CJM 098
CJM 098
CJM 098
thor 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society.
doi:10.1093/ejo/cjm098 All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected].
SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of a multiloop edgewise archwire
(MEAW) with a plain ideal archwire (IA) on distal en masse movement of the mandibular dentition. A
incorporated in the MEAW together with intermaxillary
The incidence of a Class III malocclusion is predominant in elastics can allow individual tooth movements and make it
Korean orthodontic patients (48%; Yang, 1995) and mandibular possible to upright posterior teeth, to change the inclination
prognathism is one of the most prevalent complaints (Im of the occlusal planes, to correct the occlusal sagittal
et al., 2003). If the skeletal pattern of a Class III malocclusion relationship, and to obtain the correct intercuspation in a
is within the range of orthodontic treatment, fixed orthodontic significantly shorter time (Sato, 1992; Chang et al., 2004).
appliances with a dentoalveolar compensation mechanism Jin et al. (2004) reported that the main change after treat-
can achieve a normal occlusion (Ishikawa et al., 2000; Costa ment with the MEAW technique was dentoalveolar
Pinho et al., 2004; Janson et al., 2005). compensation.
There are numerous studies concerning the characteristics Although there are several studies concerning distal en
of dentoalveolar compensation according to the skeletal masse movement of the maxillary dentition (Chun and
pattern (Downs, 1948; Schudy, 1964; Sassouni, 1969; Nahm, 1991; Lee and Nahm, 1994; Chang et al., 2004),
Bibby, 1980; Casko and Sheperd, 1984; Choi and Yang, research is still required. The purpose of this study was to
1984; Chang and Moon, 1999; Kim et al., 2005). Jacobson investigate the effect of MEAW on initial stress distribution
(1975) suggested that a Class III molar relationship could and displacement for distal en masse movement of the
be changed into a Class I relationship as the occlusal plane mandibular dentition using a three-dimensional finite
would rotate upward and forward with Class III elastics. To element model (3D FEM).
correct an anterior crossbite and Class III molar relationship,
distal en masse movement of the mandibular dentition is
Materials and methods
usually required (Figure 1).
The multiloop edgewise archwire (MEAW, 0.016 × 0.022 A 3D FEM was used to construct the anatomical structures
inch, Permachrome standard, 3M Unitek, Monrovia, and physical characteristics of the mandibular teeth, the
California, USA) could be considered an effective tool for periodontal membrane (PDM), and the alveolar bones,
distal en masse movements (Kim, 1987; Baek and Yang, with restraints 3 mm below the apices of the mandibular
1991; Chun and Nahm, 1991; Sato, 1992; Yang et al., 2001; dentition (Figure 2). The reason for the restraints was to
Chang et al., 2004). In the finishing stages, engagement of permit movement of the teeth in the alveolar bone rather
full-size rectangular stainless steel wires of high stiffness than the basal bone. Fabrication of the 3D FEMs for each
into fully programmed brackets minimizes individual tooth tooth, PDM, alveolar bone, standard edgewise brackets
movement. However, multiple L-loops and tip-back bends (0.018 × 0.025 inch, 3M Unitek) and plain continuous ideal
archwire (IA, 0.016 × 0.022 inch, 3M Unitek), and MEAW were considered to have linear elasticity and isometric
(0.016 × 0.022 inch) were followed using the protocol of properties of the same quality. Young’s modulus (Kgf/mm2)
Chang et al. (2004). and Poisson’s ratio for the tooth (2.0 × 103, 0.3), PDM
Briefly, 3D FEMs of the teeth were constructed according (6.8 × 10−2, 0.49), alveolar bone (1.4 × 103, 0.3), and
to Wheeler (1965), Choi and Yang (1984), and Kim et al. bracket and wire (21.4 × 103, 0.3) were allocated according
(1992). The maxillary and mandibular dentitions were to Tanne et al. (1987) and Chang et al. (2004). The 3D
aligned according to the Tru-arch form (medium size, FEMs for the teeth and standard edgewise brackets were
Ormco Co., West Collins Orange, California, USA). The 3D made with 3D quadrangular and hexagonal elements, the
FEMs of the PDM were constructed to fit outside of the root PDM with thin shell elements, and the IA and MEAW with
with a thickness of 0.25 mm (Coolidge, 1937) and those for 3D beam elements. The number of 3D elements was 9585,
the alveolar bone of the mandible to fit the PDM (Singh and the nodes of the IA and MEAW, 2175 and 2750,
et al., 1998, 2000). 3D FEMs of 0.018 × 0.025-inch standard respectively.
edgewise brackets (3M Unitek) were made and attached to Using an imaginary line that passed through the FA point
Results extrusion and intrusion was higher with the IA than with
the MEAW. However, there was no significant vertical
The IA showed that stress was concentrated on specific
displacement of the whole mandibular dentition with the
distal areas such as the mandibular canine and first premolar
MEAW (Figure 5E).
adjacent to the posts, where Class III elastics were applied
For the MEAW, distolingual rotations of the lateral
(Figure 4A). However, MEAW revealed relatively even
incisor and canine were prominent due to flexibility of the
distribution of stress throughout the whole dentition in spite
archwire between first L-loop and the adjacent teeth. In
of Class III elastics (Figure 4B).
contrast, rotation of posterior teeth was not observed with
The initial lingual and distal bodily displacements and
the MEAW (Figure 5F).
lingual tipping movements were concentrated on the anterior
part of the mandibular dentition (Figure 5A–C). However, the
amounts of these bodily displacements and tipping movements Discussion
with MEAW were lower and more uniform than with the IA.
Class III malocclusions can be corrected with a combination
For mesiodistal tipping movements, IA showed that distal
Figure 5 Comparison of displacement, tipping, and rotation between the ideal archwire (IA) and the multiloop edgewise archwire (MEAW) with 5 degree Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/ejo/article/30/1/10/474375 by guest on 09 August 2023
tip-back bends and Class III elastics. (A) Labiolingual bodily displacement; +, lingual displacement; –, labial displacement. (B) Mesiodistal bodily
displacement; +, mesial displacement; –, distal displacement. (C) Labiolingual tipping; +, crown lingual tipping; –, crown labial tipping. (D) Mesiodistal
tipping; +, crown mesial tipping; –, crown distal tipping. (E) Vertical displacement; +, intrusive translation; –, extrusive translation. (F) Rotation; +,
mesiolingual rotation; –, distolingual rotation. 1, right central incisor; 2, right lateral incisor; 3, right canine; 4, right first premolar; 5, right second premolar;
6, right first molar; 7, right second molar.
periodontal stress and strain generated by the orthodontic Chun and Nahm, 1991; McGuinness et al., 1992; Cobo et al.,
forces. Since periodontal stress is transferred to the alveolar 1993, 1996; Hwang and Suhr, 1994; Puente et al., 1996;
bone and induces bone remodelling and tooth movement, the Chang et al., 2004). However, these studies have some
amount of stress and strain in the PDM have been calculated limitations because only the initial movements that occur in
to quantify simulated orthodontic tooth movement using the PDM were calculated with the mathematical model. This
computer-based programs (Williams and Edmundson, 1984; initial movement should be differentiated from secondary
Tanne et al., 1987; Fotos et al., 1990; Andersen et al., 1991; movements that are mediated by continuous bone resorption
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