red and gold friends I've cut down over the years-"
When she finally bit, he smirked. "Oh, the lioness has teeth.”
When he approached, Hermione forced herself not to move. She held her breath, and tried to ignore
the delicious way the smoke clung to his robes.
"Just wait until I have my magic back," she seethed. "You'll see just how sharp my teeth are when
they tear your throat out!"
The corner of his lips twitched as he withdrew his wand. "Believe me, Granger, I can't wait to see
you try.”
"Come on Mudblood," Malfoy sneered from the doorway, his face twisted into that nasty smirk he
always wore. "We don't have all day. I have some of your friends locked away that are just dying to
be tortured."
"Oh, would you just FUCK OFF!" Hermione snapped from the other side of the white hallway.
The corridor looked unrecognisable from what it had weeks ago. The once pristine white walls
were charred and burnt in places from Malfoy's efforts to force them open. Most of the frames
were empty now, the doors ripped from their hinges and leaving nothing but a dark abyss in their
Malfoy drummed his fingers against the wooden doorframe, his irritation growing through her
defiance. "I won't ask again. Come, or I'll gouge your pretty eyes out and display them on my
Hermione squared her shoulders. "You know anything you do to me in here isn't real.”
Malfoy sighed and pushed himself away from the door. He walked towards her, shoulders hanging
low and predatory, and stopped when Hermione could feel the chill of his body.
She refused to cringe away from him. Her pulse quickened as he studied her for a few seconds. His
cold grey eyes were hard as stone as they slid over her frame, dissecting every nervous twitch of
her hand and furrow in her brow.
"I know.” He brought his hand to her face slowly, gently, as if he were about to tuck a stray curl
behind her ear, only to grab a fistful of her hair. He yanked her head back roughly, and a searing
pain throbbed against Hermione's skull as he tilted her head up to look at him. "But you do feel it,
don't you? The pain?"
"Get your hands off of me!" She curled her fingers around his wrist, trying to dig her nails into his
skin as hard as she could. He didn't seem to feel it.
"Answer the question, Granger," he whispered, dragging her face towards his. "The pain might not
be real, but you feel it. Don't you?"
She hissed as he tilted her head back further. The ache intensified as she struggled and glared up at
him. She didn't admit it, she wouldn't, just writhed and punched his chest until he released her.
She gave his chest one last spiteful push, then stormed her way to the open door. " Let's just get
this over with!"
Malfoy followed, chuckling under his breath as he trailed behind her. "I thought so.”
Hermione stepped through the doorway quickly, feeling the Demon Mask uncomfortably close, and
into a familiar stone covered corridor. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath once she was
over the threshold, relishing in that familiar scent of parchment and ink that always filled the air in
this castle.
God, she missed it here. Missed everything about the school that had been a sanctuary to her for
"For Salazar's sake," a low, irritating voice drawled from behind her. "Another fucking Hogwarts
memory? Really Granger? I know you peaked in school, but this is pathetic, even for you.”
Hermione's hands twitched, wishing she still had her wand. "I know you're sick of the Hogwarts
memories. You told me yesterday when we watched Ron, Harry and I run away from that three-
headed dog. You told me the day before that when you watched me almost get crushed to death by
that mountain troll-"
"That memory wasn't actually that bad," Malfoy interrupted wistfully. "I'd like to watch that one
again, do you remember which door it was behind?"
"-And the day before that when we watched the sorting ceremony." She whirled around and
stretched onto the tips of her toes so she could shout in his face. He didn't back away an inch,
instead, his lips twitched in the corner. "I don't want you in my head any more than you want to be
here! It's bad enough you're tearing your way through my memories quicker than I can stop you, so
I certainly don't need you making snide little comments along the way!"
Malfoy opened his mouth, but she cut him off before he could even form a single syllable.
"Now, if you would just shut the fuck up so we can continue our little tour and I can get you out of
my head as quickly as possible."
Without giving him chance to make a malicious retort, Hermione spun and marched down the
The empty halls had filled with students while she'd been screaming at him, and before long she
noticed a head of red hair and followed it, knowing her younger self wouldn't be far behind Ron.
When she heard the heels of Malfoy's boots click against the flagstone as he followed her, she
picked up her pace. His longer legs made it impossible for her to outrun him, but it wouldn't stop
her from trying.
After several minutes of quiet stalking, Ron joined her younger double in the courtyard.
Malfoy's robes brushed against her hand as he stood beside her. "I swear your hair gets bushier
with each new memory. Muggles know what combs are, don't they?"
Hermione had forgotten how awkward Harry had been in those younger years, how his fringe
hung into his eyes, and how his robes always looked far too big for his thin frame. She smiled
when he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
There was a hiccup in the pace of the red hooded figures when an army of emerald robes sauntered
into the courtyard.
Wood cursed under his breath. "Where do you think you're going, Flint?"
"Easy wood,” Marcus grinned, pulling a piece of parchment from his robes. "I've got a note."
Young Hermione and Ron wrinkled their noses as they inched towards the conflict. Her impossibly
wild hair bounced with every confident stride she took. Ron swallowed nervously as he trailed
behind her.
"Here she comes," the Death Eater beside her smirked. "The little lion cub; claws out and ready
for a brawl.”
"Do you ever stop talking?" Hermione hissed as Wood took the parchment and started to read
"I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, for
the need to train their new seeker." Wood sighed heavily, annoyed, and scrunched the parchment
into a ball. "You've got a new Seeker? Who?"
The sea of emerald robes parted to allow a boy with white-blonde hair and a familiar spiteful
expression to step forward.
"Malfoy?" Harry asked, tone just as bewildered and confused as the expression he wore.
"That's right," young Malfoy said proudly. "And that's not all that's new this year.” He made a
show of leaning his broom against his shoulder, making sure everyone noticed how the perfectly
polished wood caught the light.
Everyone's eyes slid over to the other Slytherins, realisation dawning on all of their young faces
when they noticed the matching brooms.
"Merlin, I forgot what an insufferable little show off you were," Hermione muttered.
Malfoy scoffed. "What good is there in having nice things if you can't lord it over others and show
them their place?"
Ron's eyes were wide as saucers as he studied the brooms. " Those are Nimbus 2001's! How did
you get those?"
Marcus Flint's lip curled. "A gift from Draco's father.”
"You see Weasley," Young Malfoy sneered, "my father can afford the best."
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," the young Hermione said with a
smirk. "They got in on pure talent.”
She saw his jaw tighten slightly as his younger self step towards Hermione. His young blue eyes
looked her up and down, and his lip twitched into that spiteful curl before he said the words that
had defined and wounded her younger self so painfully, like the red-hot brand of cattle, and that
she'd been clawing her way to escape ever since. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little
Hermione was aware that her younger self gasped. She knew that her thirteen-year-old self was
quivering all over, and that her eyes were swimming as she fought to keep her tears in, but she
didn't watch it.
Instead, she stufied the Malfoy beside her. His expression was blank and unreadable, eyes just as
dead as they ever had been, but she noticed that he ran his tongue across the inside of his cheek,
the only flaw in his poker face.
Ron sharply withdrew his wand and stood protectively in front of Hermione. "You'll pay for that
one Malfoy!"
At the time, Hermione had been glad that he had. She'd been grateful for the cover so she could
discreetly wipe away a few traitorous tears. Not now though. She wanted Malfoy to see the way his
words had affected her that day. Wanted him to see how something as small as one word could
cause as much pain as a physical blow, like a stab to the heart.
After all, wasn't that one word what this whole war had been about?
They watched Ron's curse backfire, and the hoard of spiteful green cloaks that chuckled and
sniggered as he began to vomit slugs.
"We need to get him to Hagrid's!" Harry shouted as he hauled a pale Ron to his feet. "He'll know
what to do.”
They followed the children drag Ron to the hut at the edge of the school grounds. Hermione
knocked furiously on the wooden door while Harry rubbed soothing circles into his friends back.
Before the door could swing open, the young Hermione turned on her heels and started walking
back towards the castle.
"Where are you going?" Harry shouted as she quickly ascended the hill. "We need you-"
"I've forgotten something in the castle," she called over her shoulder. Her voice broke slightly on
the last word. "Hagrid will know what to do.”
Malfoy didn't say a word as they followed her double over the crest of the hill and into the castle,
trailing her all the way to the girl's dormitories in Gryffindor tower.
Her younger self swung the doors open and marched inside; her face twisted into a very serious
scowl as she searched the room. Once she was satisfied that she was alone, she released a ragged
breath, slumped onto her four-poster bed, and cried.
Malfoy's brow furrowed when the younger Hermione dropped her face into her small hands and
sobbed into them. She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Sobbed until her face turned red and her
cheeks were saturated with her tears, and the sound of her choked little cries filled the silent
Hermione had expected Malfoy to make a comment, to laugh, to make fun of her or at least make
one cruel remark. But to her surprise, he said nothing. Not a fucking word. He just watched, never
tearing his eyes from her younger version as she bawled and ctied and sobbed.
Malfoy's hands were balled into tight fists at his sides. Hermione noticed it, but she didn't comment
on it.
After a long, long time, her younger version raised her head and drew a calming breath. Her face
was red and glistening with her tears, and they both remained silent as she wiped her cheeks with
her sleeves. She took another deep breath, pinching her eyes closed on the exhale, then opened
them again and started to ruffle through her trunk.
Eventually, the younger Hermione found what she was looking for, and a little of the sadness
seemed to ease from her features when she pulled a single paintbrush and canvas out. She sat
cross-legged on the floor, and continued to draw steadying breaths as she gazed out the window
and started to paint the skyline that stretched outside.
"Well, I didn't expect that,” Malfoy finally said, that cruel smirk peeling its way back onto his
sharp features. "Did your passion for art really stem from me? Did my comment get under your
skin that much?"
14th January
"You've got to be fucking joking," Malfoy muttered, dragging his heels as they made their way
down the embankment. "Why did you think to file this memory away?"
Hermione folded her arms and leaned against the stone behind her, settling in as her younger
version pressed the tip of her wand into Malfoy's throat. She smirked when his bottom lip started to
quiver, but she didn't answer the Death Eater stood next to her.
"You are a vile little bitch," the older Malfoy mumbled angrily.
"And you're an insufferable, prejudice wanker," she replied as her eyes slid over to watch him.
"Have I told you that I hate you today?"
"Oh, that means I'm behind schedule. I am sorry for slacking," Hermione said. "Just to stop any
confusion, I think you're the worst human who ever lived.”
Malfoy cocked a brow. "Including the Dark Lord? That's quite the compliment.”
"I don't think he's classed as human for a long time. So you have the crown for sadism for the time
"Hermione no!" Ron's voice droned in the background. "He's not worth it.”
When Hermione's younger double punched his, the Malfoy beside her tentatively touched his nose.
Hermione's smile grew when the younger Malfoy's head smacked against the wall. The sound of
his skull crunching from the impact rang through the air, the sweetest music she'd heard in weeks.
"Fucking bitch," he growled when his younger self made a run for it. "That hurt.”
"Took Goyle forty minutes to reset it, and even he didn't do it properly. Stupid bastard," Malfoy
sneered. "My nose wouldn't stop bleeding for days afterwards.”
Now, that did make Hermione laugh. Her hand flew to cover her mouth to muffle the sound, but her
shoulders shook and gave her away.
"A little. There's something satisfying about a filthy Mudblood making the great Draco Malfoy
Malfoy rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek and quickly changed the subject. "You showed
me this memory on purpose, didn't you?"
Hermione shrugged. Her eyes swept back to watch her younger self talk with Harry and Ron.
Merlin, her hair really did look awful at the back.
Malfoy didn't appear to have an answer to that, so instead, he just watched her, and it sent an
involuntary shiver down her spine.
"I wanted to see if this memory, which was obviously deeply embarrassing for you, would hurt you
as much as you've hurt me.”
There was a beat of silence, then he asked, "And do you think it did?"
"Is there a memory of yours that you think could hurt me?"
Hermione swallowed, but before she could answer him, the memory started to fade around them.
The colours distorted and the landscape started to twist and turn in on itself. There was a flash of
white light, then they landed back in her room.
Hermione caught one of the posters at the foot of her bed, and used it for support when she started
to cough and choke. This was entirely normal; the force of his spell always left her feeling like the
wind had been kicked out her lungs whenever they returned.
What wasn't normal, however, was the red liquid on her hands when she looked down at them. She
was coughing up blood. Well, that was new.
Hermione curled over herself. She placed her palm against her chest as thick clumps of blood
forced their way up her throat and out her mouth. It seemed to go on for ages, it felt like hours had
passed before she was able to pull any air into her lungs.
Once her coughing had subsided into a quiet pant, Hermione's knees wobbled so badly that she
slumped onto her bed. She tried and failed to sit up. Instead, she stared at the carpet, and fought off
the dizzying pressure in her head that made it almost impossible not to topple over.
Her breath hitched when a cold hand caught her chin; her eyes snapped up to meet a pair of grey
ones staring intently at her.
Malfoy was much closer than she'd expected. He was kneeling in front of her, and there was a
slight furrow in his brow. Even in this position, his tall frame made him eye level with her and for
reasons she didn't understand, she couldn't make herself look away from him. Or push him away.
Maybe it was the blood loss? Or the excruciating headache? Perhaps both.
Her chest flushed when Malfoy's cold thumb wiped across her mouth and cheek, presumably
clearing some of the blood that was gathered there. His hand was softer than she imagined it would
be. His grip was quite gentle. His eyes never left hers.
The seconds ticked by, and as her breathing steadily return to normal, so did her strength - and her
rational thought.
"Don't touch me," she tried to hiss as she leaned out of his touch, but it sounded weak and
unconvincing, even to her own ears.
Malfoy let go of her chin and the loss of touch felt strange... hollow. Her skin almost itched with
the need for contact again. He stood in front of her and banished the mess of blood with the flick of
his wand. "Romy?"
"Yes, Master?" the tiny elf asked as he cracked into the room.
"Bring Granger some Pepperup potion," Malfoy ordered, his cold eyes still uncomfortably trained
on hers. "And some blood replenishing potion."
"Of course, sir. Would Miss Granger need some of Mrs Zabini's special potions?" Romy asked. "Or
the normal ones?"
Malfoy's jaw tensed, irritated, as if Hermione wasn't supposed to hear that. "The normal ones will
do, and be quick about it."
The green- eyed elf fidgeted with the edges of his pillow case. "O-of course. Romy will be right
"Yes, Master.” The elf clicked his fingers and vanished from her room.
Hermione stared at Malfoy; he still hadn't taken his eyes off her. She cleared her throat, and wiped
her mouth with the sleeves of her grey cardigan. "Why are you making him go to this much
trouble? I always bleed after our sessions, you've never cared before.”
"I don't know how much you know about the human body, Granger," Malfoy sneered sarcastically,
"but you've lost far too much blood today to be considered normal. The Dark Lord requires you to
be in good health, and he would be rather pissed off if you met your end through something as
trivial as blood loss.” He turned and started to leave, but he only got as far as the door before he
paused. "And Granger?"
"If you're going to graffiti my wall, make it something more creative than a lake and trees.”
A soul worth saving
20th January
Hermione and Malfoy pushed their way through the sea of students as they followed her double
walk through the busy castle with Harry. It was hard to keep up with them in this memory, and
even harder to hear their conversation through the roaring chatter going on around them.
Even though Hermione knew, in the rational part of her brain, that the sea of students weren't
actually there and therefore she didn't need to be mindful of their shoulders, she still was. She still
bent and ebbed her way through the crowd to avoid knocking into their small bodies. It was a
force of habit, the war had engrained it into her, made her automatically want to be mindful and
protective over small and helpless things - even if they weren't really there.
Malfoy, however, didn't suffer from the same affliction. He marched through the hoards of smaller
witches and wizards and regarded them as exactly what they were; nothing. Projections of
Hermione's mind. He didn't bend and veer his shoulders to allow them to pass, instead, he barged
straight through them, and their bodies evaporated into thick clouds of smoke as he walked
through them like ghosts.
By the time she rounded the next sharp corner, Hermione had caught up with her younger version,
and was walking side by side with Malfoy. She still struggled to keep up with his pace. One of his
long, smooth strides matched two of her shorter ones. She had a feeling he was doing it on
purpose, just to make her breathless and piss her off. Again.
"If Dumbledore is travelling, then it's news to the ministry," Harry said, eyes on the floor and far
away. The younger version of Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off when
Harry sharply met her eyes again, as if inspiration had suddenly struck. "But, what about this?
That night at Borgin and Burke's? Draco was looking at a vanishing cabinet!"
Hermione felt Malfoy's cold eyes slide to her face at the mention of his name. She kept looking
forward, and forced herself not shiver under his gaze.
He'd been doing that a lot recently, almost daily since she'd started choking up blood after their
sessions. His eyes tended to drift over and watch her while her memories unfolded before them,
studying her a lot more intently than the memory he was supposed to be observing.
The elves seemed to be growing concerned about the amount of blood she vomited after their
sessions, and had started supplying her with Pepper Up and Blood Replenishing potions
afterwards. Malfoy didn't seem to care though. He was still just as relentless as ever, and refused to
drop the length or number of sessions despite the elves advice - but he had started to watch her and
somehow, Hermione found that worse.
She'd rather him ignore her or spew degrading insults about her 'fragile mudblood health', or
make a joke about the 'lesser species' not being able to handle this kind of harsh magic and then
pretend she didn't exist afterwards- like he had been doing since her arrival. Now he seemed to be
going out of his way to be as close to her as possible while they walked through her memories,
shoulders practically touching, close enough she felt a cold chill from his proximity.
His constant observations were starting to unnerve her. She felt like an ant under a magnifying
glass, twitching away from every movement, anxiously awaiting the moment he turned the glass
towards the sun and burned her with it. It was bound to happen eventually, and the waiting was
making her skittish.
There was something in his eyes while he watched her, in the way they raked over every minuscule
twitch of her hand and lift of her brow that made her tense up. She'd been a bundle of nerves for
days because of it. She couldn't sleep, her nails were bitten to the quick, and her hair was even
wilder than usual from the constant tossing and turning in her bed. He didn't try and hide the fact
that he was looking at her. He seemed completely unfazed when she caught him staring and threw
him the most malicious scowl she could conjure.
But as much as his observations and frustratingly close proximity were getting to her, all that
paled in comparison to the way he held her eyes when she stared back at him. She often felt
trapped under his gaze. The way he looked at her ... It fascinated her. He stared at her eyes as
though they held the answer to some question he hadn't spoken aloud, like he was looking for
something, and she had no clue what it was.
The younger version of Hermione made a face. "What would Draco want with a vanishing
Out the corner of her eye, she saw Malfoy quirk a brow. She kept moving, still refusing to look at
"He looks different, don't you think?" her younger self asked Harry. "Draco? Almost ill.”
Hermione's eyes slid to look at Malfoy completely of their own accord, and her stomach dropped
when she saw how he was watching her younger double. His expression was blank but there was a
glint in his eyes, something small, minuscule, a tiny ember and probably unnoticeable to anyone
else. She realised, with a sickening twist in her chest, that she would have missed it entirely if she
weren't watching him so closely.
"Awwww Granger," Malfoy said, that spiteful smirk finally reappearing as the memory faded
around them. "I didn't know you cared so much about me.”
"How so?"
"That was when I thought you had a soul that might be worth saving.”
As soon as they landed back in her room, Hermione's spine violently curled in on itself and she
dropped onto her hands and knees. Her shoulder's lurched sharply as that grotesquely familiar taste
of blood burned its way up her throat.
Malfoy stepped back as the first wave of crimson splashed against the carpet, and she wished more
than anything that he'd just fuck off and leave her to vomit a pint of blood in peace.
Her lungs burned with the need for oxygen, scarlet tears streamed from her eyes as wave after
wave of blood forced its way up her throat. She felt a warm trickle creep out of her ears, sliding
down her jaw to join the rest of the mess.
The minutes ticked by and Malfoy still refused to leave, just watched as she wheezed and choked
pathetically on the floor. It must have been at least eight minutes before she could breathe enough
to force out a single word.
"Why..." Hermione gagged again as another thick clump choked her on its way out of her
mouth. ".... Are you still ... here?"
Malfoy didn't say a word, but she heard the floor creak as he shifted his weight, presumably to
kneel in front of her like he'd started to do after their sessions. One of his cold hands cupped her
chin, again, like he'd started to do when her coughing fits began to subside, and she was too weak
to fight him as he gently tilted her head back so he could look at her.
Hermione tensed up when she met his eyes. He carefully tilted her face to the side to check the
blood coming out of her ears, and when he tilted her head again and stared into her eyes, her skin
pebbled. She wasn't sure why, probably the blood loss.
What was he looking for? Whatever it was, he clearly wasn't having much luck finding it. He was
spending longer and longer examining her after each session, spending a few extra seconds each
time -
A strange thump formed in her chest when his cold eyes flickered towards her mouth, and her
breath hitched when he ran this thumb lightly across her bottom lip. It was such a simple
movement, a gentle pressure that was obviously meant to wipe some of the blood still collected on
her mouth, but it froze her in place.
What the fuck was wrong with her? Why wasn't she cringing away from him?
She watched his eyes flicker over her lips again, and she swore she could see something burning
again. Something small; a tiny flicker in his grey irises. Something alive.
But why wasn't she trying to hit him? She should be swatting his hand away with enough force to
break it.
Malfoy took a deep breath through his nose, his fingers curling tighter against her jaw.
He drew another gentle swipe across her bottom lip, almost like he couldn't stop himself, and
Hermione suppressed a shudder.
The second brush of her lips seemed to thaw the ice in her veins, and she found the strength to lean
out of his touch. She shuffled backwards until her shoulders rested against the foot of her bed.
"I told you not to touch me," she sneered weakly, wrapping her trembling fingers around one of the
posters and using it to drag herself to her feet. "Do that again, and I will snap your thumb right off.”
Malfoy watched her for a few more seconds. He clenched and unclenched his jaw several times,
then banished the mess of blood, whirled around and left, slamming the door a little harder than
necessary on his way out.
And he did indeed run his thumb across her lip the next day after she'd finished coughing up blood,
and Hermione made true on her promise to try and snap it off. It was just a shame that she was too
weak to make good on her threat.
28th January
Hermione's arm ached as she strained to reach the top corner of the wall. She stood on the wooden
desk, on the very tips of her toes so she could dap dark blue paint in the corner to finish this section
of her mural.
In just under a month, she'd almost covered half of the first wall, and she had no intention of
stopping anytime soon. The mural started - much to Malfoy's chagrin and constant artistic critique -
as a lake with hall trees scattered around it, but as the portrait expanded, so did the vast landscape
she'd created. She'd extended the lake all the way down to the skirting boards, and covered the
once cream walls with fishes and deep-sea creatures she'd read about as a child. She'd made her
underwater creations as colourful as possible, painting the fishes and merfolk in vibrant shades of
orange and yellow to add some much-needed variety.
If she carried on at this pace, she guessed she would be able to cover every wall in her cage by
September. Then what was she going to do? Start over? Or perhaps she could somehow start on the
ceiling? Maybe she could paint constellations and shooting stars there?
She wiped the perspiration from her forehead and stood back to admire her work. The top section
of her mural had stretched into a vast skyline, covered with mountaintops, clouds and treelines. The
colours weren't as eye-catching as the fishes were, but Hermione was quite fond of the blends of
colour. She felt they complimented each other well. She'd been smiling the whole time she'd
painted them, imagining how blissfully wonderful it might feel to snatch a broom from Malfoy's
cupboard and fly so high she could run her fingers through the fresh nimbus clouds.
She'd thoroughly enjoyed working on this section, thought it was some of her best work, so why
did she feel like something was missing from the vast stretch of sky? She couldn't add more
clouds, the mural wasn't lacking in fluffy strokes of white and grey. No, it was lacking something
else, she just couldn't put her finger on exactly what it was...
With a shake of her head, she dismounted the desk and pulled the silk scarf from her hair, running
her fingers through her tangle of curls while she contemplated what was escaping her masterpiece.
She ran one of the taps in her bathroom, and once the sink was filled with cold water, she splashed
her face and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was covered in flecks of blue and white
paint, it was scattered across her cheeks and neck, and there was a large smudge across her nose.
She splashed more icy water on her face, but it did nothing to rid her skin of the unnatural colour.
That was the thing about magically charmed paint; although the colours were gorgeously vibrant
and beautiful to work with, they were a nightmare to get off your skin.
It took forty-five minutes of soaking and vigorous scrubbing in the bath to remove it all, and by the
time she was finished, Hermione was sore and exhausted. Absolutely bone numbingly exhausted.
She was losing far too much blood after her Legilimency sessions with Malfoy, and even after
taking both a Blood Replenishing Potion and a Pepper Up potion, she was still weak for the rest of
the day. She found that most simple activities were starting to take their toll on her body, even
towel drying her hair after her evening bath left her breathless, and she was starting to grow tired of
her fragility. It was one of the reasons she forced herself to paint each evening no matter how tired
she was. Malfoy had taken everything from her; her freedom, her wand. She wasn't going to let him
take her artwork too.
She wondered if perhaps she should consider asking the elves to increase the dosage of the
potions? Or maybe there was a reason Malfoy had her restricted to one of each every day? Maybe it
was another tactic to keep her weak and vulnerable? There was only one way to find out.
Hermione changed into a pair of leggings and a black T-shirt. She threw a knee-length cardigan
around her body and sluggishly left her room. The walk to the kitchens took her far longer than it
should have, but the manor was eerily quiet at this time of night, so at least she got time to mull
over possible escape plans while she walked.
"Good evening, Miss," Quinzel chirped as Hermione swung the doors to the kitchen open. "Is there
something Quinzel can help Miss with?"
"Yes, please," she answered quietly, pulling the cream cardigan tighter around herself and hugging
its warmth. "Another Pepperup potion would be lovely, thank you.”
The elf nodded and levitated a crystal glass from the cupboard. "Of course, it is no trouble at all
As the elf hummed and busied herself with preparing the drink, Hermione used the distraction to
study her. Quinzel was a relatively small house-elf and very quiet. She was polite and certainly
friendly, but she never spoke unless she needed to. In the whole time Hermione had been here,
she'd only had a handful of exchanges with Quinzel, and they all contained fewer than fifty words
between them.
Romy, on the other hand, seemed to never be able to stop himself from talking. He reminded
Hermione a lot of Harry. He seemed to hate silences of any kind, and often rambled on about
anything and everything as a means to fill any uncomfortable silences. And she'd noticed, if
uninterrupted in his ramblings, he often said more than he was supposed to.
As if she'd conjured him with her mind, a cracking sound echoed around the grand kitchen, and
Romy appeared behind her with a cloth sack over his shoulder.
"Good evening, Quinzel," he said, eyes on the bag as he swung it to the tiled floor and started
removing the herbs and trinkets collected in it. "Romy is sorry he's late. He went to the market to
get the ingredients Mrs Zabini needed, and he ran into another elf. He was very nasty and rude. He
said that when his Master attended dinner here a few months ago that he didn't like the roast
potatoes that Romy made. Can Quinzel believe that? Romy was very cross with him, and wanted to
throw this Bezoar at his head for his rudeness. Of course, Romy didn't do that, because that would-
" He looked up suddenly, and Hermione couldn't help but smile as a small blush coloured the
green-eyed elf's cheeks. "Miss Granger!" he squeaked happily. "Romy is very pleased to see you!
Romy didn't want you to think him rude when he didn't bring Miss her dinner this evening. You
see, Miss Astoria wanted him to go and get ingredients for her special potions and-"
"Romy,” Quinzel cut in, annoyance clear on her small face. "Would you go to the storage building
and get Quinzel crushed snake fangs?"
"Hold on a second. Romy?" Hermione asked, stopping the elf before he could escape. "What
makes Mrs Zabini's potions so special?"
His green eyes widened considerably but he didn't answer the question. Quinzel had stopped
preparing Hermione's drink and was watching him, her pink eyes narrowed to slits and her lips
pressed into a thin line. Clearly, Romy had said too much, again.
"Is there a special ingredient?" Hermione pressed on, hoping her insistence would encourage him to
slip. "Or is it the potion itself that's special?"
"Well...” Romy's eyes trailed to the floor, and he started to pick at his nails, obviously
uncomfortable with the situation he'd found himself in, but that just made Hermione all the more
She knew Romy wasn't supposed to mention Astoria's potions, she could tell from Malfoy's
reaction that it wasn't something Hermione wasn't supposed to know about. But why?
Astoria spent an awful lot of time in her potion's lab, so it wasn't exactly a secret that she had a
passion and flair for brewing. So why didn't the elves want to answer the question? Before
Hermione could press the matter further, Quinzel hopped off her stool and pushed a chilled glass
against Hermione's knees. Even through her leggings, its coldness caused her breath to catch.
"No time for questions," Quinzel said sternly, urging Hermione to take the glass of blue liquid
before she started to shoo her from the kitchen. "Romy and Quinzel have many tasks to do before
sunrise, and Miss Granger is only getting in our way.” Quinzel hastily guided Hermione to the
door, and locked it when she was on the other side. She must have cast a silencing charm too,
because when Hermione pressed her ear against the door to eavesdrop, she couldn't hear a sound.
Hermione sighed heavily and started walking back to her room. She sipped the potion as she
walked, feeling the effects start to take by the time she came to the winding staircase. Her muscles
felt much stronger when she reached the top, and by the time she reached the end of the lonely
hallway where her bedroom was, she almost had a spring back in her step. She fussed over the elf's
strange behaviour once she was back in her room. She ran over the ingredients she'd seen Romy
unpack, and tried to pair them with potions she knew required those particular herbs -
Hermione's eyes snapped to her door whilst the rest of her body stilled. An eerie silence followed,
and she counted five of her heartbeats before she heard voices, two voices. One was a mans, deep
and gravelly, while the other was high and feminine. She couldn't make out whether the woman's
voice was laughing or crying.
Hermione slowly walked towards her bedroom door and pressed her ear to the wood. Although
muffled, she was sure the feminine voice was Astoria's, but she couldn't quite place the male voice.
There were several loud bangs and then a smash, which sounded an awful lot like something
ceramic shattering.
Hermione gingerly opened her door. It was just a small crack, only wide enough to peer one eye
through the gap and investigate. She was right, Astoria was stood in the hallway, about twelve feet
away, clutching an almost expired bottle of red wine clumsily in her hand while the other gripped
the wall for support. Theo was sat on the floor with a bottle in his hand, leaning against the
opposite wall with his legs stretched out in front of him. Both of them were staring at chunks of a
smashed vase on the floor.
Astoria stared at the mess with wide eyes, blinked, and then her hand flew to her mouth to mask her
Nott took a swig of the bottle in his hand. “Malfoy will kill you,” he muttered. “His mother brought
that vase.”
Astoria scoffed. "It's fiiiine, the moody bastard has charmed eeeeeverything." Her voice didn't
sound right, her tone was slower, darker than the high-pitched ring she usually spoke in and the
words were slurred. "It'll repair itself in a second... just waaatch.” Astoria extended her arm
theatrically towards the pile of shards, and that's when Hermione noticed the streak of blood that
was seeping from a deep cut on Astoria's bicep, but the blonde didn't seem to be able to feel it.
Astoria's usually impeccable beauty was gone, she looked a shell of her radiant self. She looked
like she hadn't slept in days. Her skin was pale and grey, a striking comparison against the violent
stream of crimson that flowed down her arm and into the dip of her elbow. Her red lipstick was
smeared down her chin and her mascara was smudged under her eyes and across her cheeks,
evidence of dried tears. There were dark, almost black roots at the top of her head, and they looked
all the more noticeable against the frizzy, artificial blonde underneath it. However, the most drastic
change in her appearance was her eyes. They were usually sparkling, but they were bloodshot now,
cold and detached, and lacking the usual welcoming shimmer and kindness Hermione always
found in them.
After a few seconds, the shards on the floor started to vibrate, and soon enough, the pieces moved
and mended themselves back together.
"Seeeeeeeee,” Astoria sang. She lifted her bottle high in the air and drained the last of its contents.
"I told you not to worry.” She tried to take another swig but then frowned suddenly. She tipped the
bottle upside down, squinted up its neck, and when nothing came out, she sighed in frustration.
"Why is all the wine gone?"
Astoria's brow furrowed sluggishly. "Hey! That's not a v-.... very nice thing to say.”
"Yeah?" Theo asked, wearing a loose grin. "Come over here and show me I'm wrong?"
Astoria took a step toward Theo and raised her free hand in the air - as if she were going to swat
him around the head like Hermione had seen her do countless times - but she stumbled and
whirled back around to face the wall. Despite her bare feet, she looked incredibly uneasy, as if she
might topple over with any step.
"Take it easy sweetheart," Theo mumbled. "Don't hurt yourself just to prove a point.”
Astoria grinned sheepishly as she slid down the wall and into a graceless heap onto the floor
opposite Nott. "I don't feel hurt.” Even her smile looked bare. Astoria looked ... spent, like a
woman who'd lost everything and simply had nothing else to give. "I feel numb.”
Theo watched her through his lashes, then asked, “Isn't that what you wanted?"
Astoria nodded, and her eyes started to flutter closed. "Mmmmhmmm. You're a good friend Theo."
Her voice was thick and exhausted, begging for sleep. "Don't... tell Blaise.”
When sleep found her only seconds later, Theo smiled as the sadness in her expression finally
softened. "I won't. You know I'm good at keeping secrets.”
The only sounds that filled the hallway were Astoria's quiet breaths and the occasional slush of
alcohol as Theo drank alone. He stared at Astoria the entire time, watching the gentle rise and fall
of her chest while she slept. Something was haunting in his expression, an empty sadness in his
brown eyes as he lay there, unmoving, completely still and just.... staring.
Hermione had seen more than her fair share of death since the war had started. She'd seen more
disfigured bodies than she could count, and held more of her friends in her arms while they died by
the age of nineteen than anyone should in a lifetime. After witnessing such horrific scenes, she
would always drag herself to her shower and bathe in scalding water until all traces of death were
banished from her skin. But before that, before the water could wash away the blood and dirt and
rot, she always looked at herself in the mirror.
And she always saw the same thing, that same vacant stare, the same glassy eyes and crazed
emptiness in her expression. It was a look of humility, the look of someone who knew their own
mortality, and felt the weight of their insignificance in this whole wide world. The look of someone
who knew their time was coming and that their luck would run out eventually, and then they would
just be another name carved into a headstone.
It was the look of someone who felt completely fucking lost, powerless.
And now, she saw that same pain and helplessness reflected in Nott's brown eyes.
The air quickly filled with his trepidation, growing so thick and cold it made the hairs on the back
of Hermione's neck stand on end. She was just about to close her door and leave Nott to his quiet
apprehension when Blaise rounded the corner, and then the atmosphere shifted entirely.
Zabini froze the second he saw his wife, and Hermione heard Theo curse under his breath before
Blaise ran and knelt in front of her. He pushed away the hair that had fallen over her eyes, and
cupped her small face in his hands. "Salazar, you're ice cold! Darling?" he asked frantically, pupils
blown wide with terror and hands shaking. "Astoria, can you hear me?"
"Don't... want ... you here," she groaned, and feebly leaned out of his touch. "Today... you weren't
here... you... left me.”
"You ... said you ... you wouldn't leave me... but you did," Astoria mumbled. Her eyes were still
firmly closed, and her head rolled against the side of the wall as she spoke, loose and weak against
her shoulders. "But Theo didn't leave.”
Blaise opened his mouth, but then slowly closed it, unable to find the right words. Theo just
watched and carried on drinking.
"Astoria, can you hear me?" he repeated, stroking his wife's cheeks reassuringly. "Have you taken
something?" His panic reached new levels when she still didn't answer him, not even when he
shook her slightly. "Darling, you need to tell me what you've taken." His voice was a little more
frantic as he tried to warm her cold cheeks with his hands. "I can't help you if you don't tell me
what you took.”
Astoria couldn't seem to form a coherent response, whatever substance was running through her
veins was clearly preventing her from doing so. Instead, she groaned, and the crease between her
brows deepened.
"Leave her alone mate," Theo hushed while he patted down his pockets, looking for something. He
seemed completely unfazed by Astoria's deteriorating state - as if her bizarre behaviour were
entirely normal. "Calm down, she'll be fine. She was feeling a little upset, so she asked me to-"
Blaise whirled around. His lip curled as his temper sparked. "Do not tell me to calm down!" he
roared, his expression twisting angrily. The look on his face didn't seem to faze Theodore, but it
scared Hermione to death. "I will not calm down until you tell me what you've given my wife!"
Theo shrugged, rolling his tongue against his bottom lip while he continued to pat himself down.
"Just something I picked up from the black market.” He eventually found what he was looking for,
a packet of cigarettes, and he placed one in his mouth and lit it with a silver lighter. He took a slow
drag before he answered an incandescent Zabini, even took the time to hold a smoke-filled breath
before he responded, as if he had all the time in the world. "It was supposed to cheer her up and I
specifically advised her not to drink so much if she was going to take it. But you know what a lush
she's become-"
"Do not joke about this Theodore!" Blaise snapped, then sharply turned back to his wife. He
muttered profanity after profanity under his breath as his fingers skated across her skin, checking
her for injuries. He stilled when he noticed the state of her arm. "What-"
"She cut herself when she broke that vase," Theo cut in, the cigarette in his mouth bobbing with
every word. "The stuff we took was an upper, but it had a numbing agent in it." He paused to take
another drag, and smoke billowed out his mouth when he spoke again. "The problem is, when you
mix this shit with alcohol, the numbing agent gets a lot stronger."
Blaise stared at his wife's face, silent, and so obviously in pain that it made Hermione's chest ache.
"She didn't want to feel anything today,” Theo continued. "Guess it worked a little too well,
because she didn't feel a thing when one of the shards sliced into her arm.”
Blaise quickly withdrew his wand and waved it over Astoria's small frame. A gentle blue light
emitted from the tip and knit the cut back together. Another flick of his wand banished the blood.
Just as Blaise slid his arms under Astoria's knees and around her shoulders, Malfoy emerged in the
crowded hallway. His appearance was almost as unkempt as Astoria's. His hair hung messily into
his eyes and he wore dark trousers and a creased, white button-down shirt with the sleeves pushed
up to his elbows. He had the top few buttons undone, allowing Hermione to notice the gleam of a
thin silver chain that hung loosely around his throat. His cold eyes flickered from Astoria, then to
Theo, and then back again as he quickly put the pieces together. "Did she-"
"Don't! You! Dare!" Blaise hissed, uncharacteristically cutting Malfoy off. "I don't need your
criticisms right now!" He scooped his wife up in his arms - cradling her protectively against his
chest and keeping his eyes on her sleeping form - then got to his feet and carried her to their
bedroom. Astoria clutched her empty bottle as though it were her only lifeline.
"Why did you give Astoria anything?" Malfoy snapped as soon as Blaise disappeared around the
corner. "You know her body can't handle-"
"Relax,” Theo hushed, holding up his hand. "She'll be okay once she's slept it off. We took the
same stuff, and I'm completely fine.”
"That's not the point!" Malfoy seethed. He started to pace, and it wasn't until he ran his fingers
roughly through his hair that Hermione noticed how much his hands were trembling. "She can't-
fuck - why? Why did you think it would be a good idea to-"
To Hermione's surprise, Nott silenced Malfoy with four simple words. "Today is Daphne's
When Malfoy froze to stare at Theo, he had his back to Hermione. She couldn't see his face, but
every muscle in his back was taunt, tight with tension, as though he may snap at any moment. He
was quiet for a while, the only movement she could see was him spinning the silver ring that
decorated his left pinkie finger. Eventually, he let out a ragged breath, leaned against the wall and
slid down it to occupy the space Astoria had claimed minutes ago.
His descent was just as graceless as Astoria's had been. He sprawled messily across the floor in a
manner that would have made any other aristocrat blush; one leg stretched in front of him, the
other bent at the knee so he could rest his elbow on it. His expression was dark, empty. His lips
were pressed into a thin line, and his teeth were clenched so hard it looked like his jaw might
shatter. "Fuck," he whispered in a voice low, almost a growl. "I didn't realise it was today.”
"You should have reminded Blaise," Malfoy said quietly, placing the bud in his mouth and lighting
it. "You know he likes to be around whenever Astoria takes a turn.”
"Tried to,” Theo mumbled. "But he and our fearless leader," his gold ring with the Nott family
crest glittered as he gestured to Malfoy, “were nowhere to be seen. She was crying and desperate
and wanted help. So I helped her.”
Malfoy chose to take a deep drag of his cigarette rather than respond. Chose to pinch his eyes
closed, tilt his head towards the ceiling, and hold the smoke in his lungs rather than form another
sentence. If Hermione was being honest, she didn't blame him.
It was Nott who broke the silence. "So where were you tonight?"
Malfoy released the breath he'd been holding, and smoke poured from his mouth like fire from a
dragon. "A meeting with the Dark Lord."
"It was to discuss the raid in Newcastle. Your talents are required elsewhere.”
Nott nodded and nursed his bottle. "I didn't realise the Dark Lord encouraged drinking and
sloppiness at his meetings?" he asked in an accusing tone, waving his hand over Malfoy's creased
shirt and messy hair.
"Blaise and I needed a drink afterwards. One drink turned into several and ..."
"Why the sudden need to wet your whistle? Couldn't you have done that at home?"
Malfoy took another drag, and his shoulders slumped against the wall, defeated. "Parkinson went
on a raid last night, and she hasn't come back.”
For a little while, Theo was silent. "You think the Order captured her?"
"A toast then," Theo took a large swing of his Firewhisky, almost draining what was left before he
handed the bottle to Malfoy. "To another fallen friend.”
It was strange, how seeing Malfoy distressed made Hermione's chest ache in a sickening sort of
way. The way it made her skin feel cold and hands clench into fists without her permission. It was
stranger considering she'd been fantasising about hurting him like that for months, only for it to
make her feel... what? Uncomfortable? Sympathetic? From the moment he'd torn his Demon Mask
from his face in the cathedral, all Hermione had been able to think about was how she was going to
kill him. She was going to murder him the very second their bond was severed, wanted to mutilate
him in the most cruel and painful way she could think of, because he deserved it.
He'd killed and tortured thousands of innocent people. He'd slaughtered his cousin without batting
an eye. He was bloodthirsty and malevolent. He didn't deserve her pity or her sympathy, what he
deserved was to suffer. And Hermione was determined to be the one to hurt him. If she couldn't
bruise his body without hurting hers, then she would redirect her aim, and target his mind.
Or his heart, now she knew he might actually possess one in that cold chest of his.
Shards of glass
2nd February
Malfoy extended his arm toward the open doorway. "Ladies first," he said smugly, smirking at
Her brows shot into her hairline. "Since when were you a fucking gentleman?"
He had the audacity to snort. "I was a gentleman long before I became a Death Eater, Granger.”
His smirk twisted into a vicious sort of scowl when she didn't move. "You know I could just drag
you through it, don't you?"
Hermione folded her arms across her chest, making sure her nostrils flared to show her revulsion.
She'd been planning this for days, carefully filing through her memories and reorganising the
doors in her hotel to make sure he saw this memory next.
If this was going to work, she needed to make it look convincing, like she didn't want him to see this
memory - just like all the others. She needed him to be cocky enough to let his cloud down,
arrogant enough that triumph clouded his eyes, and he didn't realise what room he'd entered until
she'd trapped him there. Cage him in the same way he'd done to her.
She'd laid the trap perfectly, she just had to hope - get on her knees and fucking pray - that he took
the bait.
Hermione gave one last irritated huff, and barged her way past him and through the doorway,
making sure she jabbed her elbow into his ribs as she did so.
Despite the shiver that ran up Hermione's spine when she entered the room, she kept her
expression blank, masking the terror she felt threading itself through her bones.
He needed to see this. If any of her memories could hurt Malfoy, this was the one. This one could
crack him open, make him bleed and bludgeon him the way she wanted. She just needed to keep
him here long enough for it to hurt.
Hermione kept walking until they were in the middle of the dimly lit room - at least twenty-five feet
from the door that had brought her here - and he followed closely behind, almost side by side.
As the room materialised around her, she tapped her foot nervously against the dark wooden
It was a drawing-room with an ostentatious looking chandelier hanging overhead that probably
cost more than her parent's house. It had high ceilings with smooth stone pillars, a large fireplace
made of the same satiny mineral, and the few pieces of furniture that were scattered in the room
were just as dark and miserable as the flooring.
It was a room she knew well. A room that she despised, feared, hated, and never wanted to see
again. It was a room that'd haunted her nightmares for years.
The sight of it made Hermione's stomach lurch. She thought she was going to be sick. She took a
deep breath to steady herself.
Nine ghostlike figures appeared in the room; t wo snatchers, Ron, Harry, a younger version of
Hermione, t hree figures with icy blonde hair - and one with thick, wild curls and murder in her
As soon as Malfoy realised where they were, he paled, and his breath left him sharply when he saw
his mother. He froze for a moment, and Hermione saw that same little emotion flash behind his
eyes; a single spark of lightning against the otherwise grey sky. It only lasted a second, a tiny
moment before he slammed his Occlumency walls back up, but she saw it. Knew he'd felt
something. Knew even more so that she'd been correct, this memory would hurt him - she just
needed to keep him here.
"Well?" Bellatrix asked. Her claws fisted in Harry's hair as she dragged his face upwards. "Is it
The younger version of Malfoy swallowed nervously. He shuffled his weight between his feet, his
reluctance clear in the way his eyes flickered from the floor, to Harry, and back again. "I... I can't
be sure.”
"Draco," Lucius' voice was a hiss, barely more than a whisper. He stood behind his son, wrapped
a hand around the back of Draco's neck, and squeezed. The tumbler in his other hand shook, his
rings clinking against the glass with his trembling fingers.
There was something oddly satisfying about seeing the once proud and wildly respected Lucius
Malfoy reduced to this. A quivering, half-crazed shell of the former picture of elegance and
Hermione would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the way his teeth shook in his jaw, or that
seeing how much of a ghost Lucius became after his sentence in Azkaban didn't make her smile.
The way Lucius hovered over Malfoy with a tight grip on his neck reminded Hermione an awful lot
of a demon. She supposed in some ways, he had been the devil on Draco's shoulders, f illing his
son's head with poisonous whispers, trying to bend and twist Draco's will, to seduce him towards
the darkness and riches and power that only the evilest acts could grant.
"Look closely son," he whispered in that same persistent, nagging voice. " If we are the ones to
hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven. All ... will be as it was. Do you
Lucius winced when one of the snatchers interrupted him. "Now we won't be forgetting who
actually caught him, I hope, Mr Malfoy?"
Narcissa glided forward and wrapped her fingers around Lucius's arms. "Lucius, darling," she
whispered gently. She pried him away from her son , eyeing Draco with concern as she guided
Lucius towards the fireplace. "That's enough.”
If Lucius was the devil on Draco's shoulder, then Narcissa was the angel. Mrs Malfoy seemed to
radiate warmth and understanding, even if she did point a wand at Ron and Harry's throats
moments later.
Hermione had always thought Narcissa was compassionate - and in a way, merciful. Everything
she ever did was to protect her family. Hermione could understand that. There wasn't anything she
wouldn't do to keep her own family safe. Not a thing.
She'd always felt some small spark of sympathy for Narcissa Malfoy. In the end, she'd spared
Harry's life; she'd lied to Voldemort and declared him dead in the forbidden forest. If it wasn't for
Narcissa, Harry would have been dead a long time ago, and Voldemort would have won this war.
The Order owed Narcissa an unpayable debt, wh ich was why Hermione couldn't bear to think
about how painful Voldemort must have made her death, or how long he must have tortured her for
her unforgivable betrayal.
And why she knew this memory would kill Malfoy to relive.
Malfoy's breath hitched when his mother grabbed his doubles arm and guided him away in the
same manner she had her husband, and when Narcissa took his young versions face between her
hands, Malfoy reached his limit. "I'm not watching this.”
Hermione felt his unfeeling eyes dart around the room. He sharply turned and marched back
towards the door, his Death Eater robes swaying violently around him as he made his escape -
If this memory made him uncomfortable, then she intended to make him watch every second of it, to
make him relive every painful tick of the clock and endure every scream, just like she had.
She drew a deep breath, pinched her eyes closed, and as Malfoy's footsteps got quieter, Hermione
focused. She didn't have magic, but this was still her mind.
She pictured the door; its height, the size of the frame and the hallway on the other side. And then
she imagined it disappearing, and evaporating into nothing.
There was a soft swooshing sound behind her, and then skidded to a stop.
Relief flooded through Hermione, warming her chest and thawing some of the dread in her veins.
He'd fallen for it. Blindly charged headfirst into the slaughter that she'd prepared.
"Bring the door back Granger!" Malfoy seethed, his tone low and venomous. "Now!"
"Bring. The. Door. Back!" he bellowed, still facing away from her. His shoulders were rigid,
vibrating with rage. "Now!"
Malfoy whirled and stormed towards her. His grey-blue eyes were burning just like they had when
his dragon was injured, when he'd been murderous and desperate.
His fingers shook when he grabbed the collar of her T-shirt. Something in Malfoy had changed.
Something glowed behind his eyes. Not rage, something stronger, more primal. It wasn't until he
dragged her face to his, their noses almost touching, that Hermione recognised what it was.
"No!" Hermione yelled, the malice in her tone perfectly matching his. "What happened here was
your fault! You could have stopped this, so you're going to stand here watch it!" She smacked his
hands away, forcing him to release her while the memory erupted into chaos around them.
The thought of reliving this particular night made her want to be sick , but if it hurt Malfoy - even if
it inflicted the tiniest bit of pain - then it was worth it.
"Cissa, put the boys in the cellar!" Bellatrix's high pitched voice rang through the air, real or not,
it still raised the hairs on the back of Hermione's arms. "I want to have a little conversation with
this one. Girl to girl.”
At the mention of her name, Malfoy's head snapped up to his mother, like he couldn't stop himself.
His eyes were glued on her as she backed Harry and Ron towards the dungeons. He tugged at the
collar of his robes, loosened them with trembling fingers as he watched.
"This is meant to be in my vault in Gringotts,” Bellatrix hissed in the background. "How did you
get it?"
Hermione heard her younger self scream. She heard a bang, and a crunch that told her Bellatrix
had knocked her to the floor, but she didn't turn to see. Instead, she watched Malfoy.
"I didn't take anything!" Hermione squealed, and she didn't miss the way Malfoy winced beside
her. "Please, please, I didn't take anything!"
The next few minutes felt like they went on for hours. Her younger version screamed and thrashed
and cried on the floor as Bellatrix hacked at her arm with a blade. Hermione swore her scar
burned to life, swore she could feel each tear and rip of the dagger as Bellatrix drove it into her
skin again and again and again.
"I was crying out for you," Hermione found herself admitting, wasn't sure why.
The Demon Mask beside her was deadly silent. He was working to keep his eyes vacant and empty,
but she noticed the flicker in them. She'd shaken his control when she'd trapped him here. She'd
cracked him open, and now he was struggling to build his walls back around himself.
"I was trying to ask for your help." Hermione forced the words past the lump in her throat, if only
to drown out her younger versions wails. "I was screaming for you to save me, to help me, to just
do something.”
There was a shuffling sound. Hermione knew from memory that Bellatrix had pulled herself to her
feet. The Cruciatus curses would start any second...
"But I couldn't get the words out," Hermione continued quietly. Her hands balled into fists, and her
nails cut into her palm as Bellatrix threw the first unforgivable curse into her shivering body. "And
you... you just... put your head in your hands and ... turned away.”
Another red curse coloured the hallway. Another violent scream echoed off the walls.
"What exactly did you hope to gain here Granger?!" Malfoy growled through clenched teeth. "Was
this some exercise in control? To show me you had some power over me?! Well, you don't! You
don't have control, and you're -"
Hermione stepped closer, turning her back on the gruesome scene to stare up at the Death Eater.
"I thought you needed to be reminded of the consequences of your actions."
Malfoy pinched his eyes closed. She could faintly hear the sound of him grinding his teeth together
over her cries, but she couldn't be certain, her screams were too loud.
"All this is your fault," she continued, unsympathetic to his discomfort. "You set everything in
motion when you killed Dumbledore!"
His eyes snapped back open. "Oh for Salazar's sake, this again? I didn't kill the old bastard!" he
growled, voice raising an octave when her screams did. "Snape was the one who cast the killing
"No, you killed him! You may not have fired the bullet, but the gun was in your hand-"
"Just because you lowered your wand, doesn't erase the fact that it's your fault he's dead! You let
the Death Eaters into the castle! You cornered Dumbledore in the Astronomy Tower! You
disarmed him! Snape wouldn't have killed him if you didn't set it up perfectly!" Hermione
screamed, accentuating every 'you' she spat by shoving his chest, harder each time, sending him
back a few steps.
"You are the reason Snape cast the curse! You are the reason Dumbledore is dead! And you are
the reason thousands of people have lost their lives!"
Her doubles screams rose in pitch but the Malfoy in front of her stayed silent, just as cruelly
inaudible, just as speechless as he had been when she'd screamed for his help the first time this
memory had played out.
Hermione raised her hands to push him again, intending to send him careening into the wall
behind him, but she misjudged his height through her anger. Her hands unexpectedly landed on his
neck, and when her palms touched his exposed skin, something unexpected happened. She felt a
crack, a strange tingling sensation swept up her arm, her blood hummed like she'd received an
electric shock, and then the drawing-room and her screams were gone.
The room turned in on itself quickly, the furniture bent and twisted out of shape, and then there
was a bright flash of light, and the floor vanished beneath her.
Hermione landed in the middle of a stone path with a painful thud. Her breath left her with the
impact, the same all too familiar dizzying pressure forming around her skull. God, she hated
Legillimency. S he got to her feet, and pressed the heel of her hand against her temple to try and
relieve the ache there.
She was in the middle of a street, in what looked like a city. There were high buildings on either
side of the road, all with floor-length windows on each level that stretched high into the sky. Most
of the glass was shattered, shards clung to the floor and embedded themselves into the concrete
like a layer of icicles covering the pavement.
It was dark, she guessed the early hours in the morning due to the biting cold and the way her
breath fogged with each exhale, but there were no stars above her head, no moon to stare at to try
and judge the time. At first glance, she didn't recognise the city, was sure that she'd ever been here
before. How was that possible?
Malfoy was nowhere to be seen. She waited for his low, gravelly voice to roar beside her, scold
her, scream at her for having the audacity to touch him. Two minutes later, Malfoy had still failed
to materialise, and Hermione started to grow uneasy.
Her legs automatically started to carry her down the cobbled streets. The lines of tall buildings
seemed to go on and on, and the further down the unfamiliar path she went, the more she knew she
definitely hadn't been here before.
Hermione stopped when she came to a sign with burnt edges, the words 'Nottingham Square' and
an arrow pointing to the left etched into the metal. It confirmed what her instincts had been
screaming since she'd materialised here.
She didn't have magic, she hadn't so much as felt the faint thump of it in her veins in months. She'd
tried everything from simple unlocking charms to warming jinxes, but nothing had worked - Malfoy
had made sure of it. The anti-magic potion he drugged her with daily snuffed it out of her. So how
the fuck was she here?!
Could she have developed a tolerance for the potion over time? Had her body naturally got used to
the dosage, and weakened its desired effects?
Hermione had never read of anything like that happening before, but then again, she doubted there
had been much research on the topic. It could be possible... Couldn't it?
A noise to the far-right startled her. Hermione whirled around, expecting to find Malfoy standing
there with murder in his eyes -
But she was still alone, and she intended to make full use of that wonderful advantage.
Hermione hurried down the street. She walked quickly, she wasn't sure how long she had left
before Malfoy found her, and she refused to leave here emptyhanded. This was the opportunity
she'd been praying for, a chance to learn something about him; a hidden advantage or a weak spot
she could exploit.
A few minutes into her search, something caught her eye at the far edge of the street. One hundred,
maybe two hundred feet away. It was only small, a single flame from a lonely lantern, but she
followed it. The light led her to an open clearing, a market square, and it wasn't until Hermione
rounded another corner that she realised the lantern wasn't as lonely as she originally thought.
There were dozens of them, maybe a hundred tiny flames all clustered together, and they weren't
really lanterns at all, they were torches, held by cloaked figures.
Hermione's initial reaction was to draw her wand, years of sending hexes at cloaked figures had
bled that instinct into her. Instead, she made herself push forward to stand at the back of the mob,
because this was one of Malfoy's memories, and maybe there was a way she could use it against
The building the cloaked figures were gathered around was tall and grand, and had nine small
archways and stone pillars atop. It reminded Hermione of Roman architecture, the triangle-shaped
ceiling, with dozens of figures carved into the stone, and t wo lion sculptures - turned to face one
another- guarded the steps to the council house. There was a clock tower on the top of the building,
although Hermione suspected it had stopped working a long time ago.
All the cloaked figures were facing the council house, all concealed with masks of black and gold
metal. Voldemort stood in front of the large double doors at the top of the steps, and all the
whispers silenced when he raised his hands - and the elder wand - in the air.
"Welcome, my friends," Voldemort cooed. "Thank you for joining me on this fine evening.”
Hermione wove through the ghost-like figures in the crowd, ignoring the way her heart hammered
in her chest at their proximity. ' They're not real,' she chanted. 'They're not really here. They're not
"I'm sure you're all very eager to learn why I called you all here tonight.”
She could breathe a little easier when she came out the other side of the mob. Her panicked nerves
weakened when she broke free of the sea of Death Eaters and stood at the front of the gathering.
Four figures stood at the bottom of the steps, to the right of the lion statues. They were huddled
together in a tight line, and were only attendee's without masks.
Astoria was closest to Hermione. She looked exactly how she remembered her from Hogwarts, with
long brown hair winding down her back. She was sobbing silently, black tears streamed down her
face, her shoulders and bottom lip trembling. Malfoy stood on Astoria's right. His hands were
tightly fisted at his sides, jaw clenched even tighter.
"Although we are winning this war," Voldemort continued, "although Potter's forces are dwindling
and we find ourselves growing stronger with each new rise of the sun, I must admit, I find myself ...
Theo was stood on Astoria's left and somehow, the look on his face concerned Hermione more
than Astoria's ever could. His expression was vacant and detached, as though his soul had left his
body and only a sack of bones and flesh remained. His face was completely emotionless, a stark
contrast to the broken girl next to him.
"I don't ask for much from you, do I?" Voldemort asked, earning a chorus of 'No, my Lord' from
his loyal followers. "I treat you well, do I not? I reward you handsomely when you please me? I
give you strength, power, and protection from those who would dare to harm you?"
"Yes, my Lord.”
To Hermione's surprise, Blaise was stood the furthest away from Astoria. He looked as though he
may vomit at any moment. His skin looked a little green, and he had a hand pressed firmly to his
stomach as if he was trying to stop himself from keeling over.
"That is what I was afraid of,” Voldemort sighed, his claw-like fingers tapping the edge of his
wand. "This is why it pains me so when one of you cannot follow a few simple orders.” He
gestured to his left, and two Gold Masks appeared from a hidden doorway, dragging a woman with
Her face and neck were covered in bruises, her top lip was split open, and there was a thick clump
of blood matted in her dark blonde hair. She wore her Death Eater uniform, although it was torn
and ripped all over, probably to showcase the dozens of bruises and burns that decorated her skin.
She was bound with thick metal chains that wrapped around her body and bound her wrists
together, making escape impossible, and dragged behind her as she walked, making a noise that
sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
Hermione should not be here. She should most definitely not fucking be here.
As two Gold Masks began to lead Daphne up the steps, Astoria lurched forward and started to
Draco was as fast as an arrow leaving a bow. He grabbed Astoria before the sob broke free,
probably anticipated it, and wrapped his arms around the brunette. He crushed her back against
his chest, muffling her cries with his hand, while the other wove around her ribs and held her in
Daphne whirled and caught his eye. A pleading expression snapped onto her abused face before
the Gold Masks sharply turned her around and forced her up the steps.
Astoria squirmed in Malfoy's arms, trying to break free while black tears gathered on the hand
covering her mouth.
Blaise and Theo were motionless, lifeless, watching as Daphne walked up the steps to stand beside
Voldemort, then turned to face the crowd.
"This girl,” Voldemort hissed, curling his fingers toward Daphne, "h as betrayed us. She has
grown soft for the Muggles. She cares for their lives and their mutts more than she does her own
Throughout Voldemort's speech, throughout the symphony of boos and hisses from the cloaked
figures, Daphne remained strong. She held her chin high in the air, shoulders square and fire
burning in her fierce brown eyes. She didn't look scared. She didn't tremble. Didn't show an inch of
Theo started to move. He looked as though he were reaching into his pocket to grab something, but
Daphne noticed the movement. She shook her head gently in his direction and pursed her lips.
They held each other's eyes for a long time. Everyone else seemed oblivious, too busy watching
Astoria writhe or too enthralled in Voldemort's degrading speech to be aware.
Life seemed to burn back into Theo when he stared at Daphne. Hermione swore she saw his jaw
tremble slightly, swore she saw his eyes flicker, tears gathering in the corner. With another shake
of Daphne's head, Theo lowered his arm and slumped. He swallowed, and then the cold emptiness
returned to his eyes.
While Voldemort's speech went on, Hermione was transfixed with how Malfoy was with Astoria.
He lowered his hand from her mouth and wrapped it around her shoulder, hugging her protectively
to his chest, and then whispered something into her ear.
Hermione quickly moved to stand beside them.
"Breathe Tori," the younger version of Malfoy said, his voice shaking almost as much as Astoria
was. "You need to breathe."
"I... I c-can't …" she sobbed quietly. Tears streamed down her face and dripped from her chin. "...
I.. I can't.... he's going to ... I can't watch..."
"You need to. You can't look away while he does this,” Malfoy hushed, securing his arms tighter
around her. "If the Dark Lord thinks you sympathise with your sister, he'll kill you right alongside
"This girl has betrayed us, in the worst possible way," Voldemort seethed. "If she loves her muggles
so much, then she will die like one.”
Ropes were conjured around Daphne's wrists, and A storia's knees buckled as they were tied to
opposite podiums, forcing Daphne to spread her arms wide, leaving her wide open for the
Malfoys arm's tightened again, concealing Astoria's shaking as best he could. "You need to calm
Astoria shook her head furiously. The tears slipped down her face faster. "I can't.... this is... I can't
watch this-" Another sob slipped through the brunette's lips, and Malfoy's hand flew to her mouth
A few Death Eaters turned to look at her, Malfoy glared at them until they turned away.
Hermione hadn't seen this much emotion in Malfoy since his dragon had been injured. His eyes
were frantic, his fingers trembled against Astoria's mouth, and his voice was more emotional,
more panic-stricken than Hermione had ever heard it. He looked desperate. Hopeless.
"Tori please, please calm down," he whispered again. His eyes kept flickering from stoic and cold,
from burning and distressed. It was as though he was desperately trying to build his Occlumency
walls but couldn't. As though he were trying to fly them up and protect himself, only for them to
crumble instantly. "He'll kill you if he thinks you're a sympathiser. Daphne doesn't want you to
The way Malfoy's usually strong voice broke near the end made Hermione's chest tighten.
"Please calm down Astoria," he whispered. "I can't lose you, too.”
Astoria convulsed when Voldemort conjured a blade, the silver caught the light of the torches
before he used it to slice the back of Daphne's uniform open. The two Gold Masks pushed the
pieces of shredded fabric down to reveal her back, shoulders, and ribs. There was no doubt, if
Malfoy wasn't holding Astoria up, she would have crumbled on the floor.
"I promised Daphne that I would keep you safe," he whispered desperately. "I'm going to keep you
safe. I don't care what I have to do, I will keep us all safe. Do you understand?"
Astoria nodded but before Malfoy could continue, s he reached out to her left.
Theo's stoic expression broke when she grabbed his hand. He sharply turned his head to stare at
Astoria, and for a second, just for a second, his eyes were broken. He squeezed her hand tightly in
his own, took a deep breath, and then turned back to watch the execution.
Hermione couldn't watch anymore. She just... couldn't. As one of the Gold Masks stood behind
Daphne, an axe high in the air, she turned and pushed her way back through the cloaked figures.
A door had appeared on the other side of the mob, and Hermione was all too quick to lurch
forward and grab the handle. She didn't care where it led her. Didn't care if it took her right back
to Malfoy's drawing room and she had to watch herself being tortured by his aunt again and again
and again, because it would be better than this. Anything would be better than this.
She swung the door open and stepped inside, only to come face to face with a pair of deadly,
ghost-like eyes. Her heart lurched into her throat at the sight of Voldemort, and she was so
distracted by the fear that twisted through her she didn't realise she was back in Malfoy Manor.
When she saw the familiar stone pillars - the ones that were now tainted with violent flecks of red -
she knew where this door had taken her.
Voldemort's red eyes slithered to his side. He whispered and chuckled something to his loyal
serpent on the floor, bent down so she could wrap herself around his arm, then Apparated.
Hermione nearly vomited when she saw the room. She'd seen many battlefields over the years, she
was no stranger to the smell of rotting flesh and stagnant decay, but this memory - fuck, Malfoy's
memory - was one of the most gruesome things she'd ever witnessed.
The smell hit her first. It battered into her senses like a sledgehammer. The foul, stale odour of
flesh at the very early stages of decay wasn't something you could confuse with anything else. The
room reeked of blood, the dark floor was sticky with it, her boots clung to the floor with every
tentative step she took inside.
Parts of Lucius Malfoy's body were scattered around the drawing-room, all mattered with crimson
and flesh torn jaggedly at the edges. One arm lay near the window, the other near the entrance.
His torso was sprawled across the dining table, his legs were splintered and mangled into the
metal chandelier, and his decapitated head lay next to the fireplace. He looked as though he'd
been like that for days. His skin had taken on that unmistakable blue-grey tint of a corpse and the
flesh was bloated, ready for the next stage of decomposition. The most unsettling part of his
appearance was the expression on his face. Although his eyes were glassy and vacant, his face
was twisted into a perpetual scream, frozen, never to move again.
And then there was Malfoy himself. Fuck - Hermione had vowed to never feel an ounce of
sympathy for him. Vowed she'd never show him even a shred of compassion. But how could she not
pity him? How could she stop her heart from twisting painfully when she saw him crumpled and
hunched on the floor, with his mother's broken body in his arms?
Narcissa's chest heaved with every shallow breath she took. She looked as though she were just
clinging onto her last threads of life. Every inch of her body was covered in blood - whether it was
hers, or her husbands, Hermione wasn't sure. Although she remained largely intact, there were
small pieces of her missing; a couple of fingers, a large chunk of flesh from her shoulder, he r left
Hermione crouched down beside Malfoy to get a better look at the damage, and that's when she
noticed how young he looked. He was only sixteen, maybe seventeen. His features were still sharp
and angled like they were now, but the youthful roundness that Hermione remembered was there.
She thought that this memory couldn't have been more than a few months after the battle of
Hogwarts, but then she saw his suit. It was the same black, tailored suit he'd worn in the Room of
Requirement that day. This wasn't months after the battle, it was days.
Malfoy's entire body trembled as he held his mother in his arms. Tears streamed down his face,
and his breath shook with each low sob.
"It's alright,” Narcissa hushed. One of her bony hands reached up to cup Malfoy's face. She wiped
some of the tears from his cheek, smiling weakly at her son while he quietly sobbed above her. “It's
alright, sweetheart. It's m-my ... time.”
"No! No, I can fix this!" young Malfoy stammered. Hermione's chest tightened when he lifted his
head. He was frantic, his eyes swam with tears as they darted around the room. "I... I-I can fix
this... just hold on. I'll get my wand and -"
"Shhhhhhh," his mother whispered, taking hold of his face again and forcing him to look at her.
Her breath grew laboured as she choked each word out, as if it was becoming painful for her to
even speak "It's too ... late.”
Malfoy choked on another sob. "T-this is all my fault... I-I'm sorry... I-I-"
"No!" she cut him off, exhausting herself to make her voice strong, despite the droplets of blood
that had started to gather at the corner of her mouth. "This.... is not ... your fault... D-don't you
ever... think that..."
Narcissa was quiet for several moments. She stared up at Malfoy and caressed his face, as though
she were soaking up every last moment with him before she closed her eyes for the final time.
"If you're.... going to survive Voldemort's reign... you need to be strong... and never let him know....
what you're thinking.” Narcissa paused when a dry cough tore its way up her throat, colouring
her pale lips and chin red. Malfoy wiped it away with shaky fingers.
Narcissa's hand left Draco's face, and Hermione watched as she weakly rested it over her son's
heart. "We'll ... do it together.. alright?"
"Just listen ... to my voice,” Narcissa whispered, weak, her end growing closer. "Close your eyes.”
Malfoy pinched his eyes closed, and it only made him look more vulnerable. More broken.
"There's nothing else here ... nothing is going on around us ... It's just me ... and you.”
Hermione felt a sob start to burn her throat, dying to break free. She'd never seen Malfoy like this.
So vulnerable. So ... scared.
"Now, take a ... deep b-breath.”
"I want you to ... release it s-slowly, can you d-do that?"
Malfoy nodded, and his trembling seemed to ease a fraction when he released the breath.
"Now imagine a s-small piece of.... glass... hold that glass ... in your hand..... I-imagine the
weight.... of it.” Narcissa drew another breath, and Hermione swore she heard her lungs rattle.
"Now I w-want you to picture ... that shard of glass expanding ... P-picture it reaching out."
Another pause to cough. "C-covering your body ... like a shield.”
Malfoy nodded. A deep crease formed between his brows when Narcissa choked again.
"N-nothing can get in, a-alright?.... Nothing... Not if you... don't want ... it to.”
When Malfoy didn't answer her, Narcissa shifted in his arms, and rested her hand against his
cheek. He opened his eyes slowly, took a deep breath, and Hermione didn't think she'd ever be able
to get the desperate way he sobbed his next word out of her head. They would be buried there
Suddenly, nails dug into Hermione's arm, and she whirled around just in time to catch a pair of
familiar, murderous grey-blue eyes before the room faded out of existence.
Malfoy slammed Hermione into the wall the second they reappeared in her bedroom. "WHAT DO
The look in his eyes made her forget how to speak. "I... I don't know... Malfoy I- don't even know
how I-"
His fingers left her arms, only to curl painfully around her throat. Hard. "IF YOU DO THAT
Hermione instinctually tried to pry him off, but he just squeezed harder.
He jolted her against the wall, causing her head to smack against the plaster. "DARK LORDS
Hermione didn't get the opportunity to argue with him, or point out the thin line of blood that
streaked from his left nostril. Before her brain had caught up, Malfoy released her and charged out
the room.
The walls shook when he slammed the door behind him, and Hermione slid down her wall into a
heap on the floor, her mind filled with familiar screams, flaming torches, and a fractured voice
from someone she hadn't realised was so utterly broken underneath those blood-soaked robes.
She did what?!
4th February
"Yes, it is!"
"Oh, but it is!" Theo’s laughter bounced off the walls of the underground tunnel they were trying to
sneak through. "Hermione fucking Granger, filthy Mudblood and stain to all purebloods of the
earth, managed to get into your head - WITHOUT A WAND!"
Draco had never wanted to cast an Avada more in his life. "I swear on Salazar's grave, if you don't
drop this-"
"Not funny?! Oh no, it's not merely funny. It's fucking hilarious!" Nott continued, completely
undeterred when Draco spun and pointed his wand at his face. The Lumos charm at the tip slowly
turned green with Malfoy's growing irritation. "It's so funny I can't breathe!"
Draco grit his teeth together. "Oh, how I wish that were true. How I wish you would choke on your
laughter to the point you suffocate. Heaven knows my life would be so much simpler without your
constant theatrical insubordination!"
They carried on walking through the abandoned London Underground, blindly following the
disused tracks. It was like a void down there, any light snuffed out and replaced with that spine-
tingling blackness, the sort of darkness that made your gut twist with each heartbeat, anxious for
the tiniest movement. The only source of light they had came from the Lumos charms at the tip of
their wands.
The tunnel went on for miles and miles, and the sporadic and unpredictable drip of water from a
burst pipe overhead was starting to wear thinly on Draco's patience - that, and Theo's incessant
The air was cold and unfriendly, the all too familiar chill that could only be caused by the darkest
of curses hung in the air. Horrid, but unmistakable. There were thousands of skeletons and bones
lining the walls. Although most of the bodies were scattered across the floor or sat up against the
sides of the tunnel, some seemed to be fused into the wall like a catacomb. It would have been
chilling if it weren't such a common occurrence these days. Bare skeletons completely stripped of
flesh weren't fear-inducing when you'd seen thousands of them, and skulls didn't make your skin
crawl when you had one branded on your arm for all eternity.
"I still don't understand how Granger managed it," Draco growled quietly, grinding his teeth
together as they rounded another dark corner. "It should have been impossible. She's been taking
the anti-magic potions for month. Her veins should be dry of magic, she shouldn't have had
anything to draw from.”
They should be close now. If their intelligence was correct, they would be able to hear the refugees
- the ones desperately trying to get to the Orders base - any minute now. There was no way out of
the tunnels, Draco had made sure of that. They were sitting ducks.
"Do you think she's built up a tolerance over time?" Blaise asked. "Or perhaps it could have
something to do with that pesky tampering in her brain that you've been up to?"
"Yeah," Nott said, dragging his wand over the bones in the wall. "What's up with that? What
exactly are you doing to her?"
Draco snorted. "That's a little above your paygrade, Gold Masks.” He caught the sexually obscene
gesture Theo threw him out the corner of his eye.
"What did it feel like when she entered your mind?” Blaise asked.
Draco rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek. How was he supposed to answer that? That it
felt wildly intrusive? That it filled him with a burning rage stronger than he'd ever felt before? That
it intrigued him beyond anything he'd ever experienced that Granger - fucking Granger - had been
able to enter his mind without a wand? That someone whose very blood was supposed to make her
weaker than him had managed to do something so undeniably brilliant, that he hadn't been able to
stop thinking about it since? That it had been so indescribably painful to have to see his mothers
death all over again? And that somehow, somehow, the pitiful look he'd seen on Grang- the
Mudbloods face made him want to scream?!
No. He couldn't say any of that, so he decided on the easiest answer. "It hurt.”
"Did you bleed afterwards?" Zabini pressed on, holding his wand a little closer to Malfoy's face to
better read his expression.
"Where from?"
"My nose.”
Blaise nodded, and his eyes flickered towards the ceiling, deep in thought while they walked and
walked and walked.
Draco usually hated stagnant silences. They usually made the hairs on the back of his neck stand
up, put him on edge. Silences forced adrenaline to pump through his body, forced his killer
instincts to sharpen, made his ears strain to hear any miniscule creak in the floorboards or draw of
a wand.
Silence meant danger, a threat, a predator lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. But, worst of
all, silences meant that the strangled cries of those he'd tortured and killed throughout the years had
an opportunity to find him. Silences opened a window, left a gap in his busy mind for the screams
to creep in and torment him, drag across his skull like the scrape of a blade, and get their revenge
for the monstrous acts that caused their creation. It was the reason he slept with a record player on,
charmed to never end, a constant loop of music to lull him into sleep and drown out those infernal
Missions, however, were different. On those occasions, he revelled in the silence. He used it as a
focal point, let it sharpen his instincts to spot and eliminate a threat before it ever got close to him.
Yes, whilst on missions for the Dark Lord, Malfoy revelled in long silences, so it was a shame that
Theodore always had to fucking ruin them.
Draco and Zabini whirled around, aiming their wands on instinct when a loud crunching sound
reverberated through the tunnel behind them. Green lights lit up the darkness, only to reveal that
there was no intruder, no threat, just Theodore Nott, holding the arm of a skeleton he'd just pulled
out of the wall.
When the other two Death Eaters glared at him, Nott grinned like a child and waved the extra arm
at them like it was a toy.
"Why?!" Malfoy growled, anger heating his chest. "Why would you need that?!"
Nott's grin stretched as he pulled a silver ring with a glittering sapphire from the bony finger. He
waved it in front of his Lumos Charm, the gem cast interesting flecks of blue light against the
gloomy, corpse-filled tunnel walls. "Not like he's gonna need it, is it?"
Draco shook his head, whirled around, and started storming down the train line again.
"Oh lighten up Malfoy,” Theo sang from behind, Draco swore he heard him skipping. "What's the
point in all this if we can't have a little fun? You really do want to suffocate all of life’s joys, don't
Finally - fucking finally - Draco heard what he'd been waiting for; voices. Several low, urgent
whispers. "Masks on gentlemen," he hushed. "This is supposed to be a stealth mission.”
"Aye, aye captain," Theo said, using the skeletal arm to give Malfoy a theatrical salute before he
slipped his mask in place.
Draco and Blaise joined him. They slid their masks onto their faces with familiar fluidity, and with
a unison flick of their wrists, they all cast distorting charms on their voice boxes.
"Remember, this mission isn't about slaughter, it's about gathering intelligence,” Draco whispered
as he pressed his back against the wall. He craned his neck around the corner, eyeing his prey. Just
as predicted, there were nine possible hostages in the caves; six men, three women. "We need to
capture as many of them as possible.”
"That means we need them all alive," Draco said sternly, and both he and Blaise turned to stare at
Theo's head whipped between his friends, feeling their accusatory glares, even through their masks.
Theo gasped. "I would never! I am shocked! Utterly appalled that you would think-"
There was a stretched silence. Theodore tapped his foot quietly on the floor and his fingers
tightened and then relaxed around his wand. For a second, Draco thought he was going to disobey.
"Fine!" Nott raised his hand, palm towards Draco, and used the skeleton hand that he was refusing
to let go of to draw an imaginary cross over his chest. "I solemnly swear - on my shrivelled black
heart - that I will not intentionally kill one of the opposition.”
"But if one of them happens to walk into my Avada, it's not my fault!"
The attack went exactly as Draco had anticipated it would. As usual, Blaise had followed his orders
religiously; he'd whipped around the corner the instant Malfoy instructed him to, and cast a strong -
non-lethal - knock-back jinx that'd rendered two of the hostages unconscious. He'd quickly bound
their wrists and legs with unbreakable chains, and then tied their restraints together neatly.
Incapacitated. Alive. Bound so securely that they had no possible chance of escaping.
Yes, as expected, Blaise had proudly followed every instruction Draco had given, and - as usual -
Theo had ignored every fucking one.
"Did you really have to kill that many?" Blaise seethed through gritted teeth while he banished the
mess of blood and mangled flesh from his robes. "The Dark Lord will be furious. He wanted them
all captured, not three out of nine!"
Theo shrugged. "He's a big boy, I'm sure he'll get over it," he said, dragging the bound bodies of
the unconscious hostages through the tunnel and out of the exit at Westminster Underground
As soon as they were outside, Draco tore his mask from his face, closed his eyes, and drew a deep
breath, pulling the clean air deeply into his lungs, hoping to wash the stagnant odour that seemed
fused to the walls of the tunnels.
His dragon was curled in a tight ball on London Bridge, her tail waving gently behind her while she
chewed on the remains of a horse she'd picked up on the flight here. She reared her head as Nott
approached her, and when he laid the hostages near her feet, she bared her fangs and a low
rumbling sound emitted from low in her chest.
Theo dared to get a little closer. He reached his hand towards her - trying his luck - but his tail
promptly flew between his legs when she snapped her teeth just inches from his face. He jumped
back, holding his hands up in surrender, and slowly stepped away. "Alright, alright! Don't get your
scales in a knot!"
Her growling didn't cease until he was at least twenty feet away from her.
"She doesn't like anyone," Blaise quipped, standing back as Malfoy levitated the hostages onto the
dragons back, "apart from her Daddy.”
Draco was quiet as he conjured an extra set of chains around their bodies, and secured them onto
some of the spikes lining the dragon's spine. He didn't think they would wake up any time soon,
but he thought it best not to risk it.
He mounted his dragon, and when he'd settled between her shoulders, she stretched her colossal
wings, readying herself for the flight to Voldemort's base. Nott and Zabini would have to Apparate
"Granger," he clarified quickly. "About how she got into your head.
"How much do you know about the blood ritual the Dark Lord used to bind her to you?"
"Only what he's deemed necessary,” Draco admitted. "Only that it links her life to mine, and allows
me greater access into her mind."
Blaise nodded thoughtfully. "Do you think it could link you in other ways? Perhaps there's more to
it than he's led you to believe? I've been going through some of the ledgers in your family library-“
"Oh just spit it out would you?!" Nott snapped. "Some of us have better things to do than stand
around here all day, gossiping like old women!"
"Go on then!" Draco hissed, irritated. Theo might have been one of his oldest friends, but his
patience was steadily drying out for the sarcastic Gold Mask. If Nott didn't bite his tongue soon, he
would risk losing it. "Run along, off you go, before I think of a suitable hex to punish you for your
insubordination today!"
A scowl snapped its way onto Theo's usually expressionless features. His lip curled, he took a step
forward and pointed his wand at Draco.
His dragon growled again. Her gums retracted as she took an aggressive step towards Nott, causing
the very foundations of the bridge to shudder under her weight.
Nott Immediently lowered his wand and took several cautionary - and smart - steps back. He glared
at Draco for several seconds, squared his shoulders, and then apparated away with a violent crack.
Blaise met his eyes. "It's only a theory at this point. I'm not even sure if its possible. The
circumstances are quite unique, so I'm not sure how accurate a hypothesis it is.” He fastened the
cufflinks on his robes while he spoke, a habit he'd picked up years ago. It meant his thoughts were
muddled, and Blaise often worked through that inner mess of thoughts by straightening his outward
appearance. If his attire and expression were organised, then his mind would quickly organise itself
to do the same. "I believe- and again, I'm not sure how possible this is - that she channelled your
magic when she touched you, and then used it against you.”
Draco's jaw went slack. "So you're saying she stole it?"
Blaise shook his head. “No, not exactly. Borrowed it would be more accurate. Legilimency is
essentially magic of the mind, and the blood curse the Dark Lord used to link you gave you greater
access into her mind, did it not?"
Draco couldn't speak. Everything Blaise said made perfect, logical sense. It would explain why he
bled afterwards and she didn't, how she'd gained access to two of his most painful and secretive
memories with no effort at all, why it took him so long to find her, and why she was able to hide
from him, even in his own head. He'd been looking for her magical signature, for an intruder, a
foreign tingle of magic that shouldn't be there. He'd never thought to look for his own.
"You essentially gave her the keys to your memories,” Blaise continued when Draco didn't answer.
"Whether she's aware that she can do it again is another matter entirely.”
Again. That one little word snapped through Draco like the crack of a whip. "Not a chance. She's
not getting into my head again. I'll up her dosage of the potions. She can drown in them for all I
9th February
Draco was quiet when he escorted Astoria through the grounds that afternoon. He listened, tight-
lipped and eyes on the floor, while her gentle voice prattled on about expensive diamond necklaces
she desired and exotic wines she'd discovered in Paris.
He was listening, but he couldn't really hear her. His mind was miles away, too occupied with
possible magic chann - stealing - witches to absorb her words. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy his
walks with her, sometimes they were the highlight of his day. Astoria wasn't merely his oldest and
closest friend; she was his sister.
Ever since they were children- forced to play together by their mothers- Draco had always found
her company soothing. She always cheered him up, always seemed to know exactly what to say to
banish those nightmarish thoughts that sometimes scratched away at him. Whether she distracted
him with magazines about A-lined skirts, or forced him to craft jewellery boxes for her like when
they were children, Astoria always seemed to find a way to distract him, and make him smile. It
shouldn't have been surprising really. She was a charming, sweet little thing, drawn to all things
shiny and beautiful. She reminded Malfoy of a magpie. If magpies had drinking problems...
Astoria had always occupied a special place in Draco's cold, black heart. Which is why, after
twenty-five years of friendship, he should have known that the artificial blonde beside him did not
like to be ignored. Ever. Under any circumstances.
She broke his thoughts by jarring him gently in the ribs. "Boring you, am I?"
His eyes snapped from the floor to meet her inquisitive stare.
Draco shrugged as he guided her past the rose bushes that were yet to bloom this year. "No.”
Astoria fell quiet. She didn't say a word as Draco led her past the winding Wisteria plants, or even
as they rounded the lake on the East Side of the grounds. By the time they reached their bench -
the one under the cherry blossom tree - Draco started to grow irritable, and the screams started to
whisper to life again.
He transfigured a blanket from a black handkerchief in his pocket, laid it down gently on the
bench, then gesturing for Astoria to take a seat.
"Are you alright?" she asked as he sat beside her. "You haven't been yourself for the last few days.”
"I'm fine Astoria," he hissed through gritted teeth. He withdrew a packet of cigarettes from his
robes and lit one with the tip of his wand. His other hand stretched against the back of the bench,
drawing invisible patterns on the polished oak with his index finger.
Astoria had the common sense to allow him a few merciful drags before she continued with her
inquisition. "Is it because of what Hermione saw in your mind?" she asked, her face full of concern.
"The memory of your mother?"
"I know it must have brought a lot of things to the surface. It must have been painful-"
"No, it wasn't," he hissed again, venomous enough to make Astoria wince slightly. "Salazar, you're
as bad as your husband. I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, I don't want to talk about
it. Not with Theo, not with Blaise, and certainly not with you.”
Astoria stared at him for a moment, her lips pressed into a tight line while dozens of emotions
flashed behind her brown eyes; concern for his unkempt appearance, irritation for his rudeness,
anger for snapping at her, and compassion when she noticed the anxious way he twisted the silver
ring on his pinkie finger. Eventually, she sighed, leaned against the bench, and withdrew her silver
flask from a pocket in her dress.
Astoria leaned away and made a face when he exhaled. "I wish you boys wouldn't poison yourself
with that awful stuff.”
He looked at her out of the corner of his eye and smirked. "Really? How are your forms of poison
any better than mine?" he asked, tapping the edge of her flask.
"Touché Draco," Astoria chuckled quietly, then took a healthy swig. "Touché indeed.”
He was glad when Astoria started up a conversation about bleaching spells shortly after that, her
animated chatter about caring for her altered blonde hair distracted him from the dark turn his
thoughts had been edging towards. As always, Astoria had hit the nail right on the head. She wasn't
nearly as dim as she liked people to believe she was.
Draco hadn't been able to get Granger out of his head since her intrusion into his mind. He'd tried
to, Merlin he'd fucking tried. As soon as he'd left her room, he'd Apparated to Voldemort's base and
spent the next several hours channelling his rage into torturing the hostages there. It didn't work.
The pain didn't lessen when he'd sliced the finger of one of the male hostages off, the ache in his
chest - the one that had been tightening, threatening to suffocate him since he'd seen his mother's
limp body in his arms - didn't ease when he'd crushed the hand of another.
The more curses he'd cast, the more he realised his efforts were futile, and the more palpable his
rage became. His anger had gotten the better of him eventually, as it usually did. He'd cast a hex a
little too harshly while thinking about the pitiful look he'd seen in Granger's eyes, and ended up
slicing Katherine Thomas's head off her shoulders in one clean swipe.
Voldemort would have been furious if he'd found out that another of the hostages had prematurely
expired. Luckily Draco had the common sense to dispose of the body, and alter the memories of
the guards watching the hostages before they'd realised what he'd done. The Dark Lord would
think the guards - two new and utterly useless Black Masks- had suffocated her to death while
securing her chains. He'd kill them for it, but Draco didn't really care about that. They were useless,
weren't even worthy of wearing the simple Black Masks to begin with. The Dark Lord's ranks
would be stronger without them.
The next night he'd sought out Astoria's preferred medicine, and tried to find peace at the bottom of
a bottle of aged whisky. Astoria had been all too eager to join him, and the pair had raided his
father's liquor cabinet like excited children on Christmas morning. Astoria passed out around 2 am,
Draco around 4.
Astoria elbowed him suddenly when Granger appeared from behind the cluster of blooming
Crocus flowers. She had her black cardigan pulled tight around her body, and a cup of steaming tea
in her hands. She froze when she saw Draco and Astoria. She paused mid-step, and her eyes
widened a fraction. Then she offered Astoria a warm smile, gave her a little wave, and left in the
direction she'd come from. She didn't look at Draco.
"She seems quite taken aback when she finds us sitting here," Astoria said as Granger's bushy hair
disappeared around the corner. "I think she's grown quite fond of this bench.”
"Mhmm.” Astoria paused to sip from her flask. "It's odd, don't you think? That she would find
herself drawn to this particular bench, over all the others scattered around the estate?"
"Not really.”
He could feel Astoria watching him from over the top of her flask. "She's quite beautiful, don't you
Malfoy took another drag and tilted his head towards the clouds. "Is she?"
Astoria tsked; he practically heard her eyes rolling in her head. "Don't pretend you haven't noticed.”
"She's a filthy Mudblood Astoria. She's only here because the Dark Lord has use for her. If he
didn't have plans for her, I'd of already ripped her liver out and fed it to the dragon.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't lie to me Draco, you know you've never been any good at it.”
The bench creaked as she shuffled closer to him. "Ever since we were children, I've always been
able to tell when you're lying.”
"Really?" he huffed. "And what exactly gives me away?"
Astoria scoffed and drained what was left in the flask. "Like I would tell you what it is and lose my
advantage - and don't try and change the subject. You spend an awful lot of time with Hermione,
don't tell me you haven't noticed how lovely she is?"
"Has anyone ever told you how blissfully annoying you are?"
"-I've seen the little glances you give her when you think no one’s watching-"
"- you're spending hours and hours in her head, it's only natural that you would form a connection
with her-"
"You're looking for things that aren't there, Astoria," Malfoy sneered, the exhale engulfing him in
smoke. "I spend time with her because I am required to do so at the Dark Lord's request. Achieving
the goal he's set requires time and patience. Unfortunately, I can't complete it from a distance.” He
groaned when he realised his cigarette had expired. He crushed the butt under the heel of his boot
and lit a fresh one before he continued. "And those 'little glances' that you're referring to are merely
my checking of her physical health. The Dark Lord requires her in top condition if she's to be
useful, and I can't have her tripping and breaking her neck down the stairs because she's dizzy from
blood loss-"
"You think she has pretty eyes," Astoria cut him off, her lips twitching into a smirk. "Even if you
do want to gouge them out, you still think they're pretty.”
If Astoria had slapped Draco across the face, it would have shocked him less. He stared at her, eyes
wide and mouth hanging open slightly. She really didn't miss a thing; insightful little bleeder.
When Draco stayed quiet, her smirk stretched into an enormous grin. "Your ancestors didn't make
the walls very thick when they built this estate, and you're very loud when your angry.”
The tiny blonde dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "I don't blame you. Her eyes are quite
beautiful, but she has a smile that could melt ice.” She stood from the bench and flattened non-
existent creases in her skirt, then turned back and smiled at Draco. "I think it could even melt the
ice around your cold little heart, if you let her.” She gave him a look and held out her arm, an
invitation to continue their walk, and he was grateful for her willingness to change the subject.
He drew a deep, final drag, crunched the expired butt under his boot, then stood and took her arm.
"I'm leaving on the 12th," he said as they made their way back towards the manor.
"The Dark Lord has an assignment he needs me to take care of in Italy," he continued. "I'll only be
gone for a few days.”
"Oh, well then that'll mean Hermione will be on her own for a day or two.” Astoria pursed her lips,
her eyes on the clouds above, deep in thought, a trait she'd inherited from her husband. "I'll have to
get the elves to set charms so her meals appear in her room. I wonder if there are any particular
meals she would-" Astoria sighed when Draco arched a brow. "Don't tell me you've forgotten
already? I reminded you on Monday that Blaise and I are going to Germany next week, and Theo
has to be in Manchester for a few days.”
"Sorry if I can't remember everything, Tori. I'm a little busy being the Dark Lord's chief general
and torturing countless hostages to remember every mundane detail you blather on about,” Draco
growled, and then instantly regretted it. He'd already snapped at Astoria once today, he might lose
his drinking partner if he did it again. "Can't the house-elves watch her?"
"Hermione is not a dog Malfoy," Astoria interrupted. "She's more than capable of being alone for a
few days. It might do her health - and her sanity - good to have a break from us all. Heaven knows
the constant stream of death and blood you boys pour into the manor can be stifling.”
Draco didn't trust himself to respond. Instead, he tilted his head towards the house, intending to
trace patterns in the brick while he listened to Astoria's ramblings, only to lock onto a pair of warm,
honey-coloured eyes from a bedroom window high above, and for some reason, he found himself
unable to look away. They were eyes that used to look at him with such malice and anger and
hatred burned into them. Eyes that were fierce, and glowed with a type of determination that only a
lioness could conjure.
But those eyes- fuck, those eyes held nothing but sympathy and pity when they looked at him now,
and he fucking hated her for it.
Ready to die?
5th February
Hermione wasn't sorry for what she did. Not in the slightest.
She wasn't sorry that she'd somehow - by some unexpected miracle, a happy fucking accident -
managed to get into his head, or for the memories she'd intruded on. Why should she be? It was no
different than what he'd been doing to her for months. No worse of crueller than anything he'd done
to her a hundred times over.
The small dent to his pride wasn't nearly punishment enough to atone for the things he'd done. It
wouldn't even come close to wiping the blood clean from his ledger, but it was a start. It was proof
that she could hurt him, she just needed to bide her time and wait for another opportunity. He
deserved to be punished. She wanted to break him, to give him a taste of his own medicine.
So why did she feel so guilty every time she saw him now? Why did pity swell in her chest every
time she heard his voice? Why was it that every time he cast the 'Legilimency' spell - the only
word he'd spoken to her since her intrusion - that the sound of his choked, strangled sob rang
between her ears?
She'd been right; his broken voice had buried itself into her head. The quiet little whimper that had
slipped past his quivering lips was scratching inside of skull.
Malfoy had been different with her since the day of 'the incident'. He was much colder than when
she'd first been captured - if that were even possible. He didn't try to tease her anymore, and he
didn't rile her up before he barged into her head. He wouldn't even look at her. He was distant and
detached, searched her mind wordlessly and watched her memories unfold without giving her so
much as a sideways glance.
In a way, Hermione was thrilled that he couldn't seem to bring himself to look at her, because it
meant she had won. She'd gotten to him. She'd wounded him. It was a small win, but a win
The few times he was forced to look at her, in those fleeting, necessary moments he looked into
her eyes right before he forced himself into her mind, his eyes were dead. Emotionless. His
Occlumency crafted into a protective wall around him. Strong and impenetrable.
No, Hermione wasn't sorry for what she'd done, she was just sorry for the things she'd seen.
She hated that every time she looked at him and saw the wall of Occlumency in his eyes, all she
could think about were shards of glass and his mother's body, lying broken in his arms. She hated
that every time she watched him escort Astoria around the estate, all she could see was the
protective way he'd wrapped his arms around her, how he'd trembled as he'd held her up,
whispering promises to keep her safe in a broken and frightened voice.
Hermione regretted the hurt and pain and heartbreak she'd seen in his eyes and wished she could
fucking erase it - because it was all she saw when she looked at him now. And they made him
appear warmer, more alive, and they were making it harder and harder for Hermione to remember
the demon he really was.
18th February
It felt as though she'd been on the verge of drowning since her arrival, and his absence had finally
allowed her to break the surface and take that first glorious lungful of air. Her head felt much
better, and the lack of haemorrhaging and blood loss meant her strength had steadily begun to
return, and she found she had no use for Pepperup potions by the third day of his leave.
Malfoy upped the dosage of the anti-magic potion; two shots a day, morning and night. Hermione
wasn't surprised, she'd expected him to after she'd wandered into his memories, even if it was an
accident. Malfoy was many things, but stupid wasn't one of them. He'd probably figured that out
she'd developed a tolerance for the potions the same moment she had, and would probably up the
dosage again in a month or two.
There were many things that Hermione enjoyed about Malfoy's absence. The reprieve from
Legilimency, the space to breathe and plot her escape, and the lack of dark magic clinging to the
walls of the manor. But the thing that made her giddy and put a spring in her step, was that she got
to sit at the bench under the cherry blossom tree, completely undisturbed.
She knew it was silly really, for someone who'd taken as many lives as she had to enjoy something
so childish, but she didn't really care. She wasn't sure why, but she felt a strange sense of calm
wash over her whenever she sat on this bench. She was always drawn back it, felt like it cleared her
head sitting there, allowed her time to mull over her thoughts in quiet, and admire the beautiful
greenery around her.
The gardens were gorgeous. Despite her forced captivity here, even Hermione had to admit that.
The snow had melted from the grounds, taking the stains of the dragon's blood with it and leaving
rose bushes and pockets of daisy's ready to bloom in its wake; the promise of new life. Large
clusters of flowers grew everywhere, of every variety and colour all waiting for their time to bloom
and twist towards the sun. Some had started to flower early, and Hermione had grown to admire a
few white Peony's that had cheated their way to bloom early.
Hermione took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of those same flowers while she stared at the
clouds above her head. She cradled a cup of tea in her hands, hugging its warmth and clinking the
ceramic with her nails while she studied the sky. She looked for shapes in the clouds, hoping some
small inspiration on what her mural was lacking might spark. Despite doing this for almost five
days, it still hadn't. She sighed heavily and drained the last of her mug.
She stood and was just about to go back inside, when a dark shape in the sky caught her attention; a
single inkblot against the white clouds, an inkblot she now recognised as a dragon flying high
overhead, and dive-bombing towards the estate.
Hermione had seen the dragon more times than she cared to count. She always kept her distance
from the beast, she felt it was wise to do so, but despite the constant exposure and daily glimpses of
shiny black scales, dragons weren't something you could ever 'get used to', and Black Shadow was
certainly no exception to that rule. Her gargantuan size and blade-like teeth still made Hermione's
heart stop anxiously mid-beat.
As Hermione watched the dragon steadily lower herself to the ground, she knew that one snap of
those enormous jaws would tear her in half. The dragon was a walking death warrant, a constant
reminder of how small and helpless Hermione truly was, and how easily the thread that held her
lifeline together could snap in an instant. It was enough to make anyone on edge.
The dragon flapped her wings against the air as she carefully lowered herself toward the ground,
each beat hurtled a fresh wave of biting cold air against Hermione's face. The windfall she created
picked up the closer she got, causing Hermione's curls to whirl around her face.
She was landing much closer than Hermione would have liked. She couldn't have been more than
fifteen feet away. The February air was freezing, but heat radiated from Black Shadow's body as
she steadily drew closer. She didn't seem to notice Hermione, her head frantically whipped from
side to side like a snake as though she were searching for someone. She looked towards the house,
then to the gardens, then to the cemetery, then back to the house again.
The dragon seemed to be taking her time descending. She was being very delicate, and holding her
torso as still as she possibly could. It struck Hermione as odd, she usually threw her weight around
when she landed, knowing that her size and strength afforded her no punishment or repercussions
for her carelessness. Every landing on the ground usually left large divots of upturned earth in the
usually pristine grass, usually left bushes crushed and rose upon rose of beautiful flowers trampled
The elves - Quinzel especially - always looked very cross when they saw the mess the dragon had
made, but they never voiced their annoyance, just replenished the earth, restored the flowers, and
went on with the rest of their day - even if Quinzel did sometimes mutter about dragon scaled shoes
under her breath afterwards.
This descent was different. It was cautious, her hind legs touched the earth softly, and she was very
meek when she lowered her clawed wings onto the grass. However, as soon as she was safely on
the ground, she opened her mouth, and the sound that came billowing out of it was anything but
gentle. It was a shriek; a blood-curdling scream that made Hermione's heart lurch. The sound was
intense and seemed to go on forever, like thousands of nails scraping down a chalkboard all at
And fuck - it was loud. Hermione's hands flew to her ears to shield her from it, sending her cup of
tea falling to the floor. The noise of the ceramic shattering on the stone paving caught the dragons
attention, and she closed her mouth with an audible snap. Her cry cut off instantly, and she
whipped her head towards Hermione.
Hermione's heart stopped. Her veins turned to ice as those glowing red eyes locked onto her.
The dragon stared at her for a few moments. She held her head high in the air, and her eyes seemed
to flicker with something, some unfamiliar emotion that Hermione didn't think was possible for a
dragon to possess.
Admittedly, she didn't know much about the gigantic creatures, but she didn't think they led highly
emotional lives. They were intelligent, fierce and majestic, but did they feel emotions? Hermione
didn't think so. But she could have bet her life that the way the dragon was looking at her now, the
way that the colossal beast with no natural predators' eyes seemed to glisten and flicker, that she
was scared.
Hermione took a cautious step to the side, and the dragon exposed her fangs when her foot
crunched against the shattered mug. Her heart restarted in a flutter. Blood pounded in her ears -
The dragon stepped forward slowly, her front claws- the ones at the bow of her wings - dug into
the grass. A low rumbling sound started to vibrate from deep within her chest, not quite a growl,
but still menacing nonetheless. The dragon started to dip her head, and opened her mouth to reveal
sparks of fire gathering in the back of her throat.
Hermione took another step to the side, but when the dragon lowered her head a little more, her jaw
almost scraping across the ground, she saw a masked figure sitting between the beast's shoulders.
Rage suddenly burned through Hermione, evaporating the crippling fear she'd felt at being inches
from a dragon's exposed fangs.
Malfoy, that spiteful little wanker, was doing this on purpose! Even though it'd been an accident, he
probably saw this as payback for barging into her mind. She'd known that he would want to even
the playing field and restore the balance of power between them, she just hadn't expected her
punishment to come at the end of reptilian jaws.
Hermione opened her mouth, a foul and entirely unladylike insult on the tip of her tongue, but then
Malfoy's posture was always impeccable, annoyingly flawless. His spine was always perfectly
straight, his shoulders broad and hands often clasped elegantly behind his back - evidence of years
and years of etiquette lessons. He couldn't have looked further from that now. He was slumped,
swaying on the dragons back, and his head hung forward and loose between his shoulders. He
looked dizzy, like he might topple over at any moment.
The dragon stopped growling and turned her head to look at her master out the corner of her eye.
It wasn't until Malfoy pulled his Demon Mask from his face, revealing that his eyes were squeezed
shut and streaks of blood were dripping from his mouth and forehead, that Hermione understood
what was wrong. He was hurt. Badly.
Malfoy swayed again. His chest heaved, and arms shook as he struggled to hold himself up.
Hermione was just about to use the dragon's distraction to make her escape, but then Malfoy
slipped. His arms gave out and he fell from Black Shadow's back. There was an audible crunch
when his spine hit the rough gravel, and he spluttered, a fresh spray of crimson seeping from the
corners of his mouth on the impact.
His dragon gave a low, panicked sort of cry and bowed her head.
Malfoy's robes were matted with blood, concentrated around the small holes on his chest and
shoulders. He choked again, the sound hoarse and raspy and causing more blood to spill from his
The dragon curled her body protectively around him. Her tail dragged him gently towards her
while she softly nuzzled his shoulder, trying to use her snout to warm him into life. When he still
didn't move, she nudged closer and did it again, and again, each movement more gentle than the
last, even though her whimpers grew in volume and urgency.
Despite the dragon's efforts, Malfoy showed no sign of getting up. His eyes were still tightly
closed, and the movement of his chest grew more sluggish with each passing second.
Hermione moved to help him, hands already outstretched and automatically reaching towards him,
but then stopped when a sinister little voice - or perhaps the voice of reason - slithered into her
If she let him die, then she'd die right alongside him. She'd save countless lives and her memories,
Harry's location, Medusa and the Order would be safe.
He was a monster. A ruthless, calculated, cold-blooded killer. This whole war had started when
he'd helped assassinate Dumbledore. He'd set everything in motion that day, so he deserved this
didn't he?
It would be a pitiful death. He wouldn't go out in a blaze of glory or in the heat of battle. He
wouldn't be remembered as a dark and ruthless war criminal. He'd die alone, spluttering and
choking on his own blood, because a Mudblood refused to save him. There was some dark and
poetic justice there, Hermione was sure of it. Some cosmic force, some balance in the scales that
Draco Malfoy, he who craved power and respect and strength, would die alone; a pathetic,
undignified mess.
But, as she stared at his lifeless body, watching the blood pour faster from the open wounds,
Hermione realised she couldn't let him die.
Because even though all of the vile and disgusting things he'd said to her since her capture were
flashing between her ears, she couldn't really hear them. Couldn't hear the malice and venom those
words had previously held, because they were all drowned out. They were all eclipsed, smothered
by that broken sob she'd heard as he'd held his mother in his arms.
As much as Hermione hated him, as much as she'd fantasised about his death since she'd been
captured, if he died, then so did she.
Hermione walked cautiously towards Malfoy, holding her hands high in the air when the dragon's
head snapped up. The beast flashed her fangs in warning as Hermione approached, and that same
threatening hissing sound rolled from deep in her scaled chest.
"I'm not going to hurt him," Hermione said in a low voice, pleading with the beast. "I want to
The scales on the dragons back and neck went rigid, seemed to stand on end and vibrate as she
Hermione drew a deep breath and forced herself to keep going, forced her legs to take another step,
and then another, and then another, despite the fear she felt slicing through her blood. "I'm not
going to hurt him,” she repeated softly, eyes locked on the dragon. "I swear.”
Black Shadow growled again as Hermione slowly lowered herself into a crouch beside Malfoy.
She used her tail to drag him closer to her body and out of Hermione's reach.
"It's alright," Hermione whispered. "He's going to be alright.” She thought she was getting through
to the beast, that she caught a glimmer of understanding in those glowing red eyes, but when she
stretched her hand towards Malfoy's chest, intending to examine the injuries, Black Shadow
gnashed her teeth and lurched forward, fangs just inches from Hermione's trembling palms.
Hermione yelped and drew back. "I'm not going to hurt him!" she yelled, cradling her hand to her
chest. "I'm trying to help, and I can't do that if you won't let me touch him!"
Black Shadow growled again, the sound like a low rumble of thunder. The heat around her body
seemed to increase, as though she were gathering a flaming breath.
Hermione felt a bead of sweat form across her temples. She drew another deep breath and willed
herself to stay calm. "Please, please let me help him.”
Malfoy didn't have time for this. They didn't have time for this.
"There's no one else here. I'm the only one that can do this. I need you to trust me.”
"If you don't let me help him, he will die.” Hermione might have imagined it, but she thought she
caught a flicker in the dragon's eyes. "He's lost far too much blood, he's going to bleed out soon.”
Black Shadow's hiss seemed to get a little quieter, Hermione took that as a good sign and carried
"Do you understand me? He doesn't have much time left.” Hermione inched a little closer and
reached her hand towards him, even released a shaky breath when the dragon did not attempt to
tuck Malfoy's body closer to her. It was working, she was getting through to her. "I promise, I
won't do anything that will hurt him. But I need to act now, if I don't, he's going to die.”
The dragon stared at her for several seconds, seeming to consider Hermione's words with
undeniable intelligence. But when Malfoy choked again and groaned in pain, the dragon's mind
was made up. Her growl vanished into nothing. She slowly uncurled her body from around
Malfoy's, and stepped back to give Hermione space to work - but she didn't take her eyes off
Hermione. Or retract her fangs.
Hermione crouched next to Malfoy's still form, grabbed the blood-soaked fabric around his neck,
and with a strength she didn't know she possessed, ripped his robes apart. She tore the fabric all the
way down his body until she saw a gleam of silver from his belt buckle, then parted it to pool at his
sides, leaving him shirtless.
At first glance, she couldn't see the source of the bleeding. There was just so much blood, his skin
was drenched with it. She noticed a simple silver chain around his neck that seemed to glitter in the
little sunlight it caught. It looked as though there were two silver rings threaded into the chain, but
Hermione ignored them. She tore off a large piece of the cream cardigan she was wearing, and
used it to quickly wipe the blood from Malfoy's chest.
The first dab against his chest made him jerk, and Black Shadow hissed, fangs extended in
Hermione's direction.
"It's alright!" Hermione shouted as the dragon inched closer. "I'm not trying to hurt him! I need to
clean the blood first!"
Black Shadow didn't back away an inch, but she didn't move closer either.
When Hermione had mopped up most of the blood, she looked down at his torso, and gasped at
what she saw there. He was covered in scars, some larger than others. There were large silver
slashes across his chest, a clear trophy from the Sectumsempra he'd survived during sixth year, but
there were others, too. A cluster of scars across his right abdominal muscles, a deep slash lining the
abs under his rib cage, and what looked like a stab wound just above the V lining his hip bones.
It was years and years of trauma splayed across his otherwise perfect marble skin; a map of every
brush with death and battle he'd fought. She guessed some came from Voldemort himself,
punishments for failed missions. She imagined the only punishments he deemed acceptable came
at the end of a blade or hex; screams and lost blood over confessions and penance.
But Hermione couldn't focus on that now, because blood was already seeping from the fresh
wounds, ; the scars that were yet to heal. She had to work quickly. His skin was inflamed, angry
and red and split jaggedly, all centred around five small holes in his chest. Bullet holes.
Hermione choked back the bile that had risen from her stomach. "Oh god. What happened to you?"
What was she supposed to do now? She wasn't a healer, she was a soldier. She killed and maimed
and won battles. She took lives, she didn't save them.
Her knowledge of healing magic and potions was strictly limited to battle wounds. She knew
enough to stop the bleeding and keep soldiers alive until the medics could get to them- but that was
it. She didn't know the first thing about safely removing bullets, and she didn't have a wand!
Hermione pulled back and looked around, searching for something she could use, and almost
screamed with joy when she noticed the potions storage unit on the other side of the grass bank.
She jumped to her feet and sprinted towards the building. "Keep him warm!" she called over her
shoulder. "I have an idea!"
She felt the earth shake slightly under her feet as the dragon moved to nuzzle against Malfoy.
Hermione swung the doors open and immediately ran to the shelves, desperate, praying there was
something she could use. Unfortunately, most of the life-saving potions were charmed and sealed
down, but luck was on her side. She was able to gather several Blood Replenishing Potions, a Knit
me Salve, and two potions to ward off any infections he might have developed. There were a pair
of forked tongues on the workbench, the exact thing she could use to pry the bullets from his body,
but, as she guessed, they were charmed to the desk. Vital, immovable, and absolutely useless to
Malfoy choked on the floor when she knelt back down beside him. His face was screwed up in
agony. She swore he'd gotten paler in her absence.
"Thank you,” Hermione breathed to the dragon while she hastily uncapped the potions. "You
probably bought me a few extra minutes.”
The dragon huffed- in what Hermione assumed was acknowledgement - and backed away a little to
give her room to work again.
Hermione placed each potion on the grass beside her, all organised in what order she would need
them, and then stared back at Malfoy's chest. She drew a deep breath - trying to steady her
trembling hands as best she could - then plunged two of her fingers and her thumb into the first
bullet hole.
Malfoy roared in pain, his features contorting while his back arched sharply.
Hermione placed her other hand across his shoulder and guided him gently back to the floor. She
splayed her palm and pinned him down while she continued to work. She curled her fingers, trying
desperately not to wretch as she felt around the torn muscle and blood in search of the bullet.
Malfoy jerked furiously underneath her, growling in pain while his voice broke off into a scream.
Hermione just pressed down harder, trying to keep him still. She curled her fingers again, and
couldn't hold back an elated gasp when the tip of her index finger came into contact with
something cold and metallic.
"I've found the first one!" she said, breathless. "This is going to hurt, but I need you to be as still as
possible while I get it out," she added, hoping he heard her over his screams.
Slowly, Hermione drove her fingers in deeper and curled them around the bullet. He jerked sharply
again, his fingers digging into the damp, blood-soaked grass around him. Hermione gripped the
bullet between her thumb and index finger and steadily, carefully, pulled it out.
Malfoy's scream faded into a ragged gasp, and when her fingers left his body, he slumped against
the grass.
His blood smeared across her skin when she rested her palm across his chest. She tried not to
wretch at how it pooled around her fingers when she pressed down. She applied the potion for
infection into the first wound, and then did the same thing with the Knit Me salve, breathing a
small sigh of relief when the first hole knitted itself back together almost instantly, a small silver
scar the evidence it'd been there to begin with.
Hermione wasted no time, and pressed her fingers into the second bullet hole. "Shhhhhhh," she
whispered, shaking, as Malfoy started to scream again. "It's alright Draco. It's alright. Shhhhhhhh. I
know it hurts, but it will all be over soon.”
Forever the quick study she was, Hermione got the second bullet out much quicker than the first.
The third in even less time, and the fourth took her mere seconds.
Malfoy screamed and jerked through every single one, his fingers tearing large clumps of grass
from the earth as she extracted the bullets one by one. The only time he showed any sign of
calmness was when she was steadily applying the anti-infection potion and smearing the Knit Me
salve across the open wounds. By the time she dabbed the salve into the fourth bullet hole, every
inch of his body was slick with sweat, and he'd grown very still. His face wasn't even twisted with
pain anymore. He looked so different when his expression wasn't moulded into that scowl that she
swore was permanently etched into his face. There was a softness to his features, in the beautiful
curve of his jaw and angle of his cheekbone.
In another life, she might have thought him appealing. If they weren't sworn enemies, on opposite
sides of a war that was tearing the world apart, she might even have admired the way his features
looked to be torn straight from a Renaissance painting.
But they were enemies. They would go back to finding ways to kill each other after this, and
Hermione extinguished those thoughts as quickly as they sparked to life.
Before she started work on the fifth and final bullet, she delicately threaded her fingers through his
hair - ignoring how soft it felt in her hands- and supported his head. She cradled the back of his
skull, and gently guided his head off the ground as she brought the bottle of Blood Replenishing
potion to his lips.
"You need to drink this," she said softly, trying not to panic when he didn't immediately follow her
instructions. "Draco, can you hear me? You need to drink this.”
He was still for a few more moments. His chest went up and down gently, and then a crease
formed between his brows. "D-did ... you just.. call me... Draco...?" he panted weakly, and the
edges of his lips twitched into a smirk. "T-there's a ... f-first.”
"S-Salazar... you are bossy ... when you're ... angry.” He took the potion without further
complaint, and after he'd drained the entire thing, Hermione guided his head back towards the earth
and started work on the final bullet. It took her less than six seconds to find, and Hermione was so
elated that she'd managed to extract it so quickly, she didn't realise Malfoy had been deadly quiet
throughout the process.
As soon as she registered his silence, her eyes snapped to his face. Her stomach dropped when she
saw that his eyes were closed. He wasn't breathing.
Hermione's hands flew back to his chest, and a fresh wave of panic knocked the wind from her
She pressed down harder, the Knit me salve forgotten through her terror as she struggled to find
the thump of his heart against her hand. He was cold, his skin was freezing against her palm. Blood
seeped from the final wound on his chest and pooled around her hands and down his body.
Hermione couldn't feel his heartbeat. Why the fuck couldn't she feel his heartbeat? Her hands
glided down his arms and wrapped around his wrist. She couldn't feel a pulse there either; nothing,
not even the faintest thump of life.
Hermione sat back, eyes on his still face as the dragon shrieked and cried behind her. Failure
seemed to seep into her blood like ice water, weighing her down and squeezing her lungs.
So, that was it then. She was going to die, right here, on the blood-soaked earth. All alone and-
No - this wasn't how she was going to die. It couldn't be, she refused to let this be the way she met
her end. She didn't go through Hogwarts, spend years searching for Horcruxes and fight in a
hundred smoke filled war zones all for it to end like this.
With a fierce determination that seemed to melt the ice in her veins, Hermione crouched over
Malfoy. She pressed the heels of her hands against his breastbone, and started to do compressions.
"Don't you die on me!" she panted with the first push on his chest. "Don't you dare die on me
Malfoy!" She pushed down harder, ignoring the blood that splashed up her arm and onto her face.
"I swear to God, if you die on me -" another compression, "- I will hunt you down -" she pressed
down harder, and felt her arms start to burn and ache with her effort, "- I will tear through the gates
of hell, just to find you and kill you myself!" She swore she felt the faintest thump of his heart
under her hand. "Do you hear me?!" She did another compression, and felt a more definitive flutter
against her palm. "You are not allowed to die!" She dug the heels of her hand in firmer, feeling a
thick bead of sweat trickle down her temple and jawline. "I forbid you from dying here!"
Black Shadow inched closer. The low whining sound she was making grew in pitch as she watched
Hermione fight to save her master.
"I said I would be the one to kill you - and I'm going to keep my promise Malfoy -"
Suddenly, Malfoy's eyes flew open. He gasped loudly and pulled in a desperate lungful of air. He
bolted to sit upright, his nose brushed against Hermione's and his lips grazed hers. The suddenness
of his action made Hermione jump, but she found herself frozen in place when she caught his eyes.
Because they were blue, the purest, most eye-catching shade of blue.
The cold, vacant quality from his Occlumency was gone, a trait she now realised must have
morphed his irises into that grey hue she saw daily. His eyes were bottomless now, an endless
ocean of blue and fuck- she'd be lying if she said they weren't the most beautiful things she'd ever
He panted in front of her, each ragged, starved gasp blasting a wave of hot air against her face and
His heart might have finally restarted, but hers had stopped beating.
Dirty little secrets
23rd February
Hermione didn't see Malfoy for days after his 'accident'. After he'd shakily dragged himself off the
blood-soaked grass, battering her hand away when she offered to help him walk, Malfoy became a
She didn't see him once, no strands of white-blonde hair dashing around the manor, or even a
glimmer of those shiny, black horns of his demon mask that he wore so proudly.
She'd expected him to take a few days off from their Legilimency sessions, heaven knew he needed
it. Legilimency wasn't just taxing on the subject, although not as severe, extensive use still took its
toll on the caster as well. With the amount of blood he'd lost, she'd expected he would give her an
extra day or two before he resumed their exercises.
The first day went by without a hiccup or complaint from Hermione. And so did the second. But
then two extra days of freedom stretched into three, then four, then five, and by the sixth day, she
started to grow anxious.
Perhaps his injuries were worse than she'd realised? What if there was internal bleeding that she
hadn't been able to stop?
No, he must have been fine. He had to be alright, because she was. She felt as strong as she ever
Weak? Maybe.
1st March
Despite Malfoy avoiding her like she was the plague, Hermione swore she could smell him
everywhere she went. Swore she could still taste the ghost of him on her tongue; blood, smoke,
earth, spearmint and fresh parchment. Unmistakable, and so undeniably Malfoy that it made her
head spin.
They haunted her more than anything else. She was couldn't stop thinking about them, those crisp,
beautiful, bottomless blue eyes were everywhere she looked, even if Malfoy himself was nowhere
to be seen.
His absence gave Hermione more free time than she knew what to do with, so she channelled her
extra energy into working on her mural. She hadn't realised her obsession had gotten so out of hand
until she'd stepped back to admire her work, and realised she'd painted a flower - a Peony - in the
exact shade of blue his eyes were. She couldn't even remember mixing the paints to find that perfe-
same shade.
She'd erased the flower with one furious swipe of white paint and stormed outside.
That was what had led her to the bench under the cherry blossom tree.
She'd been out there all morning, her face tilted towards the sky with her eyes closed while she
basked in the unexpected February sun. It had been freezing last week, and although she still had a
cardigan wrapped around her body, she found she didn't need to cling to it for warmth as much as
she had a few days ago.
Hermione listened to a group of small birds chirping somewhere nearby. She drew a deep breath,
smiling a little as the sun warmed her cheeks -
The birds stopped singing, and her face suddenly felt very, very cold.
Every muscle in her body went rigid. She didn't have to open her eyes, or hear that familiar clap of
wings to know what loomed overhead, steadily growing nearer and nearer.
And if Black Shadow was here, then Malfoy would surely be with her.
Hermione wasn't sure why the thought of seeing him again instantly made her feel on edge, or why
the prospect of seeing those impossibly blue eyes lit a small spark of something in her stomach.
Was that nervousness? Or excitement?
She kept her eyes tightly closed, and she fought the urge to clench her hands into fists as the
windfall the dragon created picked up, hurling her curls around her face. She knew that the dragon
was close, but she still couldn't help but jump when its hind legs touched the ground, and the bench
shook violently under its colossal weight.
Another tremor hit when the dragons front claws hit the earth, and Hermione's eyes snapped open
to watch the beast slowly lower her neck and shoulder to the ground.
Malfoy slid off of her back, his knees bending softly as he landed on the ground. He stayed by her
side for a moment, and ran his gloved hands across her scaled shoulder.
Hermione's heart jumped when he turned to face her. He was wearing his Death Eater robes, the
black demon mask firmly in place and covering his expression. She tried to keep her face
impassive, neutral and giving nothing away, but when Malfoy's dragon sharply turned her head
towards Hermione, her breath caught.
She lurched to her feet when Black Shadow took a slow, predatory step towards her.
The dragon bowed her head as she approached, that low grumbling sound vibrating from her chest
as her teeth lined up with Hermione's torso.
Terror crept into Hermione's bones. She held up her hands and took a step to the right, intending to
move out of Black Shadow's path, but when she tried to take another, Malfoy's hand shot up.
Hermione stared at him, watching as he quickly pulled his Demon Mask from his face and shook
his head at her, indicating she should stop. He looked just as nervous as she felt. His eyes were
narrowed, and his lips were pressed into a tight line.
The earth under Hermione's feet shook as Black Shadow stalked her. When the dragon stopped in
front of her, her panicked eyes darted to Malfoy again, pleading that he command his pet to stop,
but he just shook his head.
His gloved hand was still raised, palm still facing Hermione. “Keep still," he mouthed slowly.
“Don't move.”
Hermione held her breath, her eyes involuntarily pinching closed when the dragon moved even
The heat that radiated from her scaled body was almost stifling, it was humid and dry, like being
stood next to an open flame; a part of her wondered how Malfoy could stand to be so close to her
all the time.
Black Shadow curled her body around Hermione, her scaled cheek rested snuggly against her chest
while she nudged the witch back against her torso.
Hermione's muscles ached as she worked to lock them in place. The dragon curled herself tighter
still, almost constricting like a python - although it didn't exactly hurt, or cut off her air the way
Hermione had expected it to.
She met Malfoy's eyes again, pleading with him to stop this, to do something and not let his beast
maul her to death. He owed her. Surely saving his life - although she'd done it for entirely selfish
reasons - had earned her a more merciful death than this?
The heat continued to rise as Black Shadow pressed tighter into Hermione's body. Her hands shot
up, and she laid them against the dragons cheek and tried to push her away. Black Shadow's scales
were warm and rough under Hermione's palm, like touching a piece of coal that had jumped from
the fire minutes ago and was already cooling.
Malfoy's eyes were wide and frantic. He took a step forward, looked as though he were opening his
mouth to breathe a command at his beloved pet, but then he stopped.
Because then the dragon did something neither Hermione nor Malfoy expected.
She purred.
At first, Hermione thought she'd imagined it. She must have. The dragon was trying to crush her,
so why would she be purring? But then Black shadow did it again, the sound much more
recognisable now Hermione knew what she was listening for. She even nuzzled her warm cheek
into Hermione still open hand as she coiled her body tightly around her, and it wasn't until Malfoy's
brows shot into his hairline that Hermione realised what was happening.
The dragon wasn't trying to suffocate her, she wasn't trying to hurt her at all. She was trying, in her
own way, to comfort Hermione. She was trying to thank her for saving Malfoy's life.
Moving ridiculously slow, Hermione rubbed her palm against the dragon's head. She was sure the
creature would be able to feel how her hands shook while they petted her, but she made no effort to
move. In fact, the dragon seemed to mewl at the touch, cooing like a feline as a soft clicking sound
emitted from her throat.
It was minutes before the beast gently released Hermione and walked away. Malfoy watched as she
passed him, his eyes were thoughtful and contemplating as she found a patch of grass she liked and
curled herself into a tight ball to rest. The way she slept, with her tail curled around her body and
her snout tucked beneath one of her wings, reminded Hermione an awful lot of Crookshanks.
"You looked worried," Hermione said quietly, watching a little crease form between Malfoy's
brows. "I thought you were going to let her eat me.”
Malfoy slowly shook his head, eyes still on his dragon as she warmed her scales in the sunlight.
"She's never done that before."
"Done what?"
"That," he said, gesturing to Hermione. "Been affectionate with anyone besides me. She won't let
anyone else even touch her.”
"Deadly," Malfoy snorted. "Not even the Dark Lord can go near her. At first, I thought she just
didn't like Death Eaters but she's the same with everyone. She tolerates Astoria, but even she can't
go near my dragon without risk of losing a finger.” He shook his head again, and seemed to lose
some of his bewilderment.
Malfoy sat on Hermione's bench, and pulled a packet of cigarettes from his robes. He kept his eyes
down as he lit one and took a long drag, then tilted his head towards the sky and slowly exhaled,
fanning a thick stream of smoke into the air.
When Malfoy met her eyes again, he patted the empty space on the bench beside him, gesturing for
her to sit. She was hesitant at first, she thought it might be some sort of trick, but when he lit a
second cigarette and held it out to her, all of her restraint vanished.
She all but sprinted to the bench. She sat as far away from him as it allowed, and took the cigarette
with greedy fingers.
Malfoy was silent as she took the first drag, but she could feel his eyes on her. She mirrored him,
tilting her head towards the sky as she held the smoke in her lungs. It burned beautifully, better
than she remembered, she almost didn't want to let it go. She moaned quietly as she released the
smoke from her mouth, and she thought - although she wasn't entirely sure - she saw Malfoy's
tongue dart out to wet his lips when she did. She was half-drunk on that first intoxicating, mouth-
watering lungful of nicotine though, so she couldn't be sure.
Hermione closed her eyes and took another deep drag, relishing in her long missed addiction. The
bud was halfway to expiring before she could tear her attention away from it enough to speak
again. "How are your wounds?"
There was a few seconds of silence before he answered. "They're fine." He cleared his throat, and
Hermione swore he sounded uncomfortable. Maybe even nervous. "Thank you... for what you did.”
Hermione nodded and brought the butt to her lips again. She didn't open her eyes to check, but she
swore she could still feel his stare burning into the side of her face.
It ended all too quickly. Just as that buzz started to form around her temples, the butt expired.
Hermione tried not to be too disappointed, tried to keep the dismay off her face as she dropped the
nub to the floor and crushed it under her boot.
She started to tap her foot to the gravel, agitated. She needed something to distract her, something
to stop her thinking about the dark wizard still smoking beside her. Now she didn't have her own
smoke cloud to shield her, she started to become acutely aware of Malfoy. Of how close he was to
her, and the way he smelled. Earth. Smoke. Spearmint. Fresh parchment.
"Do you get injured on the field a lot?" she found herself asking, wasn't sure why.
She heard him snort, saw a wave of grey smoke come billowing out of his mouth out the corner of
her eye. "It's not something I make a habit of, no.”
Seeing through her pathetic need for a distraction, Malfoy continued. "I've not had an injury on the
battlefield for a long time, especially when I'm with my dragon.” He paused to take another drag.
He only held it in for a second before he spoke again. "She always protects me and I'm usually
quick enough to cast shields or deflect those nasty bullets your muggle friends use.”
Hermione nodded again and found herself shuffling a little closer to him, trying to inhale sneaky
pockets of second-hand smoke.
"The mission was going very well,” he went on, "but I knew something was wrong the second I
looked at those soldiers. The guns were different, the bullets even more so. No matter what charm
I cast, they refused to be manipulated. They just came barrelling towards us and there was nothing
I could do to stop them.”
A thought suddenly struck Hermione. She twisted to face him, lifted her legs onto the bench, and
crossed them before she asked, "How were the guns different?"
Malfoy quirked a brow when he noticed her change in posture, and how close she was sitting to
him. Her bent knee was almost touching his hip. "They were larger, and seemed to be made of a
different type of metal.”
Hermione nodded. She subconsciously bit her lip to keep from saying more, although she instantly
released it, Malfoy noticed, and seemed to catch on that she was holding something back. She
could almost see the gears turning in his head, and his lips twitched when he realised. “The bullets
and guns were charmed.”
Hermione said nothing, she didn't need to. The bewildered look on his face was reward enough on
its own.
His eyes flickered as he stared at her. Although they were mostly eclipsed with grey, there were
tiny flecks of blue around his pupils. "I take it that it was your handy work?"
Hermione fought to keep the grin off her face. "Just something I was working on before you
snatched me away.”
He carried on looking at her for a few more moments, almost like he couldn't stop himself, and
then he laughed. A real, authentic laugh; quiet and breathy. One that made his eyes crinkle at the
sides and a little flush colour his cheeks. "If that isn't karma, I don't know what is." He shook his
head, still laughing. "My first serious injury on the battlefield in almost two years, and it was
somehow your doing.”
Hermione couldn't help but chuckle with him, even if it was only for a few seconds.
"Fuck me- even locked away and held hostage, you still manage to be a pain in the arse on the
battlefield. How is that even possible, Granger?"
Before Hermione could answer, a huffing sound caught her attention. The noise came from the
dragon. She had one eye open, and was growling while Quinzel started to replenish the grass she'd
dug up with her landing, muttering and stomping her tiny feet while she worked.
"Your dragon really is beautiful,” Hermione found herself admitting. "I've never really taken the
time to look at her before. I suppose it's harder to truly appreciate how beautiful something is when
you're terrified of it.”
Malfoy didn't say anything, just rested his arm across the back of the bench and twisted back to
face his dragon.
"I must admit, I'm embarrassed to say I don't know much about dragons.”
"Something you don't know?" Malfoy asked sarcastically. "There's a sentence I never thought I'd
"Scandinavian Firehorn. She's the last one, as far as I'm aware," he said, and his eyes softened
fondly as he looked at his dragon. "They were a deadly race, which is why the Vikings bred and
raised them. Astonishingly fast. Almost indestructible once they're fully grown. They were
considered to be the most intelligent of all dragon species.” His voice was so low and soft as he
spoke about her, much gentler than Hermione had ever heard it.
Although she was dying to ask him questions, dying to dip her toe in and learn, she resisted. She
didn't want to interrupt him.
"They're a very stubborn species, so stubborn that it almost led to their extinction.” The butt he'd
been nursing finally expired, and he crushed it under his boot before he continued. "When they
hatch, they pair themselves with a single rider for life. As I said, they were bred from Vikings. All
they know is strength and power, they're drawn to it. So naturally, they only want to pair
themselves with the strongest warriors.”
Hermione nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense, it's like a survival instinct. Natural selection.
Strength attracts strength.”
Malfoy nodded. "Exactly. However, when they can't find the strength they're looking for, the eggs
go dormant. Her egg had been in my family for around four hundred years. Everyone thought it had
died long ago, so it sort of became a family heirloom.” He started to twist one of the silver rings he
wore, the one with the Malfoy family crest on his index finger. "My mother always insisted the egg
was still alive, just sleeping, waiting for the right warrior to pair with.” He chuckled quietly. “She
used to tell me bedtime stories every night about dragons and flying. Father hated it, of course.
Said she was filling my head with nonsense and fairy tales and distracting me from school.” He
changed rings, alternated to twisting the smallest one on his pinkie finger. "She would never let me
touch the egg though. Always insisted that I leave it alone. She even put it on the highest shelf in
the manor so I couldn't get to it. Just before she passed, she told me it was time and that I was
Malfoy paused, and tilted his head to look at Hermione. When he saw that she was still listening
with fascination probably burning in her eyes, he carried on.
“So, after they ...died, I went straight to the egg. As soon as I touched it - I felt my magic seep into
it. It was like she was testing me, checking to see if I was strong enough. Seconds later, she
Hermione didn't know how to respond to that, so she didn't. She just watched as the dragon slowly
settled down to sleep again, her thoughts filled with a blue eyed child franticly stretching to snatch
a dragon egg that was just out of his reach.
As the seconds ticked by, she felt her agitation start to spark back to life. She clenched her hands
into fists and began tapping her foot again.
Malfoy stirred beside her, and when she looked at him, he was holding another cigarette out
towards her, already lit.
She moved to snatch it, but before her fingers found their purchase, he pulled his hand away and
held the cigarette just out of her reach.
"I'll give you this," he said slowly, eyes on hers. His voice was soft and velvety, it gave her goose
bumps. "If you answer one question.”
Her expression twisted into something nasty without her permission, it was probably a reflex at this
point. "It's not like I had a choice," she spat, a little harsher than she meant to. "If I would have let
you die, then I would have died too.”
Malfoy stared at her for a few moments, and Hermione found herself unable to look away.
Although his eyes were mostly grey, a small sliver of that ocean blue was clinging around the
edges. It was only a small thing, something she might have missed if she weren't looking at him so
Malfoy rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, then drew a deep breath. He closed his eyes,
and when he opened them again seconds later, the tiny glint of blue was gone. His Occlumency
walls were high and secure.
He wordlessly handed her the cigarette, despite her answer clearly not being the one he wanted,
then leaned back on the bench, as far away as the small space allowed, and stared at his dragon.
"I thought about it, about letting you die.” Hermione wasn't sure if it was a lie or the truth at this
point. "There was a second when you were lying there, bleeding out and so fucking close to death,
that I realised I could. I could have just stepped back and let it happen.”
"It's not as though you don't deserve it. You've earned a death like that a thousand times over.”
Malfoy sharply turned his head to look at her from over his shoulder. "What's a Black Shadow?"
"That's the name the Order gave your dragon," she clarified, figuring it wasn't damaging to reveal
that tiny facet of information. "Black Shadow.”
Something flashed behind Malfoy's eyes again, some minuscule emotion that Hermione couldn't
place burned around the edges before it quickly diminished. He looked back toward the beast in
question, and his expression abruptly grew closed off. He drew a deep breath, then sighed, "It's
"Her name." Malfoy jutted his chin toward the sleeping beast. "My dragon's name is Narcissa.”
2nd March
A noise jolted Hermione out of her trance. A strange, gargling noise, like someone was choking or
drowning. She whirled around, still holding a steaming cup of tea in her hand, and scanned the dark
hallway behind her.
There was very little light at this time of night. Or was it the early hours of the morning? She had
no way of knowing really, the walls were empty of clocks.
Hermione strained her eyes, trying to use the streaks of silver moonlight seeping through the gaps
in the curtains to catch the outline of someone stalking behind her, but there was no one there. As
far as she could tell, she was alone.
The hallway was quiet for several long minutes, and every muscle in Hermione's body tensed as
she listened for the foreign noise. She was just about to give up and return to her room - like she'd
been intending to - when she heard it again. It was louder the second time, more frantic and
wheezing, like the subject was struggling to breathe.
Hermione's instincts screamed at her to turn around, sprint back to her room and lock the door
behind her. There was a little safety in her cage. The person that was making that strange noise
couldn't attack her by surprise. At least she'd be able to see them coming.
She thought about it, she really did. For about three seconds.
Then she set her mug down on a nearby window ledge, and quietly walked towards the sound.
It lead her to a small washroom on the ground floor of the estate. She supposed it was small in
comparison to the others in the manor; Hermione assumed it was a guest bathroom that'd been used
for gala's and events when Malfoy's mother used to entertain.
Despite its smaller size, it was no less grand. It still had the same wildly expensive-looking
furnishings, the taps were sterling silver and polished to perfection just like everything else on the
estate, and the same black marble tiles lined the floor and walls.
As Hermione peered around the corner and into the small-ish washroom, she saw a mess of blonde
hair crouched over the toilet.
Astoria was on her hands and knees and had her back facing Hermione. Her fingers were curled
around the base of the toilet while she vomited into the bowl. Blaise was crouched protectively
behind her, one of his hands rubbed circles into her back while the other fisted her hair to kept it
out of her face.
Astoria's spine curled as another gargled wretch was torn from her throat.
"It's alright darling," Blaise's caresses moved to his wife's shoulders, offering reassuring squeezes
while she jerked and vomited. "It's alright. Breathe darling. Breathe.”
Astoria sucked in a desperate breath and started to choke. She sounded breathless, like she couldn't
pull air into her lungs no matter how hard she tried. When her shoulders shook violently, Blaise
swiftly removed his deep emerald tailored jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.
Hermione watched, fascinated - again - as Blaise fussed over Astoria. He was so delicate with her,
every touch was tentative and gentle, like the slightest pressure might shatter his beloved wife. His
expression hardened when Astoria started to heave again. His mouth twisted down at the corners,
and he winced when she started to whimper in pain.
When Astoria was done, she leaned back and Blaise was all too quick to gather her up in his arms.
He leaned on the wall facing the door Hermione was watching from and dragged Astoria with him.
He pulled her tightly against his chest, one hand cradled her small face while the other wrapped
around her waist and hugged her tighter still. He placed kiss after kiss against her clammy
forehead, whispering promises and affection that Hermione couldn't quite hear as Astoria shook
against him.
Astoria twisted to face the doorway, allowing Hermione to see the mess on her face. Astoria's chin
and jaw were covered in blood; thick, striking crimson that pooled around the edges of her mouth,
and dripped down her chin and across her jaw.
Astoria wasn't just vomiting. She was vomiting blood. A lot of it.
Hermione started to retreat, meaning to give the couple some much-needed privacy, but on the
second step, she found a loose floorboard, and it creaked loudly under her weight.
Astoria and Blaise's eyes snapped up instantly. The second they locked on Hermione - when they
realised what she must have seen - Blaise lurched to his feet. The expression on his face could
only be described as murderous. His lips were pulled back to expose his teeth, and fury blazed in
his brown eyes. He looked ferocious, homicidal.
Hermione ran. She barely made it to the other side of the hallway before Blaise caught her. He
grabbed her shoulder in a punishing grip, flipped her around to face him, and threw her against the
wall. One of his hands pinned her there while the other reached for his wand.
Hermione pounded her fists against Zabini's arms as she fought to free herself, but when Blaise
jolted her again, causing her head to smack against the wall behind her, a buzzing formed between
her ears, and everything seemed to fade out of focus.
She was faintly aware of a set of screams that weren't hers, of heels clattering against the wooden
floor, and frantic pleas for Blaise to put Hermione down - but she couldn't hear them over the
pounding of blood in her ears. She knew Blaise was snarling in front of her, knew his eyes glowed,
furious but frantic, as he pinned her against the wall - but she was dizzy and her head was
swimming, so she struggled to focus on it.
She felt something thin and pointed press against her forehead, right between her eyes, but before
Zabini could utter whatever incantation he'd thought to punish her with, something stopped him.
Although the solid grip that pinned her to the wall didn't diminish, the room slowly started to come
back into focus, and so did the voices.
"Blaise!” Astoria screamed. As Hermione's vision cleared, she could see that the blonde was trying
to wedge herself between Hermione and her husband, and her hands were high in the air, trying to
snatch his wand away. "Leave her alone!"
"She's seen too much, Tori,” Blaise snarled back, digging his wand a little harder against
Hermione's skin. "She can't remember this!"
Hermione felt a tingling sensation at the point Blaise's wand met her skin, evidence of magic
gathering. A spell was forming -
"NO!” Astoria jumped, and managed to grab Blaise's wand. She fought with him to lower it. "No,
don’t hurt her! You don't need to do that!"
"Yes, I do," Blaise hissed. Although his arms were tense and straining, Hermione got the
impression his wife's strength was nothing compared to his own. He was trying to appease her,
probably didn't want to wrestle her away and risk hurting her already fragile frame. "Anyone could
search her mind. The Dark Lord, Rodolphus, Barty! If she shows them what she just saw-"
"She won't!" Astoria pleaded, voice high and frantic. "I know she won't! If she understands the
consequences, she'll lock it away as tightly as her other memories!"
Blaise brought his wand back toward Hermione's temples. "I can't take that risk, she's a
Mudblood, she can't be trusted!"
"Yes, she can!" Astoria jumped again, curled her hands around her husband's bicep, and used her
body weight to drag his arm down and away from Hermione's forehead. "Just let me explain it to
Blaise took a deep breath through his nose. His nostrils flared as he stared down at his wife.
"Please," Astoria added softly. She cupped his face between both her hands, and stroked her
thumbs across his cheekbones. "Please, let me speak to her. If she knows what's going on, she
won't show anyone. She will keep our secret, I know she will.”
Blaise's eyes flittered back to Hermione, and she braced herself for a punch, a hex, a spell,
anything. To her surprise, he released her.
"Meet us in the small sitting room in thirty minutes, the one opposite the drawing-room," Blaise
muttered as he turned and started guiding his wife away. "I trust you know the way?"
Astoria sat in the corner of a dark leather sofa that occupied most of the room, as close to the
roaring fireplace as she could without getting burned. The embers cast interesting shapes on her
delicate features, exaggerating the deep hollow rings under her eyes and the very sharp angle of her
cheek. If anything, they made Astoria look more delicate, fragile.
Although Astoria was close to the warmth and wearing a thick robe, Blaise wrapped blanket after
blanket around her, clearly not taking any chances. He threw one around her shoulders, tucked
another underneath her thighs like she was a child, and when he tried to wrap another - even fluffier
- throw around her shoulders, Astoria swatted him away with an irritated look on her face. Her
expression relaxed when she noticed Hermione in the entrance, and she smiled sweetly while
Blaise passed her a steaming mug.
Astoria sniffed the mug, then screwed her face up in disgust. "What's this?"
Astoria raised her hand to silence him; her ring sparkled as it caught the light of the fire. Why
hadn't Hermione ever noticed that the band looked too big for her finger? She was sure it didn't
look like that days ago.
"Take it away," Astoria bit, pushing the offending mug back into her husband's hands. "And don't
return until you've brought me and Hermione something proper to drink.”
Blaise stared down at Astoria for a few seconds. He pressed his lips into a tight line, sighed, and
then nodded.
Hermione stepped into the room, but as she passed Zabini on his exit, he grabbed her arm and
pinned her in place.
He leered down at her, nostrils flaring and eyes burning. "Make no mistake Mudblood, if you so
much as utter a word about this to anyone who doesn't live in this house, I will end you.”
"My wife means more to me than anything. She is my life, my very reason for existing. If you do
anything, anything at all that may cause her harm or risk exposing her condition, I will kill you.”
He leaned in and dug his nails into her skin, elaborating his threat. "I do not care that the Dark
Lord has deemed you valuable. If you betray her trust, if anything happens to her, I will torture you
in ways even the devil couldn't imagine.”
"Yes," she answered quickly, and when Blaise released her and stalked out of the room, she
released a long, shaky breath.
Astoria smiled and patted the empty space on the sofa beside her.
Hermione hesitated, but when Astoria peeled back one of the blankets and shuffled to make more
room, she found herself moving.
Astoria draped the blanket over Hermione's knees the moment she was seated. "It's funny, isn't it?"
the blonde asked quietly, staring at the doorway her husband had disappeared in. "How a Gold
Mask, one of Voldemort's most lethal killers, could be bossed around by someone as small and
breakable as me?"
Hermione found herself smiling back at Astoria, she couldn't help it. Astoria just seemed to have
that effect on everyone, her warmth always seemed to melt the cold and hostility of anyone around
her. "He adores you.”
Astoria's eyes travelled down to her hands, and she picked at her nails while she spoke. "I feel
awful really that he has to put up with me, that he has to clean up my messes and take care of me
the way he does. Of course, he does it without complaint. He's been cleaning up messes his whole
life, I think it's just second nature to him now.”
Astoria looked up. "Do you know much about the Zabini family?"
Before Hermione could answer, Blaise returned with a bottle of red wine and two glasses. He
unscrewed the cork, then set the glasses and bottle down on the coffee table, making sure the one
with the crack at the bottom was in front of Hermione.
Blaise didn't leave immediately. He shuffled his weight on either foot, straightened the already
perfectly symmetrical pictures on the walls, and fidgeted with the trinkets that were laid above the
When Blaise realised Astoria wasn't going to speak until he left, he huffed, placed a lingering kiss
on her forehead, and slowly exited the room.
Astoria rolled her eyes, and repaired the crack in Hermione's wine glass with a simple flick of her
wand. "You'll need to excuse him. He was brought up to detest Muggleborns-"
Astoria carefully filled both glasses and handed one to Hermione, taking two long, healthy sips of
her own before she said, "Blaise had a.... complicated upbringing. His father died when he was
very young, and his mother was an incredibly beautiful woman who ... married well. Seven times,
to be exact.”
Hermione stayed quiet, watching Astoria from over the top of her glass while she took the first sip
of her wine. It tasted fantastic; fruity and earthy. She could tell straight away that it must have been
"In public, she adored all her husbands, doted on them and gave them all much more affection than
she ever did Blaise. In private, well, no one besides Blaise really knows - and he won't talk about it.
But, the one thing everyone does know, is that each of her husbands died suddenly and in strange
"There was never any evidence of foul play, but they were all childless and incessantly wealthy,
and his mother inherited every sickle after their deaths.”
Hermione wondered why Astoria was telling her any of this, why she felt it important to reveal all
these incredibly personal details of her husband's life.
"You see," Astoria continued, shuffling closer to Hermione and resting her free arm across the
back of the sofa, "Blaise was brought up to believe that blood is power. His mother married those
wizards because of their blood status and the rewards their blood could grant her upon their death.
He was taught that blood doesn't just establish status, he was taught that blood is currency, and
worth a thousand times its weight in gold. He thought that the purer ones blood, the healthier they
were, and therefore purer bloodlines were simply better and superior to others. He honestly
believed that Muggleborn's blood was actually dirty and that it made them weak. It's why my
condition affects him so, because for a long time, he couldn't understand it.”
Hermione sipped her wine, needing to do something to stop her from reaching out and comforting
the witch beside her.
"It doesn't matter that my family are one of the sacred twenty-eight and that my blood is
astonishingly 'pure'. None of that matters, I'm still ill. No amount of gold or blood purity will
change what's wrong with me. He can't fix me, and it kills him.” Astoria's eyes glistened as she
spoke. Her voice grew hoarse, Hermione thought she might be willing herself not to cry. "I have a
blood curse," she continued. "It's hereditary and incurable. There's nothing to be done about it.”
"I probably won't make it to fifty- and that's fine," Astoria added quickly. "I've made my peace
with it, sort of.”
How was this fair? How was any of this fair? Astoria hadn't done anything wrong. She hadn't killed
anyone. She looked as though she wouldn't hurt a fly. How was it that someone so sweet and kind
was destined to suffer this way, yet someone like Voldemort, who wanted nothing but death and
cruelty and suffering of others, was allowed to live without aliment?
"But it's the reason all the boys fuss and hover around me. Why they treat me like I'm made of
glass.” Astoria paused to take a sip of her wine, and waited patiently for Hermione to do the same,
as if Hermione needed the comfort as much as she did. "Blaise and I have been researching for
years, and there are potions that help mask my symptoms.”
Everything started to click into place for Hermione. The potions storage building that Blaise and
Astoria seemed to spend hours and hours in. The strange smelling elixirs they brewed daily that
Hermione couldn't quite place.
"I have good days and bad days," Astoria continued in a quiet voice. "Today was a particularly bad
one. Most of the time you wouldn't know anything is wrong with me, but when my condition flares
up, it makes me weak. Honestly, some days I struggle to get out of bed, but I always insist on going
for a walk outside. Daphne always used to say the best medicine was a walk and fresh air, and
sometimes I think she was right.”
The way the men escorted Astoria around the estate daily, always holding onto her so tightly, like
she might shatter if she were to fall. The way Malfoy always insisted on helping her up from her
chair or taking her hand as he led her up a flight of stairs. They were doing these things because
Astoria was weak - because she was dying.
Astoria leaned forward and caught Hermione's hand. "But please, please Hermione, you can't tell
or share this with anyone."
Hermione opened her mouth to respond, to soothe, to offer reassurance, but she couldn't speak. Her
throat was too tight, the lump there too large to force any words out.
"If the Dark Lord finds out about my condition, he'll kill me.” Astoria squeezed Hermione's hand
tightly, pleading. "He values vitality and strength above all else. My condition is everything he
despises. He'll think that I'm tainted, that I'm poisonous." Tears slipped from the corners of her
eyes. "He'll kill me and Blaise right on the spot. Probably torture Theodore and Draco too for
helping keep it a secret.”
"I... I won't say anything," Hermione breathed, her voice was thick and quiet. She felt her chest
tighten painfully as she stared into the blonde's eyes. "I promise, I won't say a word.”
Astoria's smile returned. She closed her eyes, relieved. "Thank you. I knew I could trust you.”
Hermione's mind started to race, working backwards on everything she knew about blood curses,
hereditary conditions that caused blood loss and debilitation as severe as Astoria's, and came up
blank. She couldn't recall a single herb that might soothe Astoria's pain, or a spell that could ease
her symptoms further. It made Hermione feel more useless than she had in years.
"I'm ... I'm so sorry Astoria," Hermione whispered. "I... don't know what to say.”
Astoria wiped her face with the back of her hand. "You don't have to say anything. I made my
peace with it a long time ago, but the boys... they still struggle. After what happened to Daphne,
Draco swore he would do everything he could to protect me, to protect us all. We're more than just
a group of friends that live together, we're a family.”
Still unable to find the words, Hermione showed her sympathy the only way she could think of.
She kept her hand tightly clasped around Astoria's and offered small, reassuring squeezes as fresh
tears began to gather in Astoria's eyes.
"I know Draco has done awful things since the start of the war," Astoria said quietly. "He's
sacrificed so much for us. He thinks he's damned himself straight to hell and that he doesn't have a
soul anymore, but I don't believe that. Everything he's done has been to protect us. He lost one
family, he refuses to lose another." Astoria closed her eyes and her hand tightened around
Hermione's, she released a slow and shaky breath, and when she looked at Hermione again, her
expression was nothing short of heartbroken. "He may be a demon by name, but I refuse to believe
that a man who tore off his wings, only to use them as a shield to protect his family, could ever
truly be soulless.”
A Weasley, not a Potter
4th March
"We will,” Kingsley sighed. "Potter, I promise we will. It won't be much longer-"
"It's been months!" Harry shouted. "We should have found her by now!"
"I know,” Kingsley sighed again, trying to mask his growing irritation. "Please, calm down.”
But Harry was not in the mood to cam down. He was seething. "We've wasted too much time! If
she's alive, Voldemort would have used her draw me out by now!"
"Because she's too valuable to kill,” Kingsley answered simply. His tone was cold and detached, as
if he were talking about an obscure item or a missing wand and not a person. Not Harry's best
Kingsley nodded once. "They'd be fools to kill her, and they know that. Make no mistake, they've
probably tortured her in every way possible,” Kingsley carried on despite Harry's wince. "But I
have every confidence that she's alive.”
There was a long, strained silence between them. Harry knew it was silly to get upset. He knew
that Kingsley could be trusted, and that he was doing everything he could, but he couldn't help it.
He was angry and on edge. Although his life had never gone the way he'd expected it to, he always
felt in control. Always had an unwavering belief that everything would be alright, and that good
would prevail in the end.
But since Hermione had been taken, he'd felt lost and frayed. As though his life was a tight,
closely-knit ball and her capture had pulled a thread and caused everything to unravel. It felt a lot
like in his fifth year at Hogwarts, when he'd been alone, terrified and plagued with scathing voices
that told him he was useless while the world went to shit around him.
If he didn't have Ginny or his children, he swore he would have lost his sanity by now.
"We need to find her Kingsley," Harry said. "She can't be a prisoner for them any longer- she just
"WE'RE NOT DOING ENOUGH!" Harry started to pace Kingsley office. He kicked a nearby
chair and sent it careening into the wall. "I should be out there right now!"
"I can assure you, I am doing everything I can. Granger is imperative to our victory, we've lost
countless soldiers since her capture, and we cannot afford to lose an asset as lethal-"
Harry stopped his pacing and glared at his superior. "Don't do that!"
"Talk about her like all she is is a soldier! She's a person! She's my best friend, and we need to get
her back!" He took this fresh wave of rage out on a cupboard, leaving a boot sized dent in the oak.
Kingsley tensed in his chair. "Potter, I won't tell you again - calm down. We sent scouts out this
morning to round up hostages that we can interrogate-"
A glint appeared in Harry's eyes. "When did they leave? Where are they?! I'll go help-"
Kingsley raised his hand sharply, palm facing Harry and squishing his hope as quickly as it had
sprung to life. "I'm still waiting for a report. Our scouts often don't come back at all, or only pieces
of them do," he said, calm and composed, as he always was. "We need to proceed with caution.”
"How long have they been gone?" Harry bit, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
Kingsley drew a deep breath, considering. It felt like a lifetime before he released it and finally
answered, "We're approaching sixteen hours.”
Harry's stomach dropped, dread washed over him like a tidal wave. "Who?" he asked, and when
Kingsley didn't answer, Harry's voice grew borderline venomous. "Who. Went. On. The.
Harry felt like the floor had vanished beneath him. He felt sick, dizzy. Ron had gone on a mission.
He'd gone outside.
Ron didn't go on missions anymore. He'd hardly left the base since Bill's death, not that Harry
blamed him. Fred's death had splintered something in Ron, and then seeing Bill torn to pieces from
a dark curse Bellatrix had cast, right in front of him - well, it had finished the job. It had cracked
him open and let everything that made Ron - Ron, pour out of him until he was empty. A shell. He
hadn't been the same since. He was terrified of everything, every loud bang and scream of wind left
him on edge and picking at the skin around his nails until it was bleeding and raw.
If Ron had gone outside willingly, then he must have been just as mindless with fear for
Hermione's safety as Harry was.
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. "Have you heard anything from them since they left?"
"Unfortunately not," Kingsley answered all too quickly. "But radio silence was encouraged on this
mission. We didn't want to risk the opposition intercepting any of our transmissions and exposing
Sixteen hours. Sixteen hours on a mission outside of the base. It was far, far too long. They should
have been back by now.
Harry should have been with them. What good was being the 'Chosen One' if he never left the
base, if he just stayed back and let everyone else take risks while he remained safely behind the
wards and protection barriers they'd set up? He should be leading the missions, a wand in one hand
and a rifle in the other, just like everyone else!
Harry couldn't stand still. Couldn't stay within these concrete walls any longer. He needed to be out
there, side by side with Ron and looking for Hermione.
Harry whirled around and stormed towards the exit, but before he could reach the doors, they flew
closed, and a set of metal chains appeared and wrapped themselves around the brass handles like a
pair of snakes, sealing him inside. He spun to face Kingsley. His expression twisted with the rage
he felt clawing at his chest. "You think that will stop me?!"
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to go out on the field Harry," Kingsley said calmly, eyeing Harry from
over his desk. "You're too valuable. You can't leave this base."
"No, what we need is to keep you safe.” Kingsley sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I
understand your urgency to rescue Grang-"
"My apologies," Kingsley corrected himself, even though he looked very reluctant to do so. "I
understand your urgency to rescue Hermione, but you are our priority.”
"I can't just sit here and watch anymore!" Harry loosened the collar of his shirt as he felt that
almost forgotten bite of anger claw higher through his body. He hadn't felt this angry in years,
couldn't remember a time he'd truly wanted to lash out and hit something. "Hermione was captured
because of me! If I was on the field, she would have had more support!" He started pacing again,
and when a piece of furniture dared to cross his path, he kicked it viciously. "If I was on the field,
things might have gone differently-"
"Or they might have gone worse," Kingsley interrupted. He gestured for Harry to take the seat on
the other side of his desk when he caught his eye. Harry pretended he hadn't seen and carried on
pacing. "If you were on the field, you might have been captured as well, and then where would we
"Yes, I do," Kingsley said. Despite Harry's rudeness, his tone was just as soft and calming as it had
been when Harry had barged into his office a few minutes earlier. "Believe it or not, I was chosen
to be the leader of this force after Dumbledore's death for a reason. I know you don't always think
so, but I know what I am doing Harry. Just be patient, I have faith this will all work out.”
Harry kicked the swivel chair on the other side of the desk. It hurt his foot, but rather than yelp in
pain, he continued marching the circle he'd created.
"Hermione was vital to morale. She was -is-" Kingsley corrected when Harry's lip started to curl
with anger, "our chief strategist and most lethal general. We haven't won a single battle since her
capture, and I'm afraid the rest of the soldiers are losing confidence. Her capture has left ripples
throughout the ranks, and no one feels much like fighting when they think we don't have a chance
of winning. If we were to lose you as well Harry, I fear our troops' spirit will be snuffed out for
Harry slumped down into one of the chairs he'd abused. He dropped his face into his hands, feeling
his anger start to diminish, only to be replaced by that dreaded sense of failure. That hollow, cold,
heavy feeling in his chest that always made him want to curl into a ball and scream. "I just feel
so.... guilty," Harry said, voice muffled into his hands. "I feel like I've failed her.”
Kingsley didn't respond, probably knew he didn't need to. He knew Harry well enough to know
that if he kept his mouth shut, Harry would continue without prompt, sometimes he couldn't help
"Hermione was always there for us,” he whispered. He felt broken, like a piece of himself had been
snatched away, a piece he didn't realise was so important to him until it was gone. "She always
knew exactly what to do. Always had a hundred contingency plans to get us out of any trouble we
might find ourselves in before we'd even found it.”
"She was always there for me. Always.” Harry's entire body trembled as he forced himself to sit up
straight so he could look Kingsley in the eyes. He needed Kingsley to understand, if he could just
see how important Hermione was, he might let him to go and help search for her. "She was always
ready to help and do whatever was necessary, sacrificed whatever she needed to sacrifice for the
greater good.” Harry couldn't help the way his voice broke. "I mean, fuck - she Obliviated her
parents, her only family, so she could come and help me look for Horcruxes.”
Kingsley's stare was as empty as his eyes. He showed no signs of concern for Harry's distress, or
that he agreed that Hermione was kind and brave. In fact, if their eyes weren't connected, Harry
wouldn't have believed that Kingsley was listening to him at all.
"She does everything for everyone else," Harry said, "she never asks for anything in return, and
now she's out there, all alone and thinking we've abandoned her. God knows what they're doing to
her, and I'm just sat here-"
Kingsley raised his wand toward the door, looking at Harry sternly. "I trust I don't have to worry
about you running off into battle as soon as I banish these chains?"
With a wave of Kingsley's wand, the chains evaporated into a thin sheen of smoke. When the door
creaked open, a small girl with bright red hair and twinkling green eyes came bounding into the
"Daaaaaaaddy!" the five-year-old squealed as she jumped onto Harry's lap and wrapped her arms
around his neck. "Found auntie Mione yet?"
"Not yet darling," Harry wheezed as his daughter's death grip began to cut off his air. For
something so small and precious, she was freakishly strong - a trait she'd undeniably inherited from
her mother. "We're working on it.”
Rose loosened her grip and leaned back to stare at her father, her green eyes burning with
questions. "Why not?" she demanded. Harry intended to respond, but his daughter cut him off -
another trait she'd inherited from her mother. "You said her mission would be over sooooon.
Soooon is supposed to be close, not faaaaar away.” She leaned forward and pressed her forehead
against his, her long lashes brushed against his with each inquisitive blink, trying to stare him down
"Rose?" Ginny called from the hallway, her voice high and a little frantic.
"It's alright Ginny. I've got her!” Harry called. "We're in Kingsley's office!"
Ginny Potter walked into the room a few seconds later, with Roses twin brother Fred and their
youngest child Severus. Severus was resting on her hip with his arms curled tightly around her
neck, while Fred fiddled with a small piece grey of metal that Harry was sure he was most
definitely not supposed to have.
One thing Harry had always known for certain, was that the names he and his wife had given their
children were perfect.
Fred, despite having Harry's green eyes and Ginny's flaming red hair, was the absolute
reincarnation of the uncle he'd been named after. Although not as confident as his sister, he was
mischievous, sneaky, and rather clever when he applied himself. Although Rose and Fred were a
Potter in name, the Weasley blood ran just a little stronger in their veins, and he loved them all the
more for it. Their uncle Fred would have adored them.
The youngest of their brood, three-year-old Severus, could not have been more different to the
twins. Severus's hair was a much darker shade of red, and he had Ginny's eyes rather than Harry's.
He was very quiet in comparison to his brother and sister, he preferred to play alone or listen to his
mother read to him rather than cause mischief like the twins did.
Rose's eyes lit up when she noticed what Fred was playing with, and she summoned him over by
urgently waving her small hands. Once he was close, they started whispering to one another
immediately, no doubt plotting in the secret language they created when they were two-years-old.
They really were the next generation of Fred and George Weasley, heaven only knew what trouble
they would get up to when they were older.
"Kingsley!" Ron shouted as he limped into the office seconds later. His face was covered in ash
and dirt, and there were blotches of blood scattered over his shirt. Harry wasn't sure if it was his or
someone else's - didn't dare ask in front of his children.
When Ginny caught sight of her brother, the blood between his fingers and the crazed, frantic look
in his eyes, she scooped Fred up in her arms and rested him on her other hip. Harry kept his arms
securely around Rose.
"You need to see this!" Ron panted. He strode past Harry, Ginny and the children like he didn't see
them, and slammed both of his hands on Kingsley's desk. "We were out near Essex, and you need
to see what we found!"
"Did ... did you go outside the perimeters I set up?!" Kingsley asked, the calmness in his suddenly
voice gone.
"How dare you disobey a direct order!" Kingsley rose from his desk, his face twisting into an
angry scowl. "I specifically said that no one is go beyond the boundaries, even for this mission! It's
too risky and-"
"You can't expect me to just sit here and do nothing while Hermione is out there!" Ron bellowed
back, tone stronger than Harry had heard it in years. "We've done it your way for months! I've sat
here, listening to your orders-"
"Ron!" Ginny hissed, silently motioning to the quivering children on her hips. They'd never seen
their sweet uncle Ron like this. Severus looked as though he were about to cry, and Fred stared
with wide and terrified eyes.
Rose, however, was smiling. Although she'd nested herself safely into the space against her father's
neck, her head securely tucked under his chin, she was beaming with curiosity as she watched her
uncle scream and shout.
"I cannot believe that you would disobey me like this!" Kingsley went on. "You have no idea of
the dangers you've put the people of this base in-"
"Oh give it a rest, would ya?!" Ron leaned in and glared right back at Kingsley, refusing to be
intimidated. "If you would just listen to what I'm saying, you'll see that-"
While Kingsley and Ron argued, Seamus and Terry boot shuffled into the holding a curious-
looking charred box between them, both as cruised and battle worn as Ron. They sat the box down
on Kingsley's desk, and took a cautious step back.
"We found it outside of a destroyed children's hospital," Ron said, watching Shacklebolt closely.
"It's from them.”
"It's alright, it's not a bomb," Ron said quickly. "We checked it for every trap we could think of
before we brought it here. It's safe." He kept his eyes on Kingsley as he slowly pushed the box
towards him. "But you're going to want to look at what's inside.”
Rose leaned out of Harry's arms and towards the box, undeniable curiosity burning into the green
of her eyes as she tried to get a glimpse of what was inside. Harry's arms tightened around her, and
he guided her gently back towards his chest. "But dad-" she started to whine, wiggling in his hold
and squirming to be free.
"No," Harry said sternly. "You can stay here with me, but you need to behave. Alright?"
The toddler scowled at him. "Okay," she huffed, pouting as she folded her tiny arms across her
chest. If Harry weren't so nervous about what was inside the box, he would have found her
expression hilarious.
Kingsley released an irritated breath, then placed his hands on the lid. He didn't break eye contact
with Ron as she slowly lifted the top, making sure Ron knew how much trouble he was going to be
in after this, but when he finally lowered his eyes and looked inside, he gasped and jumped back.
His hand flew to his mouth, and his shoulders lurched as though he were about to be sick.
Harry stood immediately. He carefully passed a reluctant Rose to Terry Boot, then walked to the
other side of the desk and dragged the box towards him.
Terry and Ginny quickly left with the children, and Harry made sure the sound of Ginny's boots
clicking against the floor had vanished completely before he opened the lid.
Harry's first instinct was to mirror Kingsley, but he forced himself through it. Forced his hands to
remain on the box, and not cover his mouth and nose as the smell of rotting flesh and flies battered
into his senses.
The box had two things inside; a single blood-soaked, manicured, decomposing severed hand, and
a note.
Harry swallowed his gag, and picked up the parchment. On the outside, he remained perfectly calm
and composed, hiding the terror he felt clawing its way through his body. The letter shook slightly
in his hand as he started to read the words that were written in an elegant, looped scrawl, perfect
and refined; someone who'd had years and years of practice with a quill and ink.
Granger is alive - and no, this is not her hand. It belongs to your lovely scout, Melanie. She and
Tom Thorne were captured a weeks ago and tortured for information by a couple of Gold Masks.
This is the only piece of her that's left, thought you might want it, to bury, or burn, or whatever.
The Dark Lord plans a public announcement in the next week. Granger will be there, he means to
use her as bait to draw you out of hiding- DO NOT FALL FOR THE BAIT!
I know Granger was the cleverest out of your lot, but surely the rest of you can rummage one brain
cell between you and think outside the box?
Again, DO NOT GO FOR THE OBVIOUS ATTACK! You won't be able to touch Granger, and
you'll just get yourselves killed.
All his best generals will be in Whitby, so his base in Sheffield will be left wide open and mostly
defenceless. There are about twenty hostages there; Luny Luna and big ol' Hagrid included. Use
this opportunity to get them out. DO NOT GO FOR GRANGER!
Be smart about this Potter, I can't keep sending you these helping hands if you're going to-
As always, send Lilith my regards, I look forward to our next meeting when she's 'recovered".
Half an hour later, Harry was sat on the edge of his bed, deep in thought as he stared out the
window. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, replaying the argument he'd had with Kingsley -
the one after he'd read Medusa's note - over and over and over again.
He'd been on his fifth replay when Ginny had burst into their bedroom like a whirlwind. She was
always exceptionally calm when the children were around, but it was a different story when they
were asleep.
"I can't believe Kingsley!" she hissed, swiping her brush through her hair so furiously that Harry
was sure it must have been hurting her. "The nerve of him! I don't care if he's our leader, I don't
care if he's the king of England, he does NOT get to order me around like that!"
Harry heard a loud bang behind him, and assumed she'd slammed her hairbrush down on the vanity
"We can't ignore the fact he's bringing her out in the open Harry," Ginny said quietly. "We can't
leave her. It's too good of an opportunity to miss.”
"How many Death Eater robes do we have in storage?" Harry asked, still facing away from his
wife and looking out the window.
A minute passed by, then he heard the floorboards creak. The mattress dipped beside him, and
then her slender arm was around his ribs.
Ginny rested her head against Harry's shoulder, and he instinctually laid his head on the top of hers.
"Probably about forty," she said in a quiet, confused voice. "Maybe a few more if we can repair the
stitching, some of the robes are in tatters. Why?"
Ginny leaned back to look at him, but he kept his eyes forward. "I would say around fifty, although
Kingsley doesn't like to keep them."
When Harry didn't say anything, Ginny placed a hand on either side of his face and forced him to
look at her. Concern was etched onto every part of her delicate, freckled face. "What's going on?"
The mischievous smile that spread across Ginny's face was pure Weasley.
TW; graphic depictions of wartime violence and gore, disfigurement, and suicide.
10th March
"You're barking mad if you think I'm going anywhere with you!"
Nott had the audacity to tut and roll his eyes. "Jesus fuck - Malfoy said you were going to be
difficult about this. Look Granger, I'm going to be honest with you, I don't have time to fuck about
and play games this morning.” He pushed himself off the doorframe he was leaning on and into
Hermione's room. "Normally," he said in a low, playful voice, "I love games, fucking adore them.
There's nothing more satisfying than toying with a witch.”
Nott crossed the room in three easy strides, twirling his hand loosely between his fingers.
Hermione took a few cautious steps to the left, putting the large four-poster bed as a shield between
them, but Nott was all too quick to walk around it.
He stood a breath's distance away from her, a sly smirk peeling its way onto his features. "And
believe me when I say, I really, really want to play games with you sweetheart.” His eyes darkened
as they raked over Hermione slowly, leisurely. "There's nothing more satisfying than watching a
pretty little thing squirm while they try and dissect every word I say, thinking every twitch of my
hand could either be a curse, or a caress.” He raised his hand towards her face as if he was about to
tuck a stray curl behind her hear, Hermione instinctually tried to slap it away -
But Nott moved quicker than she did. He caught Hermione's wrist before her blow could land and
dragged it down to rest against the bottom of her stomach. She tried to slap him with her other
hand, but he caught that one too. She struggled as he pinned her wrists together with one hand, then
sharply withdrew his wand and conjured a set of metal handcuffs around her wrists.
"I admire your tenacity, I really do," Nott said teasingly, his eyes down as he checked her restraints
and put his wand back beneath his robes. "But the Dark Lord is rather pissed at me, and today we
simply don't have the time to play.” He looked up and caught her eyes again, the most devilish
smirk cracking across his face. "He's planning on a very public announcement in Whitby, and
you're the guest of honour. He's assigned me to deliver you there, all shiny and undamaged. No
excuses, no exceptions. And he'll have my cock on a spike if we're late.”
After being dragged through the manor by Nott - kicking and screaming the whole way -
Hermione found a black carriage and two Threstrals on the gardens waiting for her.
As soon as they were in the air, she spent the entire journey discreetly checking for weak spots in
her restraints, trying to find a rusting link or a weakness in the spell. Unfortunately, Nott's charm
work was impeccable, just like it had been at school. The chains were unbreakable, strong as stone.
The carriage ride itself made Hermione feel sick. She'd never been good with flying. She'd always
hated it; it always made her feel dizzy and nauseous. She was too analytical for flying, that was the
problem. There were too many things that could go wrong. Too many equations that didn't add up.
Too many factors that could tip the scales and send her hurtling towards the ground with no safety
net and headfirst into a horrifying death. She didn't think she could hate flying any more than she
already did. Thought the short flight on the dragons back after her robbery at Gringotts was the
worst moment of her life. Then she was forced to share a carriage with two vicious, murderous
Gold Masks, and she realised she would happily ride the Ukrainian Ironbelly again, from London
to Australia with a smile on her face, a thousand times over. Because nothing - nothing - could be
worse than this.
Every time Hermione flinched, Zabini would narrow his eyes at her from across the carriage. Every
time she shuffled on her bench, his hands would curl a little tighter around his wand - the wand that
was conveniently aligned with Hermione's stomach, threatening her, reminding her that one wrong
move might earn her a nasty Cruciatus curse.
Nott, however, couldn't have been more relaxed. He sat much too close to her and rested his arm on
the back of her seat, and once he realised Hermione didn't like something he did, he became like a
naughty child and did it again and again and again. No matter how many times she hit him, he
continued to catch stray curls of hers and twirl them between his fingers. And no matter how hard
she stamped on his foot, he continued roughly squeezing her knee every time they hit a bit of
turbulence, just because he knew it got under her skin.
It felt like days before the carriage landed and the doors burst open.
Hermione stood the instant the fresh air hit her face, but when Blaise scowled at her, she slowly sat
back down.
While Blaise put on his mask and jumped from the carriage, Nott checked her restraints. Once he
was satisfied, he threw her a wink, pulled the hood of her cloak up to hide her face, then put on his
own mask.
Hermione was about to headbutt Nott, just because he'd pissed her off, but he dragged her to her
feet and pushed her out the doors before she could slam her forehead against his.
The carriage had landed at the end of a stone dock. Theo stood behind Hermione, placed his hands
on either of her shoulders, and started to guide her into a steady walk away from the ocean, and
towards the town of Whitby itself. They made their way through the rows of small houses that
were clustered together up the winding stone path. Most of the windows they passed were broken
in, the gossamer curtains inside dancing gently in the wind, waving their burnt edges for all to see.
Theo didn't remove his hands as they walked, instead, he curled his fingers around her shoulders
and into the dip of her collarbone.
Blaise hovered close beside them; Hermione could feel his disgusted glare, even from beneath his
The streets were filled with hoards of cloaked figures, all pressed tightly together and walking
towards a derelict castle at the top of the hill. The sea of cloaks parted like the red sea when they
saw the two Gold Masks, wordlessly giving the assassins a wide birth so they could guide
Hermione through. It was probably meant to be a sign of respect, showing that they were thankful
for the Death Eaters service to the Dark Lord - but Hermione caught several flinch in fear as the
Golds approached.
The crowd joined them as they walked, forming a herd like locusts that followed them up the path
and towards the Abbey.
"Nothing to see here folks," Theo sang as they made their way through the masses, "just a dead
witch walking. Dead witch walking. Dead witch walking.”
"I'm this close to casting a silencing charm on you Nott,” Blaise sneered from beneath his mask.
"Now isn't the time for jokes and theatrics. We need to be on high alert. This crowd could be
crawling with Order members.”
Hermione heard Theo snort behind her. Saw Blaise's hand clench over his wand out the corner of
her eye.
A platform had been made in front of the Abbey, constructed with tall dark wooden boards, strong
oak beams, and a set of steps leading to the top. Hermione felt like she was being led to the
gallows, all that was missing was the hangman's noose. The muscles in her neck ran cold at the
A few dozen of Voldemort's loyal followers were already standing beneath the platform, eagerly
waiting to hear their masters 'wise words'. There were some Black Masks and even fewer Gold
Masks scattered in the hoards of cloaked figures, whilst most of the crowd was made up of
civilians and other followers. They all wore dark, plain masks or had their hoods pulled down low
to conceal their faces, but Hermione could still feel their eyes on her, burning her, trying to work
out who was under her hood.
Theo guided her up the steps and forced her to stand on the right side of the platform, at the very
front and on display for all to see. Just as Hermione was starting to feel uncomfortable, just as that
sickening sense of dread started to twist her stomach, Voldemort appeared, and a wave of
helplessness shot through her like a physical blow. He had nine Death Eaters at his flank,
shadowing close to him with their wands drawn, ready to jump to his defence at the slightest
inclination of trouble, eager to use their body as a shield to protect their master - or behead anyone
who dared to get close to him.
Hermione willed herself not to shiver when Voldemort's red eyes locked on her. Instead, she craned
her neck and searched his bodyguards. Bellatrix stood on his right; she had her demon mask on but
her hood wasn't pulled up, leaving her wiry black curls reaching in every direction, some of which
had weaved between the horns on her mask like ebony spiderwebs. The rest were Gold Masks -
Malfoy was nowhere to be seen.
Everyone in the crowd bowed their heads respectfully when Voldemort stopped in the centre of the
stage, and when Hermione made no effort to do the same, Blaise's fingers dug into the back of her
neck and forced her into a curtsey. Just as Hermione was allowed to straighten and glare up at
Zabini, a thunderous roar echoed from somewhere behind the Abbey.
The crowd gasped, some even screamed and shrunk away when Malfoy and his dragon landed on
the ground just left of the podium. Narcissa bared her fangs and eyed the crowd as Malfoy moved
to dismount her. The wooden stage was level with her spine, allowing him to effortlessly slip off
her back and onto the platform.
The effect Malfoy and Narcissa had on the crowd was bone chilling. A sense of eerie calm had
washed over the cloaked figures when they'd laid eyes on their master. They respected him,
worshipped him, were grateful for the luxuries and lifestyle he'd given them for their undying
loyalty. They feared Voldemort, how could they not? Death and dark magic clung to the evil
wizard like a second skin, it was fitting that he'd taken on the appearance of a snake.
The crowd were obviously scared of Voldemort, but they were fucking terrified of Malfoy and his
Hermione could hear the terror in the gasps and whimpers that rang through the sea of cloaked
figures when Malfoy sharply snapped his head towards them. She could almost taste the crowds
fear when they all scattered back as Narcissa gave another threatening roar in their direction.
The only thing Hermione wasn't sure of was who they were more afraid of; the dragon, or the
Malfoy crossed the podium and bowed toward Voldemort, but to everyone's surprise, he didn't
walk to the empty space on his master's left. He went to the right, and Bellatrix's entire body tensed
when the other Demon Mask stopped in front of her.
The smile that pealed its way across Voldemort's pale skin was grotesque, triumphant. "I would do
as your nephew says. You know he always stands on my right, my favourite always does.”
Bellatrix bared her teeth, a movement meant to show defiance, but Hermione noticed her hand
tighten around her wand, her knuckles turning white with the strain she was putting on them. After
a few seconds, she reluctantly stood on Voldemort's left, allowing Malfoy to take her place.
Voldemort chuckled quietly before he stepped forward and raised his hands in the air, gathering the
attention of the crowd. "Welcome all.” Although his voice was soft as silk, it rose the hairs on the
back of Hermione's arms. "Thank you for joining me here today.”
There was a small, muffled chorus of "Our pleasure, my Lord," and "Anything for you, my Lord,"
before Voldemort continued.
"Although I know you could never grow tired of the bloodlust, although I know your favourite
lullabies are the songs of screams." He paused with a smile on his face while his followers
snickered and chuckled darkly under their masks. "I sense that you are all growing tired of the war
- and for this, I do not blame you.”
Blaise's fingers curled tighter around Hermione's arm, securing her in place.
"The war has taken much from us all, and I am so very proud of the way you have fought for me. I
am thankful for the sacrifices that you have made, for us.” He paused again, allowing the crowd to
murmur their agreements and thanks. "However, I do believe the end is near. For years I have
sought a way to secure our victory, and our tenacity has been rewarded. A gift has fallen onto my
lap. delivered by the wings of a demon and dragon rather than an owl.” Another pause, this time
there were cheers and applause; Voldemort's grin stretched higher. "And this gift - this perfect
opportunity - is just the thing to bring Potter to his knees, and wipe the Order out for good.”
Hermione jumped when he sharply gestured towards her, and a sickening knot formed in her
stomach when every head in the crowd sharply turned towards her. They couldn't see her face, they
didn't know it was her, but why could she feel hundreds of pairs of eyes glaring at her hatefully,
even through their masks? Why did it make her skin crawl to have a hundred masks, all bearing the
image of a skull, turned towards her?
Theo paused for a few moments, letting the anticipation build. She could feel him smirking behind
his mask as he pulled her hood down.
The crowd hissed from underneath their masks, several even drew their wands - although they kept
them at their sides. Hermione had expected that. She wasn't even surprised when some started to
spit in between slurs and death threats. She couldn't hear most of it, there were simply too many to
be able to distinguish everything, but she caught the odd word and sentence.
"Dirty Mudblood!"
"Crucio her!"
"Flay her!"
As she tilted her chin in the air and let the insults bounce off her tough skin, a movement to her left
caught her eye. About three rows back, one of the cloaked figures was shining something in her
face, trying to catch her attention. They were wearing a mask but it was very different to the others
in the crowd. It was white, a porcelain doll mask. Hermione's breath caught in her throat.
The euphoric sense of relief she felt was like nothing she'd ever experienced, like she'd had her
lungs trapped between a vice for months, and had finally been allowed to breathe. Despite the
elation, despite the pure fucking joy she felt at the prospect of being free, Hermione forced herself
not to react. She didn't move, didn't so much as lift a brow. She watched the Order member
wearing her mask raise their palm to Hermione and then gently - so gently - lower their fingers
towards the floor once, twice, three times. It was a signal Hermione knew. A signal she'd invented
years ago and drilled into new recruits when she trained them for stealth missions and sneak
attacks. A signal she used when words were too risky, too dangerous.
Hermione swallowed and nodded gently once, something everyone else would have missed.
"You see," Voldemort continued, although his voice seemed to fade through the roaring of blood in
her ears.
Hermione drew a deep breath and released it slowly.
The Order member shot a green hex at Hermione, and she dived into a crouch on the floor, the
tight grip Blaise had on her arm dragging him down with her.
The violent streak of green light shot over their heads, and Theo deflected it with a jarring flick of
his wrist. He stepped forward, and there was a split second of silence before he threw his arm and
retaliated with a killing curse that was twice as powerful.
The masked Order member never stood a chance. Chaos and screams erupted before his corpse had
even hit the cobbled floor.
Curses of every colour shot from the ends of wands on both sides, bullets zipped through the air,
and smoking grenades were tossed from those gathered in the crowd. Thirty, maybe forty of the
cloaked figures ripped their Black Masks away, and Hermione caught glimpses of Order members,
of her friends that'd come to her rescue, before Zabini dragged her to her feet.
Malfoy was at Hermione's side quicker than she would have thought possible. "Protect the Dark
Lord!" He slapped Zabini's hand away from Hermione's arm, then grabbed her wrist and pulled her
tight against his body. "I don't care if you have to use your body as a human fucking shield, get him
out of here first, and then aim to kill!"
Narcissa instantly went on the attack. She leaned on her back legs and extended her wings, using
them as a shield to protect Voldemort. Sparks were already gathering at the back of her throat when
she opened her mouth, and the ground shook when she released an explosive, skin melting breath
that disintegrated both Order members and Voldemort's supporters. The air instantly grew hot and
thick from the wave of fire. Smoke clouds rose from the bodies of the screaming witches and
wizards, and ashes flittered and danced in the air from the charred flesh that had already peeled off
their bodies.
Malfoy spun towards his dragon. "Take the Dark Lord to safety!"
Voldemort stepped toward Narcissa, but she growled and bared her fangs in warning, ignorant of
the hexes and bullets that zipped past her, aiming for her head.
"I'm not fucking around!" Malfoy sneered. "Get him out of here. NOW!"
The dragon hissed a final time, then reluctantly shuffled to the edge of the podium to allow
Voldemort to climb onto her back. She gnashed her teeth when Bellatrix tried to mount her as well -
apparently even dragons had limits to their patience. She gave one last look to Malfoy before she
leaned back and started to flap her wings.
As she started to lift off the ground, four Order members sprinted towards her and conjured metal
chains - presumably to wrap around her legs and wings to prevent her from escaping with
Voldemort - but before any of the restraints could find their purchase, Malfoy used a spell that
Hermione didn't recognise, and ripped a nearby metal lamp post from the ground. He sliced his
wand through the air, drew a jagged line, and then whipped the wooden tool sharply in the
direction of the soldiers. The metal pole shot forward, quicker than any bullet, and with one foul
swoop, it impaled all of the Order members straight through their chests.
It looked as though they were very quick deaths. Hermione could only hope they died instantly.
With the assailants dead, Narcissa and Voldemort escaped without anymore interference, and once
they'd disappeared through the thick clouds above, Malfoy went on the attack. "Kill the rest!" he
growled as he started to drag a kicking Hermione down the podium and across the cobbled streets.
"Leave none alive!"
Hermione saw Terry Boot's corpse at the bottom of the podium with his left arm torn off, only to
find to the missing appendage a few meters down the street, still holding a gun. She saw a Gold
Mask with a gaping hole in their chest, flesh burnt and ribs on display, and she saw Vicki
Simpson's decapitated head - though she had no idea where the rest of her body was.
It was war.
As Malfoy towed Hermione through the smoke and fires and shooting curses, she caught a glimpse
of Theo. He was backed against a wall with his wand firmly in hand while twelve muggle soldiers
pointed machine guns at him. Despite his obvious disadvantage, Theo's posture was anything but
frightened. He looked confident. Lithe, yet murderous. The first wave of his wand tore the guns
from the hands of the soldiers that wielded them. The weapons floated in mid-air, the bewildered
muggles fumbling to try and snatch them back as they floated to Theo's side. Another wave of his
wand flipped the guns over, pointing them to aim at their previous owners. And with a final flick of
his wrist, the guns open fired, and the soldiers were torn to pieces by their own bullets.
Hermione saw Blaise too; his slow and graceful movements were easily recognisable after weeks
of watching him escort his wife around the manor. She watched him stalk behind a group of three
wizards like a panther, watched him wave his wand delicately behind their heads, causing their
eyes to go blank and their bodies to go slack. There was only a split second before Zabini's
Imperious curse took effect, and the three wizards dropped their wands, rested the barrel of their
guns against their temples, and pulled the triggers.
Malfoy took a sharp corner, but then stopped suddenly. The unexpectedness made Hermione knock
into his back. She peered around his shoulder, half expecting to see her friends or an ambush, only
to see the dull metal of an armoured tank. And the turret was pointing straight at them.
Hermione squeezed her eyes closed and braced herself for the cannon fire.
This was obviously a rescue mission to recover her, but Malfoy was standing right there, and he
was a Demon Mask. She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that although her skills were
invaluable to the Order, if a soldier had a clear shot to kill Voldemort's most lethal Death Eater,
they would take it, no matter how close she was to them. Fuck, she certainly would have. She'd
almost done it to Colin all those months ago and he was her friend. She would gladly pull the
trigger, detonate any bomb and suffer the consequences to her shredded soul if it meant the Order
would gain a favourable advantage.
As Hermione tensed for the impending shell from the turret, Malfoy moved. He cast a Knockback
jinx that was so powerful, so fucking vicious, that the force of the spell flipped the tank. The large
armoured machine rolled in the air, then landed upside down on the floor with a deafening crack.
The tank exploded on its collision with the ground, disintegrating those trapped inside in a wave of
searing heat.
Malfoy didn't wait to see if there were any survivors. He took off again and dragged Hermione
through the battlefield with him.
It could have been the deafening screams and war cries, could have been the ear-shattering
grenades or booming explosive curses, but she didn't hear the all too familiar click of machine guns
being reloaded. And as Malfoy sharply took another corner, they came face to face with a line of
muggle soldiers, crouched down and machine guns all pointing at their chests; a firing squad.
Hermione wasn't sure if the soldiers even saw her. The Demon Mask was unmistakable and fear-
inducing, like something torn straight from the most hellish nightmare. The instant they locked
onto those curved ebony horns, they opened fire. They were aiming for Malfoy not her, but the grip
he had on her arm and the tight way he angled her magicless body meant the soldiers couldn't get a
clear shot without running the risk of hitting her.
As fast as Malfoy flew up a blue, almost translucent shield around them, a few of the bullets were
just a little faster. A small flurry managed to sneak past the barrier just before he set it up, zipping
past their elbows and shoulders and cracking the stone wall behind them but one bullet- just a
single stray bullet - was aimed a little more accurately before it left the barrel of its gun, and tore
through Hermione's right thigh.
She screamed when she felt it slice into her muscles, she couldn't help it. It had been so long since
she'd been injured like that she was blindsided by the pain.
Malfoy caught her as she fell back against his chest. He supported her weight as she staggered on
her feet, and the hand that was curled around her restraints move to wrap around her waist, holding
her up while the shield around them absorbed the rest of the attack.
The bullets just kept coming, the sound of them hitting the magical barrier like a violent hailstorm
against a glass roof. Hermione was sure the shield was going to break. Was sure it was going to
shatter with the sheer force of the attack and allow the rest of the bullets to impale them - but it
never broke, didn't so much as ripple as it absorbed bullet after bullet.
One of the Order members called off the gunners, Hermione wasn't sure who. She only heard them
shouting into a radio that Hermione was too close, and that she wasn't to be hurt during this raid.
“Rescue mission!" she thought she heard him scream into the device. "Don't hurt her!"
The gunners stopped firing, but the damage was already done.
Hermione screamed in pain and desperately tried to apply pressure on her leg with her bound
wrists. No matter how hard she bared down, blood seeped between her fingers faster than she could
stop it. They'd hit something vital, probably severed an artery in her leg. If they didn't do
something quickly, she was going to bleed out.
Malfoy dropped the shield with a sharp wave of his arm. He brought his wand to his side, and
Hermione was faintly aware of his shoulder jerking when he cast a hex that sliced each of the
soldiers in half. He tried to drag her again, but a searing pain shot up her leg the instant she tried to
put any weight on her right foot.
She curled over, hands on her knees, forcing herself to breathe through the pain.
Malfoy crouched beside her. "Can you walk?"
"I ... eughhhh - fuck." Hermione tentatively put her right foot on the floor with the gentlest
pressure, but the pain that shot up her leg knocked the air from her lungs. She shook her head. "No!
No, I don't think so.”
There was a few seconds of tense silence before he spoke again. "I need you to wrap your arms
around my neck," he said. "I'm going to carry you, but I need you to help me.” There was an
urgency in his voice. A low, panicked undertone that she didn't quite expect to hear from him, not
when he was speaking to her. “I need my wand hand free so I can protect us, so I need you to hold
your weight. Can you do that?"
Hermione nodded weakly, and as Malfoy curled his hand under her knees, she hooked her arms
around the back of his neck. She hissed through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the pain in her leg as
he gently lifted her from the ground and started to carry her through the smoke and debris.
The way Malfoy held her limited his movement, but he was still lethal with what he had. Every
few seconds Hermione would feel his arm twitch, would feel the muscles in his bicep contract
against her spine before a curse would shoot violently from his wand.
Hermione closed her eyes and tried not to focus on the throbbing pain in her leg - or the screams
she could hear all around her. She tried to block them out and breathe him in instead, concentrate
on spearmint and parchment rather than blood and rot, but it was impossible. The screams were
simply too loud to ignore.
Minutes later, Malfoy took cover in an empty alleyway. He set her down as carefully as he could,
much gentler than she would have thought possible from him, and ripped off his mask off. "Are
you alright?"
"Oh yeah, don't worry about me,” Hermione hissed as she leaned back and used the brick wall for
support. "Just a little bullet in my leg, just like every other Wednesday.” Her eyes snapped to his
when she heard him chuckle quietly.
Malfoy stared at her. Although there was a smirk twitching at the edges of his lips, his eyes burned
with concern as they flickered across her face. There were tiny flecks of blue there, like cracks of
thunder against grey clouds. He watched her closely as he slowly knelt in front of her, her breath
hitched when he placed a hand on her hip and pinned her to the wall. "I need you to be still
She tried to jerk away when the fingers on his right hand, the one that still clutched his wand,
delicately skated below her puncture wound, but he just pinned her closer to the wall.
Malfoy's jaw clenched, his nostrils flaring when he got a better look at her injury. "It looks like it's
severed an artery. I don't have time to cast an anaesthetic charm, and if I wait the few minutes it
takes for the charm to take effect, you'll bleed out.”
"What if we-eughhh!" Hermione lost her balance and accidentally rested some of her weight on her
right leg, causing another searing pain to slice up her muscles.
With a curt wave of Malfoy's wand, her restraints vanished. "Put your hands on my shoulders, use
me for balance and don't put any weight on that foot.”
Hermione thought about running, about kicking him as hard as she could and making a break for it,
but another pain stabbed across her leg, teasing her with the reality of her situation. She couldn't
run, she probably wouldn't make it to the end of the alleyway before she bled out or ran into a hex.
Whether she liked it or not, in this moment, she needed him.
So, with a deep breath through her nose, she rested her palms on his shoulders, and prayed he
couldn't feel the way her fingers trembled.
Malfoy hovered his wand over her injury; his lips twitched into another smirk. "Granger?"
Even through the pain, Hermione couldn't help but snort. "Not in the slightest, but I don't really
have a choice, do I?"
The only response he gave was a scoff, just one short puff of air through his lips, then waved his
wand, and a pain like no other shot through her leg.
Hermione screamed before she could stop herself. She dug her nails into his shoulders, too
distracted with the excruciating pain to really appreciate the way his muscles rippled under her
touch. Her own muscles seemed to lock in place as the bullet started to twist out of her leg.
The process was so fucking slow. It was wise for Malfoy to extract the bullet slowly, but half of her
wished he'd just tear the thing out, rip the bandage off and be done with it. The bullet had ruptured
something vital, so tearing it out too harshly could risk severing more arteries and blood vessels.
Hermione knew this way was safer, but it didn't help with the pain.
"Shhhhhh, it's alright. I've got you.” Malfoy's voice was soft as honey, a world apart from the way
she jerked and screamed above him. He squeezed her hip reassuringly as he twisted his wand,
coaxing the bullet out another inch. "Breathe. Good girl.”
Hermione swore she held Malfoy's shoulders with enough force to snap bones, her grip growing
tighter and tighter each time she felt the bullet move. If she did hurt him, he didn't say anything.
"Breathe for me," he told her. "That's it - I've almost got it out. Just a little more, breathe.”
The bullet finally popped out of her leg, and the cool wave of a healing charm spread across her
thigh the moment it was free.
Hermione sighed in relief, her eyelids fluttering closed as she sagged against the brick wall. She
felt dizzy and lightheaded, her body in a sort of trance through what she could only assume was
blood loss. She snapped out of her trance, however, when she felt cold hands cup her face, icy
thumbs drenched in blood sweeping across her cheekbones -
"GET AWAY FROM HER!" a thick, Irish voice called from the end of the alleyway.
Hermione's eyes snapped open. Malfoy spun towards the voice, and with two flicks of his wrist, he
rid Seamus of the wand and gun he'd been pointing at them.
As Finnigan dove for the gun on the floor, a Gold Mask appeared behind him. The Death Eater
raised their wand, likely to cast a killing curse while Finnigan's back was turned, but Malfoy raised
his hand to stop them.
The next few seconds happened very quickly. So quickly that at first, Hermione thought she must
have been dreaming.
While Seamus fumbled with his gun, Malfoy wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist and
dragged her back towards him. He pressed her in close, her back flushed against his chest, and a
shiver ran up her spine when his lips grazed her ear and he whispered, "Daemonium, ortus.”
The way he said it was cold, detached. The softness in his tone that he'd been speaking to her with
seconds ago had vanished.
As soon as the words left his lips, an icy fog swept across Hermione's brain. The way it eclipsed
her body reminded her of a Dementor, as though ghost-like fingers were trailing across her temples.
It crawled down her arms and stomach, leaving everything it touched cold and tingling, and by the
time it reached her toes, she felt nothing like herself. She felt hollow, empty, as though she'd been
pushed out of her body.
Before her brain before could command her muscles to stop, Hermione reached around and
snatched Draco's wand from his fingers.
She'd never felt anything like it. She was aware of what was happening; that she'd spun around and
taken aim against Seamus's chest. She knew that she threw a Bombarda hex at him, and saw the
violent stream of light leave the tip of the wand in her hand, but she had no control, had no way of
stopping it. She felt like a marionette, a puppet with no idea of who was pulling her strings.
She caught Finnigan's expression before the curse hit him, the confusion in his eyes, the fear, the
realisation that he was going to die, and then the hex connected.
It was like a bomb had detonated inside Seamus's body. His chest exploded from the inside out, his
blood sprayed up the walls of the alleyway and all over Malfoy and Hermione. They were
drenched with it, their clothes and faces were saturated with his blood, and pieces of his mangled
flesh caught in their hair.
The cold fog evaporated from Hermione's body as quickly as it had appeared, but she didn't feel
warmer. She felt frozen. Her muscles were locked in place like pieces of ice as though she'd been
Because Seamus was dead, reduced to a pile of bones and torn flesh, and Hermione had been his
Dr Jekyll. Mr Hyde
10th March
Hermione had read a long time ago, in another lifetime, that the body often does strange,
inexplainable things when a person goes into shock.
Shock was probably the reason she felt like she was floating, and why she couldn't really hear
anything going on around her. She knew someone was speaking, knew there were voices, but they
were distorted and muffled. Like she was submerged underwater, eavesdropping on a conversation
going on above the surface.
What shock did to the mind, however, was even more astounding.
Hermione remembered reading that when a person witnesses something too horrific for the brain to
comprehend, the mind detached itself. Sort of ... switches off, starts rambling on about nonsense to
distract the person from the nightmarish thing they'd just witnessed, and allow the body time to
work itself into a state. Brings up trivial things like the colour of the sky while their panicking
heart slowed into a more normal, healthier beat, and drags up obscure passages from books they'd
once glanced over while the body labours to lower their temperature back down from searing.
And shock was the reason why, as Hermione stared at the pile of blood and flesh and broken bones
that used to be Seamus Finnigan, her friend, the first thought that popped into her head was, 'Do I
have enough shampoo to wash his intestines out of my hair?'
She had just killed - no, she'd fucking executed one of her oldest friends, cut him down in cold
blood, and the first thing that popped into her head was shampoo.
She probably didn't have enough though. She'd probably have to ask Malfoy for -
No! No, she would not ask Malfoy for anything. Astoria would find her another bottle. She'd bring
baskets full of the most expensive products if Hermione only asked her. She'd probably offer to
wash the blood from Hermione's hair herself, sweet girl.
A minute passed. And then another. Each tick of the clock dragged something else back into focus.
Yes.. it sounded like it. It was a girl. A woman. She sounded awfully upset.
She sounded familiar too, but Hermione couldn't quite place where she'd heard that scream before.
Cold hands were on her face again. Thumbs were stroking across her cheeks.
"I'm sorry," a man whispered quietly, frantic, voice shaking. "I'm so sorry.”
He hadn't murdered one of his oldest friends, someone who'd gotten him blind drunk on the most
bitter and potent Irish whisky when he'd gone through a breakup - but she had.
The man was very close to her. She could feel his cold forehead pressed against hers, could feel his
breath on her face.
"I'm so fucking sorry.” His fingers started to tremble as he held her. "I didn't have a choice. I had to
do it. You had to do it.”
The girl was still screaming. Why hadn't anyone calmed her down yet? Why wasn't anyone helping
He wanted her to calm down? She was fine. She was calm. She was floating on a cloud. She was -
Something thin and solid pressed against her forehead. It tingled, she felt little sparks of something
scratch across her skin.
Hermione bolted upright like she'd been shot. Her hand flew to her chest, feeling her heart hammer
painfully against her palm. Blood roared in her ears, and a thick bead of sweat trickled down her
She was laying on the sofa in the drawing-room, the one she'd shared a glass of wine with Astoria
in days ago. The fireplace was crackling with embers, and there was a thick wool blanket thrown
across her legs but ... she couldn't remember how she'd gotten here.
She guessed she'd wandered in on one of her evening walks, that she'd been enticed by the fires
warmth, laid down for a few minutes, and then fallen asleep.
Yes, that must've been it. She hadn't been to Whitby. She hadn't left the manor at all. She'd dreamt
the whole thing. The Order hadn't come to rescue her. There was no battle, no speeches from
Voldemort and no hisses from a crowd of cloaked figures.
She hadn't stepped over the corpses of her friends while Malfoy had dragged her through the
But then she noticed the dried blood on her hands. The blood that was matting between her
knuckles and crusting around her fingernails. But that ... She hadn't ...
Hermione quickly wiped the moisture from her forehead, but she didn't find sweat when she looked
down at her sleeve, just more blood.
She started to feel sick. Her chest heaved as her breath started to leave her in rapid, terrified pants.
Her stomach dropped when she threw back the blanket around her legs, revealing a new scar from a
bullet in her thigh-
Despite Malfoy's words being soft as silk, Hermione jumped and spun toward his voice.
Malfoy stood behind the adjacent sofa. He wore a concerned expression, and his hair hung messily
into his eyes. His hands were fisted tightly on the backrest of the sofa, the veins in his hands
protruding with the strain. It looked as though the fabric might give way and tear at any moment,
the silver rings he wore on almost every finger looked like they were cutting into his skin.
And then there was the blood. Malfoy was fucking drenched in it. It covered his robes, was drying
in his white-blonde hair, and streaking down every inch of his face from temple to chin.
"What happened?" Hermione's voice didn't sound like her own, it croaked, raw. The words burned
her throat on the way out. "Why ... why am I...?"
Malfoy watched her for a few moments, jaw clenching and unclenching several times before he
spoke. "You're back at the Manor-"
"Yes, I gathered that thanks," she hissed, couldn't help herself. "How did I get here?"
Malfoy watched her carefully as he released the death grip he had on the sofa. He started to
approach her slowly, taking one cautious step at a time the way one would approach a frightened
baby deer. "You were hysterical after what happened with Finnigan," he told her quietly. "You
wouldn't stop screaming-"
Hermione's hand instinctively moved to her throat, lightly massaging the area with shaking fingers.
It wasn't until Malfoy stopped just inches in front of her, his knees brushing against hers in the
ghost of a touch, that Hermione noticed his eyes. They flickered, burned with something intense,
something primal that she'd not seen in him. They were more blue than grey, only a thin sheen of
silver clung around his pupils.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." Malfoy held up his hands, palms facing Hermione, showing
her that he didn't have a weapon while he carefully kneeled in front of her. "You were shell
shocked. You wouldn't stop crying. I was talking to you, and it's like you weren't there - like you
couldn't even hear me-" He extended his hand toward her -
"Don't fucking touch me!" she screamed, cringing away from him. "You did something to me! You
made me.... kill Seamus.”
Malfoy dropped his hand, his expression twisting into something she would've easily mistaken as
hurt if it wasn't on his face.
A mixture of terror and anger crept into Hermione's body, scolding and freezing her, leaving her
skin feeling hot and her blood running cold. "Seamus was on the floor, and then you grabbed me.
There was this fog... and then I- oh god.” Her hand flew to her mouth to muffle her sob. "I couldn't
... he was right there- I couldn't - I tried to stop - but I couldn't! I killed him!"
Malfoy's eyes drifted to the floor. She could have sworn he looked ashamed. If she weren't so
scared, if she couldn't feel the flames of anger gathering in the pits of her stomach, she might have
felt sorry for him.
If sympathy was what he craved, he'd need to look elsewhere. She would sooner curl her hands into
fists and punch him than offer even a shred of comfort.
He didn't answer.
"Malfoy," Hermione whispered hoarsely. Her eyes burned with tears she refused to shed. "What the
fuck did you do to me? Why did you make me kill my friend!?"
Malfoy tried to stop himself from wincing but Hermione saw it, caught the way his shoulders
jerked like she'd slapped him, how his eyes pinched closed and his nose wrinkled with the ghost of
Hermione caught it all, but she didn't fucking care. It didn't soften the ache in her chest, or stop the
way her heart felt like it was breaking. She was so angry she felt dizzy, but her pain, her grief, it
was starting to outweigh that anger and she couldn't let that happen. Not yet.
Seamus's frightened expression was clawing at the back of her mind, reminding her of what she'd
done, the horrific thing Malfoy had made her do.
She would need to deal with it all eventually; the shame, the sorrow, the anguish. But now wasn't
the time. She would lock it away, force it behind steal doors like a dam, and face the consequences
later. Because she knew that when her grief crashed through those doors with the force of a tidal
wave, it would drown her, swallow her, and she didn't know if she was strong enough to recover
from that.
Her anger was all she had so she needed to hold onto it, channel it, use it to strengthen those doors,
stop them from shattering, and find a way to break whatever monstrous spell Malfoy had put on
"Haven't you done enough?" Hermione forced herself to hiss. "Haven't you killed more than your
fair share? Isn't it enough that you've condemned yourself to hell, do you really have to drag me
along with you?!"
Her words seemed to pushed Malfoy over the edge. He scoffed and stood up straight, shoulders
broad and square. He turned to face away from her, but she could see his reflection in the floor-
length silver mirror that hung from the wall. She watched him close his eyes and draw a deep
breath, his features relaxing into smooth expressionless marble, and when he opened his eyes
again, Hermione's breath caught.
Hermione almost didn't recognise him when he turned around to face her again. She'd never known
Occlumency alter a person as much as it did Malfoy. The change in him was instant, like the flick
of a switch. He went into the mirror one person, and came out someone else. Dr Jekyll and Mr
Hyde. It was one of the most terrifying things she'd ever seen.
"Honestly Granger," Malfoy sneered, his lips twitching into that sadistic little smirk she despised,
"I expected more from you. Did you really think that the Dark Lord didn't have another plan for
you? Did you honestly think he was interested in your memories? Didn't you think that maybe, just
maybe, he might have another motive for linking your life to mine? For having me drag myself
through your mind every bastard day?"
Hermione just stared at him. Too shocked to blink. Too scared to breathe.
"The Dark Lord couldn't give a fuck about your memories - it was all a ploy, a decoy. Something to
keep you distracted while I focused on the true task he'd assigned me. It was a bonus if we learned
something along the way. The reason he had me 'search your memories,'" he crooked his fingers
as he spoke, "the only reason I was ever in your head to begin with, was to plant The Demon Hex.”
A cold shiver ran up Hermione's spine, a phantom chill from the memory of that vile spell that had
crept up into her body like ice water, the thing that had frozen her veins, flayed them from her skin
and used them like marionette strings. It was the thing that had controlled her, made her do
something she never would have dreamed of doing of her own free will.
The Demon Hex. She'd never heard of a curse like that, never even read so much as a whisper of a
spell as demonic in name or nature. The unknown of it all scared her more than it probably should
Hermione tried to find her voice. She willed herself to say something, argue with him, anything!
But she couldn't, couldn't do anything but listen in horror as he laid out what he'd been doing all
The slow, careful way Malfoy had moved around her before when he was trying not to frighten her
had disappeared, like it had never been there to begin with. When Malfoy leaned over her, his
shadow completely eclipsed her, blocking out any warmth from the fire. She instantly felt cold.
"You made it all too fucking easy, do you know that?" he sneered, even his breath on her face felt
cold. "The blood connection the Dark Lord has bound us together with gives me greater access into
your mind, and every time we had one of our Legilimency sessions, I was laying the foundations of
the hex. You were that preoccupied with building walls and reinforcing doors in your hotel,
keeping your memories 'safe', that you didn't notice what I was really doing in your head.”
Hermione couldn't breathe. Her lungs pinched together, but she pushed through it. She needed to
know more. Needed to know how the spell worked. How she could stop him from doing it again.
"How.... how could I use magic?" It probably wasn't the most important question, but it was the
first thing that popped into her head so she went with it. "I've been taking the anti-magic potion for
"Now, that was actually rather tricky," Malfoy huffed, shaking his head. "Anti-magic potions
douse the drinker's magical abilities, in normal circumstances, you wouldn't be able to touch my
magic. But after a lot of debate, and a lot of help from Blaise, we figured out our blood connection
allows you to channel my magic. Borrow it - if you like.”
How could she have let this happen? How could she not have felt what he was really doing?
"It only works with my blood," Malfoy continued, "which is why we infused my wand with some
of my blood a few days ago. It means that when you hold my wand, you can channel my magic,
wield it as your own.” He sharply withdrew his wand and waved it in front of her face, teasing her
with the one key to her escape. "Although you broke through the spell too quickly. We'll need to
continue our sessions so I can strengthen the connections of the spell.”
Hermione lurched forward to snatch his wand, but Malfoy's hand curled around her throat before
she could reach it. He straightened his arm, his cold rings biting into her neck as he held her just
far enough that her greedy fingers couldn't grab his wand.
"Why me?" she asked. The tips of her fingers tingled, the promise of magic inches away. She
strained her arm, fingers stretching-
Malfoy released her throat, but not before he used it to push her back against the back of the sofa
with a powerful shove. He snuck his wand back inside his robes with a smile on his face.
"You could have done this to anyone," Hermione rasped, choking pathetically as she nursed her
bruising throat. "Heaven knows you've captured more than enough Order members over the years.
So why me?"
Malfoy snorted. His eyes raked over her slowly from head to toe while he rolled his tongue on the
inside of his cheek. "There's a reason the incantation for this spell translates, 'Demon, rise," he said
in a low, spiteful whisper. "You see Granger, it doesn't change you. Doesn't change who you are. It
just taps into the darkest parts of yourself, the things you would rather keep buried, and brings
them all to the surface.” His cold eyes lingered on hers, raising the hairs on the back of her arms.
"Whilst you're under this spell, you're still that ferocious little lioness that you've always been.
You're still deadly. Still just as fucking merciless. But that impulse to kill? That desire to sink your
teeth into your prey and tear them apart? It's still there, I just redirected your aim."
Hermione felt like she was going to be sick. She swore the room started to spin around her.
"I'm the only one that can cast the spell, and when you're under it, the gazelle's that you crave to
hunt aren't going to be wearing masks with black skulls or gold skulls or even demon horns, they're
going to be your friends." Malfoy leaned in closer, chasing Hermione as she cringed as far away
from him as the sofa would allow. He was everywhere, all she could see was those nasty grey eyes
and the blood that was matting in his hair. "And Granger, that's why the Dark Lord wanted you for
the spell." Suddenly, his face twisted into the most barbaric smirk she'd ever seen. The blood that
streaked down his face clung to every dimple and curve, cutting his already sharp features into
more threatening angles. "Because deep down, under all those gold trimmings and self-righteous
Gryffindor bullshit, you're just, like, me.”
Like the crack of a whip against her spine, Hermione's fear and guilt vanished, and all she could
taste was anger. She lurched forward, not caring that her nose knocked his as she pushed herself off
the back of the sofa.
"We're not the same!" she snapped. "Don't you dare say that we're the same because we're not!"
Malfoy didn't move an inch. He smiled down at her, even dragged his tongue across his top teeth
as he looked her over from head to toe, again. "Oh, but we are. We may be on opposite sides of the
war, but we are exactly the same.”
Hermione pushed his shoulders with all the strength she could conjure. It gave her some breathing
room, gave her enough space to duck under his arm, get off the sofa and take residence next to the
mirror. She felt better when she was standing, less at a disadvantage, even if she was still much
shorter than him. "No! No, we are nothing alike!"
Malfoy whirled to face her and cocked his head to the side. "Funny, how you talk about me not
having a soul, that I've sold it, that I'm going straight to hell, but did you ever stop to think that
maybe you don't have a soul anymore either?"
"Taking a life is just as sinful, no matter which side of the war you're on. One life isn't worth less
than another,” Malfoy practically purred. He started to approach her again, and it took everything
in Hermione to hold her ground and not step away. "If I were a betting man, I'd say the blood on
your ledger tallies up just as high as mine. You've probably executed just as many Death Eaters as I
have Order members.”
"That's not the same! I didn't want to kill them! I didn't want to kill anyone!"
"So what then? Just because you're on the 'Good Side', you think that your sins don't count?" Quick
as a flash, he was in front of her again, towering over her, trying to throw her off balance. "Do you
think that just because the people you've butchered wore a skull mask and had a snake on their
forearm, that somehow your soul is clean? That you're somehow better than me?"
"I am better than you!" Hermione screamed, raising onto the tips of her toes so she could better
look him in the eye. "You kill like it's a sport! You kill without mercy, like it's fun, I hate it! I don't
want to do it, but this is war! We don't have the luxury of mercy anymore! Not when Voldemort
has grown as strong as he has!"
"You're right, this is war," Malfoy sneered, his eyes as cold and lifeless as ever. "So let me ask you
this; out of all those masked figures that you've murdered on the battlefield, how many do you
think had wives waiting for them at home?"
If he'd punched her in the stomach, it would have hurt less. "I... that's not- that doesn't mean-"
"How many of those poor souls that you've executed were someone's daughter? Someone's son?"
Hermione took a step back, but Malfoy followed, looming over her, burning her with the truth.
"Stop it!"
"How many of those Death Eaters that died screaming at the tip of your wand had children?"
"Stop it!"
"Stop it! Just stop it!" Hermione blinked furiously, trying to dull the burning in her eyes. She
wouldn't cry in front of him. She refused to. "We're not the same! We are not the fucking same!"
"What about Charlotte Roth?" Malfoy asked. "Or Mark Kinghold? You remember them, don't you
Hermione stopped. Despite the warmth of the fire, she felt a chill as cold as The Demon Hex
spread through her body.
Of course she remembered them, how could she not? Those names were tattooed onto her soul,
branded onto her skin, unforgettable, no matter how hard she tried to wipe them from her memory.
"I bet Kingsley never signed off on their executions, did he? You went rogue on that one, I'm sure.
Did you know that Charlotte had a husband?" Malfoy cocked a brow. "Did you know that she had
a son? A little four-month-old boy waiting for her at home?"
"Or did you know that Mark was two years younger than us in school?" Malfoy went on. "He was
eighteen when you killed him, hadn't even mastered a fucking Imperius Curse before you
butchered him."
"Shut up!" Hermione retreated another step, flinching when her back connected with the cool glass
mirror behind her.
Malfoy closed in and slammed a hand on either side of the frame, trapping her against the mirror.
"Did you ever stop to think about that?! No, of course you didn't, because it didn't matter to you!
They killed your parents! They killed your mother and father, and they deserved to burn!"
Hermione pounded her fists against his chest, trying to force him back so she could escape. He
didn't budge, immovable as the marble statues he so often resembled. "Fuck you!"
"It didn't matter that the people behind the skull masks had families, loved ones, people that would
mourn them-"
"Let me go!"
"Because in those moments, all you cared about was killing them!"
Tears burned Hermione's eyes. "Shut up!" she seethed through gritted teeth.
"All you cared about was cutting them down, and making them feel the same pain and hurt you
felt! Making them pay for killing your family!"
"Stop it!" she screamed. The burning in her eyes got worse, the sting started to blur her vision
but she still kept the tears in, refused to let them fall. "Just stop talking!" She could feel the dam
about to burst. Cracks in the foundations, tears struggling, fighting to break free.
"Because in those moments you were ruthless, merciless, a fucking monster.” Malfoy bowed his
head, and his lips grazed her cheek as he whispered, "Because in those moments, you were just like
"Stop saying that we're the same! We're not the fucking same!"
Malfoy leaned back, his eyes on hers as he licked across his bottom lip. "No? Do you really believe
Hermione raised her hand to punch him, to force him out of her way before her heart shattered for
good, but Malfoy caught her. He snatched her left wrist before the punch could meet its sweet
target, and the other wrapped around her waist to flip her around. He pressed her back tight against
his chest and caged her in, pinning her against him as she struggled in his arms.
Hermione lowered her head, trying to find her bearings so she could kick his feet out from under
him -
Malfoy's lips glided to the shell of her ear. "Look in the mirror Granger.”
"No!" She kept her eyes on the floor and tried to crunch his boots under her own.
"Look in the mirror!" he hissed, tone low and menacing and vibrating against her spine.
She didn't listen. She tried to twist her body, tried to jut her elbows into his ribs -
The hand on her wrist vanished, only to reappear suddenly beneath her chin. His nails dug into her
skin like the fangs of a viper, and an iron-strong force tugged her face upwards-
The way he roared the words, the low bravado in his voice, the way his chest vibrated, it was
oddly thrilling, masculine, commanding attention. She jumped, her head snapped up before she
could stop herself -
Looking at them; him, her reflection curled in his arms, they were exactly the same.
The same hateful, rage twisted expressions that only a soldier knew. The ones that were tired,
frustrated with the commands they had yet to complete, and angry thinking about the missions
they'd failed.
The same vacant eyes that spoke of war and death and so many burning corpses it made her feel
sick. A look only an executioner could recognise.
And the blood - There was so much blood on her too, she hadn't realised. The same blood that was
matted in their hair, distorting and darkening the strands and saturating their clothes.
Hermione stared at their reflection, at the same blood that streaked down both their temples and
across both their chins.
Seamus's blood…
She shook in his arms, whimpering and choking as grief like no other crashed into her with the
force of a fucking earthquake.
They were exactly the same. She could hide behind the Order and her distorted illusions of
morality and nobility, but in the end, she was no better than him.
She didn't care who she killed if it protected the Order. She didn't care who she butchered if it
brought them one step closer to Voldemort's defeat. And she certainly hadn't given a fuck about
Charlotte and Mark when she'd tortured them, mauled them, left them bleeding and broken for days
before she finally executed them.
Because they'd killed her parents, and she thought they deserved it.
In those moments, she was Judge, Jury and Executioner, and she hadn't cared about those her blood
fuelled rampage left behind.
Hermione trembled against his chest and watched tears fall from her eyes, mixing with the blood
and dirt as they slid down her horrified face and past her sobbing lips.
"I should have let you die,” she whispered, choking as those traitorous tears gathered on her chin,
and then finally dropped onto the floor.
She felt two beats of his heart against her spine before his lips found her ear again. "Yes. You
should have.”
"Is everything alright? I heard shouting and..... what in Merlin's name happened to you two?!"
The instant Malfoy heard Astoria's voice, the way it cracked and broke near the end, his hold on
Granger loosened.
She immediately jutted her elbows into his ribs, tore herself from the cage he'd wound around her,
and stormed towards her freedom, but not before she stopped in the doorway. Not before she'd
returned the favour, pointed the barrel at his temples, and taken a shot at him too. He doubted she
could help herself, imagined it was as much of a reflex to her as it was to him after all these years
of war.
"You were wrong about him Astoria,” Granger rasped. Through the mirror, he watched her stop in
front of a wide-eyed Astoria. "He might have torn off his wings to protect the rest of you, but he
doesn't have a soul, not anymore. There isn't a shred of anything good left in him. He may have
been your brother once, but he's nothing more than a Demon now.”
And then she just... left. Not another hateful stare or disgusted glance in his direction, and Malfoy
just watched her go.
There was a few seconds of silence before Astoria caught his eye in the mirror.
Her usually soft and compassionate expression was twisted into a vicious scowl. A scowl that was
aimed at him.
“What did you do to her?" Astoria demanded, her hands curling into fists at her sides.
Malfoy sighed heavily. He leaned his forehead against the cold glass and pinched his eyes closed.
He just needed a moment, just a minute to collect himself, to calm his nerves and rebuild the
Occlumency walls he felt splintering around him before Astoria started with her firing squad of an
inquisition. It was a shame he knew she wasn't going to give him that mercy.
He groaned against the glass, his breath misting the pane. "Just give me a fucking minute Tori,
Well, she was going to find out eventually. What was that old muggle phrase? Rip the bullet out?
Bite the band-aid off?
"The Dark Lord entrusted me with a special assignment for Granger. I've been working on it for
months, casting small hexes in her head and laying the foundations," he muttered against the
mirror, his eyes still closed, refusing to look at her. "It's supposed to turn her to our side, make her a
weapon for us. Today, I tested the hex out on the field.”
He could hear Astoria grinding her perfectly polished teeth from the doorframe. "What. Did. You.
Make. Her. Do!?"
Malfoy winced when he heard Astoria's shocked gasp. He tried to stop himself from reacting, tried
to keep his face as stoic as he could and concentrate on shards of glass and icy walls - but he
Since Granger's capture, since the first time she'd slapped him across the face, Malfoy had craved
the opportunity to make her squirm.
She was trapped behind enemy lines without a wand, alone, and completely defenceless. Anyone
else would've trembled with fear at the sheer helplessness of their situation - but not Granger.
No matter what he tried, no matter how many anti-magic potions he forced down her throat or how
many times he pressed his wand against her temples, she never showed even a flicker of fear in
those honey-coloured eyes.
There was something fascinating about her unwavering defiance. Something exhilarating about her
strong backbone that refused to bow; how the embers in her chest could never be doused.
Granger was fucking shatterproof. The wildest stallion that simply refused to be broken in, and the
idea of being the one to break her had consumed Malfoy of late. He'd felt possessed with the idea,
ravenous with the need to see how her pretty eyes would look when they were scared.
The Golden Girl was frightened of him, so scared that her whole body had trembled when she'd
stared at their reflections in the mirror.
He'd broken her. He'd made her heart bleed and achieved the goal his master had set him with
sparkling results.
Why did his stomach twist thinking about the crippling defeat in her eyes? Why did it make him
feel sick to think about the tears that had slid down her cheeks?
Malfoy knew what it was, the thing that caused a sudden, long-forgotten chill to scratch deep in his
chest. The thing that caused the hairs on the back of his neck to rise, and an awful lurch to creep
into his stomach.
It was guilt.
Guilt for what he'd done to her, for what he'd turned her into.
And guilt was the thing that had started to be his undoing.
He'd felt his control slipping for weeks, ever since she'd saved his life. Since he'd been on the cusp
of death and felt the souls of those he'd murdered grasping at his ankles, dragging him down to
hell. When he'd been so close to the end, only to be saved by his enemy.
Ever since he'd opened his eyes on the blood-soaked floor, lunged forward and tore the shackles of
the dead off his arms, only to brush across the softest lips he'd ever-
No, he couldn't afford to think like that. He wouldn't think like that.
But her eyes - those fucking eyes had been the first thing he'd seen, the things that had stirred
something in him, and ignited some long-forgotten emotion.
As though she'd stepped on the frozen lake that was his Occlumency - stomped onto it with the
force of a fucking bull - and now the lake was splintering. Cracks were spreading across his walls
like glittering spiderwebs, zipping through the ice faster than he could repair them.
He'd tried to fix them, but exhaustion and a heavy conscience he thought he'd buried were making
it harder and harder for him to Occlude; to keep those walls up and protect himself. He could
barely keep them up for an hour at a time now, and it was all Granger's fault.
Salazar - he was tired. He was so exhausted he could barely stand, and his sister was looking at
him with such hate and disappointment that it made him want to throw himself off the roof.
"Don't look at me like that!" Malfoy snapped as he turned to face Astoria. "Whatever I did, I did for
us! To protect our family!"
Astoria shook her head. "You didn't have to do that! You could have waited and found another
"No, I couldn't. The only people who knew about this assignment were me, the Dark Lord,
Bellatrix, and her husband. The Dark Lord gave me very clear instructions; if an opportunity
presented itself in Whitby where I could safely test if the roots of the Hex had stuck, then I was to
take it.”
Malfoy needed something to take the edge off. Something to drown those sad brown eyes out of his
mind before he marched into her room and plucked them out himself.
He crossed the drawing-room, swung the doors to the liquor cabinet open, and grabbed the first
bottle he could reach with shaking fingers. He pulled the cork off and drank until his throat burned.
"Finnigan was on the floor, weaponless. Granger was with me. The alley was empty. And then
Rodolphus Lestrange waltzed around the corner at the wrong time!" He took another swig of the
bourbon. "There was no reason I shouldn't test the hex! No possible excuse for me not to do a trial
run!" Another pause, another large swig.
When he spoke again, his voice was low and hoarse, the potent alcohol finally taking hold of his
vocal cords. "You want to know the worst part? I didn't want to do it. Fuck - I didn't want to do that
to her. I didn't want to make her kill her friend, but I didn't have a fucking choice!"
He could feel his control slipping again, wild anger sneaking through the cracks. He grabbed the
bottle by its neck, whirled around, and threw it at the wall.
He could practically hear his ancestors hissing their disapproval as the smell of wasted bourbon
burned his nostrils.
"I didn't have a choice!" Malfoy seethed. "If I didn't test the hex, Rodolphus would have reported
me! He would have seen it as a sign of weakness and ran to the Dark Lord faster than a snitch
leaves the fucking crate!"
Astoria took a cautious step closer, careful to give him a wide birth as his anger roared to the
surface. "But you're a Demon Mask, his loyalist supporter. Surely he wouldn't-"
Malfoy cut her off in a snarl. "He would replace me like that-" he snapped his fingers aggressively,
illustrating his point, "-if he thought I'd lost my edge. He wouldn't hesitate, even for a second, to
replace me if I wasn't the most ruthless, bloodthirsty bastard at his disposal! His ranks are like a
shark pit; if the others smell even a drop of blood or weakness, they'll tear me apart for the chance
to take my place! I do these things because I have to, not because I want to!" Malfoy roared, all
teeth and anger and pain. "I do these things to protect us! So the Dark Lord doesn't turn his
attention to us and take a closer look at what's going on! So he doesn't notice Nott acting out, or
you and your husband disappearing every two seconds! Do you think it doesn't tear me apart,
thinking about what I've done?!"
Astoria's grave brown eyes glistened. She opened her mouth, but Malfoy cut her off again.
"He's in my head all the fucking time, whispering and hissing orders!" Malfoy's shoulders started to
tremble, his fingers shook even more so as he jabbed them against his temple like knives. "Kill this
wizard Draco! Behead this witch Draco!" He dragged his hands to the back of his head and
pinched his eyes closed as all these emotions just bled out of him, on and on, worse than any
wound he'd ever received on the battlefield. "Torture this one! Pluck that one's eyes out! Kill this
one, now that one. Again and again and again." Fuck, it hurt. It fucking hurt to let himself feel
again. He'd forgotten how excruciating guilt felt when he didn't have a shield to hide behind. "It's
all the time! Never-ending fucking poison in my head! Every bastard day, hour after hour!"
Astoria's hand wrapped around his shoulder, her warmth flooding him as she tried to drag him
down into an embrace, comforting him even when they both knew he didn't deserve it.
Malfoy shook out of her grip and started to pace the room.
And Astoria couldn't be near him when he exploded like that. He needed to get away from her,
needed to get her away from him before his murderous impulses got the better of him.
He stopped when he was in front of the fireplace and whirled to face her. "But this is the price we
pay to keep our family together. You like to live in this house, don't you?" he asked spitefully.
"You like the luxuries our service to the Dark Lord grants us? Like to attend the parties and galas
and fucking society events he puts on? Well, this is what they fucking cost!"
Astoria's eyes slowly raked over the blood on his robes and face, but she didn't say a word.
"This is the price we pay for your pretty dresses and your expensive wine!" He held his arms out
either side of him, even did a little twirl so she could see the full depths he'd let himself slip to for
years and years and years. "This is the blood that I pay to keep our family safe!"
Astoria drew a deep breath, blinking back tears. "And you think all this is worth turning Hermione
into a monster for?"
"Oh, now you want to play the moral card and pretend you have a sense of decency?" he taunted,
knowing it was cruel. She was so close to leaving, she just needed a little push. "You can watch us
kill, you'll turn a blind eye to that, but this? This crosses some fucking line that you've decided to
draw? You don't get to pick and choose when you want to be noble Tori! You don't get to watch us
walk through the gates of hell, burn our feet on the coals, and then decide that this is too far!"
"Watch your mouth Malfoy!" Astoria hissed. She stepped closer, and an angry crease appeared
between her brows.
"Or what? What are you gonna do? You sit here all day, with your perfectly manicured nails and
your bottles of expensive vodka and -"
Astoria cut him off with a bruising slap across his left cheek. The strength of it twisted his face
back towards the mirror, forcing him to stare at his nightmare of a reflection.
It took three long, calming breaths before he could face the blonde in front of him again.
"Your mother loved you more than she loved anyone,” Astoria sneered through gritted teeth. "She
wanted you to live. She would have done anything to see you survive - but this?" She took a step
back and waved her hand over the blood and dirt and dark magic that clung to every inch of him.
"She never wanted this for you. She would turn in her grave if she could see what you've become.”
Astoria gave one last lingering scowl before she shook her head and left the drawing room.
He tore the pictures from the wall as though they'd spat in his face. He kicked the coffee table as
though it had murdered his father.
And he punched the mirror again and again and again, until his knuckles were drenched with
blood, until the pane was as cracked as his Occlumency walls, and until he couldn't see the
reflection of the demon staring right back at him.
Angels in the garden
10th March
Funny, Hermione had never really paid much attention to that phrase before, just considered it
something her frail, declining hero of a grandfather used to say.
"Time heals all wounds, my darling," he used to say to anyone who needed to hear it, a twinkle in
his eyes and moustache crinkling with his smile. "Time, and a good cup of tea."
No matter how shallow or mountainous a problem was, they were his answer to everything.
He would murmur it to her grandmother whenever he put the kettle on the stove - even as
technology advanced, he'd refused to adapt, and preferred the old method of pot and fire to heat his
beloved cup of tea. Said it tasted better. Hermione agreed.
He'd said it to Hermione's mother as he added milk and two sugars - just the way she liked it - and
handed her a mug after she'd had a near-miss car accident.
He would hush it into Hermione's hair whenever she fell off her bicycle as a child, and that time
she was bitten by a squirrel.
He'd even said it at her grandmothers funereal, whispered it under his breath as he'd watched the
coffin that held his soulmate be lowered into the ground, his parting love letter to her carried by the
wind until they would meet again.
Hermione was sure she'd found the one thing that time, or even the best cup of tea, could never
She was certain, as she lay screaming in a bath filled with Seamus's blood, that time couldn't heal
the crater that was forming in her chest.
She knew, as Astoria lathered her hair with shampoo and pealed chunks of matted flesh from her
curls, that no amount of time could heal this pain, this wrenching fucking grief that felt like her
spine had been ripped from her body and was being used to strangle her with.
Not in a week.
Not in a month.
And a good cup of fucking tea certainly wouldn't do the job either.
28th March
Hermione's head snapped up to stare at the two different bunches of flowers Astoria was holding
over the new vase on her bedside table; white roses, or pink peonies.
Hermione gave a tight-lipped smile, then turned in her perch to face the window again. "l'll leave it
up to you. Your taste is much better than mine.”
Astoria sighed heavily behind her, a little defeated, then started clipping the flowers with her wand.
In the weeks following Seamus's death, after Astoria had washed the blood from Hermione's hair,
after she'd held her in the bath while she'd sobbed and mourned her friend, she'd barely left
Hermione's side. She became like a protective mother bee, constantly fussing and hovering over
Hermione's every move.
Despite her small size and delicate demeanour, her protectiveness was far more effective than
Hermione would have given her credit for. None of the men would go near Hermione if Astoria
was around. Wouldn't so much as step over the threshold into her bedroom if Astoria was perched
on the window ledge with her. Not her husband. Not Theo. And not even the Demon Mask to who
the window belonged.
Hermione had refused to leave her room since the attack. She didn't want to. The thought of
running into Malfoy, the thought of seeing the puppet master behind her marionette strings made
her skin crawl.
She'd hidden away instead. Locked herself in a tower, thrown the key out the window, and curled
herself into a ball while she festered in her guilt and sorrow.
Months ago, the thought of being in a cage terrified her but now, she welcomed the idea with open
arms. She would rather shackle her wrists and bind herself to the floor than risk going out there and
ending the life of someone else she'd sworn to protect. She never wanted to leave this cage again,
would happily die and rot in here by herself if that's what it took. It was no less than what she
Astoria, however, had other ideas. The petite blonde seemed determined that no matter how much
Hermione wished she could wrap her own fingers around her throat and squeeze the life from her
lungs, she would always be there to ease the pressure, to allow Hermione to breathe.
And if Hermione refused to go outside, then Astoria was determined to simply bring the outside to
She brought her freshly cut flowers from the gardens each morning, all beautiful and charmed to
smell exquisite. Each evening she would run Hermione a bath filled with expensive bath salts and
bubbles so soft they felt like they were made from spun silk. And she replaced the elves with their
delivery service and insisted that they dine together. Each mealtime Astoria would softly enter
Hermione's bedroom pushing a silver trolley - two plates of food on the middle rack - and a
steaming pot of tea and two mugs on the top.
It seemed that the idea of a good cup of tea could solve anything in a time of crisis wasn't lost on
even the most purebred of wizarding society, something that was passed down from one generation
to the next. The irony of it almost made Hermione chuckle; that blood supremacists all nursed their
cups of tea the same way Muggles did - the lesser species they wanted to burn from the earth. If
only they knew how similar they were under those few layers of magic.
Yes, Astoria's kind gestures weren't lost on Hermione, but she appreciated the effect Mrs Zabini
had on Malfoy far more than any trinket she could offer.
True to his word, Malfoy had tried to resume their 'Legilimency sessions' the day after Whitby.
He'd arrived in her room the next morning, even had the courtesy to knock before he sheepishly
opened the door. He'd approached Hermione slowly, eyes on the floor and shoulder's slightly
slumped -
But when he'd noticed Astoria sitting on the window ledge beside her, he'd frozen, and the very
instant Astoria's lips had curled in disgust, he’d left. Hermione had brushed it off as a fluke, but
then a pattern started to emerge. Each day, Malfoy would knock, enter Hermione's room, see
Astoria, and then leave.
She wasn't sure what the reason was, or why he couldn't bring himself to barge into her mind while
his sister was there - quite frankly she didn't care. It didn't really matter as long as he stayed away
from her and out of her head.
Astoria couldn't protect Hermione every day, her condition only gave her the strength to be her
shield for a few days at a time. So twice a week, when Astoria's blood curse bound her to her bed
through spouts of fragility and coughing up blood, Malfoy would seize the opportunity, still
keeping up the pretence of 'searching Hermione's memories' even though she now knew it was a
wasted exercise.
Hermione wasn't sure what she could do within her own mind to keep him from planting the hex.
On their first session, she'd tried to remain calm, ignore the image of him in her mind as he watched
whatever memory was unfolding, and tried to concentrate. She'd tried to feel for the hex, feel for an
intruder, a strange tingle of magic that shouldn't be there - but there was nothing. Not a thing she
could distinguish as he worked this new foul brand of magic into her brain like a parasite.
Despite not being able to feel what he was doing in her mind, she still fought him every step of the
way. She did everything in her power to slow him down. She punched him while he tried to press
his wand against her temples, kicked him, screamed, spat in his face, and tried to keep her hotel as
strong as she could even though she knew it was pointless. He wasn't actually searching her
memories, but she couldn't just sit there and do nothing.
Hermione tried with everything she had, summoned every ounce of Gryffindor courage and fire in
her belly to keep those doors locked.
But Malfoy had broken her. He'd crushed her spirit under his boot and left her crumpled on the
floor, bleeding, defeated.
And the hotel in her mind? The walls and doors she'd spent months reinforcing to keep him out?
Well, they crumbled like fucking sandcastles swept up in the tide. Just as weak and broken as her
Malfoy waltzed through her memories easily now, glided from one to the next effortlessly now he
was met with little resistance.
Hermione didn't even flinch when they'd watched Dumbledore's body fall from the Astronomy
tower, or when they'd watched her younger double Obliviate her parents. She didn't even shed a
tear - not a single fucking one - when they'd witnessed the first time she'd killed someone. Didn't
feel even the smallest of tremors in her chest as the memories replayed, when the guilt had
overtaken her, when she'd screamed and cried and shook in Ron's arms, agonized over what she'd
Hermione didn't feel any of it, because her heart was already broken.
"Hermione?" Astoria's calm voice cut through her thoughts again for the second time that
afternoon. She was growing more attuned to when Hermione needed a distraction. "What did you
want for dinner today?"
"I was thinking of asking Romy to make a lasagne. He always serves it with roast potatoes, and you
know how much of a good mood it puts him in to cook those,” Astoria went on, insistently trying
to pull a conversation out of Hermione. "I've never known a house-elf to be so fond of something.
I'm sure if he was smothered to death in roast potatoes, he would die happy-"
"Don't come in here!" Astoria sharply put the vase of flowers she was nursing down and glared at
the door.
There was a brief silence, then the door started to creak open.
"Didn't you hear me?!" Astoria snapped as Malfoy stepped into the room. "We don't want you in
here! Get out right now!"
Hermione couldn't see what colour his eyes were, they were still on the floor and a few strands of
his hair had fallen forward to cover his face. He looked different, conflicted, almost vulnerable.
"I can't do that that Tori.” Everything about Malfoy's posture screamed uncomfortable. His
shoulders were slumped, and the veins on the back of his hands were straining as he balled them
into fists at his sides. “I have an assignment I'm needed on today-"
Malfoy gave a low, heavy sigh and pinched his eyes closed. "The Dark Lord has ordered that
Granger comes with me- that I test the hex again.”
Hermione's heart dropped into her stomach. She couldn't go out there with him. She couldn't risk
hurting another one of her friends. He'd have to drag her out of here kicking and screaming.
"Don't you dare come anywhere near me.” She jumped from her perch and backed away from him
slowly, inching towards the bathroom door. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"
Malfoy's eyes snapped up. They were a mixture of colours, slightly more blue than grey. He wasn't
quite Mr Hyde, but he wasn't exactly all Dr Jekyll either.
"Granger," he clenched his jaw. "Please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be.” He
reached into his robes, presumably to grab his wand-
Astoria moved quicker than Hermione thought possible for someone with her condition.
Her aim wasn't perfect, Malfoy's wand didn't land in her own palm as it should have. Her
inexperience with the spell caused it to fly into the far end of Hermione's bedroom, but judging
from Malfoy's horrified expression, the fact that she had managed to disarm him at all was
Astoria raised her wand and aimed it at his throat. “Hermione, get behind me.”
As soon as Hermione was behind the blonde, Astoria's free arm wound around her waist to pull her
protectively against her back.
"Astoria," Malfoy warned in a low, dangerous tone, even though his hands were raised as though
he was a soldier mid-surrender. "Don't do this.”
Hermione almost couldn't believe what was happening. It didn't seem real that Astoria, the fragile
witch whose life was as delicate and breakable as a strand of unicorn hair, could be pointing a
wand at the most feared Death Eater in the country to protect her, and Malfoy couldn't seem to
bring himself to retaliate.
He must have known wandless magic. Someone didn't become as dangerous as he was if they
weren't adept at lethal curses without the need for a weapon. So why wasn't he attacking Astoria?
It would be easy for him to overpower her. She'd cast one simple disarming spell, and her chest
was already heaving with exhaustion. It would be incredibly easy for him to knock her out and drag
Hermione out of here, so why wasn't he doing it?
Astoria took a step to the left, inching closer to the door and pulling Hermione with her.
Malfoy took a step to the right, away from their exit but closer to his wand. "You know I don't have
a choice Tori.” He took another step, so did the girls. "The Dark Lord has given me orders-"
"I don't care!" When Malfoy crouched toward his wand, Astoria cast a weak fire hex at his feet,
forcing him back a few paces. "You're not taking her out there! You're not making her kill again!"
"Hermione, run!" Astoria shouted, her wand shaking in her hand as her condition started to claw
her strength away. "I can keep him here for a few minutes, long enough for you to go and hide!"
That was one instruction Hermione didn't need to be told twice. She took off running and was
down the corridor in seconds, sprinting towards an escape she had no hope of finding. She took a
corner, and then another, ignoring the searing heat in her lungs and ache in her legs. She ran and
ran and ran. Down the halls, through the kitchen, and burst open the doors until she was outside
and the cold air was biting her overheated skin.
She needed to find somewhere to hide, somewhere he would never expect to find her. But where
the fuck was she supposed to go?! She'd explored every inch of this hell hole a hundred times over.
She'd seen everything, inspected every corner and not found a single trap door or hidden archway
she could-
She skidded to a stop next to the Wisteria plants. There was one place she'd never explored.
She could see the plants weaving around the cast iron fence from here, and the two pale brick
pillars and glowing torches that lined the entrance. Her skin crawled at the thought of pushing open
those rusting iron gates and stepping inside.
But she'd never set foot in there before, so she doubted Malfoy would ever think to look for her
Hermione drew a deep breath, ignoring the hairs that raised on the back on her neck when she
creaked the ominous gates open, and sprinted inside.
She'd expected to see rows of headstones here, she knew that his lineage stretched back years into
the past, but it couldn't have prepared her for this. She'd walked past the graveyard a thousand
times, but she'd always kept her head down and averted her eyes to avoid looking beyond the gates.
Her ignorance had left her blind, it was far larger than she anticipated it would be.
The graves went on forever. There were hundreds of them. Although the lawns and flowers were as
well maintained as those on the estate, the headstones looked ancient and neglected. Some were
withered with age, others so overgrown with ivy plants the inscriptions were barely visible. There
were statues of angels everywhere she looked, all sculpted from the most beautiful marble, all
watching over the grave of someone in the Malfoy family.
Hermione could practically hear Malfoy's ancestors hissing at her, rolling in their graves as she
sprinted past their tombs and tall mausoleums. In the back of her mind, she wondered why certain
family members were given such impressive crypts while others had to be satisfied with mere
headstones - but she didn't dwell on it.
She took a left, and then another, searching for a large tomb she could hide behind. Fuck - she'd dig
a grave herself if it meant she had something to hide in.
She jerked to a halt suddenly, because she wasn't as alone in the graveyard as she thought.
Her breath hitched when she saw him, and she instinctually dove to hide behind an eroding
headstone. She waited, listening for approaching footsteps through the roaring of blood in her ears,
and when they never came, she slowly peeked over the top of the stone.
Theo was sat crossed-legged on the floor in front of a grave she couldn't read. There was a kind,
almost gentle warmth in his eyes as he chatted quietly to the headstone, as though he were speaking
to the ghost the grave belonged to. His gold mask was thrown carelessly on the floor, and
Hermione watched him wave his wand once, twice, and seconds later a wreathe of pink peonies
materialised on the grave. He said something to the headstone, and then chuckled quietly to
himself. She'd never seen Theo laugh before, or the lines that decorated the skin around his eyes
when he smiled.
Hermione silently moved closer, mindful of every step she took. She couldn't risk crunching a stray
branch under her boot and alerting Nott to her presence. She'd seen him on the battlefield, and
knew all too well how quickly he could whirl around and end her life with a single hex.
Well, she certainly was in the right place, should things take that unfortunate turn.
As she got closer, she realised the grave he was sitting in front of was unmarked. It wasn't aged like
many of the others here. It looked as though it couldn't have been more than a few years old but the
stone was barren, not a single engraving or scratch of any kind. But there were trinkets laid at the
base of the grave; a silver bracelet, an orange candle, a small stuffed bear with a bow tie, and a
silver ring with a large glittering sapphire that-
Strong arms suddenly wrapped around her waist, and cold lips glided to the shell of her ear.
"Daemonium, ortus.”
"Is she alright?" Theo slowed his pace, and ducked his head so he could get a better look at the face
of the witch walking beside him. "She doesn't look so good.”
Draco didn't like how closely Nott was hovering. The hand that was wrapped around Granger's
wrist dragged her a little closer to him.
He could feel Nott frowning at him from beneath his mask. "Fuck sake Malfoy - possessive
much?" he huffed. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were growing attached to the Mudblood.”
"I need to keep her close to me," he lied, dragging Granger just that little bit nearer. "Just in case
she breaks through the hex quicker than anticipated.”
Granger didn't look good, not in any sense of the word. The Demon Hex truly lived up to its name.
It was a succubus, a parasite that was draining the little lion right in front of his eyes. The hex had
taken the rose tint from her cheeks and the olive hue from her skin, and made her look pale and
gaunt. It looked like it thinned her skin too, stretched it too tightly over her cheekbones and jaw.
But the worst thing the hex took, that thing that made his stomach knot every time he looked at
her, was the fire in her eyes. It'd doused the flames and reverted them back into empty coal. Her
eyes had no honey now, no warmth, they were pure black. As black as his heart.
He imagined it was all deliberate. Probably a visual representation of the hex so the caster could
see when it was in effect, and be able to notice when the spell was weakening, but he fucking hated
the way it made her look.
Granger didn't say a word as they made their way through the dark forest, hadn't uttered so much as
a lonely syllable since they'd apparated here to meet the eight Black Masks who were
accompanying them on this mission. She could speak, the hex didn't prevent her from saying what
was on her mind, but she was refusing to.
Her eyes would slide over to him every few minutes. Each time her lip would curl in disgust, her
dead eyes would rake over him slowly. And each time the knot in his stomach would twist a little
Fuck - he wished she'd do something. Slap him. Punch him. Kick him in the balls. Anything! It was
stifling to see her this way, docile, quiet. It felt ugly, made his skin crawl to see her so lifeless. It
wasn't right. It wasn't her.
It's just another mission. She's nothing, he'd chanted like it was a fucking mantra. Over and over
again, willing it into existence, praying it would ease the tension in his stomach.
"Sooooo," Nott said after a few minutes of quiet walking. "What's so special about these refugee's
we're tracking anyway?"
"It's not the refugee's that we're interested in," he said, eyes on Granger while he answered Theo's
question. "It's the Order members that are going to come and rescue them that the Dark Lord
He wanted her to do something, anything, just so he knew she was still in there.
Nott pulled a dagger from his robes and started flipping it over as they walked. "How many?"
He wanted her to grab the knife - just to prove that she was still in there somewhere, buried deep
beneath the Hex.
"Hopefully no more than ten," Draco answered, "you know they like to keep their heads down.”
Nott snorted. He balanced the hilt of the knife in the palm of his hand for a few seconds, then
flipped it over to play with it again.
Draco wanted her to fight him. Fight them. Fight the Hex. His pulse quickened when her eyes
flickered to the weapon.
Her brows furrowed as she watched Nott, her lips pressed into a tight line, but then her cold eyes
slid forward again, and Draco's hands balled into fists.
A rustling of leaves to the left suddenly caught his attention. Draco stopped, raising his hand so the
group behind him did the same.
The forest was quiet. Too quiet. It seemed as though everything had frozen; the birds stopped
chirping, and even the leaves stopped rustling in the wind.
"Why are we stopping?" one of the Black Masks groaned, Draco hadn't bothered to learn his name.
"There's nothing-"
"Shhhhhhh!" he hissed through gritted teeth, pulling Granger tighter against his body. "Don't move
"You're too paranoid," the Black Mask snorted as he strode forward, confidently knocking
shoulders with Draco as he drew deeper into the forest. "There's nothing here-"
The Black Mask was lucky a bullet suddenly shot from the treeline and pierced his heart, because
if it hadn't, Draco would have killed the stupid cunt himself, and he would have made it last.
The instant the Death Eater perished, the ambush started. Members of the Order of the Phoenix
jumped from behind the covering trees, wand in one hand, a gun in the other, and began firing both
at the group.
There were a lot more of them than Draco had anticipated. The Black Masks followed his pre-
given commands, and began casting shields and protective enchantments while Nott and Draco
went on the offensive. Curses zipped past Draco as he took out his mother's wand. He gave
Granger one last lingering look, checked her eyes, then handed her his own wand.
The change in her was..... astounding. The second her slim fingers curled around his wand, she
came alive. Her eyes were still dead and her skin was still dull, but she was there! She fought like
no one he'd ever seen. She was ruthless, organised, intelligent - fucking glorious.
Granger used everything around her, completely attuned to her surroundings and anything she
could use to her advantage. Before Malfoy even had the opportunity to count the number of threats,
she whirled around, curls spinning around her face, and shot a wordless hex that ripped a large tree
from its roots. The forest floor shook, and with a simple flick of her wrist, she brought the tree back
down, and crushed two Order members underneath it.
Theo seemed to be in silent competition with her. For every Order member she killed or
incapacitated, he butchered two.
She shot hex after hex, binding some of their assailants in chains whilst others received green
curses. She was powerful and relentless, the way he knew she would be.
An unexpected tightness suddenly formed in his chest when she killed another Order member he
didn't recognise.
It turned out that Draco didn't need to do much to thwart this attack, Theo and Granger seemed to
have it covered.
A few Order members slipped through the cracks and managed to land nasty hexes on the Black
Masks. All eight of them were dead in minutes, either too slow to defend themselves or too stupid
to retaliate.
The attack was almost finished, only two Order members remained, and then a third appeared from
behind the treeline; a wizard with jet black hair and green eyes, who was quick enough to disarm
Nott and send him flying into the air with one wordless spell.
He was on the other side of the treeline, maybe fifteen feet away, but he was unmistakable. Like a
ghost from the past, resurrected after years of being absent from battle.
As Theo landed on the floor with a loud grunt, Granger spun around. She aimed her wand at Potter,
the tip gathering a deadly green light -
Everyone froze.
Draco watched Potter quickly raise his own wand to Granger out of instinct, an automatic defence,
and then nothing happened. Potter wasn't attacking her. She wasn't attacking him, but neither were
lowering their wands.
As Draco watched the two of them, he was sure that the earth had stopped turning. They just stared
at one another, wands drawn and deadly, two best friends, on opposites sides of the war.
Potter's green eyes widened with terror when he noticed the blood and ash that clung to every inch
of her. He clenched his jaw and looked at the mess of bodies around him, then back to Granger,
then to the bodies, then her again.
"Hermione, what did they do to you?" Potter's voice shook, despite the firm hold he had on his
Granger's expression flickered. A deep crease formed between her brows, and her jaw seemed to be
almost vibrating with tension.
Nott lurched back to his feet. He snatched his wand from the mess of fallen leaves on the ground,
and marched towards Potter with murderous intent -
"Wait!" Malfoy held out his arm, using it as a barrier to prevent Nott from interrupting.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Nott growled as he raised his wand. "I'm gonna rip that fucking
stupid scar right off his forehead!"
"Fuck sake Nott, just wait!" Malfoy bit, snatching Nott's wand. "Look!"
"Hermione, whatever they've done to you, we can fix it!" Potter shouted, pleading from across the
forest. "You don't need to do this!"
Granger didn't say anything. She twisted her wand, aiming it a little more accurately over Potter's
"Potter has a clear shot," Nott breathed, barely more than a whisper. "Why isn't he attacking her?
He could kill her so easily right now.”
Potter's nostrils flared. His chest heaved as he inched a little closer to Granger. "Drop your wand,
"He could kill her, but he won't,” Theo went on, astonishment colouring his tone. "He knows what
she's done. He knows how lethal she is and that she's on our side now, but he won't hurt her.”
Granger took a step towards him. The tip of her wand sparked with magic, the green smoke
glowing brighter.
"Her arms are shaking,” Theo whispered over Draco's shoulder. Even with the voice-altering
charms, he sounded worried. "Should they be doing that?"
"She's fighting the hex,” Draco said, observing the way her entire right arm and the wand she held
shook violently. She was still in there, trying to claw her way to the surface and stop this. He
couldn't help but smirk. "Did you really expect anything less from her?"
"Hermione, please, please, don't do this!" Harry pleaded once more. His voice broke near the end,
and it seemed to shatter something in Granger.
She screamed, an ear-piercing, fucking heart-breaking scream. She cut her wand to the left just
before the curse left the tip, sparing Harry's life by a mere second. The killing curse she threw was
so strong, so filled with rage, that it cut a poor tree in half when it made its impact. Splinters of
wood and debris from the blast flew towards them like bullets, but Potter didn't move an inch. He
just stared at Granger, horrified, like he was going to be sick.
"HARRY GO!" Granger finally found her voice, and she screamed so loud it would be a miracle if
she didn't tear her vocal cords with her panic. "PLEASE! NOW!"
Theo raised his wand when the two surviving Order members apparated to safety, but Malfoy
stopped him.
"Let them go,” he whispered. "We've done more than enough damage here today."
Potter's eyes lingered on Granger for a second longer, devastated, absolutely shattered, before he
touched the Portkey in his pocket and vanished.
"Fuck, Malfoy you did it!” Nott cheered, patting his friend on the back. "You've found Potter's
weakness. The Dark Lord will be so pleased with you!"
He didn’t feel much like celebrating, or any of the pride he thought he would've felt in this
moment. Looking at Granger, he felt nauseated.
Because the Golden Girl was on her knees, her fingers digging into the mud as she screamed and
cried and shook with a grief so heavy it looked like it was going to drown her. It was the most
painful fucking thing Draco had ever heard - and it was all his fault.
The Golden Girl, reborn
28th March
Waking up from the Demon Hex felt different the second time. Hermione couldn't remember much
about her first experience with it, it'd been too unfamiliar, too sudden. She'd been so swallowed up
in her panic that she hadn't noticed anything else going on around her. It'd felt like being dragged
under a harsh wave, twisting and flipping under the current with no sense of which way was up or
The second time was both easier and a thousand times worse. She had more self-awareness, she
could feel the curse and marionette strings on her arms pulling and pushing her movements.
This time she was aware of the hex, of the way it started at the base of her skull, tingling as it
stretched across her brain and down her spine. She'd felt it spread down her arms and over her
palms, lacing itself through her fingers so it could control every inch of her.
This time she studied it; the way it made her veins hum and her pulse quicken to the point she felt
like she was vibrating; her whole body alert and ready for everything.
Malfoy had been right, the Hex did bring with it a blinding sense of clarity, both sharpening and
edging her sense. She could see everything. Could hear every leaf rustle in the trees above her
head, and the bones in Malfoy's hand grinding together as he'd clenched his fists beside her.
All hunters' instincts, all brought to the surface with two Latin words.
The thing she didn't expect however, was the emotions it dragged to the surface. Not happiness or
joy or even wonder. No, those emotions wouldn't serve the Hex's purpose. The spell fed on dark
magic, it gorged on brutality and pain. The Hex wanted her to kill and destroy, the types of things
that only the darkest of curses could achieve.
And the thing about dark magic, is that it's fuelled by emotions; pain, rage. The more heartbreak,
the better. The more anguish, the stronger the curse.
So the hex brought it all to the surface. Every life that'd been lost because of her. Every mission
that'd failed because she'd been too slow or made the wrong move. Every time she'd held someone
in her arms as they'd died. The hex replayed them all like a cruel Rolodex of pain and horror,
fuelling her anger.
There were a lot of things the hex did to her body that she hadn't realised last time, but the most
significant thing, the thing she was ashamed of, was the way it made her feel lethal. Powerful. Like
she could do anything, bring down any building or end any army with a flick of her wrist.
If she weren't aiming the wand in her hand at her friends - the people she'd sworn to protect no
matter what - then she might have actually enjoyed the effects.
As the curse faded and those ghost-like fingers trailed backwards out of her body, a real cold hand
grabbed Hermione's wrist. Quick as a flash, the ground vanished from beneath her feet and the air
shifted as she landed somewhere else.
Those same hands cupped her face the instant they finished Apparating. "Granger, look at me."
Malfoy tilted her face up to meet his eyes. "Shhhh, it's alright. You're safe. Look at me-"
They were back on his estate. It was dark outside, only a few thin rays of moonlight were streaking
in through the clouds hanging over the manor. The kitchen they'd reappeared in was cold, someone
had left a window open but Hermione hardly felt it. She was too wired, too hot and angry.
She could feel blood, shit- someone else's blood - matting in her hair again. Could feel more of it
drying and crusting on her face, pulling her skin, making it feel tight and not her own.
God - she was so fucking angry she was bursting with it.
The first time she'd awoken from the hex, she'd withered on the floor like a broken little dove.
She’d screamed and cried, hidden away under her clipped wings and prayed that the world would
go away, that someone would come and just make the pain stop.
This time she was fucking murderous. She wanted to break something. Anything!
No - no, not just anything. She wanted to break Malfoy. Wanted to stand on his spine, snap the
thing in two and be done with him forever. Heaven knew the world would be a better place without
Her anger must have shown on her face, because when she spun toward him, Malfoy took a
cautious step away from her. His hands shot into the air, his rings glittering against the moonlight.
"Easy, I'm not going to hurt you.”
Hermione couldn't help but snort. "You hurt me?!" She marched towards him, her anger rising into
an inferno with every step she took."You've already robbed me of everything! There's nothing left
for you to hurt," she shouted as she pushed his chest with the palms of both hands - but he didn't
move, didn't even flinch. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it.
A smirk twitched at the edges of his lips; cracks of blue lightning coloured the cold grey of his
eyes. "There she is! There's my fucking little lioness that I've been missing! I wondered where she'd
Sick bastard.
Malfoy wrapped his hands around her wrists and held her there. He pinned her against his chest
and leaned down, close enough for Hermione to taste spearmint and smoke. "Go on then Granger,"
he whispered. "Let me have it."
He was goading her. He knew she couldn't really hurt him, but she didn't care. She was far too
angry to ignore the bait. Her anger was poisoning her mind like a toxin, clouding her rational
thought and tunnelling her vision until all she could see and think about was the target of her rage.
Her prey.
The thorough bastard had thought ahead and charmed his wand beforehand. The second Hermione
had snapped out of the hex, it’d burned her palm until she dropped it. She may have been
weaponless again, but she was far from defenceless.
He wanted her angry? He wanted her to lash out? Kick him? Punch him? Fine, he could have it all!
She wanted to take this pain she felt festering inside her, this grief that was burrowing deep in her
chest, rip it out and beat him with it! She'd make him the punch bag for her rage. She'd hit until her
palms bled!
Hermione imagined that anger heating her skin, imagined it sliding down her muscles and into her
palms, and pushed it into Malfoy's chest with all of her strength.
"That's it!" Malfoy sneered. “Don't stop there! What else have I done? What else have I taken from
"You've turned me into a monster," Hermione hissed as she pushed him again. "You've made me
attack my friends!" She hit him again, harder, more of a slap than a push. It gave her much more
release than shoving him had, so she did it again. "You've made me murder people I grew up with!
The people we went to school with!"
Malfoy was still standing tall and strong, but he wasn't smirking anymore. His mouth was twisted
down at the corners, and a worried crease had appeared between his brows. The cracks in his eyes
were intensifying, his occlumency walls were splintering, ocean blue bleeding through and taking
It was that breath-taking blue that made him look more vulnerable, beautiful. That deep, bottomless
fucking blue that made her think she could see into his very soul, showing her how broken and
damaged it was, even when she'd convinced herself that he didn't have one.
Hermione didn't want to think of him as vulnerable, or someone with feelings. He was a soulless
demon! Nothing but a target for her anger!
She punched his chest, another wave of anger that shot through her arm and into him, trying to
spark some flame in him, the ones that were burning her from the inside out.
"You've taken everything away from me!" Hermione hissed, punching him again. Her knuckles
ached but he didn't retaliate. "You've done everything but brand me with the Dark Mark yourself!
You don't care about anyone who isn't your family!"
Malfoy's eyes flickered when she punched his left shoulder harder than any of the other blows, the
blue almost totally eclipsed the grey.
"You'll do anything for them! Open the gates of hell if it means they'll be safe, but fuck the rest of
us! Who cares if we all burn! Just as long as they're safe!"
She hit him again and again and again, but he wasn't trying to restrain her. He wasn't even trying to
Why the fuck wasn't he trying to hit her back?! They were enemies! They hated one another! She
wanted him to lose control! She wanted him to attack her just so she could hit him back and expel
some of this anger that felt like it was suffocating her.
She didn't want this! She didn't want him to look at her with those sad eyes. She didn't want his
pity. She wanted him angry - like her - to tumble over the edge. She wanted to drag him down with
her, make him feel everything she was feeling.
Malfoy ground his teeth together, but his hands remained firmly clenched at his sides. They didn't
even flicker towards his wand.
"Hex me!" Hermione screamed, shoving his chest again with all of her strength. He hissed when
his back connected with the cupboard door. She was hurting him, beating him the way she'd
wanted to for months, and he wasn't fighting her back. "Come on, hex me! Hit me! Do something!"
His nostrils flared. His throat bobbed as he swallowed, and he just ... stared at her. The bluer his
eyes became, the more the emotions he usually hid behind shards of glass bled to the surface.
There was a sadness hiding there now. A hurt that came not from physical pain, but something else
- but Hermione didn't want to see that right now.
"Don't just stand there!" she screamed, pounding her fists against his chest. "Curse me! Hex
me! This is what you wanted, isn't it?!" She punched him again just below his collar bone.
Although he didn't flinch, the pain growing behind his eyes was almost unbearable to look at. "This
is how you wanted me to be, isn't it?! Dangerous?! Lethal?!"
He could have stopped her at any moment. He was so much stronger than she was. She was so
small in comparison to him; his biceps were thicker than the tops of her thighs. If he wanted to stop
her, it would have been all too easy for him to reach out, pin her wrists to her sides and cage her in.
But he didn't. Instead, he let her scream and attack him like a madwoman.
"Well, you got your fucking wish! Look at what you've done to me!" Hermione blinked, feeling her
own eyes burn with tears - no! She wasn't ready to cry yet! "This is all your fault! You're the reason
I'm so angry!" Her fingers curled around the collar of his robes and she dragged his face down to
hers. "You're the reason I want to break everything! So the least you could do is fight me! Do
something! Anything!"
She felt him take a deep breath, felt the air swirl around her face as he inhaled, as if he was trying
to take that rage, siphon it from the air around her and take it into his own lungs.
He stared at her for a few seconds, bottomless blue, not a sliver of grey to be found, then rested his
forehead against hers. "I am doing something," he sighed, his voice so low and pained it made her
chest tighten.
He was standing there, offering himself up as the target for her anger. He'd baited her on purpose.
He'd seen the bloodlust spilling out her, and knew she needed to exorcise it like a demon before it
swallowed her whole. He was being the sacrificial lamb for the anguish that he'd caused.
It was an apology, an apology she wasn't ready to hear, and it made her fly over the edge.
Hermione screamed and pounded her fists against his chest, over and over again, until her arms
ached and her throat was raw and burning, until her screams merged into a strangled sob and her
hands clawed against his collar.
But it worked. As the minutes ticked on, she felt exhausted. Empty. Cleansed.
She slumped against him, burying her face in his chest as tears streamed down her face. She felt
Malfoy's arms softly wrap around her, supporting her, holding her close as they both slipped down
the cupboard door and onto the floor. When he pulled her into his lap, she didn't attempt to push
him away. Oddly, she didn't want to. But she couldn't stop sobbing, or stop herself from feebly
batting his chest, trying to punch him even though she was utterly spent.
Hermione had no idea how long they stayed like that; her curled up in his arms, screaming and
soiling his robes with her tears. Had no idea how many times his arms tightened around her,
crushing her against his body each time another breathless cry tore its way up her throat.
Malfoy held her through all of it, rocking her, comforting her while his lips fused themselves to her
hair, her forehead, whispering faint confessions of, "I'm sorry," and "You don't deserve this," over
and over again.
"I'm so fucking sorry little lion," she heard him say when sunlight finally started to break through
the kitchen window. "Fuck- why did it have to be you? Why the fuck did it have to be you?"
29th March
Being back in York Cathedral after all these months made Hermione feel cold. It could have been
the dementors circling overhead, hovering on the ceiling like omens of death. Or because all the
candles had been blown out, extinguished by the Death Eaters as quickly as they'd ended the lives
of the churchgoers that had lit them.
But no, in the back of her mind, Hermione knew it was neither of those things.
There was something else here, something dark and malevolent that made her blood run cold, and
caused shivers to run up her spine like someone was doing cartwheels on her future grave.
Hermione forced herself not to shudder when Voldemort met her eyes. Forced herself to keep her
chin high as Malfoy and Theo guided her through the cathedral doors and down the aisle.
He was sat on the same throne as last time. His dark green, dirt ridden robes were draped over the
armrest as he twirled the elder wand in front of him.
There were fewer Death Eaters today, apparently only a handful of Gold Masks were deemed
'worthy enough' to attend this meeting. They stood at the heels of their master, hovering, masks in
their hand like the loyal dogs they were.
Hermione's presence wasn't appreciated at this 'sacred' meeting - their expressions told her that.
Antonin Dolohov narrowed his eyes and elbowed the Death Eater she didn't recognise next to him.
Hermione let it glide over her like water off a ducks back, refusing to be intimidated.
But when Barty Crouch Jr licked his lips, a revolting shiver ran through her before she could stop
Barty had been relatively quiet since he'd been broken out of Azkaban. He'd been seen on the odd
war zone over the years but as far as the Order knew, he wasn't much of a soldier anymore. He was
more of a strategist these days; a genius of deception, much more useful hidden behind stacks of
books and battle plans.
But he was hungry for the fight, that much was obvious in the frantic, almost depraved look in his
eyes. In the way his fingers curled and flexed towards his wand every few seconds like he couldn't
stop himself, like he was desperate to show that he belonged in war - he just needed a chance to
prove it.
But the way he was looking at Hermione, the way he was looking at her hips made her want to
"Draco, Theodore, welcome.” Voldemort stood when they reached the end of the aisle, his voice
almost a purr. "I did wonder when you were going to get here.”
"My apologies my Lord.” Malfoy arched his back and bowed before Voldemort. Nott dragged
Hermione down to do the same. "The mission yesterday exhausted us all, so we required a little
more rest before we could Apparate here.”
As they all straightened, Hermione's eyes flickered to Malfoy. He was lying. He hadn't slept in, she
doubted he'd slept at all.
After she'd uncurled herself from his lap in the early hours of this morning, Malfoy had
disappeared. He wasn't in his room, and no one had seen him around the estate all day. Not Astoria.
Not Zabini. Even the house-elves hadn't a clue where he'd gone.
Hermione had dismissed it. She just assumed he'd needed time to himself, but why was he lying
about it? What could possibly have been so important, so worth covering up, that he was lying to
his master about it?
"Do not worry yourself Draco.” Voldemort placed a hand on Malfoy's shoulder. "You have served
me well. I think you've more than earned a little rest.”
Malfoy nodded once, the muscles in his neck visible and straining against his skin. His whole body
seemed uncharacteristically tense.
"Theodore," Voldemort said, his tone laced with so much authority Nott had no choice but to look
at him, "I trust you are also well-rested? I have another assignment for you this evening, and I
would hate to think my most vicious pedigree is too exhausted for the task.”
Theo jabbed his tongue on the inside of his cheek, the movement was jarring, indignant,
completely out of place for someone standing in front of their master. His shoulders almost
vibrated, and his hands fisted tightly at his sides. Eventually, he huffed a shallow breath and
answered, "Anything for you, my Lord.”
"Excellent." Voldemort turned back to Malfoy. "I hear the trial in Whitby went well?"
Malfoy's fingers tightened around Hermione's elbow. She swore he tried to drag her a little closer to
him. "Yes, my Lord.”
"And the attack yesterday?" the dark wizard went on, dragging his claws down the elder wand in a
threatening manner. "Did the Demon Hex work?"
"Although the mission didn't go as we expected. We didn't have an opportunity to capture the
refugees, but a much better opportunity presented itself. The hex worked well, and Granger
incapacitated most of the Order soldiers within minutes. I've never seen a fighter as fierce as her.”
"Potter was there," Malfoy added, and Voldemort's triumphant expression instantly fell. "He
showed up unexpectedly. Most of their fighters were already taken out - but when Potter saw
Granger, he froze.”
If Voldemort had eyebrows, they would have shot up. "Is that so?"
"Yes. He couldn't attack her. He had his wand pointed at her throat, he had a clear shot- but he
couldn't do it.”
All the Death Eaters stared at Malfoy with their jaws hanging open in disbelief.
Voldemort was very quiet as his red eyes slithered to Hermione, almost like he'd forgotten she was
there. He looked her over once, twice, appraising her like she was a show dog he didn't realise he
needed until it won first in show, and then the laugh that burst from his thin lips was like
something out of a horror movie. The kind of dark cackle that raised the hairs on her arms and
caused her stomach to knot with dread.
"Well, this is a surprise," Voldemort chuckled. "The infamous Order of the Phoenix, the fearless
Harry Potter, brought to their knees by a mere Mudblood.” When he started to circle Hermione,
Malfoy was forced to release her arm and step back. If she didn't know any better, she'd have sworn
he seemed reluctant to let Voldemort get between them.
"Well done Draco," Voldemort purred as he finished his rotation. "Your work with the mudblood
is inspired, you've turned her into the perfect weapon."
Malfoy moved, cautiously shifting his weight so that he could see Hermione's face. What was he
looking for?
She jumped slightly when Voldemort pressed the tip of the elder wand into her right shoulder.
"She's just as deadly as you are, Draco," Voldemort hushed as he disappeared behind her again,
dragging the elder wand across her skin as he went. Hermione forced herself not to panic when it
scraped against her spine. "Just as ruthless. Just as merciless."
Malfoy's eyes drifted to the floor. A muscle in the side of his neck ticked as he clenched his jaw.
Voldemort appeared on Hermione's right again. His lips pulled back in a sickening sort of smile,
and when he leaned forward, Hermione's nose wrinkled with the repugnant smell of dark magic.
"And the best part? No Order soldier, not even Potter, could ever bring themselves to hurt her.
She's the prized jewel in our arsenal, our most lethal weapon - and none of them will touch her."
He reach out, his claws scraping across her skin as he tried to tuck a stray curl behind her ears -
Hermione cringed away from him, retreating until her hip knocked into a wooden bench behind
The other Death Eaters chuckled darkly as the realisation of Voldemort's sick plan finally dawned
on them. Only Malfoy and Nott remained silent.
"She's one of us now,” Voldemort said, “and they should know that.” With a wave of his wand,
Hermione's clothes transformed into women’s Death Eater robes. They were much tighter than the
ones the men wore, dipping in at her waist. They were longer, the gauntlets slimmer, their combat
boots replaced with thigh high heeled boots, and their was an elegant dip on the chest piece to
leave her collarbone exposed.
There were too many Death Eaters here. One wrong move could earn her a crucio. She couldn't
afford to be vulnerable right now. She needed to be strong. Alert.
Hermione willed her muscles to stay strong, to hold her high and proud and not show even a
glimpse of the fear she felt eating away at her.
She wanted to tremble. Wanted to scream from the top of her lungs as those horrid robes shrouded
her body. They were only thin pieces of cloth, but she felt like she was being dragged to the floor
by their weight, suffocated by their tightness.
Voldemort stood back to admire his work. He tapped his claws across his chin, deep in thought.
"What did you say her nickname was?" he asked, red eyes still locked onto Hermione.
Voldemort held out his arm and curled his fingers impatiently. "Give me your mask."
Rodolphus shuffled awkwardly on his feet. "She is to be... a Gold Mask already my Lord? A
Mudblood is not worthy of that honour. Perhaps a simple-"
Voldemort cut him off with a Crucio, and while Rodolphus lay writhing on the floor in agony, his
mask levitated into the air. "When we utilize the Mudblood, she will wear our robes.”
One quick spell, and the mask began to deteriorate, melting quickly into liquid gold that gathered
at the tip of his wand.
"She will not wear a mask," Voldemort said. "I want the Order to see her. I want them to be able to
look in her eyes when she aims her wand at their hearts. I want them to know she fights for us
When he waved his wand again, the liquid began to float toward Hermione. She held her breath as
it started to weave itself into her new clothes. It turned the silver gauntlets gold and danced along
her sleeves and chest piece of her robes, embedding into every swirl and fleck and intricate pattern,
and two pieces wove themselves into her hair and around either temple, softening into a headpiece
to pin her hair back.
Everyone would see her. She would stick out on the battlefield like a single white dove in a viper's
nest - but that was Voldemort's intention. His cruel joke. The Order's most lethal soldier had been
snatched and turned against them, they’d see her coming, and none of them would have the heart to
stop her.
This was it, this was the final nail in Hermione's coffin, the thing that would bury her and the Order
right alongside one another.
Because Voldemort's plan was so fucking twisted and genius it bordered on sinful.
No member of the Order of the Phoenix would hurt Hermione - not a single one. Harry hadn't even
been able to cast a stunning hex on her, so what chance did the others have?
And Ron certainly wouldn't be able to pull the trigger if she was on the other side of it.
None of them would be able to hurt her - but Hermione wouldn't have a choice. She would end
them all, cut them down, tear their hearts from their chests and crush it in front of their terrified
faces, and then turn around and do the same thing to the next Order soldier.
This would crush the Order's spirit. It would completely shatter Harry in a way Hermione never
imagined possible. This would be the Order's undoing, and judging by the ashamed expression on
Malfoy's face, watching as a single tear escaped down Hermione's cheek, he knew it too.
18th April
The weeks following Hermione's audience with Voldemort were a blur. A blood-soaked,
nightmarish, scream infested fucking blur.
Once he had the reassurance that the Demon Hex was effective, Voldemort became obsessed, and
demanded that his 'prized jewel' be utilised at every opportunity.
Hermione was thrown under the hex daily. They were smaller missions to begin with; disarming
muggle bases, invading airfields, and destroying the tanks and helicopters that Voldemort
The muggle armies had clearly been briefed about Hermione's position within the Order and her
importance to Harry beforehand. She knew this, because each time a muggle soldier got a good
look at her face, they lowered their guns.
Wherever Malfoy was, Hermione was dragged to follow like another dog on a leash. He stayed by
her side on each mission to check her eyes and make sure she hadn't broken free of the wretched
curse before the end of their assignment. A bodyguard Hermione didn't want, and certainly didn't
She was absolutely lethal while under the hex, everyone could see that. She was terrifying.
Ruthless. Inhumane.
The Death Eaters who accompanied them on missions - the one's who'd hissed degrading insults at
her when she'd first been brought before them - weren't just giving her a wide birth anymore, they
practically bowed at her feet, in awe of her brutality and cold-heart.
The opposition never stood a chance. There wasn't a curse too dark or a spell too brutal that
Hermione wouldn't cast it. She cut people in half with slicing curses, exploded some people's
chests from the inside out, and sliced some soldiers' throats open so severely she practically
decapitated them.
She spared no one. Not a single hostage was taken when she was being utilised, the hex simply
didn't allow it.
She tried not to think about the people she killed. Tried to blur their faces from her mind and tell
herself that this was a good thing, that she was sparing the poor sods more pain later on down the
line. Saving them from hours and hours of cruel and barbaric interrogation. That she was granting
them a torturous mercy.
It didn't really help. They were still people. Still men and women who'd stared at her with wide,
terrified eyes before she'd snuffed the life out of them. They haunted her at night, tormented her
nightmares with chants that all of this was her fault, that she should have let Malfoy die, that she
should have pushed Collin out of the way and let that Avada kill her all those months ago.
She was driving herself insane trying to find a loophole in the hex. She fought it each time she was
put under, clawed at it until her head throbbed and her psyche felt sore like an overstretched rubber
band. She tried every mind blocking and mediation technique she could think of to force herself to
wake from it.
Each time she felt it getting stronger, feeding off her misery and pain like it was the finest delicacy,
threading its vines of thorns a little deeper and demanding her cooperation.
She felt like she was trapped in a hell loop; a never ending punishment to atone for the sins she'd
committed since the start of the war.
On and on, the eternal fucking merry-go-round she was destined to never escape.
The 'Come down' period after she awoke from the hex was getting worse each time. She felt like a
declawed cat whenever she woke; agitated, and with so much pent-up aggression she had no way
of channelling.
Even painting didn't provide the same solace it once had. She'd tried to tap a vein, bleed this anger
out and smear it onto the wall - but all she could paint was blood and broken bodies and fire,
confessing her sins of the day through brush strokes.
Hermione burst through the door and stormed across her bedroom, furiously unzipping her heeled
boots and kicking them off her feet as she went. She ripped the crimson soaked gauntlets off her
arms as she entered the bathroom, disappointed they didn't smash when she threw them onto the
tiles. Her fingers - manicured with someone else's dried blood - trembled as she leaned over the
copper bath to twist the hot water tap.
Her Death Eater robes were too tight. She felt claustrophobic, too warm, too wired, and she needed
to get these robes off now!
She needed to get into this bath and wash the blood and ash and torn flesh from her body before
she vomited. Needed to scrub every inch of her skin until it was raw and cracked and clean again.
She'd sit in this bath for hours if she needed to. She'd scold herself, boil this parasite of a curse she
felt -
"Granger!" a biting voice sneered from the doorway, getting louder with each passing second.
"Will you stop running away for two bastard seconds. I'm not finished with you yet!"
Hermione squeezed her eyes shut indignantly. Her fingers curled tighter around the lid of the
copper bath. "Oh, would you just fuck off Malfoy! Can you not leave me alone -"
Cold hands suddenly locked around her arm, and a strong grip spun her around.
She saw the same crazed, hollow expression in his eyes - the one that only soldiers fresh off the
battlefield knew about. The one that only executioners with blood still dripping from their blades
recognised, and it made her feel sick.
"I told you not to run off," Malfoy snapped. "You could have been injured, and don't think I didn't
see you try and step in front of Theo's slicing curse!" He placed a hand on either of her shoulders,
trying to hold her still whilst he checked her over, looking for wounds that weren’t there. "What the
hell is wrong with you? That curse would have torn you in half! You almost got yourself bloody
"Yes Malfoy, the keyword being almost,” Hermione hissed, feeling her anger simmering
dangerously close to the surface. She jerked in his hold, trying to fight him off, but his hands just
squeezed her tighter. Inescapable. "I almost got myself killed! I almost stepped in front of a spell
that could have ended my miserable existence, but guess what? Your Demon Hex stopped me from
being able to do it!"
"I tried, I really fucking tried to do it," she said, batting his hands away with a sharp slap. "All I
could think about was how lovely it would be to walk in front of that curse and let it tear me in
two. How relieved I would feel to finally put an end to this sick little game you and your master
have coined, and not have to murder for you anymore!"
Malfoy's lips twitched at the corner but he didn't say a word - Hermione didn't give him the
"But you just couldn't help yourself, you had to put an end to that too, didn't you?! Every time I
tried to step in front of a curse, the strings of this hex pulled me back! I can't even kill myself
anymore!" she screamed in his face as she drew her outer robes down her arms and threw them
onto the floor. "So congratulations, there's another thing you've taken from me! Hip hip hurray!
Your master will be so pleased with you!"
Hermione reached for the zipper at the back of her neck. Staring at his face, she saw the moment
he realised she wasn’t going to wait for him to leave the room before she stripped.
He caught her shoulders again just as her fingers curled around the tag. "Don't you fucking dare
take your clothes off-"
"Oh grow the fuck up Malfoy." With one sharp jut of her elbow towards his jaw, Malfoy released
her. "You've barged through years of my memories, I'd say that's a thousand times more intimate
than seeing me naked, wouldn't you?" Her hands returned to the zip -
"This isn't a game!" Malfoy growled through gritted teeth. "Stop fucking around-"
Hermione's lip curled in a snarl. "Or what? What are you going to do?"
His nostrils flared as he stared at her, apparently without an answer, so she carried on.
"I’m your masters new favourite toy, and he can’t have his new ‘prized jewel’ taken out of
commission, can he? You can’t hurt me anymore.”
Somewhere in the rational part of her brain, Hermione knew she might regret this later. Somewhere
her subconscious was screaming that this was a bad idea - the worst, most awful decision since the
beginning of fucking time - but she couldn't really hear it right now.
That part of her was tucked away, buried deep under layers of anger and the terrified eyes of those
she'd slaughtered that day. Drowned out by the symphony of those that'd begged and screamed for
their lives at the end of her wand.
And she was still covered in their blood. She could smell it on her clothes and skin, burning the
stench into her nostrils.
Hermione didn't care that Malfoy hadn't left the room yet. She was getting into that bath and
scrubbing the ghosts of the day off her whether he was in here or not. He could bring in the rest of
the Death Eaters for all she cared. Crack open a bottle of champagne and enjoy the show.
All that mattered to her was getting this uniform off. Now.
Hermione kept her eyes on Malfoy's as she started to drag the zip down her back. "You've
kidnapped me and planted that awful hex in my head," she said. When the zip reached the base of
her spine and the fabric sprang apart, Malfoy's breath hitched quietly.
"You've made me murder soldiers you knew weren't going to defend themselves, not if it meant
hurting me." She pulled one of her arms free of the constricting leather uniform. "They were good
people, and you made me kill them." Pressing her free hand against the fabric on her chest to cover
her modesty, she freed her other arm from its sleeve. "And now your master is planning on using
me to eliminate the entire organisation of people that I've spent years protecting."
As soon as she let go of the fabric, as soon as it fell to the floor and left her chest completely bare,
the tension in the air became tangible, heating the space around them and stifling the oxygen.
Malfoy's eyes were glued to Hermione’s, unwavering, but burning with the desire to indulge in the
temptation she was offering.
Since he'd brought her here, Malfoy had always been in control. He'd held all the cards and
Hermione had been powerless to stop him. In comparison to the state of the world, her nudity was a
silly thing, small and of no real consequence. But in that moment, as she hooked her fingers around
the waistband of her trousers and knickers, she felt the power shift between them.
For once- just this once- she could practically taste the moment the scales tipped in her favour.
With his eyes burning and jaw rigid, she knew she was the one in control - and fuck - it made her
feel powerful, ignited some fire in her lower abdomen and spurred her on.
"You've taken everything else from me Malfoy," she said quietly, confidently holding his gaze as
she bowed forward and pealed her trousers and underwear down her legs.
The air got thicker, perfumed with tension in the most delicious way.
Hermione straightened, her spine proud and tall, and stepped out of the fabric. "After everything
you’ve done, do you think it really matters if you see me without clothes on?"
She was completely naked, exposed, vulnerable, but it was the strongest she'd felt in months. She
felt empowered in her nudity, in baring her femininity like it was the sharpest knife in the rack.
Malfoy’s entire body seemed to go rigid. He clenched his jaw, the muscles in his neck straining to
move – but he didn’t lower his gaze. His eyes were locked on hers, and Hermione found herself
pinned, almost trapped by the look in them. They were mostly grey but there were cracks, ocean
blue fighting to break the surface.
Hermione took a step back and held her arms wide on either side of her, putting herself even more
on display than she already was. "Go on then," she challenged. "Take a look."
Malfoy rolled his tongue across his bottom teeth. His hands twitched into a fist but his eyes didn't
"What's stopping you?" she went on, determined to make him cave, to win. She took a step back
and sat on the lid of the bath, impatiently tapping her nails against the copper. “Take a peek. I dare
you, Draco.”
Malfoy took a deep breath, his shoulders twitched, and just when she thought he was about to turn
around and leave, his eyes flickered downward.
A satisfied tingle ran up her spine when she noticed the change in his eyes the moment he gave in.
Malfoy sucked in a harsh breath through gritted teeth, and groaned in the back of his throat as he
traced over every curve and dip of her waist. Taking his time. Drinking her in inch by inch. His
gaze was one of the most intense things she'd ever experienced, she could practically feel his eyes
as they roamed across her body.
Hermione couldn't remember the last time a man had seen her naked, and she was certain none of
them had ever looked at her like that. The look in his eyes was primal. The need to claim and
posses burned around his irises. He looked fucking hungry - it almost made her mouth run dry.
Hermione couldn't take her eyes off him, and he certainly couldn't look away from her. She felt her
chest heat, could feel a flush colour her cheeks when his gaze landed on the space between her
And then he took a step towards her, and her pulse thumped in her veins.
Malfoy closed the distance between them quickly. His eyes lingered on her body the entire journey,
on her breasts, her hips, her waist, almost like he couldn't look away. He stopped in front of her,
close enough she could smell nothing but spearmint and smoke.
Malfoy's eyes slipped back to Hermione's lazily, almost drunk. His nose brushed against hers.
Was he going to -
Malfoy pressed closer, his chest just inches from hers. She could feel his breath on her face -
She suppressed a shiver when she felt the cold bite of his rings as they gently grazed the left side of
her ribcage-
Just as she braced herself for his touch, he reached around her and twisted the taps that were just
behind her hips.
Water immediately stopped running from the faucet. Malfoy held her eyes for five more heartbeats
before he sharply spun on his heels and left.
As he slammed the door behind him, Hermione released the breath she didn't realise she was
holding, and sank into the bath she hadn't realised had started to overflow.
20th April
Hermione whirled around and cast a slicing hex, decapitating the muggle soldier that'd been firing
at Nott's shield.
She threw a Bombarda at another. His legs exploded from underneath him as though he'd just
stepped on a landmine.
When she threw another curse at a shop window, the glass exploded and disintegrated the sniper
posed there.
Another terrified soldier lowered their weapon, only to be cut down by Hermione.
Hermione willed her muscles to stop. She fought her arms each time they jutted out to cast curse
after curse after curse - but nothing worked. As usual, she was powerless to stop it. A slave to the
Demon Hex.
Her spirit was almost as broken as the city of Lincoln around her. The place was crumbling, smoke
rose high in the air, there were fires everywhere, and bullets and curses zipped from every
direction – but none of them were aimed at Hermione.
Voldemort had expected this mission to be quick, easy, without so much as a hiccup. He'd learned
of a secret base near the old university, and had ordered his followers to destroy it.
Hermione's heart had dropped when Voldemort had given the instructions, knowing that he was
right - the attack would be easy. They'd be met with very little resistance.
Only a handful of soldiers resided there. This particular base was used as a safe haven for refugees.
It was a shelter; a peaceful place where children could play and families could be reunited. It
stocked medicine and food, not guns and bombs. The Death Eaters would overthrow it quickly,
descend on it like a pack of hungry wolves on a lonely, injured deer.
The children and refugees were already evacuated, and replaced with formations of experienced
wizards and soldiers with machine guns. Snipers waited on the rooftops, and tanks had been
brought in, all primed and aiming their barrels at the very alleyway the Death Eaters apparated into.
"Another one bites the dust!" Theo sang from nearby, tapping his foot to the imaginary beat as he
decapitated a witch Hermione didn't recognise. "Another one bites the dust.”
She whirled around and cast a knockback jinx, throwing a muggle soldier harshly into a concrete
wall behind him. His blood splayed up the brick on impact. She hoped it killed him instantly.
"Ouch! He'll feel that in the morning!" Nott shouted. He always wanted to start conversations with
her in the middle of a fight; Hermione had no idea why. "I would have sliced the smug pricks head
off, but that's just me.”
She saw him cast another slicing curse out the corner of his eye; it cut another three wizards in half
from shoulder to hip. Over the course of their missions, Hermione had quickly learned that was
Nott's favourite method of execution, on par with turning soldiers own guns against them.
"Ooooooooh, did anybody else see that?” Nott cheerily proudly, as though everyone enjoyed
killing as much as he did. “Three in one! That's got to be a new record, surely? I demand to know
who's keeping the score and that that was counted appropriately?”
A muggle soldier leapt from around a hidden corner, riffle aimed at the pair, but Nott cast a killing
curse before the poor sod had the chance to fire.
"Another one bites the dust," Nott started to sing to himself again, verbally affirming the addition to
his kill count. "And another gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust.”
"Hey, I'm gonna get you too!" Theo spun around, dancing, and threw a Bombarda that made the
soldiers head explode. "Another one bites the dust-"
"For Salazar's sake," the Demon Mask beside Hermione growled. "If you don't stop fucking
singing, I swear I'll tear your tongue out and shove it down your bastard throat.”
A soft blue leather jacket in the distance caught Hermione's eye. She turned toward it, and felt like
the whole world had stopped turning on its axis when she noticed the witch it belonged to.
Fleur Weasley. Hermione hadn't seen her in months, and the sight of Fleur's blonde hair, pulled
high into a ponytail and matting with blood, almost made her knee's buckle.
Fleur was severely injured. She had one hand pressed firmly against her ribcage, blood pooled
between her fingers as she limped towards a destroyed building, presumably to take cover.
Hermione started stalking towards the building - a crumbling restaurant - wand drawn and poised.
No. No. She couldn't kill Fleur. She was the best healer The Order had. Her skills were unmatched
and miraculous. Her death would be a catastrophic loss to them.
She tried to fight the hex as it propelled her forward. Tried to dig her heels in, make her legs stop
moving. God - she just wanted to make it all stop!
But she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried, the Demon Hex had clawed itself too deep, and it
made her want to fucking scream.
As she charged forward, the hex was unforgiving. It brought every painful memory she had to the
surface, tormented her with everything that hurt her, that could make her angry.
How the world had vanished beneath her feet when Kingsley had told her about her parent's death.
The rage she'd felt when that same leader told her there was nothing to be done, and that the Order
wouldn't be retaliating.
The vengeful way her veins had vibrated with triumph when she'd carved each layer of Mark
Kinghold's skin away. How indescribably good it'd felt to remove each of his fingers one by one
before she finally executed him.
All those moment flashed behind her eyes again and again as she marched toward the restaurant,
the pain relaying on a constant loop as she stalked after Fleur.
Hermione could hear her screaming the moment she walked through the doorway. Her adrenaline
spiked, and she felt the hex intensify at the sound. She felt its influence clawing across her brain,
threading itself tighter around her, searing her veins like acid, twisting every muscle and
commanding her to kill.
Hermione sprinted to the kitchens at the back of the restaurant, broken glass cracking under her
feet as she ran towards the source of the screaming.
Fleur's eyes shot up as soon as Hermione burst through the doors, a mixture of shock and relief
colouring her delicate features. She was sat on the floor, leaning against a reflective metal fridge.
Blood poured from a deep gash along the right side of her torso, and one of her ribs poking out of
the wound.
"Hermione!" she said, breathless, as her wand stilled over the deep injury. "What are you doing
"Go on,” a new, deadly voice hissed in the back of Hermione’s mind - the curse manifested. "Kill
Fleur was dangerously weak. It would be all too easy to kill her. All too easy for Hermione to
knock her to the floor and crush her delicate windpipe under her boot.
"Kill her," the voice encouraged, low and seductive. "Do it.”
Hermione was overcome with the impulse to kill. She wanted to tear Fleur's organs from her body.
Scalp her. Break her ribs, sever them from her body and use them to pluck her eyes out.
"Hermione?" Fleur panted. "What is the matter with you? What is the matter with your eyes?"
"Kill her."
When Hermione aimed her wand at Fleur's chest, Fleur's eyes widened with fear. She tried to
defend herself on instinct, but Hermione had always been fast charms. She disarmed Fleur before
she'd even taken aim.
"That's it, she's defenceless," the voice persisted. Hermione's temples throbbed as she fought
against it. "Do it. Do it now. It will feel so good. Better than the others.”
Hermione caught her reflection in the metallic surfaces of the cupboard doors. She saw a monster
with black eyes and blood dripping down her face, and knew there would be no going back from
this. After she killed Fleur, she would truly be lost to the hex, the darkness forever branded on her
soul. There would be no coming back to the light.
Hermione raised her wand. An all too familiar green light began to gather at the tip -
Malfoy's wand flew out of Hermione's hand to soar across the kitchen, and land in the palm of its
rightful owner.
Malfoy tore his mask from his face, the expression underneath stern and fierce. "Granger," he
hissed, storming towards her. “Stop!"
But the hex wasn't finished with Hermione yet. And they were in a very large kitchen, still stocked
to capacity with sharp, glittering utensils.
As Malfoy drew closer, Hermione ducked under his arm and grabbed one of the large carving
knives from the kitchen island. Her vision started to narrow, tinting red as the need for bloodlust
poisoned her while that murderous voice whispered in her head, encouraging her, weakening her
She marched towards her prey, revelling in Fleur’s horrified expression and the terror in her eyes.
Hermione flipped the knife in her hand, pointed the blade, and lunged for Fleur -
But before she could slit her throat open, Malfoy had her. His hands caged around her wrists in a
bruising grip and he dragged her back, ignoring her kicks and screams, and slammed her down on
the island in the middle of the kitchen.
"Enough!" Malfoy hissed, hovering over her. He held one of her wrists in each hand and pinning
them wide either side of her.
Searing anger boiled through Hermione. The Hex clawed its way up her spine as she fought to get
Malfoy off her. She jerked her wrist, hoping to nick his arm with the knife -
The instant he said the words, the hex started to retreat. Hermione felt like everything else went
dark, she couldn't see, couldn't focus on anything else but the spell.
It clawed across her body as it receded, fighting to be free. It moved quickly, pain sliced through
her as the hex dragged its thorns backwards across her veins, unwilling to be caged again - but it
was worth it. Was worth the awful pain in her head that felt like her skull was being cracked open,
because it meant that the hex was gone.
The unexpectedness of her freedom knocked the air from her lungs. She felt dizzy, a buzzing rang
in her ears as everything came into focus-
She took in a large gulp of air. And then another. And another. She couldn't get enough, had it
always tasted this clean?
"Shhhhhh, it's alright." One of Malfoy's hands was on her face, his cold knuckles grazed her cheek
soothingly. "It's alright, it's gone. It's gone.”
He was still hovering over her, his eyes bluer than she'd seen them in weeks.
"Oh my... oh my god - Fleur-" Hermione panted underneath him. Her panic started to return, and it
grew and grew as she regained control of her body. "Where is she? I didn't- oh God- I couldn't-"
She tried to get up and look around, but Malfoy pressed his body closer, smothering her in his
robes and trapping her against the counter.
Hermione couldn't breathe. Her airways started to constrict. Tears stung in her eyes.
What if Malfoy hadn't gotten to her in time? What if she'd still managed to-
"It's alright. You didn't hurt her," Malfoy whispered urgently. He took her face between his hands
and forced her to look at him again. "She's alright, but you need to calm down.”
There was a small clatter of dishes knocking together from the other side of the kitchen. Malfoy's
head snapped up to glare at the witch who'd created the disturbance.
"Ne reste pas là," he hissed at Fleur, his tone a stark contrast to the almost lullaby he'd been
caressing Hermione with. "Etes-vous sourd?!"
"Cest votre seule chance, partez maintenant avant de changer davis!" Malfoy snarled again. "Pars
Whatever Malfoy said, Fleur didn't need to be told twice. She quickly snatched her wand from the
floor and disappeared with a sharp snap of apparation - but not before throwing Hermione one last
confused and frightened glance.
"See, she's gone now. She's safe," Malfoy whispered as his knuckles grazed Hermione's
cheek. "Now I need you to do something for me. I need you to breathe, can you do that?"
Hermione nodded slowly, fighting the horrid way her ribcage seemed to be squeezing her lungs,
and took a long breath.
She took another deep breath, and then another. He kept watching her, never breaking eye contact
as she worked to slow her gasps into a slower, more natural rhythm.
"You let Fleur go,” Hermione found herself saying, toes curling as the demon dragged his thumb
across her bottom lip.
"I did.”
Malfoy opened his mouth, his eyes - blue and fucking beautiful - trailing down to her parted lips,
but then Theodore burst through the kitchen doors, and Hermione never got her answer.
Tasted expensive
Chapter Notes
20th April
The stolen Firewhisky burned Hermione's throat beautifully on the way down. It wasn't as good as
the cigarettes she craved, but it pacified the need well enough.
She sat in one of the drawing rooms atop a hip-high wooden bureau. Her feet didn't touch the floor,
and the metal stiletto of her thigh-high boots bounced off the doors as she swung her legs gently
back and forth. She hadn't bothered to change out of her Death Eater robes; her assassin skin. The
first thing she usually did after missions was get in the bath, but she felt far too wired to relax her
muscles in bubbles and salts the way her body desperately needed her to.
There was just too much she didn't understand, and no matter how many times she replayed the
day's events over and over again in her head, she was no closer to an answer.
Every time she thought she'd made sense of Malfoy's strange behaviour, every time she thought
she'd threaded her analysis together, the strings didn't connect. There was always some piece of
information escaping her, a missing thread that pulled her entire hypothesis apart at the seams.
It didn't made sense, and she couldn't stop obsessing over it. She felt like she was chasing a
poltergeist, always reaching out, only for her vision of the truth to evaporate in her fist like smoke.
The failure was almost maddening.
As soon as she'd arrived back at the manor, Hermione had needed something to take the edge off,
something to calm her erratic nerves and keep her hands busy. Her nails certainly couldn't take any
more stress, they were rather unsightly, bitten to the quick through a mixture of restlessness and
anxiety. Astoria would have a heart attack when she saw them.
She'd tried to busy herself with exploring the manor for the hundredth time, and that was what had
led her to this particular sitting room. It was on the right-wing of the house, and was far larger and
grander than the one she would occasionally share a drink with Astoria in, with much more
elaborate furnishings and an even more ostentatious fireplace.
Although Hermione had never been in anyone else's bedroom - she could open the doors and peek
inside, but charms on the entryway prevented her from entering - she knew Malfoy's room was just
at the end of this hallway. She usually kept away from this wing of the house, wanted to avoid
running into him wherever possible, but tonight she felt almost drawn to it. She wasn't sure why.
Told herself it was because he was likely to have the more vintage - and therefore more potent -
alcohol stashed here.
Hermione's instincts were right. Not fifteen minutes into her search of this sitting room, she'd found
a hidden panel - a false wall next to the crackling fireplace that was charmed to never extinguish -
with six dust-covered bottles hidden inside of whisky, wines, and another brown liquid she hadn't
tried yet.
A low, almost pained groan snapped Hermione out of her alcohol buzzed train of thought, and her
eyes immediately snapped to the doorway.
Malfoy didn't see her when he entered the sitting room, her residence in the dark corner hid her
from view. His eyes were squeezed shut in pain; his head tilted towards the floor as he massaged
the back of his neck with the palms of both hands. He wore nothing but a black towel that was tied
around his waist, his entire body glistening with water from the bath he'd obviously just taken. His
hair was dripping wet and hanging over his eyes, and two wedding rings hung from the thin metal
chain he wore around his neck. They were both silver, one plain with a thick band, and the other
more dainty, elegant with a huge tear-shaped diamond attached to it.
As Malfoy treaded into the room, thin streaks of water dropped from the edges of his hair to trail
down his body, over the scars that covered his chest, streamed down over his torso and into the V
that dipped around his hips.
Malfoy hadn't returned to the manor with Theo and Hermione after they'd been forced to retreat in
Lincoln. The mission was a complete failure, they'd lost countless soldiers and gained nothing. No
hostages, no weapons. Absolutely nothing. Voldemort must have been furious; the thought was
almost enough to make Hermione smile
Voldemort had demanded that his demons meet him at York Cathedral for a 'mission debrief'
afterwards, but the worried expression Theo had worn the entire carriage ride back to the estate had
told Hermione it was much more than that. Voldemort's pride must have been seriously wounded,
and he blamed Malfoy.
Hermione had expected Voldemort may punish his chief general for today's failure, but she hadn't
expected this. Malfoy's shoulders and chest were saturated in bruises. Angry purple and black
marks splashed across almost every inch of his torso like blotches of paint. There were layers of
abuse, from the jagged line of a healing wound on his rips, to the largest bruise on the left side of
his neck.
She counted twelve small, jagged lines that splayed across his chest and wrapped around his bicep.
Although they were thin and looked like they were already healing, they zipped across his skin like
hairline cracks in glass. Hermione had never heard of a curse that caused an injury like that, but
they looked incredibly tender.
Whatever Voldemort had done to Malfoy, he had taken his time and used various methods,
meaning to extract pain, draw out every scream he could.
Hermione stayed very still as she assessed the damage. She didn't make a sound, didn't even
breathe as she watched him cross the room in three easy strides and stop in front of the wall with
the false panel. He stared at the secret door, and a deep crease appeared between his brows as he
traced a finger down the outline of the trap door.
Her breath hitched when she realised she'd left the door wide open, and her entire body tensed with
nervous anticipation when Malfoy's eyes snapped to hers.
For a few heartbeats, they just stared at one another, neither saying a word.
His eyes dragged over her slowly from head to toe, and she could see his realisation the moment it
etched itself onto his face. Could see the very heartbeat he noticed that their roles - albeit
temporarily - were reversed. Now, he was the one practically laid bare, weaponless, and she was
the one draped in robes of blood and decay.
Malfoy narrowed his eyes at the blood covered gauntlets she still wore. Then he noticed the bottle
in her hand, and his sharp features twisted into a scowl. "Is that-" he barked. "Is that the Heresy
Hermione simply shrugged, unable to stop the satisfied little smirk that peeled its way onto her
face as she took in his abhorrent expression. The way his eyes widened when she slowly brought
the bottle back to her lips was priceless. It gave her more satisfaction than punching him in the face
ever could. She didn't get many victories these days, so she intended to hang onto this one for as
long as she could. Make it last.
"You little fucking thief!" Malfoy bit as he marched towards her. "Do you have any idea how much
that bottle cost? It's a family heirloom, it's probably worth almost as much as this estate!"
"Mmmm," she hummed slowly, keeping her eyes on his as she took another lengthy swig. "I
thought it tasted expensive.”
When he was close enough, he reached out to snatch the bottle from her, but before he could grab
his price, Hermione sharply raised her right leg to press her boot against his chest, just below his
collar bone.
Malfoy froze. His breath caught as his eyes trailed down to where they were connected, where she
was keeping him at bay. There was a moment of stilled silence between them, the only sound came
from the crackling of the fire and the elevated beating of her heart.
Hermione realised she hadn't thought this through, not really. Clearly, the alcohol had numbed her
senses, forged a whisky scented wall in her mind that prevented rational thought from winning.
This was obviously a bad idea. He may have been wandless, evening the playing field between
them a little, but he was physically much stronger. Even if he couldn't use wandless magic - which
she very much doubted - he would still overpower her. Could still throw her the wall and wring her
neck until she passed out.
But she knew he wouldn't, his master wouldn't allow any real harm to come to her. She was too
valuable and precious to Voldemort’s regime.
So, for the second time that week, Hermione chose the riskier – and more entertaining – path. Just
because she wanted to. Just because she fucking could.
Malfoy met her eyes when she dug the heel of her stiletto into his skin, hoping that if she bore
down hard enough, she might be able to pierce his cold, black heart.
"The eyes are the windows of the soul, and by extension the soul itself, so that to make a contract
with one's soul so as to starve the world of any profit from it is rather like making a Faustian
contract with the devil.” It was funny how much that old sonnet reminded Hermione of Malfoy
these days. It felt almost created specifically to describe Malfoy men. She wondered how far his
family line went back, if Shakespeare himself had known of men with white-blonde hair and eyes
that changed colour with each rise of the moon, and coined the phrase especially for them.
Hermione had come to the conclusion that the man who held her captive was split down the
middle into two entirely separate people. Malfoy, and the Demon Mask, the two as different as Dr
Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Although they were both part of the same coin, the two Malfoy's wore very
different faces, and their eyes were the indicator of which of the two souls she was speaking to.
Malfoy, the broken man with the beautiful blue eyes, whose only goal was to keep what little
remained of his family alive, and who'd vowed to keep them safe. And the Demon with grey eyes,
the persona, the one born in blood and war, the cold bastard who was the only one of the two that
was ruthless enough to keep that oath.
Now, his eyes were mostly grey, which meant she was playing with the demon, Mr Hyde.
Hermione held his haze. She straightened her leg slightly and pushed him back a step, then made
him watch as she took another slow swig of the whisky he was so desperate to get his hands on.
Malfoy’s throat bobbed, his eyes drifting to the bottle pressed against her lips. The first blue
splinter appeared in his irises; a crack of lightning against grey clouds, a step closer to Dr Jekyll.
She'd answer 'no' if anyone were to ask her if she enjoyed this, and it would be a lie. Hermione had
always enjoyed getting the upper hand, basked in the knowledge that she was always the smartest
person in the room. She knew she was a force of nature, someone most people were afraid of. A
woman most men wouldn't dare cross, wandless or not. It was one of the things that made her such
a good soldier, and an even better general.
Hermione was used to being in control, was comfortable in the seat of power that the Order had
assigned her, but fuck - with her boot pressed against Malfoy's bare chest, her heel hovering over
the heart of one of the most feared and lethal men in the country, she didn't think she'd ever felt
more powerful than she did now.
She'd missed the feeling of being in control, craved it since she'd felt it slither across her skin since
the incident in her bathroom the day before. She wished she could bottle up this addictive feeling,
the intoxicating feeling that only triumph-
But then his eyes slipped back to hers. He stared at her through his lashes, flashed her a smirk that
would make even the devil blush, and she felt the scales tip back in his favour.
Malfoy slowly raised his left hand, and her stomach knotted when he wrapped his fingers softly
around her ankle. "Dangerous game you're playing here, Granger," he said, voice so low and
gravelly that it made her insides flip. "I'd be careful if I were you - teasing a man with his own
whiskey might not be the cleverest idea you've ever had. Do it again, and you might not like the
It was a threat she couldn't ignore. An opportunity to bare her fangs, one she couldn't miss.
Hermione leaned back and slowly brought the bottle back to her lips, holding his gaze as she took
another long, defiant swig of whiskey.
The edges of his lips twitched, and the smirk stretched higher on his face. Another blue crack
appeared in his eyes.
"I think you're the one who needs to be careful." Hermione dug her heel in a little harder against his
chest, hoping to draw blood, illustrating her point. "One false move, and my heel might just scrape
your heart.”
"There's only one way to find out," she said slowly, oddly enthralled by the way he dragged his
tongue across his lower lip. "I'm willing to take a stab-" she pressed her heel down even firmer,
feeling his fingers tighten on her ankle, "-carve you open and see if your chest is as empty as I
think it is - just say the word.”
He snorted, apparently as enthralled with their dangerous little game as she was. "As much as that
sounds like a fucking delicious way to die," the hand on her ankle squeezed, "I'm afraid you'll have
to be gentle with me. I'm a little delicate this evening.”
Her forehead creased, remembering the way he'd palmed the back of his neck when he'd entered
the room minutes ago. "What happened?"
He cocked a teasing brow, in the way only Malfoy knew how. "I'm sure you can guess how the
Dark Lord rewards his general's failure. The higher the ranking officer, the more the
disappointment, and the greater the disappointment, the more severe the punishment.”
Hermione jerked when the fingers on her foot started to move, rubbing slow circles, massaging the
ball of her ankle as he spoke. His eyes never left hers.
"I'm sure you can imagine how I was rewarded with today's failure," he said, voice practically
velvet, dripping honey as she relaxed into his fingers. "So you'll need to forgive my irritation.
Because the thing I've been craving to get me through the evening- the medicine's I need - is being
drunk right in front of me, by the very witch responsible for my punishment.”
Hermione felt her lips twist into a frown with her permission.
"Yes, the mission today was my failure, I underestimated your friends, and the blood of the Death
Eaters we lost today is on my hands. The Dark Lord considers the loss of magical - pureblood a
great loss, but it would have softened the blow, a little, if I had something to offer him as a
penance. A gift to make up for my failure.”
Her pulse quickened as his thumb dug a little harder into her ankle.
"Something ... oh I don't know,” Malfoy's grin stretched even higher, "blonde and French, maybe?
The Dark Lord has wanted her for some time. She's your best healer, isn't she? Presenting her head
on a spike for the Dark Lord would have earned me a great deal of recognition, he might have let
me off with one crucio, rather than ten.”
That.. that didn't make sense. Another thing that didn't add up.
"If you knew how valuable Fleur was, then why did you let her go? Why would you stop me from
killing her?"
Malfoy said nothing, just continued to stare at Hermione, as if the answer was completely obvious,
as if it was right in front of -
No, no it wasn't right in front of her. The reason he'd spared Fleur, the missing string she'd been
searching for, Malfoy was staring right at it.
But his admission just raised more questions than it did answers. "Don't pretend you spared Fleur's
life for me.”
He cocked his head to the side, and leaned in a fraction closer. "Who else would it be for
sweetheart, if it wasn't for you?"
She tried to think clearly, tried to command her muscles to straighten her leg, to keep him away -
but she couldn't. It could have been the alcohol clouding her judgement, the sinful things his
fingers were doing to her leg, or the burning look he was pinning her with. Whatever it was, it
made her relax, made her bend her knee slightly and invite him a little closer.
"I've spent months in your head Granger, watching your memories. I know how close you and
Fleur were before you were brought here," he said, inching closer with what little movement she
allowed him. "Killing her would have crushed you.”
Hermione tried to snort, but it came out as more of a moan as his thumb found a tender spot at the
back of her ankle. " So what? You do one slightly redeemable thing, and you think I should be
Another fleck of blue cracked against Malfoy's eyes, Dr Jekyll getting closer. "Well, a 'thank you'
certainly wouldn't be totally remiss-"
"Fuck you!" she bit, forcing her tone to be as harsh as she could, despite the way the smell of
spearmint and smoke and fuck knew what else battered her senses. "Sparing Fleur's life doesn't
make up for forcing me to kill Seamus. I was just as close to him as I was Fleur, maybe even more
Malfoy's eyes darkened. Violent grey storm clouds eclipsed the blue.
"Where was your moral compass then?!" Hermione twisted her foot, and pressed her gold heel
harder into his chest. "Where was your compassion then, Demon?!"
His fingers tightened around her ankle, his rings dug into her skin.
"So no, you don't get a 'thank you', and you don't get my appreciation for sparing one life when
you've taken thousands! In case you've forgotten, I fucking loathe you."
"So you've told me, Granger. Yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that," Malfoy
said, tone matching hers, growing in venom. "So what are you going to do now?"
Her cheeks flushed - a mixture of building anger and something else - as the hand around her ankle
slid higher, caressing the back of her calf.
"Punch me?" His fingers danced across the back of her knee, coaxing her muscles to relax, to invite
him closer. "Kick me?"
She exhaled, letting him push her leg back as he stepped forward.
"Strangle me?”
Another step closer, her knee was almost touching her shoulder.
"Spit in my face?"
Her fingers tightened around the neck of the bottle in her hand.
"You've done it all a thousand times Granger, and it's getting a little old. I know you can do better
than that. Surely you can concoct something a little more creative, something more fun.”
Hermione scoffed, even as she took another swig of his beloved whiskey, trying to regain some of
her stolen power, tip the scales back in her favour. "You think you know me so well?"
"Yes, I do actually." His answer caught her off guard, and he used her distraction to snatch his
prize. He took a deep swig of whiskey, straight from the bottle, groaning and pinching his eyes
closed as he swallowed. "I know you better than anyone, more thoroughly than anyone in your
Order knows you. And certainly better than that precious weasel you have waiting for you at
In an instant, the strange pooling in her stomach shifted, only to be replaced with that familiar bite
of anger. Murderous fucking anger. "How dare you?! What gives you the right to think you know
me?! You don't know the first thing -"
"Oh, but I do. I know the most intimate part of you.” He placed the confiscated bottle on the
bureau next to her hip, and when his hand was free, he curled it under her chin. "I know your mind.
I know how that enchanting brain of yours works. I've spent hours in there," the hand around her
chin moved higher, and he tapped his fingers against her temple, "searching your memories and
watching you grow up. I think that qualifies me when I say I know you better than anyone else
alive. I've spent far longer in your head than Weasley ever spent between your legs.”
Now that - that was crossing a line she hadn't realised she'd drawn. She kicked her leg out, forcing
him to release her face and take a few steps back. "Watch your mouth before I-"
"Before you do what?" Despite the way she pushed him back, Malfoy pressed forward, reclaiming
the space she'd drawn. Even as she dug her heel into his chest with a bruising force, he didn't stop,
not until he was close again, not until her thighs bracketed his hips. "So what exactly are you going
to do? Surprise me, Granger, I fucking dare you-"
His words, the way he surrounded her air sparked something in her, something fierce and lithe, and
her Gryffindor spirit roared back to life. It took over, some primal instinct, some need to prove
herself. It pushed everything else away, because before she even realised she was doing it,
Hermione lowered her leg back to the bureau, took his face in her hands, and dragged his mouth to
It was supposed to be a power move. A way to show that he didn't control her, not when she wasn't
under the influence of the hex. It was supposed to show her tenacity, her impulsiveness, show how
she could do what she wanted, when she wanted, just because she wanted to.
It was supposed to take him off guard. Show him that she could be unpredictable, that he didn't
know her or her mind. That he didn't know what she would do, or what she was capable of.
It was supposed to be quick, just the chaste pressure of lips and knocking of teeth. It was supposed
to be nothing. She'd been sure she was going to hate it, that it was going to make her feel sick.
The deep growling sound he'd made at the back of his throat wasn't supposed to coil in her
One of his large hands caged around her throat, and a sharp, strong pressure pushed her back and
stole his lips from hers.
Her eyes snapped open. Malfoy was staring at her, there was a soft flush to his cheeks, his chest
heaved as his breathing matched hers, leaving him in quick, short pants. His eyes were blue, only a
thin sliver of grey clinging to the edge of his pupils. He didn't let go of her throat, and his thumb
swept across her bottom lip as he searched her face, her eyes. She wondered what he was looking
for, what he was going to do next, if he'd fly off into a rage at the thought of having a filthy
Mudblood kiss him -
He wasn't supposed to kiss her back, hungrily, with an intensity, a fire she'd never felt before.
She wasn't supposed to enjoy it, crave more. Wasn't supposed to thread her fingers through his hair
and pull him closer.
His hands wove themselves into her hair, fisting her curls. He drove his tongue into her mouth, and
she swallowed his groan when she nipped at his lips.
Hermione widened her legs to invite him closer, and the bottle of fire whiskey - his prized
possession a mere few moments ago - fell to the floor. It smashed on the impact and decorated the
floor with crystal while the liquor was soaked up by the emerald green rug. Wildly expensive. An
irreplaceable family heirloom. Completely forgotten.
Malfoy nestled his hips between her thighs, and the thin fabric of the towel he wore left nothing to
the imagination. She felt everything.
She must have been hurting him. She knew the way she dragged her nails down his chest while she
kissed him must have hurt. Knew the way her fingers threaded and kneaded across his shoulders as
she dragged him closer must have been painful. If she was hurting him, he didn't say so, made no
attempt to shove her away. Instead, he just held her tighter, drove his nails in deeper, bit her lips
His hands weren't soft or comforting, they were rough and calloused. They didn't skate across her
skin, didn't soothe or knead with care the way other men had handled her in the past, like she was
fragile, breakable. No, instead he dragged them down her spine as he kissed her, and he dug his
nails into her hips and dragged her to the very edge of the bureau.
It was wrong. It was so fucking wrong, but she couldn't stop herself, didn't want to.
She should be pushing him away, should punch him across the jaw, kick and scream and sprint
back to her cage and lock the door.
There were a dozen ways she could assault him and make her escape, but instead, she moaned
against his lips when one of his hands wrapped around the back of her neck and squeezed.
There was nothing gentle about the way he dragged his tongue against hers. Nothing soft about the
biting pressure at the back of her neck, cutting off her air and making her feel dizzy, lightheaded in
the most appealing way, in a way she never dreamt could be pleasurable. She found that she liked
it more than she should have, liked the feel of his cold rings biting into her overheated skin, so
much so that she moaned when he squeezed again.
"Fuck," Malfoy growled against her mouth, squeezing again and causing another whimper to spill
from her lips and onto his. "Do that again - need to hear you make that sound again.”
Hermione wrapped her hands around his narrow hips, forcing him closer, pressing him against her.
He was everywhere. All she could feel around her was him, his arms caging her in, his pants
against her. All she could taste was him, the whiskey on his tongue, the aftertaste of smoke on his
lips. All she could smell was him.
Why did she want more?! Why did she need more?! Craved more. Practically fucking ached for it.
Her hands continued their exploration of their own accord. They danced along the edge of the
towel and around his back-
There was a knife tucked into the waistband of his towel. The hilt of the blade was familiar,
unmistakable against the fingertips of an assassin like her.
Hermione should have expected it really. A killer with a ledger as dripping in blood as his was
would never truly be unarmed. There would always be something, a hidden blade, a sharp splinter
of glass tucked away and concealed, ready to wield at the slightest change in the wind. Never at a
disadvantage. Never truly vulnerable.
And just like that, without the aid of the Demon Hex, Hermione's instincts shot to the surface.
Despite the way her veins seemed to vibrate as Malfoy kissed her, despite the way her body was
reluctant to let him go, that need to kill, that desire to tap into her enemy's vulnerability and gain an
advantage was just a little stronger.
She was a soldier first, always was. An assassin, a killer of Death Eaters, and then a lover. Never
the other way around. Her gut twisted with the realisation.
Malfoy had been right all along. She didn't need the Hex to be ruthless, those instincts were all
It didn't matter to her that Malfoy was wand-less, vulnerable and kissing her more fiercely and with
more passion than any man ever had before. She was still reaching for the knife. She'd stab the
devil in the back without a moment's hesitation. She'd kill them both, commit two of the most
egregious and ultimate sins in one foul slash of silver and not feel even a shred of guilt.
It was something that Malfoy would do; she was sure. If the roles were reversed, if he was held
captive and forced to raise his wand to Astoria, Blaise, or even Theo, and Hermione was the only
thing standing in his way, he'd cut her down too. Of course he would, without question. But that
answer - although she knew was true - haunted her much more than it should have.
Because it meant that they really were the same. The same person, both as ruthless and protective
as the other, both with blood dripping from their hands and hoards of angry souls nipping at their
ankles, waiting for them in hell.
They were the same - just on opposite sides of the war. So, in the end, was her soul any less
tarnished than that of the demon in front of her?
Hermione's lips never left his, even as she delicately wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the
blade. She moaned into his mouth as his thumbs kneaded her hips, even as she raised the dagger
high in the air behind him. And she nipped at Malfoy's bottom lip, delighting in the way he
shivered above her, even as she brought the blade down against his back.
He snatched her wrist before she could do any damage. He pinned her hands against the wall
behind her, high above her head, and he tore his lips from hers. Despite her attack, he didn't back
away an inch. He pressed his forehead against hers, their breathing perfectly matching in quick,
sharp pants, blasting air against the other's lips.
"Are you really ... so desperate to escape,” he hushed against her mouth, lips brushing against hers
with every word he spoke, "that you'd kill me ... even if it means you'll die alongside me?"
"You've turned me... into a weapon.... that can kill all my friends,” Hermione panted, her voice
hardly audible through the roaring of blood in her ears. “You didn't... give me ... a choice.”
He pried the knife from her fingers, pinning both of her arms high above her head with one hand,
while the other toyed with the weapon she'd tried to butcher him with. "That's war, Granger. You
kill my friends, I kill yours. Potter finds ways to weaken The Dark Lord, I turn you into the
ultimate weapon to stop him. I keep you locked away in my tower, you try and slit my throat. On
and on, the cycle never stops." Malfoy pressed the blade against her throat, the metal almost as
cold as his lips. "How long can you keep this up? How long are we going to keep playing this
game, little lion?"
"Not until one of us is dead," she hissed immediately, a reflex, feeling the cold blade move against
her throat as she spoke. "'Until death do us part', remember?"
Malfoy pressed the dagger harder against her skin, and she willed herself not to cringe away from
the threat.
"I won't stop trying to kill you," Hermione whispered, Malfoy's lips just a breaths distance away
from hers. "I won't stop, and neither will you. I meant it when I said I'm going to kill you. I don't
know how, but believe me when I say, when you finally meet your end, the reason your name is
going to be engraved on a headstone is going to because of me. You're going to die because of a
Mudblood.” Hermione refused to open her eyes. She didn't want to look at him, didn't want to
know which Malfoy she was speaking to. "So either give me that knife back so I can kill us both, or
slit my throat, and let me go alone.”
There was a pause, a silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity while she waited to see what
direction her fate would take.
Would he do nothing, and keep her in this personal hell loop he'd created? Or would he stab her in
the heart, and send her to meet the devil himself?
"'Till death do us part' you say?"
She felt the air whirl around her face as he inhaled, and just when Hermione thought he might take
pity on her, just when she thought he might grant her the mercy of death, Malfoy chose a different
torture, and pressed his lips against her neck in a single, agonising, fucking crucifying kiss.
"What makes you think you'll be rid of me in death?" Hermione couldn't help but shiver as his lips
glided up to the shell of her ear, goading her, threatening her in a lover's whisper. "What makes you
think I won't follow you there, just so our game never has to end?"
Commissioned Artwork:
Buried Alive
23rd April
She absolutely should not, under any fucking circumstance, have fucking kissed him.
It was a mistake. A bad idea. A momentary lapse in judgement. She didn't enjoy the kiss, she
couldn't have. She must have been drunk. Yes - that was it. She was hammered off that ridiculously
expensive whiskey that she'd been guzzling like it was no stronger than watered-down butterbeer.
She wasn't enticed by the taste of his lips; she was just drunk. No one could ever taste that good,
she must have imagined it. Malfoy didn't taste powerful, the feel of his tongue dragging across hers
wasn't maddeningly delicious. She didn't ache for more, didn't lean forward and kiss him more
deeply because she wanted to, she just craved the whiskey that was clinging to his lips.
The way he'd grabbed the back of her neck and squeezed hadn't sent a thrill up her spine in the
most appealing way. She was still just on edge, still clinging onto the aftershocks of adrenaline
from the battle at Lincoln.
The way his body had reacted to her hadn't made her stomach coil in triumph.
The way his deadly muscles, those arms that'd killed thousands, had shivered and rippled under her
palms, hadn't made her purr like a satisfied kitten. She was still just wired, on edge after seeing so
much death on the battlefield that day. She'd just needed something to take the edge off, a release,
and Malfoy just happened to be there.
Heaven knew Malfoy had been using her as a tool to keep the Dark Lord's favour since the day
he'd captured her. He'd turned her into a weapon, made her assassinate innocent muggle soldiers
and forced her to kill Seamus. He'd used her, so she wouldn't feel guilty about using him, just this
It was just a mistake. It wouldn't happen again; she wouldn't let it.
She wasn't dancing with the devil, just using one to exorcise her demons.
25th April
Fuck sake - he shouldn't have kissed her.
He should have pulled away. Should have grabbed a fistful of her wild, fucking ridiculous curls
and yanked her back, smacked her head against the wall and reminded her of her place. That she
was in his house. That he was in charge. That he was the one in control.
He'd thought about it, planned on wiping that devious little smirk off her face the moment he'd
noticed the stolen bottle in her paws. He fucking should have, had every intention of wrapping his
fingers around her throat and squeezing, reminding her who he was, what he was capable of.
He'd charged towards her like a raging bull, anger flaring and blood boiling, but the instant she'd
raised her leg and dug her heel into his skin, he was under her spell. And the very heartbeat she'd
quirked her brow in a challenge and took another defiant swig, he knew he was fucked.
Aside from the Dark Lord himself, no one had challenged him like that in years. No one dared to.
Not another Gold Mask, and certainly not a witch without a fucking wand. Bellatrix sometimes
reared her head, but her tail always promptly flew between her legs whenever Draco so much as
bared his teeth. She always fell back into line quickly, usually all it took was one spiteful glare
from him.
And Theo - well, the theatrical Gold Mask was akin to that of a disgruntled teenager. He lashed out
and had tantrums and challenged authority whenever the tide hit him the wrong way, but he didn't
mean anything by it. It was all a show, another performance he put on for everyone else's benefit.
Granger, on the other hand, meant every insult she spat at him. She challenged him at every
corner, wasn't afraid to use that pretty mouth of hers to rile him up, get under his skin, ignite the
fireworks and watch him explode in a blaze of anger.
He swore his cock hardened just thinking about the triumph in her eyes when she'd dragged her
stiletto over his heart, itching to press forward, break the skin and puncture his arteries.
Granger was different. She hated him, that much was certain, but she wasn't intimidated by him,
didn't quake at the mere sight of the horns on his Demon Mask, not anymore. After the initial
shock of the Demon Hex, she'd recovered, grown stronger, adapted to her new reality and become
more resilient. Granger was fierce, brazen to a fault, and that was the very heart of Draco's
problem. The little Gryffindor intrigued him.
No matter how long he studied her, no matter how much he thought he knew her, she always
managed to surprise him.
In a world where strategy was everything, and knowing your enemy was the difference between
life and death, Granger was the unknown. He could make educated guesses, could think of a few
different ways she might react to his words or a blade at her throat, but he was never
wholeheartedly confident on her next move, could never truly predict which strategy she would
jump on - and he fucking loved that about her.
She was strong, untameable. As unpredictable and ferocious as wildfire. He never knew which
direction she was going to burn and destroy. Granger kept him guessing, dancing on the edge of the
blade. He didn't think he would ever tire of their game. He could do this forever, dance with her for
eternity while the rest of the world turned to ash around them, and he would never be bored.
He couldn't help but chuckle at the symmetry of it all. That a Mudblood, someone who Draco had
been raised to believe was beneath him, inferior in every way, had managed to captivate his
attention so entirely. His father would be vomiting in his grave if he could see the depths his son
had sunken to.
Draco was brought back to the present by a flash of green smoke and ash, and he stepped back to
allow his master to exit the fireplace and enter the pub. Voldemort dusted the Floo powder from
his robes, and made his way to the door.
The floorboards creaked under Malfoy's boots, and he tried to focus on the sounds they made,
instead of the repugnant, acidic stench of medicinal potions emitting from the dark wizard in front
of him.
After holding the door open and allowing Voldemort to pass through, Malfoy walked behind his
master, always a step behind, never shoulder to shoulder, never equals, and he couldn't help but
notice the Dark Lord didn't seem quite ... himself.
His skin looked paler in the little sunlight that snuck through the clouds overhead. His shoulders
were a little slumped and protruding out beneath his tattered robes. The veins on his neck and
hands darkened with each passing day, straining against the thin skin on the back of his hands. He
looked ill, declining. If Malfoy were being honest, Voldemort looked old.
"Are you any closer to learning the location of the Order's new central base of operation?" The
Dark Lord asked when they rounded a corner near a destroyed shopfront and started walking down
the cobbled hill and towards the council house. "Bellatrix tells me Potter's forces are growing in
strength and number, that our use of the Mudblood has inspired others to join in an effort to win her
Ah, aunt fucking Bella, the cunt who never seemed to die, the loyalist of the Dark Lord's
followers. She'd been itching to replace Malfoy for years, looking for every opportunity she could
to prove she was the better of the two demons on the Dark Lord's shoulders.
Although he couldn't see Voldemort's face, Malfoy could hazard a guess at his master's expression
by the way he twirled the elder wand in his hand. The movements were sharp and jagged, and his
nails tapped an irritated rhythm against the wooden tool.
"Unfortunately, for once, my aunt is correct.” Malfoy folded his arms delicately behind his back,
the only thing stopping him from turning around and hexing his undying, overly obedient aunt
beside him. "Although none of them will attack the Mudblood directly, I have noticed an increase
in their numbers. They seem to be attempting to capture her, but rest assured, I am always by her
side. None of them ever get close enough to her to succeed."
"I see," Voldemort said quietly. "I'm sure you understand that this is an advantage we cannot afford
for them to gain, not this late into the war. If this spy leaks any more information, I fear we may
fall right at the final hurdle.”
"That won't be a problem, my Lord," Malfoy answered, "I have several leads which-"
"If it would please you, my Lord,” Bellatrix cut in, and Malfoy resisted the urge to gnash his teeth
in her face, just barely. "I fear my nephew may not be up for the task. Perhaps I should take over in
the search for the spy?"
Well, it appeared Bella had brought her balls with her today. It'd be interesting to see how long she
could keep them.
Bellatrix was just another dog at Voldemort's heels. She was dangerous, feral and eager to serve,
but she was obsessed with their master. Pathetic, begging for any scraps of approval that he would
occasionally throw her. She'd do anything for him, perform any trick without question, no matter
how pitiful it made her look. It was no wonder Voldemort preferred Draco to her.
He turned to scowl at his aunt. The Dark Lord still had his back turned, he might just be fast
enough to hex her. He'd get punished, but a few crucio's in the back would be worth it.
"I think he finds himself, rather, stretched, what with the assignment of watching the Mudblood,
searching for the spy and taking care of the other children. Perhaps I should search the Mudblood's
memories, see what I can drag up.” Bellatrix grinned confidently, flashing her rotten teeth. "How is
Theodore, by the way? Is he still awfully upset with me?"
Just one second, that was all he needed. Just one fucking heartbeat, one curse to send her careening
into the brick behind her. Maybe he'd get lucky and she'd smack her head, crack it open like an
egg. Salazar, what a glorious start to a Saturday morning that would be.
"I appreciate your concern auntie, but it's misplaced.” He whirled to face the other demon and
stood in front of her, blocking her path. Her black eyes widened when they snapped up to his, he
could see her confidence draining quickly. "I've searched all of the Mudblood's memories up until
the moment of her capture, and now everything she knows, we know too."
"And you know what? Most of it was useless. The spy used a codename when they sold us out,
Medusa, and they altered their voice, making them impossible to trace," Malfoy added, tone
dripping in venom. "And the Order had abandoned all their bases by the time we learned their
locations. They knew that I would eventually get that information out of the Mudblood, and they'd
planned accordingly. Probably cleared out and relocated weeks before we arrived. So no, I don't
think it's a good idea for you to search her memories, because there's nothing left to learn."
Draco leaned forward, towering over his aunt. She took a step back, her balls shrivelling under his
dominance. "But if I were you, I would spend less time worrying about me, and spend a little more
time satisfying your husband. I hear he got himself into a bit of trouble with a Muggleborn witch at
the tavern?"
Voldemort chuckled darkly and turned to watch the pair. He usually enjoyed watching his two
prized hunting dogs maul each other, riling the other up before today's execution. He liked his
demons on edge, angry and irritated, wands burning in their hands, ready to kill without a
moment's hesitation.
"Maybe if you paid more attention to your marriage, your husband would keep his cock in his
trousers," Malfoy went on, smirking as Bellatrix flinched back slightly at his accusations, "and he
wouldn't risk losing it. I heard the witch almost sliced it off entirely? Poor bastard, I hope you
weren't planning on making a few heirs?"
"Now, now Draco, put your fangs away,” the Dark Lord's snickered, giving the pair a stern look
before turning and continuing towards their destination. "As entertaining as it would be to watch
you tear each other apart, I require both my demons in one piece if you are to secure my victory.
Your family feud will need to wait until after Potter and the rest of the filth are dead and buried.”
"Of course, my Lord." Draco bowed his head respectfully and fell into step behind his master
again. "I will ensure that we squish the order like the ants they are.”
"That's the problem with ants." Voldemort stopped and waved his wand at the floor near both the
demon's feet.
A cloud of green smoke appeared, and a single ant made entirely of mist materialised from the
vapour. The steam ant scurried quickly along the floor, scared, moving in erratic lines as it
desperately tried to escape.
"They're nothing on their own, insignificant, helpless, at the mercy of anyone who happens to step
on their hill.” As Voldemort spoke, he pulled up the bottom of his robes and sharply stood on the
ant, smiling as its tiny body evaporated into smoke around his foot. He was quiet for a few
moments, letting the weight of his words sink in, and then his expression turned sour, and he raised
his wand again. "But stood together?"
Another wave of the elder wand, and an anthill made of green vapour formed, and a single lonely
ant crawled from the snout. And then another. And then another.
Within seconds, thousands of them were pouring from the tip like water from a faucet. The
entrance of the smoke hill broke as more and more fought their way out, clawing over one another,
frantically fighting to make their escape. The wave of smoke ants marched towards Draco and
Bellatrix like an army, an angry hoard, and Draco forced himself to remain as still as possible as the
vapour gathered around his boots.
He knew they weren't real. He knew they weren't, but he could feel them. Could feel their cold, tiny
legs on his body as they crawled up his legs. Could feel their tiny mouths nipping and pinching his
skin as they bit his hips on their ascension up his torso. Could feel their numbers - although
impossible - weighing him down, trying to drag his body to the floor as they crawled up higher and
higher, over his chest, his collar bone, swarming around his throat.
Malfoy almost couldn't breathe, the sheer force of their numbers gathering on his ribcage, it made
his chest feel tight, felt like they were crushing his lungs.
Fuck, fuck - no he wasn't imagining it. He really couldn't breathe. There were too many. They were
He could feel his cool façade dwindling. He tried to bat some of them away, tried to vigorously
flick the ones that were gathering on his shoulders and crawling up his neck. But he couldn't get
them off! He could feel panic rising in his chest as the smoke ants crawled higher and higher -
Bellatrix drew a panicked breath as the smoke ants swarmed up to her shoulders. Her arms flew
into the air, frantically trying to swat the insects away. She lost her balance and toppled backwards,
and the insects crawled over her face and eclipsed her entire body, but as she fell to the floor, the
ants on both demons bodies vanished, evaporating into nothing more than vapour. Like they were
never there to begin with.
Malfoy curled over himself. He rested his hands on his knees for support and fought for breath.
Bellatrix was beside him, on her hands and knees, curled over herself as she panted on the floor,
gasping, desperate for breath. Voldemort's message was clear; defeat the order, or be buried alive
with their dead.
"Yes ... my Lord," Draco gasped, shaken, as he straightened his spine and tried to stand tall again.
Bellatrix still hadn't recovered. "As the sole remaining Malfoy, you have my word. You will have
your victory soon.”
Voldemort carried on walking without another glance at his generals, his dark robes dragging on
the cobbled stones as he left his Demons to regain themselves.
Malfoy and Bellatrix both put their masks on, as they always did when they were required to make
a public appearance, but mostly, Malfoy just wanted to hide his face. Voldemort's 'lesson' had the
desired effect. Malfoy felt on edge, jittery, and although he knew Bellatrix had been affected more
so than he had, he still didn't want her to see it.
As the trio reached their destination, Draco felt his stomach drop, the way it always did whenever
he was forced to return here. Nottingham Council house, the Dark Lord's favourite theatre for
Today's hangings had a wonderful view, any one of the witnesses today could attest to that. The
sun was beginning to set to the West, leaving a beautiful pink blanket draped across the sky, dusted
with small pockets of fluffy clouds. The cobbled streets in front of the council house were filled
with an audience, spectators, those the Dark Lord deemed loyal - and influential enough - to carry
the message of the day.
Every member of the audience had their hoods pulled high and their heads bowed low out of
respect for the Dark Lord, and all faced the stone building that would hold today's spectacle.
The gallows were built at the bottom of the steps leading to the council house, evenly spaced
between the marble lion statues. It was a huge structure, created with large wooden beams. There
were five ropes hanging from a polished oak beam overhead.
Voldemort stood at the very edge of the platform, Bellatrix and Draco flanking either side, a
demon on both his shoulders.
"Welcome all." Voldemort slowly raised his arms, gaining the crowds' attention. "Thank you for
joining me this evening, although, I must admit, I wish it were under better circumstances.”
Five muggles stood on the platform, all battered and bruised, most with tears streaking down their
faces and knee's knocking together as they trembled. Only one stood tall and unafraid, a broad,
older gentleman with thick arms and a greying beard. They all had coarse hoops already secured
around their throats, their final, and most sinister necklaces they would ever wear.
"These muggles are soldiers for the Order, captured when they tried to break into our bases to
retrieve information.”
The crowd - and the demon beside Malfoy - hissed under their breath. Malfoy remained silent. He
could still feel the ghosts of the ants crawling across his skin, up his neck. He resisted the urge to
"This species are vermin, a disease on our earth, one we cannot allow to continue and contaminate
us with their filth. If the roles were reversed, do you think they would pity us?"
"Friends, if they were the stronger of the species, do you think they would spare us?" Voldemort
continued, voice growing in bravado as his speech went on, enthralling the crowd. "Allow us to
live? To breathe their air and grow stronger?"
"No, they wouldn't. Their filthy technology grows more lethal each day, all with the purpose of
killing us. Their guns shoot faster, their bullets crafted to be stronger, intended for us. To kill all of
Bellatrix shifted her weight beside Malfoy, her bloodlust rising, itching to be closer.
With a sharp snap of his wrist, the elder wand twirled in Voldemort's clawed fingers, and the
wooden floor vanished underneath the hostage's feet.
Four of the muggles were lucky. There were four sickening, cracking sounds that rippled through
the air, and their necks broke instantly against the unforgiving ropes. But one muggle, one poor
unlucky bastard had a stronger neck. The older man, the unafraid one, his eyes bulged as he swung
from the rope. His face turned red. His toes started to curl.
He did look like a soldier, Malfoy thought as he watched the broad man's body jerk, fighting the
asphyxiation. It looked like it would take him a while to finally give in, but Malfoy secretly hoped
he would. There was no dignity in a death like this, it wasn't a soldiers death, wasn't clean and
honourable. A man who put his life on the line to protect those he cared about, who wasn't afraid
of death when it came for him, didn't deserve to die like this. Slow and painful, frothing at the
mouth while everyone watched.
Two Gold masks stepped forward and conjured a vertical, wooden beam that dug into the ground
just in front of the gallows, and a third appeared from the back of the crowd, another hostage
fighting in his arms.
He knew, logically, that the girl who was being tied to the wooden beam, hands bound behind her
back and brown curls clinging to her face couldn't possibly be the little lioness he had at home. She
couldn't be.
Granger was still at the manor, probably perched on her window ledge, a glass of wine in her hand
while she bitched to Astoria about what a monster Malfoy was.
"This witch," Voldemort hissed, pointing the tip of the elder wand towards the quivering girl, "has
betrayed her own kind."
No, she couldn't be Granger. She was shorter than the Golden Girl. Clearly younger, curves less
exaggerated and face still retaining that youthful roundness in her cheeks.
No, it wasn't Granger, but those wild curls framing her face, those eyes, brilliant and burning - they
reminded him so much of her.
"She joined our ranks mere months ago, a Black Mask, the very bottom of the pile-"
No, she couldn't have joined Voldemort's army. This girl looked young, much, much too young.
She couldn't have been older than seventeen, she was too young to choose this lifestyle. No matter
what crime she'd committed, she was certainly too young for this severe punishment.
"-and yet, before she even had the opportunity to earn my respect, she had chosen to betray us-"
Draco didn't know what to do with himself. His heart rate picked up, blood roared in his ears.
"- she has been healing our hostages, freeing them, and sending them back to the Order-"
A sob escaped the young girl's lips, and she lowered her head towards the ground.
"I think, if she loves her muggles so much, then we should treat her as such, don't you agree?"
A chorus of cheer's and encouragement rang through the crowd like a wave, all the witnesses
hypnotised by the Dark Lord's words.
"Do you know what muggles did when they suspected someone of being one of our kind, all those
years ago? They tied us to the stake, and burned us alive."
Malfoy hooked his fingers around the collar of his robes and loosened the fabric. Had they always
felt this tight? Had they always dug into his skin like this?
"Demon,” Voldemort smiled, looking back over his shoulder at Malfoy. "If you would please, put
this snivelling girl out of her misery.”
The terrified girls head snapped up, and Malfoy felt something twist in his chest when he met her
Her eyes ... wide and brown and terrified. Eyes so similar to ones he'd fantasised about plucking
out. Eyes he'd thought about countless times, wondered what they would look like as he squeezed
their owners throat and watched the light go out in them.
Draco felt the walls of his throat constrict, cutting off his air.
It was all too much, too familiar and too alien all at the same time. The location and the Dark
Lord's words reminded him of Daphne, brought all those painful memories of her execution
flooding to the surface. And this girl, this girl looked so much like Granger. It caught him off
guard, the way his blood ran cold when he looked at her. He didn't know if he could watch her
A low grumbling sound vibrated from behind him, and Malfoy felt the air shift and heat as his
dragon approached. Voldemort insisted she was always close whenever he was out in public, a
dangerous deterrent. She'd been lying in wait at the back of the Council house, but must have
sensed Malfoy's growing distress, and stalked out of the shadows and to his defence.
Bellatrix and Voldemort stepped away as Narcissa stood behind Malfoy. Her scaled chest warmed
his back and her winged front claws curled protectively on either side of him, ready to defend,
eager to attack.
The crowd gasped and stepped back, shrinking away as the dragon bared her fangs, but Voldemort,
however, couldn't have looked more pleased. He grinned triumphantly at her, red eyes glowing,
mirroring that of the beast that guarded Malfoy.
"I couldn't have planned this better myself," Voldemort cooed, laughing, as he extended his arm
and pointed at the witch still tied to the stake. "Please, do the honours, Narcissa."
Malfoy didn't say anything, he didn't need to. He knew his dragon could sense his fear, could feel
the way his panic was seizing his muscles, freezing him in place, rendering him useless. So, in that
moment, his dragon did the thing that Draco couldn't bring himself to do. She tipped her head back,
opened her mouth as wide as she could, and blew a fire-filled breath at the poor, cruelly young
witch, and engulfed her body in flames.
Everyone in the crowd was forced back a step, and their hands flew to cover their faces as a blast of
searing heat swept through the air. But Malfoy didn't step back, he didn't even really notice the
temperature rise, didn't notice the way the gauntlets on his arm warmed and grew uncomfortably
hot from their proximity to the fire.
He didn't notice it, because all he could think about was the sound of the girl screaming.
Even their screams were the same! A high pitched, fucking ear-piercing scream that cut deep, like
nails on a chalkboard, that felt as though it flayed his skin and sunk into his bloodstream. A scream
that had haunted him for nearly a decade, felt like a life sentence.
In those moments, Draco felt sixteen again. Sixteen, in a windy tower, scared out of his fucking
mind, pointing a trembling wand at his headmaster's chest. When he'd had his whole future riding
on a single task, a horrific murder, and he'd been too afraid to pull the trigger. Sixteen, head
between his hands and shaking, listening to a girl cry and beg for his help as she was tortured on
his parlour room floor, and fear had seized his muscles the way it did now.
So, for the first time since he'd earned his horns, as another witch with brown curls screamed and
begged for help, Draco had to look away.
He couldn't bear to watch, uncharacteristically, he didn't have the stomach for it. Couldn't bear to
watch her face twist in agony as she was engulfed in the flames. Couldn't stand to watch her skin
slide off the bone as she cooked from the inside out. He tried to look back, willed the muscles in
his neck to contract, commanding them to twist his head back towards her and watch.
Instead, he trained his stare on the hanging man, still alive, eyes still bulging and clinging to life, as
the screams of the witch who looked so much like Granger just went on and on and on. And all
Malfoy could think of, as he watched the other lifeless corpses swing above, is that he hoped the
little lion hadn't fastened a noose around his own neck.
Suffocated? Or beheaded?
30th April
Hermione punched her fist through her bedroom wall. She didn't care that her violence destroyed a
section of her mural, didn't care that the ageing brick underneath tore her knuckles apart as it bit
into the stone.
She didn't care. She just wanted to break something, snap anything within her reach!
She spun around, her Death Eater robes swirled around her as her anger searched for another target.
Another prey to sink her teeth into and destroy.
That's all she ever wanted to do when she came out of the hex.
Smash something.
Break things.
Her killer instincts were still heightened, her bloodlust still at the surface, clawing to break free.
She felt like a kettle that had been brought to boiling, simmering and ready to burst, but the lid was
still screwed on too tight. She had nowhere to go, no room to explode.
She was so fucking angry and she had no one to take it out on. She needed something; someone to
sink her teeth into and tear apart until this ache was gone.
Peter Eilish: crushed under a tank that Hermione had flipped on top of him.
Her robes felt heavy, saturated with too many other people's blood to count. They were weighing
her down, dragging her to the floor. A cruel reminder of what she'd done today.
Marcus Pollard: chest exploded from the inside out.
Or had Hermione sliced his throat open? Turned the end of her wand into chains, wrapped it
around his neck and suffocated the poor bastard? Or did she do that to Chloe Gray? Or Kevin
Allen? She wasn't sure, didn't really want to linger on it.
She kicked her bedside table and sent a vase full of flowers falling to the floor.
A biting pain shot up her foot, her toe hurt, but it did nothing to soothe the rage. Didn't dull the
fires of the festering guilt she felt twisting in her stomach. So she did it again. And again.
This raid had been so much worse than all the other's Hermione had been forced into, and she
didn't know if she could survive another.
Why did the Order have to send witches and wizards today?! Why did they have to send people she
knew?! People she'd helped save on battlefields?! People she cared about?! What were they trying
to do?! What were they trying to accomplish?!
"Hermione, you don't need to do this!" Harriet Stone had screamed, pleading with a fierce intensity
in her eyes, just before Hermione had sliced her in half with a flick of her wand.
"Stop this Mione! Stop this and come home with us!" Marcus had growled as he'd deflected one of
her relentless attacks. "We know you're in there! This isn't you!"
Hermione stopped, the toe of her boot still wedged into her bedside table.
Had they realised she was under some sort of spell while she was slaughtering them all? Had they
seen past her Death Eater robes? Seen past the blood dripping from her gauntlets, and realised she
wasn't doing this of her own free will?
Did they know she was still one of them? Still as loyal to the Order as she ever had been, just
trapped, held captive in her own skin? A slave to her own ferocity and murderous tendencies?
She stepped back, felt her chest tighten and squeeze her lungs.
Did they know about The Demon Hex? Had they studied it? Was this some tactic to try and get
through to her? Show her familiar faces; women she'd laughed with, men she'd drank with, and
what? Break the Hex? Were they trying to reach through the cloud of smoke in her head, snap the
marionette strings and bring her real spirit - her true self- back to the surface?
If that was true, then it was a catastrophic failure. A fucking monstrous miscalculation.
All it did was add to her torture. All it did was snuff out the one comforting blanket of
anonymousness that she'd been so desperately clinging to, and left her cold and broken and so
aware that it made her feel sick.
Because her victims weren't nameless anymore, weren't unknown muggle soldiers whose
expressions she could blur from her mind. She couldn't erase the faces of those she'd killed today,
because they were her friends. Friends she'd laughed with, cried with, crawled through smoke-
filled battlefields and fought side by side with.
Friends that were now dead, because Hermione had killed them all. Not Malfoy. Not the sadistic
Theodore Nott. No, not even the Dark Lord had laid a finger on them.
Hermione had killed them. Murdered them all where they stood. Her eyes cold and wand arm
strong as she watched the life leave their eyes, even if she was dying on the inside. Screaming,
begging for it to stop.
She ripped the gold gauntlets from her wrists and threw them at the window. The glass shattered
under her rage, the entire panel freed itself from the frame and fell to the floor in hundreds of small
Hermione dropped to her knees, unaware of the broken glass sinking into her skin as she curled
over herself and screamed. She couldn't feel anything, she felt numb to everything but the way her
chest shattered and cracked with every fragile beat. She screamed and screamed and sobbed into
the floor.
The broken glass vibrated underneath her. The jagged shards clinked together as they floated into
the air. They glided softly back to the frame and effortlessly arranged themselves into their proper
place, restoring the abuse she'd caused.
Draco's hand fisted against the kitchen island as the needle pierced his skull again, and his knee
bounced sporadically on the high stool he was sitting on. He studied his healer in the window's
reflection, watching as a hundred emotions tumbled off of her in sharp waves while she knitted his
scalp back together.
Anger, as she stabbed the needle in the back of his head again. Impatience, as her manicured nails
dug a little deeper into his scalp and twisted his head in the direction she wanted. Disgust, as her lip
curled while she inspected the injury she clearly didn't want to heal. Satisfaction, as he flinched
when she pulled the thread a little harder than what was necessary to pull a tender - and still
bleeding - wound back together.
The incision ran from the very top of his skull - right down the middle - all the way to the
beginning of his spine, which meant the sewing process would take quite some time, and Astoria
seemed intent on making his recovery as painful - and awkward - as she could.
He clenched his jaw, trying to focus on the sound of his teeth grinding together, rather than the
pinch of the needle breaking his skin for the fourth time. He could hear Granger pacing her
bedroom above. Could hear her trashing the place; porcelain shattering and wood splintering as she
destroyed everything that dared to cross her path.
He shouldn't care that she was in such distress. He shouldn't care that this mission had torn her
apart, that he could see her spirit withering right in front of his eyes.
His family needed him to keep Voldemort's favour, be his favourite demon, his most ruthless
killer, his commanding officer with all the answers, and he'd gladly offered her up as a sacrifice to
protect them.
He simply refused to lose anyone else. The thought of adding another headstone to the family
cemetery, the thought of another blank headstone staring back at him because he wasn’t allowed to
carve a name into it, because they weren’t allowed even the simplest of dignity in death … it was
unthinkable. Impossible. So fucking painful it made him want to scream.
Malfoy had sworn to do whatever it took to keep his family safe, and he had. Since Daphne's
murder, he'd done whatever needed to be done to gain Voldemort's favour. He'd dragged himself
up off the floor, not caring how many people he'd have to kill or how many skeletons he'd have to
crawl over, taken his seat, and ensured his master looked at him with nothing but gratitude and
He'd executed whoever Voldemort needed him to execute. Killed whoever his master felt needed to
be killed. Burned down houses. Slaughtered entire towns, and never regretted a second of it.
It didn't matter if it fractured his soul, because it meant that his family were safe. It didn't matter if
he'd damned himself to the fires of hell, because it meant they were still breathing. Alive, and
His victim's sacrifice was his shield. The blood on his hands from their murder might as well have
been the elixir of life; because it made Malfoy and his family untouchable, too frightening to
betray, and far too valuable to Voldemort's regime to even think about harming.
Draco had done unspeakable things to keep what little remained of his family alive, so Granger's
pain shouldn't have mattered to him. She was nothing, a pawn, a weapon, a gun the Dark Lord
needed to secure his victory.
So it shouldn't have mattered to him that she was distraught upstairs, tearing her room apart,
breaking every vase and window within her reach, because that was the only way she knew how to
deal with the boiling rage she felt.
Another sharp pinch at the back of his head. Draco ground his teeth together harder. Swore he
heard something crack.
It shouldn't matter to him that today's raid had been different, that the Order had chosen to change
tactics and send witches and wizards with the muggle soldiers, all primed and ready, all personally
recruited by the Golden girl herself, only to have their throats slit by their former teacher.
It shouldn't have mattered to him that the act of killing them had crushed her in a way he'd never
seen. The way she'd cried and shaken when he'd brought her out of the hex shouldn't have affected
him this way. The way she'd looked around the pile of bodies around her - all broken and bloodied
- and found the faces of people she'd raised and trained into soldiers, all dead because of her,
shouldn't have buried itself into his brain.
He didn't know why. Had no clue why he couldn't stop thinking about her. Why every crash and
fresh sob that echoed from the room above had him flinching. A hundred times more painful than
the needle at the back of his head.
Shit - he didn't think he'd ever be able to forget that look in her eye. That lost, fucking broken
emptiness that had swept across her honey coloured eyes like a toxic gas, choking the fire they
usually held.
Draco closed his own eyes, trying to focus on shards of glass and solid walls and willing that God
awful image out of his mind. He wouldn't allow her to do this. Making him question his actions,
holding him back and forcing him to look at the trail of bodies he'd left on his pursuit to power. He
wouldn't let her do this. He wouldn't let her make him weak, make him freeze up when the eyes of
Voldemort's followers were watching him. He wouldn't let her make him vulnerable. Conflicted.
After all these years, he couldn't afford to grow a conscience, and he refused to allow her to force
him into one.
He needed to get her out of his head. Get her far away, where she couldn't bury herself into his
psyche. He needed to protect himself.
"There's nothing else here." He pictured his mother's voice in his mind, smooth and comforting, as
he always did when he struggled with his control. "Nothing is going on around us. It's just me and
He imagined her stood next to him, talking him through the exercise, willing him to relax.
He did as she instructed, feeling his ribcage expand. His lungs ached with the stretch of fresh air.
"Now imagine a small piece of glass. Hold that glass in your hand-"
Another pinch of the needle, moving slowly down the length of his skull.
He fought to regain control, concentrating harder, picturing his mother's voice more clearly.
He balled his hands into fists and concentrated on the sharp edge of the crystal. He imagined it
cutting into his palm -
"Now, I want you to picture that shard of glass expanding. Picture it reaching out-"
He did just that, feeling his skin tingle, his occlumency walls starting to build.
The glass in his hand was growing, it covered his hand and travelled up the length of his arm,
concealing his body, protecting him.
"Nothing can get in, alright? Nothing, not if you don't want it to.”
He felt the temperature drop around his body as his walls climbed higher. They were almost at
shoulder level -
There was another crash upstairs. His walls rippled, fragile, not solid enough yet to withstand the
His glass wall stretched over his chest, so close to his heart, so close to blocking it all out and
feeling nothing. His walls felt fragile, delicate as a thin sheet of ice covering a lake. He tried to
stretch them higher -
Something smashed upstairs and he heard glass fall to the floor. Malfoy fought, but he felt hairline
fractures appear in his own glass walls.
Then Granger started screaming. A low, agonised scream of pain. Not physical pain, the shriek that
echoed from upstairs wasn't blood curdling like someone who was being tortured. Malfoy knew
those sorts of screams, easily recognised them from years of extracting them from the Dark Lord's
No, no this scream spoke of a different type of pain, internal, emotional distress. It was so much
worse than the prior, it sounded heartbroken, worse than anything Malfoy had ever heard, a
symphony of suffering, of fucking emptiness, and it shattered the last of his control.
It caused the cracks in his Occlumency walls to expand in a violent flurry, shattering the protection
he'd built around himself. His walls splintered and popped, like pieces of glass freeing themselves
from a windowpane, and falling to his feet.
Why couldn't he shake off this guilt?! This crippling, hollow ache in his chest, every fucking time
he thought about the witch upstairs.
Why has he having trouble occluding?! He used to be superb at it, could craft a thick and
unbreakable icy wall within seconds, protect himself, block out everything he didn't want to feel.
Now, no matter how much he concentrated, he was struggling to cast even a weak one, and then
they were crumbling within the hour.
He wasn't this person, he didn't feel things anymore. He didn't care about anyone who wasn't his
family - his real family.
Blood isn't thicker than water, Draco had believed that for a long time.
Astoria. Blaise. Theo. Narcissa. They were his family, the only ones that mattered anymore.
Protecting them was all he cared about.
That softer side of him, the side that used to worry about outsiders, hadn't existed for a long time.
He'd ripped that part of himself out, and packed it into a wooden box when his parents died. Then
he buried that box when Daphne had died.
He couldn't -
"Ouch, motherfucker! - could you not just use the Knit me salve?"
"Nope," Astoria snapped coldly as she dug the needle in again, a little too harshly to be accidental.
"All gone.”
Malfoy bounced his knee. His nails bit into his palm. "Can I at least have a potion for the pain?!"
Astoria was doing this on purpose, Malfoy was sure of it. She wasn't healing him with the care and
compassion she usually did. With a concerned look on her face and the weight of the world on her
shoulders. Her movements were sharp now, punishing. Her aggression towards him palpable at the
end of the needle she continuously dug into his skin.
She was hurting him on purpose. Pulling the thread sharply enough to cause his head to snap back.
Angling the needle just right each time so the metal dragged across the bone when it pierced his
It only lasted a moment, less than a tenth of a second. Astoria wasn't a complete sadist. She
extracted just the right level of pain to make Draco's toes curl with each pull of the thread. She was
still furious with him, and she was making sure he knew it.
He tried to lean out of her touch, but Astoria just dug her manicured nails harder into the side of his
head and yanked him back towards her. "You've run out of all the bastard healing potions?!"
"There's not a single - fuck, ouch! There's not a single healing potion in the storage cupboard?!"
The corner of the artificial blonde's lip twitched into a tiny - completely fucking sadistic - smirk.
"That's what I said, isn't it?"
"What about healing magic?” he growled when she jabbed the needle in again. "Or anaesthetic
"Blaise said I wasn't to use magic that would put a physical strain on me.” She pulled the thread
with a quick jut of her arm, with no consideration to the sharp pain it sent up his skull. "Doesn't
want me to overexert myself and risk being bedbound anymore than my condition requires me to
Apparently, Astoria was finished speaking to him. Instead, she chose to show her growing disdain
for her brother by sharply pulling the thread, strong enough it caused his head to jerk back.
She dug the needle in again, more forcefully than all the other times, and the little smirk on her
face was the last straw. As the needle pierced his skin again, scraping across the bone, the last of
Malfoy's patience broke as easily as his skin did.
He smacked his fist sharply against the table, the marble top shuddered under his palm as he jerked
out of her spiteful little hands. "For fuck sake Astoria! I know you're usually blind drunk by this
time of the day, but can you at least try and get your withdrawal under control whilst your stitch my
head back together?!"
Astoria caught his reflection in the window. She narrowed her eyes, and her red painted lips curled
back in a snarl. "If you think you can do a better job, Demon Mask, then be my guest!"
Malfoy opened his mouth, an insult already at the tip of his tongue, but Astoria was already cutting
him off.
"Go on then.” She stepped back, holding her hands wide on either side of her and letting the needle
and thread fall against the back of his neck. "Hurry up. Chop chop, before your blood stains the
new tiles."
Not to be outdone, his hands flew to the back of his head. He stood from his stool and fumbled
with the needle for a second, trying to see if he could see the back of his skull in the windows
The wound was at the very back of his head. There was no chance he'd be able to see it him
himself, and an even smaller possibility he'd be able to stitch it back together without assistance.
He thought about conjuring a set of mirrors, thought if he angled them just right he might be able
to see the injury, but he decided against it.
Malfoy's were many things; selfish, arrogant, could often be downright fucking nasty - but the one
thing that mattered more than anything, was worth its weight in gold to him and all his ancestors,
was his pride.
And although he really, really didn't want to ask for Astoria's help, fumbling around with a needle
and making himself look like a complete twat was certainly the lesser of two evils, the less painful
blow to his ego.
So, without another word, he sat back down on the stool and Astoria resumed her work.
"I take it that you still haven't forgiven me then, Tori?" Malfoy found himself asking, needing to
distract himself from the pain. "For what I've done to the Mudbl-Granger," he corrected himself
when Astoria pulled the needle in warning.
"Then why are you healing me at all? Surely you'd get more satisfaction out of seeing me suffer?"
"I did consider it, but there's a diamond necklace that's coming up for auction." Astoria caught his
eye in the window and scowled. She placed the bloody needle in a silver tray to soak, then
disinfected a fresh one with a clear liquid, threaded a thin black wire through the hole, and began
stitching again. "I want it, and I'll feel guilty about buying it with your families money if I let you
bleed to death on the kitchen floor.”
"As an apology for being more of an arsehole than usual for the last few weeks.”
Malfoy was just about to come up with some malicious retort, but then another loud crash from the
bedroom upstairs - Granger's bedroom- caught both their attention.
Astoria paused, her eyes were wide with concern and her mouth was twisted down at the sides.
They both stared at the ceiling for countless seconds, as if they might be able to see through the
floorboards if they concentrated hard enough.
"She can't keep going on like this Draco, it isn't fair,” Astoria hissed, although her voice lacked the
venom it had previously been dripping in, she sounded concerned now. Sad. "You need to fix this,
and you need to do it quickly.”
"What do you want me to do, let her go?" Even as he spat the words - curled his tongue around
them like they disgusted him - he felt his chest tighten, and a strange, uneasy tension coiled in his
stomach. "That will never happen. She's too valuable to the Dark Lord, and he entrusted me to keep
an eye on her. She's my hostage. Mine to guard. Mine to watch over."
"-I can't let her go, if I did, it would put us all at risk-"
"A little easier on her?!" Malfoy couldn't help but snort. "I don't go into her mind anymore, and I've
given up my searches through her memories. What more do you want?"
"You've only done that because you've laid the foundations of the hex deep enough and you've
already sifted through all of her memories.” Astoria jabbed the needle again, spilling her irritation
into the injury. "You've learned all of her secrets, so you do not need to go into her mind anymore.
It's not mercy if you're only giving it up because it doesn't benefit you anymore.”
"What do you want me to do about it? She fucking hates me, how exactly do you think I might be
able to help her? She's more likely to stab me than she is to accept help from me."
Astoria's eyes flashed, burning with her growing temper. "Well, she's certainly felt better in the past
when she's hit you. Maybe letting her stab you wouldn't be the worst idea in the world! I'll even
hold you still for her!"
"You think that will make her feel better? She uses me as a human punching bag, and what!? You
think all this anger she has will just vanish?! That she won't be in pain anymore?!"
As the pair argued, another crash could be heard upstairs, the unmistakable crunch of wood
splintering. Granger was on the warpath again.
"This is tearing her apart." Astoria's voice got louder with each word so that she could be heard
over the chaos upstairs. "Every time you make her kill, it's like you're ripping a petal from a flower.
A piece of her dies, and then another, and then another. Soon, there's going to be nothing left of
"You're the reason she's in so much pain! Don't you think you should be the one to ease her
suffering, too?"
Fuck, why wouldn't Granger stop screaming?! Why wouldn't she just stop!?
"You need to give her something to focus on, an outlet to pour all that pain and anger out onto,"
Astoria said, tears gathered in her eyes. "She needs to smash something? Give her something to
smash! She wants to hit something? Give her something to hit! She can break everything, anything
she likes, just as long as it stops her from breaking.”
"If you think it will help, then go upstairs, drag her out of that room and hand her a knife," Draco
challenged. "I'll do anything if it makes her stop screaming like that."
Astoria's spiteful hands stilled. His words had caught her off guard, all the fury drained from her
features as she stared at Malfoy's reflection in the mirror.
"I can't listen to that anymore Tori," Malfoy breathed in a whisper, the fire of his own anger
dwindling. "I hear it everywhere, every fucking time I close my eyes, I hear her screaming.”
The gentleness, the compassion that always glowed around Astoria returned. For a moment, she
wasn't angry at him anymore. For a moment, she was his sister again. His caring, gentle, angelic
sister who always seemed to know exactly what to say, who was always there for him, even if they
did bicker like cat and dog.
"It isn't weakness to show a little mercy to your enemy, Draco," she said quietly, her voice
pleading. "It won't chink your armour to show a little compassion, it just shows you have a heart,
even if it has been stained with the blood of those you've killed.”
And with that, the final nail in the coffin, Astoria returned to her work, and they didn't speak again.
Mere seconds after she finished knitting his scalp back together and placed her tools on the table,
the kitchen doors burst open, and Blaise and Theo sauntered into the room.
Although Theo was covered in blood from today's carnage, he didn't have a scratch on him. He did
have a slight limp in his step from a stray curse he'd walked into, but that was the only evidence
he'd even been involved in a fight at all.
Blaise, however, looked a mess. His robes were torn and flecked with blood, most of it his own,
and a single streak of crimson dripped from his temple and down the side of his face.
Malfoy had predicted this was going to happen, knew his friend wasn't in the right frame of mind
for a mission. Blaise had been distracted, far too worried about the declining health of his wife to
fully concentrate on this mission the way Malfoy needed him to. He'd been distant, his mind a
hundred miles away and unaware of his surroundings, and he'd almost gotten himself killed in the
Yes, Malfoy knew Blaise was going to get injured on this mission, and Astoria gasped and sprinted
to his side when she saw him, just like he knew she would.
"ROMY!" she screamed, hands tenderly dancing over Blaise's injuries and assessing the damage.
"Evening, Mrs Zabini. How can Romy be of assistance on this fine spring-"
"Bring me as many healing and pain potions as you can carry, Essence of dittany, Mandrake leaves
and Fluxweed! NOW!"
"The Dark Lord wanted to see me and Theo-" Blaise hissed as Astoria started casting healing
charms, one after the other, in quick succession. "I thought I told you no healing magic-"
"Oh shut up," Astoria hissed. When he tried to stop her, she batted his hand away and cast another
Her magic was weak, her healing charms were no where near as strong as they ought to be.
Although they didn’t knit the wounds back together, they did stop the bleeding, and that made her
feel useful. Made her feel like the boys needed her, and she wasn’t just a withering burden to them.
Amongst the chaos, Theo rolled his eyes and made his way to the kitchen cupboards - presumably
for whiskey. Or Vodka. Any alcohol he could get his hands on really. It took him mere seconds to
find what he was looking for, and as soon as he did, he whirled around and made for the exit.
"Don't you dare leave here Theo," Astoria hissed, even though her eyes were glued to the bleeding
wound on her husband's neck. "I need to see your injuries!"
"Sorry, can't stay!" Theo called over his shoulder without looking back. "Got a date with this bottle
of whiskey and a hot blonde."
As Nott retreated into the peace and quiet outside, the elves both reappeared, and Malfoy saw red.
"I thought you said we didn't have any healing potions left?"
She'd lied to him. They weren't out of potions, they weren't even running low. The elves carried
dozens of potions and herbs in their arms, two of everything on Astoria's shopping list.
The spoiled witch had made him sit through her knitting his head back together - without the aid of
pain relief - on purpose. Probably saw it as some form of retribution for what he'd been doing to
Granger. Her own painful form of justice, delivered at the end of a blunt needle and perfectly
manicured nails - that he'd probably fucking paid for!
"You're a spiteful bitch,” Malfoy muttered under his breath. He marched to the same cupboard Nott
had, seeking the same liquid medicine.
"And you're a nasty, rotten, cunt," Astoria answered immediately, voice soft as a bell, despite her
unladylike words. "I suggest you come up with a way to release Granger's anger as quickly as
possible. There's only so many times the fixtures will repair themselves. Your ancestors won't be
too happy if she tears this house apart, and I certainly won't stand in her way.”
Malfoy didn't say anything, just took a lengthy swig of the tequila he'd snatched, threw Astoria an
obscene gesture over his shoulder, and stormed out of the kitchen.
As he slammed the door behind him, Astoria's brows knitted together. "Blaise?"
"Yes, darling?"
Surprisingly, he didn't answer her, which was extremely odd. Blaise, although one of the most
feared Gold Masks in the country, had always been at the mercy of his wife, practically melted into
putty in her hands. Whether it was jewels, gold, or even something as simple as information,
whatever she wanted, Blaise would immediately provide her with. No questions. No hesitation.
Theo knew it. Draco knew it. Merlin, even Blaise himself knew it.
Astoria may have been fragile in a hundred different ways, as weak as a withered flower caught in
a blizzard, but she had more power over her husband than even the Dark Lord did, and she had no
problem manipulating him when she wanted something.
"Blaise, tell me how he was injured," she commanded, cupping his chin under her delicate fingers
and tilting his head up, forcing him to look at her. "The wound was very deep, the pressure from
the hex that caused it almost cracked his skull. Draco never gets hurt on the field, not to that
extent. He said it was nothing, but something doesn't feel right, so I need you to tell me what
She didn't think she'd ever seen him look more uncomfortable. His jaw was tight, and his lips were
pressed into a tense line as he studied his wife's pleading expression. After several long seconds,
Blaise closed his eyes, sighed heavily, and completely surrendered.
"It all happened very quickly. A member of The Order - I think his name was Sean Tyler, he was in
Slughorns potion class with us at Hogwarts - cast a slicing curse, but it missed and rebounded off
the walls-"
As he spoke, Astoria poured a strong, antiseptic potion onto a cloth and began to treat Blaise's
wounds. She started on the most severe, the angry jagged wound on his shoulder, and then worked
"It was coming straight for Granger, but she was too busy suffocating another witch to see it. So
Malfoy stepped in front of her, and took the curse, right in the back of the head.”
Astoria stopped applying Essence of Dittany onto his arm and stared up at her husband. "He
protected her?"
"Why would he take the curse for her and let himself get hurt like that? I thought Draco was quick
with charms? Surely he had enough time to cast a shield?"
Blaise opened his eyes and watched his wife, urging her to continue healing him while he
explained. "He could have. Malfoy is the quickest soldier I've ever seen. His charm work is
incredible, I do not doubt that he could have cast a shield in time, if he'd really thought about it.”
"So what are you saying? He took the curse for her on purpose?"
"It would appear that way.” His eyes trailed down, and he took her hand in his own. “The curse
was weaker because it rebounded. Although it wasn’t strong enough to kill, it would have hurt like
hell if it hit her. He stepped in front of her instantly, without a moment's hesitation. It was like it
was instinctual. He protected her like-"
He cut himself off. He had more to say, Astoria could tell by the way he chewed on the inside of
his cheek, physically restraining his mouth from moving.
Blaise looked up again, and he brought his wife's hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on her
knuckles. "Like I would protect you.”
Astoria's breath hitched. "And then what did he do to the Order member? The one who almost hurt
"He cast a hex, more furious than I've ever seen him, and slit Sean's throat open so severely he
decapitated the poor swine.”
A different type of Exorcism
1st May
Malfoy lacked the common sense to hide his eye roll. "What does it look like?"
A firing squad. A death sentence waiting to happen. There were guns everywhere, of every shape
and calibre. Rows and rows of pistols, rifles, handguns, and every type of firearm Hermione could
think of, all arranged into neat lines on the wooden table the demon mask had guided her to.
Hermione's fingers flexed toward the weapons, itching to grab one and aim it between Malfoy's
eyes. She resisted, just about. Had to force herself to take a step back. Her instincts were screaming
at her that this was a trap. Something to distract her while he stabbed her in the back. She met his
stare and searched his eyes, trying to work out which Malfoy she was playing with today.
"Go on, pick one up.” Mr Hyde nodded towards the weapons. "They won't bite.”
Hermione's gaze flickered back to the guns. They were all spread across the large dining table,
mere inches from here. So close, but just out of reach. Her stomach twisted in nervous excitement
when she noticed a sleek handgun with a gold chamber.
She'd hated guns at the start of the war. She thought they were vile, repulsive things that caused
nothing but suffering and tears and heartache for those caught on the wrong side of them. Far too
dangerous, and yet, so easy to get hold of. Most of the time, Hermione preferred to use magic on
the battlefield. Chose to end the lives of blood supremacists with sharp spells and powerful hexes,
showing them how lethal, how fucking powerful a Mudblood could be.
But there was something about pointing a gun at a Death Eater that made her smile. Hermione
knew what it was; she'd known for years.
Voldemort was scared of guns. For him, guns represented muggle strength. Guns showed how
powerful the 'the vermin' could become. It didn't matter that they didn't have magic or spells or
brooms, they had technology. They'd advanced, forged weapons and bombs powerful enough to
demolish buildings and sever arteries effortlessly, and guns were the start of that gun powdered
revolution. To Voldemort, guns showed that even the strongest wizard could be powerless against
a none magical person. All it took was a scrap of metal and a twitch of their finger.
Medusa had told her of Voldemort's fear on their first meeting, a peace offering, showing his
betrayal was real, and the Order had run with that information. It was one of the things that forged
the bond between the Order and the muggle armies, united their visions and strengthened their
Hermione had always carried guns after that, multiple firearms secured in holsters on her thighs,
easily accessible, and she'd been all too happy to point the barrel at masks of Gold and Black. And
even one's with Demon horns, if she were given the opportunity.
Guns. She hadn't touched one for months, and there were so many here, all glistening and within
her reach.
He must have charmed them. He had to have done. Probably boobie trapped everyone to explode
with the slightest touch from her hand. Or electrocute her the moment they came into contact with
her skin. He must have done, there was no way he would let her anywhere near such dangerous
weapons otherwise. She knew Malfoy was up to something, but she couldn't help herself. Her mind
was already abuzz with a thousand different scenarios. A Rolodex of a hundred different
She wouldn't be quick enough to kill Malfoy. He was stood in front of the table, blocking her path
with one hand resting on the edge, fingers tapping an even rhythm onto the wood. He was so close
to her, she could smell parchment and smoke clinging to his open black shirt and trousers like a
What if she ducked under his arm and made a grab for one? Would he catch her before she could
reach them?
If she did manage to get a gun, at best, she would barely have time for one shot. If she missed, he
would disarm her and drag her back to her bedroom. If she missed, it would be game over, and she
might not get a chance like this again.
Maybe the guns weren't a weapon to murder him with. She could still use them, a tool to aid her
escape, but maybe she needed to take a different escape route. One she'd thought about, toyed with
the idea, but never had the means to achieve.
Her pulse hammered loudly in her chest. She was sure Malfoy would be able to hear it.
Could she do it? Was she quick enough to grab one? Point it at her head and pull the trigger? It
would certainly be easier than shooting him. It left little room for mistakes, the chances of her
surviving such an assault were non-existent, zero.
She'd been waiting for an opportunity like this for weeks, ever since she'd learned the true extent of
the Demon Hex. Her life wasn't worth the entire Order of the Phoenix. If she could just grab one,
maybe she could-
"Don't even think about trying to kill yourself with those.” Malfoy snapped, fingers growing
irritated against the table. "That's not why I've brought them here for you.”
"I've already magically altered the guns. If you try and use it on yourself, the bullets will melt as
they leave the chamber.”
"You should never underestimate me, Granger. There's a reason I'm the Dark Lord's favourite.”
Although Malfoy scoffed, offended, he was smiling. "It wasn't hard, your DNA is all over this
house. It wasn't hard to deconstruct it-"
As Malfoy spoke, one of the guns floated gently in the air and began to take itself apart.
"-have a look at the pieces, and charm the guns to recognise your special signature.”
The gun scraps started to twist in on each other, and that's when Hermione noticed a thin blue line
of magic that travelled down the inside of the barrel.
Her DNA. His magic. Apparently, the combination wielded sparkling results.
"If you try and use one on yourself, the guns will recognise you, and the magic I've infused in the
chamber will melt the bullets as they try and leave.”
Even Hermione had to admit, that was clever. She doubted even she would have been that
thorough, but she wasn't about to tell him that.
"Why do you even have these?" Hermione bit, "I thought your master disapproved of muggle
"He does, but they're not mine.” Malfoy quirked a brow, the ghost of a smirk playing at the edges
of his lips. "They're for you.”
"Why would you give me a gift? And more importantly, why do you think I'd accept?"
"Well, you have no problem accepting them from Astoria," he waved his hands once in her
direction as he spoke, highlighting the short black summer dress she was wearing. "So I didn't
think you'd object to a small token from me, especially when my gift feeds that violent appetite of
Guns over dresses. Weapons over high heels. She hated that Malfoy knew her better than she
would have liked.
"I'd rather cut my hand off than touch anything you've given me."
Malfoy rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek. His grey-blue eyes raked her over from head to
toe, irritated. Her response clearly wasn't the one he wanted. Maybe he thought she'd be impressed?
"Astoria thinks you need something to channel your rage into. She knows you're in pain, and she's
under the impression that if you don't find an outlet for it soon, you'll explode.”
Hermione took another step back, away from the demon that was trying to entice her with weapons
and violence. "If that's what she thinks, then why are you here instead of her?"
He folded his arms behind his back, looking the perfect picture of wealth and elegance, and started
to walk around the table. Appraising the goods. "She thinks that because I'm the source of your
anger, therefore I must be the most suitable Guinea pig.”
He made a full circle around the table, bowing his head slightly to get a better look at the guns. He
seemed a little fascinated by them, admiring the gleam of the metal and the smoothness of the
handles as he passed. But he never touched them. His hand remained firmly behind his back.
Was Malfoy scared of guns, too? Was that something Voldemort had passed down to his generals?
Instilled a fear of the muggle made weapons into his commanders and soldiers so that they
wouldn't leave any chances? Draw their wands at the mere sight of one, and shoot to kill?
"I don't get it.” Hermione couldn't help but quirk a brow. "She wants you to be a target for my
"Oh no, rest assured Granger, you do get it.” Malfoy looked up suddenly, his smirk stretching
higher. "And although Astoria might be right, I'm far too valuable to the Dark Lord to let you go
wild. If you hurt me and put me out of commission, I'll be out of a job, and we can't have that, can
we? But don't worry, I've got another idea, something I'm sure you're going to love.”
His attention drifted from the table of deadly weapons, apparently, something in her expression
was much more interesting. He stalked towards her, shoulders hanging low and predatory. He
started to circle her, his hands still clasped behind his back and a dark expression twisting his
Hermione forced her spine straight, chin high in the air. Defiant. Unafraid.
"Don't you think you've done enough? I don't want you to be a bullseye for my temper tantrums,"
she hissed, forcing as much malice into her words as she could. "I don't want anything from you!
The further away from me you are, the better.”
"Salazar, you're feisty this morning, aren't you?" He disappeared behind her left shoulder, and
Hermione willed her muscles to stay in place. She wouldn't follow him. She wasn't playing this
game. "I'd say the lioness has woken up on the wrong side of the cave.”
He appeared in front of her again, his eyes flickering with something, looking her up and down as
he passed and disappeared over her shoulder again. "It's not about what you want, it's about what
you need.” He was closer than she'd expected, his cold breath ticked the back of her neck, pebbling
her skin. "And whether you like it or not Granger, you need me.”
A bolt of anger shot through her. She whirled around, catching his arm and stopping him mid-step.
Her nostrils flared, and his lip curled back in a snarl.
"The only thing I need from you, Malfoy, is to put a knife through your carotid artery.” She stepped
into him, her chest pressing against his, stretching onto the very tips of her toes so she could better
look him in the eye. "The only thing I need from you, Demon, is to watch the fear in your eyes as
you choke on your own blood.”
"Is that how you'd do it?" The way he was looking at her, it almost made her want to shiver. Lips
smirking and eyes burning, as if the discussion of her murdering him was the most erotic thing in
the world. In a sick way, maybe it was. It certainly sent a tingle up her spine just thinking about it.
"Slit my throat? I always imagined you'd do it slower, make it last."
"I did too, but at this point, I'd do just anything," she hissed, her own eyes flickering in excitement.
"As long as I get to kill you, I'm not picky. I'll take whatever I can get."
"Then it's a pity you can't kill me right now. I'm sure you'd get immeasurable pleasure from
picking up one of those guns and shooting me in the head.” He leaned down, his nose almost
brushed hers. "Right here. Right now.”
Hermione wasn't quick enough to catch her smirk before it appeared. "Oh, you have no idea. I
dream about it.”
"I imagine you do," he whispered back, smiling. "I wouldn't be surprised if you touched yourself at
night, thinking about how spectacular it would be to cave my head in with your boot.”
Hermione raised her chin, inching closer. "I thought you couldn't read my mind?"
She couldn't help the way her breath hitched when his tongue darted out to wet his lips. She
lowered herself back to the ground, suddenly apprehensive about being pressed up against him,
nervous about having her mouth so close to his.
"Whilst you're under the Demon Hex, it brings all your painful memories up to the surface, doesn't
He didn't pause to allow her to confirm, just continued with his explanation.
"The Hex needs you to be angry. It needs your rage and pain billowing to the surface to power its
dark magic and make you all the more lethal. It drags all those awful, crippling emotions to the
surface, makes you more of a killer than you already are-"
"Shut up!"
"Stop it!"
"And all that rage doesn't just vanish when you come out of the Hex? Does it?"
She knew he was riling her up on purpose. Trying to light the match of her anger, set the sparks
flying until she combusted, proving his point. She knew it, but she still took the bait.
"When the Hex is gone, and you see all those bodies lying on the floor-"
"When you see all the people who you've cut down, throats hanging open where you slit them-"
"All that pain doesn't just go away, does it? It's still there, festering inside you with nowhere to go.”
"You don't miss a thing, do you?" He laughed again, that same throaty laugh that made his eyes
crinkle at the sides. "I had hoped the poetry of it all wouldn't be lost on a Mudblood."
With a baseball bat, but she wasn't picky, she'd hit him with a chair if that was her only option.
She clenched her hands into fists, took a deep breath, and then turned away from him.
There was a chair right there. It looked nice and heavy. Sturdy enough to cause damage if it were
smashed in someone's face repeatedly-
No! No! Hermione pushed that thought away as quickly as it sprang to life. She wasn't doing this
with him, not today. She didn't trust Malfoy. He was up to something, she just didn't know what.
And Hermione refused to play a game if she didn't know all the rules.
She tried to clear her head, ignoring the way she wanted to shiver as she scanned the room around
This room always made her shiver, This fucking twisted nest of a room with dark wooden floors
and smooth stone pillars and a crystal chandelier hanging above. The parlour might have been
spotless, thoroughly cleaned and beautifully maintained, but in Hermione's eyes, this room would
always be ugly.
It didn't matter that the acidic lilt of disinfectant spells was strong and unmistakable here,
Hermione swore she could still smell her blood clinging to the floorboards. It didn't matter that it
had been years since she'd laid on that floor, on that exact spot, while his aunt had carved her arm
to pieces. The wound still felt fresh. She could still feel the cold metal of the dagger slicing against
her skin, blood dripping down her arm.
Hermione rubbed her scar, fighting the sudden chill she felt from being stood in the space that had
almost been her coffin years ago.
Is that why he'd brought her here? Because he knew this room made her uncomfortable? Irritable?
Did he want her to destroy the place?
She caught his eye again and studied his expression. She stared into his grey eyes, trying to figure
out what secrets he was keeping behind that glass wall he kept up around his heart.
"Well, I'd say I've ruffled your feathers enough for now. Let's give you something to sink your
teeth into, shall we?"
With a flick of his wrist, three targets appeared at the far end of the room, just in front of the
fireplace. They were all in the shape of men, tall and ugly, crafted from the darkest metal with huge
bulking frames and unremarkable expressions on their faces.
He turned back to her with a triumphant smirk, as if this ridiculous display was supposed to
impress her. As if she was somehow supposed to look at these targets and, what? Blow up?
Suddenly be overcome with bloodlust and the need to kill?
Was she irritated? Yes. Was she murderous? Towards him? Yes. Towards the targets? No.
"No? These not to your liking?" he asked, twirling his wand loosely between his fingers. "Well, I
think I have an idea on how I can make these a bit more appealing to you.”
He jerked his wand in the direction of the targets, and they were slowly covered with a soft blue
light. Within seconds, they started to change. Their frames disintegrated a few inches and melted
into more slender shapes. The blank expressions they wore changed, morphed into ones she knew,
ones she despised and made her blood boil.
The targets morphed into Death Eaters, all with flowing black robes and Gold Masks.
Her adrenaline spiked. Her heart sped up. She looked back at Malfoy, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
She didn't say a word, tried to look as uninterested and unimpressed as she could, but her fingers
twitched towards the guns, betraying her.
"Pick your target, Gryffindor," he cooed, cocking that signature Malfoy brow she hated almost as
much as she did him. "You know you want to."
"Piss off."
"Why? So it can blow my hand off as soon as I touch it? No thank you.”
The Demon rolled his eyes for the second time that morning. "You're so suspicious. It's adorable."
"Fuck. You!"
"No, it won't."
"Yes, it will." Malfoy stepped closer, crowding her space, drafting the scent of smoke and
parchment in her direction. "Give it a try."
He took another step towards her. Hermione didn't budge, refusing to retreat. "Just fire one bullet. I
promise you'll enjoy it.”
"Malfoy," she hissed through gritted teeth. "I'm warning you. Back. Off!”
Sensing he wasn't going to get a rise out of her this way, wasn't going to piss her off to the point she
snatched a gun and pointed it at his face, Malfoy tried a different approach. He took a step to the
left, and quick as a flash, he was behind her. He leaned over her, and his left arm trailed down the
length of hers before he laced their fingers together.
"What are you doing?!" Hermione twisted, trying to jerk her elbows into his ribs, but Malfoy's
other arm wrapped around her waist. He tugged her backwards with an iron grip, crushing her
spine against his chest. Inescapable. "Get off of me!"
His cold lips glided to the shell of her ear, like they had done so many times, and Hermione braced
herself for the Demon Hex. She squeezed her eyes shut, her blood running cold as she waited for
those Latin words. Those two little words that turned her into a monster.
As she jerked again, trying to kick him, Malfoy's strong arms just tightened, tugging her closer, as
he whispered, “Fight all you want cub, but I'm never letting you go.”
Her arms stilled, her fight starting to slip through her fingers like water. Her head started to spin,
the mixture of confusion and the feel of his breath on her neck making her feel dizzy.
"We'll take this nice and slow, alright? One step at a time."
Without allowing her to answer - or regain her fight - he bent their arms and directed her to pick up
the sleek, black and gold handgun she'd been admiring earlier. It felt good in her hands, made her
feel secure, stronger, a little more in control. As she dragged her fingertips over the safety latch,
with a gun in her hand and a demon at her back, Hermione realised that she had two options.
She could fight, thrash, and try and assassinate Malfoy. Or, she could play along, and try and work
out his intentions.
Well, they say curiosity killed the cat, and hadn't he been calling her his 'little lion' for weeks?
"I'm going to tell you a little secret Granger. I've always detested guns," the Demon practically
purred in her ear, his voice low and gravelly and fuck- it sent a shiver riding up her spine, "but in
your hands? I don't think I've ever seen anything more glorious."
The hand on her waist held her steady, the other directed her arm, pulling it up, aligning the gun
with the targets.
"But you already know that, don't you?" His voice drafted fresh waves of smoke against her skin. It
made her mouth water.
Hermione shifted her gaze to the targets, trying to clear her head, keep her focus and play the
"You already know how strong you look, don't you?" The hand on her waist squeezed. A knot
formed in her lower abdomen. "How fierce you look with that weapon in your hand?"
Her heart started hammering loudly in her chest. His words shouldn't have been affecting her like
this. She needed to be calm, composed, but how could she when he kept leaning in? How could she
focus on the task at hand when his thumb kept stroking across the back of hers, pebbling her skin?
Her palms started to sweat, the gun started to slip between the moisture, so Malfoy shifted their
hands, forcing her index finger to curl around the trigger, holding her steady.
"You like the way it makes you feel, don't you?" he whispered. She could feel his own heartbeat
against her spine, their rhythms perfectly matched, elevated. Excited. "You like the way holding
this weapon makes you feel strong, untouchable, don't you?"
"Don't you?" He pinched her waist, demanding her attention, making her yelp.
"I thought so. Now, I want you to pretend those targets are someone you hate." He inched ever
closer, lips grazing her ear. "Can you do that for me?"
"Good." She felt him smirk against her cheek. "This person you're thinking about, is it a man? Or a
"A man," she answered impulsively. "A Death Eater."
"I want you to think about the type of mask he wears. Picture it in your mind for me.”
She did just that, pictured the grotesque piece of armour, the way the metal curved around his face
and disappeared under the hood of his robes.
"I want you to think about all the horrible things he's done to you. The way he's made you feel.
Helpless. Frustrated.”
She did as he instructed, and her anger sparked, almost stabbing across her chest like an open
wound. She tilted the gun towards the middle target.
Her arm, the one holding the gun, suddenly felt stronger. Her anger like liquid steel, pouring down
her limps, gathering at her fingertips.
"-all the time's you've wanted to carve his heart out of his chest, but you've been too powerless to
do anything."
Suddenly, his hand left her waist, and she jumped when she felt it land on her thigh mere seconds
later. His fingers were cold, biting against her overheated skin.
"Angry," Hermione bit, almost shaking with rage. "Like I want to break something."
"Good," he whispered, nails digging into her skin. She felt on edge, wired, ready to snap. "Do you
hate him?"
She closed one eye, tunnelling her vision, eyeing her prey. "Yes!"
"Then let him have it. Pull the fucking trigger, Granger.”
She did just that, and with a simple curl of her finger, a bullet exploded from the barrel with a loud
crack. She squeezed her eyes shut, and her arm jutted back with the violent force. There was a
heartbeat of eerie silence, and when she opened her eyes again, there was a single hole in the
targets right cheek.
"There she is,” Malfoy chuckled in her ear. "There's the lioness.”
She couldn't help but smile. She even laughed once, just one short puff of air through her lips, as
she stared at the stream of smoke rising from the puncture wound she'd created.
The rush of power, the tidal wave of adrenaline that overcame her was almost equal to the release
she felt. It was astounding, the way something as simple as pulling the trigger lifted the heavy
feeling on her chest, the one she'd been carrying around since Seamus's death. Truly amazing, the
way shooting a bullet at an immovable target loosened the strain in her ribs, made it easier to
breathe again.
But the reprieve was only temporary. Within seconds, her anger started to creep back in, the ever-
present black cloud over her heart reappearing, and within seconds she was twitching for more, like
the addict she was.
"Go on,” Malfoy encouraged, his voice husky and dripping in something Hermione didn't quite
recognise. "Don't stop, do it again."
She squeezed the trigger again, and as another bullet exploded from the barrel and punctured the
targets lip, another wave of relief crashed over her.
The gun was enchanted, the barrel charmed to never empty of bullets, so Hermione just kept
shooting, chasing the release, that euphoric rush of power and thrill that she could only find by
pulled the trigger in her hand. The hand on her hip squeezed with every shot, encouraging her,
guiding her through her bloodlust.
The room quickly filled with smoke from her relentless use. The smell of burning graphite and
nitro-glycerine whirled around the open space, perfuming the air with its heady scent.
As the barrel refilled itself for the fourth time, Hermione didn't notice when Malfoy let go of her
arm, too enthralled with the puncture wounds she'd created, fascinated with the patterns, her
deadliest ark work yet.
It wasn't until he moved her hair over the opposite shoulder, she remembered she wasn't alone. And
it wasn't until she felt his cold lips brush against her neck, that she remembered who was standing
behind her.
"Do you have any idea what you look like right now?" She shivered when she felt his teeth scrape
across her pulse point. "How fucking beautiful you look with your fingers curled around the
"Did I say you could stop?" he whispered, his voice muffled as he pressed the first kiss into her
She tried to do as he said, but the gun suddenly felt a dozen times heavier.
"Keep-" Malfoy's hand skated higher, he dragged his cold fingers across the outside of her thigh,
taking her dress with them, "-fucking-" he paused when he got to her hip, and his thumb danced
across the thin band of her underwear, "-shooting."
Hermione drew a deep breath through her nostrils, willing herself to concentrate. She shot the
target again, aiming for its eyes, but she missed and punctured its shoulder when Malfoy started
massaging circles into her skin.
"Who are you thinking about?" he whispered, pulling her back slightly, pressing her more firmly
into him. "Who is it you're imagining shooting right now?"
She tried to ignore him. Tried to distract herself by emptying the barrel again. She was still angry,
still hot and bothered and murderous, the way his fingers skated across her skin didn't douse those
fires, but she felt a different type of fire gathering now. A different sort of knot twisting in her
"Don't ignore me.” He squeezed her hip. "Who are you shooting? Whose head are you caving in
with that gun?"
She shot another round, turning her attention to the fresh target on her left.
"Tell me.” His calloused fingers dragged lower, and curled around the inside of her thigh. "Please."
"Tell me who it is.” His thumb was dangerously close to the lace of her knickers. "Tell me whose
lit that fire in your eyes."
She released a slow breath. The targets other eye exploded as she fired another round. She tried to
shoot again, aiming for the forehead, but then Malfoy pressed a kiss against her neck, and
Hermione almost forgot how to think.
She moaned before she could stop herself. Was sure she would have dropped the gun entirely if his
fingers weren't still laced through hers, keeping her and the rifle steady.
"Granger-" he kissed her again, cold lips against her collarbone, "-tell me-" he dragged his tongue
up her neck, slowly, making her shiver, "-who-" he took the shell of her ear between his teeth,
"-you're shooting."
His entire body tensed behind hers, and for a few seconds, he didn't move.
What was she thinking?! There was a row of guns on the table next to him, another clasped
between their fingers, and she'd just confessed she'd been picturing - fantasizing - that he was the
one she was shooting.
It was a deadly mistake. She'd taken the bait, walked straight into the trap like a blind mouse, and
now the gauntlet was about to drop on her neck. She braced herself for it, for him to snap, spin her
around and make her face whatever punishment he had in mind.
But he didn't. Instead, he moaned against her neck, no - it was more of a growl than a moan, deep
and primal, unlike anything else she'd ever heard.
"Say it again."
"Again," he snarled, even as he hooked his thumb into the lace of her underwear. "Who are you
thinking about?"
"You." Her legs suddenly unsteady as Malfoy dragged her underwear to the side. "You, Draco. I'm
shooting you."
When his fingers brushed against her centre, the air was siphoned from her lungs, and her knees
almost gave out when he traced the length of her.
"Fucking hell Granger, you're soaked," he hissed, scraping his teeth across her neck again. "I knew
you'd like this. Fucking knew this would turn you on.”
Hermione tipped her head back against Malfoy's shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut and her
mouth opened in silent pleasure.
She shouldn't be letting this happen. She absolutely should not, under any fucking circumstance, be
letting him do this. She should break his arm, should snap it clean off for having the audacity to
think he could touch her this way.
Who did he think he was, thinking he could touch her like this?! But more importantly, why was
she letting him?
His fingers dragged back and forth over her slowly, lighting up nerve endings she'd completely
forgotten fucking existed. She jerked in his arms, her free hand snapped backwards and dug into
his thigh for support.
He paused at her entrance. His cold rings lingered on her overheated skin, middle finger dying to
push forward. He was right there, so close, but he wasn't moving. She realised he was waiting for
her, waiting for a command, a plea, but Hermione refused to beg.
"This-" she tried to rock into his fingers shamelessly, but he hissed and held her still.
Please, she wanted to say, moan it, fucking scream it at the top of her lungs. Please, please, touch
But she wouldn't allow herself to, wouldn't let herself sink that low. Instead, she rocked her hip
backwards again, feeling the tip of his finger sink into her, and that seemed to be all the
confirmation Malfoy needed.
His finger dipped inside her effortlessly, sliding through her arousal and immediately finding that
spot deep inside that most men missed entirely. He crooked his finger against it, and Hermione
jerked in his arms when he did it once, twice, three times.
Her walls clenched around him, and Malfoy groaned into her neck.
"Fuck, your cunt is so tight," he hissed, "I can feel everything, every flutter -“ He twisted his hand,
and added a second finger. Hermione whined. "Every spasm-" His thumb found her clit and started
drawing slow, even circles over her, perfectly in time with each crook of his fingers, "I can feel
Jesus, what was wrong with her?! If someone had told her yesterday that this is how she'd spend
the next morning, she would have spat out her tea in disgust. Would have laughed in their faces at
the sheer lunacy of their accusations.
And yet, here she was, stood in the parlour room she'd once been tortured in, with the hands of her
enemy - the man she'd fantasised about murdering more times than she could count - buried
between her legs, while she massacred targets she imagined were him.
It was the most fucked up scenario she could ever imagine, and yet, somehow, the most erotic
thing she'd ever experienced.
Her entire body felt alight, blazing in hellfire. Each ripple of pleasure through her blood was a
thousand times better than any punch or kick she'd hit him with.
She tried to lower the gun and concentrate on the sensations racing through her, but Malfoy held
her arm, keeping the gun aimed at the target, even as his finger brushed against her pelvis. "Did I
say you could stop?”
How could she be close already? He'd barely touched her and she was already teetering
dangerously close to the edge.
"Malfoy, I can't - fuck, oh god," she moaned when his thumb pressed down on her clit, hard,
making her legs tremble. "I can't shoot anymore, I need-" She cut herself off with another moan,
when her back arched and found something hard pressing against her spine.
“Yes, you can. I know you can." He released her arm, and his free hand came to join the other
between her legs, the fingers of one massaged her clit while the others crooked inside her slowly,
making her toes curl. "Do you want to come?"
"Yes," she hissed, clenching her teeth together so hard they might shatter.
"Then hit that middle target," he smiled against her cheek, "right between the eyes."
She was sick to want this, she knew that. It was sick that she was getting off on this, but she
couldn't help herself.
She wouldn't have been able to stop even if she wanted to. His words. The husky tone in his voice.
The gun in her hand. His fingers. His lips on her neck, and the feeling of strength that rushed
through her with every bullet that exploded from the barrel. It was all an intoxicating mix,
addictive, one that she was powerless to resist.
The gun trembled in her hand as she took aim again, and Malfoy's fingers slowed into teasing
touches as he waited to see where her shot would land.
She pulled the trigger, and groaned when the left side of the target's jaw exploded. She tried again.
Her second shot landed on the corner of the targets lip. The third on its cheek. She wanted to
scream when the fourth took off its ear, inching towards its destination, but just out of reach.
Despite her misses, Malfoy was merciful. His fingers swirled over her clit faster, adding pressure
the closer she got to the bullseye. There was a pressure in her lower abdomen, like an elastic band
was fused into her skin, and it was stretching tighter and tighter with each brush of Malfoy's
fingers. The ones inside her stayed slow and gentle, deliberately teasing.
She was so close. She was so close she couldn't concentrate on the targets. Her arms shook, her
vision was hazy and blurring through pleasure, making it impossible to hit her mark.
"That's it, keep going," Malfoy sighed, nipping and licking across her pulse as she fired bullet after
bullet. "You're so close, aren't you? I can feel it.”
The bullets inched towards their destination, carving holes along the cheekbone of the dummy.
Please. Her legs started to shake. Her hips arched back towards his cock, still hard and grinding
into her spine. Please, please, please.
The movements of on her clit grew erratic, dragging against the sensitive tissue faster, his own
need rising to the surface. Up and down, down and up, then left to right, right to left, then up and
down again.
"Give me one more." He twisted his fingers inside her, and the elastic band stretched tighter.
Almost ready to snap. "One more bullet right between the eyes, and then I'll let you come.”
So close. She was so fucking close it hurt. If he would just crook his fingers against that spot a
little harder.
She let go of his thigh, needing both hands to keep the gun steady. She drew a deep breath and
closed one eye. She pulled the trigger, and a bullet sized hole appeared right between the target's
"Good girl.” He took the shell of her ear between his teeth, and the fingers inside her finally rubbed
against that spot that made her see stars. "Go on, come for me, little lion.”
She came with a scream and finally let her arms fall to her sides, but she didn't drop the gun. Her
cunt clamped around his fingers, holding him there, as rivets of pleasure washed through her in hot
waves, one after the other.
The relief that course through her was indescribable. There was nothing, like the world fell away,
and all she could focus on was the way her muscles spasmed and her breath leaving her lungs.
For a few moments, a few beautiful - fucking euphoric few moments - Hermione just floated. She
wasn’t a monster. She hadn’t murdered her friends. She wasn’t a pawn for Voldemort.
She was empty, cleansed, free of all the demons that haunted her, real or imaginary. And merlin,
she wanted to drown in that feeling.
It felt like hours before the world came back to her, and when it did, Malfoy was panting too.
"When I do that again," he hushed, breathless, "you're going to look at me when you come.”
She twisted in his arms and looked up at him. Their breath mingled in the tight space and pools of
blue stared back at her, only small cracks of silver clung to life around the edges of his eyes.
"What makes you think ... that I' m going to let you ... do that again?"
A lazy grin stretched across his face, and the sight of it made her clench her thighs around his
"I know there's going to be a next time, because, although it may not have been exactly what I had
in mind in terms of stress release," he kept his eyes on hers as he slowly pulled his hand from her
body, "this was better. This was the type of exorcism you needed. And that feeling? That feeling of
release? That freedom? It's addictive, and you're going to crave it again.”
His gaze trapped her, made her freeze in place, even as he popped his fingers into his mouth and
sucked. And Hermione wondered, as she watched the demon lick her arousal from his fingers,
which would give her the greater release?
Kicking him to the ground, dragging her nails down his back and fucking him until her bones felt
Or aiming the gun in her hands, and shooting him between the eyes?
Theatre of the damned
5th May
She should just slit his throat. Stab him in the heart. Let him go peacefully! He didn't need to be in
any more pain-
She winced at the way his voice trembled. Her eyes locked on his, her fingers twitched around the
knife in her hand, but it didn't stop her from driving it into his torso. Again.
The hostage - Oliver Myers - jerked in the chair he was bound to. He threw his head back, howling
in pain. Despite the derelict state of the abandoned theatre that hosted their interrogation, despite
the way the walls were crumbling and the cracks that ran along the stage, the acoustics were
undamaged. They carried the sound of his screams perfectly each time, magnifying it, echoing the
Hermione's eyes burned, tears slipped down her cheeks as Myers’ blood pooled around her hand.
She tried to pull back, retract the blade, stop his pain, but she couldn't, she had no control. The
Demon Hex was still pulling the reigns tight, commanding her violence.
She caught her reflection in the splintered mirror off stage, and it made her want to scream herself.
She looked like a monster, an image torn straight from a nightmare. Eyes black and lifeless, blood
streaking down her face and robes as she drove the knife into Myers' helpless body. Again and
again and again.
And there was nothing she could do. Was powerless to end his suffering. A murderous slave in her
own skin.
“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” she shrieked internally, searching for anything she could try and use to
claw back control of her own body. She looked, but as always, there was nothing. There was no
weak link in the Hexes armour. No vulnerable point she hadn't yet discovered.
She couldn't reach the strings that controlled her, so instead, she was left to watch as some other
entity took control and made her do things she'd never dream of doing, not even in her most vile
nightmares. Could do nothing but scream and cry and bear witness as she was transformed into the
villain of this performance, the monster in this theatre of the damned.
Hermione had come to realise that the Demon Hex was more of a beast itself than a curse. A
predator shrouded in magic, that cast strings over her limbs and used her as a puppet to incite its
dark will and feed its murderous appetite. It manipulated her instincts. Made her angry, heightening
the bloodlust so her dark curses would be more lethal.
It made her slaughter everyone, butcher anyone in her path, just so it could gorge itself on the
corpses she left behind.
While she was under the Hex, all that mattered to her body was the hunt, the kill. The beast took
everything else, stripped Hermione of everything that made her her, and left her with nothing but a
hunger for screams and dark magic crackling at the edge of her wand.
So it didn't matter that she knew Myers. It didn't matter that she knew his wife, or that she'd taught
their son a few simple levitation spells. No, none of that mattered, because the hex was planted too
deep, threading it's claws through each and every one of her muscles until it had complete control
of her body.
"Please! Hermione! Plea-" Myers voice abruptly cut off when she twisted the blade, making it
scrape across his ribs.
Please, just let her kill him. He didn’t deserve this! She should just make it quick.
But the Hex didn't want to listen to her. It didn't want to kill him yet, it hadn't fed enough.
This mission was supposed to be dangerous, with lots of Order resistance, which was why
Hermione had been utilized. This derelict theatre was supposed to be a new stronghold to stock
their supplies, filled to the brim with bombs and guns, and Voldemort wanted it taken out, quickly.
But when they arrived, the base was barren, freshly cleared out and evacuated. There were only
twelve soldiers left doing their final checks before they abandoned this area for good. If Hermione
and the group had arrived only ten minutes later, they would have escaped with their lives, but as it
happened, luck wasn't on their side today.
Voldemort wanted one hostage left alive for interrogation, which was the only reason Myers was
spared. Malfoy had quickly disarmed and bound him to a chair, and then he'd left Hermione and
Barty Crouch Jr to guard Myers before he disappeared somewhere in the theatre.
He'd taken her wand, but he hadn't brought her out of the Hex, and it needed more. The eight
soldiers that Hermione had already killed weren't enough for the Hex. Its appetite had grown
accustomed to the piles of bodies she left behind, and it hadn't had its fill yet.
The curse was clawing across her skull, ravenous for more screams. She'd been agitated just
looking at Myers.
The curse needed more. More pain. More wails of agony. More. More. More.
She'd needed to slice his throat. Cut his arm off. Needed to do something to stop the way the Hex
was scratching at her insides and making her skin feel as though it were on fire.
And then Barty had handed her a knife, and while Hermione slowly tortured the poor soldier, the
Hex had been feasting on his screams like scraps at the bottom of a bowl.
She twisted the knife again, the curse delighting in the way Myers shrieked, even as fresh tears
slipped down Hermione's face.
The Hex yanked the strings, and Hermione's arm jutted back, nicking an organ or two as she
sharply pulled the blade from Myer's body.
Before her captive had the opportunity to catch his breath, Hermione thrust the knife back into his
body, aiming lower this time, trying to scratch his liver.
"I'll admit, I was disappointed when the Dark Lord said I wouldn't be able to have you, Mudblood.
But I can see now why you were given to Malfoy.” Barty's voice was soft as he watched from the
first row of the audience. "You have a natural talent for pain, just like him. You make quite the
"Although, I would like to see you become a little more ... unleashed." She heard his chair creak
from behind her, presumably he'd leaned in to get a better look. "Stab him about an inch lower next
time darling. It'll hurt him more there."
His words intrigued something in the Hex, made the beast rear its head. There was a moment's
pause before it commanded Hermione to stab Myers again, right where Barty had instructed.
Where was Malfoy?! Where the fuck was Malfoy?! He was the only one who could bring her out
of the Hex-
"If you twist the blade to the right," Barty's voice grew excited as he watched the performance she
was putting on, “it'll scrape across his nervous system. Won't kill him, but it'll hurt like hell.”
Again, she listened to Barty, twisting the blade as he instructed and watching the way Myer's
jerked. The howl of pain he made was higher than the others, blood-curdling.
Why had he left her alone like this with Crouch Jr?! He never left her side when she was under the
Hex. He always kept a close eye on her, and she usually resented it.
Now, the one time she needed him, he was nowhere to be found.
"Try his neck this time," Barty instructed. "There's plenty of sensitive muscles there. Lots of places
that will be excruciating to cut, but won't kill him. Not if you're careful."
If Malfoy were here, he'd stop her from doing this, wouldn't he? He'd done it before. He'd pulled
her out of the Hex before she took it too far and murdered Fleur. Yes, he'd done it before, so he'd
do it again.
Wouldn't he?
Hermione raised her arm, the marionette strings pulling the blade back, ready to slash it across his
throat, but a sharp heat flared through the hilt of the knife, and Hermione dropped it with a hiss.
Hermione didn't think she'd ever been more grateful to hear Malfoy's voice.
He was at her side quicker than the laws of physics allowed, wand drawn and pointed at Crouch’s
chest, the tip gathering magic in that deadly shade of green.
"I was just learning about the Hex from our prized Mudblood. She's quite rapturous when she's
making someone bleed, isn't she?" Barty chuckled, palms up in surrender. "For a moment I almost
forgot that she was a Mudblood."
"Nothing, I didn't touch her. She seemed quite in distress after you left. You should have seen the
way she was looking at our hostage. Poor thing didn't know what to do with herself."
As Crouch spoke, Malfoy wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her into his side. Whether it
was protective or possessive, Hermione wasn't sure. She was too busy looking for the knife, eager
to puncture Myer's liver.
"She looked so small and lost, but you should have seen the way her eye's lit up when I gave her
that knife." Barty's tongue darted out to wet his lips. "I'll be thinking about it while I have my cock
in my hand for weeks-"
"She's not here to torture for us, Junior!" Malfoy roared. "She's not a toy for you to wind up for
your amusement!"
Violent anger seemed to tumble off Malfoy in waves, the tip of his wand crackled with dark magic,
magnified by his thinning temper.
"She's here because she's a marvellous assassin, and I have half a mind to lift the Hex right now
and let her show you herself!"
"I meant no harm." Barty tried to keep his tone light, but his eyes hardened as he leaned back in his
chair. "I was merely curious about how the Hex works-"
"I don't give a fuck! Do you have any idea how valuable she is? How important she is to the Dark
Lord? She's the prized jewel in his arsenal. She's worth a thousand of you, Jr, and if I find out
you've done anything that will compromise her, anything at all, my dragon will be picking your
bones out of her teeth for weeks." Malfoy twisted his wand menacingly. "Do you understand?"
Just as Hermione located the knife, Malfoy started to pull her in the opposite direction. He towed
her backstage, but just before she stepped through the red curtain, she caught a glimpse of Nott and
Zabini passing through the theatre doors.
Theo's face lit up when he noticed Myers, already dripping blood and bound to a chair. A gift, all
ready for the slaughter. She might as well have tied him up in a fucking pink bow.
But the Hex was still awake, still irritable and hungry, and it forced Hermione to fight, to struggle
in Malfoy's arms and inch back towards her prey. She was so relentless, that Malfoy had to throw
her over his shoulder like a petulant child to get her away from Myers.
He didn't say a word, not even as she screamed and pounded her fists against his back, wailing that
she wasn't finished with the hostage, that he was her prey, not Theodore's.
He carried her to a destroyed dressing room just off stage, and Hermione could hear Nott chuckling
darkly through the cracks in the door.
The Hex hadn't wanted her to kill Myers yet, but the thought of Nott having all the fun without her
was stifling.
She charged for the exit, but Malfoy caught her elbow and dragged her back into the room. With
his wand still drawn and tucked between his fingers, he took Hermione's face between his hands
and released her from the Hex.
She cried from sheer joy when she felt it receding from her mind and giving her back control of her
body. She drew a deep breath and looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers the way she
wanted to - but then she saw the blood. Then she remembered where she was, what she'd been
about to do, and she broke down.
"Oh my God - Myers!" she sobbed, voice trembling as much as her hands did. "Oh my God - I was
t-torturing him!"
"It's alright Granger, it's alright.” Malfoy wrapped his arms around her and caught her just as her
knee's buckle. "You're safe - "
"But Myers! I was torturing him- I - I - I tried to stop it! I tried to stop it but I couldn't -" Her eyes
burned, tears were slipping down her face quicker than she could wipe them away. "I just kept
stabbing him - I couldn't - I -and then Barty - h -he kept telling me where to s-stab him ... where it
w-would hurt the most and I couldn't - I-"
"Shhhhhh, it's alright. It's alright." Malfoy pulled her tight against his chest. He held her close
while he whispered against her forehead. "I've got you. The Hex is gone. Barty is gone. It's just
me and you here, no one else.”
Hermione was so confused she felt like her head was about to crack open. She didn't know what to
do or what to think.
She wanted him closer, but as far away from her as physically possible. She was so angry she
wanted to hit him, but so wracked with grief that she wanted to bury herself in his robes and sob
until her throat was raw.
"I couldn't d-do anything - he just kept -s-screaming and I-I-" She pounded her fists against
Malfoy's shoulder as hard as she could, again and again, even as she buried her face against his
chest and cried into his robes. "I couldn't stop it - It's-it's getting stronger -"
Malfoy just held her tighter, his skin cold but his arms comforting, both things she didn't want to
feel from him in those moments.
"Shhhh, you're safe now. I promise." She thought she felt him plant a kiss on her forehead, but she
was shaking too much to be sure. "It's gone now. You're going to be alright-"
"No, it's not going to be alright!" Her anger finally won the tug of war, and she pushed Malfoy
back with all the strength she could conjure. He fell back a few steps, and the loss of his arms
around her wasn't as freeing as it should have been. "Where the fuck were you?! You left me alone,
in the Hex, with Barty Crouch Junior of all people! Why Malfoy?! Where did you go?! Why did
you leave me alone with him?!"
"Don't you dare stand there and tell me what I need!" She marched back towards him and used the
flats of both her hands to push him again. "You didn't care what I needed ten minutes ago, why
should it matter to you now!"
Malfoy didn't say a word. He just stared down at her, eyes hard as stone and mouth twisting at the
"I needed you to bring me out of the Hex! I needed - I needed you - and I couldn't find you!"
Hermione screamed in his face, devastated, as she realised the dependence she'd grown on him.
The reliance she had on a Death Eater, the very man responsible for her pain. "Everywhere I
looked, I couldn't see you, all I could see was the knife in my hand and Myer's blood. All I wanted
to hear was your voice, to hear you break the spell, and instead, there was only Myers! Just
screaming and screaming because I was stabbing him!"
"Granger, I-"
"I needed you Malfoy. I needed you, and you weren't there - No! Don't you dare fucking touch
me!" She stepped back when he reached for her.
He dropped his arm. A blue hairline fracture appeared in the cold grey of his eyes.
"It's bad enough that I can't do magic without your wand! And I can't Apparate unless you're
touching me because of this stupid blood curse Voldemort bound us together with, but today?! I
don't think I've ever felt more helpless, and it's all your fault!"
"Why did you leave me with Barty?!" Hermione cut in, her voice pure venom, despite the tears that
slipped down her face.
"The Dark Lord needed to speak to me urgently, and I thought you would be safe with Barty for a
few moments. All the threats were dead, Myers was immobilized, and I'd taken my wand away
from you, so I assumed the Hex would just -" He stopped himself suddenly. He looked at the wall
behind her head and dragged his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
Malfoy drew a deep breath through his nostrils before he answered. "Because it couldn't use you
anymore, because there were no threats, I assumed that it would just let you go - but I can see now
that I was very wrong. I'm sorry. Truly, if I'd have known what-"
Whatever else Malfoy had wanted to say, Hermione didn't hear it, because Myer's started
screaming again. Nott had picked up where she'd left off. It was a high pitch, fucking ear-piercing
cry that made her stomach knot just thinking about what Theo must have been doing to him.
She pinched her eyes closed, and her hands flew to cover her ears and shield her from the God-
awful noise. She could feel her entire body trembling as the sounds of Myer's being tortured again
filled the room.
The unmistakable sounds of bones breaking. Slicing hexes. Skin being torn off.
They seemed to be on a constant loop, never-ending. They weren't sounds anyone could ever get
used to, not even after years of war, and Hermione's knees finally gave out when a particularly
sickening crunch echoed through the tight space they were in.
The moment she touched the floor, Malfoy was there. He knelt next to her on the floor and dragged
her into his arms, and this time, she didn't have any anger left to push him away.
She winced when Myers screamed again, and buried herself against Malfoy's chest, thinking if she
nestled herself in far enough, his robes might muffle the sound. They didn't. Even backstage, the
acoustics still worked a little too well. She heard everything, every scream and wail of pain, as if
she was stood right next to the victim himself.
"If I had more to say, I would tell you-eughhh!" Myer's voice broke off, something crunched.
Malfoy's arms squeezed around her. He rested his chin on top of her head, and she burrowed into
his chest, tucking herself in tight. One of his hands slid through the blood in her curls and gently
started massaging the base of her skull.
She heard Myers gargle. Then a wet choking sound, like he was drowning in his own blood.
"Now come on, mate,” Theo laughed, playing with his food. "You'll have to speak up a bit, I can't
hear you.”
There was a third and final crunch, louder than all the others, and Hermione couldn't take it
"Kill him,” she heard herself whimper into his robes. "Put him out of his misery."
She felt Malfoy's body tense. "Granger, you're not thinking clearly-"
"I am, I promise I am. Nott will torture him for hours, and heaven knows what Voldemort will do
if you take him back to his base."
"You know I can't do that, cub,” he murmured into her hair. "Myers knows more than he's letting
on. He has more information to give. I can't just kill him."
She did know that, of course she did. Oliver wasn't just another solider, he was a general, a
strategist, and a bloody good one at that. He'd risen up the ranks quickly at the start of the war, and
Hermione knew he would have invaluable information at his fingertips.
But Myers was clever and strong, he always had been. Even as Hermione had been stabbing him,
he’d been working on his escape, trying to manipulate her into letting him go, pulling on her
heartstrings and reminding her of the family he had.
"Yes, he does," Hermione whispered, "but he won't tell you anything. He has a wife waiting for
him back at the base, and a son."
"I know."
"He won't tell you anything, not if it risks exposing their location and putting his family in danger.
He'll do anything for them, even if it means being tortured for weeks."
She felt Malfoy swallow, his throat bobbed against her forehead. "I know.”
"If Barty suspects I've euthanised him when he could still be useful to the Dark Lord, it'll put my
position at risk.”
"So make something up! Tell him Myers is worthless! Tell him that he's an idiot and that he
doesn't know anything!" Hermione begged, still buried in his robes. She didn't want to move, didn't
want to risk the screams getting louder. "You’re a Demon mask, if you say he's useless, he'll
believe you.”
He was quiet for a few moments, and it felt like an eternity before his hand left her neck and
cupped her chin. And then, with a sort of gentleness she didn't think he was capable of, he tilted her
face so she was forced to look at him.
Icy blue stared down at her, only slivers of grey clung around his pupils like thin strokes of ink. "Is
that really want you want me to do?"
"Yes," she managed to fight off the way her body shook to nod just once, “it is. I'm sure."
Malfoy clenched his jaw, the muscles in his neck visible and straining. The expression he wore
was a mask. She could literally see him trying to build his Occlumency walls back around him.
"He's suffered enough. Give him this way out.” She blinked, trying to clear her vision as more
tears burned their way to the surface. "Show mercy, just this once. Please.”
He stared at her for a while, studying every flicker of her eyes and micro-expression on her face,
looking for any indecision or doubt on her part. He didn't find any, because there was none.
Myers shouldn't have had to die, but it was much kinder than what would wait for him at
Voldemort's base. Much more humane than the pain Theodore would be able to inflict. He'd never
see his wife and son again, but he'd be at peace, without pain, and in a time of war, that was much
more than most people got.
Eventually, Malfoy sighed, and his thumb gently swiped across her cheek, wiping away the tears
that had gathered there. "Are you absolutely certain?"
"Alright," he whispered. "If that's really what you want, I'll do it for you. But you need to do
something for me in return."
God, she'd do anything in those moments. Anything, she'd sell her soul to him if that's what he
wanted. Just as long as he put Myers out of his misery. She'd do anything he wanted, just as long as
he made the screaming stop.
Of all the thing's she'd expected he might want from her, that wasn't on the list.
"I don't want you to see it happen. I don't want-" He cut himself off and looked away. He stared at
the wall above her head again, as if he were ashamed of the truth.
There was a long pause before he answered, "I don't want you to see me do it.”
The instant she nodded in agreement, Malfoy let her go her and stalked out the room.
Hermione really tried to keep her promise, and she did - for about fifteen seconds.
As soon as she was sure Malfoy wouldn't be able to hear her footsteps behind him, she was on the
move. She just needed to see, just needed to make sure that the demon would keep his word, and
her heart sank when she noticed a wall of red velvet blocking her path. Malfoy had drawn the
curtains, he'd known she wasn't going to keep her word.
She trod as lightly as she could towards the curtain, eyes on the floor and trying to avoid the pieces
of broken glass and decaying bones scattered across the boards. As she slowly approached, she
heard the clicking of Malfoy's boots from the other side of the curtain. She heard him hiss a curse
under his breath, heard the swoosh of magic gathering, and then a sickening squelching sound as
Myer's head was sliced from his body.
"What the fuck mate!" she heard Theo bark, furious. "I wasn't finished with that!"
"Yes, you were. He'd already told us everything he knew, which was much more than I ever
expected we'd get from him." Malfoy's voice was cold, emotionless. "Keeping him alive would be
a waste of our time, and I refuse to stand around here all day while you get your jollies off torturing
the waste of space."
"But surely we could have found a use for him!" Barty shouted. "Perhaps we could have used him
for bait to try and lure Potter-"
"He was just a foot soldier. He was a few years older than us in Hogwarts, and he was a complete
moron,” Malfoy snapped back, authority in every syllable. "He's about as useful to Potter's regime
as a newly recruited Black Mask is to us - and you expect Potter to - what? Drop everything and
come running to save him? Oh, dear Barty, you have slipped haven't you? Best leave the strategy
to the young blood, mate. Unless you want the Dark Lord to hear you've lost your edge?"
Malfoy chuckled, and the last of Crouch's confidence must have drained because he didn't say
another word.
As Hermione peaked through the thin gap in the curtains, she saw Myers’ head roll across the
floorboards. It landed next to Theo when his boots blocked its path, and Theo smirked devilishly
when he saw it.
Nott took a fistful of Myers curly black hair and picked up the severed head like it was nothing
more than a toy. He took his new prop centre stage, the spotlight hitting him perfectly, before he
raised the decapitated head high in the air, cleared his throat, and exclaimed;
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou
wilt not, be but sworn my love and I-"
"Wrong play, Theodore," Blaise interrupted from his red velvet audience chair, feet perched on the
headrest in front of him and hands clasped elegantly in his lap.
"Nooooo, it's definitely right." Even though his back was facing Hermione, she could tell Nott was
frowning. "The two leads are absolute dickheads and die, get themselves blown up or some shit,
and then years later the narrator bloke digs up their graves and picks up one of their skulls-"
"No, it's not. The scene where the lead holds the skull in his hand isn't Romeo and Juliet. You're
thinking of Hamlet.” Blaise quirked a brow, amused. "But the depth of your knowledge on
Shakespeare is truly astounding Theodore."
Nott dropped his arm, and the severed head hung loose at his side and splashed fresh blood up the
length of his robes. "Seriously? The skull thing isn't from Romeo and Juliet?"
Blaise shook his head, and Theo growled towards the ceiling.
"Bollocks! That's the only monologue I know and you've had to ruin it! Why do you always have to
shit all over my fun!"
"'Well why do you always have to play with dead things,"' Theo hissed in a mocking tone meant to
be Blaise's. "God you're such a boring bastard! You'd think being married to a lush would make
you a little more fun!"
Theo's comment slapped the smirk off Zabini's face. He scowled at Nott, before he picked up a
dust-covered bottle of whiskey from the seat next to him and took a healthy swig.
"What..?" Barty asked from somewhere out of Hermione's line of sight. "Where on earth did that
whiskey come from?"
"Takes after his wife that one, doesn't he Myers?" Theo twisted the decapitated head so it faced
him, and Hermione thought she was going to be sick when Theo flexed his arm so it jutted the
corpse, making it look as though the head were talking. "Yes Theo, he does. Can sniff out a drop of
alcohol anywhere that one can. Drawn to the stuff like a shark is drawn to blood."'
As horrifying as the vile display was, Blaise didn't react in the slightest. Just shook his head,
flipped Nott an obscene gesture, and took another swig of whiskey, as if it was the most normal
thing in the world.
And throughout the entire exchange, Malfoy did the one thing that made Hermione's stomach
churn. He stood there, watching as Nott toyed with the severed head - the head of someone they all
knew - and he smiled. It was a tiny movement, just the smallest upturn at the corner of his lips, but
she saw it, and it almost knocked the breath from her lungs.
Because it made her remember what a monster he was, what monsters they all were. Heartless
fucking bastards, with no regard for the dead if it wasn't their own, and Hermione was living in
their nest.
The Dollhouse
5th May
How something as simple as the smallest upturn of a person's lips, just the pull of a few muscles,
can suddenly change someone's whole perspective. A smile could do a lot of things, it could do a
lot of good, Hermione had seen that first hand.
She often wore hers like a mask, concealing how she actually felt. She wore it when she trained the
newer recruits, flashed it like a promise when she told them about the confidence she had in the
Order's future, in their victory, even through the small periods where she'd lost faith herself.
She often thought Harry used his like a suit of armour to protect everyone. He used it daily,
wearing it when he went through battle plans or helped out in the infirmary. He offered it to
everyone, anyone who needed it, trying to incite hope, hoping that if they saw that the Chosen One
was smiling and confident, then there was light at the end of the tunnel. They just needed to be
patient, to hang on.
The med-witches of the Order used theirs differently. They used theirs as a mercy, a different form
of medicine. In those torturous moments when Fleur knew that she was about to lose patients, she
always did the same thing. She'd draw a slow breath, sit on the edge of the bed, take their hands in
her own and offer them her most gentle smile.
The effects were always the same. The instant she would smile down at them, the panic would
ease from their eyes. It was as though the warmth of her smile melted away the pain in their bones,
warded off all the discomfort, and allowed them to just float. Without pain. Weightless, until they
gently drifted to that other place where hopefully the world was kinder. Fleur always held their
hands until the very end.
Of course, rationally, everyone knew the smiles the nurses offered didn't actually relieve pain, but
they seemed to ease the suffering of those on death's door, like it helped them accept their fate, and
welcome the blackness.
It was a kindness, really. The world had become such a dark place since the beginning of the war,
and the last thing many people saw before they met their end was blood and screams and green
curses. Those who were able to slip off peacefully with the lovely face of a healer smiling down on
them were considered the lucky ones.
Hermione had always hoped that when her time came, when the war finally caught up with her and
all her clever little ideas had abandoned her, that she'd look up and see someone she knew smiling
down at her as she took her last breath.
Yes, Hermione knew first hand how much good something as simple as a smile could do in times
of war. So it had never occurred to her how much damage one could do, too, if it was worn at the
wrong moment.
But then Malfoy had smiled.
He'd fucking smiled as Theo held up a decapitated head. And he'd kept smiling, even as he
watched his friend play with it, like it was the most normal thing in the world, a regular occurrence.
Even as it had happened, Hermione was adamant that she must have imagined it. That it must have
been a trick of the lights, or that the events of the day had been too much, and her mind was
playing games with her. But no, no matter how long she stared at Malfoy, no matter how much she
squinted and willed that slight upturn of his lips to disappear, it didn't.
The instant they reappeared in the gardens of his estate, Hermione tore Malfoy's arms from around
her waist and stormed towards the estate. If his touch hadn't been necessary to Apparate her here -
if she hadn't have been so desperate to get out of that bloody theatre - she wouldn't have let him
touch her at all.
Half an hour ago, the loss of him at her side had left her feeling helpless, a slave to the Demon
Hex. Half an hour ago, she'd wanted nothing but to hear his voice so he could bring her out of the
dark curse.
Now, she couldn't get far enough away from him. Now, the thought of him standing next to her,
touching her, made her skin crawl.
Her insides knotted and flipped every time she replayed the nauseating memory in her head. She
had so many emotions simmering, too many to count, all fighting their way to the surface so
quickly she felt like she was going to be sick.
She needed time alone to think and breathe and work through her feelings, and she couldn't do that
with him standing next to her.
She was heartbroken, grieving for those poor soldiers that she'd murdered today. She was scared,
fucking terrified at what she'd been doing to Myers, even as he begged for his life. But the most
definitive emotion she felt was anger. She was so fucking angry at Malfoy that she could taste it,
bitter and metallic in her mouth.
She was almost as angry with him as she was with herself - because she'd let him touch her. She'd
wanted him to touch her.
She'd kissed him, and she'd practically purred into his mouth when he’d kissed her back.
She'd let him wrap his arms around her after bringing her out of the Hex, and she'd felt safe.
She'd let him touch her, really touch her, in the most intimate way, and he'd brought her release
with the same hands he'd used to slice Myers’ head from his body. With the same fingers that were
usually drenched in blood - her friend's blood.
And the most fucked up part? The part that made her feel sick now to just think about? Before
she'd caught that smile, she'd wanted him to touch her again.
"Granger?!" he hissed from behind her. "Where do you think you're going?!"
She ignored him and carried on storming through the enormous grounds. She passed the wisteria
plants, her pace increasing as she neared the manor.
His voice wasn't getting quieter, no matter how fast she walked. A split second after she reached
the front door and grabbed the handle, he caught her wrist and spun her around to face him.
"Then don't ignore me! Where are you in such a rush to run off to!?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Because I want to shoot something." She snatched her wrist back and held it against her chest.
"Preferably you, but I'll settle for targets that I can pretend have your spiteful face on them
He narrowed his eyes and scowled down at her. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?!"
"What's gotten into me?! Oh, I don't know,” she took a step back, pressing herself against the front
door while her hands slid towards the knob, inching towards her escape, “maybe I've just witnessed
the man whose held me captive for months behead someone we went to school with."
Malfoy's expression tightened, growing irritation painted his face. "I killed him because you asked
me to Granger, or have you forgotten that little detail?!"
"You're right. I did ask you to kill him, but I didn't ask you to stand there and watch while your
friend used his decapitated head like it was a prop in a play! It's a good thing your mother isn't alive
to see what you've become-"
As soon as she'd uttered the words, Hermione knew she'd taken it too far. The moment she
mentioned his mother's name, the air around Malfoy changed, and he became unhinged.
He lunged forward, wrapped his hands tightly around her throat, and viciously shoved her against
the door. She hissed in pain when she smacked her head against the wood, but despite the dizzying
pressure at the back of her skull, her hands flew to her defence, trying to pry his fingers from her
throat on instinct.
She'd known he was going to react this way. Known suggesting that Narcissa would be
disappointed in him would hurt him, uncage his demons, tap into that malicious part of him that
wanted to break and hurt things. She knew it would make him lash out, she knew it, but she didn't
She was so angry with him, so angry with herself. She felt betrayed, so fucking lonely that her heart
physically hurt with each beat. So she couldn't help but twist the knife she'd sunk into his back,
because then at least she wouldn't be the only one in pain.
"Don't you dare bring my mother into this! You ungrateful cunt!" Malfoy roared. His shoulders
shook with rage, even if his eyes held nothing but sadness. “Do you have any idea the risk I put me
and my family in by killing Myers for you?!"
Go fuck yourself, she wanted to say, but she couldn't. His fingers were too tight around her neck.
"I did you a favour, Granger! You asked me to kill him, and I did it! For you! Do you have any idea
what the consequences would have been for me and my family if Crouch had figured out I gave
Myers a mercy killing?! He'd have gone straight to Voldemort!"
Hermione started to feel dizzy. Her head felt heavy, her throat burned with the need for oxygen-
"The Dark Lord doesn't tolerate disloyalty. You saw what he did to my mother! To Daphne! He'd
have killed me right on the spot, and then who's going to protect the rest of my family? Who's
going to protect Astoria and her secret!?!"
He squeezed her neck tighter, pouring his anger and hurt into his fingers, and likely bruising her
"But I still did it. I killed him because you asked me to! I put myself and my family on the line to
do as you asked, and this is how you fucking repay me?!"
"Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it,” she tried to spit back, but the grip on her throat drained the
vicious tone she'd wanted in her voice. "I saw the look on your face while you watched Theo! You
His fingers twitched, loosening a fraction, just enough for Hermione to slip her hands through the
gap and push him off and away from her. She curled over and clutched her throat, and she felt his
eyes on her as she gasped for air.
"After everything you've already lost ... after your own mother ... died in your arms ... how can you
have no respect for the dead?" she panted, her voice hoarse due to the abuse on her vocal cords.
"He was a father ... someone's husband ... and you just stood there ... and watched Nott play around
... with his corpse, like it was a toy.”
"Don't talk to me about loss Granger. Because no matter how much you think this war has taken
from you - or me, for that matter - I can assure you, Theo's lost so much more.”
She looked up and met his eyes again. Icy grey stared down at her, his occlumency walls were up.
His expression was just as sharp and malicious as his tone of voice.
"He wasn't always this ruthless. He had compassion once, and a heart, but you couldn't even begin
to imagine the things this war has taken from him. The only time there's life in him now is when
he's inflicting pain on others. The rest of the time it’s all an act, a performance he puts on. And
when he’s alone? He’s a fucking zombie, like someone tore his soul straight out of his body, and
left nothing but a shell behind.”
The image of Nott sat on the floor outside her bedroom all those months ago flashed behind her
eyes. The way his expression had dropped as soon as Astoria had passed out. The vacant, haunting
look that had crept into his eyes when he knew he was alone, when he didn't have to 'perform'
"So you know how he fills that shell? With other people's pain. He kills your fucking Order
She inched towards the door, reaching for the handle so she could escape. She didn't want to listen
to this. She didn't want to know why monsters did what they did.
"-and he makes them fucking scream and beg for their lives. He does everything he can think of to
fill that empty hole in his chest and make him feel like a person again. And do you know what? It's
made him one of the most feared and dangerous men in the country!"
The cold brass of the handle met her fingers, but Malfoy slammed his hands on the door, either
side of her, trapping her.
"So yes Granger, I fucking smiled!" He closed the small distance between them and sneered in her
face. "I smiled, because it's nice to see some life in him! It's nice to see that despite everything this
war has taken from him, he's still able to find joy in something."
"You really don't care about anyone who isn't your family. Do you?"
"No. I don't."
"What about Tonks?" Hermione asked, forcing her chin high in defiance, despite the way her heart
was battering against her ribs. "She was your cousin, she was your blood, and you sliced her in half
like she was nothing!"
"She wasn't my family, she never was - but I haven't thought blood is what ties a family together
since my mother died." His lips twitched into a small smirk, and Hermione couldn't help but notice
how forced it looked. "I don't care what happens to anyone else. All I care about is the health and
happiness of the little family I have left, the family I chose. And I couldn't give a fuck if the Order
has to pay the price for that. I'd let Theo decapitate a thousand of your muggle soldiers. He can
display their heads on my mantlepiece if that's what it takes to make him feel whole again."
"Is that what will happen when Voldemort decides that I've outlived my useless?"
Her question seemed to take him off guard. His expression fell, the fake smirk crumbled as quickly
as he'd forged it.
"Are you going to just stand there when he sends me to the gallows? And watch while he orders
one of you to cut my head off?"
His eyes twitched, not quite a flinch, but it wasn't nothing either.
"Are you going to hide behind your Occlumency walls while Theo parades my head around like it's
a toy? Are you going to smile then?"
She wondered what his reaction might have been if his walls weren't up. Wondered what his
expression might have been if he weren't protecting himself behind his icy shield. If the thought of
her head being thrown carelessly around by his best friend might have been unsettling for him. If it
might splinter that cold, dead heart of his, make him feel something for someone else who wasn't
his family.
If there were cracks, he didn't let them show.
His eyes were grey and lifeless. All traces of blue were snuffed out, along with the little shreds of
kindness that accompanied them. He looked her up and down, rolled his tongue on the inside of his
cheek, and then he scoffed cruelly.
Despite the malicious mask he wore on his face, he spoke the next few words very softly. He
whispered them, almost caressing her with each syllable, and Hermione didn't know if they were a
threat on her life, or a vow to keep her forever.
"Do you honestly believe that I would let you go that easily?"
6th May
"You couldn't have brought out the expensive stuff? Fuck sake Barty, you're a cheap bastard. Aren't
"Usually guests drink the whiskey they're provided with and don't insult the hosts choice's,
"Well, usually the hosts bring out stuff that doesn't taste like warmed up cat piss.”
"Or you'll do what? What are you gonna do, old man? Hit me with your walking stick? Clip me
around the ankles with your stroller?"
"Can't we all just sit down and have a quiet drink together?" Blaise groaned, squeezing his eyes
closed and pinching the bridge of his nose. "What happened to gentlemen treating each other with
"I won't have him speaking to me like this! Not in my own house!" Barty whirled around to sneer
at Malfoy. His face was flushed red with anger, eyes wide and bloodshot. "Aren't you going to say
anything?! He's your subordinate, isn't he?"
"I find that when Theodore is in the mood for good whiskey, nothing will stand in his way.”
Malfoy couldn't help the way his lips lifted into a smirk. "Probably best to just step back and let
him get what he wants. Before you lose a finger or two.”
Theo flashed an impish grin at Barty, even stuck his tongue out, like a child does when their parent
sides with them over the sibling they're at war with, before he strode across the parlour room and
began fiddling with the lock on the liquor cabinet.
It wouldn't take Nott long to get them open, like everything else in Crouch's house, the furniture
was cheap - and therefore easily breakable. And Theodore's foul mood was sure to aid his skills at
picking the lock.
Malfoy reached into his formal robes and retrieved a packet of cigarettes. He placed one in his
mouth and pulled out his wand, just as Theo swung the cabinet doors open and started rifling
through its contents.
"I cannot believe you're letting him get away with this.” Yaxley's voice was quiet, but far from
Although Malfoy's attention was solely focused on lighting the bud with the tip of his wand, he
could tell Yaxley was scowling at him.
"You should learn to get your dog on a leash, or has the Demon Mask lost its power of intimidation
over the years?"
"I don't know." Yaxley flinched when Malfoy sharply looked up from his cigarette. He took a deep
drag, keeping his eyes on the nervous Death Eater as he exhaled. "Has it?"
While Yaxley tried to relocate his bollocks, Theo picked up the first bottle he found and scowled
when he read the brand on the front. "Cheap-" he threw it carelessly behind him, unaware of the
way Crouch gasped when the bottle smashed on the floor.
"How dare you be so careless with my things?!" Crouch hissed, but Theo wasn't paying attention,
he was already reading the label of the second bottle.
"Nasty-" he threw that one away with the same blasé manner, before reaching for the third, which
promptly joined the others on the floor. "Ew-" as did the fourth. "Would rather shit in my hands
and clap than drink this one-" and the fifth.
Apparently, the eighth time was the charm, and after seven bottles were broken and shattered on
the floor, and the room was filled with the bitter scent of cheap whiskey, Theo found what he was
looking for. A dust-covered bottle of bourbon, twenty years old. Not the most expensive, but
certainly more than Barty could afford.
He pulled the cork off with a wave of his wand, downed a healthy swig, and took his seat beside
Malfoy - with his feet on the table.
Malfoy just shook his head and sipped at the glass of red wine that Barty had given him. Theo was
right, it tasted like shit, but Malfoy always did have better table manners than his friend.
After scowling at Theo for an extended period, Crouch huffed and sat down at the head of the
table. He clicked his fingers with an irritated snap, and seconds later, five of his 'Dolls' swept into
the room.
At this late stage in the war, with victory almost within his grasp, Voldemort's reign had almost
eclipsed the entire country. He was happy to divide the spoils amongst the loyalist of his followers.
And Voldemort's reign was as bountiful as it was drenched in blood.
The more ruthless the dog, the more devotion they showed to the cause, the greater the gifts
Voldemort would give them. Most preferred jewels and gold, as Yaxley did. Others preferred
drugs and alcohol, like Theo. Whilst a select few were granted land and titles, like Malfoy.
Crouch Jr, however, had a very different vice. He preferred women, Muggle girls or Order
supporters who'd been captured in warzones. Some of the girls he brought himself, but most were
given to him. Gifts from Voldemort as a reward for his unwavering fealty.
That was the reason the older generation of Death Eaters had christened Crouch's estate, ‘The
The girls that Crouch picked out were all beautiful, they always were. Gorgeous things with long
legs and hair like spun silk. Girls that he liked to dress up, shower them with expensive satins and
lace that they were forced to wear while they 'served' him. Girls covered in layers of glamour
charms to hide the abuse on their bodies. Girls that had complex silencing charms on their voice
boxes, preventing them from screaming or asking for help.
"So, to what do we owe this pleasure, Crouch?" Malfoy asked as two of his girls gathered a mop
and brush and started cleaning the mess Theo had made. "You never usually like to invite the
young blood to your dinner parties.”
The other three girls carried silver trays containing dinner in their hands, and one by one, they
started spreading them across the table.
"I wanted to apologise for my behaviour in the theatre,” Crouch said, but his eyes were on one of
the girls as he spoke, looking down the top of her dress as she set his steak down in front of him. "I
meant no disrespect when I gave the Mudblood that knife. I was merely curious about the Hex."
"And you thought wine and steak was the best way to make amends?"
"If you wanted to suck up to the boss," Theo cut in, still sulking, even though his bottle was almost
half drained already, “you should have spent less gold on dressing up the girls, and more on the
Zabini chatted idly with Crouch about the new shipments of Acromantula venom that he was
experimenting with.
And Malfoy smoked cigarette after cigarette to wash down the vile wine as he discussed a new
possible raid they were planning in Sheffield.
By all accounts, the start of the evening could have been considered pleasant, if it wasn't for the
presence of the dolls. The older generation of Death Eaters adored Barty and his little playthings.
They fought for invitations to his parties, and for the opportunity to 'borrow' one of the girls for an
evening or two, whereas the younger blood were kept at arm's length.
Malfoy was glad to never receive an invite. It meant he never had to make up an excuse for his
It wasn't as though the concept of slavery was anything new, and it had become widespread as
Voldemort gained strength. No, it was how the girl's were slaves that had always made Draco
scrunch his nose in disapproval, and he knew Theo and Blaise agreed.
He'd captured his fair share of Order members and blood traitors over the years, men and women
alike. He'd dragged them into dungeons, and tied them to chairs so Theo could interrogate them.
And after they'd extracted all the information they needed, he would execute them.
To Malfoy's way of thinking, that was the way it should have been.
They'd served their purpose. They couldn't aid Voldemort's victory any further, so, therefore, they
should have been put out of their misery. That's what they deserved.
This hollow fucking empty existence. Forced to serve men who slipped their hands up their dresses
whilst they poured their wine. Forced to smile and grit their teeth, knowing that showing their
discomfort meant a Crucio as punishment. Or worse.
Despite the way they made an uncomfortable edge creep into their stomachs, Malfoy and Theo
were able to hide their distaste for the Dolls. But for Blaise, the chivalrous bastard, this was a
subject he was unable to bite his tongue in.
"Crouch, I know this is your house," Blaise said from over the top of his wine glass, trying to keep
his tone as gentlemanly as possible, despite the way he flashed his teeth in warning, "but I would
prefer if you didn't have your hand shoved up that poor girls skirt whilst I'm still eating my steak."
"What's the matter Zabini?" Crouch raised a brow, but didn't remove his hand from its offending
position. "Having a wife made you go all soft?"
"That's hardly the case,” Blaise scoffed. “Some of us were brought up with some fucking table
manners. There's a time and a place for such activities, and I would hardly say a dinner party full of
other gentlemen is the time to have your cock stuffed in places it ought not to be.”
"Oh, I see you heard about my last party," Barty teased, and Theo put his fingers in his mouth and
made an overdramatic gagging noise.
"Don't knock it until you've tried it boys." Yaxley's arm snaked around another of the dolls' waists
as she set down another tray. “I will never understand your generations disapproval of the Dolls. In
my opinion, they're the Dark Lord's greatest gift-"
"Maybe because we can get a woman on our own, Jr,” Blaise cut in. "And we don't need to force
them into our beds."
"Ah that's right, I almost forgot about your beauty of a wife. I remember Greyback saying he saw
her at one of the Dark Lord's galas. Said she had the most fuckable looking mouth.” Barty licked
his lips. "You'll have to bring her next time.”
“I wouldn’t mind swapping one of my blondes for yours. But if her cunt looks as lovely as her
mouth does, I might not let her leave.”
Malfoy squeezed his eyes shut, knowing what was going to happen next.
Blaise slammed his goblet down on the table and stood up. His expression twisted into a vicious
scowl. "Don't you fucking dare talk about my wife like that you vile-"
"I would apologise if I were you, Crouch," Malfoy sighed and reached for another cigarette.
"Unless you gentlemen don't mind my Gold Masks putting you in the infirmary."
"I would like to see you little shits try!" Barty spat. "It's about time someone put you in your
Both Yaxley and Crouch sharply withdrew their wands, but when Theo stood up and picked up his
steak knife, the pair froze like deer caught in headlights.
"Go on, try it.” Theo played with the knife with confidence, showing how skilled he was with a
blade. "If you think you've got the balls?"
Crouch and Zabini glared at one another for a moment, neither one breaking eye contact.
Eventually, when Theo did a particularly threatening slicing motion with the knife, Crouch
growled and sunk back down in his chair.
"I apologise for speaking out of turn about your wife,” he hissed through gritted teeth. "It won't
happen again."
Blaise accepted the apology - albeit reluctantly - and slowly took his seat again. But the scowl
refused to vanish off his face. No matter how many glasses of wine he drank.
"Speaking of beauties," Yaxley cleared his throat, trying to defuse the heavy atmosphere that had
befallen the parlour. "Where is the lovely Mustang? Will she be joining us this evening?"
The quirk of Theo's brow couldn't have looked more disapproving if he'd tried. "Mustang? That's
the name you've given to one of your dolls?"
Barty grinned and tapped the rim of his glass for one of his girls to refill. "She's a gorgeous thing,
but spirited. Took me almost four years to break her in, and even now, she fights me at every
"She's not the best at serving, or hosting for that matter,” Yaxley interrupted. “But she's a
marvellous creature to look at.”
Crouch laughed and pulled down the collar of his shirt, revealing a plate of silver metal - about the
size of a textbook - covering the left side of his chest. The metal was fused into his body, the skin
around it raised and bumpy.
"Had to have this installed when she stabbed me with a bread knife,” Barty laughed. "If she'd of
aimed an inch to the left, she would have punctured my heart.”
The old pair started whispering to one another, and Crouch chuckled darkly at something that
Malfoy didn't quite hear.
"Anything you'd like to share with the glass, gentlemen?" Malfoy said, tone light but irritated. "Or
would you just prefer to sit there gossiping like a pair of teenage girls?”
Surprisingly, Crouch didn't snap at the bait, instead, he caught one of the dolls by her hip as she
passed him. She tried her best to hide her wince as his hand skated to her backside "Be a dear and
go and fetch the mustang. She hasn't joined us in so long, and I think she'd enjoy coming out to
play this evening.”
The blonde girl, who couldn't have been older than twenty, nodded and gave a tight-lipped smile
before she left the room.
"Any word on this spy yet?" Yaxley asked as Malfoy finished his fifth glass of wine. "I heard
you're having trouble locating them?"
"You still haven't caught them yet?" Barty sucked air through his teeth. "I would get a wriggle on
if I were you. Otherwise someone else might beat you to the punch, and catch the traitorous bastard
before you do.”
"If it's so easy, then why haven't you been searching for them?"
Yaxley shrugged. "Whose to say we haven't been looking for Medusa ourselves?"
"That's a little above your paygrade, isn't it?" Draco cocked a brow, and took a deep drag of the
cigarette in his mouth. "How do you know the name of the spy? That information was supposed to
be kept between myself, Bellatrix, and the Dark Lord.”
Yaxley smiled, flashing his yellow teeth. "I make it my business to know these things.”
"Careful what you say, mate. If you weren't so fucking unreliable, I'd think you were a suspect."
Yaxley's expression abruptly grew very stern. "I would never betray the Dark Lord. I would rather
die than turn my back on him."
Suddenly, there was a loud clatter in the doorway, and all of the Death Eaters quickly spun towards
the sound. Another girl was stood at the threshold to the dining area - the Mustang had finally
made her appearance.
She was even more beautiful than the other girls, with full lips and long black hair that flowed
down her back, all the way to the base of her spine. Her hands were raised and palms open, the
bottle of wine that had just slipped from her hand was shattered on the floor.
It was easy to tell that she was Barty's favourite. Her green dress was clearly more expensive than
the others, the material embroidered with emeralds, and she wore jewels around her neck and wrist
where the others were bare.
But the most remarkable thing about her wasn't her impeccable appearance, or even the way her
skin seemed to glow in the candlelight. It was her eyes, wide and green, and staring right at Theo
like she'd seen a ghost.
The other girls gasped and flinched away from the pile of glass at her feet - poor things probably
expected a beating from the mess the newcomer had made on her entrance. But Barty's smirk didn't
drop, not in the slightest. In fact, he seemed a little too pleased with her response.
The Mustang was frozen, staring at Nott with an open mouth, as though she'd been petrified. And
Theo just stared back at her, brows furrowing in the middle. There was an odd expression on his
face. He almost looked confused looking at the stranger.
The girl opened her mouth to speak, and Crouch erupted into a fit of dark laughter when no noise
left her lips.
"Oh, would you look at that? I think my girl has taken a liking to you, Theodore."
Her head snapped to Crouch. Her eyes hardened, and she cupped her throat gently with her hand.
"I'm afraid I don't share," he smiled and beckoned her over with his index and forefinger. "Not this
one, at least. She's very special to me. And I've taken excellent care of you over the years, haven't
The girl didn't move towards Barty, not even when he snapped his fingers in an irritated fashion,
ordering her to stand at his side.
Mustang didn't try and hide her revulsion of Crouch or Yaxley. She didn't try and put on a brave
face, didn't force herself to smile through it. No, the disgust was clear in every inch of her
Crouch stood up and lunged forward, snatching the girl's wrist. He dragged her against his chest -
even as she tried to fight him off - and slid his hand into the top of her dress so he could pull it
down, exposing her shoulder and collarbone. And with a simple wave of his wand, he removed the
glamour charms.
The abuse on her skin was deep. There were bruises and slash marks everywhere, some pale and
fading, while others were angry and fresh. Although he liked the dolls to look perfect and pristine
when he hosted guests, the illusion was clearly dropped when the doors were closed.
"But you don't always behave, do you? Sometimes, you don't know how to do as you're fucking
told." Crouch licked across one of the largest slashes on her neck.
The Mustang squirmed in his arms, her face twisting as though she were about to vomit.
The Mustang's eyes followed him as he left, her attention solely on Nott, even as Crouch viciously
pushed her to the floor. She caught herself before she smacked her head on the tiled floor, but the
way she nursed her wrist when she stood showed that the fall had hurt her.
"Well, don't just stand there," Crouch smirked cruelly, tapping the edge of his glass. "Get on your
fucking knee's and clean up your mess, pretty girl.”
As the Mustang fumbled awkwardly with the dustpan and brush, Malfoy excused himself and left
the dining room, feeling the girls eyes on him as he left. He found Theo with his hands in his hair,
pacing Crouch's small kitchen back and forth.
Theo kept walking but shook his head. "No. There's something wrong with that girl."
"The Mustang?"
"That's not it! I can't put my finger on what it is, but there's something not right with her. I can feel
"Well, your instincts are never wrong on these sorts of things. Do you think she could be a threat to
"Did you see the mess she'd made of his chest? Of course she's a fucking threat - but I don't think
that's what's bothering me,” Theo growled and dragged his hands down his face. "Fuck - I don't
like this mate. I have a really bad feeling about her."
"We can't leave yet. Barty is up to something. There's fuckery somewhere, I just don't know what
his angle is yet."
"I know,” Theo agreed, still pacing. "I'll get some more liquor in him, that usually gets his tongue
Malfoy nodded. "And if you think the girls going to be a problem, I'll have a word with Crouch-"
"No!" He winced, realising he'd answered too quickly. "I mean- eughh, I don't know, I think!"
Theo stopped his pacing and stared at Malfoy. "It's probably nothing ... but when she looked at me,
I got this weird feeling, like a shiver up my spine."
Theo let out a slow breath and leaned on the wall behind him. "I have no fucking idea."
"Well, she certainly looked like she recognised you. If the Dark Lord gave her as a gift, she's either
with the Order, a muggle, or a Mudblood.” Malfoy folded his arms across his chest, and leaned on
the opposite wall. "Perhaps you've tortured her family members over the years? Or maybe even
her? It would certainly explain why she was so surprised when she saw you."
"I doubt it. Pretty sure I would remember if I ever interrogated someone who looked like her."
"After all these years, don't the faces of those you've killed all just blur into one?"
Nott huffed a laugh, but he stared at the ground. "You would think, wouldn't you?"
A few minutes later, Malfoy and Theo returned to the dining room, and the evening resumed
without another hiccup. The Death Eaters chatted casually, and the Mustang joined the rest of the
dolls hosting.
She brought plates of silverware out when she was instructed, and refilled glasses of wine when
they were empty, but she wouldn't take her eyes off Nott.
And Malfoy couldn't help but notice, that no matter which direction the conversation took, Theo
couldn't seem to look away from her, either.
Queen, or New Order?
7th May
"But Master Zabini said that Miss ought not to be using spells that could put a strain on herself-"
"Oh hush you. I would hardly call a few glamours and hair spells strenuous."
Hermione paused on the other side of the hallway. She was still out of view, hand still raised and
knuckles about to touch the open door, ready to knock.
"Perhaps you should not do both spells this morning, Miss," she heard Romy say from inside the
room. "Perhaps she should just do the glamour's on her face? Or just her hair? But not both Miss,
Miss does not need to do both."
Astoria didn't answer, but there was a shuffling sound, like pieces of wood sliding against each
other. Hermione assumed that it was drawers opening and closing.
"Perhaps Mrs Zabini should not go out at all today. Perhaps she should just get back in bed and ..."
From the way Romy's voice trailed off quietly, he must have realised that Astoria wasn't listening
to him.
After a brief pause, Hermione peaked her head around the doorframe and stared into Blaise and
Astoria's bedroom.
Astoria was sat at her vanity table, staring at herself in the mirror. There was a sadness in her eyes,
and a frown pulling at her delicate features, like she hated what she saw staring back at her.
Although she was fully clothed, already wearing an expensive tea-length dress and impossibly high
heels, she looked anything but radiant. Her eyes were sunken back in her head, face gaunt and skin
lifeless. She had thick dark brown roots poking out at the top of her head, and the blonde
underneath was frizzy and dry. She looked nothing like the immaculately put-together woman she
usually was. Even the skin around her bare shoulders and collar bones looked thin and grey. It was
the first time that Hermione had ever thought Astoria looked truly ill.
She kept staring at herself in the mirror, even as she drew a deep breath and picked up her wand. It
shook terribly between her fingers, but when Romy offered his aid, she held up her other hand to
refuse him. Three twists of her wand were all it took for Astoria to resemble herself again. And
three twists of her wand were all it took to leave her breathless.
Although all external traces of her illness had vanished, although her skin was warm and glowing
again and her hair its usual golden blonde, the simple spells had knocked the wind from Astoria's
lungs. Anyone would have thought she'd been punched in the stomach from the way she leaned
over the table and gasped. She was panting, choking for breath.
Such simple magic wouldn't have made even a 3rd year at Hogwarts break out in a sweat, and yet,
it crippled Astoria. Her beauty came at a cost, a high one. The toll it took on her body was
exasperating, and the price would only get larger as the claws of her illness sunk deeper.
It took her several moments to get her breathing under control. And when she finally did, she sat up
straight - the posture of a true lady - and stared at herself in the mirror again.
Astoria leaned in and touched the side of her face, lightly caressing the perfectly polished skin. She
smiled softly when her fingers brushed into her new blonde roots. There was almost a haunting
quality about Astoria's beauty, something unsettling but familiar at the same time, and Hermione
couldn't quite figure out what it was. She smiled at the tiny elf's reflection in the mirror. "How do I
And then it fell into place, and Hermione's chest tightened. Because there was only one person that
they could have been talking about, and Romy was right, Astoria did look just like her sister.
Hermione had noticed the similarities between the Greengrass sister's the instant she'd met Astoria
in January. As soon as she'd opened her bedroom door, Hermione had been taken aback by their
likeness, even questioned if the woman that stood in front of her was a poltergeist.
Their features were already similar, but with Astoria's charmed hair, magically altered to be the
exact shade of dark blonde as her older sister's, the resemblance was striking. Eerie.
She caught Hermione's reflection in her mirror, and her smile only widened as she waved her into
the room.
"Good morning, Hermione," she practically sang. "Did you sleep well?"
Hermione hesitated in the doorway, unsure. She knew charms were placed on the boundary of each
residents bedroom - besides her own - preventing her from entering. And although she knew that
Astoria would never do anything to hurt her, Blaise was another matter.
Astoria watched her curiously, and then her bright eyes widened when she realised. "Oh, silly me, I
completely forgot. Romy?"
The green-eyed elf smiled and snapped his fingers in the direction of the doorway. "There you go,
Romy has removed the spells. Miss Granger can enter now if she'd like?"
Hermione took a deep breath and stepped into the room. She squeezed her eyes shut involuntarily,
half expecting Blaise to have kept it from his wife that he'd added extra charms to their room to
'keep the Mudblood out'. Surprisingly, she wasn't zapped when she crossed the threshold. Or set
aflame. Or impaled with a thousand needles as she'd expected.
"Well, I had wondered if you wanted to go for a walk through the grounds with me," Hermione
answered, although her eyes were scanning the enormous and elegantly decorated room around her.
It was at least four times as large as her own bedroom, with dark emerald green curtains and
elegant silver furnishings. "But if you'd prefer to stay indoors, maybe be could have a pot of tea-"
Astoria twisted to face Hermione and raised her hand, silencing her mid-sentence. "Yes, I would
love to go for a walk with you Hermione. Don't you start treating me like I'm made of glass like
the boys do. I'm perfectly fine-
"Astoria, I think maybe-" she tried to cut in, but the blonde didn't pause, just continued to speak
over her.
"-I walk around the estate every day. No matter the weather -"
"Astoria!" Hermione snapped, her voice finally sharp enough to make the witch listen. "Look at
your face."
A crease formed between Astoria's brows, she twisted back to face the mirror again, and gasped
quietly when she saw her reflection. Because, despite the glamour's and the artificial tint to her
cheeks, evidence of her declining health remained. There was a single stream of crimson trickling
from her nose.
Astoria's eyes suddenly swam over, and she wiped the blood from her nose before she tried to cover
her discomfort with laughter. "It's nothing. Honestly, if anyone else had a nose bleed, no one would
bat an eye, but when I have one?" She stood from the chair and adjusted her diamond earrings.
"Well, you would think that the whole bloody world is falling apart."
She took a step towards Hermione as she ranted, but wobbled on her feet. Her knees almost gave
out, and she was forced to clutch the back of her vanity chair for support.
Hermione rushed to her side, but again, Astoria held up a shaky arm to stop her.
"I'm alright ..." Astoria shoulders hunched as she drew a deep breath, trying to gather herself. "I can
walk ... I can do it ... I just need a moment to collect myself."
"I won't."
"He'll just worry if he knows," Astoria whispered, breathless. "He'll worry, and he'll panic, and
he'll blame himself, when though there's nothing he can do. There's nothing anyone can do."
There was another quiet snap as Romy reappeared beside Astoria. He had three small phials in his
hands. The first had a clear liquid inside, the second a red one, and the third a dark blue shimmery
substance. Hermione recognised the first two instantly as Pepper up potion and Blood Replenishing
potion. She assumed the third must have been 'Mrs Zabini's special potion'.
He extended all three phials to Astoria. She studied the way her arms shook terribly - barely
supporting her weight on the headrest of the chair - before she sighed and downed the potions one
at a time.
She stayed propped up by the chair for several moments while she waited for the potions to take
effect, bowing her head low and taking deep breaths.
Eventually, she straightened and gave a bright smile. A warm grin that masked the illness within.
"I'm sorry for the slight delay. So, are you ready for our walk?"
"Perhaps Mrs Zabini should be wearing more appropriate footwear if she is to go walking around
the manor? Perhaps she should not be wearing shoes with such high heels-"
Whatever Romy had been about to say, the glare Astoria threw the tiny elf silenced him mid-
breath. And he stared awkwardly at the floor as Astoria hooked her arm through Hermione's and
guided her into the hallway - eager to start their walk through the grounds.
Romy walked closely behind them, fiddling with the edges of his pillowcase and muttering to
It seemed that Astoria was doing all she could to stop Hermione from asking questions about her
condition. She chatted about everything and anything while they walked, quickly changing the
subject whenever she sensed that Hermione was about to broach the topic.
By the time they'd walked through the large kitchen doors and out onto the gardens, she had
already given Hermione a run-through of the floor length pink dress that she planned to wear for
her gala tonight. And when they reached the blooming rose bushes - charmed to be a vibrant shade
of orange - she'd explained in vivid detail how she'd acquired her new prized possession, a
diamond necklace with a pale ruby in the centre.
The piece of jewellery was elegant, yet bold, and could have funded the entire faculty at Hogwarts
for thirty years if it were sold.
Hermione listened with a smile through it all, even laughed once when Astoria described the
horrified look on Malfoy's face when he realised how much the necklace had cost him.
About half an hour into their tour, they passed Quinzel while she was weeding, and she quickly
dropped her tools and followed. Astoria sharply pulled Hermione to the left and almost dragged her
into the Malfoy family cemetery - presumably trying to lose the newcomer - but Quinzel had
already fallen into step behind them.
Astoria rolled her eyes when she noticed she hadn't been able to ditch the second elf. "Don't feel
like you have to walk with us, Quinzel. I know that you're not a fan of the graveyard."
"No, Quinzel would like to walk with Mrs Zabini," she squeaked sternly, cleaning the mud from
her pillowcase, "and Miss Granger."
"But what about the weeds?" Astoria asked. "What about the Venomous Tentacula? It's grown
quite a lot recently, and you know it tries to nip Narcissa if she's feeding near it. Perhaps you
should tend to that nasty little bleeder instead? Cut down some of the leaves so it can't annoy her,
before she burns the thing to cinders."
"No, Miss. Quinzel will come back to it later," she answered rather sternly, narrowing her pink
eyes at Astoria. "Mr Zabini says all other chores can wait if Mrs Zabini is walking the grounds.
'Accompanying her is number one job', is what he says."
Out of the corner of her eye, Hermione saw Romy make a face. "Master Zabini has said that to
"He has not said that to Romy," he sulked. "He always says number one job is cleaning the house."
"That is because Romy is not very observant, and would get distracted by roast potatoes, and
therefore not accompany Mrs Zabini properly! There are more important things in life than
Romy gasped, and Hermione gave Astoria a questioning look. The blonde just shook her head,
slightly irritated, and whispered, "Blaise worries. Thinks I need a bloody entourage just to take a
Their roles seemed to reverse as they walked through the cemetery, and now Hermione was the
one asking question after question, trying to distract herself from the chill that was spreading up her
spine. She had always hated cemetery's, but she despised this one with a passion.
Graveyards were supposed to be peaceful places, little sanctuaries where people could visit and
feel closer to those they'd lost. Graveyards gave families a place to focus their grief, a calming
oasis where they could leave their sadness, and hope it didn't follow them back into their lives.
But not this one. This one was sinister, hair-raising. Despite the perfectly manicured lawns, despite
the blooming flowers and the elegantly carved angel statues that guarded every corner, being here
made Hermione feel cold. Everything about this area felt unnatural.
She felt almost sick with dread, like Malfoy's ancestors might sense that a Mudblood was on their
territory, walking on their graves, and that their revulsion for the 'lesser' and 'unworthy' might
somehow reignite the spark of life in them. That they might be filled with a hate so powerful it rose
them from the dead, just so they could claw themselves up through the earth, snatch Hermione's
ankles, and drag her down into their graves-
Suddenly, Astoria froze, and Hermione was yanked to a stop beside her.
Because they weren't alone in the graveyard. The dead had joined them, almost.
Theo hadn't seen them approach. He was sat on the damp grass, legs crossed at his ankles and chin
resting in his hand. It hadn't rained since the early hours of this morning, but his clothes were
completely sodden, and little droplets of water fell from his damp curls. He occupied the same spot
he had the last time Hermione had seen him in the graveyard. He was staring at the same
headstone, eyes just as dull and lifeless as the dead buried beneath him.
As she watched Nott, she realised that Malfoy had been right. When Theo was alone, when he
thought that there was no one watching him, or when he didn't have a target to inflict pain, he was
a shell. More of an empty carcass than a man.
If Malfoy hid behind his occlumency walls, then Theo hid behind his jokes. His theatrics were his
shards of glass. It was all a show. When the spotlight was focused on him, he was a Jester, and
when he was alone, the pain was clear on his face. In his eyes. Every part of him.
The grave looked slightly different this time. It was still unmarked, clean and lacking the name of a
ghost, but the trinkets laid around it were completely different. The silver bracelet that she'd seen
last time was gone, and a gold necklace lay in its place. The small stuffed bear was replaced by a
troll doll with bright pink hair, and there were four candles now instead of one, all of different
colours and stages of use.
But the flowers - they were the same. A fresh wreath of pink peonies.
Hermione realised that she'd only seen Theo without his Death Eater uniform once - the night in
the corridor with Astoria - and that time, his body had been twisted the other way, so she hadn't
been able to see the tattoo on the back of his right hand. But today he wore a black jumper, with his
sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and she got a full view of the artwork.
There was half of a snakes head etched onto the back of his hand, and its body curled up his wrist
and all the way to his elbow. The snake was split right down the middle. The serpents left eye was
right in the centre of Theo's hand, while its forked tongue darted down his middle and ring finger.
Hermione had expected that the snake's head and body would expand onto his palm and under his
wrist, but it didn't. When Theo twisted his hand, the underside of his skin was clean. The tattoo
was unfinished, incomplete, like someone had torn it straight down the middle and stole the
missing piece.
"And they is all wet. Has master Nott slept out here last night? In the cold? And the rain?"
"It would appear that way." Astoria cleared her throat softly, almost like she was trying to clear
something lodged in her neck. "Yesterday must have ... yesterday must have been a sad day for
"But Theo should not be sleeping outside in the rain, he will catch cold," Romy carried on. "Romy
noticed Master Nott was not himself last night, and he tried to warn Master Malfoy, but he said to
leave Theo alone. Said that he would want to be outside so he could be close to the grave-"
"Whose grave is he sitting at?" The instant the question left Hermione's lips, Astoria and Romy
Two pairs of eyes frantically whipped to stare at her, all blown wide and anxious. Romy's seemed
to glaze over as she stared at Hermione, and tears started to gather in the corner of Astoria's.
Astoria's lips trembled, but just as Hermione thought she was about to answer her question, one of
the house-elves silenced her.
"We is not allowed to speak of it, are we, Mrs Zabini?" Quinzel cut in with a stern tone of voice, as
though she were telling Astoria off. "Master Malfoy has forbidden for us to talk of it. Hasn't he?"
A strange look flashed across Astoria's face as she stared down at the elf, but surprisingly, Quinzel
glared back up at her. In a way one wouldn't expect an elf to look at one of their masters. The entire
exchange was off. The roles were reversed. The house-elves authoritative tone had stopped the
lady of the manor mid-sentence.
After a few moments, Astoria shook her head and banished the tears from her eyes, and Quinzel's
glare softened into her usual expression.
"Yes, you're quite right Quinzel." She took a moment to dust imaginary specs of dust off her dress
before she offered Hermione a forced smile. "I think it's time we opened a bottle of wine, don't
8th May, 02:30 am
"I'm not having this conversation again. Theodore, you're not to go near Crouch's estate!"
"Yes, he is! And we're all to stay away from the slimy bastard until I know precisely what cards
he's holding, and what he plans to do with them!"
"But you said yourself that my instincts are rarely wrong about this sort of thing! And I'm telling
you, there's something off about the Mustang! She knows something!" Theo cut in, his rising anger
starting to simmer dangerously close to the surface. "If you would just come with me to Crouch's
manor and search her memories-"
"No! That's out of the question!" Malfoy hissed back, the words fanning a fresh wave of smoke out
of his mouth like a dragon breathing fire. "Now is not the time to step out of line Theodore. The
Dark Lord is growing paranoid! He's more anxious by the day-"
Theo growled towards the ceiling and started pacing the cosy seating room again. He didn't need a
fucking speech about battle plans and strategies. He just needed Malfoy to listen.
"And you know that makes him more lethal!" Draco snarled. "We should have won this war by
now, but every time we get close, this spy leaks vital information and Potter gains just a little bit
more of an advantage! Now is not the time to go breaking into other Death Eater's houses in the
middle of the night and searching their property- just because you 'have a feeling' that something
is amiss!"
Theo materialised on the outside of the iron gates in an almost ghost-like silence. The sound of his
Apparation as quiet as smoke disappearing in the wind.
"But what if Theodore's right, and there is something off about him? For all we know, he could be
the spy?" Zabini's smooth voice cut through the tension. He was sat on the velvet armchair closest
to the fire, eyes on the flames while he fiddled with his cufflinks - deep in thought. "If Barty is this
'Medusa', surely the girls would have seen something to incriminate him? Perhaps questioning the
mustang might not be the worst idea."
He waved his wand in a circular motion, and the rusting metal creaked and groaned in protest as he
forced the gates open.
"Not a fucking chance in hell!" Malfoy interrupted. "It's far too risky. There's no evidence that
Crouch is the spy. He's been nothing but loyal to the Dark Lord for years - even before our time.
He may not be at the top of the hierarchy, but he'll do anything to get there- and I doubt he would
risk that position by betraying the Dark Lord."
Another gentle wave of his wand checked the boundary for traps and hexes that prevented him
from entering. There was nothing, so he stepped over the threshold.
"If we're caught breaking into his house, how will that look to the others?" Malfoy started twisting
the ring on his pinkie finger. "There's a fucking spy in the nest, and if we look like we're turning on
one of our own, it will only make us look like the guilty party."
Theo had already cast a silencing charm on his boots, and he floated down the stone path silently,
like a poltergeist returning home.
"What? You think I don't know how to break into another person's house without being caught?"
Theo scoffed. "It's Barty! Fucking Barty! He'll be that busy with his cock buried in one of those
girls he won't even notice I'm there!"
He cast another detection spell once he got to the front door. There were a few locking charms, and
an acid hex cast on the handle, designed to melt the flesh on an intruders hand if they tried to enter.
Nott banished them all without difficulty, quietly opened the door, and entered Crouch's scruffy
"Your ignorance is what will get you killed Theodore!" Malfoy roared and pushed himself off the
chair he was sat in. "Use your head! There's a reason the Dark Lord doesn't let Crouch out on the
field much anymore! Because he's too clever to risk losing! Are you listening to me? Crouch is a
fucking genius! He knows how to be invisible! He knows how to kill you without even being in the
room as you!"
"Well, maybe you fucking should be!" Malfoy sighed. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep
drag of the cigarette that was still in his mouth. "Look, Theo. Think about this for a moment.
Crouch is one of the most devious men I've ever known, and he's clever. Everything he does has a
purpose, and we only know what he wants us to know. And last night - he brought the Mustang out
for a reason. For the love of Salazar, I don't know why, but he wanted us to see her-"
Theo crept through the house quietly, eyes sharp, checking every corner. The halls were pitch
black; the only little light came from the Lumos charm at the tip of the spiked wand in his hand.
"He wanted us to get a good look at her and question everything; Why he keeps her locked away,
why she reacted the way she did when she saw you. If you go there tonight, you'll be walking right
into a trap. We're so fucking close to winning this war. I won't have you looking like a traitor and
executed at the last minute because you liked the look of a pretty girl."
Theo kept to the shadows. He pressed his back against the wall as he slid down the hallway,
making sure he was completely out of sight, just in case someone might be wandering through the
"That has nothing to do with it! There's something wrong with her! And if you or Blaise would just
come with me and search her mind-"
It was deadly silent. There wasn't a sound apart from the slow and even thump of his heart in his
"No," Blaise answered immediately, firmly. "If Draco says it's not a good idea, then I trust his
instincts". His voice was soft and easy, like it always was, but today it scratched at Theo's nerves
much worse than any sneer.
The only time Zabini ever shouted - the only time anyone ever got a rise out of him - was if
someone mentioned Astoria. The patience of a perfect gentleman that one, unless someone insulted
his beloved wife, then the beast in him came out to play.
He came to a stop at the first room he found. He cast a quick diagnostic charm and found nothing,
so he quietly twisted the dusty handle and stepped inside. It was a guest bedroom, small and barely
decorated, and it was empty. He closed the door and carried on.
"Fine! Fuck the both of you!" Theo grabbed his wand and threw on his outer robes. "I don't need
your help! Those charms on her voice box shouldn't be too hard to remove! I'll go there and speak
to the Mustang myself!"
He checked the second guest bedroom, and cursed under his breath when he found it just as vacant
as the first.
"I'm not fucking around, you ignorant little shit!" Malfoy strode towards him, every syllable
dripping with authority. It was a shame Theo wasn't in the mood to listen. "Don't you dare step
foot on that estate! That is a fucking order, Theodore!"
"I don't need your permission!" Theo couldn't help but hiss back, wand drawn and itching in his
hand. Violent magic gathered at his fingertips. "You're really going to pull rank on me? Now?!"
Malfoy's eyes flickered, and his lip curled back in a snarl. "I would put your wand away if I were
you, Gold Mask."
"Yeah?" Nott stepped closer, almost toe to toe, nose to nose with his best friend - his superior. He
raised his wand and pressed it against Malfoy's collarbone. "What the fuck are you going to do,
Unfortunately, Blaise managed to intervene before either had the opportunity to really hurt the
other. He stepped between the pair, knocking Theo's wand out of the way and using his broad
shoulders to create a physical wall between them.
Nott didn't hear what Malfoy shouted afterwards - he was already charging out the room and
towards the grounds, ready to Apparate to the one place his commanding officer had forbidden
him from entering.
His luck was better and worse when he came to the third bedroom. It was only a storage room, but
there must have been something of value to Barty inside because there were three traps cast on the
The room was a hoarders paradise, and he spent almost thirty minutes going through the mess of
dusty silverware and chipped trinkets. He even scanned a few of the crumbled letters that were
scattered across the floor. They didn't hold his interest enough to read to the end though, there
wasn't anything even remotely incriminating on them.
Theo had no idea why Crouch had thought to protect this room with spells, there was nothing of
value. Just piles and piles of old shit and broken cups. Although a music box did catch his eye - it
was red with silver trimmings, and had a small figure of a silver ballerina inside.
He knew the dolls were in the fourth bedroom by the sheer amount of locks and enchantments that
were placed on the door. It took almost three minutes until he'd counteracted them all and was
confident enough to step inside.
The floor wasn't lined with wooden boards like the rest of Crouch's dusty manor. Instead, this floor
was covered skirting board to skirting board in a single mattress, magically extended to engulf the
entire room. There were no pillows, no blankets, just an endless mattress that looked like it was
stained with blood and Merlin knew what else.
In the middle of the room - all piled on top of one another - were twelve sleeping girls. The Dolls
all seemed to be dreaming soundly, the different colours of their hair all blending together as they
huddled as one for warmth.
Nott stepped closer, keeping the Lumos charm as low as possible as he studied their bruised faces.
The girls were covered in slashes and bite marks, all with fading abuse along their necks and
shoulders, and one even had a deep, angry slash along her right breast.
They were dead to the world in every sense. They didn't stir as Theo walked slowly around them.
Probably drugged. Perhaps exhausted, if the hollow circles under their eyes were anything to go by.
Whatever Crouch had done to them, they were defenceless like this, easy targets for Crouch to
snatch and have his way with.
If Blaise or Draco were here, they could have searched their memories easily and confirmed Theo's
suspicions. If Blaise or Malfoy were here, they could have made up for Theo's lack of skills in the
art of Legilimency, and properly gathered fountains of information that could prove that Crouch
was no good, that he needed to be cast out.
Or executed.
Theo would gladly offer himself up as executioner. He could only imagine the satisfaction he'd
feel, staring down at Crouch's slimy, untrustworthy face, knowing he was about to chop it clean
off his skinny neck. He'd play with him a little first though. Maybe sneak him a potion to heighten
the agony, keep him alive longer. Prolong the pain.
Or perhaps he'd 'miss'. Slicing Charms weren't always the most accurate offensive spell, everyone
knew that. They required precision, focus. It would be easy to slip, miscalculate the movement,
and leave deep slashes across his shoulder. Or accidentally chop off an arm. Or Both.
It wasn't like that sort of thing hadn't happened before. Nott had once seen an executioner be so
nervous, practically shivering when he noticed the Dark Lord's eyes on him, that he'd missed when
he swung the axe down. Fifteen times. He’d hacked away at the victim with each swing, but
missed everything vital. Leaving him alive, but in agony. Muscles torn, and blood spraying across
the witnesses faces, but never delivering the fatal blow. The traitors head had swung all over the
place - hanging on by a single tendon - before someone had finally took pity and Avada'd the poor
No one would think anything of it. They'd just assumed Theo had too much to drink before the
Yes, it would have been all too easy for the Dolls memories to be searched and allow Theo's
fantasies to blossom to reality - but they weren't here, and neither was the Mustang, so he crept out
of the room, closed the door behind him and moved on.
Crouch's chambers were the final room he checked, and Theo held his wand close when he
entered, just in case. The man of the manor was fast asleep, naked, sprawled across his sheets
while two shivering girls were curled together in a heap on the floor. They both had long dark hair,
but he couldn't see their faces clearly in the darkness.
He drew a deep, steadying breath as he approached. He took each step carefully, alert to any loose
boards or creaks in the wood. His heart rate sped up with each step he took, even though he already
suspected that the Mustang wasn't here.
He didn't have that feeling, that gut instinct that something was wrong, the one he'd felt when he
saw her.
No, he knew that neither of the girls on the floor was the Mustang, but he was still disappointed
when he was able to see their faces-
Quick as a bullet leaving the chamber, Theo whirled around. The tip of his wand sparked with
black magic, a deadly curse already gathering at the tip-
But there was no need. Crouch was still asleep. The loud crash was nothing more than the drunken
fools gangly limbs knocking over the whiskey bottle that was perched on his nightstand.
He waited a few minutes to make sure Crouch was truly in a deep sleep before he dared to move.
Minutes that felt like fucking hours while he waited for the old git's snoring to fill the room again.
Once he was back in the safety of the corridor, he leaned against the wall and sighed, defeated.
Fucking hell - where was she?! Where was that fucking girl?! The Mustang?!
She knew something. He was sure of it. That strange girl that he'd never seen before, but was
hauntingly familiar. She'd wanted to tell him something. He could see it in her eyes. She'd been
dying to tell him something, but she wasn't here.
Had Crouch hidden her away on purpose?! Had he suspected that Theo was going to break in to see
her, so he'd gotten rid of her for the night? Had he lent her to one of his friends? Yaxley?
No. No, he said he didn't share her. He said that she was his favourite, but that sounded more like a
punishment than a privilege.
He walked quietly back through the estate - replacing all the locks and charms on every door - and
made his way back towards the front gates to Apparate home -
But then he noticed something he'd missed on his arrival. A small stone building on the south side,
a similar size to the one Astoria used to brew and store her potions.
A stable.
Crouch wasn't that sadistic, was he? Theo chewed the inside of his cheek while he toyed with the
idea. Crouch had christened the girl Mustang. A wild horse, unbreakable and spirited, but he
wouldn't actually keep her in a stable. Would he?
"Oh, bollocks to it," he growled under his breath before he started walking towards the stone
structure. Because he already knew the answer to that question.
Yes, Crouch was indeed sadistic enough to keep a beautiful girl in a pit fit only for an animal.
As soon as he entered that stable, it was back. That feeling. That strange hollowness in this chest.
That God awful fucking twist in his stomach muscles that made him want to be sick.
What was that feeling?? Was she here? Had she been here?
He stroked the back of his right hand, nursing the snakehead as his eyes eagerly scanned the area.
Apart from a few heaps of straw and a smell that burned his nostrils and made his nose scrunch up,
the stable was empty. So why did he have this strange feeling? This odd shiver running up his
spine, like someone was standing right behind him, running there cold fingers up and down his
back. Over and over again. Trying to alert him to a danger he couldn't see, couldn't hear.
The feeling concentrated when he stared at the vacant right hand corner, so he cast another
detection charm, just to be sure. And there was nothing, not a stray rodent scurrying in the
darkness, or a bird that had chosen to nest in the straw.
Theo apparated back to Malfoy manor only minutes later. He walked through the grounds -
completely ignoring the sleeping dragon as he passed - and made his way towards the estate. He
found Astoria in one of the smaller sitting rooms. She was passed out on the sofa, her hair messily
sprawled across her face and mascara smudges under her eyes. Despite the indecently late hour, she
was still wearing one of her tailored ballgowns - pale pink and sparkly, just like her - and she
clutched an almost empty bottle of vodka in her hands as though it were a lifeline.
A crease formed between Astoria's brows and she groaned, "Go away Theodor-a!"
"Ouch, hit me where it hurts. That's not very nice of you." He carefully sat down on the very edge
of the sofa and stroked away the hair that was covering her face. "Where's Blaise and Draco?"
"Mission for the Dark Lord," she grumbled without opening her eyes. "Took Hermione, too."
Even inebriated, Astoria tried to swat him for his foul language. She missed, clumsily whacking
one of the sofa cushions instead, but the intention was there. He couldn't help but give a throaty
laugh and shake his head. If the little pisshead wasn't so broken inside - if the world was kinder and
she wasn't deteriorating by the day - she would have had the world in the palm of her manicured
"Come on, princess Grey Goose," Theo whispered as he hooked his arms under her knees and
shoulders. "Let's get you tucked up in bed."
She moaned quietly as he picked her up. She didn't open her eyes, and her head lulled clumsily
against his chest - but she refused to let go of her precious bottle.
"Draco knows you went to Crouch's."
"Could've guessed that too. You're not very helpful when you're drunk, are you?"
Astoria frowned, and he felt her shift in his arms. He assumed she tried to hit him again, but she
was too drunk to manage it.
"How was the gala tonight?" he asked as he climbed the stairs, feeling the concerned - but
unsurprised - eyes of the portraits on the blonde in his arms.
"And you were wearing this dress?" Theo whistled as he eyed the low cut pink fabric, "I bet they
were putty in your hands, weren't they?"
Astoria snorted but changed the subject. "Did you find what you were looking for tonight?"
"No - but I did find a red music box. It even has a little ballerina inside it. I think she spins when
the music plays."
"She'll like that." Astoria's lips pulled into a sleepy smile. "You should charm it to play Blue
Monday. Or Sweet Dreams. Or anything by Queen or New Order. Those were her favourites."
"'Everything from the 80's is superior', I remember." Theo couldn't help but match her smile. "I'll
see what I can do."
Astoria didn't say another word after that, and it wasn't until he gently kicked her bedroom room
open that he realised she'd fallen asleep. He tucked Astoria - and her bottle of Vodka - into bed,
propping her against soft pillows and swamping her tiny body with fluffy blankets.
With the pisshead taken care of, he snatched a bottle of bourbon from the kitchen and went outside.
While he walked, he placed a lit cigarette in his mouth and pressed the tip of his wand against the
music box. He poured his magic into it, feeling the wood vibrate against his palm as he
concentrated on changing the melody. He wasn't sure if it was going to work, but it was worth a
Once he was back in the cemetery, he wound the key at the back of the box as many times as he
could without breaking it, and gently laid it at the base of the grave with his other gifts.
He lifted the lid of the box, and the soft, sort of twinkly music that always sang from those types of
music boxes started to play. But it wasn't singing a lullaby, the way it should have been.
No, Theo's charm had worked, and although the song sounded different as it played in the high
pitched musical notes of the box, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, could be heard clear as a bell.
He smiled slightly when he realised his assumption was correct, the ballerina did dance when
music played. Well, she tried to, at least.
The tiny silver figure came alive with the sound of the music - in the same way Wizard chess
pieces do when they're called upon - as though the notes had loosened her joints and allowed her to
move. She did a bow as the music started - even added a little twirl - but then she stopped and
frowned. She wasn't used to this type of music. She didn't know how to dance to it.
"What's the matter?" Theo couldn't help but smirk as he bent down to talk to the tiny figure. "Not
the type of song you're used to dancing to?"
The metallic figured folded her arms across her chest angrily, but, after a few moments, she started
to tap her foot to the unfamiliar beat.
Within a few seconds, her hips started to sway gently, and a minute after the song had started; she
had found her rhythm. Despite her never having danced to a song like it, she learned the beat very
quickly. She moved elegantly within the frame of the box, twirling and swaying her body as she
And Theo couldn't help but smile as he watched the ballerina dance to the distorted song, because
it was her song. Her favourite song.
At the shrine he'd created for her, the one that she wasn't supposed to have.
"Sorry, I only know the charm work to get it to play one song," he whispered to the headstone.
"But hopefully, with enough practice, I can get it to play others. I'll add some New Order songs
when I figure it out. And that Bronski Beat song you love."
As the song faded into silence, the metal dancer stomped her feet furiously until Theo wound the
box back up again. As soon as the song restarted, so did her dance.
"'Everything from the 80's is superior', isn't that right, Daphne?" He slowly sank to the floor and
sat on the grave, lightly tracing the smooth marble of her headstone as he spoke to her, as though
she were still here. "I'll try and find you a Rubix cube the next time I'm out. You said they were
from the 80's, didn't you?"
A Demon Mask, A Mudblood, and a Psychopath walk into a bar
15th May
"This is just what I needed today," Malfoy's voice was as sharp as the slicing hex he threw over his
shoulder, cutting the head off a muggles neck in one clean motion. "To be stuck in the middle of
fucking Bournemouth, pinned down by gunfire, with a Mudblood-"
Theo - who was knelt low on the other side of Hermione -started chuckling darkly. "That sounds
like the beginning of a really funny joke."
The air swooshed suddenly as something flew over the top of the overturned tank they were hiding
behind, and a wave of adrenaline shot through Hermione when she saw the grenade. Primed.
Smoking. And laying at their feet.
Although Malfoy pointed his wand instantly, Theo reacted quicker. He magically picked up the
bomb, before he sharply threw it back to where it had come from. And half a second later, it
exploded, disintegrating the muggle soldiers that had thrown it in the first place.
Pleased with his display of violence, Nott did a little theatrical bow, and said, "And for my next act;
a joke. A Demon Mask, a Mudblood, and a psychopath walk into a bar. The psychopath says to the
"I dare you to finish that sentence, Theodore." Malfoy pointed his wand at his subordinates chest.
A warning, clearly not in the mood for jokes and theatrics due to the dangerous predicament they
were trapped in. "I really do.”
"Alright, alright. Don't get your bloody wand in a knot.” Theo threw his hands up in surrender.
Despite still wearing his blood-covered Gold Mask, he pretended to wipe imaginary sweat from his
forehead when Malfoy lowered his wand. "Someone's a bit cranky today."
"A bit fucking cranky?! In case you didn't notice, we're in the middle of a warzone, surrounded by
some pathetic muggles with their pathetic muggle guns-"
"No, that's not it. You've been a right sour bastard for days."
"I thought a joke might do you good. Raise team morale. Lighten the mood-"
"You know wordless magic, right, Theodore? You'd still be able to kill those soldiers if I cut your
tongue out and shoved it up your arse, wouldn't you?"
"Granger certainly looked like she wanted to hear it.” The murderous Gold Mask nudged her
playfully with his elbow. "Didn't you, sweetheart?"
Hermione didn't answer. Even if she'd wanted to, she doubted she could have. She'd been under
The Demon Hex for the longest period she ever had been before- around three hours - and the
curse showed no signs of loosening its grip. Instead, it seemed to be threading itself deeper,
digging its roots into her skin like the thorns of a rose vine and pulling her where it wanted her.
No, Hermione didn't answer Theo. Instead, she was listening, learning, analysing the pattern of the
bullets as they pelted against the metal tank. Waiting for an opportunity.
The bullets stopped. There was a brief pause - presumably to reload - and Hermione started
Four -
The bullets started again. They clattered against the tank with such a force that it rattled the thick
metal and rang in Hermione's ears. They were being fired from a heavy-duty machine gun, the type
that was so large that it needed to be propped up on metal legs so that it could be aimed effectively.
If any of the Death Eaters were to step into its path, they would be torn in half from the sheer force
of the bullets.
It had seemed to appear out of nowhere - possibly concealed with enchantments - and neither
Malfoy nor Nott had had the opportunity to destroy it before bullets had started exploding from the
Instead, Malfoy had sharply sliced his wand and dragged an overturned tank over to shield them
from the bullets. But now they were trapped behind it.
The bullets firing from the gun were too strong, that was the problem. Even a magical barrier
wouldn't offer any protection against them. They were infused with magic, charmed to break
through any shielding magic like a knife through butter.
Hermione knew this, because before her capture, she'd helped develop them. Spent hours and
hours pouring over the chamber and the bullets and infusing them with magic to make them faster.
More lethal.
Apparently, Malfoy knew this too, because his gloved fingers had been securely fastened around
Hermione's arm like a chain since they'd been pinned down, preventing her from leaving his side.
"This tank thingy isn't going to hold much longer chief," Theo taunted, knocking the side of the
withering metal and watching as a piece of the tank crumbled away. The charmed bullets were
doing what Hermione had designed them to do. They only had a minute - perhaps two - before the
tank would be useless and they would be left vulnerable to an attack. "Any suggestions on how
we're going to, you know, get out of the firing line before those muggles blow us to bits?"
"I could use you as a distraction if you'd like? Throw you out, and while they poke holes in you,
me and Granger could get away. Sound fair to you?"
"Or," Theo suggested, "I could just flip this tank over and squish the bastards. Problem solved.
Soldiers dead. Battle won. Dark Lord happy. Theo happy. And we'll be back in time for happy
hour. Perfect. Easy peasy lemon squeezy-"
"No, no, no. Not 'easy peasy' you fucking moron," Malfoy hissed back, the altering charm on his
voice box making the words a deep vibration. "If you flip the tank, that magically altered muggle
gun will explode, and guess who's in the blast radius? Oh, I know. US!"
Another pause.
All too quickly, the bullets restarted, but Hermione had her formula. Twenty-two seconds worth of
aggressive ammunition. A four second window to reload.
"Okay, well there was no need for that tone,” Theo retorted. "You've definitely soured the mood
now mate. So the only thing that will fix it is a joke."
"That's it, hold my wand. I'm going to walk in front of those bullets. I can't listen to you and your
pathetic dad jokes anymore!"
"How rude. I was proud of that joke. Took me ages to come up with it.”
Hermione moved. The strings of the Hex dragged her to her feet and aimed her wand. "Oppugno!"
As soon as she hissed the incantation, a large bullet shell that was laying at the base of the tank
shot into the air. In an instant- much faster than any of the four soldiers that were operating the
machine gun could react - the single shell shot through the neck of the first soldier, the bullet
severing every artery and blood vessel in its path, before it whipped out the other side and
punctured the neck of the muggle standing beside the first.
The four bodies fell to the floor in unison - almost in slow motion - their eyes blown wide and
mouths twisted open as thick blood oozed from the holes in their necks.
The gun stopped firing. There was no one left to operate it.
"Jesus fuck - Granger, even I have to admit, that was impressive. Killing four muggles with a single
bullet? Their own bullet? That's my speciality.” He threw an arm around her shoulder and dragged
her into his side, as though they were old friends. "Well, they do say imitation is the strongest form
of flattery. Does that mean you have a little crush on me, Granger? Should we pop off somewhere?
Find a quiet little cupboard? I'm sure Malfoy wouldn't mind holding the fort while I bend you over
Malfoy shot a crackling, powerful green curse at Nott. It zipped past Theo's right ear - burning the
side of his robes slightly - and Hermione turned just in time to see it collide with a witches chest,
killing her instantly.
"Finished flirting now, Theodore?" Malfoy hissed sharply, waving his wand in a threatening
manner. "Ready to put your cock away and actually do your fucking job!?"
Although the sound was muffled, Hermione heard Theo suck his teeth irritably underneath his
mask. He let go of Hermione, and his fingers flexed around the spiked wand in his hand, like he
was dying to hex Malfoy, but managed to find some small shred of self-control. Just about.
Instead, he seemed to channel his anger on the Order soldiers around him. He killed everyone,
throwing strong curses in quick succession, slicing all their heads off so violently that they rolled
on the floor in front of their bodies.
Malfoy joined in the carnage, casting green and black killing curses at anyone who dared to step
out and try to attack him or Hermione.
The scene around the trio was gruesome. One she wanted to forget entirely, but would undoubted
see when she closed her eyes tonight. Bodies piled high. Smoke rising in the air, and thick blood
flowing through the cobbled streets. The most horrific painting she'd ever seen, and she was one of
the artists.
However, there was a small reprieve. A mercy that came in a form she never expected.
Because above the sharp noise of bullets leaving their chambers, above the screaming of the
injured and the zipping of curses flying through the air, there was another sound. It was only small
to begin with. Barely there. Almost inaudible - but it was getting louder. It was a low scraping
sound, and it was coming from beneath the earth.
But Hermione considered it mercy, because it intrigued the Hex, caught its attention in such a way
that it let Hermione lower her wand, let her stop killing, just for a moment.
Malfoy and Nott were so distracted by their killing sprees, they didn't seem to notice. It was as
though they were in silent competition with one another. Each trying to kill more than their rival,
trying to perform the more gruesome murder, and therefore be crowned the victor of whatever little
game they'd started. Toxic, murderous masculinity at its finest.
Curious, and with most of the Order soldiers lying dead on the floor, The Hex encouraged her to
investigate the strange noise. Her brows furrowed as she neared the small patch of earth, noticing
the way the small pebbles seemed to be vibrating on the ground -
A bomb, dug deep into the earth, and right below her feet.
There was a deafening crack, like two boulders colliding mid-air, and then Hermione felt the solid
ground vanish beneath her feet. Malfoy whirled around. She couldn't see his face, just the sharp
point of the horns on his mask, before she dropped through the hole that had just appeared in the
There was another loud bang as she fell through the crater, and the gap above her head closed,
stealing away the little sunlight she'd been looking up at, and sealing her underground.
It was dark, pitch black. Hot air and the smell of explosives whirled around her as she fell. She
wasn't falling for long, maybe two seconds- three at the very most, but the darkness made it feel
much longer.
A sharp pain shot through her hip and right leg when she landed on - what she assumed - were
jagged rocks. The impact knocked the air from her lungs, and forced her to inhale a deep breath of
thick dust from the explosion.
She tried to squint through the dark, but the dust was everywhere, grey and heavy and clouding her
vision. It felt like being sealed in a tomb. There was no light. No air. She couldn't see. Could barely
breathe through the debris.
The Hex forced her to her feet, and she hissed in pain when she tried to put weight on her left leg. It
wasn't broken, but it forced her to move in an awkward limb. She ran a hand tentatively on the
rocks around her, trying to work out the best way to escape -
"BOMBARDA!" a deep voice called through the fog, and a second later, a blinding white light
shot in Hermione's direction.
She deflected the spell with ease, forcing it sideways with a flick of her wrist, exploding the wall
beside her and knocking fresh debris and smoke into the tunnel. She raised her wand, and
wordlessly cast a Lumos, illuminating the face of her attacker, of the man who'd trapped her in this
underground tunnel.
She hardly recognised Cormac McLaggen at first. His face was so different. Hermione was sure
that Fleur had done her best to heal him, but there was only so much even she could do.
Hermione remembered the damage well, she'd tried to help repair it herself all those months ago.
Extensive burns by dragon fire were very tricky to heal. It was a miracle he was even able to stand.
And yet, here he was, staring at Hermione with a burning fury in his eyes, and magic crackling at
the end of his wand.
Whilst the right side of his frame was still broad and strong, the left was anything but. His left arm
swung uselessly at his side, and he dragged his leg loudly across the floor as he inched closer to
Hermione. He was bald on the left side, and the newly formed skin on the left side of his face was
tender, raw, and pulled so right across his cheek that it looked painful.
"You!" He shot another Bombarda at her, and she blocked that one just as easily as she had the
first. "You fucking traitor!" Cormac threw an exploding curse, Hermione sidestepped it. "Fucking
murderous bitch!" He threw another curse, and then another, each rolling into the next, but she
could counteract them all. She was a better duellist than Cormac was, and he only had use of one
He raised his wand again, mouth open and ready for the next incantation, but the Hex commanded
that Hermione go on the offensive.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Green light exploded from Hermione's wand. Luckily, Cormac leapt to the right and her attack
missed him by mere inches. He tried to step back as Hermione advanced, but his foot caught on a
loose rock and he fell to the ground.
She mercilessly threw another unforgivable curse at him. He counteracted it, wand shaking in his
hand, before he started dragging his body backwards across the gravel like a wounded animal.
Whatever he'd planned to do, whatever intention he'd had by trapping Hermione in these tunnels,
he wasn't going to succeed. She was going to kill him.
It's not me! Hermione wanted to scream. I'm not doing this! Please, just go, don't let me hurt you!
Don't let me kill you, too!
But she couldn't force the words out. It was as though the Hex had grown hands and had wrapped
them around Hermione's throat, trapping her pleas, stopping him from seeing her inside the
monster she'd become.
Cormac kept retreating, crawling backwards until he came to the edge of the tunnel. A dead end.
There was nowhere for him to go. He was trapped. He looked up at Hermione, and she saw that the
fury in his eyes was gone. He looked so scared now. Eyes wide and frightened as he hunched
against the wall, and the Hex didn't care.
It pulled the strings tight, forced her to raise her wand high in the air, green smoke gathering -
And then her wand - Malfoy's wand - burned in her palm. The pain was awful, like holding an open
flame, and she dropped the wand with a quiet yelp.
But then she felt it. The Demon Hex was receding.
It shouldn't have been possible. Malfoy was the only one who could bring her out of the Hex. He
was the only one who could free her, and he wasn't here. She was still trapped underneath the dirt
and the grime and the rubble. There must have been at least four feet of rocks between them.
It shouldn't have been happening, but it was, she could feel it. Could feel its influence - its
torturous hold on her slipping away. She stared at her hands in amazement, feeling the weight of
the vile curse being lifted higher and higher -
And then it was gone. Then she was free. Then she was the one in control.
She heard him drag himself to his feet, and she looked up in time to see him aim his wand, right in
the centre of her chest.
"Cormac,” Hermione pleaded, holding her hands up, showing that she wasn't armed, that she wasn't
a threat anymore, before she started backing away. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. It's me -
you need to listen very carefully-"
Hermione ducked, diving towards the floor just in time to miss the curse as it exploded the wall
behind her head.
"Cormac, please!" she pleaded, ignoring the biting pain in her knees and palms and trying to crawl
towards him. "That wasn't me before! Malfoys had me under a Hex! It wasn't me killing all those
people! Please, please, believe me! I would never-"
"Shut your mouth you traitor!" He shot another curse at her, but it missed when she lunged for his
ankles. She knocked him off balance and sent him toppling towards the floor with her, and she
heard - rather than saw - his wand clatter against the rubble and roll away.
"We don't have time for this! You need to listen to me!" Hermione shouted desperately. She
crawled beside him and stared down sincerely into his face, trying to make him believe her, trying
to make him see. "You need to Apparate us back to the base! I will explain everything, I promise!
Just please, please Cormac, listen to me!"
Panic started clawing at her chest. She didn't know how long she had before Malfoy would find
her, and this was her chance to escape. A beautiful opportunity that she never dreamed would fall
into her lap. She couldn't mess this up.
"I'm not taking you anywhere!" Cormac bellowed, just as he brought his fist up sharply and
punched Hermione in the nose. She fell backwards, an awful pain spreading across her face, as
Cormac straddled her torso and leaned over her. "What, is killing our soldiers on the battlefield not
enough for you?! You want me to take you back to our base, just so you can slaughter everyone
who's too young to fight back?!"
She tried to fight him, tried to punch him, but he pinned her arms at her sides, and bracketed his
thighs over them, trapping her under his weight.
"I'm not going to listen to a word you say, traitor!" Cormac brought his knuckles down on her face
again, cracking something under her cheek, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. "Do
you know how many of our friends you've killed?!"
Hermione jerked her legs up in a feeble attempt to force him off of her, but he was too heavy, his
bulking frame too large for her to move without the aid of magic.
"Do you know how many people I've watched burn on the pyres because of you!" Another punch,
something else cracked, possibly her nose. "I told the others that we should just kill you!" Another
punch. "I told Shacklebolt that you were too dangerous! I told Potter that we should kill you on
sight! But they didn't listen! They never listen to me!" he bellowed, spitting with each vicious word
as he brought his fist down on her face again and again and again. "I won't let you kill any more of
us Granger! You're going to pay for what you've done! You're going to die! Right here! Right
Cormac just kept hitting her. Kept beating his fist into her face and breaking everything his
knuckles came into contact with. She was sure that her jaw must have been broken.
There was a ringing in her ears. Blood pooled in her mouth and ran from her nose, covering her
face and drenching her hair. It mixed with the drying blood of those she'd murdered earlier, until
she didn't know where their blood ended, and hers began -
Hermione sat up and spat out the metallic blood from her mouth, blinking through the wetness that
was matting in her lashes. McLaggen was on the other side of the tunnel, laying on his back and
gasping for breath, and Malfoy was stood in front of her, shielding her.
Malfoy muttered something in Latin, sharply waved his wand in a motion that Hermione didn't
recognise, and then Cormac started screaming.
It all happened very quickly, almost instantly. Cormac was starting to disintegrate. Hermione had
never seen a curse like it. His skin cracked and lit up, like his veins had turned to molten lava and
exploded, before his body turned to ash and fragmented into nothing, like he'd been burned by fire
from a dragon.
As she stared at the floating shards of ash that were once Cormac, Malfoy knelt in front of her and
started healing her injuries.
"Death was too good for that piece of shit!" he hissed under his breath, light tapping the edge of his
wand to her nose and fixing the break. "Should have made it last. Should have plucked his ribs out
and shoved them up his arse. Should have ripped his fucking hands off for thinking he could touch
you like that - "
"You ... could have just ... let him go,” Hermione panted, trying to stop her head from swaying
through the dizzying ache. "You didn't have ... to kill him … at all.”
Malfoy's hand froze, and his eyes snapped up to hers. "Yes, I did," he answered coldly. Matter of
fact, no emotion, no remorse for the life he'd just viciously taken. Another wave of his wand
banished the blood from her face and robes "He hurt you, so I killed him, and I'd do it again in a
fucking heartbeat.”
The Dementors circled overhead, drafting freezing air through York Cathedral and raising the hairs
on Hermione's arms.
The Gold Mask, the one Voldemort had deemed 'responsible' for todays mission, was trembling
furiously. His knees knocked together and his mask shook as he spoke.
"Please! Have mercy! I beg you! I will do better! I will! I didn't see them! They must have used
some sort of cloaking magic! It wasn't my fault!"
Voldemort was seething with rage, incandescent, murderous. Dark magic crackled in the air around
him, like little sparks of lightning.
As far as she was aware, the Death Eaters had won this battle. The town of Bournemouth where
today's attack had taken place was in ruins, and The Order's new safehouse there had been raided
and destroyed. That base had proven to be vital, a collection of weapons and medicinal potions
larger than any other.
Voldemort had pulled all his strongest and most lethal generals away from their usual posts to
ensure this mission ran smoothly. He knew this base was vital to the Order's survival. It was there
last medical centre, their final sanctuary, and he wasn't leaving anything to chance.
They may not have managed to capture any slaves, but the loss of this base would be a catastrophic
loss to Shacklebolt and the rest of the regime. This attack was a success. So, why was Voldemort
so angry?
"Someone must have tipped them off!" The Gold dropped to his knees, pleading, snivelling as the
Dementors inched that little bit closer, eager to feed. "The Spy! The Spy must have told them about
our attack! They must have known that the chamber would be unguarded and they could-"
"I will hear no more of this spy! This vulture who has chosen to side with those filthy blood traitors
over their own kind!" Voldemort sprang from his chair and began pacing the cathedral, causing the
Gold to lower his head in cowardice, trying to hide himself. "When we locate this foul traitor, I will
see to their punishment myself!"
Malfoy's fingers dug into Hermione's arm as Voldemort passed them, and she felt him drag her a
little closer into his side, further out of his master's furious path.
"This cannot happen again! Do you hear me?!" Voldemort roared. "We cannot allow this vermin to
do this to me! To us! We must squash them now! We will pull all our forces! We will use the
trolls! The Dementors! The Acromantuals! We will kill them all! If we must, we will storm their
houses and burn them in their beds while they sleep!"
Something in his ranting seemed to inspire him, and he whirled around mid-sentence to face
Malfoy and Hermione.
"The dragon! We will use her! She will be taken on every mission! She will knock their metal
birds from the sky! She will burn all their bases to the ground! Every base! Whether it holds
wizards, muggle soldiers, or children, I do not care, I want them all dead! I want to see their bodies
melting! I want to hear their screams! Let them be so loud they ring in the air for months!
The way Voldemort flashed his teeth, the way his black eyes burned with excitement as he
described the massacre, the way his jaw vibrated like a rabid dog as he pictured children burning,
made dread twist in Hermione's stomach. He looked unhinged, a man on the edge, and more
dangerous than anything Hermione had ever seen.
"Of course, my Lord,” Malfoy answered. He bowed his head in respect, and he used the movement
to discreetly drag Hermione behind him a little. "Whatever you wish, it is yours. She will be glad
to be of use to you."
Voldemort's robes swirled around him as he started pacing again, drafting a wave of something
rotten and putrid in Hermione's direction. She wanted to gag from the stench of it.
"Now,” Voldemort hissed quietly as he stopped in front of the Gold Mask who'd failed him today.
"As for you, Goyle.”
"Avada Kedavra!"
All the Death Eaters remained poised and silent, many didn't so much as blink as Goyle's lifeless
corpse fell to the floor with a loud, grotesque squelch.
"Let this be a lesson to all of you!" Voldemort said. "Goyle had one job today. He begged for more
responsibility. Begged for me to let him guard the chamber, and he failed me."
His breath seemed to leave him in sharp, ragged pants as he glowered at the rest of his followers,
and Hermione couldn't help but notice that he looked tired.
Fatigue showed in almost every inch of his being. His skin was paler than Hermione could ever
remember it being. His shoulders were slumped and protruding underneath his dark robes. The
veins on his neck and hands were darker, and hollow purple rings were colouring the skin
underneath his eyes. He looked more like a skeleton than a man. Dried crimson clung to the edges
of his mouth, almost like he'd been coughing up blood. In many ways, he looked like Astoria after
one of her episodes -
And then Hermione understood.
Voldemort's health was declining. He was weak, and there was only one thing that could weaken a
wizard as depraved as Voldemort.
After years of dead ends and false leads that ended up nowhere, they'd finally done it. They'd found
one! The first one in so many years, and destroyed it, shattering a piece of the Dark Wizards soul
right alongside it. That was what Goyle was talking about. He'd been entrusted to guard the
chamber where Voldemort kept one of the Horcruxes, and the Order had sneaked right passed him
and stole it.
The attack today must have been a diversion. A way to tease out Voldemort's strongest generals
and gather them all together. Lure them away, leave the Horcruxes less protected, just so the Order
could steal it from right under their noses.
Like a game of chess, they'd sacrificed a base, but destroyed something so much more valuable in
And Voldemort had no idea. Had no inclination that one of his fortresses or safe houses had been
breached, not until it was too late. Not until he'd felt a part of himself shatter, a piece of his soul
being sucked out as though a Dementor had taken it.
So there was hope. Harry had been right. Even after all these years, there was hope.
She could barely contain her excitement. A wave of joy like nothing she'd ever felt swarmed across
her chest and heated her skin. Hermione started running through the list of Horcruxes in her head.
Harry: Voldemort 'killed' him in the Forbidden forest, only for him to be resurrected minutes later.
Hufflepuff's cup: despite the way her young and innocent hands had shook, Hermione had
destroyed that one herself.
The missing Diadem? The Horcrux that Harry, Hermione and Ron had been too late to find. The
one that Malfoy had managed to steal from the Room of Requirement before they did. The one he'd
probably presented to his master like a gift, and hadn't been seen since.
Or maybe it was the snake? Maybe Harry had learned the location of the pit that Voldemort had
been keeping her in all these years, and they'd manage to cut her head off?
Or, perhaps he'd managed to figure out what the mysterious 8th Horcrux was? The one Voldemort
had created in a desperate attempt to prolong his life after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Because its conception was after Harry's 'death' - after his connection to Voldemort was weakened -
he couldn't see what the new Horcrux was, only sense that there was a new obstacle for them.
They'd never had any leads on it, but maybe they'd had a breakthrough in Hermione's absence?
She supposed it wasn't really important which one it was. The important thing was that it was
destroyed. It was gone. Obliterated, and because of it, because of the combined effort of the Order,
because of the blood, the sweat, the tears and brave sacrifices of those lost, Voldemort was
"Do you think this funny, girl!?" Voldemort shouted, the blacks of his eyes narrowing through his
rage, making him look even more snake-like than he already was.
"Yes, actually," she chuckled quietly before she could stop herself. "I do.”
"Because all your 'power', all that killing, and all those Horcruxes that you created, have ended up
being useless.” Hermione raised her chin high, voice strong and echoing off the walls of the
cathedral. "Because those muggles that you think are beneath you? Well, they've banded together,
and you're losing this war because of them. You're dying - slowly, by the looks of it - and you
know who's responsible? A bunch of wizards and witches who used to be scared to say your name
when they were children."
"Silence! You do not know what you are talking about, you foolish girl!" Voldemort hissed.
"Death is a weakness! Something reserved for the filth and the vermin! A penance for a life ill
spent! I am not dying, nor can I be killed! Your muggles cannot kill me! Your precious Harry
Potter cannot kill me!” He charged towards her like a madman, the tip of the wand in his hand still
sparking with the remains of the killing curse he'd used moments ago. "I have seen the future! My
reign will be long and prosperous! It will be endless, and born from the blood of those muggles
who you defend so foolishly!"
He pushed Malfoy aside, grabbed a fistful of her hair, and used it to yank her forward, "Here,” he
said as he dug the tip of his wand between her eyes. "Let me show you what the Seers have shown
me! Let me show you exactly what awaits you and your muggle companions, Mudblood!"
What death must feel like
15th May
It started as a tingle between her brows. Just a few sparks of magic where Voldemort was pressing
his wand into her skin. It was uncomfortable, painful, but nothing she couldn't grit her teeth
through. But then the pain got worse, grew until Hermione could recognise it as dark magic. The
evilest kind. The type that raised the hairs on the back of her arms.
And it just kept getting stronger and stronger, lashing across her temples like being whipped with
metal chains. Short, sharp bursts of pain while Voldemort threaded his influence over her mind,
and allowed her access into his.
You should be taking notes, said a voice in the back of her mind. You should be focusing on his
mind instead of yours.
To be granted access into Voldemort's mind. To see what he has seen, to know his plans for the
future. It was a pivotal moment. A chance that Harry would have leapt at if he were given the
After his 'death', his connection to Voldemort's mind had been almost completely tethered, and the
Order had suffered because of it. They'd lost their advantage. Harry couldn't predict Voldemort's
next move anymore, couldn't get a sense of what scared the Dark Lord and where the weaknesses
in his armour were.
Don't look at what he's showing you, think about what he isn't showing you, what he doesn't want
you to see, the voice went on, urging her to listen, to ignore the obvious, and pay attention to the
shadows. You're in his mind. He's let you into his mind. Take this opportunity. Learn from it. Study
it. There has to be something here. Something that could help Harry and the Order.
But she didn't need to focus on his mind, because she could already feel it in her own. His magic
had already glided over her, connecting her to him, threading his influence so tightly over her it felt
like she was him, and he was her.
He wasn't just merely showing her his mind, he was her mind, and she was his.
The realisation struck her too late. She froze with fear. She couldn't move. She wanted to be sick.
His mind was a dark place. Cold and repugnant, and he wanted her to see more of it. He wanted to
show her more of it. Show her what the Seer's had foretold. His future. His victory. The Order's
To begin with, none of the images he showed her made any sense.
Buildings exploding.
A church on fire.
Blue lightning over a dark silhouette - perhaps a castle, but it vanished before Hermione could be
And the number four. Hermione saw it everywhere. It kept flashing in between each image, a plip,
like a cigarette burn on a piece of film.
As the doors of a church she didn't recognise were burning, the number four would suddenly flash
in front of her eyes before the vision snapped into the next. And it kept happening.
The support beams on a bridge broke, allowing the structure to fall into an icy lake below.
Bricks cracked and splintered, a high tower fell and shattered on the ground.
The gun.
The bridge.
She tried to look away, tried to take the advice of the voice and search for what Voldemort wasn't
showing her, but again, for what felt like the hundredth time since she'd been captured, Hermione
had no control. She was powerless.
It was a thousand times worse than being under the Demon Hex. She couldn't move, not unless he
told her she could. She always compared the Demon Hex to being tied up by marionette strings,
controlled by a monster breathing down her neck, guiding her to act on her worst impulses and
feed its appetite, but this was different.
This felt like the monster was inside her. Like the monster was her. Like they were the same
person. Like she and Voldemort were the same person. And he wanted to watch the prophecy be
retold. So she had no choice but to watch it as well.
As Voldemort's magic shifted, the visions changed. It all happened very quickly. The landscapes
and burning churches were gone, and the visions twisted into battles. Dozens of battles in different
locations, each warzone snapping into the next. A blur of violent images, countless deaths, and
screams that seemed to roll into one.
And somehow, Hermione could feel them. She felt it all, experienced each death as though she
were there herself, as though she were the victim.
Voldemort was showing her what death must be like. What death must feel like.
Every new vision brought a new wave of pain, a new experience, a new possible way to endure
death. She must have died a hundred times over while he showed her image after image of her
apparent future.
When he showed her famous muggle statues being torn from their posts and shattering against the
ground, Hermione felt the earth shake violently beneath her own boots.
When he showed her Zacharias Smith being engulfed in flames from Black Shadow's mouth,
Hermione felt them licking across her skin, too. She felt her blood boil in her own veins, felt the
skin on her arm melt as her entire body was eclipsed in searing heat.
When the same beast mauling a team of muggle soldiers in a ruined city, she felt its fangs cutting
through her skin. Could feel her bones crushing under the strength of the dragon's jaws, could feel
her flesh slicing open, being torn apart as though the dragon were devouring her.
When Avada's were thrown across battlefields and hit witches she knew - Angelina Johnson, Sarah
Chamberlain, and even ones she didn't know - Hermione felt it. Felt the killing curse collide with
her chest and stop her own heart.
And the executions were no different. When he showed her the gallows that stretched high in the
sky, and the lines of slaves with robe necklaces, Hermione felt a noose around her own neck. And
when the trap door vanished beneath the slave's feet, a sharp pain shot around Hermione's neck.
All the images. All the screams. They all just vanished, as though it was nothing more than a
dream, and Hermione was left in total darkness. Alone.
The air around her wasn't cold anymore. It was hot and stuffy.
She tried to raise her hand, intending to blindly feel her way through the darkness, but she couldn't.
Her hands were bound tightly behind her back. Coarse ropes were wrapped around her wrists and
stomach, binding her to a tall wooden pole behind her.
The air around her was getting hotter. Each tick of the clock raising the temperature another few
degrees. She jerked against her restraints, testing for weaknesses -
And then she heard it. A deep rumbling in the darkness. A growl, like rolls of tumbling thunder.
Her head snapped up, and although she couldn't see anything, she immediately knew what was near
her. What was closing in on her.
Despite the way the temperature spiked as the beast drew closer, Hermione's blood ran cold. Only
a dragon's growl could have that unique effect on the body, and as far as she knew, there was only
one dragon that Voldemort had on a leash.
Narcissa was behind her, then she was in front of her, then behind her again, walking in tight
circles and getting closer each time. Hermione could feel the ground shudder with each step she
took, shaking under her colossal weight. She could hear her wings and tail scrape across the
ground. Could feel stifling heat radiate from her black scales.
But she still couldn't see! She couldn't see and she couldn't move!
There was just darkness around her. Darkness and a growl. And the temperature just kept rising. It
was like being locked in a sauna. She could breathe, a little, but the air was sticky and dry, it
burned her throat when she inhaled. Sweat trickled down the side of her temple, gathering on her
exposed collarbone and neck.
Her heart was beating violently in her chest. Blood roared in her ears.
It's just a vision, she tried to tell herself, willing her body to calm down. It's not real. It's not real.
Nothing that happens to you here is real. This isn't your death. This won't happen to you. It will be
over soon. Just calm down -
"I would say that I'm sorry, that I didn't see this coming," another voice said in the darkness. A
cold voice. A voice she recognised. "But I think we both always knew that this is how it was going
to end for us. Didn't we, Granger?"
A blazing fire was suddenly hurtling towards her. It lit up the room, and Hermione could see
Malfoy's grey eyes, caught his vacant expression as he stood beside Narcissa, before she was
engulfed in the flames.
The light only lasted a second, only a heartbeat, before she was thrown into the darkness again.
She screamed as the dragons' fire licked across her skin. The pain was excruciating. Indescribable.
Worse than anything she could have imagined. Acid, fire curses, nothing came close. Her blood
boiled and bubbled in her veins instantly. Her skin cracked and blistered, peeling back from the
bone like it was trying to escape the impossible heat that was inside her veins.
Despite the flames around her, on her, Hermione still couldn't see. She was in total darkness.
Alone. Alone and on fire. No one was coming to save her. No matter how loud she screamed, no
one was coming to help her.
And the burning just went on. On and on, never-ending, like she was frozen in this fire.
Is this what death was really like? Is this what death really felt like? Was it just ... this? Trapped in
the moment your life ended? No escape? Just darkness and fire and pain and loneliness? Just
never-ending suffering? Forced to relive the moment of your death? Relive the pain over and over,
and over again.
And Hermione just kept screaming, praying that when Voldemort finally left from her mind, she'd
never have to experience this kind of dark magic again. Hoped that when he finally decided that
she'd had enough, he'd take this pain, this darkness, with him.
But he didn't.
When he finally let her go, the pain didn't fade. He may have released her from whatever spell he'd
used to show her the visions, but he didn't release her from the fire.
She pulled in a sharp breath as she felt the room reform around her.
She knew she was in the Cathedral. She knew that. There was solid ground underneath her feet.
Someone had their hand pressed against the small of her back, holding her up straight. But why
could she still feel the flames?
She looked down at her hands - the only patch of skin she could see in her Death Eater uniform.
But she found unblemished skin where she'd expected to see scorched flesh.
It didn't make sense. Voldemort's magic was gone, so why could she still feel the fire burning her?
Why could she still feel the ropes cutting into her ribcage, binding her to the stake?
He wasn't in her mind anymore, so why could she still feel his magic inside her? Crawling
underneath her skin like an insect.
"Now you know what awaits your friends in the future, Mudblood.” Voldemort pressed his wand
under her chin and forced her head up to look at him. His red eyes were glowing, triumphant. "So
tell me, after seeing all that death, after feeling all the suffering that awaits you and your friends, is
it me who should fear death? Or is it you?"
When Malfoy apparated them back to his estate, Hermione felt nothing like herself.
She thought the awful feeling in her stomach would loosen the further away she got from
Voldemort. She thought that the flames would let her go, that death would let her go as soon as
there was some distance between her and the one who'd caused it.
As the air whirled around her and damp earth materialised underneath her feet, she jerked out of
Malfoy's hold and stormed towards the manor.
He probably thought that she'd lost the plot from the way she was sprinting across the grounds like
a madwoman. She could hear him calling her, shouting for her to come back, demanding to know
what had gotten into her.
Or at least she thought she could hear him calling her. She didn't know anymore. She was so
confused. She didn't know which of her feelings were real, and which were just remnants of
Voldemort's magic.
Dark magic that was still inside her. Festering, crackling underneath the surface, igniting the
flames that were still bathing her and making her want to wretch.
If that was what death really felt like, there was no wonder Voldemort never wanted to die.
The feeling wouldn't go away. She couldn't shake it off, like a bad dream she couldn't wake up
from. She still felt hot, swore she could still feel the ropes around her wrists and flames licking
across her skin. Fuck - even her skin didn't feel like her own anymore! It was itchy and
uncomfortable, like something was crawling beneath the surface. Like he was crawling inside her,
burrowing his magic deep.
And the flames wouldn't go away! She still felt like she was dying, a burning corpse just clinging
to life.
She wanted it gone. She wanted this feeling gone. She'd do anything to be rid of it. She'd cut her
arm off if that's what it took, if that would make the fire just stop.
Hermione swung the doors to the large drawing room open and stormed inside.
The room was exactly as she'd left it weeks ago. Three targets still lined the East Wall, all wearing
Black Masks and dark robes shrouding their bodies. The table was still there, rows of guns and
firearms still spread evenly across the surface.
She marched to the table and picked up the first gun she saw. She pressed the barrel against her
right hip and drew a deep breath.
There were no essential arteries in that area. Shooting herself there would hurt like hell, but the
thought that she'd be able to bleed Voldemort's dark magic out of her herself was too appealing to
not at least try it.
Malfoy had charmed the guns so she couldn't take them out of the room, and the ones preventing
her from shooting herself were unbreakable. She couldn't use them to kill herself, nor could she use
them to aid her escape. Hermione was sure that he'd left the guns inside this room on purpose,
teasing her, torturing her with the near possibility of escape.
But that was weeks ago, and now she clung to the hope that the charms had somehow weakened
through neglect, because she was desperate.
The gun shook in her hands, the barrel trembling against her. She pulled the trigger, but nothing
happened. She tried again. The gun clicked, the handle grew warm in her hand, but it didn't fire.
She pulled the trigger again. And again and again.
Each time the barrel failed to empty, a new wave of helplessness washed over her. Tears started to
prick at her eyes.
The gun suddenly vanished from her hand, evaporated as though it were made of smoke. Was it
ever there to begin with? Or had she just imagined it? Had Voldemort really broken her mind that
severely in just a few short minutes?
Without letting herself dwell on that possibility, she dashed towards the table of firearms. She
reached down, intending to snatch a small rifle, but the table and all its contents vanished.
However, a sharp snap of fingers had already altered her that she wasn't alone in this room.
"Why? So you can fail to shoot yourself again?" he sneered coldly from the doorway. "No. I don't
think I will. Although, I've got to say, I thought your aim would be better."
Hermione kept her back to him. She couldn't bare to face him, not when she was so close to tears.
"There's nothing wrong with my aim! It's those stupid charms you've put on the guns! Take them
off and I'll show you!"
"Oh, so your hearing isn't impaired after all then? You're not deaf, just an ignorant little shit when
others are calling your name. Good to know.”
"I'm not in the mood for games Malfoy. Not now. Not after what Voldemort -" She cut herself off,
and began grinding her teeth together to distract her from the way her eyes were stinging. Tears so
close to breaking free. "Just bring back the guns. Now."
"They won't do you any good. I'm not taking the charms off them. Even if I do give them back to
you, you won't be able to hurt yourself with them.”
Hermione snorted and pinched her eyes closed. She wouldn't cry in front of Malfoy. She wouldn't.
"Well then maybe I'll just shoot you instead," she laughed bitterly. "That ought to cheer me up.”
He was quiet for a few moments, mulling over her words. When he spoke again, his voice was
softer, lacking the venom it was usually dripping in whenever he spoke to her. "Why do you want
to shoot yourself?"
She chewed on the inside of her cheek. The fire was still on her skin. Getting hotter and hotter. She
pulled the gauntlets off her arm and started scratching her forearm, trying to relieve the burning,
the maddening itch that just wouldn't fuck off.
She thought about telling him, considered telling him for a brief moment, before she squished the
thought entirely. He wouldn't understand. She didn't want him to understand. Didn't want to show
this weakness.
"Like it or not, you're my responsibility. My problem. My burden to bear.” She heard him take a
step closer behind her. "Whilst you're in my care, I can't have you blowing holes in yourself now,
can I? I'm not a patient man, you already know that. So I'll only ask you one more time, why do
you want to shoot yourself?"
"Leave me alone."
The fire felt like it was spreading upwards. Her head buzzed and ached, like someone had replaced
her blood with acid. It was burning. "Leave me alone, Malfoy."
He took another step closer, and Hermione's hands slid into her hair. The fire in her head was
getting hotter. She raked her nails across her scalp. She was on fire. Her head was on fire. It
wouldn't go away.
She was on fire. She was still on fire. Her breath started to leave her in sharp pants. She couldn't
breathe. The fire was in her skin. The dark magic was still in her skin -
There. She'd said it. The thing she didn't want to say out loud. The Achilles heel she didn't want to
admit she had. The confession undid something, obliterated the little control she'd had on her
emotions, and the tears she'd been so desperate to hold back streamed down her face without
"When Voldemort went into my mind, he didn't just show me the future. He made me live it!" she
said quickly, tearing off the band-aid. "He showed me what his victory would look like! What it
would mean for the rest of us! He showed me Order members getting slaughtered! He showed me
slaves getting hanged and your dragon burning and mauling everyone, and I felt everything he
showed me!"
Tears were blurring her vision, but she thought she caught a blue crack appear in Malfoy's cold
"I felt her teeth in me! I felt her tearing me apart, and then it all vanished, and I was tied to a post,
and I couldn't see anything!" she choked, struggling to gulp down air as she sobbed. "I couldn't
move, and then your dragon, she - she crawled up to me - and then she opened her mouth and set
me on fire! Your dragon burned me, and I could feel it! I can still feel it! I thought that if I shot
myself, I could bleed some of his magic out of me, and I wouldn't have to feel like this anymore! I
thought it would get his magic out of me, and this feeling would stop!"
Hermione hadn't imagined it. There was a crack in his grey eyes, a few blue splinters in his
occlumency walls.
"And you were with her!" she screamed, feeling her whole body start to tremble. "I only saw her
for a second. The only time I saw anything was when she set me on fire, and you were there! You
- you were stood right next to her! You were watching - your eyes were dead and - and cold, and
you just stood there, and you did nothing! You just let me burn!"
"Granger, you need to calm down," Malfoy said calmly, an emotion Hermione couldn't quite place
colouring his tone. He outstretched a hand towards her. "It was just a vision, it wasn't real-"
"But it felt real! You said my name! You said my name and then your dragon set me on fire! I
think he showed me how I'm going to die, I think - he showed me how you're going to kill me.”
Even as she said the words, a part of her didn't believe them. Thought they were just panicked
ramblings, a way to ease the fear she felt weighing on her chest and reorganise her frenzied mind.
It wasn't until she saw Malfoy's reaction that she realised it might actually be true. It wasn't until
she heard his breath hitch, it wasn't until she saw his eyes widen a fraction, she realised that there
might be some weight to her ridiculous theory.
"Oh my god. He did show me how I'm going to die, didn't he?" Her hand covered her mouth just as
a fresh sob wrecked its way up her throat. Terror swept through her, and she pinched her eyes
closed, as if that might be able to hide her from it. "After Voldemort is done with me, he's going to
order you to execute me, isn't he?"
"It wasn't real," he repeated calmly. "You're being ridiculous. It was just a vision, something the
seers came up with while they were bored. None of it was real-"
"Then why do I still feel dead?! I can still feel the fire on my skin and the ropes around my neck
and I - and I d-don't know what to do - I don't know how to fix it. I can still feel his magic inside
me! I can't get rid of it! And the fire won't go away! I feel - f-feel like Voldemort killed me in those
visions. I feel like he killed me, and I'm still dying now, like he trapped me in death! Like I'm just
this broken little thing. This dead thing that's burning and in pain and I can't - I don't-"
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her left knee. Her eyes snapped back open. Malfoy was glaring
at her. The tip of his wand was smoking, freshly used.
Hermione stared at him in disbelief. "Did ... Did you just ... hex me?"
"Yes, I did. I would have done anything to get you to just stop fucking crying," Malfoy sneered,
unsympathetic to the tears still slowly slipping down Hermione's cheeks. "Pull yourself together!
Pity doesn't suit you, Granger. Weakness doesn't suit you.”
"You really are an arsehole." She wiped the back of her hand roughly across her cheeks, trying to
banish the evidence of her weakness. "You have no idea what it was like to experience-"
"For fuck sake, listen to yourself! You're a mess! Did the Dark Lord take your back-bone when he
entered your mind?! Did he snatch that away along with your courage?!" His voice was cruel, cold,
but his eyes were burning. "Have some fucking pride, Granger! Don't stand there and feel sorry for
yourself! You're better than that! You're stronger than that! Or at least I thought you were."
Hermione's spine straightened like he'd struck her across the back. She raised her chin, feeling her
nostrils flare indignantly at his words.
"The other Death Eaters used to tell stories about you. Did you know that?" He smiled cruelly at
her. "They used to say that you couldn't possibly be a Mudblood, because you were too powerful!
Too good at killing. So fucking talented at murdering our soldiers it was like you were born to do
Her hands clenched into fists at her sides. Anger flared in her chest, even if a few extra tears did
slip down her face.
"So what if you saw a vision of me killing you? Does that mean you have to stop fighting? Does
that mean you have to stop trying to kill me first?"
With a snap of his fingers, a gun appeared at his side. He didn't touch it. It levitated in the air,
hovering close to his shoulder. He waved his wand over the barrel, and a soft blue light eclipsed
the firearm before it floated into Hermione's hand. "You want to feel alive again Granger? Then
shoot me.”
She searched his face, looking for a sign that he wasn't being serious. That this was a sick joke she
didn't understand the punchline to.
"I've taken some of the charms out of the gun," he explained, tilting his head to the side and
playing with his wand. "Don't get any ideas, you still can't hurt yourself with it. The gun won't fire
if you try and shoot yourself, but you can shoot me with it instead."
Hermione tested the weight of it in her hand. It did feel different, lighter, colder.
"The gun won't reload itself, so you've only got one round. Twelve bullets. Is that enough for you
to do some real damage?"
"You're forgetting that if I kill you, I die too. Won't that put a kink in your masters' plan?"
"Only if you actually hit me.” He smiled and ran his tongue across his top teeth, taunting her.
"Think you're up to the challenge?"
"If this is your idea of a joke," she said quietly, "then you're just as sick Theo."
"This isn't a joke." He took a step back and held his arms out wide on either side of him, giving her
a clear shot. "Go on, shoot me.”
Her eyes flickered down at the gun. She thought about shooting him, she honestly did. Merlin
knew she'd been thinking about it for months. Fantasized about it.
A week ago, she'd have pointed the barrel at his head and pulled the trigger without hesitation.
Would have killed him and herself without a second thought. Without regret.
A week ago, she'd have welcomed death with a smile on her face.
He sucked his teeth, growing more irritated. "Go on, shoot me.”
"I'm not going to shoot you, Malfoy.” She tried to keep her voice even, but it shook, even to her
own ears. Trembled as much as the gun in her hand did.
"No? Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Maybe you need some motivation. I could go
and see which of your friends the Dark Lord has chained up in his basement? Maybe if one of their
lives were threatened, you'd feel differently about shooting me.”
"I think we both know I would.” He wore a hunter's expression as he stalked towards her. Cruel
and excited. She imagined it was the one he wore under his Demon Mask, when he was
massacring dozens. "Let's see, who do we have imprisoned at the moment … "
"Stop it!"
"There's a lovely boy called Thomas. Quite young though, I think he was a few years younger than
us at school.”
"Or there's Millicent Bulstrode. I know you two weren't the best of friends, but she pissed the Dark
Lord off so she's currently having her fingers chopped off one by one in his dungeon. I'm sure I
could sneak her out.”
For each step Malfoy took towards her, Hermione took one back.
Her back connected with one of the stone pillars. She was trapped, herded into a corner like a
sheep to slaughter.
"I hear they're a dying breed these days. Maybe you'd feel differently about shooting me if I had
my wand at one of their throats?"
Her heart pounded in her chest. Red began to tint the edges of her vision.
"I hear he's been looking for you for months. He's furious that he hasn't found you yet.”
"Shut up Malfoy," she hissed through gritted teeth. The firearm trembled in her hands.
"Shut up!" Hermione screamed, raising the gun and pointing it at his chest. "Shut up!"
"Shut me up then! Don't give me the chance to kill him! Shoot me first!"
As the bullet left the chamber, he flicked his wand to the left. The bullet zipped past him,
exploding a large chunk of the wall behind him.
"Again!" He stepped forward, and another red curse exploded from the tip of his wand. "You only
have eleven bullets left. Better make them count. Aim to kill. Shoot me like you hate me!"
She stepped back to avoid the curse and pulled the trigger again.
Malfoy swept it away with a flick of his wand, before he shot another curse at her.
"Aim like that won't save the Weasel. It's like you're not even trying!"
"It's like you don't want to save him! Like you want me to kill him!"
Every time she fired a bullet, Malfoy swept it aside, easily, like it was nothing.
"It'll be so much fun. Theo and I will have a ball. I bet his skin will slice off the bone like butter."
"We'll rip his fingers off and scalp him, slowly, and he'll die because you let him. Because you
were too scared to help him."
"Poor little broken Golden Girl. Too scared of death to help her friends."
She pulled the trigger again, but Malfoy wasn't as quick this time. The sharp wave of his wand was
just a fraction too slow, and the bullet went straight into his left shoulder. He hissed in pain and
stared as thick blood started to pool from the wound she'd just created.
Hermione gasped and stepped towards him. But she didn't lower the gun.
Suddenly, he grabbed her chin and pushed her back against the stone pillar. He squeezed her face,
nails digging into her skin like he was trying to hurt her. Like he wanted to hurt her.
Their noses were touching. She could feel his breath on her face -
Like it was second nature, a reflex, she placed the barrel of the gun underneath Malfoy's chin and
pulled the trigger.
She swore her heart stopped when she heard the click of the chamber. She closed her eyes, waiting
for her life to end when his did.
She was out of bullets. The chamber was already empty when she'd pulled the trigger.
She opened her eyes and found Malfoy staring at her. He pressed his cold forehead against hers.
He was breathing as heavily as she was, blasting the smell of smoke and spearmint against her
face. It made her mouth water.
"Yes," she panted, their breaths mixing in the small space between them. "I told you I would never
stop trying. And I meant it, I just - forgot for a moment. I forgot ... myself, and my promise to kill
His mouth was on hers before she'd finished her sentence. His lips were colder than she
remembered. For the briefest of moments, she froze in place, still as a statue.
And then she dropped the gun and clung to him. She took his face in her hands and swirled her
tongue against his, desperately chasing the feel of his mouth as though she'd been starved for
touch. Because those flames? That fire that was on her skin and in her blood? They seem to dull a
fraction, drop a few degrees as his lips pressed against hers and his hands roamed across her body.
"This doesn't change a thing," she sighed against his mouth, even as her hands fumbled with his
belt buckle and tossed it aside. "I still hate you.”
"I know."
He cast a slicing hex down the length of her body. It stung and the shock of it made her gasp, but it
left a clean rip down the centre of her uniform. Easy for him to rip apart.
He was still bleeding. The bullet wound on his shoulder still fresh, but forgotten. His blood pooled
around her fingers as she dragged her hands across his chest, over his scars, along his collarbone.
"Don't forget that. I'm still going to try and kill you again tomorrow."
"I know.” He grabbed the edges of her clothes and a hard yank had them falling apart, taking her
bra and underwear with it. He attacked her mouth again as he threw the shredded fabric aside.
Harder than before, biting, sucking. "I know.” He kicked off the rest of his clothes and then
hooked his arms under her thighs. He picked her up and pressed his body against hers, pinning her
against the stone support beam behind her.
She shook and gasped against him. His skin was ice cold. It was working. The fire was dwindling.
It was working but she needed more. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her nails bit into
his shoulders as he lined himself up.
But he didn't move, not immediately, the way she wanted. Not until she'd ground her hips against
his, searching for friction. Not until she coated him with herself, not until she'd showed him that
she wanted him. Needed him.
"I don't hate you," he growled, spilling malice into her mouth. "I fucking loathe you.”
She felt him smirk into the kiss, and then he surged forward.
There was nothing gentle about it. Nothing tender about the way he thrust in, bottoming out in one
sharp motion.
She bit down on his lip to keep from screaming. She was over-stretched. A sharp pain of the most
delicious sort shot up her spine, making her toes curl.
"Fuck," he hissed into her mouth, swallowing her whine as he started to move. Hard. Fast. Deep.
She could practically feel the malice in each thrust. Each angry snap of his hips expelling the
hatred, the anger, the disgust he felt for her. The elastic band sprang back to life in her stomach.
Already taunt, pulling tighter and tighter -
And he was still kissing her. Still biting across her lip. Abusing the overheated flesh as he thrust up
again and again and again.
The stone cut into her back. The chain and rings he wore around his neck scratched her chest raw.
Her head smacked against the pillar with each furious snap.
But the fresh pain meant she was alive. Each snap chased away the heat on her skin. Like fighting
fire with ice. Ice to make the fire go away. Pain to quiet the dark magic in her veins. Those were
the ingredients, the antidote to the black magic Voldemort had used to enter her mind.
He released her mouth, only to fasten it against her neck. Like he couldn't bear the distance, like he
still had to be connected to her, like the feel of him inside her body wasn't enough. He scraped his
teeth against her pulse point. She shuddered, the band in her stomach tightening.
It wasn't awkward, the way it had always been with Ron. It wasn't slow and passionate, the way it
had been with Viktor. Or even rushed, the way it had been that one time with Cormac.
Their kisses bruised the other. Their bites and scratches drew the blood of the other.
And God how she loved it. Was almost ashamed of the way she loved it. Ashamed of the way his
insults zipped across her skin like a second touch. Ashamed of the way she wanted to hurt him,
even though he was inside her, dragging his cock across her walls in a way that had her panting,
writhing, legs shaking. Ashamed of how she thrilled when she pressed her fingers against the bullet
wound on a particularly hard thrust, making him hiss. A mixture of pleasure and pain. Tit for tat.
He hurt her, so she hurt him back.
But most of all, she was ashamed of the way it made her feel alive. In control. More like herself
than she'd ever felt.
"Salazar, I fucking loathe you mudblood," his hips snapped up harder on the word, extenuating the
insult, and it punched the air in her lungs. "You have no fucking idea," he sucked on her neck, and
he bit down on her collar bone as his thrusts grew faster, more frantic, "how much I hate you.”
"So you - so you keep saying." Her hands wound themselves into his hair, fisting, pulling the roots
just as harshly as he was grinding into her. The fire on her skin now a dull ember. The dark magic
in her veins almost forgotten. "So make me believe it-" she leaned her head down, and he shivered
when her lips grazed his ear, "- fuck me like you hate me.”
The sound he made against her neck- the groan, caught somewhere between torture and ecstasy -
made her squeeze around him.
There was a hiccup in his pace. A brief pause he used to seal her more firmly against the wall,
pressing his chest against hers and smearing his blood on her like he was trying to sign her to him.
His hands skated higher and squeezed into her hip bones, anchoring her to him.
"I hate that you're in my head," he hissed, babbling hatred against her neck as his thrusts grew
angrier, hurtful, stretching the band tighter and tighter, "-all the fucking time."
Hermione dragged her nails down his back, cutting them against his spine as he snarled insult after
"You're always there- like a fucking ghost. Won't leave me alone - haunting - everywhere I look.”
"Fuck - Malfoy - that's it. Just like that," she moaned, screwing her eyes shut and tilting her head
towards the ceiling. "That's it. Don't stop. Don't you fucking dare stop.”
Fuck - nothing should feel this good. Nothing this wrong should feel this good.
"Pluck your eyes out if they weren't so pretty-" he bit into her skin. "Fucking tear you apart if you
didn't feel so good."
It was all too much. The feel of him inside her. The words. The kisses. The bites. It was all too
much. It was stretching the band too tight. Her thighs started to shake. Her muscles started to
spasm -
"Open your eyes," he groaned hoarsely. His hair tickled her chin as he looked up at her. "Look at
"Look at me,” he commanded, thrusting faster, desperate, as his release drew closer. "Don't you
fucking dare come without looking at me.”
She opened her eyes, but kept her head tilted towards the ceiling. Her own little act of defiance.
Her middle finger to his dominance.
She'd looked up at this ceiling once before. Stared at it while she'd been tortured, traced the
contours of the paintwork as she'd clung to life all those years ago. And she'd rather stare at it now
than look at him when her orgasm came crashing through her.
She didn't look at him, refused to. Not when her mouth dropped open in a silent scream. Not when
her muscles seized around him, or even when she felt him growl and twitch inside her.
They slid down the podium together. Utterly spent. A tangle of limbs sprawled on the floor. The
malice between them doused for now. Another exorcism completed.
As soon as they were on the floor, Malfoy dragged her underneath his body. He held her tight
against him, one hand digging into her spine while the other splayed across her chest. He stared
down at her, his eyes flickering from the bruises forming on her lips, the harsh rise and fall of her
chest, and then the blood - his blood - smeared on her sternum, her breasts, her stomach.
His breath was cold and heavy, but it hitched slightly when her fingers wove themselves into his
hair, kneading, massaging the roots she'd abused minutes ago.
"The next time I fuck you," he breathed, voice gravelly as his hands slid up her neck, "you're going
to look into my eyes when you come.”
"And the next time I try and kill you," she whispered back, "the gun I use won't be out of bullets."
Sign of the Cross
16th May
"Because I knew that Theodore was going to be late, and I needed to keep her occupied. If she ate it
on the way, then she'd grow bored and even more irritable than she already is. And you know
what dragons do when they're irritable? Eat people. Specifically, people who get on my nerves.”
Although they were both wearing their masks, Malfoy could tell Zabini was rolling his eyes. "Well,
she's getting blood all over my robes."
"Then maybe don't stand so close to her while she's having her lunch?"
"She's a dragon, Zabini,” Malfoy sighed, shaking his head as he used his wand to levitate a piece of
meat from the corpse beside him. "Table manners aren't very high on her list of priorities."
He threw the treat into the air, and Narcissa raised herself onto her hind legs to catch it. She shook
her head violently as she chewed, severing the flesh like a shark does after a fresh kill. It sprayed
more blood across the grass, and Blaise backed away several more spaces, out of the 'danger zone'.
"I still don't understand why you had to bring her on this mission,” Blaise sneered under his breath,
banishing the few - barely there - specs of blood from his robes with a harsh wave of his wand.
"There's nothing for her to do here.”
"You heard the Dark Lord. He wants her to come on every mission." Malfoy threw another piece
of meat into the air for her to catch- a leg, this time. "No matter how small.”
"But look at this place," Zabini waved his arm out to the side. "There's nothing for her to do here.”
Although Malfoy didn't care for his tone, the snarky bastard was right.
There really was nothing for the dragon to do here, because there was nothing here. No houses. No
cars. No trees. No civilization of any kind. The only building for miles around was the abandoned
church that Voldemort had ordered them to investigate. Even the ground itself was dying. The
grass was yellow and brittle, and the earth was splintering, cracking itself open in search of
This small patch of land was forgotten, dead, and hidden away enough for it to be a perfect hiding
spot for refugees.
"Where is that bloody psychopath?!" Blaise muttered under his breath, starting to pace behind
Malfoy. "Surely Nott has enough class - enough decency - to come when he's been called upon? I
would have thought so, but oh no, apparently torturing the depraved souls he's captured just cannot
wait until tomorrow - "
"He'll be here soon," Malfoy said. "He didn't arrive home until the early hours of this morning, and
when he did, he was dripping in blood, and reeked of tequila and drugs and Salazar knows what
"Whose blood-"
Malfoy sharply raised his hand to cut Zabini off. "I didn't ask. He wasn't in the mood for questions.
I just told him to get cleaned up, get whatever substances he'd taken out of his system, and meet us
"Well, how long does it take to wash some blood out of his hair?!"
Blaise stopped pacing. "I just want to go home. Astoria's ... not well. I didn't want to leave her at all
today. Her condition is getting worse.”
Malfoy's eyes flickered to Zabini before he could stop himself. "I thought you upped the dosage of
the potions she's on?"
"I did,” Blaise answered, voice thick and slightly hoarse. "I've been able to plant most of the
ingredients we need around your estate. We can grow most of the herbs and plants we need in a
healthy supply, but certain ingredients are more tricky to get hold of, and are only used for blood
curse related illnesses. We can't grow them ourselves, and we can't bulk buy them on the black
market without raising suspicions-"
"And the last thing we need is people asking questions and possibly learning about Astoria's
condition," Malfoy affirmed. "I know. We'll figure something out. I promise."
Blaise didn't respond, but Malfoy could hear him fiddling with his gauntlets nervously.
By the time Malfoy had run out of body parts to keep his dragon occupied with, Theo decided to
make his entrance. Despite being over half an hour late, he made no apology for his lateness, didn't
say a word, just walked past Malfoy and pushed the church doors open.
"Stay out here girl," Malfoy told his dragon, "I promise, this won't take very long."
Narcissa huffed indignantly - even bared her fangs at Nott when he looked at her - before she
curled into a ball and settled herself on the grass to rest. Malfoy felt her eyes on him until the very
moment he entered the church.
The muggle church was a striking contrast to the grand cathedral that Voldemort used as his central
base. It was small and run down, room for no more than thirty people inside. What looked like
years of neglect chipped away at the paintwork and grey dust gathered on the wooden benches.
Thick cobwebs clung to every inch of the building. They hung on the curved ceiling like tapestries
and covered the decorative metal crucifixes and goblets. The lancet windows lining each wall were
covered in dust and grime, and the large stained glass window at the top of the aisle was smashed,
decorating the floor with broken glass.
At the very beginning of the aisle - closest to the entrance - there was a bowl of water resting atop a
tall stand, and when Theo noticed it, he took off his gloves and mask and bent over it.
Nott pinched his thumb, middle and index finger together and dipped them into the water gently,
before he touched his forehead, then the centre of his chest, then his left shoulder, and then his
"You're not seriously making a sign of the cross, are you?" Blaise asked, disbelief clear in his voice
as he took off his own mask and placed it on a bench beside Malfoy's.
"What? That's what you're supposed to do when you enter these places, aren't you?" Theo
shrugged, but his eyes flickered to the large decorative Crucifix at the end of the aisle. "I don't
know what tricks these muggles had up their sleeves before they abandoned ship. I don't want to
burst into flames or something just because I didn't dab some bloody dirty old water on me.”
"Between you and our fearless leader," Blaise said, nodding his chin towards Malfoy. "You've
probably killed at least ten thousand people. Do you really think a bit of Holy Water is going to
make a difference?"
Theo stared at Blaise thoughtfully for a few seconds. He looked at the Crucifix, then the bowl of
water, then back to the Crucifix. "Yeah, you're probably right.” He placed his wand and mask on a
nearby seat and went to grab either side of the bowl. "Better just tip the whole thing on our heads,
just to be sure-"
"Look at the water," Malfoy whispered, eyes glued on the large silver basin in question.
The water was deadly still - until it wasn't. A single ringlet appeared in the water. It started in the
centre of the bowl, rippling out in all directions like a tiny wave until it stretched to the edge of the
bowl. A sign of movement. Something was hiding underneath.
Malfoy dropped down onto his haunches and examined the basin. Sure enough, there was a switch
hidden underneath. After a detection spell showed no signs of magical interference, he flipped the
switch and the stand the water bowl was resting on slid to the side, revealing a hole with a spiral
staircase hidden underneath.
"Make yourself useful," Malfoy said, turning to Nott and gesturing towards the void. "Down you
Theo looked at the hole, and his grimace was strong enough to make his nose crinkle. "I'm not
going down there. Fucking stinks."
"Come on, we've finally found a hole as dark and depraved as you are.” Malfoy patted his friend
on the back once, a hard slap that inched Theo a little closer to the edge. "You'll have a great time
down there."
"Fuck off," he huffed, uncharacteristically not in the mood for games. "I'm hanging out my arse,
and you want me to go exploring a dark, underground cave? Cheers, but I'll pass."
"You have two options, Theodore. You can either walk down those steps willingly," Malfoy's hand
slipped to the back of Theo's neck and he squeezed, hard enough to make Theo tense, "or I can kick
you down them."
After a moment of hesitation, Theo batted Malfoys hand away and rolled up his sleeves. "Alright,
alright! Fucks sake, I always get stuck with the shit jobs!"
"Well, maybe if you didn't act like such a brat," Blaise muttered, "then maybe you wouldn't be
treated like one."
"'Well, maybe if you didn't act like such a brat," Theo mocked, trying to imitate Blaise, even as he
stomped down the steps like a child having a tantrum, "then maybe you wouldn't be treated like
one.'" As he descended, his voice got quieter and quieter, until only faint mutterings of 'absolute
piss-take this is,' and 'fucking wankers, both of them,' echoed up the steps behind him.
Malfoy just shook his head, before he and Blaise started their own search of the building. They
checked everything on the ground level; under the benches, behind the pulpit, and even emptied
shelves of Bibles to search for more hidden switches and trap doors.
Fifteen minutes into their search, they had swept the entire building, twice, and found nothing. Not
a thing.
"This mission is a little beneath us," Blaise said, using the tip of his wand to brush the torn
tapestries aside and check for anything unusual. Like he couldn't bear to touch the muggle artefacts
with his own hands, even if he did have gloves on. "Surely some Black Masks could have done
"They could have," Malfoy answered, "but the Dark Lord asked us to do it. So here we are."
He felt Blaise staring at his back. "Why the sudden importance on muggle churches? He's never
cared to check them before."
"The Order?"
"Yes, the bloody Order, who else would I be talking about?" Malfoy dragged a hand through his
hair, patience thinning by the second. There was nothing here, but if Malfoy turned up empty-
handed, the Dark Lord would have his head. "They found and destroyed another Horcrux. There's
only two left now. The Dark Lord is growing weaker, and you know that only makes him angrier,
and much looser with the Avada's. We can't afford to fuck up right now. So please, just do as I say,
and search the bloody church so we can go home, yeah?"
Blaise was quiet for a few moments while they continued their search, but when he spoke again,
his voice was barely more than a whisper. "The Horcrux they destroyed - it was the Diadem,
wasn't it?"
Malfoy put down the rosary beads he'd been inspecting. "Yes. It was."
"So he wants us to raid all the churches in the country that have a bell tower?"
Another nod.
"He thinks the visions - my visions - are coming true." Blaise's voice trailed off, and when Malfoy
turned around to face him, he was staring at the floor, lost in thoughts that Malfoy knew were
horrific. Nightmarish.
"It doesn't mean anything. Just because the Order found the Diadem, it doesn't mean that you have
the gift of foresight."
Blaise raised his eyes to meet Malfoys. "Doesn't it? An awful lot of the things I've seen in these
visions have become reality."
"I was right about Potter finding the Diadem, wasn't I? I was right about Granger being on the field
that day in Dover," Blaise said, speaking over Malfoy as though he hadn't even heard him. "The
only reason you were on standby for that mission and were able to capture her was because I said
she was going to be there."
Zabini's words started to tumble out faster, the calm edge he usually spoke in was gone. His voice
was tense, panicked. His control slipping.
"The Dark Lord didn't believe me, but look what happened! The Order intercepted the attack, just
like I saw in my dream! And Granger was there, just like I said she would be! I told him Potter
would get the Diadem, I showed him my vision, he didn't believe me, and now look what's
happened? They've destroyed it-"
"I don't - I didn't!" Blaise squeezed his eyes closed and shook his head. "My mother always said I
had the gift, and I always thought it was bollocks. But just lately it's like everything I dream comes
Malfoy didn't know what to say, had no words, so he said nothing. Instead, he folded his arms
across his chest and leaned back on the empty Bible stand behind him.
"If I truly have the gift of premonition, then I do not want it. I'm afraid to sleep at night. I'm afraid
that every horrific thing I see in my nightmares will happen when I open my eyes."
Physically, Zabini was fine, but he looked in so much pain, more hurt than Malfoy had seen him in
a long time. His shoulders heaved as his breath left him faster, fingers straining around the wand in
his hand.
"What if everything I see really does become reality? What if the Dark Lord wants to see all of the
premonitions I've had?" It looked as though Blaise were struggling to breathe. He clutched his
chest, hand trembling as he spoke. "He'll see Astoria! He'll figure out that she's ill - he'll see the
vision I had where she -"
"He isn't going to ask to see the rest of your premonitions, because they aren't premonitions."
Malfoy pushed himself off the shelves and took hold of Blaise's face. He shook him lightly, forcing
him to look at him, willing him to calm down. "Astoria isn't going to die. We're going to find a cure
for her, and she's going to be fine. You're going to grow old together and have children, and
continue making me want to retch with your bloody ridiculous need to be attached to one another
every second of the day. Alright?"
Blaise drew a deep, shaking breath and nodded. His eyes were swimming with the tears he was
trying to hold back.
"Foresight isn't real. Seeing the future isn't a real talent. The Dark Lord is just old and
superstitious," Malfoy said as calmly as he could manage. "That generation is different. He's
obsessing over these visions because he relied on them so heavily in the past. But none of it is real.
You just got lucky with the Diadem prediction, and Granger being at Dover that day, but that's it. It
was blind luck - "
Malfoy felt the blood drain from his face. He dropped his hands.
"She was loyal to the Dark Lord for years. She offered him her home and money to support his
regime, so how could I have predicted that she would betray him? How could I have known that
she was going to lie to him?"
Malfoy drew a deep breath and forced himself to swallow. Because there was no way anyone could
have guessed that. Malfoy certainly hadn't. No one could have predicted that his mother would
betray Voldemort at the last second. No one could have predicted that her loyalties would suddenly
switch, and that she would almost hand the Order their victory.
No could have predicted it, not unless they'd seen it. Dreamt it. Prophesied it.
"If I was right about your mother, then I could be right about everything else." Blaise rushed
through the words, hardly pausing to breathe. It was as though he thought that if he spoke quickly
enough, he might somehow sway Malfoy to his way of thinking. "The lake. The gun. The church.
Four. It's all connected. Like loose edges of a fabric. I can see it. I just can't see what pulls them all
together. But if I'm right about the Dark Lord's victory, then I must be right about Astoria-"
"Stop it, Zabini. You're starting to spiral." Malfoy's hands balled into fists at his side. "We can't do
this right now. I've got the Dark Lord breathing down my neck every bastard day. I have an
insubordinate Gold Mask whose out of control and refuses to follow instructions-"
Blaise stared at him and took a deep breath, fighting to regain his composure.
"I've got a spy leaking invaluable secrets, and no fucking clue who they are. And every time I think
I'm close to weeding them out, the trail goes cold and I'm back to square one.” He started twisting
the rings on his finger, a nervous habit he wished he could weed out himself. "The Dark Lord is
relying on us, and I can't have you crumbling. We need to be strong. Together. It's the only way
we're all going to make it through this war alive. Do you understand?"
It took several minutes, but Blaise managed to get his breathing back to a more natural rhythm.
Once he'd calmed, Malfoy stepped back and began to search the church again. "Are you sure those
are the only things you're worried about?"
"Let's say - for argument's sake - that some of the things I've seen in my visions are correct."
Blaise's eyes drifted down while he fiddle with his cufflinks. "Let us say that upon his victory, the
Dark Lord does order you to execute Granger. Are you going to be able to do it?"
A cold, foreign feeling swept through Malfoy at the mere thought of it. He looked away, pulled out
a packet of cigarettes and placed one in his mouth. "It won't come to that," he breathed. "She's too
"He won't."
"But what if he does ask you to kill her? Then what are you going to do?"
Malfoy whirled around and snarled, the exhale fanning a wall of smoke out his mouth. "Then I
suppose I'll just have to kill her, won't I!? I'll have to kill her, just like I have to fucking kill
everyone else!"
Blaise's expression fell. He stared at Malfoy with wide eyes. "You're lying! You've grown a soft
spot for the Mudblood, haven't you?"
Malfoy felt his face twist into a scowl as he took another drag. "Of course I fucking haven't."
"Yes, you have. I can see it on your face." Blaise's eyes hovered over Malfoy, taking him in from
head to foot, observing everything. "If he orders you to kill her, you won't be able to do it.”
Malfoy shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, ignoring the way his fingers shook slightly.
"You're losing the plot. Those visions are messing with your head mate."
After years of service to the Dark Lord, after all the executions and mass killings he'd carried out,
death should have meant nothing to him. Her death should have meant nothing. Just another notch
on his death toll. Another drop of blood on his already dripping ledger.
Just thinking about it made him feel sick. The mere thought of her being bound to a post, hands
behind her back and fire licking at her skin, made him want to punch the wall beside him until his
knuckles bled.
"You're a hypocrite! I can't believe this! You tell me to keep it together, to be strong, and then you
do this?!" Blaise shook his head, fury creeping into the corners of his eyes. "If the Dark Lord finds
out you feel something for her, he's going to kill us all. You do know that, don't you?"
"The only thing I 'feel' for her is resentment - the bloody woman is a nightmare! She's insufferable!
A fucking know-it-all who thinks she's clever enough to kill me!" Malfoy scoffed, the cigarette
drafting smoke across his face with each word. "Trust me, Granger is much more likely to stab me
than she is to kiss me.”
"Well I imagine that just makes it all the more exciting for you, Draco. You always did get thrills
from doing dangerous things, dancing on the edge of a sword just to prove you could!" Blaise
snarled, lip curling back in disgust. "Does it make it fun for you, knowing that she's going to try
and kill you every time she's given the chance? Do you get a thrill not knowing if each time you
see her, if she'll kiss you, or put a bullet in your brain?"
"You think I enjoy this?! Do you think I enjoy having her in my fucking head all the time?
Watching her every move to make sure she hasn't concocted another plot to kill me? Or kill
herself?!" He laughed bitterly, a mixture of festering anger and nicotine heating his cold chest. "If
she dies while The Dark Lord still has use for her, he'll kill our entire family. So you know what
my first thought every morning is? Her! 'Has she found a way to strangle herself in the night?', or
"What if the charms on the windows have failed, and she's thrown herself out of one?"'
Blaise's eyes narrowed in suspicion, he opened his mouth, but Malfoy cut him off before he could
"My last thought before I go to sleep is her! 'What if the elves left a fucking butter knife laying
around, and she's managed to slit her throat with it?'" Malfoy fingers squeezed his cigarette so
tightly the bud snapped in half, both pieces falling to the floor and leaving little smoke streams on
their descent. "It's just her! Her! Her! Her! Do you know how fucking frustrating that is? Do you
know how much more convenient my life would be if I could wrap my fingers around her throat
and just-" he raised his hands in front of him and squeezed, suffocating the ghost of air in front of
"So fucking her last night was, what?" Blaise hissed furiously, quirking a brow. "A hate fuck? 'I
can't kill you, so I'll fuck you instead', is that it?"
The impulse to lash out flared. Malfoy drew his wand, but then a loud crashing noise erupted from
the entrance. Blaise and Draco spun around, wands aimed and crackling with green magic-
Theo had materialised from underground, and he wasn't empty-handed. He had a quivering man of
the cloth clutched in a tight headlock under his arm, the poor blokes face red and eyes bulging with
lack of oxygen. The decorative gold plate that Theo had undoubtedly been trying to steal - and just
dropped - was rolling across the floor loudly, like nails scraping on a chalkboard.
He had a nuns headpiece on top of his head - which was crooked at an odd angle -and a bewildered
look on his face. He was staring at Malfoy as though he'd suddenly sprouted a second head. Eyes
blown wide and mouth hanging off its hinges.
Malfoy pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh for the love of-"
"YOU FUCKED GRANGER?!" The fit of laughter that erupted from Theo could only be described
as hysterical. He doubled over himself, and briefly released the priest from the headlock to fold his
arms over his stomach.
The young priest seized his opportunity and made a run for it, but a set of chains exploded from
Malfoy's wand and secured around him before he could reach the exit. They pinned his wrists
together and wrapped around his knees like a python, and he fell onto his face with a loud thud.
Hopefully broke his fucking nose.
Malfoy turned to glare at Blaise. "I hope you're pleased with yourself!"
"Oh, my - Granger?! Seriously?! God, that's the funniest thing - I've ever heard!"
Malfoy thought Theo's laughter was starting to subside, but when he looked up at Malfoy, he burst
out laughing again, twice as loud as before.
"Oh - been in such a shit mood all morning," he managed to choke out through fits of chuckling.
"But that's cheered me right up. Holy fuck, I needed that!" He slapped his hand across his mouth
and turned to the priest. "Oops. Sorry. Forgive me, father.”
Blaise shrugged, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. "Astoria told me.”
"He's married to the biggest gossip in wizarding Europe. If Astoria knows you fucked Granger,
then of course she's going to tell him!" Theo chuckled, finally straightening and wiping tears from
his eyes. "That woman knows everything! Don't you remember that time in fourth year when she
caught Professor Trelawny stealing Snape's herbs for 'medical purposes.’” As he spoke, he made
little air quotes by crooking his fingers, "Astoria had that shit passed around the school and the
Ministry before Trelawney had even gotten a buzz.” Suddenly, Theo's expression dropped. "Wait,
wait! This was last night?"
Malfoy narrowed his eyes, which was apparently confirmation enough for Theo.
"But Astoria told me that the Mudblood shot you last night?"
The priest flinched when Malfoy's hands flew into the air above him. "Can that fucking wife of
yours not keep anything to herself?!"
"So which is it?" Theo asked Blaise, speaking as though Draco wasn't there anymore. "Did she
shoot him? Or did he fuck her?"
"She shot him," Blaise answered. "And then he fucked her against a stone pillar in the drawing-
Theo's mouth dropped open. "Not in the same drawing-room that his aunt Bella tortured her in?!"
When Blaise nodded, Theo almost dropped to the floor howling with laughter.
Furious, seething, Malfoy grabbed his mask by the horns and stormed towards the entrance. He
kicked the door open furiously, the wood splintering under his boot, and snarled over his shoulder;
"We're done here. Bring that snivelling mess with you!"
"She shot him, and then he fucked her.” Theo shook his head and threw an arm around the priest,
pulling him in close so he could lead him out of the church. "How many Hail Mary's d'you reckon
that's brought him then father? Three? Six? Nine?"
"Yes, my Lord.”
The priest whimpered quietly as Theo dragged him forward, making him kneel at Voldemort's feet.
"Yes, my Lord," Malfoy answered, bowing his head respectfully and trying not to flinch when he
felt dark magic sweep through the air. He didn't need to look up to know that Voldemort's wand
was poised, itching for deadly use. "We checked it half a dozen times and there was nothing else
"Very well then. Zabini, Bellatrix picked up a hostage in Devonshire," The Dark Lord said after
several very quiet - very tense - moments of silence. "He will not talk, claims he is impervious to
physical pain, so he requires your particular skill set to extract information.”
"Malfoy and Nott, you will interrogate your hostage until he reveals something useful, and
tomorrow, you will search the next church. And then the next. And then the next."
"Of course," Malfoy said in a low voice. He straightened out of his bow and folded his hands
behind his back. "We will do everything in our power to secure your victory.”
The priest shrieked when Nott grabbed hold of the back of his neck and flashed him a sinister grin.
"Come on then, Father. We're going to have such a good time, I can already tell you're going to be a
"I - I don't know anything. I- I swear," the man sobbed, desperately clutching the gold cross around
his neck like it was a lift raft in the ocean. "Please. Please, let me go-"
A loud pop of Apparation cracked through the Cathedral. Romy had materialised beside Malfoy
with a distressed look on his face, and half a second later, Quinzel appeared, looking just as
"Sir! Sir, you must come quick!" Romy shrieked, his small hands flapping about in the air. "You
must all come quick! Romy and Quinzel needs help! There has been an accident at the manor!"
Immediately, Blaise and Theo flew to the elves. "What type of accident?"
Is Granger alright? was the first question Malfoy wanted to ask, but his teeth caught it before his
tongue had the chance to curl around her name.
"It is Miss Astoria-" Romy said quickly, "She was walking around the house - and Romy told her
not to wear such high heeled shoes! Romy told her not to wear them, sir! He said she would fall and
hurt herself, but she did not listen!"
"Romy and Quinzel tried to fix it, but Miss is very weak!"
"Miss does not have many Blood Replenishing potions left! She does not have many potions left at
all! Miss was going to brew more when Master Zabini got home, but she fell. We does not know
what to do! We has tried everything, but we cannot stop the bleeding."
"Her blood makes us queasy, Sir," Quinzel cut in, and Malfoy could only pray that Voldemort
hadn't picked up on Romy's almost slip. "So we is coming to get you. Because Romy and Quinzel
is not good at this type of healing magic. We used what little potions we had in stock, but they has
not worked. And Miss Granger does not have a wand - or magic."
"Is Granger with her now?" Malfoy rushed, unable to stop himself a second time.
Out the corner of his eyes, he caught Blaise's panicked stare flicker to him.
"Yes, she is,” Quinzel answered. "She has been helping to stop the bleeding with-" Quinzel paused
and her eyes drifted to her hands nervously, "-muggle methods."
"I will not leave my wife in the care of a Mudblood! I will go -" Blaise started, only to be silenced
by Voldemort.
"You will go nowhere, Zabini," The Dark Lord hissed, raising himself off his throne slightly. "I
have not dismissed you yet, and I have a task I need you to complete urgently. I am afraid it is
likely that you will not see your wife at all tonight.”
"I'll go then,” Theo offered, wand already drawn and ready to Apparate.
"You will do no such thing!" Voldemort's voice was venomous and loud, almost a screech.
"I have given the three of you tasks, and you will not leave here until they are completed. We are
on the cusp of victory, now is not the time to get careless when there is much work that needs to be
Blaise stared at their master with a horrified expression. "But my Lord - my wife. If she has fallen, I
should be there to-"
"Your wife completed her education at Hogwarts, did she not?" Voldemort asked, running his
snake-like tongue across his cracking lips.
"Yes," Blaise swallowed nervously. "Her final two years were cut short due to the war, but she had
tutors and passed every course on the curriculum.”
"Then healing a simple wound on her head will be nothing for her. It's child's magic."
Child's magic that she’s too weak to do herself, Malfoy wanted to say.
"A little tumble down the stairs is nothing. The elves are exaggerating, she will have barely more
than a scratch on her little head."
Her condition made her bones brittle and weak. A 'little tumble down the stairs' could crack her
skull open.
But she couldn’t even do a Glamour charm without getting out of breath!
"But my Lord," Blaise tried to plead, that broken edge slipping back into his voice. "If you would
just allow me to go home and check on her-"
"Your presence is needed here, Zabini! I will hear no more of this! Not unless you want to be
replaced," he said the last word slowly, a threat. He leaned forward on his chair, and a menacing
green light crackled around the elder wand. "If you do not think your wife is capable of such
simple magic, then maybe her family aren't as strong as I thought they were. Maybe I should just
let the last Greengrass die, let the last flower wilt, and be done with the wretched line for good."
Blaise stopped moving as though he'd been petrified. He looked frozen with fear.
"Then we shall go back," Quinzel said as she took hold of Romy's elbow. "We can-"
"Actually, that will not be possible," Voldemort interrupted, "I will need you two to stay here as
well. It is feeding time for Nagini, and all my elves and servants are out doing other tasks, so you
will need to do this for me.”
"Of course, sir,” Quinzel said quietly. She bowed her head and grabbed Romy to make him do the
Malfoy's chest got tighter, another stomp on his sternum when Blaise and Theo turned to stare at
him with panicked eyes. Pleading. Desperate.
They were fucked, backed into a corner and looking to him for guidance. A way out.
Slowly, so carefully that the Dark Lord missed it, Malfoy shook his head.
Because one thing their master valued in his followers, above loyalty, above wealth, was strength.
He loathed fragility, cut it out of his ranks like a cancer.
If they disobeyed him, if they left to go help Astoria, it would surely mark her as 'weak', brand her
as damaged, poisoned, and he would kill her. He would kill them all, assume one tainted apple had
rotted the entire orchard and Avada the lot of them.
The only option they had was to stay here and hope they could complete their tasks quickly. Hope
Granger could keep Astoria alive until they were released from their duties.
So, with a hollow ache in his chest and a deep inhale, Malfoy closed his eyes, and focused on
shards of glass and icy walls.
He imagined his emotions. His fear. His pain. His empathy. He imagined them all, pictured them
as tangible substances, something he could grasp in his hand, feel in his palm. Then he imagined
ripping them out of his chest, throwing them over the wall he'd built, and sealing the gap.
A cold chill washed over his spine, a familiar numbness sweeping into his chest where his heart
used to be.
When he opened his eyes, he felt no trace of himself, even inside his own body.
He was anaesthetized with numbness.
Desensitised to the screams of the priest as Malfoy grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.
Dehumanized to the priest's nails scraping across the flagstone as he dragged him into the
interrogation room.
But despite the roaring of blood in his ears, despite the slam of the door behind him, Malfoy heard
another voice. Soft and clear as a bell.
He had to do this.
"We need to keep this family together. We need to be the ones who make the difficult choices, and
do the things that the others can't.”
"We need to keep them safe. Promise me that no matter what happens, we'll always do that?"
Because he'd made Daphne a promise. A promise to always protect their family, do whatever the
Dark Lord asked in order to keep them alive and together and safe.
He'd broken it once when he let Daphne die, and now he refused to lose another sister.
Prayers and promises
16th May
"Fear will destroy you if you let it, Draco. But remember, if administered correctly, fear can also
be the most dangerous weapon on earth."
His father had told him that once, mentioned it briefly over dinner while Draco stared down at his
untouched food, moments before the Dark Lord had swept into their home and branded Draco with
the Dark Mark.
At the time, Draco supposed it was his father's way of embarrassing him into submission. Anger
him into obedience. Make him raise his chin defiantly, meet the eyes of his master while he offered
up his arm. It was supposed to be a warning, helpful words laced in a threat, but it turned out to be
the best fucking piece of advice his father would ever give him.
Because Lucius was right. Fear was powerful, damaging beyond measure. In the years since taking
the mark, Draco had witnessed that himself. Seen first-hand what fear could do, even to the bravest
Fear was poison, a snake bite that started in the mind and dragged itself along veins and muscles
like a corpse across a floor until it devoured its victim whole. He'd watched fear cloud the minds of
the most ruthless generals, watched it seize their muscles and render them useless like a deer
caught in headlights. Paralysed with fear.
Fuck, fear was a tool Malfoy often used himself in interrogations. Dangled it in front of hostages
like a loaded gun. Watched it swell in their eyes until they spilt secrets they never would have
dreamed of telling if they weren't so terrified of him, of what he might do to them.
Malfoy supposed it was fitting; one parent handing him a loaded gun while the other showed him
how to use a shield.
Occlumency walls numbed everything. They allowed Malfoy to reach into his own chest and take
out the emotions that would otherwise cripple him. Fear. Compassion. Guilt. They were things he
didn't need when he wore his horned mask. Things that would only hold him back on the
battlefield. Sounds didn't reverberate off icy walls the same way they did open air. Screams were
muffled. Cries for help slid off the surface. Occlumency allowed him to switch off. Drown his
guilt and empathy and allow him to focus on the axe in his hand and the blood at his feet.
Malfoy already knew that he owed his Demon Mask to this type of magic. Without it, he wouldn't
have been able to gain his position at the Dark Lord's side, would never have been ruthless enough,
so without fear and compassion, to ever be deemed Voldemort's 'favourite demon'.
Occlumency was the reason he was able to cast aside the fear - the fucking desperation - he'd felt
when he'd learned of Astoria's accident, and instead, focus on the task the Dark Lord had given
Occlumency was the reason Malfoy was able to be ruthless enough to slice off the priests toes one
by one, and be eerily calm as the priest screamed, without the fear of Astoria dying crippling him.
Unfortunately, that fear had already taken hold of Theo. The idea that they might be too late to save
her, that she was already dead, was choking him. And Malfoy could do nothing but carry on with
his task and leave the poison to pass through his system.
So, as Draco tortured the priest beyond measure, Nott sat in the corner of the room, utterly useless.
Malfoy had known it was going to happen. Had seen that terror creep into Theo's eyes when
Voldemort forbid them from helping Astoria, and as soon as he'd closed the door to the
interrogation room behind him, Nott had slid down the wall, pulled his knees to his chest and dug
his fingers into his hair.
Theo had possessed a deranged quality about him for years. He was psychotic in his brutality.
There was a maddening aura about the way he was able to tear a soldier's arm from their body and
then play with it like it was a toy.
But this was different. The way he was rocking back and forth, muttering under his breath and
staring at the floor spoke of a different kind of madness. He looked like he belonged in Azkaban
rather than the Dark Lord's army.
Malfoy had to seal the door with a strong locking charm just to ensure their master wouldn't see
him like that. One of his strongest generals, one of his most ravenous pedigrees, reduced to a
blubbering mess over the mere thought of losing the last Greengrass. It was a very unnerving thing
to see, to witness his oldest friend, the one who came alive at the sound of other people's screams
be reduced to ... this.
If Voldemort knew, he would slit his throat and replace him with the snap of his fingers.
No, Theo wouldn't be able to help. He was crumbling, coming apart at the seams and no good to
anyone, and Malfoy had to hope that Blaise could keep his own fear in check long enough to get
the information out of his own hostage.
So, with a sharp wave of his wand, Malfoy cast another dark curse, and tore a large chunk of flesh
out of the priests left shoulder.
The priest was on his knees, kneeling in a prayer position with a gold cross clutched between both
his hands, and despite the way he howled in pain, he was surprisingly very resilient.
Malfoy had been torturing him for almost two hours, and he had yet to force a confession out of
He hadn't started talking when Malfoy had cast fire hexes along his lower back, or when he'd
started using slicing curses on his legs. And the stubborn fucker showed no signs of speaking
when Malfoy had started slicing off his toes one after the other.
He didn't reveal anything, just screamed and howled his way through each wave of torture. But he
did mumble. Repeated the same little words over and over again.
To begin with, the rambling made no sense to Malfoy, but eventually, he understood what the
priest was doing. Praying. The fool was praying, busying his tongue with prayers every time he
was close to confessing his secrets.
But Malfoy didn't have time for that. Astoria didn't have time for that.
Malfoy had to get something. Give the Dark Lord some small facet of information so he could
execute the fucker and be allowed to go home.
He stared down at the priest and started to circle him, slowly, making sure he was close enough
that his robes brushed against the man's gold cross each time he passed him. Teasing him with the
possibility that he might strike at any moment, without warning.
"Enlighten me, Father," Malfoy said, voice as dead as his eyes as he dragged his wand across the
priests back. "What are you praying for? What is it you think your God can give you in this
"S-strength,” the priest spluttered, raising his chin slightly as if that might mask the way it
trembled. "F-for the strength to e-endure this .... monstrous test.”
Malfoy quirked a brow, but the rest of his face remained cold and expressionless. "The strength to
endure? Is that all? Why don't you ask him to strike me down instead? End all this pain and allow
you to get on with the rest of your life?"
To this, the priest didn't respond. Instead, he closed his eyes and started whispering another prayer.
He yelped when Malfoy slashed another curse across his back.
"Do you think your God can hear you all the way down here?" He stopped in front of the priest
and glared down at him. "Do you think he can save you from me?"
"God is always w-with me, so I know I am always safe." He paused to swallow. "He is always in
m-my ... heart."
"What happens if I pluck your heart out? Then what?" Malfoy crouched down - elbows resting on
his knees - and leaned towards his hostage. "Does that take your God with it?"
"Do what you must, but I will tell you nothing," he said the words strongly, with confidence, but he
flinched when Malfoy pressed his wand against his throat.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk to me? I am a Demon in this army. You saw the mask I wear.
You coward at the horns on my head." Malfoy dug his wand a little deeper into the priest's neck.
"You could save us both a lot of time-" he twisted it threateningly, the end sparking with magic, "-
could save yourself a lot of pain if you just tell me what I need to know.”
Again, the priest didn't answer. He just looked at Malfoy knowingly, as though he were trying to
appeal to his better nature, see into his soul, before he realised that he didn't have one, and then
lowered his head and began to pray again.
"Well, if you're not going to tell me what I want, I think we should test my theory, don't you?"
With a violent flick of his wrist, the priest fell onto his back, and Malfoy used a sticking charm to
pin his arms and legs wide either side of him. "Let's see if taking out your heart really does take
your God away."
"You do not have to do this. It is never too late for redemption," the priest said, strangely calm as
Malfoy stood over him. "If you repent now, if you repent for the lives you have taken, all will be
forgiven. You do not need to do this."
"If you want your God to save you, I would spend a little less time worrying about me," Malfoy
hissed, wordlessly casting an incantation and feeling his wand vibrate with magic, "and a little
more time praying for him to save you."
A stream of silver light shot out from the edge of Malfoy's wand and started ripping the priests'
skin open. He fought against the sticking charms, he screamed in agony, but Malfoy could hardly
hear it.
Because Daphne's voice was still in his head. An echo of the promise he'd made to her years ago
replaying over and over again;
"It's our job to protect the others, Draco," she'd said to him, just three weeks after the Battle of
Hogwarts, when her own Dark Mark was fresh on her skin. "I'm the oldest, but you're the
"If you think your God can protect you from me," Malfoy hissed as he made another incision on
the priest's chest, drawing closer to his heart, "then pray to him!"
"We need to be the ones who make the difficult choices, and do the things the others can't.”
Deep, angry cuts appeared on the priests skin, like he'd been cracked with a whip. He screamed in
pain and started to mutter something, but it was very quiet. So Malfoy threw another curse. And
then another.
"If Voldemort asks us to cut someone's head off," Daphne had said, "you hold the fucker down and
I'll swing the axe.”
"Come on Father, you're going to have to do better than that!" Another curse across his sternum,
making the priest clench his teeth together. "How is your God going to be able to save you if he
can't hear you?!"
"I still can't hear you!" Another curse just below the priests' collarbone. Something cracked, and
thick blood started spilling from the wound. "Pray to him louder, with feeling this time!"
"No? Still don't feel like speaking? Alright then.” He twisted his wand, and the deep slashes around
his heart started to rip open. The skin started to split in different directions, and his bones broke
apart -
The priest started to pray aloud, screamed for Malfoy to see reason, to stop this, but Malfoy felt
nothing for him. No swell of concern in his chest or flicker of remorse as he pried the priests' skin
apart, carving a path to rip his heart out.
He was numb to any kind of feeling. The only thing on his mind was the task at hand. And
Daphne's voice just egged him on. Looped over and over in his head, reminding him of the promise
he'd made to her. Reminding him that he didn't have Daphne to lean on anymore. She was little
more than a ghost in his own head, because he'd let her down.
She'd died because he wasn't careful enough to hide her betrayal. Wasn't ruthless enough to
slaughter the guards at her prison cell and drag her to safety himself.
He hadn't leaned into his bloodlust when she'd been executed. Hadn't earned the horns on his head.
He'd failed Daphne. But he wouldn't fail Astoria.
Malfoy cast another violent curse, and the force of it swished the priests' robes to the side, and then
Malfoy saw it. A magical object, clasped onto the belt of the muggle priest. He took a step closer.
"Is that a Deluminator?"
The priest choked, struggling to form words through the blood in his mouth.
Malfoy snatched the object and examined it closely. He was right, it was a Deluminator.
There was only supposed to be one of those in existence. Malfoy had seen in Granger's memories
that Dumbledore only invented the one, a tiny dark green object that could entrap light from any
nearby source. But this wasn't the one Dumbledore gave Weasley. It was smaller and purple
instead of green.
Malfoy supposed it wasn't too far-fetched to assume the Order had been able to deconstruct it, take
it apart, see how it works so they could build their own and distribute them out.
Maybe the Dark Lords paranoia wasn't as ill-placed as Malfoy had assumed it to be. Maybe the
churches did have contact with the Order. Malfoy had thought the idea was ludicrous when his
master had suggested it, but there was clearly some truth in it.
Malfoy waved the Deluminator over the priests face. "Where did you get this?" His silence wasn't
appreciated, so Malfoy placed his boot against the man's sternum and pressed down. "Answer my
question." He bore down harder, hearing something crack under the pressure. "Who-" he dug his
heel down a little more, "-gave-" more pressure, "-you-" another crack, "-this?"
The priest coughed and spluttered, covering Malfoy's boot with more blood. He could have spoken,
but he shook his head, refusing. Still defiant.
So, Malfoy growled, pressed his wand against the priests' temples and entered his mind. Because
he was a muggle with no magical ability whatsoever, Draco was able to comb through his
memories easily, quickly see through years of his life in just a few short minutes.
He watched the effects of the war in fast forward, and found that the priest life was just as
repetitive now as it was before the war. He saw how his routine changed from busy Sunday
Services and weddings, to hiding in the derelict church and taking in any poor souls who happened
to need shelter.
It was all very boring, until a week ago, when two wizards had entered the church and asked if
they could take shelter. The priest agreed, and the next morning, before the wizards left they gave
him a Deluminator as a 'thank you' for his kindness.
Malfoy replayed the memory a second time. And then a third. The encounter itself wasn't too
incriminating, it could have been a coincidence, but the time around the memory was tampered
with. There were patches of lost time.
Only small pieces, five minutes here and there, just tiny pockets of missing time. Malfoy would
have missed it if he wasn't looking so closely. But the evidence was clear, the priests' memory had
been altered.
Maybe he'd seen something he shouldn't have? The Order wouldn't have had the heart to kill him,
but perhaps they'd erased his memories instead? Maybe they were covering their tracks? Or
protecting him? Whatever the reason was, it was highly unlikely Malfoy - or anyone within the
Dark Lords ranks - would be able to retrieve the memories. It was rare that memory erasing charms
failed - Grangers parents just happened to be very, very unlucky - and only the witch or wizard that
cast them had any hope of ever undoing them.
So, with no more information to give, the priest was no longer useful. One sharp wave of Malfoy's
wand was all it took to pull the priest's heart from his body and send it flying across the room.
As he gargled on his last breath, Malfoy stepped back, drew a deep breath and closed his eyes. He
tilted his head towards the ceiling and pushed his hair out of his eyes as he exhaled.
Although Malfoy hadn't been able to get any evidence of Potter's location, one thing was clear; The
Order had a connection with the churches.
"The lake. The gun. The church. Four. It's all connected,” Blaise had said earlier today. "Like
loose edges of a fabric. I can see it. I just can't see what pulls them all together.”
Did the Order somehow know about Blaise's visions? Did they think the churches were linked to
Voldemort's downfall? Were they searching them, too? Maybe one of their own Seers had had a
similar vision, and they were decoding it to try and secure the Orders victory rather than the Dark
It was a possibility. Many Seers in the past had reported having similar visions of the same event
right before it happened.
But if Blaise was right about that vision - if others Seers had seen it too - then maybe he was right
about Astoria. And if he was right about Astoria, then maybe he was right about Granger's
execution -
Malfoy pushed the thought aside as quickly as it had sprung to life, letting it slide off the icy walls
before it could do any real damage.
That was the problem with this type of Occlumency. It was a fucking fantastic bit of magic,
powerful, but this level of numbness couldn't be held for long periods of time. It required absolute
concentration, and something as simple as a panicked thought could cause a fracture that zipped
across the ice until it brought the whole structure down.
He couldn't afford to crumble, the others were counting on him. His family were counting on him.
And Malfoy just had to hope he could keep it together until the Dark Lord dismissed them.
He quickly glanced at the clock on the wall. It had taken him too long to extract the information,
almost two and a half hours.
He sighed heavily and walked over to where Nott was still curled up against the wall. He kneeled
down and took Notts face in his hands. "How are you holding up?"
Nott didn't answer, didn't even look at Malfoy. He was still staring at his feet while his breath left
him in panicked little rasps.
"I need you to stay in here for a few minutes while I go over my findings with the Dark Lord. Then
we can go home."
For a few moments, Malfoy didn't move. He hadn't seen Theo have a panic attack like this in years,
and he hardly recognised him now.
He couldn't let the Dark Lord see him like this. Although he doubted Voldemort would look at
Theo long enough to see the desperation in his eyes, if Theo left this room without a spec of blood
on him, they would be fucked.
If the bloodthirsty soldier - the man who wore blood and guts around his neck as though they were
medals - left an interrogation spotless, Voldemort would get suspicious. And they didn't have time
to stay behind and answer unnecessary questions.
If they were going to get out of this Cathedral quickly, Malfoy needed to be thorough. He could
leave nothing to chance.
So, he straightened from his crouch and stood over the priest's body once more. He dipped both his
hands and wand into the blood that was flowing around the corpse, and then walked back over to
Nott didn't even flinch as Malfoy used his hands to wipe blood over Theo's robes. Wasn't so much
as a hitch in his breath as Malfoy flicked his wand over Theo's face and splattered it with blood,
making it look like he'd been standing close by when the priest was injured, close enough to be the
one who cast the slicing hexes.
"I need you to stay in here for about twenty minutes while I share my results with the Dark Lord,”
Malfoy explained quietly, keeping his voice barely above a whisper. "And then I need you to come
and join us so we can Apparate home. Can you do that?"
Theo managed a small nod. It was the tiniest movement, but it was there.
When Malfoy left the interrogation room, he found the Dark Lord waiting for him. He was sat on
his throne, an urgent expression on his face and nails tapping against the armrest.
Barty Crouch Jr was smiling in front of Voldemort, with the Mustang standing close beside him.
She was wearing another lavish silk gown. Sleeveless, low neckline and a large slit up the side that
Malfoy was sure Barty had put there himself. She twisted uncomfortably against Crouch, but he
just dug his fingers tighter into her arm, preventing her from escaping.
She watched Malfoy closely as he approached. Her inquisitive green eyes darting from the blood
on his robes, the blood dripping from his wand, and eventually landing on his cold eyes.
Crouch cast Malfoy a sideways glare before he answered him. "Not that it is any of your concern,
Malfoy, but I am hosting an event tonight, and the Dark Lord has graciously agreed to grant me
more jewels for this one to wear."
"Have you finished with the interrogation?" Voldemort asked when Malfoy bowed respectfully in
front of him, dismissing Barty with a wave of his hand.
"Yes, my Lord, and it proved to be quite useful," Malfoy said. "Once Nott got his hands on him, the
poor bloke sang like a canary. You know hostages tend to crumble whenever he's involved."
Before Voldemort could disclose any further information, Blaise appeared from his own
interrogation room. He quickly joined Malfoy's side and bowed towards his master.
"Ah, what perfect timing." Voldemort almost smiled. "Please, gentlemen, tell me what you have
"I found this on the priests' belt." Malfoy held up the Deluminator and offered it to the Dark Lord.
"After Theodore loosened his tongue, he told us this that he had been visited by two wizards a little
over a week ago," Malfoy said, Occlumency allowing him to keep his tone strong and confident,
concealing the lie. "He said they took refuge in the church and gave him this Deluminator as
thanks. I searched his memories afterwards to confirm, and although it is true, his memory appears
to have been tampered with so we don't know anything more.”
"My own hostage revealed a very similar account, my Lord,” Blaise said, reaching into his own
robes and pulling out another Deluminator. "The priest I interrogated revealed that two people
entered his own church a few days ago. A man and a woman. Although he did not know them, he
offered them a bed each to rest for the night, and they also gave him a Deluminator. They said he
should use it to hide in darkness, should anyone come into the church looking for them.”
Blaise eyed Malfoy carefully and nodded. "Yes. Only small amounts over the hours he hosted the
witch wizard."
"They have erased their memories?" Barty asked. "Why would they erase such small pieces? My
Lord, perhaps you should let me speak to the hostages and I can-"
"That will not be possible, Jr," Malfoy said. "You know Theodore's methods of interrogation are
ruthless. Although he was able to get the prisoner to speak, the levels he had to go to achieve that
goal were too much for the muggle's body. He croaked shortly after I clarified his story was
"My hostage is similar, my Lord," Blaise added. "Although he is still alive, the lengths I pushed his
psyche to get the confession snapped his mind beyond repair. I'm afraid he will be no more use to
"That is to be expected," Voldemort sighed and massaged his temple with one hand. "They are
muggles after all. They are so much weaker than us, both in body and in mind, it is to be expected
that they would crumble when faced with such advanced methods of torture. Thank you, Draco,
Blaise, you have served me very well today."
The doors to one of the interrogation rooms opened, and Theo sullenly joined Draco and Blaise's
sides. Although his eyes were downcast on the floor, the Dark Lord didn't seem to notice, he was
too busy admiring the blood on Theo's robes.
Going over their findings with the Dark Lord was painful and drawn out, like pulling fucking teeth.
And it was only made worse by Barty being there.
He wanted to know every detail, every word the priests had uttered, where the churches were, and
vivid accounts of the items inside the churches. His constant questions and theorising aloud
seemed to irritate the Dark Lord so much that after fifteen minutes, he ordered that Barty take any
jewel he wanted for his doll and leave. Immediately.
The Mustang - whose eyes had been locked on Theo from the moment he entered the cathedral -
stared at Nott until the very moment Crouch apparated them away.
With the distraction gone, Voldemort continued to direct the next stages of his plan, and the longer
he forced them to stay in the cathedral, the more Malfoy could feel his Occlumency walls start to
fail him. His resolve was weakening. With the priest dead and the information extracted, he had
nothing to distract himself with. No task to focus his frustration on. No victim to force screams out
of and pull his mind away from what was - or wasn't - happening at the manor.
It had been almost four hours since Romy had told them of Astoria's accident, far longer than
Malfoy would have liked, and the Dark Lord just kept fucking talking, going over the details again
and again so he could better direct his next move.
Malfoy had to fold his hands behind his back to disguise the way they started to tremble. He took
deep breaths through his nose, trying to calm his mind on the exhale and refocus his occlumency.
Reinforce the walls.
None of it fucking worked. Splinters had already formed in the ice. Faint hairline fractures, but
they were there. Their existence undeniable and impossible to remedy.
Five hours after Romy and Quinzel's intrusion, the three of them were finally dismissed, and they
apparated back to the manor with a violent crack. The sound of them reappearing on the estate was
like a bomb detonating. It scorched the grass and left a dent in the earth as they materialised out of
thin air.
As soon as they were back on the estate, safe and away from prying eyes, the calmness they'd
clung to disappeared, and the three of them sprinted into the house.
They skidded to a stop briefly when they made it through the kitchen and into the ground-floor
hallway. The staircase was drenched in blood, an unnatural amount was smeared around the base of
the stairs and crusting between the tiles.
This was where Astoria must have fallen, and seeing it was far worse than anything Malfoy could
have imagined. There was just ... too much blood.
The first definitive crack appeared in Malfoy's Occlumency wall. Not a fracture like the others.
This was deep and stretched high across the ice.
They only stared at the mess of blood for a second or two before they started running again. They
took the steps two at a time, three at a time. Malfoy could hardly hear anything else through the
roaring of blood in his ears.
His heart started to beat faster. The ice thinned as the cracks zipped higher, deeper. Fear crept back
into his veins.
All things he hadn't allowed himself to think about before, all the things his occlumency had
shielded him from, started to bleed through the cracks, making it harder to breathe or think clearly.
What if they were too late? What if Granger hadn't been able to save her? What if she was already
dead? Would Blaise be able to keep it together if she were? Would Theo crumple seeing her body?
Would Malfoy?
The second story landing was something torn straight from a horror novel. There was blood
everywhere. Red handprints were smeared on the wall and messy streaks were on the floorboards,
like a body had been dragged across it - but they ignored it. They ignored it all and just kept
running. Following the trail of blood through the manor.
Another crack in the wall. A deep fissure that popped and cracked the ice around it. The wall
wouldn't hold much longer. His emotions started haemorrhaging to the surface faster, becoming
stronger, more real. He could feel fear creeping back into his veins and guilt starting to weigh on
his chest again.
Please be alive, was all Malfoy could think. Please be alive. Please, please, please be alive.
The blood lead to Astoria and Blaise's bedroom, and despite the way Blaise swung the door open
aggressively, they all froze when they saw her. Them. Together. Curled up in Astoria's bed like
they were sisters.
The room was a mess. The same blood trail was stained across the wooden floorboards and
stretched all the way into Blaise and Astoria's bathroom where it eventually disappeared. Beside
the bed, there was a mess of blooded fabric. Probably the clothes that Astoria had been wearing.
Granger was sat up straight with her back leaning against the wooden headboard, eyes closed and
chin tilted towards the ceiling. Her hair was piled on top of her head, loose curls stuck out in every
direction while others clung to her forehead.
Astoria's head was resting in Granger's lap, and she had an arm draped over Astoria's back, almost
lovingly, like she'd been rubbing her back, soothing her to rest before sleep had eventually found
her as well.
Although Astoria's arms were clean as they wrapped around Granger's hip, there were flecks of
blood across Granger's face and hair. Either too tired to clean herself up, or unwilling to leave
Astoria's side.
And Astoria ... she wasn't moving. Her skin was grey, more corpse-like than Malfoy had ever seen
it, and she was deathly still.
"No, no, please no,” Blaise whispered quietly, voice thick and almost unrecognisable. "She looks
"Dead,” Theo said, having finally found his voice again. "Astoria looks like she's dead."
The realisation caused the last crack in his occlumency walls - the final nail in the coffin - and just
as the wall fell, just as the tidal wave of emotions he'd been suppressing pulled Malfoy under,
Granger opened her eyes.
Empty Graves
16th May
The first thing Hermione saw when she opened her eyes was Malfoy's face, and for some reason,
she couldn't seem to look away from him.
In all her years of warfare, in all the battlefields she'd fought on, she didn't think she'd ever seen
anyone look so desperate, so utterly fucking lost and vulnerable that it made her stomach twist and
her chest feel empty. She'd never seen him look so ... open. It was almost scary to see him like that.
To see the way his hand shook as he clutched his chest. The distraught look on his face. And his
eyes, the clearest, ocean blue she'd ever seen. His walls were down, and it made him look so much
The tension in the air was palpable and heavy, weighing down on the bedroom like a fog, and for
the longest time, no one said a word. The Death Eaters just stared, their eyes flickering from
Hermione, to the head in her lap, and then back to Hermione again.
"Is Astoria .." Blaise whispered, and the way his voice broke was enough to tear Hermione's
attention from Malfoy - for a moment. "Is she ... ?"
Although he was speaking to Hermione, his eyes were locked on his wife, looking for a tiny rise of
her chest or flutter of her lashes. Desperate to see a sign of life.
Out of the three of them, Blaise understandably looked the worst. He looked almost insane with
guilt. The image of a man who would open the balcony doors and happily throw himself over the
edge if Hermione didn't give him the answer he wanted.
"She's alright,” she answered quickly, her own voice hoarse and thick with exhaustion. "I managed
to slow the bleeding and get her stable shortly after Romy and Quinzel left to get the three of you.”
As soon as Hermione said it out loud, a wave of relief swept through the room.
Theo exhaled loudly like he'd been punched in the stomach. He leaned against the doorframe for
support, like the relief he felt had liquified his bones and he could no longer stand on his own.
Blaise's hand flew to his mouth to quiet his sob of relief and his eyes glazed over with tears.
Malfoy just stood in the doorway staring at Hermione. Unmoving. As still as the Renaissance
paintings she often thought he resembled. She couldn't be sure if he was even breathing.
"She'll need plenty of rest and blood replenishing potions - but after a few healing charms she'll be
"How did you ...?" Blaise whispered as he took a cautious step closer. "You don't have magic ... "
"The muggle way. She split the back of her head open when she fell. I haven't managed to close the
wound - you'll need to do that with magic as soon as possible - but I did slow the bleeding by
ripping a piece of my dress off and using it as a compress." Hermione's eyes flickered down to the
blonde head in her lap, and she started drawing circles across her back, avoiding Blaise's eyes. "But
she was unconscious and so cold from the amount of blood she'd lost. She would have died if I
didn't get her warm, and I suspected she'd have had a spare blood replenishing potion in your room
in case of emergencies.” She jutted her chin towards the empty bottle on the floor, confirming her
suspicion was correct. "I don't have magic so I couldn't levitate her, but I didn't dare leave her to
fetch a blanket and check your room, so I had to drag her up here.”
The sharp hitch in Blaise's breath made her flinch slightly, expecting him to hex her for not being
so delicate with his wife.
"I suspect she'll have some minor bruises and scratches along her back, " Hermione rushed through
the words, wanting to make it abundantly clear to Blaise that everything she'd done was in Astoria's
interest, "and you may want to cast some healing charms on them when you heal her skull, just to
be safe. I'm sorry, but it couldn't be helped-"
"Of course, I completely understand," Blaise said, and although his voice was muffled by his hand,
it lacked the malice Hermione had expected to hear in it. "I don't care what you had to do, the
important thing is that my wife is alive - because of you."
Blaise walked towards the bed slowly, cautiously, the way a person would approach a wounded
animal. Once he reached Hermione's side of the bed, he dropped to his knees and broke down. The
tears he'd been bravely holding back rushed down his cheeks. He took Astoria's left hand in both of
his and kissed her wedding ring, her knuckles, her fingers, every inch of her skin that he could
"Thank you," Blaise sobbed, clutching Astoria's hand as though it were the single most important
thing in his life. "Thank you, Hermione.” Another kiss to her knuckles. "Thank you for saving her."
A kiss to her ring finger. "I don't know what I would have done if she - "
He cut himself off with another quiet sob. He glanced up at Hermione, and that spiteful expression
he usually wore when he looked at her was gone. That disgusted curl of his lip had vanished. He
stared at her now with nothing but tears on his face and sincere gratitude.
Hermione smiled back at him before she cradled Astoria's head in both hands and carefully laid it
on the pillow beside her. Once she'd shuffled out of bed, Blaise took her place beside his wife, and
as Hermione got to her feet, Malfoy and Theo marched out the room.
Hermione had no idea what possessed her to follow them. The two Death Eaters didn't appear to
notice her. They weren't speaking, didn't even acknowledge one another when Theo veered off
towards the kitchen and Malfoy carried on towards his own wing of the manor.
Hermione followed Malfoy down the halls and through the manor, all the way to his bedroom. She
stopped just outside the door. He'd left it wide open, something he'd never done before, and
Hermione kept her feet just on the threshold as she peeked inside.
She wasn't surprised to see that his room was the largest on the estate. She wasn't surprised by the
dark emerald paint on the walls, or the large dark oak four-poster bed, or even the two huge lancet
windows that framed either side.
No, what did surprise her, however, was the way she found Malfoy. Hunched over, one hand
clutching a poster of his bed while the other roughly ran through his hair.
"Fuck - I'm sorry," she heard him mutter, almost hiss it through gritted teeth. Even his voice didn't
sound the same. "I'm so sorry, Daph. She almost - fuck!"
He straightened suddenly and stood tall. His entire body looked like it was shaking, and she
watched from the doorway as he pulled his robes and shirt over his head and tossed them aside.
Thin rays of fading orange sunlight streaked through the windows, casting interesting shadows
across the broad planes on the skin of his back and the dagger that was tucked into his belt. It was
the same dagger that had been tucked into his towel the night she'd kissed him. The same one she'd
tried to stab him with.
"What do you want, Granger?" The sharpness in his voice made her jump. Her head snapped up to
find him glaring at her through the window's reflection.
I wanted to see if you were alright, was what she wanted to say - but she didn't. Swallowed the
words instead, forced them back down along with the strange thickness that had formed in her
throat, and just glared back at him.
"You seemed off your game. Distracted," she lied, making her eyes flicker to the dagger at his
back. "Thought I might take advantage. Stab you in the back while your mind was elsewhere, so to
"I shouldn't have expected anything less from you.” Despite the clear blue of his eyes, his tone was
vicious, forced. "I suppose it was silly of me to think a lion would have the fucking compassion to
not strike when its prey is distracted. You always do like to kick me when I'm down."
"Maybe so, but I'd wager that a lion still has more compassion than a Demon has," she said, still
holding his gaze as she stepped into his room.
His brow furrowed in the window. "You aren't supposed to be able to enter my room."
"I know. I asked Romy and Quinzel to take the wards off each bedroom before they left to fetch
you. I thought there might be something in one of your rooms that could help save Astoria. I
wanted to have every possible resource available. Just in case."
Malfoy glared at her for a moment longer before he shook his head and conjured a bottle of
whiskey. He removed the cork with a flick of his wand and took a large swig. He'd barely paused to
swallow before he took another. And then another. While he drank himself into a coma, Hermione
looked past his reflection, and watched Theo storm across the grounds and disappear into the
"That unmarked grave that Nott always visits - that's where Daphne Greengrass is buried, isn't it?"
His answer caught Hermione off guard, and her eyes snapped back to his reflection. "I know it's
Daphne's grave, I worked it out weeks ago, so there's no point in lying about it.”
"You're right, the headstone is for Daphne." Malfoy paused briefly to take another swig of
whiskey. "But she's not buried there."
"What do you-"
"What exactly do you think happens when you betray the Dark Lord, hmm?" Malfoy spun around
to face her, and the expression he wore forced Hermione to cringe away slightly. "Do you think it's
just a slap on the wrist? A public execution and that's the end of it?"
Despite the menacing lilt that was creeping into his voice, his eyes were still blue and startlingly
"Do you honestly think he lets loved ones bury the bodies of their relatives if they've been declared
a traitor?" He took another slow step towards her, teeth bared and voice a vicious snarl, but his
eyes gave him away. Because without his occlumency walls to hide behind, she could see the fear
in them, could see the scared little boy that hid behind the horns.
He was trying to frighten her, trying to scare her off before he said the wrong thing, so naturally,
Hermione rooted herself in the spot.
Malfoy flinched when she asked the question. He tried to hide it, tried to shrug it off and mask it by
jabbing his tongue on the inside of his cheek, but she'd already noticed it. She could almost see the
struggle in him, the need to remain cold and cruel wrestling with the desire to just let go.
"Malfoy, after Voldemort had Daphne killed," Hermione asked slowly, holding his eyes and
willing him to be honest, vulnerable, just this once, "what did he do with her body?"
"After the execution, after he hacked away at her and pulled every fucking - " He squeezed his
eyes closed and ground his teeth together, trying to hold himself back. "He gave her body to
Greyback's pack. Just like he did my fathers body after he executed him." Malfoy smothered his
face with his hand like he couldn't believe what he was saying. He squeezed his eyes even tighter
and dug his nails into his temples, reddening the pale skin there. The bottle of whiskey rattled
against his silver rings as he trembled. "And just like he did my mothers body."
Malfoy drew a deep breath, trying to compose himself, and dragged his hand into his hair. He held
it there and opened his eyes. His jaw was tight, but the corners of his eyes were glistening,
brimming with tears, desperately clinging onto his control. "If you betray the Dark Lord, that's it.
There are no second chances. He loves sending a message to his followers, and you know what the
message is here? Traitors are worthless to him, and if anyone is foolish enough to try, he’ll feed
them to the fucking wolves.”
"Malfoy, I - " Hermione started to whisper, but words suddenly failed her. She didn't know what to
say, nothing seemed enough. Every thought she had was suddenly eclipsed with howls and images
of werewolves fighting over a corpse with dark blonde hair.
Voldemort wouldn't have made Malfoy watch that too. Would he?
"I serve him because I thought it would keep the rest of my family safe,” Malfoy whispered
hoarsely, almost a sob. "Before her execution, I visited Daphne in her cell and she made me swear
to stay loyal and look after the others. So I thought that if I did whatever he asked and killed
everyone he asked me to, he would never let anything happen to them-" He dropped his face back
into his hand, and it took everything in Hermione not to reach for him. "And then today - when
Romy told us what had happened to Astoria - all I could think about was Daphne and how I let her
down and I couldn't..." He turned away from Hermione and stared out the window, trying to hide
from her, but she could still see his reflection in the glass, and the broken look on his face made her
chest twist painfully. "He wouldn't let us leave and there was nothing I could do. He wouldn't - I
"I'm sorry, Draco,” Hermione whispered, her own voice not nearly as strong as it had been minutes
ago. "I'm so sorry he wouldn't let you leave. It must have been awful not knowing if Astoria was
still alive or not."
She finally reached for him, meaning to comfort, but as soon as her hand grazed the cold skin on
his back, Malfoy whirled around and threw the whiskey bottle at the wall. It smashed on impact,
leaving a dent in the wall and the smell of whiskey whirling around the room.
"Oh, fuck off Granger! Would you just fuck off!" he snarled, all teeth and rage. "Why can't you just
leave me alone! Why do you always have to be there!"
"Fuck me? Fuck you!" She stepped away from him and pressed her back against the wall. "You
were in pain so I was trying to help you, you narcissistic arsehole!"
"You think you know me all of a sudden?!" He placed a hand on either side of her and sealed her
against the wall. "You think that just because you opened your legs, just because I've been inside
you, that you know me?!"
She tried to slap him on instinct, but he caught her wrist. She tried to punch him with her free arm,
but he caught that one too and then pinned both her arms above her head. "Let go of me, Malfoy!"
"Oh, we're back to 'Malfoy' again, are we? Make up your mind, mudblood."
"Why do you always lash out like this? Why is it whenever I think there might be something
decent in you, a sliver of something vulnerable and good, you go and do this?" Hermione fought to
pull her wrist free and glared up at him. "What happened to you to make you this cruel?!"
"I'm cruel because I have to be! I'm cruel because it's the only way I know to keep the others safe!
You want to see why I'm the way I am? You want to see my demons, Granger? Well fine! Have it
your way then!"
And then, with a vicious snarl and his hands vibrating with rage, Malfoy grabbed Hermione's face,
muttered a spell she'd never heard of - a kind of reverse Legilimency - and pulled her into his mind.
The air whirled around them both and the floor vanished underneath their feet. There was a flash of
bright light, so blinding that Hermione had to close her eyes to shield herself from it, and when she
opened her eyes again, she wasn't in Malfoy's room anymore.
They'd materialised on the East side of his estate. She recognised it from the tall rose bushes, in
full bloom and charmed to be slightly different shades.
His eyes flickered down to hers, but another voice answered for him.
"You need to breathe," said another voice. The one on the other side of the rose bushes. She
recognised it instantly. It was Malfoy's voice, but it was lighter, younger. It lacked the growl and
grittiness he'd gained with age.
"I know."
Without really thinking about it, Hermione followed the voices. Malfoy walked closely behind her,
and when they appeared on the other side of the rose bush, Hermione skidded to a stop.
Because Daphne Greengrass was sat on a bench - Hermione's favourite bench - clutching her left
forearm, with a younger version of Malfoy standing in front of her. They both looked very young,
seventeen, eighteen at the very most.
Despite the way Daphne's eyes were squeezed closed and her face was scrunched up in pain, she
looked the mirror image of Astoria.
"It hurts! It - eughhhh!" Daphne smacked her fist against the arm of the bench, presumably trying
to distract herself from whatever pain was plaguing her arm. "How can you stand it?"
The younger version of Malfoy scoffed. There was a tiny dragon with black scales curled around
his shoulder. It was no bigger than a small cat and flashing barely-there fangs at Daphne.
"Patience and practice."
Daphne opened one eye enough to glare at both of them. "You're fucking with me, aren't you?"
"No.” Both versions of Malfoy smiled. "Patience to get used to the dark magic, and practice at
managing the pain."
Although her brown eyes were swimming with tears, Daphne was smiling, flashing those same
dimples her younger sister often wore. "You know neither of those are my strong suit, right?"
"Yes. I do.”
And then Daphne laughed - a ridiculous snort of a laugh that made the younger Malfoy laugh too.
The Malfoy beside her chuckled quietly, and Hermione couldn't help but smile.
"Cheers - I needed that." Daphne smiled and finally removed her hand from her forearm to reveal
the Dark Mark festering against her skin, so fresh it looked like the snake was still moving. "Feels
like it's been so long since I laughed like that. I've been such a miserable bitch lately."
"Oh really? You don't say?" the young Malfoy teased, and Daphne gasped and flicked her leg out
playfully to try and kick him.
Despite him stepping over her leg and dodging her kick easily, Narcissa took offence. The tiny
beast hissed and flapped her little wings furiously. She reared her head back and opened her
mouth, but when she exhaled, only little sparks of fire ignited before they sizzled and died out
The young Malfoy and Daphne stared at the tiny dragon in disbelief. She shook her head slightly, a
little dazed, and there was a second of bewildered silence before Daphne and the younger version
of Malfoy erupted into laughter.
The sight of Malfoy like that, so carefree and hunched over laughing caused a strange warmth to
spread over Hermione's chest. Hermione didn't think she'd ever seen Malfoy so at ease with
anyone. Not with Blaise, Crabbe or Goyle in their Hogwarts days. Not even with Theo or Astoria,
who Hermione had realised were his closest friends.
She'd always thought his friendship with Astoria was sibling-like, but his friendship with Daphne
seemed to be so much more. Deeper. There was no romantic attraction between them, that much
was clear, but their bond was more playful than his and Astoria's. Malfoy was completely at ease
with her. Relaxed. He wasn't hovering protectively over Daphne, wasn't watching her every move
like an over baring older brother. He wasn't looking at her like she might shatter at the slightest
No, he and Daphne were equals. At ease with one another. Best friends in every sense of the word.
"The little fucker!" Daphne howled. "She tried to burn me! She actually tried to burn me!"
"Oh don't take it personally, Daph," Malfoy tried to say, but he struggled to get the words out
through his laughter. "She doesn't like anyone. She bit Theo yesterday and nearly took his finger
"Of course he didn't,” the young Malfoy chuckled. "He wants to appear masculine and protective
to you, not someone who almost lost a bloody finger to a tiny reptile."
"Be careful little Miss." Daphne waved her finger Narcissa, which only made her hiss at Daphne
and curl her tail protectively around Malfoy's neck. "At the moment I'm still bigger than you are,
and I've been itching for some new dragon leather shoes."
Narcissa - apparently already very intelligent despite her hatchling state - tried to roar and breathe
fire again, but it came out as more of a smoke-filled yelp, which only added to Malfoy and
Daphne's laughter.
"I've never seen you like this," Hermione said to the Malfoy beside her.
"Like what?"
"This - "
"Ridiculous? Childish?"
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, and she noticed him twisting the ring on his pinkie finger. He
scoffed and shook his head, and his eyes flickered back to watch Daphne and his younger self.
After a few more seconds, Hermione did the same, and she watched as the young Malfoy placed his
hand against his throat, allowing the tiny dragon to clamber onto his palm. He petted her gently
before he transfigured a nearby rose into a rat and encouraged her to glide after it, practicing
"I would stop with the remarks about dragon leather shoes if I were you," Malfoy said. "In nine
months she'll be big enough to eat you in one bite.”
Daphne raised her chin high in the air and put on a fake, Shakespearean accent. "At which time I
shall apologise profusely and bring her as many goats and cows as she wants, lest her eat me
The younger Malfoy laughed again, but as his gaze followed the direction his dragon was gliding
in, his face slowly grew sombre. Daphne's own expression fell when she noticed it, seeing
something that wasn't clear to Hermione.
"You alright, blondie?" she asked, dimples disappearing and smile twisting into a frown.
"Oh yeah mate, I'm just fucking perfect," Malfoy huffed and shook his head, suddenly looking and
sounding a lot more like his older double. "It's been a few bloody weeks since the battle of
Hogwarts, and in that time, both my parents have been executed, we've been drafted into a war we
have no fucking business fighting in, and almost all of our friends have been forced to take the
Dark Mark. So yeah, I'm doing fabulous, thanks for asking."
Daphne stared at him for a few moments, and then she sighed and patted the empty space on the
bench next to her.
"I was just ranting, Daph. I don't want to talk about it.”
"Well tough tittie," she snapped, tapping her manicured nails against the bench in a way that left
no room for arguments. "Sit your skinny arse down. Now."
He muttered a few profanities under his breath, but he did as she asked and settled himself on the
bench beside her, even if he did stare at the house with his arms folded across his chest. Closed off.
"The Dark Lord would have demanded Blaise and Theo take the mark eventually," Daphne
hushed, "It was a brilliant idea to get them to offer to take it themselves. It shows their 'devotion'.
Hopefully, he'll develop a soft spot for them because they were so willing to swear themselves to
him. It's another layer of protection we can't afford to miss."
"They shouldn't have to take it at all!" the younger version of Malfoy growled, grinding his teeth
together. "If I'd of done a better job and killed Dumbledore then we wouldn't be in this -"
Daphne raised her hand to silence him. "That's not your fault and I won't have you blame yourself
again. I took the mark to protect Astoria. I knew that if I offered my arm willingly, he wouldn't ask
Astoria to take it.”
The younger version of Malfoy started bouncing his knee nervously, but he nodded.
"Blaise took it for the same reason," Daphne continued. "But he also thinks that if he's loyal
enough, the Dark Lord may give him access to the scrolls in his vault, and there may be something
there we can use to help with her illness.”
"I told him not to take the mark but he wouldn't listen."
"I know. But he's ... he's not cut out for this, Draco. He's not ... strong enough for this." Daphne
flinched slightly. "He's not a killer like me and you. The Dark Lord asked him to torture Ollivander
yesterday and he could barely do that"
"No, he won't,” Daphne voice suddenly grew hoarse. "You didn't see him, Draco. It took him half
an hour to conjure even a weak torture curse, and he threw up as soon as the Dark Lord left. You
know Theo. He's soft. Gentle. I doubt he'd even be able to harm a fucking pixie if the Dark Lord
ordered him to, so Salazar knows how he's going to Avada someone he knows."
Hermione's brow furrowed. They couldn't be talking about the same Theo, could they?
Theo had always been quiet when they were at school. The type of student who kept his head in
books and eyes down in class, but he was ruthless now. A cold-blooded killer. In some ways, he
was more dangerous than Malfoy was. Hermione had assumed Theo changed as soon as the war
had started. That his first kill had unlocked something in him, uncaged the murderer, and he'd been
on a blood-soaked rampage ever since.
But the way Daphne's lip was trembling, the way tears were gathering in her eyes hinted at
something else.
Was Hermione wrong? Had there been something else that set him on this murderous path?
But what could make someone turn so cruel and dangerous overnight? What could break someone
so entirely, that one day the thought of harming another being made them vomit, and the next
allow them to play with decapitated heads like they were nothing more than toys?
Daphne closed her eyes and drew a deep, shaking breath. "It's our job to protect the others, Draco.
I'm the oldest, but you're the strongest."
Suddenly, a loud scream of pain cut through the quiet. Daphne lurched to her feet, eyes wide and
panicked -
But Malfoy caught her wrist before she could move. "You need to leave Theo be, Daphne. You
can't interfere while he's taking the Dark Mark.”
"But he-" Daphne winced when Theo howled in pain again. She stared at the house and rubbed the
heel of her hand against her chest. "He's in pain. He needs me. He needs-"
"What he needs," Malfoy said sternly, pulling on her wrist, "is for you be calm, not get in the way
while he takes his mark, and be there for him afterwards."
Slowly, reluctantly, Daphne allowed Malfoy to pull her back down on the bench. He wrapped an
arm around her shoulder and Daphne tucked her head under his chin, nestling herself against his
"We need to be strong and stick together. That's the only way we're all going to get through this
war alive," Malfoy whispered into Daphne's hair. "No matter what happens, it's our job to do that.
To be there for the others and make sure they're safe."
Daphne nodded, but she buried herself further into Draco's neck when Theo started screaming
again. "We need to be the ones who make the difficult choices, and do the things the others can't."
The way they were curled together, arms wrapped around the other and both flinching every time
Theo screamed was one of the most heart-breaking things Hermione had ever seen. They were both
terrified, both far too young to bare such a weight on their shoulders, and yet they were doing it
Seventeen, with no one else to turn to but each other. Left with no one else to protect them, so they
were forced to bear the burden themselves.
"If Voldemort asks us to cut someone's head off," Daphne tried to say calmly, but her voice broke,
"you hold the fucker down, and I'll swing the axe.”
Malfoy nodded, and his arms wound tighter around her body.
Another scream. Another flinch from Daphne and Malfoy. Another lash around Hermione's heart.
There was another flash of light, and the next thing Hermione saw was Malfoy. But he wasn't the
modern version she knew. He was twenty, maybe twenty-one, and stood next to Blaise and Theo
and Astoria, in the middle of Nottingham city centre.
Astoria's hair was brown. A soft, chocolate brown that trailed down to the base of her spine and
tangled in Malfoy's arms as he tried to hold her steady -
Then Hermione realised where she was, what he was showing her.
"No! No! I don't want to see this again," Hermione hissed and spun to face Malfoy, putting her
back to the stage she knew was behind her. The arena that held Daphne's murder. "Did you hear
me? I said I don't want to see this. Take me back."
"You want to know me, Granger?" Malfoys blue eyes glistened, and his voice trembled as much as
his jaw did. "You want to know what makes me tick? What drives me to do the depraved and awful
things I do daily? Well here it is, soak it all up.”
She could hear everything. Heard every swing of the axe as it was brought down on Daphne's
back. Heard her ribs be snapped and her gargled screams of agony. And Astoria's muffled sobs as
she was forced to watch her sister be mutilated.
She heard it all, but she didn't look. Instead, she kept her eyes on Malfoy, watching every emotion
fly across his blue eyes. Heartbreak. Pain. Devastation.
Quickly, the memory twisted again. And another flash of light transformed the city centre into a
room Hermione didn't recognise.
It looked like it could be on Malfoy's estate. It was a very similar size and shape to a lot of the
rooms in his house. It had the same décor, the windows were the same shape, and the layout
looked to be a mirror image of Blaise and Astoria bedroom. But the room was a mess. It looked
like it had been ransacked and stripped bare. Bedsheets were thrown aside and broken pictures
frames were scattered across the floor.
Suddenly, Astoria bound into the room. Tears and mascara smudges strained her face and her long
brown hair was a tangled mess. She was wearing the same black dress she'd worn to Daphne's
execution. This memory must have been later that evening. The aftermath.
She stormed across the room sobbing. Her fingers shook terribly as she reached the large
wardrobe doors and swung them open. But when she saw that there was nothing inside, bare
except for a few empty coat-hangers, Astoria dropped to her knees and screamed.
Younger versions of Malfoy, Theo and Blaise all ran into the room, and Blaise immediately flew to
Astoria's side, dropped to his knees and pulled her into his arms.
"It's alright," Blaise cooed, stroking her head and trying to soothe her. "It's alright, darling. It's
"N- no. No, it's not... " Astoria sobbed. "They've taken ... e-everything. E-everything is ... g-gone.”
"What-" Hermione paused to swallow the lump in her throat. "What does she mean?"
The Malfoy beside her clenched his jaw. "Exactly what she said. When Daphne died, they took
Hermione really didn't want to watch, but she couldn't help herself. She looked around the room,
trying to understand. Her eyes zoomed in on the picture frames. They were empty. The silver
frames broken and glass shattered, with no image in the centre.
Whoever had destroyed this room had taken them. It seemed like such an odd thing to steal. It
didn't make sense, so Hermione tried again. There were no curtains in this room. No bedsheets. No
lampshades or candles. Nothing that made a bedroom feel homely and personal.
As Astoria sobbed, Theo looked around the room in bewilderment. He picked up one of the empty
picture frames, sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at it. He looked so empty. Defeated.
"No, it's not!" Astoria pushed Blaise away and lurched to her feet. "You don't understand! They've
taken it all! Her clothes! Her jewellery! It's the same in every room! They took it all! Even the
bedsheets that smell like her!"
"They've taken all the pictures of her, too," Theo whispered, eyes dead as he stared at the empty
frame in his hand. "Every single picture of Daphne is gone."
"If the Dark Lord is one thing, it's thorough," the older Malfoy said. "While he executed Daphne,
he had other generals come to the house and take all her things." He wasn't looking at her while he
spoke, but Hermione couldn't take her eyes off him. He looked in so much pain, she swore she saw
tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. "Everything she ever owned. Everything she ever
touched was gone," Malfoy whispered, watching Astoria sob and break down again. "We weren't
allowed to bury her, and we weren't allowed to keep any reminders of her either. He wanted to
make it as though she never existed."
Of all the punishments Hermione could ever imagine Voldemort delivering, this had to be the
worst. He didn't just execute Daphne, didn't just force her closest friends and family to watch her
be mutilated, he erased her from their lives completely. Keepsakes of the dead were important.
Sacred to those left behind. How could Voldemort be so cruel as to take them away?
Before Hermione's capture, on days when she missed her parents, the only thing that got her
through her grief was to wrap herself in one of her fathers' old jumpers or spray herself with a tiny
drop of her mothers' perfume. Smothering herself with a memory of them because they weren't
there to hold her themselves.
Losing a person was one thing, but having every trace of them stolen from your life, having no
pictures to glance at when you missed them was devastating. Almost unbearable to think about. It
was no wonder Malfoy wanted to do everything in his power to protect the others from ever having
to feel that again.
"What if I forget what she looks like!?" Astoria sobbed and clutched her stomach. "I don't have any
pictures of her anymore! What if one day I wake up and I forget what my own sister looks like!"
Suddenly, Astoria grabbed a large piece of broken glass from a picture frame and ran into the
bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror, a sudden fierce determination etching itself onto her
face, before she grabbed the left side of her hair with her free hand, placed the sharp edge of the
glass against her hair, and started slicing.
Tears slid down her face as she watched herself in the mirror. She gripped the shard tightly, too
tight, the broken glass cutting into her hand as she roughly cut her hair off at shoulder length - the
same length Daphne's was when she executed. Blood gathered around Astoria's hand and slipped
down her wrists. Large chunks of brown hair floated to the floor and into the sink.
And as Astoria cried and bled and hacked away at her hair, Malfoy was the only one who wasn't
paralyzed with fear. He tried to stop her, tried to pry the glass out of her hand while Blaise froze
up and watched in horror, and Theo just stared at the empty picture frame in his hands. But Astoria
couldn't be stopped.
"No! Just let me do it!" was all she kept screaming as Malfoy tried to pull her out of the bathroom.
"Just let me do it! I need to- I need to see-"
Eventually, Malfoy let her continue, but he hovered over her. Watching every slight twist of her
wrist and inching closer every time the blade was level with her throat. Close enough to snatch the
glass out of her hand if she decided to hurt herself with it.
When she was done, when her brown hair was cut jaggedly around her shoulders, Astoria let go of
the glass and grabbed her wand. She cried her way through an incantation and tapped the edge of
her wand against her temple. Her hair was enveloped in a pale light before it changed from
chocolate brown to dark blonde.
Astoria gasped quietly at her reflection. It wasn't the exact same shade as Daphne's hair - she must
have perfected the spell over time - but it was very close.
Astoria drew a deep breath and stared at herself in the mirror. She ran her fingers through her
new blonde hair, and despite the tears staining her face and the red blotches under her eyes, the
resemblance to Daphne was remarkable.
The air shifted a final time, and the bright light brought Hermione back into Malfoy's bedroom.
She stared at him in silent horror. She couldn't believe what she'd just seen, what unbelievable
weight he'd been carrying on his shoulders since his parents had been killed, and it had only
increased tenfold since Daphne died.
"Now do you understand why I have to do the things I do?! It's for them!" Malfoy hissed, hands
still trembling and holding her face. "Because Daphne and I were the only ones who could keep it
together! We were the only ones who were strong enough to protect the others, and then she died,
and now it's all up to me!"
Hermione's heart was thumping violently in her chest, threatening to shatter with each painful beat.
"Because Blaise is clever and cunning, but he's so fucking obsessed with trying to find a cure for
Astoria - a cure that doesn't fucking exist - that he makes mistakes! He gets sloppy, misses
meetings and skips raids, and if I wasn't there to pick up the slack, the Dark Lord would slit his
throat for being so fucking inconsistent!"
Hermione couldn't speak. Couldn't breathe. All she could do was listen and watch Malfoy's
emotions erupted out of him in a way she never thought possible.
"Astoria is so busy chasing the ghost of her sister in her reflection, she doesn’t care that death is
trying to find her! So I have to make sure that the Dark Lord doesn't find out about her curse!" he
roared, eyes still burning into hers. "And although Theo has grown into the most ruthless killer I've
ever known, he's so fucking swallowed up by his grief that he doesn't think anymore! Doesn't
listen! Not to me, not to anyone! He just goes around killing everyone who looks at him the wrong
way because it's the only way he knows how to feel something! And it only takes one ignored
command, one act of rebellion, and the Dark Lord will kill him! Unless I cover for him! Unless I
climbed the ranks so I could hide his fucking mistakes and hope the Dark Lord doesn't figure out
that he's out of control!"
The pain in Malfoy's eyes. The way his hands shook. The way his voice trembled and broke off
like he was holding himself back from tears. It was all too much.
"You think I don't feel guilty about those I've butchered? Do you think it doesn't fucking tear me
apart to think about what I've done to everyone else? To you?!" His body looked like it was
vibrating as the mixture of anger and pain he never allowed himself to feel wrecked it's way
through his muscles. "Well, I do! Without my Occlumency, I feel it all! I'm drowning in guilt, little
lion, and it's all your fault! You came along and stomped your way across my walls until they
shattered, and now I can't rebuild them anymore! I can't block it out the way I used to be able to!
And it's all. Your. Fault!"
His hands tightened around her face but she felt no pain. It was like he wanted to hurt her, but
couldn't quite bring himself to do it.
"When I go to sleep, I see the heads of those I've killed rolling across the fucking floor. I hear
screams of the people I've tortured, begging for their lives. I hear it all. Over and over again." He
pressed his forehead against hers and his eyes scrunched up like he was in pain. "But it doesn't
matter. I can't stop killing for him because if I do, he'll replace me and then who will look after my
family?! Daphne was so much better at this than me, but she's gone now, so there's no one else!"
Suddenly, Malfoy took both her hands in his and wrapped them around his own neck. "So go on,
Granger, tell me that none of it makes a fucking difference! Tell me that it doesn't erase the
horrendous things I've done, and that you're still going to try and kill me tomorrow!"
He squeezed his fingers, making hers constrict around his throat, guiding her to suffocate him.
"Try and kill me again! Go on! Try it! I fucking dare you! Because I promise, as long as my family
need me, you will never - ever - be able to kill me! I will do whatever I need to to keep them safe! I
don't care if it damns me to hell, I don't care if it shreds my soul into tiny little fucking pieces to do
it, I will always keep them safe! Always!"
Hermione felt frozen. She had her hands wrapped around his throat, nails digging into the neck of
the most vicious killer in Voldemort's army - and she couldn't fucking squeeze. Couldn't will her
muscles to contract and move and crush his windpipe like she knew she should.
Because it wasn't the Demon Mask she was staring at. It wasn't the man who'd butchered
thousands and burned entire towns without an ounce of remorse.
She was staring at Draco, Dr Jekyll. The one whose eyes were so clear and blue she could see the
guilt and the pain written in every fleck of his irises. The one who'd sacrificed everything, sold his
soul to keep the ones he loved safe, and proved that he and Hermione were more alike than she
ever realised.
She'd done unspeakable things to protect her family, too. The first time she killed was to protect
others she cared about. The first time she ever lost control of her rage and went on a murderous
spree was when she tortured and butchered her parents' killers. She'd killed and tortured and
damned herself to keep The Order safe, just like he had. Malfoy had said months ago that they
were alike, and he was right.
He protected his own, and so did she, but not without remorse. She carried that guilt around with
her like a scar, and apparently, so did he.
They were so different in blood and upbringing, on different sides of the same war and facing
opposite directions, but more alike than either of them ever expected. So instead of attacking him,
she did the thing she never imagined she'd do.
Call it an instinct or a moment of weakness. Call it her bleeding Gryffindor heart that hated to see
someone so broken. It didn't matter. What mattered was that he was in pain, and it was the only
way she could think of to fix it. A band-aid, a temporary remedy, but a remedy nonetheless.
He flinched away from her at first, probably expected her to hit him again, probably thought it was
a trick and was waiting for the moment she reached for the dagger at his back and tried to stab him
with it. Again.
Her hands were still around his neck, so she used them to drag him closer. She moved her lips
carefully against his, and slowly - so fucking slowly - the ice around him thawed and he kissed her
He wrapped his arms around her back and he hugged her against his chest. He kissed her gently,
tenderly, unsure, just the faintest pressure of his lips against hers. He kissed her again and again
and again, but he never tried to take it further. His hands didn't roam her body or try to undress her.
He just held her close, crushing her against his chest like he was trying to absorb her.
It was different to the other kisses they'd shared. It wasn't all teeth and bites and scratches. It was
slow, soft, and felt a thousand times more intimate.
Eventually, when her lungs burned and her cheeks ached, she pulled away, but she kept her hands
around his neck, unwilling to let go of him just yet.
"Why did you do that?" he panted softly and rested his forehead against hers.
"I thought you still wanted to kill me?" he asked, blasting cold air against her face, even as his arms
tightened around her back and pulled her just that fraction closer.
"I do, but it's a lot harder to fantasize about stabbing you in the heart when I can see the reason
why it's so broken.”
Olive branch
4th June
Astoria's recovery didn't happen overnight. It took two days before she opened her eyes, and a
further three before she was able to sit up in bed without any assistance.
Despite the vast amounts of potions Blaise brought her and the hours and hours he spent casting -
casting, and then recasting - restorative charms, the healing process was cruelly slow. The problem
was her illness. It was as though the wretched blood curse absorbed all the charms and potions for
itself and only left her body with the scraps.
Blaise knew this, and despite the elves continually assuring him that Astoria would be fine, that it
would just take time, he refused to sleep until she could tell him so herself. He imported expensive
ingredients and exotic potions from abroad, and insisted the elves drop all their other chores and
focus on brewing potions. Hermione offered to help, but Quinzel would just say the elves would do
it better, faster, and then shoo Hermione out of the room.
And although Astoria insisted she was on the mend, Blaise still hovered around her and carried her
from their bed whenever she needed to bathe or use the bathroom. He could barely stand to be
more than a foot away from her. They couldn't bring in healers without raising suspicions, so he
took on every aspect of the role himself. He looked exhausted, but he never complained, not once.
Theo and Malfoy were no different. They visited Astoria's bedside multiple times a day - although,
on the seventh day, when Theo tried to sneak Astoria a 'special cigarette' that he insisted would
help with any pain she may be feeling, Blaise banned him from visiting her further.
Unlike the boys, Astoria seemed rather unfazed by her near brush with death. Although her
husband and the elves demanded she stay in bed to rest, and although she'd been forced to swap her
expensive gowns for silk dressing gowns and bedwear, Astoria was undeterred.
In the mornings, she would wake groggy and weak, drink her potions, and then she would boss the
Death Eaters around from the comfort of her bed with a smile on her face and her appearance
glamoured to perfection.
He hardly left the manor - and although he seemed to be called on assignments every few days, he
never took Hermione with him. Whether she wasn't needed on those missions or he was simply
making excuses not to take her, Hermione wasn't sure. But she hadn't been under the Demon Hex
for almost three weeks, and she was silently grateful for the reprieve. Even if it was only
Ordinarily, when they weren't on missions together, he kept his distance from Hermione. It almost
seemed like he went out of his way to avoid her. He either spent his free time with his dragon,
walking Astoria around the estate, or locked away in his room.
With Astoria mostly bed-bound, Hermione found herself spending an awful lot of time in Astoria's
room. She brought her flowers from the garden and helped the elves bring Astoria's meals and pots
of tea. She sat with her for hours and hours, just prattling on about none sense and keeping the
blonde company, and Malfoy often joined them.
Five days after Astoria's accident, minutes after Hermione had wheeled the silver tea trolley into
Astoria's room, Malfoy had knocked and walked inside. He'd froze when he saw Hermione sitting
at the edge of Astoria's bed, both with a cup of tea in their hands. She had expected him to turn
around and leave, but surprisingly, he conjured himself a cup, made himself a drink, and took a seat
by the window.
The first time it had happened, Hermione assumed it was a fluke. A one-off.
But then a pattern started to emerge. Each day, at around three in the afternoon, Malfoy would
knock, enter Astoria's room with an empty mug in his hand, nod to Hermione as he made himself a
cup, and then sit in the chair.
He never said a word when he was there. He just sat in the same armchair, mug in his hands, and
looked out the window while the girls chatted casually. Never contributing to the conversation, just
Hermione glanced at the small clock on Astoria's bedside table. It was almost quarter past five in
the afternoon, and he wasn't here. The first time he'd missed this little routine in weeks, and it
bothered her probably more than it should have.
"So what do you think? Should I wear the red dress to the gala next week," Astoria asked, "or the
green one?"
Hermione quirked a brow. "You almost died Astoria, do you really think you should be going to
Gala's so soon-"
"Yes, yes - I know. I banged my head and almost bled to death. It was all very dramatic," Astoria
sighed in mock horror - making fun of how close she'd been to joining her sister- and shook her
head. "You needn't worry - you saved me and in a week I'll be perfectly fine again."
Hermione pursed her lips and took a slow look at the blonde. In truth, she looked radiant. Her hair
was perfect and her nails were polished. Her cheeks were artificially flushed and her lips painted a
soft pink. but Hermione knew it was all a façade. Astoria was still dying, and no amount of
cosmetics or glamour charms would change that.
"So," Astoria encouraged, jutting her chin in the direction of the two elaborate ballgowns hanging
from her wardrobe doors. "Which dress do you think is the prettiest?"
Hermione sighed and walked to the wardrobe doors to examine the gowns. She ran her fingers
carefully over the expensive fabric. They were both incredibly intricate and heavily embraided with
tiny diamonds that Hermione was sure were real.
"They're both beautiful, I couldn't possibly say. You go to these sorts of things all the time, I'm sure
you know which is more appropriate," and when Astoria threw her a displeased look, Hermione
added with a smile, "But honestly, how is it that we're in the middle of a war, and your biggest
problem is which dress to wear at a party?"
"Gala,” Astoria corrected, coyly pointing her nose high in the air and smiling so brightly her
dimples reappeared. "And I know. You must think me terribly vain and selfish.”
"Actually," Hermione laughed quietly as she re-joined Astoria on the edge of the bed, "I admire
that you refuse to let it get in the way of your fun."
"Well, we must latch onto happiness wherever we find it.” Astoria smiled, eyes twinkling in that
way Hermione now knew was signature to the Greengrass sisters. "Because we don't know how
long we will have in this life."
Now that Hermione had spent a little time around Daphne, now she'd seen the version of the older
Greengrass that the Death Eaters knew, she found Astoria resembled her much more than she ever
realised. It wasn't just the physical resemblance; their similarity ran so much deeper. They both just
seemed to radiate warmth and ease. Their smiles were infectious to those around them, and they
both had the type of laughs that made everyone else chuckle, casting an illusion that everything
was going to be alright.
And Hermione couldn't help the way her chest tightened slightly when she looked at Astoria's hair,
now she knew the reason behind it.
Hermione shook her head slightly and looked away, and her eye zeroed in on the small spatter of
faded blood on Astoria's cream wall, right beside her door. It was just a tiny mark, a few flecks of
blood that were either missed by the cleaning charms used to wipe the memory of her accident
away, or had soaked too far into the paint to be removed.
"Why is that stain still there?" Hermione asked. "I thought Blaise cleaned every inch of this room
himself with charms."
Astoria was quiet for a few moments before she answered. "He did - but I asked him to leave those
marks on the wall."
The blonde shrugged, but a sly smile was tugging at the edges of her pink painted lips. "Well, I
was hoping you might cover it with one of your murals."
"I know you're struggling with inspiration at the moment,” Astoria encouraged, "but you haven't
been on a mission for a couple of weeks, and I was hoping the break from the Hex might have
allowed the creative juices to flow again. Please. I love the paintings on your wall, and I hoped you
might create something for me. There are some gorgeous flowers around the estate, you can take
inspiration from them? You could paint me something with roses and lilies and doves and all those
wonderful sorts of things-"
Their conversation was interrupted by three delicate knocks on the door, and seconds later, Blaise
entered the room with Romy pushing the little tea trolley closely behind him.
"Darling." Blaise bent and placed a kiss on Astorias cheek, then he turned and nodded awkwardly
in Hermione's general direction.
"Hello, Miss Astoria," Romy said, his happy chirp almost completely masking Zabini's
awkwardness. "Hello, Miss Hermione. Romy cannot stay long. He is to go to the market and get
ingredients for dinner today. He is going to make cottage pie and roast potatoes. He hopes that is
alright with everyone."
"Of course he's making roast bloody potatoes." Blaise rolled his eyes and started preparing the tea.
Hermione noticed there were only two mugs.
Romy disappeared with a quiet crack, and as Hermione got to her feet, Astoria slipped the thick
duvet off her. Perhaps she'd been intending to walk Hermione to the door, but as she tried to get out
of bed, Blaise reached out to stop her.
"Darling, I love you more than anything in this world," Astoria said sternly as she swatted his arm
away, "but I swear on Salazar's grave - if you don't stop treating me like I'm made of glass I'm
going to beat you to death with my pink fur slippers."
Blaise was unable to keep the shock off his face, but he took a step back and started pouring the
"Right, well ... I'll make myself disappear then," Hermione said quietly. "I'll see what I can do
about your wall, but I'm not promising anything."
Astoria's face lit up with excitement. "Oh, thank you, Hermione! You'll do an amazing job, I just
know it!" she beamed, flashing a smile that made her look even more like her sister. "Let me know
what colour paints you want, brushes, overalls, anything you need is yours! Oh, Blaise, how
wonderful is it that Hermione will be painting us a mural for our room?"
Blaise nodded in acknowledgement, but he kept his head down, apparently busy preparing the tea
even though he'd added sugar and been stirring the same mug for almost a minute. Although he'd
softened to Hermione, uncomfortable energy radiated around him, so Hermione took that as her cue
to leave.
"Oh, and Hermione? The lilies I like are near the Venomous Tentacular plant. So if you do happen
to run into Malfoy while you're there," Astoria smiled as Blaise handed her a mug, "be careful that
if you do end up arguing, be sure to move somewhere else before you fuck him. Alright?"
Hermione's cheeks flamed with her blush. "I still don't know why I told you about that."
"Don't worry, everyone tends to tell me things they ought not to,” Astoria added with a wink. "It's
all part of my charm."
"Wait,” Blaise said suddenly, making her pause mid-step. He looked at her thoughtfully for a
moment, pursing his lips, before he conjured what looked like a silver travel mug and poured in
some tea. "Sugar?" he asked, eyes down.
Hermione suddenly forgot how to speak. "Erm ... yes. One, please."
Blaise nodded, and while he added a generous amount of milk and sugar, Astoria and Hermione
exchanged a bewildered look at one another. When he was finished, he put the lid on the steaming
mug and held it out in front of Hermione.
"Thank you,” she said quietly, awkwardly taking the mug from his outstretched hand.
"It's quite alright," Blaise answered as he took his seat on the edge of Astoria's bed. "Hermione."
She gasped quietly, a little stunned. He'd used her name. Since she'd arrived, Zabini had only ever
used one term for her, 'Mudblood'. He often went to great lengths to show her how much he
despised her, how little he thought of her.
He'd been taught for years that her kind were vermin, lesser, no more civilized than animals. Yet
she'd managed to save his wife without the aid of magic, managed to keep the most important
person in his life alive with those same methods that were apparently 'beneath him'.
And then Hermione realised that maybe the cup of tea wasn't just a cup of tea at all. It was a peace
offering. An olive branch. The apology she never expected.
Hermione threw Astoria one last confused glance - to which Astoria shrugged - and then left the
room in a sort of bewildered haze.
When Hermione closed the door behind her, Blaise found his wife smiling at him.
"That was very nice of you. Thank you. I appreciate you being kinder to her."
"She saved your life - I could give her every galleon in my vault and it would never repay that
debt," Blaise huffed sarcastically. "I hardly think making her a cup of tea is anything to write home
"I know, but I know her saving me has changed the way you think about her. I know it's going to
take a little longer for you to trust her completely, but I do appreciate you making the effort. She's
important to me.” Astoria paused to blow on her mug. "And although he's not quite ready to admit
it yet, she's important to Draco, too."
Her husband stared at her for a few seconds before a knowing look flashed across his face. "You
sent Hermione into the gardens on purpose."
Blaise's brows furrowed in that adorable way Astoria loved - when he knew she was scheming and
doing something she shouldn't, but he hadn't quite worked out what it was, yet. "You know Malfoy
will be back soon."
Astoria watched him from over the top of her mug and took her first sip.
"You know he took Narcissa out to hunt and stretch her wings," he added slowly, putting the pieces
together, "and you know she always lands on the field on the Southside of the estate. Where the
Venomous Tentacular plant is,” his eyes narrowed at her, "which is right next to the lilies you've
just sent Hermione to look at.”
He stared at her a moment longer before he started chuckling. "You are - without a doubt - the
most beautiful and devious witch I have ever met.”
"And that is why you are so utterly obsessed and in love with me.” Astoria kissed the tip of his
nose, but as she leaned back and took another sip of her tea, she was struck with an odd thought.
"Aren't you supposed to be on assignment right now?"
"The Dark Lord changed my schedule, he's dropped me from almost every guard duty for the next
month," Blaise sighed. "He thinks that if I'm more well-rested, I may have more visions that can
help him win the war.”
Astoria made a displeased face. "That's ridiculous. You can't manufacture premonitions of the
future, they appear to you naturally. You can't rush these things -"
"I know, darling." He reached out with his free hand and cupped her face, gently rubbing his
thumb across her cheek. "But if it means he's allowing me to spend more time at home with you,
then I'm not going to correct him. Now, I only have until seven o'clock before I'm required at York
Cathedral, and I intend to have you bathed and slowly fucked into nirvana before I leave. Twice."
Her husband quirked a teasing brow. "What? You said you wanted me to stop treating you like
you're made of glass, didn't you? Now drink up, take off your clothes, and get in the bath."
Although the mug almost slipped from her hands through shock, Astoria had never downed a drink
quicker in her entire life.
Astoria was right, the lilies on this part of the estate were lovely. So vibrant and beautiful that they
almost demanded inspiration be drawn from them.
Hermione had just finished picking a few different ones to use as a possible colour palette when the
wind picked up unexpectedly, and despite there not being a single cloud in the sky, the plants she'd
been admiring were suddenly covered with a black shadow.
She stepped back as Narcissa landed on the grass with a thud. She was much closer to Hermione
than she would have liked, close enough she could feel the warmth of her scales. It prickled across
Hermione's skin, reminding her of a different sort of flame. The one that had melted her skin to the
bone in Voldemort's premonition and was still clinging to her, even weeks later. A reminder she
didn't want to have. A ghost that second exorcism didn't seem to get rid of.
Narcissa lowered her neck and left shoulder to the ground, and Malfoy elegantly dismounted the
enormous dragon as though it were the easiest thing in the world.
Although he was dressed entirely in black, he wasn't wearing his Death Eater uniform. Instead, he
wore fitted trousers, leather boots that stretched up to his knees and fingerless gloves and gauntlets.
There was a wand holster on his left bicep and he wore a shirt that was pushed up to his elbows.
The top few buttons of his shirt were left undone, giving her a clear view of the wedding rings and
chain around his neck. They were riding clothes, but they reminded Hermione of his old Quidditch
uniform without the Slytherin green robes.
He petted Narcissa gently on the shoulder, but his dragon wasn't paying him any attention. She was
looking at Hermione.
Narcissa had the corpse of a horse clutched between the talons of her hind leg, and she squeezed
the body as she growled at Hermione. She started to approach Hermione slowly, teeth bared and a
slow hissing sound radiating from the centre of her chest. The ground shuddered with every step
she took. The air got hotter and hotter as she drew nearer. The uncomfortable heat in Hermione's
skin prickled and increased.
Hermione tried to back away, but a fresh wave of panic shot through her when her back connected
with a wooden fence - the one that sectioned off the Venomous Tentacular plant. She was trapped,
and the dragon just kept advancing.
"Malfoy, what is she doing?" Although quiet, the terror in her voice was clear, unmistakable.
"How can I not fucking panic when she's looking at me like she wants to use my bones to clean her
Narcissa pressed her snout against Hermione's stomach and pushed her against the fence. Although
it was somewhat gentle, burning panic swept through Hermione like she'd been injected with it.
The dragon inhaled deeply and nudged her, but the low growling sound she made vibrated through
Hermione and fuelled her terror.
She needed her hands free so she could defend herself, so immediately, she dropped the flowers
she’d picked and her mug of tea. Her palms burned as she pressed them against the beast's hot
scales and pushed. She tried with every ounce of strength she had, but the dragon didn't seem to
feel it. She just nudged Hermione again, her snout heating Hermione's skin through her clothes like
having warm coals laid on her stomach.
The vision Voldemort showed her came screaming back to life in her imagination. Being trapped
and tied to a post. Unable to move and the heat rising and fire burning her skin. Like her nightmare
had been made real.
Hermione had been on more battlefields and almost died more times than she could ever count, but
she didn't think she'd ever been so terrified.
The dragons' teeth were inches away from her skin, her stomach, her vital organs. Just one bite and
she'd snap Hermione in half like she was nothing. Her mouth - the mouth that could breathe fire
and melt tanks and burn the blood in her veins, just like it had in Voldemort's vision-
"Malfoy, make her stop!" she almost screamed, squeezing her eyes closed and feeling herself start
to shake. "Please, get her away from me!"
Malfoy snapped his fingers and whistled sharply, and immediately, Narcissa backed away several
Hermione took a deep, shuddering breath and turned around, hiding her face. Despite no longer
being pinned to the fence, she didn't feel relief the way she'd expected to. Her hands shook as she
held the wooden fence for support.
"Do I look like I'm fucking alright?!" Her teeth chattered as she ground them together. "I can still
feel Voldemort's magic crawling inside me. And the vision he showed me - the flames she burned
me with, the fire- it all just came flooding back to me.”
She had no idea why she was telling him this. She hadn't meant to. She'd been dealing with it on
her own since Voldemort had been inside her head. Privately running herself a freezing cold bath
when she woke in the middle of the night to nightmares of being burned alive, or pacing the halls
over and over to distract her from scratching her wrists raw and trying to bleed that awful magic out
of her veins.
"I had the evilest wizard of all time poking around in my head showing me how I'm going to die,
and I'm trapped here being forced to kill my friends against my will," she laughed bitterly. "I think
a few lingering effects of his dark magic are the least of my worries right now."
She saw him twisting the ring on his pinkie finger. "Do you feel these after-effects all the time?"
"No, not always. It comes and it goes in waves. I feel it particularly strongly when I'm stressed or
angry ... or scared. Like its latching onto those emotions and feeding them - I don't know, it's not
Malfoy reached for her again, but she took a step back and turned away from him.
"It was all just a little too much. Just give me a moment and I'll be fine."
It took several deep breaths through her nose to quell the panic, and when she finally turned
around, Malfoy was staring at her.
Narcissa was a still few feet away, sat on her back legs and watching Hermione curiously. She had
her enormous head tilted to the side and there was an undeniable intelligence flashing behind her
ruby coloured eyes. It was unnerving, the way the dragon was looking at her. A burning curiosity
that made Hermione ... uncomfortable. She flexed her claws and the body she was holding
Hermione quickly looked back at Malfoy and started talking, needing a distraction. "Why didn't
you join me and Astoria today?"
Malfoy blinked, clearly a little taken back by her abrupt question. "Narcissa needed to hunt and I
wanted to get some fresh air. I apologise." His expression grew a lot more open, bordering on
teasing, and that's when she noticed his eyes. A mixture of blue and grey. Walls half up. "I didn't
realise my absence would be that missed."
"It wasn't," Hermione snapped quickly, tone a little harsher than was convincing. "It was just an
Malfoy rolled his tongue across his bottom teeth, thoroughly amused. "I see. Well, I suppose if you
missed me that much-"
" -then you'll have no objection to joining me on a little mission this evening.”
"What mission?"
"The Dark Lord is ordering us to investigate all the churches in the country that have a bell tower."
"Because of the vision he showed me?" Hermione asked, and Malfoy's blue-grey eyes flickered.
He nodded. "Yes - because some of the things that particular Seer showed him turned out to be
true, he wants every aspect of their recent visions investigating, just to be safe."
"Because the next church that needs investigating on the list is in Hampstead Garden Suburb."
"I'm going there tonight, and I thought you might want to join me.”
"It is,” Hermione confirmed with a bitter edge. "Your friends destroyed it when they picked up my
parents. I went back once with Harry to collect some personal items, just photos and odd bits of my
mum and dads, but the whole town is destroyed. Most of the buildings are completely torn down,
one of the only things left standing-"
"Is the church," Malfoy cut in. "I know. So do you want to come with me, or not?"
"You want to put me in those horrible Death Eater robes, put me under the Hex and take me back
to my childhood home so I can, what? Investigate an abandoned church and butcher any poor soul
who happens to be hiding there because I have no control of myself while I'm under the Hex?"
Hermione scoffed and shook her head. "No, thank you. I'd rather stay here and let Theo saw my
head off and use it as a bowling ball."
"I wouldn't put you under the hex," he said quickly, almost angrily, as his eyes flickered down over
the white summer dress Astoria had given her. "And what you're wearing now is fine.”
Hermione eyed him curiously and took a step back, growing wearier, more unsure by the second.
"Like you said, the area is abandoned, so there's no need for you to be under the hex. It will only be
the two of us, and as you well know, I'm more than capable of disintegrating anyone who might
threaten us."
"Because I thought you might want to see your childhood home."
"But why?"
"For Salazar's sake Granger! Because the only times you've left this house in six months have been
when you've been under the Hex to butcher people, so I thought you might actually like to breathe
a little fresh air when you're not fucking murderous!" he growled and pinched the bridge of his
nose. "Fuck sake, I try and do something nice for you and you make it so bloody difficult -"
"When do we leave?"
Malfoy dropped his hand and stared at her. "You're agreeing to go with me?"
"Yes," she said. "But only if you answer me one question, and you answer honestly."
"You saved Astoria." His brows narrowed in suspicion. "You did something nice for me. I thought
it was only fair if I did the same, but don't get any ideas about trying to escape. It will only be the
two of us, you won't have a wand or magic, and if you even think about doing a runner, I will chain
you up, throw you over my shoulder and carry you back to this house myself. Understand?"
Just as Hermione nodded, the ground shuddered like it was being struck with a small earthquake.
Narcissa had torn a back leg from her horse corpse, and she was crawling towards Hermione with
it dripping between her teeth. She dropped the appendage with an audible squelch at Hermione's
She gasped and stepped back, and then the huge dragon dropped her head to the floor, rested the tip
of her snout against the blood-drenched leg, and gently nudged it towards Hermione. "What-"
Hermione started, stunned and confused. "What is she doing?"
Malfoy watched the dragon closely, and when she nudged the body towards Hermione again and
started making quiet little clicking noises, he smiled. "She's trying to apologise to you," he said,
running his hand across her cheek. "She thinks she upset you earlier when she was trying to smell
you, and this is her way of saying 'sorry'.”
"Because you smell like me. She could smell me on you." Malfoy looked at her again, and his eyes
flashed with something primal. Something almost ... possessive. "And inside you.”
The way he spoke, the growl in his voice, it made Hermione's toes curl and her stomach twist.
"She doesn't like anyone besides me, she never has - but she likes you. So as far as she's concerned,
you're under her protection. And that probably makes you the safest witch in the country."
4th June
7:34 pm
"Welcome, Zabini," Voldemort said. "So glad you could join me this evening. I trust your wife is
well and in good health?"
"My apologies for my lateness, my Lord." Blaise bowed his head respectfully as he spoke. "And
yes, she is quite well, and she's looking forward to attending your next Gala in the coming weeks."
When Blaise straightened, Voldemort was staring at him intently, eagerly. "Have there been any
more visions that you wish to report?"
"None yet - but hopefully I see something soon that will aid your victory."
Voldemort's hand tightened around the elder wand in annoyance, but eventually, he sighed and
nodded. "Of course, I suppose it was foolish of me to expect you would see something else so
quickly. I trust you are doing everything in your power to bring the visions forward, and I eagerly
await the next one you see."
"Of course." Blaise bowed his head again. "How can I be of service to you this evening?"
"There is an Order member detained in the dungeons that require your special skills," Voldemort
answered. His voice had dropped the adoration it had been dripping in when Blaise had entered the
cathedral. "There is something that requires my urgent attention. I need to leave and will not be
contactable for the next few hours.” His eyes flickered back to Blaise's. "But whatever he tells you,
do not share it with anyone. Keep it to yourself until I or one of my Demons are available. There is
a spy among us, and until we can weed them out, the circle of those I trust is small. Do you
"Excellent." Voldemort spun his wand, preparing to Apparate. "Do whatever you need to to get
him to talk. Use any tool or method - I do not care what you have to do, but I expect results from
you, Zabini."
The hostage turned out to be Wesley Greenford, a Hufflepuff Blaise remembered from Hogwarts,
but he looked rather different now. He had dirty blonde hair that was scraped into a bun, and he
had traded in his glasses for tattoos and a much broader frame. But as much as his outward
appearance had changed, he still liked to talk. A lot.
In the two hours that Blaise had been interrogating him, he'd used every technique imaginable to
try and earn his release.
He'd used threats, which rewarded him with a Crucio to the knees.
He'd used flattery, to which Blaise repaid him by tightening the chains around his body,
suffocating him to the point he almost passed out.
He'd even tried his hand at persuasion, offering his interrogator the ten thousand galleons he had
stashed away, as though Blaise didn't have twelve lucrative estates - and even a fucking castle -
signed to his name.
Yes, Wesley talked and talked and talked, but it was never anything useful. Never anything even
remotely interesting and useable - so Blaise was forced to get more ... creative.
Wesley screamed and thrashed against the chair he was bound to as Blaise waved his wand across
the back of his skull for a fifth time. Blaise had started experimenting when the clock read half-
past nine in the evening, trialling the use of sound waves for torture, and the results were starting
to blossom.
"Please, please!" Wesley begged as blood trickled from his ears and down the sides of his face. He
was growing more unsteady in his chair with every new curse Blaise was casting. If he weren't
chained to the backrest, Blaise was sure that Wesley would topple over any moment. "No more I
can't I can't do anymore ... just let me go, please mate. You don't want to hurt me, not really. We
went to school together - I let you copy my Charms homework once - "
Apparently, his survival techniques had sunk so low as to turn to guilt-tripping, dragging up the
past and hoping to somehow appeal to his interrogators' hidden morality.
"And you think dragging up ancient history is going to get me to let you go?" Blaise quirked a
brow. "Oh, how utterly pathetic you've gotten.”
"Please, Zabini," Wesley choked and his entire body shook as he dropped his head towards his
chest. "You're wasting your time with me. Just let me go.”
"I don't know anything ... please - there's nothing ... I can't think-" Wesley started to sob loudly,
annoyingly, and his broken little cries dragged on Blaise's nerves like a child strumming all the
strings on a violin at once.
But all hope wasn't lost yet - because as Wesley's cries reached a higher level, and as Blaise
dragged a hand down his face and grit his teeth together, inspiration struck.
"Look, Greenford, I'll make you deal. If you tell me something worthwhile, I promise I will not kill
you,” Blaise said softly, as delicately as he could while the huge slab of muscle wailed like a
toddler. "I will even release you from this chair. How does that sound to you?"
Wesley knew something, Blaise was sure of it. Could tell by the way he bit his tongue every time
he cast another hex. Could tell by the way he was hiding his face, looking in every direction other
than Blaise's, like he was terrified that if Blaise looked into his eyes he would give something
"It's strange, isn't it? How something as simple as sound waves can do so much damage," Zabini
said, making Wesley flinch. "You see, it's all about vibrations. These spells I'm using are
manipulating the vibrations and frequencies in your head. It's scrambling your brain with sound
waves, quite literally liquifying it. I imagine it's absolute agony for you, and it's only going to get
worse the longer I continue."
Wesley whimpered and tried to pull away from Blaise, but the restraints prevented him from
getting far.
"It's quite easy to control once you've had a little practice. And it gives me a lovely choice. I can
kill you with it.” He tapped his wand against Wesley's ear sharply, hard, making him cry out. "Or I
can keep you alive for hours and hours in this agony, which I will do,” he dragged his wand to the
edge of Wesley's ear, making him wince again, "if you don't talk to me.”
Wesley shook his head and clenched his jaw. He squeezed his eyes closed, and his entire body
tensed as Blaise brought his wand back to his left ear.
"Alright then, well don't say I didn't warn you." Blaise cast another curse - stronger this time - and
the effects were instant. It was almost alarming the way Wesley's body reacted. He started
convulsing, vomiting on the spot. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and blood poured from
his ears and nose like water from a faucet.
It was grotesque, disgusting beyond measure, but it did the trick. Cracked Wesley open like glass
bottle, and when Blaise stopped the spell, secrets just began to pour out of him.
"Alright, alright! I do know something! But please, please don't kill me if I tell you!" Wesley
pleaded. "I know ... that Potter has something planned ... there's an attack in the next few days, but
I don't know where-"
"That's not good enough." He tapped his wand against Wesley's temples again, threatening him.
"What else?"
"... They ... they're looking for Horcruxes! They know there's more, and they're tracking them
down one by one-"
"We already know that," Blaise hissed. "Give me something useful," he dug his wand in harder
and the poor bloke practically squealed and jumped out his chair, "or I'll use that spell again, and
we'll see how far your eyes will roll back when I turn up the pressure-"
Blaise narrowed his eyes but didn't lower his wand, kept it pressed against Wesley's ear like a
loaded gun. "A meeting between who?"
"There's a spy!" Wesley gasped, desperately trying to catch his breath while he had the chance.
"There's a spy on your side! Medusa! They're meeting someone from the Order tonight!"
"Where?!" Blaise's heart started to beat quicker. His chest tightened with elation. "When?!"
"Quarter past ten!" Wesley choked and winced in pain. "London Underground ... Camden Town
tube station!"
This was it. The break the Death Eaters needed. The information they'd been dying to get their
hands on. Blaise couldn't believe his fucking luck.
"Yes! Yes, I'm sure! I was there when Potter got the letter to set it up! It's happening tonight! I'm
sure of it!"
Blaise sharply pushed his robes aside and pulled out his silver pocket watch. It was eleven minutes
past ten. The meeting would be taking place in just four minutes.
Panic started to bubble in his chest. He wasn't prepared for this. Had no fucking clue what to do
next. He didn't have time - he didn't-
His thoughts started to come quicker, different scenarios flashed behind his eyes as panic started to
take over.
But he didn't have time to panic. He needed to think clearly. Quickly. So, he did what he always did
when he was under pressure. He stepped back, drew a deep breath, and straightened his robes
while he worked through his scattered thoughts.
The goal was simple; intercept the spy and kill them before the meeting. Stop the leak at its source,
and swing the war back in the Dark Lord's favour.
He pulled his sleeves and aligned the seams with the stitching on his gloves.
The problem? His master had made it very clear that he wasn't contactable for the next few hours,
and Blaise was not to tell another soul about the information he'd learned.
The meeting was taking place in three minutes. The only people Voldemort would trust with this
information was Malfoy and Bellatrix, and there wasn't enough time to get the message to them and
intercept the spy.
Go to the rendezvous by himself, and pray to fucking Salazar that the Order member didn't bring
any back up with them.
"Alright, you got what you wanted. Now let me out of this chair," Wesley whimpered. "You ... you
said you would let me go ... that if I told you something worthwhile, you wouldn't kill me.”
"I did, and I meant it.” Blaise bent down was eye level with the hostage, and with a flick of his
wand, he conjured a silver dagger. "So, here's what is going to happen. In ten seconds, I'm going to
release you from this chair, and you're going to take this blade from me, and use it to slit your own
Wesley winced and shook his head. "What?! No! No! You lied to me!"
"No, I didn't. You misunderstood, Greenford. I said I would release you from this chair and that I
wouldn't kill you myself. I never said you would leave here alive.”
Unyielding terror swept across Wesley's expression. "No! No, I won't do it! I would never kill
"What makes you think you're going to have a choice?" and with those final words, Blaise aimed
his wand and whispered, "Imperio.”
Wesley had started to struggle, but as soon as Blaise said the words, a pale green light flashed over
his eyes, and he stilled. An eerie calm washed over his expression, all traces of fear vanished as
though they'd been wiped clean and left nothing but a blank canvas behind.
Blaise repeated the instructions and banished the chains around Wesley's body. He handed him the
blade and stood back, and while Wesley helplessly slit his own throat open with a blank, almost
corpse-like expression and his body fell to the floor, Blaise pictured the London underground in his
mind, and disappeared with a loud crack of Apparation.
8:15 pm
"Better? Or worse?"
"No,” Hermione paused to swallow the lump in her throat. "I just... it's a lot to take in. It's hard to
be here after all this time."
As she glanced around the charred space, she hardly recognised what used to be her old living
Death Eaters had destroyed the house when they'd captured her parents. They'd burned the curtains,
tore the sofas apart, smashed the bookcases and left gaping holes in the plaster. They'd snuffed out
the warmth and familiarity these four walls used to hold, and years of neglect had done the rest.
Time had been a pack of vultures to this place. Time had picked the scraps clean off the carcass,
peeled the paint off the walls, allowed mould to eat away at the floorboards and weeds to grow
through the broken windows and eclipse the walls until all that was left was bones and a shell of
the place she used to adore.
"It's smaller than it looked in your memories," Malfoy said aloud, although he wasn't looking at
her, he was looking around the room, taking everything in.
It was odd to see him in her childhood home. He'd seen it in her memories, the image of him had
stood beside her while he'd gone through the moments of her life with a fine-toothed comb, but
actually having him there, stood next to the burnt remains of her sofa, was another thing entirely. It
was strange to watch him run his hands over the broken tea set on the coffee table. Almost alien to
see him pick up the chunk of plastic that used to be the remote control for their television and flip it
over in his hands.
He looked entirely out of place, but fascinated at the same time. Like he didn't have a clue what
anything around the room was, but each strange object was drawing him in. There was a spark of
something in his eyes as he looked around, that same curious fascination she sometimes saw when
he looked at her.
"This is the room that held your birthday party,” he said, still not looking at her. "Your fifth
birthday, wasn't it?"
He'd remembered.
It was the first memory of hers he ever saw, and he'd remembered. Again, she couldn't help but
think what a strange thing for him to take interest in. He'd poured through years of her memories,
paid close attention to the Orders battles strategies and secrets, but something as silly as her
childhood birthday party had left an impression on him.
Hermione nodded, and when she made her way towards the stairs, Malfoy followed her. He kept
close by as Hermione slowly walked through each room.
She hadn't been back here for years, hadn't felt the need to. Anything that held sentimental value to
her had been boxed and was stored at Order bases and safe houses, but with hundreds of miles
between her and any physical reminder of her family - her old life - she thought she might feel
different, thought she would want to savour each precious second that she got to spend here. She
Instead of feeling any type of comfort or happiness, she just felt sad and empty. Looking at each
room, seeing the cracks in the walls and the mould that clung to the ceiling just left a bitter taste in
her mouth.
However, the one sense of comfort she did feel - the only pleasant warmth she felt while being
within these walls - occurred when she watched Malfoy.
He seemed vaguely intrigued with everything, looking over every abandoned item Hermione hadn't
thought important enough to take with her with an intense curiosity. She found him examining an
ancient mobile phone, and then staring at an electric hairdryer in her old bedroom like it was going
to sprout legs and try to bite him.
He tried to hide his interest. Every time she caught him looking a little too invested in something,
he would shrug it off and his expression would grow the picture of boredom. But she knew him
well enough by now to know that he was pretending, trying to hide behind an icy wall, even if it
was splintered and cracked, allowing only the littlest glimpses of himself to squeeze through the
She hated that she knew him so well, but it didn't make it any less true.
"What's this?" she heard him ask when they passed through her parents' room. "Did you paint
Hermione peeked over his shoulder to find him holding the small metal storage box her father kept
in his draw. It was rusting and very thin, only designed to keep important letters and documents
inside, but instead of copies of birth certificates or bank statements, her father had filled it with
paintings. Her paintings. There were dozens of them, ranging from a very questionable-looking
beach she'd painted as a child, to a more elaborate and detailed picture of a coastline she'd created
the summer before she, Harry and Ron had started searching for Horcruxes.
It was all there, her entire artistic career all safely stored in a tiny metal box.
"I can't believe he kept these," Hermione whispered, a faint smile starting to crack its way onto her
face. "It was a sort of tradition me and my dad started. Every year on our family holiday, instead of
buying a postcard," she took the painting at the top of the pile and flipped it over to reveal her
fathers neat handwriting on the back, "he would tell me to paint a picture of the place we visited
and make my own."
"So, that year you went to..." Malfoy flipped the painting back over. "Is that - is that supposed to be
a palm tree?"
"It's the Eiffel Tower you prat! I was only five when I painted this."
He straightened his arms and squinted at the paper in his hands, even tried experimenting with a
few different angles, as though the painting she'd made as a small child might somehow be an
abstract masterpiece if he looked at it in just the right way.
Hermione snatched the paper from him, roughly put it back in the box and closed the lid. When she
looked back at him, she swore his lip twitched as though he were trying to fight a smile.
They explored the rest of the house quietly, and it wasn't until they came to the final room - the
spare bedroom that used to be her mother's dressing room - that either of them spoke at all.
"My mother used to have a room like this," he said as he looked at the rows of empty coat hangers
that lined each wall. "Used to have all sorts of dresses and gowns. Had more bloody shoes than
Astoria does, and that's saying something.”
Malfoy's nose crinkled slightly, almost a wince, but not quite. "It's gone... I - couldn't bare to look
at it anymore.”
"I mean I enchanted the room to disappear and then bricked the fucking empty doorframe over. It's
like it was never there."
Hermione nodded silently before she asked, "And all her things? Did Voldemort-"
"Take them? Burn them? Just like he did Daphne's?" he scoffed and rolled his tongue on the inside
of his cheek. "Yes. He did.”
He took one more look around the small room, even opened a little drawer that had been emptied
years ago, just to check. "Is there anything in this house that you want to take with you?"
"No. I took everything of sentimental value years ago. When I look around this room now, I don't
see my home - all I see is pain," she answered immediately, seeing no reason to lie to him. "So no, I
don't want to take a reminder of that with me.”
He stared at her for a moment, then he nodded and made his way down the stairs. He held the front
door open for her. "Ladies first.”
They walked down the stone road to the church in silence. The sun was starting to set, disappearing
over the top of the destroyed houses, and the streetlamps - what was left of them - had just
flickered on as they opened the church doors.
She'd been in this church a few times as a child. She'd never had a religious upbringing, but there
were a few times during her early childhood where her mother and father had brought her into this
building. It was only a handful, just one or two Christmas services or neighbourhood Christenings,
attendance brought on by social gathering rather than religion.
It was a relatively small church - now. It used to be a lot larger, used to have a high ceiling with
elegant wooden beams running across the top, but that was gone now, the ceiling must have been
blown to bits during an attack and now when Hermione looked up, she saw open sky.
In fact, most of the church's foundations were gone. The walls were still relatively high, but with
the ceiling gone and almost all of the windows broken in, it looked bare and derelict. There wasn't
much left standing. Just room enough for a few wooden pews and a small area at the front for
services. There was an open doorway to the left side of the aisle that led to a smaller room, the door
blown off its hinges and discarded on the floor.
What little was left inside the church looked like it had been cleared out by looters. The shelves
and table at the end of the aisle were bare - it wouldn't take Malfoy long to search the entire place
from top to bottom.
As soon as he closed the doors behind him, he began his search. "I don't expect you to help me," he
said as he walked down the aisle.
"Good, because I won't do anything that will hurt the Order.” She folded her arms across her chest
and leaned against the wall behind her. "Not of my own free will, anyway."
"I know," he called over his shoulder. "Just sit back and make yourself comfortable."
A cold breeze swept in through one of the broken windows. Neither of them had changed, and
Hermione revelled in the feel of it as it rolled across her bare arms, dousing the uncomfortable heat
in her skin.
The light was fading quickly outside, and Hermione watched in silence as he inspected the table at
the very end of the aisle and looked behind the tapestries. He was very thorough with his search,
inspecting underneath the tables and quickly flipping through copies of Bibles as though there may
be secrets hidden between the messages of God.
Malfoy looked over his shoulder at her and quirked a brow. "That's what you want to talk about
right now?"
Hermione shrugged. "Would you rather we discuss what you did to the priest you found at the last
church you raided? Or what you're going to do if you find another poor soul hiding in this church?"
He took the time to glare at her before he answered her question. "No," he said coldly, turning his
back to her again as he searched through the stacks of bibles. "She doesn't.”
"Then why does she like me all of a sudden? Is it really just because I smell like you?"
"Not at all. I lived with Astoria, Theo, Daphne and Blaise long before she hatched. I spend a lot of
time with them, so naturally, some of my scent is on them as well and she still tries to bite each of
their heads off if they get too close to her."
At this, Malfoy laughed. It was so quiet that she almost missed it, but the way his shoulders were
shaking slightly gave it away. "No. I've fucked Pansy a hundred times throughout the years, and
my dragon still fucking hated her. You and I fucking had very little to do with it.”
"Then what-"
"She already liked you, but she didn't know if you were trustworthy or not. Smelling me on you
just solidified her confidence in you. She thinks that if I was willing to be that close to you, that
intimate with you, then her instincts about you must have been correct."
Hermione couldn't help but snort. "She already liked me? Did she tell you that herself?"
Sensing she wasn't going to drop the subject, Malfoy sighed heavily, put down the book he'd been
inspecting, and turned back towards her. He placed his hands on the edge of the table behind him
and leaned back. "Scandanavian Firehorn's are incredibly intelligent creatures, and - unlike a lot of
other species of dragon - they lead very emotional lives," he said slowly. "My dragon and I - we
have a bond. We're connected. I know what she's feeling, and she too, can feel what I'm feeling."
"No, it's not quite as strong as that. It's more like an extra sense. We get a sense of the others
emotions. I can tell when she's frightened and she can tell when I'm anxious or angry. I suspect it's
the reason we're so good in combat together."
He looked down at one of the Bibles that was on the table and started idly flipping through the
pages as he spoke. Almost like he didn't want to look at her while he was saying any of this.
"She's liked you from the beginning, almost felt drawn to you. I felt it the moment she saw you on
the cliffs of Dover the day I captured you.” He paused on a page suddenly, stopped speaking for a
moment or two to read something, and then carried on. "She was almost as fascinated with you as I
was. A great big bloody dragon had appeared on the field, burned a few of your teammates to ashes
with one breath, and you carried on fighting. Stayed behind to make sure everyone else had
Apparated to safety as though either of us couldn't have ended you like that."
"She thought you were brave and fierce - thought you were even fiercer when you picked bullets
out my chest the day I'd been shot.” He looked up at her suddenly, and there was something in his
eyes that made every nerve ending in Hermione's body want to shiver - but she kept it in, managed
to keep still and stony-faced as his eyes raked her over from head to foot. "So naturally, now you
smell like me, she feels she can trust you.”
"I see," was all Hermione could think to say. "And what did your master think when he found out
you'd fucked his new favourite weapon?"
"I haven't told him. I haven't told anyone what transpired between us in our drawing room,” he
scoffed again and quirked a brow. "I'm not a complete gossip and don't go running off telling
people every detail of my life like you seem to.”
"I didn't tell Astoria that we fucked because I wanted to gossip,” she snapped, anger heating her
chest. "I asked her for a potion, and she coaxed it out of me.”
Now it was Hermione's turn to scoff. "You honestly think I would have had sex with you if I wasn't
already on a form of contraception? Don't be daft, I cast a permanent contraceptive charm on
myself years ago.”
"It doesn't matter - it won't be affected." Hermione's tone was sharp enough to cut Malfoy off. "It's
a form of medicinal magic, so it can't be reversed by anti-magic potions. If you broke your leg and
healed it with magic, the bones wouldn't rebreak themselves if you started taking anti-magic
potions years later, would they? It's the same principle."
The crease between his brows deepened a fraction more. "No, I suppose not."
Hermione wasn't sure exactly what set her off. The accusation that she had been so careless could
have been what rolled the spark wheel of her anger, or perhaps it was the ghost of her parents
clinging to her, an old wound made fresh again by looking around her old family home. Most likely
it was a combination of the two, mixing together like the chemical glands in a dragons mouth when
they exhaled, causing her anger to spark like a flaming breath.
"But don't worry, my charm work was perfect - even then - and since I'm the one who cast the
charm, I can't get pregnant unless I remove it myself, so there's no risk of little half-blood Malfoy's
running around and soiling your oh so fucking prestigious family name!" Hermione hissed before
she whirled around and stormed towards the little room that had no door.
She couldn't lock him out, couldn't even slam the door behind her the way she really wanted to.
She had nowhere to hide from him while she cooled down, and of course, he fucking followed her,
just like she suspected he would.
"I'm not," she said, even as she picked up one of the small broken trinkets off the floor and placed
it on a shelf in front of her, just so she had something to do and didn't have to look at him. "But the
sooner you realise there's nothing here for you to find, the sooner we can leave." She felt Malfoy
watching her as she looked through the tiny room. Felt his eyes on her and pretended not to notice,
pretended he wasn't there at all.
"Can I feel what now?" she snapped, struggling to keep the venom from creeping into her voice.
Yes, she wanted to say, but she caught her tongue before the words slipped out. "No. Why do you
"Because it's fucking freezing in here. You're wearing nothing but a tiny scrap of fabric, and there's
not as much as a single goose-bump on your skin.”
She scoffed and chose not to answer him, chose to busy herself with picking another broken trinket
off the floor and arranged it on the shelf, even as she heard his footsteps behind her, getting louder,
bringing him closer.
His footsteps didn't stop until he was stood right behind her, so close she could feel his cold breath
on the back of her neck.
"Like my skin is on fire and bugs are crawling across my bones," she said as she picked up a half
expired candle and placed it back on the shelf. "It's like I'm reliving the moment Narcissa burned
me at the stake. Like I'm reliving my death before it even happens. I can feel the fire on my skin.
It's faint, and sometimes dull, but it's still there. It's ... not exactly what I would call pleasant."
"I run myself a freezing cold bath and sit in it until the fire goes away."
There was a brief silence before he spoke again. "Cold things make it go away?"
"Yes, sometimes.”
"And the flames?" he whispered, fanning cold air against her neck. "Do you feel them now?"
Hermione gasped quietly when she felt the tips of his fingers brush against the back of her hand.
He was cold - almost freezing - and it felt like having morphine rubbed across an open wound.
"Does it feel better when I do this?" he asked, his touch featherlight and suddenly not nearly
enough. "Does the fire - the one you apparently don't feel at this very moment- does it dull
anymore when I do this?"
"Y-yes ... no!" She sucked in a sharp breath and her eyes fluttered closed. "Yes. It - it does ... A
"And what about when I do this?" he asked, voice dropping to that husky growl he'd only ever
spoken to her in a handful of times as his fingers skated up her bare arm, making her shiver
She melted into him without realising. She leaned into his chest, and her head rolled against his
shoulder while his cold hands worked their magic, stronger - better - than any cooling charm she
could think to cast.
"And this?" She felt his lips graze her neck, and when he kissed the base of her throat once, a quiet
little whimper snuck its way out her mouth before she could stop it. "Does it feel better when I do
this?" Another kiss. "Talk to me, little lion," and another, soft and moving up the length of her
neck, "tell me how it feels.”
More, she wanted to say, had to bite her bottom lip to trap it inside.
The hand around her shoulder moved, his icy fingers skated around her throat -
A sharp cracking sound suddenly echoed around them. And then another. And then another.
Only one type of magic made that sound. Someone had Apparated into the church, and they
weren't alone.
As Hermione spun around, Malfoy smothered her mouth with his hand and shoved her against the
wall behind her. He sealed her into the tight space by pressing his body against hers. She placed
her hands on his shoulders and tried to push him back, but he caught both her wrists with his free
hand and held them against his chest.
He hissed a concealing charm under his breath, and instantly the air around them grew slightly
blurred. He'd made them invisible, hidden them from whoever was coming into the church with
the same enchantment her group had used to hide themselves at Dover the day she'd been captured.
This type of magic was incredibly advanced and took years of practice to perfect. It was a very
useful enchantment, but the list of its flaws was almost endless. It only covered very, very small
areas - usually only one person within a very tiny space - and it couldn't be held for long. It was
because of those very flaws that the people she'd selected for the Dover mission had been chosen.
They were the only ones who had been able to master the charm enough to conceal themselves, so
they were the only people she could have used for her strategy that day.
And it was also the reason - Hermione guessed - that Malfoy was pressing against her so tightly
and sealing both of them against the wall. He was trying to make their bodies as small as possible,
smothering her frame with his so they both could remain hidden under the enchantment, and not be
seen by whoever had walked into the church.
"This is a fucking waste of time!" a voice she didn't recognise sneered from the entrance. "Why the
fuck do we have to be the ones to check this church?!"
"We already know that there isn't going to be anything here!" another voice added with a grunt.
"This place is a fucking shit hole! You can already tell from the outside that it's abandoned!"
"That's quite enough of that gentlemen." Even though the voice was sharp and quiet, Hermione
knew it was Corban Yaxley. "We are here because the Dark Lord asked us to personally
investigate this mess of muggle architecture, and we're not leaving until you've checked under
every piece of rubble. So get a move on. Now!"
Hermione looked up at Malfoy, and that's when she noticed his eyes. A mixture of grey and blue,
but so fucking terrified it knocked what little breath she had left out of her lungs.
They weren't supposed to be here. Voldemort hadn't ordered Malfoy to undertake this mission.
He'd brought her here by himself, under the lure of investigating the church, but it was just that. A
lure. An excuse - a fucking lie.
He'd brought her here to see her parent's old home, probably thought it would make her feel better,
and searching the church that just happened to be around the corner was an excuse. He wasn't
supposed to be here. He'd gone behind Voldemort's back to do her a kindness, and Hermione didn't
want to even think about what he would do if he found out his favourite Demon hadn't followed his
instructions, even if it was just a one-off.
"Remember, lads," chuckled a fourth voice, one Hermione recognised instantly and made her
stomach twist. Barty Crouch Jr was in the church. It was clear he was jealous of Malfoy - envied
his position and was desperate to win Voldemort's favour. If he saw Malfoy, he would rat him out
in the hopes of taking his place. "The quicker we're finished here, the quicker you can return to the
Dollhouse, and the quicker you can have one of my girls' lips wrapped around your cock."
Her breath started to leave her quicker, but Malfoy still held his hand over her mouth, smothering
any noise she may have made.
They were pressed so closely together, their chests melting into one another. She could feel the
way his heart was beating wildly in his chest, a panicked rhythm against her ribs.
Four different sets of footsteps started to echo in the main church behind them. All wandering in
different directions and some drawing closer.
Slowly, cautiously, he released her wrists and pressed his index fingers against his lips. 'Shhhhhh,'
he mouthed. 'Please, be quiet.’
Hermione nodded once and tucked her elbows in slightly. She rested her palms on his shoulders
and let him press against her more firmly, making them appear as small as possible and ensuring
they wouldn't be seen. Malfoy kept his hand on her mouth.
"I recognise this area," Yaxley said, his voice much, much closer than was comfortable. "Haven't
we been here before?"
"Yes, we have,” Crouch Jr laughed quietly, sounding as though he was just the other side of the
door. "This is where the Granger Mudblood used to live."
Hermione tensed. Malfoy shook his head at her softly, pleading for her to be quiet.
"What do you suppose the Dark Lord will do with her once the war is over?" Yaxley asked.
Every muscle in Malfoy's neck went rigid as he sharply twisted to look at the empty doorframe.
"He said he hasn't decided what he is going to do with her yet,” Crouch went on. There were
several footsteps, and seconds later, Crouch walked into the tiny room that Malfoy and Hermione
were hiding in.
She knew he couldn't see them, knew Malfoy's charms were still up and strong and keeping them
out of sight, but she swore Barty looked right at her - just for the briefest moment - when he walked
over the doorway.
‘Creepily thin, almost ghoul-like’, Cho had described Barty as once, and Hermione realised that
she was exactly right.
There was a crazed, erratic quality to the way he looked around the room. It reminded Hermione an
awful lot of a rabid dog, frothing at the mouth and shaking, teeth bared and eyes darting quickly to
every corner, searching, on the hunt.
"He's either going to have Malfoy execute the little Mudblood," Barty said, tongue darted out to
wet his lips in that stomach-churning way it always did. "Or he's going to let me add her to my
The hand on Hermione's mouth tightened. Malfoy's eyes darkened, the muscles in his neck
straining as he tightly clenched his jaw.
"I hope it's the latter," Yaxley added as he joined Crouch in the tiny room. "She would make a fine
Doll - but I do hope you'll let the rest of us play with her?"
Malfoy's heart started to beat faster. Hermione felt it, hammering against her own chest like a
"I may." Again, Crouch's tongue darted out of its own accord, and the sight, coupled with the way
he said the next few words, made Hermione wretch silently. "After I'm done with her, of course.”
It felt like a fucking eternity before they left. Despite not being nearly as thorough with their search
as Malfoy had been with his, Crouch, Yaxley and the two Black Masks were still in the church for
far longer than Hermione would have liked.
It felt like they would be discovered at any moment. Despite never coming within a few inches of
Malfoy or Hermione, they always felt too close, always felt like if they lost their footing and
tripped, they might brush against Malfoy's arm or shoulder and reveal their hiding spot.
Hermione was on edge, nerves splintering every time Crouch or one of the others drew a little too
close. She clung onto Malfoy's shoulders in such a way she wouldn't have been surprised if he had
bruises there, but no matter how hard she squeezed, he never made a sound, didn't even look at her.
His eyes remained glued on Crouch, Yaxley, the doorway, looking for a sign they'd caught on, that
they knew Malfoy was there - they obviously didn't have a fucking clue, that much was certain, but
still, Malfoy wasn't taking any chances.
It wasn't until the very moment that the four of them Apparated away that Hermione felt she could
Malfoy still hadn't looked at her again, and as bizarre as the thought was for Hermione to wrap her
head around, it almost felt as though he couldn't look at her.
"We need to leave." He roughly pulled his hand away from her mouth and caught her elbow. He
still didn't look at her, kept his eyes on the floor as he pulled out his wand and prepared to
Apparate them, but she could see the rage burning around his irises like dragon fire. Scorching and
fucking deadly. "We've been here far longer than I expected. I have somewhere I need to be.”
10:14 pm
If Blaise owed his mother one thing, it was his skill at being a ghost.
His mother was a mistress of deception and charm, but she could be invisible when she wanted to,
and it was a talent she'd engraved so deeply into him that it was almost natural to him now. As
easy as blinking.
He used to think it odd. It was a strange thing to want to teach her son, to sneak in and out of an
area without detection, but if nothing else, he was grateful to her now. Even if it had ruined his
childhood. Even if it had made him a freak amongst wizards and witches from a young age.
The hours he spent sneaking around and cleaning up his mothers' messes had given him a
marvellous skillset. Propelled his career as a Death Eater much further than he ever anticipated it
could have, but most importantly, it had helped his wife.
Years of helping her pick out - and dispose of - phials of poison, had given him a knowledge of rare
potions. Knowledge that now helped him mask the symptoms of Astoria’s blood curse.
Years of lying to Aurors, keeping a straight face and repeating, "No officers, I do not know where
my stepfather is. Oh, I do hope he's alright," every time one of her husbands went missing had
made him an excellent liar. He could tell even the most outlandish lies and no one would ever
suspect a thing, not even the Dark Lord.
And almost a decade of helping her hide the bodies of her ex-lovers, staying out of sight as he
dragged their elderly corpses across the floor and into furnaces had made him an expert at
appearing invisible.
He would never have been able to steal the rare medicines he needed for his wife if she hadn't
taught him how to stick to the shadows.
He would never have been able to lie to his master if she hadn't taught him how to do it to law
enforcement first.
If he didn't want to be seen, he wouldn't be. If he didn't want others to know something, they
wouldn't. That was the simple truth of it.
Yes, without his mothers' valuable life lessons, Blaise never would have gained this ranking in the
Dark Lords army, and he never would have been able to sneak into the London Underground
without making a fucking sound.
He was stood in the depth of Camden Town station. Back pressed against the wall and hidden with
a few layers of magic.
He checked his pocket watch again. Fourteen minutes past ten. The meeting would be starting any
He drew a deep breath through his nose, his fingers tightened around his wand -
Footsteps echoing down the stairs leading to the tube station. And then there were voices.
"Medusa," said a male voice. It sounded young, nervous and skittish, like they didn't want to be
there. "What's the information?"
"Bloody hell, were you raised in a barn?" asked a second voice, masculine but altered by a charm,
making it impossible to decipher. "Manners cost nothing you know."
Boiling anger flared in Blaise's chest at hearing their voice. The traitors' voice. That vile, piece of
shit who had sold so many of their secrets.
The two men appeared on either end of the tube station at the same time. The Order member
reached the bottom step of the entrance as Medusa walked along the track line and jumped onto the
"What's the information?" asked the Order member again, his voice still lacking confidence. "I ... I
don't have all day.”
"Oh yes, I'm sure your time at the Order is extremely precious,” the traitor taunted, even laughed,
completely at ease and enjoying his betrayal. "How old are you, anyway? Fourteen? Fifteen? You
sound awfully young. Been promoted from pot washing duty, have you? Thought you'd try and
prove your worth by meeting the big bad Death Eater traitor and getting some information?"
How dare he?! How fucking dare he be so casual about his betrayal to the Dark Lord?!
Blaise tried to keep a level head, to be calm while he waited for his opportunity to attack, but the
strings of his patience were dwindling. The cords that held his composure together were snapping
one by one, each taunt and laugh from the traitor like a fresh cut from a pair of scissors, and soon
there would be nothing to hold him back.
Because if it wasn't for this traitor, Voldemort would have won the war years ago. If it wasn't for
this Medusa, Blaise wouldn't have to keep going on missions, and he could devote all his time to
searching for a cure for Astorias curse. If it wasn't for him, he might have found a way to save her
by now.
"S - shut up!" There was an awkward shuffling as the Order member tried to back away. "You don't
get to speak to me like that ... y-you Death Eater scum!"
"Ooooooh, big threats for such a little man," Medusa teased. "Why don't you find your balls and try
that again, yeah?"
"It's not my job to stand here and be insulted by y-you. So if you don't have any information, I'm
going t-to leave."
"Alright, alright. Don't spit your bloody dummy out," Medusa chucked again, and hearing how
carefree he was, laughing as he betrayed his master, snapped what little remained of Blaise's
patience. He dropped the enchantment that kept him hidden and shot a powerful knock-back jinx at
the Order member.
The poor lad was only young. He hadn't even thought to wear a mask to hide his identity, and
Blaise caught the shocked expression on his face before he flew into the air and smashed his head
against the tiled wall behind him. He died instantly.
Medusa whirled around, but before he could reach for his wand, Blaise attacked. He cast another
knock-back jinx, one powerful enough to light up the dark tunnel as it exploded from the tip of his
wand, and sent Medusa hurtling backwards.
He landed at the bottom of the tube station steps. There was an audible crunching sound as the
sharp edges of the steps dug into the different levels of his spine. Blaise hoped it broke his fucking
back. It would be no less than the filthy vermin deserved.
The air was knocked from Medusa's lungs, and while he struggled to catch his breath, while he
choked and spluttered on the floor, Blaise tore off his gold mask and stormed towards him.
He was so angry. So murderous and elated that he couldn't think properly. He wanted to butcher
the bloke. Wanted to Imperio the bastard and make him cut each of his toes off himself. Make him
slice each finger off, and then his ears, then his tongue. Make him gauge his own eyes out and eat
But more importantly, Blaise wanted to look into the traitors' eyes, see the fear in them, see the
realisation that he'd been caught by one of the very people he'd been stabbing in the back for years,
and watch the panic blossom when he pictured the torture that was to follow.
Blaise reached down and hooked his fingers around the black mask that Medusa was wearing. He
tore the metal from their face -
Then Blaise's heart stopped for a moment, and on the next beat, it fractured straight down the
fucking middle.
The eyes of the man who'd spilt hundreds of their secrets and had betrayed them all.
4th June
The force of Malfoy's Apparation was brutal. Harsh enough to knock the air out of Hermione's
lungs when they materialised back on the grounds of his estate, but before she'd even had the
chance to catch her breath, he released her arm and backed away from her.
"Get inside the house,” he hissed, tone sharp and icy as he flicked his wand over his clothes,
transforming them into his Death Eater robes. Another sharp flick conjured his Demon Mask.
To say that Malfoy was angry was the understatement of the fucking century. He was seething.
Almost murderous. Dark magic seemed to crackle around him and his jaw was clenched so tightly
that Hermione could see the muscles along his cheek rippling. He was almost feral, like a wild cat
or a ...
A demon.
Immediately, she looked at his eyes, and although they were still a mixture of blue and grey, the
blue was overtaking. His walls may have been half up, but they were fading, quickly, by the looks
of it. Whatever emotion he was feeling burned away the grey in his eyes like fire to iron.
"That's not any of your business now, is it Granger?" He looked back down at his wand and his
hands tightened around it as he prepared to Apparate again. "I won't tell you again. Get. In. The.
"Why won't you tell me where you're going? It's a simple question.”
"What does it matter?” He looked back at her, and every nerve in Hermione's body screamed that
there was something wrong, that she couldn't let him leave. She needed to redirect him. Give him
another target to take his aggression out on -
"Quick, quickly Master Malfoy!" Romy squeaked as he appeared with a loud crack, "Master Zabini
is waiting in the drawing-room for you-"
"But he has captured the spy!" Romy interrupted, voice suddenly sharp and loud enough to silence
his master. "He has captured the traitor!"
Malfoy whirled around, and the malice, the anger, drained from his face in an instant. "He's
captured Medusa?"
Oh God - no.
Hermione's heart stuttered. This was not good. This was - fuck!
Medusa was their last advantage, the only reason they'd managed to locate another Horcrux and
destroy it right under Voldemort's nose.
If Malfoy handed him over to Voldemort, the Order was fucked. If Malfoy killed him himself, the
Order was fucked.
"He has not called him yet, Sir.” Romy shook his head, his tiny hands trembling as he fidgeted with
the edges of his pillowcase. "He wanted you to see him first, so you could decide what to do. All is
... not what we thought it was, Sir."
"Where is he?!"
As soon as Malfoy had a destination, a target, he took off. He charged through his manor like a
mad man, taking steps two at a time, pushing doors open and kicking any inanimate object that
dared to get in his way. Hermione almost had to break out into a sprint to keep up with him.
She didn't know what to do. She had to try and keep Malfoy calm, to keep Medusa safe and alive,
but Malfoy was so angry. He was dangerous, shaking with violence, she wouldn't have been
surprised if he Avada'd Medusa as soon as he laid eyes on him.
He made it to the parlour room in record time. He swung the doors open furiously, making the
handle collide with the plaster as it crashed against the wall, but he froze when he saw what was
Because in the centre of the room, in front of a roaring fire with his hands tied behind his back and
bound to a chair, was Theo. He had blood dripping from a cut on his temple and his left cheek was
red and bruised, evidence of Blaise 'roughing him up' a little while he'd waited for his leaders
Theo smiled impishly when he saw Malfoy, even gave a little nod in acknowledgement as though
this were all normal.
Malfoy's skin turned paler than Hermione had ever seen it. "You?! You're the fucking spy?!"
"'Ello, Gov'nor," Theo nodded, putting on a slight cockney accent. "What took you long so long? A
bloke told me a joke once about a leader being late to his own meeting. Now hang on a second,
how did it start ... oh yeah! So there's this big old ugly tyrant who sets this trap -"
Before Theo could reveal the punchline to whatever joke he'd started, Malfoy stormed across the
room and silenced him with a punch to the jaw.
"You traitorous little cunt!" Malfoy screamed as he took hold of Theo's collar with one hand and
punched him with the other. The strength of it jerked Theo's head to the side. "I'll kill you!"
Another punch. "Never mind the Dark Lord, I'll fucking kill you myself!"
It took both Hermione and Blaise's combined efforts to pull Malfoy off Theo, and even with their
teamwork, it wasn't easy. Even with Blaise hooking his arms around Malfoy's waist and dragging
him backwards and Hermione pushing his chest with every ounce of strength had, it still took
several attempts.
His anger was fuelling him, that was the problem. The feeling of betrayal, the layers of hurt were
feeding his muscles like a steroid and making him almost inhumanly strong. And all the while, as
Hermione and Blaise struggled to pull him away and Malfoy fought to get another punch in, Theo
just laughed, flashing his blood-soaked gums and teeth and grinning like he'd won some sort of
"Fucking hell mate, is that really how you're going to start this interrogation?" Theo taunted,
chuckling as he spat the blood that'd been pooling in his mouth onto the floor. "Come on. Lube me
up a little first, make me scared, make me wanna confess. Don't just go straight in dry."
"This isn't the time for jokes, Theodore!" Blaise hissed through gritted teeth, using all his weight to
pull Malfoy backwards and trying to avoid being impaled by stray elbows and fists. "This is not
"Shut the fuck up, Theo!" Hermione turned her head just enough to glare over her shoulder. "Or
Medusa! Or whatever the fuck your name is!"
"Oh, she speaks!" Theo's face lit up excitedly. "My partner in crime! The Thelma to my Louise!
The Bonnie to my Clyde!"
Hermione's brows knitted together and Malfoy's movement's started to slow. "You knew I was
"Yep," he answered, curling his lips around the 'P' and making it pop. "Figured it out a few months
ago. You were captured and then all of a sudden the meetings stopped? And then someone else
started wearing your mask? I'm not the brightest snake in the grass, but even I could put the pieces
together. It's nice to finally meet you properly, sweetheart."
"All this fucking time?!" Malfoy lunged again but Blaise's solid footing kept him from reaching his
target. "It was you?! You were the spy?!"
"Afraid so." Theo simply shrugged and sucked his teeth. "I know it's probably not the birthday
present you wanted, but you've got to admit, it's a hell of a good fucking surprise ain't it?"
"You fucking betrayed us!" Malfoy jerked forward again, and Hermione dug her palms into his
chest to try and force him backwards.
Theo tutted and rolled his eyes. "You make it all sound so terribly medieval when you say it like
"Malfoy, please calm down." Hermione stepped into his line of sight and tried to block Theo from
view. "You don't really want to kill him, this is just the anger and shock talking, that's all.”
"Don't want to kill him?" Malfoy snarled. "I want to rip his fucking ribs from his chest and poke his
eyes out with them!"
"Oooooooh, don't tease me with a good time if you're not going to deliver," Theo taunted, wiggling
his brows and thoroughly enjoying the way Malfoy lunged again. "No one likes a torture tease."
It took several minutes to calm Malfoy down enough for Hermione and Blaise to release him. It
would have been much quicker if Theo didn't keep making taunting remarks that riled Malfoy up to
the point he would lunge again. But when Blaise had the sense to cast a silencing charm on Theo,
they were finally able to calm Malfoy.
"Do you have any idea the position you've put me in?! The position you've put this entire family
in?!" he roared when he finally shook Blaise's arms off him. He may have stopped fighting, but his
voice was still sharp and vicious. "Or do you not care that the Dark Lord will probably have all our
heads for this?!"
Blaise removed the silencing charm he'd placed on Theo, allowing him to speak, to defend himself,
but he didn't. Chose to just shrug instead. He stayed like that for a moment or two, not saying a
word, and then his eyes flickered to Hermione, and he smirked at her.
She couldn't believe that she was finally meeting Medusa. That the mystery of who was behind the
mask was over. It almost didn't seem real.
In all the years that she'd been meeting him, and all the months she'd been in Malfoy Manor, living
under the same roof as him, she'd never suspected that Theodore Nott could be Medusa. The
thought had never crossed her mind. Not once. Because it was completely ludicrous. So fucking
bonkers that she never even considered it.
She'd thought about it a lot, drew a picture of the type of person Medusa must have been in her
mind, and Theo just ... didn't fit the profile she'd imagined.
She thought that Medusa must have been an older Death Eater. Someone of a lower ranking who'd
grown tired of youthful others being promoted over him, and so he'd lashed out in his own way and
betrayed the master who refused to recognise his 'greatness'. Punished his failure to see his
potential by leaking secrets and damning the whole regime.
Sometimes she thought Medusa had wanted fame or glory. That the wealth and jewels that
Voldemort paid his soldiers in weren't enough and that he wanted something more definitive.
Wanted their name in the history books over gold. Wanted to be branded as the spy who brought
down the darkest wizard of all time.
One or twice, on very rare occasions, she thought that perhaps Medusa was a sympathiser. She
thought that maybe they had chosen the wrong side at the beginning of all this, got swept up in the
current and now it was too late for them to get out. She thought that maybe this was Medusa's way
of escaping, each secret they leaked another brick that forged the path of their redemption.
He didn't want power. He was comfortable in his position as a Gold Mask. He didn't care about
gold or jewels. He craved blood and murder, not wealth or fame. And he certainly wasn't a fucking
Order sympathiser. He didn't care about soldiers' survival, never showed even a shred of
compassion or mercy to an opposing wizard on the battlefield.
There was something she was missing. A piece of the puzzle was hidden from her.
Blaise placed a hand on Malfoy's shoulder and his voice dropped to a whisper. "What are we going
to do?"
"I don't know."
Malfoy glared at Theo and his nostrils flared incandescently. "No, not yet. I'm not finished with
him yet."
"Erm, hellooo?" Theo called loudly, leaning forward in his chair as far as his restraints allowed.
"Can we please use our outside voices so the filthy traitor can hear you and be involved in the
conversation? Thank youuu."
"If I were you Nott," Blaise's hand tightened on Malfoy's shoulder as he took a step towards him,
ready to pull him back if necessary, "I would be very, very fucking quiet."
"Look, I know I'm skating on thin ice right now, but there's no need to shout-"
"Thin ice?! Thin fucking ice?!" Malfoy scoffed, but there were no traces of humour in his voice.
"The ice is gone! Cracked into oblivion you fucking little prick!"
"Honestly mate, you're really lucky Granger finds this aggressive, shouty thing sexy, otherwise
you'd never get a shag."
Surprisingly, Malfoy didn't take the bait. Didn't snap or bite back the way Theo obviously wanted
him to. Instead, he looked at Theo, and his expression grew eerily calm but equally disgusted.
"Daphne dedicated her entire life after Hogwarts to serving the Dark Lord. She did it to keep
Astoria safe, and to keep you safe,” he said, lip curling in a snarl with every word he spoke. "She
would have done anything he asked of her, and you betraying him? That just tarnishes everything
she did.”
Suddenly, all traces of humour vanished from Theo's expression. His eyes darkened and he
clenched his jaw. "Don't you fucking dare speak about her. I'm doing this for her.”
"Well we don't know what Daph would have wanted do we?! Because Voldemort fucking killed
her!" Theo interrupted in a snarl. "She was his favourite general! He liked her more than he liked
you! And he still fucking killed her! Still executed her right in front of us and made me watch!"
Malfoy winced slightly. Hermione could see the anger fading from Malfoy's features, but Nott only
seemed to get more enraged as the seconds ticked on, as though he were siphoning the anger,
stealing it from Malfoy.
"He killed Daphne! He took my whole fucking world!" Theo's voice was getting more aggrieved,
more enraged with each syllable. "He made me watch as he killed the love of my life - my whole
fucking reason for living! Of course I was going to betray him! Of course I was going to want
Potter to kill him once and for all!"
Oh, God.
The anger. The lashing out. Sitting at her grave for hours on end, even though she wasn't there-
sleeping outside, just so he could be close to the memory of her.
"I want him dead! I want that evil fucker dead just so I can stand over his grave and spit on it
It was the most alive she'd ever seen Theo. His eyes were wide and burning - almost crazed - and
his face was flushed red with anger. But it wasn't life she was seeing in him, not really. It was
"But you've killed for us," Blaise said. "You've killed thousands of Order members ... you've
practically made murder a sport. How could you kill them if you were on their side?"
"I'm not on their side," Theo answered. "I'm not on anyone's side. I don't give a fuck who wins the
war - I just want Voldemort dead.”
All Malfoy's anger was gone. The malice was nowhere to be seen. He flexed his fingers and rolled
his jaw as Theo seethed and told him everything, revealing every detail of his secret agenda, but he
didn't look happy. Didn't look like he felt relieved at catching the spy, at finally having achieved
the goal his master had set him.
Instead, he looked ... Hermione couldn't put a name to it. Betrayed? Lost? Hurt?
"And if I couldn't kill Voldemort myself," Theo exhaled slowly and took a deep breath, the weight
of the confession, of freeing himself of the secret he'd been carrying for years, finally off his chest,
"then I was going to do everything in my ability to make sure that Potter could."
"But why you?" Blaise asked. "Why did you have to be the one who betrayed him?"
"No, it's not.” Blaise took a step towards him; finally confident enough Malfoy didn't need pulling
back. "The Dark Lord ordered her execution because she refused to attack a children's hospital in
Bristol - that has nothing to do with you-"
"She didn't refuse to destroy the hospital," Theo interrupted, and although his voice started off as a
snarl, it broke in the middle, almost cut off into a sob. "I did."
Malfoy closed his eyes and tilted his head towards the ceiling, lost for words.
"I know what Crouch said, but it was a lie. Daphne covered for me. We were on the mission
together, and Voldemort had put Tobias Jones in charge."
"I remember that mission," Malfoy breathed, eyes still squeezed closed. "Jones wanted to move up
the ranks, so Daph agreed to step down for the day and let him run the mission under her guidance
as practice."
"Exactly," Theo nodded. "She didn't like it, but she had it in her head that Jones had suspicions
about me, so she thought it might butter him up a little. Keep your friends close and your enemies
closer and all that."
All three of the Death Eaters turned to look at her, but Theo answered her question without pause.
"They suspected that I hadn't killed anyone yet, that I didn't have it in me. And they were right.”
"You hadn't killed anyone before Daphne died?" Hermione gasped, running through the dates in
her head. "But that was almost ... three years after the Battle of Hogwarts?"
"No, I hadn't killed a single person at that point," Theo answered quietly. "I'd tried to kill, Daph
spent hours and hours trying to teach me how, but I could never manage it. Just used to freeze up
and cower like the fucking frightened little boy I was.” He paused and his eyes drifted towards the
floor. "But Daph always covered for me, pretended some of her kills were mine and lied to the
Dark Lord about it. He never suspected a thing, but Jones and Crouch Jr did.”
"So what happened on the mission?" Malfoy's voice was sharp, but he still wasn't looking at Nott.
Still hadn't opened his eyes.
"To begin with, it all went fine. We were told of a few potential areas that the Order was planning
to use as bases to store medical supplies. Daph blew them all up without any difficulty and I
managed to capture a few dozen Order members to interrogate in the process."
Nott turned and looked at Hermione as he filled in the gaps, giving her every piece of information
she was missing as though they were old friends having a catch-up. His face and neck had started
to flush red, but she couldn't work out whether it was from anger or sadness.
"We were all finished and ready to Apparate back here, but Jones got another message from the
Dark Lord to blow up the hospital nearby, just to add another nail in the Orders coffin."
He carried on his story, and although Malfoy had asked the question, he looked directly at
Hermione while he spoke. Like he couldn't look at his best friends, like she was the only one he
could confess this sort of an egregious sin to.
"Now, the thing you need to know is that a couple of months before this, I sort of ... broke down
mid-mission," he rushed through the words, again, only speaking to Hermione. "It was the same
sort of mission in the sense we had to blow up potential bases the Order could use to store
medicine in. Me and Daph were together - and I saw these bodies on the floor." He took another
deep breath and swallowed. "Two bodies - A mother and her child. They'd been caught up in the
blast we created and they burned to death, and I just ... lost it. I felt so guilty I could hardly stand
up. Just kept saying, 'this is our fault. We did this' over and over again like a fucking broken record.
Daph tried to calm me down, but I just ..." He cut himself off to take another calming breath. "I
couldn't shake it, and Jones saw me. Daph covered for me, like she always did. Said I'd been hit
with a charm and was disorientated or shell shocked or some other bollocks like that, but that night
she was convinced Jones knew."
Blaise was just staring, eyes as wide as saucers and mouth hanging open slightly. Malfoy had
turned his back to them, hiding his face.
"So after the mission in Bristol, Jones ordered me to blow up the hospital - and I couldn't do it. I
couldn't -" Nott struggled and his voice and shoulders started to shake. "I couldn't - I froze up. So
Jones - he tried to call the Dark Lord. He said - he said he was going to rat me out - tell him that I
should be executed for being such a coward.”
"Which he would have done without question," Blaise said, voice low and nowhere near as strong
and restrained as it usually was. "He would have cut your head off, put it on a spike and left your
body on display as a warning. We all know he would have done. We've seen it done a hundred
times over the years."
Hermione knew that was true. She'd seen it herself in the early stages of the war. She'd vomited the
first time she'd seen a Death Eaters head impaled on a spike, maggots eating their eyes while their
rotting corpse laid beside them. The crime of a traitor laid out like a piece of art, and the
punishment that would follow.
It used to be such a common thing at the beginning, when Voldemort was weeding out those who
had sided with him through cowardice over loyalty. But after a while, the Death Eaters accepted
their choice, accepted that it was too late to change their fate, and the bodies lessened.
"Yeah, he would have done," Theo agreed, "and Daphne knew it too. So she killed Jones before he
could say anything."
"Yes. Samuel Dillion was there, but she didn't care. She killed him to protect me. She killed him -
so he wouldn't say anything." Nott could hardly speak. He started choking on his words, made
incoherent through the mixture of anger and heartbreak. "After she killed Jones, Crouch Jr
Apparated onto the field, and - and Dillion just took off. He - he sprinted towards Crouch - and
tried to tell him everything, but Daph killed him too, she - she Avada'd him straight in the back
before he could say too much. But it was t-too late. He'd already said - he'd already-"
It was Malfoy who asked the obvious question on everyone's lips. "And what exactly did Dillion
"But how could Daphne take the fall for you if Samuel already said that you killed Jones?"
Hermione asked, confused.
"Because he didn't say which Nott he was talking about.” Theo choked and dropped his head.
"Daphne was my wife. When we got married, she took my last name, and it’s my name that got her
killed. She turned and attacked me when Crouch Apparated onto the field, made - made it look like
she'd betrayed the Dark Lord and that I was trying to stop her. That I was loyal to him and she
wasn't." He started to sob, heaving low in his chest. "She took the fall for me. Sacrificed herself to
protect me. It should have been me executed that day, not her.”
"We all lost her that day," Malfoy said hoarsely, finally turning around to face Theo again. "We
know how you -"
Theo's head jerked up to glare at Malfoy. "Don't you fucking dare say you know how I feel! You
don't! You've never been in love with someone, Malfoy!" he roared, screaming in anger, even
though his face was dampened with tears, even though they were still running down his cheeks.
"You don't know what it feels like to love someone so much that you can't fucking breathe without
Suddenly, the double doors swung open again and Astoria burst into the room.
"What the bloody hell is going on in here?!" the blonde shouted as she stormed her way towards
them, her pink silk night robes swaying and almost hiding Romy completely from view as he
trailed behind her. It was easy to forget how small Astoria was when she wasn't in her high heels,
and the men seemed to forget how quickly she could move in a pair of slippers.
Blaise stepped in front of his wife just before she reached Theo.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?!" she snapped and glared up at him. "Let him go,
Blaise!" She tried to step around him, but Blaise just matched her step, continuing to block her
"Get out of here!" Blaise shouted, panicked. "I am not messing around Astoria! Leave!"
Hermione had only ever heard Blaise raise his voice a handful of times, and she had never - ever -
heard him speak to Astoria in such a way, but if it did bother Astoria, she didn't seem to show it.
She was too busy trying to find a way around Blaise. She even pushed him a few times to try and
force him back.
"Tori, you need to go,” Malfoy's voice cut through the couple's bickering. "The less you know
about what's going on here, the better."
"This is ridiculous! He is our friend!" Astoria shouted, trying to duck under Blaise's arm and failing
again. "He doesn't need to be chained up like a dog-"
"Oh for goodness sake! He isn't the only spy!" Astoria growled and dropped her arms, closing her
eyes and tilting her head towards the ceiling in a way that reminded Hermione an awful lot of
"What are you talking about?" Blaise hissed. "He's the traitor. I caught him giving information to
an Order member."
"Theo isn't doing this alone!" Astoria huffed and opened her eyes. "I've been helping him from the
beginning! I'm Medusa, too!"
Instantly, Malfoy and Blaise froze. Their expressions fell in unison, and the room fell dangerously
"What?" Astoria snapped. "You think I'm too delicate and fragile to be able to get information?
You think I'm too weak and too self-absorbed to be able to pay attention to Voldemort's secrets?"
"No. No. No,” Malfoy whispered, shaking his head slightly as he looked at Astoria. "She's lying!
She's trying to protect him. She isn't Medusa. She can't be-"
"I can assure you, I'm not lying." She used their shock as a way to push past Blaise and started
tugging at Theo's restraints "I gather all the information, I get all the secrets that Voldemort doesn't
want getting out, and Theo meets Lilith to leak it."
"You're ... both in on this?" Blaise's voice was thick with disbelief, watching as Astoria instructed
Romy to banish the chains she couldn't break on her own. "You're both Medusa?!
"Fuck it, if she's decided that she's going to tell you everything, you might as well have the truth.
Astoria is Medusa. She's the brains behind this whole thing, I'm just a humble servant. A post-man
that delivers her messages. It's all her,” he announced proudly, looking at his partner in crime in
admiration. "It's always been her."
"We're in this together," Astoria said. "I would never have been able to get the information to the
Order without you. You're just as much Medusa as I am.”
"Since the day after Daphne's execution," she answered quickly. Honest. "The two of you had
duties, so Theo and I decided to drown our sorrows. We spent the whole night talking about
Daphne, about what he'd taken from us and how he should be the one who was dead, and that was
it. That was how Medusa was born. Out of whiskey and hatred and the need for revenge.”
"But wait - this doesn't make any sense!" Malfoy bit and dragged a hand through his hair. "Where
are you getting the information from?! You don't know any of the Dark Lord's secrets, Tori! You
don't know battle plans and locations of Horcruxes! Only the inner circle knows that sort of thing!
Who else is giving you this information to leak?"
"All of you."
Malfoy dropped his hands and stared at her. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"I get it from all the Death Eaters - there's not one source that's giving us all this information,"
Astoria said. "It's all of you. Even you and Blaise have given away a secret or two over the years.
I've found the odd plan left out on a desk or overheard a conversation between the two of you that I
wasn't supposed to.”
"I came up with the name Medusa," Theo smiled. "Thought it was very fitting-"
"Sorry mate!" Malfoy cut him off. "But I think the least of my concerns right now is how you two
came up with the bloody name of your treachery!"
Theo rolled his eyes but wasn't deterred. "But the name is everything! Think about it, what is
Medusa? What does she look like?"
"Oh, would the pair of you stop talking in riddles and fucking answer-"
"Wait, Malfoy," Hermione said softly. "I think I understand what he's saying."
"Astoria said that all of you are the leaks, she's getting her information from all of you," Hermione
started, slowly putting the pieces together herself as she spoke. "Medusa has a head full of snakes,
and all the Death Eaters have snake tattoos."
"So, that's just it. Astoria is Medusa. She's the beautiful maiden, the brains behind the whole thing,
and all the Death Eaters are her snakes, the ones she gets her information from.”
"That would explain why you've never been able to pinpoint precisely who the leak was. It would
explain why you couldn't trace the secrets that were being leaked back to one specific person,"
Blaise whispered, "because it was never one person to begin with. It was all of us.”
Malfoy's eyes widened. "How did you do it? How did you get the others to talk and not realise
what they were doing?"
"The Gala's that Voldemort puts on, why do you think I always insist on going to them?" Astoria
raised her brows. "Do you think I enjoy making idle conversation with the people who cheered
when my sister was executed? Do you think I like being in the same room as the ones who held her
down and swung an axe into her back? No, I go to get information. People trust me, they tell me
things they shouldn't. It's like they can't help it, and Salazar knows that your slimy Death Eater
friends like to look at me when they're drunk."
Blaise and Malfoy were completely in shock. They just stared at Astoria in silent horror, like they
didn't want to believe it, like they couldn't believe it was true.
"I go to those parties, I get myself all prettied up, I wear a low cut dress and sip on champagne and
the Death Eaters flock to me like flies on shit! They think I'm pretty but stupid, so they don't watch
their drinks because they don't think they have to. They don't see me as a threat, they don't think
that poor little Astoria Zabini could ever be clever enough to slip a little Veritaserum in their
whiskey!" she laughed quietly, like she was relieved to finally get this off her chest. "They tell me
everything! Secrets just pour out of them and then all it takes is a quick Obliviate and they can't
remember a thing they've told me! Assumed they had too much to drink at the party and have
nothing more than a hangover!"
"Where the fuck did you manage to get Veritaserum from?!" Malfoy suddenly asked. "The Dark
Lord used the last of his supplies years ago, which is why we have to interrogate our hostages the
old-fashioned way! The key ingredient in that potion is Knobberknott feathers, and no one has seen
one in a decade so no one can brew the potion anymore!"
"The less you know about all of this," Astoria smirked, using Malfoy's own words against him,
"the better.”
Malfoy flew into a rage again, and as he seethed and screamed at Astoria, at Theo, Hermione
worked through everything she'd just heard.
She'd always thought the codename was an attempt at irony, the spy's way of saying they'd sold
their soul to Voldemort and turned themselves into a monster for him, just like the old legends say.
Hermione couldn't believe how wrong she'd been. In her anger, in her fucking hatred for the Death
Eaters, she'd assumed them all evil and soulless. She never considered the other stories of
Medusa's origins. The ones that were far darker and more twisted than the one she'd clung onto.
In the other legends, Medusa was beautiful and innocent, and Poseidon wanted her. In those other
stories, Medusa rejected him, so Poseidon took her by force, and when she asked for help from
those she trusted, she was turned into a monster.
Theo and Astoria were both Medusa. Hermione could see it now.
They didn't want this life, they didn't want any of it. They were forced onto a path they never
wanted and robbed of everything they'd once held dear. They'd both lost everything, and Theo had
turned into a killer - into a monster - to protect the both of them.
"Voldemort had her killed right in front of me, Malfoy. My sister," Astoria's voice was what pulled
Hermione out of her train of thought. "He needs to pay for what he's done. To Daphne. To Theo.
To me and you and this whole family. I don't have a lot of time left in this world, and Theo and I
made a promise to one another that before I die, we would make that sick bastard pay for what he's
done to us.”
Astoria's calm voice didn't have the soothing effect she'd desired it to. Instead, Malfoy seemed to
get angrier. He whirled around and kicked the chair Theo had been bound to, sending it careening
into the wall.
"Draco, please calm down." Astoria reached for Malfoy, but he jerked away from her.
"Do you have any idea what you've done, the pair of you?! You've practically signed all our
fucking death certificates with your little act of rebellion!"
"This isn't just about rebelling!" Astoria shouted back. "The Order can win this war! Potter can kill
him! If you would just give us a little longer -"
Astoria shook her head. "No, I don't want you to turn a blind eye and let us continue leaking all
these secrets. I want you to help us.”
"What do you think this is?! A family bonding experience? You're off your fucking rocker if you
think I'm going to help!"
"Just think about it, Draco. You're his right hand! You know everything about his plans!" Astoria
pleaded and she grabbed Malfoys hands. "We've only been able to feed the Order little pieces of
information at a time because we were worried you would figure out it was us! But if you help us,
we will be able to help Potter so much more! We could tell him where all the Horcruxes are and
the best ways to defeat his army! They could have the war won in a year!"
Malfoy shook his head and his eyes flickered to Blaise. "And I suppose your decisions already
been made, hasn't it?"
Blaise was quiet for a moment. He looked at Astoria, and then Malfoy, but eventually, he wrapped
his arms around his wife and kissed her. "Astoria is my wife," he said, pulling back slightly to look
down at her. "There's no decision to be made. If she is with the Order now, then so am I.”
"Don't pretend like you haven't thought about it before, Malfoy,” Theo scoffed. "Or have you
conveniently forgotten that conversation?"
Malfoy narrowed his eyes, but his lips remained tightly closed, refusing to play Notts game.
"Don't go all shy now. You remember, it was just before we had to watch Daph's execution." Theo
stepped towards Malfoy until they were eye to eye, almost chest to chest, refusing to be
intimidated. "I was a fucking mess, and she'd asked you to come and look after me. You went
through the same thing when Voldemort killed your parents. You were forced to watch him torture
and kill them as punishment for your mums' betrayal. I asked you how you got through it, and do
you remember what you said?"
Malfoy's expression was completely unreadable. Other than a slight twitch at the corner of his lip,
his features were completely stoic.
"You looked me dead in the eyes, and you said the only thing that helped, the only thing that made
watching the worst moment of your life bearable, was thinking of all the ways you would have
killed Voldemort if you had the chance. You said you would have killed him with a muggle gun.”
"Shut the fuck up!" Malfoy grabbed Theo's collar and dragged their faces together.
Astoria, Blaise and Hermione moved to his defence, but Theo held up his hand to stop them,
telling them to trust him, that he could do this on his own.
"You said that a gun is a symbol of everything he hates. It's a reminder of how far muggles have
come, how they've advanced so much that they could even kill him. You said that of all the ways
he could die, that a muggle gun would scare him the most, and you said that if things were
different, you would have loved nothing more than to stand over him-"
"That's enough!"
"- point the barrel between his eyes, and pull the trigger."
Malfoy exhaled in a rush. He released his hold on his friend and stepped away. "That's it? That's
your fucking defence?! You're trying to get the Dark Lord killed because I said - once, when I was
a different person - that I would have done it myself if I could have?"
"Are you really a different person?" Theo asked. "Or have you just buried him so far under your
Demon Mask that you struggle to see him anymore?"
Malfoy's hands slid into his hair and he closed his eyes again. He started scratching his temples
like he had a migraine. "I can't believe you've done this," he said under his breath. "I can't believe
that all this time ... I've been doing everything I could think of to keep this family safe. I've killed
and I've tortured! I've set fire to buildings and slaughtered more people than I could ever keep
count of!" His eyes snapped open and his tone changed. Grew into a growl, rage-fuelled and angry.
"I've tortured myself with the things I've done for years! I've sold my soul and never asked for a
thing in return, and you've been doing this all along?!"
His voice may have been furious, may have been caught somewhere between a rage filled scream
and a vicious snarl, but the heartbreak in his eyes ... the betrayal ... that was palpable.
He was angry, yes, but he was also scared. He'd had the rug pulled from underneath his feet,
everything he thought he knew and was concrete in his life had been obliterated in an instant. The
uncertainty of it all must have been terrifying for him, and he was protecting himself the only way
he knew how. But he was hurting inside, and no amount of lashing out could mask that.
"Draco,” Astoria voice was as soft and gentle as her eyes. "I'm so sorry we didn't tell you. We
never meant to hurt you-"
"Hurt me?!" Malfoy roared, eyes bluing, losing their grey shield as he came apart at the seams. "It's
a little fucking late for that now, isn't it?!"
Suddenly, a soft chiming sound started emitting from Blaise's robes. Everyone turned around to
watch him take a silver pocket watch out of his Death Eater uniform. "It's midnight." He waved his
hand over the device and it stopped singing. "It's the 5th of June."
Astoria opened her mouth, but Malfoy cut her off before she could speak.
"Oh, fantastic! What a fabulous gift it is, to find out I've been living with vultures and snakes all
this time!" he shouted, turning on his heels and storming out the room. "Happy fucking birthday to
He slammed the doors closed behind him just as aggressively as he'd opened them, and when the
paintings on the wall stopped shuddering, Theo cleared his throat, turned to Hermione and asked,
"Well, I think he took that alright, don't you?"
It all felt worth it, before
5th June
Hermione let Malfoy cool down for about an hour before she went searching for him, and despite
the size of his estate, she could easily narrow down his hiding place. The walls of the manor were
dark and cold, and there were only a handful of places that would give him comfort.
First, she checked his bedroom. Her reasoning was simple, logical. His entire world had been
flipped on its axis, so he'd want familiarity. It made sense that he'd seek solace in his own room,
with his own belongings and comforts, where everything felt grounded and known and safe. She
was almost sure he would be there, but instead she found it empty, bed still made and undisturbed,
so she moved on.
Next, she tried the small drawing-room on the same wing. After discovering that half of his family
had betrayed him - and another's loyalty to his wife had coerced his betrayal as well - Malfoy
would feel angry and hurt, and he would want to numb that pain with his father's secret stash of
potent whiskeys. Again, she found the room vacant, but her assumption wasn't too far off. The
false wall that hid his father's hoard was on show, the secret door left open to reveal the dust-
covered bottles inside.
The portraits on the walls tutted and hissed as Hermione walked past them on her way to the
kitchens, muttering under their breath that Malfoy's foul mood was probably her fault, that she'd
caused him to storm through the halls like a raging bull not an hour earlier.
She ignored most of them, like she usually did, but when one portrait - an elderly Malfoy who was
at least five generations deceased and looked an awful lot like Lucius - made a particularly vile
remark, Hermione threatened to deface him with her own paints, and his mouth quickly snapped
Cold air whirled around her as she pushed the kitchen doors open and stepped into the gardens.
The moon was full and bright and high in the sky, giving her a clear view of the estate and casting
silver lights on the lawn and flowers in bloom.
She checked the bench under the cherry blossom tree, unsurprised when she found it vacant. She
was already sure that he wasn't going to be there, almost positive that he was going to be in the
graveyard instead, in the very last fucking place she wanted to be, but she still had to tick it off her
list before she carried on.
She shivered when the graveyard fence came into view, but when she reached the entrance, she ran
into a difficulty she hadn't expected. Because curled into a ball and sleeping soundly, guarding the
gates, was Malfoy's dragon.
Hermione paused when she saw Narcissa, she couldn't help it. It was simple biology. Her body's
natural reaction was fear, and her instincts were screaming at her to run, to hide, to get as far away
from the colossal beast and her mouth as soon as humanly possible.
Even with her tail curled around her body and her wings tucked in tightly at her side, she still
blocked the entire entrance to the graveyard. There was no way that Hermione would be able to
enter without getting extremely close to the beast, almost skin to scale, and that thought alone sent
a shivering wave of terror up her spine like someone was walking on her future grave.
Because Narcissa was huge and lethal and breathed fucking fire.
Hermione had seen her obliterate people with a single breath. She'd heard stories of the beast
ripping metal tanks apart like they were nothing and knocking helicopters out of the sky.
And one day - if the vision Voldemort showed her was correct - she was going to kill Hermione.
Narcissa opened her eyes as Hermione approached. She shook her head, waking herself up, and two
thick streams of smoke whistled out of her nostrils as she raised her head off the ground. She stayed
lying down, and although her stance didn't relax, head still standing tall and body defensive, she
watched Hermione for a moment.
"She likes you,” Malfoy had told her earlier that evening. "My dragon doesn't like anyone, but she
likes you."
So, with that knowledge, Hermione took a deep breath and oh so fucking slowly inched towards
the entrance.
She took one. And then another. Tiny little movements that had her creeping towards her
destination little by little. She couldn't help but flinch when Narcissa started to growl. She squeezed
her eyes closed and pressed her back against the iron gates as tightly as she could.
She was sure that the dragon was going to attack. She waited for the feel of teeth on her skin or
claws digging into her legs, but it never came, and it took far too long for Hermione to realise that
the noise Narcissa had made wasn't a deep predatory growl, was actually more of a low clicking
sound. Not quite a purr, but not quite a birds chirp either.
Hermione slowly opened her eyes as she released the breath she'd been holding.
Narcissa was still watching her. Her red eyes were almost glowing like fiery torches in the night,
and the way she was tilting her head curiously to the side didn't make her look any less threatening.
Just made her look all the more intelligent, like this all might be a game, a way to play with her
food for a little while before she indulged.
Her survival instincts were screaming at her, every muscle wanting to contract and carry her away,
make her flee, but strangely, Malfoy's voice was looping in her head, guiding her. Encouraging her.
"So as far as she's concerned, you're under her protection. And that probably makes you the safest
witch in the country."
"He's ... he's in there ...?" Hermione asked in a shaky whisper, jutting her chin towards the entrance
to the cemetery. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Is he in there?"
She knew the dragon couldn't respond, but Hermione swore - fucking swore - that the way she
chuffed and sharply jerked her head downwards like a horse sounded an awful lot like a 'yes'.
She inched a little closer to the entrance, keeping her back pressed against the iron gates and
ignoring the terror that kept prickling across her skin.
A thick wave of hot air hit her face when she was stood beside the dragon. She tried to keep her
expression passive and her breathing even, but her heart was beating wildly in her chest.
Just one more step. Just one more step and she could veer past the dragon and get inside the
graveyard, but she couldn't make her feet move.
Because as she was pressed against the iron gate, reminders of being bound to a wooden post with
her hands tied behind her back came flooding back.
Because as heat radiated around the dragon's body, reminders of the fire sparked back to life.
Reminding her what it had felt like to die, what it had felt like to be tied to a stake and be burned
alive, what her death was probably going to feel like
She grit her teeth together and tried to bare her way through it. She tried, but she couldn't move ...
Hermione exhaled in a rush, defeated, but just as she resolved herself to turn and leave, the dragon
backed away. Hermione watched, a little dumbstruck, as Narcissa shuffled backwards to give
Hermione clear access through the iron gates, without having to be too close to the beast.
Did ... did the dragon know that Hermione was scared of her? Did she know that Hermione
couldn't bear to be close to her, and she'd given her breathing room on purpose? Did she want
Hermione to go and comfort Malfoy?
"Thank you,” she whispered, completely astonished at what she'd just witnessed.
Narcissa huffed loudly, and when she settled herself down and closed her eyes, Hermione walked
through the gates.
She found Malfoy standing over Daphne's grave, one hand resting on her headstone while his face
was dropped into the other. He held an almost expired cigarette in his hand, the burning tip poking
out between the fingers that covered his face while a thin stream of smoke hovered above him. It
was awful to see him like that. Hunched over a grave - a grave that was empty because they didn't
have Daphne's body to bury. Watching over a headstone that was bare because her family weren't
allowed to carve her name into it.
They hadn't been allowed to give Daphne anything in her death. Not a funeral, or burial of any
kind. This grave was the only connection any of them had left to her. A secret place they'd
collectively decided was hers, where they could mourn her and try to be close to her, and her name
wasn't even on the fucking headstone.
He didn't hear her approach, didn't so much as exhale when she stood at his side. His eyes were
closed and he looked deep in concentration, almost like he was meditating.
Tentatively, she reached out and touched the side of his face, and as soon as the tips of her fingers
brushed against his cold skin, she was pulled into his mind.
She materialised beside Malfoy in the centre of Nottingham. He was stood in front of the Council
house, surrounded by a pack of Death Eaters with flaming torches.
Hermione knew this memory, she'd already seen it twice before. He was watching Daphne's
"Why are you here?" she asked, eyes on his face rather than the scene in front of her. "Why would
you want to watch this, willingly?"
He didn't look at her as he spoke. He just kept staring straight ahead, the flames around them
illuminating the blue of his eyes and the sharp angles of his jaw and cheekbones. "I watch this
memory every day," he said, so quietly she wasn't entirely sure if he meant to say it aloud. "I watch
it every fucking day to remind myself why I'm doing all of this. Every. Fucking. Day.”
The crowd around them abruptly fell silent when Voldemort started speaking, his voice sharp as
the axe that he would soon butcher Daphne with.
This was only the third time Hermione had been forced to watch this memory, she didn't know
Daphne at all, and it still made her stomach twist hearing Voldemort's cold voice. Still made her
want to wretch when she thought about what was going to happen in a few short minutes.
"I watch it to remind myself that everything I do, no matter how brutal or awful or horrific it might
be, that it's all worth it. It doesn't matter if it breaks me to do it, or if it tears me apart inside,
because it's all worth it.” She watched his throat bob as he swallowed. "I watch it to remind
myself that I need to do those things. That I need to do everything I can to make sure that
something like this will never happen to someone I care about again."
He flinched slightly when the axe was brought down on Daphne's back for the first time - but he
didn't look away.
"It's all felt worth it before. I always felt like I was doing the right thing, and as long as I served the
Dark Lord, my family would be safe,” he whispered, hands balled tightly into fists at his sides.
"But then Astoria fell down the stairs, she almost died, and the Dark Lord didn't care. Didn't even
blink. She was bleeding and dying on my floor and he just-" His voice broke and he took a deep
breath to calm himself, to put himself back together. "He didn't care, and now ... I don't know what
to think anymore. I don't know what's real anymore.”
For the second time that evening, Hermione didn't know what to do. No words felt big enough to
ease the suffering she saw in him. Even if she'd had access to her magic, she couldn't think of a
single spell or enchantment that could erase the pain in his eyes.
So all she could do was watch him torture himself with what he so obviously thought was his
failure. Again.
"I've known Daphne since we were three years old," he said after a few minutes, still refusing to
look away from the mutilation happening right in front of him. "We may not be blood, but she and
Astoria are my sisters in every sense of the word. We grew up together, spent every birthday and
Christmas and summer holiday together. We knew everything about each other, but I could never
understand why she suddenly turned on Voldemort that day and refused to follow his orders.”
"Maybe she didn't want to kill for a person she didn't believe in anymore."
"No, Daph was a survivalist. Her mother died when she was eight, and her father was fucking
useless. Used to drown himself in drink to cope with his grief, so it was up to her to make sure that
she and Astoria didn't drown with him, and that's what she kept doing until the day she died.
Serving the Dark Lord was just a means to an end for her. She thought it was the best way to keep
Astoria protected, so that's what she did, by any means necessary.”
Malfoy just shook his head. "She wouldn't have. Grief is a bit of a taboo subject in Pureblood
society. It's seen as a weakness by the older generations, a side effect of improper breeding. The
Greengrass's would have been seen as social pariah's if anyone found out how her father had gone
to pieces, so Daph covered it up, and Astoria never talks about it.”
"I'm sorry to say that I never spent any time with her when we were at Hogwarts. I feel like I would
have liked her."
"You probably would have. She was a lot like Astoria. Same kind smile and dimples, although she
did share Theo's sadistic sense of humour. They used to play the most vile pranks on everyone in
Slytherin house. I'm sure that the pair of them fell in love while plotting ways to wind Snape up.”
She could see the coldness around him thawing slightly as he spoke about Daphne, and Hermione
couldn't help but smile a little.
"She sounds like she was a wonderful person. I'd like to hear more about her - if that's alright?"
"Daph was very kind and affectionate to the four of us, but she was very cold and distant to
everyone else. She was very resourceful and calculated. She was vain and spoiled - like Astoria -
and she could be very charming and manipulative when she wanted something -"
"Also like Astoria," Hermione smiled, hoping a small attempt at humour might ease that pain she
saw in his eyes. It did, a little.
"Yes, we used to joke that vanity and manipulation came with the Greengrass family dimples,”
Malfoy chuckled quietly, and the ghost of a smile played at the very edges of his mouth - just for a
moment - before it vanished entirely. "Daph was a lot of things - not all of them good - but I've
never known a more selfless person than she was. She would have done anything for the Dark Lord
if it meant the rest of us were protected."
The tenderness in Malfoy's voice, that smile that Hermione would never - ever - admit she was
actually quite fond of, vanished as a blood-curdling scream rang through the air.
Malfoy started talking louder, quicker, rambling on and talking to Hermione as if he were trying to
drown out the sounds around him. "But her biggest weakness was that she was a control freak. The
bloody woman didn't have an impulsive bone in her body. She wasn't exactly the smartest witch
alive, but she was crafty. Everything she did - every move she made was thought out and obsessed
over hundreds of times before she did it.”
His nostrils flared as something crunched in front of them. Hermione didn't turn to see what it was,
didn't want to see whether it was Daphne's ribs that were being cracked or if it was her spine that
had been broken.
"But she was so obsessed with her need to plan everything and know everything in advance that she
was often blinded by it. She couldn't think on her feet, didn't know how to, and if something
deviated from the plan she'd made, she'd panic and go to pieces.”
Another crunch, this one long and drawn out like something was splintering, but it was almost
smothered by Daphne's scream.
"She knew it was her Achilles heel, so she never let that happen, did everything she could to never
let anyone or anything get the upper hand on her. She used to spend hours and hours with Blaise,
trying to get him to make predictions on missions, even though he insisted that he wasn't a Seer.
She planned every mission down to the last detail, hand picked those who would accompany her
and left nothing to chance. She was always looking at the bigger picture - everything she did had a
purpose - everything she did was to win the long game."
Another scream. The crowd cheered.
"Which is why I could never understand why she didn't just grit her teeth and get on with the
mission that day like she normally did. I didn't understand until today, until Theo said-" He
stopped and rolled his jaw. "She loved him so much, she would have done anything to protect him,
and I do mean anything. Including destroying a hospital full of patients."
"That wouldn't have mattered to Daph. She didn't possess that little moral compass that you hang
onto, Granger.” His eyes flickered down so he could watch her out the corner of his eye. "You kill
because you think it serves the greater good - taking one life is justified if it saves two, correct?"
"You think that killing a few thousand Death Eaters is justified if it saves the lives of a million
muggles, but Daph and I don't share your utilitarian view. All we cared about was our little family,
and she would have killed ten thousand people if it meant the five of us would be safe. It would
have broken her heart to do it, but if one of our lives were on the line, she would have Avada'd
every child in that hospital herself."
Daphne screamed again in the background; Hermione fought the impulse to cover her ears.
"So, when she refused to attack that hospital, I assumed that something must have gone wrong on
the mission. That it didn't go the way she'd planned so she panicked and the others saw that as
weakness.” He paused and winced slightly as another gargled scream sounded around them. "I
assumed that when she'd lashed out and killed Jones and Tobias, that she was spiralling and
panicking, trying to cover her mistake. I should have known better. I should have known that she'd
done it on purpose. I should have -" He dropped his face into his hand and took a deep breath that
rattled in his lungs. "I can't even imagine how the guilt must have been tearing Theo apart all
these years.”
When the flaming torches around them flickered and started to fade, Hermione assumed she'd be
pulled out of his mind and land back at the graveyard, but she didn't.
The flames were snuffed out as Daphne took her last breath, but instead of being absorbed in a
flash of brilliant light, Hermione was engulfed by smoke from the torches. A smoke that surrounded
them until Hermione couldn't see anything else. And when the smoke cleared a few seconds later,
she wasn't in the town centre anymore, she was in an underground dungeon.
They were stood in front of two prison cells, both with rusting iron bars and almost completely
covered in darkness. In one cell, there was a young girl with long black hair, high cheekbones and
bright green eyes. She was hugging her knees to her chest and curled into a ball in the corner,
trying to stay out of sight. Her clothes were torn and her arms were covered in burns and cuts.
"Daph?" called a familiar voice, just seconds before a younger version of Malfoy appeared at the
bottom of the stone steps that led into the dungeons. "Daph?"
"Oh, Halle-bloody-lujah!" Daphne chuckled softly, voice quiet and gentle like a doves purr. She
smiled sweetly as she stopped on the other side of the bars, highlighting the deep split in her top lip
and the bruises along her cheekbone. "I was terrified that the last face I was going to see before I
was sprung off the mortal coil was going to be Bartys!"
"This is the last time I saw her before she died," Malfoy said. "I didn't think I could bear to stand
back and watch another person I cared about die. I so desperately wanted to get her out, but she
wouldn't let me.”
"Is Theo alright?" Daphne asked, making the younger version of Malfoy sigh and wrap his fingers
around the bars of her prison cell.
"He's a mess," he answered. "Fucking inconsolable. I've tried everything, but I can't calm him
down. I honestly don't know how he's going to get through this."
"He has to. If he crumbles - if any of you crumble - the Dark Lord will see it as a sign of weakness
and he'll kill you all. Theo has to be strong, he just has to be.”
"I know, but I don't know what to do! The Dark Lord wants to make an example of you," the
younger version of Malfoy said. "He's called everyone to watch. He's using your death to send a
message to the others that failure to comply isn't an option. It's serve him or die."
"Of course he does. Never one to miss the opportunity to send a message, is he?" Daphne laughed
humourlessly. "What does he have planned for me?"
The younger Malfoy didn't respond and his eyes flickered to the floor.
Daphne whistled gently and laughed again. "Oh dear- is it that bad?"
"He says that because you're a muggle sympathiser, he wants to punish you like a muggle. He
wants to execute you using an old Viking method. It's called the Bloody Eagle."
Daphne was obviously familiar with the name. She knew what was going to happen to her, but
rather than cry or scream or shake, she simply nodded, accepting her fate. She reached through the
bars and squeezed Malfoy's shoulder, and that's when Hermione saw her tattoo. Half the image of
a snake was etched into the back of her right hand. It was huge, the head completely covering the
back of her hand, a fang stretching down her index finger and the body coiling up her wrist and
It was the other half of Theo's tattoo, the missing piece of him, right there on the back of Daphne's
"Theo doesn't wear a wedding ring," Hermione whispered. "And neither did Daphne. Voldemort
didn't take those too when he killed her, did he?"
"They didn't wear rings. It's tradition in pureblood families that when a witch or wizard dies, their
wedding rings are removed before their burial and given to their heir."
"Yes, all the families of the Sacred Twenty- Eight have had their wedding bands in their families
for hundreds of years," Hermione answered, feeling her chest jump slightly when Malfoy looked
down at her out the corner of her eye again. "I read about it the summer before I started Hogwarts.
It was all very new to me, so I wanted to make sure I knew as much as possible beforehand, so I
"Get left behind? Of course, you read about it before you'd even set foot in Hogwarts, bloody know
it all." Malfoy scoffed quietly, and after he shook his head, he started watching the memory again.
"But no, Daphne and Theo didn't wear rings at all.”
"Why not?"
"They didn't think they were enough. They wanted something that would last long after they were
buried together. They thought tattoos were more permanent, so they got those instead.”
"I've been wondering about something," Hermione started. "The rings you wear around your neck -
Malfoy looked at her again. She saw a slight twist in his brow before he reached into the collar of
his robes and pulled the metal chain out. "These rings?"
"My parents rings?" he finished for her. "Yes. I took them after they died." He let her examine them
from a distance for a second or two, let her see how the large tear-shaped diamond on his mother's
ring caught the little light in the dungeon before he tucked the chain and rings safely back into his
robes and straightened his collar. He turned his attention back to the memory he was showing her,
so Hermione did the same.
"It's going to be fine, Draco." Daphne breathed, reassuring her friend as though he were the one
about to be executed rather than her. "You're going to get through this and keep the others safe.
You don't need me anymore.”
Malfoy didn't say another word for several minutes. He just stared straight ahead, watching his
younger self plead with Daphne to let him save her, to let him blow the bars off her cell and let her
escape, even though he already knew her answer.
Daphne wouldn't let him. "It's too risky," she just kept saying over and over again. "Voldemort will
know it was one of you. He'll think you're sympathisers and he'll kill you all. It's better this way.
Just let me go.”
"What the fuck am I going to do without you, Daph?!" the younger Malfoy sighed, "I can't ... I
don't know how .."
"You'll be fine. You're more than capable of looking after the others on your own,” she said,
smiling sweetly as tears gathered in her eyes. "You don't need me anymore."
"Theo isn't going to be able to get through this,” the younger Malfoy breathed eventually, when
he'd finally accepted that she wasn't going to let him save her, that he'd allowed her to die. "And
even if he does, he's never going to be the same again afterwards."
Daphne was quiet for a heartbeat before she asked, "Can you send him down? I ... I need to ... I
want to see him one last time."
The younger Malfoy looked up at her and his fingers tightened around the bars of her cell. He
opened his mouth, and closed it again, seemingly without words.
"Please, I'll make it quick. I won't say anything that will set him off or make him think that he can
save me.” Tears welled in Daphne's eyes, and she squeezed his arm again in comfort. "I just ... I
need to see him one last time. I ... I need to say goodbye."
Hermione had to look away, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion and unable to look at Daphne
for even a second longer. Her chest felt tight, and she felt her eyes burning.
"Did you let Theo say goodbye?" she asked, trying to distract herself from the wave of sadness that
had just crashed over her.
"I don't think anything could ever help a person witness their soulmate being butchered in front of
their eyes.” She felt Malfoy's eyes on her face as he spoke. "But yes. I don't know what she said to
him, but when he came out of that dungeon afterwards, he was ... different."
"And is it true what Theo said about Daphne being Voldemort's favourite Death Eater?"
"Yes. He always had a soft spot for her. If she hadn't of died, I'm sure she would have been
promoted to a Demon Mask rather than me.”
Hermione couldn't help but look at Daphne again, just briefly. She looked closely at the bruises on
her face and the burn marks on her arm and shoulder.
She was Voldemort's favourite, and he'd turned on her in an instant. Had no problem ordering his
subordinates to torture her at the first sign of betrayal. So what would he do to Theo and Astoria if
he knew they'd been aiding in his demise for years? It was almost too horrific to even think about.
The memory started to fade around them, and Hermione was engulfed in a familiar blinding light
before she materialised back in the Malfoy family cemetery.
"Why did you show me that?" she asked, her impulsive tongue already curling around the words
before she'd found her footing again. "Why did you want me to see Daphne like that?"
"Because I always thought that moment was where it started for me,” he answered, head down and
staring at Daphne's grave with a hand still resting on her headstone. "I'd killed people before that,
but I'd always been rather humane about it. Always tried to use curses that wouldn't hurt or would
kill quickly - and then after that, I changed. Suppose I was born again, baptised in blood and all that
metaphorical bollocks."
Slowly, Malfoy let go of the headstone and stared at Hermione. His eyes were mostly blue, only
the faintest line of silver clinging to life.
"I'd watched my mother and father be executed, and having to go through the same thing again
years later ... it was all too much. After watching her execution and seeing how easily replaceable
we were, I became ruthless, and it wasn't long before I became a demon in both name and nature.”
He paused and released a slow breath, letting his words sink in. "I wanted to earn the horns on my
head because I thought it would keep the others safe. I've killed so many fucking people Granger, I
don't even know how many anymore. I tried not to care about anything else. Tried to tell myself
that each time I killed, it was necessary. That every notch on my death toll was like another layer in
my family's armour."
Hermione felt like each time she saw another one of Malfoy's memories, each time he let her in, she
understood him more and more. Could see even more clearly why he had become so lethal, so
Like the image of Medusa she'd drawn up in her mind, she had a separate one for Malfoy. A
painting of her own creation, a demon with sharp horns and blood dripping from his fingers, but
each new memory she saw changed that painting, swiped another piece of the canvas clean and
revealed something underneath, something softer, more humane, and far more hurt than she
would've realised on her own.
"It used to be easy to shut myself off from what I was feeling. I used to imagine taking my feelings
out of my chest, putting up my walls and then throwing them over it so I was just numb all over. I
didn't use to feel a shred of remorse when I decapitated people. Didn't used to feel a thing when I
killed people we went to school with,” he said, voice dropping to a whisper. "I didn't feel anything.
My chest was empty and I was dead inside. But then ... you came back into my life, and it became
so much harder to shut myself off... I started feeling things again ... I started to-"
He closed his eyes and tensed his jaw. She could see him trying to put his occlumency walls back
up, trying to protect himself before he said too much, but Hermione refused to let him hide from
her. Not when she was finally starting to breakthrough.
"Don't put up any more occlumency walls," she pleaded, taking his face between her hands. "Don't
hide from me.”
His eyes snapped open, and he looked down at her for a moment. He flinched- the same way he
had when she'd kissed him in his room - bracing himself against any sign of physical affection as
though it were an attack.
He was so used to death and torture, he didn't know how to respond to tenderness. So used to using
his hands for killing - to seeing them as a tool to inflict pain- that he didn't always recognise that
they could be used for comfort. He didn't know what to do with himself. He tried to look away, but
she tilted his head and forced him to meet her eyes.
She needed to tread very carefully. He was on the cusp of something, so close to the edge of the
cliff but hanging on by the very tips of his fingers.
She'd always assumed he were the loyalist of Voldemort's followers, but it seemed in recent months
that that wasn't exactly the case.
He didn't serve his master out of love or devotion to the cause, he served him to protect his family.
Just like Daphne, fighting in his army was a means to an end, and with his family's life threatened,
that loyalty - that loyalty that was already hanging by a fucking thread - had been tested.
The murder of his parents was the first blow, having to witness their deaths was like an axe being
swung into the side of a tree. The foundations were still there, but there was a gaping hole in the
It was almost severed completely when Daphne was executed, but the need to keep the others safe
was what kept him hanging on. He had to make sacrifices to keep it standing, had to close off his
heart, cut pieces of himself off and use them to prop the tree up, but it was there. Still standing, the
illusion of loyalty.
After all these years, there were only a few threads left. But it seemed Voldemort's indifference to
Astoria's near brush with death had caused a devastating cut to his loyalty, and the reveal of
Medusa's identity had delivered the final blow.
But the tree hadn't quite collapsed yet. It was cut in half, no connections remained, but it was
frozen, hanging suspended in a moment of weightlessness.
One more nudge would do it, but he had to be the one to make the decision. If he felt backed into a
corner, if he felt pushed into a decision that wasn't entirely his, he would lash out and push in the
opposite direction.
She needed to choose her next words very - very - fucking carefully.
"Please, don't shut me out, Draco. Not now." She took a step closer, stretching onto the tips of her
toes so she could try and be eye level with him. "Just let me in. Just this once, tell me what you
were about to say.”
The conflict in him was tangible. Almost visible. She could see him wrestling with it. Could see
the indecision in the blue of his eyes. The fear. The panic. The uncertainty. She could see it all
without his occlumency.
He rolled his jaw and took a deep breath, and on the exhale, he confessed.
"I saw what killing other people did to you. I saw how much it hurt you, and it killed me because I
was the one making you do it,” he whispered. "It's becoming harder and harder to Occlude. I feel
guilt and remorse, I feel sadness and pain, and you know what? I fucking hate you for it Granger."
He tried to hiss the words at her, tried to pour as much malice and hatred into his words as he
could, but in the end, it just sounded hurt and full of emotion - emotions he'd repressed for years
and years.
"I hate that you've made me feel things again. I hate that I can't seem to kill anymore without
thinking about how it's going to affect you, if it's going to make you angry or break your heart.”
She expected him to pull back, to bat her hands away and sneer down at her, but instead, he leaned
into her touch, almost nestled his cheek against her palm like he'd wanted to do it all along.
"I hate that I can't stop thinking about you. I hate that every time I'm in the same room as you, all I
can think about is this." He reached up and caught her wrist, and he used it to press her hand more
firmly against his cheek. "It's driving me fucking insane. I can't think straight. All I can think about
is touching you. Or you touching me. About how soft and warm you are. But more than anything?
I fucking hate that you've revived something in me that I thought I'd buried a long, long time ago. I
hate you for it, Granger, I really, really do.”
"I know," she hushed back, stroking her thumbs gently across his cold cheeks when she felt him
start to shake. "I know you do.”
"You've killed just as often as I have, so you feel it too, don't you?" he asked. "The pain? The
"How can you carry all this around with you? How does it not crush you to think about what you've
done and all the people you've killed?"
"It does crush me, Draco. Every day, I think about all the people I've killed, and every night, I
swear to God I can see their faces when I close my eyes, but it doesn't stop me, I still kill people all
the time. And you're right, I wouldn't think twice about killing one person if I thought it would
save two. I consider the people I kill monsters, but their deaths still haunt me. I hate that this war
has turned me into someone who can kill, I hate it, but I can't change it,” she hushed. "Sometimes,
the guilt is so heavy that it feels like it's crushing me. Sometimes, when I think about all the people
I've killed I can't fucking breathe - but do you know what makes it bearable? Knowing that at the
end of all this, at the end of the war, that I've done everything in my power to keep the people I
love safe, and that the world will be a better place because Voldemort won't be in it. He won't be
able to hurt anyone anymore, and that means that I won't have to hurt anyone either."
He didn't say anything for a while. He stared at her and went completely still, as though he'd turned
into a marble statue right in front of her.
Time seemed to stand still as she waited to hear his decision. Seconds passed, perhaps minutes,
Hermione had no way of knowing for sure, but what she did know, was that when he'd made the
decision, there would be no going back.
"I can't serve him anymore. I don't ... I don't want to serve him anymore,” he whispered, pained,
defeated. "I don't want to keep killing for him. What's the point in carrying all this pain and guilt
around if he won't keep my family safe? If he's just going to let them die or behead us the instant
we step out of line, then I don't want to be his puppet. I don't want to be a cog in a machine that I
don't believe in anymore.”
As soon as he said the words, it was like a weight had been lifted from him.
He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. Almost collapsed into her, like his body
had been held up with strings and the confession had severed them all and now he had nothing left
holding him up. "I don't want to kill for him. I don't want ... I don't want to be his demon anymore.”
"I'm saying that it's going to take me a few days to wrap my head around all of this, but I think
Astoria and Theo are right.”
"I think it's time Voldemort paid for what he's done to my family, Granger. I think it's time he paid
for it all. And the best way to overthrow a regime is to make it crumble from the inside."
What else?
10th June
After his conversation in the graveyard with Hermione, after he'd confessed that he wanted to
change, that his loyalties weren't with his master anymore, he'd vanished. He didn't say a word.
Just got on Narcissa's back and the two of them disappeared into the clouds. No one had any idea
when he was going to come back.
No one had heard even a whisper from him since, and Astoria, in a few words, was absolutely
fucking seething.
Now that she was fully recovered from her accident, she'd been wanting to throw a birthday
celebration for him, and his absence had not gone down well with the newly revealed Medusa.
Originally, Astoria had decided to postpone the celebration until Malfoy came home, but when he
failed to return after three days, or four, Astoria's patience finally depleted and she announced they
would be having the party without the guest of honour.
Unfortunately, both Blaise and Theo were called on separate assignments that evening, so Astoria
and Hermione were left on their own. To drink. And talk.
They spent the entire evening in one of the cosier sitting rooms, sat on opposite sides of the same
sofa, exchanging stories over their glasses.
Hermione talked about her childhood, retelling stories of her parents and the holidays they used to
take as a family. Although it was clear that Astoria didn't know much about muggle traditions, she
did ask about the 'metal boxes on wheels'. And she gave Hermione a knowing smile as she
described the caravan's her father used to rent for their summer holidays in the South West of
And Astoria - she talked about Daphne. Astoria talked about her endlessly, how she'd always
envied her sister's natural beauty, how Daphne had shielded her from her father's alcoholism as a
child, how she'd guided her through years of elocution lessons and how she'd taught Astoria how to
walk in even the highest heels without toppling over.
She smiled brightly and laughed as she talked, but her expression grew sombre when Hermione
had asked her about her father.
Astoria didn't say much about him, only that he'd died on an assignment very early on in the war -
a mere few months after Voldemort's resurrection - and that after his very small - and very private -
funeral, Narcissa Malfoy had opened her arms and her home to the orphaned Greengrass's, and
they'd lived at the manor ever since.
Astoria had choked up as she finished the story, but as a few tears escaped, she wiped her cheeks,
downed the remains of her glass, and swiftly changed the topic of conversation back to Daphne.
It was heart-warming to see Astoria finally talk so freely and openly about her sister, even though
Hermione understood the reason she never had before.
Since Daphne's death, her name had become taboo around the manor. She'd been labelled as a
traitor by Voldemort, a disgrace, so even uttering her name was seen as treason. But since the
reveal of Medusa's identity, there had been a shift in the atmosphere at Malfoy Manor.
Beforehand, the others hadn't known if they could trust Hermione, but now their interests aligned
and they were on the same side of the war, the walls had dropped, and now everyone spoke freely
about their fallen friend.
Blaise was a little reserved when Hermione asked a question about her, but Theo - Theo seemed to
come back to life whenever she was brought up, as though the very word 'Daphne' breathed the life
back into him. There was still a sadness in his eyes, but he was animated again. He smiled a little
whenever someone else talked about her, would listen quietly whenever Astoria told stories of their
youth or Romy retold the times she'd tried to teach him the dance moves to her 80s songs.
Theo smiled through it all, but he never spoke about her himself. It was too painful for him.
Astoria and Hermione had gotten through three bottles of wine - and halfway through a brown
bottle of something that Astoria swore was tequila - before they finally called it a night.
Getting drunk with Astoria might have seemed like a silly thing to do, childish, given the drastic
turn of events. But in truth, Hermione fucking needed it.
Since Voldemort had entered her mind, Hermione felt different. She felt like herself, but something
was off. Something inside her that shouldn't have been there. Fragments of Voldemort's magic -
even weeks after he'd been in her mind, she still felt it. Couldn't shut it off. Couldn't stop her mind
from focusing on it.
Dark Magic had side effects, she knew that. The darker the magic, the higher the price it
demanded on the body.
Torture curses could result in nightmares and killing curses left stains on a wizards soul. She'd read
it a hundred times and experienced it a hundred times more - but the after-effects of Voldemort's
magic? They were brutal.
She could grit her teeth through the feel of his dark magic crawling just a few lawyers underneath
her skin, but the nightmares? And the feeling they left behind? They could fuck right off.
He'd used his dark magic to force his consciousness into her mind, used it to show her the vision of
the future, to make her feel it, live it, and it seemed her body was struggling to forget what it felt
like to die.
She had nightmares most nights. The same moment of being tied to a wooden stake and burning to
death replayed over and over until she woke with a scream and her skin still on fire.
She thought that getting inebriated with Astoria might help. Hopeful, that if she downed just the
right amount of whiskey, it might numb her body and her mind enough to give her a peaceful nights
It didn't, and when she woke in the early hours of the morning, her veins like acid and her nerves
remembering what it felt like to be burned alive, Hermione had run herself an icy bath and
submerged herself until her lips were blue.
She looked so tired as she stared at herself in the mirror. There were heavy circles under her eyes -
evidence of her lack of sleep - and her lips were almost white from her cold bath.
She wore nothing but a red silk robe that Astoria had given her. Her hair was still dripping, and the
thin material was completely sodden and clinging to her back, providing a welcome chill against
the ridges of her spine. She could see herself shaking in the mirror, could see the way her
reflection's lips trembled from the extreme cold that she'd forced herself to endure, but she still felt
hot. Uncomfortable in her own skin.
Her skin was glowing and her hair was smooth and styled into an elegant ponytail. She was
wearing a strapless white dress that nipped in at her small waist and flowed out to her knees,
making her look the absolute image of a 50's housewife, and it was all topped off with six-inch
heels and her favourite ruby necklace.
Astoria had strode into Hermione's room as she got out of the bath, and she'd taken one look at her
before she asked Romy to fetch a phial of hangover potion. The very moment the tiny had
reappeared, Astoria took the phial from him and thrust it into Hermione's trembling fingers. "Drink
this,” she commanded.
Hermione obeyed without complaint, and the moment the liquid slipped down her throat, the
fuzziness in her head began to clear, and by the time she'd drained the glass, the nausea in her
stomach was nothing but a memory.
"M-much-" Hermione breathed, her voice hoarse and croaking with sleep. She cleared her throat
and tried again. "Much better. Thank you."
Astoria stood behind Hermione and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She smoothed out her
already pristine hair as she spoke. "Not a problem at all. We have plenty of it pre-brewed for
emergency cases - with the amount of whiskey and wine the boys get through, I find it's better to
have hangover potion stocked in healthy supply."
Hermione couldn't help but cock a brow. "Just for the boys?"
Astoria stopped fussing over her hair and smiled down at Hermione. "Oh, the little lion has her
claws back, I see the potion has taken effect.”
Before Hermione could respond, there was a loud shrieking sound outside. The ground of the
manor shook for a moment, and when Hermione and Astoria ran to the open window, they saw
Narcissa in the garden with Malfoy sitting proudly between her shoulders.
Hermione watched him slide off his dragon's shoulders and gently land on the ground beside her.
He petted her shoulder softly for a few moments, and then he turned his head to the side and his
eyes found Hermione's. She'd been trapped by his eyes before, and although she couldn't see what
colour they were from this distance, she found herself unable to move just the same.
Astoria's pink painted lips curled. "He's back?! Oh, I would wring his pale little neck with one of
my scarves if they weren't so bloody expensive !"
After Romy had cast drying charms on Hermione's hair and she'd changed into a short red summer
dress, she and Astoria entered the small drawing-room, right in the middle of Malfoy and Theo's
The green suede sofa and armchair that occupied this room were swivelled around so that they
faced the fireplace and the coffee table had been stationed between them.
Theo was the only one standing. He was hovering over the two bottles of whiskey that were resting
on the coffee table. Blaise was sat alone in the single armchair, back straight and perfect posture.
His expression was bored at first, but he smiled brightly when his wife entered the room.
Malfoy was sat alone on the large sofa. The way he was perched on the green suede was very
casual. He had one leg crossed over his knee, his broad frame almost entirely swamping the sofa.
One of his arms was resting across the back of the chair while the other was draped across the
He'd changed clothes. He was wearing black trousers and a simple white shirt. The top few buttons
were left undone, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his silver rings clinked against the
side of the tumbler in his hand.
"You know we could have had this team meeting without you, don't you?" Theo snapped. "I've
been leaking secrets for five years-"
"Yeah, six! Thank you, Tori! Six bloody years, and you didn't have a clue!" Theo scoffed and held
his arms out wide on either side of him. "So I think you'll find that my espionage skills are
unmatched, thank you very much!"
"Oh yeah?" Malfoy cocked a brow. "You think you're the king of espionage? Then fucking spell
Theo snatched up one of the bottles on the bottle table and threw Malfoy an obscene, one-fingered
"I would lose the finger if you want some of that whiskey,” Malfoy breathed, and as he raised his
glass to his lips, his eyes flickered up and found Hermione again. They were an uneven mixture of
grey and blue, but, uncharacteristically, the blue was overtaking. Mr Hyde didn't have full reigns.
"Sorry boss,” Theo mocked and turned the bottle over in his hands to read the label. "Ooooooooh,
he's brought out old Daddy Malfoy's stash. This must be a special occasion.”
His mouth twitched into a smirk. "Very observant. Ten points to Gryffindor."
Astoria played the role of the hostess. She poured everyone a glass of whiskey and handed them
Blaise kissed her hand as he accepted his. Theo knocked his head back and downed his drink in
one, and then held out his empty glass for another. Hermione accepted her glass with a smile, and
as she turned to sit down, Malfoy shuffled over slightly on his sofa and patted the empty space
beside him, inviting her to sit with him.
And Hermione couldn't help the way her pulse quickened as she took her seat.
"Alright then boys and girls, let's get this show on the road," Theo cleared his throat loudly,
dramatically. "Are we all sitting comfortably?
Everyone in the room nodded - except Astoria, her lingering scowl at Malfoy still hadn't vanished.
"Don't you have anything you want to apologise for?" she snapped, her painted lips twitching
slightly with anger.
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Oh for - what is it you think I've done now?"
"You've been gone for five days you absolute wanker!" Astoria knocked her drink back and poured
herself another. "You find out that we are the spies, and then you just bloody disappeared! You
didn't leave a note! You didn't tell anyone where you were going or when you planned to return!
And then you just waltz back in here and casually open not one - but two - of your father's whiskey
bottles and act like nothing is amiss?!"
"Oh, I see. So it's not that I went missing that's annoyed you, but that I've opened my father's
whiskey without telling you?" Malfoy sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Oh, how silly of me to
forget that the alcoholic would favour sprits over her family."
Astoria made a displeased face. "They are the ones that must never ever ever ever ever be touched
under any circumstances! You've never even let us know where you hide them, so please forgive
my surprise that you've suddenly decided to bring them out!"
Hermione sipped on her drink as she watched the pair, trying to hide her amusement. If Malfoy
knew how much his and Astoria's relationship - and their constant bickering - reminded her of Ron
and Ginny, he would probably Avada himself.
"I never told you where I hide them because I knew if you got your greedy bloody fingers on them,
then there would be nothing left!" Malfoy snapped. "I was waiting for a special occasion to open
these, but if calling a team meeting to plan espionage against our leader doesn't class as a
monumental event, then I don't know what does.”
"Do not change the subject!" Astoria folded her arms across her chest and began tapping her foot
sporadically on the floor, her annoyance thumping out from the end of her high heels. "Where have
you been?"
Malfoy leaned forward, picked up one of the bottles, and sat back against the sofa once more. "Did
you honestly believe that I would betray the Dark Lord and put us all at risk without ensuring - that
if anything should go wrong - that everyone in this room will be safe?" He poured himself another
glass, and then refilled Hermione's. "If we get discovered, we will need places to hide, so I've spent
the last few days setting those up.”
That made sense. Malfoy was nothing if not thorough. He'd set up a ridiculous amount of wards
around the manor before her capture. It was almost obsessive, the lengths he'd gone to to ensure
she couldn't harm herself, or others, so it was to be expected that he'd show the same obsessive
nature in protecting his own.
"Well, don't leave us in suspense," Theo teased. "Where are they?"
Astoria scoffed. "A farmhouse? As in somewhere pigs and cows and chickens are kept? Oh please
be joking." When Malfoy didn't respond, Astoria's eyes grew wide in disbelief. "Oh please, please
be joking. Please say that you do not seriously expect me to trudge through mud and dirt in heels
that cost nine thousand galleons?"
Malfoy narrowed his eyes. "It's a little nicer than that - but yes, Tori. That's the idea. We need
places remote and out of the way, but with big enough bunkers for Narcissa to be kept in so she's
out of sight. The first safe house is a little cottage with plenty of space to keep emergencies
supplies and three bedrooms-"
Malfoy sighed, his patience visibly thinning. He sunk a little on the sofa, resting his head on the
back rest and tilting his head back towards the ceiling. "If we get discovered, we will have only
moments to get to safety. There won't be time to pack, we'll only be able to take the essentials, and
we will need to be discreet. So that means no heels. No dresses, and no fucking necklaces with
diamonds the size of my fist.”
Astoria's hand slowly covered the enormous ruby around her neck. She stared at him for a moment,
her angry expression softening by the second, before she sighed and nodded. "Yes, of course. I
understand," she said quietly. "You've sacrificed so much for us over the years," she chewed on her
bottom lip before she slowly released the necklace from her grip, "they're just things. I can leave
them behind if I must. Thank you for finding the safe houses, and thank you for agreeing to side
with the Order with us. I know it can't have been an easy decision, but I appreciate it, nonetheless.”
In the end, no matter how much her material possessions meant to her, Astoria had a kind soul, and
the admiration and love she bore for Malfoy was easy to see.
"Alrighty then,” Theo whistled awkwardly and rubbed his hands together. "Now that all that lovey-
dovey bollocks is out of the way, shall we get on with the main event?"
Blaise was the first to speak. "Malfoy and Bellatrix know the Dark Lord better than anyone else
does," he offered, using the glass in his hand to point to his commanding officer. "He trusts you
with almost everything, so if anyone knows how to get under his skin and go unnoticed, it's you.”
Hermione downed the rest of her drink and held out her glass for Malfoy to refill. "He's right.
Where do you think we should start?"
"I've been thinking about this a lot over the past few days," he said, eyes on the bottle in his hand
as he topped off Hermione's drink. "And I think the best way forward is to carry on leaking his
secrets to the Order, but I think we need to make more of a show of it.”
After he'd refilled his glass, Malfoy handed the bottle to Theo and leaned back against the sofa.
"The Dark Lords mind isn't as strong as it once was," Malfoy said. "Since the Order has destroyed
another Horcrux, he's growing more paranoid. He's coming apart at the seams, and I think the best
weapon we have at our disposal is his fear and paranoia."
Hermione's brows knitted together. "You think we should use his own fear against him?"
Malfoy looked at her out the corner of his eye and nodded. "The things he values above all else is
the loyalty of his followers and his own vitality. He wants to live a long and prosperous life, and he
wants those around him to be so loyal that they would take a bullet for him. If he thinks those
around him aren't loyal anymore, he'll snap, and it'll make it so much easier for Potter to kill him.”
Astoria and Theo shared a look, and a wide grin stretched across Nott's face. "Told you we should
have brought him in on this years ago."
"The more paranoid he is, the more mistakes he'll make, and it'll make him so much more
vulnerable. We need to make him feel that he's all alone in this, and if we do it properly," Malfoy
said in a low, stern voice, "we can make him do our dirty work for us. He needs to suspect
everyone. He needs to think that each and every one of his loyal dogs has abandoned him, and that
we," he raised his index finger and made a small circle, gesturing to all those in the room, "are the
only ones that he can trust.”
"It won't be easy, and it won't be without sacrifice.” Malfoy sipped his drink, and he tapped his
rings on the side of his glass as he spoke. "On the outside, we will need to appear as normal and as
loyal as possible, so that means we need to continue to go on missions, follow every instruction he
gives and execute without question." He turned to look at Hermione. "And it will mean that you
will still have to come on assignments with us when you are required to-"
Hermione felt a sickening knot form in her stomach. She tried to quiet it with the sting of the
"And it will require all of us to work with the Order, but if we do this right, we'll be able to leak
secrets and whittle down Voldemort's army until it's nothing."
Hermione smiled. "I like that idea - but isn't it dangerous to burn the candle at both ends?"
"It's more like killing two birds with one stone.” The hint of a smirk flashed across his face. "We
know all too well that if Voldemort suspects one of his own has betrayed him, he'll execute them
without a second thought-"
Theo winced.
"So how do we make that happen?" Theo's voice was jarring before he took a long swig of the
whiskey, straight from the bottle.
"The Dark Lord's inner circle has always been very small, and it's only been made even smaller
since the Order destroyed another Horcrux," Malfoy continued. "So I say that every few months,
we pick a target, leak some information, and then we frame them. Make it look like they were the
mole the entire time."
"And then we move on, and do the same with the next target?" Hermione breathed, her mind
already working ahead, trying to put the pieces together despite the missing variants.
Malfoy nodded. "And then the next. And then the next. We'll need to be very careful that what we
leak cannot be traced back to us alone, so we'll need to work very slowly, and we'll only be able to
leak very small pieces of information at a time, but the things that we do leak - well, they'll fucking
cripple his regime."
"Would it still be wise to search the memories of the Death Eaters we frame?" Hermione asked.
"Perhaps just to make sure that they do actually know the secrets you're leaking? That way, it can't
be traced just back to you, and it'll make it so much easier for us to frame them.”
"Precisely. We'll leak the secrets in a way that it can only be traced back to those we've targeted,
and the Dark Lord will be so busy hanging and burning those we've framed, he won't realise that
he's whittling his own army right down for us himself.” He paused so he could take another drink.
"Just to be thorough, we'll have to execute a few ourselves. Make it look like they were so paranoid
for betraying their master that they offed themselves before he could, but I take it you're not
opposed to getting your hands a little dirty if it serves the greater good?"
Hermione shook her head, and the way Malfoy smirked back at her made her pulse thump slightly.
"But surely that plan can only go on for so long?" Blaise asked. "Eventually, we're going to run out
of other Death Eaters to pin the leaks on, and we'll narrow it down to the four of us?"
"That's what the safehouses are for,” Malfoy answered. "Eventually, he'll know it's us and we'll
need to escape to one of them, but I'm hoping that we've done enough damage to his ranks and
supply of Horcruxes by then that Potter will be able to kill him quickly."
Malfoy shook his head. "I agree that Jr needs to go, but that little bastard is clever. If we start
suddenly showing an interest in him, he may figure out what we're doing. I think it would be wise
to keep Crouch at arm's length for now, but we will work our way around to him Theodore. I
promise, both of you.”
Astoria and Theo blamed Crouch Jr for what had happened to Daphne, that much was clear. They'd
waited this long to avenge her, they could wait a little longer. They already knew how they were
going to make Crouch pay. And if the resentment burning in either of their eyes revealed anything,
it was that they were going to make it painful. Indescribably painful.
She'd heard enough stories about the infamous Dollhouse to know that the world would be a much,
much better place without the filth that was Barty Crouch Jr.
It was thorough and well thought out. It dealt with Voldemort's ever-growing circle. It solved the
problem of his loyal followers, it would turn them against each other and would eradicate lethal
generals, and it would give Harry access to Horcruxes. It covered everything, gave them all the
tools they needed to finally win the war, everything they'd been missing before. It could work. It
could actually fucking work.
And for the first time in a very long time, Hermione felt hopeful.
"Alright, that's all well and good, but I think we're all missing the most obvious question here,”
Blaise interrupted. "How are we going to make this work with the Order?"
Like a balloon had been popped in her chest, the joyous feeling that Hermione had been clinging to
If this plan had any hope of success, they had to work together.
If this plan was going to work, the Order would need something first. A peace offering. An olive
branch of some sort.
Both sides had killed, both sides had seen the other at their worst, and Hermione wondered if a
handshake of peace would mean anything if both parties were drenched in the blood of the other.
"We need them to know that they can trust us," Hermione said. "I think we need to arrange a
meeting with them. We could show them that you're not with Voldemort anymore."
Malfoy clicked his tongue. "And just how do you suggest that we do that?"
Immediately, Malfoy's face twisted into a scowl. "Out of the question. If they get caught and the
Dark Lord decides to search their memories as well, we're fucked. It's too risky."
"I'll pick someone who is skilled at memory blocking, that way if they get caught, they won't be
able to see the meeting and they won't see that you've betrayed him," Hermione hissed, voice
equally as loud as Malfoy's, equally as venomous. "If someone from the Order searches my
memories, they will see that you're all sincere and that this isn't a trick. They will see all the
horrible things that Voldemort has done to you all, and it will show them that this betrayal is real
and that they can trust you.”
But Malfoy wasn't listening. He leaned in closer to Hermione, furiously snarling the next words at
her. "And if they try and take you back?! Then what happens?"
Hermione didn't give an inch. She sat tall with her nose high in the air, refusing to be intimidated.
"They won't."
"But if they do the our entire plan is ruined Granger!" He leaned forward again, crowding her
space, but again, Hermione stood her ground. "If you disappear, the Dark Lord will know we've
been in contact with the Order and then we're all dead!"
"Who’s to say they even want me back after the things you've made me do to them?!"
"Alright, alright!" Theo crossed the room and squeezed onto the sofa between them, acting as a
physical barrier so they couldn't assault one another. "I know that fighting is basically your two's
foreplay - and that's fine, everybody has their kinks - but there are still a few things we need to hash
out here. So let's carry on with the meeting, and then you two crazy psychopaths can have at each
other's throats? Kay?"
They glared at one another for a moment. Hermione's nostrils flared with irritation while Malfoy
rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, something she'd noticed he often did when he was on
the cusp of losing his temper.
"Okay, onto the next order of business.” Astoria smiled, elegantly trying to defuse the heavy
atmosphere that was quickly filling the room. "Hermione, obviously this plan doesn't work without
you, so, what do you want in exchange for helping us?"
"Come on Granger, don't play coy." Theo patted Hermione's knee, and Malfoy leaned forward
when he noticed Theo squeeze. "I'm sure your list of demands is as long as Draco's cock, so come
on, out with it.”
Hermione almost choked on her whiskey. Malfoy just glared at Nott until he let go of her knee.
While she cleared her throat, Hermione wracked her brain. In truth, she hadn't even thought to ask
for something in exchange.
The new hope they'd given her- and the satisfaction of Voldemort's own generals betraying him -
was payment enough, but if they were willing to offer her extra incentives, well, Hermione had
never been one to miss an opportunity.
"I want the wards taken off the house," she said firmly. "Because you're helping the Order, I have
no reason to kill Malfoy anymore, or myself, so I want the charms taken off. All of them. On the
windows. The cutlery, even the ones on the candles and the fireplaces. They all need to go. Non-
It was a silly thing to ask for, yes, but she wanted it nonetheless. She'd gotten used to them. She
could hold her hand over an open flame in the house, but it wouldn't burn her. She could open the
windows, but she couldn't sit on the ledge and hang her legs outside.
The charms made her feel like she was living in a padded cell, or a child that had every dangerous
object within reach 'safety proofed'. It was unnecessary and demeaning, and she wanted them gone.
"Why would I take wards off the house that would give you the ability to hurt yourself?" Malfoy
cut in. "Or do you have a hidden desire to go abseiling out the window?"
Hermione glared back at him once more. "It's about trust Malfoy. I am trusting you to keep your
word and betray Voldemort, so I need you to trust me. I need you to take the wards off and trust me
not to hurt myself, or you, with my new freedom.”
"I am not a child, Malfoy,” Hermione snapped. "Take. The. Wards. Off!"
"Alright, the baby gates come off,” Theo agreed quickly, suddenly the champion for peace. "What
"Consider it done," Malfoy answered in a heartbeat, "but I am assuming there's more that you
"Can you reverse the blood ritual Voldemort used to bind us together?"
He was quiet for a few moments, considering his answer. "No, it was the Dark Lord's magic that
bound us together, so only he can unlink us.”
Despite his voice being low and quiet, revealing no emotion, his eyes were open and almost totally
blue. He was telling the truth. She'd expected as much, but she had to ask.
"Alright - but while you're on assignments with me, you'll need to use my wand to keep up the
"Anything else?"
Hermione blanched. She stared at him with wide eyes, and she felt that familiar bite of anger spark
back to life. "You're not putting me under that hex ever again!"
"What makes you think that it's up for discussion?!" Hermione lurched to her feet and leered over
him, suddenly too angry to be seated. "I am never, ever going under that Hex again!"
"No, you're right - this isn't up for discussion!" Malfoy got to his feet and glared down at her. "If I
don't put you under the Demon Hex when we're on assignment, the entire ruse will be up, so I'm
sorry, but the answer is no! This is for your benefit, not mine.”
As they screamed in each other's faces, Theo slowly - and with very little grace - slid off the sofa
and escaped to the other side of the drawing-room, getting out of the danger zone, and snatching
the bottle of expensive whiskey as he went.
"Oh, you'll pretend, will you?" Malfoy scoffed cruelly, speaking down to her as though she were a
child. "Why didn't you say that before? That's just put all my fucking nerves at ease!"
Like the roll of a spark wheel on a cigarette lighter, Hermione's anger ignited. "You don't have to
be such a wanker about it! I can pretend to be under the Hex if I need to be!"
"So you think you'll be able to kill your friends without the Hex, do you?"
"You are the Dark Lord's favourite weapon. For this to work, we need to carry on and act as
normally as possible so we don't arouse suspicions. Which means, when there's a raid or a battle,
you're going to be put on the field whether you like it or not.” His voice dropped to a whisper, but
the quietness only made him sound more dangerous. "So I'm asking you, without being put under
the Demon Hex, could you kill your friends?"
"Without being under the Demon Hex, could you slice their heads off like you have been doing for
the last few months? Could you set them on fire and throw them into brick walls so harshly that
their little heads explode?"
"That's enough, Draco," Astoria warned, a hard, protective edge creeping into her eyes. "You've
made your point.”
"We've seen what you can do Granger, we've all seen how lethal you are, and anything less than
that will raise suspicions!"
"I can use non-lethal hexes! I can still fight and look lethal without actually killing them!"
"The other Death Eaters have been fucking frozen in awe of your talents! They've watched you
slaughter seven people with a single curse - how do you think it will look to them if you suddenly
start using non-lethal attacks?!"
The same word just kept repeating in her head, over and over again, almost beating her senses with
the same ten letters.
He was right. He was absolutely right. Anything less than her best would raise suspicions.
Anything less than butchery and cruelty on her part would get them all killed.
She'd dug this grave herself by showing how deadly she could be, and now those skills were going
to bury her.
"If you don't go under the Demon Hex, you and your fucking bleeding heart won't be able to kill
them, and then the entire ruse will be up! The Hex is there for your protection! To ensure that you
do the things that need to be done, and it takes the blame off of you, and puts it onto me!"
Hermione's fingers tightened around the glass in her hand so much she was surprised the crystal
didn't pop in her hand.
"It needs to be done, Granger. I'll do what I can to take you on as few missions as possible, and
we'll work something out with the Order, but this is non-negotiable. For this to work, you need to
carry on killing Order members."
"You can't ask her to do that, Draco." Astoria rushed to Hermione's side, wrapped an arm around
her shoulder and pulled her against her side. "It's not fair-"
"No, it's not fair," Malfoy snapped, "but it's necessary. We need to play this properly if we're all
going to survive. We're going to have to do things that we don't want to do, unspeakable things, and
if that makes me a terrible person, then so be it.”
Hermione couldn't hear any more of this - she just couldn't. She turned on her heels and stormed
out of the room. Malfoy was right, she knew he was right, but it didn't make it any less painful.
Betraying Voldemort was a dangerous game. This plan, it was thorough but it was fragile, easily
breakable. If they put one foot wrong, if they made a single fucking mistake, everything could be
They needed to pretend all was normal and that she was still under their control, that Malfoy was
loyal as ever and securing Voldemort's victory. She needed to put Voldemort's defeat above herself,
above her own feelings and her fucking soul if that was what it boiled down to.
If this was going to work, they needed to carry on as normal, and that meant being put under the
Demon Hex.
If this was going to work, she needed to carry on killing Order members, and that thought alone
almost broke her heart.
She charged into the large drawing-room and made her way to the table of guns. She picked up her
favourite and aimed at the mannequins that still lined the wall.
She pulled the trigger, but the way her arms shook pulled the bullet to the left and carved a chunk
out of the wall rather than her intended target.
"Granger," a voice she knew all too well sneered behind her, getting louder as his footsteps brought
him closer. "I suggest you get back in that sitting room so we can finish our conversation before I
drag you there by your fucking curls!"
She whirled and pointed the gun at his chest. She couldn't actually shoot him again, the charms
were back on the guns, but her anger was making her feel theatrical. "Threaten me like that again -
I dare you."
He paused in the doorway, one hand curled tightly around the frame as he scowled at her. He was
angry. Very, very fucking angry. The kind of angry that made his nostrils flare and his chest heave.
"You're a right nasty little cunt, do you know that?!"
"Excuse me?!"
"You play nice, watch my memories with me, get me to drop my occlumency walls just so you can
tug on my vulnerability, and then the second I say I'm willing to help Potter, you change, just like
that.” He snapped his fingers together, and the sharp sound echoed off the walls. "Now you've
gotten what you wanted, you're back to wanting to shoot me again."
His eyes twitched. "Don't fucking play games with me. I am not in the mood. What more do I have
to do to get you to trust me?"
"Trust isn't magic, I can't just wave my wand and make it so. After everything you've done to the
Order, to me, you can't expect me to just trust you overnight."
"Well you should!" he roared. "Do you have any idea what I am risking for you? I'm putting my
family on the line to help you and the Order-"
"Don't pretend that you did this for me. You decided to switch sides, I didn't have anything to do
with that decision."
He pushed himself off the wall and started charging towards her. "I'm taking you off the anti-
magic potions -"
"As you should! It's the least you could do after everything you've put me through!"
"And I'm giving you back your wand! I'm giving you back the very tool you need to kill me!"
Rage seemed to tumble off him in waves as he stalked towards her, and there was something in his
eyes that made every nerve in Hermione's body scream: 'Run'.
"Yes, the wand that you took from me! It's not a self-sacrificing gesture to return something that
you stole!"
Hermione's eyes darted around the room, looking for a way around him.
"Do you want me to slit my wrists open and sign my name in blood?!" Her back connected with
something solid, the edge of the marble fireplace, she thought, but before she could move, react,
escape, Malfoy was in front of her. He slammed his hands down on the mantle on either side of her
shoulders, forceful enough to make her flinch. "Do you want a contract drawn up?!"
He pressed his body against the length of hers, sealing her against the empty fireplace-
And despite the way she was trapped, despite the obvious danger, Hermione couldn't help the way
her pulse jumped in her veins.
And Malfoy seemed to notice. "Unless ... that is what you want?"
Not when his large hands slowly left the mantle and flittered to her sides, almost swamping her
entire rib cage on either side.
Not when she put the gun on the marble shelf behind her head.
He dragged his hands down the length of her body on his descent, and she jumped when she felt
them wrap around the backs of her thighs.
"Are you going to make room for me then, little lion?" he asked, almost purred, still looking up at
Hermione's mouth ran dry as she stared down at him, and that same little thrill she sometimes felt
lit up her nerves. The one she only felt when she was with him. When she was in control. On top.
She was sometimes ashamed of it, the way being in a seat of power made her veins sing, and now,
with the most ruthless Death Eater on his knees in front of her, her veins were practically riotous
with a symphony.
So, with a deep breath and a smirk on her face, Hermione leaned against the fireplace and opened
her legs a little further apart.
It took every ounce of strength she had not to moan when he started running his hands up and
down the backs of her thighs. They were just slow, explorative touches, but the way the sensations
travelled up her body was anything other than innocent. His hands were cold and soothing and
everything she wanted, a heavenly release from the fire in her skin. But his lips? Fuck, they were
colder, hell personified.
The first kiss on her right thigh - just above her knee - made her jump and scrape her shoulder
blades against the fireplace. Her legs felt as though they'd liquified, and she leaned further back on
the marble for support.
She thought her body would familiarise itself with the feel of his lips after the first kiss.
It didn't.
When he placed a second kiss slightly higher than the first, she fought back a whimper, and when
he dragged his tongue across the inside of her thigh, she thought she was going to pass out.
He carried on touching her, carried on kissing and licking towards the edge of her dress, and the
sensations didn't lessen the more he touched her. Each kiss left little shockwaves on her skin. Each
time his hands kneaded and massaged the backs of her legs, she felt herself getting lighter, more
"What's the matter?" he whispered between kisses. "You had plenty you wanted to say to me a few
moments ago. Where are your insults now?"
Hermione couldn't speak. Could hardly fucking breathe. Her eyes fluttered closed as she let herself
relax into his hands and mouth. Her back arched -
She gasped as a sharp pain emitted from the inside of her thigh. Her eyes snapped back to his and
she found him staring up at her, a little red crescent moon marked into her inner right thigh from
his teeth.
"Eyes on me.” He placed a soft, almost affectionate kiss on the reddened mark. "Do not look away,
He caught the edge of her dress and pushed it upwards until it gathered around her waist, and his
teeth and tongue both abused and soothed the newly revealed skin. He used one hand to hold the
fabric in place, and the other hooked around the waistband of her underwear. He kissed along her
hipbone while he toyed with the red elastic between his fingers. He didn't pull it down, just sort of
rolled and stretched it in his hand.
"I must say Granger,” he whispered, and the way it drafted his cold breath across her nerves almost
made her knees buckle. "Red certainly is your colour. I never thought you would be one to match
your dress to your knickers.”
"F-full of surprises, me.” She tried to keep her voice light, natural, but it trembled when he licked
the junction between her hip and her underwear.
He chuckled against her as he started to pull the fabric down her legs. "Finally, something we
agree on.”
He let her step out of them, and when his hand travelled back up her thigh, right up to her hip, he
guided her leg to wrap over his shoulder, and it brought him so much closer.
"Put your hand on my other shoulder," he said. "Use me for balance."
She was putty in his hands. She knew it, he knew it. He was so close to her, his mouth was so close
to her centre, she probably would have done anything to get him to just move forward, and yet, she
ignored his instruction. Couldn't help but just be a little bit rebellious, even given what he was
about to do.
Instead, she reached behind her and rested her hands wide on either side of the mantlepiece.
His eyes burned and darkened simultaneously. He smirked and ran his tongue over his teeth as he
stared up at her, and God, it was the most erotic thing she'd ever seen. "Fucking stubborn little
cunt, as always," he whispered. "Let's see how long that lasts."
She'd intended to keep composed and silent. She'd wanted to make him earn her moans, her hands,
anything she chose to give him, but the very heartbeat he wrapped his lips around her clit and
sucked, she snapped.
She gasped and her hands flew to his shoulders to hold herself up. Her nails dug into his skin as a
sharp wave of pleasure shot through her.
"Fuck,” Malfoy hissed, that same husky growl creeping into his voice. "You taste as good as you
The first few swipes of his tongue against her were soft and gentle, just the faintest of pressure, as
though he were savouring the taste of her - at first.
It lasted a minute, perhaps two, but all too soon, the gentleness of his mouth vanished, he became
He didn't take his eyes off her face as he lapped at her, or as he dragged the tip of his tongue over
her clit and circled it slowly, once.
"More," please, she almost begged, but she bit her lip to trap the words. She wouldn't beg him. Not
now, not ever.
Three times.
"When it feels good," he hummed, his mouth still pressed against her and vibrating through her
with each word, "squeeze, alright?"
She nodded feebly while she panted above him. She must have marked him. Her own little crescent
moons from her nails must have been decorating his skin, marking his shoulders like he'd marked
her thigh with his teeth. She must have been hurting him, but if she did, he didn't say anything. She
jerked when his tongue circled her entrance, teasing it with quick, light strokes, and when he
finally sank into her, she squeezed him so tightly so thought she'd broken the bones in his shoulder.
The pressure was building in her stomach, the elastic band was tightening - but she wasn't ready to
let it snap yet.
Immediately, like she'd struck him with her wand, Malfoy let go of her. He pulled back and looked
up at her, and his eyes were blue and open and hurt. He looked so vulnerable like that, on his knees
in front of her, hands held out, palms facing her in surrender.
If he hadn't sworn to help the Order, he would have been so easy to kill. Her palms twitched,
secretly eager for a weapon.
"No, that isn't it,” she panted, trying to get her breathing back under control. She watched him as
she slowly laced her fingers through his hair. "I just wanted to see if you would stop if I asked you
He chuckled darkly and smiled up at her, and the way his chin glistened made her want to close
her legs and pull him back to her. So she did. With a fresh thrill shooting up her spine, she guided
his head back between her legs, and lost herself in the feel of his mouth.
He seemed to lap at her hungrily after that, like he had something to prove. His tongue was greedy
as it moved against her. Faster, with more pressure than before. His shoulders nudged her thighs,
opening her more to him, and the hand on her hip snaked up her body. He caught the neckline of
her dress and yanked the fabric down, ripped it so that it pooled at her waist. She wasn't wearing a
bra. He took advantage and palmed her breast, squeezing and rolling her nipple between his fingers
while his mouth toyed with her.
Her fingers dug harder into his shoulder and hair as she started to tremble, using him to hold herself
up as her bones felt like they were liquefying.
And all the while, as he licked and sucked and nipped at her sensitive core, he whispered little
praises to her. Practically purred them, choruses of 'Good girl,' and 'Shhhhh, I've got you,' over and
over again like a prayer. And it felt like being worshipped.
She tilted her head back as she neared the edge, and her heart fluttered when she looked straight
He hadn't locked the door. The doorway was vacant, but ajar. There was a sizeable gap that anyone
could look through and see them - like this.
"D ... Draco,” she whimpered, pulling harder on the strands of his hair, guiding him the way she
wanted. "The door .. you didn't .. fuck- you didn't close it.”
"But there's a gap -“ she moaned as he sucked on her clit again. "Someone .... Oh god- someone
might see us.”
"I -"
"Look at me!"
Her eyes flickered back to his and her entire body started to shake. "But what if s-someone ... s-
sees us?"
The elastic band was stretched so tight. She was right on the edge -
"I don't give a fuck." His hand left her breast and dropped between her legs. She felt his fingers
swipe across her entrance. "Just stop talking and come," he pushed his fingers inside and crooked
them, "for," another crook as his lips closed around her clit, "me.” Another crook as he sucked,
The band snapped with such a force she couldn't breathe. It siphoned the air from her lungs. It
blocked everything else out. All she could feel was his tongue and fingers. All she could see was
his blue eyes. And if someone had appeared in the doorway at that very moment, she wouldn't have
given a fuck, either.
As her trembling somewhat subsided, Malfoy unhooked her leg from around his shoulder and
started to stand. He kissed his way back up her body as he rose to his feet. He took his time, made
sure to swirl his tongue over her nipples, made sure to swipe across her collar bone, her pulse point,
her jawline, every inch of her skin he could reach.
"Does that prove my loyalty?" he bit against her neck, and the low gravel in his voice made her
shiver. "Or do you require another round for the message to really sink in?"
"Shut up.”
His hands fisted her curls as she grabbed his collar and dragged his mouth to hers. He tasted of
smoke and whiskey and her. Salty and sweet and -
Hermione froze. Malfoy winced and pulled away slightly, but he didn't let go of her. His frame was
so much broader than hers, despite her state of undress, there was no way that Blaise would have
been able to see her body. Her modesty was ... somewhat protected from the way Malfoy was stood
over her.
He must have only just walked into the drawing-room, Blaise was too much of a gentleman to not
have made his presence known beforehand, but Hermione's cheeks still flamed, nonetheless.
"What do you want, Zabini?" Malfoy hissed without turning around, still looking at Hermione.
Blaise cleared his throat rather awkwardly. "We are being summoned by the Dark Lord."
"Yes, I was well aware of that five minutes ago when my arm started burning thank you very
much.” Malfoy's voice was cold and biting, a stark contrast to the warm purr he'd been speaking to
Hermione in moments ago. "Wait for me outside. I'll be there in a minute.”
26th June
There's been a change in regime on our end, which we are sure is in your best interest, and we
wish to arrange a meeting to discuss said changes, and also, how we move forward from here.
Hermione had written the note, and although Theo and Malfoy had insisted that she couldn't sign
her name, or even tell them that she was safe - just in case the letter was intercepted - she hoped
that someone might recognise her handwriting and put the pieces together themselves.
After she'd finished writing it - with both Death Eaters hovering over her shoulders and tittering
away like bloody owls- Theo took the note to the new rendezvous point.
That was the way meetings between Medusa and The Order had always been arranged. Once a
week, on separate days, they would drop off any correspondence, and the other would pick it up. It
was the safest option; it kept ambiguity on both sides, and meant that neither side knew the true
location and identity of the other.
The notes used to be left in a derelict factory in Swindon, but after Hermione had been captured,
the wise decision was made to change to an abandoned Post Office in Sheffield. This new building
was just as war-damaged and begging to be torn down, but it served its purpose.
Theo had dropped Hermione's letter off the day after the groups 'team meeting', and it took almost
two weeks before they received a response.
That was it. That was their bloody response. Nothing else. It gave her nothing. No idea if anyone
had realised that she'd written the note, or if they even trusted the information in it.
Hermione's stomach had dropped the moment she'd read the response, and she'd been a bundle of
nerves in the two days that followed.
She glanced at the new clock on her bedside table, the one she'd demanded that Malfoy get for her
the moment she'd received the letter from the order.
She chewed the inside of her cheek and zipped up her old mission uniform. The way the leather
hugged her skin felt like a piece of home, a thousand times more comfortable than the Death Eater
robes she'd been forced to wear in recent months.
She'd changed since the last time she'd worn this uniform, she realised as she stared at her
reflection in the vanity table mirror. Her frame seemed a little smaller now, the material didn't feel
as tight or uncomfortable around her waist. Her cheeks looked thinner and her hair was much,
much longer, the ends almost touching her hips now. But it wasn't just the physical changes, she
felt better in herself, a little stronger. True to his word, Malfoy had taken her off of the anti-magic
potions and given her wand back, and the feeling of magic running through her veins again was
Just being able to dry her hair herself with a wave of her wand, or light a fire with a single
enchantment made her feel more like herself than she had in months.
Needing something to do with her hands, Hermione twirled her wand between her fingers and
tapped her foot against the floorboards. Her head was buzzing. A hundred different scenarios were
running through her mind.
"You know, those floorboards cost more than most muggle flats," a voice said from her doorway,
"so if you continue to dig a hole in them with your boot, expect to receive a bill from me.”
Hermione laughed quietly without turning around. "Yes, because we both know you wouldn't be
able to afford new ones otherwise."
"If Astoria keeps buying herself a present with my family's money every time I piss her off, then
the Malfoy vault will be drained in a decade.”
Hermione scoffed and checked her uniform again. "Decade? Have you seen the ruby bracelet she
brought herself because you ruined the birthday surprise she planned for you?" She shook her head
as she fiddled with the collar of her leather jacket "Carry on at this rate, and I give it two years
before she's cleared you out of house and home."
The floorboards creaked and she saw him stand behind her in the mirror's reflection. He was
wearing his Death Eater robes. He didn't have his mask on, and his eyes were a perfect mixture of
blue and grey.
"I like these things," he smirked at her through the mirror and hooked his fingers into the empty
gun holsters on her thigh. "They look good on you.”
Hermione scowled back at his reflection. "They look even better when they have guns in them.”
"I don't doubt that,” Malfoy chuckled under his breath, and one sharp tug on the holster dragged
her back against his chest. "If you ever decide to give me a belated birthday present, I wouldn't
object to you pointing a gun at me, when you're wearing these-"
She kept her eyes forward and watched his reflection bend down slightly, just before his cold lips
brush against her ear.
"Oh, fuck off!" Hermione jumped forward and swatted his hand away. "You're such an arrogant
She didn't look back at him as she charged out of her bedroom, telling herself that they were in a
rush, when a part of her just wanted to hide her smirk - and blush - from him. They walked
through the manor together, close to the others side, and when they reached the gardens, Hermione
held out her arm for him to Apparate them to the airport. She could Apparate by herself now she
had her magic back, but she reached for him more out of habit than necessity.
But he didn't take her arm. Instead, he carried on walking, and after a few seconds bewildered
pause, Hermione followed him across the grounds.
"I know.”
He didn't say another word as he led her through the gardens, but he wore a cocky smirk the entire
time, clearly hiding something.
Hermione followed him until they reached one of the large fields that boarded the edge of his
estate, and when she saw Narcissa curled into a tight ball, resting, her heart leapt into her throat.
"You cannot be serious?"
Hearing the sharp panic in Hermione's voice, Narcissa started to stir. The giant dragon shook her
head, as though she was trying to shake herself awake, and then she stretched her wings and got to
her feet.
Hermione heard Malfoy chuckling beside her, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from the beast.
"Scared, Granger?" Malfoy asked.
"If you think I'm riding her to the airport, you've lost the plot."
"Oh, don't be like that," Malfoy teased, cocking a brow in that smug way only he knew how.
"You've already ridden one dragon, riding another shouldn't be so difficult.”
Hermione took a step backwards, not in the mood for games. "No. Not a chance!"
"Look,” Malfoy snapped, losing his patience. "Cissa is dangerous and your friends are scared of
her. We don't know what we're walking into today, and if the Order is planning an ambush, we'll
need her.”
Hermione knew what he was saying was true. Although she’d tried to be as delicate as possible
with her note, the cryptic message and 'regime change' would likely have set the Order on edge.
This meeting was the unknown for both sides. The Order was probably just as nervous as the
Death Eaters, and if Kingsley decided to send reinforcements, well, it would have been foolish for
Malfoy and Hermione not to take extra precautions as well. Just in case.
She was just about to slap on her most sarcastic smile and get on with it, but then Narcissa opened
her mouth, and although Hermione knew that the dragon was probably just yawning, the sound
that came out of her mouth was loud and so fucking intimidating that it snapped what little
confidence Hermione had like a stick under a boot.
Sensing that she was about to bolt, Malfoy stood behind her. He grabbed her arms and spun her to
face his dragon. She fought to get away - as she always did - but he held her firmly. His grip was
tight; each attempt she made to flee pushed her further into his chest, and each time he took a step
toward Narcissa, Hermione was dragged along with him.
"No, Malfoy!" she snarled, squirming in his grip and trying to jut her elbow into his ribs. "I'm not
doing this!"
"Shhhh, it's alright.” His voice was infuriatingly calm as he forced them another step closer. "She's
not going to hurt you.”
A loud growling sound started to emit from Narcissa's chest, and her colossal fangs caught the light
as she opened her mouth.
"Yes, you can,” Malfoy encouraged. “You have nothing to be afraid of.”
Narcissa inched forward and dropped her head so that it was level with Hermione, her teeth
perfectly in line with Hermione's torso.
She jumped slightly when she felt Malfoy's cold fingers lace through hers. He raised their
conjoined hands, and very carefully, stretched them towards the dragon.
Hermione cringed away. She twisted in his arms as much as she could and buried her face into his
The air around her palms grew hotter and hotter, until -
The dragon's scales didn't hurt the way her panicked mind had convinced her they would. They
were warm and rough, but they didn't burn. She waited for the dragon to react, to bite her, to lash
out and set her aflame.
But instead, she was greeted with a soft sort of noise that made her palm vibrate.
She opened her eyes and found Narcissa watching her. Eyes as red and deadly as an open flame,
but, strangely, just as gentle. Hermione had never noticed that before.
"I told you, didn't I?" Malfoy practically purred in her ear, his hand still intertwined with hers and
gently stroking across the dragon's snout. "She isn't going to hurt you.”
As if backing Malfoy up, Narcissa started to make a chirping sound in the back of her throat,
similar to that of a bird, almost as though she was trying to soothe Hermione.
As Hermione confidence grew, Malfoy let go of her hand and let her explore the dragon by herself.
She caressed the dragon's cheek as she walked down the side of her enormous face, and after a
while, she couldn't remember what she'd been so terrified of. She was still intimidated by the beast,
her irrational fear brought on by her nightmares and Voldemort's vision weren't going to vanish just
by a simple touch, but they seemed just that now. Irrational.
Yes, the dragon was huge and deadly and fierce. She could have snapped Hermione in half with a
single bite, she could kill her easily, but she wasn't going to. She didn't want to.
Without needing to be told, Narcissa flattened her shoulder to the ground, and Malfoy climbed on
before staring down at Hermione. "Are you coming, or not?" he said, and he leaned down and held
out his hand for her.
She didn't want to fly. She really, really didn't, but she didn't have much of a choice.
So, without letting herself dwell on the statistics of her falling off, or thinking - even for a moment
- about how on earth she was going to hang on, Hermione drew a deep breath, and took his hand.
He pulled her onto Narcissa's back and settled her in front of him, so that her back was pressed
against his chest and his thighs bracketed hers. He let her get comfortable and find which of the
sharp spikes on the dragons back she could hold onto most comfortably.
Malfoy whistled once, and then Narcissa raised herself onto her back legs.
The sound of her wings beating against the air as she took off was so much louder from this angle.
It was a miracle Malfoy hadn't lost his hearing after all these years of flying on her back, and if
Hermione hadn't have been so scared of falling off, she would have released her death grip on the
spikes and covered her ears to muffle the noise.
The flight to the airport - much to Hermione's chagrin - was awful. Absolutely fucking awful. The
strong winds screamed in her ears. The cold air made her throat and face hurt, and the way the
dragon's body bent and ebbed as she rode the wind current made Hermione want to vomit.
From the moment they'd taken off, she'd kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to see how far the
fall would be if she lost her grip for even a moment, and it wasn't until Malfoy told her that the
airport was in sight that she'd dared to open them again.
The airport was a graveyard. There were aeroplanes with their windows broken in, and buses with
flat tyres scattered about the place. After circling the sky, Narcissa found an area behind a bunker
that was clear enough for her to land on.
And when they finally - fucking finally - did land, Hermione's feet couldn't touch the ground fast
She slipped off the dragons back and Immediately hunched over herself with her hands resting on
her knees. "I am never - ever - doing that again! I think I'm going to throw up.”
She practically heard Malfoy roll his eyes as he dismounted Narcissa and stood beside Hermione.
"I did tell you that keeping your eyes closed would only make you feel sicker, but you and your
bloody Gryffindor blood didn't want to hear it.”
Hermione shivered as another wave of nausea twisted in her stomach. "God, I hate flying."
"They should be here in a few minutes," Malfoy said. "So I give it ten before we're leaving.”
"The others and I, we have a bet. I think it will take less than ten minutes for negotiations to break
down.” He shrugged. "Tori has some faith, she wagered fifteen galleons that we'll make it half an
hour before everything goes to shit.”
"Well, that just fills me with confidence,” Hermione spat, words dripping in equal parts venom and
sarcasm. "If you're going into this with that attitude, then I doubt negotiations will even last that
"That's what Theo said," Malfoy chuckled again, thoroughly amused. "He bet four hundred that it'll
be less than two minutes before someone's got an Avada on the tip of their tongue."
Hermione straightened out of her hunch and gaped at him. "Is that why he wanted to come to this
meeting? Just so he could watch it blow up?"
"Yes," Malfoy smirked, absentmindedly stroking his dragon's neck. "Loves a good show that one,
sick little bastard. That's why I didn't let him come.”
"Why would you bet on something so important?!" Hermione bit before she could stop herself.
"It's not a game! Don't you want this plan to succeed?"
"No, Granger, I'm just putting my families life on the line for the hell of it.” Malfoy dared to roll
his eyes again. "Of course I want this mission to bloody succeed. But it's called having fun. Perhaps
you've heard of it?"
Narcissa purred - sort of - when Malfoy found a particularly sensitive spot behind the largest horn
on the right side of her face, but suddenly, the gentle sound morphed into a rumbling growl.
Narcissa bared her fangs, and just before Hermione could question what had angered her, three
loud cracks of Apparation echoed from the other side of the airport.
"Perhaps you two should stay out of sight," she said, inching towards the edge of the bunker and
towards terminal three. "Just for a moment, while I see whose turned up.”
The look Malfoy gave her could only be described as irritated. "Really? And what gives you that
"The Order are terrified of Narcissa. If they see her here right away, they may see it as an act of
aggression and the whole meeting could be ruined. I think it's best if she stays hidden unless we
need her.”
Hermione could tell by his glare that Malfoy agreed with her, but as she started to walk towards the
terminal, Narcissa tried to follow.
Hermione tried to leave again, but Narcissa whined and inched after her. Despite her gargantuan
size, nervous energy radiated around her scales. She tried to follow Hermione again, but when
Malfoy shook his head, she huffed and dug her claws into the gravel. She was agitated, but she
didn't move again.
Hermione's eyes flickered up to Malfoy. "Just give me a chance to make the introductions - as soon
as they're a little more relaxed, you can come.”
Malfoy's jaw was tight and his eyes were hard. He gave her a curt nod, and then Hermione left.
Gate 1 was just around the corner, just out of view, and her heart was doing somersaults as she
walked down the abandoned runway.
She could hear her pulse in her ears and feel it in her fingertips. Every impulse in her body was
telling her to grab her wand, that holding it or twirling it between her fingers would be just the
thing to calm her nerves, but she dug her nails into her palms instead.
Because the Order was going into this meeting as blind as she was. The only times they'd seen her
over the last few months was when she was under the Demon Hex, when she'd been slaughtering
their friends by the dozen, and she didn't know if they realised that she wasn't doing it by her own
free will.
The trust she used to have with them was hanging by the thinnest thread, and if she walked around
the corner with a weapon in her hand, then what little foundation they had to build upon would
As she reached the edge of the runway, she took a comment to steady herself. She started to count
in her head, and when she got to three, she rounded the corner and stepped onto gate one.
Three masked figures waited for her on the runway, two women and a man, all wearing different
variations of Hermione's Lilith mask, all tapping their feet anxiously on the tarmac and fiddling
with the weapons in their hand.
As soon as Hermione rounded the corner, the tallest tore his mask off his face. Ron's armour
dropped the moment he laid eyes on her. The furious scowl he'd plastered upon his face vanished,
and he lowered the wand in his hand.
"Hermione," he looked as though he'd seen a ghost. His eyes grew wide and his jaw seemed to go
slack and tremble. "Is that ... is that really you?"
She smiled before she could stop herself. "Hi,” she breathed, voice choking slightly. It'd been so
long since she'd seen him, and although their friendship hadn't quite been the same the last few
years, tears stung her eyes when she saw him. "It's me.”
Hesitantly, the two women pulled off their masks. Ginny and Fleur looked no less shocked to see
Hermione than Ron was, but they didn't seem to share his enthusiasm. The women were both
understandably tense, and both seemed to tighten their hold on their weapons as Hermione
"How are you here?!" Ron choked. "How did you manage to escape?!"
"I didn't,” Hermione answered slowly, carefully, trying to reign herself in. This wasn't the time to
be emotional. For now, she needed to be calm, collected. She needed for them to see that they
could trust her. "I've been living with Medusa since I was captured. I'm the one who wrote the
note, and they sent me here to discuss the next stages of their plan."
Ginny's eyes widened and Ron beamed with triumph as he turned to his sister.
"I told you that was her handwriting!" He turned back to Hermione and his face and neck were
flushed red. "I knew it was you who wrote that note, but Kingsley didn't believe me!"
"Harry did," Ginny said, her tone completely dead and monotone and so unlike Ginny that it made
Hermione's heart twist. "But that doesn't mean it's actually her."
"What are you talking about?! Of course, it's her!" Ron shouted. "Look at her! It's Hermione! It's
our Hermione!"
Ron scoffed and shook his head, apparently appalled by the women's suspicions. "Alright then, tell
us something that only Mione would know.”
Hermione had expected this. She'd guessed that they wouldn't have trusted that it was her
Immediately. Suspected that she'd have to prove her identity in some way, but what she hadn't
suspected was the cold look in Ginny's eyes.
"That won't work,” Ginny interrupted. "She's been with them for seven months. Hermione's
memory blocking skills were good, but they could have broken by now. We can't trust that it's her
just from something so trivial."
"You think they could be using Polyjuice potion to trick us?" Fleur asked, and Hermione noticed
the way her hand twitched towards her pocket.
Hermione fought the ever-growing urge to reach for her wand. "I can understand why you would
think that," she breathed, trying her best to keep her tone as light and sincere as possible. "But it's
me.” She held her hands wide either side of her and took a step closer, looking submissive,
cooperative. "I understand that this is a lot to take in, but if you would just allow me a moment to
Ron, however, was the complete opposite of calm. "Look!" He pointed to the holster on her thigh.
"That's Hermione's wand! How could she have that if it wasn't her?!"
"That doesn't mean anything!" Ginny was right, of course it didn't. "She's their hostage, they would
have taken her wand from her the moment they captured her in Dover!" Right again. "They could
have given anyone Polyjuice potion and then given them Hermione's wand to try and trick us!"
Everything Ginny was saying was correct, but Ron wasn't listening. He charged towards
Hermione, arms open wide and ready for embrace, but Ginny and Fleur were quicker than him.
Fleur pointed her wand at Hermione, and Ginny held hers against Ron's chest, halting him mid-
"Gin -" Ron snapped. "What the bloody hell are you doing!?"
"We don't know it's her! We need to be absolutely sure before we-"
Ginny, Fleur and Ron froze as the ground started to shudder. One small earthquake after the other,
the vibrations getting more intense each time.
"It's a trap!" Ginny joined Fleur and aimed her wand at Hermione. "We should never have come
Firstly, Fleur, Ginny and Ron hissed in pain and their wands flew into the air. In the same
heartbeat, Malfoy appeared in the gate, all three weapons in his palm, Narcissa following closely at
his side. His expression was cold as stone. His eyes were almost pure grey. He'd been occluding
while he waited.
Suddenly, Ginny, Fleur and Ron pulled small handguns out of their pockets and pointed them at
Malfoy aimed his own wand at Ron, and Narcissa growled as fire sparked in her mouth.
Well, this had turned into a fucking disaster, and in less than two minutes. Malfoy and Astoria
were going to be out of pocket.
"Granger, get behind me!" Malfoy sneered, eyes cold and locked on Ron. "Now!"
"No, you're making this worse!" Hermione was the only one who hadn't drawn her wand. She
stood between the two sides, neutral, refusing to add fuel to the fire, even if it did leave her
"No! They're not going to hurt me, and you're not going to hurt them!" Hermione snapped. "Please,
everyone just needs to take a breath and calm down.”
Ron and Ginny shifted their guns so the barrels pointed at Malfoy, one between his brows, the
other at his heart.
Malfoy cocked his head to the side, and a green light gathered at the tip of his wand.
Fleur cocked her gun, and Narcissa's predatory growl reached new levels.
"What the bloody hell are you doing here, Malfoy?!" Ron snarled. "How did you know about this
"Well, I think I should know about it, considering Granger arranged the entire thing on a piece of
parchment that I brought."
For the briefest moment, Ron's scowl fell. "You ... you what?! You can't be Medusa! That doesn't
make any sense!"
"No, I'm not Medusa. But think of myself, Granger, and my dragon as a sort of package deal,”
Malfoy said, cocky as always. "Wherever Granger goes, I go," he chuckled and twisted his wand
threateningly. "And wherever I go-"
As he spoke, Narcissa stalked forward and exposed her fangs. The hissing sound that was vibrating
in her chest grew louder, more menacing, and caused the Order to shrink away slightly.
Ron puffed out his chest and his nostrils flared with anger. "You don't fucking scare me, filthy
Death Eater!"
A dangerous look flickered across Malfoy's face, the kind of look that made Hermione's blood run
cold. He quirked a brow, and the green light from his wand grew stronger and started crackling -
"That's enough, both of you!" Hermione charged towards Malfoy and caught his wrist. "This isn't
helping! Put your wand down!" She fought with him to lower his arm, but he was too strong, his
wand didn't move an inch. "Oh for God's sake!" Hermione changed tactics and caught Ginny's eye.
"I swear to you, Malfoy can be trusted -"
"You expect us to believe that?!" Although Ginny's tone was pure venom, she wasn't holding her
gun as firmly. She was starting to doubt herself. "Fleur said that he's a Demon Mask! He's killed
Malfoy jerked his wand, itching to throw a curse. "'Wants' is a very strong word-"
"Oh shut up!" Hermione whirled back to Malfoy and scowled up at him. "Now is not the time!"
She turned back to Ginny with a pleading expression. "Please, I know it sounds mad- but he's not
with Voldemort anymore-"
"Why should we believe that?!" Ron cocked the gun in his hand. "A decade into the war and he's
just suddenly decided to switch sides? Yeah, seems really likely that!"
Hermione growled in frustration and pinched her eyes closed. "You don't know what it's like on
their side! You don't know what Voldemort has put him and his family through-"
"If you interrupt me again, I swear to God, I will cast a silencing charm so powerful even your
grandchildren won't be able to speak!"
Out the corner of her eye, she saw Ginny's lips lift at the corner - just a fraction.
Hermione stared up at Malfoy and took a moment to calm herself. He wasn't looking at her, he was
glaring straight ahead, analysing the threat. He was so hard to read when he Occlude, but if she had
to guess, she'd say that he was nervous, perhaps even scared.
The group had agreed that the only way to branch trust with the Order was for them to know
everything. They would search Hermione's memories and see every awful thing that Voldemort
had put them through, the years of abuse he'd subjected them all to, and that way they would know
that this betrayal was genuine. And absolutely fucking deserved.
It was undeniably the best way forward, but it was also the riskiest. It meant showing the Order
everything, laying all their cards on the table, including their unanimous decision to betray their
Only a select few Order members would be allowed to know exactly who had betrayed Voldemort,
and although only those with excellent skills in memory blocking would be selected, if they were
captured, it would only be a matter of time before Malfoy and his families agenda was revealed.
Yes, this plan was the best move, but Malfoy was risking a lot, and Hermione felt it was only fair if
she eased his nerves.
"I know this must be very difficult for you. You're putting an awful lot of faith in people you don't
trust,” she whispered softly, and his eyes flickered down to hers briefly when she squeezed his
wrist. "But I promise that they can be trusted. I wouldn't do anything that would risk exposing you
or your family, but they need to know what you've been through - it's the only way they'll
Malfoy's nostrils flared, but eventually, the violent magic at the end of his wand faded away.
"Thank you.” Hermione smiled, and when Malfoy nodded, she turned to face Ginny and the others
again. "If you search my memories, you'll see that not only am I telling the truth, but that this is the
best thing to happen to the Order since the start of the war."
No one spoke for a few moments. There was a heavy silence, the atmosphere thick and heavy with
nerves and adrenaline and then, seemingly out of nowhere, hope came from the person Hermione
had least expected.
"We can trust Malfoy," Fleur breathed, and everyone turned to look at her. "I believe it.”
"I saw them both a few months ago during an attack.” She spoke every softly and very slowly,
making sure every word she said was understood. "Hermione was under that spell that makes her
kill the people on our side-"
"The Demon Hex," Hermione clarified, relieved that at least one person in the Order knew she
wasn't murdering her friends by her own choice.
"Yes - Hermione was under the Demon Hex." Fleur smiled. "I was injured and bleeding, Hermione
could have killed me very easily, she was going to, but Malfoy stopped her.”
Ron whirled around and glared at Malfoy. "It must have been a trick.”
"No - it was no trick," Fleur said strongly. "He stopped her from killing me, and then he let me go.
I do not understand why you did it, but you saved my life that day, so for that, I am going to give
you the benefit of the doubt now."
"I appreciate that Fleur," Hermione sighed. "But before you search my memories, I need you to
promise that whatever you see will stay between the inner circle, and only be shared to those on a
need to know basis? Agreed?"
"Agreed." Fleur took a step forward, but Hermione held up her hand to stop her.
"I mean it. If you're going to win this war, then you need him,” she said. "You're going to see a lot
of things that could damn Malfoy and his family. We're trusting that after this, if we help you, then
you won't do anything that will risk exposing him or putting his family in danger. Agreed?"
Ginny and Fleur exchanged heavy looks before they both nodded and hummed. "Agreed,” in
Ginny made it clear that they weren't going to exchange information until she could be sure
Hermione was really who she said she was, and in the hour it took to prove that she hadn't taken
any Polyjuice potion, the group came to a truce.
Malfoy would give the others their wands back, the Order would throw their guns to the far side of
the gate, and once they felt it was safe, Fleur, Ron and Ginny would take it in turns to search
Hermione's memories and see that Malfoy could be trusted. There was no chance Malfoy was
going to let any of them anywhere near his memories, but if they searched Hermione's, hopefully, it
would build a layer of trust.
The reason Hermione had requested the three of them for this meeting was that they were all
decent at Legilimency, but also just as skilled at - if not better - at memory blocking than she was.
Hermione found it incredibly easy to have Fleur in her head. Her magic was soft, like having satin
draped across her temples, but quick. Without Hermione trying to keep her out, she could skim
through an entire day of her memories in a few seconds.
Fleur was open and saw each memory for what it was, flipping through each new day as though
they were pages in a book. She saw how close Malfoy was to his family. How heartbroken they all
were when Daphne had been executed and how her death had left a hole that no one could fix.
Hermione had thought about locking more private - and more explicit - memories away, but she
felt that if she did, it would only raise suspicions. Might cast the illusion that she was hiding
something and rock the already tender foundation.
If this was going to work, she needed to be honest and open about her time at Malfoy Manor, and
everything that had transpired within its walls.
An involuntary blush had crept onto her face when those moments approached, but Fleur, ever the
lady, chose to graciously sidestep them.
When Malfoy's hand had disappeared up Hermione's dress when she'd shot targets, Fleur smiled
and moved on. When they'd ripped each other's clothes off a few weeks later, Fleur flipped the
page before Malfoy had even picked Hermione up. She paid equal attention to all the things
Malfoy had done, the killing and the hours torturing hostages, but she seemed more interested in
his interactions with Hermione.
The times he'd wiped blood off her chin after their Occlumency sessions. The smirk that sometimes
played on his lips when they fought one another. The bond he had with his dragon, how no one
else could come close to Narcissa, but how that same beast now felt an attachment towards
Hermione. The guilt on his face each time Hermione came out of the Demon Hex, and the way he
would hold and soothe her when she'd break down afterwards.
When Fleur was finally caught up, she pulled out of Hermione's mind, placed a hand on either of
her shoulders, and gave her a warm and knowing smile.
"I'd be careful if I were you, Weasley," Malfoy teased as Hermione prepared to let Ron in. "You
might not like what you're about to see."
From the moment Ron entered her mind, Hermione had the overwhelming feeling that it was a
It felt like he was looking through her memories with blinkers on, purposely ignoring the tender
moments that Hermione was trying to show him and just focusing on the bad.
He kept lingering on specific points, horrific moments, as if he were trying to force Hermione to
remember them and reinforce the idea that Malfoy was - and had always been - a monster.
He clung onto the images of her bleeding and vomiting blood on her bedroom floor at the start of
her capture. He lingered on their fights; the times he'd had his hands wrapped around her throat and
all the way's she'd thought about killing him. He replayed the first time she'd been under the
Demon Hex over and over again. How scared she'd been, how she'd cried, the grief she'd felt.
And then he saw their time in the drawing-room together. He saw Hermione shooting at targets
with a black and gold gun, he heard the way Malfoy spoke to her, how he touched her -
He fast-forwarded through the memories that followed quickly, completely ignoring the things that
Hermione wanted him to see. He didn't care about seeing Astoria's accident or the guilt Malfoy had
shown in his bedroom that evening. He didn't want to see how Cormac had tried to kill her, how
he'd beaten her and if Malfoy hadn't of saved her, then she would have been dead.
No, he didn't care about any of that, he didn't want to see the good in Malfoy, he just flick through
her memories until he found the day she'd shot Malfoy and everything that followed.
The way Ron jerked out of her mind left a searing pain down the centre of her skull. She hissed in
pain and bent over, and the first thing she heard as the airport materialised back around her was
Ron's voice.
"I can't fucking believe this!" he screamed. "You're shagging him?! Have you lost your marbles?!"
A look of pure horror snapped onto Ginny's face. "You're not, are you?"
"You're focusing on the wrong things!" Hermione shouted. "That has nothing to do with this!"
"It has everything to do it!" Ron screamed back. "He's bloody brainwashed you! He's got you so far
under his thumb that you don't see that this is all a trick!"
"Oh really, just like you knew what you were doing when you killed Seamus?!"
"That's enough, Weasel,” Malfoy sneered coldly, coming to stand behind Hermione. "Another
word out of you, and I won't think twice about turning you into dragon feed.” The husky tone in his
voice should have been warning enough for anyone to back off, but it fell on deaf ears with Ron.
He was too angry to really hear it.
"Don't you dare tell me it's enough! You've done something to her!" he roared. "You made her kill
her friend, and there's no way that my Hermione would ever fuck a monster like that!"
Malfoy's hand closed around her arm and he dragged her behind his body. He stepped into Ron and
glared down at him. "Well maybe that's because she's not yours anymore," he sneered. "Ever think
of that?"
"Perhaps it is best if we adjourned this meeting for today,” Fleur hushed calmly. She wrapped a
hand around Ron's shoulder and gently pulled him back. "We know they can be trusted. Perhaps
we should arrange another meeting for next week, and go back and discuss with Harry -"
"And let Hermione go back with him?!" Ron shouted. "No, she's not safe there!" Very quickly,
Ron ducked around Malfoy and grabbed Hermione, but the very heartbeat his fingers closed
around Hermione's wrists, Narcissa lunged.
Ron screamed and stumbled backwards as the dragon charged towards him. He released
Hermione's arm, allowing Malfoy to drag her out of harm's way and give Narcissa a clear path to
her prey.
Ron fell to the floor with a loud crunch, but Narcissa didn't stop. She was looming over him in an
instant, a menacing roar vibrating from her mouth as she hovered her huge teeth and jaw over
Ron's stomach.
Ginny launched a few curses at the dragon, but they bounced off her thick scales like they were
Malfoy shook his head and chuckled darkly, thoroughly delighting in Ron's terror.
Ron tried to scamper backwards, but Narcissa dug her snout into his stomach and bore down,
trapping him there. His arms and legs flailed in every direction, kicking and punching, but
Hermione doubted the dragon could even feel his attacks.
But just as she opened her mouth and her teeth grazed Ron's ribs, Malfoy snapped his fingers and
Narcissa backed away.
29th June
To Hermione's surprise, negotiations with the Order didn't completely break down after that first
meeting. Instead, after a two-day silence, Medusa received an invitation for a second meeting, and
after another – even tenser – discussion at East Midlands airport, an agreement was reached. Sort
The key to the plan was Malfoy, and although the searches through Hermione's memories had
proven that his betrayal was genuine, the Order wanted something more definitive before they
would trust him completely. Kingsley had made it clear – in a message relayed through Ginny –
that there would be no pardon for Theo, Blaise or even Astoria – until Malfoy had proven his
The problem was that since the Diadem had been destroyed, Voldemort had increased security
around the remaining Horcruxes.
Only Bellatrix and Voldemort knew where Nagini was being kept, and the eighth Horcrux he'd
created - a gold medallion - was moved every few weeks and its care entrusted to a different Death
Eater in random order. It would be very tricky to get their hands on the medallion. Getting it to the
Order would undoubtedly reveal their betrayal, so they needed to take care of his army first.
Voldemort's demise couldn't happen overnight, both sides seemed to be in agreement of that, at
least. So, to ensure that they didn't make any mistakes, it was decided that they would take it slow.
Deathly slow, as it were.
For the next twelve months, the Death Eaters would whittle down Voldemort's army from within -
by continuing to leak secrets and frame specific members of the inner circle - and while Voldemort
was distracted executing the traitors, Malfoy would get the Order the medallion and find out where
Nagini was being kept.
After the terms were reached, Theo, Blaise and Astoria seemed very hopeful. They popped open a
bottle of champagne and toasted to their success. Astoria even started planning a victory party for
when Voldemort was finally dead and buried, but, like Hermione, Malfoy was quiet the entire
And Hermione wondered, as she watched him from across the sitting room and sipped on her
celebratory champagne, if he was thinking about the same thing she was.
Kingsley had chosen his words very, very specifically. If Voldemort was defeated, he'd agreed to
pardon 'Malfoy's family' for any and all war crimes that they'd committed or witnessed.
"Well, of all the places I thought I'd find you tonight, cooped up inside Astoria and Blaise's
bedroom was not at the top of my list.”
"Too anxious to sit still,” Hermione mumbled without turning around. "Thought I'd work on her
mural instead."
Malfoy scoffed quietly in the doorway. "Mmm, I can see that. And you thought you'd channel that
nervous energy by painting ... what is that supposed to be? An inside out umbrella?"
"It's a Squill, Malfoy,” she chided back, her sarcastic tone perfectly matching his. "That's the shape
they take when they bloom."
"You look a right mess. Wasn't that dress white this morning?" he carried on, eyeing the paint
covered shirt dress she was wearing. "How have you managed to get more paint on your clothes
than on the wall? There's even some on your nose.”
"If you only came here to criticise me you'd better piss off right now, or else-"
"Or else what?" There was a teasing lilt in his voice, but Hermione wasn't in the mood. "What are
you going to do to me?"
"I'll Bombarda your ribcage wide open," she snapped back, still sitting crossed-legged on the floor
and staring at her mural - willing the picture she had in her mind to take shape on the wall.
"I know how to cast wordless Avada's - you'd never hear your death coming."
"Oh, just pack it in Malfoy," she warned, turning slightly so she could study him out the corner of
her eye. "I'm not in the mood tonight, alright?"
He was wearing his usual attire; black trousers and a white button-down shirt with the sleeves
rolled up. He wore a cocky expression as he leaned casually in the doorway, and his eyes were an
even mixture of grey and blue.
Anyone else would have thought he was completely relaxed - but Hermione knew the only tell in
his perfect poker face. He was fidgeting with the ring on his pinkie finger. Anxiously using his
thumb to twist it from one direction to the other. He might have been all jokes and cocky bravado,
but he was just as nervous as Hermione was.
Astoria had been invited to a Gala. She was using it as an excuse to frame their first target, Scabior
the snatcher, but Hermione and Malfoy hadn't gone with her.
It was the right strategy really. Everyone had agreed that Malfoy shouldn't attend. Their ruse
within Voldemort's army depended on normalcy. They needed to pretend that everything was as it
always had been and that nothing had changed.
Hundreds of these social events had happened since Voldemort's rise to power, and Malfoy had
never attended any of them. He'd outright shunned the very idea of the parties, so if he suddenly
decided to go to one now, it would only draw attention, and encourage watchful eyes at a time
when the group really couldn't afford to be watched.
Of course, Astoria was perfectly safe. Because Blaise and Theo had gone to the odd gala over the
years - Blaise to accompany his wife, and Theo to, well, raid the complementary free bar - they had
escorted her, acting as her personal bodyguards just in case anything did go array.
Malfoy knew it was for the best, but apparently, he was still as nervous about being left behind as
Hermione was.
Malfoy scoffed and narrowed his eyes at her. "What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I'm
alright, why wouldn't I be?"
"It's okay to admit that you're worried about them." She put her paintbrush down on the mixing
board and swivelled her body so that she faced him. "I'm worried too -"
"If you say so,” she breathed, sensing that he was far more comfortable keeping his walls up for
the moment. She turned back to her mural. "But if you do want to talk about it, you know where I
Hermione picked up her brush and started mixing colours together again, aiming to create a soft
pink for the petals of the flower. She kept her eyes on her work and her ears trained on the
When she added a little more white to the mixture, she still hadn't heard Malfoy leave.
It wasn't until she dragged the brush along the second petal she'd drawn that she heard his footsteps
- but he didn't leave. Instead, the sound got louder.
She pretended she was far more interested in her artwork than whatever Malfoy was doing. She
assumed he'd grab a chair to sit in, but to her surprise, his footsteps stopped when he was standing
to her left, and she fought a smile as he sat beside her, on the floor, crossed legged and his knees
practically brushing hers.
They stayed like that in silence for a while. Hermione painting and Malfoy just watching, but as the
minutes ticked on, he started to relax. Occasionally, he would wordlessly hand her the tube of paint
she was reaching for, or hold the wooden palette out in front of him so she could mix more colours
"My packet of cigarettes is over there," Hermione said, jutting her chin out in the direction of her
vanity table. "Would you mind getting them for me?"
That was another term Hermione had later added onto her ever-growing list of demands for helping
Malfoy. A packet of cigarette's every few days. He didn't seem to mind getting them for her, but
Astoria wholly disapproved of the habit.
"Obviously they do,” Hermione sighed. "But I'm covered in paint," she added, holding both of her
paint covered hands up to him, "so do me a favour."
Malfoy looked at the box on her table, but instead of getting up, he reached into his pocket and
pulled out a packet of his own. She watched his long fingers take one out before he turned it over
and held the bud over her mouth. "Open up, cub."
Hermione couldn't help the way her pulse jumped at his words, and as she silently obeyed, he
gently placed the tip between her lips. He held her stare as he lit the end with the tip of his wand.
She closed her eyes as she took the first drag, even moaned quietly as the nicotine filled her lungs,
and when she opened them, she found Malfoy still watching her. "What?" she asked, suddenly a
little self-conscious.
"Nothing." Malfoy leaned forward and gently pulled the cigarette from her mouth to take a long,
deep drag of his own. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
There was a pause while he held the smoke in his lungs, and when he spoke again, the exhale
fanned a wave of smoke out of his mouth that was so thick, Hermione couldn't help but
subconsciously lean in.
"I wouldn't be taking you on this raid if I could help it,” he said as he turned the cigarette over and
slipped it back between her lips.
Normalcy was the double-edged sword of their betrayal. For their plan to work, they needed to act
as normal as possible so Voldemort wouldn't suspect them. Normalcy would be what helped the
Order, but it would be the thing that tore Hermione's heart to pieces.
Tomorrow, Voldemort had sanctioned a raid to take place. His best generals were to launch a brutal
attack on a town that the Order was using to restock magical weapons, and normalcy meant that
Hermione would be dragged along.
And be under the Demon Hex for the first time in weeks.
Again, it really was for the best. Even the Order agreed - although reluctantly at first. Only ten
people within the Order knew who had betrayed Voldemort, that way, no one would pull their
punches on the battlefield. They needed the lie to be convincing if it was going to work, and
unfortunately, that meant that when Voldemort called upon Hermione, she had to be utilised.
"There's a bell tower there.” She paused to take a drag. "At Bradford city hall.”
There was a moment of tense silence before Malfoy answered her. "Are you worried about Blaise's
Hermione didn't respond. She concentrated on the stem of the flower she was painting and the
cigarette in her mouth.
Of course, she was worried. That vision had been playing on a constant loop in her head since
Voldemort had shown it to her, and the images were burned into her mind whether she liked them
or not. Buildings exploding. A church on fire. A bridge collapsing into a frozen lake. A bell tower
crumbling. And the number four. Four. Four. Bloody four, over and over again.
Whether it meant four people, four deaths, or the 4th day of the month - the number four had to
mean something.
"That vision is not going to come true," Malfoy hissed, pulling the cigarette out her mouth a little
rougher this time. He took a deep drag before he added. "I won't let it come true."
"Yes, you would," she answered, turning just enough to watch him out the corner of her eye. "If the
lives of your family were on the line, you would kill me in a heartbeat to save them."
"And if you did anything that would threaten the Order," Hermione continued, her lips twitching a
little at the corners, "I wouldn't hesitate to kill you either."
He smiled, just a little. Just enough to show her little dimples on the side of his face. He pulled the
cigarette out of his mouth and offered it to her. "Then I suppose it's a good thing we're on the same
side for now."
Hermione matched his smile as she leaned forward to accept the cigarette with her lips. "Yes - for
The air was heavy with perfumes and flowers, the smell so thick and enhanced with magic that it
made Theo's nose burn. Thousands of white roses spilt out of their gold vases and sprayed up the
walls of the enormous ballroom they were in.
There was a jazz band playing the corner of the room, quietly playing a tune he didn't recognise
and creating a gentle - and elegant, if you liked that sort of thing - atmosphere. The white walls
were draped in sashes of gold and cream silks, and great big massive gold chandeliers hung from
the ceiling, charmed to twirl in the air and cast little rainbows on the floor.
The Carrow's had really gone all out for this gala.
Theo hated these types of events. Honestly fucking despised them. Didn't see the point in putting
on suits with collars so tight they cut into his neck and making idle chit chat with wizards he
He hated the fakeness about these events. Most of the people in this room were the ones that
cheered when his wife was executed. They'd encouraged the slaughter, they'd boo'ed when she'd
fought back and cheered when she'd screamed in pain, and yet here they were, wanting to shake his
hand and make small talk about the fucking weather and the strength of the galleon.
Most of the Death Eaters used these Gala's as a way to show off. Flaunt the riches and rewards
they'd earned from their master, lord his generosity over the others and show that they were, in
fact, Voldemort's favourite. And Barty Crouch Jr was no exception to that.
He always brought one of his dolls with him, wrapped in jewels and silk gowns so he could parade
them around like little show dogs - like he was doing at that precise moment.
Theo glared and his fingers tightened around the champagne flute in his hand.
As usual, Crouch was slithering between the Death Eaters with a doll on his arm. A blonde with
sad eyes and a tiny frame who he'd styled in a silver dress that looked two sizes too small for her.
The girl kept her eyes down as Crouch dragged her alongside him, angling her so everyone could
get a good look at her.
Theo would have loved nothing more than to snatch that glass of wine out of Crouch's hand, smash
it against the wall and drive the broken pieces into his slimy neck -
"Honestly, Theodore," it was Astoria's voice that pulled him out of his violent - and quite frankly
delightful - daydream. His eyes flickered down to find his younger sister-in-law fiddling with the
bow tie around his neck. "Were you raised in a barn?" she tutted as she adjusted the fabric. "Your
tie is crooked and don't even get me started on your collar."
"I combed my hair back for this," Theo bit before he could stop himself, although Astoria was
unbothered by the snarl in his voice. She was used to his behaviour, almost attuned to it after all
these years. "And I put on a bloody tie, what more do you want from me woman?"
Despite Astoria picking out outfits for both Blaise and Theo for this event (matching black three-
piece suits with cold waistcoats that complimented the gold details on her yellow dress) apparently
the way he'd put the outfit together wasn't up to par with what she'd envisioned.
"Oh my, you put on a dickie bow?" she gasped sarcastically. "And you combed back your hair, all
by yourself? Someone alert Rita Skeeter! You poor little muffin, you must be exhausted," Astoria
sighed. "Want to talk about effort? I'm wearing a dress so tight I can't breathe and my boobs are
pushed up so high my nipples are numb, but beauty is pain, my dear. Now, shut up moaning and
hold my glass so I can fix you."
His eyes drifted back to Crouch as Astoria poked and prodded at his suit, adjusting his 'messy'
attire until it was up to her standard.
"There, you go," she said when she was finished, stepping back to appraise her work. "Now you
look perfect. And so handsome I could eat you."
She smiled sweetly up at him, but when she noticed that he wasn't really paying attention to her,
her eyes followed his, and her smile dropped when she realised what he was looking at.
"I know,” she whispered, a disgusted edge creeping into her usually soft voice. "I can't believe he's
"I should rip his fucking spine out,” Theo hissed under his breath, red starting to colour his vision.
"No- as entertaining as that would be - you shouldn't. The time isn't right yet."
"He's the reason Daph is dead - the time was right the moment he dobbed her in with the Dark
"I know," Astoria hushed. "No one hates him as much as I do, but it's always been risky to go after
Crouch. We're the only ones who have a grudge against him. If he dies under suspicious
circumstances, who do you think are the first people the inner circle will point their fingers at?"
Theo and Astoria. That was the honest truth. Besides the Order, the only people with a reason to
want Crouch dead were the two of them. Everyone within the Dark Lord's ranks liked Barty. He
was a war hero. The only wizard brave and clever enough to aid the Dark Lord back into power all
those years ago. The inner-circle respected him and the soldiers loved his dolls.
Yes, his sister-in-law was indeed correct. But it didn't mean he liked it any less.
Astoria stood at his side and squeezed his hand encouragingly. "He'll get what's coming to him,”
she whispered. "We'll make sure of it, but for now, there's nothing we can do.”
"As long as I get to kill him eventually," Theo murmured as he sipped his champagne again.
"That's all that matters."
"Of course." Astoria smiled and raised her glass to him. “To the evening going as smoothly as
possible, and eventually," her voice dropped to a whisper, "you killing that sick bastard over
Theo's lips twitched into a smirk. "Now there's a toast I can get behind."
They chinked their glasses together and downed their drinks, and when a server carrying a tray of
full flutes passed them again, Theo snatched two and handed one to the blonde.
Blaise joined them shortly afterwards - his meeting with the Dark Lord causing him to run slightly
late - and the three of them found a table and waited for the liquor to affect the other guests so they
could set their plan in motion.
"What do you think Hermione and Draco are doing?" Astoria asked somewhere around ten o'clock.
"Either avoiding each other," Blaise guessed, one arm draped around his wife's shoulder while the
other swirled the glass of whiskey in his hand. "Fighting. Or fucking."
"Pfffft, not a chance," Theo matched. "I'll bet you twenty that there's at least one room on fire
when we return?"
At around eleven-thirty, they decided that the other guests were drunk enough for the plan to work.
Astoria led the way, as expected, and dragged the men into the crowd. In another life, Tori could
have been an actress. It was remarkable, the way she could smile and beam with charm, even with
people she hated.
Theo had always thought that the Greengrass sisters were like snake charmers. They were beautiful
and alluring, but they just seemed to have a way with people that couldn't be explained. It was
magic. A person only had to look at one of them to be enchanted, and once under their spell, people
hung off every word they said, almost hypnotised by their warm smiles and soft laughter.
When Astoria complimented Rookwood's dress robes, he blushed so hard he had to excuse himself.
When she laughed at one of Rodolphus Lestrange's jokes, he smiled wide enough that it almost
cracked his face, and when she told Yaxley that she thought he'd gained some muscle, well, the
slimy old bastard almost came right then and there.
Yes, the crowd were putty in Astoria's hands, they always were - it was the reason Medusa had
been such a success for all these years, and it was the reason why, as soon as Scabior spotted her
across the room, already a little tipsy and wobbly on his feet, Theo knew that the snatcher never
stood a chance.
Astoria had done her research beforehand. She knew Scabior liked gold, so she wore a yellow dress
with gold accents. She knew he had a preference for breasts over arse, so she wore an extremely
low cut dress that pushed her tits so far up they might as well have had a welcome sign branded
upon them.
"There's your man," Theo whispered in Astoria's ear, guiding her head to find the target in
question. "Go get him."
As soon as Astoria's eyes landed on the snatcher, he was lost. He stumbled and stood on
Karkaroff's wife's toes, earning a squeal from her and a smack on the shoulder for him. Astoria was
going to chew him up and eat him alive, poor bastard, Theo thought that they should seriously
consider renaming her Black Widow. It suited her so much better.
As Scabior made his way to the bar, Astoria downed her glass and gave her husband a kiss, but as
she tried to make her leave, she wobbled on her feet and fell back slightly. Although both men
discreetly caught her before she fell too far, she'd already dropped her clutch bag on the floor.
"I'm fine." Astoria furiously swatted his hands away and glared up at him. "Let go of me, we don't
want anyone to see."
"What happened?!"
"You're putting too much pressure on yourself. If unwell darling, you need to go home -"
"I am fine!" Astoria whispered, hissing through gritted teeth. "I can rest when I go home. We need
to start whittling down the army, and no bloody illness is going to stop me.”
Blaise opened his mouth, but Astoria's hand shot up to silence him.
"I won't hear any more of this," she scolded. "I need to do this. For Daphne."
Without giving her husband chance to argue further, Astoria bent down, meaning to pick up her
bag, but before her hands could close around the gold clutch, another, feminine hand beat her to it.
Theo knew who had picked up Astoria's clutch before he'd even seen her. That strange feeling in
his chest told him that it was her. That horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.
It was the Mustang. Dressed to the nine's in a floor-length silk red dress with a slit up the side,
wearing the highest heels imaginable and dripping in diamonds.
Astoria's clutch had Veritaserum inside it. If the Mustang saw it, if she showed anyone, the plan
would be ruined.
Blaise tensed.
He would probably be fast enough to kill her wordlessly, stop her heart with an enchantment and
make it look like an accident. He could make it look like she'd had too much to drink and slipped,
and the party-goers would assume that it was the bang on her head as she fell to the floor that killed
He didn't want to kill her, she'd done nothing to him. She was innocent, but if the plan was at stake,
if Daphne's legacy was threatened to be ruined, he'd do it in a heartbeat.
Astoria and the Mustang stared at one another. Theo watched Astoria's eyes widen as she studied
her, but she didn't look scared, the way she ought to be. Instead, she looked shocked, fascinated as
her gentle brown eyes stared intently at the Mustang like she was looking for something.
The Mustang stared back for a moment, her eyes almost glistening, and then she offered a bright
smile, one that touched her eyes and looked so genuine and heart-warming that it almost made
Theo's heart swell. It might have done, if it was still beating like a normal person.
The Mustang stepped forward and gave Astoria back her clutch, but she didn't leave straight away.
Instead, she reached forward and caught some of Astoria's hair that had fallen out of her updo when
she'd stumbled, and she oh so slowly, tucked the strand back into place.
"Mustang!" Crouch sneered from somewhere in the crowd. The sound of his voice made the girl
flinch slightly. "Where have you gone pet?! Where's my drink?!"
The Mustang gave another smile to Astoria and left. But not before her eyes had lingered on Theo.
Not before she'd looked at him in such a way that made it feel like she was seeing right into his
The three of them watched her leave, watched her black curls bounce as she picked up a bottle of
bourbon from a table and wove her way through the crowd back to Crouch.
A strange feeling remained in her absence. A heavy atmosphere that couldn't be explained, but
Theo could tell by the looks on Blaise and Astoria's faces that it was shared between the three of
"One of Barty's dolls,” Blaise answered quietly. "He calls her, The Mustang."
Theo didn't see their expressions, he was still looking at the same spot that the Mustang had
disappeared in.
"No, that isn't it. There's ... something strange about her but I can't quite put my finger on what it is.
I've never met her before, but when she looked at me, I felt like I could trust her - It was almost
like I … Like I knew her.”
"What is?"
As soon as Astoria had left and started a conversation with Scabior, Blaise became insufferable.
She'd been with him for almost an hour, working her magic, and the entire time - the entire fucking
time - all Blaise did was whittle about his wife.
To begin with, Theo played the good samaritan and listened, but charity was no longer in his
nature, and he'd fought through his headache for about as long as he could stand it.
As he stood and unbuttoned his waistcoat, Blaise's worry reached a new obsessive level. "Where
are you going?!" he panicked. "Have you seen something?"
"The only thing I've heard for the last hour is you and your bloody moaning!"
"But you're leaving in such a hurry! Are you sure you've not seen something, and you're just not
telling me so I don't-"
"I'm so envious of you boys," hushed Astoria's voice behind him. "The line for the ladies room is
atrocious. I haven't been able to go all night."
The second he heard her voice, Blaise was on his feet. He grabbed either side of her face and
kissed her like he hadn't seen her in days. "Are you alright?" he asked between kisses, only pulling
away enough so he could check her over. "I've been so worried-"
Tori placed her hands on either of his shoulders and gently pushed him back so she could stare into
his eyes. "And I've told you before that you worry too much. I am fine." One of her hands snaked
its way to cup his cheek. "He didn't touch me and he's now flat out in the hallway sleeping off the
"More than what we needed." Astoria smiled sweetly at him before she turned back to Blaise. "But
that's enough business talk for tonight. I believe you owe your wife a dance?"
As Blaise hooked his arm through Astoria's and guided her into the crowd, Theo used it as his
excuse to leave. His eyes scanned the dancers as he made his way towards the bathroom. He didn't
realise he was looking for her until he found her.
The Mustang was perched on the arm of the chair that Crouch was sitting in, a bored look on her
face while she refilled Crouch's glass.
The large tiled bathroom was empty when Theo arrived, and after he'd relieved himself, he had a
moment alone. It wasn't just that he didn't want to re-join the party, he just needed a break from
Blaise - and Astoria - if he was being totally honest with himself.
In truth, he understood Blaise's obsessive paranoia for his wife more than he let on. More than
anyone else, but sometimes he couldn't be around them.
He loved Astoria and he adored Blaise. He thought the world of both of them, had never met a
couple more perfect and destined to be together than the Zabini's.
But sometimes, being around them was too much. Sometimes, being around a couple so madly in
love only reminded him of what he'd lost, of what he was never going to get back, and he just
needed to get away from them for a moment.
To do something. Anything to make himself forget. Bathe his hand in someone else's blood just so
he wouldn't think about Daphne. Pull someone else's heart out, just so he could remember what a
heartfelt like when it was still beating, still alive and in one piece.
If he didn't have to keep his wits about him at this gala - just in case something did happen - he
would have buried his nose in the bag of white powder he had in his pocket hours ago.
Even after all these years, he still didn't know exactly what was in that white powder. He didn't
want to know, didn't need to. Whatever it was, it did what he wanted, so he never questioned it. It
dulled his senses and numbed the ache in his chest.
He felt wired as he stared at himself in the mirror. His muscles were rigid and tight, begging for
release. To o something. To feel something.
Once the mission was over, once Astoria had gotten what she needed and was back in the manor,
Theo would indulge. Perhaps he'd go to a bar, find a random whore and charm her into taking him
back to her place. It'd been so long since he'd been with someone, and he had his magic bag of
white powder with him.
It was pathetic that he couldn't have sex without it anymore. Pathetic that he needed something
artificial in his system just to find other women somewhat attractive enough to sleep with.
It wasn't that he felt like he was cheating on Daphne when he shagged someone else. He never
really looked at them long enough to see if they were appealing or not, but it wouldn't have
mattered - because they weren't her. They weren't Daphne. They didn't look like her and they didn't
smell like her, so he couldn't get hard.
The powder, however? It changed that. They made him numb, made him disorientated enough that
he could pretend - just for a little while - that they were who he wanted them to be.
It wasn't as if the women ever picked up on his indifference - and even if they did, they didn't care
enough to mention it. It took him so long to come just once that they often enjoyed themselves
once, twice, even three times before he crested that hill. It was sick and wrong, he knew that, but
Malfoy never judged him for it. Said he'd been through enough and should do whatever he needed
to do to make the days bearable.
He didn't want a partner, he didn't need one, but sometimes the loneliness got to him more than any
curse he'd been struck with on the battlefield. Sometimes, he just wanted to feel a warm body under
his own to make him not feel so cold and dead inside anymore.
Companionship was a part of human nature, seeking out a mate was part of the human experience,
but how could he be with someone else when'd already found the one? His other half?
No, there wasn't merely just a hole in his heart that only Daphne could fill. His heart just wasn't
there anymore, Daphne had taken it with her when she'd died, so rather than fill that empty space,
he just filled someone else's bed.
Yes, that would be his plan for the evening. Once the gala was over and everyone was tucked back
in their beds, safe and sound and probably shagging the night away, he would go out.
He started running through a list of pubs in his head as he walked to the bathroom door, but just as
he reached for the handle, the door swung open and Theo had to jump back several steps to avoid
getting hit.
His fingers were already around his wand, ready to curse whoever had dared to almost take his
nose off with the offending door - but the hex died before it reached his tongue.
Because the Mustang was in the doorway, alone, and she was staring right at him.
They both just stared at one another, eyes wide and frozen in place. She looked just as stunned to
see him as he was to see her.
She looked at the door, and then back to him. Crouch had made it clear that he didn't share her, and
Theo didn't want to think about what Crouch might do if he saw them together. But despite that
fact, she seemed to be wrestling with the decision, whatever urge was making her stay rooted in the
spot fighting the risk of not being caught by Crouch.
Suddenly, she slipped off her heels and picked them up. She glided towards him quickly, silently,
and when she reached him, she pushed him back into one of the bathroom stalls and closed the
door behind her.
The tiny stall was barely big enough for one person, never mind two, but each time Theo tried to
leave, the Mustang just shook her head and pushed him against the wall - and she was surprisingly
strong for such a small woman.
When the two Death Eaters finally left, the Mustang slowly took her hand off Theo's mouth. They
waited a few moments before they moved, just to make sure they were really alone, and when they
exited the stalls and stood in the bathroom together, she started talking, or at least, she tried to.
Her mouth started opening and closing erratically as though she was shouting. No, no more like
screaming at him, and her hands - still holding her shoes - waved in every direction as she spoke
She clearly had a lot she wanted to say to Theo, and he tried his hardest to concentrate and read her
lips as best he could, but it was no use. Her mouth was moving too quickly.
The Mustang was undeterred. She just kept silently shouting and pointing her finger at his chest.
She started making hand signs, sign language, but again, Theo was lost, and getting equally as
frustrated as she was.
The Mustang silently growled towards the ceiling and snatched his wand.
The girl pointed the tip of Theo's wand against her throat and shook it. She wanted him to take the
charms off her voice box that prevented her from speaking.
Fuck knew how he was going to explain what he was doing if anyone saw him, but he thought it
worth a go. At the very least, it might give him a good laugh later.
The Mustang opened her mouth, but no noise came out. He moved his wand a little further down
her throat and tried again - but nothing happened.
On the third try, he wrapped his free hand around the back of her neck and pulled her closer,
thinking that if he tried to cast the spell both from his wand and from his fingers, it might be more
It wasn't. The spells Crouch had used to silence her were too strong, and it only caused the
Mustang's temper to spark all the more.
Her lips moved faster. Her expression grew more desperate and her arms cut so sharply in the air
that the heels in her hand almost scratched his face. She was desperately trying to communicate
something to him, and her angry expression only riled Theo up all the more. They were getting
nowhere, and Theo's temper was thinning by the second.
"I don't know what you're saying!" he screamed at her. "I don't - you can make all the hand signs
you want petal, I don't have a fucking clue what they mean - "
Her chest heaved as she stared up at him with pursed lips and a furious scowl.
"What the fuck you just slapped me?" His cheek burned. "You little-"
The Mustang cut him off by grabbing either side of his face and yanking his head towards hers.
She stared up at him with fierce determination. Her eyes were green fire, burning so intensely it
made his toes curl slightly. No one ever looked at him like that. Not anymore.
As he stared at her, he felt his anger start to dissipate. Felt that white-hot rage, that impulse that
made him want to break things, hurt people, he felt it start to drain away. As though she were
siphoning out of him through her palms.
Suddenly, he wasn't so angry anymore. Suddenly, that God-awful emptiness in his chest that he'd
carried around since Daphne died - it wasn't gone - but it felt a little, what? Fuller? Less empty? He
wasn't sure.
"What is it about you?" he whispered. "Why do I always feel this way when you're around?"
Before he even realised what he was doing, his right hand reached up and palmed her cheek. The
Mustang's eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into his touch.
It only lasted a moment, just the briefest second, before the feel of her skin under his palm
He hadn't even heard Crouch storm into the room, he'd been too distracted. Hadn't heard him draw
his wand, or even throw a Crucio right at the poor girl's ribs.
As the Mustang dropped to the floor and howled in pain, Crouch charged towards Theo and
grabbed either side of his collar. He threw him back sharply against the sink and angled his wand
under Theo's chin.
"What did she tell you!?" Crouch looked like a wild dog. His eyes were wide and crazed, his teeth
were bared, almost frothing at the mouth with saliva. "What did she say to you?!"
Theo smacked Crouch's wand to the side and pushed himself off the sink. He loomed over Crouch
and sneered down at him. "She didn't tell me anything because you've taken away her voice!"
The Mustang screamed on the floor, both arms wrapped around her body as she curled in on herself
at an unnatural angle.
Throughout their squabble, Blaise swung open the bathroom door. He charged inside with purpose,
but he skidded to a stop when he saw the scene in front of him. "What in the world-"
"Oh, quite the contrary, she's not had nearly enough!" Crouch smirked, but just as he licked his lips
in that vile way he always did, the pocket watch on his suit started to chime and his cocky bravado
Before the clock had finished its second chime, he stopped the Crucio that was wracking its way
through the Mustangs body and ran towards her. Everything about Crouch's movements suddenly
became frantic. As the girl caught her breath and tried to sit upright, he pulled a silver flask from
his robes and flipped the cap open.
When she saw what he was doing, she started to fight. She tried to punch and kick Crouch, but he
just grabbed her face and pried her mouth open.
Crouch didn't answer. The Mustang jerked her head away from the lid of the container. She stared
at Theo as she fought, pleading with him, and the look in her eye, fuck - it hurt him to see it. He
didn't know why.
"What's in that flask, Crouch?!" he demanded, feeling magic start to spark at his fingertips.
Why was he reacting this way? He didn't know this girl, he didn't owe her anything - yet for some
reason, as he stared into her panicked green eyes, he was overcome with the need to protect. To
snatch her out of Crouch's grip and Apparate her home.
"Anti-magic potion," Crouch grunted, struggling to keep the girls face still in his hands.
"She's a witch?!" For some reason, that little facet of information set him off. He sharply drew his
wand out of his pocket and charged towards Crouch -
"No!" Blaise hissed under his breath, using the vice-like grip on Theo's arm to hold him back.
"Don't make a scene."
Fucking bastard, Blaise was naturally so much stronger than him. Unless he used magic, Theo
didn't have a hope of getting free.
"She was going to tell me something!" he hissed. "I need to know what it was!"
"It doesn't matter," Blaise hushed, discreetly tightening his hold on Theo's arm and dragging him
back. "You can't do anything that will raise suspicions. We need to keep a low profile. All of us-"
"That doesn't matter!" Blaise whispered, yanking him back again when Theo tried to lunge. "The
plan is more important. Think of the plan. Think of Daphne."
Because Blaise was right. Everything Theo had done - everything he'd done for the last six years -
was for her. It was all for Daphne. The whole plan had started when she'd died. Medusa had been
created for her. The entire betrayal was built on avenging her - and nothing was more important
than that. Nothing.
4th July
Utilitarianism follows the belief that the right course of action is the one that ‘causes the greatest
good for the greatest number of people.’ That's it. Plain and simple.
Utilitarianism doesn't care about morality, or feelings, or a persons soul, its only concern was the
end game. If ten people were trapped in a burning building, it would be justified - encouraged,
even - to let four burn to save the remaining six. It doesn't matter how horrendous or gruesome an
act is. If it saved the lives of many, then it was worth it, no matter the price the fewer had to pay.
Since the first time she'd killed, Hermione had adopted that belief. No, she hadn't merely adapted
it. She'd clung to it. Cried herself to sleep with it. Conditioned herself to think that taking one life
was justified if it saved two. But, as the town of Bradford lay burning around her, as the corpses of
muggle soldiers fell to the floor after being hit with curses she'd cast, as wizards pawed at their
own throats because she'd slit them open, Hermione started to question that belief.
She knew she needed to be under the Demon Hex, it was the only way Malfoys plan was going to
Killing was a horrendous act, but it was necessary. It was going to save thousands of lives,
millions. Being under the Hex and killing would cast the illusion that Malfoy was still loyal to
Voldemort. It would distract Voldemort, make him think he could trust Malfoy, accuse every other
Death Eater of betraying him and while his back was turned, Malfoy could stab him in it.
Yes, in these circumstances, killing really was for the best. Sacrifice was for the best. But it didn't
mean it broke Hermione's heart any less to do it. Didn't mean it didn't crush her soul - just that little
bit more every time - when she snuffed the life out of another person.
With war, came sacrifice. The Order knew that. Kingsley had accepted that. He'd agreed to
sacrifice a few soldiers to secure the survival of the rest of the Order, sacrifice a few pawns to draw
out the oppositions Queen so they could slaughter her and win the game later on.
This raid of the Order's base in Bradford was the first of those sacrifices.
A hostage had given Yaxley the location after a few hours of torture, and although Malfoy had
tipped Kingsley off the night before about the impending attack, people were still going to die. An
obscene amount of people.
Voldemort was sending too many of his soldiers, and he wanted Narcissa to be utilised too.
Kingsley simply didn't have the resources to get everyone - and all the medical supplies and
weapons being held there - out before the raid started. So, he was sacrificing a handful of brave
soldiers to hold back Voldemort's army while they got their vital equipment out, and later, when
Voldemort realised the Order must have known about the attack beforehand, Malfoy was going to
pin the leak on Scabior.
Sacrificing a few of his own soldiers to whittle down the Dark Lord's army was a price Kingsley
had agreed to pay. Hermione suspected that he was hiding that information from Harry. There was
no way he would ever agree if he knew.
Narcissa was being used as a surprise tactic, so after Malfoy had found a place to hide her in
Bradford - and after he'd put Hermione under the Demon Hex and Apparated her to the rendezvous
point where Theo and the Death Eaters were waiting - he went back into hiding with his dragon.
Biding his time.
The battle had been going well for the Order to begin with. They'd brought in tanks and
helicopters, and they'd made short work of most of the Black Masks Voldemort had sent, but as
soon as Malfoy and Narcissa had soared onto the field, the Order's chances were slashed to
nothing. As soon as the soldiers had heard that ominous clapping of reptilian wings, as soon as
they'd seen the demonic horns of the fighter sitting between the dragons' shoulders, the change in
them was instant. They started to panic - some of them even apparated away, too scared to risk
being on the same battlefield as a dragon and a demon.
Malfoy and Narcissa were extremely dangerous individually, but together, they were unstoppable.
Narcissa knocked helicopters out of the sky with ease, she melted tanks with a single breath and he
slaughtered soldiers and collapsed buildings with a wave of his wand.
Their fighting technique was flawless. Each time Narcissa passed over the battlefield, she would
dip low, low enough that her enormous body eclipsed the sunlight and cast a black shadow on the
floor, and release a flaming breath, and while she burned everything in her path, Malfoy would cast
curse after curse and butcher any soldiers lucky enough to escape her fire. No offensive spells
could touch either of them. Every time someone cast a curse - aiming to hit Malfoy - his dragon
would twist her body to protect him and the curse would bounce right off her thick scales.
Whenever tanks aimed at her, Malfoy would use magic to flip the tank or redirect the shell as it left
the chamber, killing more of the Order's soldiers instead.
As per Hermione's suggestion, the muggles had altered the machinery so that they could be
operated remotely, meaning that no lives were lost when Narcissa blew them to bits, and she
secretly thanked her lucky stars that they still trusted her enough to listen.
Two hours into the attack, the town of Bradford was in ruins. Visibility was low. Thick, black
smoke rose into the air from the fires and explosions. Cars, probably abandoned years ago, lay
over-turned or on fire from the battle. The air was uncomfortably hot from the fires. Buildings lay
broken and shattered glass covered the floor. There was fire everywhere. Screams everywhere.
Disfigured corpses and body parts sprayed up the pavement and blood ran down the streets.
As Hermione bore down and crunched the throat of a soldier under her boot, the Demon Hex
delighted in his screams. And when she began casting a slicing curse down his right arm, tearing
flesh apart, crushing bone as she went, the dark curse practically purred with satisfaction.
And although she couldn't see Theo, she could hear him.
"Just killed another one! I'm on a roll today!" he called through the chaos, his voice light and
joyous, like a child at a fairground, while a chorus of soldiers screaming and begging for their lives
echoed around him. "Come on Granger, you better get to work if you wanna catch up sweetheart!"
The Order wasn't a fan of Theodore, Kingsley had been very explicit about that. If Malfoy hadn't
have been so firm on the matter, he never would have received a conditional pardon in the first
place. And despite the negotiations and pleas, Theo refused to give up his favourite hobby. He still
killed without mercy. Killed whoever he wanted to. Whenever he felt like it. Kingsley had tried to
convince him to kill more humanely, to kill in a way that would cause the least amount of pain, but,
as suspected, Theo didn't listen. He didn't want to. He had too much fun killing.
A spark of familiar green light flashed behind the smoke wall just to Hermione's left. It illuminated
Theo's silhouette in the light of the killing curse he'd just cast, and the smoke cleared slightly as the
body of the soldier he'd killed fell to the floor.
"Mammaaaa! Just killed a man!" Theo sang, his silhouette dancing - and becoming clearer through
the fog - as he celebrated his kill. "Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead!"
The Hex finally allowed Hermione to slit the soldier's throat and end his suffering. As his agonised
screams abruptly cut off and she diverted her attention to another victim, Hermione saw another
soldier advancing on Theo.
The muggle probably thought he was distracted. Probably thought that the Death Eater was too
busy singing and dancing and therefore wouldn't notice the red dot from her assault rifle hovering
over his chest, right over where his heart used to be.
But Theo was never distracted when it came to his bloodlust. It always bubbled just below the
surface, especially when he was in a good mood. He whirled around, still dancing, spinning on the
tips of his toes until he faced the soldier. She tried to pull the trigger, but Theo cast a Stupefy
powerful enough to send her flying into the air and land flat in her back.
As the muggle fought for breath and fumbled with her gun, Theo switched songs and danced his
way towards her, hips swaying and fingers clicking to the beat in his head.
"When I was just a baby," Theo sang, "my mama told me, son.” He circled her, and one wave of
his wand ripped the large gun out of her hand and levitated it above her. "Always be a good boy,"
another flick of Theo's wrist had the gun twisting above the soldier, swivelling until the red dot
that was previously hovering over Theo's heart was now aimed directly between her eyes, "don't
ever play with guns."
"No! Don't-" Her hands shot up to cover her face, to protect herself, but it was too late. As Theo
flicked his wand a final time, the trigger was pulled by an invisible force, and the soldiers head
exploded grotesquely as the bullet left the chamber.
"And when I hear that whistle blowin,'" Theo spun on his heels again and bent to do a little
dramatic bow to Hermione, "I hang my head and cry."
A wave of fire suddenly exploded on the ground near Theo and disintegrated two muggle soldiers
that had been silently stalking towards him and Hermione.
"Bloody hell, Malfoy!" Theo screamed towards the sky. "You almost got me! Watch where you're
bloody flying that thing!"
Narcissa roared loudly as she soared over their heads, and the strong undercurrent from her wings
distorted the smoke and almost knocked Theo off his feet.
As the battle dragged on and the strings of the Demon Hex pulled Hermione to kill and kill and
kill, she tried to keep her mind away from what she was doing, who she was killing, and instead,
try and focus on the good that this mission was going to achieve.
The Order soldiers - although the majority had been murdered - had managed to kill at least thirty
of the forty Death Eaters that had accompanied her on this mission. It might have been a small dent
to Voldemort's army, but it was still a dent, nonetheless.
The evacuation was almost complete. Hermione could see less and less soldiers fleeing from the
Order's barracks with medical supplies and guns. The raid was almost over, the mission wasn't a
complete failure for the Order. And today was the 4th of the month, and the bell tower, the one
less than a few feet away and built around Bradford City Hall, was still intact. Still standing tall.
Perhaps her paranoia about Blaise's vision had been wrong. She'd never put much stock into
visions before, used to go out of her way to tell Harry and Ron what a crock of shit she thought
Trelawney's prophecies and her classes were, so why was she worrying so much about one now?
Yes, it had felt real. Yes, she'd felt every death Voldemort had shown her, and her own had felt
frighteningly real, but logically, if she thought about it, that could have had more to do with his
presence in her mind than the vision itself. He could have been using his dark magic to trick her,
create the illusions of pain in her mind to scare her into submission.
Perhaps Malfoy was right. Maybe she'd panicked about the vision too much, worried herself silly
with nightmares and -
Something hot hit the left side of Hermione's rib cage and brought her back to the present. A curse-
a Knockback Jinx, she guessed - had just hit her. The attack wasn't lethal, but it was strong. She
was sure something was bruised, possibly bleeding beneath her Death Eater robes.
She almost didn't recognise Zacharias Smith. His dark blonde curls and face were drenched in
blood, and his cool green eyes watched her carefully as she touched her injury, feeling it sting and
ache already.
"I don't want to hurt you, but if you carry on attacking Order members, then I will." It wasn't an
idle threat. They hadn't exactly been friends before her capture, but she knew he had a kind heart.
He was strong and athletic, but he never wanted to fight anyone unless he absolutely had to - which
had always puzzled Hermione as to why he'd found a best friend in the brute that was Cormac
On the battlefield, however, they'd always gotten along. Smith was a perfect soldier, always
followed whatever instructions Hermione gave him. He didn't like it, but he'd kill if he needed to.
No questions asked.
The Demon Hex, however, didn't share his kind heart. It pulled the strings, demanded her to jut her
arm out and cast a violent green curse at him.
Smith deflected it with a flick of his wrist. "Last warning Hermione. Stay down."
She flicked her wrist out and the torrent of an overturned tank shot towards him. She'd intended to
smash it into the side of Smith's body, but he ducked just in time to avoid it.
And Smith was true to his word. He gave no more warnings. As soon as he regained his balance,
he went on the offensive. But for every hex he cast, Hermione threw two.
Smith was tall and broad, physically strong but light on his feet. He'd always been an excellent
duellist, one of the best soldiers the Order had, and he blocked Hermione's attacks as quickly as she
could cast them.
Hermione heard Narcissa roar menacingly overhead, and while Zacharias's eyes flickered up
towards the sound, she tried to explode his head with a Bombarda.
He deflected it.
She threw a strong Avada at him, but he sidestepped it and retaliated with a jinx that caught her
right shoulder. Again, it wasn't fatal, but it knocked the bone out of its joint, leaving it limp and
useless at her sides, making her vulnerable.
Smith was able to dodge or counteract every spell she cast, and the Demon Hex was growing
frustrated. She started throwing curses faster, stronger, but nothing hit. Her frustration started to
affect her aim. And there was something else. Something coming from Malfoy's wand. Was that,
resistance, she felt? It'd never done that before. It had always listened to her, in many ways -
although she tried not to think about what it might mean - it felt right to have it in her hand. His
wand was as well suited to her as her own was.
But now, as she cast killing curse after killing curse, it felt like it was resisting her. Almost ...
fighting back.
A slicing curse hit her hip. It was strong and knocked her into the abandoned car behind her and
popped the glass from the windscreen. She felt her bone crunch and blood pool in her uniform. She
screamed in pain and dropped to her knees.
Hermione cut her arm out and cast a slicing hex. It hit Smith in the leg, but it wasn't as strong as
she'd intended, the blood she'd lost - and likely Malfoy's wand - weakened the curse so it only gave
Smith a limp rather than cut his leg clean off, like the Demon Hex had wanted it to.
The Hex was screaming at her to move, to get up and rip Zacharias apart for daring to attack her,
but she could hardly sit upright. She was losing too much blood too quickly -
The pain was almost unbearable. Her arm shook as she tried to heal herself, but she collapsed onto
her back before she could seal the wound. She screamed and clutched her injury, trying to stop
from bleeding out -
She started to grind her teeth, trying to breathe through the pain, but then, just as Smith stood over
her, she felt something else.
She didn't know how, but for the second time, she'd broken out of the Hex. It didn't happen like last
time. It wasn't slow and painful. She didn't feel the claws of the Hex as it fought to stay in control.
Instead, this time it was instant. Like blackout blinds being yanked up and flooding a dark room
with blinding sunlight. The suddenness of it took her breath away. She gasped and sat up sharply,
the pain in her hip and shoulder almost completely forgotten - for a moment.
"Hermione," Smith started. "Your eyes ... they're normal again. Does that mean...."
"What?" she caught her reflection in the broken glass on the floor from the car windshield.
When she was under the Demon Hex, her eyes were completely black, as though her pupils had
bled out and overtook the entire surface. Her skin was a shade paler and it brought a horrendous
gauntness to her features. But now, as she stared at her reflection, her eyes were normal. Brown and
rich. There was a flush to her skin and roundness to her cheeks.
She'd done it. She'd broken out of the Hex.
"It's me," Hermione said as she looked back up at Smith, sure to keep her voice even and her
movements slow "But you need to go-"
Zacharias blinked in astonishment. His mouth fell open like he didn't know what to do, didn't know
what to say. "Hermione ... I'm sorry," he said, eyes widening at the pool of blood at her side. "I
"It doesn't matter," she hushed. "You need to go, now, before-"
"Look at the Mudblood's eyes!" one of the Death Eaters sneered, stopping his duel to point at
Hermione from a few feet away.
The two Black Masks closest to him finished their kills and turned to stare.
"The Dark Lord needs her! She cannot get away!" another drew his wand. "Restrain her!"
Before Hermione could react, one of the Black Masks cast a wordless hex and thick chains
exploded from his wand. The spell hit her dead on, and it threw her onto the floor as the chains
engulfed her body. The chains were rough and pinned her arms tightly to her sides and bound her
legs together.
Smith reached for her - presumably to help her - but he was forced to step back when one of the
Death Eaters shot a curse at him.
As Hermione fought against the chains, three Black Masks surrounded her. Even if she hadn't been
trapped, she wouldn't have been able to get away.
"We can't transport her while she's struggling like this!" one of them hissed. "This ought to quieten
you down!" He jabbed the edge of his wand between her temples, and the hex he cast was strong
enough to make her smack her head against the concrete.
A ringing formed in her ears as the back of her head throbbed with pain. She felt dizzy. The masks
above her head became blurred, became nine rather than three -
Through the dizzying pain, she heard Narcissa roar, and a second later, the ground shuddered like
nothing she'd ever felt and a wall of heat surrounded her.
She saw the enormous blurred jaws of a black dragon lock around the upper body of one of the
Death Eaters and hoist him off the ground. She heard his wails of agony as he was torn apart and
heard a dull thump as his severed lower torso flopped onto the ground.
As the remaining Black Masks tried to flee, she saw another Death Eater - one with two horns
protruding from his mask - cast a slicing curse that was so powerful, so fucking angry, that it tore
through the bodies of the Black Masks like a knife through butter. But after the violent streak of
silver light tore through its targets, it didn't stop. It kept going, it soared through the air until it
slammed into Bradford City Hall with such a force that it smashed through the brick foundation.
She saw Narcissa rear her head back and breathe an explosive wall of fire that burned Zacharias
Smith to ash.
And then she saw the bell tower wobble for a moment before it fell and shattered on the floor, and
destroyed half of Bradford city hall with it.
When Hermione woke, she was in her bedroom in Malfoy Manor. And she was alone.
She sprang to her feet with a sharp gasp and started to panic. Despite the raid taking place at mid-
day, it was dark black outside. She must have been asleep for hours. She was still wearing her
Death Eater uniform, but it was clean. The blood and ash had been banished from her hair and
robes. She could move her shoulder again, and when she gingerly pressed her hand against her hip,
she found no pain, not even the slightest bit of discomfort.
"If you know what's good for you," a dark, cold voice sneered from out in the darkness, "then I
suggest you lie back down and rest."
"Malfoy." Hermione tried to squint and see him through the eerie blackness that covered her room.
"What happened -"
"I won't tell you again," his voice seethed, full of anger. "For once in your life, do as you're fucking
told, and lie down."
She heard his footsteps before she saw him. Heard five of them before he stood in the moonlight
that was streaking through her bedroom window. He was still wearing his Death Eater robes, but
unlike hers, they weren't clean. There was a deep slash across his right cheek, the whites of one of
his eyes was punctured and full of blood, and the right side of his jaw looked as though there was a
bruise forming.
And then there was blood drying on his knuckles. Hermione didn't know if it was his or someone
"How long have I been out?!" she demanded, completely ignoring his instructions. "Where have
you been?! What happened-"
Malfoy's eyes were burning with anger. "I've been at Scabior's execution,” he snarled as he stopped
in front of her. He smelled like cigarette smoke and blood.
Hermione's entire body froze. "You framed him already?" she asked. "I thought we were going to
wait a few days before we pinned the leak on him?"
"After the fucking disaster that was today's mission, it couldn't wait. Scabior had to go.”
"I told the Dark Lord I had reason to believe that Scabior was the spy, and the evidence against
him was substantial.” His voice was cold and unfeeling and not nearly as elated as she'd expected it
to be. "Yaxley found letters at his house; pieces of parchment signed by Potter to arrange meetings,
a chest full of Deluminators, and a letter promising him a full pardon upon Voldemort's defeat. The
Dark Lord didn't need much else to be convinced that Scabior was the spy. He had a noose
conjured for him before he could even protest his innocence.”
He started to advance, and the way he was looking at her, the way his eyes burned like hellfire
made Hermione's pulse quicken. He was angry, absolutely fucking murderous, and by the looks of
it, she was the gasoline that had started that fire.
"Scabior put up a bit of a struggle before his execution," Malfoy sighed. "But that's not my concern
right now."
She saw her wand on the edge of the bed, and once she knew it was within reach, she felt much
safer. She stopped retreating and raised her chin so she could better look him in the eyes. "The
other Death Eaters from today's mission - they're dead, aren't they?"
"All of them?"
He had the audacity to cock a brow. "I think you know why."
"Don't say it was for me. Don't you dare say that it was for me.”
He cocked his head to the side, leaning in a fraction closer. "Who else would it be for if it wasn't
for you?" Despite the softness of his words, there was no affection in his voice. No gentleness. Just
anger. So much fucking anger it practically radiated around him like a tangible force. A second
skin. Armour of a different kind.
"This isn't what I wanted. You shouldn't have killed those Black Masks.” She shook her head. "If
Voldemort finds out -"
"He's not going to find out because I killed everyone that saw me!" he sighed, pinching the bridge
of his nose and squeezing his eyes closed. "Do you have any idea the risk I put us in today? The
risk I put all of us in, because of you?"
The concern she'd felt for Malfoy's wellbeing vanished in an instant. Anger prickled across her
chest. Her fists clenched with the impulse to hit something. How dare he. How fucking dare he
after what he'd done today?!
"How is any of this my fault?!" she shouted, scowling up at him, mirroring his rage. "I wasn't the
one who went off plan and slaughtered people for no reason!"
"It's your fault because when I saw what Zacharias Smith had done to you, when I saw what those
Black Masks were doing to you, nothing else mattered to me! Do you hear me? Nothing! Else!
Mattered!" he spat, stepping closer and glaring down at her, all teeth and anger. "I didn't care about
helping the Order or avenging Daphne anymore! I didn't care if my cover would be blown or what
might happen to me if I were discovered! All I could think about was killing them! Killing all of
them! Killing everyone who'd ever even thought about hurting you!"
Hermione gasped before she could stop herself.
"I killed them for you! To protect you! And I couldn't stop at just them! There couldn't be any
witnesses! If the ones that hurt you had to die, then they all did!"
"But you weren't protecting me! If anything you've just condemned me to death!" she screamed.
"Don't you see what you've done?! You destroyed the bell tower-"
"I wouldn't have had to destroy it if those fucking Black Masks hadn't been standing in front of it-"
"That doesn't matter! You hit it with a slicing curse and made it crash to the ground, just like in
Blaise's vision! It fell because of you!"
"Oh for Merlin's sake, are you still going on about that bloody vision?! It's not going to happen!"
"But it did happen!" she hissed back. "Today is the fourth day of the month! The bell tower fell,
and Zacharias was burned to death by dragon fire! He was burned to death by your dragon!" She
pushed his chest in anger "You let Narcissa burn him alive, just like Blaise saw in his vision! You
made the vision happen! You're not protecting me!" Another push. "You're the thing that's going to
kill me!"
"Oh, 'I let' Narcissa burn Zacharias, did I?" Malfoy mocked, smirking down at her and licking his
top teeth. "Oh, you silly girl, I didn't let her burn him to death. I told her to!"
Hermione flinched at his confession, but Malfoy was undeterred. Instead, he seemed encouraged
by the fear that was growing in her eyes, and he smiled down at her like a predator revelling in
their kill.
"I told her to breathe fire and melt the skin right off that sorry bastard's bones," he said. "And you
know what? I fucking loved it! I loved watching that slimy pricks fingers burn off, because he'd
hurt you with them! I loved listening to his screams as he burned to death, because those same
vocal cords had uttered spells that'd hurt you!"
"Zacharias was one of the best fighters the Order had left! His death is going to be felt within the
ranks! They're going to struggle without him!"
"I attacked him first!" She beat her fist against his chest. "He was just defending himself!"
"I. Don't.” He caught her wrist in his hand and pinned them against his chest. "Fucking." His grip
tightened, squeezing her wrist to the point of bruising "Care."
Her wrists stung as she ripped them out of his grasp. "He didn't attack me again after I broke out of
the Hex!"
"He wasn't going to hurt me again." As she spoke, she reached towards the edge of the bed, her
wand just a breaths distance away from her fingers. "You didn't need to kill him."
A sinister look flashed across his face. It made his eyes darken and his features seem sharper. It
made him look ... like a demon. "Can't I?"
The moment her fingers closed around her wand, Malfoy moved. He wrapped his hand around her
neck and trapped the curse she'd been about to cast in her throat. His cold eyes watched her as he
dragged her across the room and slammed her down on the bed, but he didn't let go of her throat.
As he lowered himself on top of her, crushing her into the mattress with the length of his body.
Hermione dug her wand under his chin. He followed her weapon. Just for a moment, his eyes
flickered down to her lips, and when they found her eyes again, he cocked a brow.
He may have had his hand wrapped around her throat, he may have been able to crush her
windpipe with the slightest change in pressure, but she had the upper hand.
"If you're not going to act with the Order's best intentions," she hissed, twisting her wand
threateningly under his chin and letting a few sparks of magic graze his skin, "then maybe I should
just kill you right now.”
"Perhaps you should,” he smirked, "Salazar knows that with me out of the way, you'll be able to
get back to your Order so much quicker. I'm sure Weasley would welcome you back with open
arms- but answer me this. If I'm dead, what happens to your chances of winning this war?"
"I don't doubt that." Her breath caught when he leaned down, his nose brushing against hers.
"You're such a clever girl.”
Even as his fingers tightened around her throat, Hermione couldn't help but shiver. It was wrong
that she liked this. Liked the danger of being held like this. The intensity of his stare. The feel of
his cold, strong body pressing down on hers. Wrong in a dozen ways, but felt so right in a hundred
"If I don't kill you, you'll kill so many more people. Innocent people. Good people, like Zacharias."
"You're right. I'd kill a thousand people to keep my family safe," he purred, "but I dare say that I'd
kill just as many to keep you all to myself.” As he spoke, his free hand curled around the back of
her knee and roughly jerked it aside. It opened her hips more to him, gave him enough room to
squeeze his pelvis between her thighs and let her feel everything. "I'd kill hundreds of your friends
just for the opportunity to be inside you again. Just to feel this," he rolled his hips against her, she
hissed, he groaned, "one more time."
She felt heat flare in her lower abdomen. Felt her heart start to beat faster, violently beat against her
ribs. And from the way he smiled down at her, she was sure he could feel it too. "You're sick in the
head, do you know that?"
"If I'm so sick in the head," he rolled his hips again, and a sharp wave of pleasure flared up her
nerves, "then why are you wet for me?"
"I could kill you so easily right now," she said, forcing her voice to be even, strong, despite the way
her thighs started to tremble when his hand slipped between their bodies. "It would only take one
curse. Just one word."
This thumb grazed her inner thigh, and even through the thick material of her uniform, her nerves
light up. Her head fell back against her pillows and her thighs opened a little further without her
permission, letting him slide closer.
"Go on then. Do it. I dare you. Let's see who's quicker at killing. The Golden Girl." He stared
down at her, still smiling, and his hands tightened around her throat like he was warning her. "Or a
Demon Mask."
He was infuriating. He was dangerous. He was lethal, but, when he looked at her like that, with
that hunger in his eyes, fuck - all she could think about was how hot her skin felt, how her veins
were burning with dark magic and how much better she'd felt when his icy hands had touched her
before, squeezed her, kneaded and bit her skin and made her forget what it felt like to be burned
She wanted to kill him so much she couldn't breathe just thinking about it.
She wanted to fuck him so badly she felt like she might explode if she didn't.
Being with Malfoy was like dancing on the edge of the sword. Any moment, she could say the
wrong thing, taunt him just a little too much, and he'd kill her. But she found that was half the fun.
Malfoy was exciting. Being with Malfoy was exciting.
It was thrilling to see how far she could push him, it practically made her veins dance to see him
erupt and combust because of something she'd said or done. Being in control had always made her
glow a little different. But having Voldemort's favourite demon, one of the most powerful men in
the world lose his composure, because of her? Well, there wasn't anything more addictive than
"Your move, little lion," he whispered. "What is it going to be? Are we going to fight until one of
us is bleeding on the floor?" She shivered when she left his cold lips glide against the shell of her
ear. "Or are you going to let me fuck you until your throat is raw from screaming my name?"
After a heartbeat's pause, she grabbed his face and smashed their lips together.
She felt him smile into the kiss when she used his own tricks against him, wordlessly casting a
slicing hex down the front of his robes so she could tear them from his body. She could smell the
blood on his knuckles as he ripped her clothes apart with his hands. Once their clothes were
shredded and gone, she threw her wand onto the pile of torn fabric on the floor. Malfoy caught her
jaw in his hand and angled her face so he could drag kisses down her throat.
"This is the last time we do this,” she hissed as he licked across her pulse point. "We can't - oh god
- we can't do this again."
"Well then, we'd better make it count, hadn't we?" He leaned back slightly and she watched him
spit into his hand. He fisted his cock, groaning low in his throat as he ran his hand over himself
once, twice, and on the third pump, he met her eyes again. He smiled when he realised she'd been
watching him.
"Do you want to know my little secret?" he asked. "Since the first time I heard what you sound like
when you come, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. About you." He held himself up on
his elbow, and kept his eyes on hers as he aligned himself with her entrance. "Practically lull
myself to sleep every night with my hand wrapped around my cock," he pushed inside her with one
sharp snap of his hip, Hermione gasped, her back arched as he stretched her open, "and the image
of you and your pretty little mouth in my head."
He didn't give her time to adjust, not even a second to catch her breath. With sharp movements, he
roughly yanked her leg up so that her knee curled over his shoulder and the back of her thigh was
trapped against his chest. The change in position was only small, but it allowed him to slide so
much deeper inside of her, skating dangerously close on the line of pain and pleasure.
It stung at first, being so overly stretched open. The muscles in her leg ached and burned, but she
shared that pain by biting down on his bottom lip and fisting her hands in his hair.
And then he started to move. His thrusts were long and deep and angry, pulling out almost all the
way each time just to slam back into her to the hilt and punch the air out of her lung.
"I think about my hand wrapped around your throat every night," he growled, lips and teeth latched
onto her earlobe as one of his hands fastened around her throat, pinning her between the bed and his
cock. "Pounding into your cunt." He squeezed her throat, cutting off her air in a way that doubled
the way her veins vibrated with pleasure. "Buried in you." He drove into her eagerly. Viciously. He
kissed and bit the side of her face hungrily. "Fucking you so hard it wipes that smug little smile off
your pretty face.”
Just like the last time they'd fucked, there was nothing gentle about their touches. Nothing tender.
He kissed her like he wanted to hurt her, because that was exactly what he wanted to do. She
dragged her nails down his back like she wanted to draw blood, because she did.
Passion fuelled by hatred, that was what it was. The only way Hermione could think to describe it.
It was a temporary fix, a band-aid to their problem. They would still hate each other in the
morning. She would still want to bruise him for killing for her, and he would still want to hurt her
for making him vulnerable, but this was another solution. Another way to tear the other apart
without actually killing each other.
She could feel his anger in the palm that was wrapped around her throat, squeezing in time with his
She pulled his hair because she liked the way it made him hiss in pain.
He was ruthless with her. It hurt, the way he tossed her around, pinned her to the mattress and
angled her body in the way he wanted. It hurt, but in the most delicious way. In a way that made
her toes curl and her eyes roll into the back of her head.
She felt herself nearing the edge far too quickly. Felt her legs start to tremble, her cunt start to
clench and spasm. The band stretched to its limit, ready to snap.
"Fucking hell," Malfoy hissed. His voice dropped, became that deep, gritty growl that she
sometimes heard when she closed her eyes. "Don't come yet - don't you fucking dare come yet.”
He started to thrust into her faster, the strokes of his cock more uneven, like he was losing himself
in the way she felt. Losing himself in her. "If you come, then I will." His hand squeezed around her
throat. "Not ready yet. Haven't had enough yet. Please." His shoulders and back started to tremble
under her hands. "Please. Please, don't - fuck- don't come yet."
She'd been trying to hang on, clinging onto that burning feeling of pleasure she always felt just
before she flew over the edge, but the way his voice broke, the way he pleaded with her to not
come, to hang on - just for him, it snapped the band.
Her orgasm ripped through her violently, so violently, that her muscles seized up and her scream
was trapped in her throat. For a moment, there was nothing, just a searing pleasure like nothing
she'd ever experienced and never, ever, wanted to end.
She heard Malfoy groan in her ear as he followed her over the edge. Felt his body jerk before his
heavy frame collapsed on top of her.
She lost count of the minutes it took for them to catch their breath, but Malfoy didn't move.
Instead, he buried his head into her chest and slipped his hands under her spine so he could hug her
body against his.
She hadn't realised she'd been absentmindedly stroking his hair until he twisted his head to look up
at her.
"If this really is the last time we fuck," he whispered softly, and the way he smiled up at her, the
way he watched her as he started kissing his way back up her neck, it almost took her breath away,
"don't you think we should make the most of it?"
He made her come three more times before they were spent. And when they eventually did pass
out, when her bones were heavy through war and pleasure, she fell asleep with the arms of a demon
wrapped around her.
And although she'd never admit it if he asked her, she'd never felt safer.
No questions asked. No mercy shown.
29th November
Over the next five months, the alliance with the Order went from strength to strength.
Hermione and Malfoy met with them every other week - always at the same gate in East Midlands
airport - and while they discussed the next phase of the plan or any problems or opportunities they
felt might be coming, Narcissa would lay behind them and maul the corpse of a horse she'd picked
up on the flight there.
Ron didn't come to many of the meetings. He was very angry with Hermione, that much was clear.
He could hardly look at her, and the few times he did scowl in her direction – with disgust and
hatred filling his eyes - Narcissa would hiss at him until he looked away.
Fleur and Ginny seemed to have taken over her old title of Lilith. They always apparated together,
and although Fleur wore a sweet smile right from the beginning of their meetings, Ginny was quiet
and reserved.
She was thawing to Hermione as time went on, just the odd little smile here and nod there. It was
much slower than Hermione would have liked, but she supposed the presence of an Avada happy
Demon Mask - and a carnivorous dragon who looked at her brother like he was a slab of meat -
was only adding to Ginny's unease.
Neither Fleur nor Ginny liked having Narcissa there while they went over strategies. They
rightfully gave her a wide birth while the meetings took place, but they often flinched when she
tore pieces of her dinner off the bone. Or moved a little too quickly for their liking. Or looked in
either of their directions. Or growled. Or bared her fangs. Or did anything really other than sit there
like a stone gargoyle. They were terrified of Narcissa, but they'd accepted her presence was
necessary for the meetings.
One person who was happy to see Narcissa, however, was Hagrid. Because he never left the
Order's bases - they liked him to stay indoors to move heavy machinery around and act as the last
defence in case they ever were attacked - after many weeks of begging from him, the Order
deemed it safe enough and allowed him to attend a meeting.
He'd only come a handful of times so far - acting as a sort of bodyguard for the women in Ron's
absence - and his face had lit up and beamed with happiness when he'd seen Hermione for the first
time. He'd sobbed with happiness when he'd seen her. It took several minutes of reassuring him that
she was fine until his sobs quietened. Although he'd obviously missed her very much, as soon as he
knew she was safe, his eyes locked onto the enormous dragon behind her, and Hagrid was
"Oh crikey!" he'd whistled as he'd wiped tears from his blotchy face. "She's a beauty, isn't she?"
Narcissa was not a fan of the giant. Hermione was sure that she was going to incinerate Hagrid the
moment he stepped towards her. It certainly looked like she wanted to. Her fangs had been bared
and the back of her throat had that oniums light gathering- the one that meant a wave of fire was
only seconds away.
The growling noise she'd been making had been exceptionally loud, but when Hagrid had opened
his tattered robes and pulled out a large chunk of slimy meat from God only knew what kind of
animal, her growling stopped.
"Scandinavian Firehorn, ain't she?" Hagrid had asked Malfoy with a proud look on his face.
"Do you mind if I give her this?" Hagrid had continued as he'd held up the piece of meat. "I
brought it for 'er especially. Don't worry, it ain't poisonous or nothin'.”
The dubious look on Malfoy's face was priceless. He'd looked to Hermione for help, and when
she'd nodded in encouragement, Hagrid had thrown the treat high in the air and Narcissa had reared
herself onto her back legs to catch it.
"It's a neck joint from a Grindylow," Hagrid had said as Narcissa violently shook her head and tore
at the meat. "Read somewhere that's their favourite food."
If the frantic way Narcissa had eaten the treat didn't confirm that theory, then the way she nudged
her enormous snout against Hagrid's robes and sniffed, searching for another, certainly did. While
the dragon investigated him, Hagrid had raised his hand to pet her. Luckily, he had the common
sense to retract said hand when Narcissa started to growl at him before she bit it off.
Although Narcissa never let Hagrid touch her - or Hermione, or Malfoy - he always brought her
treats whenever he attended meetings with Ginny and Fleur, and she liked those. Always loomed
over Hagrid and sniffed his robes until he gave her whatever part of a Grindylow he'd brought for
her, and then she'd skulk back to the far end of the gate and eat while the meeting went ahead.
And as Hermione and the Death Eaters' relationship with the Order grew harmonious, Voldemort's
inner circle had descended into chaos.
Malfoy's plan was working flawlessly. After Scabior's very public – and very gruesome -
execution, Voldemort had hosted a celebration, thought he'd finally weeded out the poison from his
ranks and that victory was within his grasp at last, but less than three weeks later, another
poisonous rat emerged.
Dolohov; another member of the inner circle that Voldemort thought he could trust with his life had
betrayed him - or so he thought.
Voldemort had ordered his execution promptly. Despite Dolohov protesting his innocence,
Voldemort didn't want to listen to excuses or more 'lies', the evidence Malfoy had planted was too
concrete, too incriminating to ignore, and Voldemort had called hundreds to watch as he was tied to
a podium and Greybacks pack savagely tore him apart - whist he was still alive.
And as the months dragged on and more and more of his followers started to betray him, as more
witches and wizards he'd known for decades started to stab him in the back, Voldemort was
starting to come undone. He was growing more paranoid by the day, more unsure of who he could
trust and what words coming out of his follower's mouths were truth or lies.
Hermione hadn't seen him, but from what Malfoy had told her, he sounded like he was falling
Malfoy couldn't catch all the 'traitors' himself. He couldn't take all the glory. His plan was as well
thought out as it was brilliant, he knew that if he was the only one to keep catching traitors, it might
look suspicious, so he, Theo and Blaise started planting damning evidence where they knew others
would find it.
To frame Dolohov, Malfoy left incriminating letters and evidence where he knew Bellatrix would
find them. Blaise altered the memories of a captured Order soldier right before his interrogation
with Crouch Jr and made it look like they recognised Karkaroff, made it look like he'd seen him
around the Order's bases with Potter when he'd been trading information. And Theo Imperio'd
Thickenesse when he was on guard duty to release all of the captured hostages right when he knew
Bellatrix was making her rounds and would catch him in the act.
All three of them were executed that same night. No questions asked. No mercy shown.
In less than five months, they'd managed to help the Order exponentially.
In less than five months, they'd managed to incriminate and cause the execution of three of
Voldemort's favourite - and most bloodthirsty - generals, and killed his most skilled snatcher.
And in five months, Hermione had lost count of the times she'd let Malfoy slip between her legs.
Although she'd meant it at the time, meant every word she said when she told Malfoy that it was
the last time she'd let him fuck her, it wasn't the last time. Far from it.
At the end of July, after they'd successfully framed Dolohov, they'd ended up arguing over
Malfoy's methods. She said he was moving too quickly with the plan, and he shut her up by
wrapping his hand around her throat and fucking her on the kitchen island.
A week later, a sparring match to practice offensive spells grew vicious, and after she'd hit him
with a particularly hard - and unnecessary - Knockback Jinx for correcting her footwork, he
smacked the wand out her hand and took her against the wall.
In the first week of August, Hermione had slapped him for almost tearing Ron's arm off in a raid in
Leeds. Malfoy said it was an accident. Hermione said she didn't believe him, and he responded by
throwing her over his shoulder, bending her over the vanity table in her room, and making her
watch in the mirror as he fuck her from behind.
The next day, an argument while brewing healing potions to give to the Order led to a tryst on the
floor in the potions unit, and a disagreement on how to frame the Carrow's ended with Hermione
riding him until the insides of her thighs were sore.
And despite her best intentions, by the end of September, she was spending almost every evening
with him, tied up in her bedsheets, dragging her nails down his back while he fucked her into
Sometimes she was the one who initiated it. Sometimes it was him who made the first move, but it
always started with an argument. Whether it was because she thought he was showing no mercy
against muggle soldiers on a mission, or they disagreed on how to frame another Death Eater in the
inner circle, it always ended the same. The two of them screaming in the others face, chests pressed
together, nose to nose, teeth bared and roaring hatred at one another, and then the most passionate,
sensual, carnal sex she'd ever experienced. The kind of sex that had nails raking down the others
back and teeth biting every inch of the other to keep from screaming. The kind that left them both
drowning in white-hot pleasure, their entire bodies trembling in ecstasy while they forgot their own
Rather than throwing an Avada at her head every time she disagreed with him, and - in his opinion,
kept putting herself in unnecessary danger - Malfoy would channel the rage he felt into his hips
and fuck her relentlessly.
Rather than shooting him between the eyes every time he killed mercilessly, Hermione would bite
down on his shoulder - where she often drew blood - and ride his cock until the urge to kill him had
But Merlin, how she fucking loved it. Loved the way he looked at her in those moments, with fire
in his usually icy eyes. The things he said to her. The way he didn't seem to care about anything
else in those moments other than her.
Although they'd planned on keeping it to themselves, Astoria learned all too quickly that they were
spending every night together. She approved of course, quite literally popped open a bottle of
champagne to celebrate when she'd found out, but her husband was silent on the matter.
To his credit, Blaise had been making an effort with Hermione. Often struck up conversations
about the mural she'd painted in their bedroom or if she would expand her artwork to other walls
within the house. It was obvious that he was only doing so per Astoria's request, but he never
mentioned anything about her evenings with Malfoy, so Hermione couldn't complain.
Theo, however, thought it was hilarious. Absolutely, knee slappingly hilarious. Repeatedly said
that Hermione and Malfoy's 'hate fuck sessions' - as he'd christened them - were the funniest thing
he'd ever heard, and in the months that followed, he did everything he could think of to make the
pair of them uncomfortable. He made jokes whenever he saw Malfoy and Hermione together. He
made rude gestures, and had started to announce his entrance and cover his eyes theatrically
whenever he walked into a room, despite already knowing that Malfoy and Hermione were on
opposite sides of it.
"I know."
"I know."
Her words cut off when Malfoy drove into her deeper. The hand that was squeezing her hip
dragged up her body, along the dip she'd created in her spine, and wrapped around the back of her
She couldn't remember what the argument this evening had been about. She supposed it didn't
really matter what started it, it still ended the same. Tearing each-others clothes off, Hermione on
all fours, arse in the air, Malfoy's hands pressing her into the mattress as he pounded into her from
behind. But it was just sex. Just a way to channel frustrations. That was all it was. She told herself
that repeatedly. Reminded Malfoy of it every time he slid his cock into her for the first time.
Admittedly, she'd learned a lot about Malfoy in the last five months.
She learned that whenever he was close to coming, he would bite his hand or finger to stop himself,
to help him hang on just that little bit longer.
She learned that he had a sort of fetish about wrapping his hand around her throat and squeezing
while they had sex - and she learned that she liked that too.
She learned that he had a fascination with the stretch marks that ran across her hips. Scars from
hexes that had caught her on battlefields over the years decorated her shoulders and stomach, but
she'd never been embarrassed about those. She'd never wanted to glamour them. They were war
wounds. She'd earned them. Fought for them. Felt proud when she saw them in the mirror. They
reminded her of how much she'd been through and how strong she was, and she knew Malfoy
would share that view. But the stretch marks, they were just ... there. Something she'd never
thought of as an imperfection until she felt his hot gaze staring at them. The first time he'd seen
them, Hermione had been sure that he was going to make a snide remark, but, to her surprise, he
kissed and ran his tongue across them, and he'd continued to do to so at every opportunity.
She learned that he never - ever - took off the chain that had his parents wedding rings threaded
through it, and that he sometimes fiddled with it after they'd had sex, when his mind was hazy and
he thought she wasn't looking.
She learned that he was just a little bit self-conscious about the Sectumsempra scars that stretched
across his chest and upper stomach. He never told her that, but whenever she ran her fingers or
tongue across them, she would feel him tense underneath her seconds before he would drag her
mouth to his or pin her hands above her head and fuck her harder.
She learned that, although he never said it out loud, it irritated him that she never let him sleep in
her room. Not after that first night. That was her only rule. He could throw her around and kiss her
until her lips bled and she couldn't breathe, but he couldn't spend the night in her bed. Couldn't
sleep next to her.
That was too much. It was too familiar. It was too intimate. It blurred a line that she needed to keep
Yes, she enjoyed the feel of his cock inside her. Yes, she enjoyed their fights. The danger. The way
he excited her.
It didn't matter that her nightmares had dulled since they'd been sleeping together, her body and
mind too exhausted to dream, or that the feel of his cold body pressed against hers, on her, inside
her, took her mind off the way Voldemort's dark magic seemed to spark in her veins after every
mission, like it awoke from the dark curses she'd used that day.
It didn't matter that she enjoyed the things he drew out of her, the way he wouldn't let her be weak
or vulnerable, wouldn't let her be anything less than the fierce and strong witch that she was.
None of it mattered because she didn't trust him. Didn't trust that dark, possessive edge that he
held. And the way he'd killed so easily for her, the way he'd been able to slaughter anyone and
everyone who dared to even think about hurting her, it scared her.
Yes, there was a lot of things she'd learned about Malfoy over the last five months. But the thing
she liked the most? The thing that kept her up sometimes just thinking about? She learned that just
before he came, in that millisecond of suspended pleasure before he let go, his Occlumency walls
would drop completely and just for a second, just for the sweetest second, he looked so open and
his eyes were that beautiful shade of blue. Those endless, clear pools.
He never looked more alive than he did in those moments. He never looked more beautiful. More
vulnerable. Or more terrifying.
"This doesn't mean - fuck - this doesn't mean anything," she panted, her voice muffled against the
mattress. "It's just fucking"
"And that." He sharply pulled her backwards and yanked her hips higher, the other hand squeezed
around the back of her throat and pressed her into the bed, deepening the arch of her spine the way
he wanted. The way that made pleasure dance in every nerve in her body and made her scream into
the mattress every time he slammed into her. "Several times this evening. In fact," he pulled out of
her slowly, "I believe you said the same thing yesterday," he slammed back into her, burying
himself right to the fucking hilt. "And the night before that," out, "when I fucked you in the
drawing-room," in, "and the night before that," out, "when you fucked me on the kitchen floor."
He knew what he was doing. Knew exactly what to say to make her breath hitch. Knew exactly
where to touch to make her shiver.
He snapped his hips and buried himself back inside her. The band in her stomach stretched tighter.
That familiar burn of near orgasm flamed in her lower abdomen.
It was an idle threat, it always was. Every time he fucked her, she told him it was the last time.
Whispered it in his ear as he drove into her again and again. She knew it was a lie, but the way he
always - always - reacted to that little sentence was worth it.
He flipped her over so that she landed flat on her back, and the moment she tried to get up, his
hands flew to her forearms and pinned her to the mattress. "Say something silly like that again," he
glared down at her, hair damp with sweat, chest and neck glistening, muscles tight and tense, "and
I'll bend you over my knee, little lion."
He was always rough with her. She was always rough with him, too, but that was because he let
her. Let her bite him and overpower him and do what she wanted with him, because it was what
she needed.
He knew that when she'd had a bad day, when she'd killed someone she knew, when shed killed
anyone she considered a good person, that it would tear her apart, and rather than let her torture
herself with what she'd done, he offered himself up. Let her take all the pain and rage she felt and
take it out on him.
He took what he wanted from her, he took pleasure where wanted it, but he always made sure she
got what she wanted, made sure he took care of her.
Always made sure that she came back to him for more.
Suddenly, both his hands flew into her hair. His forearms bracketed either side of her face and he
held himself up on his elbows. She hissed as he pulled her head up and made her watch the place
where their bodies were connected.
Her breath hitched as she watched his cock slowly sliding into her. And then out. And then back in.
It was a beautiful thing to watch, to see him disappearing inside her. Hypnotic. Sensual.
"Look at how well you take me.” He rested his forehead against hers, blasting cold air against her
face with every sharp exhale. "Think about how good this feels, and then tell me you want it to
end." His fingers tightened her hair. "Think about how good I make you feel, and then tell me that
you don't want this-"
She watched him thrust in deep. Hermione moaned and her back arched off the bed.
Her eyelids started to flutter. The band in her stomach stretched tighter -
Suddenly, Malfoy hissed and dropped his head into her neck.
After all these months together, she knew his voice almost as well as she knew his body. Knew
which groans meant he was close to coming, and which hitches in his breath meant that she'd done
something he liked, but that sound, that sharp hiss that he always tried to cover up by hiding in the
crook of her neck, she knew what that meant too.
His forearm was burning. Voldemort was calling him, and he was refusing to go. Again.
"You need to go,” Hermione whimpered, even as she raked her nails down his arms and snaked
them around his back, digging into his muscles as they rippled and tensed every time he slid in and
out of her. "He's expecting you."
"Yes, he is. You need to go. You can't -oh God - you can't keep him waiting."
"Yes, I can,” he groaned when she licked up the side of his neck. "He's had my loyal, unwavering
service for ten fucking years, he can wait another fifteen minutes until I've finished with you."
He'd done this before. Told her that this was more important, that being inside her was more -
At the sound of someone at her door, Hermione jumped. She tried to wiggle out of Malfoy's hold,
to cover herself, but Malfoys fingers just tightened in her hair, held her still as he filled her with his
cock over and over again. Undeterred by their intruder.
"Granger," Theo called from the other side. "Be a good lass and tell Malfoy to get his pale arse in
his uniform. The Dark Lord is calling us.”
Hermione pushed Malfoy from her neck and glared up at him. He shook his head, an impish grin
stretching across his face as he sank into her again. Slow and deep. Sinfully slow. Heavenly deep.
His intentions were clear, despite his friend being outside, despite his forearm burning and his
master calling him, he had no intention of stopping what they were doing.
"No,” he whispered. "What I need to do is fuck you. Lie to Theo, make him leave. I'm not done
with you yet."
"Malfoy's not h-fuck.” She bit her lip to stifle a moan when one of his hands trailed from her hair,
down her stomach, all the way down her body to play with her clit. "Malfoy's not here."
The other side of her door was deadly silent, and just as Hermione thought her prayers had been
answered and he'd left, Theo chirped, "I know you're in there Malfoy!" he snapped, growing
irritation thick in his voice. "He's calling us, and you know boldie Voldie doesn't like to be kept
waiting! Hurry up!"
She trembled underneath him when he began peppering kisses and bites across the side of her neck
and face.
"Don't listen to him," Malfoy hissed quietly. "Focus on me. On this. On what I'm doing to you.”
"Fuck off Theodore!" Malfoy bit, voice sharp as an axe but lips gentle as he kissed Hermione's
"Mate, do you really think you can shag while I'm outside?" Theo asked, and Hermione could hear
the smile in his voice. The kind he only had when he was brutally murdering someone, or causing
mischief. "I can be awfully loud when I want to be.”
Hermione felt herself start to shake. Felt her cunt start to contract -
"Fuck, not yet, Granger," Malfoy groaned. "Just hold on a little longer for me." He slowed his
pace, gained more control, but it only let him slide in deeper. "Can you do that?"
Hermione squeezed her eyes closed and nodded. She dug her hands into his shoulders and bore
down, needing to hold onto something to distract herself.
"Good girl,” he praised. He leaned down and kissed her slowly, lazily, drunk on pleasure. "That's
it, hold it back for me. Just a few more minutes. Such a good girl.”
"I'm going to kill him," Draco hissed. "I'm going to rip his fucking vocal cords out and strangle him
with them so he can never, ever interrupt us again."
"You sure you want to stop?" he teased, smiling against her lips.
Theodore Nott, on the other side of her bedroom door, singing a fucking Queen song while his best
friends cock was buried inside her.
Malfoy stilled.
"I want to break freeee! I want to break from your lies - yeah, your fucking lies, Malfoy! You're so
self-satisfied, I don't neeeeeed you!"
Although Theo had a lovely singing voice - that certainly sounded a lot better when he wasn't using
it to celebrate his slaughter - it was the absolute last thing Hermione wanted to hear at that
moment, and the orgasm she'd been so desperately reaching for vanished in a puff of smoke.
"I've got to break free! God knows - God knows I've got to break freeee!"
Hermione cursed towards the ceiling, and Malfoy tore himself from her body and summoned his
shredded Death Eater robes from across the room.
"I've fallen in love! I've fallen in love for the first time, this time I know it's for real! I've fallen in
She'd never seen Malfoy dress so quickly. Despite the quick charm he'd cast to repair the damage
she'd caused to his clothes, he pulled his robes on so angrily she was surprised they didn't tear
As Malfoy charged towards the door, she grabbed the bedsheet, and she managed to cover herself
just as Malfoy swung the door open.
"It's strange, but it's true - Oh, hello Malfoy!" Theo beamed sarcastically. "How're the balls?
Feelin' pretty blue right now?"
Malfoy grabbed Theo by the scruff of his collar, and after she'd watched Malfoy drag him down
the corridor, Hermione flopped back on down on her mattress. She clenched and unclenched her
fists as she stared up at the half-finished mural on her ceiling.
She was wound up, irritated and frustrated beyond all measure.
And if Theodore singing Queen songs while he killed hadn't ruined the beloved artist for her
before, he certainly fucking had now.
A beautiful thing to see
5th December
The new church the Dark Lord had sent Malfoy to investigate was the same as all the other's he'd
searched in the past. Same huge wooden doors with religious inscriptions carved into the frame.
Same broken stained glass windows. Same thick cobwebs draped over the pews and between the
aisles. Same rubble from the collapsed roof and torn bibles covering the floor.
As Voldemort felt the strength of his army depleting - and as the Order started to claw back some
of the power they'd lost at the start of the war - he'd begun to clutch at straws. Clinging to fools
hopes and old prophecies, that Blaise's visions held the answers and that there might be something
in the churches to swing the odds back in his favour.
Although Malfoy thought the idea was fucking ludicrous, the Order didn't think so. They wouldn't
disclose who, but at the beginning of the year, one of their own Seers had seen a similar vision to
Zabini's; a string of churches, a gun, a cluster of roses, a gravestone, and a heart that beat six times
before it stilled for good.
That vision was what had prompted the Order to begin their own searches of churches across the
country, and it was the very reason that when Malfoy, Theo and Blaise had searched the same
places of worship later, they found them empty - or with terrified Priests hiding in the dark, men of
the cloth who'd refused to leave their temples and had been given Deluminators to help hide when
the opposition came searching.
Because the similarities in Blaise's vision and the Order's were so similar, both sides felt it
beneficial to continue the searches through the churches, just in case there was any truth in the
theory, and if they did find anything, Malfoy had agreed to turn it over to the Order and lie to
Voldemort, further sealing their alliance while his master fell further into despair. Two birds, one
stone and all that bollocks.
This particular church - that was somewhere near Nottingham City Centre - seemed to have been
abandoned in much more of a hurry than the dozens of others Malfoy had been to. The priests had
left crucifixes and crosses behind. Probably too scared running from whatever had driven them
away to take them with them.
That, or they knew that they couldn't protect them against the dark wizards that came knocking on
their doors.
"Oh for fucks sake!" Theo's voice snarled as he swung the doors open and entered the church. Late
and stinking of whiskey. Again. "Why is she here?"
Out the corner of his eye, Malfoy saw Hermione's nose crinkle in anger. Her lip curled slightly and
she clenched her hands into fists.
"The Dark Lord wants this church thoroughly searched," Malfoy said. "Just like he's wanted all the
others searched, and four pairs of eyes are better than three."
Theo scoffed loudly, completely over the top, trying to get a reaction out of someone, probably
Granger. "Oh, I am sorry, have we switched sides, again!? Are we back to serving Voldemort?
There's that much espionage going on these days, it's hard to keep track of who's on what side."
Malfoy smirked and folded his hands elegantly behind his back. He looked down his nose at Theo
as he spoke. He wasn't taking the bait. Knew it would just piss Theo off all the more if he simply
didn't react in the way he wanted him to. Not playing his game.
"I know you have the brain size and attention span of a goldfish, but do try and think it through,
Irritation flashed across Theo's face. He pressed his mouth into a hard line while his brows twisted
into a scowl.
"If Voldemort is correct and there is something in these churches that could help him win the war,
then we absolutely do not want him to find whatever he's looking for," Malfoy said slowly, softly,
speaking to Theo as though he were a child. "Correct?"
"And you, myself and Blaise," he continued, gesturing to the third wizard - the one who'd already
been at this church for two hours and was frantically looking through the shelves of bibles and
trinkets for something interesting, "are pureblood wizards raised in pureblood families. We know
nothing about muggles and their Gods and their places of worship. Still with me?"
"But Granger was brought up in the muggle world. Her parents may not have been religious, but
she knows a lot more about this stuff than we do, so if there is anything here that's out of the
ordinary, she's a lot more likely to pick up on it than us. Isn't she?"
Theo sucked his teeth irritably, knowing any argument he had couldn't match Malfoy's logic. His
eyes flickered to Granger, then to Malfoy, then back to Granger for a moment before he scoffed
again and shrugged his shoulders. "Mate, if you're incapable of being more than five feet away
from her at all times, then just fucking say so,” he grinned and wriggled his brows, changing
tactics. "You don't need to invent a whole bloody excuse. Just go and shag her in the backroom or
something. We'll wait."
"I'm not inventing anything. Granger knows what she's looking for, and she's just as motivated to
kill Voldemort as we are."
Theo rolled his eyes and walked towards the silver bowl near the entrance. "Okie cokie. If you say
so.” He peaked at the bowl, but when he saw that the water inside was dirty and full of fallen debris
from the ceiling, he made a displeased face and backed away. "But if the other Death Eaters turn
up and see she's not under the Demon Hex - or in her uniform - then don't come crying to me.”
"If any of the others show up, Narcissa will alert us and she can apparate home before they see her.
Or did you not notice the bloody huge black dragon standing guard outside the church?"
"Yes, yes, I've heard this song before. Biiiiig scary lizard outside. Will barbeque and eat anyone
who isn't you or Granger. Message received loud and clear, captain."
Although Theo half-walked, half-skipped into the church, he refused to drop the snarky attitude.
After he'd flicked through bibles and found nothing, he loudly ripped out pages and carelessly
threw the empty shell over his shoulder. He made sure to hopscotch across the broken glass on the
floor and smashed the few windows that had remained intact, seeming to delight in the glare
Granger threw him when he'd broken the last one.
Everything Theo did was to cause a reaction, like a toddler throwing a tantrum because no one was
paying him attention. He hadn't tortured or been on a 'proper' mission for over a week. He was
bored because of it, and a bored Theo was a very volatile creature.
He couldn't sit still. Another person might have mistaken the way he drummed his hands against
the back of the wooden pews as a sign of boredom, but Malfoy knew he did it to stop himself from
biting his nails, keeping his anxiousness hidden. Another person might have mistaken the way he
hummed and sang odd little tunes to himself as a way to fill the tense silence, but Malfoy knew it
was just so he couldn't hear his own thoughts.
He always did this. Malfoy knew him well enough to recognise the pattern. The habit so strong it
was bordering on addiction. He wanted another victim. A poor soul he could crack open, break and
bleed and occupy himself with. To be someone else's monster just so he didn't have to deal with the
ones in his head.
So, because he couldn't get his hands on anyone, he wanted everyone to be on edge. Wanted them
all agitated and jumping at the slightest noise, just in the hope that they might over-react, cast a
curse, start a fight with one another and provide him with a source of entertainment for a few
Malfoy was adapted enough to ignore Theos antics. And apart from the odd glare or curse under
her breath, Granger seemed to fair quite well, but the only person who was able to ignore him
entirely, was Blaise.
Blaise ransacked through the church quickly, elegant but efficient, examining and cataloguing
everything he found before he moved on to the next thing. He acted as though Theo wasn't even
there at all, simply stepped over the bibles he'd destroyed and ignored every attempt Theo made to
get his attention.
He had much more pressing things on his mind than the psychopath next to him who was looking
for trouble.
The Order might have seen the visions being shared between Blaise and their own member as a
positive thing, but Blaise didn't. In the weeks since they'd made that revelation, he'd started to
panic more than usual. He hardly slept. Hardly ate. Hardly left Astoria's side if he didn't absolutely
have to.
Because in his mind, if that vision was correct, then he was sure that his vision about Astoria was
correct as well. He'd already been plagued with the idea that he was going to lose her, that she
would be taken from him too soon, and now, he was consumed with it.
An hour into their search, they'd found nothing, and when Theo broke yet another gold - and
probably priceless - candelabra out of nothing more than sheer boredom, Granger seemed to be at
the end of her patience.
"Oh for the love of -" she hissed, eyes briefly snapping up from the wooden pulpit she was
crouched under to glare at him. "Do you have to break every single thing that you touch?!"
Theo whistled and spun on his heels, and when he faced Granger, he was wearing an impish smirk,
pleased that someone was finally playing. "What was that, princess? I couldn't hear you over the
hypocrisy coming out of your mouth."
"Hypocrisy?" Hermione snapped, there was a fire growing in her eyes. "What's that supposed to
"Oh, nothing at all,” Theo mocked as he walked towards her. He stopped a few feet away from her
and picked something up off the floor, a small marble sculpture of a woman. "I just find it funny
that you've gone on and on about how you want to kill Malfoy since he captured you, yet fast
forward a year, and you're shagging him every night-"
"Nothing," he said as he turned the sculpture over in his hand. "It's just a funny world we live in,
don't you think? Full of sinners and hypocrites who love to tell me off for simply having a bit of
mischief, when they spend their days killing their friends and their nights in bed with their enemy."
As always, Granger didn't react the way he thought she was going to. He'd assumed she was going
to bite back - and he wouldn't have been opposed to her throwing a torture curse at his friend, either
- but instead, she held her composure and started flicking through a bible she found on the floor
and ignored him.
Well, not entirely, she didn't have that much composure. She still flipped him the bird while she
scanned the pages.
"Fuckin' hell she's boring," Theo sighed. He turned to Malfoy whilst he tossed the figurine idly in
his hand. "Don't know what you see in her mate."
"Do you think Bella's raid went well today?" Theo asked aloud, and when no one answered, he
carried on. "I hope it did. Hope she rounded up loads of hostages. Least then I'll be able to have a
liiiiittle bit of fun today."
It was obvious what Theo was doing. He was fishing, throwing a line, saying the most outrageous
things, hoping that something would hit a nerve and she'd start a fight with him.
"It sounds siiiiick. Basically, you get a rat cage, cut it in half, and attach it to a person's abdomen-"
he tapped his lower stomach with his index fingers as he demonstrated, "- then put a rat in the cage,
and then heat the cage. Can you guess what happens next?"
Blaise cast a detection charm on a gold cup he'd picked up to see if it held any secrets.
Malfoy smiled, seeing Granger start to shift through the pages more furiously, losing her patience.
"Well let me tell you - as the cage gets hotter, the little rat gets all worked up and tries to escape.
And what does it do to escape you ask? Yep, you guessed it, burrow and bites its way through the
person's stomach. Eats its way through the skin and intestines, doesn't stop until it comes out the
other side. Didn't the Weasley's used to keep Pettigrew as a rat? That'd be funny, to see them killed
by their pet-"
And there it was. The bite that Theo had been fishing for.
Granger sharply snapped her book shut and slammed it down on the table.
"Oooooooooh," Theo mocked. "Was that supposed to scare me? Whatcha' gonna do with a book?
Read me those commandment thingys until I die of boredom?"
"No, but a hex that boils the blood in your brain sounds nice to me.” Although Granger's nose
crinkled, in that way it always did when she was losing her patience, she was smirking.
Theo grinned wickedly, and Malfoy got the feeling he was on the outside of a joke between the
"I'd leave her be if I were you, Nott," Malfoy chuckled quietly. "She'll have your balls cut off and
mounted on a fucking spike quicker than you can say Salazar."
Theo gasped theatrically and slapped a hand over his mouth. "Malfoy! How dare you use that foul
language! You are in a house of God!"
Again, Theo gasped, louder than the first time. "I most certainly have not!"
"Lies," Theo protested, shaking his head like a bad actor. "Vicious lies-"
"- and kidnapped and beat a priest he found at one of said churches."
"No, I don't think so. I think I'd remember something like that."
"You found him in an underground tunnel, beat the shit out of him and then robbed the place.”
Appearing as if out of nowhere, Blaise stood behind Theo, and with the posture and grace of a
perfect gentleman, he swatted Theo around the back of the head, with a bible.
"Ouch! Motherfucker!" Theo hissed. He palmed the back of his head and scowled up at Blaise.
"The fuck was that for?!"
"Astoria's life is on the line! Your sister-in-law's life!" Blaise snarled. "Can you not - for once in
your fucking life - put your petty games and selfish need to be entertained aside and act in the best
interest of someone else?!"
Theo bore many titles. Psychopath. Trickster. Torturer. Mass murderer. He was heartless in a lot of
ways, but never when it came to Astoria.
As Blaise spoke, Theo's expression fell. The façade of the cruel trickster vanished, and revealed the
scared brother-in-law underneath.
"Alright. Alright - shit - I'm sorry. So, Granger," Theo started, finally ready to make an effort.
"Seeing as you're the expert on this church bollocks-"
Granger stared at him cautiously before she responded. "I never claimed to be an expert-"
"I know that you're supposed to do the hand cross thingy with the dirty water in the bowl-“
"But what's these weird cross things about?" he asked as he picked a half-broken one off the floor
and started to examine it. "Is there like an initiation process and you have to make one of these to
join or something?"
Malfoy watched Granger stare at Theo for a few moments. She blinked at him, visibly taken back
by the change. He could tell she wasn't sure whether his new interest or not was genuine.
Her eyes met Malfoy's across the church, like she was looking to him for reassurance.
"Go on,” Malfoy smirked. "Be the insufferable swot we all know you are. I'm sure you've read a
least a dozen books on the subject."
"The crosses are .... a symbol of the son of God dying on the cross for the sins of man,” she
explained hesitantly, turning back to Theo. "The churches display them as a symbol of his sacrifice.
They're supposed to protect people from evil spirits and -" Suddenly, Granger paused and bit her
lip, unsure of whether or not to continue.
With that one word, the seriousness in Theo's expression vanished, and the jokester came back out
to play. He whirled to face Malfoy and stretched his arm as straight as it would go. He shoved the
cross - that he was holding upside down - in Malfoy's face and started to scream; "Be gone, you
foul demon! The power of this cross thingy forces you to -ouch! Zabini! I swear to shit that if you
hit me one more time with that fucking bible, I will shove it up your arse!"
An hour later they'd still found nothing, and after a small debate between themselves, they decided
to complete one last sweep of the church before they called it quits and went home. To speed
things up, Blaise suggested that Theo and Granger took the left side of the building while he and
Malfoy looked over the right side and the back office.
Blaise was up to something, that much was clear. He'd always been the quiet type, but when he'd
failed to utter a single syllable ten minutes into their search of the office, Malfoy couldn't help but
speak up.
"Whatever it is, say it, Zabini," Malfoy said as he checked the bureau drawers - again - and found
Blaise turned and gave his friend a sharp look. "I didn't say a word."
"Precisely. You insisted that we pair up together to search this side, it's obvious you wanted me
alone and Granger out of the way, and yet you haven't said a word to me since we came in here.
You clearly have something on your mind," Malfoy sighed. He took a cigarette out of his pocket
and lit it. "So whatever it is, get it off your chest. Now."
Malfoy checked under the oak desk that swarmed the centre of the room as he took the first drag of
his cigarette. "Care to elaborate?"
Ever the gentlemen, Blaise closed the door and sealed off the room with privacy charms before he
continued. "I'm concerned that your feelings for her are clouding your judgement on missions."
Blaise blanched slightly, a little taken aback. "You're not even going to deny that you have feelings
for her?"
Malfoy sat on the desk and folded his arms across his chest. He took another deep drag, relishing in
the way the smoke filled his lungs and hoping the nicotine buzz would kick in before this painful
conversation reached its peak. He needed to tread carefully, Occlumency walls up and cards close
to his chest.
"I don't really see the point." He pulled the bud from his mouth and tapped the ash from the end.
"You and Tori are convinced that I feel something for her. I doubt anything I say will change your
mind, so this conversation will be over much quicker if I don't argue."
Malfoy fought the urge to twist the ring on his pinkie finger. "So,” he encouraged as he took
another drag of his cigarette. "Do continue. I'm fascinated to hear whatever theory you and your
wife have cooked up.”
"Well, look at today, for example," Blaise said, holding a hand out towards the door. "You've
brought her here when we didn't need her. You've been shagging her for six months and you're
already making excuses to spend more time with her."
"Oh don't give me that." Malfoy slipped off the table and started to check the room again, putting
his back to Blaise. "Even you can't deny that she's much more useful here than we are."
"You're late for missions and meetings with the Dark Lord because you want to spend more time
with her."
"Well forgive me for not wanting to take my cock out of the witch I'm fucking just to go and sit
around a table of wizards I despise," Malfoy scoffed, eyes down as he checked the desk drawers.
"How many times have you been late for meetings over the years because you were busy shagging
"You sulk when she kicks you out of her bed," Blaise went on, ignoring Malfoy's jibe and speaking
over him. "You killed a handful of Black Masks because they were hurting her - even though it
wasn't part of the plan -"
"Not technically true. There was no part of the plan that said I couldn't kill them."
"And I've lost count of the times she's broken out of the Demon Hex."
That was true. In the last five months, Granger had broken through the Demon Hex more times
than Malfoy cared to keep track of.
It'd happened in Birmingham a few weeks ago, when Cassie Turner almost caught her, and a few
weeks before that, when a muggle soldier had her cornered. She'd done it at a raid in Leicester, a
battle in Hull, once she'd even come to when she'd had her wand pressed against a soldiers throat,
seconds away from slitting it open.
Although Malfoy had noticed each breakthrough as it had happened, Granger had managed to hide
until he could get to her and put her back under the curse before the other Death Eaters had a
chance to notice.
"The Demon Hex," Blaise started, "you said it feeds off negative emotions. Rage, pain,
desperation. All of those, correct?"
"I'm sure it would feed off of that as well, but I don't think the Hex necessarily lets her feel fear-"
"I'm not talking about her fear,” Blaise interrupted. "I'm talking about yours."
"You were scared of losing her that day in Bradford, when she was duelling Zacharias. Theo said
that the moment Zacharias caught her with a powerful Hex, when it looked like she was hurt, she
broke through the Hex. That's a bit of a coincidence, don't you think?"
Malfoy stopped what he was doing and finally turned to face Blaise. He felt his icy walls shudder.
"Theo told me what happened," Blaise went on. "It sounded awful. I bet you were terribly scared,
weren't you? When you saw blood pouring from a wound on her side. When you heard her scream
in pain and knew there was nothing you could do?"
It was true, but Malfoy didn't say a word. He kept his eyes on Blaise and exhaled slowly, releasing
the wall of smoke from his mouth.
"Don't you think it's funny, that the very moment you thought she was going to die, when you were
scared that you were going to lose her, she broke through the Hex? The one that's been so deeply
rooted in her head that only you can bring her out of it?"
"I thought so too, but then I remembered the first time she broke through the Hex, that day in
Bournemouth when Cormac got hold of her.”
A crack in his wall appeared, a small, hairline fracture. Easily repairable, but shouldn't have come
through so quickly. He couldn't keep them up for long these days.
"Don't you remember? There was an explosion, the ground collapsed and she fell through it, and
then the rubble sealed the hole before you could get to her," Blaise said. "I couldn't see your face -
you still had your mask on - but I could tell how afraid you were - and then moments, later,
Granger broke through the Hex."
Malfoy remembered the moment so vividly. Remembered the way his head had turned when he'd
heard the explosion. Remembered the way his heart had pounded in his chest when he'd saw
Granger fall through the hole, and the way it had stopped beating altogether when the rubble
sealed the gap, when he couldn't get to her, when he'd had no idea if she was alive or dead.
"What exactly are you getting at, Zabini?" Malfoy hissed, patience expiring as quickly as the
cigarette in his mouth.
"I think the reason she's been able to break out of the Hex is you. You care for her, Malfoy, much
more deeply than you're willing to admit, and because of it, the Hex only has her hate to hang onto,
not yours."
Malfoy could feel the unease radiating off his dragon the moment they landed outside York
Cathedral. He felt it when she glided down through the clouds and the city came into view
underneath them. Felt it even stronger when he slid off her back and landed on the cobbled street
beside her.
"Easy there," he said as he ran a hand across her scaled cheek. "It's alright. I'll only be in there a
But Narcissa wasn't looking at him. Her large red eyes were focused straight ahead at the cathedral.
She growled loudly and the scales that lined her spine stood on end, like she was trying to warn off
someone that Malfoy couldn't see.
She hated being separated from him. She was always on edge when there was a wall between
them, when she couldn't easily defend him if he needed her, but her unease was always at its
strongest whenever he was with Voldemort. Dragons could sense dark magic, could smell it in the
air, on a persons robes, in their blood, and the type of darkness that thumbed in Voldemort's veins
always made her react like this.
The cathedral doors opened, and as soon as Bellatrix stepped through them, Narcissa snapped her
fangs and gave a loud snarl.
His aunt drew her wand and the dragon inched forward. She angled her body to shield Malfoy and
started growling low in her throat. "Draco!" Bella sneered. "Control that beast and get inside! That
is an order!"
Narcissa's hatred for the Dark Lord was equal only to the distrust and revulsion she felt for his
aunt, and although the green light illuminating from the edge of the witches wand wouldn't have
hurt the dragon, she interpreted it as a threat to Malfoy - and she started to hunt the danger.
"What is it doing?!" Bellatrix started to panic. "We don't have time for games! Stop it!"
"Sorry Auntie, I don't take orders from you, and neither does she.”
Narcissa roared again and stalked closer to the witch. She opened her mouth wide and started to
bow her head, and as entertaining as it would have been to see her swallow his aunt whole, now
wasn't the time, and he called off the dragon just before her fangs sank into Bellatrix's shoulder.
After his aunt had shaken off her fear - and Malfoy had calmed Narcissa- he opened the church
doors and stepped inside, and as he walked down the aisle to kneel before his master, he revelled in
the pitiful sight before him.
The change in the Dark Lord was astounding. He looked almost unrecognisable from the creature
he'd been five months ago, when dark magic used to crackle around him, when he could petrify
even the bravest wizard with a single glance from those bright red eyes.
Now, he looked nothing like that. Stress and paranoia do interesting things to the body, that,
coupled with the loss of the first Horcrux in a decade, well, it was no wonder Voldemort looked
like shit.
His physical health had declined considerably since the Order had destroyed the diadem, and the
paranoia that his generals were betraying him - and the fear of defeat - seemed to be helping the
process along. His skin looked grey and rough, thin and scaled, almost snake-like. His eyes were
crazed, frantically flittering around the room, and his dirty robes looked much, much too big for
his body. He looked like a walking corpse. Like a skeleton desperately clinging onto the edges of
life and sanity, but not enough strength to hold onto both. Sooner or later, he would have to let one
As the Dark Lord heaved a cough and curled over the armrest of his throne, Bellatrix and Crouch
rushed to his side. They were like dogs, the pair of them. While Barty knelt in front of Voldemort
and tended to him with spells - looking every inch a frightened mongrel licking their masters'
wounds - Bellatrix was more direct. More fierce. She screamed and wailed angrily at the Black
Masks that guarded the doors, ordering them to bring in the unicorn she'd hunted that afternoon.
The Black Masks did as instructed, and while Bellatrix slit the unicorns throat and gathered its
blood in a phial, Malfoy stood and did nothing. He remained poised and dignified. Silently
watching his master with his hands folded behind his back.
Even in his weakened state, he wouldn't have wanted to be pandered to or treated like a frail old
thing, so Malfoy didn't.
He knew -above all else - that Voldemort hated displays like this. He thought himself powerful.
Above silly things like death and weakness. That they were reserved for the unworthy. The months
he'd been vulnerable before his revival, reduced to nothing more than a grotesque foetus like
creature that relied on Nagini and a rat for survival were the most shameful in his life.
Bellatrix smacked Crouch's hands away and barged past him so she could feed Voldemort the
unicorn's blood. It took three phials before he seemed more like himself again, and when he'd
recovered somewhat, when he realised what he looked like and how frail he'd seemed moments
before, he was enraged.
"Get off me!" Voldemort hissed as his strength steadily returned to him. "I don't need your help!"
He dug his wand into Bellatrix's stomach and screamed a Stupefy enchantment. Bellatrix was sent
hurtling across the cathedral with the force of the spell. The wall shuddered and something cracked
when she hit the East sidewall. Malfoy hoped it was her fucking spine.
"Do you hear me!?" Voldemort screamed. "I don't need your help! I don't need anyone's help!"
"I don't need you to tend to me! What I need is the three of you, out there, finding those who have
betrayed me!" He shot another curse, this one at the ceiling of the cathedral. "Go! Find them!
The dark green light exploded from his wand like a streak of lightning and shook the building
violently. The mural bore most of the attack, and one of the gold beams that lined the ceiling came
loose from its foundation and fell.
Malfoy and Bellatrix cast shields to protect themselves - Barty cast one around himself and their
master - and while they were untouched by the falling rubble, the Black Masks were not so quick.
They were crushed instantly under the weight of the beam.
As the cathedral stopped shuddering, everyone was silent. The only sound was Voldemort's heavy,
furious pants. He stared at everyone in the room in turn, chest heaving, unicorn blood still dripping
from his chin and evil in his eyes. He looked furious, murderous, fucking blood-hungry, and
absolutely off his rocker.
The Dark Lord was losing it. Falling apart in both body and mind. It was a fucking beautiful thing
to see, and for the first time in his life, Malfoy hoped that there was an afterlife, just so Daphne
could see what Voldemort had been reduced to in her name.
In another life
16th December
"Did you really have to break that muggles arms like that?"
A cold hand gripped the small of her waist, the other closed around her throat, keeping her pinned
in place while his lips and tongue fought with hers.
"And that last soldier?" she asked, trying to keep her voice a snarl, acidic, but hearing the malice
die through her breathlessness. "Was killing him really necessary?"
"I can't believe you," Hermione murmured between kisses. "You went too far."
"No, I didn't." He pressed her against the wall and deepened their kiss. "He deserved everything he
"No," another kiss, "he didn't." She fisted her fingers in his hair and yanked his body tight against
hers, not caring if it hurt him, only that she needed him closer. "You-" kiss, "-could have-" kiss, "-
let him go.”
"No, I couldn't."
"No, Granger." He let go of her throat and wordlessly cast a slicing charm down the front of her
Death Eater robes. He pushed his hand inside the fabric so he could palm and squeeze one of her
tits. "He had to go.”
"No, he didn't. He-" Hermione yelped as Malfoy pulled her bottom lip between his teeth and bit
down. "Ouch!"
"How about you stop fucking talking," he growled, releasing her lip and moving to attack her neck,
"and start taking your clothes off."
She moaned and knocked her head back against the wall as he licked across the pulse in her neck.
She felt dizzy, lightheaded, and it had nothing to do with the bump she'd received on her head in
Oh God, this was so wrong. Half an hour ago, they'd been on a battlefield. She'd been under the
Hex and casting Avada's as quickly as she could throw her arm while Malfoy and Narcissa
disintegrated everything and everyone in their path.
She'd broken out of the Hex just as the battle had begun to draw to a close, come back to her senses
as the majority of the Death Eaters had apparated away and four muggle soldiers had her backed
into an alleyway, but rather than ruthlessly slitting their throats - like she would have done if she
were still under the Hex's influence - she'd tried to Imperio them to 'play dead' and hide until the
battle was over.
But, of course, Malfoy didn't want to take chances like that. He'd quickly killed the soldiers and
started screaming at her to be more careful.
She told him that there were no witnesses, that most of the Death Eaters were already gone and
there was no reason for him to kill the muggles.
He told her that they'd signed their death warrants the moment they'd raised their guns at her.
As they'd apparated back to his manor, she'd told him she wasn't trying to break out of the Hex, that
it'd just happened, and he'd shut her up by pushing her against the wall and kissing her.
And that was what had led them here. Pressed against each other in her bedroom. Covered in blood
and ash from the battle, covered in death yet clinging onto one another like a lifeline.
She wrapped one of her legs around his waist, and without her needing to tell him what she wanted,
Malfoy hooked his hands under her thighs and picked her up. She wrapped her other leg around
him and kissed him over and over again as he walked them across her bedroom.
Never breaking contact from her lips, he sat her down on the edge of the bed and kneeled in front
of her, yanking the gold headpiece from her hair as he nipped and kissed her neck.
"You're so cruel," she whispered as she started to unbuckle his belt and trousers.
"I am.”
"And ruthless."
"Me? Sorry?" he mocked. "For beheading the people who raised their guns at you? I think you're
mistaking me for someone else." He stared up at her as he unzipped her thigh-high boots and
peeled them down her legs. "What would I have to do," he kissed the inside of her thigh as he
threw her boots across the room, and even through her trousers, she still shivered, "to get you
naked underneath me, wearing only these boots?"
She leaned back on the mattress and braced herself up on her elbows, watching as he kissed up her
leg, her hips, the parts of her stomach that were exposed, all the way up to her neck. "Maybe if you
show some compassion for the people you needlessly butchered today, I might consider it.”
Malfoy tutted and sighed dramatically, fanning his cold breath against the side of her face. "Shame.
Another day, perhaps."
"Yeah?" he smirked against her skin. "Don't just tell me. Show me.”
She undid the front of his robes quickly and yanked them apart. She ran her hands over his neck
and shoulders, the cold skin of his chest like ice on her overheated hands. Her hands slipped around
his back, and she pulled him down on top of her, delighting in the sharp groan he made when she
dragged her nails down his back.
"Shhhhh," she hummed against his mouth. "Less talking. More undressing, remember?"
Talking was the last thing on her mind at that moment. She was always buzzed after a fight, always
on edge and a bundle of adrenaline, and the feel of dark magic in her veins just amplified that, a
reminder of all the dark curses she'd used and the lives she'd taken. In a way, she was sort of
thankful for it. Grateful, that she still felt little sparks of Voldemort's magic in her system after all
these months, like little embers in a fire that roared brighter whenever she was angry or used
particularly dark spells. She'd started to think of it as a sort of penance for the things he'd done. A
little painful, uncomfortable, but not wholly undeserved.
She may have been killing for the greater good, but that didn't mean she should walk away
Still, she supposed it was a good thing she had Malfoy. A good thing that she could lose herself in
the feel of his hands and his body after battles and raids, that he took her mind off the effects until
they passed and she forgot about them.
He caught the edges of her torn robes, but as he started to yank them apart, a sharp ache burned in
Hermione's shoulder. She hissed through gritted teeth and flinched away from him.
In an instant, he was gone. His lips left her neck and his weight vanished from on top of her. She
sat up and searched for him. He was standing almost halfway across the room, hands up - palms
facing her - his expression was guarded and closed off, but, as they'd grown to do, his eyes gave
him away.
He hadn't, but he thought he had, and the guilt was clear and bleeding into the grey of his eyes like
ink in water.
He was trying to show her that it was an accident, that he wasn't a threat, but all Hermione could
focus on was how ... unthreatening he looked. Hair all ruffled from her hands, robes completely
parted down the middle and baring scratches from her nails, lips a little swollen from her mouth
and neck red in places from her bites.
He looked flushed.
He looked uneasy.
He looked ... like hers. Marked by her a dozen different ways. Almost every inch of his pale skin
that was exposed was marked or claimed by her in one way or another.
She'd never considered herself possessive before, and why should she? He wasn't hers. And she
certainly didn't regard herself as his, but as she stared at him, taking in the marks she'd left, a side
of her she didn't know existed almost purred with satisfaction.
"You didn't hurt me," she said before he'd even had the chance to ask. "I'm fine. I'm just a little
It took a moment or two before he dropped his hands, and even longer before he crossed the room
and lay on the bed beside her again. He didn't believe that she was alright, she could tell as much
by the way his eyes flickered over her, looking for an injury that wasn't there.
"Seriously, Malfoy. I'm fine. I've just been overdoing it lately. I've probably just pulled
something,” she laughed weakly. She made a show of rolling her shoulder again, trying to
convince him that she was fine, but as the sharp ache seared her muscles again, she winced, and
there was no way he didn't notice it. "There are hundreds of healing spells and potions, but not one
bloody thing for muscle aches and overuse. It's ridiculous, isn't it? You would think someone
would have created a potion for that by now." She caught his face in her hands, but just as she tried
to drag his mouth back to hers and kiss him again, he pulled away.
A sharp jolt of rejection crashed into her like a slap in the face.
Fuck - he'd never done that. She didn't know what to do. She'd never even thought of what she'd do
if he rejected her.
Moving on instinct, she tried to kiss him again, trying to gloss over what'd just happened, slap a
plaster over that awful feeling that had sunk into her stomach when he'd pulled away, but one of his
hands gently weaved into her hair, and he used it to keep her in place.
He stared at her for a few seconds, as if he was deciding something, and then he sighed and let go
of her. He climbed off the bed again and shook off his outer robes. He wrapped his dark roves
around her shoulders like a blanket, covering the tears he'd made down the front of her uniform.
"Come with me," he said as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet.
The stubbornness in her reared its head on instinct, making her pull back slightly and plant her feet
to the ground. "Where?"
He turned back to face her, and the hint of a smile threatened to break across his cold expression.
"Are you ever going to trust me?"
"You're asking me that while your hands are literally covered in the blood of people you killed
"Takes one to know one,” he said, looking her up and down slowly, eying the blood on her torn
robes, and lingering on whatever was drying in her hair.
Malfoy closed his eyes, tilted his head towards the ceiling and sighed loudly. He banished the
blood from his robes and skin and cocked a brow at her. "Is that better?"
Intrigued, but not at all relaxed, she let him lead her through the Manor. One or two of the portraits
tutted and hissed under their breaths as they made their way past them, but most just turned their
backs or hid just out of frame until Malfoy and Hermione were on the other side of the corridor.
He guided her to his bedroom, and once they were inside, he let go of her wrist and disappeared
behind another door on the far side of the room. Hermione stared at the unfamiliar wooden door,
and after a few seconds of silence, she heard the familiar sound of taps being turned and water
starting to run from the faucet.
What the fuck was he doing? Was he running a bath? For her? In his room?!
She clutched his robes tighter around her and looked around while she waited for him to come
They never spent any time in his bedroom. Each time they were together, they always ended up
fucking or fighting in obscure places - like the potions storage unit or on the kitchen island - or in
Hermione's bedroom. They never, ever, spent time in his room. In fact, for the year that she'd been
living in this manor, she'd only been in his room once, after Astoria's injury, and back then she'd
not had the opportunity to really look at it. Take it in, see the parts of Malfoy's personality that he
kept hidden from the rest of the world.
She hadn't had time to notice the various pieces of artwork hanging from the dark emerald walls
last time. Hadn't noticed the dozens of portraits of landscapes and lakes and mountains, some
frozen, some swarmed in sunlight while others were draped in a blanket of stars and moonlight, all
from different corners of the world, all darted over his wall like windows to another, faraway place.
Looking at his bed, Hermione assumed that he slept on the right side - judging from the one lonely
bedside table beside it - but the last time she'd been here, she hadn't noticed the books stacked on
top of it.
She eyed the door he'd disappeared behind, and when she was confident that he wasn't watching
her through the crack he'd left, she walked over to his bed and picked up the book that was sitting
on top of the pile.
It was a book she recognised, Prophecies, Visions and their meanings, by Malcolm Fitzgerald. She
remembered the title from the recommended reading list in Trewlany's Divination classes,
remembered scoffing at the title and resisting the urge to throw the wretched book across the
She couldn't understand why Malfoy had a copy. He'd gone to great lengths to tell Hermione over
and over again that he thought visions were bullshit and that it was a waste of time to try and
decipher their meanings, and yet here, on his bedside table, at the very top of the pile, was a book
on just that.
She frowned and crouched down to get a better look at the other titles. There was a book on caring
for dragons, which she wasn't surprised to see. Underneath that was another on Dark Spells and
slicing curses, again, given his preference of chopping peoples heads off during battles, that didn't
surprise her. And at the bottom of the pile was that ... a book of poetry?
The sound of Malfoy's voice muttering a fire spell caught her attention, so she quietly padded over
to the mysterious door and peaked her head around the corner.
It was his private bathroom. The room was completely covered in shiny black tiles, the same ones
that covered the entire floor crawled up the walls and stretched over the ceiling, making it feel
almost like a cave. There was hardly any light, if it weren't for the few dozen candles that he'd
scattered around the room, she doubted she'd have been able to see anything at all.
There were few furnishings inside; just a large black marble sink on the right-hand side of the
room, a toilet, and a black wooden cabinet of drawers, all on opposite walls but all facing what was
clearly supposed to be the main feature in the room, the huge copper bath that Malfoy was
kneeling beside.
His shirt was off and discarded on the tiles. He had a few bottles on the floor beside him, and she
watched as he picked one up, a little mesmerised by the way the muscles in his chest and bicep
moved while he poured purple salt into the bathwater. Then she watched him do the same thing
with another bottle, and then another.
"Brewing Draught of Living Death," he answered without looking up at her. "What does it look
like I'm doing, Granger? I'm running a bath."
"Yes, I can see that." She rolled her eyes. "But why are you running a bath?"
"Because you were right. There isn't exactly a potion or spell that can ease muscle pain entirely, but
there are other remedies that can help.” He took the cap of the fourth and final bottle beside him.
He poured the contents inside, and when the pink glittery liquid hit the water, a thin layer of frothy
bubbles started to form. "These are potions that Astoria has been getting for me for years. I'm not
sure of all the ingredients, but they help with the aches and pains I get.”
Despite the air being hot and thick with steam from the bath Malfoy was running, the black stone
tiles were icy cold under Hermione's feet as she stepped inside. "You get muscle pain too?"
He stopped what he was doing for a moment and looked up at her, like he wasn't sure what to say
next. There was a little more blue in his eyes than what had been there a few minutes ago. His
Occlumency walls seemed to be coming down, whether it was deliberate or not, Hermione couldn't
tell. "Yes," he answered softly. "Sometimes in my shoulders and lower back, but mainly in my
chest. It seemed that, well," as he spoke, one of his hands briefly - and tentatively - touched the
infamous scar on his chest and tangled in his silver chain, "let's just say that sometimes I'm
reminded of when Potter got the upper hand on me even when I have a shirt on.”
He said the words so casually, even laughed and shook his head afterwards, like it meant nothing.
But as he turned his attention back to the bath, Hermione's eyes drifted over the infamous scar, the
one that started on his chest and spread out like a crack in a marble statue, the one that trailed
across his shoulders and wrapped around his collarbone like vines, stretching to reach the base of
his throat.
The beautiful imperfection, the chip in his armour that proved he wasn't nearly as strong and
unbreakable as he liked others to think he was.
She'd already guessed that he was a little self-conscious about it, but it seemed that that particular
scar ran a little deeper than the skin.
"Harry felt awful about it afterwards," she said as she took another step into his bathroom. "He
didn't realise how powerful the curse was, he never meant to scar you like that."
Malfoy scoffed and ran his hand through the water, checking the temperature. "He got lucky, that's
all. Caught me in a moment of weakness. I'd love to see him try and do it again now."
He stood from his perch beside the bath and held his hand out towards her. "Come on, Granger,"
he said, tilting his head towards the copper. "In you get.”
A year ago, the idea of doing this was ludicrous. A year ago - fuck, even a few months ago - she'd
taken great pleasure in the thought of slitting his throat open. A year ago, she hadn't bathed for God
only knew how long because she didn't trust him, didn't want to strip naked and lower herself into
scalding water because she didn't want to leave herself vulnerable like that, and now, a year after
her capture, there she was. In the bathroom of the very man who'd captured her, about to take his
robes off her body and get in a bath he'd run for her.
She summoned a bobble as she made the last few steps towards him, and after she'd scraped her
hair into a very high - and very messy - bun on the top of her head, Malfoy helped her undress. He
was very delicate with her, gently lifting his robe from her shoulders, easing her arms out of her
own and careful not to irritate or knock her already sore muscles, and once her clothes were in an
elegant pile on the floor, she got into the bath.
The water was hot, but not scalding. As she slowly submerged herself in the bubbles, she could feel
the salts and potions he'd added, could practically feel them caressing her skin and burrowing into
her muscles the moment she sank into the water.
She sighed in contentment and leaned her head against the lid. Her eyelids fluttered closed. and she
inhaled deeply, letting the scent of lavender and citrus fill her nostrils.
Immediately, Hermione's pulse thumped in her veins. Her eyes shot open, and she jerked to sit
upright. "You're getting in with me?"
Malfoy chuckled softly as he started to unbutton his trousers. "Well, it is my bath, and those are
my muscle relaxers that you're soaking up.”
It wasn't as if the bath wasn't big enough for the both of them. It was huge, much bigger than the
one in her room and easily big enough for two people - maybe even three - it was just ...
She'd never been in the bath with a man before. She'd not even let him share her bed because she
thought it was too intimate -
She looked away as Malfoy undressed, tried to keep her cheeks from flaming when the water
stirred as he stepped inside, tried to keep her heart an even beat when he sat down behind her.
It didn't matter that she'd seen him naked a hundred times, the moment she felt the inside of his
thighs bracket her hips, her heart stopped, and when he stretched his long legs out so that they ran
on the outside of hers, her heart picked back up at twice it's normal speed. The obnoxiously large
bath suddenly felt so much smaller with him inside it.
She felt incredibly awkward to begin with. Apart from his pale legs on either side of hers, she
couldn't see him. She still had her back to him. She didn't know what to do. How to sit. Or what to
do with her hands.
She hugged her knees to her chest and shuffled away, trying to put as much space between them as
the bath allowed -
She jumped when she felt his cold hand close around her good shoulder.
"You could have just given me the muscle relaxing potion. We didn't have to go through this whole
"I could have," he murmured into her hair, resting his chin on the top of her head, "but then I
wouldn't have heard your reaction when I did this.”
The hand on her stomach disappeared. She felt something move beside her thigh, Malfoy
whispered something, and a second later, the water started to change. It was as though the water
below became a reflection of the night sky. Suddenly, there were hundreds of little bright lights
under the water, like dozens and dozens of little fireflies were dancing in their bath, their lights
shining through the little gaps in the bubbles.
"Oh, my … " her voice trailed off as she watched the lights flash and sway. "How did you..."
"It's something in the ingredients of the pink potion," he said. "They're not harmful, but they
dissolve into your muscles and get rid of the tension there."
And sure enough, one by one, the little lights did just that. Hermione watched, fascinated as the
lights swam and danced around the bath, and then, one by one, sank into an area of skin and
disappeared, and then the healing properties really kicked in. Within a few minutes, she felt
revitalised, like she'd received a deep tissues massage all over body. She was still a tiny bit sore in
places, but she felt much, much better.
They stayed like that for some time, just watching the lights, letting the healing properties of the
potions sink into their muscles. Every so often Malfoy would slowly trail his ringed fingers down
the length of her arm or play with the strands of hair that were trying to escape her bobble, idly
twisting and untwisting the curls around his index finger.
It was peaceful to be with him like that, to spend time with him when they weren't at each other
throats. She dared to let herself think about how much she liked it, to have his strong arms wrapped
around her, to feel his chest against her back and feel ... protected? Content?
They didn't say much to one another, but eventually she felt his lips against the shell of her ear and
heard him whisper. "Something on your mind, cub?"
Reluctantly, she sat up and twisted in the water so that she faced him. "Can I talk to you about
Malfoy cocked a brow as she moved back and leaned against the opposite side of the bath, their
legs still laying along each others but now running in opposite directions. "You can talk to me
about anything you want, but unless you plan on covering your tits, I can't promise I'll listen."
Hermione splashed him before she rearranged some of the bubbles to cover herself. "You're such a
"I'm a man and you have the most gorgeous - and distracting - tits I've ever seen," he smirked. "It's
not my fault, it's basic biology."
"Well, my boobs are covered, does that mean that we can be adults now?"
Malfoy smiled and leaned forward, stretching out his hand, but she smacked it away before it
found purchase on her chest. His shoulders shook as he laughed quietly. "Alright, sorry. I've got it
out of my system. Go on then. What did you want to talk to me about?"
Hermione nodded and drew a deep breath, finally ready to talk about the thing that'd been hanging
over them for months. It was a discussion they needed to have, but she had no idea how it was
going to unfold. "All those months ago, when we were negotiating terms with the Order."
"You fought for pardons for Astoria, Theo and Blaise,” she started, idly running her fingers
through the warm water at her side. "You said that it was not up for discussion and that if they
didn't at least agree to consider it, then you wouldn't help…”
"I did."
Malfoy smirked at her from across the bath. "Caught that, did you?"
"Of course I did. He never promised me one either. Not explicitly, anyway."
Malfoy scoffed and leaned back against the lid of the bath. He stretched his arms out and rested
them against either side of the bath, then he closed his eyes and tilted his chin towards the ceiling,
the picture of ease and contentment. "You're the bloody Golden girl, Granger. When all this is over,
if Kingsley doesn't grant you a pardon, there's no way Potter wouldn't."
Without even looking at her, he held up his hand and stopped her mid-sentence. "You killed your
friends because I put you under the Hex. You killed because I made you. It's my fault. Any blood
you've spilt whilst you've been here is on my hands, not yours."
He still didn't look at her, but a deep crease appeared between his brows. "What public opinion?
You are literally the definition of a prisoner of war. I kidnapped you-"
"Yes, but-"
" - locked you away and searched your memories for months while I planted the Hex in your head-
"-and then I forced you to kill for me,” Malfoy finished, still looking at the ceiling and voice
starting to take on that familiar tone of a snarl. "If Kingsley doesn't see that, Potter will. Trust me,
when all this is over and Voldemort is dead, the world is going to be your oyster. You're going to
be celebrated as the hero that you are. They'll write songs about you and offer you so many book
deals you won't know what to do with yourself. The first few years will be hectic, but then
eventually, when everything settles down, you'll find yourself a bloke, have a few kids, live
happily ever after, and everything will be rainbows and smiles and all that other lovely bullshit that
occurs at the end of a good novel."
It was probably true. Her relationship with Harry might've been strained before her capture, but
there was no way he would let anything happen to her. Ever. No matter what she'd done or who
she'd killed, he always saw the best in her. He would vouch for her. Tell everyone and anyone that
would listen that it wasn't her fault and she'd been forced to do all the awful things she'd done.
He'd tell everyone that ... that Malfoy forced her to do them.
Now, this did seem to catch his attention. He opened his eyes and lowered his chin to look at her
again. "What about me?"
"While Blaise and Astoria are living happily ever after because of the pardons you fought for, and
Theo is free and doing Merlin only knows what with the freedom that you got him, what are you
going to do?"
"Seeing as there's no way to unlink us and therefore my life will be tied to yours until the day you
die, I would say that yes, Draco, it is my business, actually."
At the mention of his given name, Malfoy tilted his head to the side and smiled, flashing the
dimples that he hardly ever wore.
She rolled her eyes and playfully nudged his leg underwater with her foot. "I know you do.”
"If you know I like it, then why don't you do it more often?"
Hermione smirked and tilted her head to the side, mirroring him. "Because I know you like it,
She hated to admit that she loved it when he was like this with her. Relaxed. Content. A part of her
even thought he might look happy.
"Why don't you want to talk about what you'll do after the war?" she asked.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't."
"Oh, I see how it is. It's alright for you to ask me questions that I'm uncomfortable answering, but
oh no, if I ask the same of you, well, that's just crossing a line."
She had to admit, he had her there. She couldn't expect him to reveal something so personal
without at least be willing to do the same.
A devious smile stretched across his face. "How about we make a deal?"
"A deal?"
"Yes. If I promise not to lie to you, then will you promise to be honest with me?"
She couldn't help but smile back at him. "Alright," she agreed, throwing caution to the wind,
making a deal with the devil and all those other metaphorical clichés. "But only if I get to ask the
first question."
Malfoy nodded and drummed his fingers against the lid of the bath. "You have yourself a deal."
"This," she said, gesturing to the bath, to him. "The salts. The candles. Why did you do this?"
She'd expected him to make a lude comment, tease her about wanting an excuse to get her naked or
something of the sort, so when he spoke again, she was so shocked by the honesty in his tone that
she almost choked on thin air.
That was it. The honest truth. No lies in his voice or secrecy in his almost blue eyes. He was really
doing this.
He shrugged and looked at the water again, starting to draw random patterns in the few bubbles
that remained. "Perhaps I just wanted to see what it'd be like to spend time with you when we
weren't fighting or fucking.” His eyes flickered back to hers and his stare - the intensity of it - fuck,
it made her close her thighs together. "Perhaps, I wanted to see if there was anything more between
"And is there?"
"Ah, ah, ah.” He stopped her by waving his index finger at her. "I'm not answering another one of
your questions until you answer one of mine. If the weasel had been quicker at that first meeting,
and he'd managed to Apparate you back to one of the Order's bases, would you have come back to
Back to me.
Not back to this house, or back to this rebellion that they'd been cooking up for six months.
Back to him.
"Yes," she answered, honest. "Because if I didn't, the ruse would be up and all of you would be
executed - including Astoria, and she doesn't deserve that. None of you do.”
For a moment, she didn't know how to answer his question. She wanted to lie, to brush it off, but
he'd been honest with her, she at least owed him the same, didn't she? "No, it wouldn't have been
the only reason."
Malfoy cocked a brow. "Care to tell me what this other reason is?"
"Ah, ah, ah - Tit for tat, remember? I ask you one question, then you get to ask me another one,”
she said, mimicking him by waving her index finger at him. "Why don't you want to talk about
what your plans are after the war?"
His gaze turned hot and icy at the same time. His eyes burned as they roamed over her features, her
cheeks, her neck - even her mouth - before they eventually landed back on her eyes, and when he
spoke, his words froze her in place. "Because I think we both know that no matter what happens,
my future and yours, they aren't going to be together. Yours is bright and shiny, and mine is
somewhere else ... somewhere dark."
For some reason, his words cut deep. Sliced through her nerves like a knife. She didn't know why,
but the pain was resounding, it almost felt real, she couldn't help but prod him further.
"Why?" she asked. "If Voldemort is killed, it'll be because of you. The Order wouldn't have a
chance of getting Horcruxes or whittling down Voldemort's army if you weren't helping. Who's to
say that you wouldn't be celebrated like a hero too?"
Malfoy huffed a dry laugh and tapped his rings against the side of the bath. "I could kill Voldemort
myself, and I would still just be known as the Demon Mask. I could stand over him, wand in hand -
fuck, no, even a muggle gun in hand - pull the trigger and end his fucking life, and all anyone
would ever say about me is 'Remember the time he tried to kill Dumbledore? 'Or, 'Remember the
time he burned so and so? Or beheaded such and such?'"
"It doesn't matter what I do anymore Granger. I'm damned. People only see me as a monster, and
it's my fault, I helped them forge that painting, practically handed them the brush myself. All
anyone will ever see in me anymore is the demon horns, and they're right to.”
"I don't.” She thought she would’ve regretted her confession, thought she'd have wanted to grab the
words and shove them back down her throat as soon as she said them, but she didn't.
Instead, she felt lighter. Like it was a relief to get it off her chest.
Naked, with her enemy, with nothing but clear water between them, they were equals. Both equally
as able to kill the other, but equally as vulnerable. For the first time, she felt like she could be
honest. Open to him in a way that felt more intimate than letting him between her legs.
"I don't just see the horns when I look at you," Hermione breathed. "They're still there. I can still
see them, but they're not all I see anymore. You've done awful things, yes, but there's a lot of good
in you, too."
It was the truth, the truth that no one else knew. Kingsley wouldn't see it, neither would Ron, but
Malfoy had sacrificed and lost so much since the start of the war, and he was risking losing what
little he had left to help them.
Yes, he was doing it for the preservation of his family - he wasn't totally selfless - but he was still
helping. Willing to sacrifice his own life to keep them safe, to kill Voldemort himself or die trying.
And he'd done more damage to Voldemort's ranks in six months than the Order had done in ten
Her hand absentmindedly wandered to her shoulder, the one that had been sore and aching, but
now felt fresh and painless.
No one would ever believe he could be kind or gentle. No one would ever believe the type of man
he could be, because all they saw was the man he wanted them to see; The ruthless, bloodthirsty
Demon Mask. The one that had collapsed countless Order bases and had a kill count in the
thousands. The one everyone feared and was too scared to challenge or disobey for fear of how he
might retaliate.
He had compassion inside him, he had a heart, he just kept it under lock and key, practically
suffocated it with icy walls.
"When the war ends, your life will still be linked to mine," she said. "It doesn't matter what you've
done, Kingsley won't be able to execute you without killing me too, and as you said, Harry
wouldn't let anything happen to me.”
"I'm not going to Azkaban," he said coldly. "I'm not going to rot away in a cell for the rest of my
days. I just won't."
No, he didn't deserve to be caged, and he wouldn't be, she'd make sure of that.
His smirk grew into the beginnings of a smile. "Perhaps - it's not like Potter or anyone else would
be able to stop me.”
"I'll get you a pardon, Draco, I promise,” she said. "After everything you’ve done, you deserve to
be free.”
"We'll see," he smirked. "But I won't get my hopes up. So go on then Granger, in another life, in
this fantasy land that you've cooked up where we win, Kingsley doesn't go back on his word, and
everyone - including me - gets given a magical pardon and the world is all rainbows and love
hearts, what are you going to do?"
"In another life," Hermione said, playing along with his joke. "I would ... well, I don't know.
Before any of this happened, I always thought that I'd work for the Ministry, but now I - "
Now, the thought of sitting behind the same desk day after day, filing reports and signing
documents, getting paid to read and research it just ... it didn't appeal to her the same way it had
when she was younger. After seeing so much death, she wanted to live. Wanted to do everything,
not repeat the same motions day after day until she died.
"Everywhere. I'd see everything. I'd do everything. Live what life I've got left in me to the fullest."
Suddenly, her mind went back to the pictures on his wall. The landscapes. The lakes. The
mountains. Maybe the pictures on his wall weren't just pictures at all. Maybe they were more like
windows, windows into another life, another life that he wished he could have, places he wanted to
go, but didn't think he'd get to see.
Hermione scoffed and splashed him again. "Come with you? Have you lost the plot?"
"Does that really sound so bad? Me and you. Alone. Travelling the world together. Fighting and
fucking in every country until we're old and grey. The thrill of it would keep us young for years."
"We wouldn't get old and grey - we'd kill each other within a few years."
"Maybe." He leaned closer, closing the distance between them, and it took everything in Hermione
not to shiver as his cold hand found her knee, and slowly glided up her leg to rest on her hip. "But
think of the fun we'd have."
She shook her head and laughed, and although she smacked his hand away, she couldn't help but
smile with him. "In another life, I think I would have liked that.”
"Another life.” He smiled as he leaned back against his side of the bath. "Yes, in another life,
I wish you could have seen ...
18th December
"Draco cannot seriously expect me to live here? You wait until I get hold of him, I'll wring his pale
neck until his face turns blue."
Hermione tried her best to ignore the petite blonde as she carried the last box into the abandoned
farmhouse. Astoria had been on this rant from the moment Hermione had apparated the both of
them here from Malfoy Manor, and in the forty-five minutes Hermione had been going back and
forth between the two buildings, transporting supplies, Astoria had yet to take a breath.
"I mean, honestly! He comes from money! The Dark Lord pays him for his services in land and
gold, he's worth a fortune. The man is dripping in Galleons, and this is what he gets us as a safe
house?. Surely he can afford an upgrade! Slip someone a bit of money and get us somewhere
"That's not exactly how espionage works, Astoria,” Hermione chuckled as she set the last box
down on the kitchen table, ignoring the way the ancient wood creaked in protest. "There isn't
exactly a catalogue of possible safehouses we can flip through and pick whichever takes our fancy.
We need to think strategically, and strategically, this place has everything we need."
In truth, Hermione thought the farmhouse that Malfoy had found for their potential safe house was
lovely. It was a lot smaller than the manor, but it only made it feel more homely, and it had
everything they needed.
They needed security, four walls they could safely hide behind with windows big enough to keep a
lookout in case anyone found them. The farmhouse had that. It was small, but solid. The floors
were all panelled with pine boards that matched the beams that ran across the ceiling. There were
plenty of windows, all scattered around the house meaning they could see threats coming from
every angle.
They needed somewhere large but covered where Narcissa could sleep, and just outside, there was
a metal overhang that was filled with hay and straw. The farmers that previously resided here must
have kept their cattle and livestock inside of it. It was rusting in places, but with a little work, they
could easily accommodate it into a nest for Narcissa to sleep in. Without magic, it would have been
a tight fit, but Hermione knew enough extensions charms to make it work.
Narcissa usually slept outside under an open sky, but she was too easily recognisable, so the
overhang was the perfect place to keep her hidden - and the number of cows and goats in the
nearby field were sure to sway any aversion the dragon may feel about her new sleeping quarters.
They needed somewhere remote and out of the way, somewhere enough distance from the cities
that no one would find them, somewhere they could get lost. The farmhouse had that. It was in the
middle of nowhere. Apart from the herds of animals, there was nothing else there. No buildings, no
houses, just fields all around. Miles and miles of just green with no signs of machinery or
civilization as far as the eye could see.
Yes, it was small and neglected. Yes it only had three very small bedrooms. Yes, the wallpaper
was peeling back from the walls, and yes the kitchen and living room were dusty and cramped, but
Hermione found it had a certain charm to it.
Her favourite part of the safe house, however, was the living room. It was small and in the corner
of the house, with a stone curved archway instead of a door. There were two leather sofas and a
matching armchair in the room and a bookcase that was filled an entire wall, stacked with titles
she'd read before. But it wasn't the furniture that she admired - or the books, oddly - it was the
fireplace. A huge, open space with a metal basket of logs next to it.
In another life, she could've seen herself living in a place like this.
If the war hadn't have happened, if things were different, this safe house was just the sort of place
Hermione thought she would have lived in. Could just see herself peering through the large open
windows in the morning, watching the sunrise from the comfort of her own bed. Could just see
herself walking around the fields in the day and curling up in front of the fire at night with a book.
The farmhouse was rustic, but charming. Small, but earthy. It had a quality that seemed to have
been lost in modern architecture. Like being in a little time capsule of the past, when things were
simpler and people weren't glued to their television screens.
All it really needed was a thorough clean, a few licks of paint, and the furnishings updating.
Although the plan was working flawlessly, Malfoy was starting to get nervous. He felt the risk for
his family was mounting every time they framed someone new, so, as a precaution, he'd suggested
that Astoria and the elves get the safe house ready and start taking healing potions and emergency
supplies over, just in case they were caught.
To his way of thinking, if they got the farmhouse ready now, if and when they were eventually
exposed, they would already have everything they needed and could disappear and make their
escape quickly.
Of course, Astoria had ignored almost everything he'd said and instead of bringing essential
healing potions with her, she'd brought nothing but shoes and dresses.
Sensing that Astoria was probably going to have a small stoke when she saw the farmhouse,
Hermione accompanied her to try and 'soften the blow', as it were, but nothing could have prepared
Hermione for the disgusted - and quite frankly terrified - expression that had snapped onto the
blonde's face when she'd first laid eyes on what could possibly be her new home, should things go
"Don't worry, we don't actually have to live here unless Voldemort finds out we've betrayed him."
Hermione smiled when Astoria eyed the cobwebs gathering in the deep ceramic sink. "It's just a
"Well, I suppose we don't have to worry about Voldemort killing us off anymore - or even my
blood curse - this 'precaution’," the petite blonde snarled, crooking her perfectly manicured fingers,
"is going to finish the job off for both of them."
"God, you're so dramatic. It's a safe house, not a bloody torture chamber.”
"Are you sure?" Astoria scoffed. "Have you seen those sofa cushions? Not a torture chamber my
arse - my eyes hurt just looking at them."
Hermione smiled and shook her head. She should have known that even espionage wouldn't change
"This place is hideous."
"Do you really think so?" Hermione asked as she pulled her wand from her pocket and with a sharp
flick, all the sealed boxes opened with a quiet snap. "I think it's lovely."
"It's cold.”
"That's because the fire probably hasn't been lit in years. It'll be fine once we get it started."
"Again, it's a safe house. It's supposed to be out of the way enough so that no one will find us, but
just big enough to keep us and essential supplies safe. It's not meant to be huge and luxurious."
"Believe me, Hermione, I've been in castles and ballrooms across the country. No one could ever
accuse this place of being luxurious.” Astoria's red-painted lips curled in disgust as her eyes
scanned the room. “It's tiny."
"It's cosy."
"No, it doesn't. You're just trying to pick fault with it because you don't like it.”
Astoria's frown deepened, a tell-tale sign that she was running out of faults with the safe house.
"The windows are crooked."
"It's filthy."
"It's been abandoned for years. It just needs a little sprucing up.”
"Or burning to the ground,” the blonde muttered bitterly under her breath.
As they explored the rest of the house together and divided up the rooms, Astoria couldn't have
looked more out of place if she'd tried, walking about in a tailored blue dress that probably cost
more than the house itself, balancing on her gold platform heels and trying to avoid the dust on the
floor as though it might burn her if she got a spec of it on her skin.
The faces she made as she walked around the cottage were hilarious. Her eyebrows would lift high
whenever she found something displeasing, and she'd closed her eyes and looked away –
practically shivering in disgust – when she'd seen the dust and grime that covered the bathroom
"And this will be yours and Blaise's room,” Hermione said as she led Astoria into the master
As predicted, Astoria marched straight to the wooden wardrobe and swung the doors open.
"This is it?" she gasped as she looked at the tiny space that was to hold her things. "Where's the rest
of it?"
"Don't worry, I can cast an extension charm on the wardrobe so you can fit more inside it.”
"Five?!" the blonde gasped. "Five pairs?! Oh please, oh please, Hermione, you sweet girl, tell me
this is a joke!?"
When Hermione shook her head, Astoria flopped down on the bed with a vacant expression on her
"Oh, my -" she signed, clutching a hand to her stomach. "I need to lie down for a moment."
While Astoria contemplated what life would be like on a ration of stilettos, Hermione summoned
the boxes the blonde had brought with her and started to shuffle through them.
"If we do end up here, we'll be fugitives, Tori, - you're hardly going to be walking down catwalks,
so why do you need so many shoes?"
"Just because we're fugitives does not mean we have to dress like heathens."
"So Malfoy asked you to bring potions and knives and you brought …” Hermione whistled as she
pulled the highest pair of silver platforms she'd ever seen out of the box. "These? If we're attacked,
what good are these going to be?"
Astoria reached out and snatched the sparkly shoes from Hermione. "You just let me worry about
that, and no more negative energy around my shoes. It will make them sad."
Again, Hermione rolled her eyes. "You know Malfoy is going to be furious with you for ignoring
him? He'll likely throw those out in the mud the moment he see's them?"
Like someone had threatened the life of her firstborn child, Astoria gasped and clutched the
platforms protectively to her chest. "Shhhhhh, my babies will hear you!”
Luckily, Hermione had the common sense to pack the weapons and medical supplies, and as the
pair walked downstairs to unpack those boxes, an almighty crashing sound erupted from the
"Oh no! This is not good!" a voice squeaked. "Oh, dear! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!"
"Romy?" Hermione asked as the women re-entered the kitchen. "Is everything alright?"
"No! No, everything is not being alright!" the little elf sobbed. "Look at these pans! They is a
mess! They will be taking hours to clean! They is not good pans for cooking! Not good at all!"
The look Astoria threw Hermione could only be described as smug. "See. He understands."
After calming down a hysterical Romy - and after Astoria had a glass or two of the wine she'd
sneaked in her suitcase to calm her nerves - they started cleaning the house together.
Hermione charmed a sweeping brush and mop to thoroughly clean the floors in every room and a
duster to take care of the cobwebs, and while the charmed brushed did their jobs, Hermione went
around the house and magically cleaned the curtains.
Romy cleared all the cupboards in the kitchen. He used magic to clean the plates and pans, and he
scrubbed the cupboards, surfaces and dining table until they were sparkling.
Quinzel popped in while they worked, checking their progress and bringing them food and more of
the essential supplies that they needed, and although she'd made little comments to begin with,
while Hermione and Romy cleaned, Astoria sipped her wine and worked to make the farmhouse
more homely.
Astoria couldn't use a lot of magic to help, with her condition even the simplest spells exhausted
her, but she helped where she could. She asked Hermione to transfigure some of the many
mismatched glass tumblers into vases, which she filled with the daises that were blooming outside
and scattered around the farmhouse. She placed scented candles where she felt they were needed,
plumped and rearranged the pillows in the living room, and added the finishing touches that made
a house a home – all while wearing seven-inch heels.
By that evening, the four of them were exhausted, but the farmhouse was finally - in Astoria's
opinion - 'less torture chamber like', and when Malfoy and Narcissa landed on the field just outside
of the grounds, Astoria and Hermione dragged themselves back to their feet and went outside to
greet them.
Astoria made sure to take her half-filled glass of wine with her.
"It was fine," he answered. "We kept high in the clouds until we were just overhead to make sure
no one saw us, but unfortunately it meant this one couldn't pick up any dinner on the way over."
Narcissa huffed and shook her head slightly, sounding awfully irritated.
"Well that isn't very good," Hermione greeted as the huge beast pressed her snout against her torso
and nudged her gently, her way of saying hello. "I bet you're starving, aren't you? You poor thing."
Hermione had grown a lot more comfortable around the dragon over the last few months. She
wasn't an idiot, a small part of her still recognised that the dragon was dangerous and could break
her in half with a snap of her jaws, but it was just a small voice in the back of her head after all
these months, easily ignorable.
She still hated flying on her back to meetings with the Order, but she'd grown to appreciate
Narcissa. Grown to recognise the intelligence behind her glowing red eyes, and the heart behind
her warm scales. Yes, she was a beast, but she was sentient, she had a personality. She could be
dangerous, but she could be gentle too. She had a soul behind her teeth and claws.
"Well, we'll fix that, won't we? You're going to love it here,” Hermione said as she ran her hands
underneath Narcissa's scaled chin, finding the sensitive spot she'd discovered the dragon liked to be
petted. "There's a field just over there,” she jutted her chin towards the East, “with herds of horses
and cows and goats. You can have midnight snacks anytime you want."
The dragon purred and leaned into Hermione's hands, too distracted to react at all when Malfoy
slipped off her back and landed on the grass.
Out of the corner of her eye, Hermione could see a small smile cracking the edges of his features.
"You're getting so good with her," he said quietly. She swore she heard pride creeping into his
voice. "No one would believe that you used to be terrified of her.”
Astoria kept her distance and nursed her wine, silently observing the pair, trying - and failing - to
hide her grin behind the red liquid in her glass.
Hermione and Malfoy smiled at one another before he levitated the trunks he'd brought with him
off Narcissa's back and gently put them on the floor.
"Do you need help unpacking your things?" Hermione asked, but as she dropped her hand, Narcissa
nudged her warm snout under her elbow to encourage her to continue. "We've finished getting the
house ready. Your room is on the ground floor."
"There are only three bedrooms,” Hermione answered, shaking her head slightly. "Blaise and
Astoria have the master-"
"And that room has the biggest wardrobe,” Astoria snapped, suddenly not so silent anymore now
wardrobe space was on the table. "So if you want it, you'll have to fight me for it.”
"Theo will have the guest bedroom, and I figured you'd want to be on the ground floor - seeing as It
has the biggest window to keep a lookout and you'd be closer to Narcissa, so I'll sleep on the sofa
in the living room."
"Granger," Malfoy growled towards the sky. "Honestly, woman, I picked that room for you."
"It's already arranged so there's no point in arguing with me,” Hermione interrupted with a smirk.
"There's no other way around it.”
"Well, that's not strictly true," Astoria offered, and Hermione didn't have to look at her to hear the
smile in her voice. "The two of you could share a room. Just a thought."
The wind picked up considerably, howling and biting across everyone's skin like blunt, icy little
"The two of you should get inside," Malfoy said. "I'll be with you in a minute, I need to make sure
Narcissa has something to eat first."
"I can take care of that,” Hermione answered quickly, almost like it was a reflex. "You go inside."
"Yes, I'm sure. I'll take her to the fields with the horses."
The sound that vibrated from the dragon's throat let everyone know that Narcissa thought that was
a marvellous idea, and it was apparently the only bit of confirmation Malfoy needed.
He nodded thanks to her before he linked arms with Astoria and escorted her inside. They chatted
while they walked together, but the moment they were in the kitchen, he released her arm and
hastily made his way to the window.
Although he'd started a conversation with Astoria, Malfoy wasn't looking at her, wasn't even facing
her. His eyes were far away, watching Hermione pet and talk to the dragon through the kitchen
"Not nearly as many as I wanted to - but Hermione said she was going to cast an extension charm
on my wardrobe so I could fit more in.”
"Mmmmm," was all he hummed in response, clearly not listening.
"Did you?"
"And jewellery."
"That's nice.”
"And ballgowns.”
"Didn't bring any of the medical supplies or weapons that you asked for,” she went on, inching
closer and searching for any sign she was irritating him, like this confession should have been.
"They took up too much room in my trunk. It was either a life-saving medical kit, or my silver
platforms, but you know how I feel about my heels."
Nothing. No reaction. No snarl or scalding of any kind. Not even a fucking irritated twitch of his
brow. It wasn't until Hermione and his dragon disappeared into one of the fields that she somewhat
got his attention back.
As she poured him a glass of red wine - and refilled her own - Astoria couldn't keep the smirk off
her face.
"Thanks," he said as she handed him his glass and stood beside him. "What do you think of this
She watched his brows crease in the middle before his eyes flickered down to hers. "Then why are
you smiling?"
"Because I know."
"The bookcase? The open fire? The huge empty walls that would look beautiful with a bit of
artwork on them? Of all the farmhouses in the country, you picked this one because you thought
she would like it. Didn't you?"
He was wearing his poker face, expressionless and giving nothing away. "What makes you say
"Because if we weren't at war, it's exactly the type of place she'd want to live in.”
24th December
"Christmas Eve is supposed to be a happy time. A night you spend with family and those you love,
and I've got to spend it at this stupid Gala. Drinking with people I wouldn't feel sorry for if Theo
Avadad them right in front of me,” she scoffed humourlessly, just one short puff of air and sharp
jut of her shoulders before she shook her head. "Is it terrible of me that I wish I still had the
strength to do it myself? Stupid blood curse. It is very inconvenient."
No one asked her why she felt like that, but she answered the question anyway.
"The Carrow's are the target tonight. They've been causing quite a bit of trouble for The Order, so
Kingsley and Malfoy agree that they should go next."
The wind howled and roared in the dark sky, but it didn't drown out a response, because there was
no one there.
"Alecto has been busy developing these awful ... smoke pellet ... things, I don't know exactly what
they are, but they've been used against the Order quite a few times and the effects are gruesome.
Make your lungs and organs swell to the point you literally explode from the inside out.” Astoria
had always been very animated when she spoke, waving her hands in one direction and another
while she told the story. "Theodore said they used them at a raid yesterday. Said they made one
poor soul's body pop like a balloon. Guts and bones flying everywhere apparently." Astoria
shivered as she cut her arms out either side of her, acting out the scene Theo had described. "Of
course, that's only what he said, and I suspect he'd added a little theatrical flair when he'd told me
the story. You know what he's like."
"And Amycus is ... well, I'm not quite sure what he's been up to, but they come as a pair. We can't
frame one without the other, and with Voldemort coming apart, we can't really risk him making
weapons that could hurt the Order."
More silence, but it didn't really bother Astoria. She just spoke through it, told her story over it, let
the sound of her own voice fill the silence, creating the illusion that she wasn't alone. Wasn't
talking to herself like a complete nutter.
"Blaise and Theo are coming with me, of course, and while I'm with Amycus, Theo is going to
wine and dine Alecto and see what she knows. He looks so lovely in the grey suit I've picked out
for him; I hope you don't mind? I've made sure Blaise's suit is the same shade of emerald green as
my dress so that we match and - oh dear, I just realised! I haven't shown you my dress yet!"
Astoria parted the thick black robes she was wearing to reveal the dark green ballgown underneath,
the strapless one that went perfect with her emerald earrings and nipped her in at the waist just the
way she liked.
She did a little twirl - but then another gust of cold December air whirled around her, forcing her to
close the robe and clutch it tightly around her body. A shiver wracked its way up her shine, her
lungs suddenly ached, felt full and tender at the same time, and she took a moment to cough into
her hand.
She checked her palm, instead of red blotches, pale skin greeted her. She sighed in relief and
clutched the robes tighter around her body. At least it didn't look like she was going to be taking ill
again tonight, but she really hoped her illness would fuck off and leave her alone until boxing day.
She missed Christmas with her family last year. She didn't want to miss another one.
"Don't start.” Astoria paused and rolled her eyes. "I told Hermione that I was coming out here to
see you and she cast a warming charm on my cloak, so you don't need to worry about me being
cold. She's lovely, by the way, you would absolutely adore her.”
As she spoke, Astoria reached inside the magically warmed robes and pulled out her trusty silver
flask. She unscrewed the lid and took the first sip, savouring the way the bitter gin warmed and
soothed her throat as she sipped, like finally scratching an itch that'd been bothering her all day.
"I already know what you're thinking. I know I don't need to do this,” Astoria hushed. "I don't need
to keep going to these Gala's and checking that the ones we're going to frame actually know what
they're supposed to know. The boys could do that easily with Legilimency - or the old-fashioned
way, I suppose, Salazar knows Theodore isn't opposed to slicing off fingers and toes to get
confessions - but I want to do this. I need to do this. It's the only way I feel like I can contribute."
She paused to down more of the flask, greedily drinking from it now she was alone and away from
prying eyes. Blaise wouldn't have liked to see her like this. He'd be worried sick if he knew, and he
had so much on his mind already, she didn't want to burden him anymore.
"Draco is strong and tactical. Blaise is intelligent and cunning. Theo is ruthless. Hermione is brave
and strong, you were strong, and I just - I don't want to get left behind. I don't want to sit back and
watch them make sacrifices while I'm bound to a bed all day. I need to do something to help ... I
need to-"
She took another sip, and then chased it down with a larger gulp, feeling that familiar numbness in
her fingers and the buzz behind her eyes start to form, the one she wanted to feel all the time, every
fucking waking moment of the day.
"The boys think I'm going to run myself into an early grave, but you know how they've always
been like that.” Astoria laughed humourlessly and shook her head. "They still worry too much
about everything. It's only gotten worse since you've been gone, Daphne."
Astoria sniffed as she stared down at the empty headstone in front of her. Tears pricked her eyes
and she shook her head to banish them, plastering on that fake, bright smile that she was known for
"I can't cry," she said to no one. "We need to leave soon and I can't ruin my make-up - I just wanted
to talk to you for a moment before we left. I miss you. I miss you so much and I ... I feel like you're
missing out on everything. There's so much I wish you could have seen before ... "
No one answered her, no one ever did anymore. No one told her they missed her too. No one wiped
away her tears. No one wound their arms around her and told her it was going to be alright and that
she didn't need to be upset.
A few stubborn tears found freedom, and as Astoria wiped underneath her eyes with her index
fingers - careful not to smudge her makeup - she went on. Talking to her sisters grave as though she
was there. As though the ground below wasn't just empty space and soil and worms, but that she
was down there. That her family was there. That she'd found peace and could hear her younger
sister talk and talk and tell her all the things she was missing, all the things she would have been a
part of, if the world had been kinder.
"I wish you could see how Voldemort is coming apart because of you, because of what we're doing
for you. I wish you could see how strong the boys have become and how good Romy has gotten at
making roast potatoes. And I wish - oh Daph, I wish you could see the way Draco is with
Hermione. How protective he is of her. How much he's changed since she's been in his life. Daph,
it would just melt your heart if you could see the way he looks at her. He won't say it out loud, but
he's so taken with her.”
Astoria squeezed her eyes tightly closed, trying to trap the tears inside. She could cry later, she
could let it all out later when she was alone, but for now, she needed to keep it together.
"I wish you could see it all ... I- I don't wish you could see Theo though. He's lost without you. He's
so lonely, and no matter what I say or do, he's just broken. You took a piece of him with you, and I
wish, Merlin, I wish you'd left it here-"
Theo was in the graveyard with her, standing a few feet away from her and Daphne's headstone.
His hair was combed back - just as Astoria had instructed - and he was wearing the grey suit that
she'd picked out for him - but he was holding something else, something she hadn't told him to
wear or do.
"Those are lovely," she said, forcing a smile as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "She'll love
Before Daphne had gone, Theo had been so happy, so full of life that he'd made everyone else
around him look as though they were dead. His smiles used to be one of Astoria's favourite things
in the world. They were the warmest, most genuine things in the world, like little bottles of
captured sunlight, even when things were dark and miserable, they always had a way of lighting up
a room.
But these days, he was cold. These days, he was the one who looked like he was dead.
She didn't like the smiles he wore anymore. Hated them, in fact. They were cold and empty. The
mischievous one he wore around the house sometimes, when he was acting out made her stomach
drop, and the one she'd never seen - the one Blaise told her about - that he wore when he was
butchering people or playing with their disfigured body parts - made her want to wretch.
She hated them all because they weren't his smiles. Weren't the smiles of her kind and gentle
brother-in-law. They were someone else's, a strangers smile.
But the one he wore when Astoria was upset, missing her sister, and he was trying to cheer her up?
The one he had to force onto his face, like the contours of his mouth had fish hooks going through
them and were pulling his skin tight to force him to smile?
She hated that one the most because it reminded her of what he'd become in Daphne's absence, and
it broke her heart a little every time she saw it.
He walked towards her, and after he'd put the flowers on top of Daphne's headstone, he pulled his
wand out from his suit jacket and very gently cradled the back of Astoria's head with his free hand.
Astoria couldn't help but smile as he muttered the Glamour charm she'd taught him years ago.
Because as marvellous and ferocious as he was, Theodore Nott was the only wizard Astoria knew
who needed to use more concentration into a simple charm to fix her smudged make-up than he did
any torture or killing curse.
"There you go," he said when he was finished. "You look beautiful, Tori."
He let go of her head and put his wand back in his pocket. She noticed there was a dagger tucked
away in his suit jacket too. He never did like to go anywhere without a few extra toys to play with.
"Thank you." She smiled. "I'll give you two a moment alone. We need to leave in about fifteen
minutes. Will that be enough time for you?"
"I'll be ready."
Astoria hesitated for a moment. She shifted her weight, rocking back on her gold platform heels as
she wrestled with the indecision, but after another look at the sadness in Theo's eyes, there really
wasn't much of a choice.
She stretched her arms as high as she could and wrapped them around Theo's shoulders. She
nestled her cheek against his chest, used all her strength and pulled him into the tightest hug she
could manage. She put all her affection into that hug, hoping that if she just squeezed hard enough,
Theo might be able to feel the way he was loved by her, the way he would always be loved by her,
loved by another piece of Daphne that'd been left behind.
She hoped he could feel it, but his arms remained at his sides, almost like he didn't quite know
what to do with them, like he didn't know how to reciprocate that kind of love or warmth anymore.
Astoria didn't wait for his answer. She kissed him on the cheek and left him alone, gave him a
moment with his grief like she'd had with hers, before they'd have to slap on their fake smiles and
sip champagne with people they wanted dead.
When Theo was sure he was alone, he dropped his face into his hands, and after a deep breath
through his nose, slid them into hair.
"Hi, baby,” he said to her headstone as he crouched down in front of it. "I brought you something."
He pulled a knife from his waistcoat, and after he'd trimmed the stems and banished yesterdays
bouquet, he started arranging the new flowers he'd brought.
He cleaned the teddy bear he'd brought her last week, replaced the expired orange candle with a
fresh one, picked the silver bracelet that had fallen on the grass and draped it over the right arch at
the top of her headstone, then laid the flowers across the base, right where her date of birth should
have been carved, and the date she'd died.
It took him all but a few minutes. He did this every day, it was so routine that he could have
arranged her grave with his eyes closed.
He reached into his robes again and pulled out a plastic square; a child's toy made up of small
squares of all different colours. Something that was cheap and tacky. Something she would have
absolutely fucking loved.
A Rubix Cube.
"Taaaaadaaa,” he whispered hoarsely as he set the little thing down in front of her. "Hope you're
happy. You have no idea how difficult that was to find."
He laughed humourlessly, taking in the smooth, cold lines of the stone. One day she'd have a real
grave, he'd make sure of it. She'd have a beautiful headstone - no, no he'd find her a whole
mausoleum and fill it with her favourite flowers and 80's records and plaster posters of her
favourite bands and musicians along the walls.
He'd give her a resting place fit for a fucking queen, and then he'd lay right alongside her.
He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against the cold stone, inhaling deeply, always
disappointed that he could never replicate the way she smelled by the candles he laid out for her.
"Fucking hell, I miss you, baby. You have no fucking idea how much I miss you." He inhaled
through his nose a final time, his way of steadying himself, before he kissed the cold stone
goodbye and dragged himself to his feet. "I love you. Merry Christmas. I promise, it won't be
much longer now."
Always manage to surprise me
25th December
Despite the pitch black outside, she knew it was Malfoy that she was looking at. She'd recognise
him anywhere, his broad shoulders and strong arms were so distinctive to her now, even if his hair
wasn't so striking, she'd know it was him or a stranger.
He was sat on a fold-out wooden chair, wearing a long black coat that made the silver of his hair
all the more striking. He was facing away from her, unmoving and still as stone.
At the sound of her voice, Malfoy turned slightly in his chair, the marble statue coming back to life.
He watched her out the corner of his eye for a moment, and after a brief pause, he turned away.
Despite his coldness, Hermione wasn't discouraged. She picked a small stone up from the floor and
transfigured it into a chair like his. She placed her chair close beside his - the wooden legs
practically touching - and sat down beside him.
She hadn't seen him all day. Hadn't really seen anyone. Despite the festive period, everyone was in
low spirits. She could feel it around the Manor. The elves seemed glum, Astoria had been
unusually quiet, even Theo hadn't seemed in the mood for cruel jokes, and Hermione knew the
reason why.
The anniversary of a loved one's death always affected those left behind, Hermione knew that
herself. She always felt the loss of her parent's death as it approached each year, but the festive
period? That was different. That felt like splitting open an old wound, loss bleeding out from the
cut and leaving her empty afterwards.
Last year, she'd been cooped up in her room so she hadn't noticed, but this year, the loss of Daphne
seemed to be everywhere in the manor, her ghost like smoke that had clung to the walls and
curtains and every inch of the estate. No one could see it, but they could feel it, taste the loss like
bitter charcoal in the air.
It was after midnight and very dark outside, and despite being sat right beside him, she couldn't get
a clear look at his face.
The clouds were thick and heavy, and even though the wind roared and howled around them with
strength, they wouldn't part, wouldn't allow even a scrap of moonlight to sneak through the gaps,
wouldn't allow even the tiniest crack in the clouds so no one could possibly be comforted by the
stars above.
Hermione hadn't wanted to seek Malfoy out. She'd wanted to give him space, let him work through
whatever he needed to on his own and find her when he was ready, but with Theo, Blaise and
Astoria at the gala, and Romy and Quinzel at the safe house setting up more protections, Hermione
had nothing to distract her from the truth that was staring her right in the face.
She missed him, was starting to crave his company when he wasn't there.
She'd held out for as long as she could. She'd spent most of Christmas eve alone, busied herself
with tweaking the mural in her room, willing herself to stay away and wait for him to come and
find her.
But by eleven-fifty two pm, she was bored of painting, she'd bathed - alone - completely dried her
hair, and had nothing else to take her mind off a pair of grey-blue eyes.
She used to hate his eyes. Used to fantasise about plucking them out and throwing them into an
open fire, or putting a bullet right between them. But now, fuck - now she spent hours thinking
about them.
About them watching her, the way they sometimes did when he thought she wasn't looking ...
What they might look like lit up by the fire in the farmhouse ...
How blue they might look when his Occlumency walls were completely down ...
She shouldn't have gone to him. He clearly wanted time to himself, and she should have honoured
that - but when she'd glanced at the clock and read twelve-fifteen in the morning - Christmas Day -
her decision was made.
Because whether he wanted her there or not, no one should be alone and miserable on Christmas
She'd dressed quickly, grabbing a pair of leggings and a thick wool jumper and wrapping a long
black coat around her body. She'd pulled on her knee-high boots, and after a quick glance in the
mirror to check her appearance, she'd picked up the little parcel that was sitting on top of her vanity
and left her room.
She'd found him Immediately. She didn't bother searching the rest of the manor, she knew exactly
where he'd be: in the Malfoy family cemetery, cigarette in hand and staring at a blank headstone.
She knew she'd find him there, because it was where he always seemed to gravitate whenever he
had something on his mind.
He didn't answer her. She watched him place the end of a cigarette in his mouth, and as he inhaled
and pulled a deep drag of nicotine into his lungs, the end of the bud ignited, the embers casting just
enough light to illuminate his face, and she was able to see him properly for the first time that day.
The stress was clear on his face, evident in the lines around his eyes and the tightness of his jaw.
She could see in his eyes how tired he was. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and his eyes
were almost completely grey. He'd been occluding, heavily, by the looks of it.
"Why are you out here at this hour?" she asked. "Aren't you cold?"
He held up his other hand, the one on the other side and hidden in shadow. In the little light she
had, she saw the outline of a whiskey bottle.
"Ah, nothing like Firewhiskey to warm your bones up,” Hermione nodded, understanding.
"Although I am a little offended that you've raided your father's stash, and have cigarettes, and you
didn't ask me to join you.”
She held out her hand for the bottle, and he wordlessly passed it over to her and took another drag
of his cigarette. The whiskey was nice, it was the same brand she'd stolen from his father's supply
once. She took three swigs before she handed it back to him.
Minutes later, he still hadn't spoken, still hadn't looked at her. He clearly wanted to be on his own,
but something in his eyes told her not to leave him alone.
"When was the last time you slept?" she asked, and after a few seconds silence - when it became
clear he still wasn't going to answer her, she added, “Because you look like shit.”
His cold eyes finally flickered to hers. "Yeah?" Malfoy huffed, the exhale fanning smoke in her
direction. "You look like a bloody Dementor, dressed all in black. All your missing is the hood."
His voice was hard and his eyes were dead, but at least she'd managed to get a reaction out of him.
It was a start.
Hermione leaned into him slightly and inhaled some of the second-hand smoke.
Earth. Spearmint. Fresh parchment and smoke. It was so uniquely him, and she hated that it had
become her favourite mix of flavours.
He took another drag, slipped the cigarette out of his mouth, and offered her the end. She took it
with greedy fingers and inhaled deeply.
"How long have you been out here?" she asked, trying to draw a conversation out of him. As
Hermione blew the smoke out her mouth, she flicked the ash off the end.
"A while.” His voice was clipped, almost monotone, no real feeling behind it.
"A while."
Hermione nodded and took another drag. "Did Astoria say what time she would be back?"
Malfoy rolled his jaw and leaned his head back against the chair, still not in the mood for
conversation. “No.”
"This,” he answered, voice growing a little sharper, a little more irritated, a little more alive.
Hermione sat frozen in her chair for a moment or two, watching his chest heave in anger and his
nostrils flare, and after a brief pause, searing anger shot through her veins. "Alright, have it your
way then,” she snapped as she dropped the expired bud to the floor.
She didn't care how upset he might have been, she wasn't going to be spoken to like that, not when
she was only trying to help. She should have just fucking stayed in her room.
She sat up sharply from her chair, but just as she squashed the cigarette under her boot and turned
to leave, an icy hand closed around her wrist.
Hermione's eyes snapped down to find Malfoy staring up at her. He had his wand in his hand and
had wordlessly cast a Lumos charm so she could see him. Perhaps he thought it would be easier to
reason with her if he could see her reactions, she didn't know, but it meant she could see him too.
Thick streaks of blue were breaking the grey in his eyes, like light bolts of lightning against a dull
"I'm sorry,” he whispered, and she felt his hand tighten around her wrist like he thought she was
going to bolt if he didn't keep an iron grip on her. "I didn't mean that, I'm sorry. Please, stay - stay
with me.”
There was no hesitation in his voice, and something about his eyes and the way he said those
words ... undid her. Doused whatever fiery anger had been sparked by his temper.
"Alright," she answered after a moment. "But if you speak to me like that again, I'm gone.
Malfoy nodded, accepting the terms, but he didn't let go of her wrist until she sat back down beside
Hermione folded her arms across her chest, but when he held the whiskey bottle out to her, a peace
offering, she snatched it from him and took a long sip.
Malfoy took another cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it with his wand and then put the tool back
in his coat, making the only source of light the cigarette end again.
Despite his apology, he wasn't quite ready to speak for another few minutes, so they didn't. Instead,
they sat in silence, wordlessly trading the whiskey bottle and cigarette between each other, smoking
and drinking side by side, and it wasn't until the bottle was almost halfway to being empty that he
finally broke the silence.
"I am sorry, Granger," he said. "I didn't mean to snap at you the way I did."
"I know,” she sighed. "And I'm sorry today is so difficult for you all. I can only imagine how
painful it must be.”
She saw Malfoy nod out the corner of her eye. She couldn't see his face, but she could tell he was
still staring at Daphne's grave.
Listening to him now, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He and Daphne may not have been
related by blood, but they were as close as brother and sister. Losing his parents - his mother
especially - had hurt him immeasurably, but losing Daphne had destroyed him and everyone else
that remained in Malfoy Manor.
"Daphne would have thought this was daft, you know,” he suddenly said out of nowhere.
Hermione's brows furrowed as she stared at him through the darkness. "She would have thought
what was daft?"
"This," he said, gesturing to himself and then the headstone. "The way we're all so attached to this
grave even though she's not buried here. If she could see us, she'd shake her head and say that
we've all lost the plot. She'd say "life is for the living and you're wasting it by sitting next to a piece
of bloody rock?" She'd say, "You want to honour me? Then go and drink whiskey until you can't
see and dance on the tables until you can't feel your feet". Daph loved life, was always the life and
soul of every party, and she'd slap us if she could see how miserable we all are without her.”
He laughed bitterly to himself and shook his head, but there was no humour in his voice.
"She'd think it was silly the way we all dote on this grave, but honestly, this piece of rock is the
only thing that makes any of us feel connected to her anymore,” he whispered, eyes heavy and on
the empty headstone below. "Theo brings it gifts because he feels like he owes her his life. Blaise
maintains her grave and cleans it every day because that was the way she was in life, always
perfectly put together. And Astoria honours her with the material things. Daph loved clothes and
shoes, so Astoria visits her grave every day and gives the bloody headstone a fashion show. It's
ridiculous, but we all do what we can to keep her alive, even if it's just in our own heads."
He turned in his chair slightly and even though she couldn't see them, she could feel his eyes on
her. "Just ... sit and talk to her.”
"About what?"
Malfoy put the cigarette bud to his lips and inhaled. "Sometimes I read to her, just little extracts
from books that I think she'd like or poems I think she'd enjoy.” He paused to take another drag,
and as he exhaled a thick stream of smoke, he passed the cigarette to Hermione. She could see his
expression softening each time it was illuminated in the cigarette's embers. "But mostly I tell her
about the things she's missing. I update her on what's been happening on missions, I tell her how
Astoria is getting on and how much Theo misses her, and then I pour a dribble of whiskey on her
headstone and leave."
"Because when we were teenagers, Theo, Daphne and I used to break into my father's supply and
steal it.” She heard him laugh bitterly in the darkness, saw the flash of perfect white teeth in the
little light she had. "We'd sit under his desk in his study, hiding, and pass the bottle between
ourselves until we got caught or one of us threw up.”
Hermione couldn't help but laugh at the image that popped into her mind. She could just see the
scene he'd described; Daphne, Theo and Draco, barely teenagers, sneaking through the dark halls
of the manor, army crawling across the expensive carpets to try and sneak into Lucius's study
undetected, giggling like idiots and noses crinkling in disgust as they downed the expensive spirit.
"Do you ever talk to her about me?" she asked as she passed the bud back to him. She wasn't
finished with it. She hadn't even taken another drag, she just wanted to see his face again.
“Ah,” he smiled a little after he took another drag, eyes crinkling at the corners slightly. "Well,
that's between me and her, I'm afraid."
Hermione smiled back at him, but she wasn't sure if he could see it. "Where's all this come from?"
she asked. "Why are you telling me all of this?"
He shrugged and placed the bud back between his lips. "Didn't we agree to be honest with each
other from now on?"
They had, that day in the bath, but Hermione had just assumed that their little truce would end
when the bubbles had dissolved and the bathwater had eventually run cold. Apparently, in his
opinion, the pact was a little more binding than that, and she didn't see a reason to argue.
"Well, in the spirit of being honest with each other," she whispered, reaching into her pocket. "I
have another agenda for seeking you out tonight. I've brought you something."
Through the little light from the cigarette, she saw suspicion dance in the grey that was left in his
Hermione pulled the small rectangular parcel out of her pocket and handed it to him. "Merry
Christmas, Draco."
He took his wand out and cast another Lumos charm as he took the gift from her. He tried his best
to hide it, but she saw the way his eyes widened when he took the gift, and she heard the way his
breath hitched slightly when he pulled back the silver-blue wrapping paper and saw what was
"Is this ...?" he asked, his voice trailing off as he stared at the simple wooden picture frame in his
"The northern lights?" she answered, smiling. "Yes. I thought it might be a nice addition to the
pictures on your bedroom wall. I've always wanted to see them. It's one of the first places I'd want
to visit when the war ends."
His eyes flickered up to hers for a brief moment. "Did you paint this?"
His eyes drifted back to the picture in his hand. He ran his fingers delicately over the glass, his
touch was feather-light, barely there, like he was scared he might crack the glass with anything
other than the faintest touch.
He opened his mouth and then closed it again. She'd never seen him at a loss for words before, and
she never expected he'd be rendered speechless by something so simple.
"Thank you," he whispered after a few moments. "This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever
given me." He looked up at her again. He caught her hand in his own, and holding it just as
carefully as he'd run his fingers along the glass frame, he brought the back of her hand to his mouth
and kissed her knuckles. "You always manage to surprise me.”
"Why are you so surprised by a simple act of kindness?"
He scoffed and lightly squeezed her hand in his. "Maybe it's because I feel like I don't deserve it -
least of all from you.”
Angels, Kittens, and a girl named Chester
25th December
This Gala was just as beautiful as all the others Astoria had been to. Littered with men wearing
their finest robes and women in their most lavish jewellery, showing off the wealth their service to
the Dark Lord had afforded them. The walls were just as filled with laces tapestries, vases just as
overflowing with exotic flowers and tables just as filled with expensive champagne.
As far as Gala's went, Astoria thought Yaxley was doing an alright job of hosting, although she
recognised that the décor was far too elegant for him to have chosen by himself. He'd most
certainly had help. As far as the eye could see, everything was normal, but the eyes couldn't detect
the tension in the air. Eyes couldn't see past the gentle jazz music and sense the tension and
suspicion. Eyes couldn't see past the forced smiles the guests wore and feel the mounting unease
that filled the room like poison.
Draco had told her that Voldemort had encouraged this event to go ahead. He wanted to cast the
illusion that everything was normal, that he was thriving and there was nothing to worry about. He
wanted his followers distracted, drunk on glittering parties and champagne flutes so they didn't see
the chaos and anarchy that was going on within the inner circle. And as the guests mingled and
socialised around her, Astoria nursed her gin martini at the bar and watched.
Theo was already with Alecto. It'd been far too easy for him to charm her into having a drink with
him in private. She'd had a thing for him for years, used to ogle at him from across the table in the
Death Eater meetings and volunteer to go on missions with him. However, as soon as Daphne had
noticed her obsession, she’d quickly stamped it out.
Years ago, Alecto had tried to grab Theo's hand when she thought no one was looking, Daphne had
seen, and politely told Alecto that if she ever touched him again, she would cut off the offending
limb - and anything else she tried to touch Theo with.
Alecto had stayed far away from Theo after that, but her resentment for Daphne had only grown,
and she'd been all too vocal about her approval to execute Daphne - 'the traitor' - all those years
Astoria just hoped Theo had the restraint to search her memories like they planned and not kill her
on the spot, even if it was what she deserved.
Blaise had popped off to speak to Yaxley a few minutes ago, and while Astoria had intended to
keep an eye on Amycus, to wait for him to get to just the right level of tipsy before she made her
move, she'd hardly paid him any attention.
Instead, she'd been mesmerised watching Barty Crouch Jr and his dolls.
He'd brought three girls with him. They were all exceptionally young and so gorgeous that they
pulled the eyes of every Death Eater in the room. The first one Astoria noticed was a petite blonde
with blue eyes and a full thick fringe that she kept trying to hide behind. Her hair was curled to
shoulder length and she wore a shimmery pink dress and diamonds around her neck. The second
girl she saw had blue eyes and fiery red hair that was curled to perfection and trailed all the way
down to her hips. She wore a bright scarlet dress with a deep V on the front that left nothing to the
imagination. And the final girl was tall, much taller than the other two. She had shoulder-length
brown hair, brown eyes, high cheekbones and full lips. Crouch had dressed her in a one-shoulder
black dress, and although she looked nothing like her, she was the same tall, lean build as Daphne
had been.
It was vile to watch how Barty treated them, but no one else seemed to really take notice. They got
him drinks when he snapped his fingers. They sat on his lap when he told them to and kissed him
when he said so, and they all looked at the floor whenever Crouch spoke to someone else,
expressions as dead as their eyes.
They were all beautiful, but it was a sad beauty. Lifeless attractiveness. The same type of beauty
that could be found on mannequins in shop windows. They didn't glow or smile, they looked
empty. Empty little dolls that Crouch had the strings to, puppeting their lives just as he'd puppeted
Daphne's execution.
"She's not with them." Astoria didn't have to turn around to know that it was Theodore. "He never
brings the Mustang with him anymore."
He ordered himself a whiskey - and another gin martini for Astoria - and she heard the barstool
beside her creak as he sat down.
"I know. I've only ever seen her that once," she said as she downed what was left of her drink and
reached for the fresh one. "You don't think he killed her for trying to talk to you, do you?"
Theo took a healthy swig of whiskey before he answered her question. "No, he said she was his
favourite. He likes her too much to get rid of her." Another swig drained the last of the glass, and
after he put the empty tumbler back on the table, he signalled the barman for another. "Although I
don't necessarily think that's a good thing."
Astoria shivered slightly. Her stomach churned in disgust, and she attempted to settle it with
another sip of gin. "Poor thing is probably better off dead. They all are."
A few minutes later, Blaise pulled himself a stool beside his wife and ordered himself a drink. He
kissed her cheek as he sat down on the other side of her, and they made idle chit chat and took bets
on which room Hermione and Malfoy would fuck in that night whilst they waited for Amycus to
down a few more drinks.
Astoria had been just about to make her move, when she spun on her chair and bumped into the
last witch she ever expected to see at one of these Galas.
"Sorry, deary. Didn't mean to startle you." The shrill, God awful sound of Bellatrix's voice had
always gone through Astoria. Always made the hairs on the back of her arms raise and made her
stomach knot nervously, and coupled with the way she flashed her rotten teeth, Astoria had to work
extra hard to keep the smile on her face.
"Bellatrix. Barty," Astoria greeted warmly. All smiles and politeness, all fake and practised. "How
lovely to see you both."
Bellatrix looked like she'd fought to get into the Gala, quite literally like she'd had to brawl at the
doors to force her way inside. She was wearing a low cut black dress that looked like it was at least
twenty years old and would have been much more at home in a rubbish bin. Her nails were long
and as discoloured as her teeth, and the wonders of a comb were lost on the infamous female
Demon Mask, and apparently, so were glamour charms.
"Why, Ms Greengrass, you are a vision," Barty chuckled, smiling in a way that Astoria supposed
was meant to be devilish and handsome, but just made her want to wretch instead. "You make my
girls look like the back end of a Grindylow.”
Crouch Jr was flanked by the three dolls he'd brought with him, and Astoria noticed the way they
all flinched slightly, as if it were a crime to be less beautiful and appealing to Crouch than another
woman was.
"You're too kind, Crouch," Astoria answered, nodding her head in thanks even though she'd much
rather punch him in the throat. "But how could you say such a thing? The ladies you've brought
with you are beautiful. And it's Astoria Zabini, now," she said, holding her hand up and letting the
diamond on her ring glitter in the lights. "Remember?"
"Of course, how silly of me to forget." Crouch Jr licked his bottom lip and grinned wickedly at her.
"Although, I'm not sure why you changed it. Greengrass suited you much better. So much prettier."
Although Astoria kept the sweet smile on her face, the way Crouch Jr looked at her made her skin
crawl. His beady eyes raked over her, lingering on the parts of her legs that her dress left exposed.
She instantly wished she'd worn a floor-length gown rather than a knee-length one. He didn't try
and hide the fact that he was ogling her, either, despite her overprotective husband standing right at
her side.
"Careful, Jr,” Blaise said, wrapping his hand protectively around her waist. "Try and charm my
wife whilst I'm stood beside her again, and I may just have to put you in your place."
"Careful, Zabini,” Crouch responded. "Talk to me like that again, and I might just take your wife
for myself."
Theo was deadly silent from his stool. Bellatrix cackled loudly and sipped her wine, crazed eyes
flickering between the men.
Blaise had never been one to brawl in public, but everyone knew Astoria was the exception to that
rule, but just as she'd been sure her husband was about to throw the first punch, Blaise stood and
hooked his arm through hers. "Crouch. Bellatrix. I'm going to need my wife back for a moment, so
please, do excuse us.”
Astoria nodded the pair goodbye and let her husband guide her away. He smiled down at her and
chatted animatedly as he pulled her through the crowd, the image of calm and ease, but as soon as
he'd pulled her into a private room, his expression changed completely.
Blaise checked every corner of the room and cast a silencing charm before he would speak. "The
Dark Lord is calling Theo and I.”
Astoria felt the practiced smile drop from her face. "No, we can't leave yet! I haven't talked to
"There's no time for now. Darling, I can't leave you alone here and I can't keep him waiting-"
The sound of the door creaking open snapped Blaise's mouth shut.
"Relax, it's only me,” Theo whistled as he peeked his head through the gap. "But we need to
Theo rolled his eyes but for once, did as he was told. "Alright. Sorry mum."
"I can't leave until I've talked to Amycus,” Astoria started. "The two of you should go to
Voldemort, I'll stay here and -"
"Absolutely out of the question,” Blaise interrupted, his eyes widening in horror. "You can't expect
me to leave you here -"
"I'll be okay-"
"No. If you get caught and I'm not here to protect you-"
"Mate, she'll be fine," Theo hushed, crossing the room and patting Blaise's shoulder. "She's a big
girl. We were running this hustle for years by ourselves and she was alright whenever I left her on
her own. She knows what she's doing. She doesn't need you to protect her every waking moment of
the day.”
All the men around the manor coddled Astoria, they had ever since they'd learned about her blood
curse, and it'd only gotten worse after Daphne's death, but Theo was a little different. He didn't
suffocate her like Blaise sometimes did, and he didn't treat her like she might break at the slightest
touch like Draco. If she told Theo that she was strong enough to do something, he believed her. He
always let her do what she needed to do, and believed that she had the strength to do it.
It took a few more minutes of discussion - and Theo being forced to hand over the dagger in his
robes to Astoria for protection and a 'panic button' charm being placed on the perfume bottle in her
bag, meaning that Theo and Blaise would be alerted if she needed them - before Blaise was
persuaded to leave her. She walked the pair of them to the entrance and waved them goodbye as
they Apparated away, and for the next hour, she enacted the plan by herself, just as she had done
many times before.
Amycus was all too easy to charm. The moment she'd handed him a gin martini - the cocktail she'd
learned was his drink of choice through her quiet observations - he was putty in her hands, and
within twenty minutes of getting him into a private room, she had him spilling invaluable secrets as
though they were nothing more than tit bits of gossip, including a new base in Kent that Voldemort
was in the process of setting up.
When she was eventually finished and he was sleeping off the hangover Astoria had helped to
induce, she obliviated him, leaned him - somewhat comfortably - in the armchair he'd fallen asleep
in, and made her escape.
She slipped back into the party effortlessly, grabbing a champagne flute from a nearby waiter and
socialising with the first Death Eater she came into contact with, making sure her presence was
known. Waves of nausea and fatigue washed over her throughout the night- a side effect of her
blood curse and the Obliviate she'd used to erase Amycus's memory of their interactions. Her hands
shook, but she chased the tremors away with champagne and gin. She was downing her fourth
glass and discussing the latest fashions with Rabastan’s wife, when she felt cold breath on the back
of her back.
"Why don't me and you go somewhere a little more..." the low voice hushed. "Private, Ms
Astoria turned slightly to see none other than Crouch Jr leering down at her.
Crouch gave Rabastan’s wife a look, and she nodded her goodbye and promptly left the pair alone.
"I already told you, It's Zabini now," Astoria corrected him, again, knowing that he was trying to
irritate her intentionally. "And no, thank you. I'm fine."
"One drink won't hurt, love," he teased as he leaned in closer. His breath reeked of cheap liquor, it
took considerable effort for Astoria not to wretch right then and there. "Come with me, Yaxley
keeps the real gin in his private quarters."
Crouch draped a hand around her shoulder and pulled her into his side. "The room is this way."
"I said no.” She tried to elegantly wriggle out of his grasp, but Crouch's long fingernails dug into
her arm.
"Don't be like that, one drink. I promise you'll enjoy yourself. I'm much more fun than your
Astoria cocked a brow as she stared up at him. "Do you understand the meaning of the word, 'no'?"
Crouch licked his lips and again, his eyes flickered down to her legs. "Not when it comes from the
mouth of something as pretty as you, no.”
Although Astoria's heart was in her throat, beating at what felt like a million miles an hour, Crouch
wouldn't have known. To look at her, Astoria was calm and perfectly composed.
It was a bad idea to be alone with Crouch, but it wasn't like she had the strength - or the magic - to
fight him off, and even if she did make a scene and ask for help, she doubted anyone would have
interfered. After Daphne's 'betrayal', the Greengrass family's reputation was tarnished, and Crouch
had been considered a bloody war hero since he'd helped resurrect Voldemort.
Her presence at these events was merely tolerated. Yes, men liked to look at her and women liked
to pick her brain about the latest fashions, but that was it, it wasn't real, they didn't like her any
more than she liked them. Her only real friends were those who lived in Malfoy Manor, and if it
wasn't for her husband’s rank as Gold Mask - and Draco and Theo's ruthless, murderous
reputations - she probably would have been outcast from society years ago.
People were nice to her out of fear of what Blaise, Draco or Theo might do to them if they weren't -
but Crouch didn't seem to share that fear. He liked to play games almost as much as Theo did, and
she got the awful feeling that he'd been biding his time for a chance to play with her.
She knew Crouch wouldn't kill her. He probably wouldn't hurt her physically, either, she doubted
even he was brave enough to do that, but whatever reason he wanted to be alone with her for, it
couldn't have been good.
Astoria looked around the room, and those around her averted their stares, brave enough to turn a
blind eye to Crouch's behaviour now her bodyguards weren't here to protect her. She stared back up
at Crouch, and although the smile on his face made a chill ride up her spine, she didn't see another
option, and so, she went - somewhat willingly - with the man who'd done everything but slice the
axe into her sisters back himself.
Blaise would have had a stroke if he knew what she was doing, but Astoria hoped that if she played
along, if she humoured Crouch for half an hour, his obsession might die and he'd let her go.
And if the worst happened, she had the panic button to call the boys.
She let him guide her through the crowd and into a private room on the second floor. The walls
were painted a deep red and the lights were dimmed to the darkest setting. There was a bar in the
corner, fully stocked, and an obnoxiously large velvet sofa in the middle of the room. Crouch's
dolls were already there, lined up against the wall and eyes cast down at the floor.
Astoria tried to quiet the way her heart hammered violently in her chest as he guided her to the sofa
and urged her to take a seat. He walked over to the bar, and although his back was facing her, she
heard liquid being poured and the clinking of ice against glass.
When he'd finished with the drinks, he flopped down on the sofa beside her and placed the two
glasses on the table. He sat uncomfortably close to her and she jumped slightly when he placed a
hand on her exposed knee.
"Your girls are all very lovely," Astoria said, trying to take control of the uncomfortable situation.
"Why don't you tell me their names?"
Her fake interest in the girls seemed to do the trick, because, after a brief deliberation, Crouch got
up and sauntered over to them. And Astoria could breathe a little easier when there was some
much-needed space between them.
She put her clutch on her lap, the panic button within reach if she needed it.
Astoria smiled warmly at the girl. "Angel? That's unusual. Why did your mother call you that?"
Again, Crouch laughed loudly. Astoria noticed the way Angel and the brunette flinched at the
"She can't speak, love," Crouch smirked. "None of them can, and her mother didn't call her Angel,
that's what I named her when I got her.”
Although Astoria smiled and nodded once, inside, she wanted to scream. She'd always known that
Crouch was a vile man, the worst sort of person that could ever exist, but this? This was too much.
It wasn't enough for him to dehumanize the girls by keeping them as slaves. It wasn't enough that
he took away their rights, their interests, it wasn't enough that he crushed their spirits in every way
imaginable by Merlin only knew what he did to them each night.
He gave them pet names as well, as though they were nothing more than dogs to him. Objects that
he owed and had the right to rename.
"Why do you call her that?" Astoria asked, trying to keep Crouch distracted while she discreetly
opened her clutch, the panic button getting closer.
Angel had been very still throughout the entire interaction. Her pale blue eyes were dull as she
stared at her sparkly heels, but the moment Crouch's hand closed around her slim arm and yanked
her to his side, her mouth dropped open in a silent yelp and her eyes snapped up.
And in the instant they locked with Astoria's, Astoria was frozen.
Help me. The words were so clear on the poor girl's face they might as well have been written into
her irises.
Help me.
Help me.
It only lasted a moment. Astoria didn't know what Angel had been like before, if she was loud or
funny, had no idea if she'd been an anxious girl before Crouch had taken her or if she'd been full of
life, but she was incredibly meek now.
Angel was demure and skittish. She squeezed her eyes closed as Crouch licked the side of her face,
but she didn't try and fight him off. She just froze, and when the ordeal was over, she relaxed and
went back to staring at her shoes.
"I call her Angel," Crouch said, "because she's as pretty as an angel, and just as sweet as one. Aren't
you, my dear?" He pulled the girl closer and buried his nose in her hair, and when he inhaled
deeply, a grotesque sort of whistle echoing from his nostrils, Angel and the brunette flinched and
looked away.
The girl with red hair, however, narrowed her eyes and scowled at the back of Barty's head, but
when he turned around to grab her too, she was all smiles and sweetness.
"I call this one Chester,” Crouch continued as he motioned her forward. "Found her after a raid in
Chester. She was in a bar we'd destroyed, hiding under some tables with a crowbar in her hands,
and I knew right then and there that I had to have her."
Chester reacted very differently around Crouch than Angel did. She pushed her way towards him,
quite literally unhooked his claws from Angel's arms and shoved her backwards so she could nestle
against him in Angel's place.
She looked up at Crouch affectionately. She kissed his cheek without him telling her to, and
wrapped her arms around him of her own accord. In fact, whenever Crouch was looking at her, she
looked the picture of happiness and loyalty, but the moment he looked away, the smile dropped
and her true feelings showed. Her affection was all an act.
The persona of loving devotion was fake, like a character she'd created to keep herself safe.
Chester clearly hated Crouch just as much as the others did - but whether Crouch was aware of that
or not, were two entirely different things.
"And the last one?" Astoria pressed, jutting her chin out towards the last girl. "What do you call
"I call her Kitten," Crouch said. "She's ... new.” That was the only introduction he gave Kitten.
Didn't say anything more about her or try and pull her forward. Chester was keeping him too
distracted to give Kitten the time of day.
Astoria tilted her head slightly and tried to catch Kitten's attention, to see if the same cry for help
was reflected in her soft brows eyes as it had been in Angels, but she carried on looking at the floor,
folding her arms around her body like she was trying to hide.
"Enough," Crouch smiled as he pried Chester's hands off of him. "There's plenty of time for that
later. Take the other girls and wait outside for me. I want a moment alone with Mrs Greengrass.”
Chester shook her head and stomped her heel on the floor. She pouted when Crouch took her face
in his hands.
"It's alright," he soothed. "It'll just be for a few minutes. Take the girls and stand outside. I'll knock
when you can come back in.”
Astoria's stomach dropped in terror. She slipped her hand into her purse, and very slowly, started
reaching for the panic button -
But when Crouch turned his back to her, Astoria's eyes flickered up and that's when she noticed.
Angel was trying - very subtly - to catch her attention. Her dull blue eyes locked on the two glasses
briefly, and then she looked at Astoria again and gently shook her head.
Astoria furrowed her brow in response and dipped her head slightly, jutting her chin towards the
Angel shook her head again and mouthed - very clearly, Don't. Drink.
Had Crouch slipped something in Astoria's drink? The more she thought about it, the more
possible it seemed. She'd heard him make the drinks, but she hadn't seen him make them. He'd
made them at the bar and he'd had his back to her, keeping the concoction completely out of her
line of sight.
He could have easily put something in her drink, but he knew Theo and Blaise's reputations. He
knew how protective they were of her and how much pain they'd put him through if he did actually
hurt her. That alone should have been enough to keep Astoria - and her drink - safe.
But Crouch wasn’t just a slimy, power hungry, dog of a man, he was clever and crafty. “Always
keep an eye on that one,” Daphne used to say about him, “He’s always up to something, even when
you think he isn’t.” And Astoria wasn’t about to take chances with someone like him.
After Crouch had ushered his dolls outside - and locked the door behind him - he sat back down on
the sofa beside Astoria.
"Now, that's much better." He smirked down at her as he rested his hand on her knee again. "Don't
you think?"
Astoria smiled sarcastically as she grabbed Crouch's hand and sharply tore it off her leg.
Crouch scoffed and licked his bottom lip again. "Relax, it's only a hand on your knee. It's quite
innocent - for now. What's a few lingering touches between old friends?"
"Barty," Astoria started, voice soft and gentle as a bird. "You can touch me with whatever you
wish to, it's not like I could stop you, but you know that the three men I live with have quite the
tempers, and if I ask them to, I'm sure they'd take great pleasure in removing any appendages that
touch me without my consent."
Crouch's eyes widened slightly as he sunk back into the velvet sofa, giving her a little space, and
with the first danger seemingly quelled for a moment, she moved on to the second.
"Would you mind closing that window?" she asked demurely, frowning and looking up at Crouch
through her lashes. "I'm quite cold."
After all these years of espionage and slipping things into men's drinks that she shouldn't have,
sleight of hand was second nature for Astoria. She just needed to distract him with something else
while she worked her magic.
Crouch grinned enthusiastically and nodded. "Of course.” And as he turned his back to her to close
them with his wand, Astoria quickly - and silently - swapped his tumbler for hers.
Whatever he'd put in her drink, it took effect almost instantly. After a mere two sips of the drink
intended for Astoria, Crouch started to slur, and a few minutes after the liquid had touched his lips,
his body went limp, like all his bones had been liquified and there was nothing else left to hold
himself up with anymore.
Given her illness, she didn't want to think about the effect it might have had on her. The results
would have been horrifying.
As she scowled down at Crouch's face, years of anger and resentment boiled in Astoria's blood. All
she could see when she looked down at him was the way he'd smiled at Daphne's execution. The
way he'd licked his lips as her sister had been tied to the podiums and the way he'd cheered with
thunderous applause when the axe had been brought down on her spine and her ribs had been torn
He'd already spat on the Greengrass name once, and that wasn't enough for him. Now, he wanted
to spit on it a second time by doing -
No. She didn't want to think about why Crouch had spiked her drink. It made her feel sicker than
she already felt. He may have been helpless now, but he was far from innocent.
"You just can't help yourself, can you?" Astoria snarled as she stood up. She kicked his shin as
hard as she could and watched him flop onto his side. "You have all those beautiful girls out there,
and it still isn't enough for you. Is it? You still want more, you monster!" She shook her head and
started ruffling through her clutch for the panic button. She wasn't in danger anymore, she just
wanted to go home. She'd had enough, couldn't bear to look at Crouch's face for even another
moment, and her fatigue was starting to get the better of her.
"So beautiful … Greengrass,” Crouch slurred under his breath, head rolling against the back of the
sofa. "Look so much... like your sister ... but Daphne ... is so beautiful ... even more beautiful …
than you.”
"'Was' more beautiful," Astoria corrected with a hiss, not bothering to hide her resentment for the
filth below her anymore. "Or have you forgotten the part you played in her execution?"
A horrid, drunken grin stretched across Crouch's thin lips. "So beautiful. So ... fiery."
"Is that why you had her killed?" Astoria couldn't stop herself. "Because she was fiery?"
Crouch tried to sit up, but his head flopped to the side.
He was pathetic, helpless, mouth hanging open and saliva starting to dribble down the side of his
chin. She wondered how many times he'd done this to his dolls, and she had half a mind to leave
the dagger on the coffee table for one of the girls to find. From the hate in Chester's eyes, she
probably wouldn't have hesitated for a moment to slit his throat open.
Her fingers brushed against the cold metal of the dagger, and her eyes snapped up to Crouch.
Because he was helpless, practically comatose by his own hand. They were alone, and Astoria had
just the tool in her hand that could end his life.
Malfoy and Blaise would be furious at her for deviating from the plan, but when an opportunity
presented itself so beautifully, well, she'd have been a fool not to take it.
Theo would understand. After it was done, she'd call him here and he'd figure out a way around
Perhaps they could get Amycus's body in here and stage it to look like they'd had a fight? Stage it
to look like Amycus was the spy, Crouch found out, and they'd fought and both of them had ended
up dying.
It wouldn't be hard to plant evidence on Amycus, they had plenty of fake letters, Deluminators, and
countless incriminating objects stored at the manor. Of course, they'd have to kill Amycus too, and
erase the memory of Astoria ever having a drink with Crouch from all the doll's memories, but it
could work. It'd certainly be difficult, given the party that was going on outside, but Theo could
make it work. He'd be disappointed that he hadn't been able to kill Crouch himself, but he wanted
the vile bastard dead just as much as she did. Probably more.
Astoria knelt down on the sofa and hovered over Crouch. She touched the blade against his throat,
but just before she could slit it open, he spoke again.
"Should be ... flattered ... I've taken interest in you … you know."
Astoria paused and stared at Crouch's face. He looked like he was asleep. "What?"
"Should be flattered ... I find you … appealing. The Dark Lord ... trusts me... You'd be lucky to be
... mine."
"Is that so?" she asked. That was news to her, Draco hadn't mentioned it, but she supposed Crouch
might just have been saying it to impress her. She had no idea what was in the liquid he'd spiked
her drink with. Even severely drugged, he still felt he had something to prove. He really was
"Yes," Crouch slurred. "Told me ... to hide … Horcrux for him. Big job … doesn't trust anyone
else with it. Only I know ... where it is.”
Astoria's eyes widened in shock. She pulled the blade away from his throat. "I thought only
Bellatrix knew where Nagini was being kept?"
Despite the noise being slurred and gargled, Crouch scoffed. "She does ... but I know … where the
medallion … is.”
Even Malfoy didn't know where the medallion was being kept anymore, no one did. Voldemort
used to move it around his ranks, give it to a random member of the inner circle to keep safe for a
few months, and then move it on to another, and then another. He used to think that was the safest
way to keep it hidden because only the Death Eater who currently guarded it would know its
location, but as more and more of his trusted friends had started to 'betray' him, he'd decided to
change tactics.
If Astoria could get the location out of Crouch, they would be one step closer to winning the war.
"Where is it?!" Astoria asked. "Where are you keeping the medallion?!"
She grabbed her clutch in a frenzy and started rummaging through it. "Come on, please be some
left. Please, please be some left."
There was only a drop of Veritaserum left in the bottle. She'd already used most of it on Amycus,
but there might just be enough to force a confession out of Crouch.
She sighed loudly and shook her head, and after taking a moment to compose herself - and
magically drawing all the curtains to ensure she wouldn't be seen - Astoria leaned over Crouch and
grabbed his face. Her hands shook terribly as she tried to pry his mouth apart, and a violent pain
rippled through her stomach as she shakily poured the few drops of Veritaserum down his throat.
She knew she was overdoing it. She couldn't use much magic anymore, her blood curse simply
didn't let her, and all these spells were exhausting her, but they were necessary.
As she coughed into her hand, flecks of light red were dusted across her palm. She didn't have
much time left before her illness took her again. She needed to get this over with quickly and get
No answer.
She took his face in her hands and tried to shake him awake. "Crouch! Where is the medallion?"
"But where?”
"Where-" she jolted his face, making him smack the back of his head against the sofa, "-is-" she
repeated the motion again, "-the-" and again, feeling her strength leave her with every violent
shake, "-medallion?!"
"Newstead Abbey."
He nodded sluggishly.
"I thought ... isn't that place derelict? Even before the war?"
"Yes ... but lots of ... secret places ... good for hiding things."
Suddenly, a wave of nausea washed over Astoria and her chest and neck felt tight, like something
was forcing its way up her throat. She curled over the side of the sofa, pressed a hand to her
stomach and coughed violently into her hand. There was more blood this time. Thick red clumps of
"Waterfall?" Astoria asked, gasping for breath and wiping the blood from her chin. She could
hardly speak, but she was so close to finding out the truth, she couldn't stop now. "There's a
waterfall at Newstead Abbey?"
"Lots ... nearly impossible ... to get out... The Dark Lord ... very ... pleased with me.”
"Have you -" Astoria coughed into her hand again. Her nostrils burned as her body started to reject
her own blood, the liquid trying to force its way out through her nose instead of her mouth. "Have
you set traps up around the waterfall?"
"Yes," Crouch smiled. "No one ... can get into the water ... if they try ... they will die."
She wanted to ask more questions, was dying to spend a few hours dissecting Crouch's vile brain
and learning everything he knew, but her body simply wouldn't allow her to. She started dry
heaving. Her entire body started to shake, and she had to hold onto the sofa for support. She'd
pushed herself too far, and she needed to get out of the Gala. Quickly.
Astoria gave herself a moment or two to get her coughing under control, and with what little energy
she had left, she banished the blood from her hand and mouth, tidied her appearance and cast a
quick obliviate on Crouch. She guessed that whatever he'd tried to spike her drink with probably
erased memories too, but she thought it best not to chance it.
She nodded goodbye to the dolls as she left the room - and a 'thank you' to Angel - and made her
escape. She made her way through the crowd quickly but elegantly, as not to raise suspicions. Even
though they'd left her to the dogs, she smiled and waved goodnight to the guests as she passed
them, clutching her stomach the entire time and praying that she didn't vomit crimson right there on
the dancefloor. And the instant she was outside, she let the cold air wash over her face and grabbed
the panic button.
Theo's eyes grew wide and full of worry. "Tori, what happened? You look like -"
He wrapped his hand around her waist and gently pulled her towards the back of the building,
careful to make sure they were out of sight so no one would question why they were leaving in
such a hurry and didn't have time to wait for a carriage.
And the second Theo had Apparated them back to Malfoy Manor, Astoria dropped to the floor, her
knees crushing the beautiful silk of her dress into the mud, and violently threw up thick clumps of
Nightmare? Or Vision?
1st January
Although no one could deny that the information Astoria had gotten from Crouch Jr was
invaluable, it came at a high cost, one which Astoria had been forced to pay herself. The spells
she'd cast to erase their interaction from Crouch's mind - and the few she'd used to wipe Amycus's
memory and banish the blood she'd vomited - had taken a toll on her, and for the three days that
followed the Gala, she did nothing but sleep and vomit blood.
Blaise was furious with her for taking such a risk. He was angry that she hadn't called Theo to pull
her out sooner and he was seething that she'd been alone with Crouch in the first place, but mostly,
he was distraught that he hadn't been there to protect her when she'd really needed him to.
Over the days that followed, Hermione helped Blaise care for Astoria where she could. She
brought him blood replenishing potions and extra strong Pepperup potions, and brewed dozens
more to store away for emergencies, but Blaise hardly needed the help.
It was incredibly sweet, to see the way Blaise cared for Astoria. Every time she fell ill, it was
always the same thing. Although Blaise was a lot more tactful than Theo and Malfoy were -
shunning away the use of grotesque spells that decapitated his enemies, choosing more
sophisticated methods of torture - Hermione knew he could be just as ruthless as his friends, and
yet, whenever Astoria was taken ill, that ruthlessness in him was stripped away.
Every time her blood curse flared up, it was as though their life had jumped forward sixty years.
Blaise was no longer a Gold Mask and Astoria was no longer the glamorous witch that strutted
about the manor in heels. They became an elderly couple, Astoria lying in bed, not a single
glamour charm insight, while her husband sat on a stool beside her bed and spoon-fed her potions
and broths, hoping it would give her strength to see another day. In those moments, they were like
old souls trapped in the bodies of their younger selves, and it was an incredible thing to see, the
way someone so fragile could make even the most ruthless death eater into someone soft and
Romy took Astoria's illness almost as hard as Blaise did. He barely left her bedside, bless his little
heart. He brought her every potato based dish he could think of, fluffed her pillows and insisted -
absolutely insisted - on brushing Astoria's hair each morning and evening, even though she was
"Miss would not like us to see her like this, with her hair all messy," the tiny elf would chirp as he
ran the brush oh so softly through Astoria's silky blonde hair. "She would still want to look nice,
even whens she is sleeping. Miss always has to look her best, and Romy does not mind making Miss
look her best. If Miss looks nice, then she will get better. Romy knows it.”
By the end of the third day, Blaise had managed to get her coughing fits under control through
potions and enchantments, and although she wasn't vomiting blood every time she dry heaved
anymore, she was still exhausted and struggling to lift her head off the pillow.
While her illness bound her to her bed, Blaise never left her side, and with Astoria so ill, no one
was in the mood to celebrate Christmas, so they spent the usually happy day separated. Instead of
showering his wife with gifts, like he did each year, Blaise spent the day at her bedside, holding
back tears and trying to nurse her back to health. Instead of spending the day getting drunk with his
sister-in-law, like he usually did, Theo drowned in whiskey and kept to himself, sitting cross-
legged in front of Daphne's grave and laying his gifts to her at the empty rocks feet like an altar.
And instead of locking herself in her bedroom and spending the day in isolation, like she had the
previous year, Hermione spent it with Malfoy.
They spent hours dissecting every ounce of the information Astoria had gathered from Crouch Jr,
huddled over a table in Malfoy's family library with books scattered below them. They went over
maps of Nottinghamshire to try and find a way into Newstead Abbey, and they poured over
defensive spells and possible enchantments Crouch could have used to booby trap the area well
into the early hours of the morning, and when they were finished, Malfoy knocked all the books
off the table with one sharp swipe of his arm, laid Hermione on top of it, and fucked her until she
saw stars.
And then they repeated the same thing on Boxing day. And the day after that.
On the 28th of December, they had another meeting with the Order, and whilst Fleur and Ginny -
and surprisingly, even Ron - agreed that it wasn't safe to take the medallion yet, they were
overjoyed with the news that it had finally been found.
Luckily everyone seemed to agree that whilst stealing that Horcrux and handing it over to the
Order was vital, it was highly likely that they wouldn't be able to get it without revealing Malfoy,
Theo and Blaise to be the traitors, and they couldn't afford to do that yet, not until they'd whittled
Voldemort's army down right to the bare fucking bones.
By the time the new year rolled around, Astoria was starting to feel - and look - much better, and
everyone around the manor was able to breathe a little easier when she finally had the strength to
get out of bed. But there wasn't a person in the Manor who hadn't noticed that her recovery was
taking longer each time she fell ill, and although no one said it out loud, everyone was worried
about how much longer she had left.
13th January
The air was hot, uncomfortably hot and growing hotter by the second.
Hermione could hardly breathe - thick, coarse robes were cutting into her chest, crushing her ribs
into her lungs and squeezing what little air she had left.
She couldn't see anything, in front of her was just an endless sea of black, waves and waves of
nothing but darkness.
The isolation was almost as unsettling as the darkness itself. She felt like she could go mad just
staring at it, scanning every inch of the blackness in search of a threat that might be lurking there,
waiting for the perfect moment to strike-
She tried to raise her hand, intending to blindly try and feel her way through the darkness, but her
hands were bound tightly behind her back, those same coarse roves that were wrapped around her
body cutting into her wrists and binding her to the tall wooden pole behind her back.
Could feel that sting of adrenaline spike through her veins, encouraging her to fight, to survive.
She knew what was coming next. She'd had this particular nightmare more times than she cared to
count, but it never got any easier. Never felt any less real.
Even though she knew it wouldn't do any good, she couldn't help but fight against her restraints.
She pulled and tugged them at every angle, testing for weaknesses that she already knew weren't
there. The ropes wouldn't break. They never did.
The temperature continued to rise and rise, and with each degree that the air got hotter,
Hermione's panic clawed higher too-
That deep rumbling in the darkness. That growl that sounded like rolls of rumbling thunder, like
mountains crashing together.
She knew what she was going to see, so she didn't even bother to look up, chose to spend the last
few precious seconds fighting against the ropes, looking for a way to escape, even though she'd
never been able to before.
Out the corner of her eye, she saw the glitter of black scales in front of her. Heard the sound of
reptilian wings and a scaled tail scrape across the floor, walking in circles, getting tighter every
She heard it, but she didn't look up. Wouldn't let herself be distracted by it and focused on the
ropes. She pulled and pushed her wrists against the pole at her back in a sawing motion, trying to
fray them enough so she could break them apart and get free -
The ground below her feet started to shake as Narcissa drew closer. The wooden pole that she was
bound to vibrated against her back as the dragon's colossal weight shook the very earth.
It's not real, she told herself, chanting it over and over again like a prayer.
Glowing red eyes peered at her through the dark. The growling got louder.
She could feel the dragon's hot breath on her skin as she drew closer.
She worked her wrists faster, trying to escape, but she was running out of time.
He stepped out of the darkness and closer to her, just like he had done every time she'd relived this
vision. Narcissa hovered protectively to his left, her eyes glistening blood red and her mouth
hanging open in a silent threat. He didn't look at her the way he did when she was awake, when his
eyes were blue and gentle, when he looked at her as though she meant something. Something
important to him.
She'd spent so much time with him when she was awake, it made this version of him seem like a
stranger. His eyes were always cold in this dream. Dead and unfeeling. His face was always
expressionless and he looked at her like she was nothing, like he didn't know her at all and the last
eight months between them hadn't happened.
With his cold expression and his dragon standing defensively behind him, she saw no glimpse of
Draco, the man who'd kissed her and held her and made her feel safe - even in the middle of a war.
She only saw a Death Eater, the ruthless Demon Mask that terrorised the Order and left a trail of
corpses behind him.
When she'd started having this nightmare, that first night after Voldemort had entered her mind,
she'd tried to reason with him. Tried to beg and plead for her life, as though she might be able to
appeal to his version of Malfoy and make him take pity on her.
But that was months ago, and she knew better now than to try and reason with this cruel copy of
So instead of fighting, instead of pleading, she leaned back against the post, took a deep breath
and stared her executioner in his eyes, accepting her fate and the flames that accompanied him.
Not real, she chanted again, willing herself to be calm. It'd all be over soon.
"But I think we both always knew how this was going to end for us-”
Not real.
She gave herself one last glance at the cold stranger that stood in front of her, and as Narcissa
reared her head back and opened her mouth, Hermione closed her eyes -
Thankfully, the war had made her a light sleeper, and the spell of her nightmare was broken by the
sound of her bedroom door creaking open. Instinctually, she bolted upright and reached for the
wand under her pillow, and just as the door drifted open and the intruder stepped inside, she aimed
for the door and her wand sparked with violent green magic -
"Expelliarmus!" a voice hissed through the darkness, and a second later, her wand soared through
the air.
She didn't see where it landed, her room was too dark.
There was a moment of stunned silence before she heard the intruder speak again. "Easy there,
little lion," he said, voice deep and teasing, practically a purr. Sly bastard. "No need to get so
excited, it's only me.”
For a split second, she was relieved to hear his voice. It sounded warm, full of emotion and nothing
like the one in her nightmares, and then she remembered the fright he'd given her from barging into
her room, and her cheeks flushed with anger.
"What the fuck were you thinking, Malfoy?!" Hermione snapped, palm pressed against her sternum
as she fought to regain control of her breathing - and her fucking heartbeat. "Have you lost your
fucking mind?! I could have killed you and then we'd both be dead!"
"My, that mouth of yours is feisty in the early hours, isn't it?" she heard him chuckle softly in the
darkness. "Shame that you won't let me spend the night in here, I could think of a thousand
different ways I could put it to use.”
With a flick of her wrist, she lit the candle that stood on her bedside table, and she watched Malfoy
walk towards her bed. She narrowed her eyes and squinted at him, trying to figure out if she was
awake or if she was still dreaming.
But as he got closer, she realised that his eyes were nothing like they were in her nightmare. They
were light now, the mixture of blue and grey that she knew, the blue starting to overtake the grey.
His face looked tired and there were flecks of red dusting in the silver of his hair, but he looked
unharmed, and in relatively good spirits. He crossed her room with a lazy smirk on his face, but
when he got closer, when he got a really good look at her, he froze.
She could see on his face that she must have looked a mess. She already knew that her body was
drenched in sweat, her chest was heaving with every sharp pant she took, and God only knew what
type of monstrosity her hair must have resembled, but Malfoy obviously saw something else.
Something she couldn't see, and it bothered him.
He narrowed his eyes at her, even took a moment to roll his tongue across the inside of his cheek,
seemingly deciding how to respond, before he closed the distance between them. He gave her back
her wand, but just when she thought he was about to leave her in peace, he flopped down on the
bed beside her, rested his head on her pillow, and closed his eyes.
"Taking Narcissa out for a walk," he said, eyes still closed. "I'm tired. Just resting my eyes for a
"And you're doing it in my bed because?"
"Do you want to hear about what happened tonight at the meeting? Or would you rather I just bend
you over the bed, have my fun, and then tell you about it tomorrow?"
She kicked him gently in the leg and although he didn't open his eyes, his lips twitched into a smirk
and dimples cracked the side of his cheeks.
She had no intention of letting him stay the night in her bed, but even she couldn't deny that having
him there was ... nice. A little comforting, and she was desperate to hear how tonight's plan had
unfolded. Despite her skin feeling unbearably hot and clammy, she scooted down the bed and
closer to him. She rested her head on her pillow, wrapped one arm underneath it, and rolled onto
her side so that her entire body was turned towards him.
"Yes," he answered simply. "I was on the way back to my room when I heard you tossing and
turning and mumbling to yourself like a nutter. Forgive me for wanting to check that you weren't
possessed or starting to go off your rocker before I went to bed. Although, one look at your bloody
hair would have told me that you were. Seriously Granger, how does one's hair get so messy
overnight? Is it really just through sleep and bad dreams? Because it looks like you’ve got a family
of birds nesting in there. Possibly a few families, come to think of it. And their mates.”
"Were you at Amycus and Alecto's executions?" Hermione asked, doing her best to ignore his
subtle little digs.
He nodded softly, but his eyes remained closed. "Alecto was tonight. Voldemort wants us to
interrogate Amycus tomorrow before we kill him, just to see what he knows."
Hermione opened her mouth, but Malfoy cut her off before she could ask her question.
"And don't worry, I volunteered myself, Blaise and Theodore for the task, so there's no possible
way he could protest his innocence. Tomorrow, he's dead."
"So I take it the 'evidence' Theo handed over to Voldemort was enough to convince him that both
the twins were conspiring with the Order?"
Hermione and Malfoy had been meticulous and thorough with the evidence they'd chosen to use to
frame the Carrow's. They'd planted letters, left evidence showing leaked battle plans,
Deluminators, everything. Malfoy had even given up a small fortune and hid it in the cellar of the
Carrow's mansions to plant the illusion that they'd been paid and spoiled for their betrayal. With the
lengths they'd gone to, there would be no room for doubt in Voldemort's mind, or room for either of
the twins to protest their innocence, but still, Hermione wouldn't be able to believe it'd worked until
she'd heard it from Malfoy himself.
Another nod. "The Dark Lord was so pleased with Theodore for sniffing them both out that he let
him execute Alecto as a reward right then and there.”
"I bet he was thrilled with that, considering the part she played in Daphne's execution."
Malfoy snorted quietly under his breath, and again, dimples started to crack the side of his face.
"Bloody psychopath was like a child on Christmas morning." He opened his eyes, and when he
saw that she'd moved, that she was facing him, he smirked down at her and shifted so that he
mirrored her, sliding one hand under his pillow and twisting his body so that he faced her too.
A concerned but guarded look flashed across his face. He reached out and cupped her face in his
hand, and her eyes fluttered closed as she nestled her cheek gently against his palm.
His icy fingers felt nice as he ran them gently over her cheek and bottom lip. "Was it the same
nightmare?" he asked after a few moments. "The one where I -"
"Burned me to death with your dragon?" she laughed softly, sarcastically. "Yes, it was that one. It's
always that one."
"Don't," she said. "Don't do that. Don't make promises to me that you might not be able to keep."
She could feel his eyes on her face, but she didn't open hers. Instead, she lay completely still and
let the silence swallow them, and after a while, his hand started to pull away. He must have thought
that she'd fallen back asleep, because when her eyes snapped open she saw that he was sitting
upright, about to leave.
No, she almost told him. Stay here. Sleep here. With me.
She wanted to ask him to stay, the words were bubbling in her throat, but instead of letting them
slip out, she grabbed his face and dragged his lips down to hers.
His hands came to rest on the pillow on either side of her head, and he hovered over her as his
tongue swirled with hers. She made quick work of his belt buckle, and once she'd thrown it across
the room, she slipped her hand into his trousers. She nipped across his neck, delighting in the groan
he made when she wrapped her fingers around his cock. Just like the rest of his skin, he was cold
and already hard as a rock in her hand.
Because even if it was just in these moments, when she started to pump him slowly, firmly, she
knew that she meant something to him. That she was important to him, even if it was only
She knew it when they ripped and tore at each others clothes.
She saw it in his eyes when he grabbed her thigh and hiked it around his waist.
And she felt it when he wrapped his hand around her throat and sunk into her, burying himself to
the hilt.
She'd kick him out of her room afterwards, the way she always did. She needed to keep some
barriers between them, needed to keep herself protected, but for now, she just wanted to pretend.
Pretend that there wasn't a war going on around them and ignore the thing that she knew in her
heart was true. That if Blaise's vision was true, and the day came when she was tied to a post, if
Voldemort ordered her execution and the lives of his family were on the line, he wouldn't save her.
He might have felt something for her. The thing she sometimes saw in his eyes when he looked at
her might have actually been real, but it didn't really matter.
Because as much as he was starting to mean to her, and as important as he was starting to become
in her world, in her life, she would never - ever - be more important to him than his family.
And her heart wasn't quite ready to deal with that just yet.
"Where did Malfoy go?" Blaise asked as he and Theo rounded another corner of the manor. He'd
been right behind the pair of them a few moments ago.
Theo rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly, causing the blood that was still dripping from his
curls - Alecto's blood - to spray up the walls and make some of the portraits cringe away in disgust.
"We passed the hallway that leads to Granger's room a few minutes ago. Where do you bloody
think he went?"
Blaise and Theo stopped outside of his and Astoria's bedroom, but just before Theo could retreat to
his own room, Blaise caught his shoulder and forced him to a stop.
Theo spun on his heels and glared up at Blaise. "Fuck is up with you?"
"You didn't have to look so pleased with yourself tonight," Blaise sneered. "You do know that,
don't you?"
Theo snorted and folded his arms across his chest. "Whatever do you mean?" he asked as he leaned
against the doorframe, the grin of a trickster peeling its way onto his face.
"Oh give up the act!" Blaise hissed under his breath, careful not to wake his wife who was surely
sleeping on the other side of the door. "I saw your face when you cut Alecto's head off. You were
enjoying yourself."
"What can I say? I'm a man of simple pleasures, and there's nothing more pleasurable than slicing
off the head of the woman who voted for your wife's execution, and then watching it roll across the
floor like an unwanted Quaffle,” Theo grinned, flashing his teeth and beaming with nothing but
happiness and pride. "Just be thankful I had the restraint not to kick it afterwards."
To say Theo had enjoyed himself at the execution was an understatement. He'd practically skipped
onto the wooden stage Voldemort had conjured and clicked his heels in glee when their leader had
ordered the punishment. The only thing that could have made his happiness more obvious would
have been wearing a shirt that said 'I hate the Carrows' written on it.
Malfoy had made sure that Theo would be the one to 'catch' Alecto in her betrayal. He felt like he
deserved it, and Blaise could hardly disagree. This execution struck another victim off Theo and
Astoria's little revenge list. All that was left were Crouch, Greyback, and Voldemort himself. Then,
in their eyes, Daphne would be fully avenged.
Blaise watched Theo leave before he entered his own room. He was greeted by total darkness and
his favourite sound in the world, his wife's gentle little inhales and exhales as she slept soundly. He
washed off the evidence of his duties as quickly and quietly as he could, before he crawled into bed
beside her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her gently against his chest, careful
not to wake her, and he had just enough time to bury his nose in her soft hair before sleep found
But dreams didn't greet him that night. Something else did.
As Blaise stood in Malfoy Manor, he could sense that something was off.
The walls were the same and the portraits looked just as miserable as they had when he'd passed
them on his way to bed, but something didn't feel right. Something was wrong. Twisted.
Despite the windows being sealed tightly closed, he felt a cold breeze whirl around him and sink
into his very bones. And then he felt another cold breeze. And then another. Like pockets of air
were shooting past him like they'd been fired from a gun or a cannon.
He heard a scream. A feminine, blood curdling scream. His feet felt wet, and when he looked down,
he saw thick blood oozing out of his and Astoria's bedroom and a blood-soaked broken whiskey
bottle on the floor.
The hallway lit up a hauntingly familiar shade of green, but just as suddenly as it had started, the
scene started to twist and morph into something else. Suddenly, the walls of Malfoy manor fell
away, and the ground vanished beneath him.
He fell through the air with a force, and the air was siphoned from his lungs as he tried to scream
for help.
He only fell for a moment before he landed sharply on the ground with a thud. His knees hurt and
his wrists burned as he pulled himself to his feet and looked around.
He was outside, on the grounds of Malfoy Manor on what looked like an early morning.
He could see the infamous cherry blossom tree in the distance and the bench beneath it. He could
see the clusters of wisteria plants that Quinzel always tended to and the roses that his wife
They were all things he knew and were familiar to him. All things he recognised as being at home
at Malfoy Manor.
And then he saw something else, something he knew shouldn't have been there.
He felt himself being dragged towards the Malfoy family cemetery, and as the graveyard swirled
into focus around him, on an empty patch of earth, in a place he knew there weren't any bones or
witches buried, he saw a family of nine flowers; roses, all clustered close together and in the early
stages of blooming.
The air started to shift again, whizzing around him like he was trapped in a wind tunnel - then time
started to move quickly, like he was watching the world in fast forward. He imagined it was what it
felt like to use a time turner, but to go forward in time rather than backwards.
He saw the nine flowers below him start to quickly change. Five of them bloomed beautifully, their
petals opening and stretching into wonderful colours and shapes, a life well lived, but the other
four -
Blaise bolted upright with a scream. He recognised the room he was in to be his bedroom, and as
his chest heaved and sweat dripped down his chest, dainty hands wrapped around his shoulder and
started to rub his back.
Astoria was watching him with a scared expression on her lovely face. Her eyes were wide with
horror and her arms looked like they were shaking, struggling to hold her weight, despite her
incredibly petite and light frame.
"Darling please lie back down,” he urged as he got out of bed and walked towards their bathroom.
"You need your strength-"
But his lovely wife wasn't in the mood to be told what to do. She threw the covers off her legs,
stood from the bed and followed him into the bathroom.
Blaise stopped in front of the sink and frantically ran the cold tab, and when the sink was full.
Astoria let him splash the freezing water on his face and the back of his neck before she pressed
him any further.
"What's wrong?" she asked as she wrapped her hands around his waist and rested her head against
his shoulder, watching his reflection in the mirror.
"I'm fine-"
"Do not tell me that you are fine when you very clearly are not," she snapped, expression stern and
strong despite the tiredness in her eyes and cheeks. "What's the matter?"
"We've shared a bed every night since I was sixteen years old, I know when you've had a
nightmare and when it's something more." She stepped in front of him and wedged herself between
his body and the sink. She leaned onto the very tips of her toes, caught his face between her hands
and tugged his face down towards hers. "It was more than a nightmare. Wasn't it?"
She already had so much on her mind and she was still weak, still recovering from his failure to
protect her. He didn't want to worry her, he didn't want to burden her, but he knew that sometimes,
even those with the smallest shoulders could bare the heaviest loads. And Astoria had proven that a
hundred times over since they'd been married.
He sighed and dropped his head into the crook of her neck. The instant he surrendered, his wife's
arms were around him, his frail wife comforting him when he was the one who was supposed to be
the protector of the two of them. "I think ... I think I just had another vision."
"I know," she hummed into his cheek. "What did you see?"
"I saw a cluster of nine roses. I saw five of them blossom and thrive.”
"I think it means that by the end of this war, five of us are going to thrive and lead full lives, and
the other four are going to die.”
This little piggy
14th January
The cell they were in was small, the walls solid brick and covered in moss and overgrowth. It was
very dark inside, there were no windows, the only light came from the two candles that were
hanging from lanterns on the East and West walls. The bricks stunk of blood and piss and the
ground was sticky, cumulating years of evidence of torture and brutality.
Amycus - although he'd struggled to begin with - was sat as still as the dead in his chair in the
corner of the room, head lolling to the side and a single stream of blood dripping down the side of
his face from the spell Malfoy had used to knock him unconscious. Thick, unbreakable ropes
wrapped around his chest and stomach, binding him to the chair, and two chains coiled around his
elbows and wrists, pinning his arms to either armrest.
Blaise had initially suggested that they get started, that Theo had bit the hand that'd fed him with
his tardiness and that he didn't deserve to torture Amycus as a result. Blaise wanted to make quick
work of their hostage, let Malfoy slice his head from his shoulders and be done with it so he could
get back to his wife, but Malfoy had dug in his heels and insisted that they wait for Theo.
Although, the way Blaise was ranting, practically climbing off the fucking walls with anxiety was
making Malfoy want to reconsider.
Malfoy kept his eyes closed and leaned his head back against the bricks behind him, focusing on
the blissful taste of the cigarette in his mouth instead of Zabini's unusually panicked voice.
"And five of them flourished whilst the other four wilted and died - but they didn't wilt in the
normal sense. It wasn't slow. They faded quickly, as instant as a light from a candle being blown
Malfoy opened his mouth just a crack and exhaled. His eyes slid open as he let the smoke escape,
feeling its warmth as it rose past his cheeks and ascended to the ceiling and started to evaporate.
Funny, he'd never been envious of a smoke cloud before, never realised how blissfully appealing it
was to just rise and rise, leave everything behind, float upwards through the air and just - vanish,
without a fucking care in the world. Some days, he wished he could do just that. Some days, the
thought of just fading into nothingness was bliss, absolute heaven personified. The thought of
taking those he cared about and disappearing
He'd thought about it a lot in the early days of the war. Thought about grabbing his family - what
was left of them - climbing on his dragon's back and disappearing into the clouds, never to be
found again. After Daphne, he'd pushed that thought to the back of his mind, forgotten about that
old fantasy and focused not on the life he wished he could've had, but on the people he refused to
lose - under any fucking circumstance.
But recently, those old fantasies had started to plague him again.
In another life, maybe he could have. But not in this one. Never in this one, he had too many
responsibilities. Too many promises had been made. Too many people were counting on him.
So, as he released another smoke-filled breath, he watched the grey steam rise and rise, and
eventually, evaporate into nothing, just like his little fantasy. "That was no coincidence, the way
they wilted quickly. It meant something. There's a reason that happened.”
Poor Blaise had been insufferable all morning. Prattling on and obsessing over the dream he'd had
from the moment he'd barged into Malfoy's bedroom in the early hours.
"I saw the hallway light up with green. Perhaps that means that whoever is going to die is going to
be hit with an Avada?"
"But that doesn't account for the blood I saw - the blood coming out of mine and Astoria's
He'd had a moment's reprieve when the pair of them had walked into Voldemort's cathedral to
receive their orders - Blaise wouldn't have dared to mention the visions then - but as soon as they'd
descended the steps into the dungeons, as soon as they'd closed the door and Malfoy had cast a
privacy charm - meaning they could speak freely without fear of being overheard - Blaise had
started again.
At least Malfoy had his trusted cigarettes to keep him calm while Blaise worked through his
But if Blaise carried on fussing, Malfoy was going to need something stronger.
"Yes, Zabini,” Malfoy responded coldly, envying the smoke just a little bit more as it disappeared
through the cracks in the brick. "I'm listening. I'm always fucking listening."
"Again,” Malfoy sighed, tone just as blank as the expression on his face, "no. I don't."
"But the flowers I saw were in Malfoy Manor, in your family cemetery! Don't you think that means
"Well, considering that you live in Malfoy Manor, and you have done since you were seventeen,
no, actually, I don't think it does."
Blaise snarled in irritation and clawed his nails down the front of his face. His eyes were red and
bloodshot through lack of sleep, and there were deep lines forming under his eyes.
If Malfoy were being honest, yes, Blaise's dream had bothered him. Of course it fucking had. How
could it not have? He'd already lost his mother, his father, and his best friend. The thought of
losing anyone else was - no, he didn't want to think about it, even for a second, but he wouldn't let
it show, just nursed his cigarette and kept his icy walls as high and strong as he could. They were
easier to maintain when Granger wasn't nearby.
Blaise's visions were becoming a cause for concern. Malfoy had never believed that Blaise had the
gift of foresight, just dismissed his 'visions' as vivid dreams.
But the accuracies of some of these dreams were starting to unsettle Malfoy.
However, he was choosing to keep that little tit bit of information to himself, because out of the
three of them, Blaise was supposed to be the calm one. Whilst Malfoy was the leader and Theo
acted out every murderous impulse he felt, Blaise was supposed to be the one who was quiet and
composed. The one who didn't fucking need to Occlude and hide behind walls because he was
naturally so calm. The one who wasn't emotional or unpredictable, like Theodore.
Blaise's temperament had always been as solid and impenetrable as a ball of string, tucked in tight,
organised to perfection with no possible way for something or someone to pull his strings, and yet,
with each new vision, that calm exterior was starting to unravel.
It undoubtedly seemed cruel, the way Malfoy dismissed Blaise so coldly when he was clearly in
distress about his wife's future - or possible lack of - but Blaise had always leaned on Malfoy. He
took his word for everything and seemed to absorb Malfoy's calm. Malfoy was the one Blaise went
to whenever he had a problem because he always had a solution. Always had a way to keep the
family safe and together.
But if Blaise knew Malfoy was worrying about his visions too, it would only make him unravel
that much faster.
He didn't tell him that he'd started to research prophecies and their symbolism late into the night,
chose to keep to himself that he'd been whittling about Blaise's visions too, about what they meant
and the likelihood of them coming true, or that he finally believed that he did have the gift.
No, he didn't tell him that. He didn't tell anyone. As always, he kept those concerns to himself
because his role had always been to protect the family.
He didn't know how to protect them from this, and he needed to stall until he found one.
"Because it wasn't a vision. You're worrying about this too much," Malfoy lied, cigarette bobbing
in his mouth as he tilted his head towards the ceiling of the grimy, rotten dungeon. "It was just a
"No, it wasn't a dream," Blaise hissed. "It was more than that. I know a vision when I see one.”
"Really?" Malfoy scoffed, shaking his head slightly and taking another long drag. "You're positive
that this one was real?"
"How? You've never been sure before, in fact, you've always rejected the idea that you have the
gift of foresight. Why is this one any different?"
"Because it was!" Blaise hissed, and the venom in his voice was enough to make Malfoy's brow
crease. "I felt it. It wasn't a dream. I know it wasn't!" He gave Malfoy a long, furious look before he
started walking circles around the room again, furiously yanking at his cufflinks and adjusting his
robes while he drove himself crazy with his own theories.
Malfoy started tracing patterns in the brick ceiling again, following a particularly interesting moth
growth that started on the floor and watching the way it spread out like blood vessels.
As Blaise was on his fourth circle of the room and chuntering under his breath about wilting
flowers, the doors suddenly burst open.
Theo paused, and when he saw what was waiting for him, the sick bastard's face lit up like it was
his fucking birthday. "Oh, my-" he whistled. "I'm really going to fucking enjoy this."
"Please! I'm being set up!" Amycus wailed, thrashing wildly in his chair as Theo used a rather
intriguing muggle tool to peel the skin off the back of Amycus's hand.
The process was painfully slow, he took paper-thin slices of skin at a time, and if he carried on at
the pace he was going, the curly-haired psycho was going to have hours of fun.
"I didn't do - It wasn't me - I would never betray the Dark Lord - I would never - arghhhhh! No!
Please! Aghhhhhhh!"
Theo whistled a soft, sort of happy tune as he knelt in front of the Death Eater, bobbing his head
from side to side as he flayed Amycus's skin layer by layer, as though the gruesome task was as
mundane as pruning weeds from a garden. Which - Malfoy supposed - it was. In a sick, twisted
sort of way.
After three hours of torture, it was a miracle Amycus was able to speak at all. He looked deathly
pale, yes, he was covered in his own blood and he'd blacked out several times when the pain had
become too much, but Theo continued to keep him awake and force blood replenishing potions
down his neck whenever he was close to running dry. He was missing patches of skin from all over
his body, his collar bone and some of his ribs were broken, and he was missing approximately
three teeth - that Theo had delighted in pulling himself. His throat was raw from the constant
screaming and begging for his life.
But whilst Theo revelled in the screams, Blaise wasn't in the mood for them today.
"For Salazar's sake," Blaise hissed quietly from the corner, finally uncurling his hands from their
position on his face to glare at Theo. "Isn't that enough? I can't think straight with that constant
"Nope - not even close," Theo said, pausing his little tune mid-beat to speak, even though his eyes
stayed focused on his work. "Dark Lord wants him to suffer.”
"The Dark Lord might want him to suffer, but he can't hear his screams because of the privacy
charms Malfoy has cast," Blaise retorted. "So what is the point? Surely it would be better to kill
him now and save ourselves the headaches?"
"He might not be able to hear him scream, but he could come down those stairs at any moment,”
Malfoy said, “and how do you think he's going to react if he sees that Amycus is in fact, not being
brutally tortured for hours on end as he instructed?" he asked, cocking a brow.
Blaise narrowed his eyes. His lip started to curl upwards in defeat.
"Precisely," Malfoy hushed. "If our betrayal is going to continue to be successful, we still have to
play our parts."
"Can we at least cast a silencing charm on him then?" Blaise asked, voice as thick with venom as
the was red blood on the floor. "If I hear him scream one more time, I'm likely to grab a muggle
gun and shoot myself with it.”
"Why don't you ask Granger to do it?" Theo asked. "She's quite the marksman, although the last
time she shot a Death Eater, she ended up fucking him." He threw Malfoy a sly look and then
diverted his eyes back to his subject. "So probably best to keep away. Unless you want blondie
over there to rip your arms off."
Malfoy looked at Amycus to see if he'd absorbed what Theo had just said, but their hostage seemed
to be in too much pain to be listening, and his screams reached new levels when Theo ran the once
silver tool over the already raw and fresh skin on Amycus's bleeding wrist.
"Funny, I never pegged Granger to have a gun kink." Theo grinned wickedly as he ran the tool over
Amycus's forearm, beginning to slice off the skin around his Dark Mark. "Or a blood kink". He
must have hit something sensitive, because when Theo sliced over the crease of his elbow,
Amycus's entire body shook violently. Theo liked the results, so he did it again. "Or a Malfoy
kink," and again. "But I suppose they do say it's always the ones you least expect that end up being
the filthiest whores,” and again.
"Do you have to speak about Hermione that way?!" Blaise snapped. "Astoria would have died if
she hadn't saved her last year. She helped us even when we were cruel and unkind to her, and she's
done nothing but try and help us every since. Even if you don't like her, she at least deserves your
Theo looked up from Amycus and tilted his head to the side. "You say that like I hate her."
Theo rolled his eyes. "No, I don't hate her - I spent bloody years meeting her in secret and
exchanging information. Contrary to what you might think, I adore the little Gryffindor. She saved
my sister-in-law and I think she's a ball of fun. Especially when she gets her hands on a gun or
"Then why do you insist on making crude remarks about her?"
Theo shrugged. "Because it's funny to wind her up. Every time I insult you, either you or Astoria
bite, and since Malfoy has started fucking her, whenever she gets mad, so does he.” He smiled as
he moved on and began to peel back the skin on Amycus's knuckles, but when the Death Eater in
question passed out, again, a frown formed between his brows. "Bored of this now," he said as he
stared at the blood-soaked tool, as though it were its fault that it no longer held the psycho's
amusement. He threw the tool over his shoulder and slapped Amycus around the face to try and
wake him. "Oi, Amy, I'm not done with you yet." Another slap across his left cheek, making his
head lull grotesquely to the side. "Hellooooo?"
It took a few more slaps - and an adrenaline potion being poured down his throat - but after a few
minutes, Amycus woke again.
"Please..." he breathed, eyes rolling back in his head and tears starting to clean the blood as they
streaked down his face. "No more ... I can't ... please - just kill me.”
"Hmmmmmm," Theo purred. "What are we going to do with you now?" He leaned back and stared
up at the Death Eater, thoughtfully rolling his tongue on the inside of his cheek - and then,
inspiration struck. "Oh, I know!" He clicked his fingers together before he conjured his favourite
Amycus cringed away and began to quietly weep when Theo placed the knife against his hand.
"This little piggy went to market," he started, tauntingly tapping the sharp edge of the dagger
against Amycus's pinkie finger and then moved onto the next finger. "And this little piggy stayed
He grinned as he tapped Amycus's middle finger. "And this little piggy had roast beef."
"And this little piggy had none," and the index finger.
Theodore really was the only person alive who would think to turn a fucking children's nursery
rhyme into a tool for torture. The man had a very scary imagination.
When Nott reached his hostage's thumb, Amycus flinched and his entire body went rigid, waiting
for the pain that he knew was inevitable.
"And this little piggie went - wait," Theo paused. "I forgot, how does the rest go?" he asked, turning
to Malfoy and Blaise.
Amycus relaxed and wept with relief as Theo stood up, but it was all a ploy, part of the act, the
moment Amycus thought he was safe, Theo whirled around, lowered the dagger with frightening
speed, and sliced Amycus's thumb off in one sharp motion.
Amycus was silent for a heartbeat, staring in shock as Theo picked the severed thumb up from the
floor. Amycus almost looked like he didn't believe what had just happened to him. He didn't move,
looked as though he weren't in any pain at all really, but when Theo started to wave his severed
thumb at him, his eyes darted to the blood that was spurting furiously from the wound, in the place
where his thumb used to be, and then the pain must have caught up with him.
Theo was almost covered in as much of Amycus's blood as Amycus was, and the way it covered
his face and hair as he smiled wickedly at his subject made him look all the more deranged. By all
accounts, he seemed to be having a ball, but suddenly, his smile dropped and he frowned.
"Hold on a second, mate," Theo told Amycus before his blood-covered face turned to grab
Malfoy's attention. "I've just thought, we're a member short today. Where is my favourite, curly-
haired Gryffindor?!" he asked, having to speak very loudly to be heard over Amycus's screams.
Malfoy rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek and glared at Theo. "She's not here!" he
shouted back.
"Yeah, I got that cheers," Theo snapped. "I have eyes, but why haven't you brought her with you?
You usually don't let her leave your side.”
"If you have something you want to fucking say," Malfoy hissed, "then please, by all means, be my
Theo shrugged and stood up straight, flipping his favourite blood-soaked dagger over in his hand
as he spoke. "Well, you spend every waking second with her, ' doing research' and 'brewing
potions'" he said, and the way he crooked his fingers showed that he knew exactly what he and
Granger were really doing with the majority of the time they spent together. "You take her on the
church missions and meetings with the Order like their little dates, but bringing her to a torture
session is a hard no?"
When Malfoy didn't answer, Theo shrugged and crouched down in front of Amycus again.
Although Amycus's screams had started to die down, he was struggling for every raspy breath he
took, and he cringed away from Theo when he placed the blade against his pinkie finger again.
"Please" he panted. "No more ... no more."
"I didn't bring her here because she's done enough already," Malfoy snarled. "She's killing her
friends for us so Voldemort doesn't suspect that we've switched sides, despite what it costs her.
She's got enough blood on her hands because of me, she's killed enough people because of me, so if
I can keep her from getting them any bloodier than is absolutely necessary, then I will."
"You wanna be careful, Malfoy," Theo grinned. "Carry on thinking like that and soon enough,
you'll be giving her one of those rings you wear around your neck.”
"Wait … wait ... " Amycus panted, voice raspy and breathless but somewhat intelligible. From the
way his body shook uncontrollably, it was difficult to tell if he was actually aware of what he was
saying, or if he was going into shock. "You just said ... switched sides ... are you the ones ... who
have betrayed ... the Dark Lord?"
Theo glared down at Amycus. "Yes, yes, we're the traitors. We betrayed boldie a long time ago,
and we've been framing you lot to whittle down his army and give the Order can do their job, and
Malfoy is shagging the Golden Girl. That's old news, do try and keep up Amy."
"How ... dare you when the Dark Lord finds out-"
"Shhhhh," Theo hushed, pressing Amycus's own severed thumb to its former owner's lips to silence
him. "Be quiet, the traitors are having a conversation."
Amycus jerked away from his bloodied finger and wretched. "Why? Why would you betray him?"
"Oh, I don't know," Theo taunted. "Maybe it's because the Dark Lord is an evil tyrant and makes us
kill? No, no that doesn't sound right. Maybe it's because we're all a little tired of fighting his war
and we know it's never going to end? No. But maybe - fucking maybe - the reason we betrayed the
Dark Lord, maybe the reason I want to see him fall and lose everything, is because he murdered my
Amycus's eyes widened, a mixture of fear and realisation. "All this is .. you've all betrayed the
Dark Lord because of Daphne -"
"Don't you fucking dare say her name," Theo snarled, digging the knife into Amycus's pinkie
finger. As he bore down, Amycus started to scream again.
"Can you cast a silencing charm on him now?" Blaise asked. "I'm sick to death of the sound of his
Theo looked at Malfoy, and he nodded once, fully in agreement and authorising the command.
Theo sighed heavily and backed away, grumbling something that sounded like a death threat under
his breath as he released Amycus's pinkie from his knifes path. He pressed his wand against
Amycus's throat, opened his mouth to recite the incantation-
"I wish ... I wish I could be alive to ..." Amycus panted heavily. "... See what the Dark Lord is
going ... to do when ... he finds out. You all betray him and then, to make matters worse … Malfoy
sullies himself and his bloodline .... with a filthy fucking Mudblood."
Malfoy held up his hand and Theo pulled his wand back. "What the fuck did you just say about
Granger?" he asked, and something in his voice made Theo stand and back away from Amycus.
"I ... said-" despite the blood loss and unimaginable pain he must have been in, Amycus found the
strength to glare at Malfoy as he stalked forward, "-I wish that ... I could be alive ... to see what the
Dark Lord ... going to do ... to you when he finds out … what you've done."
As Malfoy passed Theo, he snatched the knife from his hand and dug it under Amycus's chin.
Malfoy twisted his wrist and used the very edge of the blade to pull Amycus's face up so he had to
stare at him.
"He's going to kill you all you know ... The Dark Lord ... he's going to make you all suffer.
Hopefully, he'll blame the Mudblood ... and he'll kill her first."
Malfoy's hands tightened around the hilt of the blade. He felt his lip start to curl. Felt a wave of
anger like nothing he'd ever felt before sweep across his veins.
"I can see it now, in your eyes," Amycus laughed humourlessly as he stared up at Malfoy. "I can
see what she's done to you … you're not the same … how could I not see it before … She's changed
you ... her filth ... the Dark Lord was right, their filth … it infects like a cancer ... it's made you
weak ... All this all this betrayal ... all this because of a filthy, fucking mudblood ... your father
would be so disappointed."
The blade shook in Malfoy's hand. He pressed it harder into Amycus's throat, delighting when he
punctured the skin and a stream of red slid down his already crimson neck. "These are quite
possibly going to be your last words, Amycus, so if I were you, I would choose them very - very -
fucking carefully."
"My last words?" Amycus scoffed weakly. "Alright then ... how about these for last words ... I
hope the Dark Lord finds out ... what you're doing ... and I hope you get everything that comes to
you, Malfoy," Amycus snarled, panting through every vile word but voice growing stronger, more
sure of himself. "I hope the Dark Lord keeps you alive when he rips your spine out of your body ...
I hope he ties you to a post and lets the others stab you over and over again for what you've done. I
hope he takes everything from you piece by piece but I hope, more than anything, Salazar, I hope
he kills the Mudblood first. I hope he peels your eyelids off so you're forced to watch when he kills
that fucking bitch-"
Because Malfoy had pried his jaw apart, pressed the blade inside, and cut the malicious words right
out of his mouth.
15th January
It was the early hours of the morning before Malfoy finally decided that Amycus had had enough
and cut his head off. By the time they were done, Theo and Malfoy had collectively flayed all the
skin off his left arm - right up to the shoulder joint - broken six of his ribs and cut off all of his
fingers and toes.
When they were finished, Theo had presented Amycus's decapitated head to Voldemort for him to
display outside the cathedral as a warning to others. He left Greyback's pack to dispose of the rest
of his body.
After listening to Amycus scream all day, Malfoy's skull throbbed like there were a dozen nails
rattling around inside it. So when Voldemort dismissed the three of them and they were able to
Apparate home, all Malfoy wanted to do was drown in whiskey and bathwater. He hardly said a
word to Blaise and Theo as they trudged through the Manor together, and he'd been so tired when
he'd walked into his room that he almost didn't notice that the door to his bathroom was cracked
open, soft light and steam peeking through the gap.
A part of him thought that his exhaustion was making him hallucinate.
He walked towards the bathroom in a sort of daze, and when he gently pushed the door open, he
found the room filled with lit candles, the air full of steam and his bath already run and filled with
bubbles. With Granger laying happily inside it.
Her hair was wet and sticking to the back of her neck. Her cheeks were flushed from the hot water.
There was a stack of books beside the bath, and there was one levitating beside her whilst a
charmed quill scribbled furiously notes into the pages. There was also a book in her hand. Her eyes
were cast down, and she toyed with her wand in her other hand, tapping it rhythmically against his
copper bath.
"Granger," he answered, walking into the room slowly. He stopped when he was standing at the
bath, right beside her head. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Couldn't sleep."
"And so you thought you'd break into my room and run yourself a bath?"
A crease formed between her brows, she flicked her wand, and the quill started writing faster.
"There was a book in here that I wanted to read, and I knew you'd come to my room when you
were back anyway. Thought I'd save you the trouble and come to you for a change."
She still hadn't looked at him, so she missed the way his lip twitched when he fought a smirk.
"But if you don't want me in here?" She shrugged innocently. "Then put better locks on your door."
"Presumptuous little thing, aren't you?" he whispered as he knelt down next to the bath and wove
his hand into her wet hair. "Assuming all that."
Again, she shrugged, but she still didn't look at him. She tried to act indifferent, but when he
wrapped her long, soaking hair around his wrist and gave it a sharp tug, forcing her head back so
she had to look at him, he saw the way her fingers tightened around her - his - book in her hand.
He tugged again, harder this time, with enough force to pull her out of the bath slightly. He swore
his icy heart beat faster when her nipples broke the surface of the water.
"What's to stop me from dragging you out of this bath right now?"
He watched her take a slow, shaky breath, and again, his heart thumped to life when a sly smile
appeared on her face. "Try it,” she challenged, twisting her wand so it aimed perfectly at his throat.
"I dare you."
They stared at each other for a few moments, both thrilling at the challenge, the danger of it, the
tension between them as thick and tangible as the steam from the bathwater.
Eventually, Malfoy huffed a laugh and let go of her hair. "Wouldn't dream of it.”
He felt her eyes on him as he pulled his robes over his head and started to undress. Once he’d rid
himself of his clothes, he sat on the opposite side of the bath, spine resting against the opposite
wall so he was facing her and his legs running along the outside of hers.
Her eyes drifted over the scars on his chest, the blood on his hands and face - and probably in his
hair, though he hadn't cared to check. After a moment, she set her book down and the water lapped
against the sides of the bath as she moved. She shifted so that she was on her knees in front of him.
Her body dripped with water and bubbles clung to life on her small waist and chest.
Lucky bastards.
She flicked her wand and summoned the same bath salts he'd used for her before, and after she'd
added them to the bath and he felt them start to sink into his skin, she summoned a shampoo bottle
and emptied some into her hands.
She watched him with a sort of rapt attention as she shuffled forward even further, her eyes curious
and reserved, even though her hands were steady, and when he nodded, she threaded her fingers
either side of his scalp and started massaging the shampoo into his hair. Her hands felt, for lack of
a better word, heavenly. He swore he felt her magic in the very tips of her fingers as she kneaded
the back of his head. It was almost impossible not to lean into her hands, close his eyes, and get
lost in her touch. Almost impossible. He resisted. Just about.
As she worked, he watched her face. Watched the way she pursed her lips as she worked the lather
into his hair, and the little crease that had appeared between her brows. Clearly, her mind was on
something else.
His eyes drifted down to the book she'd been reading. It was his, one from his bedside collection.
Prophecies, Visions, and their meanings, by Malcolm Fitzgerald.
"Because of Blaise's vision," she answered simply, as though it were completely obvious.
Her eyes flickered down to his and her hands stilled in his hair. "If you really think that, then why
are you reading it?"
Malfoy frowned and her fingers started moving again, working their way towards the back of his
head in a way that made his toes curl under the surface of the water.
"So," she said, tone all business despite the tender way she kneaded his scalp. "Can I ask whose
blood I'm washing out of your hair? Or do I not want to know?"
Her fingers stilled of their magic. She leaned back so she could look at his face. "I thought Theo
was going to torture him?"
"He did."
Even though he knew it was going to earn him a smack, he smirked at her. "Couldn't let Theodore
have all the fun, could I?"
He was right. The moment he'd said it, her face scrunched up and she smacked him across the
shoulder, making a flurry of frothy bubbles float through the air in the aftermath.
"That wasn't part of the plan!" She leaned back against her side of the bath and glared at him.
Malfoy rolled his eyes before he slid down the bath and submerged himself fully into the scolding
water. He stayed underwater for a breath or two, letting the suds fully wash off his hair, before he
broke the surface again and resumed his earlier position. "Relax, Granger," he said as he rubbed
the water from his eyes with the thumb and index finger. "I placed privacy charms on the room so
no one overheard, and Theodore took full credit when he presented Amycus's head to Voldemort.
As far as he's concerned, I was nothing more than a witness - just as he'd ordered."
"Oh, don't be mad," Malfoy purred as he gripped both sides of the bath and used it to pull himself
up. He stalked forward, almost crawling across the bath to her. He settled between her legs,
wrapped a hand around her throat and used his thumb to twist her neck to the side so he could nip
her flushed cheek. "Or, on second thought, do,” he whispered as he crushed his body against the
length of hers, trapping her against the bath and him. "Salazar knows it's always more fun to fuck
you when you're angry with me.”
He kissed down her throat and she moaned quietly when he bit her collarbone, but she seemed off.
A little ... indifferent. His suspicion was confirmed when he palmed her breast under the water and
her back didn't arch.
He groaned against her neck. He caught the edges of the bath again, but this time, he used them to
pry himself off Granger and take him back to his side of the bath.
"I did,” he huffed, rings clinking against the copper as he drummed his fingers in irritation. "Why?"
"He didn't see her die, per se,” Malfoy started. "He saw her on her hands and knees, covered in
blood and screaming like she was in pain, and then he saw himself and Theodore digging a grave.
Doesn't take a genius to put those two things together."
The little lion nodded thoughtfully and stared at the bubbles. "I thought so. And the vision Blaise
had the other night," she said, "you said he saw nine flowers in the Malfoy family cemetery?"
"And the other four wilted, yes," he snapped, the irritation clear in his voice. "You have a theory
about that, I take it?"
She nodded and swirled some of the bubbles next to her with her hand. "I think I've figured out
what the four wilted flowers mean. I don't think it's necessarily means who lives here now is going
to die, I think it relates more to who has lived here, past and present.”
"I think that the four who are going to be dead at the end of the war are your father, your mother,
Daphne, and me.”
Despite the scolding water, Malfoy's blood ran cold. His stomach felt frozen, like someone had cut
him open and rammed a handful of icicles inside. He opened his mouth to speak, to argue, to say
that the idea was fucking ludicrous and he wouldn't hear another second of it, but she just kept
speaking, cutting him off and not giving him time to poke holes in her theory.
"It would make sense," she carried on, eyes still on her hand as she traced patterns in the bubbles.
"It's probably the reason why his vision showed your family's cemetery, because all of them have
headstones there, even if their bodies aren't. And it would tie in nicely with the other vision Blaise
had. The one where you and Narcissa burned me at the stake."
With every new word, Malfoy could see the pieces of her theory coming together. She was right, it
did make sense. The graves would add up to four and it would link in perfectly with Blaise's other
vision. So much had already come true from that particular vision. Zacharias Smith burning. The
bell tower falling. So much had already come true, so everything else in that vision …
"The only thing I can't quite figure out is the five who will remain," she said. "At first I thought it
was going to be Blaise, Astoria, Theo, you and Narcissa, but then I realised that the elves wouldn't
be included in that count, and that just didn't make sense, because if they aren't included, then it
doesn't make sense for Narcissa to be.”
Usually, it was a fucking joy to watch Granger work through a problem, to see the way her
beautiful mind would put the pieces together, how she could connect dots that others were often
oblivious to.
This didn't feel like a pleasure. It felt like a punishment. A punishment specifically tailored to him.
Blaise's vision the platform and her theory the noose that would hang him.
"I suppose it would make sense for Theo to want to find someone after the war, but I didn't think
he'd want to be with someone else after Daphne-"
He had to shut her up. He had to get her to stop fucking talking about this - but if he pushed her, if
he argued back, she'd just retaliate twice as hard, force her theories down his throat and make him
see how - how realistic it was. How after the war, they would likely not see each other again.
Slowly, carefully, he pushed himself away from his side of the bath. She stopped mid-sentence
when he slammed his hands down - rather forcefully - either side of her head, and then leaned over
"What are you doing?" she snapped, scrunching her nose up in that way she always did when she
was angry. "You can't just cut me off when I'm trying to -"
He leaned down and kissed her. "I've been thinking," he whispered, his voice muffled as he kissed
the words into her mouth. "In this other life," he carried on kissing her. His left hand released the
bath and crept into the water. "You remember? The one with rainbows and fairy tales," he paused
and moved to lightly bite the pulse point on her neck, delighting in the way she jerked underneath
him, "the one where we win the war, everyone gets a pardon, and we go travelling together?"
Her hands slid onto the part of his lower back that was underwater. She sunk her nails into his
spine and yanked him closer. "Yes..?" she moaned.
"I've … I've always-" She yelped when he palmed her breast and squeezed. He smiled into her
skin, finally getting the reaction he wanted. "I've always .... wanted to see Mexico."
"Mexico." He nodded in agreement. "Alright, we can go there." He kissed her shoulder. His hand
left her breast and travelled slowly down her body. "After the northern lights. That's where we
would go first."
She nodded, and he felt her start to tremble under his hand. She parted her legs further and he
slipped his hand between them.
She moaned and her head rolled back against the lip of the bath. "F-France?"
"Where else?"
Suddenly, she grabbed his face between her hands and kissed him.
He hooked his hands underneath the backs of her legs, and as he picked her up, Granger wrapped
her hands around his neck and she clung to him. He stepped out of the bath and carried her across
his room. He threw her onto the bed, not caring that her wet body dampened his bedsheets, only
that he wasn't inside her.
"Where else Granger?" he asked as he lowered himself down on top of her. "Where else would you
have wanted me to take you?"
"Then where?" he hissed between gritted teeth when he sunk into her.
"Yes," he kissed her throat as he started to move. Long, deep thrusts. The kind of thrusts that
moved her up the bed, the kind of thrusts that meant she had no choice but to cling to him. "Then
As he fucked her, he could see it all clearly in his mind. Could see every last fucking detail as
waves and waves of pleasure crashed over him, through him, from the top of his head right down to
his fucking toes.
He could see it all. Travelling the world with her. See her face light up in awe whenever he took
her somewhere new. The way she'd smile when he would lead her through the world's biggest
libraries and museums.
Sat on a balcony in Paris, coffee cup in her hand and wearing nothing but one of his shirts.
He moved his hips faster and he bit her throat to stop himself from coming.
She dragged her nails down his back and he heard her breath hitch loudly.
Clinging to his body for warmth when he would fuck her under the northern lights -
When her cunt started to spasm, it was over. He didn't even manage an extra thrust before his cock
jerked and he collapsed on top of her.
As he snaked his arms underneath her spine and pulled her close, his mind went back to the smoke
As he buried his face in her curls and inhaled her, he remembered how easily the smoke had
vanished and how much he’d envied it for being able to just disappear.
11th March
Even though Voldemort was executing his generals faster than he could replace them, even though
his army was struggling, stripped right down and at its most vulnerable, every time an opportunity
presented itself to spill blood - the Order's blood - he answered the call.
It wasn't a smart tactic. His attacks didn't seem to be calculated anymore like his old ones used to
be, they weren't coordinated or premeditated anymore, their only purpose was to kill. Kill and kill
and kill and spill as much blood as possible. Hermione guessed it was a power move. A way to
cling onto the control that he was so hopelessly losing, make himself feel as though he were doing
as much damage to the Order's ranks as they were doing to his.
Voldemort barely had any Gold Masks left, and even his Black Masks had become somewhat
precious to him, finally worth the weight of their iron masks for the first time.
As the weeks dragged on, he became relentless with his need to squash the Order quickly.
Painfully. Every time he heard a whisper of a new Order safe house or rumour of an abandoned
port being used to smuggle in new weapons, he retaliated full force. Used every magical weapon.
Called on every dark and depraved creature that was still loyal to him and attacked.
But it was a losing battle. He might as well as have had hands covering his eyes, blindly stumbling
and swinging his sword in the darkness in the hopes that he'd wound his enemy in some way or
another, not knowing that Malfoy - one of the only people he trusted - was the one covering his
Every time Voldemort planned a new attack, Malfoy altered the Order. He gave them time to
evacuate their wounded and get their supplies out long before Voldemort could launch his assault -
but it didn't stop there. The tables had started to turn. Now, under Malfoy and Hermione's
guidance, the Order was starting to gain back their foothold. Each time Voldemort sent his troops
into bases, The Order left traps, some magical, others not, but the results were always the same.
Cleverly placed explosives or trick floors that vanished beneath their feet to drop them into a pit of
spikes or poisons snakes that tore them apart.
According to Malfoy, Voldemort wasn't even listening to his advisors anymore. He didn't listen to
Crouch Jr when he'd suggested that the raid at an Order base in Kent seemed suspicious and that it
might be a trap - which it was, one that Malfoy and Blaise had helped set - and he'd executed a new
Black Mask right on the spot when they'd said that another attack Voldemort had ordered was
The eerie calm and chilling superiority that used to shroud Voldemort had been stripped away, and
now, the mad-man that'd been there all along was exposed for all to see. He often flew into fits of
rage when his generals said something he didn't like, and disagreeing with him had become a death
sentence itself, his fragile mental state making him believe anyone who didn't share his opinion
must be a traitor as well.
Yes, the tables had truly turned, and although Hermione was overjoyed that the future of the Order
seemed bright, it didn't mean that Hermione was any less worried about her own future.
Because for each battle the Order had won, another prediction from Blaise's vision had come true.
Whilst on a mission in Luton at the end of January, Hermione saw a green curse hit Angelina
Johnson in the chest - just like it had in Blaise's vision.
A few weeks later she saw the same thing happen to Sarah Chamberlain. Saw that awful shade of
green fly from the end of a Black Masks wand and hit Sarah from across the battlefield - just like it
had in Blaise's vision.
And after an unexpected snowfall in the last week of February, Hermione had seen an Order
soldier take shelter under a bridge in Bakewell and hide from the onslaught. She'd watched the way
he'd limped across the frozen lake and slumped under the bridge. She'd watched the way he'd tried
to hide in the shadows for protection and watched the blood ooze from the bullet hole in his leg.
And then she'd watched Bellatrix spot him, wave her wand, and bring the metal bridge right down
on top of him, killing the soldier and causing the icy lake to burst open - just like Blaise had
fucking seen.
Malfoy didn't want to talk about Blaise's visions. Blaise couldn't stop talking about them, and
neither could Hermione -because it was all coming true.
Zacharias Smith, burned to death by dragon fire just as Blaise had predicted.
The bell tower, collapsed because Malfoy had brought it down when he thought Hermione was
hurt, just like in the vision.
Angelina Johnson, dead, killed by an Avada. Another prediction he'd gotten right.
The bridge, destroyed and collapsed into the icy lake. And another.
It was all coming true. Every little detail Blaise had foreseen was all coming true. There were only
a handful of things left from that vision that hadn't come true yet.
The handgun, which she recognised could have easily been the one Malfoy had given her.
Blue lightning against a dark sky, which, she supposed, could happen anywhere.
She knew it was coming. Her usefulness to Voldemort wasn't nearly what it once was. Although
she was being utilised at every opportunity, although she killed ruthlessly and mercilessly when
she was under the Demon Hex, she was breaking out of it. A lot. During almost every battle she
seemed to somehow claw back control after an hour or two, always when she was cornered by
Order members or held at wand point.
A few months ago, she'd have rejoiced if she were able to break out of the Demon Hex so
frequently, but what would have been a blessing nine months ago was a fucking curse in their
current circumstances.
When it started to happen more frequently, Hermione and Malfoy made a plan.
Hermione would always cover her tracks when she broke through, make it look as though she were
still under it's influence, attack whoever was around her with brutal - but non-lethal - spells and
then she'd take cover, hide until Malfoy could get to her and put her back under it. They were very
discreet about it. None of the other Death Eaters seemed to notice, but Bellatrix had.
Twice, the very moment the Hex had receded, the very heartbeat Hermione's eyes weren't black
anymore and her cheeks flushed with colour, Bellatrix had noticed, and before Hermione had even
had the opportunity to flex her fingers, Bellatrix had conjured chains around her body and knocked
her unconscious.
Twice, Bellatrix had noticed that Hermione had broken through the Hex, and twice, Malfoy had
had to take the blame. He'd had to convince Voldemort that it was his fault Hermione had broken
through the Hex, that his mind had been elsewhere when he'd put her under it, that he'd been
distracted, worrying about his master's future and that Hermione was still useful to him and they
should keep her.
Both times, Voldemort seemed to believe the lie Malfoy fed him and punished him 'appropriately'
with a Crucio or two, but Bellatrix didn't seem convinced.
If Voldemort's army weren't as cut down and struggling as they were, he probably would have
killed Hermione already. Her saving grace was that he barely had any talented soldiers left, and
Hermione was one of the most ruthless killers he'd ever seen. When she was under the Demon
Hex, she was more unpredictable than Bellatrix, better at killing curses than Theo and equally as
brutal as Malfoy.
But Hermione was nothing more than a tool to him. A weapon, and even the most deadly weapons
were cast aside and upgraded eventually.
Yes, her days were numbered, but she couldn't dwell on that. She wouldn't. Every time her mind
tried to spiral down that particular path, she rerouted it. Quite literally dragged her thoughts
towards another path and forced herself to stay on it.
Instead of worrying if the flames would hurt when she burned to death, Hermione picked up her
paintbrush and painted frozen lakes and running rivers on the walls of the manor. Instead of
wondering if the afterlife was going to be a lonely place, she would seek Malfoy out and spend
hours underneath him, on top of him, his arms around her and his lips on her skin and bathing
herself in his company while she still had the chance.
And instead of focusing on her own mortality, she focused on Astoria's. The men couldn't lose her,
they'd crumble if anything happened to her. They'd all gone through enough pain and heartbreak to
last a lifetime, and after everything Astoria had done for the Order, she deserved to live, and
Hermione was determined to find a way to save her, spending every minute she could spare in
Malfoy's library searching for a cure or spell that could help, something the others might have
missed by mistake.
But as much as she tried to run from it, before too long, the vision always came bleeding back into
her mind.
What the fuck was four supposed to mean?! Blaise's vision had seen it everywhere. It'd flashed
repeatedly between each aspect of his vision that'd already come true, but Hermione couldn't work
out what it meant.
The fourth day of the week? The month? Or did it link in with other aspects of his vision? Could it
have meant four rounds of ammunition in the black and gold gun? What if it was linked to another
of his visions? Perhaps the number four related to the flowers Blaise had seen wilt?
There were too many possibilities, so many variants and missing pieces of information that she
"Granger," she heard Malfoy grumble somewhere to her left. She couldn't tell exactly where, he
wasn't in her line of sight, hadn't been for at least a few seconds. "You need to stop with your
bloody pacing. You're making Cissa nervous."
As if she were backing him up, Narcissa made a sad clicking sound and nudged a little closer to
Hermione. Hermione paused for a moment to stroke the dragon's snout, the palm of her hand
feeling as though it was vibrating as the beast purred in contentment. She glided her hand softly
over her warm scales, just long enough to soothe the dragon before she dropped her hand and
started pacing again.
There wasn't much to see around East Midlands Airport. It was still abandoned. Some of the
runway was still frozen over with ice and Hermione could see each breath she took in front of her.
Hermione, Malfoy and Narcissa always got to the meetings before the Order did. Malfoy always
insisted. Thought it gave him an advantage if anything did go wrong, gave him time to scout out
possible exits and make an escape plan whilst they waited for Ginny and Fleur and whoever else
would accompany them that day.
It had the opposite effect on Hermione. Her busy mind always took the reins while they waited,
thoughts and possibilities whirling around and around in her head until she was a ball of nervous
energy. All the waiting around made her anxious and so fucking irritable she needed to be on her
feet just to expel some of that nervous energy.
"I'm pacing because it helps me think," she snapped as she walked to Terminal One, did a U-turn,
and then retraced her steps back to Terminal Two for the - what? Fourteenth time? Fifteenth? Who
the fuck counted something like that.
Smug prick, she was half tempted to smack him as she walked past.
"You and Blaise have that in common, and you know what else the two of you have in common?"
his husky voice drawled. "You're both driving me fucking insane with it. Always pacing about,
walking in circles, makes me dizzy just watching you, so how the fuck either of you don't topple
over I will never know."
Hermione carried on walking, but she threw Malfoy a one-fingered gesture on her way passed him.
She heard him chuckle quietly. "Granger, come and sit with me,” he said, just before she heard his
rings clink against the metal bench he was sitting on, presumably patting the space beside him.
Four ...
Four ...
Four ... years till the war ended? No, the Order didn't have the resources to keep the war going on
for that much longer.
Four ... more Horcruxes? Fuck, she hoped not. Four more Demon Masks? Near-death
experiences?! Bases to be burned to the ground?! What?! What the fuck did it mean?!
She reached Terminal Two and was just about to make another U-turn when she felt a cold hand
close around her wrist. A rough tug pulled her back against his chest, and as his other hand started
to run slowly up and down the side of her ribcage in a way that made her want to shiver, Malfoy
dipped his head and his lips ghosted against the shell of her ear.
"Granger," he repeated, softer this time. "Come and sit with me.”
"Hmmm,” she felt him smile against her cheek, “I could always throw you over my shoulder and
make you sit with me.”
She elbowed him just hard enough to make him loosen his hold on her. She twisted in his arms so
that she faced him, and although she scowled up at him, her hands somehow found themselves
resting on his chest. "This isn't the time for jokes.”
Malfoy's expression grew irritated. "You're not still worried about Blaise's vision are you?"
Although he tried to hide it, Hermione could see that he was worried. His walls were up high
today, eyes almost completely grey, like thick storm clouds with only a few streaks of blue to break
them up. He rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek and stared down at her. Against her hip,
she could feel his fingers fidgeting, his thumb twisting the ring he wore on his pinkie finger. "Let's
talk about something else."
"Alright," Hermione agreed. She let him guide her back to the bench and sat down beside him.
Narcissa lifted her head off the ground when they sat down, but once she was reassured that
Hermione and Malfoy were safe and within her reach, she settled back on the floor and closed her
red eyes.
"What are we going to do about Astoria? Her condition is only getting worse."
Malfoy looked at her out the corner of his eye. "Very observant. Ten points to- there's no need to
hit me, Granger. I was just making an observation.”
"I'm serious," Hermione said. "What are we going to do? Have you tried Phoenix tears?"
They hadn't worked, course they hadn't. If they had, Malfoy, Blaise and Theo would have hunted
down every last Phoenix and tortured the poor birds around the clock to get their tears. "It had no
effect at all?"
"I know it's not exactly pleasant, but what about unicorn blood? You wouldn't have to kill it, just
take a little bit of its blood and heal it afterwards."
Malfoy lifted a snarky eyebrow. "You honestly believe Astoria would willingly drink unicorn
blood? The brat doesn't even eat meat, she's hardly going to knowingly drink the blood of the
animal she used to listen to bedtime stories about," Malfoy scoffed. "And the legends say that
anyone who drinks unicorn blood will have a half-life, and her life is already cut short, I want to do
anything that could make it any shorter. We've done everything we can think of, tried every potion
and healing charm known to wizardkind and nothing's had an effect. We can't get rid of her blood
Hermione chewed on the inside of her cheek as she mulled over his words. There had to be
something. Some obscure potion or exotic artefact somewhere that they didn't know about. Astoria
didn't deserve to whither -
Suddenly, Narcissa lifted her huge head off the ground and stared at the terminal the Order usually
apparated into. She started growling menacingly towards the vacant space, and seconds later,
Hermione heard a quiet popping sound.
Hermione and Malfoy stood up, but after a good thirty seconds, no one had walked around the
corner to greet them.
"Come on Weaseltits!" Malfoy called towards the terminal. "While we're young thank you very
Something was wrong. Fleur and Ginny never dawdled. They were always prompt and efficient.
They knew these exchanges were important, vital to the Order's victory and it was incredibly
dangerous if they were discovered by any other Death Eaters. They wouldn't waste time like this.
"Hello?" Hermione called, doing a wonderful job and hiding the rising panic she felt from her
voice. "Ginny, is that you?”
The moment he stepped around the corner, it was as though the last year hadn't happened, as
though the last few years hadn't happened. Their relationship had been strained before she'd been
captured, throughout the war, throughout all the death and all the battles, they'd almost become
strangers to one another, unfamiliar, but looking at him now, none of that mattered.
She didn't see the war hero, the man with the weight of the wizarding world on his shoulders, she
just saw her friend.
His eyes were grey and guarded. The tension in his jaw was deadly. "Go on," he said, jutting his
chin once towards Harry. "Go to him."
When Hermione took the first step, she felt the ground shudder as Narcissa followed.
Harry's expression tensed up and his fingers flexed around the wand in his hand.
Hermione turned around. "It's alright," she whispered to the dragon. “We can trust him."
Narcissa's red eyes watched her for a moment, and although the dragon didn't back away, when
Hermione took another step, she didn't follow either.
The walk toward Harry was slow and painful. She took her time and was very cautious. She knew
he wouldn't hurt her, but the last time they'd seen each other she'd almost killed him, and she didn't
want to take any chances.
Although one look in Harry's eyes told her that she had nothing to be afraid of. There was no fear in
his eyes - which she probably deserved - and there was no resentment or disgust - which she knew
she'd most definitely earned - there was just warmth. Just the feeling of family, of belonging.
Narcissa hissed quietly when Harry reached for Hermione. Hermione held up her hand to the
dragon, showing that it was alright.
As soon as Hermione turned back around, Harry's arms enveloped her. He squeezed her like he was
trying to pack a year's worth of missed embraces into one hug, and Hermione couldn't help but
wrap her arms around his shoulders and do the same. She'd forgotten how much she missed him
until that moment. She didn't want to let him go, but she knew she had to, she could hear Narcissa
huffing, and the dragon's warning growls seemed to be getting louder the longer Harry held onto
When he eventually released her, he didn't let her go, not fully, anyway. His hands stayed gently
clasped onto her forearms, but that seemed to be enough to quiet Narcissa for a moment.
"You look ... good,” Harry said, stepping back so he could get a better look at her. "Healthy."
"I am.”
"He has a name, you know," Malfoy called. "Bloody hell, raised in barns, the lot of them," he
added, although, from the quieter tone of his voice, Hermione guessed that he was talking to
Narcissa rather than her or Harry. "No manners at all.”
"I never thought I'd see you at one of these meetings," Hermione said quickly, trying to brush over
Malfoy's snarky comment. "I didn't think Kingsley would want you to leave the base just to come
and meet ... us. Me especially, after everything I've done."
"Ginny is keeping him busy so I could sneak off for a few minutes. She'll be here soon with Fleur.
I just - I wanted to see you.”
"Ginny said how well you were doing. She said you looked..." His eyes drifted over her shoulder to
look at Malfoy for a moment before they landed back on hers. "Happy, given the circumstances. I
wanted to see it for myself."
Harry's eyes drifted over Hermione's shoulder again to glare at Malfoy. "Yeah, you're right, I was
surprised that she could be happy living in your manor, after everything you've put her through,
From the way the ground started to shudder violently under her feet, Hermione knew Malfoy and
Narcissa were stalking them. Hermione turned around and braced her hands on Malfoy's chest, she
didn't want him to stand too close to Harry, she didn't trust him not to swing for him, and people
who said something Malfoy didn't like had a nasty habit of ending up in a coffin lately.
"Don't," she urged, meeting his icy stare. "Let him have that one."
Malfoy's nostrils flared as he stared down at her. Eventually, he rolled his jaw and released a long,
ragged sigh. "Fine."
Narcissa growled menacingly behind Malfoy, not sure how she felt about Harry yet. When the
dragon's jaw fell open, Harry took a sensible step away from Hermione and Malfoy.
Hermione took a deep breath to steady herself before she turned back to Harry. "I appreciate that
the two of you are never going to get along, but Harry, if you make another comment like that, I'll
Harry's quizzical green eyes flickered between Hermione, Malfoy, to her hand on his chest, and
then back again. After a minute, he smiled. "I see Ginny was right about that too."
"Nothing," Harry said, chuckling under his breath and shaking his head slightly. He pushed up the
sleeves of his jacket and checked his watch briefly before he looked up again. "Ginny can only
cover for me for a few more minutes, and I wanted to tell you this myself in person. Kingsley
wants us to move up the plan."
Hermione felt Malfoy's body tense under her hand. "By how much?" he asked gruffly.
Harry looked nervously between the two of them before he answered, “He wants the medallion by
the end of March."
Although Hermione seemed to have lost her voice, Malfoy had no trouble finding his. "Of course
he fucking does!" He laughed bitterly, resentfully. "It's about fucking time, I wondered when he
was going to have the balls to make his move."
Hermione's brow furrowed. She dropped her hand and stared up at him. "You say that like you
aren't surprised?"
"Surprised? What's there to be surprised about? That Kingsley doesn't give a shit about my family?
Or that getting him that medallion is likely to expose us as the spy? No, of course he fucking
doesn't. He thinks we're expendable, the wasted Death Eater scum who chose the wrong side and
deserve everything that's coming to us.”
"It doesn't have anything to do with your family," Harry argued. "You know that one of our seers
had the same vision that Blaise had, and, well - too many things from that vision have come true.
It's making Kingsley nervous, and quite frankly, it's making me nervous too. We need to destroy
another Horcrux. We can't wait any longer."
"You do realise that getting the Medallion is going to be very dangerous for us?" Malfoy snarled.
"And that it's very likely that someone is going to see us get the medallion, and if they do, the ruse
is up and my entire family is going to be in danger?”
"I'm really sorry, I voted against it, but Kingsley is insistent,” Harry said. "You're doing an amazing
job of whittling down Voldemort's army - and we're so grateful to you and your family for that -
but we're losing people too. We don't have many soldiers left, the muggle armies are almost
completely depleted. The Order can't last much longer. We need to destroy another Horcrux, and
we need to do it now."
Whilst Harry had no problem putting his own life on the line, he hated gambling with other
people's lives, so for him to be asking this of Malfoy, The Order must have been in a worse state
than Hermione realised.
But Malfoy had heard enough. Without another word, he clicked his fingers and Narcissa lowered
her body to the ground for him to mount her. The dragon hissed and kept her eyes on Harry as
Malfoy climbed on her back.
"What are you doing?" Hermione asked. "Aren't we staying to meet with Ginny?"
"What's the fucking point?" Malfoy snapped as he settled on Narcissa's back. "Scarhead has told us
everything we need to know, and we're going to need every fucking second we have left to plan
this shit show." He ran his fingers through his hair before he held out his hand to her. "Come. We
need to go home.”
He was right. They had an impossible task on their hands and an even more impossible deadline.
She sighed and nodded goodbye at Harry. She turned around, about to take Malfoy's hand and get
on Narcissa's back-
Hermione looked back at him and watched Harry reach into his pocket and pull out a small, folded
piece of paper. He smiled warmly at her as he handed it over.
It was a painting of a forest, a child's painting. She knew who'd made it before she saw the messy
signature. She recognised the technique because it was a chaotic, unpracticed version of her own,
recognised the clustered and light brush strokes because she'd taught her pupils that very technique
"Rose and Fred painted that for you," Harry added, the promise of a smile in his voice. "They miss
their auntie Mione.”
Enjoy the little things
11th March
The flight back to the manor was exceptionally tense. Malfoy didn't say a word. Nothing. Not a
fucking sentence. The only sound Hermione could hear the entire journey home was the cold air
howling around her ears and the occasional flap of Narcissa's wings.
And Malfoy's mood didn't improve when they got home. As soon as Narcissa touched the ground
and she let them climb off her back, Malfoy was off, storming towards the manor like he intended
to murder anyone and anything who crossed his path.
Narcissa whined after him and dropped her head, visibly anxious and worried.
Hermione soothingly stroked her snout before she went after Malfoy.
"Malfoy?" she called when they were halfway through the gardens. "Are you alright?"
She struggled to keep up with his long, furious strides, practically had to break into a small run to
match his pace. She tried to call him again as they approached the house, and again, he ignored her,
didn't even pause to look over his shoulder.
When he got to the back door that led into the kitchen, he still hadn't spoken, and he swung the
door open so angrily it was a miracle he didn't pull the bloody thing off its hinges.
Romy was already inside the kitchen, standing on a tall wooden stool and hovering over the island,
covered in flour and happily chopping potatoes which he would probably be serving for dinner.
The kitchen was Romy's happy place, so Hermione wasn't surprised to find him there, but she was
surprised to find Astoria standing beside him, a glass of red wine in hand and wearing a pink apron
(that matched her dress perfectly) and equally as covered in flour as Romy's was.
Astoria's illness came over her in waves, one day she was completely depleted and too exhausted to
get out of bed, and the next, she seemed a lot better and would waltz around in heels. Today -
judging from her perfect hair and makeup - must have been a good day. She got so few of them
lately, so it was nice to see her up and about.
Romy stopped chopping, and Astoria's perfect brows furrowed as Malfoy storm passed them.
He charged across the kitchen, completely ignoring everyone. He was so angry that his magic
started to lash out. The lights started to flicker overhead. The pans and cooking equipment that
were laid across the kitchen island started to rattle and vibrate.
Astoria gave Hermione a concerned look when an empty glass popped open and shattered without
being touched.
Malfoy got to the door on the opposite end of the kitchen and curled his hand around the handle,
ready to go crashing into the hallway and probably destroy the portraits -
"I'm fine." He still had his back to the room, but she heard him release a slow breath before he
looked over his shoulder at her. "I just need to get started on how we're going to get the
"Why, what's happening with the medallion?" Astoria asked, fingers tightening around the stem of
the wine glass in her hand. "What the bloody hell happened at the meeting?! I thought everything
was going well?"
Malfoy clenched his jaw, so Hermione answered for him. "The Order wants to move up the plan.
They want the medallion by the end of March."
Astoria's eyes widened and her breath hitched slightly. "That's ... rather soon. Is it possible? To get
it to them that early?"
"Yes," Malfoy said. "It's risky, and it's not ideal, but it's doable. But I need to get started now, at
least that way we have a chance of everyone making it through this alive." He turned his head back
towards the door. Hermione couldn't see his face, but his shoulders were rigid, tense with the
weight that he felt was his to bear and his to bear alone. She could see the veins protruding on the
back of his hand as he twisted the door handle.
Everything about his body language was sharp and angry, but the defeat in his voice would be
enough to break anyone's heart.
He watched her out the corner of his eye for a moment, the stormy grey had already started to
recede. "Yes," he whispered after a moment. "Please.”
She nodded, and as they left the room together, Hermione could see Astoria watching them, and
smiling brightly.
"I'm so glad that Draco has her,” Astoria said as soon as Hermione closed the door behind her. "He
puts far too much pressure on himself. He's making himself miserable with it, but he's so much
happier when Hermione is with him. Don't you think?"
"Yes, Miss," Romy answered, nodding and smiling in agreement but eyes still on the potatoes he
was chopping. "Sir does always seem to be in a better mood when Miss Granger is around. He was
always so miserable before she lived with us. Always angry and always quiet, and apart from
today, he has seemed much happier, and this makes Romy happy, too."
"I know he promised Daphne that he would do whatever he needed to do to keep us all safe, but
she wouldn't have wanted him to waste his own life doing it.” Astoria sighed and took a sip of her
wine. “She would have wanted him to be happy and live his life, and I think he's been doing that - a
little bit - since Hermione has been with us.” She took her head and took another sip. "I've told him
for years that he needs to relax and enjoy the little things, and he always ignored me, but as soon as
Hermione comes into the picture, he does exactly that?"
After Romy was finished chopping up the potatoes, he scooped them up into a bowl and handed
them to Astoria for her to season.
"Perhaps," Romy agreed as he started to prepare the sauce for their leak and potato pie. "But then
perhaps - no Miss, that is too much salt! No more!"
Astoria dropped the salt as though it had burned her and pushed the bowl of precious potatoes back
to Romy before he hit her. Romy really was the sweetest creature alive, quite literally wouldn't hurt
a fly, but if ruined potatoes were on the line, well, everything had limits to their patience.
The elf shook his little head and stared at Astoria, disappointment burning in his green eyes.
"Perhaps Miss is right," Romy sighed, waving his hand over the bowl and trying to undo the mess
she'd made. "Romy agrees that Mr Malfoy should listen when she tells him not to worry as much,
but perhaps Miss shouldn't judge because Miss is not very good at listening to others either."
Astoria paused - wine glass hovering next to her lips - to glare at Romy. "What's that supposed to
Romy shrugged innocently. "Miss is angry because Master Malfoy is not listening to her, but Miss
ought not to be out of bed. Everyone told her not to be, and yet here she is,” Romy smiled
knowingly as he waved his hand in front of Astoria, “out of bed, looking lovely and making dinner
with Romy when she should be resting."
"Yes, well, thank you for casting the Glamour charms on me. I ... don't think I have the strength to
cast them yet."
"Miss ought not to worry," he said, smiling, as he went back to fixing the potatoes. "Romy will
always cast those charms on Miss because he knows how important it is to Miss that she looks her
best. That she looks like her sister. And as long as Miss is happy - and Romy gets potatoes - then
Romy is happy too."
Astoria couldn't help but laugh and smile down at the tiny elf from over her wine glass. "You're
getting very sassy in your old age. Did you know that?"
"Yes, Miss. Quinzel says it is a learned habit. She says that because Romy spends so much time
with Mrs Zabini, that 'the sass' is going to be picked up from you."
"Quinzel says that if Romy spends more time with Mrs Zabini, he will likely pick up her other
habits too. Like her drinking."
30th March
By the end of March, their plan to get the medallion to the Order was ready.
All it took was a pub full of drunken gossips to repeat some rumours and a few Black Masks to
carry the news back to Voldemort. It was Astoria's idea; for Theo, Blaise and Malfoy to wait in the
corner of a very dark pub, hidden under a few layers of magic to change their appearances, and
whisper into the ears of the drunken pubgoers. Plant the seed, spread the news that - apparently -
what was left of the Order was hiding in a small base in Nottingham.
"It's all true," Blaise had whispered to an elderly wizard at the bar. "They've been there for
"A friend of mine saw them," Malfoy had told another. "Nothing left, any of them. No weapons. No
equipment, barely any food left at all."
"Hiding and licking their wounds in an old Brewery in Ashfield, near Sherwood Forest, that's what
I heard,” Theo had whispered into the ear of a large chested blonde barmaid. "If I were the Dark
Lord, I'd go and slaughter the lot of them before they could recover.”
The barmaid had gasped and nodded in agreement when she'd heard the tale, and then, when Theo
took his drink and went back to his corner, the barmaid told one of her customers, and then
another, and then another.
Malfoy said it was like watching wildfire spread. Seeing the way the lie caught and metastasized
through the pub, watch it take over, consume every conversation and corner until it reached the
ears of a couple of off duty Black Masks.
As predicted, it didn't take long for the information to reach Voldemort. The Black Masks were
nothing if not unpredictable, and as soon as they'd heard the rumours, they'd downed their drinks
and apparated back to Voldemort, eager to share what they'd learned, showing what good little
loyal doggies they were.
And the moment Voldemort had heard, he ordered that the place be turned over until there was
absolutely nothing left inside - not even a single beating heart.
There was an Order base in Nottingham, that part was true, but when Voldemort's soldiers got
there, when they kicked the doors down and descended upon it like a pack of vultures, they
wouldn't find it defenceless. They wouldn't find injured witches and wizards inside seeking refuge.
They wouldn't find the bare bones of the Order; they'd find a fucking ambush. A team of soldiers -
magical and muggle - weapons drawn and a mountain of traps waiting for them.
And while his army tried to claw themselves out of the trap they'd found themselves in, Malfoy and
Hermione were going to sneak off and get the medallion.
Malfoy and Hermione had thought of everything, obsessed over every map of Newstead Abbey
and planned everything right down to the last microscopic detail. They were as prepared as they
could ever hope to be, and yet, it still didn't feel enough. Not nearly fucking enough.
Her ribs and muscles in her chest were bruised as she tried to push forward and break the ropes
that bound her to the post.
The sound of her ragged breathing was loud in her ears, it almost drowned out the sound of her
escape efforts. She could hardly hear the skin around her wrists tearing as she sawed them against
the ropes in an attempt to break them. Could hardly hear the robes fraying or the hiss in her breath
as the pain spiked, but it didn't drown everything out.
Didn't drown out the sound of reptilian scales and wings being dragged across the floor.
Didn't drown the sound of colossal footsteps, or the way the earth shuddered under Hermione's
The air was getting hotter and hotter, increasing the longer she was trapped in this nightmare.
The dragon was getting closer - Hermione didn't have much time left.
She worked her wrists harder, gritting her teeth against the stinging pain that was throbbing in her
wrists. Her skin was raw, the ropes around her wrists must have been weaker now, frayed and
covered in her blood.
"I would say that I'm sorry, that I didn't see this coming."
"But I think we both always knew how this was going to end for us.”
Sweat gathered around her temple and ran down her neck.
Narcissa drew closer, crawling out of the shadows to stand beside her master as that ominous
growling got louder and louder, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
There wasn't a pause before the flames came barrelling towards her. As soon as Narcissa opened
her mouth, a wave of searing heat charged toward Hermione, fighting off the darkness and
illuminating the space in front of her.
She caught Malfoy's eyes for a split second before the flames engulfed her. Saw the cold, lifeless
grey for just a moment, and even as she was set aflame, there was no emotion there, not even a hint
of sadness or regard for her life. As always, he stared at her like he didn't know her, like he didn't
care for her at all.
And in some ways, that hurt more than the fire ever could.
She tried to squint and concentrate on something else, tried to use the light from the flames that
licked up her skin to try and see what was around her, see if she could gather any clues as to when
this vision might come true, where it was going to happen. Where she was going to die.
But the flames hurt. They always did. No matter how many times she chanted that it wasn't real,
that it was just a dream, the flames always hurt, and the pain distracted her from everything else.
She couldn't concentrate on where she was, because all she could think about was the way her
blood was boiling inside her body. Not boiling with anger, in the metaphorical sense like she
sometimes felt it did, no, burning in the literal sense.
She couldn't look around and try to see something, a clue, a discarded newspaper on the floor or a
watch, anything to help her work out when this was going to happen to her, because all she could
hear was her own screams and that God-awful sizzling and popping sound that she was sure was
coming from her -
She wasn't sure what woke her, whether it was the sound of her bedroom door suddenly swinging
open or if it was her own screaming. She liked to think it was the former, but logically, she knew
that whoever was coming into her room uninvited had probably been woken by her screams.
On instinct - and the flames still fresh on her skin - she snatched her wand under her pillow and
bolted upright in bed. She couldn't see who was in the doorway, but her voice was horrid and
frightening as she screamed a Bombarda curse blindly into the darkness.
She missed the intruder, but only by an inch. As her eyes adjusted, she saw a head of silvery-white
hair duck to the left just in time to miss her curse, and then she heard the wooden doorframe shatter
as it bore the brunt of her attack.
Malfoy stepped into her room and muttered a Lumos charm. The candles on her bedside table lit up
Immediately and she knew she was really awake when she saw his eyes. They weren't lifeless, the
way they'd been in her dream. They weren't cold. They weren't even angry - which she supposed
wouldn't have been the most unrealistic thing in the world, seeing as she'd almost just taken his
head off.
No, instead, they were almost completely blue and full of concern.
"Granger," he whispered, voice just as careful as the slow footsteps he took into her room. “I heard
you screaming. What happened? Was it ..." He took a deep breath and his throat bobbed as he
swallowed. "Was it the nightmare again?"
Hermione pressed the palm of her hand against her chest and tried to quiet her breathing. "What are
you doing?!" she hissed, grateful that the venomous edge seemed to hide what she was feeling.
"Why are you in here? I could've killed you! Again!"
She wasn't angry with him. She wasn't really angry at all, but she'd rather him think that she was
than know the truth. Know that she was absolutely fucking terrified of that nightmare and what it
meant. She didn't think she was scared of dying, thought that when her time came, she'd accept her
fate and go peacefully. At least then she'd get some rest from the war.
But as more and more of Blaise's visions were starting to come, and her own death seemed to be
growing ever closer, she realised that she wasn't ready to go yet. Not fucking ready at all.
It took her far too long to calm down. Too many deep breaths and too many seconds staring at him
before her breathing was somewhat under control. "What do you want?"
He scoffed quietly and stared at her from across the room. "Get ready," he said. "I'm taking you
Malfoy nodded.
"But," she shuffled out of bed and grabbed the clock on her bedside table, "it's almost four o'clock
in the morning."
"Which means we only have a few hours until sunrise, so we need to get going. Now."
He gave her fifteen minutes to shower and change. He told her to wrap up warm, and once she was
dressed - and wearing a thick, almost knee-length black coat - she let him guide her outside to the
gardens where Narcissa slept. The dragon was already awake and waiting for them, and after
Malfoy helped Hermione climb onto her back, he settled himself behind her and they took off.
Although it was freezing outside, it was a relatively mild night. The wind was as gentle as a caress
on her cheeks and her thighs were warm from the scales on Narcissa's back.
The sky was almost completely pitch black. Hermione wondered how the dragon - or Malfoy - had
any idea which direction they were going in. Her vision got worse as Narcissa ascended and started
to fly through the clouds, but when they broke the surface, the view took Hermione's breath away.
It was beautiful, that was the only way she could describe it. There were thousands of stars
plastered along the night's sky, more than she'd ever seen in her lifetime, and the moon, it was full
and bright and the most striking silver colour she'd ever seen. It cast a silvery light all across the
sky and seemed to illuminate the thick grey clouds in a way that she hadn't been able to see when
she'd been standing on the ground.
They seemed to be flying forever, but for the first time, Hermione hardly minded it. She was
relatively warm and the view of the stars around her was like something out of a storybook. She
could hardly wait to get back to the Manor and paint a version of it on a wall somewhere.
Eventually, Malfoy gave the signal and Narcissa started her descent. They circled a few mountains
that looked vaguely familiar before Narcissa landed next to a large lake, and once the dragon let
them climb off her back, Malfoy sat down on the tall grass, right by the water's edge.
"Where are we?" Hermione asked as she landed softly beside him.
"Give it a minute. I'm sure you'll recognise it in a minute. Sit with me.”
"Always so bloody suspicious, aren't you?" Malfoy chuckled quietly and shook his head. "We're in
Scotland, Granger. That-" he pointed to the river in front of him, “is the waters of Loch Shiel. And
if you squint really hard and look that way - " he used his thumb to point behind him, "you'll be
able to see Glenfinnan Viaduct, the bridge and train tracks that we used to go over each time we
rode the Hogwarts express."
She looked behind her and sure enough, after a moment or two to let her eyes adjust, she saw the
bridge. When she looked back at him, he caught her wrist and urged her to sit on the glass beside
Given the time of year and the indecently early hour, it would have been freezing, but as Hermione
sat down, Narcissa laid on the ground behind them and curled her body loosely around them, not
enough to feel claustrophobic or closed in, but just enough that Hermione could feel the heat from
her body.
Malfoy leaned his back against the dragon for support and Hermione did the same, the feel of her
warm scales seeping through her thick jacket like leaning against a muggle radiator.
"You'll see," he said. "Just give it a little longer and keep your eyes on the lake."
She stared at the lake and frowned. She couldn't really see anything. It was still very dark, and the
moon was still hidden behind the thick grey clouds. She could only make out the outline of the
lake and surrounding mountains. They sat like that for about half an hour, neither one saying a
word, but eventually, just as Hermione's eyes had started to drift closed, the clouds finally parted
and the lake was illuminated.
She'd thought that the skyline and the stars she'd seen on the way to Scotland were beautiful, but
that was nothing in comparison to the way they looked reflected in the water.
She felt like she was looking at two worlds colliding. The stars in the sky were a mirror image of
those reflected in the water, only, they weren't exactly the same. The way the water rippled softly
in the gentle wind distorted the reflection, made shapes that weren't there, opened the doorway to a
new world and showed constellations that could never be seen in the sky.
It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. She'd never seen anything like it -
And then she looked at Malfoy and a warmth washed over her chest.
Because she hadn't. In the twenty-eight years that she'd been alive, she'd never seen anything like
it. All of her youth, she'd had her nose stuck in books and parchment, and since she'd left Hogwarts,
all she'd seen was death and fighting and war. She'd never seen anything so beautiful. She'd never
had the opportunity to do more, to see more, and she wanted to. Didn't realise how much she did
until that moment.
"Is this what it could've been like?" Hermione asked. "In this other life that we could've had
together? Finding new places like this and fucking in them?"
His eyes stayed on the lake, but his lips twitched into a subtle, beautiful sort of smile. "Yes. I think
it could've been exactly like this."
"Why did you bring me here tonight?"
"This is technically your Christmas present," he answered. "I wanted to bring you here sooner, but
with everything going on, we haven't had the time. Or a clear enough night."
"Because this is the calm before the storm." He took a deep breath through his nose and then
looked at her out the corner of his eye. "I don't know how tomorrow is going to go, but whatever
happens, I felt like we needed a night to enjoy the little things, because after tomorrow -"
31st March
The problem with making plans is that something always goes wrong.
In the end, it didn't matter how much Hermione and Malfoy had gone over their plan to get the
medallion, how thoroughly they'd obsessed over the details, or how many contingency plans they'd
made to make sure that everyone got through the day alive, because something was always going
to go wrong, and it was always going to be the one thing that they hadn't prepared for.
They had a plan for if Hermione broke out of the Hex too early, if either of them was injured in
battle, and even a strategy to follow if Theo got a little too 'trigger' happy and killed too many
Order soldiers.
What they didn't have a backup plan for, however, was Astoria, so of course - of fucking course -
that was the thing that went wrong.
Three days before the attack, Astoria took very ill. Although her blood curse getting the better of
her wasn't unusual, the timing couldn't have been worse.
The group knew the risks that were involved in securing the medallion. They could be spotted
stealing it, get caught in traps that Crouch Jr had laid in Newstead Abbey, or they could die
securing it. The chances of them getting the medallion without being detected were slim, so
naturally, they prepared for the worst-case scenario.
If the plan went to hell; drop everything and meet at the safehouse.
The farmhouse had been completely stocked to capacity, and was thoroughly protected with wards.
The enchantments they'd used made the house completely undetectable to outsiders - any person
who didn't know its location wouldn't even be able to see the house, just an empty spot of land
where the farm should be - and the wards prevented anyone Apparating into its vicinity.
The only way into the farmhouse was by the Portkeys they'd made; three silver pocket watches that
were given to Quinzel, Malfoy and Blaise.
The plan had been for Astoria to go to the safehouse two days before the raid to ensure that she
was out of harms way - just in case - but the night before she was supposed to leave, she grew ill.
The safehouse was ready and waiting; an impenetrable fortress with everything she could ever
need, but with Astoria so ill, they couldn't get her there.
Apparating her near the grounds was dangerous in her current condition. Even with assistance, the
chances of her getting Splinched were grotesquely high. There weren't any Floo connections at the
safehouse, and after vomiting that much blood, using a Portkey was out of the question.
Theo had suggested that they 'borrow' one of the Dark Lord's carriages to transport Astoria in - or
even strap her down on Narcissa's back and have the dragon fly her there - but, as Malfoy pointed
out, even if they warned the Order that they'd be transporting Astoria that way, muggle helicopters
had a reputation of shooting Voldemort's carriages - and Narcissa - on sight, and the group agreed
that it wasn't worth the gamble.
They were completely out of comfortable options. The only one they had left was for the elves to
stay with her and try to get as many Blood Replenishing and Pepperup potions down her neck to
get her strength back up, and if they were discovered, Malfoy would signal for them to get out, and
they'd have to hope that Astoria's strength had returned enough for her to escape.
Although it was risky, it was the only option they had, but it was making Blaise nervous.
"I should stay with Astoria," Blaise said as he stared out the kitchen window. Voice tight, hands
balled into even tighter fists at his sides. "If something goes wrong -"
Malfoy sighed towards the ceiling, arms folded across his chest and leaning against one of the
cupboards. "Nothing is going to go wrong, Zabini."
"But if it does, she'll need me.” Hermione watched Blaise's throat bob as he swallowed nervously,
saw his eyes squeeze closed as though he were in pain. "If we get discovered, the Dark Lord will
send his troops here, perhaps straight away. The elves won't be able to protect her and she'll- " He
cut himself off and shook his head, unable to even say the horrific words.
"She'll be at an even greater risk if you don't go today," Hermione said. "Voldemort wants
everyone there, and your absence will just raise suspicions. It's better if you go and play your part,
and if anything happens, I promise, I'll be the first one to Apparate back here and get Astoria out."
Hermione cut him off before he could spiral further. "I'll figure something out. I do my best work
under pressure. Always have.”
"Astoria, Romy and Quinzel are all wearing the bracelets that have the panic button charms on
them. If anything happens, we'll know."
Although it was the truth, Blaise didn't look the slightest bit relaxed.
He'd been clawing at the walls all night, he'd probably not had even a wink of sleep, but Hermione
and Malfoy were both in agreement that Blaise had to attend the raid. It was too risky for him not
to, but he couldn't go like this, not in this state. Blaise was usually so collected and composed. They
needed everything to go perfectly today, and if any of the other Death Eaters sensed Blaise's
nerves, well, it didn't bear well to think about.
A solution already formulated, Hermione went over to the freshly stocked medicine cupboard and
grabbed a clear bottle with a shimmery purple liquid inside.
She could feel both the Death Eaters' eyes on her back as she pulled the cap off the bottle of
Calming Draught.
"You need to take this," Hermione said, turning around. "It won't affect your magic or slow you
down, but it'll calm your nerves and help you focus, and then you'll be much better able to protect
Astoria if anything does goes wrong - which it won't."
Although she offered the bottle to Blaise, he was hesitant to take it. He looked at Malfoy for
Her promise seemed to do the trick. After a pause to mull over her words, Blaise nodded and
downed the potion in one. He took a moment to compose himself. He took a few deep breaths, and
on the third, he relaxed, finally managing to unclench his fists.
A few minutes later, Theo swung open the kitchen doors and half-danced, half-electric slid into the
kitchen, Death Eater robes on, and a devious smile on his face.
"Mornin' all!" he chirped in a fake cockney accent. "How we all feelin' this morning? Ready to
bash some Black Masks brains in when this all goes tits up?"
Hermione hit Theo around the back of the head with an open palm. "Will you pack that in?! It isn't
going to go tits up!"
Theo stuck his tongue out and then ducked out of the way when another open palm flew in his
"Is everyone clear on the plan today?" Malfoy snapped, trying to control the little chaotic
atmosphere that Theo had brought with him into the kitchen.
"Yes," Hermione said. "You put me under the Hex, we go to the raid as normal, and once the
Death Eaters have fallen into the trap and are distracted, we," she nodded towards Malfoy, "are
going to sneak off and secure the medallion."
Rudely -and whilst Hermione was speaking - Theo walked over to the cupboards, swung the doors
open and loudly started rummaging through its contents.
"Yeah and while the two of you are off on your little danger mission/ strange and highly
dysfunctional method of foreplay," Theo paused when he found something that interested him, and
he made everyone wait until he'd torn off the foil wrapping of the chocolate bar he'd found before
he carried on, "me, Blaise, the Order and your overgrown fire breathing scale murder puppy will
keep Bellatrix and the others distracted so that they don't notice your absence." He took a large bite
out of the chocolate bar and smiled. "Easy peasy," he added with his mouth full.
Theo shrugged. "And once you pair have the medallion, Granger will signal Weaseltits for her to
come and pick it up and destroy it.”
"And ... oh! I also have a panic button,” he said, holding up his wrist to flash his own silver
bracelet. "Which I am to press like the good little boy I am if anyone notices that you're missing so
that you can get back to the battle."
Theo dropped his arm and looked at Malfoy in bewilderment. "Aaaaaand I really, really, really
don't like what you've done to your hair today mate.”
"And?" Malfoy asked again, growing irritated.
Theo sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. "And I am not," he drawled in a bored tone, "under
any fucking circumstance whatsoever, to kill Death Eaters, specifically, the scum of the earth that
is Barty Crouch Jr, unless we have been exposed and it is absolutely necessary."
"I mean it, Theodore," Malfoy said sternly. "That is a fucking order, probably the most important
one for you today."
Theo nodded like he understood, but he looked at the ceiling and continued to eat his chocolate bar
like a naughty child that had no intention of listening to their parents' instructions.
Malfoy seemed to make the same comparison. "Do I make myself clear, Nott?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. I get it. Crouch is untouchable and I have to control the urge to kill him
and Bellatrix, even though the slimy fuckers deserve it,” Theo answered, chewing with his mouth
open. He straightened from his slouch against the cupboard, held one hand in front of him, palm
facing the group, and used his other to draw a pretend cross over his heart with the chocolate bar.
"Cross my heart and hope to die blah blah blah, can we pleeeeeease go now?"
They did a complete run-through of the plan a final time before they left.
Blaise added a few more potions and small weapons to his pockets - Hermione did the same - and
Theo gave Malfoy an over the top salute, adding, "Sir, yes Sir!" before he grabbed another
chocolate bar and followed Blaise onto the grounds.
He'd been occluding heavily all morning, preparing himself for the day ahead, and although stormy
grey eyes stared down at her, flecks of blue were still clinging to the edges. He was having trouble
fully closing himself off.
She closed her eyes and tried to relax, ready to be put under the Demon Hex for what she supposed
could be - if the plan went horribly wrong - the very last time.
She waited, expecting to feel his lips at her ear, but after almost half a minute, she hadn't, and her
eyes fluttered open when one of his large, cold hands caught the side of her face.
"I hate putting you under this curse," he snarled, the gentle way he held her face a stark comparison
to the venom his words were wrapped in.
"I know. I hate it too, but we don't have a choice,” she answered. "It's for the best.”
There was a storm gathering in his eyes, blue cracks, lightning hidden behind the thick clouds. He
scoffed quietly, gently, barely a noise at all, and stared down at her. "Always so brave. Never look
like you're scared of anything. You'll have to show me how you do that."
She'd wanted to question him, but then he leaned forward and her eyes fluttered closed again. He
kissed her forehead, and then a shiver ran up her spine when his lips found her ear and delivered
another kiss, a kiss of death that was articulated in two little words.
"Deamonium, ortus.”
When they met Theo and Blaise at the rendezvous point, Hermione felt nothing like herself. The
first few minutes under the Hex were always strange, like walking around in someone else's skin.
The rest of the Death Eaters assigned to this mission was already there, huddled in a small group at
the top of the high street with their masks on and their wands in their hands.
The effect Malfoy had on the Death Eaters was astounding. They'd been muttering and grumbling
under their breaths beforehand, but as soon as the male Demon Masks apparated in, the whispering
As Hermione looked out the window, she could see the outline of Narcissa soaring high above the
clouds, silent and out of sight, but ready to descend upon the group like death at a heartbeat's
Bellatrix and Crouch Jr stood side by side behind the counter. Bellatrix's wand twitched irritably at
her side when she noticed Malfoy. Or perhaps when she noticed Hermione. Honestly, it was hard
to tell.
Crouch Jr didn't wear a mask, and Hermione was sure that even if she wasn't under the Demon
Hex, she would have felt her skin start to crawl from the way he was looking at her.
As the rest of the Death Eaters parted to allow Malfoy through, Hermione walked obediently at his
"Is this everyone?" Malfoy asked when they got to the front of the group, his voice altered to a
deep bravado through the voice-altering charms they all cast.
"Yes," Bellatrix answered, her own voice slightly distilled and off through her own charms,
although Hermione wondered why she even bothered, she was easily recognisable by her long nails
and wild hair that wrapped around her horns. "The Dark Lord wanted to keep some Gold Masks to
one side as reinforcements."
"Rightfully so,” Malfoy nodded. "Have you located the Orders base yet?"
Bellatrix scoffed erratically, sounding an awful lot like the deranged witches Hermione used to
watch in television shows as a child. "And you're speaking to me as though you are my superior
"Aren't I?" Malfoy cocked his head to the side, the Demon Mask on his face warping the simple
movement from playful to menacing, a show of dominance that made even Bellatrix back away
"I have found the base," Crouch Jr chirped in. "They're hiding in a pub to the North, less than two
minutes from here."
"How many exit points?" Malfoy asked, playing his part beautifully.
"Four," Crouch answered. "Front entrance, back door, and two fire exits on the East and West
"Yes. If we cover all four, we'll have them surrounded. They'll have nowhere to go.”
"None," Bellatrix hissed, "but shouldn't you be more concerned about those flying guns of theirs?"
she added, jutting her chin sharply towards the clouds.
"The sky is Narcissa's territory," Malfoy said coldly. "And I feel very sorry for any soldier foolish
enough to infringe on that. It doesn't matter if its a muggle in a helicopter or a blood traitor on a
bloom stick, if the Order tries to send in air support, they're dead.”
After Malfoy briefly ran over the plan with the Death Eaters, he divided them into four groups and
gave each a different exit to cover, making sure the little Brewery which was supposed to be the
Orders base was surrounded at all angles. Bellatrix led her group to one exit, Crouch Jr to another,
Theo and Blaise the third group and Malfoy and Hermione's covered the entrance.
This type of 'circular pincer movement' was common practice in warfare. A pincer move usually
involved two separate troops attacking the enemy from two opposite sides.
A circular one involved luring the enemy into a trap - a circle - and then diverging from all angles.
This type of attack always yielded gruesome results, and this one would be no different, only, the
Death Eaters had no idea that they were the ones on the inside of the pincer.
As everyone got into position, Malfoy and Hermione stood at the back of their group, and because
they were standing at the back, no one could see the way her eyes were starting to wander.
It had been a tactical move to keep the location of the hiding Order soldiers from her, and another
to get them to hide under layers of magic that made them invisible.
Hermione needed to be under the Hex at the beginning of this mission, and that meant that her
instincts were screaming at her to attack Order members, to kill, the urge to draw another person's
blood hammering in her veins like a second pulse.
For the pincer movement to work, the Order must have been scattered around the Death Eaters,
gathering on rooftops and hidden in the shadows of alleys.
Hermione knew they were out there somewhere, waiting for their moment to attack.
As soon as she saw an Order member, any Order member, she would go on the attack, and their
invisibility was the only thing saving them from her.
The Black Mask that was located at the front of Malfoy and Hermione's group raised his wand. He
cast a strong Bombarda, and as soon as the doors flew open, chaos ensued.
A wave of thick hot tar started to explode out of the newly opened door like a tidal wave. The few
Black Masks at the front of the doors got it the worst. The poor sods didn't have time to react, just
stared blankly as the wave of molten heat came barrelling toward them and burned them alive
where they stood.
And it was the same at the other three exits.
As screams of pain started to fill the air, the other Death Eaters started to retreat, trying to back
away from the trap, unaware that that wasn't the trap at all, unaware that they were already inside
Order and muggle soldiers began to spring up from behind them at every angle, popping up on
rooftops and jumping out from underneath cars and just attacking. Green and red curses shot
through the air. Bullets exploded from guns and riffles.
A handful of terrified Black Masks tried to flee, knowing they were outnumbered. They looked
towards the sky and their bodies vibrated for a moment as they tried to Apparate, but then nothing
Hermione wished they weren't wearing their masks, wished she could have seen their faces when
they realised that The Order had set up Anti-Apparation wards shortly after she and Malfoy had
Finally, the air crackled in five different locations, and a moment later, five muggle tanks
materialised out of nowhere, sealing off the circle around the Death Eaters.
And then the trap was complete. Voldemort's army had no where to run, and they didn't stand a
fucking chance.
Malfoy cast a slicing curse that tore two muggle soldiers in half.
Blaise stalked behind a muggle and pressed his wand to the soldier's temple. He whispered
something in their ear, and then the muggle's eyes went white and he emptied the barrel of his gun
under his own chin.
Theo got to work flipping over the abandoned muggle cars that were left up and down the street,
crushing Order soldiers underneath their weight when they fell back on the ground.
Bellatrix threw violent curses at the tanks in quick succession while Crouch tried to break the Anti-
Apparation wards.
Shop windows exploded up and down the street from the force of spells. Bricks were pulled out of
building and sent hurtling across the battlefield. It was hard to distinguish magical words through
the screams of the injured and blood rained from the above like spring powers.
Hermione heard a rumbling noise in the distance. As the battle drew on, it kept getting louder and
louder, and as the tell tale sign of helicopters grew more distinctive, she heard Narcissa's deafening
roar before the clouds lit up with fire, and then moments later, the sky began to rain with sharps of
metal that were set ablaze.
All the helicopters and tanks were unmanned. Hermione had told the Order to operate them
remotely so that they could attack them freely without fear of injuring anyone, and the way the
machinery crashed onto the floor sold the lie perfectly.
Hermione lost count of how many people she killed in the first few minutes. She tried not to think
about it. When the time was right, Malfoy would discreetly drag her aside and break her out of the
Hex, and he couldn't do that yet. Not with Bellatrix so close. Not with Crouch Jr watched her.
As Hermione decapitated another soldier, she saw Ginny and Fleur. They were both covered in
debris and smoke, both so focused on their own duels that they were completely oblivious to her.
They were vulnerable. Easy to pick off.
The Hex pulled the strings and made Hermione stalk her prey.
They weren't looking. They didn't know. Fuck, why, why the fuck weren't they looking?!
Her palm tingled as she started to pour her magic into the wand.
They needed to look. Just one of them. Either of them would do.
She was in such close range to them. There was no way she would miss.
Something hit her from the left and sent her flying through the air and away from her target - and
thank fucking God that it did.
She landed on her back in an alleyway a few feet away from the battle, the force of the spell that
sent her there knocking the air from her lungs and spending a terrible ache in her back. She was so
distracted by the pain that swarmed up and down her spine like a pack of angry bees that she
almost didn't feel the Hex receding to begin with.
Someone dragged her to her feet and slammed her into the wall. Although her head was practically
rolling off her shoulders and although her vision was blurred, the moment she felt the tip of a wand
at her throat, she reacted instinctually.
She used the side of her foot to kick her attacker's left leg out from under them, and as they lost
their balance, she used one of her hands to push them down, and the other to press her wand at their
"Hermione it's me!" her attacker shrieked; voice frighteningly familiar as blurry orange hair came
into view. "It's me! It's me!"
She lowered her wand and let go of his shoulder. "Ron?" She took a step away, a part of her not
trusting that the Hex had fully receded and given her back control.
When her vision finally cleared, Ron was staring at her with wide blue eyes. "Mione? Are you ...
you, right now?"
She put as much space between them as the alley allowed and kept Malfoy's wand in her hand,
ready to attack if needed. She kept her eyes on the end of the alleyway as she spoke, watching
green curses and bullets zip past in all directions. "I'm me," she said. "The Hex is gone."
There was a beat of silence before Ron screamed. "You're not under the Hex and you still almost
killed me as well?!"
"Yeah, I saw what you were about to do! Why do you think I got you out of the way?!" he snarled
as he got to his feet and dusted off his ash-soaked trousers. "Not enough for you to try and murder
my sister, you had to have a go at me as well?!"
Although he was right, although Hermione was completely in the wrong and her stomach felt like
it'd turned to ice at the thought of what she'd almost fucking done - again - she couldn't shake the
angry edge from her voice. "I didn't want to go for Ginny but you know I don't have any control
when I'm under the Hex!"
Ron snorted angrily. "And what's your excuse for almost killing me?!"
"I couldn't see you!" Hermione's eyes flickered to the end of the alleyway again, making sure they
were still alone. "I hit my head and was disorientated, you caught me off guard, that's all!" When
her eyes landed back on Ron, his brows were knitted together in a deep scowl. "What?"
"I didn't want to put my wand on you," he said. "I thought you were still under the Hex.”
"I was expecting that you'd try and attack me, yes."
"That was stupid, you shouldn't have done that," she snapped, glancing at the end of the alleyway
again, checking that they were still alone. "If I were still under the Hex, I'd have killed you, Ron.
"And I'd have fucking let her - with the biggest smile on my face."
Hermione didn't need to turn to see who'd spoken, even if she hadn't been so familiar with his
voice, the way Ron's face scrunched in disgust when he stared at the end of the alley told her it was
He started to walk towards them, shoulders broad and confident and Demon Mask still on his face.
Ron flinched away as though the sound of each ominous footstep that echoed down the alleyway
were a separate threat.
"Malfoy," Ron greeted back, voice equally as cold but not nearly as menacing without the voice-
altering charm.
Thankfully Ron didn't linger. The moment Malfoy stopped at Hermione's side, Ron took off, and
as Voldemort's soldiers tried to backpedal, and with Bellatrix and Crouch thoroughly distracted by
the muggle tanks that were barrelling towards them, Hermione and Malfoy made their escape.
When they landed at Newstead Abbey, Malfoy let go of Hermione's hand and looked at his wand.
He stared at it for a moment, waiting for the alert from Theo. Fifteen seconds passed and nothing
happened. Then a minute. Then another.
It took three minutes before Malfoy was convinced that they hadn't been seen and they could get
Hermione cast a detection charm, and once it was clear that they were alone, they sprinted towards
the waterfall. It took mere minutes to get across the grounds.
They didn't pause to admire the beautiful lake to their right, or even the ruins of the Abbey to their
left. They had no intention of site seeing.
They found the small waterfall instantly, hours pouring over maps and books of the area engraving
its location in their minds. Once they were in front of it, Hermione cast another detection charm. It
came up with nothing, but neither Malfoy nor Hermione were convinced.
Wordlessly, Malfoy sunk into a crouch and picked a rock up off the floor. He eyed Hermione
cautiously, and when she nodded, he threw the rock into the falling water.
The moment it made contact, a chemical reaction started. There was a loud sizzling noise, a thick
mist exploded from the stream where the rock had disappeared, there was a loud pop, and then a
wall of cold air swept over Hermione's face.
The experiment didn't seem to trip any alarms, the rock didn't disintegrate or burst into flames.
They could see its outline on the other side of the water, it was completely frozen. Although the
waterfall looked normal, Crouch had charmed it to be deadly.
Malfoy took a handkerchief out of his pocket, unfolded it, and lay it flat across his palm. He
pressed his wand into the centre, muttered a charm, and then the simple cloth transformed into a
large, cast-iron shield, a huge, thick, bulking piece of metal that Malfoy had to use both hands to
hold above his head.
Hermione had been prepared to go first, but Malfoy glared down at her in a way that said she was
mad to think he'd let her test the shields effectiveness.
"Sure this will work?" he asked, looking over his shoulder, making sure she was close to him and
well underneath the protection of the shield.
"Pretty sure."
"How sure?"
He looked at her from over his shoulder again. "90% sure the shield will hold? Or 90% we'll die
Although he turned back to the waterfall, she could hear the sarcasm in his voice. "Oh great,
bloody fantastic, that makes me feel so much better."
To give herself credit, the shield held up exceptionally well. It wasn't a complete success. Although
it didn't disintegrate, it did nothing to stop the odd bit of backsplash, and those few drops that did
make it through stung like a bitch. A searing, cold sort of burn that made Hermione grind her teeth
together and Malfoy hiss under his breath.
Once they were on the other side, he tossed the shield aside, letting it clatter loudly against the
stone floor, and reached for Hermione.
She couldn't see him, she had her eyes squeezed tightly closed, trying to will herself through the
pain, but she felt his cold hands on either side of her face.
"Granger," he hushed, voice urgent and hands tight on her jaw. "Are you alright? Talk to me - are
you in pain?"
"I'm fine. I'm fine," she hissed. "Just stings more than I expected."
The skin on her neck and collarbone was raised and burned, there was a little damage to back of her
left hand, but other than the cold that felt like it'd seeped into her bones, she was relatively
Malfoy had took the worst of the damage. The ice burns on the exposed parts of his neck were
much bigger and looked much more painful. The material of his uniform looked almost completely
frozen on his left shoulder, and there was an angry burn that clawed up the left side of his jaw to
his ear. He quickly healed all her injuries before they carried on. He didn't bother with his own -
and he didn't let Hermione heal them for him - said they didn't have the time.
The cavern on the other side of the waterfall was small, a tiny cupboard space, a pantry made of
black bricks. Barely enough room for the both of them.
Hermione cast a Lumos charm, just bright enough to let them see but not enough to draw unwanted
attention should anyone be on patrol. With her free hand, she ran her hands over the cold bricks,
looking for a clue, a trap door or nick in the stone that would reveal where the medallion was
hiding. Malfoy followed her lead and did the same.
It didn't take them long to find it. Couldn't have been more than five minutes before she found a
particularly rough patch of stone, pressed it, and the bricks around it started to vibrate.
As the south wall started to move, Hermione backed away. The bricks turned themselves over, and
then over again, clawing themselves backwards again and again until a door-sized entrance was
Malfoy went first, and as they started to walk through, Hermione pulled a spare dagger out of her
pocket and held it in her free hand - just in case.
It was frighteningly quiet. The heels of her Death Eater uniform sounded so much louder than they
usually were as she stepped through, feeling more like a beacon, a bloody dinner bell to whatever
creature might be waiting inside.
Once on the other side of the doorway, she cast a silencing charm on her shoes and increased the
strength of her Lumos charm. The light from her wand illuminated everything, exposing the single,
underground tunnel that stretched out in front of them, and when Hermione's breath hitched, the
sound was carried by the narrow brick corridor.
No, it couldn't be. It shouldn't be. And yet, there it was. The medallion. On the other side of the
tunnel, past the damp, black bricks. Perched on top of a stone stand like a prize.
But when Malfoy took another step closer, the bricks started moving again.
It all happened very quickly. The bricks that made up the west and east wall started to turn over,
dragging across the tunnel from either side, beginning to form a wall in front of them -
"No!" Malfoy lurched forward, but he was too late. The bricks had been too quick. The medallion
was gone, and Malfoy's fingers curled against the wall where their prize used to be.
"Fuck! Fuck!" he hissed, accentuating every curse by punching the new wall. "Fuck! Fuck!
Fuck!" He turned and faced Hermione again, and when he angrily dragged both hands through his
hair, his knuckles were bruised and bleeding. "What do we do now!?"
This couldn't be it. They'd made it this far, there had to be another way. Hermione refused to
believe otherwise.
But just as she started to look around, the tunnel suddenly grew much colder. It must have dropped
several degrees in a second or two. It turned so cold that Hermione could see her breath in front of
Hermione turned towards the sound but there was nothing there. Her fingers tightened around her
dagger. "Did you hear that?"
"Yes," Malfoy's voice was cold, strained. "Be ready for anything, cub."
Another noise echoed down the walls of the tunnel. Hermione turned her wand towards it,
illuminating the dark corridor, but she couldn't see anything, just an empty hallway that stretched
on far beyond what she could see.
She spun on her heels, the light from her wand swiping through the air and lighting up the opposite
tunnel, but again, there was nothing there.
"What is it?!" Hermione's heart rate doubled. Her heart seemed to beat louder, harsher, like
someone was slapping their palm across her chest again and again. "Where is it coming from?!"
Whatever creature was making the noise, it was using the tunnels. There must have been another
set of corridors underneath the one Hermione and Malfoy were standing in, or maybe below them,
it was hard to tell, the narrow tunnel carried the sound in all different directions, it was impossible
to tell where it was coming from.
At first, Hermione considered that it might be a Basilisk. It wasn't the most outlandish idea.
Voldemort had used one before, it stood to reason that he might have another one and possibly
loaned the beast to Crouch to guard the medallion for him.
It would certainly be able to use the tunnels, but she could hear footsteps. They were faint and
hurried, but she could hear them. Like dozens of little legs all scurrying across the stone floor at
One thing that was clear, however, was that there was more than one beast, there were more than
one set of footsteps.
And then it was coming from the right side of the tunnel -
There must have been a lot of them. Possibly too many to fight off at once. What if they
overwhelmed Malfoy and Hermione?
Quickly, she started running through strategies in her mind, rolling through possible plans and
ways to use their numbers - whatever they were - against them -
"Granger," Malfoy's voice said, only, he didn't quite sound like himself. "Right side of the tunnel."
Of all the things Crouch could have chosen to guard the medallion, an Acromantula wasn't what
Hermione had expected. Hadn't even made the top three in her list.
They weren't as old as Aaragog had been. The spiders weren't nearly as big, but they were big
enough. Bodies at least the size of Mini-Coopers and black fangs as long as Hermione's forearm.
They shouldn't have been able to fit in the tunnel at all. They were too big, but as the spiders began
to stalk towards them, the bricks of the tunnel started to move, turning over and out of the spider's
path to accommodate their size.
"If you have any ideas on how we're going to survive this," Malfoy whispered, wand arm strong
and aiming for the spider on the left, "now would be a bloody marvellous time to share them."
This was bad. This was - fuck, what where they going to do?!
She could maybe charm the walls, enchant them to close in and squish the spiders? A sickening
lurch crept into her stomach when she thought of the last time she'd used that spell. They way she'd
held Colin in her arms.
No. She shook her head and tried to think of something else.
The spiders started to walk faster, lowering their bodies to floor in a hunting pose, ready to strike.
When the spider on the left clicked its fangs together, green lightning sparked at the edge of
Malfoy's wand. "Gonna need a more definitive answer than 'maybe', Granger."
She took a deep breath to calm herself and her wand tingled against her palm with gathering magic.
She could do this. They could do this; they just needed to trust one another and work together.
Once upon a time she'd have scoffed at the irony of it all. A Death Eater and the Golden Girl,
fighting side by side, relying on each other to save the others life while two grotesquely large
beasts looked at them with hunger in their eyes. It was all so horribly poetic it was almost funny.
"Just do what I tell you and follow my lead." Hermione looked at Malfoy out the corner of her eye.
"Do you have my back?"
Blue-grey eyes met hers for a moment before he smirked. "Do you even have to ask, little lion?"
31st March
Over the last sixteen months, they'd done nothing but fight each other. She'd slapped him and he'd
hexed her. She'd fought him more times than she would ever be able to count, but she'd never
fought with him, never on the same side, not of her own free will, so it'd never occurred to her just
how well they could work together when they weren't trying to kill each other.
When Malfoy went on the attack, Hermione was his shield, blocking every advance and gnash of
the spiders' fangs before they could make their mark.
And when it was Hermione's turn to go on the offensive, Malfoy did the same. He took a step back,
gave her the room she needed to throw curses and use the spiders' own weight against them, but
was always close enough to protect her if she needed support.
He knew where she needed him to be without her telling him, almost like it was instinctual. He
took over when something in Hermione's plan went wrong and let her step back, covering her
while she worked something else out.
They were perfectly in sync, that was the only way Hermione could describe it. Wands in the same
hand, steps perfectly matched, like the threat in front of them fused them together until even the
rhythm of their hearts matched.
The most important part of Hermione's plan was not letting the spiders get around them. Yes, it
was overwhelming to have two great big bloody spiders stalking towards them and forcing them
further into the tunnels, but it felt safer than having the spiders surround them.
If both spiders stood at the same end of the tunnel, they could combine their magic and work
together, but if the spiders divided, they'd be forced to do the same, and Hermione didn't like those
The main problem they had, however, wasn't the spiders themselves. It was the walls. It was like
the bricks were their own separate entity. Hermione didn't know what type of enchantment Crouch
Jr had used on them, but whatever it was, it meant that they moved on their own and protected the
And he'd placed Anti-Apparation wards on the tunnel, meaning that Hermione and Malfoy
wouldn't have been able to Apparate to safety even if they'd wanted to.
As Malfoy threw another Avada, the walls shifted to give the huge spiders enough room to dodge
the curse.
"Fuck sake!" Malfoy snarled. "Every fucking time!" He threw another Avada, this one stronger, but
the results were the same. The walls widened, allowing the spiders to curl up the sides and out of
the way of Malfoy's attack. One stayed on the left wall while the other perched on the ceiling and
made a horrid screeching noise.
Hermione tried not to let the way the spiders moved towards them distract her, or the third green
curse that Malfoy threw - which missed, again. Instead, she twisted her wand against the bricks and
She didn't want to use the spell that made the walls close in on themselves. Every time she thought
about using it, it made her stomach twist and her throat tighten. She didn't want to use it, but the
tunnels were their biggest enemy - and the spiders' biggest advantage - and they didn't have a lot of
options left.
After almost an hour of being forced further and further into the tunnels by the spiders, they had no
idea where the exits or the medallion were. If she used the spell now, they'd likely be crushed to
death right alongside the spiders.
When she'd used the spell before, she used it on one long stretch of corridor. The advantage they
had this time, was that there were so many of these tunnels, dozens that wove around sharp corners
and connected to other passageways, and if she manipulated the bricks just right, she could isolate
one stretch of tunnel and close those walls in while she and Malfoy were safe on the other side.
She just had to hope Malfoy could keep the spiders occupied long enough for her to figure out how
to do it.
"How are we doing Granger?" Malfoy called over his shoulder, moments before another of his
curses lit up the tunnel.
Hermione stayed in her crouch behind him, wand pressed against the brick and eyes on her work.
"I still need a little more time."
She saw a flash of red out of the corner of her eye. Heard the spiders shriek and the walls of the
tunnel move to let them get out of the way of whatever Malfoy had thrown this time.
"How much longer?!" he asked, sounding a little breathless as another red light lit up the tunnel.
She turned her head just in time to see the spider on the ceiling raise the back half of its body, but
as fast as its thick webbing came towards them, Malfoy was quicker.
When Malfoy's spell touched the spider's webbing, the entire tunnel was lit up. The fire travelled
up the silky web at an alarming speed and when it connected with the spider's body, fuck -
Hermione had never heard a sound quite like it.
As the spider's body was set aflame, it released an ear-piercing shriek that felt like it shook the
walls of the tunnel and made both her and Malfoy cover their ears.
Although the second spider managed to avoid the flames, it didn't abandon the smaller one.
It hovered over the other and spun a web of its own, one that was a slightly lighter colour than the
others. It must have possessed some magical properties, because when the second spider wrapped
its web around the first's body, it extinguished the flames. Perhaps the spiders were mates. It was
hard to tell in the darkness.
What wasn't hard to tell, however, was that although the fire didn't kill either of the spiders, it made
them angry. Very, very fucking angry.
When they started to scurry down the tunnel, Hermione knew they were out of time. It was now or
She closed her eyes and poured her magic into her wand. At first, she didn't think her spell had
worked because nothing happened. It wasn't until she stood up and took a step back, wasn't until
she moved to stand at Malfoy's side and raised her wand, ready to attack the spiders, that the bricks
moved at all.
But this time, they didn't move to accommodate the spiders, no, this time they moved in the
direction she'd moved her wand.
When Hermione moved her wand to the left, the bricks folded over themselves to the left. When
she waved it to the right, the bricks followed her movement.
The spiders were still on the other side of the tunnel, at least fifty feet away from her and Malfoy,
and as she manipulated the bricks between them, all of the spider's eyes followed the bricks, like
they were strangely mesmerised by the way they moved slowly along one another.
With the spiders distracted, Hermione delicately curled her wrist and the bricks in front of her
started to move. The walls in front of her and Malfoy started to slowly close in on themselves. It
would take a while, but when they did eventually meet, they'd crush the spiders into dust and
Hermione and Malfoy would be safe on the other side.
It took the creatures a moment to realise what Hermione was doing, but the instant they did, they
attacked. They scurried toward Hermione and Malfoy quicker than they ever had before,
screeching and snapping their pincers as they charged for their prey with a blind fury.
Malfoy caught her wrist and took a step back. "It's not going to work. The walls are moving too
slow," he said urgently. “We need to go."
"Not yet," she breathed softly. "Not yet – just give it a minute.”
Despite the spiders starting to get uncomfortably close, Hermione stayed where she was. They
weren't where she wanted them yet, weren't quite as deep in the trap as she wanted them to be -
She could feel Malfoy staring down at her face, but she didn't look at him, stayed watching the
spiders charge towards them and willed her feet not to move.
The walls were getting tighter, the spiders were crawling over one another, fighting each other to
get through.
The spiders had to go single file, the larger of the two hurtling towards them and opening its
pincers, ready to feast on its well-deserved meal -
Almost there.
Close enough.
When Hermione cut her wand sharply to the left, a section of bricks slammed together with a force
that echoed through the rest of the tunnel and crushed the spiders instantly. It'd happened so
quickly, she doubted they felt a thing.
There was a beat of stunned silence before Malfoy spoke. "It ... worked." He turned to Hermione.
"It worked! You fucking genius!" His mouth was hanging open in disbelief but the edges of his lips
started to turn upwards into a smile, and when Hermione turned to him, her smile perfectly
mirrored his.
Yes, Hermione's spell had worked flawlessly. But she hadn't manipulated all of the bricks, and just
as hope had started to swell in her chest, the bricks moved again and formed another wall, right
between her and Malfoy.
"Granger!" Even though his voice was muffled from the other side of the brick, Hermione could
hear the panic in it. "Granger?!"
"I'm here!" she shouted back. "I'm alright! Can you see the medallion on your side?"
Hermione cast another Lumos and looked around, seeing nothing but tunnels on either side of her.
"No.” She placed her wand against the bricks and tried the incantation again, but nothing
happened. She tried again, twisting her wand and willing the bricks to move so she could get to -
Something sharp pierced her left calf, like a butcher's knife had torn straight through her skin and
muscle and slammed into the bone.
And just as she started to scream, she was forced to the floor and dragged across it.
"GRANGER?!" She could hardly hear Malfoy's voice over her own screams, and she didn't think
she'd ever heard him sound so frightened.
She clawed at the floor with her nails, struggling and failing to hold onto anything as she was
dragged backwards on her stomach. She twisted around enough to see what had attacked her -
It seemed her trick with the bricks had only managed to kill one of the Acromantula's, but not both,
and she couldn't be sure if it was hate or hunger that was fuelling the one that had her.
She was relieved to see that the thing that'd gone through her calf and was dragging her across the
floor like a doll wasn't the spider's fangs, it hadn't bitten her - thank fucking God - but instead
pierced her muscle with the razor-like claws of one of its front legs.
At least she didn't have to worry about Acromantula venom. Not yet, anyway.
Hermione tried not to struggle while the spider dragged her through the halls. She wouldn't be able
to escape, and she'd probably only cause more damage to her leg than what was already done.
Instead, she stayed very still, and when the creature had finally dragged her into its nest, she
flipped onto her back and cast the strongest slicing curse she could think of, aiming for the leg that
was speared into her own.
When the spider screamed in pain and backed away, Hermione gritted her teeth and pulled the
severed spider's leg out of her calf. She did it quickly, one sharp wave of her wand like ripping a
plaster off. The pain was excruciating, but it only lasted a moment. Once it was out, she quickly
cast a charm to rid herself of any infection the spider might've caused, cast another to seal the
wound, and then dragged herself to her feet.
It shouldn't have been surprising that Crouch would put the medallion in the spider's nest. It was
probably the safest place for it, but as Hermione stared at the gold coin, barely more than a foot
away from her, for a heartbeat - just a fucking heartbeat - she forgot about the spider.
It swiped one of its remaining legs across the floor and tripped her. She dropped her wand as she
fell, heard it clatter against the brick and roll across the floor as she struggled to get back to her
But the spider moved before she could get back up.
Like every other sound, her scream carried and echoed off the walls of the tunnel as one of the
spider legs crushed her rib cage.
She tried to reach for her wand, but just before her fingers could curl around the handle, the spider
made a vile shrieking sound and dragged her underneath its body, until she had nowhere to go and
her face was in line with its huge, black fangs.
The spider's snapped its fangs in her face and its leg bore down. She was trapped. She had no
weapon. The air was being pushed out of her lungs. She heard something crack. A searing pain
roared across her chest -
Hermione stared up at the beast. She couldn't have petrified it; she didn't know wandless magic for
that. But sure enough, the pressure on her chest lifted enough to allow her to breathe.
The spider's head slid off its shoulders, and then its body fell to the ground to reveal Malfoy
standing behind it, shoulders and chest heaving frantically, wand aimed and smoking with magic.
"Are you ... " he started, throat bobbing and eyes fixated on the blood and bare skin on her calf.
"Did it-"
Malfoy swallowed hard and nodded. He didn't look at her when he helped her to her feet, felt like
he was doing his best to hide his face from her, and she could practically hear him willing his
occlumency walls back into place as they walked towards the medallion.
Hermione hadn't known what she'd been expecting, but as she stared down at the simple gold coin,
she was almost ... disappointed? It was just mere gold. It didn't have any threatening engravings on
it. Wasn't lined with spikes or on fire like she expected.
There was nothing special about it. If it weren't for the cold, repugnant feel of Voldemort's magic
radiating from it, Hermione wouldn't have thought there was anything unordinary about it at all.
She almost couldn't believe it. How could something so small be so dangerous?
It was a shame the Order still didn't trust her and Malfoy completely. She would've loved nothing
more than to plunge a basilisk fang straight through it and crush another shattered piece of
Voldemort's black soul right then and there.
After Hermione picked up the medallion, they sprinted back towards the waterfall. Thankfully, it
didn't take them long to find it, the walls didn't move again, almost like they'd died when the
spiders did.
They used the shield again to make it through the water - after casting another several charms to
make sure they wouldn't be burned again - and as soon as they were outside, Malfoy apparated
them back to the raid.
They materialised in a small pub barely half a mile away from the battle. It'd obviously been
abandoned years ago, floor and bar covered in thick cobwebs and windows so dusty that no one on
the outside looking in could ever hope to see who or what was on the other side of the glass.
Hermione cast a Patronus and sent it out the pub window, signalling to Ginny that she was ready
for her to come and collect the medallion.
"Ginny will be here in a minute," Hermione said. "You should go back out there. We don't want
them to notice you're missing."
Even though it was the truth, Malfoy didn't move, not right away. He lingered for a moment,
watching Hermione with cautious eyes before he slipped his Demon Mask back on and disappeared
with a loud pop of Apparation.
"Come on, Gin,” Hermione muttered under her breath, tapping her foot on the floor and her wand
against the old bar. "Come on. Come on. Come on.”
Forty-eight seconds later, the door creaked open, and Ginny stepped inside. She was limping and
her right shoulder and torso were drenched in blood, but thankfully it didn't look as though it was
"Been better.” Ginny smiled weakly. "You?" she added, eyes drifting to the blood on Hermione's
They both laughed quietly and smiled at each other. They watched each other for a moment from
across the bar, neither one really sure what to do. It was the first time Hermione had been alone
with Ginny, she had so much she wanted to say, but she didn't know where to begin.
A loud bang echoed from outside, one that made the floor of the bar shake and the wine glasses
that were left clink together. It sounded like a bomb, or another helicopter falling to the ground.
They didn't have much time. No matter how much Hermione just wanted to take a second and talk
to her friend, the war wouldn't stop, not for them, not for anyone.
"I have the medallion," Hermione said, all business, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the
gold coin. "Take it. Quickly."
There was another loud bang. The earth shook again. The windows of the pub rattled, sounding
like they might pop open with the force of it.
Ginny nodded and crossed the bar. She held out her hand and Hermione dropped the medallion into
her palm.
"I can't believe this is it,” Ginny whispered, eyes widening as she stared at the medallion. "All this
fuss, all this death for something as silly as a little gold coin. It doesn't seem right, does it?"
Ginny's eyes flickered up to hers and she laughed softly. "Yes, actually. Thought it'd at least be
scary to look at. Have fangs on it or something."
"And horns?"
"Exactly!" Ginny laughed. "No one is going to look at this thing and be frightened! For an all-
knowing, all-powerful Dark Lord, he's not very creative, is he? I could have picked a more
threatening coin than this!"
For a moment, as Hermione and Ginny joked back and forth, it felt like it used to be. For a moment,
she couldn't really hear the war going on, the sound of guns firing and hexes being cast was
drowned out by Ginny's laugh. For a moment, the awful feeling of dread that'd been weighing her
down for years wasn't there, it was replaced with something else, a lovely, weightless feeling of
For years, Hermione felt like she'd been weighed down by the war. Weighed down by her
responsibilities, by the awful things she'd done and the people she'd killed. Each horrific reality
wrapping around her body like a rope and chaining her to the floor, crushing her into the earth,
making it difficult to breathe.
But for the last few months, she'd started to feel ... less weighed down.
Each time something in Malfoy's plan went right, it was like another of those strings had been
When the Order found and destroyed the diadem, that cut the first string and allowed her to
When Malfoy chose to side with the Order, that clipped another, gave her enough slack to push
herself off the floor.
And it'd just continued to get better, she'd continued to get lighter and lighter.
Every wound to Voldemort's pride and army was another clip, another string tethered, and handing
over the medallion to Ginny felt like she'd cut the biggest rope of all. She felt weightless. She felt
They could do this. The Order could win. There was just one Horcrux left -
And with just one little word, that blissful spell was broken, and Hermione came crashing back
down to earth.
As that awful voice screeched behind her, that fucking high pitched voice that sounded like nails
being dragged down a chalkboard, Hermione's blood ran cold.
Bellatrix had seen her give the medallion to Ginny. The ruse was up, and it was all Hermione's
fucking fault.
Bellatrix was standing in the doorway of the pub, Hermione kicked herself for not hearing it open.
She had one Black Mask at her side, her hair was just as wild as it'd ever been, lips curled back in a
snarl and shoulders heaving with untameable rage.
"It's been you all along! You're the one who betrayed us!" Bellatrix snapped. "You're the one
whose been giving information to the Order! You filthy Mudblood! He's going to have your head
for this! I'll kill you myself!"
Bellatrix gave no other warning before she threw her arm and a green curse came hurtling towards
the pair. Hermione deflected it, sent the dark curse crashing into the other poor, unsuspecting
Black Mass before she retaliated with her own curse and screamed at Ginny.
"Go! Now!"
Ginny hesitated for a moment and stared at Hermione. She was grateful for the Horcrux, that was
clear in her soft blue eyes. She was determined to save the Order, but she didn't want to leave
But Hermione's life wasn't worth damning the Order, wasn't as important as the lives of every
single remaining member of the Order, so with a simple nod, Ginny lifted the Anti - Apparation
wards and disappeared, and took the medallion with her.
"You stupid girl!" Bellatrix screamed. "What have you done?!" With the medallion gone, Bellatrix
flew into a vicious rage. She began throwing curses at Hermione in quick succession, and
Hermione did the only thing she could think of. She Apparated outside of the pub.
Bodies were scattered up and down the street and it seemed every car was either turned upside
down or on fire. She could hear tank fire in the distance, although it looked like most of them had
already been destroyed by the Death Eaters before she'd gotten there.
Hermione looked around frantically.
She could tell Blaise apart from the masses from the way he used the Imperius curse to make two
Order wizards turn on one another.
Theo was easily distinguishable, the only Death Eater dancing and spinning on his heels as he
Avada'd any Order member he could see.
There was a loud crack of Apparation from behind her. Hermione turned just in time to see
Bellatrix raise her wand and scream "Expelliarmus!"
Malfoy's wand burned in her palm before it flew into the air and landed in Bellatrix's palm.
"Oh dear," Bellatrix grinned, twirling the new wand between her fingers. "Whatever are you going
to do now sweetheart?"
She could do this. She could get out. She could save the others, she just needed to get to Malfoy
first and warn him what'd happened.
Hermione backed away slowly. Her eyes darted from left to right, looking for a way out, an aid she
could use to her advantage.
"All alone."
She passed the body of a wizard, but there was no wand she could steal.
She stepped over broken glass and considered picking it up, but she was too far away from her
attacker to be able to use it as a weapon. Bellatrix would kill her before she even got close.
Something caught Hermione's eye and she stopped her retreat. She held her chin up high and stared
Bellatrix in the eye.
Because Bellatrix may have disarmed her magically, but Hermione was an expert in more than one
weapon, and the corpse of the muggle soldier just to her left had a gun sitting in the holster on his
"Oh, would you look at that," Bellatrix cackled, loud enough to draw the attention of some of the
other Death Eaters that still remained on the field. "Little Mudblood thinks she's brave."
Out of the corner of her eye, Hermione saw Theo stop what he was doing and stare in her direction.
He Apparated to Blaise's side, tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at Hermione, or Bellatrix,
she couldn't be sure due to the distance.
"It doesn't matter how brave you think you are, little Mudblood,” Bellatrix smiled. "You'll die
screaming, just like the rest of your kind."
As Bellatrix threw her arm back, ready to go in for the kill, Hermione dived. Bellatrix's attack
missed her by a mere inch, but she managed to roll onto the floor, grab the gun, and take aim
before Bellatrix could throw another curse.
And whilst still on her back, Hermione fired - and thank fuck there was still a full round in the
Her attack caught Bellatrix off guard. She deflected the bullet, and although she certainly wasn't a
stranger to muggles and their guns, she obviously hadn't expected Hermione to react so quickly, so
Hermione fired again.
Bellatrix was an excellent duellist, but Hermione was an even better marksman. The second bullet
nicked Bellatrix's right shoulder, and as she hissed in pain and palmed the injury, Hermione got to
her feet and continued her assault.
She had Bellatrix on the backfoot. Each new bullet she fired knocked the witch more and more off-
balance, took her more by surprise, and if it'd been just the two of them, Hermione was sure that
she'd have killed her opponent.
But she wasn't alone, and just as Hermione was about to free the last bullet from the chamber and
let it pierce Bellatrix's black heart, a Gold Masks Apparated to her side, roared an incantation, and
a set of robes exploded from their wand.
They hit Hermione with such a force that she dropped the gun and was sent careening several steps
backwards. She hissed in pain when her spine connected with something thin and solid, and before
she could gather her wits back, the ropes had coiled around her body like pythons and secured her
to whatever structure she'd crashed into.
The more she tried to fight against the robes, the more they squeezed and tightened, the more they
pulled, and within a minute, the robes had dragged her hands behind her back and secured her
wrists together.
She was weaponless. She was defenceless. She was in pain. Her wrists hurt and her shoulders
ached from hitting whatever she was tied to, but she hadn't felt even a sliver of panic.
In fact, she hadn't panicked at all, until she saw Malfoy's face.
But when he Apparated to Bellatrix's side and tore his Demon Mask off his face, her heart sank
when she saw the horror in his eyes.
Because she realised what she must have been tied to.
Ginny leaving was the signal for the rest of the Order soldiers to leave, and as they started to
evacuate, what was left of the Death Eaters started to gather like an angry mob. They swarmed the
post Hermione was tied to in an unbreaking link, even if she wasn't weaponless and bound, she
doubted she would have been able to escape.
The wind picked up considerably and moments later the ground shuddered as Narcissa landed on
the street. What was left of the Death Eaters backed away as she roared and bared her fangs to
"She's the traitor!" Bellatrix screamed, addressing the crowd and pointing a long, rotten fingernail
at Hermione. "She's the one whose been giving information to the Order!"
"How can you be sure?" asked the Gold Mask who'd bound Hermione to the post. As he asked the
question, he removed his mask to reveal the face of Barty Crouch Jr.
"I saw her give that Weasley girl the medallion! She's not with us! She's been the spy all along!"
"Are you sure?" Crouch eyed Hermione sceptically and licked his lips. "She was captured sixteen
months ago - the spy has been leaking secrets for years."
"She must have been working with one of the others that we've already executed!" Bellatrix
charged toward Hermione and jabbed her wand into her throat. "That's it, isn't it?! And when we
killed them, when they left you all alone, you carried on their work by yourself! Who was it you
were working with?! Was it Alecto?! Karkaroff?! I bet it was Scabior, wasn't it?! Those snatchers
speak to everyone! Who knows what he could've told you!"
A sharp jolt of electricity shot out of Bellatrix's wand and into her neck. Hermione yelped in pain
but kept her chin high in defiance and didn't say a word.
"How could she be the spy?!" one of the Black Masks in the crowd shouted.
"Each time she's been out with us, she's been under the Demon Hex!" snarled another. "She couldn't
be working with the Order! She's killed more of them than I have!"
"But she's been breaking out of the Hex!" Bellatrix answered, jabbing her wand into Hermione's
neck again. "I've seen it! She's been breaking out of it and giving out secrets to the Order! She has!
She has! I know it –" Bellatrix's eyes suddenly widened and her expression fell. Moving ever so
slowly, she turned on her heels and stared straight at Malfoy. "Unless ..." the witch breathed. Her
voice suddenly dropped, became so uncharacteristically calm and quiet that it sent a chill up
Hermione's spine, "Unless she's had help," and then, still moving slowly, still moving deliberately,
she raised her wand and pointed the tip towards Malfoy. "From you."
"What on earth are you insinuating!?" Malfoy scoffed cruelly, face twisting in disgust. "You think
I'd help that?!" he snarled, nodding towards Hermione. "Did you hit your head during your duel
with the Mudblood?"
Despite Malfoy's objections, murmurs started among the crowd of Death Eaters. They were quiet
little whispers of "That can't be true," and "He would never", all tumbling together, background
noise, easy to ignore.
"Oh, on the contrary, dear nephew, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about," Bellatrix
purred. "You know what I think? I think that she's been walking your hallways and sleeping in your
beds, and I think everything she's learned and everything she's leaked to the Order, she's learned
from you."
"Oh my - you've lost the plot," Malfoy laughed coldly, doing a fantastic job of hiding the unease
Hermione could see gathering in his eyes. "I swore myself to Voldemort years ago," even though
he continued to stare at Bellatrix, he raised his voice, his words clearly meant for the others in the
crowd, “he’s given me everything. Given me wealth and power beyond anything I could have ever
dreamt of, why on earth would I betray him when victory is almost within our grasp? It's ridiculous
and insulting to think that I would throw in my lot for the Order!"
"Oh, is it now?" Bellatrix grinned. "Let's examine the facts, shall we?" She rocked back on her
heels and turned to address the bystanders. "What information in the last sixteen months has been
leaked to the Order?"
There was stunned silence in the crowd. No one dared to speak, all torn between which of their
superiors to obey.
"The location of the Diadem," Crouch offered, although he did flinch away - along with several
others - when Narcissa roared menacingly in his direction.
"Correct! Excellent Barty!" When Bellatrix applauded, Narcissa's growls redirected, although
Bellatrix was anything but deterred. "And who knew the location of the Diadem?"
Another long, painful silence before one of the Black Masks in the crowd said, "Malfoy did -"
"And a handful of others," Malfoy interrupted with a snarl vicious enough to make the Black Mask
who'd spoken cringe away. "Honestly Bellatrix, is this supposed to be damning evidence? You
knew the location of the Diadem as well, does that make you a suspect too?"
"I did know its location, you're right," she said, smiling confidently. "But I don't have contact with
the Mudblood, you do.”
The whispers in the crowd started again, only they didn't sound so unsure anymore.
"You know all his secrets, who better to be a spy for the Order?" Bellatrix added calmly,
approaching Malfoy. "You know all his battle plans.” She started to circle Malfoy slowly, twirling
her wand innocently in her hand like a loaded gun, although she didn't need to, every word she said
was more damaging than a bullet could ever be. “Battle plans that have conveniently been leaked
hours before raids took place. You know where the Horcruxes are, and you've killed enough Order
members to convince everyone else that you're loyal. What better place to hide is there than in
plain sight?"
The whispers were growing louder. Nods of agreement, hums of "It could be true," and "It all
makes sense," echoing over and over again.
Hermione could see the idea taking hold, the whispers like a swarm of locusts eating its way
through the crowd, eating away at Malfoy's innocence, at his reputation, at the image that he was
the most loyal of all Voldemort's followers.
The idea that he was the spy, that he'd been working with the Order all along, it was believable.
The Death Eaters were starting to believe it. Hermione could see it on all their faces.
"We had nothing to do with this!" Blaise interrupted, pushing a few Black Masks out of the way
and ripping his mask from his face. "I can assure you, whatever secrets this mudblood has spilt, she
did so without our knowledge!"
Theo followed his friend's lead, tearing his own gold skull mask from his face and standing beside
Blaise. There was no humour on Theo's face, no jokes on his lips, just a furious expression as his
knuckles strained from the grip he had on his wand. If Malfoy gave the order, Nott would kill.
But who he would kill was the question Hermione didn't have the answer to.
"This is a lovely little tale you've spun auntie, but I can assure you it's all bollocks." Malfoy tsked
and shook his head. "Shame, sounded like you put an awful lot of effort into concocting that story."
He smiled and looked down at his aunt, the picture of ease and dominance. "But I dare you to find
another as loyal to the Dark Lord as I am.”
A wicked grin cracked Bellatrix's face. She looked her nephew up and down, licked her lips, and
then leaned in and said, "You want to prove your loyalty to the Dark Lord? Then kill the
And just like that, Hermione's world tipped on its axis. No, that probably wasn't the right way to
describe it. The world didn't tip, it stopped turning altogether.
She felt as though her blood stilled in her veins, like those four little words from Bellatrix's mouth
were a spell, an enchantment that she'd never heard of that froze the blood in her veins, froze her
heart mid-beat and a horrified expression on her face.
Crouch's head snapped to the left to stare at Bellatrix, like he couldn't believe what he'd just heard.
Theo stared at Malfoy and gripped his wand tighter, waiting for instructions.
If Malfoy was affected by what Bellatrix had said, it didn't show on his face. He hardly reacted at
all. He didn't even glance at Hermione, just scoffed coldly and shook his head.
"Oh you'd love that, wouldn't you?" he hissed. "She's the Dark Lord's favourite weapon and you
want me to kill her? I know it tears you apart that he favours me over you, but Salazar, I didn't
think you'd sink so low as to try and manipulate me into killing his favourite weapon?"
"That may have been true once, but she's useless to us now. She's breaking out of the Demon Hex
all the time, I've seen it myself." Bellatrix flashed her teeth. "You said that you could keep her
under control, but look what's happened today. She's broken out of the Demon Hex, right under
your nose, and she's got the medallion and given it to the Order."
Malfoy's nostrils flared. He clenched his jaw. The façade was falling, Hermione could see it. He
knew Bellatrix had him. Could see the other Death Eaters nodding, could hear them mumbling
their agreements under their breath.
"She's useless to us now," Bellatrix repeated, voice dropping to a purr. "A weapon is only useful
when it's under control, and she's not under your control, Draco. Not anymore."
Bellatrix knew what she was doing. She stalked behind Malfoy and stood on the very tips of her
toes to whisper in his ear. She said something Hermione couldn't hear, and when Bellatrix looked
at Hermione from over his shoulder, Malfoy's eyes followed.
Blue. His eyes were almost completely blue. His Occlumency was crumbling, and Hermione felt
each new fissure in his walls as if it were a fresh break in her own heart.
This was it. There would be no coming back from this. He had to kill her, it was the only way. If he
didn't, he would expose himself and then his entire family would be murdered in the most public
and inhumane ways possible.
"Go on, Draco," Bellatrix whispered, words as soft as silk despite the threat on her tongue. "Kill
her. If you're not with her, it should be easy."
The crowd of Death Eaters parted as Narcissa stalked to her master's side. They formed two
separate groups and stood behind Bellatrix and Malfoy. Hermione supposed they were doing it to
get out of the range of Narcissa's fiery breath, but more likely just wanted a better seat to watch her
Narcissa didn't wine when she saw Hermione tied to the post. The dragon didn't whimper, didn't
show any signs of affection or familiarity that Hermione had grown accustomed to. No, no when
she stood at Malfoy's side, she was a predator.
She growled menacingly and her mouth dropped open. Her fangs glowed in the reflective
streetlights above, practically glittering like the edges of an executioner's axe.
Sweat gathered on Hermione's temples and trickled down her neck. She could hear her heartbeat in
her ears.
Her wrists stung as she tried to free them. Her skin burned. Her shoulders ached -
"I'd say that I'm sorry Granger, that I didn't see this coming."
If anyone asked her, Hermione would have told them that her heart broke right then and there.
Everything was like it was in Blaise's vision. The dragon. The heat. The post. The ropes around her
wrist, even the words, everything was the same, except Malfoy's voice.
That wasn't cold like it was in her nightmares. It wasn't emotionless. it wasn't dead, it was alive.
But not alive in the way she wanted it to be, his voice was hoarse and rough, cracking. He sounded
He sounded ... just like he did when he'd held his dying mother in his arms.
Malfoy rolled his jaw and stared at her. He clenched his hands into fists, tight enough for
Hermione to see the veins on the back of his hands while Bellatrix smiled triumphantly at her from
over his shoulder.
Looking at him and his aunt, Hermione realised they looked the exact image of how she and
Malfoy used to look when he put her under the Demon Hex, hovering close behind him, lips at his
ear and ordering him to kill.
And when she met Draco's eyes again, a part of her wished there was a way Bellatrix would put
him under the Demon Hex. It would make it easier, at least then he'd know that it wasn't his fault,
at least then it might take away some of the pain.
"But I think we both knew how this was going to end for us … Didn’t we, Granger?"
And then, as though someone had poured a Calming Draught down her throat, all her hysteria
vanished. She took a deep breath and relaxed against the post, accepting her fate.
His army was almost completely destroyed, because of the work she'd done.
The Order were going to destroy another Horcrux, because she'd secured it for them.
She'd done her part. Harry and the rest of the Order could finish the job.
She could rest knowing that she'd done her part. That she'd done enough and she'd leave the world
a better place.
And Malfoy had done enough too, and he shouldn't have had to suffer.
"You don't need to feel bad about this," she wanted to tell him. "I don't want you to feel bad about
this. You're doing the right thing. You're keeping them safe."
She watched his nostrils flare. Practically watched the last of his Occlumency walls fall and
crumble to the ground and leave him completely open. His eyes .. Blue and clear enough that she
felt as though she could see into his very fucking soul.
And she considered herself lucky that the last thing she'd ever see was so beautiful.
As Malfoy raised his arm, Narcissa stood on her hind legs and reared her head back.
Hermione wouldn't watch him Occlude. She didn't want her last memory of him to be cold eyes and
face like a dead marble statue. She wanted to remember him alive, not the fake version of himself
that he showed the rest of the world.
So she closed her eyes for the last time, and felt a wave of searing heat come barrelling towards
Hell on earth
31st March
"When you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes.” That was what a lot of people said was
supposed to happen. You take your last breath, your heart stops beating and then - what? A light?
A tunnel? And when you come out the other side you see your whole life flash by before the
screen fades to black forever?
Hermione guessed that it was meant to be a comfort, a way to make someone's passing a little
easier, a little less painful, but after everything she'd seen during the war, after everything she'd
done, to her it felt more like a punishment than a kindness.
She'd asked Harry about it once. She'd asked what happened that time in the forest, if he saw
anything before the resurrection stone had brought him back to life. He'd just laughed and said,
“You'd never believe me if I told you."
She'd wanted to know more after that, how could she not have?! Harry's answer had been so vague
that it raised more questions than it answered. But she never found the time to ask him about it
again, always let herself get distracted by something else in the war.
She supposed it was funny, if she really thought about it, that her life would end like this.
Even though her mother and father had known nothing about wizards and magic at the time, they'd
been so proud when she'd received her acceptance letter to Hogwarts. She remembered how the
next day they'd taken her to the local library and checked out every book that referenced witches or
magic or spells, and they spent the whole weekend reading together, preparing as best they could
for her new life.
Of course, almost everything they read was bullshit, tales and false facts made up by old religious
fools and muggles who knew nothing of the world they were writing about.
The only thing that turned out to have a sliver of truth in it were the witch trials. She wondered
what her parents would think if they could see her now, tied to a post, hands bound behind her back
and about to be burned to death like one of the witches in those old textbooks.
But the flames Hermione had been waiting for, they didn't hurt the way they always did in her
nightmares, didn't burn like they had when Voldemort had shown her the vision.
How ... odd. Perhaps the pain she'd felt in her nightmares had been lying to her. Or perhaps the
pain was so severe that she blacked out and went numb to it?
No, no that couldn't be true. She knew the fire was there. She felt the temperature rise. She heard
the embers leave Narcissa's mouth and then ...
She heard screaming. High, agonized wails that all melted together to form a tidal wave of pain.
But it wasn't her screams. They didn't sound like hers. Didn't sound like her voice at all.
She supposed shock could make it appear that way, dissociation was a common response to
trauma. She supposed that she could have left her body, that her mind might've detached itself
when the flames hit as a way to process what was happening to her. That, or maybe her nerve
endings had been completely disintegrated in the blast and her body simply couldn't register the
pain anymore. But if that were true, she would have at least felt the flames first, wouldn't she?
There would have been a moment, at least a second of unimaginable agony before she went numb
to it all. She was sure of it.
When Hermione slowly opened her eyes, she saw several things, each more confusing than the last.
The first thing her eyes chose to focus on was Bellatrix. She'd expected to find her laughing or
smiling wickedly, enthralled by watching the way Hermione's skin slid off her bones, but she
wasn't smiling, wasn't looking at Hermione at all. She was staring off to the left with an equally
horrified and furious expression on her face.
Then she saw Barty Crouch Jr. He was shouting angrily and also looking to Hermione's left.
Then she saw Theo and Blaise, standing side by side but the polar opposite of one another. Blaise
wore the same expression as Bellatrix. Theo was cheering, smiling from ear to ear with his hands
in the air, looking like he was watching a Quidditch match and his favourite team had just scored.
Both of them were also looking to the left.
It was strange, each expression was so different and out of place that Hermione couldn't
understand. And none of them were looking at her, it didn't make sense.
She'd never really been the centre of attention, she hadn't wanted to be, but she thought that at least
all eyes would have been on her at her own fucking execution?
Because when he'd dropped his hand and given Narcissa her command, the dragon had obeyed.
She had followed her master's instructions perfectly; she had breathed a wall of fire from her mouth
that had disintegrated everyone and everything in its path.
But the target hadn't been Hermione, and she doubted that it ever had been.
Instead of burning her, Narcissa had twisted her jaw at the last second and obliterated the Death
Eaters that were stood to the left of Malfoy.
And she only watched the group of Black Masks writhe in what should have been her pain for a
moment before everything changed. Everyone sprang into action so fast; it was hard to register
everything all at once.
When Crouch Jr screamed a command, the Black Masks that were left drew their wands.
When the Black Masks tried to take aim, Malfoy sharply swiped his arm through the air, and as he
pointed in the Black Mask's direction, Narcissa followed, mouth already open and gathering fresh
Everything that happened in those first few beats of Hermione's heart were all practical responses.
All predictable, given the circumstances.
But when Bellatrix looked at Hermione with unimaginable fury and raised her wand, something
else happened, something Hermione couldn't have predicted. As a curse left Bellatrix's wand, as a
deep green light came barrelling towards her, someone Apparated in front of Hermione and
deflected the curse.
But the person who protected her wasn't who she expected.
It was Theo. He'd apparated in front of her just before the curse had hit and deflected it, redirected
it so it took a Black Masks life rather than her own.
And although that simple action had saved Hermione's life, it might as well have been a death
warrant for the rest of the group.
When Hermione looked up, she could see it in Bellatrix's expression. "They're all in on it. They’re
all traitors.” The words were so clear they might as well have been written on her face. "They're
all in on it. All of them." Bellatrix knew that now, every Death Eater standing there did.
And if Malfoy's action hadn't proved it, then Theo's certainly fucking did.
"Kill them all!" Bellatrix screeched. "Kill every last one of them! Show no mercy! I want their all
heads!" Her words were a battle cry, might as well have been the horn that called all men to war,
because as soon as she said them, all fucking hell broke loose.
As Bellatrix disappeared in a black cloud of Apparation, the Black Masks that were left went on
the attack. Malfoy started decapitating every Black Mask within range. Blaise went after Crouch.
And Narcissa mauled and burned everyone within reach.
Quick as a flash, Theo spun on his heels and cast a slicing curse down the font of ropes that bound
Hermione to the post. "Taaaaadaaa!" he grinned as the ropes slid onto the floor, taking a moment
to do a little bow. "And now, for my next trick." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a spare
wand. Hermione's wand. "For you, Madame.”
"Thank you," Hermione said, breathing harshly as she accepted her wand. "You're in a good mood -
given the circumstances."
"A good mo – a good fucking mood? Are you having a laugh?" Theo mocked, chuckling as he
threw a curse over Hermione's shoulder and decapitated the poor Black Mask who'd been trying to
stalk them. "Please, Malfoy just gave me permission to kill every last fucking Death Eater on this
street. It's like Christmas day came early for me sweetheart."
When Hermione Apparated to Malfoy's left and started to fight alongside him, he didn't stop
fighting, didn't stop throwing curses or killing Black Masks with much more finesse and grace than
anyone she'd ever seen, but he did look down at her out the corner of his eye and smirk.
They were perfectly in sync with one another, fighting side by side, back-to-back, each equally
defending the other whilst throwing their own deadly curses.
Every so often, the back of their non-wand holding hands would brush against one another, and
each time it did, Hermione felt a jolt of electricity, felt an overwhelming urge to just .. take his
They were already a team, everything about the way they moved around one another and the way
they fought said as much, but actually taking his hand, it would have solidified that. Showed him
that she appreciated what he'd done for her, what he'd risked for her, and that she'd be there with
him until the very end, no matter what happened.
They had no time to talk about what'd almost happened earlier, there was too much going on
around them. If they weren't surrounded by people trying to kill them, there were a lot of things
she'd have done.
She would have asked him why he'd saved her, why he'd chosen to spare her life even though it
meant risking his family.
She would have slapped him across the face and told him that he should've just killed her. It
certainly would have been easier to just kill her, it would have brought him and his family more
time to escape, but he hadn't done it, even though it was the most sensible option.
She would have screamed at him that it was reckless of him to save her, and then kissed him for
doing it anyway.
She wanted to drag her nails down his back for being so stupid and then have him fuck her, wanted
to hear him growl in her ear that it was worth it, that she was worth it as she flew over the edge and
clung onto him.
She wanted him to make her feel alive at a time when she should've been dead.
Yes, there were a lot of things she would have done if they weren't in their current .... predicament.
A lot of things.
"Soooooo," Theo said as he materialised between the two of them. "Now that Malfoy has outed the
lot of us just so he doesn't have to lose his booty call-" He paused to cast a strong Bombarda that
blew a hole in someone's chest. "What's the plan?"
A Black Mask appeared to their left, and after Malfoy had cut his head off, he glared at Theo.
"Don't pretend like you aren't fucking ecstatic at this turn of events."
"Oh, don't get me wrong mate, I'm buzzing that things have turned out this way, I just didn't realise
Granger's cunt was that magical it was worth selling us all down the river for - but hey ho, you
learn something new every day, don't ya?" He laughed and grinned wickedly, but when he looked
at the floor, his eyes widened. "Oooooooh, this looks pretty. And explosive." He used a levitating
charm to pick up an unused muggle grenade. "Tell me, Granger, if I pull this pin thingy-"
Hermione looked at him briefly before she redirected her eyes back to her own duel. "It will
explode - yes! So when you pull it out, throw it QUICKLY!"
Theo did just that. No sooner than the words had left Hermione's lips, he pulled the pin out of the
grenade and threw it over his shoulder, and when the explosion killed three Black Masks, he
cheered like an excitable child.
"We have the strength to kill everyone here," Hermione said, pausing briefly to cut a Death Eater
in half. "But I think Bellatrix went to Voldemort. He's probably already sending reinforcements."
The temperature rose significantly again as Narcissa breathed another wall of fire. Hermione
almost couldn't hear her own voice over the screams of the unlucky few that were caught in the
"Then we need to get back to the Manor," Malfoy said urgently. "If Bellatrix is with Voldemort, it
won't be long before he sends others to the Manor. We need to get Astoria out."
At the mention of her name, Blaise looked in Malfoy's direction, but it couldn't have been worse
timing. He'd been distracted just as Crouch had thrown a powerful slicing curse - a Sectumsempra -
and although the curse didn't hit Blaise head-on, it caught his shoulder with such a force that he
spun in the air and landed on the ground with a harsh thud.
When Blaise didn't get up, Theo and Malfoy went on the attack. They threw curse after curse at
Crouch Jr. They were unrelenting. They were angry. They were deadly, but Crouch was a coward
and Apparated away before anything could hit him.
Hermione ran to Blaise and knelt down beside him. He still had a pulse, and as she checked his
injury, Narcissa hovered over her and obliterated anyone who tried to come close.
There were deep, jagged lines across Blaise's left shoulder and neck, stretching up and covering
almost the entire left side of his face. Even with the strongest healing potions, he'd be scarred for
the rest of his life, but he'd survive. Hermione was sure of it.
With Crouch gone and only a handful of Black Masks left, Malfoy and Theo ran to Hermione and
Blaise's side.
"Is he-" Theo couldn't even say the word. He sounded like he was going to throw up. "How's he
doing, Granger?"
Hermione cast a numbing charm over the worst of his injuries and then another to slow the
bleeding. "He needs medical attention." She paused to cast a healing charm over the deepest cut. "I
can slow the bleeding with magic, but all the supplies we need are at the safehouse. We can't waste
time, we need to get him there, quickly."
"No,” Hermione interrupted. "Blaise's injuries are too severe. He'll make it, but if we try to
Apparate him like this he's likely to get splinched.”
Malfoy threw an Avada to the left and killed a Black Mask that'd been trying to sneak up on them.
"So what are you suggesting then?!" he growled, roughly dragging a frustrated hand through his
There weren't many Black Masks left. Sixteen, possibly fifteen, well - thirteen, after Theo flipped a
car that took out a further two when it landed back on the ground.
Hermione looked up at Malfoy. "Press the panic button," she said, eyes drifting back to Blaise's
arm as she cast another charm over his shoulder, just to make sure everything was set properly and
he wouldn't bleed out. "Let the elves know we're coming."
With Blaise seemingly stable for the moment, Hermione and began duelling at Malfoy's side again.
"You and Narcissa take Blaise to the safehouse. Theo and I will get Astoria, Romy and Quinzel
and meet you there."
She could feel him staring at the side of her face when she decapitated another Black Mask.
"You know it's the best option," Hermione said. "We can't Apparate Blaise in his condition.
Narcissa is the only way we can get him out, and she'll need you with her." She threw an Avada to
the left. "She can fly and you can pick off anyone who might try and follow you to the safe house."
"Why don't you go with her?" Malfoy asked, voice rough as he threw a green curse of his own.
"You're more than capable of killing anyone who tries to follow."
"No, it has to be you," Hermione answered. "I'm not as good with flying as you are. It makes me
sick and I can barely keep my eyes open. I might miss someone and then they'll know where the
safe house is. It has to be you. You have to go with Narcissa and Blaise and I have to go with Theo
to get Astoria and the elves. It's the best option. You know it is.”
She was right. The Manor was going to be more dangerous than getting Blaise to safety, but
Hermione was the better option. She had to go, even if Malfoy didn't like it, she had to.
Suddenly, his cold hand curled around her wrist, and he dragged her close to his side. When she
stared up at him, she found his eyes completely blue.
"Granger, I-" He cut himself off and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, like he didn't
know how to say the words.
She recognised that look, she'd seen it on him before. And without even saying it, Hermione knew
what he was trying to ask.
"Don't worry, I'll come back," Hermione finished for him. "I'll come back to you."
He scoffed quietly and his lips twitched into a small smirk. "Make sure that you do.”
And then, despite the battle going on around them, Malfoy grabbed the back of her head and kissed
her. It only lasted a second, they couldn't afford to take their eyes off the battle any longer, but that
kiss spoke a thousand words.
The way he held the back of her head told her that he never wanted to let her go, that he didn't want
to let her go now, even though it was for the best.
The way he chased her mouth when she started to pull away, the way he dragged her lips back to
hers just so he could steal that second more told her that he wished they had more time, that he
wasn't ready to let her go yet, just like she wasn't ready either.
And the way he kissed her, so passionately and so publicly, in front of generations of Death Eaters
who'd looked up to him for leadership and who wanted her dead, it told her that she was his. His
for all to see. His for as long as they had.
He told her everything she needed to know without ever uttering a single syllable.
After they broke apart, Hermione and Theo shielded Malfoy while he levitated Blaise onto
Narcissa's back. He gave Hermione one last lingering look as he settled himself between the
dragon's shoulders, and Theo and Hermione covered him as Narcissa took flight. They stayed on
the ground long enough to see him disappear into the clouds, and when they were sure he wasn't
followed, they prepared their own escape.
But just before they apparated to Malfoy Manor, a strange thing happened. Voldemort appeared.
He materialised onto the cobbled street in a flurry of black smoke, robes dark, skin pale and gaunt,
looking so like the grim reaper himself it was startling to see.
The fact that he was on the field at all was strange in itself. He never seemed to leave his ivory
tower, much preferred to stay behind the walls of York Cathedral and let his pedigree dogs do all
the work for him.
But his sudden appearance on the field wasn't the thing that Hermione found strange.
The thing that was strange, the thing that made her blood run cold, was that when Voldemort's
furious eyes landed on her, it was as though he was seeing into her soul.
Voldemort had never looked at her that way. The few times his eyes had landed on her, he'd
always looked at her with nothing more than disgust, as though she were nothing more than a dirty
stray dog in his way.
But it that fleeting second before she took Theo's hand and they disappeared, Voldemort's eyes
were filled with shock, then denial, and then finally anger.
And then his face disappeared altogether and was replaced by Malfoy Manor.
Hermione and Theo wasted no time, as soon as they felt earth beneath their feet again, they broke
into a sprint towards the estate. Romy and Quinzel were already in the kitchen, both with fabric
sacks in their hands that they were filling with even more supplies.
Terror swarmed across Hermione's chest when she saw that Astoria wasn't with them.
Romy blinked and paused with a bottle of Pepper up potion in his hand. "Miss is in one of the
parlour rooms, she wanted to get something for master Malfoy-"
Hermione didn't need any more information, she knew exactly which room Astoria would be in.
Malfoy's father's whiskey. Apart from the rings he wore around his neck, those bottles of whiskey
were the only connection Malfoy had left to his father. If Astoria was getting something for
Malfoy, that would be it.
Hermione grabbed three potions off the kitchen island before she took off again. "Pack as much as
you can!" she called over her shoulder as she charged through the kitchen. "We're leaving in sixty
Theo stayed with the elves and helped them pour everything into their little sacks.
Hermione was breathless when she burst open the doors to the parlour room, but she could've wept
with happiness when she saw Astoria. Because although she still looked ill, she looked much better
than she had for the last few days.
She was wearing pink slippers and a matching silk nightdress and robe, and although her features
were still gaunt and pale and she didn't have any glamours on her face or hair, she was up, she was
out of bed.
Hermione just prayed that meant she'd have the strength to Apparate and not get splinched.
Although a little wobbly and needing to use the wall to keep herself steady, Astoria crossed the
room - a bottle of whiskey in her hand - and pulled Hermione into a hug. "How long do we have?"
"They're already on their way," Hermione hushed, squeezing the blonde just as tightly. "We need
to go now."
Astoria forced down two more Pepperup potions that Hermione had brought from the kitchen - and
a Blood Replenishing one, just to be safe - and when the bottles were empty, Hermione held out
her hand for Astoria to take.
"You ready?"
Astoria nodded confidently, but when she took Hermione's hand, she squeezed her eyes closed like
she was bracing herself for the worst.
Hermione closed her own eyes and clenched her wand. She tried to Apparate, but nothing
happened. She tried again, and still, nothing. She could feel her magic flowing through her, but
there was resistance, like her magic couldn't obey what she was telling it. When she opened her
eyes, Astoria was looking at her with a confused expression.
Hermione was hit with a knockback jinx in the back, the spell strong enough to tear her hand from
Astoria's. It sent her hurtling across the room and crashing into the oak bureau.
Although she could hardly feel her own body, Hermione somehow found her voice through sheer
willpower alone. "G-get ... get to Theo!" Her head was spinning, and she was sure her hip had been
cracked with her fall. Her back felt numb and wet at the same time. "Go!" She screamed. "Leave!"
As Hermione pulled herself weakly from the wreckage of the bureau, she watched in horror as
Yaxley caught Astoria's forearm and began to drag her away.
Hermione tried to stand up, but Yaxley threw another curse in her direction, and the next thing she
knew, she was back on the floor. The spell Yaxley had used must have done something to the
gravity, manipulated it, turned it up tenfold until Hermione felt like she was not only pinned to the
floor, but being pulled down into it.
Hermione tried to fight it, but she couldn't move, couldn't do anything but watch as Yaxley dragged
Astoria around the room like she was nothing more than a little rag doll.
If Astoria's blood curse hadn't made her so weak, Yaxley might've been knocked unconscious when
she whacked him around the back of his head with the whiskey bottle, but in her current condition,
all it did was jerk his head slightly to the left and make him angry.
Although Astoria did flinch when he spat in her face, she still tried to fight him. She tried to hit him
again with the bottle, but Yaxley caught her wrist before her assault could connect.
In his rage he threw Astoria into the wall, making the vintage bottle slip from her fingers and
shatter when it collided with the ground. Broken glass decorated the floorboards. The smell of
whiskey burned Hermione's nostrils.
When Astoria slid down the wall and fell to the ground, Yaxley dived on top of her. He straddled
her, the inside of his thighs bracketing her hips, and then wrapped both his hands around her throat.
"How dare you! The Dark Lord gave you everything!" Yaxley started to squeeze. Astoria's arms
and legs flailed in every direction as she fought to get him off her. "He forgave you when your
sister betrayed us! He's given you everything! Everything your heart desires, and you still betrayed
He used the hold on Astoria's neck to pull her off the ground an inch or two before he slammed her
back onto the cold floor. Astoria's head bounced grotesquely off the floorboards, and Hermione
still couldn't do anything.
"If it were up to me, I wouldn't kill you! You don't deserve death! It's too good for you!" Yaxley
screamed. "If it were up to me, you'd be living in Crouch's Dollhouse!"
Hermione could hear Astoria choking and gasping for breath. She could see the veins protruding
on the back of Yaxley's forearms as he tightened his hold on Astoria's neck.
"If it were up to me, you'd be one of Crouch's Dolls, and he'd let me do whatever the fuck I wanted
to do to you!”
Yaxley's face was turning red with the effort he was exerting, it was a miracle Astoria was still
moving at all. But she was. She was still moving. Still fighting with every ounce of strength she
Maybe it was an adrenaline rush, or perhaps just blind luck, but in a moment that Hermione
wouldn't have believed if she hadn't seen it for herself, she watched Astoria drag her perfectly
manicured nails down Yaxley's face, rake them from his forehead to his chin with such force that
Yaxley howled in pain and released her.
He clutched his face as blood started to trickle from the wounds she'd created, and Astoria wasted
no time in using his distraction to her advantage. She reached behind her head and started patting
the floor blindly. She fumbled for a moment, but her trembling hand soon found what she was
looking for.
She snatched the neck of the broken whiskey bottle off the floor, and then plunged the jagged ends
straight into Yaxley's neck.
He jerked for a moment, causing the bottle to free itself from his neck and a fountain of blood to
pour from the wound. Astoria must have punctured something vital.
She pulled the glass all of the way out of his neck and then plunged it right back in.
And then a fifth. Each stab coming quicker than the last, more forceful, plunging deeper.
Yaxley jerked and shook each time Astoria stabbed him. His eyes grew wider and wider each time,
but he was looking at Astoria like he couldn't really see her, like he didn't know who she was at all.
Maybe it was true, maybe your life really did flash before your eyes when you died. Maybe that
was what Yaxley was seeing as Astoria shoved the broken glass into his neck, maybe each new
stab brought a new memory, like clicking different reels of an old piece of film.
Then the years following Voldemort's death, when he didn't know his place in the world anymore.
And then with the final stab, was he brought back to the present? Did that final plunge of the
broken glass make Astoria come back into view? Was the last thing he saw her lovely face,
covered in his blood?
Yaxley gargled and choked and tried to cover the gash with his hand, but the blood was flowing
faster than he could stop it. Blood spilt down his neck and drenched the woman below him. It
covered her dress, her hair, covered every inch of her face until all Hermione could see of her
friend was the deep brown and white of her eyes.
Yaxley only lasted a moment or two longer before his eyes closed and he went limp. When
Yaxley's heart stopped, so did his magic. The stronger gravity vanished, and as soon as Hermione
could move, she pushed herself to her feet and ran to Astoria.
She pulled the blonde to stand and steadied her with a hand on either shoulder.
"Tori?" Hermione whispered carefully. "Are you alright?"
Astoria was breathing heavily. She was clearly in a state of shock. She was shaking and her eyes
were wide and staring down at Yaxley's corpse, at what she'd done, but physically, she was fine.
Hermione cupped Astoria's face between her hands and shook her gently. "It's alright," she hushed.
"You're safe."
"Everything is going to be fine," Hermione added. "We're going to get out of here. You believe me,
don't you?"
Hermione had never seen Astoria speechless before. Even when her illness got the better of her, she
always had something to say, always had a twinkle in her eye and a bit of gossip ready to share
when someone came to visit her.
But seeing her like this ... Hermione recognised it. She'd seen that same look in her eye when she'd
stared at her reflection once before, right after the first time she'd taken a life.
Astoria had never killed anyone before. Yes, she'd played a hand in dozens of people's executions,
but she'd never been the axeman herself. She'd never seen the light go out in someone's eyes
because she'd snuffed it out by her own hand. And although Yaxley certainly fucking deserved
what she'd done, it was clear that Astoria didn't quite know how to process it.
"It's alright," Hermione whispered. "You did what you had to do. It's alright -"
There was a loud bang from the other side of the door. Hermione heard a man scream. She heard
footsteps. Then another loud bang. Then another blood-curdling scream.
Hermione spun towards the door and raised her wand. She used her free hand to catch the dip of
Astoria's waist and guide her to stand behind Hermione.
Hermione felt Astoria move behind her. She tilted her face enough to watch Astoria bend down
and pick up the blood-soaked bottle off the floor. She gripped its neck tightly and nodded to
Another bang, this one from just on the other side of the hallway.
Hermione braced herself. The end of her wand sparked that deadly shade of green. She opened her
mouth, the word on the tip of her tongue-
When the doors burst open, there were three stood on the other side.
Romy charged in first. His pillowcase was dusted with blood and one of his eyes was bruised and
swelling to the point it was closing.
Quinzel was a little bruised too, but the most startled of the three was Theo. Although he himself
looked relatively unharmed, he was drenched in blood, like he'd taken a bath in it, quite literally
slit the throats of his enemies, let their blood fill the bath and then submerged his entire body into
it. His hair was drenched. His clothes were saturated. There was so much of it covering him that
Hermione couldn't make out if he were bruised or not. All she could see was blood.
Upon seeing Astoria, Romy charged into the room, tears already in his eyes.
"Is Miss alright?!" the tiny elf screamed as he wrapped his arms around Astoria's legs and sobbed
into her dressing gown. "Romy was so worried! He did not know where Miss was but he could
hear her screaming!" The more Romy spoke, the more frantic he became, stuttering and sobbing
over his words until they were almost incoherent. "He could hear her, but then other Death Eaters
broke into the kitchen, and Romy could not get to Miss! H - he - he wanted to help! He w-wanted t-
to help ... but he c-couldn't get-g-get to Miss!"
Astoria bent down and wrapped her arms around Romy's shoulders. "Shhhh, it's alright," she
hushed, the distress on his face clearly the thing she needed to find her voice again. "There, there,
it's alright. I'm fine. I'm fine."
Theo's expression dropped as he stared at Astoria. "Tori," he started, horrified. "Are you-"
"I'm fine," she answered quickly, looking up at Theo from over the top of Romy's head. "I'm fine.
It's not my blood."
Theo nodded softly, but when his eyes drifted to the left and saw Yaxley's body, a deep scowl
twisted its way onto his face.
"A-and then, Death Eaters w-were everywhere!" Romy carried on, sobbing into Astoria's neck. "M-
M-Mr Nott killed l-lots of them, b-blood everywhere ... the - the - t-the kitchen is a mess, but m-
more kept c-coming, and we c-could hear Miss screaming! Romy would do anything to keep Miss
safe! He just -he just wants Miss to be s-safe! He thought he'd failed her - he thought she'd-"
"Shhhhhhh,” Astoria soothed. "It's alright. I'm safe. You don't need to worry."
There was a creaking sound coming from the hallway. Theo spun around, and the dark doorway
was lit up with just enough green light that Hermione saw the Death Eater who Theo had just
murdered, and the other bodies lying in the hallway.
"Whilst this is all lovely and we know how much you love Astoria, Romy," Theo said, crossing
the room and roughly peeling the sobbing elf away from his sister-in-law. "Others are on the way.
We need to get out of here."
Romy nodded in agreement, but he didn't stop sobbing. He didn't let go of Astoria entirely either,
one of his little hands kept a firm grip on the bottom of Astoria's pink dressing gown.
"Alright then Granger," Theo said, turning back to Hermione as he said her name. "You're
supposed to be the brainbox of this operation. What's our plan?"
Hermione looked at Astoria. "If we can get you past the anti-Apparation wards. Do you think
you'll be strong enough to Apparate?"
Astoria gave a breathless laugh. "Is there really any other option?"
And so, without wasting any more time, they took off in a sprint. Quinzel and Hermione went first,
then Astoria, then Romy, then Theo. There was a theory behind their formation. They put the most
vulnerable in the middle so that those on either side could protect her when needed.
In the time that they'd regrouped, the manor had become crawling with Death Eaters. The house
was invested with them. They were fucking everywhere. If Quinzel weren't so familiar with the
Manor, there was no way they would have been able to get out.
They passed dozens of bodies of Death Eaters as Quinzel guided them through the estate, and
Hermione suddenly understood why Theo was saturated in so much blood. It was easy to tell his
handiwork, most of the corpses they passed either didn't have heads or had huge gaping holes in
the centre of their chests.
It was like running through a haunted house. The walls were completely covered in blood. The
halls stank of death and organs and torn flesh were scattered up and down the floors, tripping them
on occasion.
As they sprinted through the hallways, curses of every colour shot over their heads. Debris from
explosions flew in every direction. Countless portraits were destroyed through the chaos,
generation upon generation of Malfoy family history just gone, obliterated in a few short minutes.
Even though Hermione could see where the anti-Apparation wards ended, could see the air ripple
and shine slightly where the edge of the magic met the cold air, it looked so far away.
Astoria's breath was harsh behind Hermione. She could see the blonde falling more and more
behind as they sprinted across the grounds, struggling to keep up, struggling to catch her breath.
Theo whirled around and started to throw curses, slaughtering the Death Eaters that were closing
Romy stood by his side, and when he snapped his fingers, the earth cracked and giant roots with
thorns exploded from the ground. The roots moved violently through the air like they had a life of
their own, and they wrapped around the legs of some of the Death Eaters and pulled them towards
the floor. Some lost their legs, some were cut in half from the huge thorns, but most just screamed
as they were pulled into the ground, gasping and clawing at the earth like they were being dragged
right down to hell.
Theo and Romy managed to take out another ten Black Masks, but more were still there. More
were still coming after them, and the Apparation point still felt so far away.
Hermione grabbed Astoria's wrist and pulled her to her feet. When she started to sprint again, she
didn't let go of her wrist. She couldn't let Astoria fall behind. She had to get her out. She had to
save her. She'd promised Malfoy she would. She'd fucking carry Astoria on her back if she had to.
Hermione felt some resistance from Astoria. She was still running, but she was slowing down a
little, almost pulling Hermione to a stop.
"Theo! Romy! Come on!" Astoria called. "Leave them! We're almost there!"
When the resistance vanished, Hermione knew Theo and Romy had started running with them
Quinzel disappeared first, her body twisting in on itself before she vanished with a loud pop.
And as soon as both Hermione and Astoria were through the wards, Hermione tightened her grip
on Astoria's wrist and did the same.
When they landed with a dull thud on the damp grass outside the farmhouse, Hermione turned to
her left. Astoria was there, in one piece, no signs of splinching or pain of any kind.
They'd done it. They'd made it through, against all fucking odds, they'd done it.
The witches reached for each other at the same time, both so overjoyed, so fucking relieved that
they'd made it out the other side that they needed to hug one another, squeeze each other to make
sure it was real, that it was really happening.
Astoria was panting heavily, but she was breathing, she was laughing, chuckling breathlessly, and
Hermione couldn't help but do the same.
Hermione pulled back and cradled Astoria's blood-covered face gently in her hands. "Are you
Astoria nodded. Tears of joy streamed down her face and cleared some of Yaxley's blood. "I can't
believe ... I can't believe we made it. Oh my - Hermione, we made it! The Order can really do this,
can't they!? They're going to kill Voldemort ... it's all ... it's all coming together."
As Astoria spoke her thoughts aloud - always the opposite of Malfoy - Hermione started to look
around. She listened carefully as she checked the wards around the farmhouse, making sure they
were still in tact -
"What happened at the raid?" Astoria asked "You must tell me everything."
A small shape a few meters behind them caught Hermione's attention. It was only small, barely
bigger than a rugby ball -
"I bet Bellatrix was furious when she found out we were the traitors."
For a moment, Hermione couldn't make out what it was. It wasn't a stone, it looked too soft, too
pink. It looked like -
"Oh and Crouch! You must tell me what he looked like when he heard the news! I would have
loved to have seen his face!"
"Astoria," Hermione interrupted quietly, voice soft, cracking, breaking as she stared at the thing
that was laying on the grass.
"I would have paid good money to see Crouch's expression! It's time like this I wish I was a
"Oh, I do hope Voldemort finds a way to blame Crouch. Do you think he will? I really, really hope
he does. I hope he strings him up and hacks away at him. I hope he breaks his ribs, just like what
happened to Daphne. It'd be fitting, don't you think-"
Astoria almost looked angry. She was irritated that Hermione was souring her good mood, but she
couldn't see what Hermione was looking at. She had her back to it.
Hermione curled a hand around Astoria's shoulder, and very softly, very gently, she turned the
blonde around, knowing that when she saw what Hermione could see, it was going to break her
Hermione prayed that Astoria's heart wasn't as frail and breakable as her body.
Because a few feet away from where the witches stood, Romy's head was laying on the grass, but
his body wasn't there.
From the clean cut, it was obvious that he'd been hit with a slicing curse. It must've hit him just
before they made it past the Anti-Apparation wards, and it'd cut his head right off his little body.
Astoria ran to what was left of Romy and dropped to her hands and knees beside him. And then she
screamed. She screamed and she cried. She cried as though her soul had been torn in two. She
screamed as though someone had plunged a dagger through her heart.
And Hermione didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to comfort Astoria because there was
no cure for heartbreak like this, no magic spell, no wave of her wand that could fix this pain.
1st April
Six hours. Six fucking hours - that was how long Draco had been gone.
Twenty-one thousand and six hundred - six hundred and one, two, three - seconds since he'd
stormed through the farmhouse and disappeared in a flurry of black smoke.
He hadn't said where he was going, but Hermione knew, didn't need to be told. She'd known it the
second he'd Apparated away.
She'd only been at the farmhouse herself for half an hour when Malfoy, Narcissa and Blaise had
arrived. Hermione had been waiting for them outside then too, and the look on Malfoy's face when
he'd landed, Hermione doubted she'd ever forget it.
He'd looked so ... relieved, when he'd seen her waiting for him. The relief had been clear as day on
his face, it was probably the first time Hermione had looked at him and thought he was genuinely
He still thought that everything was going to be alright. Despite the hiccups in their plan, he still
thought that today was a victory for them. He was still in the same bubble Hermione and Astoria
had been in when they'd Apparated to the farmhouse, a false reality where everything was fine and
everyone was safe. A reality where just once - just fucking once - they'd won and it hadn't cost the
life of one of their friends to do it.
Hermione hated that she had to be the one to bring him back down to Earth, especially when all she
really wanted to do was bury herself in the bubble with him.
The heart-breaking way Malfoy's expression had fallen when Hermione had started to relay what'd
happened - fuck, that was probably going to be engraved in her memory forever too.
He'd been silent while she'd told him what had almost happened to Astoria and how she defended
herself. Stayed deathly quiet when she'd told him how Romy and Theo had fought to keep the
Death Eaters at bay when they'd run across the grounds, and how ... how brave Romy had fought,
how all the little elf had wanted to do was protect Astoria.
Malfoy seemed to be calm at first, collecting all the information, silently turning it all over in his
head. He was still as a marble statue, but there was a fire gathering in his eyes, each word
Hermione said like a separate match being lit, each new story another coal thrown onto the fire and
adding to his anger.
And there was only so much he would be able to take before he exploded.
When she'd told him what'd happened to Romy, he'd flinched. And when she'd told him that Theo
... still wasn't there, that he'd never Apparated to the safe house and she had no fucking idea where
she was, he'd closed his eyes.
He'd taken a deep breath through his nose, and when he'd opened his eyes, the blue was gone, the
fire was gone, and only cold grey remained.
She'd half expected him to disappear right then and there - but he didn't, not straight away at least.
He stayed with Hermione - completely mute - and helped her levitate Blaise off Narcissa's back
and get him inside the safehouse. He stayed until Blaise was in his new bed, and the moment
Quinzel had started to work on him, he'd taken off again. Charged through the house without
saying a word and disappeared in a loud crack of Apparation, and Hermione was left with nothing
to do but pray that he'd make it back.
To begin with, she'd stayed with Astoria in what was supposed to be Theo's room and watched her
sleep peacefully.
Hermione hadn't wanted to give her so many sedatives, but seeing Romy like that ... not knowing
what'd happened to Theo ... well, Astoria had become so hysterical Quinzel didn't really have a
She'd already lost her sister, she'd seen the decapitated head of her best friend lying on the grass,
and the realisation that her brother-in-law might've already shared the same fate, it'd been too much
for her.
And that was without knowing that Blaise had been seriously injured.
Astoria had cried and screamed so hard, and when her panic attack had become so severe that she'd
struggled to breathe, Hermione agreed with Quinzel that it was safer for Astoria to be sedated, just
for a few hours, at least until they were sure Blaise had made it through the worst.
Astoria wouldn't have been able to cope with the heartbreak of that, too. It was better if she didn't
know what'd happened to him.
Hermione had only managed to watch Astoria for an hour before she couldn't sit still anymore.
She'd tried to keep herself busy, occupied herself as much as possible and did everything she could
to just not think.
She'd checked all the wards around the farmhouse - three times - and she'd made a detailed list of
every potion and supply they'd brought with them. She'd organised the potions in the storage
cupboard, and then reorganised them half an hour later.
She'd thought about making herself and Quinzel a sandwich to pass the time. She wasn't hungry at
all, doubted Quinzel was either, but at least it would've given her something to do.
She'd walked to the kitchen, trying to remember which cupboard Quinzel said she'd left the bread
in, but when she'd gotten to the threshold, she'd frozen up and hadn't been able to make herself take
that last step.
It was probably wrong of Hermione to wrap his ... head ... up in a cloth and put it on the kitchen
table, but the thought of him outside in the cold, in the dark and all alone, Hermione couldn't put
words to it.
She couldn't leave Romy outside. She just couldn't. She wouldn't.
When Theo and Malfoy were back and the group was feeling ready, they'd discuss what they were
going to do with Romy. They'd give him a proper burial and build him a beautiful grave. They'd
say lovely things about him and cover his headstone with gifts that he'd like, but first, Hermione
had needed to get him out of the cold, and seeing as the kitchen was his favourite place in the
world ...
She shook the thought from her head and closed her eyes. She leaned back, took a deep breath, and
tried to lose herself in the nicotine as it filled her lungs.
Although it was the dead of the night and the wind was howling around her, although the grass was
damp underneath her legs and the rain had seeped into her clothes, Hermione didn't feel a chill.
Didn't feel cold at all really.
She was numb, yes, tired, yes, on edge - fuck yes - but she wasn't cold, she might've been, if it
weren't for the dragon at her back.
When Hermione had sank onto the damp grass outside the farmhouse while she waited for Malfoy
to come home, Narcissa had joined her. She'd curled herself into a ball around Hermione, using her
enormous body to shield her from the wind and ward off the cold.
Hermione had leaned against Narcissa's shoulder as a courtesy really, a way to return the
affectionate gesture, but the feel of the dragon's warm scales against her shoulders and spine soon
made her sink into the beast, and before too long, she was practically huddling against her.
It was oddly comforting, listening to the gentle - albeit, very loud - sound of Narcissa breathing
behind her. Every time Narcissa exhaled, Hermione fell backwards slightly, and when the dragon
inhaled and her lungs expanded, she was gently pushed forward. It felt like being rocked to sleep,
and although her body was certainly tempted by that idea, Hermione refused to rest.
She had to stay awake. Malfoy might come back at any moment. He was going to need her help.
God only knew where Theo was. Voldemort was going to want to make him suffer immensely for
his betrayal. He'd shown time and time again how he felt about traitors, and after today's
revelation, Daphne's execution was probably going to be child's play in comparison to the horrors
Voldemort would have planned for Theo.
The events of the day had undoubtedly caused a ripple effect. They'd exposed themselves as the
spies, but they'd also made Voldemort look a fool in front of his own army.
By now, there wouldn't have been a witch or wizard in the country who didn't know that Malfoy,
Blaise and Theo had betrayed Voldemort. Gossip always did travel faster than real news, and the
juicier the gossip, the faster it travelled.
The Dark Lord's favourite Demon Masks, and two of his most ruthless Gold Masks, were the spies.
God, there probably hadn't been a scandal like it for years.
Hermione could almost hear the whispers. "What? The most powerful Dark Wizard of all time?
And he couldn't even spot the spies in his ranks? Even though they were among the people closest
to him? How is that possible?!"
Even if no one had the balls to say it to Voldemort, everyone was laughing at him behind his back.
They'd made him look weak. They'd made him look like an idiot.
In other circumstances, Hermione would have been fucking delighted. But not today, couldn't force
herself to smile even if she'd wanted to.
Because Voldemort was, and always had been, a spiteful bastard who hungered for revenge, and
now, he had just the target to take his bloodlust out on. Theo.
He would feel that he needed to restore that balance of power. He wasn't to let Theo go. There'd be
no room for errors this time. No mistakes. Voldemort was going to want to make an example out of
him, and use him to show all that no one betrayed the Dark Lord and lived to tell the tale.
Yes, wherever Voldemort was keeping Theo, he was going to be heavily guarded, and Malfoy
would need her to help him fight his way through it all.
She needed to stay awake. He couldn't do this alone. She needed to be ready when he found out
where Theo was being kept and came back to get her.
But he'd been gone for so long. If he was safe, if he knew where Theo was, he would have come
back by now, wouldn't he?
No, no she couldn't think like that. Malfoy was still alive, that much was certain. If he weren't, then
she'd be dead as well. Her heart would have stopped beating when his had, and so, she found
herself focusing on it. Didn't think she'd ever been so fucking invested in her own heartbeat as she
was in those hours.
Each beat was a reminder that Draco was still alive, still out there somewhere.
Still alive, she could practically hear the words echo in her head with each pump.
Still alive.
Still alive.
Still alive.
"He's alright," Hermione whispered, the almost expired cigarette bobbing in her mouth as she
She'd ran a hand across the base of Narcissa's neck each time she'd said those words, and each time,
the dragon had whined and looked at Hermione, her huge red eyes filled with nothing but dread
and anxiousness.
Narcissa grumbled low in her throat, making the scales that were against Hermione's back vibrate
like leaning against a large speaker.
When her cigarette was finished, Hermione threw it onto the pile she'd already made and pulled out
a fresh one. Although Narcissa's wings were excellent windbreakers, she still used one hand to
shield the bud while she used the tip of her wand to light it.
Cigarettes were usually just the thing to calm her nerves, but today they did nothing. She'd smoked
so many, at least a dozen in quick succession, her throat felt fuzzy and sore and her voice sounded
gruff, but she felt no better. They'd done nothing to calm her fucking nerves.
When the wind picked up, Hermione huddled closer to the dragon, and Narcissa curled her body
into a tighter ball around her, making the temperature rise just a few degrees more.
Hermione took a deep breath and pulled a strong drag of nicotine into her lungs. Over the top of
Narcissa's tail spikes, she could see a little patch of grass with a few daisies poking up through the
That would be a lovely place to bury Romy. Perhaps they could plant some potatoes in his grave.
He'd like that. Love it, in fact.
She could just see him clapping his hands together excitedly, eyes wide and that innocent, child-
like smile on his face. Could just hear his little voice, "Oh yes Miss, Romy would like that very
much!" he would have probably said. "The perfect place for Romy to rest. Thank you, Miss - but
Miss should not have come to so much trouble for Romy. There are more important things to worry
about, yes, much more important things."
She took another drag and held it in her lungs, trying to remember if Romy had had a favourite
poem that she could carve into his headstone -
When Narcissa moved, and Hermione knew Malfoy must've been close. The dragon raised her
gigantic head off the ground and stared toward the fields in front of her.
Hermione got to her feet and dropped her cigarette, and just as she crushed it under her boot, he
He looked angry. His Death Eater robes swarmed around him as he walked quickly towards her.
Her eyes raked him over as he approached. No blood. No injuries that she could see.
"Did you find-“ She didn't finish her sentence before he kissed her. Hands tight on either side of her
face. Crushing his body against hers as tightly as he could and siphoning the words she'd meant to
say into his lungs.
He was greedy in the way he kissed her. Forceful. His hands slid roughly down her back and
squeezed her hips hard enough to make her gasp into his mouth. He swallowed that too. Took
every part of her that he could take. Hands-on every inch of her that was within his reach.
"Shhh," he hissed against her mouth. "Just for a minute." He kissed her harder, forcing her mouth
open with his tongue. "Just a minute."
She'd intended to pry herself away from him. They didn't have time for this. Theo was missing.
Theo was missing and they needed to find him. She knew that, but her arms didn't seem to get the
message. They didn't want to push him away. Instead, they only pulled him closer. Only snaked
around his neck and dragged his face to hers.
She kissed him just as furiously, held onto him just as tightly, but – as it fucking always did – her
mind refused to shut off completely.
"We need-" she started, but she lost track of what she'd wanted to say when his lips moved to
attack her throat. "Malfoy-" she tried again, her voice no stronger, resolve to push him away even
weaker. "Did - did you find ... Theo?"
"Shut up,” he hissed against her collar bone, fingers tightening on her hip bones and pressing her
more firmly against him. "Just shut the fuck up." She gasped when he bit down on her pulse point.
"We don't ... oh god." She thought her eyes were going to roll into the back of her head when he
tore the front of her uniform and slipped one of his hands inside. " ... we don't - we don't have,"
words failed her when he palmed her breast, running his thumb slowly over her nipple. " ... time ...
we need to-"
"Shut up,” he hissed against her throat. His hand left her hip and started to wind up her spine and
into her hair, and a sharp jerk of his wrist yanked her head back just enough so that she had to look
at him. "Shut the fuck up and kiss me.”
His eyes might have been cold when he'd left the safehouse, but they were burning now.
He kissed her again before she could argue. Kissing her breathless. Kissing her until she was
mindless, and all the while, he just kept growling in her ear, muttering little whispers that she was
sure she probably wasn't supposed to hear.
"Fucking hell,” he groaned, "So much more I wanted to do to you. Wanted to eat your cunt again
until your head was spinning."
Her head was already spinning. Her heart was pounding in her chest.
"Wanted to bury my cock inside you again and again and again."
"Wanted to see that pretty face you make when you come.” His voice was hoarse and rough.
"Haven't seen it enough yet. Don't think I'll ever see it enough."
What was he doing? Why was he talking like they didn't have any time left together? Like this was
the last time they were going to see each other?
... like this was the last time they were going to see each other ...
"Oh my God." The realisation was sharp and sudden, like a wrecking ball obliterating its way
through thick concrete. "You came back to say goodbye, didn't you?"
Malfoy was still for a moment, and then he sighed heavily. He pulled his hand out of her robes but
he didn't let her go completely. One hand kept a tight hold of her waist.
He didn't say a word, but he didn't have to. The way he stared down at her, the look in his eyes,
they told her for him. It was bad. Wherever Theo was, it was bad. Really fucking bad. So bad that
he didn't think he was going to make it out alive.
"Where is he?"
Malfoy rolled his jaw. His nostrils flared before he answered. "Crouch," he said. "Crouch Jr has
From about thirty feet away, Narcissa hissed menacingly. Funny, Hermione couldn't remember
seeing or hearing her move to the other side of the field?
"Are you sure?" she asked, eyes drifting from the dragon back to Malfoy.
His lip twitched a little. "Let's just say a few Black Masks already had loose tongues before I cut
them out.”
"Why Crouch? Why not give him to Bellatrix? She's his other - only - Demon Mask. Surely she
should be the one to torture him?"
"Because he wants Nott to suffer first, and given their history, who better to torture Theo than the
man who ripped his heart out to begin with?"
Daphne. It all came back to Daphne. She was dead because of Crouch. Crouch had broken Theo's
heart when he'd turned her in, and now, Crouch was going to be the one who stopped it beating
Hermione would have thought a Dementor was running its rotting fingers up her spine from the
way a cold, terrified chill ran through her.
It was worse than she'd imagined. It'd been almost seven hours since Theo had vanished. If Barty
Crouch Jr had had Theo all this time, there was no telling what state he was going to be in.
Crouch would've kept Theo alive. No matter how much he would have wanted him dead,
Voldemort would have ordered Crouch to keep him alive.
He would have ordered him to torture Theo. He would have told Crouch to cut pieces of him off.
Hurt and brutalise him in the worst ways imaginable. He would have told him to the brink Theo to
bring of death, and then heal him and start the process all over again.
But he would have ordered Crouch to keep him alive - because he knew where Malfoy and Blaise
were. Not only would Voldemort want to keep Theo alive for longer to extend the suffering, but he
was also a link to finding the rest of the traitors.
Voldemort would have told Crouch to find out where Malfoy and Blaise and Hermione were by
any means necessary. He wanted them all dead, and Theo was now the key to opening that door.
"Theo is trained in memory blocking," he interrupted. "The bloke is a fucking awful Legilimens,
and he's not the best at memory blocking, but he'll be able to keep Crouch out of his head for a
while. We probably only have a day - maybe two - before he gets in, but Crouch will be doing
everything in his power to speed up the process. He'll torture him physically to try and break him
Hermione's stomach started to churn. "Ok," she said, stepping away from him and reaching for her
wand. "We need to move quickly if we're going to get Theo before-"
Malfoy's cold hand closed around her wrist before she could reach her wand. She snapped her head
up and stared at him. "Granger," he whispered. "You're not coming with me.”
"Yes," she said sternly, a statement, leaving no room for him to argue. "I am.”
Malfoy shook his head and his mouth twisted down into a tight expression. "You're not. Your job is
to get Astoria, Blaise and Quinzel the fuck out of here while I go and try to break Theo out.”
Hermione scrunched her nose up furiously. She opened her mouth -
"It's the best option," he said, interrupting her again, this time before she could speak. "Someone
needs to stay behind to look after the others and secure a new safehouse, one that even Theo and I
don't know the location of, just in case -"
"I was the Dark Lord's favourite Demon Mask; do you really think Barty Crouch Jr is a threat to
me?" He tried to smirk as he said the words, but it was a lie. He wasn't nearly as good an actor as
Theo was.
"Yes, I will.”
"If you really think that, then why did you come to say goodbye to me?"
He eyes flickered with some emotion she couldn't quite register. He didn't believe what he was
saying. He thought he was going to die trying to save Theo, but he was going to try anyway.
"What does it matter if I come with you or not?" Hermione went on. "If Crouch captures you,
Voldemort will kill you, and then I'll die as well. If I go with you, we'll have more of a chance of -"
"Voldemort won't kill me,” Malfoy argued. "He's angry at Theo for betraying him, he's furious
with Blaise, but he's fucking livid with me. He wants my blood, he wants me to pay, but he'll think
that death is too good for me. He'll think that death isn't punishment enough for what I've done to
him. If I'm captured, he'll keep me alive. Even if this war carries on, it'll be years before he gets
bored and finally executes me.” Slowly, he brought one of his hands up to cup the side of her face.
"And that's more than enough time for the brightest witch of our age to find a way to unlink her life
from mine.” For the first time that evening, a genuine smile broke across his face. "Don't you
A sledgehammer to the chest would probably have hurt less. Hermione stared at him, blinking. His
neck was red and scratched where she'd grabbed him. She could see little red crescent moon dents
on both sides of his neck from her nails.
While she stood there, dumbfounded, lost for words, he reached into his robes and pulled out a
small glass phial. "See this?" he asked, shaking the thing gently in front of her and swirling the red
liquid inside. "This is filled with my blood. You'll have plenty of time, and you can use this to
figure out a way to unlink us before Voldemort kills me.”
She didn't know what to say. He'd thought this through. He was giving her an out, a way to live a
life without him after the war.
"In another life, we could've ..." he laughed quietly and trailed off. "I suppose that doesn't really
matter now. What does matter is that you survive. After everything you've done for the Order to
win this war, you deserve to live in the world you saved."
Months ago, she'd have given anything to have a chance like that. She'd dreamed about finding a
way to unlink their lives. Spent countless hours at the beginning of her capture, lying in her bed
and thinking about how wonderful it would be to be rid of him.
It was right there. A life line. A second chance. It was right fucking there, and she didn't want it.
Felt fucking sick just looking at it.
Because although neither of them had said it, although neither of them would fucking admit it,
there was another thing linking them together, something else, something stronger and a thousand
times more potent than any piece of magic.
Hermione shook her head. She struggled to speak through the tightness in her throat. "No.”
"No?" Malfoy's brows twitched into a frown. "Granger, don't be a fool. Take this phial, take what's
left of my family and leave."
"No," she repeated, more firmly this time. "You're not doing this without me. You can't do this
without me. You don't know what you're walking into with Crouch. His manor will be heavily
guarded, you've seen what he did in those tombs under Newstead Abbey. If you go in there alone,
you won't come out.”
"If I don't come out and Theo does, I'd say that's a fair trade."
"Don't say things like that!" Anger flared in her stomach, and she expelled some of it by smacking
him across the chest. "If we go together-"
"You don't need to sacrifice yourself to save Theo! You don't need to sacrifice yourself to save
anyone, I can help you! We can save Theo together!"
"I'm not arguing with you about this. You are going to listen to me, and you are going to stay
"Ha!" Hermione snorted angrily. "And when have I ever listened to you!? I have never taken
orders from you and I don't intend to start now!" She narrowed her eyes and her voice dropped into
a vicious whisper. "Or are you planning on altering to Demon Hex to make me listen to you?"
Malfoy inhaled sharply like he'd been punched in the stomach. His eyes flashed dangerously.
"Don't," he hissed. "Don't you fucking dare throw that in my face.”
"Why not?" she challenged, unable to stop the way her words were dripping in venom. She didn't
mean to be so cruel to him but she couldn't help it. She wouldn't let him bench her like this. She
was just as ruthless as him, she didn't need protection, but he needed hers, even if he was too
fucking stubborn and proud to admit it. "It's the only way I would ever listen to you."
"Granger," Malfoy hissed, gritting his teeth together. "Don't make this any more difficult for me
than it already is. You need to stay here-"
"I'm coming with you! You can't take Crouch's house alone! He'll have reinforcements there! He'll
have laid traps! You need me there! You can't do this without me!"
"I will not put you in any more danger today. If something happens to you because of me-"
"It won't!"
"But if it does, I would never -" Again, he cut himself off and looked away from her. He took a
deep breath and clenched his jaw. The muscles in his neck were thick with tension. "You're not
going, end of discussion. I only came back because I wanted to make sure you were safe before I
went to Crouch's.”
"Well you're in luck!" she shouted sarcastically, thrusting her arms wide on either side of her. "You
checked, I'm safe. Astoria is safe. Blaise is safe. Quinzel and Narcissa are safe! Now, let's go and
save Theo together!"
Malfoy looked as though he were about to combust. "For once in your fucking life, just listen to
me! I am trying to do the right thing! I am trying to keep you safe, and as fucking usual, you're
making my life difficult!"
"Drop it!"
"Why, Malfoy?!"
His breath started to come out shorter. His nostrils flared. Rage was burning in his eyes. "I said
leave it alone!"
"Not until you tell me why you would rather die than let me help you-"
It was like someone had poured a bucket of ice water over her. In an instant, all the anger, all the
resentment that she'd built up just ... vanished.
And his confession, it seemed to lift something in him, took a weight off his shoulders, because as
soon as he'd said the words, all the malice in him seemed to die too.
"Growing up," he started, voice barely just above a whisper, a stark contrast to the rageful tone
he'd just been speaking to her in, "my relationship with my father was always rather ... strained, but
it still hurt when he died, when I had to watch Voldemort torture him."
Hermione felt a sickening sort of lurch creep into his stomach. Even knowing Malfoy's turbulent
relationship with his father, no one should have had to watch that, especially someone so young.
"He put a silencing charm on my father so he wouldn't hear him scream. He killed him quite
quickly, but it wasn't painless. He still made him suffer. Cut a finger off here, a leg there, took
hours before Voldemort eventually thought my father had had enough and sliced his head off.” He
closed his eyes and shivered silently at the memory. "Then my mother ..." his voice shook at the
mention of her. "Voldemort knew I was a lot closer to my mother, he knew it would hurt me so
much more, so he ... he made sure I watched. Made sure I heard her scream when he ... "
She knew the memory well, she'd seen it herself when she'd accidentally barged into his head.
She'd seen the blood that'd soaked through the wooden floor. She'd seen the scattered body parts of
the once proud Lucius Malfoy's thrown carelessly around the room as though they were nothing
more than decoration.
"To me, blood isn't thicker than water. I haven't thought that since I lost my mother and father. Yes,
Bellatrix is one of my only blood relations left, but she means nothing to me. I wouldn't piss on her
even if she was on fire. To me, blood doesn't make a family, it hasn't for a long time. Blaise,
Astoria, Theo, Daphne, Cissa, even the elves, they are the family I chose. They were the only
family I had left after my parents died."
The ache in Hermione's chest only grew. She knew the feeling well. She didn't have any blood
relations left either. She didn't have cousins or brothers or sisters. Her only blood had been her
mother and father and they were both dead.
She'd been all alone, just like him, and she too, had sought the comfort of family in others. Harry.
Ginny, the war might've put a strain on her relationship with them, but they were her family. Their
children were her family, her nieces and nephews despite not sharing a single drop of familiar
blood between them.
Just like Malfoy had with his. Astoria and Daphne were his sisters. Blaise and Theo were his
brothers. It didn't matter that they didn't share blood. What purpose did blood serve anyway?
Hermione had seen enough of it spilt on the floor throughout the war to know that blood didn't
make a family. You couldn't pick out your brother's blood from a strangers when it was running
down a cobbled street.
"And then Daphne died and I lost a sister. And now Romy, and possibly Theo. I refuse to lose
anyone else. I fucking refuse.”
Hermione let out a shallow breath and looked to Narcissa, simply because she didn't know where
else to look. The dragon was watching them intently, lying on the grass with her wings tucked at
her sides. "You're going to lose Theo too if you don't let me help you."
Suddenly, his hands were back on either side of her face. He gripped her tightly and tipped her
head back so she had to look into his eyes. "That isn't an option. Theo is too important to me to
lose," he said, voice a snarl, teeth bared. "Blaise is too important to me. Astoria is too important to
me. But you," his grip tightened, he shook her face slightly, making sure he had her full attention,
“you are too important to me to lose. That is why you can't come. That is why you need to fucking
stay here."
"Draco,” she hushed, and his eyes softened a little at the sound of his name. "I understand that
you're hurt, I understand that you don't want to lose anyone else, but you can't do this without me.
And it's not your decision to make. We're in this together, it's the only way everyone survives. "Till
Death do us part", remember?"
The softness in his eyes vanished as quickly as it had appeared, along with the velvety tone of his
voice. "You can make it sound as poetic as you want, but it doesn't change my mind. Listen to me
very carefully Granger, because I'm only going to say this one more time." He leaned in closer,
towering over her, his breath warming her face. "You're. Not. Fucking. Coming."
"No, you listen to me, Draco Malfoy!" She slapped his hands away from her face and glared up at
him. "I'm not some damsel in distress that you need to save every two minutes! I can help you!
Crouch is going to have that place so heavily guarded it'll be like a fortress! We have a much better
chance of rescuing Theo if we work together!"
"I don't give a fuck what Crouch has got hiding in those dusty old walls of his! He could have a
Basilisk, an angry Phoenix, he could have a whole bloody herd of Acromantula's scuttling away in
there, it doesn't change the fact that you are staying here where you're safe-"
"I don't need your permission to go!" Hermione hissed, glaring up at him. "If you leave, I'll just
follow you."
He laughed loudly, completely fake, completely over the top. Her blood boiled at the sound of it.
"What are you going to do?! Pull a Black Mask aside and ask for directions?!"
The dragon lifted her head off the ground and hummed softly in what sounded an awful lot like
"No, she will not!" Malfoy spat. "She won't show you anything if I tell her not to!"
Narcissa huffed and turned away from the bickering pair. The way she plopped her head back on
the grass and huffed a second time reminded Hermione an awful lot of a toddler having a strop.
"I don't care what you say, I'm coming with you! I'm a soldier, this is what I'm good at!"
"Really?" he scoffed coldly. "I thought soldiers were meant to be great at following orders?! Did
you miss the training on that day?! Is that why you're such a stubborn cunt!?"
Sensing she wasn't getting anywhere, she changed tactic. "Weren't you the one who said that the
Black Masks feared me?" she asked, cutting him off. "That I was so powerful and ruthless on the
battlefield that they were afraid of me?"
Again, he scoffed and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "That's hardly relevant."
"I'd say it's highly relevant! What makes you think that you can do this without me? I'm just as
strong a witch as you are a wizard."
He clenched his hands into fists, but he didn't argue with her.
"I'm just as ruthless as you are when I need to be. I'm just as good at killing as you are. Going in
there without support is stupid and reckless. You know spells that I don't, and I know battle
techniques that you don't. I know it's dangerous and I know you don't want me to die, but don't risk
Theo's life for mine. If we do this together, we can save him. If we do this together, no one else has
to die today."
Well, apart from Crouch, and whoever was unlucky enough to help him, but she didn't say that part
He couldn't do this without her. They were both formidable alone, but together? They'd already
proven twice how lethal they would be when they worked as a team.
Hope started to swell in her chest. She thought she was getting through to him - but then she saw
the way his eyes discreetly darted to her wrists, and her anger spiked all the more. Because
although he was listening to her, he wasn't really listening to her. He was assessing, trying to figure
out which spells would be best to bind her with so he could make her stay here and away from the
And if he wasn't going to listen her, then she'd fucking make him.
Acting on instinct - or maybe Gryffindor impulse would be a better description - she took out her
wand. Hermione whirled it sharply in front of her in a crescent moon motion, and all at once,
Malfoy fell to the floor with a loud thud as though someone had swept his legs out from under him.
Whilst on his back, he reached for his wand, but Hermione disarmed him before he had the
opportunity to even think of a Jinx.
He stared up at her, stunned and silent, brooding fury hanging at the edges of his eyes. He watched
as she stood over him, glaring down at him like he'd done to her so many times, and then very
slowly, she sank down so she was straddling over him, legs on either side of his rib cage and the tip
of her wand right under his pale chin.
"See that?" she asked, quirking a brow. "I could have just killed you then." As she spoke, sparks
started to crackle at her wand, not enough to hurt him, but enough for him to feel it, enough to
know that the threat was real.
He hissed quietly when she repeated the spell and little blue embers licked across his throat.
"And again, dead. Dead because I killed you. Dead because I'm just as lethal as you are. If you go
in there alone, you'll die, but if we go in there together - if we have each other's backs, then
everyone on Crouch's side will die. We'll kill them together - all of them."
He didn't say a word, just stared up at her and watched her through hooded eyes.
"You need me," she said. "You can't save Theo without me.”
Although his jaw was tight, although there was a furious expression on his face, he didn't try and
throw her off. Instead, moving just as slowly as she had, his hands snaked up her leg and came to
rest on her hips.
"Don't you?" Hermione repeated, digging the tip of her wand a little harder into his skin.
"You can't save Theo without me, can you?" she repeated the spell, and his words were almost lost
in the sharp intake of breath he took.
Although they were in a rush, she couldn't help but take a few extra seconds for herself. It was, and
always had been, thrilling to get the upper hand on him. Triumph buzzed in her veins, and as she
smirked down at him, she couldn't help herself. "Good boy," she whispered.
He closed his eyes and shook his head. A sly little smile peeled across his lips as he made a noise
in the back of his throat. "You're such a stubborn little cunt."
"I thought you liked that about me?"
His eyes opened when she started to slowly drag her wand down his neck. His throat bobbed as she
pressed her wand against it. He watched the movement, looked almost fascinated by it, and when
she stopped at his collarbone, his eyes met hers again. "Not as much as I like the way you look
when you're threatening me.”
Click, click, click
31st March
"Ooooooooooh, Crouchy baby, just slip a knife under my ribs, for me!"
There was a movement to his left, a stirring in the shadows of the dimly lit basement he was being
kept in.
"Been an awful bad boy, Crouchy baby, so hurry up and gut me tonight!"
Theo didn't bother to look around, it wouldn't have done much good. He couldn't see, and it wasn't
like he could fucking run away from whatever it was anyway.
Bastard ropes.
Could be worse, he supposed. At Least Crouch hadn't cast a silencing charm on him. Or gagged
him. If he couldn't sing, how else was he supposed to enjoy himself in this shit hole?
"Crouchy baby, a seven-inch knife would do, or six, I'll wait up for you mate, so hurry up and gut
me tonight!"
The sound of metal rubbing together filled the small space. Two knives, or maybe machete's - if he
was lucky - were being scraped against another, each being used as a tool to sharpen the other.
"Ooooooh, the Dark Lord is gonna be pissed, but think of all the fun you'd have if the Dementors
gave me the kiss!"
Barty Crouch Jr came out of the shadows and walked slowly towards Theo, a sharp, glittering
knife in each of his hands. He stopped when he was standing in front of Theo and smiled down at
And all Theo could think as he watched Crouch twirl the knives in his hand like they were bloody
batons, was that he hoped to God or Merlin or whatever made-up deity was in the clouds - that he
never, ever, ever, EVER, looked that fucking stupid when he tortured someone.
Wait, was he putting on a voice? Theo was sure Crouch's voice wasn't usually that deep and brassy.
Theo burst into a fit of laughter. He didn't try to keep it in. His body wanted to curl forward as loud
cackles bubbled in his chest and throat, but the ropes around his torso prevented him from moving
"I'm - I'm sorry - " he managed to joke out between fits of laughter. "I tried to keep it in - I really
tried - but mate - mate! Do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous you look right now?! Oh my
... " His cheeks started to hurt, he could hardly breathe from laughing, but just when he started to
calm down, one look at Crouch's face set him off again. "What's ... happened to your voice? Did
you ... smoke a whole pack of ciggys before -"
"-insignificant worm-"
"You call yourself a Death Eater?! You aren't even worthy to lick the boots of my master!"
"Hmm?" Theo hummed, tilting his head to the side and staring up at Crouch innocently. "Whatcha
say, Crouchy baby?"
Aaaaaaand there he went again. Off on another rant. Screaming and shouting. Foaming at the
mouth like a rabid dog.
It was quite funny to watch the way his eyes bulged out of his head like a cartoon character, or the
way the vein in his forehead looked like it might pop out and smack Theo in the face.
He wished Daph could see it. She'd piss herself laughing. She used to like getting under Crouch's
skin even more than Theo did.
How - in the actual fuckety fuck fuck - had he managed to find himself here?! The whole thing was
a shit show. A great big, ballsing fucking shit show all cramped into a piss poor wine cellar/
makeshift torture chamber dungeon thingymajig.
And Crouch was walking back into the shadows and ... bloody Nora, was he still talking? Did this
man ever shut up?!
Theo's head rolled against the back of the chair he was tied to. He stared at the ceiling, quietly
humming the Muggle Christmas song he'd soiled with Crouch's name. He tried to tap his foot to
the beat, but the clever cunt had secured robes around his ankles too, preventing him from moving
an inch.
It shouldn't really have bothered him. Wasn't like he had a plan. He was tied to a chair, shirtless,
wandless, and at the mercy of the man he'd done nothing but wind up for years.
Aaaaaaand who was walking back towards him with even bigger knives in his hands. Oh goodie.
Now they were getting somewhere.
"Oooooooh, dose are biiiiig knives. Compensating for something, are we?"
Crouch's face lit up with fury when Theo wiggled his eyebrows and looked - rather suggestively -
at Crouch's crotch.
Hah. Crouch's crotch. That was funny. Had a nice little ring to it.
"You know what they say about men who use big knives? Oh dear, didn't realise you were a little ..
you know .. lacking in that particular department. Don't worry though mate, I'm sure you make up
for it in ... other ... areas?" Theo sighed, relaxing against his chair. "No? Oh dear. It's why I've
always liked to stick to the little itty-bitty daggers myself. All secure, me. Never had any
Crouch stepped forward and let the blade rest against Theo's throat. "Silence, boy! You'd be wise
not to test me-"
"Eughhhhh 'ere we fuckin' go again!" Theo groaned and dropped his head back so he could stare at
the ceiling again. "Can you hear yourself?! Do you know what you sound like? If I were you I
would - aghhhhhhhhh!"
Only sneaky bastards stabbed men while they were in the middle of giving advice.
The blade cut through Theo's left thigh like it was nothing. He felt a sharp pain. He felt his
muscles tear as they were shredded by the silver and felt his blood warm his thigh.
Theo stared up at Crouch as his breath left him in quick, sharp little pants. "Oh come on ...
Crouchy boy ... where did you ... go to torture school?" Though the pain was almost blinding, he
managed a smile. "You can't just ... go right in for it ... where's the ... suspense? Where's ... where's
the art? You can do ... better than that ... surely?"
Crouch's lip quivered in anger. His eyes were wide and seething. He looked like an angry bull in
the ring with a matador.
Crouch rotated his wrist and the blade followed, slowly turning, severing more muscles -
Theo jerked in his chair but managed to keep his scream of pain to a low hiss.
"Is there another joke you want to make, Nott?" Crouch kept the one blade engraved in Theo's
thigh and pressed the other against his throat. "Or have your balls dropped off?"
It might have seemed stupid of Theo to continue to get under Crouch's skin. Idiotic. Certainly
wasn't something that Malfoy or Granger would have done. They would've kept their mouths shut
and waited this out.
But the way Theo saw it, one of two things was going to happen.
Option one; Malfoy or Granger - although it was more likely to be both, considering that they were
joined at the hip most of the time, soppy bastards - were going to come and save him.
Or option two; Crouch was going to get into his head, steal his memories, and then run straight to
Voldemort and tell him where all the safehouses were. And then they were going to execute him.
He wanted to keep everything crossed for option number one, wanted to wish with every fibre of
his being that Malfoy would come to save him, but, well, Blaise was injured, and Astoria wasn't a
fighter. Granger was the only one who could help Malfoy break Theo out, and if he had to put her
life on the line to save Theo ...
Well, Theo wouldn't have saved himself either. He wasn't worth it, already living on borrowed
It seemed much more likely than option one was his future. If it was, he needed to stall Crouch for
as long as possible, but he might as well have a little fun doing it, because was he fuck going out
without at least having a laugh first.
"Another ... knife?" Theo taunted, wiggling his brows towards the blade at his throat. "And it's
sterling silver? .... Oooooooooh, I hear they're expensive... Has - eughhhh - has someone had a pay
rise? Don't be shy .... you can tell me…. just … exactly how much do you get paid?"
Another sharp pain twisted through Theo when Crouch roughly pulled the dagger out of his leg.
He'd done it to show he was the one in control - and to hurt Theo, obviously - but Theo just
"Crouch! No! What are ... you doing? I was .. just starting to ... get wet."
With a loud huff, Crouch whirled around and stormed back into the shadows. Theo could hear him
rustling about furiously, picking things up and then slamming them back down on whatever was
"Crouchy ..." Theo sang, although it didn't sound nearly as musical as he wanted it to because,
well, he was bleeding heavily and in a lot of pain. "Come on ... getting bored over hereee. I'm
losing my torture hard on."
The rustling got louder. Crouch dropped something and muttered a string of curses through gritted
Theo smiled to himself in the darkness. He was starting to feel all tingly. Not surprising
considering the amount of blood he'd already lost. His head felt nice and heavy.
"Oh dear ... are we having some performance issues?" Theo's voice was weak. Every breath he
took was slow and laboured. It was really ruining the delivery of his jokes. "Having to ask ... the
girls for help now? Tsk tsk tsk, what will ... the Voldie the boldie think?"
"Can't even torture ... without the help of his little dollies.”
"What are they going to do? ... Hold your hair back while you slap me about a bit?"
"Dab your clothes when they get covered in my blood? Oh dear, is Crouchy afraid of a little blood?
Oh deary me. Oh poor, pampered little Crouchy-"
"ENOUGH!" Just as Crouch's voice boomed through the silence, a red curse lit up the dark wine
The hex hurt like a bitch. Felt quite literally like someone had dropped a muggle car on his chest. It
made his teeth feel like they were rattling inside his jaw. Felt like it at least broke a few ribs.
He took a deep breath, testing his theory - Yep. Definitely broke a rib. Maybe two. Three.
"You always were a little swine, Nott." Crouch's voice was a sneer even though he was smiling. He
stepped back into the light of the cellar, wand in one hand, and a small axe in the other. "But you
were never as annoying as that little wife of yours. I wonder -" he held the axe up to the light and
examined it, "- if you'll scream as loudly as she did when we executed her?"
Theo straightened in his chair. The pain in his body started to bubble over in anger.
"Because she was," Theo said. He didn't know if Crouch heard, he spoke over him like he didn't.
"She always had a plan that was better than mine at the meetings. She always fought harder. Killed
more. Slaughtered more elegantly. The Dark Lord fawned over her. Thought she was the future.
The best soldier he ever had, despite me being the one who brought him back into power," Crouch
scoffed bitterly and shook his head. "He adored Daphne. But not me. I hated her. She always went
out of her way to belittle me in front of the others."
Crouch wasn't lying. Daph could be a nasty cow when she didn't like someone, and she really,
really didn't like Crouch. She hated everything about him. Always had.
Daph didn't pull her punches when it came to Crouch. She told him that she disapproved of his
dolls and how slimy she thought he was. She went out of her way in meetings to make him look
small and show just how flawed his plans were.
Daph wasn't as clever as Crouch was, but she had a way with people. Her plans might not have
strategically been the best, but the way she delivered them to the rest of the group, the way she
spoke, she just pulled people in. Enthralled them in her vision. It was the Greengrass charm, and it
meant that Crouch was always left in the dust.
"I volunteered for her execution you know. When she was captured,” Crouch said, talking as
though he was only speaking to himself, “I wanted to be the one who butchered her. I wanted to be
the one who cracked her petite ribcage and pulled her lovely skin away from the bones."
Oh if only Theo had his wand. If he had his fucking wand the things he would do to Crouch.
"I wanted so badly to kill her." Crouch smiled and closed the distance between him and Theo. "But
plans change, but I smile each night knowing that she got what was coming to her." Crouch
hovered the blade over Theo's stomach. It glittered in the candlelight. "Just like you will get what's
coming to you."
Fuck it - Theo didn't even need his wand. One good punch. That was all he needed. One good right
hook right across Crouch's face. Reckoned he could at least break his nose. Or knock a tooth out.
Although it fucking hurt his ribs to do it, Theo forced himself laughed in Crouch's face. "What else
do you think you can do to me?" he huffed, struggling to get the words out through the pain.
"There's nothing you can do ... that hasn't already been done ... you already took the only thing that
ever mattered to me. So do what you need to do .. Hack away at me, carve my chest open and have
a look inside if you want … but you'll find nothing there ... I've not had a heart for a long time, not
since you killed it."
"Oh, believe me, Theodore. If there's one thing I know how to do, it's how to take a person's worst
fear, and make them live it." There was a dangerous glint in Crouch's eyes. "I've done it to you
once before, when I suggested that you be made to watch your lovely wife's execution. What
makes you think I can't do it again?"
Crouch looked like he was about to say something else - but a loud creaking sound caught his
Both men turned towards the doorway - three girls stood there.
The Dolls were there, the same ones that Crouch had taken to the last few Galas, his current
favourites, the flavours of the month, as it were.
"Girls," Crouch purred. "My assistants for the afternoon. How lovely that you've joined us this
Tori had told Theo their names - the names Crouch had given them, anyway.
Chester - the red-haired one who was dressed in gold - smiled sweetly, like Crouch was her
favourite person in the world.
The brunette who wore black - looked at the floor and seemed to be shaking.
And then there was the blonde. The one who wore a white dress and gold jewellery. The one who
stared at Crouch with hatred in her eyes. The one who'd helped his sister-in-law.
That one had warned Astoria that Crouch had slipped something in her drink when they were alone
together, and Theo couldn't help but smile warmly at her.
"The fun is just getting started. Chester," Crouch instructed. "Go into the spare room in the left-
wing. In there, you'll find a large wooden box with an axe engraved on it. It has all the tools we'll
need for afternoon. Bring it to me."
"Kitten - go and get me a bottle of wine. I feel I'll be in the mood to celebrate rather soon,” Crouch
said, giving Theo a slimy, sadistic sort of smile.
Theo struggled, but moved his wrist enough with his limited movement to give Crouch the middle
Kitten nodded - eyes still on the floor - and followed Chester upstairs.
"Be a dear and wheel this table over to him," Crouch said, pointing to something in the shadows,
"and then check his restraints. We don't want him running off before the fun starts now, do we?"
Unlike the other two, Angel didn't move. She stayed firmly in the spot and glared at Crouch like
she wished he'd burst into flames. In fairness, she probably did. Theo wondered if she'd been a
witch before she became a Doll.
"Angel," Crouch's voice started to twist into a growl. "Don't be silly now. You know I don't like it
when you play games."
Angel's fingers twitched. She exhaled slowly through her nose, but still, she didn't move.
Crouch tilted his head to the side, clearly annoyed, but it wasn't until he started to raise his wand
that Angel followed his instructions. Her arm disappeared into the shadows to pull out a silver
trolley that held dozens of knifes and weapons, and after a brief glare at Crouch, she wheeled it to
Theo's side.
"Well, it's all very tense in here, isn't it?" Theo asked, casual, relaxed. "How's about a little joke to
lighten the mood?"
Angel knelt down in front of Theo and checked the robes that bound his ankles to the legs of the
chair. Her eyes were fixed on her work, not looking at him at all.
Crouch didn't acknowledge that Theo had spoken. Angel gave the rope on his left ankle a sharp
Again, Theo didn't hear any laughter when he delivered the punchline to his favourite joke, but it
wasn't a total failure. Angel was laughing, or rather, she would have been if Crouch hadn't taken
her voice away with magic.
Her head was down and she was looking away from him, but her shoulders were shaking with
silent laughter. He'd finally found someone who liked his tomato joke. Praise Salazar!
Angel's face flickered up and her blue eyes met his. She gave a small smile and nodded.
Theo grinned back at her mischievously. "Give me a minute. Let me think of another one .."
He'd probably only get one more joke in before Crouch silenced him again, so he better make it a
cracker. He watched Angel as he started to wrack his brain for a good punchline.
She was still smiling when she tugged the rope around his right wrist, but when she went to check
his left - her smile dropped and she froze. A confused look flashed across her face. Her brows
knitted together and her mouth twisted at the sides, and when Theo followed the direction of her
eyes, he found her staring at the tattoo on the back of his hand. His and Daph's tattoo.
Chester and Kitten returned to the wine cellar having completed their tasks. Kitten kept her eyes on
the floor and held the bottle of wine out in front of her. Crouch removed the cork with a flick of his
wrist and instructed her to pour him a glass.
When Chester dumped the box of new torture devices next to Theo, it seemed to snap Angel out of
her trance - but when Angel looked up and her eyes met Theo's, she didn't look confused anymore,
she looked horrified, and she stared at him like she was seeing him for the first time.
What the fuck had made her react that way? She'd seen tattoos before. The Dark Mark was
branded on Crouch's forearm just like it was everyone else's. So what was it about his tattoo that
made her react that way?
Chester flipped open the wooden box and started to pull out torture devices and lay them on the
Angel stood up and her eyes went back to Theo's hand. She reached to her right - still staring at his
tattoo - and blinding tapped the air until she caught Chester's shoulder. She tabbed her repeatedly,
getting a little rougher each time until she was almost smacking Chester.
Chester looked up from the table with an irritated expression. She jerked out of Angel's hold -
looked like she was just about to clock her for being so rough - but when she saw that Angel wasn't
looking at her. Her scowl softened. She followed Angel's line of sight …
And just like the other girls had, Chester's eyes widened when she saw the back of Theo's hand.
What was wrong with his tattoo?! Were they seeing something that he wasn't?! He was dying to
ask, but when the girls turned around to look briefly look at Crouch, he got the impression that he
should keep his mouth shut and see how this played out.
A few things happened when the girls faced each other again. They shared a look. They glanced at
Theo, then back at each other. Chester nodded once, replaced her grimace with a fake smile, and
then made her way to Crouch.
The redhead tore Crouch away from Kitten and pushed herself into his arms. She wrapped her pale
arms around Crouch's waist and hugged him against her, nuzzling her face into his neck.
Kitten, on the other hand, sobbed silently and backed away until she was pressed against the wall.
"Oh hello Pumpkin," Crouch smiled, completely at Chester's mercy, completely believing the part
she was playing. "What's the matter? Jealous that I'm not giving you all my attention?"
Chester nodded and started peppering kisses up his neck, and with Crouch fully distracted, Angel
sipped out of the cellar and closed the door behind her without being detected.
Astoria had told Theo that the redhead was a good actress, and she hadn't been fucking lying.
Chester was very believable. When she kissed Crouch, even Theo couldn't see an ounce of hate in
her eyes. She loved like a loved up teenager, not someone who was up to something.
A few minutes passed by like, Kitten sobbing against the wall and Chester showering Crouch with
affection, and then Theo heard it.
High heels that were definitely coming down the cellar steps.
Was Angel coming back already? She sounded like she was in a rush. She hadn't been gone very
Click. Click -
The door sprang open but it wasn't Angel who walked into the wine cellar. It was Mustang.
Theo felt guilty every time he saw her. Ashamed. He shouldn't feel like that about another woman.
He was already taken. His heart, although it'd stopped beating years ago, already belonged to
someone else. It shouldn't skip a beat for someone else, and yet every time he saw her, it did.
She looked beautiful. She always did. Her wavy black hair trailed all the way down her back and
the one-shoulder silk dress she wore matched her red lipstick perfectly.
She found him as soon as she walked into the room. Her piercing green eyes pinned him in place
the moment they landed on him. She looked furious. Her lip quivered in anger. The gold earrings
she was wearing seemed to be shaking with rage.
Crouch may not have heard Angel leave, but he heard Mustang arrive.
"Why hello, beautiful," Crouch said, pushing Chester out of his arms. "I wondered how long it
would take for you to find us."
Angel walked sheepishly into the room behind Mustang. She must have gone to get her, but why,
Theo hadn't a clue.
Mustang stormed towards Crouch. Her gold stilettos clicked loudly off the walls with each step.
She picked something up from the table and lunged at Crouch.
But then Crouch threw the girl into the wall and pinned her there by her throat.
The knife she'd tried to stab him with fell to the floor.
Theo fought his restraints as he watched Mustang try and fight Crouch off. Her mouth was open in
a silent scream, blind fury raged in her eyes. Her legs thrashed and she tried to claw at him with her
nails, but Crouch just pinned her more tightly against the wall.
Angel and Chester both backed away, hovering protectively in front of Kitten.
“Almost got me again, darling," Crouch purred, ignoring the girl as she fought him with everything
she had. "My, my, my, I've not seen you this worked up in ages. If I'd known this would light a fire
in you," he leaned in and growled loudly in her ear, “I’d of gone after the boy years ago."
Kitten grabbed Chester and sobbed silently into her neck.
Angel eyed the table of weapons next to Theo and took a step towards it.
"Let her go!" Theo found himself shouting, didn't know why. He didn't know this girl. He didn't
owe her anything. He shouldn't put his neck out to help her, and yet, for some fucking reason, that
ache was back in his chest. That weird feeling he only ever felt when she was near. "Crouch!"
Mustang might have been on the thin side, but she was certainly scrappy. Crouch didn't seem to
feel most of her kicks and punches, but when she got him with a right hook on the nose, he fucking
lost it.
Crouch jabbed his wand against Mustang's shoulder and yellow sparks shot out the end of it.
Theo didn't know what was worse; the look on the Mustang's face as she screamed in pain or that
when she did, no sound came out.
Her mouth twisted open and her eyes squeezed shut, and when Crouch let her go, she slid down the
wall and onto a heap on the floor. She was having trouble breathing. She was screaming in pain,
but all Theo could hear was Crouch's cruel laughter and the roaring of blood in his own ears.
Whatever spell Crouch had used on her must have weakened the bones in her arm, because when
Mustang lunged for the knife again, her arm gave out and folded in on itself like something out of a
Mustang screamed silently into the cellar floor. She curled into the foetal position and clutched her
disfigured arm, and Crouch just smiled at her. When he kicked her in the ribs, Angel and Chester
exchanged terrified looks, and when he kicked her a second time, Kitten started to shake violently.
"You almost got me that time," Crouch kicked her again, her broken arm flailing grotesquely as she
tried to shield herself. "You thought you were onto something there, didn't you!" Another kick.
"But when will you learn?!" And another, "No matter how many times you try-" and another.
"You'll never be able to outsmart me!" Fuck, how many more could the girl take?! "You'll never
be able to overpower me! You're stuck here! You're stuck here until I decide to end your miserable
"Crouch, pack it in!" Theo hissed, straining in his chair. "She's had enough!"
Angel started to walk towards the table of weapons. She outstretched her hand and picked up a
small dagger -
Crouch whirled around and aimed his wand at her. A threatening green light sparked at the end.
“Drop it.”
Angel did as she told, and as the weapon fell to the floor, Kitten grabbed her elbow and pulled her
back into the fold.
Crouch eyed the Dolls, but he didn't seem angry with Angel - just more … surprised, like he hadn't
expected her to be so bold. Whether Angel would have actually attacked him was up for debate, but
at least it'd been distraction enough to make Crouch stop kicking Mustang.
After a moment, he lowered his wand but then bent down and picked the knife up off the floor.
“You went for the one with the crooked edges, I see." Crouch's voice was soft and velvety smooth.
He was tormenting her, and she didn't even have a voice to go back at him with. "I should have
guessed you'd go for this one. Wanted to make sure you could carve out my heart this time, didn't
you? I know, I have an idea." Crouch grabbed a fistful of Mustang's hair and yanked her head off
the ground. Blood was dripping from her mouth. "Let's play a game. How's about, for each time
you've stabbed me over the years, I stab him."
Mustang's emerald green eyes widened with fear. 'No,’ she mouthed silently, shaking her head.
"I'll tell you what, I'll do one better," Crouch said. "I'll even stab him in the same places. That'll
make things more interesting."
When he stood up, Mustang lunged for him again, but Crouch wasn't having it this time. Swift as a
cat, he turned and plunged the knife straight into her stomach. The girl spluttered silently. She
clutched her stomach and wailed, but again, not a fucking sound escaped her lips.
As she clutched her abdomen and tried to keep from bleeding out, Crouch roughly propped her up
against the wall and angled her to face Theo. And once he was sure the Mustang had a good seat
for the show, he walked back over to Theo and stood behind him.
Mustang was looking at Crouch like he was holding a loaded gun to her head. Her chest heaved
and she looked like she was having trouble sitting up straight.
"The first night I brought you here, you got me in the shoulder? Didn't you?" Crouch said,
watching the Mustang from over the top of Theo's head. "Let's see …” He placed the tip of the
knife against Theo's right shoulder. "It was the right shoulder, was it?"
He plunged the knife into Theo's skin slowly. Inch by painful fucking inch. It made the whole
thing more excruciating. Dragged out every fucking atom of pain it possibly could. He hissed
through clenched teeth. He tried to jerk away, but there was nowhere to go. His spine smacked
against the back of the chair. He couldn't escape -
And just as the blade touched bone - Crouch sharply pulled the knife out. The pain didn't dull any
The sick bastard repeated the process on the other side. He stabbed Theo just as slowly, just as
painfully, eyes on Mustang the entire time rather than his victim. Fucking rude.
"Where next ... where next ... oh yes, I remember." Crouch didn't waste time when he stabbed him
again. That one was quick. The blade sliced through the muscles above his right hip bone easily
and quickly. The speed of it took Theo off guard and he screamed and jerked in his chair before he
could help it.
Mustang watched on in horror. Tears started to gather in her eyes. Her blood coloured lips shook.
But she didn't cry.
'I'm sorry,' she mouthed to Theo, as though this whole thing were somehow her fault. 'I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry'.
"Alright, we've done the shoulder," Crouch said, the teasing lilt in his voice about as subtle as a
nun in a brothel. "We've done the hip ... then where did you get me the next time … "
Theo tried to keep it in. Tried to pretend it didn't hurt. He kept his lips pressed tightly together and
his brown eyes on Mustang's green ones. He tried not to think about the knife as Crouch snuck it in
between his third and fourth rib. But Salazar - fucking Salazar - it hurt, Crouch might as well have
carved him in half from the way the pain seared through his chest, and he gave a blood-curdling
wail of agony before he could help it.
Whatever she'd been trying to keep in, whatever she'd been fighting to hold back, it all came
flooding out. She sobbed silently as she stared at him. Tears streamed down her face.
And Crouch was smiling like the cat who'd got the fucking cream.
When Crouch hooked the curved blade under Theo's rib and started to pull, Theo thought he was
going to pass out. His scream of pain filled the room.
Mustang sobbed harder. Her blood-soaked hands flew to cover her ears. It might've been the pain
making him delirious - or possibly the blood loss - but she looked like she started rocking back and
forth like a nutter in Azkaban.
Crouch pulled and pulled. Each yank sent fresh waves of indescribable pain through Theo's body.
And then his rib finally cracked and gave out. Thank fuck.
Crouch tossed his blooded rip across the room so it landed at Mustang's feet.
Blood poured from the exit wound on Theo's chest. Warm and thick. He was faintly aware of the
throbbing pain in his chest, but a numbness had started to wash over him.
He felt tired. His body felt heavy, and he was suddenly struggling to support the weight of his
head. It felt like he'd taken a mouthful of Calming Draught, but of course, they hadn't. No one was
that kind. He'd simply lost too much blood and was beginning to lose consciousness.
Despite the cloudiness in Theo's vision, he could see the Mustang. He could see her crawl
awkwardly across the floor until she fell at Crouch's feet. He could see her mouth moving. Could
see her silently begging for something.
‘Please.’ Fountains of tears streamed down her face, but she didn't seem to care. 'Please' she just
kept grovelling. 'Please, don't. No more.'
Crouch leaned down and said something to her, but Theo couldn't hear what it was.
He didn't have a fucking clue what was going on, but one thing he did know, one thought that
flickered through his mind just before he lost consciousness, was that he was in for a very long
1st April
How long does it take for a raving, power-hungry lunatic to get bored?
Theo probably should have had an answer to that question. He tried to think back to all the times
he'd been on the other side of the knife and how long it'd taken him to get bored ... and he came up
empty. Turned out it was hard to string a coherent thought together when you were being tortured
around the clock. Ha. Who would've guessed?
Crouchy boy wasn't exactly the most imaginative when it came to torture, but fuckin' 'ell, was the
chap consistent.
It seemed like he stabbed Theo everywhere. Nicked every vital muscle and artery he could find
along the way. He'd leave Theo to bleed out on the filthy cellar floor, and each time, just before
death could find him, Crouch would seal the wound, force a blood replenishing potion down his
throat and the lovely process would start again.
He'd fractured and broken Theo's bones in the most painful ways and then he'd repaired them, just
to break the fuckers again -
Oh, and he'd pulled two of Theo's teeth out from the back of his mouth. Yeah. That'd been fun.
And the cheeky git hadn't repaired them. Maybe, if he did live through this, he could get himself a
pair of gold teeth to replace them ...
Hours blended together after a while. The pain seemed to be just one endless cycle. It was all very
tedious and predictable. Theo liked to think he put on a bit more of a show when he tortured
Theo's only saving grace was that Crouch had the fucking stamina of an old man, and eventually,
he'd retired upstairs with his Dolls, but not before he'd broken every bone in Theo's body, oh no,
Crouch had been quite insistent on that. Prick.
He had guests coming, that was his excuse. Guests. Guests who wanted Theo dead as much as
Crouch did. They'd probably torture him tomorrow, too. They were going to get into his head soon,
Theo just hoped he could stall them long enough for Malfoy to set up another safe house.
Somewhere really, reeeeeeally fucking far out of the way.
Crouch was going to burst through those cellar doors again before long, Theo was sure of that
much. Voldemort wanted to interrogate Theo tomorrow afternoon, and if Theo knew Crouch - and
unfortunately, he did - he'd want to get a few more stabby stabs in before old Boldie had his fun.
He weakly leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling with his one good eye. He couldn't see a
fucking thing out of the other. Crouch hadn't healed him properly before he'd gone upstairs. Left
him to stew overnight with a black eye, Salazar knew how many broken ribs, and an open stab
wound in his left thigh that was juuuuuust deep enough to bleed out and leave him weak and dizzy,
but not quite deep enough to let him die.
Ah, old Crouch. What a brilliantly clever, yet deathly boring old geezer. Would it have killed him
to be just a teeny bit more creative? He could have done so much more with the space. The ceiling
looked strong and weight-bearing. Crouch could've easily put some hooks through there and
chained Theo up by his toes.
Dark Lord's cleverest Death Eater my arse, Theo thought bitterly. He wouldn't know a decent
torture tool if it hit him in the face with -
Was he completely off his rocker, or did he just hear a dripping noise coming from the other side
of the door? He lifted his head lazily off the back of the chair and stared at the entrance. He could
have sworn he heard ...
Oh, for the love of Helga Hufflepuff - Crouch hadn't broken his mind that easily, had he? A few
hours of being cut open and dissected by a madman, and his mind had gone to pieces? Surely not?
He was made of stronger stuff than that, wasn't he? Oh, how would he ever live this down? Oh, the
shame. Oh, the -
Had Crouch changed his mind? Was he going to ignore Boldie's instructions and kill Theo right
then and there? Fuckin' hell, he hoped so. If Crouch broke his mind in front of an audience of
Death Eaters, the shame would probably follow Theo into the afterlife.
But kill him with something that made a dripping noise? How the fuckety was he going to manage
that? Poor water from a boiling cauldron over him?
Theo tilted his head to the side. That might be fun. He might use that himself in the future - if he
ever got out of the cellar.
"C- Come on ... Crouchy boy," he tried to call, but his throat was raw. His voice was quiet, didn't
nearly convey the amount of sarcasm he'd intended it to. "While we're ... still young, yeah?"
The door creaked open slowly, but the shape he saw slipping through the gap was much less broad
than Crouch Jr was. Even with one eye, he could tell that it was a woman. A tall woman. All long
arms and long legs. He could see her silhouette and the small dip of her waist, but he couldn't make
out exactly who it was.
She walked towards him slowly, but something looked ... wrong? She was walking strangely.
Almost hobbling along. Her left arm looked to be at an odd angle, and she was unsteady on her
Drip. Drip. That sound, it was getting louder. Was it coming from her?
It wasn't until she was standing right in front of him that he could see it was Mustang.
Even without glamour charms and make-up, she was still beautiful. The dark bruises around her
right eye made her green pupils all the more striking. Her lip was cut open and swollen and her
bare arms were covered in bruises and cuts, some old, some ... not so old.
She was wearing a short, blue nightdress. It was silk and looked very expensive, well, if you
looked past the blood. There was a lot of blood. A lot, a lot.
And the dripping sound, it wasn't a loose tap or a leak in the roof, it was blood, and it was coming
from her hand, or rather, what was left of it. Fuck - how did a person's hand get that mangled up?!
He didn't put the pieces together until he saw the handcuff around her other wrist. There was a
chain swinging below it that was attached to an open, blood-covered cuff.
She'd been handcuffed to something and then - fuck knew how she'd done it - but she'd cut off the
top layers of skin on the back of her hand, and then slid out of the handcuff.
Theo could see the raw, exposed muscles of her hand through the blood and the white bone of two
of her knuckles. It was no fucking wonder she was shaking so much. He was surprised she was
conscious at all.
Mustang knelt on the floor in front of him. Well, not knelt exactly, she practically collapsed, and
then, very shakily, she began to tug the ropes that tied his ankles to the legs of the chair, setting
him free.
She'd not done that to her hand to escape Crouch, just so she could save Theo, had she?
She managed to free his ankles without difficulty, and then she rose herself up onto her knees and
worked on the knots around his wrists.
Her heavy, laboured breath fanned across his face as she worked. She smelled like lilacs and
oranges. He hadn't smelled that combination for a long, long time ...
She looked up at him before she tugged the final rope and it fell away. Without the ropes holding
him to the chair - or the strength to hold himself up - he fell forward and into Mustang's open arms.
She helped him off the chair and they sat on the floor together. It was a good thing she kept her
good hand splayed across his chest, he'd of toppled over if she weren't propping him upright.
"Why ... " he asked, unable to take his eyes off the mess of blood and raw muscle of her mutilated
hand. "Why have you ... done that ... for me?"
Mustang smiled at him for a moment, just a small smile, but it was warm and sweet and genuine.
His heart skipped a beat because of it. She looked down and smile lines appeared around her eyes
as she stared his tattoo.
He opened his mouth to ask what she was doing, but then she dipped her head and kissed the ink on
the back of his hand.
"I don't ... " Theo whispered, the walls of his throat almost as thick and tight as those around his
heart. That odd feeling was back, the one he always felt when Mustang was around. His stomach
twisted to the point he wanted to be sick. The hollowness in his chest became painful. "I don't
understand why ... why .."
'Not now,' she mouthed, shaking her head. 'No time'. She caught his wrists and tried to pull him to
his feet, but he just didn't have the strength to stand on his own. Crouch had done a better job than
Theo thought.
He hissed in pain and collapsed onto the floor, but to his surprise, Mustang didn't give up on him.
She walked over to the metal table and started ruffling through the bottles of Blood Replenishing
potion Crouch had used on him earlier. She didn't find anything. They were all empty.
After a minute of frantic searching, she slammed her hands down on the table and sighed silently.
She looked at him with a desperate expression before she came back and knelt on the floor beside
him. She gripped his waist, dipped her head and shoulders under his arm to support his weight, and
then somehow managed to drag him to stand. It was awkward. He was dead weight and she was so
skinny, but she managed it. Fuck knew how.
She helped him walk - limp, nobble, whatever the fuck it was that he was doing - through the door
and out of the wine cellar. They struggled when they got to the stairs, but Mustang made sure he
fucking got up them.
When they were in the hallway, the boards above their head creaked. They could hear laughter and
glasses clinking together in a toast. The other Death Eaters were already here, and apparently
having a little nightcap.
They hobbled through Crouch's dark manor together. Once or twice Mustang pushed him into the
wall and pressed her body close to his, and seconds later, an unmasked Death Eater would walk by
without noticing them.
She was very sneaky, that Mustang, and very light on her feet. She knew how to go on undetected
and seemed to have every shadowy corner of Crouch's manor memorised. She must have been a
spy before. Muggle or magical, he hadn't a clue.
They had to move quickly though, every step they took through the house left a trail of blood
behind them. They couldn't do anything about it, they were both bleeding heavily and didn't
exactly have time to clean up as they made their escape, but the dark hallways seemed to do the job
of covering them.
None of the Death Eaters seemed to notice the blood when they walked through the halls. Theo
just hoped none of the fuckers slipped on it. As funny as that would be to watch, it would definitely
blow their cover.
And despite the amount of blood they'd both lost, Mustang just dragged him right alongside her.
He'd never seen anything like it. Her determination to save him was fierce. Powerful.
He collapsed when they got to the landing. He tried to stand again, but even sitting up felt as big a
task as climbing a mountain. He was just too weak. He'd lost too much blood. He felt impossibly
dizzy and he could hardly breathe.
Severe blood loss, he had to admit, wasn't the way he thought he was going to go out. He always
thought it would be something a little more .. theatrical, dramatic, something with flair that he'd be
remembered for, not fucking passing out on Crouch's dirty floor like a limp noodle and never
waking up again.
She got on the floor with him and ducked down so her face clouded his vision. Tears were
streaming down Mustang's cheeks. She kept shaking her head. Kept looking at him like he was the
most important person in the world to her.
He didn't know why, but it made tears prick in his eyes. The hollowness in his chest felt like it was
going to suffocate him.
'Get up!' she mouthed desperately, expression nothing but determined despite the tears that slipped
from her eyes. She got to her feet and tried to pull him to stand, but he couldn't do it. He didn't have
the strength. 'Get up! Get up! Get up!'
"I... I can't ... " He didn't think he'd ever heard his voice sound so pathetic. "I'm sorry .., I can't ..."
She knelt in front of him again and leaned her forehead against his. Lilacs and oranges. It was
everywhere. In her hair. On her skin. Her breath.
This wasn't fair. Why did Mustang smell like her? Why did that sweet, brave girl have to smell like
His resolve was almost as weak as his body. Crouch had put him through it. His bones might've
been broken, but it was nothing compared to the state of his heart.
Her nose nuzzled his and she released a shaky breath against his face.
It wasn't fair. Death was going to come for him any moment, he knew it, he felt it, so why did the
last thing he have to smell be ... Daph?
He could smell her, but she wasn't there. The smell was another reminder that he'd never see her
again. Everything Crouch had done to him was child's play in comparison. Hours of torture didn't
hurt as much as that did.
If he closed his eyes, he could pretend, couldn't he? He was dying anyway, who would it hurt?
Couldn't he just be selfish and pretend he was dying in her arms instead of a strangers?
It wouldn't be hard to pretend. She smelled like Daph. Fuckin' 'ell, she even played with the hair at
the nape of his neck the way Daph always did.
But he didn't have to lean forward. Didn't have to wonder if she'd refuse a dying man his last wish
when he tried to kiss her, because she kissed him first. And when her lips met his, it didn't matter
anymore. He didn't care where he was or that he was dying. The embarrassment of dying of
something as boring as blood loss stopped being a worry at all. And he'd been right, it wasn't hard
to pretend. She held him the way Daph used to, kissed him the way Daph used to. Softly. Slowly.
Dominating. Holding onto his face like she never wanted to let go ...
With his eyes closed, he could pretend he was back with Daph. They were together and he could
die happy and content and not the empty shell of a man he'd been since she'd taken her last breath.
And judging from the way Mustang kissed him, she seemed to need him at that moment as much
as he needed her.
The coldness in the voice shot through Theo. It broke the trance. He went from feeling weightless
and lucid to alert in a heartbeat, as instant as being woke up from a dream by having icy cold water
poured over his head.
Death Eaters stood in the hallway. Two of them. The scar on Morrison's face looked even uglier in
the dark light of the hallway, and Peters, well, Peters had always been ugly.
Mustang and Theo jerked apart and she jumped to her feet. She put her bloodied hand to her left,
trying to shield Theo from view.
"Oh, how cute," Morrison said. He elbowed Peters beside him and laughed. "Are you seeing this?
She's trying to protect him."
"I know, it's just adorable," Peters hushed in a soft, yet deadly sort of voice. "Fiery as well, look at
her face. Looks like she'd eat me alive. Reckon she'd be just as fiery between the sheets?"
Peters licked his lips. "Even better, nothin' gets me harder than when they struggle." He took a step
forward, but Morrison's hand curled around his shoulder and stopped his advance.
"Wait a second ..." Morrison started. "Ain't that the Mustang girl? The one Crouch never lets us
play with?"
Peters looked at Mustang again and his eyes darkened. Once he'd taken her in, his brows shot up
and he let out a low whistle. "Well colour me pink, it is. Not like Crouch to let you wander the
halls alone. Normally doesn't let you out of his sight, does he? And look what you've got behind
you. How's being an Order cock sucker treating you, Nott?" Peters chuckled.
"Oh it's just fabulous mate," Theo breathed, wincing through the pain in his leg. "How's being a
psycho's little bitch treating you?"
Theo's joke didn't go over anywhere near as well as he wanted it to. Even Morrison didn't laugh.
Peters drew his wand, but then his head jerked horribly to the left and he fell to the floor with a
loud thud, and Angel stood behind him, holding a large marble bust in her hands that was covered
with Peter's blood.
Morrison went for his wand, but Angel clocked him around the head with the bust as well. He fell
to the floor just as hard as Peters had, but Angel kept going. She brought the bust down on top of
his head again and again until his skull cracked open like a watermelon and his blood and brains
splattered up the wall.
What a woman. Theo liked Angel more and more each time he saw her.
Chester was standing in the hallway behind Morrison's corpse. She wasn't holding any weapon, but
she did have a quivering Kitten wrapped around her.
Mustang gave Angel and Chester a pleading, desperate sort of look. 'Please,' she mouthed to the
other girls.
The girls exchanged a glance at one another and then Chester pealed Kitten out of her arms. The
redhead walked towards them, knelt on Theo's left, and then hooked his left arm around her
shoulder and wrapped her hand around his waist. Mustang did the same thing on Theo's right, and
then, working together, the girls lifted Theo to his feet and started to walk him through the manor.
Angel walked ahead of them, holding the blooded bust in her hands and ready to swing it at a
moment's notice.
Luckily, the walls were deserted the rest of the way, and they managed to make it to Crouch's front
door a lot quicker than Theo could've done on his own.
But as they reached the front doors, the girls stopped. Chester dipped out of his arms and Theo
stared at Mustang as she did the same.
"What is it?"
Mustang's emerald green eyes were glistening with tears, but she was smiling at him. Her hands
closed around the brass handle of the front door and she opened it for him, but she didn't try and
step through it.
The tightness returned to his chest. This entire escape effort hadn't been about them both escaping,
she'd just wanted to get him free of Crouch.
"Why not?" he asked. "We could make a break for it. There's a whole bloody forest around the
edges of this estate. If we can make it through the grounds, we can lose ourselves in the woods.
Crouch will never find us." He didn't know why he was telling her all of this. He should just make
a break for it. He'd never get another chance like this again. If Crouch caught him, it'd be all over,
but yet, he couldn't leave Mustang. Didn't know why. Didn't have the energy to question it either.
"It'll take a few days for me to have the strength to Apparate, but when I do, we can go anywhere."
He took her one good hand in both of his and squeezed it gently. It seemed like an odd thing to do -
especially for him - but his hands moved without him thinking about it. "You'll never have to see
Crouch again, or me, all you need to do is come with me. I can ... I can take you somewhere safe.
All of you."
Fuckin' 'ell, what was wrong with him?! He'd never spoken like this a day in his life?! Was heroism
a weird, unexplained side effect of blood loss? Did he have brain damage? Was that why he was
talking like that? Fuck Stockholm Syndrome. Delusional Heroism Syndrome was so much worse.
Mustang gave Angel a proud look, which Angel returned with a sweet smile, and then she looked
back to Theo. She glanced down at their hands for a moment, before she raised herself onto the tips
of her toes and kissed him.
It was gentle really. Sweet. No tongue. No forcefulness. Just a slight pressure against his lips
before she slipped her hands out of his and pushed him towards the open door.
'Go,' she mouthed very slowly, very clearly, didn't leave any room for him to misinterpret. Again,
she was blinking back tears, but she was smiling. 'Go.'
She placed her good hand on his chest and pushed him again.
Angel and Chester looked around nervously. He was wasting time, he knew he was, but something
was making him stay. A small voice in the back of his head was telling him not to leave her here.
Not to leave any of them there.
Mustang shook her head and pushed him again. Her smile left her face and she started blinking
faster, her tears getting harder to keep at bay.
"Why not?"
'Can't,' she mouthed, still shaking her head. She pulled the strap of her nightdress down over her
shoulder, and as the fabric slipped down her chest an inch or two, Theo saw an angry, red scar over
her heart. 'Watch.' she kept her eyes on his as she stepped into the doorway.
The moment her toe crossed the threshold, the scar started to open. The pieces of skin started to rip
away from one another like invisible hands were tearing them apart. A trickle of blood started to
escape -
"No!" Theo grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back into the house.
"You can't leave the Manor unless Crouch is with you, can you?"
"If you try to leave without him, the scar rips open and you die?"
Another nod.
Theo glanced at the other two. "Do you all have them?"
If Crouch were still asleep, they might just be able to manage it. They'd have to sneak through his
manor without being heard or seen - which was a task in its fucking self - but they could do it. And
if Theo didn't have the strength to kill old Barty himself, he was bloody sure Angel and her new
prized possession would be more than capable.
But just as he started to feel hopeful, all the three of the girls shook their heads, and Mustang
pointed to her scar.
Theo sighed in defeat and leaned against the open doorframe. "Let me guess, he's linked your lives
to his already, hasn't he? If he dies, you all die sorta' deal?"
He wished Granger were here, she was so much better at solving puzzles than he was. She'd have
this whole thing sorted in no time -
"But you tried to kill Crouch earlier?" Theo asked Mustang. "When you first came into the wine
cellar. You tried to stab him. Why would you do that if it meant you'd all die?"
Apparently Mustang was no longer in the mood to explain herself, and when she didn't offer any
explanation, Theo turned to Angel and Chester.
"Why wouldn't you pair try and stop her from killing Crouch if it meant you were going to die
Because we'd rather be dead than live here with Crouch any longer. The girls didn't need their
voices to tell Theo that. The way Chester and Angel stared longingly at the door told him
everything. They wanted out, they wanted to be free of Crouch, and if the only freedom they could
get was death, well, they might not have been brave enough to go after him themselves, but if
someone else did, they weren't going to stop them.
Mustang shook her head and tried to push him out the door again. She already knew the direction
his thoughts had taken.
"If I get my wand, I can try and unlink you." It might not work, but he had to at least try-
Mustang pushed him as hard as she could with her good hand. 'NO!' she mouthed. 'GET OUT!'
She went to push him a third time, but the front door suddenly swung closed. The air went cold,
and a second later something hit Theo's chest and sent him careening into the wall on the opposite
side of the hall.
The ringing in Theo's ears made his head feel ten times heavier. His arms shook as he struggled to
sit up.
Angel and Chester had been hit with the same hex, and both the girls were laying on the other side
of the hall.. Angel had blood dripping down her temple and Chester was holding her ribs like they
were broken. And Mustang -
Crouch had Mustang. He had Mustang in his arms and his wand against her throat.
"Now, now, now,” Crouch sneered. "Let's not do anything that we'll all regret, shall we?"
"Let her go!" Theo tried to lurch to his feet, but his muscles were too sore, the ringing in his ears
was too loud, and he barely had the strength to get onto his hands and knees.
"Oh, you're in no position to bargain with me, and even if you were, there's no way I'd let this one
go." He opened his mouth and gave the side of Mustang's face a long, broad lick.
Mustang stared at Theo as she cringed away from Crouch. It was enough to make Theo's blood
He tried to stand again but his leg gave out from underneath him and he fell back to the floor. He
felt so useless.
"Such a bad girl," Crouch tutted, dragging his wand up her throat and using it to stroke away the
hair that'd fallen onto her face. "And look, you've even dragged your friends down with you."
When his beady eyes flickered up, Chester and Angel flinched as though he'd struck them both.
"You always were so beautiful. Beautiful, but poisonous. I told the Dark Lord before he said I
could have you. You've poisoned others against me, again, but luckily, one of you had the common
sense not to be dragged in."
Like he'd summoned her, Kitten stepped out of the shadows. Her arms were wrapped around
herself and her eyes were cast down sheepishly on the floor.
Chester got to her feet and looked like she was going to swing for Kitten, but when a quiet little
voice rang through the halls of Crouch's estate, Chester stopped dead in her tracks.
It was a woman's voice. A girl's voice. Light and young and quivering, and it'd come from Kitten.
"I'm sorry," she repeated, eyes still on the floor. Five, six, seven Death Eaters that Theo didn't
recognise flanked her sides. "But the only way you could escape was to kill master, and if you did
... " Her delicate little voice trailed off, but she didn't need to elaborate, it was clear as day what'd
After they'd left Kitten, she'd gone straight to Crouch. She'd woken him up, he'd lifted the charms
he'd placed on her voice box, and then she'd told him everything.
"Don't be sorry," Couch purred. "You did the right thing. You sweet, beautiful little girl.”
Suddenly, the ground underneath Theo's knees started to vibrate. It was subtle, he thought he was
imagining it until he saw Mustang staring at the floorboards too.
Everyone looked to the dark hallway Kitten had just appeared out of as loud, clunky footsteps
started speeding towards them. There was a loud bang. A scream. More banging noises. Several
raised voices. A wet noise - like paint being splashed up a wall. A loud thud. More footsteps.
The Death Eaters that surrounded Kitten moved to the centre of the room and drew their wands.
"CROUCH!" called a terrified male voice. "CROUCH! HE'S HERE - HE'S-" The voice was
choked out by a sickening gurgling sound, and seconds later, a decapitated head rolled out of the
shadows and into the hall.
Silence fell through Crouch's manor - and then they heard footsteps, different to the ones before.
These were light and unhurried, completely at ease.
"Barty!" Malfoy greeted, smiling casually as he entered the hall. There wasn't a scratch on him.
The blood in his hair and on his face must have been someone else's. "Just the man I was looking
At the sight of Malfoy, the Death Eaters looked nervously at one another. One's knees looked like
they were knocking together through fear.
Malfoy may have been stripped of his title as Demon Mask, but his ruthless reputation remained
very much intact.
"Bold of you to just waltz into my manor all alone.” Crouch's grip tightened on Mustang. "How did
you get past my guards?"
"Oh, you mean this bloke?" Malfoy asked, and then he kicked the decapitated head with the toe of
his boot so that it rolled to Crouch's feet. "He was quite good with an Avada. Almost got me."
One of the Death Eaters looked like he was going to vomit. The others stared on in horror.
Crouch's eyes narrowed into a glare. "You know I have more guards stationed upstairs?"
"Yes, you did," Malfoy looked at his wand and twirled it casually between his fingers as he spoke,
“and they lasted all of five minutes. Shouldn't be surprised though really, I mean, I did do away
with all the Dark Lord's best generals. Do you remember? When I was Medusa. Right under your
nose. For months." He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and smirked at Crouch.
"I've been wondering, just how did our Lord and master take the news yesterday? I imagine he was
awfully angry."
What the fuck was going on?! Malfoy had broken into Crouch's manor to save Theo, he'd been
sneaky and done away with fuck knew how many Death Eaters were upstairs, just to make himself
known and wind Crouch up right in the open?
It was funny to watch. It was probably what Theo would've done, but not Malfoy. He was sneaky.
He did everything in the shadows and was -
Theo jumped when a warm hand closed gently around his wrist. He looked down, he could feel
someone touching him but there was no one there.
"Don't react," he heard a voice whisper, a voice that sounded very much like Grangers. "Just keep
looking at Crouch, pretend I'm not here."
It wasn't exactly the easiest thing he'd ever done, but Theo managed to keep his expression blank
and his eyes on Crouch - who wasn't even looking at Theo anyway, he was still chatting away with
Theo heard a little rustling sound to his left before something very small and very cold was
discreetly pushed into his hand. His eyes flickered down to find a small glass phial filled with
black liquid in his palm.
"What is it?" he whispered, looking like a very bad ventriloquist as he tried to move his mouth as
little as possible.
"Blood replenishing potion mixed with Pepperup potion," Granger whispered. He could feel her
breath on the left side of his face. She didn't have an invisibility cloak, so she must have used some
sort of disillusion or invisibility charm, which he knew himself didn't hold long.
"We don't have time," Granger hissed under her breath. "Just take the fucking potion, we need to
get out of here. Something doesn't feel right."
For once, Theo did as he was told. He pretended to cough, and when he covered his mouth, he
discreetly downed the potion's bitter contents.
The effects weren't immediate, but as the seconds ticked by, he could feel his strength steadily
returning. His head didn't feel as fuzzy anymore. The wound on his leg had healed and every
breath he took seemed to get easier.
Although he wanted to make a face, Theo kept his expression blank. "What do you mean?"
"There's hardly anyone here. Only twenty guards. There were a few traps we needed to disable
when we snuck in, but they were so easy to disarm."
"I don't know." Granger let out a quiet, frustrated little sigh. "You didn't see the traps he set up in
Newstead Abbey. He's capable of so much more than this. It all just feels too easy. I don't like it.
The sooner we get you out, the better."
Well, Theo could hardly fucking argue with that. He wanted out, but his eyes went back to Crouch
and Mustang.
He shouldn't leave her here. He wouldn't have even been there if it wasn't for her. He wondered if
there was a way to get her out too.
They were outnumbered but Crouch's guards were new and untrained. They'd be easy to pick off. If
Theo could knock Crouch out and restrain him, they could take him and the Dolls to the safehouse.
Malfoy wouldn't like it, but Granger wouldn't leave innocent girls here. Surely she'd be able to
figure out a way to unlink them?
"I'm curious, Draco," Crouch started. "Which way did you sneak into my Manor? Was it through
the kitchen? Or through the servant's route?"
"Kitchen,” Malfoy answered. "Which reminds me, you might want to send an elf to go and clean
up in there before the blood stains those lovely white tiles you have in there."
"How do you feel?" Granger asked. "Is the potion working yet?"
"Starting to," Theo answered. "Don't suppose you brought a spare wand with you? Otherwise I
won't be much good."
He felt Granger shove something thin and smooth into his hand. It wasn't his wand, it didn't feel
right, but a stranger's wand was better than no wand at all.
Crouch chuckled darkly, making Mustang jolt in his arms. "Good to know. And which way did the
Mudblood break-in?"
Malfoy scoffed and cocked a brow in a very Slytherin sort of way. "Have you gone mad? You
think I need her help to kill you? Crouch, I could have one hand tied behind my back and still end
you without breaking a sweat and you know it."
"Really?" Crouch asked, and the smile on his face made Theo uneasy. "So you're all alone?"
Theo heard a shuffling noise to his left. He prayed it was Granger getting ready to make her move.
"You're sure? So it doesn't matter if I do this?" Quicker than Theo had ever seen Crouch move, the
hand that was holding his wand jerked forward and cast a powerful red curse - right in the spot
Granger had been.
She deflected it, but she had to drop the disillusion charm to do it, and as soon as she was revealed,
the real fun began.
The seven Death Eaters started firing green curses, but they were slow and inexperienced. Malfoy,
Granger and Theo picked them off easily.
But although he was outnumbered in every sense of the word, he didn't look worried. He still had
his wand at Mustang's throat and he looked ... smug.
Crouch didn't answer, instead, he eyed the three wands that were aimed at him, and then whispered
something in Mustang's ear.
"What did you say to her?!" Theo snapped, letting the end of his wand illuminate with the
threatening red light of a cutting curse. "Answer me!"
Malfoy and Granger took their eyes off Crouch to glance briefly at Theo.
"Oh, nothing at all," Barty sneered. "I was just asking her if she'd have been as stupid as the three
of you have been, if the situation be reversed?"
"I wouldn't be making threats like that if I were you," Malfoy threatened. "I have a very large, very
hungry dragon waiting for us outside."
Course Malfoy had brought the bloody dragon. Always had been one to show off.
Crouch smiled wickedly as he waved his wand behind the trio. Theo heard a click and the air
hummed with magic.
"That, my dear friends," Crouch started, “was a locking charm. You can't leave here unless I take
them off, or you kill me."
"What?" Theo hissed. "You .. you wanted Malfoy to come and save me?"
"Of course I did. You didn't think all this was just for you, did you, Nott?" Suddenly, Crouch burst
into cruel laughter. "Oh dear, Theodore, the Dark Lord couldn't give two shits about you. He says I
can do whatever I want with you, it's Malfoy and the Mudblood he wants, and you just happened to
be the bait. It's just a bonus for me that it turned out to be you, it could just as easily as been
Zabini's pretty wife."
The end of Granger's wand sparked. Well, she had said she felt like something was off.
"Make no mistake Nott, as soon as the Dark Lord has the mudblood and Malfoy, our fun will
continue. Oh, how pleased the Dark Lord will be with me when I deliver not one, but three of the
traitors to him."
Malfoy's lip twitched in anger, the end of his wand started to burn with a killing curse -
Before Theo realised what he was doing, he grabbed the middle of Malfoy's wand and forced him
to lower it. "Don't!" he shouted. "You kill Crouch, you kill the dolls too!"
Malfoy jerked his wand out of Theo's hold and opened his mouth, but Crouch spoke first. Well,
laughed first, technically.
"Quite the predicament, isn't it?" Crouch chuckled. "Kill me, and the spells break and you can walk
out of here in one piece. But taking my life will take, oooh let's see, twelve others?" He looked
down at Mustang in his arms. "Or is it thirteen? There are so many of you that I lose track
sometimes. But I would make a decision rather quickly if I were you. I've signalled the Dark Lord,
you have maybe ten minutes before the others get here."
"Right, that settles it.” Malfoy raised his wand, but it was Granger who caught it the second time.
"Wait," she urged. She wasn't looking at Malfoy, she was staring at Crouch and Mustang, the gears
in her head turning over themselves quickly.
"Granger, you cannot be fucking serious! You and your bleeding Gryffindor heart-"
"Wait!" she hissed, throwing him a fierce look. "Just give me a minute to work through this-"
Malfoy stopped when an odd sound filled the room. It sounded like a mixture of a small
grandfather clock and the chimes of a bell. Theo had heard it before. It was Crouch's pocket watch.
Crouch looked at the girl in his arms, and when the bell reached its fifth and final chime, the sharp
edges of his face twisted up into a horrid smile.
"You know what that means,” he said very loudly, although it was clear that he was only talking to
Mustang. "I think it's about time our little game ends, don't you, beautiful?"
Crouch's eyes met Theo's and he smiled at him from over Mustang's shoulder. "Funny thing,
Polyjuice potion. Don't you think?"
"All the books say that it can only last an hour,” as Crouch spoke, he grasped a strand of Mustang's
hair and twirled it around idly between his fingers, “but you see, the thing is, if you practice with it
enough, and if you brew it just right, you can make it last longer. Can get a good few hours out of a
single drop. Can get almost half an entire day out of a full hip flask if you really experiment with
it.” He chuckled darkly and nipped the air next to Mustang's face. "Isn't that right?"
Mustang kept her eyes closed and her shoulders were shaking. A single tear slipped down her right
cheek. She jerked against Crouch, but his arms weren't going anywhere, they were locked around
her like a straitjacket.
"You can make Polyjuice Potion last so much longer if you have the right ingredients. The right ...
motivation." Crouch looked at Mustang as he said the last word, his voice dripping with double
meaning. "Torture's all well and good, but you know what hurts more? Heartbreak. That's where
the pain really is. You know the sort. The one that needs time to brew. The one that no one see's
coming and is so severe, so painful, that the victim never recovers. That's my favourite, and I've
been working on this one for what?" He nuzzled his nose against Mustang's neck and inhaled
deeply. She shivered and cringed away from him. "Six years? Or is it seven?"
When Granger sucked in a sharp, panicked breath, Theo looked at her out the corner of his eye.
She was stringing the riddle that Crouch was feeding them together much faster than he or Malfoy
And then Granger's panicked eyes flickered to Theo's ... the look on her face, why did it make his
stomach flip? Had she worked it out? And if she had, why was she looking at him like that?
"We don't have time for this-" Malfoy tried to raise his wand again, but Granger kept a firm grip of
it, knowing he wouldn't cast a curse while she still held it.
"Don't," Granger whispered. What was wrong with her voice? Why did she sound so upset? "Just ...
When Crouch's pocket watch chimed again, he chuckled and hugged Mustang tighter against him.
"It's almost time darling, oh this is so exciting. I can't wait to see the look on their faces."
"Thirty more seconds," Crouch hissed in Mustang's ear. "Thirty more seconds and the game is
over, oh wait, but where are my manners? You're going to want to speak to him, aren't you?" He
brushed the tip of his wand against her larynx, and all it took was one charm to life the spell he'd
used to silence her.
Mustang’s eyes blew wide open and she took a deep lungful of air. That first breath she took - she
sounded like she'd been trapped underwater for far too long and she'd finally broken the surface.
She clutched her throat and bent forward as she tried to catch her breath, her long black hair
shielding her face like a curtain called to close.
Mustang's frantic breathing had just about calmed down when the watch chimed a final time, and
once it'd finished, her appearance started to change.
Her skin grew slightly paler. Her arms and legs stayed the same length, but the most noticeable
change was her hair. Although it stayed impossibly long, it started to get lighter and lighter,
shifting from black to dark brown, through the colour palette until it eventually settled on a dark
When the transformation stopped, she stayed hunched over. Theo still couldn't see her face through
her new dark blonde hair.
"Go on, say something," Crouch said, smiling. "After all these years of being mute, I bet you've got
so much you need to get off your chest. Don't let me stop you. Speak, girl."
Mustang kept her head down. Her dark blonde hair moved when she shook her head. Theo could
hear her breathing heavily.
But this was apparently Crouch's big moment, the big finale he'd been working on for years, and he
wasn't going to let her ruin it for him. With one hand still secure around her waist to prevent her
from escaping, Crouch's other hand grabbed a fistful of her hair. He yanked her head up so
everyone could see her, and when they saw her face -
Because just for a second, when he stared into those familiar, warm brown eyes, every dream he'd
had for the last six years, every fantasy he'd had, every wish he'd made, they all came true.
She was there. His Daph was there, standing right in front of him.
Yes, for all of a second, time stood still, and he felt whole for the first time since he'd watched her
die, and then the reality dawned on him, and his very fucking soul was ripped straight down the
Lilacs and fucking oranges. Mustang smelled like lilacs and oranges, sweet and exotic, floral but
sensual, and throughout his entire life, Theo had never, ever, met another woman who smelled like
that intoxicating mix. Except for Daphne.
Lilacs and oranges. He clutched his stomach like he was going to be sick.
And there were other signs. Other signs that in his rage-filled revenge to destroy Voldemort and
Crouch, he'd completely missed, and they all came rushing back to him at a blinding speed.
The way the bottle had slipped out of her hand when she'd first seen him at Crouch's manor.
The way he'd felt drawn to her from the very first moment he'd laid eyes on her, the way he'd felt
connected to her ... the way he'd instinctually rubbed the back of his tattooed hand when he'd been
in Crouch's stable looking for her ...
And he hadn't been the only one. Astoria had felt it too. Felt a pull towards Mustang despite her
being a complete stranger.
"There's something strange about her, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is," Astoria had
said after meeting her. "I've never met her before, but when she looked at me, I felt like I could trust
That strange feeling he felt in his chest every time he saw her ...
The signs were there. They'd always been there. The signs were there and he didn't .... he hadn't ...
The way she'd tried to plead with him in the bathroom at the Gala. She'd been trying to tell him
something and he hadn't heard her ... no .. no, no .. please - please say she hadn't been trying to tell
him who she was ... who she ... no .. no ...
The way she'd just kissed him ... Her hands had slid to cradle the back of his head ... she'd played
with the curls at the base of his skull as she'd kissed him, just like ... just like Daph used to ...
Angel and Chester had looked at the tattoo in horror like they'd seen it before ...
Angel had gone to get Mustang straight after she'd seen it ...
No ... No ...
Bile rose in his throat. The pain in his chest felt like he was being sawed open, a thousand times
worse than anything Crouch had done to him ...
He'd felt connected to Mustang from the beginning because he already was connected to her ...
She'd kissed him like she'd done it a thousand times before because she already had ...
Oh Salazar no, no, no ... Daphne had been there. She'd been there the entire time, with ... with
Crouch ... Crouch, and Theo never ... he didn't know ... he didn't ...
She'd been one of Crouch's Dolls ... she'd been right under his nose, one quick Apparation away
from him the entire time, and he hadn't even looked for her ... he'd not tried to save her ... not once
... not ever ...
He left her there ... he'd abandoned her, he'd left her there with a man who had a reputation of .. of
She was one of Crouch's Dolls .. she was his favourite .. Crouch had touched her in front of Theo ..
Crouch had groped her and licked her and she'd tried to get away from him, and Theo had done
nothing to help her .... He'd just watched .. he'd just ...
She'd been ... Crouch had been ... for years ... Merlin only knew how many times ... No .. no ... no
He thought she was dead ... he thought she'd found peace and ... no, it couldn't be her. It couldn't be
This girl wasn't his wife. This girl who'd been Crouch’s hostage for years, who Crouch had ... he
suddenly couldn't even think the word ... she wasn't her. She wasn't Daphne.
But then the girl who used to be Mustang looked at Theo and any doubt he had vanished.
Because when she spoke, it was Daphne's voice, soft and clear and gentle as a dove's wings.
It was her, and she brought his entire world crashing down on him with just two little words. Two
little words that used to be his favourite when she whispered them in his ear. Two little words that
now made him feel sick.
"Hi, baby."
Two words
1st April
Bombarda Maxima; a spell that could cause a person's chest to explode from the inside out in
excruciating and unimaginable agony. Two words.
Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, the spell that was so powerful it pushed a person's soul right out
of their body and ended their life instantly. It was the most powerful dark curse in existence, and it
only took two words to use it.
Hermione had heard and used those spells a hundred times. She'd seen what they could do. She'd
seen the absolute devastation that could be caused to another human being with just the right
combination of words, and yet, in over ten years of war, she'd never seen a man be so utterly
undone by two simple words as what Theodore Nott had been.
'Hi, baby." That was all it had taken to break Theo. No gruesome hex followed those two words. It
didn't take any magic at all. Just one small greeting. Just two words, just three syllables, and Theo
had fallen to his knees.
In those first few moments after Daphne had spoken, everyone just stared at her. No one moved.
No one breathed. And through the eerie quiet that eclipsed the entrance hall, Hermione swore she
could hear Theo's broken heart fixing itself. Could hear the needle pierce the torn edges of his
heart and pull them back together, just for him to fall apart all over again when she spoke.
"Hi, baby." That was it. That was all it had taken for one of the most feared and blood-thirsty
Death Eaters of all time to break body and soul.
From the moment she'd looked at him, Theo hadn't been able to take his eyes off Daphne. He
stared at her the same way men stared at the light when they died, like he couldn't believe that she
was real, like she might vanish if he just blinked once. He'd fallen to his knees and the wand
Hermione had given him had slipped from his hand and clattered against the floor at his feet.
And Daphne was just as entranced by Theo as he was with her. She just stared and stared at him.
Her lips trembled and she hardly seemed aware of the tears that ran down her cheeks. Hardly
seemed to be aware of anything other than Theo in front of her.
It was equally the most beautiful, yet soul-crushing thing Hermione had ever seen.
"How?" Malfoy asked. His voice was just as unsteady as Theo's knees had been. "This can't be
right. Daphne's dead. We all watched her die ..."
Hermione chanced a glance at Malfoy. She couldn't even begin to imagine how he must have felt.
His eyes flickered with emotion as he stared at the sister he thought had died years ago. His wand
was still in his hand but he'd lowered it.
Crouch grinned wickedly over the top of Mustang- Daphne's - head. "Did you watch her die? Are
you absolutely sure of that?"
"Yes," Malfoy swallowed thickly. "It's ... not something any of us could ever forget," he said, pain
in every syllable.
Crouch's awful smile only stretched higher. "You've been mourning a stranger all these years.
Keira, I think her name was. Keiraaa ..." Crouch's voice trailed off and he looked down at Daphne.
"Barker," although Daphne finished Crouch's sentence for him, her eyes still didn't leave Theo.
"Keira Barker."
"That was it," Crouch chuckled. "Lovely Keira Barker. A soldier. A high-ranking general in the
muggle army. She was very clever, an excellent leader too, until that one mission in Bristol, where
she led her squadron into a trap that a particularly spiteful blonde Death Eater had set - "
"He's trying to stall you," Daphne cut Crouch off. Her voice was scratchy, evidence of years of
disuse, and the terror in her eyes as she looked at Theo was frightening. "He's trying to keep you
here until the reinforcements come. Don't let him get what he wants! You need to kill him and
"No," Theo whispered, so softly Hermione would have missed it if she weren't standing so close to
him. "I won't leave you here ... I won't let you die again -"
"You've already mourned me once." If Daphne's voice had sounded hoarse before, it sounded
utterly broken when she added, "You can do it again, baby."
Theo whimpered quietly, still on his knees, still shirtless, still desperate and with tears gathering in
his eyes.
"Draco can do it,” Daphne urged. "You don't have to watch again-"
Crouch pressed the tip of his wand against Daphne's collar bone and buried his nose into her hair, a
taunt. "They won't do it. They don't have the stomach to kill you."
Daphne's panicked eyes flickered to Malfoy. "Don't be an idiot, Draco,” she pleaded, ignoring
Crouch when he dug his wand into her throat. "Kill him and get out!"
Hermione could see the veins and tendons on the back of Malfoy's hand protruding as he clenched
his wand.
Words seemed to have failed Theo. He couldn't seem to be able to speak, but he started to shake his
"You promised me," Daphne said, struggling to get the words out when Crouch dug his wand into
her larynx. "You promised that you would do whatever it took to look after the others. We said we
would be the ones that would make the difficult decisions together -"
The entire thing was hard to watch. The way Theo was crumbling. The indecision in Malfoy's eyes.
Crouch's smile. Daphne's pleads for them to kill Crouch even though it would end her life.
"- well I've already decided this one for us. Kill him. If you don't, you'll all be captured! Kill him!"
Crouch's wand left Daphne's throat when he pulled his pocket watch out and glanced at the face.
"Oooooh better hurry up." He grinned, throwing the open watch onto the floor so he could keep an
eye on it. "Eight minutes until reinforcements get here. Tick tock. Tick tock-"
Crouch was right. They were running out of time and no one was moving. Hermione had to do
Slowly, she stepped to the side until her shoulder brushed Malfoy's. She placed her non-wand hand
over his own and squeezed it reassuringly. "What are we going to do?" she whispered, choosing
her words deliberately.
When Malfoy looked down at her, she could see the war dancing in his eyes. The anguish in him
was painful to look at, all because of the devastating decision he had to make.
It would be easy for him to kill Crouch. He would end him with a flick of his wrist, they could
grab Theo and escape, but if he did, his sister would die, again. He'd probably lose Theo forever,
and when Astoria found out ... She'd probably never recover.
Hermione was good in a crisis. She was impulsive sometimes, yes, but she was always able to think
logically and quickly. She weighed up the possible pros and cons of her actions and went with what
she thought was right, the option that would cause the least amount of grief and pain for the least
amount of people.
Hermione was good at making decisions, but she couldn't be the one to make this one. She couldn't
do it for Malfoy. He had to be the one to decide, and all she could do was let him know that she'd
be there for him, no matter what he chose.
When Hermione looked back at Crouch, Daphne wasn't staring at Theo anymore. She was
watching the two of them intently, her warm eyes fixed on their joined hands.
"Oh Theodore, what a shame," Crouch said coldly. "I expected more of a show from you. I
expected a little more ... carnage. No bother, I can fix that myself."
Hermione thought Crouch was going to curse Daphne as a way to goad Theo into action, but he
didn't need to use magic, the way he jabbed the end of his wand sharply against the raw bones of
Daphne's mutilated hand was enough to make her scream and almost collapse against him.
"DON'T!" Theo cried. He lurched to his feet but didn't go for his wand, almost like he'd forgotten
that it existed at all. He didn't try and lash out like Hermione expected him to either, just reached in
front of him - towards Daphne - as though that might somehow make Crouch stop. "Please, don't ...
please don't hurt her. I'll do anything you want. Just don't do anything else to her."
Fucking hell - the way Theo's voice broke, the tears on his face, it was enough to make Hermione's
eyes sting.
Crouch pulled his wand away from Daphne's hand. He stared at Theo and quirked a brow. "No?"
he mocked. "Surely not 'anything'?"
Theo nodded a 'yes', but he wasn't looking at Crouch, he was staring at Daphne as she clutched her
hand and panted heavily.
Crouch looked Theo up and down for a moment, then he sickeningly licked his lips - like Theo had
done exactly what he wanted him to - and said, “Alright then, let's put your love to the test. The
Dark Lord wants to punish Malfoy, and he specifically asked that I bring the Mudblood to him
alive." The way Crouch's grin stretched from ear to ear made the hairs on the back of Hermione's
arms stand on end. "So capture them for me."
"You want me to leave your wife alone?" Crouched tauntingly angled his wand over Daphne's
injured hand again. "Then attack Malfoy and the Mudblood. If you capture them for me, I won't
hurt another hair on her head."
Like the snap of fingers, the atmosphere in the hall completely changed. The air was suddenly
heavier, almost like it was weighed down by the tension. Hermione could feel her pulse in the tips
of her fingers. Her mouth ran dry and her veins spiked with adrenaline.
She noticed Malfoy look at Theo out of the corner of his eye.
Surely he wasn't ... Was he already bracing himself for an attack from Theo?
Crouch smiled down at his pocket watch. "Six minutes until reinforcements get here. Better make
a decision Theodore, tick tock, tick tock."
"Unless you want me to take your voice away again," Crouch leaned down and hissed in Daphne's
ear, “then I suggest you be quiet!"
Daphne flinched and was silent for a second, but it was obvious she valued Theo's life more than
her own. "DON'T -" she started to cry, but Crouch jabbed his wand into her hand again, causing
her to double over and howl in agony.
Theo sprinted a few feet to his left and snatched his wand up off the floor. He whirled around and
aimed it viciously at Crouch, but then he paused, hand on the trigger but unable to pull it.
"Why the hesitation, Theodore? It should be an easy decision to make. Isn't this what you've
always wanted? Your lovely, beautiful wife back?" Crouch asked, grinning at Theo as his hand
crawled up from Daphne's waist to glide over her breasts. He was taunting Theo, groping Daphne
in front of him and hoping to get a reaction. "Isn't this what you've been dreaming about since she
Theo took a sharp breath. His wand arm shook with rage.
"Haven't you dreamed endlessly about having her back in your arms?" Crouch asked, "Your lips on
her neck?" When Crouch's mouth drifted to the side of Daphne's face, she cringed away from him,
and when he planted a soft kiss against her cheek, she looked at Theo and shook her head. "Haven't
you spent every night since she died thinking about this exact moment? Haven't you spent years
thinking of all the things you would do to get her back?"
"Don't fall for it, Theo," Daphne whispered, gritting her teeth as Crouch kissed the side of her face
again. "Don't be stupid."
Crouch pulled back slightly and flicked his wand over Daphne's head. From the way the wound on
the back of her hand quickly knitted back together, Hermione assumed he'd cast a healing charm,
but the magic didn't stop. All the bruises faded from her skin and her cuts sealed themselves, but
the spell kept going. It smoothed her distressed hair until it was perfect and styled like Astoria's
usually was, it added a flush to her cheeks, and even fixed her nightdress until it looked clean and
Hermione knew what Crouch was doing. It was another manipulation, another way to get inside
Theo's head. Crouch was making Daphne look how Theo remembered her, beautiful and perfect,
and not someone who'd spent years being abused by Crouch. He was trying to make Theo
remember what they used to have, and what they could have again if Theo just did this one little
thing for him.
"I'll even let you take her,” Crouch hissed, the poisonous, persuasive serpent in Theo's ear. "The
Dark Lord will never have to know. I'll tell him you both died, blown to pieces in one of my traps
when you tried to escape. If you help me, you can have your wife back. You can disappear with
her. Just the two of you. Isn't that what you want? Or would you rather she stays here? With me?"
Another simple wave of Crouch's wand and the abuse returned. Daphne was once again covered in
bruises and blood, and the bones and muscles of her hand were sticking out at odd angles even
worse than they had before.
Theo's throat bobbed as he swallowed. He was torn, he was confused, but he was considering it,
and Crouch fucking knew it.
"You can take her. You can be together again. All you need to do is help me capture the Mudblood
and Malfoy. Tell you what, you can take the lot of them."
Angel and Chester clutch their chests and looked at one another in confusion.
"I've removed one of the charms I put on the Dolls," Crouch explained. "Their lives are still linked
to mine, but they aren't bound to me geographically anymore. They can leave the estate without me
now. They can go anywhere they want."
Angel and Chester exchanged hopeful looks. The other Doll - Kitten - stared at the other two girls
with wide, panicked eyes and started to retreat into the shadows.
"You can disappear with all of them, or just take Daphne and go. I don't care. After what I've done
for the Dark Lord, he'll give me so many Dolls I'll be drowning in them,” Crouch said. "All you
need to do is capture Malfoy and the Mudblood for me, and everything you've been dreaming of
for the last few years will be yours. Shouldn't be any trouble for a man with your talents, but if I
were you," Crouch's voice dropped to a quiet hiss, "I'd start with the fucking Mudblood."
When Theo looked at Hermione, terror washed over her. She might not have known Theo
anywhere near as well as she knew Malfoy, but she knew an enemy when she saw one.
She took a strategic step back and gripped her wand tightly between her fingers, ready to retaliate,
ready to attack if he did - when he did.
But when Theo turned his wand on Hermione, Malfoy stepped in front of her, his broad frame
completely shielding her from view.
"Don't,” Malfoy hissed, shoulders rigid and voice more menacing than Hermione had ever heard it.
"Don't you fucking dare."
Outside of the house, Hermione could hear Narcissa's low growl. The dragon sounded like she was
stalking the house. She could probably sense Malfoy's unease, and she'd started to circle the house
like the predator she was, her growls and huffs reminding the enemy inside that she was there,
ready to protect, ready to attack if needed.
But Crouch didn't seem to fret at all. "Don't tell me you're going to let him stand in your way,
Theodore,” he taunted. "Hex him. Make him move."
When Daphne started to struggle, Theo hesitated. He started to lower his arm, but when Crouch
jabbed his wand into Daphne's injured hand again and she started to scream, he took aim.
"Tick tock, Theodore," Crouch called, his voice gleeful over the sound of Daphne's screams. "Four
more minutes until the cavalry get here, but one, maybe two until I start cutting parts of your wife
off. Maybe I'll start with her fingers.”
From the way Daphne's screams grew louder, Crouch could have already been cutting them off.
"Or maybe I'll start by cracking her ribs and skinning her back."
"Everyone already thinks she was executed by the Blood Eagle," Crouch chuckled. "Maybe it's
about time the lie became the truth. What do you say, Mustang?"
Hermione peeked around Malfoy's arm so she could get a better look at Theo. His chest was rising
and falling heavily and some of his dark curls hung low and casting menacing shadows on his face.
Daphne's wails of agony reached new levels and Theo choked back a sob. He slowly twisted his
wand. The end sparked with red magic -
"Go for me all you want, mate," Malfoy warned. "But the fucking second you throw a curse at
Granger, I'll break your arms."
Malfoy wasn't even trying to talk Theo out of attacking him. Did Malfoy think that it was a done
deal? Did he believe that his best friend would turn on him just like that?
Hermione opened her mouth to ask, but the way Theo was looking at Daphne answered that
question for her.
Yes, yes he would turn on them. He didn't want to do it, he might have tried to go back and save
them later, but he'd give Malfoy and Hermione over to Crouch if it meant saving Daphne's life, and
judging from the look in his eyes, he wasn't going to be stopped.
"I don't want to do this, mate," Theo said, and even though he was holding them at wand point, he
sounded completely sincere. "But I don't have a choice."
When Theo took a step to the left, Malfoy's free hand curled protectively around the small of
Hermione's waist. He pulled her behind him until she was completely hidden behind him.
When Theo took another step to the left, Malfoy matched it. But it wasn't until red sparks started to
dance at the end of Malfoy's wand, that Hermione started to panic.
They were going to do this. They were going to fight one another. Right there. In Crouch's Manor.
Hermione couldn't let it happen. If Malfoy and Theo duelled, it would be a fucking bloodbath.
They were both equally as dangerous as one another.
Theo was known for his monstrous antics on the battlefield, but so was Malfoy.
Nothing would stop Theo from saving Daphne, and Malfoy had already proven how far he'd go to
protect Hermione.
No, if Theo and Malfoy duelled, one of them would end up dead. They'd already lost Romy, they'd
already almost lost Astoria, losing someone else wasn't an option.
Hermione's eyes darted from one corner of the room to the other. There had to be something she
could do - but she could hardly hear her own thoughts over the sound of Daphne's screams.
Hermione stepped out from behind Malfoy, wand in her hand, ready to go for Crouch -
The curse hurtled towards her in an almost blinding scarlet light. Malfoy sharply jerked his wand to
the left and the curse careened into the wall next to the front door.
The curse was charged with unbelievable rage. Upon its impact with the wall, a deafening crack
echoed through the air before a thick wall of smoke and debris soared through the room like a
bomb had been detonated in the walls.
As Hermione looked at the devastating mess that the curse had left in the wall, adrenaline spiked
in her veins. If the curse had hit her, Merlin only knew what condition she'd have been left in.
Theo wasn't holding back. He was treating this duel as though his life depended on it.
Her body suddenly felt hot, like someone had replaced her veins with acid, but when she looked at
Malfoy, she instantly went cold.
Because she'd never seen him look so fucking angry, and it frightened her.
The curse Malfoy retaliated with only had one word, and as he hissed it through gritted teeth,
Hermione knew he meant every syllable of it. "CRUCIO!"
She'd never seen a duel quick like it. It was obvious that they used to train together. Malfoy knew
that Theo sometimes threw his right arm back before he cast a slicing curse to give it more power,
and Theo knew that Malfoy tended to throw Bombarda's one after the other to try and overwhelm
his opponent.
They'd probably taught each other most of the curses they were throwing at one another. Hermione
imagined that back in the early days of the war, they probably used to run training drills similar to
this together. She imagined that they used to treat it like a game, test less powerful curses on each
other, see who could trip the other up first, let them fall flat on their face and then laugh about it
later like naughty school boys playing pranks.
But there were no laughs now. There weren't any pranks or jokes anywhere.
Now, they were trying to kill each other.
Curses zipped from one end of the room to the other almost quicker than Hermione could register
Another Bombarda.
Another Crucio.
Another Crucio.
Another Incarcerous.
Both Theo and Malfoy's magic was devastating. Bright colours of red and white streaked from one
end of the entrance hall to the other like fireworks. Dusty mirrors that hung on the walls smashed.
Walls exploded when curses were deflected onto them. They picked up chests of drawers and
bureaus with their magic and threw them at each other.
There was so much dark magic in the room that the air grew hot and repugnant with it, so heavy it
made Angel and Chester wretch silently as they took cover from the onslaught.
Crouch was playing Malfoy and Theo like fiddles. He'd put them against each other perfectly. It
didn't matter how many times Hermione screamed or what she shouted to Malfoy to make him
stop, he didn't seem to hear any of it, like all his other senses had been switched off except for his
And every time one of Theo's curses missed, Crouch would take it out on Daphne. He'd twist his
wand further into her injured hand. He'd crack her bones or pull the already exposed tendons out
even further until Theo could see them and Daphne would scream even louder.
Hermione tried to disarm Crouch. Tried to just get Daphne away from Crouch any way she could,
but he was a better duellist than Hermione had realised. Even with Daphne in his arms, he managed
to deflect every curse she threw at him. It didn't help that Hermione was at a disadvantage herself.
She couldn't use lethal hexes and she couldn't risk hitting Daphne.
The seconds were ticking on and Hermione didn't know what to do.
There were only three minutes left until the other Death Eaters got there.
Then two and Hermione was still no closer to coming up with a way they could all walk away from
"I'M SORRY!" Theo sneered seconds before something in the room behind Hermione cracked and
exploded. "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!"
as something else exploded and she saw splinters of wood fly across the room. "YOU KILLED
Malfoy hissed something under his breath. Hermione didn't hear what it was, but she heard the
sound of shattering glass. A whistle as something shot through the air and then Theo grunted in
pain before he started shouting again.
No matter what Theo threw at Malfoy, nothing seemed to connect. Malfoy was too quick. Theo
was too angry. And Crouch was starting to lose his patience because of it.
Careful to make sure Theo could see what he was doing, Crouch slid his wand between the tendons
in Daphne's hand and started to pull.
Hermione had no idea how Daphne was still standing, never mind still able to scream as loud as
she was.
ABOUT HURTING HER!" Theo's curses started to come faster. He was getting desperate. He
threw several slicing curses, one after the other, each more powerful than the last, each more lethal
as he started to lose his grip on himself. "I'VE SEEN THE LENGTHS YOU'VE GONE TO JUST
Malfoy waved his wand in a large circular motion and all of Theo's attacks halted mid-flight. The
bright lights stilled, turned around, and then whizzed back towards their original caster at a starling
WAS GRANGER'S LIFE ON THE LINE!" Theo's sounded slightly ... wet? Gurgled. Hermione
looked out the corner of her eye to see he had a small amount of blood trickling from the right side
Malfoy's expression flickered with anger. He pulled his shoulder back and then threw a powerful
red curse.
Theo managed to avoid most of the curse, but there were cuts scattered across the lower half of his
torso like someone had dragged dozens of pairs of scissors across his ribcage. The cuts were deep
and if Malfoy carried on like that, Theo would bleed out before too long.
Crouch was using Daphne's screams to motivate Theo. Her wails of agony were the siren song
luring Theo to do Crouch's biding -
Daphne's screams. Crouch was using Daphne's screams to motivate Theo, and if he couldn't hear
them anymore ...
Moving on instinct, Hermione raised her wand towards Daphne and cast the strongest Muffalito
she could.
The abrupt way Daphne's screams cut off startled everyone in the room.
Theo looked at Daphne in a blind panic - his initial fear probably that she was dead.
Crouch did the same thing, and then, in perfect sync with one another - almost like they were
sharing the same magic and the same wand - Hermione and Malfoy both cast an Expelliarmus.
Malfoy's caught Theo in the centre of his chest and was strong enough to sweep him off his feet
and send him flying into the air. The fall was enough to knock him out cold.
Hermione's curse managed to catch Crouch on the shoulder. It made him hiss in pain. He let go of
Daphne and as she fell to the floor, Hermione conjured thick ropes that wrapped around Crouch's
body and legs until he could no longer stand.
When Crouch fell backwards and onto the floor with a loud thud, Daphne awkwardly crawled
across the room until she was hovering over Theo. She started to stroke his face and hair with her
good hand, and Hermione removed the Muffliato she'd cast to hear her sob.
"Baby!? Baby are you alright?! Oh Salazar he's not ... he's not ... "
"No, he's fine,” Hermione answered as she knelt beside Daphne. She kept her eyes down and
fumbled with the potions in her bag. She pulled out two Blood Replenishing potions and pulled the
corks off with her teeth. "I promise you, he's fine, but you need to drink these.”
Daphne ignored her entirely. She kept sobbing quietly and running her good hand over Theo,
looking for a pulse.
After everything Crouch had done to Daphne, it was no wonder she flinched and jumped when
Hermione placed a hand on her shoulder.
Hermione held her palm up to show that she meant no harm. She was just trying to help, but they
didn't have time to take things slow.
"Daphne please, the other Death Eaters will be here any moment,” Hermione persisted, eying the
mess that was Daphne's hand. "I promise, Theo is alive. Malfoy and I can get you both out of here,
but we can't do that if you're struggling to stand."
Daphne's brow creased. She looked down at Theo and pushed away the hair that had fallen onto
his face.
"Drink these and let me heal your hand," Hermione said softly. "If you let me help you, then we
can both help him,” she added, nodding towards Theo.
Immediately, Daphne took the potion, drank it, and allowed Hermione to heal her. And while
Daphne fussed over Theo's unconscious body - and Hermione fussed over Daphne and did her best
to heal her hand - Malfoy stormed over to Crouch and stamped his boot right down on Crouch's
When Crouch laughed manically, blood spilt from the edges of his mouth. "Already told you," he
grinned, flashing his blood-covered, rotting gums. "If you want out, you're going to have to kill
Hermione glanced at Crouch's watch. They only had seconds before the other Death Eaters would
start to arrive.
Malfoy twisted around slightly so that he was looking down at Crouch's legs, and then cast a strong
and extremely vicious slicing curse against Crouch's hips.
The sound that came out of Crouch's mouth was inhuman. He wailed like a wounded animal. He
tried to sit up and protect himself, but Malfoy crushed his boot harder into his windpipe and
crushed him to the floor.
Thick blood pooled on the floor around Crouch's hips. He was bleeding a lot. A lot more than what
Hermione considered safe - given that his life was linked to the girls'. Before she could remind
Malfoy of that, he cast a charm to slow the bleeding to a slow trickle.
But judging from the way Crouch continued to scream, it did nothing to dull the pain he was in.
That thought alone made Hermione smile a little inside. He deserved so much worse.
"That's one of your balls gone mate,” Malfoy hissed. "Next slicing curse takes your cock off." His
wand sparked with magic as he aimed at Crouch's pelvis. "NOW TAKE THE FUCKING
Even though he was on the very edge of consciousness, Malfoy's threat seemed to reach Crouch. It
took a great deal of effort, he managed to wave his wand and remove the locking charms he'd put
on his manor.
He pushed his boot harder into Crouch's neck and he didn't stop until an audible crunching sound
echoed through the room. "Now unlink your life from Daphne's."
Crouch choked under Malfoy's boot. His eyes started to bulge, and his face began to turn red.
"I won't ask again!" Malfoy pressed down harder. The sparks at the end of his wand grew brighter.
"Remove whatever fucking spell you used to link your life from Daphne's!"
It took a few more tries, but Crouch managed to splutter out one word that was audible enough to
understand. "Can't!"
Malfoy lifted his boot and grabbed Crouch by the collar. He dragged the man up until they were
nose to nose and Crouch's toes were dangling limply in the air. "What do you mean 'can't'?!"
"C-can't be ... removed ... once put in place ... all their lives ... linked to mine."
Hermione heard Narcissa roar loudly from outside. She glanced down at Crouch's pocket watch.
"Draco, we need to go!" Hermione shouted. "We'll just have to take him with us!"
"We'll make sure he's securely bound and locked away," Hermione said softly, trying to ease the
panic that was etched all over Daphne's face. "He won't be able to hurt you again, but if it's true
and his life really can't be unlinked to yours, we can't leave him here. If he's at the safehouse with
us, we can keep an eye on him and make sure he stays alive."
Narcissa roared again. They heard several loud popping sounds coming from outside.
"I want him chained up," Daphne answered quickly, voice stern and eyes turning cold. "And
locked away somewhere secure."
"I agree."
"Yes!" Hermione nodded franticly. "Yes, of course. He won't be able to get anywhere near you, I
There was an almost deafening growl outside, then the windows started to light up with fire.
Several Death Eaters could be heard screaming over the flames. Narcissa must have been on the
"None," Daphne answered. "Only the four of us were left tonight. Crouch lent all the others out to
the remaining Black Masks. He used them as party favours to ensure they'd come when he called
When Daphne nodded to the hallway, Hermione followed her gaze. Kitten was on the floor, lying
on her back with her eyes wide open and her torso about five feet away from her.
She'd been hit with one of the curses either Malfoy or Theo had deflected.
Hermione sighed and turned back to Daphne. She reached into her robes and pulled out another
wand. Astoria's wand.
Daphne's expression softened as Hermione handed her the slender wooden tool. Her eyes lingered
briefly on the elegant handle that was made entirely of Rose Quartz crystal, something that so
obviously belonged to her sister.
In the time the girls had been plotting, Malfoy had knocked Crouch out, levitated his unconscious
body into the air, and charmed it so that it followed him when he walked.
Daphne didn't look entirely confident, but she nodded and gripped the wand tightly. "What's the
plan? There are probably too many for us to fight off now."
"If we move now, we should have a chance," Malfoy said. "The Death Eaters can only Apparate
onto the very edge of the property line because of the Anti-Apparation wards Crouch set up, so it
means we need to make it through the grounds and past that point to escape."
Daphne nodded and watched as Hermione did a similar thing to Theo, casting a charm to levitate
his body and make sure it followed her.
"Narcissa is waiting for us outside and she can disintegrate most of the Death Eaters that are
already there. We can pick off others as we make our way through the grounds," Malfoy
continued. "Once we make it past the Anti-Apparation wards, grab either myself or Granger, and
we can Apparate everyone to the safe house."
"And then we just leave the dragon here to fend for herself?" Daphne asked.
Hermione looked at Malfoy. "I can cast another Disillusion charm on her?"
He nodded curtly and told Angel and Chester to be ready to make a run for it.
Daphne made a face that looked the spitting image of Astoria's when she disapproved of
something. "Would a Disillusion charm work on Cissa?"
"It's how we were able to sneak into Crouch's estate in the first place," Hermione answered. "Given
her size, they only last three minutes or so, but it's long enough for her to lose herself in the clouds
and escape."
There really wasn't anything else left to say after that. No tender embraces or reunions or kind
words. They simply didn't have the time.
Hermione flicked her wand towards the front doors, they swung open, and the group broke out into
a sprint.
They saw Narcissa as soon as they were out of the house. She was maybe fifty feet away,
bordering on the edge of the Anti-Apparation ward with her jaws wide open and a fountain of
molten fire exploding from her mouth.
The Death Eaters that surrounded her didn't stand a chance.
Their curses bounced off her thick black scales and wings like they were nothing, and if they
weren't set ablaze by her fiery breath, then she tore them to pieces with her teeth and claws.
More and more Death Eaters arrived at the border, but with Voldemort's armies whittled down to
the bare bones, they were just Black Masks, inexperienced and scared.
Angel and Chester struggled as they ran across the grounds but they managed to keep up. Just
When they were about twenty feet away from the border, dozens more Black Masks Apparated on
the field. Narcissa roared when they started to form a circle around her, but they should have
known better than to try and ambush a dragon. As they started to close in, Narcissa reared on her
back legs and stretched her wings, and when they started to attack, she opened her mouth and a
wall of blazing fire was born.
The Death Eaters that were standing in front of her died instantly. Narcissa twisted her head from
side to side like a snake to capture as many Death Eaters in the fire as she could. And any
survivors, she ate.
Daphne managed to pick off one or two, but she hadn't used magic in years so understandably most
of her attacks missed.
There were only ten Death Eaters left when they reached the end of the Anti-Apparation wards.
Once everyone was safe across it, Hermione waved her wand and Narcissa disappeared, as
instantly as if someone had thrown a huge invisibility cloak over her.
They couldn't see the dragon and they couldn't hear her enormous wings crack against the air as
she took flight. If the air didn't reek of burning flesh and there weren't flaming corpses scattered up
and down the grounds, Hermione wouldn't have believed that there had been a dragon there at all.
Hermione made sure Theo's sleeping form was still behind her, and then she grabbed Daphne and
Angel, thought of the farmhouse, and Apparated. She closed her eyes as the ground vanished from
beneath her boots and the air felt like it had been sucked out of her lungs.
The first thing she did when she landed on the other side was do a headcount.
"Come on,” she whispered under her breath, staring at the empty patch of grass beside her, waiting
for the crack, that wonderful sound that meant she wasn't alone, that Malfoy hadn't gotten lost
behind her.
Not again
"Come on, Malfoy,” she repeated. "Come on. Make it through. Make it through. Please, please
make -"
She was in his arms in an instant, had no recollection of if she reached for him first or if he dragged
her there. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that his strong arms were wrapped protectively
around her. All that mattered was that he was there. That she hadn't left him behind.
It took everything in her to not just sob with relief.
Daphne, Angel and Chester must have felt the same because when Malfoy and Hermione broke
apart, she saw the three girls locked in a similar embrace. Their three heads all pressed together. A
tangle of limps and embraces and tears in what must have been a shared and unimaginable joy as
they contemplated their freedom.
This time everyone had made it through. This time everyone was safe, and Hermione could breathe
a little easier because of it.
With both Theo and Crouch still unconscious, Malfoy carefully levitated their bodies behind him
as he led everyone towards the farmhouse.
Hermione stepped in front of him so she could open the kitchen door, and she held it wide open so
Malfoy could levitate their newest houseguest inside with ease.
"You're back."
The kitchen was still very dark given the early hours, but there were enough candles for Hermione
to see Blaise standing over the ancient kitchen table, preparing what looked like two mugs of tea.
Blaise's eyes were a little glassy and his voice a little monotone and slow - Quinzel had probably
shoved every pain potion they had in stock down his throat. He looked a little wobbly, but he was a
lot better than he had the last time Hermione had seen him.
His silk, black shirt was open just enough to see the surgical bandages on his shoulder where the
Sectrumsempra curse had hit him. And although Quinzel had undoubtedly done a superb job with
her healing, the left side of Blaise's face was almost unrecognisable.
There were deep, pinkish scars that looked like hairline fractures in his skin. They stretched up
from his collarbone, the left side of his lips, his cheekbone, through his eyebrow, right through his
hairline and to the top of his skull. Luckily, the curse had missed his eye, but the damage was still
there. The scars were permanent and irreversible. Just like Malfoy's were.
Blaise stared as they all entered the safehouse one by one. He looked understandably angry when
he saw Crouch, he looked shocked when he saw Theo and confused when he saw Angel and
"What in the world -" Blaise started to scold, but when Daphne stepped into the kitchen, he was
lost for words.
Blaise's brows furrowed and he opened his mouth, but no sound came out. After a few seconds, he
swallowed and released a very slow, very shaky breath.
"What's the matter?" Daphne asked, a smile in her voice. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
Hermione almost chuckled. Malfoy had told her once before that Daphne had the same dry - and
sometimes cruel - sense of humour as Theo.
When a feminine voice stirred from upstairs, and Daphne's face lit up.
"Blaise?!" called Astoria. She sounded very groggy and quiet, like she'd just woken up herself.
"Where ... where is he-"
"You need to get back in bed,” came Quinzel's stern voice from above their heads. "You need to
"He is alright, Miss," Quinzel shushed, obviously trying to calm Astoria down. "He woke up a
little whiles ago and said he is wanting to make a cup of tea-"
Even though Astoria's voice was high and frantic, upon hearing it, Daphne's grin stretched so wide
dimples appeared on her face.
Quinzel sighed loudly, obviously losing her patience. "Because he said he is going crazy if he is
staying in bed whilst others is fighting and he is not. He said he needed to distract his mind and
making himself and Quinzel tea would -"
"Darling," Blaise called in a shaky voice, eyes blown wide and locked on Daphne. "I think you
should come to the kitchen."
Everyone looked at the ceiling as they heard her quickly pad her way out of the room above the
kitchen. She hurried down the stairs, and when she reached the bottom step and saw Daphne, she
looked like she was going to faint.
Quinzel hurried down the stairs after her. She let out a loud squeak and dropped the potion in her
hand when she saw Daphne. Both of her little hands flew to her mouth.
"Is it ... " Astoria started to ask, having to place a hand on the wall for support. "Is it really you?"
"I don't ... I don't understand," Astoria whispered. "I don't ... how are you ... how did..." She looked
at Daphne in disbelief and shook her head. Her eyes swept to the side, but when she noticed
Chester and Angel, the disbelief in her eyes turned to understanding, and when she looked at
Daphne, understanding turned to heartbreak.
Just as Astoria started to break down, Daphne crossed the room and scooped her up in her arms.
While Astoria sobbed and sobbed in her arms, Daphne looked at Draco with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you," Daphne said, smiling at him from over the top of Astoria's head. "You did it. You
kept your promise to me. You kept our family safe."
Daphne's brow furrowed and she looked around the room, visibly doing a head count. "Where's
"He died yesterday," Blaise answered. "When the Death Eaters attacked the manor, Romy and
Theo stayed behind to fight them off so Hermione could save Astoria. He didn't make it out."
Daphne closed her eyes and fresh tears slipped down her face. "I always said he was brave, didn't
I? That silly, sweet, potato-loving elf." She held onto her Astoria tighter and kissed the top of her
head. "We'll give him the best funeral an elf ever had."
Malfoy nodded but he didn't move, stayed with his back against the wall. Hermione swore she saw
his eyes glisten over slightly as he watched the Greengrass sisters, finally reunited, crying and
hugging each other as though they'd never been apart.
After a few moments, the sisters broke apart and Daphne reached for Blaise.
Hermione had only ever seen Blaise on the cusp of tears once. She'd seen his eyes glisten over
when she'd saved Astoria, but when Daphne pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek,
Blaise started to sob quietly.
Hermione started to feel tears sting her own eyes for the second time that evening. She wasn't sad,
far from it. She saw death and grief daily, she was so used to it that it was almost normal, but this,
to see happiness, to see a family filled with so much love finally reunited, it was just so fucking
rare that she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by it.
She was doing a good job of holding back her tears, until Daphne let Blaise go and grabbed
Daphne pried him off the wall and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek just
like she had Blaise's, and she whispered something in his ear. Malfoy hugged her just as tightly and
whispered something back to her, and when they pulled apart, Hermione couldn't hold back her
Both Draco and Daphne were grinning like idiots. Tears slid down Daphne's face even though she
was laughing softly. Malfoy looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he looked happier than
Hermione had ever seen him.
He'd gotten his sister back, and the happiness it stirred in him … Hermione struggled to find words
for it, couldn’t think of a way to describe the way it made her heart swell to see him smile like
When Daphne finally let Malfoy go, she turned back to Astoria. They really were the mirror image
of each other. Same sweet smiles as they looked at each other. Same tears on their faces. Same
brown eyes filled with nothing but love.
"You look so beautiful," Daphne said, cupping Astoria's face so she could look at her properly. She
beamed, practically glowed with pride as she looked at her sister, taking in all the way she'd
changed since the last time she saw her, but then -
A deep frown formed between Daphne's brows as she caught a piece of Astoria's blonde hair
between her fingers.
"Nothing." Daphne shook her head. "It can wait. What's important right now is that you're safe and
we're back together."
"Why are you crying? It suits you." Daphne laughed as she pulled Astoria back into her arms. "But
tell me you at least had a funeral for me before you stole my hairstyle?"
2nd April
When Hermione woke, the first thing she saw was a head of silvery-white hair.
Malfoy was on the opposite side of the living room, fast asleep on the other sofa with a few stray
hairs falling onto his face. He was shirtless and had a thick woollen blanket draped across his
stomach and legs. His robes and boots were on the floor next to the sofa and his wand - it was still
in his hand.
He looked so peaceful, and just for a moment, Hermione decided to watch him. Decided to bury
her nose in the blanket she was lying under, listen to the crackling fire next to her and just look at
him. Take in all the things that she never really had time to.
She'd never anyone look so completely different when they were sleeping from what they did when
they were awake. It was like he was a different person. A younger, less angry version of himself.
Sleep took years off him. It took the war off him. He looked free. Peaceful, and she couldn't help
but be a little mesmerised by it.
She watched him sleep for a long time. Watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept and
the way it made the Sectrumsempra scars on his neck and chest glisten in the light of the fire.
Every so often his brow or lip would twitch, reacting to whatever he was dreaming about, and
Hermione would smile and wonder what he was doing in his dreams.
In truth, she should probably have been asleep herself. Despite being out cold for over sixteen
hours, her eyes and body still begged for more sleep. It probably shouldn't have been surprising
really. It felt like she'd been to hell and back in the last two days. So much had happened in such a
short space of time. She struggled to recount it all.
In less than forty-eight hours, she'd fought on Voldemort's side of the war, she'd almost been eaten
by Acromantula's, stole another Horcrux and handed it over to Ginny, almost been executed, been
chased out of Malfoy Manor, helped rescue Theo and bring Daphne back home. There was no
fucking wonder her body felt like it'd been trampled over by a herd of angry centaurs.
Just two days ago, Malfoy had been Voldemort's favourite Demon Mask, and now he wanted him
dead. Maybe even more than he wanted Harry dead.
Voldemort knew Malfoy, Theo, Blaise and Astoria were the spies. Even though Hermione knew it
was true, it still didn't feel real. In all the chaos that'd ensued, she hadn't really had time to process
it or what it meant, for their little group or for the Order.
Yes, The Order had lost their spies, but they'd gotten another Horcrux. Harry had probably
destroyed it by now, which meant that there was only one more left. The snake. Nagini. That was
it. Once she was dead Voldemort would be vulnerable and this would all be over.
All the sneaking around Hermione and Malfoy had done, all the information Astoria had extracted
from the Death Eaters, all the evidence Theo and Blaise had planted, it hadn't been for nothing.
They were so close to victory. Voldemort was so weak now. It would only be a matter of time.
The group probably should have discussed the next phase of their plan the night before, but by the
time they got back to the safe house they were running on nothing but adrenaline. Bringing Daphne
back home brought a fresh wave of energy into the house, everyone was so happy and buzzed the
air felt electric, but it couldn't sustain them for long, and eventually, everyone had been forced to
retire for the night.
After Hermione and Malfoy had dragged Crouch into the basement - and placed half a dozen
strong wards to keep him there - exhaustion won out and a weird, musical chairs-like game began
in regards to sleeping arrangements.
They laid Theo down to rest in what he'd already declared as his bedroom. Quinzel took visual in
the rocking chair in the corner. The elf reassured everyone that Theo just needed rest, but she
wanted to be close, just in case he needed anything.
Astoria and Daphne spent the night in her and Blaise's bedroom.
Blaise elected himself to take the first guard watching Crouch, insisting that - despite his injuries -
he was the best person for the job as he had been 'resting all day while everyone else had been
Hermione had opted for the ancient sofa in the living room. She told the others it was because she
wanted to be next to the basement door in case Crouch got through her wards, but secretly she just
wanted to be next to the fireplace. Wanted to watch the fire crackle and pop because she knew it
would send her right off to sleep.
When she'd gotten settled on the sofa and wrapped herself up in a thick blanket, Malfoy had
nodded goodnight to her and disappeared into the basement with Blaise. Hermione had no idea
what time he'd finally come back upstairs and gone to sleep.
She wouldn't admit it out loud, but when she'd woken up and seen him on a different sofa to her,
she was a little surprised. And a little hurt.
When she'd closed her eyes, she hadn't really expected it to be goodnight. She'd expected to drift
off alone, but then feel her blanket lift some hours later. She'd expected to feel the sofa dip behind
her and feel him slip under the blanket. She'd expected to feel his arms snake around her waist and
his lips on her neck, and then she'd expected him to fuck her.
And she'd been prepared to hide her smile and let him.
Waking up without him now felt ... odd. The sofa felt empty. The air around her waist suddenly
felt naked and exposed, lacking his weight, the protectiveness that she felt when his arms were
around her.
She thought about just going to him herself. Thought about slipping off her sofa, walking over to
his and just lifting his blanket and slipping in beside him. She would probably fit. There was a little
room for her ...
But he looked so peaceful and she just didn't have the heart to wake him yet. He needed the rest,
and with the horrible task they all needed to do today, he needed as much of it as possible.
So, moving very quietly, Hermione got off the sofa, grabbed the little duffle bag of belongings that
she'd brought to the safehouse weeks ago, and tiptoed to the bathroom.
She washed as quickly and silently as she could, letting magic do most of the hard work for her -
because only fucking magic could tackle the absolute jungle that was her wild mess of curls. Once
she'd changed into a pair of black jeans, a black vest, and a coffee-coloured cardigan, she exited the
bathroom and made her way to the kitchen.
She quietly searched the cupboards for the mugs, and once she'd discovered where Quinzel had
hidden them, she grabbed the red one and started to look for the kettle.
It was an ancient kitchen appliance, the same type that her Grandma and Grandad used to have that
needed to be boiled over a fire. She started running through warming charms in her head, but when
she touched the thin iron handle, she found that it was hot. Not piping hot. It didn't hurt her to
touch it, but it was warm. Warm enough to mean that someone must have used it recently.
Hermione let go of the handle and looked towards the bottom of the stairs. Everyone else's
bedrooms were on the second floor. She'd been up for a while and she was sure she'd have heard
someone come down the stairs and make themselves a brew, but then again, she'd been dead to the
world not an hour ago and almost everyone in the house could use magic. Whoever it was could
have easily cast a silencing charm on their feet or staircase to avoid waking her and Malfoy.
She supposed she should just be thankful there was still enough water left in it for her to use. She
shook her head as she prepared herself a tea, and after peeking her head into the living room again
and seeing that Malfoy was still soundly asleep, she padded her way to the front door.
For a split second, Hermione thought it was Astoria sitting on the yellow picnic blanket. She had
the same tiny waist and slender arms. Same dainty, bony fingers. Same beautifully styled blonde
The Glamour charms on her face were almost identical to Astoria's. So were the huge chandelier
earrings and the black tea-cut dress she was wearing. Even the way she was sitting reminded
Hermione of Astoria, back straight, shoulders square and head held high, perfect posture, the
picture of elegance.
She had a cup of coffee in her right hand, and it was the snake tattoo that was etched there that gave
her away.
When Daphne turned around and saw Hermione hovering in the doorway, she smiled sweetly,
dimples and all. She looked much more like the Daphne in Draco's memories.
"Hello Hermione." The potions Quinzel had given her for her voice the night before had worked
wonders. The gruffness was gone. Her voice was soft and gentle again. Almost dove-like.
"Hello," Hermione greeted, suddenly a little uncomfortable. She didn't want to intrude on Daphne's
peace. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were out here. I can go back inside and -"
"Don't be daft," Daphne said softly. "It's a lovely morning. Come and sit with me," she added,
gesturing with her free hand to the space beside her.
"I don't have Black Cat Flu," Daphne said, watching Hermione closely. "You can sit on the blanket
with me."
Hermione nodded and accepted her invitation. She sat on the very edge, giving Daphne as much
space as she could manage.
The blonde studied Hermione from over the top of her cup as she took a sip of her coffee. "You can
relax. I'm not going to crumble into a million pieces if your leg accidentally brushes against mine."
"I understand. It's just ... when we were at Crouch's manor and I grabbed your shoulder-"
"That's because I thought you were him, that's all,” Daphne cut her off, her voice somehow
managing to keep the dove-like weightlessness despite the authority it carried. "I wouldn't have
reacted that way if I'd known it was you."
"I know. I wouldn't blame you if you did though, after everything you've been through."
Daphne's brows twitched and she looked back towards the field.
"I don't."
Hermione dropped the subject Immediately. If Daphne didn't want to talk about what'd happened to
her, then that was her choice to make. So instead of pressing her further, Hermione followed her
lead and looked out onto the fields with her.
The sun was starting to set over the hills and a gentle breeze was sweeping in from the West,
making the fields of corn and grain that hid the farmhouse ebb and sway gently, almost made it
look like they were dancing. To the left, Hermione could see the tip of Narcissa's snout poking out
of the bunker she was sleeping in, her nostrils flaring and relaxing every few seconds as she snored
"Quinzel says there's a soil patch over there that's perfect for planting potatoes,” Daphne said after
a long time, pointing to the field on the right.
Hermione couldn't force herself to smile. "Then that's where we should bury him."
Neither of them said his name. They didn't need to. They both knew they were talking about
Romy. Today was going to be his funeral, and as much as everyone was thrilled to have Daphne
back and safe and alive, everyone felt the sadness that hung over the farmhouse because of his
The safe house ... it didn't feel like a home without him.
They fell into silence again after that. It was quiet outside. Serene. Hermione could even hear the
gentle rustle of the wheat in the field as they danced against each other in the wind.
It was a peaceful little oasis. She wondered if Malfoy had realised that when he'd picked it as the
safehouse ...
A little while later, Narcissa half-yawned, half-growled and rose from the bunker. She shook the
sleep off her scales and stretched her wings, and when her red eyes caught the two witches sitting
together, she made a little chirping nose and started to approach them.
Daphne backed away very quickly, shuffling back and back until she was almost in the kitchen.
It was probably for the best. Narcissa didn't seem to like anyone, and remembering the way she'd
snapped at Daphne when she was just a hatchling, it was probably best if the blonde gave her
plenty of room.
When she was in front of Hermione, Narcissa settled down on the ground and nudged Hermione's
leg with the tip of her snout.
"And hello to you too,” Hermione murmured as she raised her hand and ran it over the dragon's
warm scales.
Knowing the dragon, Hermione could see that she was trying to be as gentle as she could. The
problem was that she didn't really have any knowledge of her strength - or her size - so when she
nestled her snout against Hermione's chest in what was clearly supposed to be an affectionate way,
she ended up almost knocking her over.
"Gently, Cissa. Gently,” Hermione chuckled, lightly pushing the dragon back so she could
comfortably scratch the scales underneath her chin. "There we go. That's better, isn't it?"
If Narcissa's purrs weren't confirmation enough, then the way she raised her chin even more so
Hermione could really get underneath her scales did.
Slowly - but still making sure she stayed well clear of Cissa, and her teeth - Daphne shuffled back
to her original place. "I've never seen her be like that with anyone except Draco."
Hermione felt herself smile. She was secretly proud of that fact. Yes, she was proud because -
according to Malfoy - Scandanavian Firehorn's were drawn to strength in people, they were drawn
to warriors, and so by his definition, that meant that Hermione was strong, but it was more than
She liked that there was something else connecting her and Malfoy other than his blood or their
matched skills at killing, something only shared between the two of them that wasn't related to the
war. Something that was just theirs and theirs alone.
There was a beat of silence before Daphne scoffed lightly and said, "So Astoria wasn't
exaggerating then."
When the back door creaked open, Malfoy stepped through it. He had looked a little dazed and
sleepy at first, but he smiled a little when he saw the three of them together. "Evening, ladies," he
greeted huskily.
Malfoy stroked the top of Narcissa's head before he leaned against the wall and pulled out a packet
of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth, and once he'd lit it with the tip of his wand, he took it out,
flipped it over, and held it out to Hermione.
He brushed the end of the bud against her closed lips, and the way he was looking at her, that lazy,
half-asleep smile, it made her want to clench her thighs together.
Hermione didn't say a word. She stared up at him and opened her mouth. His eyes lingered on hers
as he slipped the cigarette between her lips -
When Daphne suddenly cleared her throat, Hermione felt as though she was back in Hogwarts. Felt
that gut-wrenching, stomach dropping sort of embarrassment that she only ever felt when she was
caught doing something she shouldn't have been.
Her head snapped back forward to look at Narcissa and she felt a horrible burn flush her neck and
face. She took a deep drag of the cigarette Malfoy had given her. And then another.
She couldn't even look at him when she passed it back to him.
Malfoy didn't seem to mind. He just chuckled quietly in the back of his throat and shook his head.
"I think I might know a way to take the wards off Angel and Chester's voice boxes without
Crouch," Hermione said, needing to do something to fill the silence before it swallowed her. "It
might take me a day or two to sort through it, but I think I can do it."
Malfoy rolled his eyes, but his lazy smile remained. "Of course you have." He closed his eyes and
took his first drag of the cigarette, his face caught in that bliss Hermione always felt when the first
wave of nicotine slipped down her throat, but when he opened his eyes, his brow's creased.
When Malfoy didn't answer her, Hermione looked at Daphne. She didn't say anything either, but
she looked at Hermione briefly with the same hard, bewildered expression and then looked over
Hermione's head and stared at Malfoy.
Hermione's heart started beating faster as she looked between the two of them. "What is it?!"
"Yes, I'm fine. What's going on? What aren't you telling me?"
Malfoy slowly sank down and knelt in front of her. His cold expression morphed into one of
concern as he cupped her chin in his hand and swiped his thumb very gently over her top lip and
the skin above it.
When Malfoy pulled his hand away and showed it to her, there was blood on his thumb.
Hermione frowned and wiped the same area Malfoy had with her hand, and sure enough, when she
examined her own fingers, they were the same as Malfoy's - smeared with her blood.
How strange. She hadn't even realised that her nose was bleeding. She felt fine. A little cold. Could
have done with a few more hours of sleep, but she didn't feel hurt, and she certainly couldn't
understand why she'd had a nosebleed.
"I feel fine," Hermione blurted out. "Don't look at me like that. I'm fine."
The back door creaked open for a second time, and it was Astoria that poked her head through the
gap. "The three of you need to start getting ready. We were going to get started soon."
After a lingering look at Hermione, Malfoy followed Astoria back into the kitchen.
"Hold on," Hermione said. "He hasn't heard you. Let me go and get him."
"Don't look so frightened,” Daphne smiled. "I just wanted to say thank you."
“What for?"
Hermione's confusion must have shown on her face because after a few seconds, Daphne added,
"After everyone else went to bed last night, Astoria and I stayed up. We stayed up for ages, tucked
up in bed and talking just like we used to do when we were little." Daphne smiled fondly and
stared up at Astoria's bedroom window. "She told me everything that's happened since I left. I
thought she was exaggerating, but she wasn't, you truly saved Draco's life."
Hermione started running through everything that'd happened since she'd been captured, trying to
work out what Astoria must have told her sister. She thought about how she'd been captured, she
thought about how she'd tried to escape, how he'd reacted when Narcissa had been hurt, how she'd
saved his life when -
"That was so long ago," Hermione answered. She'd almost forgotten the time she'd plucked bullets
out of Malfoy's chest. It seemed like another lifetime. "It was partially my fault. He'd gone out on a
mission and he'd been shot with bullets that I'd helped to create before he captured me-"
Then what -
Hermione wanted to find out exactly what Daphne meant, but it wasn't fair on Romy. Everyone
was already dreading his funeral. It was going to be hard enough as it was, they didn't need
Hermione dragging it out anymore for them.
Her fingers curled around the door handle and she went to pull it open -
When Hermione turned around a final time, Daphne looked nervous. She watched Daphne smooth
out the skirt of her already pristine black dress, and then run a hand through her glossy blonde
waves before she pulled a section over her shoulder so it ran down the front of her body rather than
the back.
"You look beautiful." It wasn't a lie. She did look stunning, like something out of a black and white
Hollywood film, but Hermione was a little taken aback by the question.
Daphne nodded but she didn't look any more at ease. She looked at her warped reflection in the
kitchen window and pulled more hair over her shoulder and angled it in front of her waist.
"Malfoy did hit him very hard yesterday. He's been knocked out since -"
"He's been awake for hours," Daphne interrupted. "He came out here a little while before you did."
Daphne went quiet. She bit the inside of her cheek and her perfect brows dipped in frustration.
"Nothing. He took one look at me and went straight back inside."
Hermione blinked, at a loss for words. She knew Daphne wasn't lying, but it seemed so unlike
Theo. He'd have done anything to get Daphne back. He almost killed Hermione to save her, so why
would he suddenly not want to be around her?
Daphne looked incredibly uncomfortable. She started to absentmindedly run her thumb over her
tattoo as she stared at her reflection. "You don't think ... after what Crouch did to me ... you don't
think it ... you don't think it's made Theo ... " She took a deep breath and looked at Hermione
again. "You don't think it's made Theo change his mind about me, do you?"
Now, that was one question Hermione did know the answer to.
"Not at all," she said Immediately. "Theo loves you more than anything in the world, and that sort
of love doesn't die. It doesn't change and it doesn't go away. Medusa and this whole betrayal was
born out of his love for you. He used to spend hours sitting at your grave even though he knew you
weren't buried there. He used to sit out there all night, no matter the weather, just so he could be
close to you in whatever way he could have you. He's never stopped loving you. Ever. And
nothing Crouch or anyone else did to you could change that."
"I hope you're right. I don't know what I'd do if he didn't want me anymore."
It's called therapy, darling. Look it up
2nd April
True to their words, they gave Romy the best funeral they could.
It was sweet, but heartfelt. Short, but emotional. Small, but filled with his closest friends and the
people who cared for him.
Just before 9 o'clock in the evening, they gathered around the soil patch that Quinzel had already
picked out, all dressed in black, and they buried him together. They used magic to lower his body
into the ground, they laid seeds and trinkets beside him, they laid soil around him and flowers on
top of him, and afterwards, they all raised their wands, and beautiful, luscious green vines started to
sprout from the ground.
Quinzel had been right, it was a perfect place to plant potatoes. Romy would have loved it.
Hermione had promised Angel and Chester that she'd start work on taking the charms off their
voice boxes in the morning, so after Romy's burial, the two girls decided to retreat to bed and get
their rest and leave the people who knew Romy best to grieve over him together.
Quinzel didn't attend the wake either. She had a shot of whiskey with the group to honour Romy -
which was twice as large as anyone else's - and then hiccupped her way up the stairs and took
herself to bed. She said she was too upset and she didn't want to ruin Romy's funeral with her
sadness. Said she'd rather be on her own, and although Astoria had tried to persuade her otherwise,
she wasn't having any of it.
Once they'd laid the tiny elf to rest, those who remained sat around the kitchen table, opened a
bottle of whiskey - or two - and told as many stories about Romy as they could remember.
Astoria kicked off the laughs when she retold how Romy had walked in on her and Blaise once
when they were having sex. "The poor little sod didn't know what to do or where to look!" Astoria
had cried with laughter. "He just apologised and then ran away! He was mortified, bless him! He
was so concerned that he'd embarrassed me that he covered his eyes straight away, but then he
couldn't see where he was going and ran straight into the wall!"
Whiskey had almost spilt out of Blaise's nose when Daphne told the story of how Romy had
almost given Nagini poison instead of feed once. "It wouldn't have actually killed her though,
would it?" Blaise had asked. "She's a Horcrux. Surely she'd have been fine?"
"Who knows?" Daphne had shrugged. "All I know is that for weeks afterwards, he was twiddling
his thumbs and every time the front door burst open he'd shriek and hide!"
"Can you imagine if it'd worked and she'd died?!" Astoria had laughed. "The darkest wizard of all
time, brought down by a teeny tiny house elf?!"
Those stories were wonderful but there were other stories shared too, ones that spoke of Romy's
bravery and his enormous heart.
Astoria teared up when Blaise told everyone how Romy had helped him pick out Astoria's
engagement ring.
Hermione told everyone how sweet and kind Romy had been to her when she'd first been captured.
How, even though she was supposed to be his enemy, he'd done everything within his power to try
and make her feel safe and at home.
And there wasn't a dry eye in the room when Malfoy told everyone how much Romy had helped
him after Voldemort had killed his parents, even though it meant putting himself at great risk.
"After he killed them, he sent Greyback to come and collect their bodies," Malfoy said, eyes on the
almost drained whiskey glass on the table. "They tore my mother's body out of my arms. I was so
out of it, I don't remember what happened very clearly. I just remember that I hadn't taken their
wedding rings off yet and Greyback was trying to take their bodies away." He lightly wrapped his
fingers around the glass and started to rotate it slightly, swirling the liquid inside. "I tried to tell
them that I just wanted their wedding rings but they just laughed and mocked me. I remember
feeling desperate and just wanting to get their rings off their fingers and then Romy ... he did the
most selfless, bravest thing I'd ever seen. He attacked Greyback. Sent a bloody book soaring across
the room so that it hit the back of Greyback's head, and I was able to slip both their rings off while
he was distracted." He scoffed lightly under his breath. "I thought Greyback was going to skin him
alive but Romy managed to convince him it was Nargles that did it."
"It was one of the days your blood curse had flared up," Malfoy said. "You were in bed and dead to
the world and Romy didn't want anyone to know."
Astoria leaned back in her chair and stared out the window. It looked like she was looking out
towards Romy's grave.
"After they took their bodies, Voldemort said I wasn't allowed to clean up. He wanted their blood
to rot and soak into the walls for at least a week so I would be reminded of what would happen if I
failed or disappointed him again. Romy ordered me to go upstairs and get myself cleaned up. I was
so out of it that I just did as he said, didn't even bother to question why I was taking orders from a
house-elf." Malfoy frowned down at this glass for a moment before he brought it to his lips and
drained what was left. "When I came back downstairs, the blood was gone and the parlour room
was just as it'd been before."
"I can't believe he did that." Blaise took a swig of his whiskey. He shook his head in astonishment
as he put the empty glass back on the table. "Voldemort would have had his ... he'd have killed him
if he'd have caught him doing that."
'Voldemort would have had his head if he'd have found out'. That was what Blaise had almost said.
Hermione was glad he didn't say it, but she was more surprised that Theo hadn't. It was definitely
something he would normally do, make a very dark joke at a very tense moment as a way to lighten
the mood. But he hadn't. The punchline was right there and he didn't take it. He hadn't said
anything, just like he hadn't said anything all day.
Hermione wasn't sure if it was what Daphne had said, or the sad look in her eyes when she'd said it,
but after their conversation outside, Hermione found herself watching Theo.
She'd started with just sly little glances here and there out the corner of her eyes but before too
long, she found herself practically gawking at him for minutes at a time - because Daphne had been
right. Theo was avoiding her.
He'd stared distantly out the window when the group had met in the kitchen before Romy's funeral.
He'd looked at the ground throughout the ceremony - despite Daphne's subtle attempts to catch his
eye - and by the time the group had met in the kitchen for Romy's wake, he still hadn't glanced in
her direction. Not once.
Even then at the wake, he'd sat as far away from Daphne as the kitchen table allowed. He sat on
the other side with his hand curled around his glass and his eyes on the floor while Daphne just
stared right at him. She'd given up on trying to be subtle a while ago.
Malfoy seemed to notice it too. A few times throughout the day, Hermione had seen him look at
Theo, then at Daphne, then back to Theo before he'd shake his head and bring his attention back to
whatever he was doing.
Another woman might have been upset about being ignored by their significant other, especially
after being separated for so long. Daphne certainly was at first, but after being ignored all day, she
looked ready for a fight.
The phrase 'If looks could kill' had been whirling around Hermione's head since they'd sat down.
"He said that Voldemort had ordered me not to clean up their blood, but he'd never said anything
about Romy not cleaning it."
Daphne started to drum her nails against the wooden table. Again, she wasn't subtle about it. She
was trying to get Theo's attention in any way she could. Everyone looked at her briefly and then
turned their attention back towards Malfoy.
Astoria smiled over the top of her glass. "That's not what Voldemort meant and Romy knew it."
Hermione discreetly took another look at Daphne. She looked like she was ready to combust. Her
lips were pressed into a tight line and her eyes were almost narrowed to slits.
"Of course he did," Blaise said, his eyes drifting over to Astoria. "He wasn't nearly as daft as he let
everyone think that he was."
Astoria cocked her head to the side and smiled playfully at her husband. "Why did you look at me
when you said that?"
"Because, my dear wife," Blaise smiled, making the scars on the left side of his face pull taunt, "if
you traded in your love of shoes and diamonds for potatoes, then you and Romy would have been
the same person."
"Theo." Daphne's voice came out of nowhere. Everyone around the table turned to see her still
staring at Theo. "Look at me."
Five pairs of eyes swept to the other side of the dining table to look at Theo. He hadn't moved. He'd
gone very still and was staring at the old, tiled floor as though it held the age of secret of
"Theo," Daphne repeated, her voice starting to get louder, a little more irritated. "Look at me."
Nothing. Daphne might as well have still had the silencing charms on her voice.
Again, nothing. Not even the twitch of the muscles in his hand.
"THEO!" Daphne lurched to her feet. She slammed her open palms down on the table with enough
force to shake the wood and finally, finally, Theo looked at her. His jaw was tight and his eyes
were hard, but he was looking at her.
"What's going on?" Astoria had been completely oblivious all day and her brown eyes burned with
concern as she looked between the two of them.
"What's going on," Daphne snarled, lip curling back to expose her teeth, "is that since we've
escaped, my husband can barely look at me!"
Astoria inhaled sharply and looked at Theo. "That's not true, is it?"
Theo didn't answer. He didn't look away from Daphne but he didn't answer the question, and it
only seemed to rile Daphne up even more.
As Hermione looked between the two of them, she couldn't decide which was worse; the pain in
Daphne's eyes or the sadness in Theo's.
"It's Crouch, isn't it?" As if someone had charmed it away, all of the anger slid off her face and her
voice lost all of its venom. "Is that ... is that all you see when you look at me now?"
Theo looked away from her again. His tattooed hand curled into a tight fist against the table. "No,
that's not it. That's not -"
The way Daphne's lips started to quiver was covered by her half of the snake tattoo when she put
her hand over her mouth. "You're lying. Every time you look at me, you just see what Crouch did to
me, don't you? That's why you won't look at me anymore. That's why you won't touch me ... "
Theo fell silent again. He clenched his jaw tightly and stared down at his whiskey glass.
"Crouch said that this would happen ... " Daphne's voice shook terribly. Her words started to come
out in quick, panicked little pants like she was struggling to breathe. Black mascara-filled tears
started to escape her eyes. "He said that you wouldn't want me after he'd had me ... He used to tell
me that all the time ... every time he ... he said that if you ever found me or if I ever escaped that
you wouldn't want me ... he said that I ... that I was better off with him."
Hermione started to get up, but Malfoy's hand locked around her wrist like an iron bar keeping her
in place. He pulled her back into her chair and discreetly shook his head at her. He thought they
needed to work this out between the two of them.
"Look at you," Theo said, raising his tattooed hand and waving it over her. "Your hair, your face,
your clothes! It's like it never happened, but you can't glamour over everything! You can't glamour
over what he did to you!"
"Well can you blame her for trying?" Hermione couldn't stop herself. She'd heard enough.
"No, I don't blame her,” Theo snapped. "But that doesn't change the fact that what happened,
happened. Putting some glamours on and a pretty frock doesn't change anything!"
"Well, what would you have me do then Theo?!" Daphne shouted, tears still sliding down her
cheeks. "Would you prefer I just sit here and cry and get it all out?!"
Something flashed dangerously behind Theo's eyes. "Yes! Yes, I fucking would, because that's
what you do Daph! You don't hide from your problems! You talk about them and you face them
head-on! That's what you and Draco used to do all the time! When things got too much and you
needed to get them out, you went into a room together, locked the door, and talked until you got it
all off your chest because it always made you feel better! It always made you feel like you weren't
alone! You're not going to heal from this if you don't talk -"
The way Daphne's eyes flickered to Theo stopped him dead in his tracks. "No! You do not get to
tell me what to do!" she snarled, slamming her palms down on the table and making everyone
flinch. "This happened to me! Not to you, or Draco or Hermione or anyone else sitting around this
table! It happened to me! Me! It is my pain! And I will deal with my pain my way!"
"But you're not fucking dealing with it in your way! You're doing this for me! You're putting on
your pretty dresses and doing your hair because you're doing what you always fucking do and
you're protecting me!”
Theo sighed heavily and stared at her from across the table. "I know what you're trying to do," he
said. "This isn't just about Crouch and you, it's about me, too. The reason you're trying to pretend
like it never happened is because you don't want me to see how much I failed you. You were
caught because I wouldn't attack that hospital. Crouch took you because of me. I failed you as a
partner on the battlefield, and I failed you as a husband."
"If you're going to heal from this, you need to talk about it Daph, because that's who you are," he
added softly. "You need to let it out and do what's best for you, no matter what it costs me." His
voice started to break and quiver. "All you've ever done since the war started is protect me, no
matter what it meant for you, but this ... this thing that Crouch did to you ... it's going to eat you
from the inside out if you don't let it out."
Astoria looked between the two of them with glistening eyes, and judging from the look on her
face, she agreed with Theo.
"No one is going to force you to do anything you're not comfortable with," Theo said. "If you
honestly don't want to talk about it then you don't have to. I'll drop this whole thing and I won't
mention it ever again, but if you do, don't keep it inside because you think it will break my heart.
It's ... it's been broken since the day I watched you die."
After a long while, Daphne sighed loudly and dropped her head. She slowly sank into her chair
again and wiped away the tears that'd fallen onto her face. "I'll talk about it. Just this once."
"You don't have to do that-" Astoria started to protest, but Daphne spoke over her in a very
authorative, very 'do not fucking argue with me' type of tone.
"No, he's right, I do. I owe to it myself," Daphne said. "But I will only talk about it this once. I need
to get it off my chest but if I dwell on it, I'm going to fall apart and then I'll be no good to anyone.
There's still a war going on and I need to be able to fight when the time comes. I will sit at this
table and tell you all anything you want to know, but once I leave this room, I will not speak about
it again. I am going to put it all in a box, lock it up tight, and I won't open it again until the war is
over. Once Voldemort is dead and the danger has passed, I will deal with it in my own way. I'll go
to mind healers and therapists and whatever the fuck else is required to help me get through this,
but I am not going to do that until my family isn't in danger anymore. Do I make myself clear?"
There was a long pause as Daphne regarded everyone around the table. Her eyes lingered on Theo.
"Did you know Kiera before?" It was the first question that popped into Hermione's head, and it
seemed like a good starting point to get Daphne going.
"No," Daphne shook her head. "Not before the day she was executed. Kiera was a muggle soldier
and I was the one who captured her at the mission in Bristol. I killed the rest of her squadron and I
kept her alive so we could interrogate her later. After I'd finished tying her up, we were called to
the roof and that was when Theodore was ordered to destroy the children's hospital."
Hermione's mind went back to the memory Malfoy had once shown her. When he'd visited Daphne
in her cell before her execution there'd been a girl in the next cell. A girl with black hair and green
eyes ....
"After I was captured Malfoy came to see me and then so did Theo. I didn't regret my decision then
and I still don't now. I made my peace with what'd happened and I was happy to die to protect my
family. Knowing what I know now, if I had to make the decision again and spend the rest of my
life as Mustang, I'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant Theo went free."
Hermione knew Daphne was strong and selfless, Malfoy had told her so, but this was something
else. She meant every word she said. Although she spoke about murder and war, every word she
said was dripping in love and devotion. She loved Theo more than anything else - even more than
Astoria loved Blaise or Blaise loved Astoria - which is why she couldn't even imagine how much it
must have been hurting her that Theo was avoiding her.
"Just before I was supposed to be executed, Crouch came to our cells and ordered all the guards
there to leave us. It was just the three of us in the room. Crouch unlocked the door to Kiera's cell
and grabbed her. She was so beautiful, I'd already assumed that he was going to take her as one of
his dolls, but then he turned to me and he said that I stole Kiera's life when I captured her, so I
might as well get a good look at what I'd stolen from her, and then he raped her, right in front of
Astoria shivered and downed the rest of her glass. She got up, grabbed a fresh bottle and poured
everyone another round of liquid courage before Daphne continued.
"Afterwards, he took out his wand and started to shave all of her hair off. He left her cell and then
walked over to mine and unlocked it. I remember thinking that he was going to do the same to me.
I was ready to fight him, but then all he did was cut off a lock of my hair and drop it into his
hipflask. I didn't understand his plan until he went back into Kiera's cell and made her drink it. He
gave her Polyjuice potion that transformed her into me. She was executed in my place, and I was
made to live her fate and become a Doll." Daphne shook her head and scoffed lightly. A tear
escaped the corner of her eye and she wiped it away and chased it down with whiskey. "You've got
to hand it to Crouch, it was a brilliant plan. He made sure there was no doubt. He made sure
everyone who loved me thought I was dead so no one would come looking for me. He's as clever
as he is sick in the head."
"Did anyone else know?" came Malfoy's voice, cold and seething with anger.
"No. Only Crouch and Voldemort knew who I was. Crouch only ever made me drink Polyjuice
potion when he had guests coming over and he wanted to show off. The Dolls knew what I really
looked like but he'd taken their voices away so it didn't matter that they knew. They couldn't tell
anyone and he had enough of Kiera's DNA to make decades' worth of Polyjuice potion so no one
would ever find out."
"So whenever you were around Crouch's manor...?" Blaise started to ask.
"I looked like myself, but when he had guests over or needed someone on his arm, I looked like
Kiera. The first few months were ... the worst thing I'd ever experienced. He came to my room
every night and he ..." Daphne's voice shook. She couldn't say the word. She swallowed thickly
and tried again, knowing they didn't need her to elaborate. They knew what Crouch had done to
her. She didn't need to say it out loud. "After a few years, he got bored of me. He gets bored of all
the Dolls after a while, they only ever have a shelf-life of two years or so, but he never got rid of
me. He hasn't ... touched me like that for a long time but he wouldn't kill me either. He got bored of
my body but he didn't get bored of making me suffer. He used to like to torture me in other ways.
He used to tell me you were dead all the time, Theo. He used to decapitate people, cast Disillusion
charms on their heads so that they looked like you and then throw them at me. All I'd see is your
head. Decapitated and bleeding on my lap. I picked up a bread knife once and tried to stab him. I
didn't care if it killed me too, I just wanted it to end but I fucking missed."
"I never stopped trying to get out though. Even though we could barely communicate with one
another, I always tried to rally the other girls and see if we could find a way to get out together.
Crouch figured it out after a while." Daphne finished her whiskey and held her glass up to her sister
for her to refill before she carried on. "He kept me separate from the other girls after that."
"Where did he keep you?" It was Theo who asked the question, and Daphne's eyes grew very sad
when she answered him.
"When I came to Crouch's manor, that night after the first dinner … You were there, weren't you?"
Blaise pulled her into his side so she could muffle her cries against his shoulder.
"I know." Daphne forced a smile. "I was chained in the corner. Crouch had cast a strong
Disillusion charm around me. I think he knew you were going to come back for me. It was like
being trapped in an invisible box." Daphne got up from the table and started to walk over to Theo,
more and more tears gathering in her eyes with every step she took. "I saw you and I knew you'd
come back for me, even though you didn't know it was me. I knew you felt something. I couldn't
believe it when I saw you walk into the stables. Then I saw you rub the back of your hand." She
knelt by his side and took his tattooed hand in hers. "I knew you felt something. I was so happy, I
thought you were going to get me out. I got up and started calling out to you but you couldn't hear
me. I started screaming and banging my fists against the wall, you looked in my direction once. I
was screaming 'I'm here! I'm right here', but you just couldn't hear me, baby."
That was when Theo started to crack. He started to sob quietly. He tried to hide behind his hands,
but Daphne wouldn't allow it.
"I'm sorry," Theo choked. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I failed you."
"This wasn't your fault." Daphne cupped her hands on either side of his face but when she tilted his
head so she could look at him, Theo closed his eyes and tried to move away.
"Please don't do that." Tears started to slide down Daphne's cheeks. "Don't pull away from me like
you're ashamed to look at me."
"But I am ashamed!" Theo said hoarsely. "I'm not ashamed of you. I could never be ashamed of
you. I'm ashamed of myself. You were there the entire time. I could have saved you so many times
and I- I -"
"No, no, no, no," Daphne soothed, running her thumbs across his cheeks and catching his tears.
"Don't blame yourself. Crouch made it impossible for you to save me. He made sure you'd think I
was dead so you wouldn't even look for me."
"But I should have ... I should have known something was wrong! I should have ... it's my fault that
you were -"
"You didn't ask me to cover for you. I made that decision myself," Daphne said. "I knew the risks
when I killed Jones. I knew what might happen and if I was given the same choice today I'd do the
same thing. I would do anything to protect you -"
"Theo, you saved me as much as I saved you. The only thing that got me through all those awful
years with Crouch was you."
When Theo started to pull away again, Daphne's grip on him tightened. She stood up and took a
deep breath, and then she sat down on Theo's knee and her hands slid to the back of his neck.
Daphne leaned her forehead against Theo's and closed her eyes. "Don't ever think that you failed
me because you haven't. I would have killed myself years ago if it wasn't for you. Thinking about
you is what got me through all of it. Thinking about our wedding, what we would have done for
our vow renewal." She started to play with the curls at the nape of Theo's neck, wrapping and
unwrapping the strands around her fingers. "You remember, don't you? How we were planning on
renewing our vows?"
For the first time that evening, Theo smiled a little. Just a little upturn of his lips. "Of course I
remember. November. We were going to do it under the cherry blossom tree and have our first
dance to-"
Hermione had already guessed that Theo's love of Queen songs was because of Daphne, but
hearing it from him, seeing them together ...
Theo's eyes darted to Daphne's lips. He raised his hand like he wanted to tuck a strand of hair
behind her ear, but he stopped himself. "What else did you think about?"
"Lots of things. The lazy Sundays we used to spend in bed together. Those stupid jokes you'd
whisper in my ear at inappropriate times. Singing and dancing to 80's songs with you. Thinking
about all those little things was what kept me alive. You were my life raft, Theo. You were the
thing that kept me hanging on."
Hermione had never seen anyone look so torn as Theo was in those moments. He looked relieved
and heartbroken at the same time. His fingers and hands twitched. He wanted to hold her. He
wanted to reach out and comfort his crying wife but he was afraid to touch her, and Daphne had
She caught his wrists, but when she pulled his arms up so that they wrapped around her waist -
Theo pulled them away.
"Please don't pull away from me," Daphne sobbed quietly. "You're not going to hurt me. I love you.
I need this. I need you. Crouch has taken so much from us. He's taken years away from us, years
which we could have been together and happy and ... He's already taken so much from us, don't let
him take our future, too."
Daphne taking control and putting Theo's arms around her tipped him over the edge, and whatever
resolve he'd been clinging to came crashing down. His arms became like veins. He wrapped them
around her and crushed her against his chest as he sobbed and peppered kisses up and down the
side of her face.
"I love you so much," Theo sobbed into her cheek. "Nothing could ever change that. Nothing. I
never stopped loving you, not for a minute, not for a second. I thought about you every day, I loved
you every day."
"I love you too," Daphne sobbed. She caught Theo's face in her hands again and kissed him again
and again. "I don't ... I don't know if I'll ever be the same as I was. I can't promise we will ever get
back to where we were. After Crouch ... there might be things that I can't ... that I don't know if I'll
be able to – "
"I don't care about that," Theo answered instantly. "I don't care if we never share a bed again. Just
having you here... I feel like I'm dreaming." He reached up and held the side of Daphne's face.
She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. A tear ran down her face as her lips started to
Theo leaned forward and kissed her again. "I wish I could kill him for you."
"You have no idea how much I wish we could," Daphne laughed shakily. "But he's even taken that
away from me too."
"Would it help?" Theo asked. "If you could hurt him, would it make you feel better?"
The sound of the basement door swinging open was like a curtain call, the open to the show.
Crouch jolted upright. He was the sole audience member of the show, but he didn't look very
pleased with the privilege. He didn't look very pleased to be there at all. He fought against his
chains even though it was futile, Granger had cast them which meant that they were pretty much
Theo whistled quietly as he wheeled the trolley into the basement. He glided over to where Crouch
was bound like he didn't have a care in the world. He stopped when he was standing in front of his
little houseguest, letting the trolley rest at his side, and then he conjured a wooden pop-up chair.
He spun it around and sat on it back to front, folding his arms and resting his elbows on the back of
the chair.
"Crouchy babyyy." Theo grinned. "How're you finding your stay with us? What would you rate
your stay at Dungeon a la Farmhouse so far? Five stars?"
Crouch levelled him with a disgusted look. He leaned back in his chair and his nose crinkled in
"Well?" Theo prodded Crouch's leg with the tip of his shoe. "Four stars? Three?" When Crouch
didn't answer, Theo gasped in fake horror and covered his mouth. "No? Surely not two stars? Oh
deary me that won't do. We'll never get any more business with those types of reviews -"
"Whatever game you're trying to play here," Crouch drawled, “it won't work."
Theo's grin stretched wider and he cocked his head to the side. "Why's that then mate?"
"If you asked my dad that question, then the answer would have been yes."
"Haven't you heard a single word I've said?! Are you a fucking imbecile?"
"Again, if you asked my dad, then the answer would have be -"
"You can't kill me! I've already won! You can't kill me without killing your wife! If you could
even still call her that. I bet you see it, don't you?"
Theo pulled out his wand and twirled it idly between his fingers, letting the threat be known, but
Crouch wasn't deterred by the threat of a wand. If anything, it seemed to spur him on.
"She's a fucking beauty, isn't she? And she has such a lovely neck. So soft and warm. Tell me,
when you look at her neck, do you see me? Do you see where I used to bite her all the time -
"Whoopsies," Theo said, softly blowing the tip of his smoking wand. "Still not quite used to this
wand. Temperamental, 'aint it? Goes off with little blasting curses all the time."
Crouch panted heavily in his chair and hissed in pain. The clothes that covered his right shoulder
were singed and melting from Theo's accidental hex, revealing burnt flesh underneath.
"You sadistic prick! Do you honestly think you can hold me here?! Do you have any idea how
valuable I am to the Dark Lord!? He's probably got dozens of scouts out looking for me right now!
And when he finds me, anything you do to me, he will return to you tenfold! Mark my words!"
Theo sighed heavily and stood up. "Bloody 'ell, think a lot of yourself, don't ya?" He banished the
chair and smiled down at Crouch. "Even if the Dark Lord did give a shit about you - which he
doesn't, by the way - clever clogs upstairs has cast every fucking protective ward known to
wizarding kind on this room. You're not getting out of here." Theo walked forward until he was
almost sat on Crouch's knee. He placed his free hand on the backrest of the chair beside Crouch's
head and then leaned down so that their noses were almost touching. "No one is looking for you
and no one is coming to save you. No one fucking cares about you. So it doesn't matter if I do this -
" Grinning the entire time, Theo dragged the tip of his wand across Crouch's cheek and sliced a
deep cut from his ear to the corner of his mouth.
Crouch tried to get away but he had nowhere to go. All he could do was sit there and scream and
thrash as Theo had his fun. "What's this?!" Crouch panted, struggling for breath when Theo finally
stopped the slicing curse. "Revenge for hurting you?"
"Nah, that's water under the bridge." Theo grinned, his head still cocked to the side, playing with
his food. "Truth is, I don't give a fuck about what you did to me. When it comes to torture Salazar
knows I've done a lot worse and to a lot more people. I was bound to get my comeuppance one day
or another. What I do care about, however, was what you did to Daph."
Crouch suddenly went very still. The triumph fell from his face like Theo had slapped it off. His
throat bobbed as he attempted to swallow his fear. It made Theo smile watching it. He'd cut his
throat open and drag his fear back up if he needed to. Could be fun, actually. He'd never done that
before ...
"Do you have any idea what it's like to lose the person most important to you?" Theo asked in a
low, quiet voice. "Do you have any idea what it's like to have the other person who makes you
whole be ripped out of your arms, be made to watch them die, just to find out that they've been
alive all along? Being tortured and raped, right under your fucking nose?"
Theo dragged his wand up Crouch's neck and not so gently jabbed it into the fresh wound he'd
created in Crouch's cheek.
Theo just dug his wand in harder and twisted it around until he felt the side of Crouch's teeth.
"I'd love nothing more than to kill you, but, as you so cleverly pointed out, you linked your life to
hers," Theo sharply pulled his wand out of Crouch's face, and one quick healing charm repaired the
damage he'd done, “so I can't."
Crouch started to smile. Some of his fear ebbed away. "Exactly. See, you do listen."
"Yeah," Theo said. "I do listen sometimes. When it's important. When it involves her. That's why
I've come here to ask, beg really.” Theo dropped to his knees. “You’re a lot older than she is which
means that no matter what happens you'll die before she's ready, so I need to know. Please, please,
is there any way to unlink your life from hers? I'll do anything?"
Theo's eyes burned. He felt something wet slide down his cheek. "Anything you want. I'll let you
go. I'll kill everyone upstairs if that's what it takes. Just please tell me, is there a way to unlink the
two of you?"
Crouch's tongue darted out to wet his lips in that horrible way he always tended to do, and then he
leaned forward and said; "No. I linked our lives with the same spell the Dark Lord used to link
Malfoy's life to the Mudblood's. There's nothing you can do. The spell can't be broken."
There it was.
Theo dropped his head to hide his face. His shoulders were shaking, jerking up and down. "Thank
you." His voice cracked. He lifted his head and grinned up at Crouch. "That was all I needed to
know." And quick as a flash, Theo sprang back to his feet and stood up tall.
"Course I was," Theo grinned, wiping away the crocodile tears with the back of his head. "I've been
playing the role of a loyal servant to Voldemort for years. That was the performance of a lifetime,
whipping up a few crocodile tears to fool you is nothing."
Crouch started to thrash in his chair. The wood creaked and it almost looked like he was going to
break free but seeing Crouch's expression, watching him wobble about like he was, Theo couldn't
help but laugh.
"Take it, easy Crouchy boy. Don't hurt yourself before the big surprise."
"What surprise-"
The door to the basement creaked open. Theo heard light footsteps behind him. His smile grew
bigger when he smelled lilacs and oranges.
"She's running this show mate, I'm just here to observe." Theo took a step back and stood behind
his wife. "She can cut you up. Carve you up. Do whatever she wants to you for as long as she
wants and when you're on death's door, I'll heal you, make you all shiny and new again, and then
she'll get to hurt you all over again. Every day. Every night. Whenever she wants, for as long as she
Bingo. There it fucking was. The money shot. The thing that Theo had been dying to see.
Crouch thought he was being clever when he'd linked his life to Daphne's. He thought it was a life
raft, a failsafe, a way to make sure he survived and he'd waved it in front of Theo like a trophy.
But it turned out it wasn't a life raft, it was the stupidest thing he could have ever done. Now, Theo
had no reason to kill him. Now, Theo would make sure he lived a long and healthy life, just so he
and Daph could have their fun with him and make him pay ...
"And what is that supposed to achieve?!" It sounded like Crouch was having trouble breathing.
Good, that meant he was starting to understand the grave he'd dug for himself.
"It's called therapy, darling. Torture therapy. Look it up." Theo smirked. "You hurt her, so she
hurts you back."
Daphne's eyes flickered to the tray Theo had wheeled in. She waltzed straight over to it and picked
up a silver dagger with a black handle. She held the knife up to her face so she could examine it,
and when she looked at Crouch, he flinched.
"You mean it?" Daphne asked. "This can go on for as long as I want?"
Theo nodded. "If that's what you need, sweetheart, then yes. We can make it a date night if you
want. I'll even bring some wine down. Light a few candles. Play some music ... "
"Yes. As long as you don't puncture anything that would kill him instantly, like his brain or his
heart - " he threw Crouch a very sinister, very sarcastic kind of look, "not that he has one - then you
can do whatever the fuck you want to him."
"I don't know where to start. There's so much ... I have so much anger ... I don't know where to put
Theo smirked and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Let me help you then." He didn't let go
of her face, he held it in his hand and brushed his thumb slowly over the soft skin of her cheek.
This was something he was good at. This was something he could help her with. Something they
could do ... together, after all these years apart.
"Let's retrace your steps," he said. "Where was the last place he hurt you?"
"Is all this supposed to frighten me?" Crouch spat. "You expect me to believe that you could hurt
me? You can't kill me without killing yourself. You're mine, Mustang. Your body is mine. Your
voice is mine. Your life is mine. You are mine."
Daphne didn't even twitch. She didn't flinch and she didn't cower at his words, she just stared down
at him. Theo couldn't tell what she was thinking.
"You can do whatever you want to me, but it will do you no good. No matter where you go or what
you do, you'll never be able to get rid of me. You'll never be able to stop thinking about me. It'll
always be there, in the back of your mind. I'll always be there. The monster in your dreams. The
thing you can't get rid of no matter how hard you try. I'm a scar that will never go away."
Crouch swallowed thickly. It looked like he was trying to lean away from her in his chair.
"You're insignificant, Barty. You're nothing. Even the Dark Lord doesn't respect you and you
helped bring him back to life," Daphne said. "You're not a God or a Demon or a great warrior that
people will remember. You're just a man. A selfish, spoilt little man who could only feel powerful
when he made someone else feel weak. But that makes you weak Crouch, not me."
Crouch's nostrils flared. Terror started to creep back into his eyes.
"And you won't be with me forever. I'll make sure of it. I'm not saying it will be easy. It might take
me a year, it might take me a decade, but eventually, they'll come a day when I don't think about
you and what you did to me at all. I'll forget all about you, just for a day, but that'll be enough.
Because then one day will become two. Two days will become a week and so on until eventually,
even I'll forget you, and you will be no one. It'll be like you never existed at all, but that doesn't
mean you shouldn't pay now."
Daphne didn't say anything else. She glided towards Crouch and speared the knife into the back of
his hand.
When Crouch howled in pain, Daphne took a step back. She stared down at him and inhaled
sharply. There was a fire in her eyes, even if they had started to glisten with tears.
She felt better. Making Crouch hurt was doing the trick. She pulled the knife out of his hand and
hovered it over his bicep, and when she surged it forward, her free hand flew to his mouth.
Theo couldn't hear Crouch scream as Daphne twisted the knife and that was the whole point.
She wanted to hurt him but she wanted him silent. She wanted to make him feel every ounce of
pain that he'd made her feel and not be able to beg or scream for it to stop, just like he'd done to
Theo stood back and watched her stab Crouch in the stomach, then his leg, then his shoulder, and
when she was done, there were blotches of Crouch's blood all over her arms and clothes but the
sadness in her, it was finally starting to go away …
When she turned to Theo her chest was heaving and her face was wet with tears and blood, but she
was smiling. "Thank you," she sighed. The relief in her voice was unmistakable. "Thank you, Theo
Theo walked closer and stood in front of her. He felt the heat radiating from her body. He smelled
lilacs and oranges. She was back. She was really there, with him, and even though he knew that, he
needed to check, just to be sure. He leaned forward and - with the gentlest of pressures - kissed her
"Don't stop there," he murmured, lips still on her skin. He kissed away a tear as it slipped down her
cheek. It might've meant nothing to her, but in Theo's own little way, he felt like he was kissing
away her pain as it left her body. "He's all yours. Make him pay for what he did to you."
"And to you." Daphne tilted her chin so she could look in Theo's eyes. "He's hurt you too." She
smiled a little, not enough to make her dimples appear, and took his hand, joining their tattoos,
making the snake whole again for the first time in years. "This is for you as much as it is for me."
11th April
It took Hermione two days of experimenting before she finally managed to rid Chester and Angel
of the charms Crouch had placed on their voice boxes. It turned out to be an incredibly tedious and
fiddly task. There was lots of trial and error. It was nowhere near as easy as she'd thought it would
be, but seeing the looks on Angel and Chester's faces when they were gone, seeing the joy in their
eyes when they finally heard their own voices after so long, it made it worth it.
Sarah and Megan, those were their names. Their real names.
Sarah was one on her own. She had a personality as fiery as her red hair and a low, throaty voice
that sounded like she smoked a packet of cigarettes a day. Sarah had a lot to say - most of which
were profanities aimed at Crouch and Yaxley and other Death Eaters she didn't know the names of
- and every other word she said seemed to be a curse.
Quinzel was appalled by her language. Daphne and Theo thought it was hilarious.
Megan, on the other hand, was very quiet. She spoke enough for Hermione to discover that she was
twenty-two years old and had been hiding in a muggle refuge in London when Crouch had found
her. She didn't really say much at all and the little that she did speak was in a thick accent that
could only come from the East End of London. Theo was convinced that she was the daughter of a
mafia boss. Megan just smiled and although she didn't confirm Theo's theory, she didn't exactly
deny it either.
Although the group had offered to let them stay at the farmhouse - or let them use one of the other
safe houses Malfoy had set up - after a few days of deliberation, they chose to live at one of the
Order's bases.
Hermione could understand why. There were a lot of muggle refugees living at the Order's bases
and that ultimately was what swayed their decision. When they'd been captured, both of the girls
had had families, brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers that'd still been very much alive, and
they both thought that they had a better chance of reuniting with them if they stayed with the
No one in the farmhouse seemed too surprised by the girl's decision, but no one told them the
likelihood of their families still being alive was impossibly low.
Malfoy and Hermione had taken the girls to East Midlands airport and Ginny and Fleur had come
to pick them up. Ginny had smiled and told Hermione that Kingsley would be in touch to arrange a
meeting. She'd told Hermione to keep an eye on the postal point they used to use to drop off
messages between the two sides, and then she'd Apparated away.
With both Sarah and Megan gone, bedroom musical chairs ensued again. Blaise and Astoria stayed
in their room. Theo and Daphne shared Theo's room. Quinzel took what Hermione had assumed
was going to be Malfoy's, and Hermione and Malfoy slept on the sofas in the living room.
It was a week before Kingsley wanted Malfoy and Hermione to go to the Order's base. A peaceful
week where none of them had to think about battles or attacks or orders from their superiors. A
bloody lovely week where none of them really thought about the war and they could just get on
with things that used to be important to them.
In those first few days, even the most mundane tasks became like a breath of fresh air.
Quinzel was so overcome with grief for her friend, that she didn't want to do anything, and no one
minded picking up her chores. While Quinzel locked herself in her room, the others pitched in, and
Hermione swore she even heard Malfoy humming one afternoon while he and Astoria cooked.
Malfoy set very clear and very stern instructions that no one was to go outside of the protective
wards he'd set up unless they were doing an essential supply run or it was absolutely necessary.
Theo broke the rule on the second day. He'd sneaked out during the night - and Merlin only knew
where he'd gone or how he'd gotten his hands on it - but he returned the next morning with a
vintage cassette player perched on his shoulder and a stack of 80's cassettes under his arm.
Malfoy had been fucking livid with him, but his little mission had pleased the right person. Daphne
had been thrilled with her present, and the farmhouse was never quiet again.
From that moment on, there always seemed to be a string of happy, upbeat music playing in the
background. Smiles seemed to be infectious, laughter even more so.
Almost every day afterwards, they gathered around the kitchen island and drank whiskey and
listened to the cassettes that Theo had stolen. They danced - well, Theo, Daphne, Astoria and
Hermione danced. Malfoy and Blaise stayed in their chairs with their whiskey and watched.
However, on the fourth night, after many whiskeys and lots of persuasions - and Daphne and Theo
chanting 'Weeeee like to dance with Draco,' - Blaise and Malfoy did get up and dance. They had to
be physically pulled out of their chairs, but they did dance/awkwardly sway to Karma Chameleon
when Daphne forced them to.
Hermione had been surprised that they all knew the lyrics to so many 80's songs considering most
of them were written by muggle artists, but nothing - absolutely fucking nothing - surprised her
more to discover that Malfoy - Draco bloody Malfoy – knew every single word to Stayin Alive by
the Bee Gees, and the memory of him drunkenly singing and dancing to it at 3 am was her new
favourite memory. Ever.
Although it was clear that Daphne thought a lot of Megan and Sarah, it felt as though she relaxed
after they'd left. The three of them had bonded over something so horrific that no one else could
ever really understand. Daphne cared for the girls, but seeing Megan and Sarah daily ... it must
have been a constant reminder for her. And she didn't want to remember. She wanted to move on
with her life and act as though those horrific years had never happened to her, and the presence of
other girls who'd been through the same thing didn't allow her to do that.
Hermione couldn't blame her. She'd have probably reacted the same way.
In some ways, it was like Daphne had never been gone. She slipped back into their family
perfectly, and why shouldn't she? She still belonged there. It was still her family and nothing was
ever going to change that.
Daphne split her time between her family and training outside. She used Astoria's wand to practice
duelling. She was a little rusty and wasn't used to using her sister's wand, but she was regaining her
confidence and skill quickly. When Daphne duelled, she almost looked like she was dancing. She
was very quick and light on her feet and the way she twirled when she threw a curse, the way her
body bent and the way she often raised herself onto the tips of her toes when she attacked, it
reminded Hermione of a Ballet dancer.
She didn't talk about Crouch or anything related to him. Just as she'd promised, she'd taken what
he'd done to her, put it in a box, locked it up and was refusing to open it until the war was over. If
she was secretly hurting inside, then she was a better actress than Theo was. No one would have
been able to tell just by looking at her.
She always looked beautiful and immaculately dressed. She always wore a genuine, wide smile
that showed her dimples and Theo ... Theo was whole again. That empty and vacant look that
Hermione saw in him was gone. He laughed again. He smiled again. Every second he spent with
Daphne and that sadness that used to hang over him all the time like a ghost, it was gone.
Theo and Daphne were inseparable. They did everything together. Trained. Cleaned. Cooked. They
were glued at the hip and their tattooed hands were always joined - even when they slept.
Hermione caught them dancing in the kitchen one morning while they made breakfast together.
She'd woken up alone one morning to the sound of Somebody to Love by Queen blasting from the
Daphne had been wearing one of Theo's jumpers like it was a dress and they'd both been singing
into spatula's like they were microphones. Hermione had stood in the doorway with a smile on her
face and watched Daphne steal Theo's pretend microphone and hold it hostage, only for Theo to
then grab her wrist, spin her around and lure her into dancing with him again.
When Daphne was in and around the farmhouse, she tried her best to be normal, but when she went
into the basement with Theo ... Neither of them ever really went into detail about what happened
when they were in there, but when they emerged afterwards, both of them were always smiling,
curled in each-others arms, whispering and giggling in each-others ears.
Hermione even managed to get back to painting. She found some old brushes and pots of paint in
one of the many many many old sheds that were darted around the farm. She only had four colours
and the brushes were old and matted but it was nothing a few well-placed charms couldn't rectify.
So, when Hermione's free time wasn't taken up doing supply runs with Malfoy or doing chores
around the house, she painted. It felt so good to have a brush back in her hand. It was a nice bit of
normalcy that made her feel like the war was finally coming to an end. And while she painted, her
mind would start to wonder, like it always did. While she painted the small mural of daisies in the
kitchen to try and brighten up the dark room, she thought about her parents and wondered if she
should make a fake grave for them after the war. They wouldn't be buried there, but at least she
would have somewhere to visit them - and a place to lay flowers in their memory...
When she'd started to paint a beach and waterfalls in the bathroom, she'd thought about Malfoy and
all the beaches and places they'd talked about travelling to in their imaginary 'other life', and when
she'd started painting a poppy field in the hallway, she'd started to contemplate her own future.
Because what was she actually going to do with her life when all this was over?
Astoria and Blaise had talked about finding a house in the centre of London and possibly starting a
family. Theo and Daphne had talked about finding a flat around the corner, but Hermione ... Every
time she thought about her future, she could never settle on what she wanted to do.
She couldn't go back to Hampstead Garden, the thought alone made her shiver. There was nothing
left for her there anymore, she'd have to find herself a new home.
Harry and Ginny had once told her that there'd always be a place for her in their home after the
war, but after everything she'd done, would they really want her around their children?
No, she couldn't stay with them either but the thought of living alone or staying in one place for a
long time ... that didn't sit right with her either.
She supposed she could always take Malfoy up on his offer to travel with him. She might actually
like it. A different country every week ... Spending her days exploring with him and her nights ...
Hermione hissed when the running water unexpectedly turned scalding. She turned the cold tap
until the water was more comfortable and after she'd washed the red paint off her hands, she
gripped either side of the sink and looked at her reflection in the mirror.
Just like she had done every day for the past nine days, she leaned her head back so she could see
into her nostrils more clearly, and just as they had been every time she'd checked, there was no
It'd been a week since Hermione had had her nosebleed. She hadn't had another once since then,
and she didn't know if that was a comfort or a curse.
She sighed heavily and her hands tightened against the edge of the sink. She stared at her reflection
again in the bathroom mirror. She didn't feel any different. She didn't look any different. She knew
she shouldn't dwell on it and yet, she couldn't stop her mind from going back to it.
Spontaneous nosebleeds weren't something she'd ever suffered with, not even as a child. She
remembered one girl she used to play with when she was young, Jessica Righter or Lighter - she
couldn't remember which. She used to suffer from them all the time. Hermione remembered how
they'd played together in the park once, all laughter and smiles and then all of a sudden, Jessica's
nose had started to bleed.
It'd frightened Hermione the first happened - she'd thought the girl was dying. She'd run into her
parent's house screaming and crying but once her father had explained that it was normal, she
relaxed and whenever it would happen again, Hermione would just smile reassuringly and offer
Jessica a tissue. It was normal, just one of those things for Jessica and lots of other people - but
Hermione had never suffered with them, so she couldn't understand why she was now -
"Granger," she heard Malfoy say from the other side. "Are you ready to go?"
Malfoy hovered for a moment before she heard his footsteps from the other side of the door,
getting quieter and quieter as he walked away.
She gave herself one last glance in the mirror before she opened the door and went to find him.
Malfoy was waiting for her in the kitchen. He was leaning against the dining table with his arms
folded across his chest and a slight frown on his face.
Daphne was sat on the kitchen counter, her long legs dangling over the side with Theo standing in
front of her. They were both facing Malfoy, Theo's hips were nestled in between her open thighs
and although they were both listening to whatever Malfoy was saying, the pair of them couldn't
have looked more invested in each other.
Daphne had her arms folded and resting on the back of Theo's shoulders and her chin was resting
on the top of his head.
Both of Theo's hands were laid gently atop Daphne's thighs and as he spoke to Malfoy, his thumbs
stroked little patterns into her legs.
"You're so full of shit," Theo scoffed. "How can you possibly think that Konrad Weiss was a better
seeker than Victor Krum?! We saw Krum play at the Quidditch world cup and he was
phenomenal! Even your mum thought so and she knew fuck all about Quidditch!"
Malfoy sighed and rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. "Krum wasn't that good."
Theo burst into a very loud - very fake - laugh. "Oh really? Is that why you and your dad put
twenty galleons on him being the best individual scorer of the entire Quidditch world cup?"
"No, I didn't.”
"I didn't!"
"You did blondie," Daphne chirped in. "I was there when you put the bet on. You said you'd buy
me and Tori a present if you won."
"Aha!" Theo shouted, pointing one of his fingers and thrusting it into the air. "There it is! The lady
has spoken! We have a witness, your honour, the case is closed! We win! You lose!"
Daphne chuckled softly and then she leaned down and whispered something in Theo's ear.
"Oh, here we fucking go," Malfoy snapped. "She's been back home five minutes and the bloody
whisper twins are back. Didn't take you long to find your feet again, did it?"
Daphne smiled and very elegantly displayed her middle finger to Malfoy, and when she lowered
said offensive finger, she slid her hand into Theo's curls and started to gently massage the back of
his head.
Theo closed his eyes and leaned into Daphne's hand. He had a small smile on his face and looked
the picture of contentment.
"Sorry, Draco," Daphne said, grinning. "I suppose we shouldn't be so hard on you, you know ...
given the circumstances."
"Oh my, have you heard this? He's pretending he doesn't know."
"I know. He's in denial." Theo tutted and shook his head, speaking to Daphne as though it was just
the two of them in the kitchen.
"Poor bloke."
Although Daphne and Theo seemed to be having a fabulous time winding Malfoy up, Malfoy
looked like he was about to explode. "What the fuck are you two on about?!"
"What's obvious?!"
Theo tilted his head back so he could look up at Daphne. "Shall we tell him?"
"Tell me what?!"
"That your sudden aversion to who used to be your favourite Quidditch player -"
Malfoy scoffed loudly and rolled his eyes again. Even Hermione thought it looked a bit over the
top, almost like he was putting it on. "Do you honestly think I would be jealous of Krum because
he slept with Granger once, years ago?"
When Malfoy made an angry sort of noise and shook his head, Daphne whispered something in
Theo's ear again.
Daphne and Theo playfully glared at Malfoy for a moment, and then Theo whispered something
else to her, making sure to cover his mouth with his hand so Malfoy couldn't read his lips.
Just when it looked like Malfoy was about to strangle Theo, Hermione entered the kitchen.
"Draco," she greeted, fighting a smile. "Are you ready to go?"
Theo chuckled under his breath when Daphne whispered something in his ear.
Malfoy glared at Theo and Daphne as he walked towards the kitchen door. He unlocked it and held
it open for Hermione to walk out in front of him, and just before she made it over the threshold, she
saw Theo and Daphne making whipping motions behind Malfoy's back and chuckling under their
breath. When they were outside, they walked side by side. Hermione's hand brushed the back of
his, it would have been so easy to just take it. Her fingers were itching to reach out and intertwine
with his.
Narcissa sat outside bathing in the late afternoon sun. Her wings were curled around her and her
head was down. She was very busy pulling the little muscle that remained off the horse corpse that
was in her talons, but just as Malfoy and Hermione were about to Apparate, she caught sight of the
pair of them and raised her head.
"You're not coming with us," Malfoy told her when she started to get up. "Sorry girl."
The dragon huffed irritably and looked at Hermione. It almost made her laugh, it was like she was
trying to get a second opinion.
"He's right," Hermione answered, biting her lip to try and hide her smile. "You need to stay here
this time. I'm sorry."
Hermione reached out to pet her but Narcissa huffed irritably and turned her back on the pair. For a
beast so large and deadly, it turned out she was quite sensitive. Hermione made a mental note to
ask Hagrid if he had any more Grindylow neck joints. That might cheer her up - which reminded
her ...
Malfoy quirked a brow and smirked down at her. "Whatever are you implying?"
"You know what I'm implying. This is a big step for the Order. Kingsley invited us personally.
They're inviting us into their base."
"As they should after we stole and hand-delivered them a bloody Horcrux. You'd think after all that
they'd at least send a gold carriage to pick us up and we wouldn't have to make our own way there."
"What? It's the least they could do. You'd think they'd butter us up a bit first before they tell us
about a stupid loophole in our contract."
Hermione went to swat him again but he swerved out of the way. "Don't say things like that. Why
would you think he's not going to give you pardons?"
"Oh come on, he's not invited us all the way to their base to have a cup of tea and congratulate us.
There's something else in it."
"No," Hermione hissed. "He's invited us there to discuss the next phase of the plan. They destroyed
another Horcrux because of you, there's no way he could go back on his word now.”
"And you think Kingsley's word means anything?" Malfoy's laugh was light and whimsical, almost
"Well, no ... but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't honour - "
"Kingsley wants to stay in control of the Order, and he'll only do that as long as people trust his
judgment and believe in him. Yes?"
"And those people in the bases with him - the ones whose vote is the only thing keeping him in
power - they've lost family members, yes? Had their loved ones slaughtered by Death Eaters and
such? So how do you think they're going to feel when they see he's pardoned two of the most
ruthless Death Eaters that ever lived-"
"Three of the most ruthless Death Eaters that ever lived," Hermione interrupted. "I meant it when I
said that I was going to get you a pardon as well. And Daphne. I'll get all of you pardons. I'll make
Kingsley's word for it."
"No," she snapped. "He promised that he would pardon you all if you got him a Horcrux. You did
that. You delivered your half of the bargain -"
"And then I blew our cover and now we're useless to him."
Malfoy gave her one of those lopsided smirks that made her heart flutter. "That won't matter to the
Order. I've blown our cover. We can't leak any more secrets and we can't tear Voldemort's army
down any more than we already have. So unless Kingsley wants to send us on a murder mission to
get the last Horcrux, then we're useless to him now. He can't get anything else out of us, and if he
thinks we're useless to the Order, he's got no reason to protect us."
Hermione didn't want to admit that she knew he was right. Kingsley was practical. He put the
Order's survival first. He was an incredible leader, but he hadn't gotten there by being fair.
Malfoy had outed his entire family by helping the Order. They were all fugitives now. If any of
Voldemort's followers found them, they'd be slaughtered. They'd given up so much to help the
Order, sacrificed everything to change sides, but Hermione hadn't even considered what would
happen if the other side didn't want them.
What if Kingsley didn't honour the pardons he'd promised? Then what? What if Kingsley
honoured everyone else's but refused to grant Malfoy one? What would happen then? Would he try
and put him in Azkaban? Or worse. Would he ... would he try and execute him?
Hermione had to look away from Malfoy. She twisted her neck slightly and watched the scales on
Narcissa's back move as she ate.
She couldn't let that happen. The thought of Malfoy dying was excruciatingly painful. The thought
of watching him die ... The thought of holding him in her arms and watching the light leave his
eyes .... standing over his grave God, she didn't think she'd ever felt pain like it. Without even
realising she was doing it, she pressed the heel of her hand into her chest and tried to relieve some
of the pressure building there.
No, she wouldn't let him die. Even if she had to fight Kingsley off herself, she'd make sure he
lived. She'd make sure he was happy and alive, even if it meant they both had to disappear
"What?" Malfoy asked. She didn't need to look at him to know he was frowning.
"Narcissa," Hermione clarified. "How long do you think it would take her to fly to Rome?"
"Yes. Why?"
"After the war," Hermione said, filling in the gaps, "when we go travelling together, I think we
should start in Rome. I've always wanted to see the Colosseums."
His brows knitted together, and he wet his lips with his tongue. "What's brought this on?"
Hermione shrugged, trying to act indifferent. "The end of the war seems more likely now, doesn't
it? Nagini is the only Horcrux left. It's possible that we might get this other life we've been talking
about, so I just thought ... maybe it was time we start planning it."
His blue-grey eyes started to flicker. There was hardly any grey left in them. He took his time to
mull over her words. When he was finished, he held out his hand to her, and when he smiled, it
took her breath away. "It's a date then."
His hand was more than an invitation to Apparate together, it was a promise. A deal. When all this
was over, they were going to travel together. They were going to see the world and actually live for
once, all she needed to do was take his hand.
And in that moment, slipping her hand into his felt like the most natural thing in the world.
When they Apparated to East Midlands Airport, Ginny and Fleur were already waiting for them.
"Is this really necessary?" Malfoy asked. Hermione could tell he was doing his best to keep his
voice polite, but he still sounded irritated. "We could have just Apparated there ourselves. We don't
need babysitters."
Malfoy looked like he was biting his tongue, not metaphorically, he looked like he was physically
biting his tongue to restrain himself from coming back with a nasty retort.
Ginny took a firm hold of Hermione's elbow, Fleur did the same with Malfoy, and seconds later,
the ground vanished from underneath Hermione's feet.
"A run-down hospital?" Malfoy sneered when they landed on the other side. "That's really where
you chose to have your next central base? How can you get anything done in here? It's a fucking
That was putting it lightly. Hermione didn't think she'd ever seen such a sorry state of a building. It
was a large but it was derelict. All the windows were smashed, the West side wall was completely
missing - possibly caught up in an explosion - and it looked like it'd been abandoned for years.
Yes, it was very inconspicuous and it blended in very, very well, but no matter which way
Hermione looked at it, she didn't see how it could be considered safe. It looked like it might
crumple with the strong breeze.
"Actually," Ginny said, the snarl as clear in her voice as it was in her eyes, “we’ve found that it's
the best place for us. It has plenty of room and lots of beds and medical supplies, meaning we can
treat and save the injured a lot faster. And it only looks that way because of the Disillusion charms
we've placed on it. When you're on the other side - you know what, I'm not even going to bother
explaining. Just walk and see for yourself."
It was a hell of a Disillusion charm, even Malfoy had to give the Order that. When they crossed the
threshold, the hospital was completely transformed. The walls rematerialized, the broken windows
suddenly repaired themselves and the traces of the war vanished. In an instant, the hospital was
"I'm needed in the infirmary," Fleur said when they got to what used to be the main reception. "It
was great to see you again, Hermione. Malfoy."
"Kingsley's office is this way," Ginny said, gesturing with her head to the hallway on the left-hand
side. When she started to walk, Malfoy and Hermione fell into step behind them.
They didn't pass anyone as Ginny led them through the halls. Hermione thought that they would
have at least passed someone and yet, by the time they were walking up a staircase, they hadn't
seen a single person. It was odd. All of it was odd. Judging from the massive size of the building, it
could have hosted hundreds of soldiers and refugees, so why hadn't they seen anyone?
"Which hospital is this?" Hermione asked as they started on the second set of stairs.
Ginny was quiet and for a brief moment, Hermione thought she hadn't heard her. She'd just been
about to repeat her question when Ginny said, "Kingsley's told me not to tell you."
Ah. So that was that then. These levels had been cleared because they didn't want any other Order
members to come into close contact with Malfoy or Hermione. Kingsley still didn't trust them, just
as Malfoy had predicted.
Ginny was clearly uncomfortable saying it and although she obviously didn't agree, Hermione's
blood still boiled all the same. Because how fucking dare he still not trust them?! Malfoy had
sacrificed everything for them. He'd risked everything, he'd gotten them another Horcrux, and
Kingsley still didn't trust him?! What more would he have to sacrifice to make them see that there
was good in him?! What more did Kingsley want Malfoy to do to prove his loyalty?! Kill
Voldemort himself?! It was fucking ridiculous!
Hermione didn't say another word as they walked through A&E and went up the stairs to
Orthopaedics. When they got to Cardiology, Ginny stopped.
"If you want to wait here, Kingsley will come and get you when he's ready."
Hermione nodded and sat down on one of the plasticy pink chairs in the waiting area. She didn't
look at Ginny. She was too angry and she didn't want to take that anger out on one of her oldest
friends. It wasn't her fault Kingsley was such a prick.
When Ginny left, Malfoy sat down on the chair beside her. They were only in the waiting room for
a few minutes before she felt Malfoy's cold lips at her ear.
"You alright?"
Hermione just nodded. Didn't trust herself with words, not with her temper sparking the way it was.
Malfoy didn't say anything else, but when she started to tap her foot irritably on the floor, he placed
his hand on her thigh and squeezed it reassuringly. It did help. A little.
A few minutes later, Malfoy looked towards the entrance. "Can you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
It was a sort of pitter-patter. Like heavy rain falling on a caravan roof. Like ...
Children's footsteps.
As soon as that little bundle of red hair rounded the corner, Hermione scooped her up into her arms.
"AUNTIE MIONE YOUR HERE!” Rose squealed happily, wrapping her little arms around the
back of Hermione's neck and hugging her with all her might. "YOU'RE BACK! WE MISSED
"I missed you too!" Hermione's words came out muffled against Rose's brittle red hair. "I've missed
you and your brothers so much! I'm so sorry I haven't been around!"
"Iz okay," Rose chirped. "But me and Fwed gib'd daddy a painting we mad you. Did he gib it
"Yes he gid'd - gave - he gave it to me. He did and I loved it. Thank you so much." Hermione put
Rose down and knelt in front of her so that they were eye to eye. "Look at you! Look how much
you've grown! You're so big now."
"I know," Rose said proudly, raising her chin in the air. "I'm bigger than Fwed now!"
"Granger?" Malfoy asked. It sounded like he was backing away. "Why is there another red-haired
child here and why is it staring at me?"
The look on little Fred Potter's face as he stared up at Malfoy was funny, but Malfoy's expression
was hilarious. While Fred looked mischievous and intrigued, Malfoy looked frightened and
"You're telling me that there's another batch of red-haired twins with Weasley DNA and have the
ability to appear out of nowhere?" Malfoy gasped. "Well that's ... what's the point in continuing to
fight in this war? The world is already bloody over." When Rose and Fred started giggling, Malfoy
glared down at them. "What are you two laughing at?"
"You're dead funny," Fred grinned. "And you have funny hair."
"It's so shiny."
Rose cocked her head to the side and grinned mischievously up at Malfoy. "Is dat why you was
squeezin' dem?"
Malfoy looked to Hermione for help. He didn't find any. She was too busy laughing.
Rose put both her hands above her head and started to walk towards Malfoy. Hermione - having
been around the twins since they were born, knew that this meant Rose wanted Malfoy to pick her
up - Malfoy, however, looked at her like she was a wild dog with rabies.
"Pick up," Rose said, flexing her little fingers, making it a little easier for him to understand.
"Me too," Fred said, joining his sister and advancing on Malfoy and putting his hands above his
In the exact millisecond that Malfoy drew his wand, a blue curse came hurtling towards him. He
deflected it with ease. The twins started screaming as the deflected spell crashed into the wall.
When Hermione turned around, she saw both Ginny and Ron hurtling down the corridor. Ron
looked like a raging bull, his wand was smoking in his hand, and Ginny was doing everything in
her power to try and slow him.
The twins must've never seen their uncle quite so angry. Both of their tiny faces were alight with
fear. Fred jumped into Hermione's arms but when Hermione searched for Rose, she found her
hiding behind Malfoy, her trembling hands clutching the back of his trousers and her face hiding
behind his leg.
And Malfoy ... He had one hand hovering over her face, almost like he was trying to shield her. He
was protecting her.
"Ron lower your voice!" Ginny hissed under her breath. "The twins are safe!"
"SAFE?! THEY'RE WITH A DEATH EATER!" Ron pulled out his wand and aimed it at Malfoy.
"Put that away, Ronald!" Hermione clutched Fred to her chest and tried to tilt him in a way to block
his view of his uncle. He didn't need to be any more frightened than he already was.
Ginny tried to snatch Ron's wand out of his hand but he was a lot taller and stronger than her.
Another blue light started to gather at the end of it.
"You're the one scaring her, Weasel, not me," Malfoy said calmly. He nodded towards Ron's wand
and his hand tightened around his own. "Best put that away before I break it."
"If you're all finished," said another voice. Hermione recognised it instantly. It was about fucking
time Kingsley showed up. "Harry is waiting for all three of you in my office."
Calming Ron down turned out to be a very tiresome task, and calming down Fred and Rose was
just as difficult. The poor twins were in hysterics by the time Ginny scooped them up and left the
others to their meeting, and it was almost impossible to pry Rose away from Malfoy.
Kingsley led the three of them into his office - Malfoy and Ron glared murderously at one another
the entire time - and once they were inside, Kingsley cast a silencing charm on the room, then a
locking charm on the doors, then sat down on a large cushioned chair behind his desk.
Harry had been sitting on a leather chair in front of Kingsley's desk but when Hermione arrived, he
rose from his chair and enveloped her in a warm hug.
Hermione and Malfoy sat in the chairs that lined the left wall.
Harry went back to his and Ron leaned against the wall with a scowl on his face.
"So then?" Ron asked.
"So what?"
"Have you managed to get anything out of Crouch about where Nagini is being kept?"
Malfoy's eyes hardened. He rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, a tell-tale sign that he was
losing his patience. "What makes you think that we know where Crouch is?"
"That's what Sarah and Megan said." Ron shrugged. "Said you've got him chained up in the
farmhouse and are torturing him for information."
When Malfoy cocked one of his brows and stared down his nose at Ron, he looked just like his
father. All arrogance and icy anger. "Did they now?"
"Look," Harry said, cutting in between the two of them. "Whether you have Crouch or what you do
with him isn't our top priority right now. What is our top priority is finding the snake and killing
"Yeah," Harry nodded. He looked rather pleased with himself. He almost smiled. "We destroyed it
on the 2nd April with the sword of Gryffindor."
Good. That meant they were one step closer. That meant that all that was left now really was the
"No?!" Ron snarled. "Why not?! I thought you guys were supposed to be the experts in torture!"
"Call it retribution," Malfoy answered. "But that doesn't mean that torturing him is completely
"Oh?" Kingsley sat up a little taller in his chair, his interest suddenly peaked. He laid his elbows on
his desk and folded his hands in front of him. "How so?"
"Only Bellatrix knows exactly where Nagini is being kept but after my betrayal, I doubt Voldemort
will trust anyone with her other than himself."
Everyone in the room nodded, they'd all come to a similar conclusion themselves.
"Crouch has been Voldemort's biggest supporter for over twenty years. The mans obsessed. He
devoted a year to resurrecting Voldemort and he never made him a Demon Mask."
If Ron made another rude comment like that, Hermione was sure Malfoy was going to hit him. She
was a little surprised he hadn't done so already.
"My point," Malfoy's thinning patience was evident in the way his eyes flashed in anger, "is that
Crouch is like a fan girl to the Dark Lord. He's dedicated his life to him and he knows his mind
better than anyone else. He knows how Voldemort thinks, even better than I do."
Kingsley began drumming his fingers against the back of his hand, something he always did when
he was deep in thought. "I see. You think he'll be able to work out where the snake is being kept?"
As the four of them started to discuss the next phase of their plan, Hermione started to zone out.
She tried to chirp in when she could but her attention kept drifting. There was a quiet little noise
pulling her focus. A soft of ... humming? Buzzing?
“Can you hear that?" Hermione asked, making a face as her eyes scanned the room.
Malfoy's brow creased. "You mean that very quiet but very annoying buzzing?" he whispered, only
to her. "Yes. It's doing my bastard head in."
Kingsley said something about sending a muggle snipper team into York cathedral.
Hermione tried to pay attention but that horrible noise was getting louder. Hermione swore it was
coming from Kingsley's desk.
What the fuck was making that noise? It sounded like he had a hundred bugs scurrying about in his
Hermione sharply looked up to find him glaring at her. "Sorry. Could you repeat that?"
Kingsley made no effort to hide his annoyance. "Your mind elsewhere, is it?"
"No. No, I'm sorry." Hermione straightened in her chair and tried to look as attentive as she could,
but then the buzzing in the desk got louder - turned into more of a rattle - and Hermione's eyes
snapped back down before she could stop them.
As the minutes ticked on and the noise got louder, even Harry seemed to be having trouble
drowning it out.
"What noise?"
"We'll discuss it later." Hermione didn't miss the way Kingsley's eyes slid to her and Malfoy when
he spoke. Whatever was making that noise, Hermione got the impression that Kingsley didn't want
them to know about it.
"Oh for Merlin's sake!" Huffing and puffing, Kingsley pulled whatever was making that atrocious
noise out of his desk and slammed it down on the table.
Everyone lurched to their feet and hovered around the desk to get a better look.
It was a compass. A simple compass with rusting gold hands and a smooth oak body. Funny,
Hermione wouldn't have thought a compass rattling around in a draw could make that kind of
But why had it been doing that in the first place? And why was it still thrashing around now like it
was possessed?
The entire body of the compass was shaking violently and the dial was spinning around so quickly
it looked like it might take flight at any moment.
And while Hermione was vaguely fascinated with the simple tools bizarre actions, everyone else in
Kingsley's office stared at it in horror.
"Just once,” was Harry's answer. "The last time we used it. When it was really close to..."
"What does it do?" Hermione asked, watching as the dial started to spin faster, making the thin
metal hands whine in protest. "What is it supposed to be pointing to?"
"Why is it doing that now?" Ron asked, asking another question as though Hermione's wasn't
important enough to answer right now. "Surely there can't be ..."
"Neither have I." Kingsley looked up at Ron sternly. "Weasley, go and gather a team. We need to
be prepared if-"
"That wasn't a request, it was an order!" Kingsley stood from behind his desk and glared at Ron.
"If the compass has activated then we may not have much time! We need to prepare for the
eventuality that -"
"What eventuality?!" Hermione asked, her patience dwindling by the second. "Will someone
please tell me what is going on?!"
Ron huffed loudly and puffed out his chest. "I'm not going anywhere until that thing stops spinning
and we know which direction the threat is coming from!?"
Threat? Did the compass point to danger? An oncoming threat? Maybe Voldemort and his army
were close. Maybe that was what the compass was pointing to. It would certainly explain why
Kingsley was so panicked and angry.
"SHUT UP!" Malfoy hissed maliciously. "EVERYONE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND
Everyone fell into stunned silence and went back to looking at the compass. In the time that
everyone had been arguing, it had started to slow down. The gold dial just kept spinning, getting
gradually slower with each turn. It went around and around and around and around until eventually
... it stopped.
It stopped when it was pointing at the door Hermione was hovering in front of. She looked up,
about to ask what they should do, but when she did, everyone was just staring at her and their
expressions ... they were all the same, all identical to one another and warped in horror.
Hermione's stomach flipped. She felt herself grow very cold all at once. "What?"
"Granger," Malfoy's voice was strained and quiet, like someone had their hands wrapped around
his throat. His eyes were bright blue and clear as he held out his hand to her. "Come and stand with
me for a moment."
"What is it?"
Hermione did as she was told. When she started to walk towards him, Malfoy's eyes went back to
the compass. Everyone else's did too, and Hermione couldn't help but look.
As she was walking towards Malfoy, the needle followed her, slowly turning on the dial so that the
arrow was pointing at her dead and centre and when she stopped at Malfoy's side, it stopped too.
"What's going on?" Hermione asked, feeling panic start to bubble in her chest like a brewing kettle.
She'd burst if someone didn't explain what was happening, why everyone looked so horrified.
"Why is the compass doing that?"
Malfoy's nostrils flared. He swallowed thickly. "Go and stand beside Potter."
Hermione walked back to Harry and the needle followed her. She didn't pause at Harry's side the
way she had Malfoy's. She didn't feel safe there. As soon as it was obvious that the needle had
followed her across the room, she turned around and walked back to Malfoy. The sickening feeling
in her stomach was getting worse and worse as she watched the dial on the compass following her
Her footsteps seemed a thousand times louder in the tense quiet. Loud. Impossibly loud. But not
nearly as loud as the low scratching sound the compass made as it followed her around the room,
the arrow always pointing at her chest.
There was no denying it. The compass was pointing at her. It was following her every move, but
Her heart was beating so loudly it felt like it was going to crack her ribs open and break out of her
Malfoy looked like he was going to be sick. He paled, eyes widening, clenching his jaw so tightly
together it was astounding he hadn't cracked it.
When Hermione was next to Malfoy again, she took his hand in hers and stood as close to his side
as she could. "Draco," she could hear the panic in her voice, "you're scaring me. What's going on?"
"Hermione... I... I'm so sorry ... I...." Harry stammered. "I didn't realise ... I thought I would have -"
"That compass," Kingsley said. "It's the artefact that you managed to intercept on the mission
before you were captured. Do you remember it?"
What kind of question was that?! How could she fucking forget a mission like that?! She'd almost
died. Seamus had almost died. Neville had almost died. Collin had died - in her fucking arms.
She hadn't seen the artefact for herself, just the worn wooden box that it'd been stored in. A
wooden box for Colin's life. She hated it then and she hated it now. She remembered thinking
bitterly that the wooden box wasn't worth the price they'd had to pay for it.
"You remember me saying that this artefact could change the tide of the war?" Kingsley asked.
"That it would finally give us a fighting chance?"
"Yes, that's why I risked my life to get it, but that doesn't explain why everyone is looking at me
like I have a brain tumour! What's going on?!"
Draco remained silent. Apart from his trembling hands, he hadn't moved for almost a minute.
He was ice cold and when she looked up at his face, it looked like his soul had died. His eyes were
empty. He looked like a shell of a man. He looked the same way Theo used to ....
"The compass," Harry whispered. "Hermione, it's pointing at you. It moves wherever you go ..."
"Yes, I can see that thank you very much! Are you going to explain why?!"
She hated this. She hated everything about it. She wasn't the one who asked questions, she was the
one people went to for answers.
She usually had all the answers, and this, being helpless like this .. it felt like being trapped in the
dark with a blindfold covering her eyes. It felt like stumbling around a dark forest with her hands
tied behind her back.
Harry swallowed thickly. His throat bobbed, and then he looked up at Hermione. "The artefact," he
said. "It points to dark magic... "
"I use dark magic and killing curses all the time." Hermione gripped Malfoy's hand as tightly as she
could, hoping to warm some life back into him. It didn't work. "It shouldn't be surprising that some
after-effects are lingering around me. It's only natural."
"You remember how heavily Voldemort had wanted this thing guarded?"
"You remember how he didn't want anyone else to have it because it was so important to him?"
Harry couldn't finish. He looked at the floor and his eyes filled with tears. She looked to Ron and
Kingsley and then Malfoy, they didn't seem to be able to speak either, so Hermione tried to string it
together herself.
"If you can get it, it'll turn the tide of the war." That was what Kingsley had said when he'd sent
her to steal it.
The artefact turned out to be a compass. A compass that pointed to dark magic.
It was precious to Voldemort. He didn't want anyone else to have it because it could be used to hurt
Oh god, no ...
The blindfold was suddenly ripped off of her face but she was still in the dark. Her hands weren't
tied anymore but she was still trapped, only, it wasn't a dark forest she was trapped in. It was a
Her grave.
Under the cherry blossom tree
11th April
Hermione wondered if Harry had felt like this when he'd discovered that he was a Horcrux.
That'd been such a long time ago. It almost felt like it hadn't happened, like it was just a horrible,
awful story that'd happened to someone else and Hermione had just read about.
She remembered being in the ruins of the great hall with him when he'd realised. She remembered
feeling like her chest had been hollowed out as she stared up at him and how much she wished she
could save him. She remembered how tightly they'd hugged each other because they thought it was
going to be the last time.
She didn't remember everything that clearly. She couldn't recall what she'd been wearing or what
his parting words to her had been, but his expression? That she did remember because, at the time,
it hadn't made sense to her.
He'd just found out that he was a Horcrux, and he'd looked calm. He knew what it meant and what
was going to happen to him, but he hadn't looked scared or like he wanted to run away. He hadn't
looked upset or angry, instead, he'd looked at peace. Like he'd already accepted that it was going to
happen and there was nothing he or anyone else could do about it.
Because what was the point in getting upset? Screaming that it wasn't fair and punching the wall
wasn't going to change the fact that for Voldemort to truly die, Hermione had to die too. Curling up
into a ball and crying wasn't going to change the fact that if everyone else was going to live, she
In that first moment, she'd been terrified but after that, a sort of eerie calm washed over her. That
was that. There was nothing anyone could do.
And now that she knew, so many mysterious were suddenly solved. The way she'd felt
Voldemort's magic crawling and festering under her skin for months. The way Voldemort had
looked at her when she and Theo had Apparated back to Malfoy Manor. Both of those things she
hadn't understood at the time, but now she did. They'd happened because she was a Horcrux.
The nose bleed she'd had the week before, she must have had it at the exact moment Harry had
destroyed the medallion. A signal that Voldemort's magic was growing weaker A warning that her
time was running out ...
What a strange thing it was, to have to contemplate her own mortality in her late twenties. She
always knew death was going to come for her eventually, it was inevitable, but whether it be on the
battlefield or on the executioner's block, a large part of her had always thought the war would
claim her life in one way or another.
Once upon a time she'd been happy to die for the Order, and she still was, but the problem was that
she'd started to want to live again. For the first time in a decade, she could see the war was ending
and she'd dared to imagine what her life might be like on the other side of it.
She'd started to picture herself surviving. She'd let herself fantasize about travelling the world with
Malfoy, riding on his dragon's back going from one city to another. She'd pictured exploring
jungles and ruins with him in the day. She'd fantasised about her nights with him, curled in a bed,
one bed, together, smoking expensive cigarettes and drinking whiskey from every country they
visited. She'd started to want a life after the war, she'd started to want a life with him and now ... It
was gone, just like that, and there wasn't a spell on earth strong enough to undo it.
Hermione was a Horcrux. Voldemort had made her a Horcrux. Whether he'd done it intentionally
or if it was an accident like Harry had been, it didn't really matter. It didn't change anything. If
Voldemort was going to die, then Hermione needed to as well.
She thought about a lot of things in those first few minutes. She thought about her parents and if
she'd see them again when she died. She thought about how the world would change after the war.
She thought about Harry going into the forbidden forest alone and it made her realise that she
didn't want that. She didn't want to die alone, and then, she thought about Malfoy.
When she looked up at him, a tidal wave of sadness like nothing she'd ever felt washed over her.
Because how could anyone look so angry but so lost at the same time?
She couldn't really focus on what he was saying but he looked murderous. He was screaming and
arguing with Kingsley, he wasn't even aware that she was studying him.
He was so handsome. She didn't think she'd ever told him before. She'd have to make sure she did
before she ... didn't have the chance to again.
Everything about his body language was protective. He stood slightly in front of her with one of
his broad shoulders shielding her. He was holding his wand and his knuckles were straining around
it. He looked like a snake about to pounce, fangs bared, muscles coiled and ready to explode in a
burst of power.
She'd seen him angry a hundred times but never like this before. Hermione didn't want to think
about what he'd do to Kingsley or Harry or anyone else that got in his way. It was a good thing
they were standing on the other side of the room.
"You're being ridiculous!" Kingsley sneered. He was the only one arguing with Malfoy, both Harry
and Ron were frozen and staring at Hermione with horrified expressions. "I'm going to ask you
again to calm down-"
"You can ask me as many fucking times as you like, it won't make a difference! The compass is
wrong! It has to be!"
"The compass isn't wrong," Kingsley sighed heavily. Hermione got the impression he and Malfoy
had been going around in circles like this for quite some time. "I'm sorry, but it isn't."
"The compass is correct. Harry and Ron used it to navigate the tunnels to locate the Diadem when
Medusa gave us its location."
"Well then why didn't you use it sooner?! Or use it to locate the bloody medallion!? Or the snake?!
What the fuck have you been doing with it for the past year?!"
"We have been using it," Harry answered. "We've been taking it to churches up and down the
country because we thought a Horcrux might have been located there because of the visions both
sides have had."
Ah. At least that answered one question Hermione hadn't quite got round to answering yet. She
didn't want to die with loads of things left unchecked on her list.
"But the problem is that the compass only works when a Horcrux is nearby. We need to know the
general whereabouts of the Horcrux before it activates, and then it leads us there."
Malfoy snorted angrily. "Oh fan-fucking-tastic! So you're telling me you just kept this tool all to
yourselves and let me and Granger almost get eaten by gigantic spiders rather than give us this?!
Cheers for that!"
Hermione didn't look at Kingsley to see his reaction. She didn't take her eyes off Malfoy, didn't
want to waste a second of the time she had left with him. Kingsley wasn't going to let her leave
here, she could feel it. He'd make her stay here without Malfoy.
"In case we betrayed you. Yeah, I get it. We were a valuable enough to get Horcruxes for you, we
were useful enough to whittle down Voldemort's army for you, but not trustworthy enough to give
us something that could make our lives easier."
"That's in the past now." Kingsley cleared his throat, probably did it to demand authority. It didn't
work. Malfoy's murderous glare just focused on him instead. "Now that we know that Miss
Granger is a Horcrux-"
"It's not fucking true!" Malfoy's words were wrapped in a snarl, but Hermione knew him well
enough to hear the lie in his tone. He knew it was true, he'd realised it before Hermione even had.
He knew it was true, but he was refusing to accept it.
"How could it even have happened?! When could it have happened?!" Malfoy hissed. "I've been
with her every day and she's never been left alone with Voldemort. Never. I wouldn't have let him
be alone with her!"
Everyone turned to look at her. Despite Hermione's voice being impossibly quiet, they'd all heard
it. It was the first word she'd spoken in quite a long time.
"It happened in May after Cormac attacked me," Hermione said, telling everyone in the room, even
though she was only really looking at Malfoy. "After that raid, we went to York Cathedral.
Voldemort was there. He was angry because the Diadum had been stolen and he took it out on
Goyle. He killed him in cold blood and then he entered my mind straight afterwards to show me
that vision of the future. His wand ... it must have been dripping with residual magic, it must still
have had remnants of the killing curse on it when he went into my mind. I bet that was when it
happened. He probably didn't even realise he'd done it."
Hermione was sure that was the moment he'd made her a Horcrux. To create a Horcrux, you
needed to kill. The only way to enact magic that dark was to take another life. Voldemort had just
mercilessly killed Goyle, slaughtered him like he was nothing, and then he'd entered Hermione's
mind, used a very strong, very personal brand of magic. For a brief moment, Hermione and
Voldemort were connected, they were one, and he must have left a piece of himself inside of her
She'd felt different ever since. She'd felt his magic crawling under her skin ever since.
There was no doubt. That was the moment. That was the moment he'd done it. He'd intended to just
show her her own death, but he'd ended up killing her himself.
"No." Hermione shook her head. "I'm a Muggleborn. I'm everything he hates. Putting a piece of his
soul into me would have been horrendous to him. It must have been an accident."
Hermione's mind went back to the moment she'd locked eyes with him during the raid in
Nottingham. It'd only been for a moment, just a split second before she and Theo had Apparated
away, but he'd known it. When he'd seen her, he'd realised what he'd done, must've felt a part of
himself looking back at him.
"Well if that's the case then it's not safe for you out there anymore,” Kingsley interrupted. "You'll
need to stay here-"
"You're a nutter if you think I'm letting her stay here with you!" Malfoy's tone was sharp enough to
cut. He snarled each ward, nostrils flaring and teeth bared. "You'll be slitting her throat open with
the sword of Gryffindor before I've set foot off the premises!"
"No?" Suddenly Malfoy was charging toward Kingsley. He flicked his wand and Kingsley's desk
violently flipped over, soared across the room and crashed into the west wall. The desk splintered
into several large pieces and there was a huge divot left in the plaster where it'd connected.
He dragged Kingsley forward until they were nose to nose and then dug his wand underneath his
chin. "Try and fucking stop me,” he snarled. "I'll do to your skull what I just did to that desk."
Malfoy released a slow, angry breath before he let go of Kingsley. He glared down at him for a few
seconds, then he turned around and walked back to Hermione.
Malfoy nodded and took her hand. He started to walk them out, but even though Kingsley was
clearly shaken, he managed to say the one thing that could stop Malfoy in his tracks.
"'I'm afraid that won't be possible. She needs to stay here with us."
The room suddenly fell very quiet and very cold. If Hermione didn't know any better, she would
have sworn that a Dementor had sneaked into Kingsley's office.
"It's pointless to try and fight this,” Kingsley carried on, reading the atmosphere in the room but
ignoring it. "I've alerted some of the other members. Soldiers are on their way to escort you off the
premises Malfoy and to take Ms Granger-"
Malfoy's back suddenly went very rigid. "Let me be very fucking clear." He slowly turned around
to face Kingsley and when he did, green sparks started to gather at the end of his wand. "Anyone
who touches her will leave this room in several pieces."
"Don't do this." Hermione squeezed his hand and tugged him gently towards the door. He didn't
budge. He was a predator on the hunt. "Maybe it's best if I stay-"
The rage in his eyes when they flickered down to hers shut her up. He was unpredictable when he
was like this. It was best not to argue with him - for Kingsley's sake.
"What are you going to do?" Kingsley asked. "Kill every person in this building just to stop us
from potentially harming Hermione? You'd kill us all? Even though you risked everything to switch
Malfoy laughed cruelly. He smirked at Kingsley and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
"Do you have any idea who I fucking am? I was Voldemort's right hand. I was his Demon Mask.
I've slaughtered more people than I could ever count. I've burned cities and army bases to the
ground and I've beheaded people just because they pissed me off a little bit. And If I could do all
that for a man I despised, what do you think I would do to protect her?"
Kingsley's eyes hardened but he didn't have an answer. He removed the locking charms he'd put on
his office doors and they sprung open, but the moment three muggle soldiers stepped through it -
all dressed in black padded jackets and holding guns in their hands - Malfoy made good on his
promise. A sharp jerk of his wand later, the soldiers were cut in half.
There was a second of stunned silence. Hermione's breath caught when the top halves of their
torsos started to slide off their bodies, and when they hit the floor and their legs folded over,
everyone looked at Malfoy.
He didn't seem at all phased by what he'd done. Just turned his wand on Kingsley and pulled
Hermione until she was completely hidden behind him. "If anyone tries to stop us," he said, “this is
what you're going to be left with. I won't be stopped and I won't be gentle. You'll be cleaning
bodies up from your hallways for weeks, and it'll be all your fault Kingsley, so choose your next
words very fucking wisely."
Malfoy dragged Hermione through the hospital like her life depended on it, which, in some ways,
she supposed it did. Thankfully they didn't pass anyone on their way out - Kingsley must have
changed his mind. He dragged her through the halls and once they were outside and clear of any
protective wards, he Apparated them back to the safehouse.
He didn't let go of her hand when they were home. He kicked the kitchen door open and pulled her
inside, and Hermione felt four pairs of eyes watching through the large open archway that led into
the living room.
Astoria was cuddled up with Blaise on the sofa Hermione usually slept on, Daphne and Theo on
Malfoy's. The sun had set hours ago so the room was dark, but the crackling fire from the fireplace
gave enough light for Hermione to see all their expressions. They looked worried and confused,
every last one of them.
Once they were in the kitchen, Malfoy went on the warpath. He released her wrist and snatched
one of Astoria's clutch bags that was lying on the kitchen table.
"You have five minutes to pack a bag,” he hissed, eyes down as he cast what Hermione assumed
was an extension charm on the clutch in his hand.
Hermione didn't respond, just watched the way his rage changed the angles of his face and made
him look even more like a marble statue. Or a Renaissance painting. That fit him too.
She wondered if she'd be able to miss his face after she died or if she'd just ... cease to exist
entirely? She really should have asked Harry more questions about what'd happened to him.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Daphne and Theo look at one another, then Theo got up
from the sofa and walked wearily into the kitchen. "Everything alright mate?"
Astoria and Blaise watched from the sofa. Astoria looked like she wanted to get up but she was
gaunt and pale, much paler than what she had been when Hermione had left. Her illness must have
flared up while they'd been with the Order.
Hermione promised herself that she'd find a way to save Astoria's life before she died.
When Malfoy looked up and saw that Hermione hadn't moved, his eyes flashed dangerously. "Did
you hear me? Pack. A. Fucking. Bag. NOW!"
"Why does she need -" Astoria started but was interrupted by a dry cough.
Blaise watched her with a worried expression and ran his hand up and down her back. "Why does
Hermione need to pack a bag?" he said, asking Astoria's question when she couldn't.
"Because I'm taking her to another safe house, one the Order can't find." Malfoy waved his wand
and phials of healing potions and blood replenishing potions started to fly out of the cupboards and
into the bag he'd charmed.
"Why?" Theo looked between the two of them anxiously. "The meeting couldn't have gone that
bad, surely?"
Malfoy didn't answer. He stormed over to the pantry and cast another charm, one that made pieces
of food and canteens of water float into the bag.
Malfoy whirled around and his nostrils flared angrily. He looked so bottled up with anger - like he
was going to explode any moment. "This isn't up for discussion!"
"You're right, it's not," Hermione said. "I'm not going. Running away and hiding won't change
"It's not running away! It's called self-preservation! It's called putting yourself first for once in your
fucking life!"
"Yes, you are! You can either go quietly or kicking and screaming over my shoulder, I don't give a
fuck which. But you are going!"
"Would someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?!" Theo asked.
"Nagini isn't the only Horcrux left," Hermione said, and she had to take a deep breath before she
could add the next sentence. "Voldemort made me one, too."
A few seconds ticked by, and no one said anything. Theo just stared at Malfoy. Eyes wide and
mouth was hanging open slightly. Even he didn't seem to be able to find a joke. None of them what
to say. None of them knew what to do, except Daphne. She turned around and walked back into the
living room, her high heels clicking softly against the floor as she went. She gently took hold of her
sister's wrists and pulled her off the sofa.
"Come on,” she said, all elegance and grace as she gathered up one of the blankets and bundled it
around her sister. "Out we go. All of us."
"We're going to take these,” Daphne said, grabbing some of the pillows off the sofa and gently
throwing them to Blaise and her husband, “transfigure them into a tent and sleeping bags and sleep
"No, we don't,” her older sister cut her off. "The only thing we need to do right now is get out of
the way. Draco and Hermione need to be alone."
No one argued with Daphne. They all did as they were told and gathered a few pillows and
blankets - but made sure to leave a few for Hermione and Malfoy - and then disappeared out of the
kitchen door.
The look Astoria gave Hermione while Blaise helped her outside made her chest ache.
When they were alone, Malfoy and Hermione stared at one another for the longest time. She didn't
know what to say, didn't know where to even begin to say goodbye to him ...
"I want to be buried." She thought it was a good place to start, get the practical stuff out of the way
Malfoy clenched his jaw. She watched him swallow. "What?"
"After ... it ... happens, I want you to bury my body," Hermione whispered, and the way Malfoy
flinched made her heart twist painfully. "The Order has always burnt the bodies of their dead but I
don't want that. I want you to bury me somewhere and charm the grass so loads of flowers grow
over my grave and you have somewhere to visit me ... If you wanted to, that is."
"I'd like it if you could bury me under the cherry blossom tree at your manor. Maybe move the
bench so it faces my grave? You don't have to if you don't want to, but it's the only place that's felt
like home to me in years."
"And I want you to have a funeral for me. I want you all to get so drunk that Astoria ends up passed
out somewhere and Theo throws up. I don't want it to be a sad thing. I want you to celebrate that
the war is over and you're all free and -"
He was hurting. His Occlumency walls were hanging on by a thread but they needed to talk about
this. She didn't know how much time they had left together and she didn't want anything to be left
unsaid between them.
Hermione maybe had a few more weeks before they found and killed Nagini - possibly two
months, if they really stretched it out - but the longer she was alive, the longer Voldemort lived and
the more people he would kill, and as much as she wanted to be selfish, as much as she wanted to
stretch out her time with Malfoy, the thought of innocent people dying because she refused to give
Malfoy up ... It made her feel queasy.
Her throat felt thick. She struggled to force her words out. "We don't have any other options. For
the sake of everyone else, this needs to happen-"
"What about what I need?!" Malfoy bellowed. "Just for fucking once, will you forget about saving
everyone else and think about what I need!"
"I need you, Granger!" he exhaled in an angry rush. "You said that we were going to travel the
world together. What was that?! Just an empty promise?!"
Hermione's heart felt like it was breaking. "I'd love nothing more than to travel the world with you,
but if Voldemort is going to die, the Order needs me to-"
"Fuck what the Order needs! Fuck what the world needs! I need you! I need you by my side! I need
you to live!"
He already knew the answer to that, he'd seen it in Hermione's memories. "Harry was holding the
Resurrection Stone when he died. It brought him back to life."
He turned back towards her with something sparkling in his eyes. Hope was there, burning around
his irises even though he already knew it was a false hope. "Great, where is it now?!"
"Why not?!"
"Because it doesn't work anymore. It cracked after it brought Harry back and it hasn't worked
Malfoy growled towards the ceiling and dragged his hands through his hair again. "What if we
tried to put it back together?!"
"If there was any way to fix the Resurrection Stone, don't you think I would have done it while I
was still with the Order? It's useless to us, Draco."
When he looked at her again his eyes were blue, bright and blue and growing more desperate by
the second. "Well then put the Horcrux in me!”
Those words might as well have been a stab in her heart for the way they hurt. He was willing to
sacrifice himself to save her, just like that. No questions asked. Not a slither of regret or doubt on
his face.
"You know it doesn't work like that,” she said softly. "And even if it did, I'd still die. My life is
linked to yours. If you die, I die -"
"And if you die, I'm stuck here without you. What fucking prize is that supposed to be?! There has
to be something we can do!"
"There isn't.”
"Where's my little lion gone?!" Malfoy screamed, all hurt, all pain. "She wouldn't just roll over and
accept defeat like this! Where's the girl that spat in the face of Death Eaters?! Where's the girl that
smiled every time she tried to kill me?!"
"You think I want to die!?" she shouted, feeling her anger start to bubble to the surface. "I don't!!
I've spent weeks thinking about how amazing it would be - despite everything I've done - to
actually survive this and have a life! With you!"
"How can I when that means thousands more will die?!" She took a deep breath, trying to reign in
her anger and when she spoke again, she managed to quieten her voice into a dull whisper. "Draco,
I'm sorry, but I can't live if it means everyone else has to die."
"You're not dying Granger! It's not a fucking option, and if you think that I'm going to sit here and
watch you run into battle like a lamb to slaughter then you're very fucking mistaken! I won't do it! I
"No, no, no Granger! You don't get to barge into my life and then die!" Suddenly he was charging
towards her. He roughly grabbed either side of her face and yanked her forward until they were
impossibly close, lips almost touching. "You don't get to make me feel things and then disappear!
You don't get to bring me back to life and then just take away my only reason for living because
it's what the Order needs!"
His eyes widened and she realised he hadn't meant to blurt those words out. He hesitated for a
second, almost like he was debating taking them back - then he exhaled loudly - his decision made.
Because whether he wanted to believe it or not, they didn't have much time left together, so what
was the point in holding back now?
"Before you came into my life Granger, I was dead, alright? A fucking walking corpse,” he said
softly, almost whispered it. "I did what I was told and killed when Voldemort told me to but I was
dead on the inside. I didn't have a life. I couldn't feel any of what I was doing. I didn't want to. I
didn't care. I was so numb to everything, I didn't have a single emotion or feeling, I might as well
have been a corpse and then you came into my life and you -" He squeezed her head between his
hands and Hermione couldn't decide if it was because he wanted to hurt her or if he just never
wanted to let her go. "Voldemort used to say that Muggles and Muggleborn’s were like cancer. It
wasn't until I met you that I realised he wasn't entirely off the mark. You're not cancer, Granger,
you were an antidote. My heart was dead, it'd been drowning in darkness and hatred and revenge
for years and then you gave my life meaning, you made me laugh and smile and showed me what
it meant to be alive. You brought me back to life and you made me want live. I don't know what I
would have become if you hadn't of pulled me back."
Hermione's eyes burned. She blinked back tears and felt her bottom lip start to shake.
"Thank you for saving my brother's life." That was what Daphne had said to her. "I don't mean
physically." She'd been back in their lives for five minutes and already she'd picked up on
something Hermione had missed.
Malfoy loved her. He might not have said it outright, but he did, in his own, twisted, dark, Demon
Mask sort of way. He loved her. He'd just told her without telling her. Someone else would've been
overcome with joy at such a declaration, if he'd have told her the same thing this morning - even an
hour ago -she probably would have been, but now, knowing what she knew ... It warmed her heart
and broke it at the same time.
He loved her - she was his reason for living, and she was going to leave him.
He'd fallen in love with her and in a few months, he was going to have to bury her.
In all the years since the war had started, it was the cruellest, most disgusting thing she'd ever
"Say something,” he said, his hands tightening on either side of her face. "What are you thinking
about right now?"
"I'm sorry." She really was. Didn't know how to put into words how sorry she was for what she'd
done to him. "I know ... I know 'in another life' started out as a joke-"
Hermione nodded and the burning in her eyes grew more intense. She could feel a sob trying to
claw its way up her throat. "We said we would be together in this life or the next," she whispered as
she stared up at him. Her vision started to blur as tears gathered in her eyes. "I just thought we'd
have more time together in this one."
The longer he stared back at her, the more his furious expression dropped. For a moment, he
looked lost and broken and vulnerable and a hundred other things. For a single heartbeat, he looked
just as he had when he'd held his dying mother in his arms.
And then whatever rage he'd been trying to bottle up became unleashed. He let go of her and self-
destructed. He kicked cupboard doors and left gaping holes in them. He smashed windows and
upturned the dining table. Splinters of wood soared through the air. Broken glass lay scattered on
the floor. Nothing was safe from him. He destroyed everything. He broke everything and screamed
with every bit of destruction he caused.
"IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR! WHAT MORE DO I HAVE TO DO?!" Malfoy screamed, jutting his
arm out and firing a curse that made the kitchen sink explode. "I'VE DONE EVERYTHING FOR
HAPPEN?!" He kicked the back of one of the dining chairs like he imagined it was Voldemort's
spine. It crashed into the wall and cracked down the middle. "EVERY FUCKING TIME I THINK
IT ANYMORE!" He cast another curse that split the old dining table down the middle.
He threw his wand across the room and started to punch the wall. He pulled his arm back and
smashed his fist into the brick again. The wall cracked. The skin on his knuckles split open and he
started to bleed but he didn't stop. Just kept pounding his fist into the wall again and again and
again as though that might somehow take the pain he was feeling away.
Hermione's hand flew to cover her mouth as tears started to slide down her cheeks faster. He
looked like a man who'd lost everything, and she couldn't find anyone else to blame but herself.
Eventually, when the wall was in pieces and his blood had run up to his wrists, he stopped. His
loud exhale turned into a sob as he slid down to his knees on the floor and covered his face in his
Hermione went to him on instinct, second nature. She dropped onto her knees beside him and took
his wrists in her hands. His blood soaked her fingers as she pried his hands off his face.
"This is all my fault,” he sobbed quietly. "If I hadn't captured you in Dover, none of this would
have happened - I'm so sorry - I - I've condemned you to death -"
"No, you didn't," Hermione hushed. She shuffled as close to him as she could and kissed the top of
his head. "This isn't your fault. You didn't do this."
The walls of her throat thickened until it was almost impossible to speak. "Neither do you."
His hands slid desperately up her arms. His trembling fingers locked around her wrists, preventing
her from pulling away from him. "You can't leave me, Granger,” he whispered, eyes still
glistening, cheeks still wet. "I won't allow it."
"Whether Voldemort intended to or not, he made me a Horcrux. As long as I'm alive, Voldemort
can't be killed. I won't let myself be the reason so many more people lose their lives. He needs to
"And I need you to live!" he sighed heavily and leaned into her hands. "Granger, if you die, I won't
survive! You have no idea what you've come to mean to me. You have no idea of the things I
would do for you." His hands tightened around her wrists like a handcuff and he clung to her
desperately. "You can't leave me now, not when we're this close to having everything!"
"You survived when you thought Daphne had died, you can survive this."
And there it was. Those words that'd been hanging over them for months. The thing that they'd
both almost said to each other but always held in.
"I would do anything you ask of me,” he said the words slowly, as though he were trying to
engrave them into her like carving words into stone. "I would butcher the entire world for you, all
you need to do is ask. I would become the Horcrux instead of you if I could. I would give up every
treasure I have or ever will have. I would carve open my chest, pull out my heart and give it to you
if you only asked me to. I would give you anything in the world that you want. But do not ask me
to sit back and watch you die."
She kissed the top of his head again and ran her thumbs across his wet cheeks. She didn't know
what to say, had no words anymore.
"We'll find another way,” he said. "I won't stop searching until I find a way to save you."
"I don't want to argue anymore,” Hermione hushed, leaning forward and pressing her forehead
against his. "I don't want to spend what could be our last days together screaming at one another."
She leaned forward and kissed him softly. "I love you."
She did love him. She knew that she loved him just as she knew she needed oxygen to breathe. She
had for a long time, but she'd never wanted to say it out loud. She'd wanted to save it. Imagined
herself whispering it in his ear while they were flying on Narcissa's back. She'd wanted to tell him
eventually at some point in the future, but seeing as she didn't have one anymore, it seemed
pointless to hold it in.
Malfoy inhaled as though in pain. Exhaled shakily like she'd just stabbed him.
She kissed him again. "I love you." And again, this one deeper as her hands slid up the back of his
neck so she could fist his hair. "We wasted so much time trying to kill each other. If I'd have
known how little time we would have together -"
His lips crashed against hers. His arms snaked around her waist, and he pulled her into his lap. His
kisses were overpowering and hungry and frantic. He kissed her like it was going to be the last
She tangled her fingers in his hair and kissed him back just as fiercely.
His hands slid to the back of her legs and when he got to his feet and picked her up, she wrapped
them around his waist. Her lips never left his as he walked them into the living room, but they
never made it to the sofas. He laid her down on the floor in front of the fire and attacked her
"I love you," the words they'd both kept so tightly hidden from each other were suddenly used so
frequently, so openly, like they should've been doing all along.
"I love you,” he told her as he kissed a path from her collar bone to her neck.
"I love you,” she told him when surged into her.
"I love you,” he groaned when he chased her over the edge for the first time.
"I love you,” she said when she felt him start to quiver under her fingertips.
"Don't leave me,” he told her after he'd collapsed on top of her, spent - for the time being.
They spent hours on the floor afterwards, Hermione didn't bother to try and count them. She
wished she could bottle up the way she felt in those moments. Curled in Draco's arms, lying on the
floor with him in front of the fire, a tangle of limbs with no idea where he ended and she began. No
hidden weapons or secret agendas.
If this was how she could spend her last days on earth, then she could die happy.
"Promise me you'll try and find a way around this." With his lips still pressed against her temples,
she felt every word. "Promise me you won't leave me."
"You do?" His arms tightened around her, and she watched the way the muscles in his bicep
rippled under the light from the fire.
She shifted her shoulders so that she could look up at him. "I do." She smiled, hoping he'd catch
He took her left hand and gently brought it up to his lips. He watched her closely as he placed a
lingering kiss on her ring finger. "I do."
"Whatever time I have left," Hermione said, "I want to spend it with you. But after that, you need to
live and grow old. Till death do us part, remember? Well when I die, that vow is fulfilled and you
need to move on."
"Granger," he said, and he smirked at her in that way that made her heart flutter. "Do you think my
love for you is so fragile that something as simple as death could keep me from you?"
Don't make promises that you can't keep
12th April
They could have been doing this for months - that was Hermione's first thought when she woke up
the following morning.
She felt him before she opened her eyes. Felt his thick arms cocooned around her, his chest gently
rising and falling against her back and his chin resting protectively on top of her head.
The sofa wasn't big enough for one person and yet, somehow, they'd made it work. Somehow,
they'd managed to get into a dozen different positions and angles and managed to lose themselves
in each other all night, and then, when they were spent, managed to find the space to drift off
together, naked and curled in each other's arms - all from one little old sofa.
She heard the fire crackling and hissing gently as it burned in the fireplace beside them, and
listening to it while she was tucked up in his arms ... she could have died right in that moment and
been content with it.
She kicked herself for not letting him sleep in the same bed as her sooner. Tried not to think about
all the times they could have done this if she'd not wasted so much of it, if she hadn't been so
Falling asleep in a Death Eaters' arms, Merlin, what her younger self would have thought. The sofa
wasn't the same as sharing a bed - no, it oddly felt like more than that. Sort of proved that they
could be happy anywhere. Could be content and make themselves comfortable, nothing else
mattered, as long as they were together...
Moving very slowly, she untucked her head from underneath his chin and swivelled around until
she was facing him.
She wondered how his face would change over the years.
Would he grow his hair out as he aged like this father? She hoped not, she liked it when pieces fell
into his eyes, but she couldn't imagine him with long hair. His hair was already almost completely
white, it couldn't possibly change colour when he grew into an old man? No, no maybe not, but she
could imagine him with wrinkles. Not a lot, just a few, little cracks at the corner of his eyes like
someone had cracked marble. What did her mum used to call them? Was it Laughter lines? Yes,
she could imagine him with those. She thought they'd suit Malfoy - Draco, she corrected herself
internally. She'd just confessed that she loved the murderous demon, it was about time she used his
given name.
She looked down at his hands. The skin there was so perfect and smooth, she couldn't imagine it
with age lines or -
"Go back to sleep, Granger." Draco didn't open his eyes and his voice was low and husky enough
to make her toes curl.
He sucked his teeth and thought about it for half a second. "No."
She looked up at him and even though she smiled, she couldn't help but think about what his life
was going to look like after the war.
She wondered if he'd go back to live at Malfoy Manor or if he'd travel. He'd said he wanted to
travel with her, but after she died, would he still want that? Or would the thought of exploring one
city after the other be tainted for him like it would've been for her? Would it have been like
opening an old wound? A reminder of what could've been and the life they could've had together?
She hoped not - she wouldn't want to ruin that for him.
She wondered what he'd do for work or if he'd even work at all. He didn't need the money, even if
the Order seized every asset and galleon he'd been awarded during his service for Voldemort, his
family's wealth had always been enormous. He'd be fine - Astoria, maybe not so much, she'd
probably have to cut back on the amount of Ruby and Diamond necklaces she brought herself - but
Draco would be fine.
She couldn't imagine him just sitting indoors all day. He'd want to keep himself busy... He'd make
an exceptional dragon tamer - although Narcissa might get jealous -
And then her thoughts went to something else and her throat constricted.
Her eyes slid down to the metal chain he wore around his neck and the rings that glittered there.
He'd marry someone else. He'd start a family with someone else.
Marriage. Children. Both of those things hadn't mattered to her the day before. She hadn't cared
about them, hadn't thought about them enough to want them, but now ... knowing that she couldn't
... knowing that he'd have them with someone else ...
They weren't going to talk about 'it' - that was what they'd agreed. Hermione had promised Malfoy
that they were going to do everything they could to try and find a way to save her but they weren't
going to talk her death - and how likely it was.
"I can't listen to you talk about dying," Draco had groaned into her ear in the early hours, his cock
buried inside of her and her ear between his teeth. "Don't make me listen to it."
From Malfoy's point of view, Hermione was going to be safe. She was going to survive this one
way or another and he didn't give a fuck what he had to do to make that happen. He'd agreed to let
her find a way to get Nagini for the time being so Voldemort would be as weak as possible, but
he'd made it very clear that he wasn't going to let her die.
She blinked and looked up at him. She nodded and forced her lips into a weak smile. She tried to
keep eye contact with him but she couldn't. Her eyes just kept going back to his mother's ring, her
mind clawing itself back to who might one day wear it.
Without really thinking about it, she reached out and wrapped the chain around her fingers. She
gently tugged at it and Malfoy sat up slightly so she could get a closer look.
Narcissa Malfoy's ring was probably the most beautiful piece of jewellery she'd ever seen. She'd
caught glimpses of it before but in the gentle light of the fire, it looked otherworldly, the type of
diamond that evil villains in bedtime stories would start wars over.
"It didn't always look like that," Draco said after a while.
"Like what?"
"It didn't always have the band of diamonds around the diamond." He ran the tip of his index finger
gently over the stones in question. "My father added those before he proposed to my mother."
"It's beautiful."
"And my grandfather, he changed the colour of the diamond. It used to be yellow but he cast a
charm to make it clear instead. And my great grandfather changed it into the teardrop shape it is
now - it used to be square before."
She looked up and met his eyes. "Do the men in your family often add a little something to the ring
before they propose?"
"Yes, I suppose it was their way of making the ring a little more personal. Make it something a
little more suited for the woman they were giving it to."
He thought about it for a moment before he answered her. "I'd engrave it." One side of his mouth
twisted upwards, and he brushed the band of his mother's ring. "Both rings. My mothers and my
fathers. I'd have something engraved on the inside so only we knew it was there."
He didn't stop her when she started to fiddle with his mother's ring. He didn't stop her when she
held it against the very tip of her fourth finger on her left hand and watched how the sparkles
changed - or even when she slipped it halfway down her finger - the chain still attached. If she
pushed it down another inch or two it would've been sitting perfectly on her finger. She didn't think
he'd stop her if she did.
"Wear it."
Hermione looked up at him. He wasn't joking. His Occlumency walls were almost completely
down. She could read him clearer than she ever had before - he was being sincere.
"Wear it."
Hermione shook her head and let go of the ring, letting the chain fall and dangle around his neck
again. "No." Save it for someone else, she almost said. "I can only imagine the horror your
ancestors would feel if they knew their precious family heirloom was being worn by a mudblood."
He made a face, made his nose scrunch up and venom bleed into his eyes. "I don't give a fuck what
they think. I love you, I want you to wear it."
"I'm the first person you've ever loved Draco, save it for the last."
She didn't mean it. What she really wanted to do was reach out, snatch the piece of jewellery off
the chain and slide it onto her finger. She didn't mean it but it needed to be said.
He would have a life after the war and she wouldn't, and that alone was enough to stop her from
taking it. She could take as much of him as she wanted with the time she had left but she couldn't
be selfish, when the time came, she had to let him go, and that wedding ring, that promise, it was
too permanent.
She didn't want to make promises to him, not ones that she couldn't keep.
"What's your favourite colour?" he asked suddenly, derailing her train of thought.
"What's your favourite colour?" he asked, voice silky smooth as he moved his fingers down her
body, running along the scar near her belly button. "I just realised, I don't know it."
"I don't know, urm- fuck," she moaned as he started to kiss and nip across her neck. Well, that
conversation had suddenly taken a turn. "R-red, I suppose."
"Hmmmm. Should have known. Such a Gryffindor." His hands curled under the backs of her legs
and suddenly she was underneath him with his hips nestled between her thighs. He held himself up
by holding onto the armrest behind her head and hovered over her for a moment, smirking down at
her in a way that took her breath away, and then he leaned forward and started peppering kisses
down her neck and chest.
Her fingers kneaded into his hair, and she arched into him as he kissed down her stomach. She
opened her legs a little further -
"Wish I could kill the fucker who gave you this," he said as he kissed the scar on her hip. It was
only a bullet wound but she'd always thought looked like a badly warped scar.
It shouldn't have scarred that badly but the bullet had got stuck in her bone and because the
infirmary was already overrun - she'd tried to get it out herself and ended up leaving her with the
horribly deformed scar.
Even though her eyes were closed, she could feel him smirking. "I wonder where they're buried. I
bet I could make them dead -er."
"If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?"
"Here," she sighed when he kissed the top of her pelvis. "With you. Right now."
Malfoy's lips left her skin and when she opened her eyes, she found him watching her closely.
When he smiled like that, showing his dimples and teeth, when he smiled without his Occlumency
walls, he was so beautiful -
Where, where the fuck were her clothes?! Where were Malfoy's clothes?! She sat up and her eyes
darted frantically from one corner of the living room to the other but she couldn't see them, couldn't
even remember tearing them off -
She was naked in the living room and the others were about to walk in -
Completely unfazed and not nearly as panicked as Hermione thought he ought to be, Malfoy
grabbed one of the thick wool blankets off the sofa and draped it over the pair of them.
Daphne came in first, then Quinzel, then Blaise, and even though Hermione pulled the blanket
under her chin and was completely covered, she still blushed when Astoria grinned at her state of
"Is it safe?!" Theo called from outside, his voice almost as fake and dramatic as the way he
covered his face with his hands. "Can I look?! Or will my eyes explode?!" There was a massive
gap between his fingers - he already knew full well that it was 'safe'.
Blaise - ever the perfect gentleman - kept his eyes fixed on a spot on the ceiling, doing his best to
protect what little remained of Hermione's modesty.
None of them looked like they'd slept much. They all looked a little worse for wear and had dark
circles under their eyes. Astoria and Daphne's hair was both bushy and unkept and even some of
Theo's curls were unruly as her own. They all looked like they'd had a difficult night but Blaise, he
looked like he hadn't slept a wink.
Quinzel didn't make eye contact with anyone. Her little eyes were distraught and puffy as she
padded through the kitchen and up the stairs. She hadn't been the same since Romy had died.
Daphne knelt on the floor by the sofa. "How are you both feeling?"
Her question was laced with concern. Her tone was low and serious, her sisters, however, couldn't
have been more different.
"Oh, they look fine to me," Astoria said, gaunt and pale but grinning from ear to ear. She looked
over her shoulder and saw the state of the kitchen. "Although I must know, did you destroy the
kitchen before or after you fucked each other into oblivion?" She looked back at them and then
gasped loudly. "Or was it during?"
"Definitely during," Theo grinned, wiggling his brows suggestively. "Granger looks like the type
that likes to be thrown about a bit. Don't you, sweetheart?"
Hermione blushed so hard she was surprised the veins in her cheeks didn't explode. She pulled the
blanket up until it covered the bottom of her chin.
"Well?!" Tori prodded. "Which was it?! Did you break everything before?! Or was it during?!"
Draco's chest rattled behind her when he started laughing. "I destroyed the kitchen before. Why?"
It took a while to wrangle everyone together for a meeting, but two hours later - and once the
kitchen was liveable again, thank God for magic - they were all gathered around the dining table,
freshly showered, glamoured and ready to hear what'd happened with the Order.
Hermione didn't want to go into too much detail, she didn't feel the need to and she didn't feel like
she or Draco needed to relive it again. She told them that Harry had destroyed the medallion, how
the compass had been hiding in Kingsley's desk, how it'd pointed to her and how Draco had
brought her home.
They all listened very quietly - the only interruption was Astoria's quiet coughing now and again -
and once she was finished, Hermione saw one expression lingering in all of their eyes.
Determination. A fierce, strong sort of determination that she hadn't expected, not from any of
"So," Theo was the first to speak. He put one hand on the table and draped the other over the back
of Daphne's chair. "What's the plan then? How are we going to get out of this one?"
Daphne fiddled with the end of her smoothly curled ponytail and stared at the table. "What if we
got our hands on Liquid Luck? Maybe if Granger downed a bottle and then died, it'd bring her back
to life?"
"There isn't a way around this-" Hermione started to say but Blaise cut her off.
"Liquid Luck doesn't work against death, Voldemort had me test it out on a Black Mask a few
years ago to see if it'd bring them back to life. It didn't."
"What if we slowed Hermione's heart rate down to the point of death with magic," Astoria offered.
"We could do it gradually, stop it - only for a moment - just long enough to let Voldemort die, and
then wake her up? I've read lots of books where that's happened."
"What, you mean there's an actual plot in those filthy books you read, Tori?" Theo cocked a brow.
"It's not just wizard porn?"
Astoria blobbed her tongue rather inelegantly out at Theo at the same time Daphne stepped on his
foot with the heel of her stiletto.
"What about if we made Hermione her own Horcrux?" Blaise asked. "That way there would still
be a piece of her soul left. Voldemort would die, but she wouldn't."
Daphne clicked her fingers together and pointed at Blaise. "That could work!"
Even though it was all fruitless, Hermione was touched. The people at the table around her were a
family in every sense of the world. They weren't tied together by blood, but they loved each other
equally and they cared for each other fiercely. And every one of them - even Daphne, who she'd
only known for a few weeks - thought of Hermione as her family too.
"I appreciate you trying to help," Hermione said, "but there's nothing that can be done. If
Voldemort is really going to die, then I need to as well."
The sound of Malfoy's chair scraping across the floor was like long nails on a chalkboard.
Hermione hadn't known why she'd expected him to stay when she started talking about this. He'd
already made it clear that he wouldn't listen to her talk about her death.
Hermione didn't watch him leave - Daphne and Blaise did. She waited until he'd stormed outside
and slammed the kitchen door behind him before she continued.
"The next thing we need to do is get to the snake. I know Voldemort hadn't told anyone where she
was, but Crouch knows him better than anyone." Hermione looked at Theo and Daphne. "Do you
think you could get a few suggestions out of him of where she might be?"
The possibility of torture usually lit a fire in Theo's eyes, the thought of torturing the man who'd
abused her usually made Daphne smile - but not that day. If anyone could do it, it was those two
but neither of them nodded. Neither seemed like they were up to the task.
"But are you sure that you want that, Hermione?" Blaise asked, his voice low but his eyes hard. "If
we kill the snake, then there's only you left. Don't you want us to delay it for a little longer while
we try and find a way to safe you?"
She did. She really fucking did, but delaying the inevitable would only be a good thing for
Voldemort. They'd whittled down his army to the bare bones and they'd destroyed another of his
Horcruxes. He was vulnerable, the most vulnerable he'd been in over a decade and if they delayed
things, it gave him chance to rebuild what they'd already torn down.
No, no they had to move quickly, as much as Hermione didn't want them to.
Blaise didn't need time to ponder this. Hermione realised he must have been thinking about it for a
while, maybe all night, and she wondered if that was the reason he looked so tired. "But by the
time the Order kills Nagini, all of Voldemort's strength and vitality will be depleted. If the Order
could capture him, maybe they could keep him weak and detain him and you wouldn't have to die -
"It's not worth the risk." Hermione didn't want to be rude, she appreciated Blaise wanting to find a
way around the predicament she'd found herself in, but it was too late. Hermione had already made
up her mind. "If he ever broke out or if any of his followers remained, the war could start again.
The only way to end this for good is to kill him. Properly - by whatever means necessary."
Astoria looked like she was on the verge of tears. "No! This isn't fair!" the frail blonde shouted.
"This isn't fair. It can't happen like this! You and Draco, you're so happy! You're so good together,
it's not-" She started to suddenly cough into her hands.
Hermione looked back to Theo and Daphne. "Do you think you could get some information out of
Crouch about where Nagini might be?"
"What d'ya say beautiful?" Theo asked, cocking his head to the side and running his hand up and
down his wife's arm. "Me, you, Crouch, a pair of plyers and a bottle of Skelegrow? Could pull his
fingers off one by one and then regrow them?"
Daphne's lips lifted into a smile. "We haven't tried that yet. Could be fun."
"Could be?" Theo gasped, clutching his heart. "Woman, when have I ever promised you a good
time and not delivered?!"
Astoria's coughing fit never got under control, and a few minutes later, Daphne got up from her
Theo and Blaise put their palms against the table like they were going to get up and help -
"It's alright," Daphne smiled at both of them. "I've got her." She let Astoria get out of her chair
herself, and then she wrapped a hand around her shoulders and guided her to the bottom of the
Astoria looked over her shoulder as they reached the bottom step. "Hermione?"
"Will you ... come up and finish that painting in my room later?"
Blaise leaned back in his chair and watched Daphne help Astoria up the stairs. He made a fist -
looked like he was on the verge of getting up off his chair and helping her himself, and once the
girls had disappeared, he looked at Theo. "Can I join you and Daphne tonight?"
Theo narrowed his eyes and studied Blaise for a moment. He opened his mouth and closed it
several times before he finally formed words. "Look mate, I think you're a very, very attractive
man, and if I did happen to swing that way -"
"- yours would probably be the first sausage I'd be willing to munch on, but I'm a taken man - "
"Please stop," Blaise sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. "I do not want to join you
and Daphne in the bedroom, Theodore."
"OH THANK FUCK FOR THAT!" Theo pretended to wipe imaginary sweat from his forehead.
"Then what do you want to join us with?"
"Torturing Crouch."
Theo shrugged and grinned wickedly. "I'll have to ask the Mrs mate, she's the boss, but I don't see
why not. More the merrier, I suppose."
Hermione had just started to get up and leave the men in peace when Blaise stopped her.
Blaise cleared his throat and straightened his posture slightly before he spoke. He sat upright,
rested his elbows on the table and gently joined his hands in front of him. "I know that I was
incredibly rude and awful to you when you first came to us, and I can only apologize for that. I was
ignorant and narrowminded and I'm disgusted that I ever treated you so terribly, but I think I speak
for all of us when I say that you've become one of the family."
Hermione looked at Theo, he nodded in agreement.
"I know you are an incredibly brave woman, and I cannot thank you enough for what you did for
Astoria. I understand and I respect you wanting to do what is right and what is necessary to protect
everyone else, but you're one of us now, and we would do anything to protect you."
Hermione didn't know what to say, just stared back at him and blinked back tears. God, she was so
fucking sick of crying.
"You have done so much for us, but for Draco, you've done so much more. It's just as Daphne said,
you brought him back to life, so please, for the sake of my brother and this family, I am asking
you," Blaise leaned across the table, caught Hermione's hand and squeezed it, "is there any way
you could be around to see him live the new life that you've given him?"
Hermione's eyes flickered and she watched Draco through the window. She watched him run his
hands over Narcissa's scaled cheek and say something to her. Watched the dragon huff and nudge
her snout into Draco's chest. She watched him walk along the side of her body and climb onto her
back. And as she watched Narcissa take flight and the pair of them disappear through the clouds,
she felt like she was watching her future disappear too.
"No," she whispered. "Not in this life, but maybe we'll get luckier in the next one."
All night long
16th April
"Well, that's weird. You don't look stupid. You look gorgeous."
"Please don't make jokes right now. I don't like this. I can't see anything!"
"That's the point, Daph. It's a surprise," Theo chuckled behind her. His breath tickled the back of
her neck and made goosebumps rise on her arms. "The first step is right in front of you so walk
very carefully -"
"How am I supposed to do that when I can't fucking see where I'm going?!"
"Don't worry, I won't let you walk into anything." When Daphne scoffed irritably, there was a brief
pause, and then Theo added. "Unless you don't fix your attitude, then you're on your own woman."
Daphne knew he wasn't being serious but her heart sank nonetheless. Her thick, artificial flashes
fluttered behind Theo's palms. She hated this. Being in the dark not being able to see what was in
front of her ... it reminded her of ...
If anyone other than Theo had asked her to do this, she'd have told them to fuck off. She hated
being in the dark these days, even the thought of it made her feel a little sickly. She needed to be
able to see everything around her at all times, needed to be able to see every corner so she was sure
no one could sneak up on her.
Blaise said there was no shame in sleeping with a candle burning on her bedside table but still, she
felt more than a little foolish.
Daphne hadn't been scared of anything before. Apart from losing her family, she had no real
phobias or fears. She wasn't scared of spiders or heights or things that went bump in the night.
In the old days, she used to be able to slaughter a room full of people and not even smudge her
make-up. In the old days an army of muggle soldiers could've been aiming their rifles at her and
her heart wouldn't have even skipped a beat, but now? She'd had her husbands hands covering her
eyes for a mere thirty seconds and sweat was gathering on her temples and her knees were
trembling together with fear.
Daphne Nott, the most deadly female Death Eater that ever lived, was scared of the fucking dark.
Oh, Bellatrix would've loved that.
She hated herself for allowing this irrational fear to develop. It made her feel pathetic. It made her
feel small and helpless and everything that she wasn't and didn't want to be, but more importantly,
it reminded her of Crouch.
That was the real problem. This fear of the dark, it'd come from him. What had been a game for
him had developed into a crippling trauma for her.
He used to do it all the time. Wait until the dead of night, blow out all the candles in his manor and
wait for her to walk past. Hide behind dark corners and attack her. Barricade himself in a room
with her and then stalk her. Grab her. Hex her. Stab her. Leave her panicking and terrified and
unable to see where or when the next attack was coming from.
It'd gone on like that for years, developed and developed until eventually, every time she was left
in a dark room - every time she couldn't see - her adrenaline spiked and her heart leapt into her
throat, waiting for him to find her, to catch her, to ...
This new fear of the dark was just another thing Crouch had left behind that she needed to undo.
She'd read scrolls on trauma and it was always described in one of two ways; the subject either felt
like there was a monster stalking them, making it impossible for them to forget what'd happened to
them, or they felt like there was a great big hole in their body that'd been carved out by whatever
experience had traumatised them. Most people sent their recovery either fighting the monster or
trying to rebuild their life and fill the hole, but Daphne, she didn't feel either of those things.
After what'd happened to her, she felt... full, not empty. She felt like herself, but not herself.
There had been a hole once, dozens of them, years and years ago, but Crouch had filled them. He'd
taken pieces of her, cut out the things that were important to her, carved away the things that made
her her and then patched them up with him. Filled those gaps with pieces of himself so she couldn't
not think about him.
He'd taken her fight and left her with a fear of the dark.
He'd taken her spirit and her passion and replaced them with a fear of being left alone.
He'd stolen years of her future and replaced them with years of memories of him torturing her.
He'd her love, taken something she used to fucking adore - something that made her feel connected
to her husband - and he'd twisted it into a fear.
It was silly to be obsessed with glamour charms and dresses and artificial things after everything
she'd been through. Expensive dresses and pretty nails had no place in war, but those things were
important to her before, so they should still be important to her after. There were so many fucking
things she used to love before, what Crouch had done, it shouldn't take away her love of nice things
He'd left so much behind, he'd left so many pieces of himself with her but Daphne refused to let
them stay. She'd cut him out a bit at a time, she didn't care what it took. She'd dissect and autopsy
herself without medication to be sure that every last part of him was gone and she could feel like
herself again.
She'd do whatever she had to to get herself back.
It might take years for her to get back what he'd taken from her but she was working on it, that was
the main thing. She was working on it one thing at a time, piece by piece, she was erasing what
he'd done to her and Theo ... He was helping her every step of the way.
Baby steps. They'd take one day at a time, chip away at each thing she felt was a problem together
until eventually, they'd conquer them all.
She just hadn't gotten the memo that today they were working on her fear of the dark.
If she hadn't been able to smell his aftershave behind her or feel his chest gently pressing against
her spine, she would have already panicked and called the whole thing off.
"I know you don't but I've got you. Baby steps, remember?"
Daphne swallowed the uncomfortable feeling in her throat. She rested one of her palms on her chest
and took a deep breath. "Baby steps."
"You're safe, ok?" Theo whispered in her ear. His voice sounded so much silkier because it was all
she could really focus on.
Merlin, she missed him whispering in her ear, it used to be one of her favourite things he did when
they had sex -
Sex ... Sex with Theo ... She used to love it. It always made her feel connected to him in a way that
words never could but now -
A sickly feeling bubbled in her stomach. The thought of it made her start to panic. Her chest felt
like it was going to collapse in on itself - but she still missed it! She missed the sounds he used to
make and the way he felt. She missed being that close to him. She wanted that intimacy back -
but the thought of having sex with him terrified her as much as the thought of never having sex
with him again did.
Baby steps, she reminded herself. Baby steps. They'd get there. They just needed time.
She felt him kiss the side of her neck, then her jaw, and after he pressed a lingering one on the shell
of her ear, he added. "You're safe with me. You trust me, don't you?"
When she nodded, Theo started to lead her down a set of stairs. She already knew that they led
down to the wine cellar under the safehouse but as they slowly took one step at a time, her heart
started to beat quicker and quicker and by the time they reached the cellar door, it felt
uncomfortable in her chest.
"I'm ready for you to take your hands off of my eyes!" She didn't mean for the words to come out
in a snarl but they did.
When Theo removed his hands, she was standing in front of the cellar doors. The door was as it
had always been, wooden with a rusting handle and chips in the dull blue paint. There was nothing
different about the door, and Crouch, he was just on the other side of it.
"Taaaadaaaaaaa!" Theo sang, stepping back and flashing her that same beaming smile he'd worn
when she'd agreed to go on a date with him for the first time.
She loved that smile, but the door? She wasn't impressed.
"You put me through all that just to show me a door that I've already seen a dozen times?"
"Well, yes, but that's not – Oi! Where do you think you're going?!"
"Back upstairs!" Daphne called over her shoulder as she started to walk back up the steps. "Astoria
said she would paint my nails. She had a lovely pale pink -"
Before the heel of her stilettoes could ascend the fourth step, Theo ducked under her arm and
blocked her path. "Trust me, you're gonna want to see this."
"I know what's behind it. It's Crouch, tied to a chair, same as he always is."
Theo grinned and looked at her through his dark lashes. "Not tonight, love." He leaned forward
until their chests were pressed together and then he started to walk forward, gently pushing her
back down the stairs.
When they were standing in front of the cellar door again, Theo grabbed her face and kissed her for
a moment, just a little kiss - more of a peck, really - and then he let go, walked in front of her and
opened the door.
Daphne couldn't see whatever he was showing for a moment, his frame blocked it from view, but
when he stepped aside, when she could see, she smiled so widely that it hurt her cheeks.
There were a lot of things Daphne thought about doing to Barty Crouch Jr during her years of
Every time he'd touched her she'd thought about slicing his fingers off. Every time he'd bit her
she'd imagined herself ripping all of his teeth out one by one and then shoving them down his
She'd thought about chopping parts of him off and she'd thought about drowning him. She'd
thought about snapping and twisting every bone in his body until they splintered in two and she'd
thought about flaying each and every layer of his skin off one by one until she hit bone.
She'd thought about it all, imagined herself hurting him in every fucking way possible, it would
never have been enough to make up for things he'd done to her - or the time he'd stolen - but she
still liked to think about it.
After all those years, she'd thought she'd come up with every torture method imaginable.
But looking at Crouch, watching as he hung upside down, suspended from the ceiling by chains
and metal hooks that'd been shoved through his ankle bones ... watching blood drip from the
wounds and down the chains that were secured around his body ... seeing the way his eyes
widened when he saw her ... the unimaginable terror in his expression ... Daphne had never felt
satisfaction like it.
Her husband had truly outdone himself this time. This, this was a fucking masterpiece.
Theo walked behind her and wrapped both his arms around her stomach. "You like it?" he asked,
whispering the question against her cheek.
"Come on then," he kissed her cheek again and then took her hand, "Zabini is joining us in an hour,
we'll see how much damage we can do in that time but when Zabini gets here? That's when the real
fun begins."
Crouch hissed and tried to flinch away, but when Theo whispered an incantation and the skin
around Crouch's thumb started to slide off the bone, he writhed and jerked in agony.
Daphne had never been much of a fan of torture. She'd done it, yes, but she'd never really enjoyed
it. It was just part of her service to the Dark Lord, just another part of her job. She never wanted to
hurt anyone but given the choice between her family and everyone else, it wasn't really a choice.
Kill first, ask questions later. She'd worry about her guilt later. Her family came first. Always had.
Always would.
But watching Crouch be tortured? Watching her husband break and crack his bones? Watching
Crouch snivel and cry and scream and beg for it to stop? She did like that – fucking loved it.
"Let the music play on, play on, play on, play on."
Merlin, Daphne loved this song. She was surprised that Theo had managed to find this Lionel
Ritchie song on vinyl. Even she'd struggled to get her hands on a copy years ago, and that'd been
before the world had gone to shit.
Watching her husband dance about and torture the man who'd abused her for years, all while
listening to 80's classics - Daphne felt like she was in heaven.
Watching Crouch be tortured felt almost as good as doing it herself. Every time he screamed,
Daphne smiled. Every time he wailed and begged and cried for it to stop, Daphne felt better.
Lighter, like another of the pieces he'd left behind had been chipped away.
This, it was the best present Theo had ever given her.
She sat back in her chair and watched with a smile as her husband very slowly and very painfully,
extracted Crouch's finger, tossed it across the room, and then started to work on the next one.
"Lose yourself in wild romance," as Theo danced, he leaned onto the tips of his toes and spun
around, and as he did, he dragged the knife he was holding all the way down Crouch's arm,
severing flesh and causing a new wail of agony to spill from his mouth, "we're going to party,
karamu, fiesta, forever."
"Come on and sing along," Theo sang happily as he dragged the knife down the opposite arm,
letting the blood spill. "We're going to party." Theo flicked his wrist in a way that sliced a piece of
skin off Crouch's elbow. "Karamu." Another flick, this one taking a chunk out of his forearm.
"Fiesta." Another slash, Daphne was surprised it didn't take his finger off. " Forever."
"You ... you can't keep doing this... " Crouch whined, blood dripping down his temples and adding
to the crimson puddle on the floor. "I'll die soon ... lost, too much blood -EUGHH!"
"Shhhhh!" Daphne hissed menacingly, twirling her wand and making Crouch flinch. "Stop
screaming! I can't hear Theo's lovely singing voice!"
Theo grinned wickedly before he blew her a kiss and continued with his work. He'd changed so
much while she'd been away. He was stronger now, more ruthless, more confident. He used to shy
away from hurting people but now he seemed to love it.
She'd have been lying if she said that she didn't like this new, more confident Theo.
"Come on Crouchy boy," Theo grinned, hovering over their victim. "If you were old Boldy Voldy,
where would you keep your little scaley mate?"
"What -" Crouch started to splutter. "What makes you think I know where he's taken her?! I'm just
a servant! I'm just a Gold Mask-"
"Oh don't be so harsh on yourself mate. You're clever, remember? Cleverest of all the Death
Eaters? Isn't that what you always used to say at the meetings?"
"So you're telling me that in aaaaaaall that time you spent wanting to be our lord and saviours
favourite bitch, you never learned how he thinks? Not even a little bit?"
Crouch swallowed. He looked like he was going to pass out - although, that could very easily have
been from blood loss or hanging upside down for as long as he had been.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Theo knelt down until he was eye level with Crouch. He flipped the
knife in his hand once, and then he hovered it threateningly over the bridge of Crouch's pointy
nose. "You know, if you love him so much, I could give you a little make over? Cut off your nose,
shave it down, make you look just like him."
The chains that were wrapped around Crouch started to rattle and clink as his body started to
Theo placed the tip of his knife against Crouch's nose and very slowly, dragged it upwards until it
rested between his brows. "What do you think, Daph? Think he'd like that?"
"I don't know about Voldemort, but I know I would love to see it."
Crouch turned very pale - again, if it was through fear or blood loss or suspension, Daphne wasn't
Theo sucked air through his teeth and tapped the knife against Crouch's nose. "Sorry pal, the lady
gets what the lady wants."
Daphne rose slightly from her seat so she could get a better view.
Lionel Ritchie still sang in the background, Theo's voice accompanying him.
"Come join the fun, it's a merry-go-round," he sang, bobbing his head gently from side to side, in
time with the music as he cut Crouch's nose off. "Everyone's dancing their troubles away."
Draco hadn't been exaggerating - Theo really did know how to put on a show, even the way he held
up the managed mess of skin and bone that used to be Crouch's nose was theatrical and over the
After dangling the severed nose in front of it's screaming owner, Theo tossed it onto the pile of
fingers and stood up. "Where's the snake, Barty?" he whispered, circling Crouch and smiling down
at him. "Tik tock, tik tock .. "
Daphne wished she could take a picture of Crouch's face. He was the image of panic. Terror
splashed onto a canvas. Actually, maybe she should bring a camera next time...
"I don't ... there could be a hundred different ... I don't know ... I-"
"Tik tock," Theo taunted, making another circle, dragging his knife along Crouch's ribs as he went.
"BEEEEEEP! I'm sorry, but we're out of time," Theo said, holding the knife like it was a
microphone and lowering his voice. "We do have extra time coming up, but bonus rounds don't
come cheap. We'll need payment now.... a rib should do..." Theo tapped the blade against Crouch's
exposed ribcage. "Or maybe your spleen ... He can live without that? Right?"
When Theo looked over his shoulder at her, Daphne nodded. "Defiantly doesn't need it. Cut it out."
"When - arghhhhhh!" Crouch screamed and tried to jerk away from Theo but he couldn't. He
looked like a hide in a butchers shop, he was completely at their mercy. "When is this going to
Suddenly, Theo stepped back and looked towards the record player. "Wait."
"Oh, O, O, O, yes."
"What?!" Crouch panted. His eyes were squeezed closed with pain. "What is it!?"
"Wait," he repeated, holding one of his hands up and staring at the record player. "Any second
now. Waaaaaait."
And then Lionel Ritchie gave the answer to Crouch's question. How long was the torture going to
"Pair of psychos, the both of you," Blaise muttered from the entrance. He walked slowly into the
room until he was stood beside Theo. "I swear you two were made for each other. For God's sake -
Theo straightened and slapped a blood covered hand over his mouth." Ye take the Lord's name in
vein!? BLASPHEMY!"
"What?" Theo shrugged. "We spent months searching those bastard churches and looking at those
Biblybob things for clues, you don't think I would have picked up a few things along the way?"
"Bibles, Theodore," Blaise corrected, rolling his eyes. "They're called Bibles."
Usually Daphne didn't mind sitting back and letting Blaise have most of the fun. He had a good
reason to hate Crouch. The vile bastard had tried to slip something in Astoria's drink so he could
take advantage of her, Blaise should want to make Crouch pay.
What he'd tried to do to Astoria, it should've angered Daphne more than it did. She should have
wanted to hurt him for it, it should have filled her heart with rage but it didn't - she wouldn't let it.
So much of her soul was already taken up with hate and disgust and loathing for Crouch - she
refused to give him any more of her.
No, no he'd still pay for having the nerve to try and victimise her little sister like that, but she'd let
Blaise punish him for that crime -but not tonight, after seeing what Theo had already done to
Crouch, it'd gotten her all riled up in the worst of ways.
When Daphne rose from her chair, Crouch looked at her. His eyes were void of anything but fear.
Crouch flinched when she raised her wand - he'd grown to do that whenever she got close to him. It
was a good start but she wanted more. Flinching whenever he saw her wand wasn't enough. She
wanted him to be terrified of her. She wanted to train it into him. She wanted to beat him and hurt
him and break him until even the mention of her name made him piss himself.
Daphne pressed her wand against one of the few fingers Crouch had left. "Let me ask you again."
The end of her wand sparked - Crouch hissed in pain. "Where is the snake?"
Crouch wailed as Daphne started to pull. The skin around his knuckle started to split open. Thick
blood sprayed onto the back of his hand and hers - it made Daphne smile to look at it.
Theo hurt Crouch before Daphne could. He dug his wand into the base of Crouch's skull and gave
him a little electric shock before Daphne had the chance to.
"Oi!" Theo snapped, jabbing his wand into Crouch's neck in warning. "We'll have less of that
language directed at my wife, thank you very much."
It was obvious what Crouch was doing. He was trying to goad them. He was testing their limits,
trying to poke and prod. He wanted them to lose their temper for a moment, he wanted them to snap
and forget themselves and kill him. He really thought he was so much cleverer than everyone else.
Daphne walked over to their table of supplies and picked up the bottle she wanted, a special
concoction of Blood Replenishing potion and Healing Draught, and it sounded like she cracked one
of Crouch's teeth as she shoved the bottle into his mouth and tilted his head back. He tried to resist,
but after Daphne plugged his nose with her other hand he really didn't have a choice.
Once the bottle was drained, Daphne waited the appropriate amount of time for Crouch's wounds
to heal and once he was good to go again, Daphne went in for round two -
She blinked up at him and her brows furrowed together. She didn't understand. She thought the
whole point of this was to -
"Don't worry," Theo told her. "We have another surprise for you."
Daphne tried to follow what happened over the next few minutes, but anyone would have
struggled. One moment she was standing in the wine cellar and Blaise asked her to take his hand
and the next, she was standing in a white room with fluorescent lights, Blaise and Theo beside her
and Crouch tied to a chair in front of her.
"We know." Theo rolled his eyes. "But we missed so many of them, consider this all the birthdays
we missed, all rolled into one."
Daphne looked at the room around her - if she could even call it a room. There weren't any walls or
doors or window. It was just endless white and bright lights that made her want to squint. She
looked at the boys in turn and then she looked down at Crouch, she didn't get it at all, but then
Blaise made it make sense.
Although for completely different reasons, both Crouch and Daphne's eyes widened.
"Taaadaaaaa,” Theo beamed for the second time. "Told ya the second surprise was a good one."
Blaise was all too eager to explain. "The spell I used to get us into his mind, it's very similar to
Legilimency. Draco gave me the idea. He told me that when he used to search Hermione's
memories, she could feel pain in there. While they were in her mind, she used to feel all sorts of
pain, and aside from the toll frequent Legilimency takes on the body, her physical body remained
fine. Of course it doesn't mean that you should be reckless, Daphne. If you use the spell
excessively, it could cause irrevocable damage to the tissues in his brain which causes -"
Blaise sighed but managed to refrain from slapping Theo. "Whatever you do to him in here, he'll
feel it, but it'll stay in here. Do you understand?"
She did, but she needed Blaise to say it out loud to make sure she wasn't dreaming it.
"You can kill him in here Daphne," Blaise explained, and although he was clearly taking to
Daphne, he was smirking down at Crouch. He was going to have as much fun with this as Daphne
Theo gently placed his index finger under Daphne's chin and tilted her head up so he could stare
into her eyes. "Do you get it? You can actually kill him and nothing will happen to him on the
outside." He leaned forward to kiss the tip of her nose and when he pulled back, he was grinning at
her like he'd just won the Quidditch world cup. "You said that every time Crouch touched you, you
felt like you died inside. We thought it was about time you did the same to him."
"Are ..." She could hardly speak. If this was true, if this worked, there wouldn't be enough words in
the world to express her gratitude. "You're sure this will work?"
"Yes -"
Daphne didn't wait for him to finish. She was too excited. She swiped her wand sharply in a
vertical motion and just like that, Crouch's head left his shoulders. Blood spurted out from the
stump that used to be his skinny neck. His decapitated head rolled across the floor.
Daphne squeezed Theo's hand tightly in her own. Maybe she'd been too rash.
Twelves seconds later, the lights above their heads flickered. They were temporarily left in total
darkness but when the light came back on, Crouch's head was back on his neck and he was
screaming. Absolutely wailing and crying like Daphne would have done every time he'd forced
himself on her - if she'd only been able to.
She'd killed him. She'd shown him what it felt like to die - truly die - only for him to realise that it
wasn't over, not even a little bit. For a brief moment, he'd been in unimaginable agony. For a brief
moment, his soul had left his body and he'd died inside. For a brief moment, he'd just experienced
what he'd put her through for seven long fucking years.
1st May
As Draco stared down at the girl who was sleeping soundly in his arms, it was all he could think
about. The same questions had been repeating over and over again in his head like the beat of a
drum for weeks.
How had he let this happen? How could he have let Voldemort infect her with his magic? How
could he not have fucking realised it?! She'd been a Horcrux for almost a year and Draco, he hadn't
had a clue.
The signs had been there. The nose bleeds. The nightmares she kept having. Telling him she felt
Voldemort's magic still crawling in her skin, even months after he'd been in her mind. All the signs
were there and he'd been so busy fighting his feelings for her that he hadn't put the pieces together
– not until it was too late.
That compass, Draco had known what it was the moment Kingsley had slammed it down on the
table. He hadn't seen it for over eighteen months but he'd recognise it anywhere. It'd been his idea
to move the bloody thing and store it somewhere safe so the enemy didn't get their hands on it. The
fucking irony of it all.
The move under the tunnels, that'd been Malfoy's idea. He remembered the plan he'd made down
to the last detail, and he remembered the pain Voldemort had bestowed upon him as punishment
when the mission had gone tits up and the compass had been stolen.
Six hours of constant Cruciatus curse - how could anyone ever forget that?
His failure with the compass, it'd also been the reason he'd been on standby a few weeks later when
the Dover incident happened. He knew he needed to do something to get back in the Dark Lord's
good books and waiting in the wings with a hungry dragon while some Gold Masks moved a
carriage of girls seemed like a good way to do that.
The only reason Granger had been captured in Dover was because he'd been there, and the only
reason he was there, was because of that fucking compass.
The compass, no matter which way he looked at it, that'd been the thing that brought Granger into
his life, and ultimately, that was the thing that was going to take her from him too.
He'd never forget the feeling that'd swarmed over him when its dial had landed on her.
That feeling, the way his heart had stopped mid-beat and it felt like his chest was collapsing in on
itself, it'd been worse than the six hours of Cruciatus curse. It'd hurt more than anything else he'd
ever experienced because he knew the pain wouldn't pass, it wasn't going to get better in the future
because the future that he wanted? That future that he'd been growing attached to? The one with
Granger? It didn't exist anymore, had snapped out of fucking existence the moment that dial
pointed at her chest.
It was as though that dial on the compass had cut the strings that held up his future and ever since
then, he'd felt like he was free falling. Free falling into a great big black hole and he had no idea
how he was going to crawl out of it.
And if he was being honest with himself, he didn't even know if he wanted to crawl out of it.
Draco was supposed to be clever and cunning. He was supposed to always have a plan and protect
the ones he loved so how, how the fuck had he not had a clue that the woman who'd come to infect
every dream and thought he had, had also been infected herself - right under his fucking nose.
It's your fault, Draco, the words were so loud and clear in his head, he could have sworn that
Voldemort was standing behind him, hissing them in his ear.
It's your fault, Voldemort's voice was all he could hear some nights, rattling around inside his skull,
gut-wrenching to hear, impossible to ignore.
She's going to die because of you, he could picture Voldemort's face while he said it. Could see the
spiteful triumph glowing in his red eyes.
Draco had hated Voldemort for a long time. It'd started after he'd drove his father to the brink of
insanity and it'd only grown from that day on, festering like an open wound. The rage had
magnified when he'd killed his parents, multiplied tenfold when he'd ordered Daphne's execution.
He didn't think it was possible to hate him any more than he already did - and then he'd made
Granger a Horcrux, and Draco was proven wrong. There weren't words in any language that could
describe the hatred he felt towards his former master.
He wanted to burn Voldemort to the ground. He wanted to rib his organs out and flay his pale skin
and kill him over and over again. What Daphne was doing to Crouch wouldn't even begin to satisfy
the bloodlust he felt growing for Voldemort.
Your fault.
Your fault.
He didn't just want to kill Voldemort. He wanted to crush him from the inside out. He wanted to
terrify him. He wanted to take away everything he cared about, he wanted to make him feel weak
and helpless. He wanted the Dark Lord to beg for death. He wanted to make him suffer.
Your fault.
Your fault.
Your fault.
Your fault.
- because of you -
Granger stirred in his arms. She jolted like she'd been kicked and gasped quietly.
Her eyes remained closed but her hands balled into fists against his chest. Her lashes fluttered but
she didn't wake and after a few seconds, her breathing settled back into a gentle rhythm.
Call him pathetic, but the sound of her breathing while she slept in his arms, it'd become Draco's
favourite thing to listen to. He'd become so attuned to it, felt like if he was stood in a dark room
with a dozen others, he'd have been able to pick her out easily just by sound of her breathing. He'd
been paying much more attention to it lately - probably because she was so convinced that she
didn't have many more of them left.
The soft light from the crackling fire made her skin glow and gave a soft little flush to her cheeks.
He ran the backs of his knuckles back and forth over her cheekbone as he watched her sleep.
All they'd done the past week was fight and scream at one another - it was nice to see her quiet for
a change. The one time he ever saw her this peaceful was when she was sleeping.
She'd promised him that she was going to try and find a way to save herself and she had done, to
begin with. She'd started to read books on dark magic and learned what she could, but her heart
wasn't in it, not until he motivated her.
Granger wasn't selfish like he was. She was good and pure. She didn't want to die but she was
willing to sacrifice her life if it meant everyone else could live. Her and her bloody Utilitarian
She'd done awful things during the war but she was still a good person, and the thing about good
people? They were easy to manipulate. There was always something that could be used as leverage.
Always something that tugged on their heartstrings that could be used to wrap around their necks
and hang them with, and Malfoy, he had just the thing.
It wasn't empty words, he'd been ready to copy whatever blood ritual the Dark Lord had used and
bind his life to hers to prove to her how serious he was but he didn't need to. The threat alone had
been enough.
He shouldn't have been so proud of it but he was. He'd done far worse in the past to get what he
wanted. Blackmail, manipulation, gaslighting, he didn't care what it was called, he would have
done anything to get her to try and save herself.
She'd been ready to die but when Draco's life was suddenly hanging in the balance? That changed
things. The thought of him dying lit the match and burned the fight back into her. Suddenly, she
was staying up all hours to try and figure a way out of this. Suddenly, she was fighting again, and it
was a good fucking job that she was, because conquering death? Not fucking easy.
For all the might and power of the wizarding world, Malfoy thought that surely someone
somewhere would have thought of a fucking spell to beat or trick death by now?! All these great
scholars and wizards, and none of them - not a single fucking one - had gotten anywhere near
figuring it out but no, there was nothing.
Draco searched and searched. He snuck into Hogwarts Library and stole books and scrolls from the
graveyard that was once his school. He sacrificed sleep and he read until his eyes felt like they
were bleeding, but despite his desperate attempts, he couldn't find anything on bringing someone
back from the dead.
The resurrection stone was gone and unicorn blood was ineffective. He thought he was finally onto
a breakthrough when he'd dreamt about phoenix tears. Phoenix tears could heal anything, so he'd
thought - fucking prayed to Gods and Deity's that he didn't believe in - that those tears they had
stored away in the cupboard could somehow - fucking somehow - might be able to heal that awful
thing that'd attached itself and was poisoning the woman he loved but no, even they failed.
Creating a Horcrux meant tearing a person's soul into several pieces, and with each failed attempt
to save her, Draco felt like his own soul was being torn apart.
The only other thing he could think of was possibly siphoning the Horcrux out of her and putting it
into something else. That could work - he was sure of, was fucking clinging to like a dying man
clings to a lifeline in a storm.
A Horcrux was dark magic but it was still magic, Granger had managed to siphon Draco's magic
without even realising that she was doing it, there had to be a way to siphon the Horcrux out of her
and put it into something else so that they could destroy it.
Granger wasn't convinced that it would work but she'd agreed to let him try. Agree might've been
too strong of a word, he hadn't given her the option to refuse.
So that was how they'd spent their days over the last few weeks. Practising and practising. Placing
their wands at different pressure points around her body and trying to pull the dark magic that made
up the Horcrux out of her.
It felt like an impossible task because it was!
Draco didn't know what he was aiming for, it was like trying to catch bubbles in a dark lake, no
matter how much he tried, no matter how much he willed it to be so, it kept slipping away.
He noticed a small, purplish bruise forming on her chest, right over her heart.
"If the Horcrux that was inside Harry was destroyed when his heart stopped, then that must be
where it's stored." Those were Granger's words. It'd been her suggestion to focus on her heart when
trying siphon the Horcrux out of her. She'd said that he hadn't hurt her when they'd been but she
must have lied.
He pushed some of her curls away from her face and that was when he noticed another bruise on
the side of her temple.
Draco thought that because Voldemort had entered Granger's mind when he'd planted the Horcrux
that it would be there. Moving very careful so that he didn't wake her, he picked his wand up off
the floor and healed both of the bruises he'd made that day.
This plan of theirs, it had to fucking work. Draco wouldn't be without her. He simply wouldn't.
They'd figure out a way out of this eventually, but they were fighting against the clock.
The mystery of where Nagini was being kept, it wasn't going to be a mystery for much longer.
One brush with 'death' had been enough to crack Crouch open like an egg and after that,
suggestions on where Voldemort might have hidden Nagini were pouring out of him like they'd
tapped a vein.
Most of his ideas were shit but it was the Order's shit to deal with. Malfoy and his family had done
enough and as far as he was concerned, if the Order wanted the snake dead, then they'd have to kill
it themselves. Draco had other, more important priorities.
Crouch's first suggestion had been the old docks in Hull. For the life of him, Draco couldn't
understand the connection but he passed the information on nonetheless, figured it would buy him
more time with Granger and make it look like he was still cooperating.
After Daphne had executed Crouch by hanging him a few nights later, he'd suggested Hogwarts.
That was too obvious a hiding place but Malfoy had still been nervous to pass the information on.
He couldn't hide his relief when the lead turned out to be dry.
Crouch's next suggestion was some caves in Derbyshire. Then the remains of a castle in Whitby.
Then an old seaside town in Devon. He even suggested the old Riddle house at one point - Malfoy
had held his breath when Crouch had suggested that one. He didn't think Voldemort would have
hidden Nagini there but it seemed much more likely than all of the other suggestions. He'd felt sick
when Granger had passed the information to Potter, and hadn't been able to rest until they'd gotten
the signal from the Order that they'd searched the entire property from top to bottom and found
They were getting closer to the snake, Malfoy could feel it. And each time either he or Granger
passed another one of Crouch's suggestions onto the Order, Draco prayed that it'd be another false
Because sooner or later, the snake would be dead and then Granger ... She'd be the only Horcrux
When the snake was gone, the Order would come. Draco knew that. When the snake was gone
they'd want her dead. Potter might've been conflicted about it but Kingsley wouldn't. He'd want
Granger's heart to stop beating the moment the snakes did.
When the snake was gone, they'd try and take her from him.
Draco pulled Granger more tightly against his chest. He buried his nose into her hair and kissed the
top of her head.
5th May
Draco was on the sofa again, listening to the sound of the crackling fire and Granger sleeping when
he heard the door to the cellar click open. It was the early hours of the morning but sleep still
hadn't found him yet, hadn't found him all week. He didn't move from the sofa but his eyes lifted to
watch the door open to let Blaise, Theo and then Daphne step through it.
All three of them were smiling and dotted with blood - they always were after they'd finished
torturing Crouch- and, just like always, Blaise didn't linger. He nodded goodnight to Theo and
Daphne and then quickly made his way upstairs.
He didn't blame Blaise for wanting to join in interrogating Crouch - he had a lot of built-up anger
himself when it came to Crouch.
Draco might have to give it a whirl himself. Could even cut off Crouch's nose again like Theo had
and pretend he was Voldemort. Might be just the thing he needed to take the edge off.
When Blaise was upstairs, Daphne and Theo started to follow. Theo led the way, but when he was
about three steps up, he turned around and smiled down at Daphne. He put a hand on either side of
the wall so she couldn't get passed him and then he leaned down and kissed her.
When he whispered something to her, Daphne giggled and kissed him back, threading her fingers
through his curls and tilting his head to the angle she wanted.
"Fuck - I missed you," Theo grinned, not breaking contact as he kissed his wife again.
"How much?"
"So much. Felt like I'd been split in two while you were gone. Felt like half a person."
"And now?"
Even from the distance, Draco could see Theo's smile. "Feels like I'm whole again."
Draco loved both of them dearly. He was so happy for them. They were made for each other and
after everything they'd been through, they deserved their happy ending but Merlin - it fucking hurt
to see them like that. It was the first time in his life that he'd been jealous of them. He was jealous
because they were together. All smiles because they had years left together, had all the fucking
time in the world to be together.
His chest ached and he hugged Granger more tightly against him.
Theo whispered something that Draco couldn't hear, and if Daphne's next words were anything to
go by, he was fucking glad that he didn't.
"You're filthy," she giggled against Theo's mouth. "Go and have a bath."
Daph suddenly froze and when she started to pull away - she took Theo's smile with her.
"I'm sorry!" he said quickly, panic as evident on his face as it was in his eyes. He started to reach
for her again. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to - "
Daphne closed the little space she'd put between them and took hold of Theo's face. "It's ok. Baby
steps, remember?"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you -"
"It's fine and you didn't." She kissed his nose and smiled sweetly at him. "We'll get there just ...
Baby steps, yeah?"
Theo nodded but he still looked incredibly glum. He started to walk up the stairs but then Daphne
stopped him.
Theo turned around and stared at her expectantly like the love-sick puppy that he was.
"Just because I'm not quite ready to join you yet, it doesn't mean that I don't want to watch."
Poor lad. Draco had never seen Theo look more confused. He stared at Daphne for the longest
time, then he smiled and practically sprinted upstairs.
Daphne waited until she heard the door to the upstairs bathroom open and the faucet start to run.
Then she sighed quietly and leaned against the wall. She bent down and took her ridiculously high
heels off and once she was back to her normal height, she looked up and caught Draco's eye. He
watched her walk into the kitchen, filled two glasses with water from the tap, and then she quietly
came into the living room and handed him one of the glasses.
"How are you doing?" Draco asked as he accepted the drink, whispering it so he didn't wake
Daphne shrugged. She picked up one of the pillows from the opposite sofa, placed it on the floor in
front of the sofa that Malfoy and Hermione were on, and sat crossed-legged on top of it. "Alright, I
"I feel like there's a wall between us. Theo and me. I'm trying to break it down but it's hard."
Malfoy didn't respond. He watched her as he took a sip of his water and then put the glass on the
floor. He knew if he was quiet for long enough, Daphne would say whatever it was that was
bothering her. She never needed much prodding. Neither did her sister.
"I don't want it to be like that," Daphne whispered after a while. "I want him to kiss me. I want him
to touch me and hold me the way he used to. It's literally all I thought about while I was -" She cut
herself off and took a deep breath.
Draco understood why. "It's going to take time to get back to how you used to be. Theo knows that.
He wouldn't give a shit if the two of you never had sex again. All he's ever wanted was you Daph.
That's all he's ever needed to be happy."
Draco tried again. "You have all the time in the world-"
Although he tried to hide the way her words cut, his Occlumency wasn't nearly what it used to be.
The hurt must have shown on his face because Daphne started to go on a rant.
"It's heart-breaking, what the two of you are having to go through. None of it is right. When we
were young, we were told stories about how no matter what darkness and adversity are thrown at
us, everything will be alright in the end. We're told that there will always be a happy ending, but
then look at the two of you?!" she hissed, her voice getting slightly louder with each word. "You've
been through so much, both of you have! You're so perfect together and then this happens?! It's not
fucking fair!"
Daphne had been so angry by end of her speech that she almost shouted the last part. She abruptly
stopped when Granger stirred, and when she spoke again, she lowered her voice to a quiet whisper.
"What I'm trying to say is that after seeing what's happened to the two of you, it feels wrong not to
be with Theo the way that I want to. It feels selfish. We've been given a second chance and it feels
like we're wasting it, especially when the two of you don't know how much longer you have to be
"I know, but sex and killing, they're about the only things that I used to be good at - well, that and
making a good cuppa."
"Remember when we were young, and my mother had that little Venomous Tantacula plant
"The one she kept in a little gold plant pot in the kitchen window?"
"Yes." Draco nodded. "Do you remember how it mysteriously died when we were about fifteen
and no one could work out why?"
Daphne narrowed her eyes. She clearly hadn't gotten there yet. "Yes? Why?"
Daphne smiled. She looked like she wanted to hit him, but her eyes darted to the witch in his arms
and she stopped herself.
"Don't rush things with Theo." Malfoy changed the subject - thought it best before Daph punched
him. There was only so long he could use Granger as a human shield. "You know he's happy to
wait for you as long as it takes."
Daphne seemed distracted enough by the change in topic. "I know he will. It's not that I don't want
to be intimate with him because I do. I miss it so much. I miss being with him and I miss having his
"La, la, la, la, la, la!" Malfoy scrunched his nose up. "I don't need to hear the details, Daph."
"Sorry." She wasn't really sorry, her smile told him that. "But you know what I mean? He's
terrified to touch me because he thinks I think he's going to hurt me like Crouch did and that's not
the case. He's always been gentle with me and I trust him with my life but ... I just, can't seem to
move past ... Crouch, yet."
"As I said, you'll get there eventually, and even if you don't, so what? Sex doesn't make a
Daphne snorted and rolled her eyes. "You sound like a Hufflepuff - she's making you soft that one,"
she added, smiling and tilting her chin towards Granger.
"Says the woman who once bawled like a baby because her lovesick fool of a boyfriend made her
cookies in the shape of hearts."
She chuckled under her breath and looked wistfully up at the ceiling, staring up at the room that
was her and Theo's bedroom. "Don't joke about that. Those cookies were fucking adorable."
"They were adorable. He even carved the chocolate chips into the shape of little hearts."
Draco put one of his fingers in his mouth and made a fake retching noise.
"Stop it. I liked them. He made them all by hand too. No magic. Said he wanted to do it the hard
way to prove how much he loved me."
"Oh, I fucking remember," Draco laughed. "I had to hear him moan all bastard morning about how
dangerous muggle baking was. He burnt his fingers making them for you, you know that, don't
Daphne's smile only grew. "Yes. He didn't have fingerprints on three of his fingers for weeks.
Singed them off, the soft git."
"I suppose, but that's the thing about being in love, isn't it?" Daphne asked. "All those things, all
those little acts and declarations of love, they seem so stupid when you're on the outside looking in.
They seem pathetic. But when you're in them? Those little gestures are the most wonderful thing in
the world. I still think about those cookies now, even years later."
This. This was what Draco had missed. Easy, light conversations like this with his sister.
"So what are we going to do anyway? About her?" Daphne nodded at the sleeping witch in Draco's
arms. "She's determined to die so the rest of us can live."
"She's not going to die, he cut her off. I won't let that happen."
"I know, but how are we going to make sure she says alive? Do you want us to stop torturing
Crouch for information?"
He did. If anyone was able to think like Voldemort and figure out where he might be keeping
Nagini, it was Crouch, and if Theo and Daphne and now Blaise kept torturing him the way they
were, it would only be a matter of time before Crouch churned out the right answer.
"No, the Order have the compass. If we're going to get the pardon's Kingsley has promised us then
we need to look like we're still cooperating. They'll figure out where Nagini is hiding eventually
and Granger is right. The longer we leave it, the more time Voldemort has to rebuild his army. The
snake needs to go."
Daphne nodded like she agreed with him. "But what do you want to do, Draco?"
He didn't even have to think about it. "I want to get on Narcissa's back, take Granger and hide her
somewhere she'll be safe and no one can take her away from me."
Voldemort would never stop hunting them and eventually, after they'd killed the snake, neither
would the Order. Each side would want to hunt them down so they could take Granger. Malfoy
didn't care if they'd spent their entire life on the run if it meant that she'd have a life - with him.
"I just keep thinking, fuck the rest of the world," he told Daphne. "She's what I want. She's what I
need to make me happy. Fuck everyone else. The Order wouldn't sacrifice one of their own to
spare us so why should we for them?"
"I could do it if you want?" Daphne whispered. "I could knock her out and kidnap her. Take her to
another safehouse somewhere and keep her there until we figure out how to take the Horcrux out of
her. She'll hate me for it but I don't mind being the villain if it means she lives and you're happy. It
doesn't matter to me if she hates me, it just matters that she lives."
Draco looked at Granger again. Daphne's suggestion, he'd already thought about it. Weighed the
pros and the cons up against each other again and again but he always came to the same
Granger was the strongest and most intelligent woman he'd ever met and if he forced her into that
plan, she'd push back. She was smarter than he was and if he kidnapped her, if he did take her
somewhere hidden and hide her away, she'd outmanoeuvre him and get herself out somehow. And
if she escaped, she wouldn't risk him kidnapping her again, not if innocent peoples lives were on
the line.
If he pushed her, she'd push back. If he tried to hide her away to save her life, she'd escape, storm
into the Order's base, grab the sword of Gryffindor and slit her own throat to prevent him from
putting everyone else's lives in danger again.
If he forced her in any way, he'd essentially be pushing her into being a martyr and he couldn't let
that happen. He needed to tread carefully. Take each step as it came and look for opportunities as
they came to him. If Granger was going to survive this, he needed to be clever and cunning and
bide his time.
"Can I talk to you outside about something?" Daphne didn't wait for his response. She turned
around and looked away while Malfoy got up from the sofa, pulled on his trousers and then his
coat. He wrapped the blanket tightly around Granger and kissed her cheek before he walked away.
He pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket as he made his way to the kitchen door, and after
he'd stepped outside, he lit it with the end of his wand.
Narcissa was waiting for him outside. She seemed just as tired as Draco felt. She'd been spending
her days over the last few weeks patrolling the area and looking for threats, and she was just as
nervous about Granger's future as he was, and that was even evident in where she'd been sleeping.
She'd completely abandoned the bunker that she usually slept under and had taken to resting in the
back garden, as close to the kitchen door as her huge, bulking frame would allow.
Draco knew the reason. Narcissa had always been attuned to him but now her connection to
Granger was just as strong. She could sense the tension between them and she wanted to be as
close to them as possible in case they needed her.
Narcissa sat up expectantly as Draco was outside, but when a certain someone didn't Immediately
follow, she whined and moved a little closer to the door.
"No," Draco commanded her in a low voice. "Granger is still asleep. You can see her tomorrow."
When Daphne followed, she kept her back pressed against the brick wall, keeping as much space
between her and Narcissa as she could.
Draco knew that he wasn't going to like this conversation when Daphne pulled out her wand and
cast a privacy charm.
"What is it?" he asked, eyes on the cigarette in his mouth as he took the first drag. He thought
nicotine might help him get through this conversation, fucking hoped it would, anyway.
"She isn't going to die. Once the snake is dead, I'm going after Voldemort. He'll be so weak by
then, weak enough that I should be able to knock him out and keep him that way until we figure
out a way -"
"They won't!" He was thankful for the privacy charm, if Daphne hadn't have cast it, he'd have
woken the whole house up with his screaming. "She's not going to die!"
"I know. She's one of us. We're not going to let anything happen to her, but what if it does, then
"I'm going to siphon the Horcrux out of her and destroy it if it's the last fucking thing I do!" An
awful pain rippled against his chest. The cigarette he was holding started to tremble in the same
motion as his hands. Bits of ash fell from the end and floated onto the floor. "Nothing is going to
happen to her!"
"And what if it doesn't work?" Daphne asked, always having to think ten steps ahead, always
having to have a plan B, and C, and D. "What if she dies? Then what?"
He took another deep drag. Held the smoke in until his lungs burned and chest like he thought it
might cleanse that horrible ache he felt in his chest. It didn't. "I don't know."
"Yes, you do." Daphne, she'd always been able to see right through him. So did her sister, it was a
talent of the Greengrass sisters. "I think you've known it from the moment you realised that she
was a Horcrux."
He did know. He hadn't let himself dwell on that idea because the reality was too painful to think
about. He didn't want to think about her dying but he had. Daphne was right, he'd known from the
moment he saw that gold hand of the compass land on Granger.
"Always," Daphne answered, no time to think it over, no hesitation. "You know that. What do you
"If Granger dies, I need you to promise to let me die with her."
Daphne's fierce expression faltered. She inhaled sharply. Her mouth fell open slightly. "That's not
fair. You can't ask me to promise something like that."
Narcissa whined and nudged her snout against Malfoy. He ran his hand over her scales in a
comforting way, but he wasn't changing his mind. "It doesn't have to be a big spectacle. It can just
be a quick Avada- you don't even have to look at me while you do it."
"Oh, it gets worse?!" Daph snarled. "It's not just about letting you die; you want me to actually kill
"Well it's not like I can Avada myself, is it? The spell doesn't work like that."
"No." Daphne's voice was strong, firm, just like the sister he used to know. "I'm not doing it. Ask
someone else."
"Daph, it has to be you. Blaise would refuse. Theo, as much as a psycho as he is, he wouldn't have
the bottle to do it when the time came and Astoria couldn't hurt a fly. You're the only one who
could do it and you're the only one who understands why it'd need to be done. We promised that
we would be the ones who made the difficult decisions and did the things the others couldn't-"
"But you're not asking me to make a difficult decision!" Daphne cut him off. Her tone was sharp
enough to make Narcissa growl at her. "You're asking me to make an impossible one!"
"Alright then," Draco started, deciding to change tactics. "If it were the other way around, if Theo
had died that day in Nottingham instead of you, would you have been able to go on without him?"
When Daphne looked down and started to pick at her nail polish, Draco knew he'd won the
argument. If there was one thing he knew about the Greengrass sisters, they never ruined a fresh
manicure unless they were really, really anxious about something.
"No," she whispered. "If Theo had died instead of me, I wouldn't have survived it. He's always
been stronger than me. He says I took his place to save his life because I was selfless but that's not
the case."
"I did it because I'm selfish. It's cruel, but I've always wanted to die before him. I knew that if I
died that day in Nottingham, he would have been able to carry on without me. I knew that he'd be
there for Astoria and I knew you would take care of the family. Theo is a lot more resilient than he
gives himself credit for. I knew he'd be in pain, but he'd survive. But if I hadn't taken the fall for
him ... if he'd died that day?" She exhaled loudly and looked back at the farmhouse. "I would have
found the tallest building I could and thrown myself off the side of it."
Again, Draco already knew the answer to his next question but he needed to ask it, needed the
answer to hang between them and know that they were on the same page. "And why would you do
"Because I simply couldn't be in a world where Theodore Nott wasn't alive and breathing."
"See, you understand. You're the only one that understands Daph, that's why it has to be you."
Daphne sighed heavily but she nodded. " I understand. I don't like it, but I understand."
"Yes. If Hermione dies, then I promise, I'll make sure she isn't alone for long."
Draco didn't know what happened to a person after they died, he didn't know if he believed in the
afterlife or if there was a heaven or a hell, but one thing he did know was that if there was such a
thing as an afterlife, he had to try to meet her there, and if there wasn't, then he would try and be
with her again in whatever fucking way he could.
If being in the same grave as her was the only way he could still have her, then he had to take it.
Granger had come into his world like a candle in the dark. She'd chased away everything bad in his
life and given him hope. His antidote to the poison he didn't realise he'd ingested. His life raft. His -
Whichever way he romanticised it, the point was still the same.
The rest of his family would still be alive but that was the whole point. If Granger did die, then that
would mean that Voldemort would be dead, too. If Granger died, then that would mean that the
war was over and his family would finally be safe. It'd mean that he'd fulfilled his promise to keep
them safe. He'd have done his part, and he could rest peacefully knowing they were together and
alive and happy.
It wasn't going to come to that, Draco was praying that it wouldn't. He was still praying for that life
that he'd become so attached to. The one where he travelled the world with her. Wine and cigarettes
in every country. Fucking until their bones were old and then eventually, maybe, a brown eyed
child or two. He wouldn't have even minded if they had her wild hair. He'd prefer it.
There had to be a way out of this. If Potter had found a way to stay alive all those years ago and
have a life and children and all the rest of it, then Draco would make sure that Granger did.
He was going to make sure that she survived this and if she didn't, well, then Theo would have to
make sure the grave he dug for Granger was big enough for Draco, too.
17th May
There were a lot of arguments over the next few weeks. There were a lot of whiskey glasses thrown
into walls and a lot of books launched across rooms because they had the audacity not to hold the
answers Draco wanted.
Hermione never said anything when he flew off the handle. She always just stayed where she was.
She'd watch, patiently with her hands clasped in her lap, and wait for him to calm down and sit
with her so they could try again.
His anger will pass, she would tell herself. It always does.
She wasn't wrong. His anger always did pass, but with each failed attempt to save her life, with
each dead end they reached, it took Draco longer to calm down.
Yesterday the kitchen sink bore the brunt of his anger. Today, the cupboards were his punch bag.
"I know."
"SO THEN WHY ISN'T IT FUCKING WORKING! IT SHOULD-" Draco screamed as he spun
around and threw yet another crystal glass against the wall. "SHITTING - FUCK!"
Astoria was going to be livid when she found out about the glass. That was her last one. Draco had
broken all of the others and unfortunately, no matter how hard Hermione tried to fix them with
magic, she could never get them quite right. They always ended up in the bin.
"I know."
No matter how many times he went off like this, it never got any easier to watch. For a long time,
Hermione had wanted nothing more than to have his Occlumency walls crumble so she could
know exactly what he was thinking. For a long time, she'd wanted to see whatever emotions he was
hiding behind those big icy walls.
She just never considered that what was hiding behind them might break her heart.
It wasn't until he'd broken one of the dining chairs that he calmed down. Wasn't until he'd put a
boot-shaped hole in the wall that he took a deep breath, pushed back the hair that'd fallen into his
eyes and sat back down on the floor in front of the fire with her.
"Feel better now?" Hermione asked, taking a stab at humour to try and dampen his temper.
It didn't work, just caused Draco to glare at her for a moment. Sometimes her teasing was just the
thing he needed to snap him out of his little bouts of rage. Today, apparently, wasn't one of those
"Are you fucking or fighting?" asked a feminine voice as high heels began clicking down the stairs.
"I'm coming down! Is it safe to -" The clicking stopped as they reached the bottom step. "Is that
the last of the crystal glasses?!"
Draco got to his feet again. It seemed he still had more anger to exorcise. "I think we have more
pressing matters to attend to right now than a couple of broken fucking glasses!"
"Darling, is it really worth wasting your energy on this?" Hermione heard Blaise hush in a worried
tone. He must have followed Astoria down the stairs. Or helped her down them. It depended on if
she was having a good day or bad with her blood curse.
"It's not just a couple of broken glasses though, is it?!" Astoria snapped, still hidden from
Hermione's view. "It's all of them! It's every crystal glass that I brought from home-"
"I told you to only pack the essentials when we fled the manor so why did you fucking bring them
in the first place?!"
Hermione sighed heavily and leaned against the sofa, knowing that this argument wasn't going to
be brushed over anytime soon. She wondered if she had time to make a cup of tea ...
"You're not my father, Draco, I don't have to listen to everything you tell me to do!"
Draco laughed sarcastically. "You're good at many things, Tori, but listening? Not one of them!
You have the attention span of a child!"
A cup of tea might've been nice actually... Plenty of milk, one sugar -
"Me a child?! Says the one who throws a tantrum like a literal toddler and smashes things up!
Expensive things!"
Oh, fuck. No. Hermione couldn't make a cuppa. Draco had destroyed the kettle in an earlier bout of
"You shouldn't have fucking brought the glasses in the first place if they were so expensive?! What
did you think you were going to do with them anyway?! Pop a bottle of Champagne and toast to the
Dark Lord's defeat when he eventually died?!"
"I was a spy for the Order long before you were! I risked my life for years getting those secrets and
I deserve to have nice things! Do you know how much those wine glasses were worth?! A lot of
galleons! As in - could feed a small town for a week - lot of galleons!"
"Oh, of course, I fucking forgot who I was talking to! Trust the lush of the family to know the
value of a bloody glass!"
When Astoria stormed around the corner, her angry little face was gaunt. She'd been taking ill
more and more often in the last few weeks. She looked thinner than Hermione had ever seen her.
The sharp bones of her shoulders looked like they were about to break out of her skin, but despite
that - and in true Greengrass style - she was still wearing a beautiful jewelled gown and six-inch
Although if Blaise didn't have his arm linked with hers, Hermione wouldn't have been surprised if
she'd toppled over.
Although Draco had his back to her, Hermione could see his reflection in the kitchen window, and
she watched as the anger slid off his face. Astoria's appearance, it'd caught him off guard.
"You look like shit," Draco said, lip curling angrily even if his eyes showed the worry he was
trying to keep hidden. "You should be in bed. Why the fuck are you-"
Astoria's blood curse might've zapped everything out of her, but her temper? Not in the slightest. "I
AM FINE! I've been in bloody bed all week - I need fresh air!"
"If you need fresh air then open a fucking window! You don't go waltzing about in your condition-
Blaise looked just as worried but he didn't argue. He kept his arm linked with Astoria's and
escorted her outside at a steady pace. Anyone could see that the way he smiled down at her was
fake. Forced. Heartbroken.
By the time Astoria and Blaise walked through the kitchen door and onto the back garden, Malfoy
had calmed down enough to continue. He sat back down on the floor with her.
Hermione shuffled closer until her knees touched his, and after she nodded, Malfoy picked his
wand up off the floor and placed the end against her sternum.
At first, Hermione hadn't thought that there was much weight in his theory about siphoning the
Horcrux out of her because how could it? In everything she'd read, a Horcrux wasn't described as a
bone or a muscle. It wasn't something that could be located and dissected. A Horcrux was magic
and magic wasn't exactly a tangible force. It wasn't something that could be solidified. It wasn't
something that you could hold in your hand.
Yes, you could see the effects of magic. Could feel the pain of a Cruciatus curse and hold a
transfigured cup in your palm but those were the results of magic, not magic itself but Draco was
convinced it was that he could make it work. The way he talked about the Horcrux, he likened it to
a cancer or a tumour, and he was fucking determined to cut it out of her.
It was a joint effect, that was something they did actually agree on. As Draco focused on pulling
the dark magic out of her, Hermione focused on gathering it.
The way Harry described it, when he'd destroyed a Horcrux in the past he said it as black smoke so
that was what Hermione pictured.
Each time they experimented, Hermione would close her eyes and picture the Horcrux in her
mind's eye. She imagined a black smoke cloud in her own body, like black ink in a bowl of water.
She imagined the smoke running through the blood in her veins, and then she imagined pulling it
back. Pictured it receding and receding until it was focused in and around her heart. She had no
idea if it was working but she had to at least try. Malfoy wouldn't forgive her if she didn't.
And after two weeks of experimenting, they were close to something. Hermione didn't want to say
it out loud, didn't want to get Draco's hopes up when there might not be any but it was true. They
were onto something. She could feel it -
"Sorry." Hermione shook her head slightly and tried to focus again.
Black smoke.
She tried to visualise it in her veins. She thought about all the times the Demon Hex had had
control over her and how she'd felt when it'd started to recede and then she tried to replicate that
Black smoke.
She pictured the black smoke in the tips of her fingers and toes, and then she imagined it pulling
backwards. Pictures it travelling up her hand, up the veins in her arms, past her elbows and up, up,
up into her chest -
Hermione hissed when a sharp pain sliced across the inside of her sternum. She tried to hide it but
she flinched before she could stop herself.
Hermione's eyes flew open. "No, don't!" She forced the words out through gritted teeth. The pain
got worse each time they experimented. She tried to tell herself it was because they were getting
closer. "Keep going."
When Draco started to pull away, Hermione grabbed his elbows. She held him there, ensuring that
his wand was pressing painfully into her skin. "I'm fine. I promise. I can do this."
Worry. Doubt. Fear. All three of those emotions were swimming so clearly in his bright blue eyes
that they might as well have been written against his pupils. They were all written on his face. She
could see them all in the tight line of his jaw and the muscles straining in his neck.
He didn't want to do this. He knew he was hurting her and he didn't want to do this but he knew -
just like she did - that they didn't have much of a choice.
Time was running out, and if Draco was being true to his word, it wasn't just running out for
The thought of him dying, Hermione wouldn't think about it. Couldn't think about it. Couldn't even
let her mind go near it, even for a second.
His life, his happiness after the war ... It was the only thing that made her want to fight anymore.
She knew Draco's thoughts must have gone down the same path when one of his cold hands curled
around her left wrist. She looked up and watched his eyes as he brought her hand to his lips and
kissed her ring finger.
"Ready to go again?"
Hermione nodded and took a deep breath. She tried not to flinch when he pressed his wand against
her bruised chest.
Time, she reminded herself. They'd figure this out together. They just needed more time.
Four hours later, their session was interrupted by the sound of frantic tapping against the kitchen
When Hermione turned around, she found a small, brown barn owl pecking the outside of the
glass. She quickly got to her feet and went outside.
It was an unexpected interruption but it certainly wasn't an unwelcome one. Hermione's chest
ached and her temples throbbed painfully. She felt as though even the bones of her sternum were
fractured. It wasn't Draco's fault. She'd been the one wanting to push through and experiment as
much as possible but still, it didn't mean she wasn't fucking exhausted.
Hermione petted the top of the owl's head and smiled down at the bird as she pulled the letter from
its beak. It purred quietly and nestled into Hermione's open palm for a moment, but as soon as
Narcissa stalked around the corner, the bird went very still.
Hermione gave the dragon a warning look as she opened the damp, rain covered letter. "We've
been over this, Cissa. He's with the Order. His name is Henry and he is not food."
Narcissa hummed in the back of her throat. She took a step closer and flashed her teeth.
"What's Kingsley complaining about this time?" Draco asked as he followed her outside. He leaned
against the brick wall of the farmhouse, put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
Hermione quickly scanned the pages. She wished she could say she was disheartened by what she
read but she wasn't. "Crouch was wrong again. The snake wasn't in the theme park."
Draco scoffed loudly behind her. "Of course she wasn't fucking there. I can't believe that Crouch
even suggested that Voldemort would hide her there. Fucking muggle theme park. What did the
Order expect? That they'd find her slithering around in between the teacup rides? It was a shit
suggestion from the start."
Hermione turned slightly and met his eyes. "Well if you thought that it was such a shit suggestion
then why did you pass it onto the Order in the first place?"
Draco's eyes stayed locked on hers as he took a deep drag of the cigarette in his mouth. He held the
smoke in his lungs and didn't answer her until he'd exhaled. "For the same reason you passed on
the muggle church in Kent when Crouch suggested it."
Selfishness. That was the reason. That was the thing he was saying without actually saying it.
Neither of them had said it out loud but they'd both been on the same page for a while now.
Selfishness. They'd both passed on those shitty suggestions because they were being selfish and
wanted more time together. They'd been lucky so far. None of their stalling had gotten anyone hurt.
No one had heard a whisper of Voldemort or his army and he hadn't launched any attacks but it
wouldn't stay like that forever.
Hermione wondered how much longer she and Draco could stall ...
Hermione sighed and picked the small owl up off the windowsill. She patted the top of its head one
more time before she raised her arm to allow the bird a better platform to fly from.
Henry flapped his wings and started to take flight, but he'd barely made it a few feet before a wall
of claws and scales pinned him to the ground.
"No!" Hermione shouted, staring in horror as a flurry of feathers flew into the air like someone had
popped a pillowcase. "Narcissa! No! Bad girl! Let Henry go!"
Narcissa did nothing of the sort. She laid on her stomach with her head high in the air and tossed
the ball of squeaking fathers between the claws on the bend of her wings.
Draco laughed huskily, completely carefree and thoroughly amused, as though it were no more
unusual than a cat playing with a ball of string.
"Narcissa!" Hermione snapped. The dragon showed no signs that she'd even heard her. "NO!
For a moment Hermione thought the dragon was going to listen to her. She raised her claws just
enough to let the bird stand up, but then she immediately slammed them back down again, caging
Henry in, toying with her food.
"No! No! He's not food! Don't -" Hermione turned around and glared at Draco. "Tell her to let
Henry go!"
He looked up from his cigarette and cocked a brow. "Whose owl is that?" he asked, the cigarette
bobbing in his mouth.
"She's been doing lots of extra patrols for us the last few weeks. Poor thing is exhausted, she
deserves a treat."
"So?" he shrugged. "I told you from the beginning that I didn't want them to know where the safe
house was. I told you, 'If they know where we are hiding then it'll only bring trouble' . Well," he
paused again to take another deep drag, “here you have it. Trouble."
'Didn't want them to know where the safe house was'. Ha. That was putting it mildly.
Due to Daphne, Theo and Blaise's flawless interrogation techniques, Crouch was suggesting a
different hiding spot for Nagini almost daily, which meant a lot more meetings with the Order to
pass that information on.
They'd carried on meeting at East Midlands airport, but they always combusted in one way or
Draco always held Hermione's hand throughout the entire meetings. He'd refused to let go because
he was convinced that Kingsley had given instructions to whoever was attending to snatch
Hermione, take her back to their base - so they could kill her - at the earliest opportunity. Hermione
chose to keep to herself that the same thought had crossed her mind on more than one occasion.
Of course, Draco constantly having a hold on Hermione would wind Ron up to no end and before
too long, a fight would ensue. Sometimes verbal, most of the time physical.
Everyone had been resigned to just grit their teeth and get on with the meetings but then Draco had
noticed a raven. It was a small bird. It looked quite young and didn't exactly bother them but it just
sat there, perched on top of one of the terminal and … watched. Hermione had ignored it. Told
Draco he was being paranoid but then the raven had been there at the next meeting.
It probably wasn't an Animagus. It probably wasn't one of Voldemort's spies disguising himself as
a bird but no one wanted to take that risk, so instead of meeting out in the open where they could
potentially be spied on - or captured - they opted to pass owls between the sides instead.
But that meant that the Order had to know the location of the farmhouse, which Draco didn't like.
Not one. Fucking. Bit.
"Their owl getting mauled to death carrying messages to us doesn't count as trouble! It's easily
avoidable if you just call her off!"
Draco laughed again, sending little smoke clouds out of his mouth. "Have you ever tried to call off
a hungry dragon? It's easier said than done, cub."
"No! Don't you fucking 'cub' me right now! Call Narcissa off!"
The owl squealed again. Hermione had never wanted to hit Draco more in her life.
"Oh for Christ's sake - it's Ron's owl! Now stop her before she eats him please!"
Behind the cloud of smoke he'd just exhaled, Draco smirked. "Oh, well then she absolutely
deserves a treat. Tuck in girl. Don't let any go to waste."
Narcissa purred hungrily. The ground started to rumble under Hermione's feet.
"Fine." He rolled his eyes and the moment he clicked his fingers, Narcissa - very reluctantly - lifted
her front claws and let her lunch go. "Spoilsport."
Narcissa growled as she watched the owl fly away and when she looked at Hermione again,
Hermione swore that she gave her a dirty look.
"I'm sorry." Hermione walked towards the sulking dragon and placed a hand on the warm scales
near her cheek. "I appreciate you doing all those extra patrols to keep us safe, I really do, but that
was Ron's owl."
Narcissa huffed. Her red eyes watched Hermione closely. She started to pull away but Hermione
stepped forward and pressed both her hands against the dragon's scaled cheek to try and keep her
from retreating. If Narcissa had wanted to go, Hermione wouldn't have been able to stop her, but
she wanted the dragon to know how sorry she was.
"I know that you're hungry but we need to do everything within our power to keep good faith with
the Order." Hermione raised onto the tips of her toes to try and keep in Narcissa's line of sight. "I'm
sorry. I couldn't let you eat him, no matter how much you deserve it."
Narcissa huffed angrily again but she leaned into Hermione's open palms and closed her eyes.
Hermione had won her over.
Narcissa twisted her head and pressed her snout into Hermione's torso. When the dragon huffed,
Hermione laughed, and when she nudged her playfully, Hermione had to grab onto the scales
above her mouth to keep from falling over.
Draco said nothing but Hermione could feel his eyes on her back.
Hermione ran her hand over the dragon's warm, coal-like scales as she walked down the length of
her body, and although Narcissa had ignored Hermione a few minutes earlier, the two of them were
once again in sync. The thought had only briefly popped into Hermione's head and without her
having to say anything, Narcissa lowered her shoulder to the ground to let Hermione climb onto her
"What are you doing?" Draco asked as Hermione settled between Narcissa's shoulders.
"You're right. She's been doing so many more patrols lately, she deserves a treat."
Narcissa hummed. It made Hermione's entire body feel like it was vibrating.
"Well obviously. I'm not sitting on her back to get a better view of the farm now, am I?"
Hermione shrugged. "It's not so bad with her. I trust her and I know she won't drop me." As she
spoke, she absentmindedly stroked the back of Narcissa's neck.
"We don't have time for this Granger. We need to practice siphoning the Horcrux out of you.
Narcissa can go hunting by herself.”
At the mention of being separated, Narcissa's purring stopped, then her giant head spun towards
Malfoy and she hissed and gnashed her teeth in front of him. She'd only done it in warning, she
wouldn't have actually bitten him, but the look on Malfoy's face was fucking priceless.
"Come on," Hermione said, holding her arm out for Draco to take. "We need a break and Narcissa
needs to feed."
"Draco, we've been trying to siphon the Horcrux out of me all day. I'm tired. You're tired. I'm so
stressed that I can hardly think straight. We're not getting anywhere and we're not going to if we're
exhausted and stressed. We need to enjoy the little things while we can, Draco, wasn't that what
you said a few months ago?"
He thought it over for a few moments. His eyes flickered between Hermione and his dragon, and
for the first time since they'd discovered that she was a Horcrux, he smiled.
Hermione couldn't help but smile down at him. "Are you coming or what?"
"Oh?" Draco cocked one of his brows. "Am I allowed to come? Or is this a girl's only thing?"
Narcissa lowered her shoulder and allowed Draco to climb onto her back, and once he was settled
behind Hermione and had wrapped his arms around her waist, Narcissa reared onto her hind legs
and stretched her wings.
"So," Draco started, resting his chin on top of Hermione's head "Where to?"
"Well, it's supposed to be a clear night tonight. How about that lake you took me to a few months
ago? There might be Grindylow's in the lake for Narcissa to eat?"
"It's a date."
22nd May
Hermione had always believed that her best ideas came to her in her dreams.
A nightmare about wolves and facial scars was what'd made her realise Professor Lupin had been a
werewolf in her third year at Hogwarts. A dream about burning ants under a microscope had given
her inspiration to trap Rita Skeeter in a glass jar in her fourth, and even the name for S.P.E.W had
come to her in her dreams.
When she dreamed freely, her imagination ran wild and sometimes, a problem that she'd been stuck
on for weeks would fix itself. Lately, though, her dreams had been stuck. Trapped on a single trail
that she just could not fucking step off no matter how hard she tried.
The Horcrux. That vile, horrid part of Voldemort's soul that'd attached itself to her and she couldn't
get rid of. Horcrux. Horcrux. Bloody Horcrux. She was consumed with it. It was all she could think
about when she was awake. It was all she could dream about when she went to sleep.
Cancer. That was what Draco had likened the Horcrux to. Every time they talked about it, that was
what he compared it to. In fairness, Hermione didn't think it was too much of a stretch. Cancer was
vile and unwanted, and so was the part of Voldemort's soul that was living inside of Hermione.
Cancer attached itself to cells in the body and poisoned them, just like the Horcrux had attached
itself to her, and cancer, it was a killer, and so was ….
Hermione didn't see the Horcrux that way though, not really.
Astoria's blood curse, that was the cancer of the wizarding world. That was the thing that'd come
out of nowhere and was killing her slowly. That was the thing that was stealing the life from the
glowing witch right in front of their eyes and transforming her into a shell of the girl she used to be.
It wasn't fair, what was happening to her. Yes, Hermione didn't want to die, but at least if she did,
she had comfort in knowing that her life had meant something. She would die so that Voldemort
would be vulnerable and everyone else could live -
But what would Astoria's death equate to? Nothing, that was what. A great, big, fat, nothing. A life
wasted. A life stolen.
She wouldn't be dying to save anything. She wouldn't be dying to protect someone she loved. She'd
be dying just to die. Just because she didn't have a choice. It was senseless and cruel. She didn't
deserve that.
Astoria had once told Hermione that she wouldn't make it to fifty years old, but with the speed at
which she was wasting away, Hermione wasn't convinced she'd survive the few years to make it to
God, Hermione wished there was something she could do! They were so close to figuring out how
to take the Horcrux out of her, Hermione could feel it. If they could just figure out how to
manipulate it, if they could just figure out where in Hermione's body it was, they could pull it out
and destroy it.
She wished it could be like that for Astoria. She wished that she could cut out Astoria's blood curse
like the cancer that it was. She wished that she could siphon the blood that was poisoning Astoria
out of her frail body and ….
Hermione bolted upright. The back of her head smashed into something and she heard a crunch.
"MOTHER FUCKER!" Draco hissed out of nowhere. From the dim light from the fireplace, she
saw him squeeze his eyes close and clutch his nose. Oh, that was what she'd hit. "What the fuck -"
Under any other circumstance, Hermione would have felt awful but not in that moment. All she
could think about was Astoria and her blood curse. There wasn't room for anything else.
She leapt off of the sofa and pulled her clothes on as quickly as she could. She struggled to find her
wand but as soon as she did, she sprinted up the creaking farmhouse stairs and charged towards
Blaise and Astoria's bedroom.
Blaise woke with a start the second Hermione swung their door open. He flicked on the lights with
his wand and then aimed at the intruder he hadn't gotten a good look at yet. "Granger?!" Blaise's
startled expression dropped. He lowered his wand. "What are you-"
Astoria groaned as her frizzy, sleep-matted blonde hair appeared from the duvet. "Hermione...?"
she asked, sleep still thick in her voice. "What's going on?"
"The fuck is all this noise about?" Theo asked, yawning and stretching as he and Daphne walked
into the room. "I swear, if my beauty sleep has been interrupted for anything other than a torture
session, I am going be very, very pissed off."
"Figured what out?" Astoria glanced at the clock on her bedside table and groaned. "It's three in the
morning! It's too early for -"
Astoria looked like she was on the verge of tears. "Do you mean it?"
"Like what?" Daphne asked, her eyes blazing as she stepped into the room.
"Get me a piece of jewellery!" Hermione said. "Something solid! It can be any material, it doesn't
matter! I just need something small that won't be missed."
As Hermione sat on the edge of Astoria and Blaise's bed, Daphne started to search her sister's
drawers. She picked up the first thing she saw and threw it to Hermione.
Astoria's tired brown eyes hovered over the thin silver bracelet Hermione was holding. She stared
at it longingly for a moment and then looked up at Hermione. It was the first time Hermione had
ever seen Astoria be happy to part with one of her beloved pieces of jewellery.
"Draco," Hermione said, "I need your knife. That silver one that you always have on you."
Draco didn't say a word, just silently and obediently crossed the bedroom and gave Hermione what
she asked for.
Once Hermione had the knife, she took Astoria's hand in hers and pressed the blade against the
blondes palm. "I'll try and be as gentle as I possibly can, but this … It's going to hurt, alright?"
Astoria nodded weakly but her eyes burned just like her older sisters. "Do it."
Although Hermione did her best to be gentle, Astoria still yelped when she made the first cut.
Blaise hovered protectively behind her. He placed his hands on his wife's shoulders and pressed his
bare chest against her back to hold her steady. He watched Hermione's every movement. She
wouldn't have put it past him to break every bone in her hand if she pushed Astoria too far.
As blood began to dampen Astoria's palm, Hermione pressed her wand against the wound.
"Alright, now, take a deep breath."
Hermione could feel everyone's eyes on her as she began to concentrate. She focused her magic on
Astoria's blood. She focused on the sickness there. She focused on the curse that'd been passed
down from one Greengrass to another through blood.
Blaise looked away and closed his eyes as though he were the one in pain.
When Astoria screamed again, Blaise could take no more. "I think that's enough."
"Almost," Hermione whispered, her eyes on her work. "Just a little more."
Astoria tried to keep it in, but she whimpered and hissed under her breath. She started to pull her
hand back, but Hermione caught her wrist and kept her in place.
Daphne's knuckles turned white as she gripped the bedside table, but she stayed where she was.
She didn't move and she didn't interfere.
Astoria's shoulders started to shake as she fought to keep herself from screaming -
The spell worked just before Blaise could break Hermione's wrist. She stood up and took her wand
with her but the moment the wood was pulled away from Astoria's chest, everyone in the small
bedroom gasped.
Because, there, at the end of Hermione's wand, was Astoria's blood curse. Well, a piece of it,
anyway. It was thick and black and moving. It was no wonder Astoria was so drained. Her blood
curse, it looked like tar. Like thick, oozing tar that could clog arteries and wrap around veins and
crush them.
Hermione waved her wand over the bracelet Daphne had given her and just like she thought it
would, the dark magic that made up Astoria's blood curse latched on the jewellery, looking for
another host, looking for another thing to poison and taint, and as it slowly worked its way into
another victim, Hermione threw it onto the floor and aimed her wand right at it. "INCENDIO!"
A heavy silence lapsed over the room as the bracelet went up in flames. Everyone looked at
Astoria and searched for signs that her curse was gone. She still looked pale and too thin. Her
cheekbones still looked hollow and her skin still looked grey.
Hermione hadn't expected the spell to work right away but she'd expected … something, some sign
that'd worked.
Astoria was dazed. She didn't know where to look. She looked at her palms. Then at her husband.
Then at her sister and everyone else in the room. Then her palms again.
"I don't know," Astoria whispered. "I don't … feel different …"
Blaise released a low, pained breath. He dropped his head onto Astoria's shoulder. "It didn't work."
The way defeat swarmed over Hermione's body was like having a cloak draped over her. She felt
sick. She felt cold. She clutched her stomach as an emptiness formed there.
And then everyone saw it. No one in the room could deny it.
A rosy flush. That was what had returned to Astoria's cheeks. A healthy, pale pink tint that
brightened her features only this one, it wasn't artificial, wasn't a glamour or makeup or one of the
tricks she always used to hide her illness no, this one was real.
Seeing it there, it gave Hermione hope, and when she looked up and met Draco's eyes across the
room, she knew he felt it too.
Because Astoria's blood curse was supposed to be incurable. There wasn't supposed to be anything
that could be done about it and yet, they'd found a way.
And if they could find a way around Astoria's blood curse then maybe, just fucking maybe, they
could find a way to get the Horcrux out of Hermione.
Wishful thinking
2nd July
Hermione's spell had worked perfectly on Astoria. The morning after Hermione had performed it,
Astoria had looked much, much better. She'd looked healthier, there had been a spring in her step
and even more colour in her cheeks, and she'd only gotten stronger in the days that followed.
The spell's success had sent Blaise into a research spiral. He was thrilled that his wife was on the
mend but he needed answers. He needed to know what had worked and why everything else he'd
done in the past had failed.
In the years that Blaise had spent trying to cure her, he'd tried to learn from her ancestor's mistakes.
He'd tried to fight the curse by giving Astoria potions that would keep her heart beating and her
lungs strong, but he'd never thought about her blood being the actual source of the problem.
Heart failure, lung collapse, extreme fatigue, they were the causes of death for all the Greengrass
women that'd been afflicted with the family curse, so they’d been what Blaise had focused on.
Because Astoria coughed up sickening amounts of blood, he'd given her potions to replace it.
Because she was always tired, he'd given her Pepperup Potions. Because her lungs and heart may
give out at any moment, he’d made her special drinks that he brewed himself - but he'd never
considered that her blood was what'd been attacking her.
Hermione had assured Blaise that it wasn't his fault. The idea had come to her out of nowhere and
if she and Draco hadn't have been trying the same thing to get the Horcrux out of her, she never
would have thought of it. It was pure dumb luck that it'd worked the very first time but still, he beat
himself up over it for a few days.
The more they understood Astoria's blood curse, the more Hermione realised that she'd been right,
it was the cancer of the Wizarding World. It festered in veins just like cancer festered in the body.
The blood curse multiplied and multiplied inside the veins until the host's body couldn't cope with
the levels of toxicity in the blood, and then it expelled the poisonous blood the only way it knew
how; by vomiting it up. That was why Astoria had always coughed up blood whenever she was ill,
it was her body's way of trying to expel the dark magic by itself. That was why a few days a week,
she coughed up pints and pints of blood. Blood replenishing potions would replaced what she'd lost
and give her some energy, but as soon as it entered her system, the curse would latch onto it.
Hermione's spell worked because it pulled the dark magic out of her blood. Sort of, cleaned her
blood, in a strange way. The dark magic of her blood curse would regenerate again over time, there
was no getting rid of it completely but when it did, they could perform the spell again.
Siphoning the dark magic out of Astoria wasn't a cure. It was treatment.
The curse was attached to Astoria's blood. They couldn't cut it out of her but they could weaken the
curse, dilute the amount of it in her blood so that it wasn't poisoning her any longer.
Three weeks after Hermione had performed the spell, Astoria had started coughing again, and a
further three days later, she'd had to spend the afternoon in bed.
Once a month, that was Hermione's theory. If someone could siphon Astoria's curse out of her
blood once a month, they could keep the dark magic in her veins down to a manageable level and
she could lead a relatively normal life. It was just like any other medical procedure. Some people
had chemotherapy to keep cancer cells in their body from multiplying, others had dialysis to clean
their blood so that their bodies could function normally and Astoria, she had to have dark magic
siphoned out of her blood once a month.
The one hiccup they did find, however, was that the levels of dark magic in Astoria's body tended
to regenerate more quickly if she used magic herself. Hermione didn't know the reason - didn't
really have the time to study it either.
The solution was simple enough, Astoria couldn't use magic. At all. It'd been a bittersweet moment
for her. For a long time, even the simplest spells had exhausted her and now she finally had the
strength to do magic again, it made her ill.
But after a brief pause to mourn the loss, Astoria announced that she didn't care. Said that she was
getting a second chance at life so giving up magic? It was a small price to pay in comparison, and it
opened up a whole new world for her.
Astoria learned how to style her hair by herself and after Daphne and Theo snuck off on a supply
run and took a very unnecessary detour, Astoria was introduced to the wonders of muggle make-up.
Given the state most of the country was still in, it wasn't surprising that the makeup they'd stolen
was out of date and in the wrong colours, but it wasn't anything they couldn't fix.
Daphne had said that she'd perform whatever Glamour charm Astoria wanted each day but Astoria
remained firm that she wanted to learn to do it for herself. Even though Daphne was back, it was
obvious the wounds Astoria had gained in her absence still remained.
Yes, it seemed that after years of failed attempts and heartbreak, the nightmare was finally over.
Astoria wasn't going to die. She was going to live a long, happy, fulfilled life. Hermione just
wished it was that easy to cure herself.
Since their success with Astoria, Hermione and Draco had been working around the clock to try
and replicate the spell, because if Hermione had been able to siphon the dark magic out of Astoria,
then surely it was possible to do the same thing with the Horcrux that lived inside of her?
No matter how hard they tried, no matter how many hours they sat there and practised and
practised and practised, they couldn't make it work.
About two weeks after her success with Astoria, Draco thought he had it. He'd tried something
different and although Hermione had felt unbearable pain, she'd felt something different. A
coldness, a sensation of something that she'd never felt before weighing on her chest, and then
she'd felt it start to leave her body.
But then a second later, the feeling was gone. Of course, this had caused yet another vicious fit of
rage to consume Draco. He'd been so frustrated with himself that he'd blown a hole in the shelter
that Narcissa slept under.
Hermione had found it hard to hide her disappointment but she'd managed to comfort him all the
A Horcrux was different to a blood curse, that was the problem. Astoria's curse was in her blood so
it'd been an easy fix in comparison. Hermione had known what she was aiming for, but with the
Horcrux? They knew nothing. It felt like it was everywhere in Hermione's body and yet nowhere at
the same time. Draco didn't know what he was trying to target, it was no wonder he couldn't pull it
But they couldn't fail for much longer. They had to figure this out and they had to do it quickly.
Hermione took a deep breath through her nose and tried to concentrate again.
It'd been a lovely summer day earlier. The sun had been shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and
daisies and daffodils had started to bloom in the gardens outside. The promise of spring, the beauty
of it, it'd made Hermione think about second chances and rebirth, and it'd made her suggest that
they take their session outside.
Draco had looked at her like she'd lost the plot but when she'd gone outside, he'd followed her, and
when she'd sat cross-legged on the grass, he'd done the same.
The spell still hurt and yes, Draco's temper was still as volatile as ever, but Hermione was much
more relaxed with the sun beaming down on her face and the smell of fresh flowers in the air.
And then the clouds came, and the temperature had abruptly dropped.
Hermione and Draco had just been about to go inside and seek warmth by the fire, but then
Narcissa had come back from one of her patrols, and after she'd dropped to the ground and curled
her body around the pair, they'd decided to continue their session outside. Narcissa couldn't help,
but she wanted to be as involved as she could.
And as the hours ticked on - and the temperature dropped just as quickly as Draco's patience
thinned - Hermione huddled against the dragon's warm scales to fight off the chill.
"Do you not think I've already tried that?! Because I have!”
"Alright," Hermione tried not to bite back at the anger in Draco's tone. It wasn't her that he was
frustrated with, it was himself. She kept quiet for the next few minutes and let Draco concentrate in
peace, but when she flinched involuntarily, his blue eyes flickered up to hers.
"Do you want to take a break?" he asked, starting to pull his wand away from her chest.
He nodded and went back to his work. Hermione looked down and watched little sparks start to
gather at the end of his wand and disappear against her skin.
The sparks didn't exactly hurt on their own, not right away, and to begin with, Hermione was more
focused on the different colours they turned as Draco's magic adjusted, testing and then retesting
their ability to grab the dark magic inside of her.
Then green.
Then red.
Each colour had a slightly different effect on her body, one grabbed, one parted, one pulled, each
doing its own job to get the Horcrux out of her.
Green again.
Although Hermione wouldn't say it out loud, the pain got worse every time the colours changed.
When it started to get uncomfortable again, Hermione closed her eyes, rested one of her hands on
the side of Narcissa's neck, and tried to focus on the warm scales under her palm rather than the
pain she was feeling. She ran her hand back and forth over them while she focused on gathering the
smoke. She pictured it travelling up her shoulders -
Fuck – the pain was getting worse. It was starting to really, really fucking hurt.
She pictured the smoke sliding down her collar bone, edging towards her heart -
More pain. She bit her tongue and thought about how lovely the warmth felt under her hand -
Fuck, it was really starting to hurt but if she told Draco then he'd stop. They had to keep going. She
had to keep quiet. She focused on gathering the smoke in her chest, pictured it swirling in and out
of her heart -
Smoke. Smoke -
And then the pain became so intense that Hermione couldn't think about anything else. She felt
like she was being dissected. The pain in her chest, it was piercing and sharp, quite literally felt
like Draco had cast a cutting curse and had split her chest in two, bones and all. She balled her hand
into a fist against Narcissa's scales as she tried desperately to keep quiet.
The dragon noticed. Narcissa lifted her head off the grass and started to make a deep growling
sound that reminded Hermione of a crocodile.
"I know," Hermione whispered, keeping her eyes closed. "I'm alright. Keep going."
After a few seconds' pause, Draco sighed and started to perform the spell again.
Their small break had done nothing to dull the pain. Hermione hissed again and flinched back.
Narcissa growled and bared her fangs, and Hermione's eyes flew open when she felt Draco start to
pull his wand away.
"Would you pack it in fucking growling at me?! I'm not trying to hurt her!"
Narcissa wasn't swayed. She opened her mouth slightly and leaned in, her threat clear in the way
her fangs glittered.
The answer was clear when Narcissa put her head back on the ground and dragged one of her
wings forward, creating a physical barrier between him and Hermione.
Hermione couldn't help but laugh. She got to her knees and turned around so she could look the
dragon in the eye. "Don't be like that. He doesn't mean to hurt me."
Narcissa huffed but made no effort to lift her wing and let Hermione out of the warm, wing-made
cocoon that she'd formed to keep Hermione safe and out of pain.
After several more minutes of persuasion - and the promise of a Grindylow neck joint - Narcissa
allowed the practice session to continue, and they managed another hour before Draco stopped it
"What is it?" Hermione tried to sound disappointed but she couldn't muster it. She was in too much
pain. Everything in her body felt like it was aching.
"I hate this," he said, eyes on the bruises already forming on her chest.
His eyes flickered back up to hers. "Don't insult me by lying, Granger. I know that it does. I can see
what I'm doing to you -"
"You're not doing anything wrong. We need to do this Draco, it doesn't matter if it hurts-"
"But it fucking does matter if I'm the one hurting you!" He wrapped one of his hands around the
back of her neck and pulled her forward until her forehead rested against his. Her eyes fluttered
closed at the same time his did. "I'm so fucking sick of failing you all the time."
"Because I am failing you. All of this is my fault. I should have realised what Voldemort had done
to you months ago. I should have stopped it -" The way his voice started to break, Hermione felt it
in her heart.
"But it's my fault that it's there! And even now, I'm having to hurt you to try and fix my mistake
and I can't even do that properly!"
"Don't talk like that! You're doing everything you can and we're going to figure this out! I know we
are, Draco, we're so close, we just need to keep practising -"
"And in the meantime, I need to keep hurting you." His fingers tightened around the back of her
neck. "I'm so sick of being the reason you're in pain Granger. Every time we do this, I feel like it's
building a wall between us."
"It isn't-"
He wasn't listening to her. He spoke over her. He wasn't allowing her to talk him down and see how
wrong he was. "Every time I hurt you, I feel like it's pulling us further and further apart and I don't
want to do it anymore-"
She shut him up by kissing him. She caught him by surprise. His lips were slow against hers at first
but then he pulled her into his lap and his kisses grew fierce, desperate, and when they pulled apart,
he was more out of breath than she was.
"Try again."
Still keeping her forehead pressed against his, Hermione reached down and grabbed his wand. She
guided it back to her chest and then she kissed him again. "You said that you felt like it was pulling
us apart? So try again, while we're like this," she whispered. "And you'll see that it's not."
Draco tried the spell again. It stung, even more than it had before, but after a while, instead of
dwelling on the pain, Hermione found herself thinking about Draco. She thought about his hand
still wrapped around the back of her neck and holding her there. She thought about the feel of his
legs underneath hers. His breath on her face. His magic in her chest -
Hermione's eyes flew open, and she found Draco staring at her chest with wide, blue eyes.
"Did it-"
"Yes," he whispered, voice full of astonishment. "It was working. I saw -"
When Draco looked up and smiled at her, his eyes were so blue, so beautiful and so full of hope,
that they made Hermione smile too. "Yes, I saw it! The spell was working!" His smile got brighter,
he flashed his teeth and dimples cracked the edges of his mouth. "It was fucking working!" he
laughed. "It was actually fucking working!"
She believed him - she'd felt it start to work herself. That weight on her chest, she'd felt it start to
lift. She'd felt the Horcrux start to leave her.
"Me? I didn't do anything differently; you were the one performing the spell."
"You did something, Granger. I felt like I was grasping at nothing and then all of a sudden, I could
feel ... something, and when I started to pull, it was there! What were you thinking about just
His smile started to fall. "Don't make jokes. This is serious-"
"But I was thinking about you. I was thinking about what you said and your hands on me .. I wasn't
thinking about the Horcrux at all really."
His smile fell completely. He looked at his wand and then back at Hermione. "But why would that
make a difference? I don't understand-"
"You were the one performing the spell." Hermione stared at Draco's wand. She wasn't really sure
where she was going with this, just voicing her thoughts out loud. "It was your magic that was
pulling the Horcrux out of me ... maybe ... maybe that has something to do with it?"
It could be it, she certainly didn't know enough about Horcruxes to rule it out but it didn't feel like
that was the reason. It felt like it was something more than that ...
"Does it really matter?! It was working! You were pulling the Horcrux out of me!" Saying it out
loud, it made a warmth flood Hermione's veins. Happiness, joy, relief, she didn't have a word for it.
She grabbed his face and kissed him again. "I told you!" she breathed, lips brushing against his
with every word. "You're going to do this!" She kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around her
back and hugged her against his chest as he kissed her back. "You’re going to save my life, Draco. I
just know it!”
It was probably the first time Hermione had actually believed the words. It was the first time since
her breakthrough with Astoria that she actually believed there was hope for her.
"What did it look like?" she asked between kisses. "The Horcrux, I mean."
He kissed the side of her mouth and then his lips moved down her neck. "Smokey."
She jumped when he nipped her collarbone playfully. "Well what about texture? How big was it?
Did it -"
"Granger," he pulled away just enough to look at her. Despite the seriousness in his tone, he was
smiling. "Do we have to go into great detail and analyse it right this fucking second? Can we not
have a fucking minute to just sit and -"
"Yeah," he whispered, raising one of his hands and brushing back the hair that'd fallen onto her
face. "Just for a minute?"
Hermione got off of Draco's lap and they both held their wands firm as they stood.
The scales on the back of Narcissa's neck and the top of her shoulders raised like a cat on its
hunches -
And then the threat the dragon was trying to warn them about appeared.
Three wizards Apparated onto the grass. Kingsley. Harry. Ron. All three of them were covered in
blood, like someone had poured a great big bucket of it over their heads. They were burnt and
bruised and looked like they'd been to hell and back. All three of them were covered in the remains
of death, and only two of them had little bundles of new life clinging to their chests.
Harry and Ron were there but Ginny ... Hermione couldn't see her.
Another loud crack of Apparation rang through the grounds of the farmhouse and the prayer
Hermione had started to chant was answered. Ginny was there. She was just as bloody and bruised
as the boys were but she was there. She was alive.
She snatched one of the screaming children out of Harry's arms and started to sob into its matted
hair. It took Hermione a moment to realise that the girl was her daughter, Rose. There was too
much blood on the toddler, Hermione hadn't been able to recognise her at first.
Kingsley's eyes blazed as he looked at Hermione. In the same moment his blood-drenched hand
curled around his wand, Draco stood protectively in front of her.
Narcissa hovered to Hermione's left, her mouth hanging open in a warning and a deep growl
forming in the back of her throat.
"Where is he?!" Kingsley sneered, making the already petrified children jump in Harry and Ron's
arms. "Where is Crouch!? We cannot waste any more time! We need to know where the snake is
now so we can kill it once and for all!"
"Theo and Daphne are torturing him as we speak." Draco's arm didn't waver. He kept his wand
hovering perfectly over Kingsley's heart. Ready. Waiting. "Why are you suddenly so interested in
Crouch?! Why are you here?! And why the fuck are you all covered in blood?!"
Oh God. Hermione felt sick. This was exactly what she'd been afraid of ...
"How?!" Draco snarled. "He should have nothing left to attack with! We whittled down his army to
Narcissa stepped forward and flashed her teeth but Ron didn't stop, didn't lower his tone in the
Hermione's eyes flickered down to the screaming baby in Ron's arms. Then she looked at Rose in
Ginny's arms, and then the two boys in Harry's.
They were all there. All the Potters were accounted for. The family was still alive and together, but
a horrible feeling crept into Hermione's stomach when she thought about all the families that
weren't anymore.
"I'm sorry.” Harry sounded nothing like himself. His voice shook terribly. His eyes hadn't left the
sons that clung desperately to his shirt. "We didn't know where else to go. We didn't know if he'd
be able to track us to one of our other bases-"
"So you thought you'd bring him here instead!?" Draco still hadn't lowered his wand. Murder was
blazing in the blue of his eyes. "Fuck all of us, yeah? Is that it?! Can't risk losing more of your
precious bases but fuck it if anything happens to me and my family!"
"But you said we can't be tracked here," Harry started to plead. "You said that you'd placed wards
on this safehouse so only people who knew it's exact location could Apparate here.”
"But we haven't told anyone else about this place." Harry threw Hermione a desperate look and
when she didn't answer, he looked back at Draco. "The four of us are the only ones who know
where this safehouse is, that's why we were able to Apparate here-"
Draco jutted his chin towards Kingsley. "Can you swear that he hasn't?"
For that, Harry had no answer. He swallowed thickly and looked down at his sons.
"Exactly.” Draco's tone was pure venom. "It's just as I said, fuck us! Fuck the Ex-Death Eaters!
You've put the lot of us in danger but as long as you're safe, that's all you care about! Doesn't
matter to you if he tracks us down here and slaughters us! You'd sacrifice the lot of us if it gave
you an extra few minutes to escape!"
Hermione wanted to say a lot of things. She wanted to tell Draco to calm down but she couldn't.
She couldn't speak at all. Her throat felt like it was collapsing in on itself. Guilt flooded her chest.
This was all her fault. She should have killed herself the moment she discovered she was a
Horcrux. She should have made a break for it, found the Sword of Gryffindor and slit her own
throat. If she had, then this wouldn't have happened. If she had - fuck, how many people had died
today because of her selfishness? A hundred? Two hundred? She'd been to the hospital herself with
Draco, it was massive, easily big enough for a thousand..
They weren't all dead now, were they? Surely Voldemort hadn't managed to kill all of them ...
Surely others had managed to escape ... Surely all one thousand hadn't died because -
Surely all one thousand hadn't died because she was still alive?
When Kingsley took a step forward, so did Narcissa. She growled so loudly that it made
Hermione's chest vibrate. The claws on the end of her wings dug into the soil on either side of
Hermione and Draco. She was ready to protect them, but equally ready to spring forward and
attack if she needed to.
"This shouldn't have fucking happened!" Draco hissed, echoing Narcissa's roar. "He's been silent
for weeks! He had no supporters left -"
"He must have been using this time to rebuild." Kingsley had always been good at speeches. The
calmness in which he spoke, the elegance of his tone, it was usually enough to calm down even the
most hysterical wizards - it was why Dumbledore had elected him to take his place as leader of the
Order to begin with. "He's weaker than he's ever been, it would make sense that he'd want to flesh
out his army again so he's not as vulnerable. He won't want to leave anything to chance, so neither
can we. When the time comes, we need to be prepared which means -"
But Draco wasn't like most wizards. Instead of being calmed by Kingsley's words, he was
infuriated by them. He threw a green curse, it skimmed Kingsley's left leg and destroyed the grass
behind him. "Think very, very fucking carefully about how you're going to end that sentence."
When Kingsley took a step closer, Draco aimed at his chest again. "And if you don't stop looking
at Granger like that I will rip out your fucking spine!"
Kingsley wasn't deterred. He took another step closer and every time he did, Draco's blue eyes
darted to his legs like he was considering cutting them off to stop him. Hermione wouldn't have
been surprised if he did.
Narcissa's growl bordered on a roar. The temperature rose significantly as flames sparked in her
open mouth.
All of the children started to wail and scream. No one could hear each other over the top of them -
The back door creaked open and Astoria and Blaise stepped out onto the garden.
"What's going on?!" Astoria demanded. "Kingsley?! Potter?! What on earth are you lot -" She
stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the children. "What happened?"
"Voldemort ..." It was all Ginny said but that one word was enough.
Astoria touched her mouth with her palm. Her soft brown eyes looked at the wizards, then Ginny,
then at the children, then the blood. "You better come inside then."
Blaise's jaw was tight. He hadn't taken his eyes off of Kingsley. "I don't think that is such a good
idea." He placed a hand on his wife's elbow and started to guide her back inside the house. "We
don't know their intentions and if Voldemort has tracked them -"
"I don't care." Astoria jerked out of his grasp and glared up at him. "They're wounded and they
have children and we are going to treat them, understood?"
Blaise's eyes were hard as he looked back up at Kingsley. For whatever reason, he didn't trust him
any more than Draco did, but after a moment, he nodded.
For a while, no one moved. Everyone just stared at one another. The children continued to scream.
Narcissa continued to growl.
Kingsley was the first to move. Harry, Ron and Ginny started to walk towards the farmhouse after
him, but Draco blocked their path before they could make it to the back door. "Wands. Now." His
voice was curt as he held out his hand.
Narcissa hovered over Draco's shoulder. One false move, and Kingsley would be her next meal.
"If you think I'm letting you near Granger with a tool that could be used to kill her then you're
fucking mistaken. If you want to get into that house, you will give me your wands."
Ron's lip curled. "And you're fucking bonkers if you think we're going into a house full of Death
Eaters without-"
It was Ginny's turn to scream. "JUST SHUT UP AND GIVE HIM YOUR WAND!"
"Look at us! Look at our children! They've been through enough and they need treatment! Now
isn't the time to pick a fight so just give him your fucking wand!"
Once Draco had collected the wands - and cast a detection charm on each of them to make sure
they weren't concealing any weapons - he let them inside.
"QUINZEL!" Astoria called when everyone was gathered rather awkwardly in the kitchen. "I
Even from outside, Narcissa could be heard huffing and circling the farmhouse. She didn't like this
No one had seen much of Quinzel at all since Romy's passing. She'd been depressed and miserable
for months. Even Daphne's return hadn't cheered her up much. She still came when called upon,
but her main priority in Malfoy Manor had been to keep Romy out of trouble and with him gone,
she felt like she'd lost her place in the world.
"What is all this?!" she asked, her glum and lifeless pink eyes flickering between all the faces she
didn't recognise. "Who is all these peoples?! And these screaming babies?! Quinzel does not know
them, and Quinzel does not like screaming babies!"
Astoria walked over to the cupboard where they stored their medicine. After she'd pulled the door
open, her blonde hair disappeared behind it. "Can you fetch me some healing balm and then run
upstairs and get a lukewarm bath ready? Blaise, Hermione and Draco can heal their injuries, and
I'll go upstairs and get the children cleaned up-"
"You..." Ginny started to say. "You don't need to do that."
Astoria poked her head around the cupboard door and smiled sweetly. "It's alright, I don't mind. It's
nice to feel useful again."
Draco clutched his wand tightly in his hand and looked out the window. "Tori, as touching as this
is, we don't have time for you to play nurse. If Voldemort has captured anyone who knows where
this safehouse is, then we're not safe here anymore. We need to go to one of the others."
Harry nodded. So did Ginny and Ron. It was probably the only thing everyone in the room agreed
"He's right," Blaise agreed. "We don't have time to waste. Everyone, grab as many bottles of potion
as you can, we need to leave. Now."
Hermione summoned a bag from upstairs and cast an Undetectable Extension charm on it. Quinzel
stood at the cupboard and threw phials of potions into the bag, Hermione did the same with food,
Blaise with supplies and blankets, Draco with weapons, and while the rest of her family worked,
Astoria looked at each of their guests in turn, and then turned to Ron and held her arms out. "Give
her to me," she said softly, looking at the child he held. "I can take care of her while Blaise treats
your wounds."
It was easy to see why Astoria had picked on him. He was the most injured by far. His legs shook
terribly - which wasn't surprising, given the huge, gaping hole in his left thigh. It was impressive
that he was still able to walk. He was probably keeping himself standing through sheer adrenaline
and willpower alone. And his daughter - she was screaming bloody murder and Ron, bless his
heart, he looked like he didn't have any idea how to soothe her.
Ron shook his head. He clutched the baby closer to his chest, but everyone could see the effort the
simple act cost him.
"It's alright," Astoria whispered. "I won't hurt her. I'm good with children, I promise." She took a
tentative step closer. Ron continued to retreat.
His nostrils flared angrily. He backed into the kitchen counter and when the baby started to wail,
Ron looked down at her and made a strangled noise like he was in pain.
"Astoria was Medusa. She's been on the Order's side for years. She wouldn't hurt your child, I
promise. She would never hurt anyone."
When Ron looked back at Astoria, she nodded and smiled sweetly, and whether it was the gut-
wrenching way his daughter started to wail, whether it was because he was in agony or if it was
that signature Greengrass warmth that won him over, it wasn't clear, but after a brief pause, he
nodded his head and started to sob quietly.
Just as Ron's knees started to give out, Astoria gently took the baby out of his arms and started to
soothe her. "It's alright, little one. Shhhhhh. Shhhhh. It's alright. You're safe. Nothing bad is going
to happen to you here." Astoria looked up and tried to catch Ron's eye. "What's her name?"
"Cord..." Ron's throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly. "Cordelia."
Astoria nodded and bounced the child softly in her arms. "And who is Cordelia's mother?"
"Romilda." Hermione had already put the pieces together, but after Astoria had wiped the blood off
the child's face, the answer was clear as day. Cordelia was the spitting image of her mother.
Astoria nodded again and smiled down at Cordelia. Astoria had once told Hermione that she'd
never really spent much time around children or babies but to look at her, no one would have been
able to tell. She was a natural. She'd only been holding the baby a few minutes and she'd already
managed to settle her. "And where is Romilda?"
Ron broke down and dropped his head into his hands. She was dead. He didn't need to say it out
loud. The mother of his child was dead and if they didn't get a move on, then everyone in the
farmhouse might be next.
The only thing left to do was tell Theo and Daphne about their move. It wasn't necessary for
Kingsley to follow Draco and Hermione down to the cellar but he still did, and they didn't have the
time to argue with him, they needed to get out of the farmhouse as quickly as fucking possible.
The three of them sprinted down the basement steps, they didn't have a second to waste, every
heartbeat counted, but as the door to the cellar swung open, Hermione realised they couldn't have
walked through it at a worse time.
Daphne and Theo - who both hand a knife in each hand and were dripping up to their elbows in
Crouch's blood – stopped what they were doing and stared down at their victim.
"THE MUDBLOOD! SHE'S A HORCRUX, ISN'T SHE!?" Even though Crouch was shaking so
violently that his teeth rattled as he spoke, Hermione heard every word very clearly. "USE HER
And just like that, Kingsley smiled. Just like that, the Order had a plan and Voldemort's demise
looked more likely than it had been in over a decade.
The war was finally drawing to a close, and Hermione and Draco ... they were out of time.
How long has it been?
3rd July
Hermione didn't say it out loud, but the second safe house wasn't nearly as nice as the first.
For an old pub somewhere in Derbyshire, it had everything they needed. It was sturdy and well-
hidden. It had lots of windows to use for lookouts, and because it used to be an Inn, it had plenty of
bedrooms upstairs - enough for everyone, even with the new additions. It had lots of extra space to
store all their weapons and medicines and even came with a beer cellar where they could bind and
leave Crouch to rot.
Hermione could understand why Draco had chosen it. It was perfect for a safehouse - it was
probably even more functional than the farm had been. It was practical and safe - but she hated it.
It lacked the warmth of the farmhouse. It lacked the character, that old, rusting 'had seen better
days' charm that she'd grown accustomed to. She missed the unorganised chaos of the bookcase
and the way the dining table used to creak whenever someone put anything on it. She missed the
small, cosy living room and she missed listening to the crackling fireplace.
There were enough rooms in the pub for Hermione and Draco to have a bedroom together. Even
the smallest room came with a double bed but it felt too big to sleep in. Too cold. It put too much
space between them, and Hermione just hadn't been able to fall asleep in it.
That was how she'd ended up outside, standing at the entrance of the pub, leaning against the
doorframe and staring out at the heavy rain at 3 'o'clock in the morning. She watched puddles form
on the cobbled path that led up to the pub and she watched the electric lantern that hung over the
pub sign flicker, bringing the words The Golden Lion in and out of focus as they illuminated and
then darkened the old sign.
The Golden Lion, that was the name of the pub that'd become their second home. The Golden
fucking Lion. Hermione was sure Draco had picked this pub on purpose.
She couldn't have been standing there for more than half an hour before he found her. She didn't
hear him approach. One minute she was standing there alone and the next, cold arms wrapped
around her waist from behind. Apart from the blanket that he had wrapped around his shoulders, he
was shirtless, and when he pulled her back against his chest, she was swaddled in the blanket's
"Come back to bed, little lion," Draco whispered in her ear, his voice that husky purr that made her
toes curl.
"Why not?"
"Can't sleep," Hermione whispered back. Her breath left her in a soft exhale when Draco started to
pepper kisses along the base of her throat.
She couldn't see his smile but she felt it. "Who said anything about sleeping?"
Hermione laughed quietly and rested her head against his shoulder. She leaned back against him
and closed her eyes, relishing in the soft little kisses he pressed into her skin.
She should have expected that he wouldn't be able to sleep either. They'd all been through so much
in the last few hours, everyone was exhausted, but she doubted anyone upstairs would truly be able
to find sleep, not with what was on the horizon.
Like her words had been a spell, Draco's lips froze against her neck. "Yes."
"Yes, Granger. Everyone is well versed in the plan that you've concocted."
The iciness in his tone was what prompted her to turn around. She made sure she stayed within the
blanket's warmth and stared up at him. His expression was angry. His mouth was twisted into a
bitter frown but his eyes ... they were sad. Anxious energy was bleeding into his blue irises like
cracks in glass.
He didn't like her plan, she didn't have to look into his eyes to know that. She hated it too but it was
necessary, they'd been selfish for too long, they couldn't put it off any longer, not after what
Voldemort had done.
Once everyone was safe in their new lodgings, once everyone was healed and the children were
asleep, once they'd washed all the death and blood from their skin and hair, Ginny and Harry had
been calm enough to explain what'd happened at the hospital.
Monsters. They were the only things Voldemort had left, and they were what he'd used to attack
the hospital. Trolls. Dementors. Giants. Acromantula's. Any dark and bloodthirsty creature that still
supported him, he took them, and he attacked with them.
Anti-Apparation wards had been set up around the perimeter so no one could escape magically.
He'd ordered the handful of witches and wizards he had left to storm the hospital and slit the
throats of anyone that crossed their paths. The trolls had been sent to block the physical exits while
the giants went on to slaughter everyone healing in the infirmary. The Dementors had made
everyone freeze with fear as they tried to flee, and a whole colony of Acromantula's had been sent
into the ...
"Family ward," Harry had had to finish Ginny's sentence for her. She hadn't been able to say it and
everyone in the room felt sick hearing it. Acromantula's. Voldemort had sent hundreds and
hundreds of aggressive, ruthless, ravenous spiders into the family ward where infants were kept,
and no one had made it out of that room. Ginny had tried to go back for them but she couldn't see
any survivors, just swarms and swarms of spiders, infesting beds and swarming over occupied
Voldemort's desperation had made him even more dangerous than ever, more soulless. He had to
be stopped. Now. He couldn't be allowed any more time to rebuild, no matter what it cost...
As Draco stared down at her, his eyes flickered to her chest. After they'd gotten to the safe house,
they'd tried for hours to pull the Horcrux out of her but it hadn't worked. Hadn't even gotten close to
the results they'd had back at the farm.
Hermione had really tried to make it work, she really, really fucking had. When Draco had
performed the spell, she'd tried to think about nothing but him but she couldn't. All she could think
about was the consequences of her own selfishness.
Every time she thought about his hands on her, she'd been blinded with images of wizards getting
theirs cut off as they'd tried to fight off the ambush in the hospital. Each time she concentrated on
his voice, it was drowned out by the screaming of children that'd been devoured by the
All those people ... they'd died because she'd wanted more time with Draco ...
"When the snake is dead," Draco said after a while, "I'm getting you out of there."
"Oh for God's sake," Hermione groaned and looked at the floor. She was so fucking sick of
arguing with him about this. "I've told you a hundred times, I'm not running away-"
"I mean it. I won't lose you." When Hermione refused to look at him, he cupped her chin in his
hand and tilted her head up until she met his eyes. "Are you listening to me? When the snake is
dead, I'm getting you out of there. I'm not putting you in a position where Kingsley can kill you."
"Granger, you're not stupid. Once the snake is dead, you're going to be the only Horcrux left. You'll
be the only thing stopping Potter from being able to truly kill Voldemort, and if you think Kingsley
is going to let you live for a second longer than he absolutely has to, then you're not as clever as I
thought you were."
"But we can't put off killing the snake any longer, too many people have already died to protect me
His lips twitched. He almost smiled. "Oh I don't know about that - I'd quite happily let another
thousand or two die if it bought us another week together."
She should have slapped him for saying something so cruel. Should have at least swatted him on
the shoulder but she didn't have the fight left in her. Instead, she sighed and rested her palms
against his chest. Her finger skimmed his mother's ring.
Again, she was plagued with the thought of wearing it, pausing over how easy it would be to just
slip it onto her finger and pretend that they had all the time in the world left together...
"Don't look so sad," Draco whispered. His hands came to rest on her hips. "You're going to be
wearing this by tomorrow night."
"I mean exactly what I said. You're going to be wearing this by tomorrow night," he repeated.
"When the snake is dead, I'm going to find you and take you somewhere safe. I'm going to pull the
Horcrux out of you and it's going to work -"
"It will work. I will make it work." She'd never heard him sound so sure of anything. "When the
snake is dead, Voldemort will be incredibly weak and so will the part of his soul that's inside of
you. And then, this horrible fucking thing here?" As he spoke, one of his hands skated up her spine
and came to rest on her sternum, right over the point they'd been trying to pull the Horcrux out of
her. "I'm going to rip it out of you and destroy it, and then me you are finally going to get started
on this other life that we keep talking about."
They didn't get much, but they managed to scrape together a few hours of sleep before it was time
to set the plan in motion.
Deception was the only way they were ever going to truly lure Voldemort out in the open, so
deception was what they were going to run with. It'd been easy to get a message to Voldemort. A
simple owl was sent to York Cathedral with a simple note attached to its leg;
'Dark Lord,
We made a mistake. We should never have betrayed you. We have seen that for some time, but your
display at the hospital has proved it to us.
We have captured the Horcrux for you and are willing to hand it over as a gift to show our
repentance. In exchange for handing it over, we beg for a pardon and our safety in your new world.
If you accept these terms, then meet us at Nottingham City Centre, Townhouse, at four pm, to make
the exchange. If you do not attend, Dark Lord, then we will take this as a refusal of our most
generous offer.
T & D. N.'
Theo had ripped out a page from a book on magical artefacts and written the letter in the top of it.
The note itself was unthreatening but the words underneath the note, the lines of printed text
describing the Sword of Gryffindor and the artistic sketch beneath it? That conveyed the hidden
threat perfectly. Meet us, or we will destroy the Horcrux.
They were going to do to Voldemort exactly what he'd done to Harry over a decade ago. They were
going to lure him out into the open, and then they were going to kill the snake.
But Voldemort wasn't a fool. He wasn't going to take the bait unless he thought it was real so they
had to make it look real and the keys to that were Daphne and Theo. He already knew that Theo
had changed sides once because of Daphne. He knew that they thought the world of each other,
and if they both thought that the only way to protect one another was to strike a bargain and switch
sides? Again? He might just believe it. It was the best hope they had.
They didn't have much time to prepare but because there was only a handful of them left, it wasn't
too hard to fill everyone in. Luna, Neville, Fleur and a few others had managed to escape from the
hospital and Kingsley had managed to get a message to what little remained of the muggle army.
Altogether, what was left of the Order of the Phoenix was forty witches and wizards, a handful of
reformed Death Eaters, a dragon, four metal tanks, a helicopter, and maybe a hundred muggle
soldiers. It wasn't a lot, but it was all they had, and everyone prayed that it would be enough.
While they carried out the plan, Astoria and Quinzel were going to stay behind. Neither of them
was prepared for a battle - not that Blaise would've let his wife anywhere near the fight even if she
were – and someone needed to stay in the safe house and look after Rose, Fred, Severus and
Cordelia, and seeing as all four of the children had taken a shine to Astoria and followed her
around as though she were the sun itself, it was an obvious choice for her to stay with them.
While Harry, Ginny and Ron said goodbye to their children, Hermione and Draco waited outside
and said their goodbyes to Narcissa. She was vital to their plan but because she was too large to
Apparate, she needed to leave first and get a head start.
The bond between Draco and Narcissa had always been strong, but as Hermione stood back and
watched them say goodbye to one another, it was like they were one and the same.
Draco had one hand pressed against the underside of her scaled jaw as he ran his other hand along
her cheek. He stared into her red eye intently and although Hermione could see his mouth moving,
she couldn't hear what he was saying.
Draco said something else to her. Narcissa closed her eyes and made a low, growling noise, and
after he dropped his hands and took a step away from her, she rocked onto her back legs and started
to flap her wings.
As Hermione's hair flew in every direction from the wind tunnel the dragon had created, she stood
by Draco's side and slipped her hand into his. They watched the dragon take flight together, and a
few minutes after she disappeared behind the clouds, the rest of the group came outside.
Fleur, Neville and Luna were making their own arrangements. Kingsley had already left. He'd gone
to meet with the leader of the muggle army to finalise the plan with them and he wasn't going to
come back beforehand.
Although almost everyone was dressed in black, they were the most mismatched army Hermione
had ever seen. Theo and Daphne wore their Death Eater robes as a way to keep up the ruse that
they were still loyal to Voldemort. Harry and Ginny wore black robes that they'd borrowed from
Daphne and Theo. Blaise wore a black shirt and a long black overcoat. Draco wore his black riding
clothes and Hermione wore her old mission uniform.
It was only Ron who stood out. He wore blue jeans and a red jumper - the same clothes as what
he'd come to them in. He'd refused to wear anything the group had tried to give him, although
Astoria had managed to persuade him to at least let Quinzel clean them.
"Harry," Hermione said, beginning their final preparations. "Did you manage to get your hands on
the -"
"Yeah, I've got them right here." Harry pulled a cardboard box out of his bag and flipped it open.
Inside, there were several even smaller boxes, no bigger or more decorative than a carton of
matches, and he handed one to everyone in turn.
"What are these supposed to be?" Blaise asked, making a disgusted face as he peered down at what
Harry had just given him.
"They're the muggle communicators I told you about last night." Hermione opened her box and
pulled out the two wireless earbuds. "You turn them on like this," she flicked the switches on the
side of each earpiece and made sure all the bewildered wizards around her could see very clearly as
she placed each of them in her ears. "And this way, no matter where we are, we can all hear each
other on the battlefield."
Harry followed suit and put his earpieces in. Ginny did the same, and one by one, the magical and
muggle world was united in one of the simplest, yet strangest ways.
"So," Hermione said, testing the connection, "everyone should be able to hear me now?"
"Ooooooh, I like these." Theo grinned mischievously, then he leaned over and whispered in
Daphne's ear. "Imagine all the fun we could have if we played with these -"
Blaise's lip curled and he pulled the earpieces out of his ears so quickly it was a wonder he didn't
hurt himself. "Please, no. If I'm fighting for my life and I hear the two of you talking dirty to one
another in my ear, I may just walk head first into an Avada."
Theo and Daphne looked at one another and chuckled, but they made no promises.
"There's also a pair here for Astoria," Ginny put the last box on one of the wooden picnic benches
that were darted around the front of the pub. "I know she wanted to stay in the loop while we're out
They went over the plan two more times to make sure everyone was fully equipped, and when
everyone was ready, they started to part. Ron Apparated away first. Ginny followed, then Harry,
but just before Blaise could leave, Astoria came running out of the pub.
"Wait! Wait!" the youngest Greengrass called. "Don't go yet! I can't believe you were going to
leave without saying goodbye to me first!"
"What?" Draco asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "You mean that you tore your eyes away from
those precious little Order babies long enough to notice that we'd left the pub? Oh my - I am
Astoria stuck her tongue out at Draco as she passed him, and then she made a beeline for her sister.
She pulled Daphne into a tight hug and whispered something in her ear before they pulled apart.
Then she moved on to Theo and Hermione. Her eyes were glistening by the time she hugged
Draco, and when she finally released him, she was struggling to hold back tears. "Merlin, look at
the state of you," she said, trying to smile as she fixed Draco's already perfectly straight collar.
"Can't have you running into battle looking such a mess. What would the enemy think?"
Draco rolled his eyes but didn't stop her fussing over him. She did the same thing with Theo's collar
and even went as far as fixing the stray hairs that'd escaped Daphne's ponytail. She was the same
with Blaise and Hermione. She found something to fix on each of them. It was all unnecessary,
everyone knew it - even Astoria probably did, deep down - but it was all she could do, so she was
helping them in the only way she could.
When she was happy with all of their appearances, Astoria stepped back until the six of them were
standing in a circle. She looked at each of them briefly and then a tear escaped the corner of her
eye. "Oh for Salazar's sake, I don't know what's wrong with me," she laughed, shaking her head as
she wiped the black tear away. "It's not like this is goodbye, I'm going to see all of you again really
Hermione and Daphne offered Astoria small, reassuring smiles. No one knew what was going to
happen. For all they knew, this might be the last time they were all together like this, and no one
really had it in them to say it out loud.
As Astoria said her final goodbyes, Hermione slowly looked at those that stood around her. A few
years ago, she'd hated each and every one of them. A few years ago, she would've felt sick at being
this close to so many Death Eaters and yet, little by little, they'd become her family.
Blaise, he'd threatened her life when she'd learned of Astoria's blood curse, he used to remind her
daily that he thought she was filth and now, now he made her cups of tea and squeezed her hand
and told her she was family.
Theo, the psychotic, legendary king of torture. He used to go out of his way to make Hermione feel
uncomfortable, he'd even tried to kill her once, and now he was putting himself in harms way to
save her life.
Astoria had always welcomed Hermione with open arms. Despite being the enemy, despite years
of lectures telling her that people like Hermione were lesser than her, Astoria had never treated her
like that. She'd always made Hermione feel welcome and loved, she'd made those first months at
the manor bearable. After she'd killed Seamus, Astoria's compassion and acts of kindness had been
what kept Hermione going.
She hadn't known Daphne for anywhere near as long as she had the others, but in the short space of
time that she'd been in Hermione's life, she'd made her feel like she'd always been her sister.
And then there was Draco. He was unaware, but as she looked at his face and his bright blue eyes,
the same eyes that used to be grey and cold, she felt tears gather in her own. She used to want him
dead. She'd probably lost days of her life thinking of all the ways she wanted to kill him. She used
to think the world would have been a much better place if he'd not been in it but now, she realised
how dark and cold her world would become without him. He meant so much to her. She hadn't
thought it was possible to care so deeply about another person until she'd fallen in love with him.
Blood doesn't make a family, Hermione had never realised how true that statement was until she
looked at the five Slytherins around her.
These people, she couldn't have been more different from them and yet, they were her family, and
after today, she didn't know if she'd ever see them again .
After Blaise kissed Astoria goodbye and she returned to the pub, the group started to Apparate one
by one, and when only Draco and Hermione remained, he stood in front of her and took both of her
hands in his.
"Whatever happens today Granger, don't be a hero."
"You heard me.” Draco's nostrils flared as he stared down at her. "If things... Don't go the way
we've planned today, I don't want you trying to be the hero. If it looks like we're losing, you are to
put yourself first and get out of there."
"Draco I-"
"No, no, I need you to listen to me." He squeezed her hands and stepped closer to her until their
chests touched and they breathed the same air. He stared down at her as though she were the most
important thing in his life. "Even the thought of losing you…” He released a shaky breath and
brought her hands up so he could kiss her knuckles. "I don't care how loudly that Gryffindor
bleeding heart of yours starts to scream at you to do the right thing, I don't care how much you
want to save everyone else - if it looks like we're going to lose, you get out of there."
Something suddenly clicked in Hermione's mind. "Is that what you've told Narcissa to do? Fly me
away if things look bad?"
"I've told Narcissa to do whatever she has to do to protect you." He wasn't confirming her
suspicions, but he wasn't exactly denying them either.
Hermione tried her best to smile. She didn't think it was convincing, her nerves were starting to get
the better of her.
"You'll be safe with Narcissa," Draco said. Hermione wondered if he was saying it out loud as a
way to reassure himself rather than her. "But don't hesitate. As soon as she's done what she needs to
do, you get onto her back and you let her protect you. Do you understand?"
"I know. I will." Hermione knew that it was the truth. If she had to be on the battlefield to ensure
Voldemort didn't leave, being on the back of the largest and most ferocious dragon left in existence
was the safest place for her, but still, she couldn't help but feel nervous. "But -"
"But what?"
"What if she can't hear me when we're up there? Battles are always loud, and with the wind around
us... what if she can't hear me?"
Hermione took a deep breath and nodded. As soon as she Apparated, she and Draco were going to
be separated. After this, she didn't know when she was going to see him again...
She leaned up onto the tips of her toes and kissed him. It was only supposed to be a small kiss, but
as she started to pull away, Draco threaded his fingers through her hair and held her there,
snatching just a few extra seconds together, just an extra moment to be selfish...
Hermione didn't know how she found the strength to pry herself away from him but she did. She
managed to pull her lips from his, she managed to step away from him even though every nerve in
her body was screaming at her stay, but before she left him, before she went off to war, she
chanced one last selfish look at him. "Don't worry. I'll come back to you."
And the last thing she saw before she Apparated was his smirk. "Make sure that you do."
When Hermione made it to the rendezvous point, Theo and Daphne were waiting for her. They'd
chosen to meet on the outskirts of Nottingham - about two miles away from the city centre and the
townhouse. They'd chosen it because their plan relied on the element of surprise, and they needed
to be sure that no one would see them coming.
Theo cut her off in a bored tone, one that made him sound like a teacher who was having to explain
the same thing to his student for the fifteenth time. "Yes, we've already checked the perimeter and
no there aren't any of old Boldie Voldie's spy's out here." He sighed heavily for dramatic effect and
shook his head. "Honestly Granger, your lack of faith in us is astounding. This isn't our first time
being filthy traitors, you know?"
Daphne rolled her eyes and pushed Theo aside. She withdrew her wand and placed the end against
Hermione's forehead, but before she started the spell, she looked up and met Hermione's eyes.
"Sorry - this is going to sting a little bit but we have to make it look convincing."
Voldemort knew what Hermione was capable of. He'd heard stories about her ruthlessness on the
battlefield. He knew that she wasn't the type of witch who could be easily captured - or who'd go
quietly - so if he was going to believe that Daphne and Theo really had captured her, it'd need to
look like she'd fought back. A bruise here or there wouldn't do. Now wasn't the time to take
chances, they needed to be thorough.
About half an hour later, when Hermione, Theo and Daphne all had more bruises and cuts than
what they'd started the day with, Narcissa arrived and they moved on to the next phase of their
As soon as the dragon's claws touched the floor, Hermione cast a Silencing charm on her -
followed by a Disillusion charm. "Ok, that should do," she said, taking a step back. "Let's test it
out. Narcissa, come to me."
Usually, when Narcissa walked, each step she took sounded like giant rocks being smashed
together and the ground shook but now, due to Hermione's incantations, nothing happened. There
wasn't a sound. The ground didn't shake at all. Even though they could see Narcissa, it was like she
wasn't there.
With phase two complete, Daphne pulled Harry's Cloak of Invisibility out of her bag and laid it out
flat on the ground. She cast several extension charms on it, and once it was plenty big enough, she
levitated it into the air and hovered it over Narcissa's body.
"Remember girl," Hermione put her hand on the dragon's snout and stared into one of her red eyes.
"Move as slowly as you can and don't attack until I give you the signal. We can't have Voldemort
knowing that you're there until the snake is right in front of you."
Narcissa didn't make any noise, but she pushed Hermione gently with her snout. Hermione took it
as a sign that she understood.
Once the cloak was dropped and Narcissa disappeared completely, Daphne conjured chains and
wove them around Hermione's wrists. As planned, as soon as Hermione was bound, Theo placed a
hand on her shoulder, spun her around, and he and his wife started to march her into the city centre.
Theo had wanted to be a little gentler but Hermione had insisted that as soon as they started
walking, he and Daphne handle and treat her as though she really was their prisoner and she was
glad that she did. When they were one mile away from the meeting point, she started to notice
things, movements out the corner of her eye, stirrings on top of buildings and in shop windows.
When the three of them were standing outside of the Townhouse, Hermione felt sick with nerves.
What was left of Voldemort's own army was already lined up and waiting for them. There were
giants holding spiked clubs with bits of severed flesh dangling from the ends. Clusters of spiders
had their flanks, at least a dozen Black Masks were scattered among the group, and that was just
what Hermione could see. She didn't want to think about what was waiting and lurking in the
buildings that surrounded them.
It was so quiet while they waited for Voldemort to arrive. Hermione could hear her own heart
There was at least a hundred feet between the two groups, and they just stared at one another from
across the gravel. Silent. Waiting. Sizing each other up.
When one of the giants banged the blood-covered club it held onto the gravel, Theo's hand flinched
against Hermione's shoulder.
Any moment now. Any moment now Voldemort would be there. The three of them just needed to
keep it together. They just needed to hold their nerve -
Daphne shuffled her weight nervously from one foot to the other.
The others would be arriving at any moment. Draco would be sneaking onto one of the surrounding
rooftops .... Blaise too. And Harry and Ginny. The muggle soldiers and their tanks would be getting
into position any moment...
It took everything in Hermione not to glance at the rooftop to her left, the one she knew Draco had
chosen to perch on. She couldn't risk looking around and giving away his position, but she wanted
him there with her, standing by her side -
Hermione flinched, then took a deep breath to calm herself. The air to her left hummed with magic.
Hermione couldn't see what Narcissa was doing, but she got the impression that she felt just as
restless as Hermione did.
"Shhhhhhh," Hermione hushed under her breath, making sure to keep quiet and move her mouth as
little as possible. "Not yet. Not yet."
When nothing else happened, Hermione assumed Narcissa had somewhat calmed herself.
She knew when Voldemort was close. She felt it in her gut. Knew it by the twisting sensation she
felt gathering in the pit of her stomach, like something was biting and scratching and trying to
gnaw its way out of her. Whether it was because of the Horcrux inside of her or not, Hermione
didn't know.
A minute after the feeling had started, he was there. Voldemort had come, just as Crouch had said
he would, and just as Crouch had predicted, Nagini was with him.
Hermione couldn't take her eyes off Nagini. The snake slithered in and around Voldemort's ankles
as he slowly walked toward them, but when she finally looked up at him, her adrenaline went into
He looked so different than the last time she'd seen him. The loss of yet another Horcrux had taken
its toll on his physical appearance. He was thinner, clinging to life as frailly as the skin clung to his
weakened bones. Cold, dark, evil energy just radiated around him. It was putrid, the type of dark
magic that made flowers wilt and die from just being nearby.
"’Ello Boldie," Theo chirped. He was always happiest when putting on a show. "How are ya mate?
Still struggling to find a decent hair growth tonic I see."
If looks could kill, then Theo would've died on the spot from the one Bellatrix threw him. "Watch
your mouth! I should relieve your head from your shoulders for what you've done -"
"Pffft! As if woman! You wouldn't be able to chop my head off if I gave you an axe and knelt
down in front of you!"
Despite the bickering, Voldemort hadn't taken his eyes off Hermione. His eyes were the most
unsettling thing she'd ever seen. They were glowing. Hateful red orbs that were glued on her. He
was looking at her not quite in amazement, but more disbelief. Like he couldn't believe that
someone like her, someone of her kind, could be strong enough to house the part of his soul that he
hadn't meant to trap inside her.
It was only when Daphne spoke that Voldemort's eyes released Hermione.
"My Lord," Daphne said softly, gracefully, gentle as a caress. "It is good to see you. How long has
it been?"
Daphne used to be Voldemort's favourite, Draco had told Hermione that once. She was once his
favourite Death Eater, she'd have become one of his Demons if she hadn't betrayed him, and that
much was clear to see when he looked at her. He looked pleased to see her. An expression akin to
affection actually flashed across his cold, gaunt features.
"Daphne," he whispered. "It has been too long, hasn't it? Are you still angry with me for what I did
to you, or rather," Hermione swore she swore Voldemort start to smile, "what I ordered Crouch to
do to you?"
Bellatrix snarled like a beast and took an angry step forward. "How dare you ask for a pardon after
everything you've done! You do not deserve the breath in your lungs-"
"Enough, Bellatrix," Voldemort hushed. "Let her speak. Is that really all you want in exchange for
the girl? A pardon?"
"Yes," Daphne nodded. "We'll give you the Horcrux and you'll never have to see either of us ever
again, we just want a promise that after you win this war, you will let us live out our lives in
Voldemort narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "And what of your sister? What of the rest of your
family? Surely you wouldn't abandon them so … easily."
Daphne swallowed before she answered. "The rest of my family are already dead. You always said
that Muggles were savages, my Lord, and you were right. They turned on my family. After you
attacked the hospital, they blamed us. They attacked us and took us captive. They killed Blaise and
they made me watch as they killed .." Daphne's voice broke off. She took a moment to compose
herself before she started again. "After they killed Astoria, I realised how wrong I was to turn on
you. I am so sorry my Lord. If I'd have known what I know now .... After Theo and I escaped, I
knew we had to do something to make it right, so we made sure we brought the Horcrux with us.
She had no idea, of course, she thought that we'd come back to save her. She put up a hell of a fight
when she realised our true intentions, but we made sure we brought her here, my Lord, for you, to
make up for our awful lapse in judgement. I hope that you can forgive us, truly, I do."
Every word Daphne said … The way her voice quivered; it conveyed the story perfectly. If
Hermione didn't know the truth, she'd have believed every word, and if the look on Voldemort's
face told her anything, then so did he.
"Oh?" When Voldemort's eyes flickered to Theo, his voice was sharp and biting. Nothing like the
soft and delicate whisper he'd been speaking to Daphne in. "And what would that be?"
Voldemort's expression grew furious, murderous, almost unhinged. "You have him?!”
Theo smiled and nodded. "We had to keep him alive too. Because his life is linked to the
Mudblood's, we didn't know if killing him would kill her too."
"But we thought," Daphne added in a purr, "given the part he's played in your … downfall, that
you might enjoy torturing him. I hear it’s a wonderful way to relieve tension. Just ask Barty Crouch
Jr. I’m more relaxed than I have been in years.”
Voldemort thought it over for a moment. His lips pressed into a tight line and his fingers curled
around his wand - and then he looked up and gave a wicked smile that made Hermione's skin want
to crawl off of her bones. "Excellent. The two of you have served me well -"
"No my Lord,” Bellatrix started to protest. “We cannot allow them to get away with this!"
"With what?" Voldemort asked. "They have seen the error of their ways and they mean to make
amends -"
"But what they have done cannot be so easily fixed!" Bellatrix's wand sparked with a killing curse
as she aimed at Daphne, then Theo, then back at Daphne. Her eyes blazed with murder, like she
couldn't decide which of them she wanted to kill more. "What they have done to you, it cannot be
forgiven! They betrayed you! They turned their backs on you and now they think that because
they've brought that pathetic creature here, they can be forgiven?! No -"
With the three of them distracted, Hermione went on the move. She lurched forward like she meant
to escape, and as Theo's nails dug into her shoulder and he pulled her backwards, Hermione spat at
Voldemort's feet.
At that moment, Narcissa should have been getting herself into position. She should have been very
slowly, very carefully, rearing herself onto her hind legs -
"ENOUGH, BELLATRIX!" Voldemort snarled as a green curse gathered at the end of Bellatrix's
wand. "I will not tell you again! Lower your wand, or have you forgotten what the Mudblood is?!"
Bellatrix's eyes widened in horror. Her wand arm fell to her side as quickly as she bowed her head.
Theo tutted very loudly. "Oh, dear. Bet you've not had a telling-off like that in a while, have ya?
Awwww, what's the matter, Bella?" His voice changed into a childlike, mocking tone, the kind of
voice people used when they spoke to babies. "Is someone not the Dark Lord's favourite
That's it, Hermione thought. Keep them talking. Keep them distracted.
"Well, as amusing as this is," Daphne said, "how about it then? Is this trade happening or not?"
"Trade?" Rodolphus hissed. "After everything you two have done to the Dark Lord, you honestly
believe that you can be forgiven?! His army is in ruins because of you!"
She should have had her enormous head high in the air -
"Are you blind as well as ugly?!" Theo laughed and shook his head "We've stolen a Horcrux for
him? Right under the Order's nose, might I add! If that doesn't earn us a pardon, then what the fuck
She should have been gathering a powerful, flame-filled breath in her lungs -
Rodolphus shook his head. "Nothing is enough to make up for your betrayal! If you think that
bringing a Horcrux back will allow you back into the ranks -"
Theo snorted sarcastically. "We don't want back in the ranks you raving fucking nutter! We just
want to be left alone with the promise that you won't execute us!"
Voldemort's hateful red eyes suddenly looked right where Narcissa was standing.
He might not have been able to see Narcissa but he sensed something was off, Hermione was sure
of it. He lowered his arm slightly to allow Nagini to wrap around it -
Hermione pulled her wrists apart and broke the fake chains. She whirled to her left and dragged her
wand in a backwards motion. The cloak of Invisibility was pulled off of Narcissa's body, and
Hermione got the satisfaction of seeing the panic in Voldemort's eyes as the dragon released a wall
of punishing fire in his direction.
But just as the fire was about to destroy Nagini, Voldemort fucking disappeared. He managed to
Apparate. He, Nagini, Bellatrix and Rodolphus managed to disappear just in time, and once they
reappeared a few hundred yards back, once they were safe behind the line of giants and monsters
and dark creatures, Bellatrix screamed a war cry that might as well have opened the gates of hell.
The Mudblood and the dragon
4th July
There was always a scream, a call to order, a signal to indicate that the time for civilised
conversation was over and the bloodshed was about to begin. Narcissa's attack had been just that.
That wave of fire that'd come hurtling out of her mouth had been the call to arms, the signal that
everyone could drop the pretences of human niceties, they could take off their masks and reveal
their true intentions. They could channel all the pain and anger they felt for the opposition, that
rage that they usually caged. They could release that carnal part that existed inside every person,
but was usually held down and buried, and they could wreak havoc on their enemy.
When Bellatrix screamed, every monster answered the call. They all started to charge. Full pelt.
No fear or mercy in their eyes. They didn't care about the dragon that stood in front of their prize or
the flames that still burned on the floor. They just started to attack, they just started to run ...
straight for Hermione.
After years of this, Hermione thought she knew everything there was to know about battles. She
thought that her tired eyes had seen everything there was to see when it came to war. Thought her
weary heart had felt every emotion there was to feel in those types of life or death situations.
She'd seen people beheaded and she'd felt remorse for those she'd killed. She'd watched victory be
snatched away in the blink of an eye - even when it felt so certain - and she'd felt the heartbreak
that followed it. She'd watched so many of her friends die and she'd felt the unbearable rage that
accompanied watching such a thing.
Hermione thought she'd seen it all, thought she'd felt it all, but when those monsters started to
charge at her, she'd never felt anything like it. Because she'd never seen a wave of enemies all
running towards her - and only her - with the sole intention of capturing her.
Voldemort hadn't come here to win this war, he'd just come here to get her. He wanted Hermione.
He wanted her alive and in his possession. Probably wanted to stash her away somewhere no one
would ever be able to find her, where she'd be alone and isolated but feeding his immortality for
the rest of her days - he probably thought that was a privilege for someone like her.
Get the girl, those must've been the only instructions he'd given his monsters, and they were
blindly following his command.
Dementors appeared out of nowhere. The Death Eaters that remained drew their wands. The giants
ran toward them. Dark, deformed creatures Hermione had never seen before - never even read
about - appeared out of the shadows. Hundreds and hundreds of Acromantula's of every size
started to scurry out of the buildings and shop windows around them. Their enemy was closing in -
But what little remained of the Order fought back just as fiercely.
Daphne and Theo started to throw killing curses one after the other at their attackers -
Narcissa released another punishing breath of fire that set the first wall of charging spiders aflame -
Harry appeared on the right side of the battlefield - Ginny seconds later - and they both
immediately went on the attack. So did Ron. And then Fleur. And then Luna and Neville. Even
Shacklebolt appeared out of the shadows to take this final stand.
Although there weren't many of them left, no one fled. No one even thought about running. One by
one, every single surviving member of the Order of the Phoenix came to fight with fierce
And as soon as Draco Apparated in front of Hermione, he went straight for Voldemort. "GO,
GRANGER!" he screamed as he threw a red curse. Thick chains flew out of the end of his wand
and straight towards his former master. "NOW!"
Voldemort's red eyes were full of hate as he swept the curse aside and retaliated, throwing his own
dark hex at Draco.
As Hermione climbed onto Narcissa's back, the dragon released yet another flaming breath.
Narcissa swept her head from side to side like a snake, making sure she killed as many foes as
possible while she was still on the ground.
Hermione settled at the base of Narcissa's neck and held onto her spikes, and as they started to take
flight, Hermione watched Draco and Voldemort.
She and Draco had devised this plan together. They'd gone over every detail, and although
everyone agreed that Draco should be the one to keep Voldemort busy, Hermione didn't like it at
Draco and Voldemort, they looked nothing alike and yet, at the same time, the mirror image of
each other. They both held their shoulders rigid and their wands tight as they started to circle one
another slowly. Both of their expressions were twisted and cold and they both had the same
unimaginable hatred burning in their eyes. Dark, crackling, repugnant magic that was filled by
hatred radiated around them.
God, there was so much anger between the two of them, it was visible. Their magic started to lash
out. The rocks and gravel at their sides started to vibrate and lift off of the ground without them
having to do anything. Their rage, it was like toxic fumes in the air, everyone could see it, feel it,
taste it. They hated each other beyond all else. Each craved to spill the blood of the other like a
dying animal thirsts for a fresh kill and yet, no matter how much they wanted to, they couldn't
satiate that need.
Voldemort wanted to kill Draco for betraying him. He wanted to break every bone in Draco's body.
He wanted to flay his skin off layer by layer. He wanted to break him, bury him, but he'd linked
Draco's life to Hermione's, so if Draco died, then so would Hermione, and so would the part of his
soul that he'd unknowingly stored in her body.
And Draco's need to destroy Voldemort was just as insatiable. After everything he'd done to him, it
was well deserved. He'd killed his parents and made him and the rest of his family watch as their
sister was tortured to death, of course Draco was going to want to torture his former master in ways
that'd make even the devil retch, but he couldn't. Draco wouldn't kill Voldemort if there was even
the slightest chance that he'd take Hermione with him.
It was wise for Draco to duel Voldemort, because Draco was the only person on that battlefield -
apart from Hermione - that Voldemort wouldn't kill. It was wise to keep him busy, it protected
everyone else, but it just gave them permission to hurt each other in the worst possible ways.
As the dragon started to take flight, Hermione saw Draco pick up debris from the ground with his
wand and throw it at Voldemort with all his strength.
Voldemort retaliated by sending a red curse back. Chains flew from the end of his wand and
hurtled towards Draco's throat.
Draco reflected the curse and then went back with a strong stinging hex.
Narcissa continued to climb higher and higher until she reached a great height - probably one that
Draco had set out beforehand, one he deemed safe - and then she started to circle over the city
centre, but they were too high up for Hermione to see who was who.
Hermione took the Silencing and Disillusion charms off Narcissa so she could communicate back,
and then she leaned to her right and peered down onto the battlefield. Everything looked so small.
She could see curses of every colour light up the ground below but they were so high up, it was
hard to see who they were coming from or who they hit.
"Someone talk to me!" Hermione shouted frantically, pressing her hand against one of the earpieces
she was wearing so she could hear more clearly. "Tell me what's going on!"
"We're alright," Harry answered almost Immediately. He must have been waiting for her to ask.
"Does anyone have eyes on the snake? I can't see her.”
".... Pappa... ?" Theo's astonished - and slightly out of breath - voice whispered in Hermione's ear a
second later. "... Is that you? Oh, it's been so long!" The battle apparently hadn't taken Theo's sense
of humour - not yet, anyway.
"Oh my... These things are amazing,” Astoria gasped. "I can hear everything so clearly. It's like I'm
standing right there with you all.”
"Eugh," Theo responded, retching rather dramatically. "No, actually. Changed my mind, I don't
like it. I feel like I've got Tori inside my head."
There was a beat of silence before Astoria spoke again. "And what is so terrible about that?”
"Can we save the bickering for when we get home?!" Blaise hissed. "We're in the middle of a
battle here!"
"Are we really?" Daphne asked sarcastically. "Well colour me pink, I hadn't noticed."
"Daph?" Theo asked, "Seeing as I might die right here on this battlefield, I have a very important -
AVADA KEDAVRA! Rude! I'm trying to ask my wife a question, you ignorant fucking prick!"
Blaise snarled a killing curse and then clicked his tongue irritably. "Well go on then, while we're
"Daph," despite the situation he was in, Theo still paused for dramatic effect. "What colour
knickers have you got on right now?"
"NOT THE TIME, THEO!" Astoria, Blaise and Draco all responded in unison.
"What?!" Theo sighed and then put on a very Shakespearean sounding accent. "This bit of muggle-
made gravel might very well be my deathbed! Why are you all so hell-bent on denying a dying
man his last wish!?! What did I ever do to you lot?!"
Over the next twenty minutes or so, Hermione stayed safe in the air and heard bits and pieces of
the fight.
From the little Hermione could see and hear, the Acromantula's and the giants were the biggest
problems. A lot of curses seemed to bounce off the giants and the sheer number of Acromantula's
was frighteningly overwhelming, and Draco wouldn't let Narcissa help.
He was being fucking ridiculous. One exhale from Narcissa would've obliterated the spiders, her
breath was hot enough to melt the skin off of the giants' bones, but Draco wanted her high in the air
to keep Hermione safe.
Each time the pair of them started to glide lower, itching to help, Draco's irritated voice would hiss
through Hermione's ear pierce for them to 'Stay in the fucking air', and then Narcissa would roar
and climb back up to the designated 'safe zone'.
Each time, Hermione wanted to argue with him, but she always bit her tongue. It was hard enough
having to listen to his duel with Voldemort, she didn't want to distract him from it any further. She
heard some of their duel but she had to try and tune it out. It was too hard to listen to. Every time
Draco hissed in pain it made her want to claw her ears out, so she tried to focus on the other voices
Blaise took authority of trying to down the giants, so she listened to him for a while instead. She
listened to him try one of his usual tricks and Imperius the giant to off itself and when that didn't
work, he wrangled a group of muggle soldiers to help him. However, after said giant went on a
vicious rampage and almost took Blaise's head off with its club - and stomped four muggle
soldier's to death - Hermione tried to find something else to listen to.
She heard Harry searching for the snake. She heard Theo sing a celebratory song when he killed
Rabastan Lestrange, and she heard Rodolphus' angry roar as he fought to avenge his brother. She
heard the sound of bullets leaving the barrels of guns and heard Daphne scream "Avada Kedavra"
what felt like every thirty seconds. She heard each of the Slytherins protect each other, she heard
them fight for one another, and she could do nothing to help.
Every time Hermione heard one of them yell "Duck" or "Look out" she felt sick. Every time she
heard an enemy scream "Avada Kedavra" in the background, she held her breath and prayed that it
didn't land.
She started to count the number of voices, the number of breaths, checking for someone who might
be missing ...
"Avada Kedavra!"
"Troll! Duck!"
"On your right!"
"Avada Kedavra!"
"Behind you!"
"Avada Kedavra!"
"Take cover!"
"Avada Kedavra!"
"Look out!"
Hermione heard it all and it made her feel utterly fucking useless.
She should have been doing more. She could have been doing more but she needed to stay out of
the way. It was better for her to be away from the fight but it fucking killed her to have to listen to
it and not be able to help.
Everything she heard was ordinary for a battle that ruthless and bloodthirsty, but it was when she
heard one of the men hiss in pain, that Hermione's heart stopped. She heard a wet, squelching
sound. She heard a howl of great pain but she couldn't tell who it made the noise.
"What's happening?!" Hermione shouted. Felt like she wouldn't be able to breathe again until she
knew who it was. "Is someone hurt?!"
"What?!" came Astoria's panicked voice in Hermione's ear. "What's happened to Theo!? Is he
As they flew over the Town House again, Hermione squinted at the ground but she couldn't see
clearly. Couldn't tell who was who from this height.
She heard a masculine grunt through her earpiece. Heard a high-pitched wail. Heard the sound of
something crashing, what sounded like bones breaking –
"Draco, what's going on?!" Hermione repeated. It was the first word she'd heard him say through
the earpiece that wasn't an offensive spell. "I can't see from up here! What's happening?!"
"Would someone please keep me in the loop!" Astoria hissed. "What has happened to Theo?! Why
isn't he answering?!"
"Baby?!" Daphne's next words were quick and panicked. "Baby, talk to me! Where are you?!"
Finally, Theo responded. "I'm still here! I'm alright! Almost got eaten by a spider but I'm still in
one piece!"
There was a beat of silence in which everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then Theo got the
telling off of a lifetime by his wife. "IF YOU'RE ALIVE THEN FUCKING COMMUNICATE
Hermione and Narcissa started to make another pass high over the city centre. The muggle tanks
had finally started to arrive and they were starting to help Daphne and Theo pick off the spiders.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Theo said. "Sorry - Oi! There is no need for the dirty looks! I said that I was
Green spells lit up the ground below. The sound of screams and gunfire was carried up to Hermione
by the wind.
Nottingham city centre lay in ruins. The lion statues that guarded the steps to the townhouse were
destroyed. The decorative stone pillars that used to stand proud and hold the structure up were
crumbling and falling to the floor.
Fires had started to break out on the ground - some were caused by Narcissa's flames, some by
spells and others by the tanks. The fires caused thick smoke to rise high into the air, making it
harder for Hermione to see what was going on. One thing that was still clear though - even from
the great height - was that no matter how many spiders and giants they killed, more always seemed
to be lurking in the shadows.
Narcissa growled when the sound of spinning propellers came up behind them.
"It's alright," Hermione hushed, patting her scaled neck. "They're not going to attack us. They're on
our side."
Hermione looked over her shoulder. She couldn't see who was manning them, but she saw the ends
of large machine guns sticking out either side of the helicopter. If Narcissa had to be taken out of
the equation entirely, at least the muggle army could still offer a little air support.
When the helicopter had almost caught up with them, Narcissa roared and suddenly dropped into a
dive. Hermione gasped and held onto her spikes to keep from falling off. She was surprised by the
dragon's actions, she couldn't understand why she'd just veered off like that all of a sudden, but
then Hermione saw something through the smoke and it made sense.
It was one of the huge, spiked clubs that the giants had brought into battle, and it was coming
straight toward them.
Narcissa had dived just in time and gotten out of the way of the projectile, but the helicopter hadn't
been so lucky. The club collided with the machine in mid-air, and the mess of wood and metal
crashed into the battlefield and exploded onto the ground like a fallen comet.
Well, so much for the air support they'd been counting on.
"We're fine!" Hermione responded, hoping that her voice wasn't as shaky as she felt. "We're okay!
Narcissa got us out of the way in time!"
"Would someone please talk to me?!" Astoria demanded. "If someone doesn't start explaining
what's happening right this second, I swear to Salazar I am going to-"
"A giant just threw a club at Cissa and Hermione," Daphne answered, clearly no longer in the
mood for her husband's bad jokes.
Even through the muggle device, Astoria's confusion was palpable. "Why would they do that? That
wouldn't ... kill Narcissa, would it?"
"No," Blaise answered. "But it would hurt her. Her scales are thick, but not impenetrable. If they -
hold on a moment - Avada Kedavra!"
Hermione tried to peer onto the ground to see if she could confirm Astoria's fears but from their
height - and the smoke - she couldn't see a fucking thing.
"Pardon me. Spider," he said after a moment. "Anyway, if they got enough momentum, I'd say that
they could injure Narcissa enough to ground her."
"They're trying to get Hermione on the ground so Voldemort can take her!" Daphne said, sounding
a little breathless.
"Hear that, Granger?" Draco asked. "Stay high up in the air! Don't give him the opportunity to
ground the both of you!"
Narcissa roared loudly and flew higher, and the pair of them stayed safely out of harms way for
about thirty minutes.
Half an hour was all Hermione could take. Half an hour of listening to their battle cries, listening to
screams and having to wait to hear who had died and who hadn't. Her resolve almost broke when
Blaise announced that Fleur had been killed, and she almost ignored every fucking instruction and
Apparated on the field herself when she heard Ginny scream.
When she was fighting, she had control. If she was fighting, then she'd have been able to see what
was happening and she wouldn't have been just blindly flying around and waiting for updates. Her
nerves were shattered. She couldn't just sit up there, safe and out of the way, and listen to everyone
else fight and put their lives on the line.
And Narcissa was just as restless. Every time they made a pass over the city centre, Narcissa flew a
little closer to the battle until eventually, they were low enough for Hermione to see what was
She kept an eye on Draco's duel with Voldemort, but it was difficult to watch, and after Voldemort
almost caught Draco with a strange fire sort of hex that she'd never seen before, she had to look
She saw Daphne and Theo tag team a giant. Daphne distracted it while Theo dragged the club out
of its hand using a strong levitation charm, and after a few seconds of playing with his food, Theo
brought the club down on top of the giant and smashed it's head in with it's own weapon.
When Theo took a little bow, Daphne clapped, but the encore was interrupted when they were
surrounded by Acromantula's once again.
One of the spiders took a swipe at Daphne, Hermione almost Apparated to help them. She looked
away, she watched Blaise narrowly miss an Avada by a masked Death Eater. She held onto
Narcissa's spikes to stop herself from going to his aid.
Stay with Narcissa, she kept telling herself over and over again. Stay with Narcissa. Fucking stay
with Narcissa.
Stay with Narcissa, her hands were sore from holding onto the dragons spikes so tightly.
Voldemort picked up one of the fallen stone pillars from the Town house and threw it at Draco. It
missed him by inches. Stay with Narcissa.
She saw blood trickle down the right side of Draco's temple.
She held out for another five or so minutes, but when Hermione saw a giant flip a metal tank over
and crush two soldiers underneath it, that was the last straw. She couldn't sit idly by. Not anymore.
As the machine exploded and those trapped underneath were engulfed in flames, the giant that'd
caused the destruction fell into step beside two others, and then all three of the horrid beasts started
to make their way towards the next tank, one that was charging in the other direction and unaware
of the approaching threat.
"Come on, girl," Hermione said, patting the side of Narcissa's scaled neck.
Narcissa roared in agreement and changed her flight path. She glided toward the battlefield again
and when she was in position, she tucked her wings into her side and Hermione held on for dear
life as they dropped into a deep dive. When they were close enough, Narcissa opened her wings
and her mouth, and as they made a pass over the largest group of giants, her fiery breath exploded
onto the ground and burned all three of the creatures alive.
Blaise whistled in astonishment as they flew over his head, clearly impressed, but Draco, however,
was far from it.
"What the fuck are you two playing at?!" Draco roared. "I told you to stay in the air and out of the
Theo roared with laughter through the earpiece. "She's got you there mate!"
With the giants dead or screaming in agony, they turned their attention to the next threat. Narcissa
glided over one of the high-rise buildings and exhaled fire again, burning the Death Eaters perched
there alive before they could Apparate to safety, then they turned their attention to the fresh cluster
of spiders the size of cars, and Narcissa flew over them and disintegrated them.
"GRANGER!" Draco hissed in her ear. "I won't tell you again, STAY OUT -"
Hermione turned her earpieces off. It didn't matter what Draco said or how loudly he said it, her
mind was made up. She wasn't going to sit there and watch everyone else die, not when the most
valuable weapon they had was being wasted protecting her.
Hermione had never understood how Draco and Narcissa always seemed to be in sync. Whenever
she'd seen them together on the battlefield, it seemed effortless. Yes, Narcissa had, on occasions,
dropped her shoulder to the ground when Hermione had wanted to climb onto her back, and she'd
curled her body around Hermione when she was cold, but they were little things. She didn't need to
be told because they were instinctual.
Battles, however, were very fucking different. It seemed that the dragon knew where he needed her
to be without him telling her, and she breathed fire without being given a verbal command - yet
always burned the right people.
Hermione had never understood how they could be so in sync before, she assumed it was their
familiarity. Draco had raised Narcissa since she was a hatchling so it was natural that she'd grown
accustomed to him, but Hermione hadn't. Hermione hadn't been there since the dragon was no
bigger than a small cat. Hermione hadn't fed her by hand when she was a baby or taught her how to
fly or breathe fire, and yet, when Hermione needed something from her, Narcissa just knew.
Words weren't needed. When Hermione patted Narcissa's right shoulder, the dragon made a right
turn. When Hermione leaned forward, Narcissa dropped into a dive and Hermione only had to
think about fire and Narcissa just breathed it.
The effect they had on Voldemort's army of monsters was devastating. Every time that ominous
black shadow appeared on the battlefield, the Order members knew to Apparate away, and every
time the dragon opened her mouth, her bone-chilling roar was drowned out only by her victim's
screams as they burned alive.
They made pass after pass over the battlefield without Hermione having to hear a word from the
others. They burned almost all of the Acromantula's and the heat from Narcissa's breath was strong
enough to frighten all of the Dementors away.
It was incredible. Seeing the way Voldemort's army fled every time she and Narcissa flew towards
them, it made her feel unstoppable. Seeing the fear in their eyes every time the flames followed, it
made Hermione feel like they could do this. They could win. Maybe if Narcissa could destroy
what was left of Voldemort's army, they could do what Draco had suggested. Maybe they could
weaken Voldemort, kill the snake, maybe they could get him vulnerable enough to catch him and
lock him away somewhere safe and secure. Maybe they could buy themselves enough time to get
the Horcrux out of Hermione so they could destroy it.
Nothing could touch them. Nothing. Some of the Death Eaters tried to throw curses at Narcissa but
they just bounced right off her thick scales. A few of Voldemort's followers were brave enough to
conjure brooms and chase them into the sky but Hermione took them out with a few well-placed
It was only when Voldemort's army was almost extinguished, that Hermione switched her
earpieces back on.
Draco's voice was the first one she heard. "-BELLATRIX! ARE YOU LISTENING, GRANGER?!
She'd have rolled her eyes if he could have seen it. "When are you going to learn that I don't need
for you to tell me-"
In the same heartbeat that Draco snarled the words, Hermione saw it.
Chains. Bellatrix had conjured chains and given them to the last remaining giant on the field.
Thick, heavy, enormous chains. Chains that looked like they held an anchor on the underside of a
cruise ship. Chains that were far too large to be thrown by anything other than a giant. Chains that
would be big enough to ground even a beast as large as Narcissa.
And Hermione had spotted them too late. They were flying through the air toward them. They were
too close, coming too fast. Narcissa wouldn't be able to dodge them -
Hermione sat upright and cast the first curse she could think of. She put everything into that
Knockback Jinx, screamed the incantation as though her life depended on it and it was strong
enough to work. Her spell hit the chains and set them veering off just before they could collide
with the dragon's body.
The metal screeched as they flew back through the air. They smashed into the side of one of the
high-rise buildings and cut the whole structure in half. The windows of the building popped open
and glass rained down. The top half started to crumble, and it was only when the top few floors
started to fall that Hermione's heart sank.
Ginny screamed.
"Harry?!" Hermione shouted, pressing her palm against the earpiece so she could try and hear him.
She frantically looked from one end of the battlefield to the other, praying that he'd Apparated just
before the structure had fell on top of him, praying that he'd gotten out in time or cast a shielding
charm. "Are you alright?! Harry?! Harry?!"
When it became clear that Harry hadn't Apparated, Hermione glanced over her shoulder to the
collapsed building. There was so much debris and dust surrounding it, she couldn't see Harry,
couldn't see anyone.
Narcissa roared. She started to turn around and fly back towards the wreckage.
"Harry?!" Hermione tried again. All she could hear was everyone else fighting and the low hum of
static. "Harry, please ... Please say something..."
As Hermione and Narcissa got closer, the dragon glided lower and lower until Hermione could see
Harry. He was hurt, that much was obvious. She could see his black hair poking out amongst the
pale grey bricks, but the lower half of his body was trapped underneath the wreckage.
Hermione was too high up to see Harry's expression but she could hear his faint groans of pain
through her earpiece. "No... Too many bricks ... my wand..."
"It's alright," Ginny responded. Hermione could see her duelling Rodolphus in front of one of the
remaining lion statues. "Just sit tight and we'll get you out of there!"
But they didn't have time for Harry to sit tight. As Hermione looked down, she saw Bellatrix
limping towards the wreckage Harry was trapped under, and no one seemed to be close enough to
stop her.
"I ... I can't!" Harry groaned in pain. His breath was hard and laboured through her earpiece. "My
wand ... I don't know where it is..."
When Hermione started to panic, Narcissa roared. The few remaining Death Eaters flinched. "You
need to move! Bellatrix is coming for you! You need to get out of there, Harry!"
She heard Harry grunt and hiss. She assumed he was trying to free himself, then he exhaled and his
heavy breathing was all she could hear. "I can't ... they're too heavy... and I think ... I think one of
my legs is broken..."
Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck this was bad. If Harry died, then this was all over... "Someone get to
Harry!" Hermione screamed. "NOW!"
As Narcissa dipped low and made another pass over the city centre, Hermione scanned up and
down the battlefield, looking for someone who could help but everyone was fighting for their
Ginny kept trying to Apparate to Harry but every time she did, Rodolphus would grab her arm and
their duel would continue.
Blaise was trying to take down the last giant by himself and Neville was nowhere to be seen.
Kingsley was doing his best to heal an injured muggle soldier and Luna was ... Luna wasn't
Theo was the only one who was free to help but when an Acromantula pinned Daphne to the floor
and she screamed, Hermione knew that Harry would get no help from Theo. Fuck the Chosen One,
Daphne was always going to be his priority. And as Theo Apparated to her side, Hermione knew
there was no one else left to help Harry. She didn't have a choice. As soon as the thought had
entered Hermione's mind, Narcissa dived toward the ground.
Bellatrix was about thirty feet away from Harry when she was eclipsed in a demon like black
shadow. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked up but it was already too late for her, by the
time she'd raised her wand, Narcissa's back claws had already splintered into the ground and her
teeth were already around Bellatrix's torso, and one snap of those enormous jaws were enough to
turn one of the most feared witches who'd ever lived into nothing more than dragon feed.
Whilst Narcissa feasted, Hermione looked at the rubble. Harry wasn't moving. She couldn't see his
chest raising or falling anymore either. "Harry?"
Hermione swung her legs to the right and slid gracelessly down Narcissa's shoulders.
Draco's voice roared in her ear the second her boots hit the ground. "What the fuck are you
"Harry's hurt!" She sprinted towards the rubble, wand in hand, black and gold gun in the holster on
her thigh. "I need to help him -"
Hermione stopped running and spun around, searching for Draco. He was still duelling Voldemort.
There were only a few feet between the two of them and although they both looked like they'd been
through hell, Draco was by far the worst. His lip was split open and his jawline and neck were
burnt. There was blood matting in his hair, a thick stream of it dripping down his left temple and he
was clutching his left thigh with his free hand. Hermione could see blood pooling between his pale
"Stop trying to tell me what to do and focus on your own fucking duel!"
When a cold chill swept up Hermione's spine, she looked up. Narcissa had only been grounded a
minute and a handful of Dementors were already trying to reclaim the sky. "Get back up there and
kill as many of them as you can! When I've got Harry, I'll call you!"
She didn't wait for the dragon to respond. She took off running towards the destroyed building, but
when she felt a wind tunnel behind her, she knew the dragon had listened to her instructions. When
Hermione reached Harry, she used her wand to lift the rocks off of him and then knelt by his side.
"Is he alright?" Ginny asked quietly. It sounded like she had great difficulty asking the question.
"He's not ... dead, is he?"
Hermione held her breath. She didn't want to answer until she was absolutely sure. His leg was
bleeding and twisted at an angle that made her empty stomach lurch, but when she checked for a
pulse, she found one. "He's alive!"
Hermione pulled a Blood Replenishing potion from her bag and gently poured the liquid into his
mouth. It revived him enough that when she pulled a Pepperup potion out of her bag, he was able
to hold the bottle himself. While Harry drank it down in one long swig, Hermione did her best to
fix his leg. She wasn't able to heal it perfectly, she didn't know how to, but she could at least get
him standing again.
"Thank you," Harry said, hissing a little as she carefully pulled him onto his feet. "You saved my
Hermione smiled a little as she draped his arm over her shoulder so she could help him walk.
"You'd have done the same for me." She glanced around and spotted his wand on the floor. She
picked it up and gave it back to him as she helped him back onto the battlefield.
"It should only take a few more minutes for the spells I've used on your leg to fully take effect."
"Does it hurt?"
Hermione's brows creased as she looked down at his leg. She knew he was lying to her. He was
having great difficulty putting even the slightest bit of weight on his injured leg, but sure enough,
the more they walked, the easier it became for him. When they were almost out of the wreckage,
he was able to - even with a great limp - walk on his own.
"Are you sure that you're going to be able to fight like this?" Hermione asked, reluctantly letting
him uncurl his arm his from over her shoulder.
"Absolutely," Harry laughed and gave her one of those brave, mischievous smiles that he was
known for, one that she hadn't seen in years. "It's not like we really have a choice in any of this,
have we?" He'd said it as a joke but then a sombre, serious sort of look flashed across his face. "I'm
sorry, Hermione."
She watched him out the corner of her eye. "Sorry for what?"
"When we found out that you were a Horcrux, I should have done something."
"There wasn't anything you could do. The damage was already done."
"No but when we found out, I just ... froze. Kingsley sent those guards to capture you, you're my
friend and I just froze. I should have done something." Harry looked at the floor like he was
ashamed, then he sighed heavily and shook his head. "I know the war has taken its toll on all of us,
I know it's changed all of us in some ways but you're one of my best friends, I should have done
something and I'm so sorry that I didn't."
Hermione didn't respond to that. There were a lot of things that she'd have liked to have said back
to him. She'd have liked to have told him that she was sorry too and that he had nothing to feel
guilty about. She wanted to tell him that no matter what the war took from her, she'd always have a
special place in her heart for him but she never got the chance to, because before she could, she
suddenly felt dizzy.
Her head felt heavy and she was suddenly struggling to breathe. She instinctually went to lean on
the wall beside her but there was no wall there, it'd been destroyed in the same attack that'd almost
killed Harry.
If Harry's voice was frantic, then Draco's was terrified. "Granger, what's the matter?!"
As she started to fall, Harry caught her arms and tried to keep her up but he wasn't strong enough to
keep her standing yet.
She felt like she'd been drugged. Her body didn't feel anything like her own. Almost felt like
someone had a hold of her and they'd squeezed and squeezed until they'd pushed all of her energy
out of her body. She collapsed onto her back, clutching her chest as she struggled to breathe.
She started to panic as she stared up at the grey sky. It was quickly blocked out by Harry's worried
green eyes. "Hermione?!" Even though he was standing right above her, he sounded very far away,
it was almost like she was hearing him from underwater. "Hermione?!"
When Draco's voice came through her earpiece again, the panic in it was deafening. "What's
happening to Granger?! Is she hurt?!"
"I ... don't know," was Harry's answer. "She just collapsed."
"Well don't just fucking stand there!" Draco hissed. "GET HER OUT OF THERE!"
Harry grabbed Hermione's wrists and pulled her again, and he'd just about gotten her back on her
feet when Ginny groaned in their earpieces.
Harry and Hermione looked toward the battlefield in terror. Ginny was alive but she was on the
floor and she was bleeding, badly. She was crawling backwards on what looked like a broken arm
as she retreated from Rodolphus' advances -
"I feel much better now, I'll be fine," Hermione lied, struggling for breath. She wasn't fine. She
wasn't fine at all, but if another person died because of her, she'd never forgive herself. "Go and
help Ginny."
Harry stared at her for a moment, clearly conflicted. His panicked green eyes swept to Ginny, then
back to Hermione.
"Go," she urged. "I'm alright. I have Draco and Black Shadow protecting me." She forced her lips
into a smile. "I'm probably the safest person on this battlefield."
Harry didn't hesitate any longer. He conjured what little strength he had and Apparated to Ginny's
side. It was funny, really, how someone could be on the verge of death, how someone could feel
like all their energy was spent, but when the life of someone they loved was in danger, they found
the strength to carry on.
Was it love that did that? Or the fear of losing them? Hermione hardly had the strength left to
really analyse it. She braced her hands on her knees, struggling with everything she had to keep
herself standing. What the fuck was wrong with her all of a sudden?! Her head felt like it'd been
smashed repeatedly against the wall. She closed her eyes and willed the pain to subside enough for
her to walk. Her arms shook as they struggled to support her weight -
She felt something wet trickle under her nose. Her eyes flew open and she saw what'd fallen onto
the floor.
Blood. Three little droplets of blood coloured the rubble like spilt paint.
She wiped the junction between her top lip and her nose and looked at her hand. More blood. She'd
had another nose bleed, and the only other time in her life that she'd had one was when -
Someone had done it. Someone had killed Nagini. Another one of Voldemort's Horcruxes was
gone, and that only left -
When she lifted her head again, she saw a group of muggle soldiers watching her, all of different
ages, and all standing around one of the only muggle tanks that remained. One gave a hand signal
and screamed something she couldn't hear into his communicator - and then the tank's turret started
to turn, and so did the turrets of the other two tanks. They all twisted and twisted until -
Oh ... God …
Kingsley, that fucking bastard. He'd given the muggle soldiers orders to kill Hermione as soon as
Nagini was dead. Draco had been right about him all along. He didn't give a fuck about Hermione.
It didn't matter how hard she'd fought for years to protect everyone else or how many lives she'd
saved during the war. As soon as she was the last Horcrux, he turned on her, just like Draco said
that he would.
She used to be an asset to the Order, but now, she was just the last obstacle in their way.
When the Medallion was destroyed, she'd felt fine. Yes, she'd had a small nosebleed but she'd felt
completely normal. Hadn't even been aware that her nose was bleeding until Draco and Daphne had
pointed it out to her. Maybe it was because she was now the last one, but this was entirely different.
It was instant this time. This time she felt like she'd been hit by a train and she had no strength, not
even the strength to protect herself.
She looked to the left and found Draco Immediately. He was on the other side of the battlefield,
Voldemort had him by the throat and was crushing him against a brick wall but he was still
watching Hermione. Staring at her with wide, terrified blue eyes but it wasn't fear for himself, it
was for her.
She looked around but again, there was no one to help. Everyone was too distracted with their own
battles to notice that Hermione's was drawing to a close. Everyone was too busy trying to save their
own loves to know that she was about to be ripped away from hers forever -
Hermione tried to Apparate but she didn't have the strength to. She tried to flee on foot but her legs
gave out and she fell onto her hands and knees. She struggled to breathe. She looked at Draco again
He headbutted Voldemort and made a frantic dash toward her but Voldemort recovered quickly.
While his back was turned, Voldemort threw a slicing curse at the back of Draco's legs with
enough force to send him falling to the floor and howl in pain.
The only person ... the only thing that could've possibly saved her was Voldemort, but he wasn't
looking at her. He was seething, blinded by revenge. He was too distracted taking his anger out on
Draco that he hadn't noticed the tanks that'd taken aim at Hermione. He was so angry at the loss of
another Horcrux that he hadn't noticed that the last one was about to be destroyed too.
And Draco … fuck. Draco, he hadn't taken his eyes off Hermione. He was desperate to get to her
but he couldn't. She saw blood pool on the floor around his legs. He couldn't stand, he wouldn't be
able to save her and she was too weak to get away -
Voldemort stood over Draco and kicked him hard in the ribs. Draco hissed in pain but still, he tried
to get to Hermione. The once ruthless Demon Mask, the pureblood Slytherin who used to think he
was above everyone and everything, he started to crawl to Hermione. The sight of him like that,
dragging himself toward her as blood seeped from the corner of his mouth, leaving a trail of blood
behind him while those blue, terrified eyes watched her … It … It … broke her … crushed
something in her, unravelled some buried thing deep in her chest and made her feel like she'd
already died, even without the tanks.
Her eyes darted to the left and she saw the inside of the tanks turret start to glow.
Even without the earpiece, Hermione would have been able to hear Draco call out to her. A voice
that scared didn't need to be helped, it carried all by itself. "GRANGER!!!"
She heard the shots be fired. They were quick. One after the other.
Three bullets the size of her arm, all coming at her from different angles.
When she felt the ground shake beneath her feet, she knew that was her body falling to the floor.
She felt a wave of searing heat and knew that she was dead.
She heard her loud, ear- piercing shriek that didn't sound human but mercifully, she didn't feel any
She knew she was dead because the noise of the battle that'd been going on around her suddenly
stopped. It was instant, like someone had turned a television off in the middle of a war film. One
minute, Hermione had heard gunshots and screams and spells being cast and the next, nothing, just
eerie silence around her ...
Wait, no there was a sound. Was that .... Breathing? Loud, rattling ... raspy breathing? But it wasn't
coming from in front of her or behind her, it was all around her. To her left. Her right. Above her.
Behind her. It was everywhere -
That was all she could see. A wall of black. All she could see was black and she suddenly felt hot,
like she was standing inside of a sauna -
The fear she'd felt seconds ago vanished, only to be replaced with an awful, gut-wrenching ache.
Hermione felt sick standing there because the tank's bullets, those shells that were supposed to end
her life, they hadn't hit their intended targets, they'd hit Narcissa. Every single fucking one of them.
Narcissa ... She'd taken the bullets for Hermione. She'd thrown herself onto the ground at the very
last second. She'd used her body as a shield to protect Hermione. She'd...
That loud noise Hermione hadn't been able to place, it was the sound of her breathing. Hermione
hadn't been able to recognise it at first because Narcissa had never breathed like that before. Never
breathed like she was struggling. Like each breath might've been her last...
Narcissa let out a loud, strangled shriek that sounded like a thousand people screaming all at once.
Her usually strong back legs started to wobble and her wings trembled. She shrieked again and
then her legs gave out. The mighty beast toppled over but even as she fell to the ground, she did so
in a way that ensured her enormous body curled around Hermione. She was still trying to protect
her ... even then ... even when she was on the verge of ...
Narcissa whined weakly and laid her head on the ground. She curled her body around Hermione
until she was tucked safely between her scaled chin and neck, and as one of her red eyes met
Hermione, Hermione felt tears prick in her own.
Every breath Narcissa took was slow, each weaker than the one before it. Her strength was failing
fast. It ... it wouldn't be long before she ...
Narcissa had been caught with a tanks bullet before. One had almost killed her, but three ...
Hermione looked at Narcissa's lower body and immediately regretted it. There was hardly anything
left... All three of the bullets had hit their mark. The first must've loosened her scaled armour and
left her vulnerable, and then the second and third had torn right through her. Hermione could see
the splintered bones of her rib cage, what was left of her charred stomach and organs, her damaged
lungs as they slowly inflated, and then deflated, wheezing each time. The type of damage that
Narcissa had sustained, even magic couldn't heal that...
Hermione rested her hand on Narcissa's cheek and stared into her big red eye. Her scale wasn't
warm anymore ... they were getting colder and colder ...
Each time Narcissa breathed, the sound got weaker and weaker, and each time she breathed,
Hermione felt like there were invisible chords wrapped around her heart and they were pulling
tighter and tighter.
Hermione placed her other hand on the dragon's jaw and gently stroked back and forth, soothing
her in the only way she could. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice cracking, tears spilling down
her cheeks. "I'm so sorry."
As Hermione looked into those fading red eyes, she couldn't believe she'd ever been scared of her,
couldn't believe she'd ever thought of Narcissa as a beast or an animal or anything other than the
intelligent, beautiful creature that she was.
Narcissa gave a low whine and weakly nestled into Hermione's touch.
Guilt swarmed up Hermione's spine until she couldn't hold it back anymore. She started to sob. She
leaned forward and rested her forehead against the dragons scales. They used to feel like warm
coals, they felt like the icy slab of a coroners table now.
When Narcissa whined again, Hermione knew it was time. She continued running her hands back
and forth over Narcissa's snout but pulled back enough so she could stare into her red eyes.
Hermione had always hoped that when she died, she'd have the luxury of staring into the eyes of
someone she loved, and see someone who loved her staring back as she took her last breath. After
everything she'd done for her, Narcissa should be allowed the same. It was the least Hermione
could do.
On the other side of the dragon, all of the fighting had stopped. Everyone stared, Death Eaters,
Order members, everyone had stopped what they were doing and stood in unison, watching the
extinction of a species.
And after the light in Narcissa's once fearsome red eyes had gone out, after the very last
Scandinavian Firehorn had taken her last breath, Hermione looked up, and she knew a part of
Draco had died with his dragon.
4th July
Seeing Draco that way ... Looking at him from across the battlefield, still covered in blood, still
laying on the ground where he'd tried to crawl to her, Hermione didn't know what to do.
He wasn't even looking at her. He was staring at the corpse beside her, and somehow, fuck knew
how, but that made the feeling that was brewing in her chest all the more painful.
Once, when they'd been laying on their sofa in the farmhouse together, under that thick blanket
with the fire crackling beside them, Draco had told Hermione that he'd named Narcissa in his
mother's memory not only to honour her, but because she was supposed to be indestructible. He'd
told Hermione that the first Narcissa Malfoy had died too young, so he'd wanted to forge another,
one that was strong enough to endure, one that could not only survive the war, but thrive in it, and
even outlive him.
Holding his dying mother in his arms had been traumatic enough, but having to watch another
Narcissa Malfoy die ... God, Hermione couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he must have been
All around them, everyone had stopped. Narcissa's attack might've been the call to arms that began
the fight, but her death had been unexpected enough to unite everyone - even if it was only briefly -
in the same frozen, awestruck stare.
Everyone had accepted the temporary truce, everyone, except Voldemort. Hermione didn't know
why she thought he might have done in the first place. He'd never shown even a sliver of human
decency before, why should he start now, when he was so close to death?
And because Draco just happened to be the closest person to him, he became the target for his new
bout of rage. The way hatred burned in the red of his eyes as he stared down at Draco made him
look even more snakelike. His lip curled back over his rotting teeth -
Voldemort raised his wand high over his head, the tip aiming perfectly over the bottom of Draco's
spine, "CRUCIO!"
Even if Hermione hadn't been so weak, there was no way she'd have been able to get to Draco
quicker than Theo did. As the curse left Voldemort's wand, Theo Apparated in front of Draco and
blocked it. In the same instant, Daphne popped into existence beside Draco and grabbed his
forearm, and a second later, all three of them disappeared and then reappeared next to Hermione.
And just like that, the small little ceasefire was over.
The battle restarted with a vengeance. Voldemort started to scream battle commands to what little
remained of his army and he wasn't holding back any longer. Fear makes him more dangerous,
Harry had always said that, and if the crazed look in his eyes as he started to erratically decapitate
muggle soldiers was anything to go by, then he must have been fucking terrified.
Hermione saw Voldemort start to throw killing curses in tandem. Muggle soldiers fell to the floor
around him like puppets that had had their strings cut. She heard screams and saw flashes of green
every few seconds, but she wasn't really paying attention to them. Not really. She was too focused
on the empty expression on Draco's face.
Her heart ached just looking at him. After Daphne had Apparated him to safety, she'd healed the
wounds on the back of his legs and managed to get him standing. And while Theo relayed what'd
just happened back to Astoria, Daphne held a bottle of Pepperup Potion up to Draco. He didn't take
it. Hardly seemed aware that Daphne was there at all.
"Is Draco alright?" Astoria asked. Her voice was high and shaky. She sounded like she'd been
crying but Hermione must have missed it. "What's he doing right now? Did he see what happened
to Cissa? Oh please, tell me he didn't see..."
Draco's eyes were hollow. His lips were parted slightly, and his expression was just ... nothing.
That was the only way Hermione could describe it. Nothing. He looked like he was nothing. Like
he had nothing left, like he had nothing else to give anymore.
Daphne held the bottle up to his face but still, Draco didn't move, and as he stared at Narcissa's
corpse... Destroyed. That was what he looked like. Utterly fucking destroyed.
His eyes were so fucking blue but Hermione wished that they weren't. She wished he'd put his
Occlumency walls back up, just this once. Just for now. He shouldn't have had to feel any of this
pain. He should have been allowed to shut it out, just for a little while. He shouldn't have had to see
his dragon like this, with dried blood seeping out of her cold jaws, the wings that used to carry him
into battle burnt and shredded, her eyes open but blank, lacking that red fire that used to look back
at him...
Hermione wanted to shield him from it but how could she? Narcissa's gigantic corpse was all
around them. Her head was in front of him, her body was curled protectively around them and her
wings were shielding them from the carnage on the other side.
A hand suddenly closed around Hermione's elbow. She jumped and found Daphne holding another
bottle of Pepperup Potion out to her. Despite her battle-worn appearance, despite the blood on her
chin and the scorch marks in her hair, her expression was gentle and patient. "Will you stay with
him?" she asked quietly, almost whispered it. "I don't want to leave him alone right now but Blaise
is still out there and he needs us."
Hermione drank the potion, swallowed and then nodded. Still didn't trust her voice to speak.
Daphne cast a worried glance at Draco and worried her bottom lip. Hermione got the impression
that there was a lot more Daphne wanted to say, something she wanted to ask, but she was stopping
For a moment Daphne didn't move. She watched Draco the way a zoo tamer watches a wounded
animal, waiting for it to strike, to lash out, to rip something else apart as a way to share the pain
that they're in, but when the sound of Blaise in pain hissed through all of their earpieces, Daphne
had no choice but to leave. She caught Hermione's eye once more, then a loud crack of Apparation
later, she and Theo disappeared.
Hermione opened her mouth but then closed it again. Even if she could find the words, what the
fuck was she supposed to say to him? Sorry? That didn't even begin cut it. Felt like it'd be an insult
to him.
"Don't," Hermione finally found her voice. "Draco, you don't have -"
Just like he hadn't looked aware of Daphne, he didn't seem to be able to hear Hermione either. She
watched as he splayed his palm and pressed it against the scales that lined Narcissa's cheek, and
even though Hermione already knew what was going to happen, when Draco flinched and pulled
his hand away, Hermione felt it in her heart.
He released a loud, shuddering breath and then stared down at his palm.
Narcissa's scales, he was so used to feeling them warm his palm, but when he'd touched her, that
hadn't happened. Her scales weren't warm anymore, she wasn't warm anymore, and he didn't know
what to do with that.
Just standing there with that hollow expression, it wasn't the Draco Malfoy that Hermione knew.
He looked so lost. He looked nothing like the man she knew. After everything he'd been through
the last twelve years, Hermione worried that this was going to be it. If this, the death of his dragon,
was going to be the thing that finally broke him.
"Draco?" she whispered. He didn't answer, so she tried again. "Draco?" She walked toward him
and placed one of her hands on his back. His entire body was trembling but he still didn't
acknowledge her. "Talk to me. Don't shut me out."
Nothing. It was like she hadn't spoken at all. Even her touch, the way she ran her hand up and
down the length of his spine didn't rouse even the tiniest reaction out of him. Maybe her worst fear
had come true. Maybe this had broken him …
Through her earpiece, the battle continued. Hermione heard Daphne and Theo go on the attack.
She heard Ginny fight, heard Harry try and protect her, heard Ron try and out-manoeuvre
Fuck. She wished he'd do something. She'd expected him to lash out, it was what he normally did
when he was frustrated. As Narcissa had taken her last breath, she'd expected him to fly off the
handle and a part of her fucking wished that he would. A part of her wished that he'd storm out of
this barricade that Narcissa had created, that he'd charge toward one of the tanks that'd taken her
life and he'd flip it over, crush it, fucking destroy it.
An angry, revenge fuelled rampage would have been better than this. At least then she'd know that
his grief hadn't swallowed him up and destroyed him. At least then she'd know that her Draco was
still in there, that he'd come back to her ... eventually.
When she couldn't see him like that any longer, she walked to the edge of where Narcissa's body
was curled around them and peered out onto the battlefield. There were only a handful of
Acromantula's left now and even fewer Death Eaters.
When Voldemort saw Neville hobble onto the field, he ignored Harry altogether and went for
Neville instead. That in itself would've been extremely bizarre, but then the thing that Neville was
dragging behind him came into Hermione's line of sight.
Neville was carrying the Sword of Gryffindor and it was dripping in thick, almost tar looking
blood. A thin sheen of pale black smoke was rising from the tip of the blade.
Ah, so Neville had been the one to destroy Nagini. Good for him. The corners of Hermione's
mouth lifted into the tiniest of smiles.
Voldemort suddenly stopped what he was doing. He froze for a moment and then lowered his
wand -
Hermione stepped to the right, further out of Narcissa's protection so she could get a better look -
then Voldemort's head whipped to the right and when his hateful red eyes landed on Hermione, she
swore her soul left her body. She gasped and stepped back but it was too late. She'd already caught
Voldemort's attention.
For someone so weak, he moved impossibly quick. As soon as his wand was turned on Hermione,
the tip ignited in a flash of yellow light. The light flew towards her -
There was pressure around her left elbow. The floor vanished from underneath her feet and her
insides felt like they were turning in on themselves. And then she was standing in front of a pub,
the words 'The Golden Lion' flickering at her from old, weather-worn sign.
She immediately tried to Apparate back to the battle but she was caught off guard when Draco
knocked her wand out of her hand.
"That won't stop me! You know I can Apparate without a wand!"
Draco took a step closer to her and suddenly they were pressed up against each other, nose to nose,
sharing the same breath. "Fucking try it," he sneered in a low voice. He glared down at her and his
eyes weren't as hollow as they had been minutes ago, they were alive and bright blue, a mixture of
anger and panic, simmering like an ocean caught in a storm. His fight had returned. Hermione
would have been lying if she said that she wasn't glad to see it. "I'll just bring you straight back
here kicking and screaming if I have to."
"Where the fuck have you two popped off to?!" Theo asked through their earpieces. They both
ignored him. "We're at war here people! Now is not the time for a fucking danger shag!"
Draco scoffed cruelly and his nostrils flared. With that dark, hateful expression, he looked so much
like the Demon Mask. It was like being transported back in time. She'd have thought Mr Hyde was
staring down at her, the only difference was his blue eyes. "No, you're not going back there!"
Before she could Apparate, his hands closed around her bicep. He held onto her so tightly, tight
enough to bruise, tight enough to make her gasp in surprise. "Let go of me! We have to go back!"
Someone grunted in pain through their earpieces. It sounded like a man. It sounded like Harry.
"I don't give a fuck what they need!" Draco hissed. "You're not going back!"
"How many times must we go over this?! I am not some Damsel in distress that you need to save
all the time! We're the best killers the Order has left, they can't win this without us! We need to go
back -"
"If you go back there then you'll die!" The anger in Draco's voice was enough the make Hermione
flinch. "I am not taking you to your grave, Granger, I won't fucking do it!"
"But this is bigger than both of us! We have to go back while Voldemort is weak! We have to end
this now!" She thought she was quick and stealthy enough to Apparate right in front of him.
His hand tightened around her arm and he yanked her forward, snapping her concentration and
stopping her from Apparating. "Try that again," he said, leaning in, eyes half-crazed. "And I'll
knock you out."
"There is not a thing I wouldn't do to keep you safe. Mark my words, you are not going back there.
I will not lose you, too."
She struggled and tried to fight him off but he was much too strong for her. "You won't lose me!
We can do what you said! We can overpower Voldemort and trap him until we figure out how to
take the Horcrux out of me! He's weak now- "
"I don't care if he's got the strength of a fucking baby Bowtruckle, you're not going back there!"
She jabbed him in the ribs with all her strength. He didn't even flinch. "Let me go!"
"Let me go!" she repeated, trying and failing to fight her way out of his grasp.
She'd had enough. She needed to get back to the fight, with or without him. She reached for the
black and gold gun sitting in the holster on her thigh. She didn't want to do it, but if she shot him in
the shoulder, it'd hurt him enough to release her without causing any lasting damage.
Quick as a flash, she pulled the gun out and aimed it at his shoulder - but she forgot how well he
knew her. He'd already anticipated what she was going to do. In the same instant, she heard a faint
whistle as he whipped his wand through the air and dug it painfully under her chin.
They stared at one another for a few moments. Draco's wand dug into her chin. She pressed the
barrel of her gun into his shoulder. They were both panting heavily, their breaths mingling in the
tiny space between them.
"Go on then," Draco whispered, scoffing lightly, breathlessly, as though this were all a game.
"Your move."
"I wouldn't have to do it if you'd just see reason. We can't run away from this now - not when
Voldemort is as weak as he is."
"I don't care. Your life might not mean anything to you," he said softly, “but it's too precious to me
to risk it."
Hermione sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. Such beautiful words, such a wonderful
promise lingering between them, but just like everything else, the war tainted them. She took a
deep breath to calm herself and when she opened her eyes, she tried to keep her voice calm. "We've
been risking our lives every day for the last twelve years. Your mother risked hers the day she lied
to Voldemort about Harry still being alive, and Theo and Astoria risked theirs when they created
Medusa. I risked mine every time I left the Order's base for a mission and you risked yours every
time you put on your Demon Mask. All any of us have done since this war started was risk our
lives, and we did that to protect the people we love, and if there was ever a moment to do it again,
it's now Draco. It's never been more important."
Draco's nostrils flared. His mouth was pressed into a tight line. The blood running down the side of
his face made his eyes look even bluer.
"Voldemort is so weak now, Draco. If we don't go back, he'll escape and he'll rebuild and this
whole thing will start all over again and everyone and everyone that we've lost ... it'll all be for
She thought she was getting through to him, but then a loud pop of Apparation cracked behind her
and that spell was broken.
He let go of her arm and the most vicious expression warped his features.
"NO!" Hermione pushed Draco's arm down before the spell had left his wand. The dark hex
destroyed the ground near Kingsley's feet and Hermione managed to snatch Draco's wand out of
his hand before he could attempt the murder again.
Draco pushed Hermione aside and charged toward Kingsley. "Come to finish the job, have you?!"
Kingsley - despite having a wand in his hand and being one of the most accomplished Wizards
who'd ever lived - looked like a deer caught in headlights, and Draco was on him before he had the
opportunity to react.
He punched Kingsley across the face so hard that he fell to the floor but he didn't stop there. He
followed Kingsley onto the ground. He straddled his waist and brought his fists down on
Kingsley's face again and again and again. "I'll fucking kill you!" he hissed between punches,
pouring all that anger, all that rage that he'd stored up into his fists. "How fucking dare you?!"
Another punch. "After everything she's done for your fucking Order," another punch, "this is how
you repay her?!" and another. "By fucking executing her the moment she isn't of use to you
anymore?!" and another.
As he pulled his arm up again, Hermione caught his elbow and stopped him. "That's enough." She
probably should have stopped him sooner but she hadn't, she'd stopped herself, she'd thought
Kingsley deserved it, and Merlin knew Draco did.
"How is that enough?!" Draco asked, his arm still held captive by Hermione. "He tried to have you
"I know.” Her calm answer was the result of looking at Kingsley's face. Draco had made a right
mess of it. His nose was broken. One of his eyes was already swelling shut and he was covered in
blood. Hermione felt no sympathy for him. She had to stop herself from smiling.
"He told those muggles to execute you as soon as the snake was dead!"
"I know."
"He's the reason Narcissa is dead! Why does he get to live when she doesn't?!"
"Because we need the numbers." It was the truth. As much as Hermione would've liked Kingsley
to pay just that little bit more for betraying her, the Order was still outnumbered. They still needed
him. Even though she didn't trust Kingsley anymore, ten wizards fighting against Voldemort was
still better than nine.
Draco didn't release Kingsley softly. When he let go of his collar, he shoved Kingsley down so
hard that he cracked the back of his head against the cobbled floor. "You're fucking dead when all
this is over," he snarled, and it sounded all the more menacing because he whispered it. "Do you
hear me? As soon as we've captured Voldemort, you better fucking run, because I'm coming for
As soon as we've captured Voldemort. Did that mean that she'd finally gotten through to him? Did
that mean that he'd finally seen that she was right?
Draco gave Hermione her wand back, then he held his hand out for her to take. She looked at his
open palm, at the invitation he was offering her, then met his eyes again.
Draco watched her carefully out the corner of his eye. He gave one curt nod.
He nodded again. "I'm tired of losing people at Voldemort's hand. We're going back to end this.
Once and for all."
Hermione smiled before she could help it. She took her wand and then looked back to Kingsley.
He looked up at her like he expected her to heal him. Held his hand up to her like he expected her
to help him off the ground.
She did nothing of the sort. She glared down at him and scoffed once under her breath. "Clean
yourself up and meet us back on the battlefield."
And then she accepted Draco's hand and the two of them disappeared together.
They didn't waste time planning their assault but they didn't need to. As soon as they reappeared in
front of Nottingham Town House, the both of them went straight for Voldemort, perfectly in sync.
They both seemed to be on the same wavelength without ever having to discuss it. They needed to
get Voldemort weak enough for them to bind him. They needed him drained, needed him to be so
weak and void of magic and strength that he wouldn't be able to break free when they restrained
him, and the quickest way to do that was to throw everything they had at him.
Working as a team, they threw curse after curse at Voldemort without giving him a breather. While
Hermione picked up pieces of debris from the battle and threw them at him, Draco kept throwing
Slicing curses.
Voldemort was able to block all of their efforts at first but in his condition, it was extremely taxing
on him and after a while, he started to fumble. He blocked the large shard of helicopter propellers
that Hermione threw at him, but that left him open for Draco's cutting curse. Voldemort hissed in
pain when it slashed across the top of his shoulder. He clutched the wound and then threw a red
curse at Draco, but that left him open for Hermione's knockback jinx.
He skidded back a few feet but then regained himself quickly. He blocked Hermione's next curse
but then got caught with Draco's. The battle went on and on in the same way;
Block, block, block, block, then one of their curses would catch him. Block, block, block, and then
another, and on and on it went.
Block. Block - Draco's slicing curse caught the side of Voldemort's face. A deep slash appeared on
his cheek just under his right eye.
It was working flawlessly. Each time one of their hexes landed, it took him longer to recover. Each
time he blocked one of their attacks, his breathing grew harsher, more laboured. It wouldn't be long
before he'd be exhausted enough for them to restrain -
They had him on the back foot. He was off balance and scared -
But Harry was right. When Voldemort was scared, he was more dangerous than anything else on
In his desperation, he did a bit of magic that Hermione had never seen before. Instead of deflecting
Draco's last stunning jinx, he caught it. The blue light of the spell curled around his forearm like a
strange sort of bracelet, and then he brought both of his hands close to his chest.
Hermione and Draco looked at each other briefly and then Draco threw a stunning jinx. Hermione
nodded and threw another slicing curse.
The same thing happened with both those new spells. Voldemort caught them both, they curled
around his body and the lights got brighter and brighter, like a ball of energy gathering power. He
pulled his arms tighter into his body. He bowed his head. His back arched inward like he was
curling himself into a ball -
Then he screamed, snapped back to his full height, spread his arms wide and a wall of dark magic
hurtled towards everyone with the force of a bomb.
Ginny, Theo and Daphne took cover behind one of the fallen tanks.
And Harry emerged, after he saw Ron's lifeless body on the floor, he charged at Voldemort.
Hermione had never seen him so angry. He'd have scared himself if he knew how much he looked
like Voldemort in that moment.
Harry threw a wordless, red curse at Voldemort. Voldemort retaliated with a green one. Their
wands connected in a powerful ray of light -
The curse bounced back and hit Harry square in the chest. Harry howled in pain and fell to the
floor. Voldemort merely clutched his wounded shoulder and advanced on Harry. Despite Draco
and Hermione's efforts, he was still standing. He would always remain standing. He would always
have strength from somewhere, because Hermione was still alive.
And that was it. As final and indisputable as a book snapping shut at the last chapter. That was it,
Hermione knew it was over. She lowered her wand and looked around.
There wasn't anyone left. All of the muggle soldiers were dead. The helicopter was in ruins and the
tanks were all on fire. Luna was dead. So was Fleur, and now Ron ... almost everyone was dead,
and those who were left, they were exhausted, they were injured and bloody.
With Voldemort distracted for the moment, Hermione pulled Draco back up the steps of the
Council House. There wasn't much cover behind the stone pillars but it would have to do. "I'm
sorry Draco but it's time. I need to die."
He stared down at her and the panic in his blue eyes was undeniable. "No." He shook his head. His
words were firm, but his throat bobbed anxiously as he swallowed. "Why would you say that?!
You know it's never been an option-"
"But we're out of options now! The only way Voldemort is going to be weak enough for Harry to
kill him is if there aren't any Horcrux's left!"
As Hermione spoke, someone screamed. They both turned towards the source. Some dark curse
from Rodolphus had hit Daphne. She was crouched on the floor in agony.
It was just another example of how right Hermione was, but it felt more like a nail in her coffin.
"As long as I'm alive," she whispered, "he can't be killed. We're out of options, Draco. I need to
He inhaled sharply. His eyes blazed furiously. "You expect me to kill you?!"
"Granger, It would be easier for me to slaughter every person on that whole battlefield than it
would be to hurt you."
"I probably won't even feel it. It'll be like falling to sleep -"
"NO!" He shut her up by roughly grabbing her jaw. "Don't you fucking dare say that you're ready
to die!" He leered down at her and shook his head. His eyes were wide, and his jaw was trembling
as much as the hand that held her. He looked shell-shocked. "You're not dying! Not now! Not ever!
Let me try and pull the Horcrux out of you again-"
Hermione's heart felt like it was breaking. Her eyes burned. She blinked back tears. "Draco, we
don't -"
"I can make it work!" he snapped, desperation in his voice, heartbreak in every word. "I can do
this! I can save you-"
"Shhhhh," Hermione caught either side of his face in her hands and pulled until he met her eyes
again. "I love you. Are you listening to me? I love you for trying to save me. I love you so much
for never wanting to give up on me but look around you. Look at what's happening. We don't have
any more time left to be selfish. This..." her voice quivered, it took everything in her to force the
next words out. "This needs to happen. Now. I need to die but I'm not ... brave enough to do it
myself, so I'm sorry, I really am, Draco, but you need to be the one to kill me."
She wanted him to wrap his arms around her a final time. She wanted him to snake his hands
around the small of her waist and hug her against him like he always did, in that way that always
made her feel so safe and secure but he didn't. He just stared down at her with his arms hanging
loosely at his sides like a man hanging from the neck at the gallows.
"You can't ask me to do that Granger," he whispered, voice broken, eyes lost. "I can't ... I won't..."
"Look around," she said. "Look around and tell me that there's another way out of this."
He did as she asked and looked around briefly, and Hermione knew that he wasn't just looking at
what he'd already lost, but what he could still lose if he didn't act quickly.
He looked at the corpse of his dragon again, the last symbol of his mother that was supposed to be
strong enough to outlive him, only for her to die in front of him as well, just as her namesake had.
He looked at Blaise, taking in the new scar on his face and the fresh blood that was dripping down
his arm. He looked at the limp Daphne had developed during the battle, and the way Theo was
wheezing and clutching his chest with every new curse that he threw.
Draco had already lost so much, that was true, but there was so much more that could still be taken
from him.
Somewhere in the distance, Ginny screamed. Harry howled in pain as Voldemort repeated the word
Crucio over and over again.
They didn't have much time left. Harry would be dead soon ...
When Draco's eyes met hers again, he didn't say anything, just stared down at her, and when she
saw that heartbreak in his eyes, the one that mirrored what she felt in her heart, she knew. She was
right. He knew she was right. This was the only way.
She ran her thumbs over his cheekbones as tears started to spill from her eyes. She tried to smile up
at him. Tried to show him that she wasn't afraid but she couldn't quite make it meet her eyes. "I'm
sorry. I was ..." A shaky breath snuck past her lips, her hands shook as they cradled his face. "I was
really starting to believe that we had more time together."
His lip started to curl but it wasn't that hateful, snarky way it usually did. It was more of a quiver,
not the way of a bully, but that of a boy.
One of Hermione's hands slid down Draco's neck. It flittered gently over his shoulder and trailed
down his arm. She wrapped it around his wrist, and then she guided his hand upwards until his
wand was pressing against her throat. "Do it," she whispered. "Please."
Draco shook his head. His eyes had never looked so blue. She could see tears gathering in them.
"I... I can't. I love you. Don't ask me to do this..."
"You can and you will." One of her hands stayed keeping his wand in place but her other slid into
his hair. She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him a final time.
That last kiss broke him. He collapsed against her. He leaned his forehead against hers. His free
hand fisted in her hair, and he held onto her tightly as he kissed her. He didn't break away. She felt
the very tip of his wand drag down her throat until it rested on her sternum and still, he continued
to kiss her.
But it wasn't the cold chill of an Avada like she'd expected. Wasn't the sharp, biting sting of a
slicing curse.
As he kissed her, she could feel it working. Could feel something, something cold and dark being
dragged back up her body. Its claws dug into her veins as it tried to hang on but it was no use.
Whatever Draco was doing, it was too powerful, too strong for even the darkest of magic to fight
It was so painful but she endured. Draco held her steady and kept kissing her.
Hermione broke the kiss and looked down to where Draco's wand met her body. She could see
black smoke, wisps of it flittering between the wand and her skin-
It was working.
It was -
Something nicked the base of Draco's throat. It was just a sharp little sensation, like pricking his
finger on the edge of a needle. It wasn't exactly painful, but it was just biting and sudden enough to
pull his eyes away from Granger's and search for the source.
And when Draco looked down, everything froze; the battle, the war, the beating of his heart, the
flow of blood in his veins, even time. Everything fucking froze. He didn't care about anything else.
The war could've been lost or won around him, and he wouldn't have noticed.
It wasn't the tip of the silver sword that was prodding his neck that'd made everything freeze,
wasn't even the blood that covered the weapon, it was the sword itself, because for it to even reach
him at all, it had gone straight through Granger.
Time stood still. Granger's eyes were blown wide as she stared down at the sword sticking out of
her chest. She looked shocked but she didn't look in any pain. Her expression was soft but dazed,
like she couldn't believe what she was looking at. Then she gasped quietly and looked up at him.
Kingsley was stood behind Granger, the Sword Of Gryffindor in his hand, impaled in her back, and
it wasn't until he roughly pulled the sword out of her that reality came crashing back down on
No. No this couldn't have been happening. It couldn't ... It wasn't real ...
It was Blaise's voice that screamed the next words, the ones that Draco should have, but didn't have
the fight to anymore. "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU JUST DONE?!"
Blaise killed Kingsley before he could answer. His body fell to the ground at the same time
Granger collapsed into Draco's arms.
He slumped onto the ground with her and cradled her against his chest. "Granger?! Look at me -
look at me! It's going to be okay, alright?! You're going to be fine!"
The panic on her face as she stared up at him made him want to be sick. Blood started to trickle out
of the corner of her mouth. He splayed one of his hands firmly against the wound on her chest but
her blood was already pooling between his fingers. There was so much of it. It was flowing from
her too quickly.
Her breathing grew louder. Her chest moved up and down erratically under his hand. Her eyelids
looked like they were fluttering, desperate to close -
"Granger!?" he said, voice almost a growl as he shook her. He wasn't gentle with her, he was too
scared to be. "Stay with me," he begged. "Stay with me. Don't you fucking dare leave me!" He felt
his cheeks dampen. His vision started to blur at the edges as he stared down at her lovely face.
Her eyes swam in and out of focus as she looked up at him. "Is ... is it bad?" she managed to ask.
"It's bad, isn't it?"
"No, no it's not bad." His other hand supported her limp head. His fingers desperately massaged the
back of her skull, trying to circulate some warmth back into her already chilling bones. The other
hand remained tightly pressed against her chest, palm splayed, covering as much of the gaping
wound as possible to prevent any more of her blood from spilling. "You're going to be okay, do you
hear me?"
Somewhere in the distance, Voldemort screeched something but Draco hardly heard him. He didn't
have it in him to see if he'd tried to flee. Didn't have anything in him anymore.
The battle must've stopped because one by one, people gathered around him. Someone Apparated
to his left. He heard another stumble to his right. A girl gasped to his left. Draco didn't look up to
see who was there, he didn't want to take his eyes off Granger.
Granger pulled in a deep breath. She coughed on the exhale, covering her chin and Draco's chest
with blood.
"Somebody do something!" Draco pleaded, head frantically whipping around at each of the
horrified faces that hovered around him. "Why are you all just fucking standing there!”
Blaise had one hand pressed against his earpiece and was whispering frantically.
Theo just stared, completely useless and at a loss for what to do.
The Weasley girl jumped forward like she'd received an electric shock. For reasons that didn't
matter, she didn't have her wand. She snatched Potter's and muttered a diagnostic charm so quickly
that Draco didn't catch half of what she said.
But he didn't need to look at the report to know what they said. Weasley's face told him everything.
She paled. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as she started to sob. "I ... I'm sorry,
there's nothing-"
"NO!" Draco cut the distraught girl off. He didn't want to hear what she thought. It didn't matter
what she said. It wasn't true. It wasn't happening -
"Kingsley must have ... " Weasley breathed, Draco assumed she was addressing the others but he
couldn't be sure, his attention was solely focused on Granger. "He must have enchanted the blade
so that wound wouldn't close. There's nothing we can do."
"It's okay," Draco tried to soothe, already knowing that his voice was far too panicked to offer any
real comfort. "You're going to be okay. I'm going to fix this, alright?"
He tried the strongest healing charm he could think of ... but nothing happened. The wound didn't
seal shut like it was supposed to. His heart started to beat faster and faster as panic seized him by
the back of the throat. He tried another, one that he'd used on himself when he'd sustained injuries
in battle, one that was supposed to slow the flow of blood - again, nothing happened. Her blood
showed no signs of stopping.
"Draco," Blaise rasped quietly from behind him. "It's not going to-"
"NO! IT WILL WORK!" He tried spell after spell, but nothing worked. Granger continued to bleed
out. Her strength seemed to leave her faster with each beat of her heart. "There has to be something
we can do! I'll take her place! Put the Horcrux in me instead!"
"If that was possible," Potter said, "believe me, I would but there's no way-"
"No! No, there has to be something!" Draco shouted. "There has to be some stone somewhere that
can heal her! Some long-forgotten spell or recently discovered magical whatever to save her! You
lot always have something up your sleeve! It can't end like this!"
Cold hands cupped his damp cheeks. A gentle, dwindling force tried to pull his face downwards.
But those hands ... they couldn't be Granger’s. Her body was normally like a furnace. These
hands... they were cold. Nevertheless, he did as they commanded; let them guide his face until he
was looking at her again.
"Shhhhhh," Granger whispered, eyes still warm, still impossibly gentle, even as her body grew
cold. "It's okay," she breathed, blood spilling from the edges of her mouth. "It's okay. It's my time-"
"No! Don't you fucking dare say goodbye to me!" Draco roared, cried, fucking sobbed. "I c-can fix
this! Just hold on -"
He could feel her heart beating beneath his palm. Could feel that each one was weaker than the one
before it. Her strength was dwindling with every beat.
"Don't you fucking dare talk to me like you're dying! You're not dying, Granger, you're not!"
Those words siphoned the last of his strength right out of his body. He pressed his forehead against
hers and slumped against her. "I love you,” he told her. "Don't go, Granger. Don't leave me."
"Please," he whispered against her skin. His fingers tightened in her hair. "P-please don't leave me.
You are my heart. You are my soul. You are my ... my little lion. I'm nothing without you ..."
"What plans?" she asked, breathless, fighting to keep her eyes open. "Tell me … "
"After we kill that bastard, we're going to go somewhere, just me and you."
Her soft brown eyes stared up at him. She didn't look frightened or in pain. She looked content -
maybe the pain was starting to subside. Maybe Kingsley's spell hadn't worked or Draco's healing
magic was starting to take effect. Either way, relief started to flood his veins. "And .. then what?"
"We're going to travel the world together, and have an abundance of feral little lion cubs running
around and wreaking havoc on us, and they're going to be as tenacious and brilliant as you are."
"They're going to be little know it all's like their mother, and as soon as they gain the ability to talk,
they're going to be able to outsmart me in anything and everything, just like their mother."
Granger laughed breathlessly. Her eyes fluttered closed. "And? What … else?"
"And we're going to argue about anything and everything," he told her. "We're going to be one of
those annoying old couples that never stops bickering. We can even get one of those ridiculous
little metal houses on wheels that you used to holiday in when you were younger. We will travel
the country in one if that's what you want."
"I will, I'll do whatever the fuck you want, just stay with me."
The faintest, most beautiful smile ghosted the edges of her lips. "That sounds ... nice. I… can't
It did sound nice. It sounded fucking wonderful, sounded like every dream he'd had over the past
year coming true all at once. "It does, doesn't it? But for any of that to happen, you can't die here.
Volatile. Merciless. Cold
4th July
It's a fucking horrible thing, grief, and it doesn't affect everyone the same way.
It makes some people sob uncontrollably but it immobilises others. It hollows some people out
until they're an empty shell and makes others violent, but can it actually make a person go insane?
Can it actually shatter a person so completely that it makes them lose their grip on reality?
She may not have even been alive for thirty years yet, but she'd thought about grief a lot. She'd
spent weeks thinking about it after her mother had died and she'd helped Draco through his when
his parents had been killed.
And she'd thought about it almost constantly when her name had been Mustang.
Whenever she'd poured Crouch a drink, Daphne had stared at the bubbles in his glass and thought
about her sister. She'd wondered if Astoria was going to fall apart after her 'death'? She'd wondered
if she was going to follow in their fathers' footsteps? If she'd lose herself in bottles of whiskey and
wine just like he had after their mother had died?
When Crouch had Death Eaters around for parties, Daphne would stare into their masks and
wonder if Theo was among them, if he'd managed to move on and have somewhat of a normal life,
or if his grief had swallowed him whole?
For a long time, she'd been plagued by those thoughts. She'd laid awake in the stables thinking
about it until eventually, in her own way, she'd sorted through them.
She'd always been a very visual person. At school, she'd learned by watching what her teachers did
and then picturing herself in their place, and she hadn't outgrown it when she'd entered adulthood.
When she'd made battle plans for Voldemort, she'd had to scout the area first so that she had a clear
picture in her mind. When she'd forged attack strategies, she'd practiced them with Draco or Theo
or Blaise beforehand so she knew exactly what to expect when she faced the real thing.
Visualisation was how Daphne had always sorted through things in her mind and for some reason,
whenever she pictured grief, she imagined a big, glass mason jar that had a little tap attached to the
side that - when twisted the right way - would let some of the liquid escape.
Maybe it was because she knew the human body could be as breakable as a thin piece of glass. Or
maybe it wasn't as poetic as that. Salazar only knew why that particular image came to her but
whenever she thought about grief, that was what she pictured. She imagined grief as red wine and
the human body as a jar. Imagined it filling up and up with every fresh loss that a person endured.
After Daphne's mother had died, her father's grief had consumed him. His glass - his wine jar- had
become completely full of it. He didn't have room for anything else. Not his children or his estate.
Not his job at the Ministry or his responsibilities as a father. He hadn't had room for anything else
other than his grief, and there'd been so much of it that it'd started to overflow. He'd been bursting
at the seams for a long time and he'd never found a way to channel it. Rather than finding a way to
undo his tap, he just stewed in his grief. Rather than finding a way to carry on for his daughters, he
just filled himself up with pills and Firewhiskey until eventually, he burst.
That was the thing about grief. If you didn't find a way to overcome it, to channel it, it would only
be a matter of time before it broke you.
Daphne had always known that Theo was going to survive without her because he knew how to
channel his grief. It might've felt all-consuming at first, it might've filled his jar to the top, he might
have been ready to burst with it after her execution, but she'd always been confident that he'd find a
way to channel it - or 'turn on his tap', if she was sticking with that metaphor. She knew it'd take
him a long time, she knew he might never truly be rid of his grief, but she knew he'd be able to turn
the tap to a trickle and bit by bit, the grief that felt like it was filling him would slowly dissipate
until he felt like he could breathe again.
She'd always known that Blaise would be able to keep it together. Had been confident that the
sentimental bastard would likely take handfuls of grief from Astoria's jar, take it into his own, and
still find a way to keep it together because he felt like it was his job to look after Astoria. The
thought had made her smile more than once during her imprisonment.
Astoria was a little more complicated but deep in her heart, Daphne had always known that she was
going to be able to carry on without her big sister. She'd known that Astoria was going to do
something rash and reckless to begin with - although admittedly, chopping off her lovely brown
locks and bleaching them blonde hadn't even occurred to her - but she'd heal eventually. Just like
Theo, she'd find a way to gradually turn that tap just a little more each year until eventually, it'd be
His jar had been steadily overflowing for years. It could've shattered at any moment, but he'd kept
it together for a decade simply by pretending that it wasn't there. Instead of dealing with his grief,
he'd hid from it. He'd taken what used to be a fragile jar of glass, he'd reinforced it with wall upon
wall of ice and numbness, and then he'd hidden it, buried it deep so he'd never have to look or think
about it again.
But refusing to acknowledge it's existence didn't weaken his grief, it didn't lessen it, instead, all
he'd done is just freeze that glass in its state of grief. It was always going to be overflowing, it ways
always going to be ready to burst, no matter how many layers of Occlumency to hid it under.
But Hermione had changed him. She'd thawed that ice around his heart. She'd brought everything
to the surface and made him alive and vulnerable and her death ... it hadn't just filled Draco's
already overflowing cup, it'd fucking shattered it into a million pieces.
No, Daphne had never thought that a person could go mad with grief, until she saw what it did to
Draco. She didn't believe that grief could cause a person to lose their grip on sanity, until she saw
how Hermione's death completely fucking broke him beyond repair.
There'd been a moment, just after Hermione had taken her last breath, when Draco hadn't moved at
all. His chest had stopped moving like he wasn't breathing either. Hermione had gone still and so
had he, like his soul had left his body at the same time hers had.
And then he'd just ... stared down at her. He'd watched her chest like he was waiting for it to rise
again. He'd looked at her face like he was waiting for her to open her eyes, like he'd expected her to
suddenly take a huge gulp of air because this wasn't going to be the end for them, how could it be,
after everything they'd been through?
But when it hadn't happened... when Hermione hadn't opened her eyes ... when she hadn't taken
that life-affirming breath ... It'd been too much for Draco. He'd endured too much. He'd lost too
much. His mother. His father. His dragon. And now Hermione... If there was a limit on how much
heartbreak a person could endure, then Draco was far fucking past his.
Watching him bend over Hermione's body ... watching him start to rock back and forth ...
watching him bury his face into her empty chest while he frantically searched for a heart that
wasn't beating anymore ... Daphne was totally unprepared for it. He'd never fallen apart like that
before. He'd held his mother in his arms while she'd died but that hadn't broken him, not like this.
Nothing could compare to it. Daphne would've taken a hundred more years with Crouch if it
would've spared Draco the pain he was in.
It wasn't her brother sitting there. It couldn't have been Draco because she didn't recognise him like
that, didn't recognise the man sitting on the floor, holding the love of his life's body in his arms ...
rocking back and forth ... It had to be someone else. It couldn't have been him...
And then Draco started to scream ... scream ... sob. It was muffled against Granger's chest but even
that couldn't hide the anguish in it. The sound was low and deep, the raw emotion in it vibrated
through Daphne. There wasn't a word strong enough to describe the noise that came out of his
mouth and yet, at the same time, it could all be summed up perfectly in just four letters.
That was the sound he was making. Unbearable, unimaginable fucking pain.
He'd been through too much. He'd lost too many people, and this was the collection of his grief and
throughout it all, Hermione looked peaceful. Draco was alive but he was broken. She was dead but
she didn't look in any pain. She looked ... free ... and if death really was that peaceful then why the
fuck would anyone else want to be alive?
Draco had yanked his earpieces out long ago so he couldn't hear what Astoria was saying but
Daphne could. She was hysterical. Her screams were so high and frantic that Daphne had trouble
making out half of what she was saying, just caught the odd plead for Blaise to get her and bring
her there, for him or anyone else to tell her that it wasn't true, that this wasn't really happening.
Oh, Daphne would've loved nothing more than to be able to tell her sister that. It would've brought
her joy like nothing else if she could just open her mouth and say that this wasn't happening.
But she couldn't do that because this ... It had happened, it was happening, and there wasn't a thing
anyone could do to undo it.
When Draco screamed again, Daphne flinched. She turned her face away and squeezed her eyes
shut, trapping her tears. She couldn't fall apart now. Draco didn't need to take in anyone else's pain,
he had enough of his own, but breaking ribs wasn't as painful as listening to him scream like that.
Every round of torture she'd put Crouch through didn't even begin to equate to what Draco must've
been feeling.
"Come back to me," that was all Draco kept saying. "Come back to me, Granger. Come back to
me." He'd sobbed it against her bleeding chest. He'd kissed it into her pale cheeks. "Come back to
me, Granger. Don't leave me."
And it wasn't long before it became too much for everyone else.
Ginny clung to Potter and started to sob into his neck. He held onto her just as tightly, his green
eyes were swimming as he stared down at Draco from over the top of Ginny's shoulder.
Blaise couldn't stand properly; his injuries had dragged him down into a kneeling position on the
floor. There was a steady stream of blood dripping from a wound on his hip, but he didn't seem to
have the strength nor the will to heal it. He was saying something into his earpiece and even
though his voice was calm and controlled, his expression - the only thing he didn't have to control
or hide to protect Astoria - was destroyed.
Daphne had lost a lot of blood too. She could feel her knees start to give out, her body was
desperate for rest but just like Blaise, her own pain was no longer important. She started to sob -
not from any physical pain, but the one she felt in her heart. She tried to stop herself. Tried to hide
it behind her palm because she didn't want to add to Draco's grief but she couldn't hold it in any
Theo hadn't been stood with her for a few minutes. He'd been with her before, but after Hermione
had taken her last breath .... when it'd become apparent that she wasn't going to wake up ... Theo
had done what Theo had grown to do, and even though Blaise had already killed Kingsley, Theo
had decided that the debt wasn't yet paid, and he'd taken it out on his corpse.
But as soon as Daphne had started to cry, he flocked back to her side. He removed his boot from
the home it'd found in Kingsley's shattered skull and he came back to her. He put his arms around
her waist and pulled her into his chest. He buried his head into the crook of her neck and held onto
her - she couldn't decide if it was more to comfort himself or her but she supposed that it didn't
really matter, because they were both thinking the same thing as they watched Draco...
All of them were, every single person who stood around Draco, they were all thinking the exact
same thing. All realising, as they held tightly onto their significant other, how fucking easily that
could've been any one of them, and how unbelievably grateful they were that it wasn't.
"This is all my fault," Draco sobbed against Hermione's chest. Daphne's heart broke again hearing
it, and as Theo's arms tightened around her waist, she knew it broke his too. "I should have seen
Kingsley... I should have stopped him ... I should have ... This is all my fault... I'm so sorry ... I ... I-
"Then who the fuck should I blame?!" Draco snarled. He looked up with such a hateful expression.
His face was smeared with Hermione's blood. "You?!"
The Chosen One flinched. His expression tightened, making the tears on his face glisten against his
cheek. "No, I... " Harry tried to backtrack but it was too late, Draco had already zeroed in on him as
a target.
"Why not?!" he hissed. "You were supposed to be her friend, so where the fuck were you when
your leader was driving a sword through her chest?! Was this all part of the plan?! To let her die so
you could have a pop at Voldemort?! Is that it?! Were you in on it as well, Weasley?!"
"No," Ginny shook her head, visually horrified that Draco would ever think of such a thing. "I
didn't know what Kingsley was up to, I promise-"
"You think your broken promises mean anything now??! You think they're going to bring her
Harry looked like he wanted to say something else but Daphne caught his eye. She shook her head,
Harry dropped his against Ginny's shoulder.
"And what about you, Longbottom?!" Draco turned on a terrified Neville. "Where were you when
she needed you?!"
Neville's eyes flickered up briefly but he didn't say anything. He looked right through Draco and
then his eyes were drawn back to Hermione's limp body like she was a magnet.
"How did Kingsley even get the sword in the first place?!" Draco asked roughly, voice hoarse and
rough, looking for a bite, for someone to fight back so he'd be able to put his anger somewhere.
"You had it last, didn't you, Longbottom?! Did you even fight him off for it?! Did you even try and
give Granger a fucking chance?!"
Neville continued to stare down at Hermione's body with a vacant expression. The phrase 'the
lights are on but nobody's home' suddenly popped into Daphne's mind. "I don't know how he got
it," he whispered, no emotion in his voice. "I had the sword, and then I saw Luna ... I was crouched
over her and I put the sword on the floor ... He must have grabbed it then."
Potter opened his mouth again, a defence for Neville likely ready, but Daphne shook her head
again. Potter listened, and when there was no one else to lash out at, Draco buried his face against
Hermione's chest and started to sob again.
What were they supposed to do now? There weren't any Horcruxes left. Now was their chance,
Voldemort was weaker than he had ever been, the end of the war was finally on the horizon and
yet, it'd never seemed further away.
It must have been minutes later before Draco looked up again but when he did, when his eyes
landed on Kingsley's corpse, he looked unhinged. Looked like a madman sitting there, rocking
gently back and forth, drenched in Hermione's blood.
He looked like he'd snapped. Like he'd fucking gone mad with grief.
"Who killed Kingsley?!" Draco's nostrils flared and all the muscles in his neck and jaw were tight
against his skin. His bright blue eyes were half-crazed as they poked out through the crimson that
was drying on his chin and cheekbones. But there were smudges in the red, his tears had cleaned
the blood off of his face in streaks.
Blaise stopped speaking into his earpiece. He stared up at Draco cautiously. "I did."
Blaise didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. He caught Daphne's
eye for the briefest of moments. He was thinking the same thing she was. Draco was their brother;
he'd never intentionally hurt any of them but they didn't know this version of him. Was he
dangerous like this? Was he a danger to them? Neither really knew the answer. He'd always been
unpredictable when he was angry but like this? They had no clue what he was going to do next.
"Did you make him suffer?!" Draco repeated, and even though he snarled the words, even though
they were drenched in every suffocating emotion he was feeling, the malice in them was taken
away by the broken way he rocked back and forth with Hermione in his arms.
Blaise blinked a few times before he answered. "Not nearly as much as he deserved." It was the
safest answer but Daphne still held her breath. She had no idea how Draco was going to react or if
he was even in there anymore...
Draco didn't speak again for a few moments. He tucked Hermione's head protectively under his
chin, he kept one of his arms around her waist, the other massaged the back of her skull. He kept
rocking her gently back and forth. Her arms were limp at her sides. Blood trickled down her arm,
but her eyes were still closed. She could've been sleeping.
The only sound between any of them was Draco's ragged, angry breaths. Even though he was
looking at what was left of Kingsley's body, his eyes were far away. Every now and then a tear
would escape his eyes and a half-sob, half-angry hiss would slip between his clenched teeth. He'd
stopped blinking but his blue irises twitched erratically.
It was like he was there but his soul was elsewhere. He was thinking about something... Daphne
wished she could find her voice to ask what it was.
He looked lost and empty, but that emptiness wasn't lasting. As the seconds ticked on, something
else was starting to fill that void... It started as a flicker, just a crease forming between his brows
and a flash in his eyes, but then it started to build. His expression grew darker with each fresh tick
of the clock. His lip started to curl back over his teeth. His breath grew harsher with each exhale.
Rage, that was what it was. Volatile, merciless rage. The type of cold rage that could tear down
buildings and crack mountains in two. The type of blind rage that left entire villages aflame and a
trail of corpses behind.
Suddenly, and with tears still streaming down his face, Draco let go of Hermione's head and his
hand slid under his collar. He caught the chain around his neck and gave it a sharp yank.
The thin metal snapped and both of his parents' rings fell into his blood-covered palm. He slipped
the simple gold band that used to belong to his father onto the fourth finger on his left hand, and
then very gently, he caught Hermione's left wrist, and slipped his mother's ring onto her unmoving
Her wedding finger...
He started to get up. Several people stepped forward to help him but he wouldn't have it. He
handled her body with such care. He laid her gently down on the floor - taking extra care with her
head - and then he knelt over her.
He cupped Hermione face in his hand as though she were the most delicate thing in the world. He
stared down at her as he ran his thumb back and forth over her lips, and when he bowed his head
and kissed the back of her hand, when he pressed a kiss into her new ring, his shoulders trembled
and his eyes were squeezed shut like he was in the worst agony imaginable.
Again, it was too much for Daphne. She sobbed into her palm. She had no idea how he was going
to survive this...
And then all of a sudden, he let go of her and he stood up.
He was covered in Hermione's blood. It was in his hair and on his face. It was on his neck, his
hands, it was drying on his clothes but he made no effort to clean it off himself, Daphne wondered
if he ever would.
He closed his eyes, tilted his head towards the clouds and drew a deep breath in through his
nostrils. Every member of his family knew what he was doing. They all recognised it. Daphne had
seen him do it a thousand times before she'd been captured but not since she'd returned. Not since
Hermione had been in his life.
When Draco rolled his jaw and opened his eyes again, they all knew what they were going to see.
His eyes weren't going to be clear blue, that shade that brought the softness out in his features, that
shade of blue that only Hermione could bring out of him like she'd mixed it together and painted it
onto his soul herself. No, no they weren't going to see blue, Hermione's blue, they were going to
see grey. Cold, dull, lifeless, unfeeling grey. Because he was going to shut everything out, and why
shouldn't he? He shouldn't have had to feel this kind of pain. He shouldn't have had to fall apart like
But when he opened his eyes again, they were still blue but it wasn't Draco Malfoy standing there
anymore, wasn't even the Demon Mask. It was something else. A mixture of the two, and
somehow, that made him look all the more deadly.
"You're not to leave that lot alone with her." Draco's voice took everyone off guard. It was ...
calmer than everyone else expected it to be. The calmness in it.. the cold fury underneath ... It was
Even though it was Blaise who asked the question, when Draco looked around, he looked straight
at Daphne. "The Order burn their dead and she didn't want that," he told her. "She wanted to be
buried under the cherry blossom tree at the Manor."
Theo and Blaise simply stared at him, completely lost. "What?" Theo asked.
Draco ignored both of them, he stared at Daphne instead. "Promise me you'll bury her there?"
"I ... " Daphne swallowed, a mixture of fear and damage to her throat and neck from the battle
taking hold of her vocal cords. "Of course, I will."
"Promise me you'll do as I ask?" Draco said slowly, staring intently into her eyes, the double
meaning, the secret promise lingering only between the two of them...
Daphne nodded.
Everyone was silent and watched as Draco knelt in front of Hermione and then - again, being so
fucking gentle it was like she was made of glass - he pulled the black and gold gun out of the
holster on her thigh.
Daphne's stomach was tying itself in a nervous knot. She'd never seen him physically touch a
muggle gun before. Yes, he'd turned muggles' own weapons against them before, and yes he'd
moved guns before, but he'd always used magic to do so. He'd always levitated them, she'd never
seen him hold a gun before.
"Does this thing still work?" Draco asked, holding the weapon out towards Potter.
"Are you fucking deaf now?" Draco barked. He thrust the gun against Potter's chest and forced him
to take it. "I said does this thing still work?! She fell on it when she collapsed so I need to know,
does it still fucking work?!" Although his voice was calm, the anger in it was untameable. It was
enough to make Potter flinch.
Potter glanced down at the gun. It was dripping with Hermione's blood. He was as dazed as
everyone else but after looking at the weapon for a few seconds, after watching the soft drip drip
of crimson sliding off the handle, a sad but equally determined expression etched itself onto his
face. He checked the barrel. "Yeah," he turned the gun over in his hand, watching the way her
blood coated the gold of the handle. "It's all working fine and it's still got a full round."
"Good," Draco nodded sharply. "How many bullets does it have left?"
Potter looked down again. "Nine - I think, but there's a spell that can restock the chamber each time
Draco snatched the gun from Potter. "I know the spell to do that and no, I don't want you to
perform it. Nine bullets will be enough."
"Why don't you want him to perform the spell?" Ginny asked.
Draco didn't answer her. He looked at the ground briefly until he found his wand and after he'd
picked it up, he waved it once over his clothes and they changed into his old Death Eater robes.
But the blood - Hermione's blood - that was starting to dry on his face and in his hair, he didn't
banish that. He kept it on. Wore it like it was war paint.
"Where are you going?" Blaise asked, breathless, as he clutched the wound on his hip.
Again, Draco didn't answer. He had his wand in one hand, Hermione's gun in the other -
No magic.
Hermione's gun.
Daphne inhaled sharply as everything fell into place. He wasn't seriously considering -
Draco rolled his jaw and closed his eyes. His fingers tightened around his wand as he prepared to
Apparate -
"No, you can't!" Fuck knew how she did it, but somehow, Daphne managed to wriggle out of
Theo's arms and snatch Draco's elbow before he disappeared.
His eyes flew open and he watched her through hooded eyes. "Let go, Daph." His voice was low
and rough, more of a snarl.
"No!" she screamed, digging her fingers into his arm. She knew it wouldn't do any good, she was
too weak to stop him but she had to try and make him stay. She couldn't let me go alone -
"Let go, Daphne." Draco didn't even look at her, stared at the buildings behind her head so he
didn't have to meet her eyes.
"What the fuck is going on?!" Theo asked. He sounded weak too, breathless, there was no way he'd
be able to go right now -
"Let. Go," he repeated slowly, menacingly. He curled his fingers under her hand and started to pry
her off of him -
"No! Don't go yet! Wait for us, we'll come with you!” She knew there was no point in trying to talk
him out of it but she couldn't let him go, not now she'd realised what his intentions were. "You
can't fight him alone! You're weak! You need us with you but we're out of healing potions!" She
tried to pull his wand out of his hand but he might as well have been made out of stone. "Let's go
back to the safehouse and regroup! We can heal there! We can heal and gather potions and then we
can come with you-"
But Draco cut her off before she could finish. " No, Her ... " He stopped himself and took a deep
breath, like her name hurt him to say. "Hermione was right. If Voldemort gets away now, he'll
recover and he'll rebuild and I'm not going to let that happen. That bastard doesn't get to have
everything he wants, not after he's taken everything away from me."
“You think I give a fuck about some prophecy that was made nearly three decades ago?!” Draco’s
cold grey eyes bore into hers. The viciousness in them made the hairs on the back of arms stand on
end. “Fuck the prophecy and fuck the Seer who made it! Potter can take all the credit - I don’t give
a fuck whose gets the glory for it, I just want the satisfaction of killing him myself! For her!”
Daphne looked around for allies, for muscle that could restrain him, but she found her battle
broken family instead. Blaise tried to get up off the floor but he'd lost too much blood. Theo
swayed on his feet, looked like he could pass out at any moment -
"But we don't know where he went!" Daphne said, turning back around and hanging onto him
desperately. She was clutching at straws but she had to do something, she couldn't let him go, not
now, not when the rest of them were too weak to follow. "He fled after he saw what happened to
Hermione. He Apparated and took the rest of his generals with him. There's no way to know where
he's gone without a Tracking Spell-"
"I don't need a Tracking Spell," Draco answered. "I know where he is."
"Draco please don't do this!" Daphne begged, holding onto him with both hands, making one last
attempt – one last desperate plea. "You can't kill Voldemort on your own!"
But it was too late. Draco had already pried her off of him. He placed his palm on her chest and
roughly pushed her backwards and once she wasn't within his reach anymore, once he knew that
she wouldn't be able to follow him, there was a loud crack of Apparation that was so violent, so
angry, so fucking heartbroken that it sounded like the Earth was being cracked into two, and he
was gone.
The demon who earned his horns
Think you all knew this one was coming, but I've gotta say it; TW; graphic depictions of violence,
war, bodily mutilation and death.
4th July
As he Apparated onto the cobbled streets of York, that was all Voldemort could think about.
He'd let this happen! He'd let Draco do this to him! He'd let the Malfoy's ruin him!
The destruction of the Horcruxes and the loss of his army, they were both because of Draco. This
state that he was in ... this weakness he felt taking a hold of his body. It was all because he'd let that
wretched family get the better of him.
Twice before the Malfoys had betrayed him. He shouldn't have given them the opportunity to do it
a third time. He should have followed his instincts and slaughtered all three of them in their manor.
He should have known that family was no good when Lucius had failed to retrieve the prophecy
all those years ago, because what greater betrayal was there than to betray your masters trust?
Voldemort had trusted him with something so precious and he'd failed him. After that, Voldemort
should have washed his hands with the lot of them. It was what they'd deserved, it was what they'd
earned and yet, he'd given them another chance.
Narcissa's betrayal should have been the final nail in the Malfoy coffin. Magical blood or not,
Sacred 28 or not, he should have wiped them all out when she'd lied to him about Harry being alive
but again ... He'd digressed. Against the advice of all his advisors, he'd given them another chance.
Thought that if he executed two of the traitors while the third watched, it might bring a new
appreciation for him and his mercy. He thought it might make the last remaining Malfoy a little
more grateful, a little more ... obedient.
For a time, it'd worked. For a time, the sole remaining Malfoy had been a force to be reckoned
with. He'd been cruel and powerful. He'd been the most ruthless and skilled killer in the world
because Voldemort had made him that way. Voldemort had made him.
He'd crushed all the weakness out of Malfoy and made him strong. People feared the sight of horn-
figured shadows because Voldemort had given him the mask. People feared the mention of Draco's
name almost as much as they feared Voldemort's, because Voldemort had made it so.
And this was how he'd chosen to repay him? By betraying him? By tearing down the man who'd
made him everything that he was?!
Everything Draco had done for Voldemort during the war, none of it mattered anymore. It didn't
matter how instrumental Draco had been in Voldemort's armies. All those battles that'd been won
on the end of his wand, all the Order member's that he butchered in Voldemort's name ... none of it
mattered anymore. He was nothing to Voldemort now. His slate had been wiped clean. He might as
well have been working for the Order all along.
He should have just killed him when he'd had the chance.
Voldemort's feet dragged against the rough stones as he walked the path to the Cathedral -
If he'd just killed Draco when he was a boy, none of this would be happening to him...
He felt weaker, weaker than he'd felt in over a decade. Even breathing felt like it was a task for him
His bones ached with every clumsy step he took towards the cathedral -
He should have ignored Narcissa's desperate pleas and sobs for him to spare her only son and just
killed him.
The feel of magic in his veins used to give him strength, it used to make him feel weightless and
powerful but since the Mudblood girl had taken her last breath, his body didn't feel like his own.
He felt like it'd been lined with lead. Fragility, weakness, felt like they were shackled around his
bones like chains and were dragging him down to crawl, felt like they wouldn't stop until he was a
withering mess...
Should have made her watch as he sawed a blade over the boys throat until he felt bone.
One by one, the small dregs of what was left of his army Apparated into the dark alleyway behind
him. Their boots clicked frantically off the cobbled path as they scurried ahead of him. One
cloaked figure used their wand to unlock the doors and another two held them open for him.
Voldemort ordered two Death Eaters to stand guard outside, and the rest followed him into the
Cathedral before the doors were sealed and barricaded with enchantments.
It was sheer pride alone that kept Voldemort standing. He would not appear weak, even to his
followers. He would not appear less than anyone because he wasn't. This was not the end for him.
It was merely a tactic. A strategic retreat.
He would rebuild.
He would reclaim what the Order had taken from him, and he would burn them alive for what
they'd done.
As he walked down the centre of the aisle, he had to hold onto the edge of each row of wooden
benches as he walked. His other hand clutched his ribs - a wound Malfoy had inflicted, a wound
that'd been small and insignificant half an hour ago, but now the last of his Horcruxes had been
destroyed, that little wound felt like it could tear his entire world apart.
Despite the floor-to-ceiling windows that jewelled the walls of the Cathedral, it was incredibly
dark inside. The hour was growing late, and heavy clouds had blocked out any light from outside as
the storm approached. For the first time since he'd taken it over, it didn't feel like a fortress, it felt
more like a tomb.
Rodolphus - noticing the darkness - raised his wands towards the candles -
"No!" Voldemort hissed, and that one simple word winded him more than a hundred. "I will do it!"
"But my Lord," Rodolphus lowered his wand a fraction but not completely. Still ready to cast the
spell. Still ready to serve if needed. "You are ... " He bit his tongue, wisely rethinking his choice of
words. "Please, allow me to assist, it would be my honour-"
Voldemort's long nails sharpened against the backrest of the bench he was holding. "Do you think
me weak, Lestrange?"
Rodolphus flinched a little. His wand arm Immediately fell to his side. "No, of course not my Lord.
Although the right answer, it did not please Voldemort. It only made him angrier. Only added to
that feeling that was hissing in the back of his mind like a bubbling cauldron. Did his generals
think that he was weak now? "Then you think me incapable of magic beyond that of a thirteen-
year-old? Is that it?!"
"No, of course not, my Lord," Rodolphus bowed his head and took a wise step back. "Forgive me."
Voldemort pushed Rodolphus aside and drew his wand. The bones in his wrist felt like they were
grinding together, and every tendon in his arm ached but nevertheless, as he flicked his wrist, the
hundred or so candles that were scattered around the Cathedral all burnt to life at his command.
With a little light to illuminate the hall, Voldemort turned around. Twenty-two generals, that was
all he had left. Twenty-two loyal, weak, pathetic souls of what used to be an army of thousands.
That was all he had left. His last line of defence.
An alien sensation swept over him. There was tightening in his stomach. A coldness in his chest.
He hadn't felt something like that for so long, he'd forgotten the name of that emotion. He clutched
his tender ribs more tightly and started to sag against the wooden bench.
He could not end like this and yet, it seemed so likely now -
"My Lord," one of the few remaining soldiers hushed quietly. And was that ... sympathy ... in his
Where was it?! Where was that rush?! That infusion of darkness and vitality?!
Whenever he'd created Horcruxes in the past, he'd always felt a flush of power, a moment of dark
euphoria seeping into his blood at the knowledge that he'd succeeded, that he'd pushed death
another step further away, that he had another layer of darkness protecting his heart, preventing it
from slowing but now ... he felt nothing.
He hadn't felt the rush when he'd made the Mudblood a Horcrux - or Potter, for that matter - but
he'd thought that they were just anomalies. He assumed that he hadn't felt it because he'd been
preoccupied with either his impending death or the war.
By the time he'd made Potter a Horcrux, his soul had been sliced so thinly that it was no wonder he
didn't notice another piece of it was missing. And why should he have noticed? Why should he
care for that matter, if another piece of his soul went missing? What good did souls do? They were
worthless things. Easily forgotten. Much more useful if he could tear it apart and forge it into
armour to protect himself. Immortalise himself.
He'd felt the rush when he'd created the Medallion but again, he'd been concentrating on it. He'd
just lost the locket and the cup and Potter. The Mudblood had been another happy accident. There
must have been hardly anything left of his soul when he'd made her, maybe even too little to notice
its disappearance but she was gone now ... They all were, and he was defenceless.
He threw another Avada at the boy's corpse to be sure. The spell cost him much but he had to be
certain. He looked down at his hands again, but it still wasn't there. He turned them over. His veins
weren't buzzing with power. They looked withered and aged.
It hadn't worked.. Maybe there wasn't enough of his soul left anymore...
Voldemort hobbled to the end of the aisle. Rodolphus followed. So did the others. He started to
rummage through the shelves that once held bibles and scrolls in search of his own supply of -
And there it was. The last, dust-covered phial of silvery liquid, tucked away at the back of the
shelf. Unicorn blood. Long forgotten and neglected in his years of strength, but something he clung
to desperately in his weakened state.
He snatched the phial from the shelf and drank it down greedily. It wasn't a full cure, but it would
do for the time being. It would lend him some strength; strength enough to flee further, to Apparate
somewhere thousands of miles away, somewhere he could rebuild and when he was ready again,
he would unleash a wrath like nothing this world had ever seen before.
Before too long, the unicorn blood started to take effect. The pain in his ribs started to dull. His
breathing grew stronger and firmer and he could stand tall again.
"My Lord?" Rodolphus asked hesitantly from his loyal perch on Voldemort's right. "What are we
to do now?"
"Take what you can," Voldemort answered after a moment, staring down at his palm as he
clenched and unclenched his hand, feeling his strength steadily return to him. "We will start over
again in Argentina - "
His plan for the future was interrupted by a loud cracking sound from outside of the Cathedral.
The ground shook with the force of an earthquake and all of a sudden, as though an almighty beast
was hovering over the Cathedral and had roared over them, a cold chill travelled down Voldemort's
spine and all of the candles in the room extinguished -
Rodolphus aimed his wand at the double doors. The twelve remaining Death Eaters did the same.
"When he comes in, do not kill him," Voldemort ordered. He watched the doors intently. Any
second they were going to burst open, he knew it, he was waiting for it.
Rodolphus briefly looked at his master from over the top of his shoulder. "My Lord?"
"Do not kill Draco," Voldemort repeated, grasping the Elder wand firmly between his fingers,
trying to let the smooth handle rest in his palm even though it never felt quite right there, never felt
quite comfortable. "He is mine to kill."
And then -
The moment the large double doors exploded open, the onslaught began. They were blasted right
off their hinges and sent crashing into adjacent walls.
Two Death Eaters Immediately threw themselves at their threat. They charged in a silent but
coordinated attack -
But even after everything he'd done, Draco had always been his favourite Demon Mask, and now
more than ever, Voldemort was reminded how he'd earned his horns.
His Death Eaters were wholly unprepared for such an assault. No sooner than the first had charged
towards his target, Draco jutted his wand in his direction, and the Death Eater screamed as his
body turned to molten lava and his skin flaked off into ashy pieces.
The second tried to avenge the first but Draco disposed of him just as easily. The Death Eater
charged and Draco grabbed hold of his elbow. He twisted it downwards so that the Avada he'd
been trying to cast exploded the tiled floor, and then - without uttering an enchantment or using his
wand at all - Draco looked at the Death Eaters' chest, and it exploded from the inside out.
And as the boy's blood and internal organs sprayed up the once-holy walls of the Cathedral,
Voldemort did something he hadn't done in an age - he started to retreat. He took a step back, and
then another, slowly retreating towards the back of the room so he could study the onslaught from
the shadows.
A thunderstorm had started to rage outside. Angry rain pelted against the walls and every few
seconds, cracks of lightning would flash outside and light up the dark Cathedral for a second or
Voldemort couldn't see everything that Draco was doing. He could only glimpse whatever the
storm allowed him to, but what little he did see ... It terrified him.
In the first flash of lightning, he saw Draco decapitate one Death Eater in a single fluid motion, and
then he disappeared as darkness swallowed the room again.
In the next flash, he watched in horror as Draco used a levitation spell to throw another into the
curved arches on the Cathedral ceiling so powerfully that their body cracked into two pieces -
The wooden benches on either side of the walkway rattled as Draco walked past each row in turn.
The stained glass windows cracked and splintered without him touching them. Darkness clung to
him like an old friend. Death wasn't his enemy, but his accomplice.
One by one, his Death Eaters charged to defend their master and one by one, Draco obliterated
Such power. Such raw, untameable rage that was radiating off of Draco's aura like a second skin...
Voldemort had never seen strength like it. It was darkness and pain. It was cold and cruel. It was a
power that few could ever hope to ascertain, the kind that was forged in the deepest bowels of hell,
the type of power that was born through the worst of suffering that made it everlasting. Cruel but
The way the darkness and death in the room seemed to wrap themselves around Draco like an
embrace, the way blood clung to him and the anger in his eyes, Voldemort felt like he was
watching Death himself prey upon him.
Nothing could stop Draco's advance. No spell or hex or Death Eater could even come close to him,
and despite the way Voldemort's generals launched themselves at Draco, he never flinched and he
never broke into a run. He was taking his time with this hunt. He stayed at a slow walk. A slow,
vengeful prowl and all the while, even as he slaughtered Death Eater after Death Eater, even as
hatred burned in his eyes and tears stained the blood on his face, his eyes never left Voldemort's.
Draco held his gaze as he slaughtered each and every one of them. He'd watched Voldemort from
the moment he'd made the first one's chest explode, right until he decapitated Rodolphus.
And as the last of his Death Eaters was butchered in front of his eyes, Voldemort knew that the
biggest mistake he'd made in this war, it wasn't failing to hide his Horcruxes better or even letting
Potter escape during the battle of Hogwarts, it was not killing Draco Malfoy when he'd had the
Draco wasn't glad for a lot of things in his life, but that evening, he was glad for the thunderstorm.
He'd never believed in Gods, but he was glad that whatever deity dwelled above had the courtesy
to hold back the violent storm until he was inside the Cathedral walls, because it meant that the rain
hadn't had the chance to wash away the blood. He was glad because he wanted Voldemort to see it.
He wanted his former master to see what he'd done. He wanted him to see the blood - her blood -
dripping from Draco's hair and chin and know - know with every fibre in his dark soul - that he
fucking deserved what was coming to him. Deserved every ounce of pain and suffering and hell
that Draco was going to bring his way.
He was glad for the lightning because when it illuminated the dark Cathedral, it meant that
Voldemort could see how close Draco was to him, and how quickly his death was approaching.
Thick, warm, sticky blood clung to the underside of Draco's boots as he stepped over the bodies
and made his way to Voldemort. There was no one else left. All the other Death Eaters were dead.
It was just him and Voldemort.
There was no small talk. Draco didn't leave any opportunity for it. Before the sound of Rodolphus'
body falling to the floor had even finished echoing off the walls of the Cathedral, Draco had
"You're a fool if you think you can kill me, Draco!" Voldemort sneered as he jutted his hand
sharply to the left, causing a handful of candles in the room to ignite and forge together. The flames
made a giant snake, one of Voldemort's favourite curses, but as the beast bowed its body and
charged towards him, going for the kill, Draco threw his own curse and the snake's body shattered
into dozens of embers.
Voldemort threw another curse but Draco swept it aside. He threw another and then another, but
Draco just kept deflecting them, just kept sending them off in every direction and marching
towards his prey without saying a word.
Nothing Voldemort did slowed him down. He had one thing on his mind, and no words or Hex of
any kind were strong enough to stall him.
Fucking revenge.
He'd never felt fucking rage like this. He'd never felt so broken and hurt and fucking angry. He
wanted to burn everything and everyone to the ground!
The grief he felt... The rage ... The mixture of the two, it was as painful as it was suffocating. He
didn't know what to do with either of them. It was maddening. He felt mad. Felt like his brain and
his body weren't his own anymore.
He wanted to collapse onto the ground and never get up again, but he also wanted to stamp on
Voldemort's skull until he broke it.
He wanted to claw his own heart out so he couldn't feel it breaking anymore, but he wanted to live
so he could rip Voldemort's out and crush it with his bare hands.
He wanted to destroy Voldemort so entirely that even the memory of him disappeared forever.
Fucking hell, when he got his hands on him... He didn't know where he was going to start.
Dissection. Cutting his toes off. Gouging his eyes out. He wanted to do it all. He wanted to snap off
each of Voldemort's bones and then shove them down his throat so that his insides would be as cut
up as Draco's were.
There wasn't a spell or torture method written in any language on earth that could detail the pain he
wanted to inflict on Voldemort.
Voldemort's hand jutted sharply to the left, and Draco wasn't fast enough to dodge the hex. He felt
the right side of his rib cage fracture - the pain of it was sharp enough to knock the wind out of his
lungs but he kept going. Forced himself to stay standing and willed his arm to throw a slicing
He had to stay standing - he would stay standing, for her. He'd avenge her even if it was the last
thing he ever did.
Draco used a levitation spell. He picked up one of the benches and launched it across the room -
Voldemort managed to deflect the projectile but it knocked him off balance. He fell back a few
steps and a furious scowl etched itself upon his withering old face. "Is this really how it ends for
you?! Siding with them?! After everything I've done for you!?"
"Everything you've done for me?!" Draco echoed as he picked up another bench and threw it just as
viciously as he had the first one. "What have you ever done to me but fucking take?!"
Voldemort cast a slicing curse to split the bench in two, but it forced him to take another few steps
back. He was at a disadvantage. He was on the back foot and Draco just wouldn't stop advancing,
kept forcing him back with one powerful hex after another, marching forward like there wasn't a
force in the world that was strong enough to stop him.
Because there wasn't. He was too angry to stop. Too hurt. Too broken. Too full of this rage that felt
like carbon fucking monoxide, poisoning him slowly, killing him silently.
Draco brandished his wand in a circle over his head, and when he brought it down, a powerful
stream of yellow light exploded from it like a whip.
Voldemort cast a translucent shield, but Draco just kept going. He kept bringing his wand down
and casting curse after curse against Voldemort's shield like he was banging a sword against it -
From underneath the glowing light of the shield, Voldemort's lip curled back. He looked like he
was struggling to hold his defence in place.
Every time Draco brought his wand down, Voldemort was forced a little closer to the ground.
"You chipped away at me bit by fucking bit until you made me into a killer!"
Voldemort had to place one of his hands on the floor to keep himself balanced. He was almost
crouched down on the floor from the force of Draco's relentless attacks.
"You held what was left of my family over my head like a threat, and made me do things that made
me feel sick! You made me torture! You made me assassinate people I used to admire!"
He saw that Voldemort was struggling to keep the shield in place so he kept going. Kept throwing
curse, curse, curse, fucking curse -
"And then, when that wasn't enough, you fucking took Granger from me as well!"
"She was the only thing that made me feel like a human being again! She was the only person that
made me feel like I had a soul left, and you couldn't even let me have that, could you?!" Draco's
curses came faster as he started to lose himself in his grief, more aggressive as pain squeezed
around his heart. "You just had to fucking take her from me too, didn't you?!"
The single crack started to multiply. Dozens started to zig-zag across the diameter of Voldemort's
defence -
The moment the shield shattered, Draco reached out and grabbed Voldemort by the throat. He
clawed at Draco's forearms to try and force his release but Draco didn't budge. With his wand
balancing between his middle and index finger, he held on tightly, lifted him off the ground and
started to squeeze.
He could have killed him right there; all it would have taken was a sharp squeeze, just the tensing
of a few muscles but he resisted. That was too easy. Voldemort hadn't suffered. Not nearly enough.
He watched Voldemort's beady red eyes flicker erratically. He could see fear rising within them.
They kept darting between Draco's eyes, then the blood on his face, then his eyes again, then the
blood in his hair, all the while his arms flailed and he kicked his legs out uselessly.
"It's hers you know," Draco whispered, feeling something wet slip out the corner of his eye, even
though his lip was trembling with anger. "Her blood, I mean. You were too scared to stay and
watch, but I held her in my arms as she died. This is all hers.” He motioned with his free hand.
“And you see this??" Draco held Granger's gun up so Voldemort could see it clearly. "You
recognise it, don't you?"
His red eyes landed on the firearm, and a satisfaction like no other slithered up Draco's spine when
he saw the realisation and panic in them.
He recognised the gun. He was starting to put the pieces of Draco's plan together. Good.
"Yeah, that's hers too," Draco sneered menacingly, gleefully, as he lined the barrel against
Voldemort's stomach. "It's all coming together now, isn't it? You remember Zabini's vision; the one
you showed her when you accidentally made her a Horcrux? You showed it to her because you
thought Zabini had foreseen her death. You thought it was a vision of the end of the war - and I
suppose that's true, but it wasn't just foretelling her death, it was yours too, and you know the best
part about that? You're going to die here, and her gun is going to be the thing that kills you."
The gun clicked loudly as Draco readied it to take the first shot. He curled his finger around the
trigger -
"Wait!" Voldemort hissed breathlessly, his voice barely audible as he fought for gulps of air.
"Wait! Please! Do not - do this- We can avenge - her death - together! Please!"
Draco scoffed. He'd never heard Voldemort beg before – Granger would have loved the sound of
it. "What do you think I'm doing right now?"
"No, no this ... this is not revenge! I did .. not ... want this!"
Draco hesitated. He loosened his grip just a fraction. "She's dead because of you!"
"No, she is dead because .. Kingsley ... drove the sword through her heart -"
"Because you made her a Horcrux! She was killed because you were so fucking afraid of dying -"
"But I did not want her dead! Think about it, Draco.." Voldemort pleaded. Draco lowered his arm
just a little and Voldemort could breathe a little easier when his feet touched the floor again. "She
was the last Horcrux... Why would I want her to die? I would have protected her ... It's not really
me who killed her. All this anger you feel, your directing it at the wrong person. You know it's not
me who you blame for her death. It's the Order."
Draco's nostrils flared. He dragged Voldemort's face closer to his own and pressed the barrel of the
gun under Voldemort's chin. "These could be your last fucking words, so I'd make them count if I
were you."
"We could make them all pay, all of them! All of the Order!" Voldemort tried again. His voice was
paniced but there was something right about it. "They tried to kill her with a tank, they killed your
dragon and Kingsley drove a sword through her heart, don't you want to make them pay for all of
it? Don't you want to burn them all down for what they did to her?"
He did. That was the honest truth. He fucking did want to make them pay. He hadn't realised how
much he did until Voldemort said it.
Yes, Voldemort had made her a Horcrux, he'd tied her life to his, he'd marched her to the gallows
and he'd put a rope around her neck, but he hadn't been the one to kill her, the Order had. Kingsley,
in spite of everything she'd done for them, he'd been the one to kick the trap door open. He'd been
the one to break her neck, and Draco wanted to hang the lot of them for it.
Draco didn't mean to hesitate but he did - just for a fucking fraction of a second - and Voldemort
saw it, and it was all he needed. He wordlessly summoned his wand, and before Draco could
retaliate, Voldemort dug the end of his wand against Draco's chest and
screamed, "SECTUMSEMPRA!"
The first time Draco had been caught with that hex, he'd thought he was going to die. The pain had
been the worst thing he'd ever felt. He'd likened it to having dozens of razor blades pushed into his
skin and dragging back and forth again and again until eventually, he'd passed out.
The first time he'd been caught with that hex, it'd been from across a room and the caster had been
young and inexperienced.
The spell was so powerful that it sent him flying through the Cathedral. He must have shot twelve
feet into the air. He landed on his back halfway up the aisle and the pain - it was nothing like last
time. There weren't dozens of razor blades this time, there were hundreds, and they weren't just
pushing into his skin, they were inside of him. Felt like they were sawing him open. He felt them
everywhere; felt like there wasn't an organ or a bone or patch of flesh that the spell didn't tear to
The worst of it was in his lungs. He was sure he felt something burst open. He stared up at the
Cathedral ceiling, paralyzed by the pain. Fuck knew where his wand or the gun were. He'd
dropped them but he had no idea where. Couldn't even look. Couldn't focus on anything else other
than the dark curse that was slicing and slicing and slicing.
He struggled breathe. He felt liquid start to fill his lungs, and a warmth start to trickle down his
chest -
"You say that I took from you," Voldemort started to say, he was on the other side of the Cathedral
but through Draco's desperate gulps for air, his voice grew steadily louder. He must have been
walking towards him. "But I made you what you are! Oh, the fearsome Demon Mask!" he added
wistfully, a dramatic flare in his voice. "You became that because of me! People grew to fear your
name because I made it so, and look at you now?! A blood traitor! Come here to kill me because of
a Mudblood!"
Draco's eyelids felt like were being dragged down. The floor underneath his back grew warm and
wet with his blood.
"After the Battle of Hogwarts, you were nothing," Voldemort continued. "You were a snivelling
mess. Worthless. I could have killed you right there and your family would have been just another
ink stain in the history books. The others saw a weak boy but only I saw the potential in you! Only
I saw the hunger for power in your eyes! Only I saw the potential for great things in you, all you
needed was a push."
"Is that ... " Draco's assumption that his lungs had been punctured was confirmed when he tried to
talk... He struggled to speak through the blood that was beginning to flood his windpipe but he
managed it, just about. "Is that ... what you call it? A ... little push?!"
Voldemort laughed wickedly from Draco's left. He must have only been a few feet away from him.
"Do you think power is so easily achieved? No. True power requires sacrifice. To be all-powerful,
to summon the darkest forms of magic, you need to feel hatred. You need to reach down into the
depths of your soul, summon every bit of darkness and use it to your advantage. You need to
channel that pain into every curse you cast and only then can you be powerful."
Draco tried to get up, but as soon as his spine lifted off the stones, a sharp sensation twisted
through his chest and he screamed in pain and dropped back onto the floor.
Voldemort suddenly stood over him. He glared down at Draco with nothing but hatred and disgust
in his eyes. "I had such high hopes for you," he tutted once and shook his head. "When I killed your
father, I knew that pain would make you strong. I knew you would take the anger you felt towards
me, and it would make you vengeful. Do you know why I made your mother beg for her life before
I killed her?"
Draco glared right back at Voldemort. His nostrils flared with each loud, pain-filled exhale. He
stretched his fingers a little further to the left ... He prayed it was there … That he was getting
closer to it …
"It was because I knew you'd remember the sound of it," Voldemort continued. "I knew you'd
remember her last words, I knew those pleas for her life would stick with you. I knew that they'd
cut themselves into you like a scar and you'd use them; you'd think about them every time you cast
a killing curse, and they'd make you strong," Voldemort scoffed lightly. "You see Draco, true
power can only be ascertained through sacrifice -"
Draco felt something cold touch the very tips of his fingers-
"And believe me, if I'd have known the strength killing the Mudblood would have elicited in you,
I'd have done it myself a long time ago."
Voldemort smiled a little and aimed the Elder Wand over Draco's heart. This was it. This was end.
Any moment, he was going to kill him.
He grabbed Hermione's gun by the handle, aimed at Voldemort's wand hand, and pulled the
The Elder Wand hit the floor at the same moment Voldemort's knees did.
In the hundreds of times that Draco had stood in York Cathedral, he'd never appreciated the
acoustics before. But he did then. Thought they were fucking phenomenal. As Voldemort wailed in
pain and nursed the hole in his hand, the sound carried, magnified into one of the most beautiful
pieces of music that Draco had ever heard.
Voldemort thought that hearing his mother beg for her life in his teens had given Draco strength.
He'd thought it'd made him strong and it had, in a way, but that was nothing in comparison to what
he felt while he listened to Voldemort scream. It was sick and sadistic but that was the truth of it.
Hearing Voldemort's wails were like a call to war. He'd come here for a purpose. He'd come here
to avenge her, and that was exactly what he was going to fucking do and somehow, as he listened to
his former master scream in agony, Draco found the strength to do it. Managed to summon
something he didn't know he had left, and got to his feet.
His vision was beginning to blur around the edges and his legs wanted to give out, but he managed
to stay standing. He had to leave his wand on the floor, and he needed to hold onto the backrests of
the benches for support, but he managed it, managed to walk the small distance down the aisle to
The once proud Dark Lord was cowering on the floor. He was whimpering and clutching what was
left of his hand. Three of his fingers were missing, and blood was spurting from the messy stump -
"Let's see ..." Draco panted, twisting the gun so that he could check the barrel, just as Potter had
shown him. "We have eight bullets left ... and I'd say I have a few more minutes before I bite it... so
we better not waste any time, shall we?" He aimed Hermione's gun over Voldemort's right leg and
pulled the trigger.
Voldemort screamed in pain and collapsed onto the floor. He curled over and clutched his leg as
blood started to pool between his fingers.
"That one was for my father," Draco sneered weakly, stalking a little closer to his victim. He'd
killed a thousand times before, but he'd never gotten this kind of satisfaction. Never felt anything
close to it. "For turning him into someone I didn't recognise towards the end."
Another flash of lightning cracked outside. It illuminated the Cathedral enough for Draco to see
Voldemort's face contorted in agony.
He aimed at Voldemort's left shoulder and fired again. "And then one for my mother," Draco said,
his voice barely audible over Voldemort's wails. "For making her beg for her life and mine... even
though you'd already decided to kill her."
Draco's body felt heavier and heavier with each step he took. He was bleeding out quickly, but he
forced himself to carry on. He aimed the gun at Voldemort's shoulder and pulled the trigger three
more times.
Voldemort fell onto his back. His spine arched off of the stone floor. His screams just went on and
on, never-ending, each echo catching onto the end of the next in the most beautiful symphony of
death and pain.
"Those were for my family. One for Daphne ... One for Theo... and one for the Zabini's ... for
putting them through this war... for robbing years of their lives..."
"No..." Voldemort rolled onto his front, and started to crawl down the aisle, away from Draco. "No.
No. No... It will not end ... like this… No... "
"Look at you," Draco hushed, breathless, just about clinging on. "If only your followers were still
alive to see you now ... fucking pathetic."
Voldemort grunted and groaned but continued to crawl, nonetheless. He reached out; his fingers
were centimetres from his wand - but Draco still had some strength left in him.
"Ah, ah, ah, there'll be none of that." Draco marched forward and kicked the Elder wand across the
Cathedral floor before Voldemort could snatch it up. The sound of it rolling away faded into a dull
echo, just as Voldemort's salvation faded into nothingness. "There's going to be nothing magical
about your death, my Lord," Draco said sarcastically. "When they retell the story of your last
moments, they aren't going to say that there was even a lick of magic, nothing extraordinary at all.
All they are going to say, is that you died from a gunshot, just like a thousand other muggles. Your
death is going to be ordinary and forgettable."
Voldemort kept dragging his body deeper and deeper into the Cathedral, into the shadows, towards
the throne that he'd one sat tall upon. He almost got to it, but Draco just followed weakly behind
They both left trails of blood behind them. Voldemort’s was smudged from dragging his body
across the floor, while Draco's was large blotches of crimson like someone had painted a mural on
the ceiling and the red paint hadn't yet dried.
Draco's lungs felt heavy and deflated. He felt weak and blood trickled down his chest but he carried
on. He needed to do this. He needed to do it not only for her, not only for himself, but for his entire
family; past, present and fucking future. He raised the gun and fired another shot at the base of
Voldemort's spine.
"That one is for my dragon," Draco panted. "For filling her short life with nothing but war and
battles when she should have spent it soaring the sky where she belonged!" He pulled the trigger
again. "And one for me, for destroying me, for breaking me into fucking little pieces, just because
you were too afraid to leave your tower and fight your own fucking war!”
As Voldemort wailed again, Draco finally caught up to him. Draco placed the toe of his boot
underneath Voldemort's ribcage and kicked him onto his back.
He wanted to look into his eyes as he killed him. Wanted to see the fear and terror gather in his
eyes before he closed them for the last time.
"I think you already know who this one is for... " Fuck - it was so difficult to stand. He felt
lightheaded. His body was going to give out any moment. "I saved the best for last..."
"No... no, please..." Voldemort begged. Blood was spilling out of his nose, his mouth, his eyes, he
was so close to death. Even if Draco didn't use the last bullet, he'd be dead in a few minutes. "I will
not die here, like this ... you cannot kill me...."
"Oh, no, no, no you're mistaken, my Lord. It isn't me killing you right now, not really," Draco
scoffed softly. He raised his hand and hovered the gun between Voldemort's eyes. "It's Hermione
fucking Granger!"
Two things happened after Draco pulled the trigger for the final time. Voldemort's life did indeed
end but so did his. It was as though their lives had been connected, as though they were both
puppets held up by the same set of strings and when Draco pulled that trigger, both of their life
lines were cut.
As he watched the light leave his former master's eyes, all of Draco's strength left him, and all the
pain came to claim him. He had nothing left anymore. No strength in his body and no will or fight
to keep him standing. He leaned against a stone pillar at the front of the aisle, and slid down it until
he was on the floor. He clutched his chest and his lungs squelched loudly each time he inhaled.
As his vision started to darken around the edges, he stared at Voldemort's corpse. What was once
the most dangerous dark wizard of all time was now just a mess of blood and flesh. Nothing
extraordinary. Nothing magical. He'd died just like a hundred other muggles, just like he'd always
been afraid of.
Draco had done it. He'd avenged her. And now ...
He felt blood trickle down his chest. He felt it run down the side of his head and down the length
of his arm. He watched his own blood start to gather on the floor around him.
He struggled to take a deep breath. He listened on the rhythm of his heart. It was starting to get
slower. More sluggish.
The doors at the front of the church swung open again. He heard a feminine gasp. Heard boots
clicking against the stone floor.
Three figures hurried toward him; Draco tried to squint to see who but his vision was blurred. His
body was failing fast.
"Draco?" a voice Draco thought he recognised asked. It took him a few seconds to realise it was
Theo's. He sounded far away even though he was standing a few feet in front of him. "You alright
there, mate?"
A slender figure dropped into his line of sight. Daphne kneeled in front of him. Theo and Blaise
stood hovering in the aisle with horrified expressions on their bruised faces.
Draco could see Daphne's mouth moving frantically but he couldn't hear what she was saying. Her
voice was just a dull hum.
They'd come. They were all battered and bloody and bruised, none of them had had time to recover
from the earlier fight, but they'd come anyway. He wasn't going to be alone when he...
He hadn't realised how much dying alone scared him until he saw the three of them standing
around him. He smiled weakly but he wasn't sure if it showed on his face or not.
Daphne took hold of his face and shook him. Her mouth started moving faster but he still couldn't
hear what she was saying.
Theo's hands flew to either side of his temples. He fisted his curls and looked like he was about to
rip them out from the roots.
There was a ringing in Draco's ears, but the longer the others stood there, the more distinguished
their voices became.
"What the fuck happened to him?!" The panic in Theo's voice was one thing, but the panic on his
face was another. "Oh fuck, he looks bad - fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He looks really bad!"
Draco felt pressure on the right side of his chest when Daphne touched him, but the pain was
fading. His head lolled weakly against the stone pillar. Didn't even have the strength to hold his
head up anymore...
"He's - fuck, he's bleeding everywhere!" Daphne screamed in a panic. "There's so much of it! I can't
tell where the source is!"
Draco's lips twitched into a barely-there smile. He still didn't know if it showed on his face or if he
just imagined it. It was the first thing Daphne should have done. She'd always been shit in a crisis.
Daphne nodded and pulled out her wand. She placed it against his shoulder and tried to drag it
downwards in a diagnostic -
Draco grabbed her wrist, stopping the spell before she could cast it.
Daphne's breath caught in her throat. She looked up and met his eyes.
The sound of his heavy, laboured breathing reverberated off the walls of the church.
Despite the amount of blood that he'd lost, despite his soul slipping from one plane to another, he
managed to do one thing. Just one tiny, microscopic movement that was insignificant, but
momentous enough to end an entire bloodline.
He didn't want Daphne to heal him. He didn't want her to see what injuries he'd sustained because
he didn't want her to even attempt to fix them.
Daphne's brown eyes glistened with tears. She stopped moving. She stopped breathing.
"Babe what are you doing?!" Theo hissed frantically. "Don't just sit there! Do something!"
Daphne looked at her wand and attempted the spell again, but Draco squeezed her wrist until she
yelped in pain.
She stopped what she was doing and stared into his eyes.
Don't, he wanted to tell her. He tried to. Couldn't find his voice though. Didn't have the strength left
to make his mouth move. He and Daphne had always had a special kind of understanding of one
another. They'd always leaned on each other; they'd always made the difficult decisions together,
and as he stared into her eyes, he willed with every bit of him that was left for her to understand.
Daphne stared back at him like she was seeing right into his soul. Her brown eyes danced between
each of his.
Because when Daphne swallowed thickly, Draco knew that she understood, and a moment later,
she laid her wand on the floor.
"Daph?!" Theo asked, panicked. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
"Blaise," Daphne whispered softly, gently, dove-like. Her eyes didn't leave Draco's face. "Go and
get Astoria."
"Go and get Astoria," Daphne repeated as a tear escaped the corner of her right eye. Her eyes
flickered down to the blood on Draco's chest. She flinched when he coughed. "And be quick about
There was a moment's hesitation; Blaise looked up and caught Draco's eye, and then he
"Daph what the fuck?!" Theo shouted, practically screamed. "Don't just sit there! DO
Daphne took one of Draco's hands in both of hers. She spoke very softly, the complete opposite of
her frantic husband in the aisle. "Can you hang on until Tori gets here?"
The way Draco's chest rattled on the exhale was answer enough.
No. No he could not. As much as he would've liked to see his younger sister one last time, they
both knew he wouldn't be able to. It was probably for the best. If Astoria did see him like this ...
Daphne nodded. Tears slipped down her cheeks. "It's okay," she whispered, struggling to speak. He
could tell that she didn't want it to be true, she didn't want to say it, but as she looked into his
fading blue eyes she saw that he was hanging on by the very tips of his fingers, and he needed to be
free. "It's okay. Go. Go and be with her."
"What?!" Draco's eyes sluggishly wondered up to look at Theo over the top of Daphne's head.
Draco hadn't seen Theo panic like that in years. "What the fuck are you saying?! No! No he can't
go -"
Trying and failing to keep her tears at bay, Daphne squeezed Draco's hand gently, reassuringly, in
the way only a sister could. "It's okay," she whispered in a raspy, tear-stained voice. "You kept
your promise to me. You kept the family safe. I can ... I can look after us from here."
Draco's chest rattled. His heavy eyelids felt all the heavier. It felt like his body was being eclipsed
by a dark, heavy shadow...
"You've done enough," Daphne breathed, ignoring Theo's protests and screams from behind her.
"You deserve to rest now."
The shadow started to crawl up his toes. Everything it touched turned numb and disconnected. First
he couldn't feel his legs, then his hips. And it kept clawing higher and higher, eating the pain,
swallowing it with the weight of his body...
The shadow reached his torso and it kept going. It started nibbling away at his fingers and
travelling up his forearms. He could no longer feel the lower half of his body...
The black frame that had taken hold of the edges of his vision started to broaden. Everything faded
away. His body. His breath. The pain he was in. The guilt that he felt. Even Daphne's voice started
to turn into a distant echo, but through the fading blackness, one sentence reached him, one final
sentence reached through the nothingness that he felt swallowing him, and one name was enough
to send him home.
Three shallow breaths later, Draco Lucius Malfoy's heart beat for the very last time.
Epilogue one
"How do you think you've been coping since we last saw each other?"
"No? Anything negative? No drawbacks or things that have caused you stress that you want to
"Nope," Daphne answered, her lips popping loudly on the P. "Not a thing."
"Have you completed the homework that I set you after our last session?"
"And?" the middle-aged healer asked, her eyes on the notepad in her lap as she scribbled away.
"Good," the healer responded without looking up. "In what way did it help?"
"It helped me sleep better," she lied again, lied through her fucking fake smile and quiet
demeanour. Oh, when, when would this be over?! While the healer's eyes were still down, Daphne
sneaked a glance at the grandfather clock near the East window.
14:03, just twenty-seven minutes left. She could get through that, couldn't she?
"And the nightmares?" the healer went on. "How have they been?"
It appeared that was one lie too many. The healer's eye's snapped up and she studied her victi -
patient - carefully through her finger-smudged glasses.
Court-appointed, compulsory, mind healing therapy - wasn't that the joke of the century.
Astoria told Daphne that she shouldn't be so angry about it because she wasn't going through it
alone. She, Blaise and Theo had all had to stand trial after the war, and although their heroics
towards the end - and the success of Medusa - had saved them from the Dementors Kiss - they
didn't get off entirely.
They'd done too much, that was how it was phrased. They'd committed too many war crimes and
all of them were very public figures in Voldemort's army. They couldn't come out the other side
smelling of roses, no matter how much they'd helped bring down the Death Eaters regime.
Because she'd been the mastermind behind Medusa and hadn't really committed any crimes,
Astoria was spared, rightly so, but the rest of the family did not get off so lightly, and as penance
for their crimes, the three of them had been ordered to see a Mind Healer for one hour a month,
every month, until the day they died.
"Although we appreciate the pivotal part the three of them played during the final months of the
war, nothing is more paramount than the safety of those the war has left behind," the new Minister
for Magic had announced to the crowd after their hearing. She was a Muggleborn witch, elected to
unite the magical and muggle societies in this new world and bla bla bla bla bla. Daphne had no
intention of learning her name, she didn't like her. Could just think about how much better job
Hermione would have done if she'd still have been here. "We thank the three of them for their
efforts, but I am sure that everyone agrees with me when I say that in order to protect the future,
we must not ignore the past, and therefore, the three of them will be observed and monitored
closely, for the protection of the public."
For the protection of the public, what a crock of old shit. They weren't wild animals. They weren't a
pack of savage, unpredictable beasts who might snap at any moment. They hadn't wanted to do any
of the awful things that they'd done during the war but they hadn't had a choice. They'd done what
they had to do to survive. They weren't a danger to anyone anymore.
Although Daphne and Blaise had tried to make them see reason, they wouldn't have it. Basically
told them that it was what the general population needed to be calm and, in the words of the new
Minister, "Be able to sleep peacefully at night knowing that three extremely dangerous war
criminals are free."
But it didn't let the public sleep peacefully, it only made them more paranoid. Forcing Daphne,
Theo and Blaise into therapy and watching over them, it just perpetuated the idea that they were
dangerous. It made it look as though the three of them were rabid dogs and therapy was their
muzzle. Made it look like they could be contained for a while, but it would only be a matter of time
before they escaped and went on a fucking rampage.
The first year after Voldemort's death was hell. They were on house arrest for the first nine
months. No escape. Wands confiscated. The press carried on their fearmongering agenda by
publishing a new article about the 'ticking time bombs' that were the reformed Death Eaters, and
howlers spewing death threats were delivered hourly.
As well as their mandatory therapy, the family were also issued with a fine. 82% of their combined
wealth was to be seized and donated to the restoration effort. None of them really had an issue with
Well, that wasn't strictly true. Astoria wasn't that selfless, but after an initial tantrum - and making
Blaise hide all of her shoes and jewellery with magic so that they couldn't be taken as collateral -
she'd accepted it.
They'd guessed that the new Order would want to bestow some type of restorative justice on them -
and even with that amount being taken away, they still kept Malfoy Manor and had more than
enough money to live comfortably - but the therapy? Yeah, that didn't go down nearly as well.
Blaise, the sophisticated twat that he was, was wholly unbothered by the entire thing. He entered
each of his monthly sessions with the utmost dignity. He sat in the leather armchair with perfect
posture. He nodded when appropriate, smiled with grace, and got perfect scores on all of the court-
ordered assessments they were made to take part in. He even managed to get the healer laughing
on occasion.
At first, the ministry had allowed them to have their sessions together, but they soon saw an end to
that, split them up like naughty children in a classroom who couldn't be put together without
causing trouble.
"They're bad influences on each other," their notes had said. "Feed off of each others' chaotic
energy. Dangerous together. Must be separate."
Daphne had been so terrified after that that she'd been on her best behaviour ever since. She tried
her best to follow Blaise's example but it was so fucking difficult. Even Theo was able to get
through them a lot less painfully than she could.
It was maddening how easily they were both able to get through the sessions. They felt like a trap
to Daphne. Felt like they were just an excuse to prove that they weren't reformed, they were still
Death Eaters. They weren't 'safe' or 'sorry' for the harm they'd caused during the war, they were
just biding their time, waiting for the right moment to avenge their fallen master. She felt like one
slip-up would earn each of them their Kiss.
Each session set her teeth on edge. She was always a nervous wreck beforehand. She didn't even
bother to do her nails in the days leading up to their sessions because it was pointless. She always
ended up chewing and picking at them until her manicure was destroyed and the skin around her
nails was bloody.
She was determined not to let these sessions defeat her but the truth was that she was terrified of
them. She'd worked hard to put the pieces of her life back together, and it felt like one wrong
answer could snatch away everything that she'd built. Every time the healer scribbled something
down on her little notepad, Daphne felt as though she were signing her custody papers for
Azkaban, and every time she clicked her tongue in annoyance, another string of Daphne's patience
was cut.
And it didn't help matters that the mind healer was a right-withered old cunt who seemed to have it
in for Daphne.
Each session, although Daphne greeted her politely and offered her a drink, she would turn her
nose up like Daphne had offered her a cup of warm piss. And although Daphne was always
perfectly put together with a nice, respectable dress and heels and make up, the healer looked at her
as though she was a filthy escort standing on a street corner.
"Just think of it like you're acting in a play," Theo would always tell her before her session. "It's
just a role you're playing. Go in there, nod, smile, tell her what she wants to hear, and then when
the curtain falls, you can go back to normal."
She'd thought her time playing pretend would end when she'd been freed from Crouch. Apparently,
she'd been wrong.
Yes, Daphne had done unspeakable, awful things during the war and yes, they kept her up at night.
She wasn't proud of the blood she'd spilled but she'd tried to make amends for it. She'd helped
overthrow Voldemort, but the way the healer watched her every session, the way she tried to trick
her into answering questions wrongly and stared at her as though she'd just slaughtered a room full
of children, it made Daphne feel like she might as well have not bothered.
There were many things Daphne wanted to say during their sessions but she kept it all in. What she
wanted to do, was tell the mind healer that she thought these sessions were about as useful as a
fucking chocolate fireguard. What she wanted to do was tell the healer that she wasn't welcome in
her home, grab her by her hair, and then throw her the fuck out.
That was what she wanted to do - but she couldn't. So instead, she took a page out of Blaise's book,
sat up straight, folded her hands delicately in front of her so she wasn't tempted to throttle the
woman with them, and responded with very dull, very practised, very fake answers that were a
thousand miles apart from what she actually felt.
And that was what'd led Daphne here, sitting in the parlour room of the house that belonged to her
dead brother. Sitting on a leather sofa opposite a mind healer who wanted her locked away in
Azkaban, with nothing between them to protect her apart from a coffee table and a few candles.
There was a heavy silence in the room for about forty seconds before her guest thought to fill it.
"Tell me one positive thing that's happened since our last session?" the healer asked.
That the session ended, was how Daphne wanted to reply, however, "Cordelia painted me a
picture," was her actual answer.
Little Cordelia Weasley-Zabini was Astoria's pride and joy. With both of her parents dead,
biologically, her next of kin was Ginny Weasley, and although she had welcomed taking her only
niece in, Cordelia wouldn't allow it. In the short time Astoria had taken care of her, she'd bonded
with her in a way that words simply couldn't explain, and Astoria had fallen in love with her too.
The pair simply couldn't be parted, if anyone tried, Cordelia screamed bloody murder until she was
put back into Astoria's arms and that was the end of that. Astoria was meant to be Cordelia's
mother, and Cordelia was meant to be Astoria's daughter.
Astoria was so good with children but she refused to carry any herself. Although Hermione had
found treatment for her blood curse, it was painful and Astoria didn't want to run the risk of passing
that misery on to another generation.
A year after she and Blaise legally adopted Cordelia, they adopted a little boy, and then another
girl. There were so many children left without parents after the war, Astoria would have filled the
whole manor with them if she could have. It didn't matter that there wasn't an ounce of shared
blood between them or that none of them looked alike, Blaise and Astoria cared for and loved and
doted on the three of them equally.
And Theo and Daphne were just as taken with their nieces and nephew. They spoiled them at
Christmas and let them eat far too much sugar when they babysat. Theo taught them pranks and
Daphne read to them every night until they fell asleep.
Blood didn't make a family. They all already knew that, and the little ones became a part of theirs
as soon as they'd stepped through the door of Malfoy Manor.
"I see," the healer said, bringing Daphne back to the present. "That was very nice of her."
"It was."
"How old is she now?"
"A daffodil," Daphne answered, trying her best not to fiddle with the fabric of her pale pink dress
that was draped across her lap. "Whenever she paints me a picture, it's always of a daffodil."
"Why is that?"
For the first time during their session, the hint of a smile that played on Daphne's face was
genuine. "Because her mother and the boys call me 'Daph', and she thinks it's short for Daffodil. I
haven't got the heart yet to tell her that it's not."
Daphne nodded, the smile on her face still real. "Yes, auntie Daffodil, that's what she calls me."
"I see," the healer said slowly, thoughtfully, watching her very closely. "And does she paint you
things often?"
Daphne kept her eyes forward and her hands firmly clasped on her lap. The healer was up to
something, she could feel it. She was leading to something, setting a trap. It was suddenly harder to
keep the smile on her face. "Tucked in the mirror of my vanity. On the walls. All over, really."
"And how would you feel if those pictures were ... Oh I don't know, suddenly taken away from
Oh, fuck off! Daphne almost said it out loud. The old cunt was doing it again, she did this every
fucking session. Tried to get Daphne to relax, find something she held dear, then ask her to think
about how she'd feel if it was suddenly taken away or lost or broken.
The painting from her little niece wasn't a painting at all. It was a test and a metaphor all rolled into
one. She was doing it to see if Daphne still had violent tendencies. Because if she'd lash out over
something as small as a painting, then what would she do if a member of the public pissed her off?
But Daphne wasn't fucking stupid. "I love my niece dearly and I love the paintings that she makes
me," she answered in a quiet, gentle, practised voice. "I'd be upset if anything happened to one of
them, of course, but I'm sure she'd paint me another one."
Although Daphne plastered on a demure smile, although her eyes were honest and her voice was
soft and light as honey, the mind healer narrowed her eyes.
When the healer clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, Daphne wanted to flinch.
And when she went back to furiously scribbling in her notepad, Daphne wanted to scream.
Scribble, scribble, scribble. That was all she ever did during their sessions. No matter how many
times Daphne asked, she was never allowed to see what she'd written down. It took everything in
her not to snatch the fucking thing out of her hand and make a run for it.
You're doing fine, she told herself. Remember to breathe. Remember to smile. It'll all be over soon.
But the scribbling didn't stop, not for thirty seconds, not even after two whole minutes, and Daphne
had to clasp her hands tightly in front of her to keep from snatching the fucking quill out of her ink-
smudged fingers and snapping it in half.
What was she scribbling down?! Was she making recommendations on how long she should be
locked in Azkaban? Twenty years for looking at the healer with murder in her eyes? Another five
for being an insufferable, ice-cold bitch?
Was she writing down that Theo should be taken into custody with her? If he was, would they
separate the two of them?
Daphne squinted and leaned forward, trying to sneak a glance at the healer's notes, but she was
sitting too far away and her handwriting wasn't much more intelligible than Cordelia's.
"But these pictures are obviously very dear to you," the healer eventually said, eyes still on her
notes, still scribbling away. "If someone took away something that I cared about, I would feel very
upset, and angry."
"Would you?" Daphne asked, keeping her voice gentle as she leaned forward a little more...
De ... dec ... deceitful? Is that what her notes said? Or was it defensive? Trust Daphne to get
assigned the healer with the most awful handwriting known to wizarding kind.
"Yes. I daresay that I might get violent if someone tried to take away something that was mine."
"Oh dear," Daphne responded, not really thinking, more focused on trying to decipher the jumble
on the paper. "Well, perhaps you should speak to someone about that." Kee ... Keeping ...
something bo .. bo ... bowl? Keeping something bowl? What? "Have you ever thought about going
to therapy?"
When the healers' eyes snapped up, Daphne immediately slouched back onto the sofa and smiled,
trying her best to brush off the fact that she'd just been caught in the act.
The healer clicked her tongue. Her wide, flat nose crinkled with disapproval. "Miss Greengrass,"
the old woman scolded coldly, her tongue curling around the words. It made Daphne feel like she
was back in Professor Snape's classroom. "As I have told you repeatedly, this therapy is all about
"And I have told you honestly, that I find these sessions tedious and redundant." Daphne hadn't
meant to snarl the words, but that was the way they came out. "And it's Mrs Nott, as I have told
you repeatedly."
And the last of Daphne's patience was diminished when the healer clicked her tongue again in
annoyance -
"And if you click your tongue at me again I will nail it to this coffee table!"
As soon as the words had left her mouth, she regretted them.
Oh, fucking fuck. She should not have done that. She really, really should not have done that.
Daphne tried not to panic. She told herself that one snarky comment here or there wasn't going to
earn her a cell in Azkaban, but the way the healer was looking at her ... she wasn't so sure.
The healers' nasty mud-coloured eyes narrowed for a second. She looked Daphne over once, twice,
taking everything in, then she smiled and started to scribble something down onto her notepad.
Panic started to build in the pit of Daphne's stomach and before she could help herself, she started
to bite her nails.
Why had she said that?! She should have bit her tongue. She wished that she'd headed her own
threat and nailed her tongue to the coffee table, at least then it would have just shut the fuck up and
not made such a catastrophic mistake.
But wait the healer was smiling? And it wasn't a nasty smile either. It was more of a ... proud
smile? No smugness. No anger. Just warm and happy and oddly, Daphne couldn't find even a
flicker of deceit in it.
"Let's move on, shall we?" suggested the healer once she'd finally looked up from her notes.
Daphne hadn't really gotten away with that one? Had she?
"Yes," Daphne nodded. The movement was so fake and unenthused, she might as well have been
on strings. "I think that'd be for the best."
The healer nodded in agreement. She studied Daphne for a moment. She took a good look at her
face, then added another quick note to her pad, then looked up and said, "I hear the Aurors still
haven't caught him."
Oh, now the healer was just playing dirty. Daphne might've threatened to nail her tongue to the
table but if they hadn't been split up, Theo definitely would have for bringing that up. Well, if she
was looking to draw some type of reaction out of Daphne, she was looking in the wrong place.
"I'm sorry," Daphne replied. "I don't know who you mean?"
Daphne merely shrugged. She looked down at her oval-shaped nails and pretended to be
mesmerised by the chipped, pearly pink polish she was wearing.
"How does that make you feel?" the healer prodded. "To know that Barty Crouch Jr is still
Daphne fought to keep her face impassive. Calm. Doll like. On the inside, however, she was
smirking, but on the outside, she wore the perfect poker face that her older brother had taught her.
"It doesn't make me feel anything."
The healer started to click her tongue like she didn't believe her, but when Daphne looked up from
her nails and quirked a brow, the healer thought better of it. She took a moment to rethink whatever
she'd been about to say, then said, "I don't mean to cause you any distress, Mrs Nott, but after
everything he did to you, it would be natural to feel resentment toward Barty."
"I don't feel anything towards him." It wasn't a lie. It was probably the first time during their
session that she'd told the truth - well, aside from her threat about the tongue ... No, it wasn't a lie
at all. She didn't feel anything toward him. That name hadn't held anything for her for a long, long
"Why do you think that is?" the healer asked, clearly not convinced.
"Why should I still feel anything towards him? It's been a very long time."
The healer narrowed her eyes again. "That's what Megan and Sarah said too."
Ah, of course the nosey, pig-faced healer would want to talk to the other girls about Crouch.
Megan and Sarah, Chester and Angel. Daphne saw them quite often. They came to visit the wine
cellar in Malfoy Manor weekly sometimes, if the mood ever took them, and Daphne always
welcomed them with open arms and offered them a glass of wine and a knife when they arrived.
"You all seem to be ... managing, with what you all went through rather well."
Now, Daphne really had to fight to keep the smirk off her face. Oh, if only the silly old bat knew.
"You say that like it's a problem."
"It's not a problem..." the healer started. "It's just peculiar, how well you've all adjusted back into
the world, and none of you seem to care that no one has seen him since the end of the war - "
Daphne's salvation usually came in the form of a petite five foot two witch - seven, when she was
in heels - but today it came in the form of heavy, slow thuds.
"Times is up," Quinzel said the moment she walked through the doors. She was wearing a cooking
apron today. It was covered in swatches of different coloured paints. She even had a blue one that
looked suspiciously like a toddler's hand print across her right cheek. "Miss mind healer is to go
A crease appeared between the healer's thick brows and she blinked several times. "No, surely not
already -"
"Clock does not lie, Miss," the old elf interrupted. No nonsense. Taking no prisoners. "Quinzel has
gotten the Floo ready. She is to give you this so you can go." The pink-eyed elf trudged toward the
healer and plopped a small beige-coloured sack of powder into her hand. "Quinzel is to walk you
out now."
"Actually," the healer interrupted as she and Daphne got to their feet, "I'd prefer it if Daphne would
walk me to the Floo. If that's alright with you?"
Daphne was suspicious, but nodded to Quinzel that it was alright. As the elf trudged back into the
corridor she'd come down, Daphne and the healer walked down the hall to the fireplace that acted
as the main Floo network.
They didn't say a word to each other the entire journey, but just as Daphne had nodded the healer
goodbye and turned to leave, a hand curled around the top of her arm. "Daphne, before you go,
could I have a word?"
Daphne spun around. She stared at where the healer was touching her, and it wasn't until she'd let
go that she answered. "Yes, if you must."
Daphne recoiled slightly. She blinked and stared at the healer like she'd grown a second head.
Surely she hadn't heard that right. "How so?"
Daphne couldn't help but quirk a brow. Had her healer lost the plot? Had Daphne made her lose it?
If her crimes during the war hadn't been enough to earn her a cell in Azkaban, then that surely
would. "I threatened to nail your tongue to the table."
"Yes, you did," the healer smiled, even let out a little throaty laugh. "But don't you see? That's
good. Since we started these sessions, you've been guarded and putting on an act but today, I got
the first glimpse of who you really are."
Daphne swallowed. She narrowed her eyes and worried the inside of her cheek to stop herself from
biting back. This was another trick, she was sure of it.
The healer must have been able to tell what she was thinking. "These sessions aren't a test. You've
been through a terrible ordeal, and they're designed to help you." The healer took a step forward,
and she looked like she was about to place her hand on Daphne's shoulder, but then she stopped. "I
know you think that the Ministry is against you and are looking for excuses to throw you and your
family into Azkaban, but I am not. I want to help you, Daphne, truly, but I can only do that if you're
honest with me. I know you're not evil, you were just forced to do evil things for the sake of
surviving and I understand that. I'll keep you out of Azkaban, I promise, but you need to work with
me, not against me."
"He was captured a few years into the war, and it was on Medusa's intelligence that he was
rescued. He's alive now because of you and your family." This time the healer was a little braver.
This time, when she raised her hand, she squeezed Daphne's shoulder gently and smiled at her.
"Just something to think about before our next session." And then she stepped into the Floo and
she was gone.
Daphne relaxed against the wall but her mind was reeling. Could she trust the old bat? Or was it a
trick to get her to drop her guard? She was leaning more toward the latter, but she knew more than
anyone how love for a family member can make you do unspeakable things. When she'd collected
herself, she followed the sound of chaos and screams into the kitchen, and judging from the
carnage she discovered there, it was clear the tiny terrors had gotten into the sugar.
"That's enough!" Blaise snarled, eyes burning, lip curled back over his teeth. Daphne didn't know
what was funnier; the pink blotches of paint on his crisp white shirt, or the fact that he had a yellow
flower sticker on the side of his face that he clearly didn't know was there.
Even though Blaise was using his 'Dad' voice - a lower, deeper, more authoritative version of his
usual voice - it did nothing to subdue the little sleep terrorists.
Those were crazy, sugar-overload eyes if Daphne had ever seen them. But how had they gotten to
the sugar quills? They were always kept on the very top shelf in the pantry, far out of the children's
Blaise was covered in paint but Astoria had come off far worse. She looked like she'd been to war
with a paint factory. There were flecks of it all over her, and her beautiful emerald dress had
blotches of blue that certainly hadn't been there at breakfast.
"Theo!" Astoria snapped, and when she flipped her long, chocolate-coloured hair over her shoulder,
Daphne saw that the ends had been dipped in bright pink paint. That was going to take weeks to
come out, no wonder she looked like a kettle that was ready to explode. "Why - for the love of
Salazar - did you think that letting the children paint in the kitchen would be a good idea?! There's
Ah, of course Theo was behind this. Daphne should have known better. She hadn't even noticed
that he was in the dining room, she'd been too distracted with the mess, but now that she had, it was
obvious that he was the mastermind behind this chaos.
"Oi, oi, we'll have less of that!" Theo snapped, shaking his head very dramatically and making the
yellow paint in his curls splatter around the room. When some hit Astoria's dress, she looked ready
to murder him. The children squealed with laughter and started slapping the table, completely
enthralled with the show their uncle was putting on for them. "I'm the teacher for the day! My
classroom, my rules, and if the babies wanted to paint," he stood up suddenly and put on a deep,
theatrical voice that was fit for the stage, "then paint, the babies shall!"
The toddlers in question looked up from their artwork and grinned mischievously. Max held his
painting up for his aunt Daffodil to admire, but she didn't get a chance to praise him, Astoria was
too loud.
"Alright bossy pants," Theo cut her off. "Name one other thing that I've done-"
Astoria folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. "How about the time you wanted to use
a real human skeleton to teach them biology?"
"What's wrong with that?" Theo challenged. "They have skeletons, don't they? They should know
how their bodies work-"
Astoria started to go off on another rant but Theo suddenly stood up. What'd been a lovely silk
black shirt this morning was now decorated with tiny handprints of every colour. "Come on, Tori,
don't be like that," he grinned, opening his arms wide and walking towards her. "Let's make up?
Give me a hug."
Astoria's eyes widened with panic when she realised his intentions. "No!" She tried to back away,
but she didn't realise that there was a wall behind her and she was suddenly trapped. "Don't you
dare, Theodore! Get away from me!"
"Awwww Tori, you'll hurt my feelings," Theo whined, getting closer, his arms still out wide, his
shirt dripping with paint. "Come here."
"No!" she hissed, waving her hands like she was trying to shoo a stray kitten away. "Don't you
Astoria screamed and tried to bat him away, but Theo already had hold of her. He wrapped his
arms around her, lifted her off of the ground, squeezed her in the biggest bear hug he could, and
when he set her back down, all of the paint on his shirt had transferred onto her dress.
When Astoria initially saw the mess, she gasped loudly, but when she looked up at Theo, she just
burst out laughing, and then the room was filled with little squeals of laughter as the children
joined in.
"And there's paint in your hair!" Max added, wiping at his tears with his hands and leaving a smear
of purple paint under his eyes.
"I know," Astoria sighed loudly, then she grinned and held out her arms. "I'm so upset. Who wants
to give mummy a hug to make her feel better?"
As the children screamed and tried to escape - and Astoria and Theo chased them around the dining
room - Daphne smiled and looked at the door to the wine cellar.
"Megan and Sarah left," Blaise said, answering her unspoken question. He crossed the length of the
room, folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall by Daphne's side.
Blaise nodded.
"They didn't, but they still did a lot of damage." Blaise's eyes were suddenly hard as he looked at
his children. "Megan was covered in blood. I had to tell Cordelia that it was red paint, and that
Megan and Sarah are just painting a mural in the wine cellar but now she really wants to go down
Daphne sighed and copied Blaise's stance. She folded her arms across her chest and leaned against
the wall beside him, her voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "I'm sorry. I'll tell them both that they
need to be more careful when they visit again."
Blaise watched as Theo grabbed Cordelia by the ankles and held her upside down, allowing
Astoria to tickle her daughter's ribs without mercy.
"I understand why you need to keep him down there Daphne, but I'm terrified that one of my
children are going to find him one day."
"He's safe down there," Daphne replied. "He's bound in chains, he's been stripped of his magic and
there are more enchantments in that wine cellar than what they used to have at Hogwarts. Barty
Crouch Jr is not getting out of there, Blaise. He can't hurt your children."
It was true what the Healer had said. To the rest of the world, no one had seen Crouch Jr since just
before Voldemort's downfall. No one had a clue where he was. They'd checked high and low, from
one end of the country to the next, but they hadn't thought to check the wine cellar in Malfoy
He was still in the same state, still bound to the same rickety old chair with the same rusting chains,
but he just had a new home, and as much as he'd have liked to be, he was never alone. In the
beginning, Daphne had gone down there almost nightly. She had a lot of pent-up anger for what
he'd done to her, and with the way the Ministry was demonizing her and her family in the papers,
well, she needed something to take her aggression out on.
And the best thing was, when the Ministry had come to do their initial inspections of the Manor
after the war - to make sure they weren't harbouring anything dangerous - Theo had placed that
many enchantments on Barty that the Ministry officials had walked right by him and not even
He'd screamed for them to help him but they hadn't been able to hear him, just like Theo hadn't
been able to hear Daphne when he'd searched Crouch's stables. Daphne had barely been able to
hide her smile.
It was excellent therapy. Torture, heal, repeat. Torture, heal, repeat. It was fabulous. Much better
than anything that Ministry ordered mind healer could deliver but after a while, Daphne found
herself going down there less and less. She'd thought that she could torture him forever but
eventually, she was bored with it. It didn't bring her the satisfaction that it used to because she
didn't really hate Crouch anymore.
Megan and Sarah still took advantage weekly but Daph ... she hadn't been down there in months.
She went down if the mood struck her on occasion, but these days, it hardly ever did.
She'd been telling the healer the truth. The name Barty Crouch Jr didn't hold anything over her
anymore. She felt nothing for him. He was nothing to her. The only reason she kept him alive at all
was because his life was still linked to hers and the others dolls', if it wasn't for that, she'd have
probably let him starve to death a year ago.
"My children are the most important thing to me and it's my job to keep them safe. I can't have
them asking questions and getting curious about what we keep in the cellar. If they snuck down
there by themselves..." Blaise's voice trailed off and he shuddered.
Daphne did too. The thought of little Cordelia going into that room alone, even if she couldn't see
Crouch, he'd be able to see her, and that thought alone was terrifying.
"Consider it taken care of," Daphne whispered softly. "We'll move him to the farmhouse
Blaise looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "You're sure?"
"Yes, I'll connect the Floo so Sarah and Megan can still visit, and we'll set charm alerts so we'll
know if he tries to escape. We'll still have to go every few days to make sure he's fed and healthy
enough, but we can't keep him here anymore, not if the children are getting curious."
Eventually - but not until Theo and Astoria had had (and won) a paint fight with the children -
Blaise conjured a set of robes and asked his wife to take a walk with him outside. With mum and
dad absent, Quinzel decided that it was time for the children to go to bed. The old elf hadn't been
the same since Romy died, but with the children around, a little life returned to her.
Daphne and Theo helped her where they could. Once Quinzel had bathed the three terrors, Daphne
and Theo wrangled them to bed. It took a while to entice them to actually get in their beds - and
Theo had to sing and enact two full Queen songs before they actually started to settle, but by the
time their uncle sang the second chorus of "We are the Champions," all three of them were finally
in the land of nod.
While Theo made sure everyone was tucked in - and not pretending to be asleep, like they
occasionally did - Daphne went downstairs. As she made her way through the dinning room, she
waved her hand and the mess started to magically take care of itself. Paint pots levitated to the sink
in the kitchen, and scrubbers started to work on the colourful swatches on the table.
Daphne didn't linger. She pushed the back door open and walked straight outside. She walked
through the gardens and past the Malfoy family cemetery, and she kept walking until she found the
cherry blossom tree.
Blaise and Astoria were still there. Daphne stayed back and watched them for a while, a small
smile on her face as she watched Astoria talk happily and make gestures to the elegant, oval-shaped
marble headstones. Just before the pair left, Astoria kissed the tips of her index and middle finger
and gently pressed them against the middle headstone.
When Daphne was alone, she gathered up the edges of her dress and knelt on the floor. She laid her
wand on the ground beside her and started to rearrange the flowers that were darted around the
grave. She'd always preferred to do this by hand.
"Hey you two," she whispered quietly, readjusting the already perfect roses. "We missed you both
today." She grabbed the cutters that were always laid to the right of the headstone and started to cut
the leaves off of the older roses. "Don't judge me too much for this," she said, nodding towards the
state of her dress. "The little ones got into the paint again. You would have loved them; they're
turning into quite the artists."
Daphne. Theo. Astoria. Blaise. Quinzel. The five of them had spent days making sure their graves
were perfect. It never needed much pruning but once a day - sometimes more - Daphne or one of
the others would come out and make it perfect. They needed to for their own sanity. Felt like they
owed them that at the very least.
When Daphne was finished, she stood up and stared down at the graves below, at the four names
that were missing from their family.
The four that were memorialised under the cherry blossom tree.
The four who'd had to die so that the other five could live.
She heard Theo approach sometime later but she didn't turn around. He stood behind her, wrapped
his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest. "Hi baby," he whispered. He kissed her
cheek and then pressed his hand ever so gently against the bottom of her stomach. "How are my
girls doing?"
Daphne smiled and leaned back against him, stealing his warmth. "What makes you so convinced
that it's a girl?"
She felt him grin against her cheek, peppering it with kisses before he answered. "Just a feeling."
"Hmmm, Draco Freddie Nott." Theo thought it over for a few seconds and then laughed. "Ooooh,
he'd fucking hate that," he added, nodding towards one of the middle headstone. "We have to do
Daphne fell quiet. Although she was nestled in her husbands arms, although she was hopeful for
what their future promised, she didn't feel whole. She should have done, but she didn't. Doubted
that she would ever again.
"You okay, baby?" Theo asked after a little while. "You seem a little ... off today."
"Do I?"
"Yeah," he whispered, pressing another kiss against her cheek. "What are you thinking about?"
Theo's body went rigid. She felt his eyes watching her face. "I know," was all he said.
"This should be them," Daphne hushed, nodding her chin toward the path Blaise and Astoria had
taken, the one that led back to the house. "They should be here with us. It's not fair."
"I know."
"They should have had this," Daphne laid her hand atop her husbands and intertwined their fingers.
"They would have been such good parents." Tears started to well in her eyes at the same moment
her throat burned. She'd done such a good job of keeping it together since she'd found out she was
expecting, but thinking about their child, looking down at the graves, it all hit her at once. Fucking
Theo took a deep breath, she felt it against her cheek, sharp and exhausted and relieved all at the
same time. "Is this why you're not excited about the baby yet?" He pressed down gently on the
small, barely there swell of her stomach. The gesture was small, but it was the most protective
thing she'd ever seen him do, and it brought fresh tears to her eyes.
She really had to endure six more months of this?! How did pregnant women not collapse from
Daphne sniffed and tried to steady herself. She used the back of her free hand to rid her face of
tears. "I am excited. It's just, every time I think about our baby, I think about the aunt and uncle
that they'll never get to meet."
"Don't you? Hermione should be teaching them to paint and Draco should be showing them how to
care for a dragon. They should be there, Theo. They should have had their happy ending, and I feel
so guilty that we get to live this fucking wonderful life, together, with our baby, and the two of
them don't."
Theo's curls ghosted the side of her face as he shook his head. "They're gone. It's time to let go of
the guilt."
"How can I do that when I know that I could have saved him?"
"Daph I was there. I saw the state Draco was in. There wasn't anything any of us could've done. He
was already pretty much gone by the time we got to the Cathedral."
"The house feels so empty without them," Daphne whispered. "Every time I look across the dining
table, it feels empty. No matter how many children Astoria takes in, the table is always going to
feel empty because Draco and Hermione aren't there." Her bottom lip started to quiver and she bit
onto it to keep hold of herself. Apart from her time with the healer, she'd had such a lovely day. She
felt so stupid ruining it now by crying. "I keep seeing his face all bloody like that... I should have
saved him-"
"No, you shouldn't have. You did the right thing in letting him go-"
"You didn't think that at the time," Daphne cut him off. Even though it'd been years, the way her
husband had begged for her to heal Draco was always fresh in her mind.
"Yeah, well, admittedly I didn't handle it the best..." Theo scoffed in her hair. His breath tickled her
neck and made goosebumps raise on the back of her arms. "But I didn't know about the promise
that you'd made him."
"If you'd have healed him, he'd have just found another way to be with her and that wouldn't have
been fair. This way was better, he got to go out on his own terms. You did the right thing in letting
him go Daph. It's what he wanted."
Theo's arms tightened around them both and he nuzzled his nose into the side of her neck. "Well,
have you seen either of them since they died? As ghosts, I mean?"
Daphne shifted in his arms slightly so she could look at him out of the corner of her eye. She shook
her head once.
"You see? That means that neither of them had any unfinished business when they died. It means
that they're at peace now."
"You can't know that. What if they aren't at peace? How can we be sure that we did the right
"Put it this way, during our service for the Dark Lord, we killed a lot of people, right? Hundreds?
"And when we killed people, do you remember how their faces had looked? Right before they
She'd obviously answered the way he'd wanted her to because a gentle smile spread across his face.
"And how did Draco look when he died?" he asked. "Did he look terrified?"
She thought about his face the last time she'd seen him. Even after all these years, it was
impossible to forget. She saw it every day. "He looked relieved that it was all finally over. He
looked... like he knew his suffering was coming to an end."
"Exactly." Theo tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "That's why I know we did the right thing.
After Hermione died, a life without her would have been torture for Draco, and after everything
he'd done for us, for this entire family - even the ones that he never got to meet," he said, tapping
gently on her stomach, "he didn't deserve that. He deserved to be at peace."
She liked the thought of that. He was in so much pain at the end, both physically and emotionally.
The thought that it'd all gone away after he'd died, the thought that he wasn't suffering anymore, it
comforted her - a little bit.
"I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I know that it's not the ending that any of us wanted
for them. I know we all wanted them to be alive and happy, growing old hearing stories of how
feral their children were, and listening to them argue with each other for all eternity, but that's life.
Sometimes, it doesn't turn out the way we want it to, but believe me, they're at peace now and
they're together, and that in itself, is a happy ending."
Daphne nodded and turned back to the graves. Draco had been very clear that he wanted to be
buried with her. He wanted them to be together in every possible way in this life, just in case he
couldn't follow her into the next, but what if he had? "Do you think he found Hermione in the
"You didn't see them together for as long as I did. Trust me, baby," Theo said, right before he
kissed the bridge of her nose. "I saw them move mountains for each other. I saw them literally
travel through the gates of hell for each other - it's going to take something a little more
complicated than death to keep the two of them apart."
Epilogue two
Draco felt nothing. He could hear nothing. Smell nothing. Might as well have been floating on a
cloud of nothingness for all the good his senses were. He had no idea where he was. He couldn't
even feel his own body anymore, which - if he really thought about it - wasn't the worst thing in
the world considering the pain he'd been in a few moments ago....
He was grateful that it hadn't, but he'd expected the pain to follow him when he'd died. After
everything he'd done, it was what he deserved. Wasn't it?
He'd spent the last twelve years committing the most atrocious acts. He was a war criminal and a
murderer, wasn't he supposed to pay for all of that upon his death? Wasn't he supposed to be
screaming and writhing in burning agony for the rest of eternity? Wasn't he supposed to pay for all
the hearts that he'd stopped from beating the moment his own stilled?
It's what he'd been preparing himself for. He hadn't expected... this. This nothingness. This lack of
pain or sensation of any kind.
But then again, maybe being conscious but nothing at the same time was a punishment in itself. To
feel nothing, taste nothing, see nothing, just be a ball of nothingness but completely aware and
know that there was no end, that sounded horrible. Sounded enough to make anyone go mad.
The thought made him panic. He gasped at the horror of what might likely be his new reality - and
it was then that he realised he felt it. He felt the breath that he'd just taken. Felt his lungs expand
and when he exhaled ... he felt them deflated.
So maybe he wasn't just nothing. Maybe there was more to him than that. He kept his eyes closed
and started to do a mental checklist in his head.
His toes were there. So were his shoulders. And his legs.
Was that ... grass that he could feel? Yes, he was sure of it. He could feel blades of grass between
his fingers. Soft and thin and damp, freshly mowed, the way they felt in the spring, when all the
dark and dreary nights had come to an end and everything was starting to grow afresh.
Hell wasn't supposed to feel like that, was it? All the books and scrolls described hell as hot. A
burning hellfire. An awful, torture chamber with moats made of fire and the air so hot it boils the
skin right off the bone. This place wasn't that, so what the fuck was it?
It was a trick. It had to be. After everything he'd done, there had to be more to it than this ...
Yes, there was more to come, he was sure of it. This was probably part of it. Lure him into a false
sense of security, get him to let his guard down, lower his defences, make him feel hopeful, only
for the pain and torment to start afterwards, made all the more agonising because it was so
unexpected, because he'd dared to hope that their might be better for him.
For a long time, he didn't move. He waited for the fire. Waited for the legendary pain to find him
and when nothing happened, he opened his eyes just a crack.
A gorgeous, clear blue sky was all he could see above him. There were even a few clouds. Since
when did hell have clouds?!
Even though there was no fire or smoke or discomfort of any kind, Draco was still cautious. He
stayed completely still and stared up ahead in silence, watching as one cloud rolled into the next.
He watched and watched, and it was only when a gentle breeze drafted across his face that he
moved at all, because he recognised the smell it carried.
Wisteria flowers but not the usual kind. No, no these were floral with a hint of something extra -
just like the ones his mother used to grow especially.
No. No, he couldn't be home. That was impossible, but for a split second, he dared to hope that he
could be.
Draco bolted upright into a sitting position and looked behind him -
Fucking hell, he was. He was home. Right there behind him, standing tall and proud as it ever had
been, was Malfoy Manor. It even had the huge trellis of white roses that he used to climb down to
sneak out of the house when he was young.
When Draco stood up, he found that his body no longer ached, and when he looked down, he
noticed that he was wearing a black shirt and trousers. His collar was open and the sleeves were
rolled up to his elbows -
And his father's wedding ring. He held his hand up to the light to examine it. It was still there, on
the fourth finger of his right hand and glittering softly in the sun. It'd followed him to wherever the
fuck this was. His hands weren't soaking with blood anymore either. Not his own. Not Voldemort's
or even Hermione's. His hands and clothes were clean.
He looked back up at the house again and for a moment, he thought about going inside but he
didn't. Instead - and merlin only knew why he did it - he decided to explore the grounds. He
walked through the gardens of his home in a dreamlike daze, taking everything in as though this
path that he'd walked a thousand times was suddenly brand new to him.
Every detail was just as he remembered it to be. The wisteria plants were flourishing right where
they'd always been. The Venomous Tentacular was thriving in its usual spot. It looked just like
Malfoy Manor but how could it have been? His family home was in ruins. It'd been burned to the
ground by Voldemort's followers weeks ago, so why did it look perfect now? Why did this whole
thing feel real? Why could he feel the sunlight warming his cheeks and a breeze on his neck?
His mind was buzzing with questions as he walked through the gardens. He took a left as he neared
the family cemetery -
He didn't need to see her. He'd recognise her voice anywhere, and hearing it after all these years, it
made him go cold.
His mother.
She was standing right there with Romy at her side. She looked exactly the same as she had the last
time he saw her and yet, nothing at all like the image that'd haunted his memory for years. She was
perfectly preened and there wasn't a drop of blood or a scratch on her. She was glowing and
youthful. Her face wasn't pale and contorted with pain anymore, she was smiling at him with tears
in her eyes.
It was strange to see her that way. Twelve years had passed and yet time hadn't touched her. She
looked like she was only about ten years older than him now.
The moment his mother saw him, she started to walk toward him.
"MASTER!" Romy squeaked as he sprinted ahead of Narcissa. He wrapped his little arms around
Draco's leg and sobbed into his trousers. "Oh, it is so good to see you sir it is! We has been missing
you a lot!"
His mother wasted no time. The moment he was within her reach, she seized his shoulders, pulled
him into her arms and squeezed him as hard as she could. "Oh sweetheart," she whispered in his
ear, sobbing a little. "I'm so sorry that you're here already but I'm so happy to see you!"
Draco didn't know what to say. Or what to do. His arms stayed limp at his sides and his voice was
trapped in his throat. Was any of this real? She felt real but he didn't know what to think. He could
feel her arms around him. He could feel her tears wetting the side of his face, but it felt too good to
be true.
After all the people that he'd hurt, he didn't deserve this. He deserved to burn.
His mother placed her hands on his shoulders, and took a step back so that she could look at him
properly. "Oh look at you," she half-laughed, half-sobbed, nothing but pride and love beaming out
of her soft blue eyes. "You've changed so much."
Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Draco wished he could find his voice to ask.
"I know this place is a lot to take in at first sweetheart but you'll adjust. I'll help you get through it."
When he didn't answer, she cupped the left side of his face in her hand, and gently ran her thumb
back and forth over his cheek. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."
I think I do, was what he wanted to say but again, words failed him.
His mother released him and took another step back. She held her arm up and smiled gently at him.
"I'm sure you have a thousand questions," she said. "Come and sit with me. I'll explain everything."
His mouth might not have been working but his legs did just fine. With no hesitation at all, he
linked his arm through hers and the two of them started to walk, together, arm in arm, retracing
steps that they hadn't walked together in over a decade.
Romy and Narcissa chatted idly as they made their way through the grounds but Draco remained
silent. He had so many questions, he didn't know where to start, each one felt just as important as
the one before it, they were swarming inside of his head like a colony of angry bees, fighting to get
out first.
His mother guided him to the bench under the Cherry Blossom tree. As they sat down, she
motioned for him to sit beside her and asked Romy if he'd mind bringing them something to drink.
The elf nodded happily and disappeared with a gentle pop.
When his mother had still been alive, this bench had been their spot. It used to be a bit of a safe
haven for both of them. It was far away enough from the main house that his mother felt like they
could speak freely without fear of being overheard. When she'd been alive, they used to go on
walks to this bench all the time.
"The secrets bench", that was their name for it. It was a safe space, and it had been for Draco ever
since he was a child. Whatever was said on that bench was sacred. Whatever was said on that
bench wasn't to be repeated when they left it, and after she'd died, the rest of his family had
continued with the silly tradition. He and Daphne used to meet at it to talk about the war. He and
Astoria used to go on walks to it to spill secrets to one another.
Draco had even been tempted to carve his mother's name into the bench after she'd died. The only
reason he hadn't was because he didn't want Voldemort to find out that this bench had meant
something to him and rip it out.
So many secrets had been laid bare here over the years. Theo had sat here once and told Draco
how scared he was to take the Dark Mark, and Blaise had revealed that he didn't think he had the
strength to survive the coming carnage, right on these few scraps of wood. It was a place where a
person could bear their soul without fear of judgement. A place where you could reveal your
deepest and darkest secrets, but over time, it became so much more than that.
It wasn't just secrets that were shared on the bench, it was a place where a person could be
completely honest, let their guard down, drop the pretences and let whatever monsters had been
plaguing them run wild.
He remembered sitting on this bench with Hermione. She'd just saved his life and they sat on this
bench together, smoked cigarettes, and he'd told her his dragon's name. That'd been the first time
he'd ever let his guard down with her, and it'd been on this exact bench. He hadn't realised it until
that moment, and it made a small smile peel onto his face.
Draco's eyes snapped up to meet his mother's. She was watching him closely, a twinkle in her eyes.
"You've been wearing it a lot recently, I smile every time she brings it out of you."
She. She'd said 'she', as in Granger. Did his mother somehow know about the two of them? He
wasn't ready to know. Didn't dare chance it and possibly ruin their reunion ...
"What exactly is this place?" he asked. The words just slipped out. It wasn't the most important
question, didn't have anything to do with what his mother had just said but it came out of his
mouth, nonetheless.
She didn't seem phased by his abrupt change in topic. "None of us are really sure of the name of it,"
she answered. "Heaven sounds like such a ridiculous thing - but I suppose ... the Afterlife would be
a rather fitting name for it." She gave him a moment to let that sink in before she carried on. "You
see, we're hidden from those who are still alive. I'm not exactly sure myself how it all works, but
what I do know is that those who're still alive can't see us, but we can see them, if we want to, that
Dread twisted through his chest - even that felt real too. "You mean you can see what happens on
the..." The other side? The real world? The land of the living? What exactly was he supposed to
call it?
"Oh yes," she answered, still smiling softly. "We can see everything that happens in the world of
the living if we want to, and if we don't, well, then we don't have to either. It's completely up to
you. I find it best not to watch too often, it can be quite painful at first, watching how the world
goes on without you, but after a while, a visit here and there, it's not too bad. I find it helps the
adjustment period."
"Not everything.” She shook her head. "It takes a great deal of practice, and it's quite exhausting so
you can't do it all the time but yes, we can check in on the living if we really want to."
"Of course I have, I'm your mother," she said it slowly, firmly, as though the very idea that she
wouldn't have kept an eye on her only son all these years was outrageous. "I needed to make sure
that you were safe, even if there was nothing I could do to help you."
"How often did you..." come and see me? Was that the right way to phrase it? Fuck knew.
"At the beginning, I tried to check in daily - I would have done if the process wasn't so bloody
complicated and tiring. Your father tried to talk me out of it. He said that as long as you didn't
appear here, that meant that you were fine enough and I should be content with that but I couldn't
help myself. I needed to know if you were alright."
Her words of comfort did the opposite. Paranoia, dread, anxiety, all three of them started to
blossom in his chest. He watched her closely as she continued, fiddling with the rings that'd
followed him into this new life. He immediately found that the new one was his favourite.
"I loved watching you with that dragon," she continued. "It gave you a purpose and a distraction
outside of the war. I loved watching you teach her how to breathe fire and learn her about the
world. And I loved, oh Salazar, Draco, it made me so happy to watch the two of you flying
together when she was too little to have you on her back. It was one of the last times I saw you
genuinely smile."
The anxiety started to settle a little. He'd completely forgotten about that. Before his dragon had
been big enough to mount, he'd got his broom and took to the skies beside her. It'd been a welcome
distraction for Draco. He told Voldemort that it was a necessary training exercise, but in reality, he
just wanted an escape from it all. They used to spend hours and hours in the air together, soaring
above the clouds. It was so many years ago, it felt like another li -
"Why?" Draco asked, voice hoarse, throat closing, anxiety roaring back to life.
"Because I couldn't continue to watch the way you were changing. I could see that the war was
draining the life out of you. Every time I visited, I could see it carving out my son and taking pieces
of him away. The more it went on, the colder you became. The less you smiled. The less you
laughed and after a while, I just couldn't see you like that, especially when there was nothing that I
could do to take away your pain."
"So what else did you see?" He didn't want to know the answer, feared it would stain their reunion
but he had to ask it. Couldn't stop himself.
His mother watched him very closely when she answered him. "Not everything, dear, but..."
Fucking hell, he'd been afraid of that. The dread that'd been gathering in his chest got so bad that he
had to look away. He stared at the grass near his feet. His hand gripped the edge of the bench.
She'd seen it all then. She'd seen all the horrid, repulsive things that he'd done during the war. She'd
seen the utter monster that he'd become since she'd died.
He hadn't realised that his Occlumency walls weren't up until he felt his mother take his hand and
squeeze it reassuringly.
"Try not to fret about it too much, sweetheart," she told him. She squeezed his hand again but he
still couldn't look at her. "In the end, you were the one who killed Voldemort. It might not undo the
things that you did, but he can't hurt anyone else now because of you. Killing him, that saved so
many lives, so try and focus on that instead."
Draco nodded once. He wanted to look at her to see if it was genuine but he couldn't, wasn't brave
enough to yet. Instead, he stared at the house, would've stared at a fucking single blade of grass all
day if it meant that he didn't have to meet his mother's eyes yet. He looked at the bricks just above
the kitchen window, just in time to see a head of white hair disappear behind a curtain in a second-
story window.
"Don't worry about your father." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his mother shake her head and
scoff lightly. "He's still having trouble adjusting. I dare say that he'll never truly get used to the
idea but that matters not to me. Let him lock himself away and sulk about it alone for all I care. He
can waste his afterlife being a bitter old man, but he's not going to waste mine, too."
Draco's brows met in the middle. His father had never claimed to be the most adaptable man on the
planet but he'd been dead for years. Surely there had to come a time when even he had to accept
what'd happened to him and move on?
"How can he still not be used to this? He's been here for what? Twelve years? You'd think that he'd
be over it by now."
What an incredibly naïve thing to say. He'd been here for two minutes and he already thought he
knew how this place worked. Could he ever really get used to ... this, whatever it was?
His mother gave him a knowing smile. Given her age, her eyes should have crinkled but they
didn't. No wonder she didn't seem to mind it here. "I'm not talking about him not being used to
being here, darling, he's not used to you and Hermione being together."
Draco scoffed before he could help it. That was so typical of his father. He could get passed the
afterlife and the notion that some form of life does go on after death, he could get passed himself
and his wife being brutally murdered and their son going on to commit the most atrocious war
crimes known to man, but his son falling for a Mudblood? Oh no, that was just too much.
"So you've seen that too, then?" Draco asked, just about managing to keep the anger out of his
voice. "Me and her?"
"Not everything. Just bits and pieces, but I've seen enough." Her eyes flickered down, and she
smiled affectionately as she ran her thumb back and forth over the new ring on his left hand. "It
suits you."
"No." She met his eyes again and her smile only grew. "Devotion. Being in love. She brings out the
best in you, I can't wait to thank her personally when she gets back-"
His mother could have told him the cure to mortality and he wouldn't have heard her. All he could
think about was one thing. All he knew was one word, one name.
At the mere mention of her, he was on his feet. "She's here?!" He looked towards the grounds, the
Manor, the fields - If she was here, then why hadn't she come to find him?
She blamed him, that must've been it. She blamed Draco for what'd happened to her - and rightly
so. This was all his fault. It was his job to protect her and he'd failed. He should have ignored
everything she'd said, knocked her out, and escaped on Narcissa's back where no one would ever
find them.
"Oh yes, she's here, your little lion." Although his mother was smiling, her voice was very sombre
and a sadness crept into her eyes. "It broke my heart, seeing what happened to her. She was so
brave in the end, I was so looking forward to meeting her properly but I haven't had the pleasure
"Why not?" he asked, still scanning the grounds, trying to figure out where she might've been
His mother chuckled and shook her head. "Because I wasn't able to get anywhere near her. As soon
as she got here, that bloody dragon of yours monopolised her."
His heart leapt in his throat. They were both here. A small bubble of hope swelled in the pit of his
stomach. "Where are they?"
"They're together, of course," she told him, smiling like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Draco started to search the sky. He squinted into the clouds but he couldn't see anything, the sun
was too bright.
His mother caught hold of his wrist and pulled him back down onto the bench. "Relax, sweetheart.
I'm sure they'll be back soon."
Draco nodded. He tried his best to settle but all of a sudden it felt like his nerves were on fire. He
started to bounce his knee nervously and every few seconds, his eyes would dart back to the sky in
search of a winged silhouette.
"I was watching from the window when Hermione got here," his mother said softly. "I think she
understood what this place was the moment she opened her eyes here but your dragon, bless her
heart, she didn't. Poor thing was very disorientated when she woke up here. Started screeching and
clawing at everything in her path. I think she was looking for you and when she couldn't find you,
she started to panic."
Romy returned with a silver tray and a pot of tea. He whistled happily as he conjured three tea cups
and busied himself with pouring drinks. He handed one to Narcissa, then Draco, then hopped up on
the bench beside Narcissa with his own cup in his hands.
"Romy likes this very much. He is very glad to have you here sir, very glad indeed," Romy
chirped. "He is going to make a great big feast for dinner to welcome Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger
"That sounds lovely," Narcissa responded before sipping her mug. "Would you like some help?"
Draco nearly choked on his tea. "Since when do you cook?" Since when did his mother help a
house elf with anything?! She'd never been cruel to the elves that'd worked in the manor - unlike
his father - but she'd never, in Draco's entire life, offered to help one.
"Miss Narcissa helps Romy cook a lot," Romy answered. "She helps him make dinner most nights.
She is good cook, although Romy does not let her make roast potatoes." Romy blobbed his tongue
out like he'd tasted something disgusting and made a retching noise. "She is not being very good at
Draco looked at his mother as he brought his cup to his lips. "You? Make dinner?" he asked as he
took the first sip. Tea. Warm and sweet. It tasted real, exactly how it'd been in life. "With a house
"I make dinner for him sometimes, too. I saw how much fun Astoria always seemed to have when
she cooked with Romy so when he arrived here, I thought I'd give it a go," she laughed. "I've told
Romy he is no longer bound to our house and he is free to go wherever he wants - "
"NO!" the little elf interrupted, horrified, distraught at the very thought. "No! Romy is staying
here! Romy likes it here-"
"I know, don't worry," Narcissa said, cutting him off. "I was only explaining to my son that you are
not being forced to be here, you could go at any time, should you wish to, but you like it here so
you remain."
"Oh yes, Romy would never leave here, Miss. Romy loves it here.” He nodded so enthusiastically
that it looked like his floppy ears might fly off. "And it is going to be so much better now that
Master Draco and Miss Hermione is here, too."
"Ah, yes, that's what I was saying.” His mother elegantly took a small sip of her tea and then set it
down on the saucer in her lap. "Your dragon was very distressed when she arrived here - "
"So Romy went out to calm her, he did," the elf nodded, smiling and happily swinging his legs off
the side of the bench.
When his mother was alive, she might have been put out by getting cut off mid-sentence but now,
she just smiled down at Romy and nodded. Draco got the impression that the two of them had
formed quite a bond while they'd been here together. Draco could hardly blame her, Romy's
happiness and warmth was probably a welcome breath of fresh air compared to his father's
"I know your dragon was never the fondest of Romy, but we thought she might calm down a little
when she saw him," his mother continued. "You know, familiarity and all that, but she didn't. She
didn't seem to like Romy being there one bit."
"Noooooo," Romy added, shaking his head and dropping into a low voice like he was in a
pantomime. "Nope. Nope. Nope, she did not like it. Not one bits."
"I went outside too but that didn't do any good either. I'd watched you calm her a thousand times by
running your hand over her snout so I thought .. Well, that didn't work either." She flexed her left
hand, shook her head and gave a throaty laugh as if she was shaking off the memory. "She almost
bit my hand off."
"Dead?" his mother asked sarcastically, sounding an awful lot like Theo. "Well, I don't know if
anything would have really happened, but I didn't want to chance having to walk around with a
stump for a hand for the rest of eternity, so I thought it best to just let her be."
Draco's lips tugged into a barely-there smile. He'd forgotten how dry his mother's sense of humour
was. If anything, death seemed to have made her freer. She was more relaxed now.
"Well, your dragon..." she said, falling back into her story. "Nothing could calm her down. She was
roaring and screeching and trying to burn everything in sight, I was worried the Manor wouldn't
last, but as soon as Hermione got here, she calmed. I swear that dragon is more in sync with that
girl than she ever was with you."
"Yes I saw her and yes, she looked fine." His mother caught his hand again and gave it a squeeze.
"The pain doesn't follow you here. She woke up in the gardens, same as you, and I think she must
have heard your dragon screeching because she came running in, full pelt, no regard for her own
safety. She ran straight towards that dragon, not caring that her fangs were gnashing blindly or that
fire was blazing everywhere. She put her hand out and ran it across her scales and just like that- the
beast was calm," his mother said, snapping her fingers for emphasis. "Your dragon nuzzled into
Hermione's hands like she was trying to hug her. Hermione smiled and whispered something to her,
then she got on her back and the two of them flew off somewhere. I don't know what she said, but I
got the impression that Hermione was taking her out of the way somewhere."
Draco smiled. That was so fucking Hermione Granger of her, of course she'd spend her first few
minutes of whatever the fuck this was looking after something else. That bleeding Gryffindor heart
of hers.
"And I must say," his mother said, "although you named that dragon after me - she doesn't seem to
like me very much. She doesn't seem to like anyone apart from you and -"
He briefly saw his mother's lips move as she tried to finish her thought but he couldn't hear what
she said. Her words were drowned out by a noise. A noise that'd made even the bravest men quake
in fear during the war, a noise that'd given men night terrors but sounded like the sweetest of music
in Draco's ears now.
A roar.
A loud, thunderous roar and the sound of leathery wings flapping high in the air.
Draco was on his feet before the black shadow eclipsed the bench. He looked towards the sky but
he couldn't see the sun anymore, it was being blocked out by a huge, reptilian figure that was
slowly gliding down from the clouds.
As his dragon neared the ground, she swung the lower half of her body forward and started to flap
her wings to steady her descent, and it created a massive wind tunnel.
His mother got to her feet and held onto the bottom of her skirt to keep it from riding up, and Romy
was almost knocked over by the strength of it. His mother tutted under her breath as his dragon's
back legs unearthed the perfectly laid grass. Trust her to be concerned about the state of her lawn,
even in the afterlife.
When Narcissa's winged front claws touched the ground, she reared her head back and gave out an
ear-piercing, threatening roar that was loud enough to make the earth shake and blood run cold.
His mother and Romy took a wise step back but Draco moved forward.
Because Narcissa was there and she was whole again. Her chest wasn't caved in like it'd been when
she'd died. Her eyes were bright and alive and even from the distance, heat radiated from her body,
just as it had when she'd been alive.
His mother hadn't been exaggerating, Narcissa was very disorientated. She landed in the gardens
about fifty feet away from where he was standing and she didn't even see him at first.
When he started to approach her, she reared her head high in the air and bared her fangs. She was
on high alert and ready to kill. She was acting on instinct, protecting something, some precious to
her, something she thought was hers.
When the dragon stalked closer, Romy and his mother continued their retreat but Draco walked
toward her.
"Draco, please be careful," his mother warned. He felt her fingers ghost on the back of his arm like
she was trying to grab him but he was already too far in front of her. "She might not be all there
His dragon started to growl. A soft light gathered in the back of her throat -
But then she recognised him. Draco saw it flash in her scarlet red eyes the moment she realised it
was him. Her jaws snapped shut and she tilted her enormous head to the side. She watched him for
a few moments, then she started to make that low chirping noise that made her sound like a
hatchling again. She was confused that he was there but she was happy to see him. She moved to
step forward, a low rumbling sound tumbling from behind her closed jaw, then she lowered her
neck to the ground and right there, sitting at the base of her neck -
Even though he'd felt his heart stop a few minutes ago, even though he knew it was dead in his
chest, he fucking swore that he felt it beat again the moment he saw her.
There she was, sitting happily between his dragon's shoulders, the most real and beautiful and
fierce thing he'd ever seen.
She was there but just like his mother and his dragon, she didn't look anything like the last time
he'd seen her. There was no blood. She was unhurt and perfect in every sense of the word. She was
wearing that red summer dress that she used to wear around the manor and her hair shone like spun
caramel as the light bounced off of it.
Hermione squinted across the gardens and when she saw him, time stood still. Her lashes fluttered
and she froze. She opened her mouth but didn't speak, couldn't speak, like seeing him there had
knocked the words from her lungs just like it had for him.
He was there.
His dragon lowered her right shoulder to the ground. Hermione slipped off her back and landed on
the grass with a soft thud.
Time still didn't restart, but Draco's heart felt like it was beating ten-fold.
He stared at Hermione, and she stared right back at him like she couldn't decide if he was real or
not. Neither of them moved. He didn't breathe. He wondered if she did.
He'd never wanted something to be real more than he did in those moments. She looked real. She
looked like a fucking dream that he never wanted to wake up from...
But what if she wasn't ... What if he'd been right? What if this was all part of his punishment and
any moment, she was going to be taken from him.
Suddenly he couldn't breathe. Suddenly, he felt his heart again for what it was. Cold in his chest.
Unbeating. Dead.
If she wasn't real ... then it was the highest form of cruelty. If this wasn't real ...
And then he sprinted towards her. Ran for her like a bat out of hell. He had to know. Had to touch
her and smell her and taste her before this whole thing evaporated.
She started to run towards him but she didn't get far. Must've only taken about ten steps before he
slammed into her. He scooped her up into his arms. His lips crashed against hers and he kissed her
like he wanted to leave her as breathless as she made him feel.
She was warm and soft, and tasted bitter and sweet. He fisted his hands in her curls and pulled her
body tightly against his. He couldn't get enough of her. He kissed her like she was all he needed to
feel alive again.
Hermione kissed him back just as fiercely. She fisted her hands against his scalp and pulled him
down into her mouth. She'd never held onto him so tightly. She'd never kissed him so desperately
"No." Despite the happiness in her voice, Hermione shook her head. "No, no, no," she said between
kisses. Her fingers held onto his face so tightly that her nails bit into his skin, but it didn't matter to
him. He welcomed it. It meant that she was there. It meant that he was with her again. "No. Why
are you here?" Another kiss. "It's not your time." Another kiss. "You're not supposed to be here
For the first time since he'd stopped breathing, Draco laughed. She'd done it again. Even in death,
she'd breathed life back into him. His hands tightened around her waist. He wouldn't be parted from
her. Never again. If the devil was coming to drag him down to hell, he'd have the fight of his life
on his hands. "Did you honestly think that I was going to let you get away from me that easily?" he
whispered, his lips brushing against hers with every word. "'Till death do us part' was utter
bullshit. Death was never going to part us, I decided that a long time ago."
"How are you here?!" she asked, hands still threaded in his hair, still kissing him.
Everything felt real. Her waist. Her curls in his hand and her lips on his tongue. It all felt real and if
it wasn't .. if this was the price he had to pay then he'd fucking welcome it. An eternity of torture
didn't sound so bad if he could keep hold of these memories.
"No, I haven't seen anything." She kissed him again once, twice, three times, and then she suddenly
stiffened in his arms. She pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Oh God, please, please tell me that
you didn't do anything stupid?"
He leaned his forehead against hers. Her lashes fluttered against his cheeks. " You're a clever girl,"
he whispered, right before he leaned in and stole another kiss. He had a feeling it might be the last
one for a minute. She was going to be very cross with him when she found out what he'd done.
"Figure it out."
The seconds ticked by. Her hands slid down to cup his face and she stared at him with tears fresh in
her eyes. "After I died..." she murmured, already putting the pieces together. "You went after him,
didn't you? Voldemort?"
"Ding, ding, ding, five points to Gryffindor," he grinned. He peppered kisses along the edge of her
mouth, across her cheek, and made a path to her ear so that he could whisper in it. "It was a
Sectrumsempra that got me in the end. Potter will be chuffed."
She smacked him hard across the shoulder and he laughed again.
He shouldn't have been smiling but he was. Smiling like a fucking fool without a care in the world
because he didn't. He was dead but he was with her. The world would go on without him and that
was completely fine, because his world had stopped the moment her heart had stopped beating.
"Did you even wait for the others to come and help you?" Hermione hissed, fire in her eyes and
fury in her voice. She looked fucking incredible.
"You fucking idiot!" she hissed, smacking his arm again. "You shouldn't have done that! You
should have waited - " She tried to smack him again, but he caught her arm and yanked her
forward. His mouth silenced hers.
"I told you in this life or the next, remember?" he asked against her lips. "I was coming after you
one way or another, I just wanted to take him out first before I did."
She tried to smack him again, clearly not done arguing yet, but Draco kissed her into submission.
When something large and solid as a brick wall nudged into Draco's side, Hermione started
He chuckled against her lips but kept kissing her. Narcissa huffed and pressed her snout underneath
Draco's elbow and tried to force herself into a non-existent space -
Keeping a hand wrapped firmly around Hermione's waist, Draco leaned forward and pressed his
palm against the scales that lined Narcissa's cheek, and as he leaned in, her red eye watched him
Warm. Like hot coals recently pulled from a fireplace, and when she purred in contentment, the
sound vibrated through his body, right to the tips of his toes, just like it had done when she was
They were here. They both were, and even though all of them were dead, it felt real, and that was
more than enough for Draco.
Narcissa purred and curled her body around the pair of them. Uniting them. Protecting what was
hers. Theirs. It was all the same now.
"Look," Hermione's smile was as gentle as candlelight as she looked down at his forearm. "It's
As always, she was right. The Dark Mark was gone. Where there was once a tattoo, there was now
only clean skin.
He shivered as Hermione ran her palm gently over his forearm. She smiled when her eyes landed
on the new ring on her finger.
"Told you you'd be wearing it eventually." Draco leaned down to kiss her again, but when his
mother suddenly cleared her throat, Hermione pulled herself out of his arms. Well, she tried to.
Draco wasn't going to let her go. Never again.
"Please dear, call me Narcissa." His mother smiled. "You are wearing my ring after all."
Hermione stiffened but Draco just pulled her tighter into his side and chuckled into her hair. She
looked down at her hand briefly -
"Don't you dare think about giving it back," his mother scolded softly. "It's yours now," she added,
holding her arms out.
Although his mother had moved forward with nothing but good intentions, his dragon didn't.
Narcissa lurched forward and snapped her teeth in her namesakes direction, and when his mother
raised her hand, his dragon hissed and curled her body around Draco and Hermione like she was
protecting a clutch of eggs.
"Cissa it's fine," Draco hushed, running his hand back and forth over her warm scales. "She would
never hurt - "
But his mother had taken a step closer, and his dragon wasn't taking any changes. She opened her
mouth and fire started to gather in the back of her throat -
"I think it's best if you two take her out of the way," his mother told him, taking a wise step back.
"Before she burns our afterlife to the ground."
The moment the first Narcissa Malfoy backed away, the second calmed.
"Are you sure?" Draco asked. Their reunion had been so short.
"Yes. The two of you should go and be together for a little while," his mother said, tears in her eyes
as she looked back and forth between him and Hermione and the rings they both now wore. "We
have all the time in the world. I'll still be here when you get back."
Draco nodded. Yes, she was right. This place wasn't going anywhere. This wasn't goodbye, he'd
never have to say goodbye to either of them again. This place, whatever the fuck it was, it wasn't a
place for heartbreak or sadness, it was a place for family's to be reunited. He'd see her again very
soon. That, he was very certain of.
His mother waved her temporary goodbyes, Romy did the same, and as soon as they were back in
the house, Narcissa relaxed and uncoiled her body. She laid her shoulder against the ground again
and Hermione climbed onto her back, and once she'd settled between the dragons shoulders,
Hermione leaned forward and held out her hand for Draco to take. "So, Rome or Iceland?"
"Where do you want to start?" she asked, grinning down at him from atop his dragon's back.
"Personally, I like the thought of seeing the Northern lights first, but it's up to you."
"We said that we'd travel the world together in this life or the next, didn't we?" Hermione clarified.
"Well, we're here now, aren't we? We have this other life, so where do you want to start?"
He scoffed and shook his head. He took Hermione's hand, and she pulled him up onto Narcissa's
back. He settled comfortably behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, and just as his
dragon opened her wings, he leaned down, rested his chin on her shoulder, and whispered into her
ear huskily, "You decide. I followed you in death, I'll follow you fucking anywhere, my little lion."
No sooner than the words had left his lips, Narcissa started to take flight. She carried all three of
them into the air, and as Malfoy Manor disappeared below them, as they lost themselves in the
clouds - free and together, at last - Draco could think about only one thing. He had a fresh start. He
had another life - with Hermione fucking Granger. Who would've thought that he'd get to be so