Ufgs 26 42 22.00 20
Ufgs 26 42 22.00 20
Ufgs 26 42 22.00 20
SECTION 26 42 22.00 20
1.5.1 Regulatory Requirements
1.5.2 Standard Products Alternative Qualifications Material and Equipment Manufacturing Date
3.1.1 Anode Installation Icing Climate Requirements Anode Placement Anode Hangers Handholes
3.1.2 Anode Connection Anode Lead Wires Anode Header Cable Splices
3.1.3 Rectifiers Rectifier Installation Wire-To-Tank Connections
3.1.4 Permanent Reference Electrodes Permanent Reference Electrode Calibration Installation
3.4.1 Minimum
3.4.2 Maximum
3.5.1 Destructive Testing
3.5.2 Wire for Power Service
3.5.3 Initial Cathodic Protection System Field Testing
3.5.4 Initial Cathodic Protection System Field Test Report
SECTION 26 42 22.00 20
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for steel water tank cathodic
protection systems using impressed current systems
and galvanic anodes.
The Preparing Activity, Naval Facilities Engineering
Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, has significant
experience and technical expertise in the area of
field testing and commissioning of new systems. If
Reach-back support is required, the technical
representative (electrical engineer) editing this
document for a specific project shall contact the
NAVFAC Atlantic Capital Improvements Electrical
Engineering (CIEE) office for consultation during
the design stage of the project and include the
bracketed option in the 'Submittals' section.
NOTE: One of the major factors influencing
selection of the type of cathodic protection system
is the resistivity of the water involved. When the
water resistivity is higher than 10,000 ohm-cm,
impressed current systems are usually used. Other
considerations include availability of electric
power and the costs of installation, operation and
NOTE: The following information should be shown on
the drawings:
NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project. Submittals should be kept
to the minimum required for adequate quality control.
NOTE: If submittal review by NAVFAC Atlantic is
specifically desired, the responsible Field
Engineering Command shall coordinate with Code CIEE
during the design process. Include bracketed option
and add appropriate information in Section 01 33 00
"SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES" to coordinate with the
special requirements.
Rectifier installation
Anode installation
Shunt resistors
SD-07, Certificates
Products having less than a 2-year field service record will be acceptable
if a certified record of satisfactory field operation for not less than
6000 hours, exclusive of the manufacturers' factory or laboratory tests, is
NOTE: For impressed current systems only.
NOTE: For galvanic systems only.
NOTE: For all types of cathodic protection systems.
(3) Across the bottom of the tank in a line between the two
vertical lines at [915] [_____] mm [3] [_____] foot intervals.
NOTE: Aluminum anodes are used in cases where
annual or frequent replacement is required due to
ice damage, and routine cleaning of the tank makes
it possible to remove any expended or broken pieces
of anode stock from the tank before they
accumulate. Also, see the technical note for
"Precious Metal Anodes" regarding alternative anode
systems for icing conditions. The designer must
consider system maintainability impacts when
selecting the anode system.
NOTE: At installations where icing conditions exist
and the scaling index of water is less than 20,000
(i.e., low hardness water), the designer should
consider using precious metal anodes, such as
platinized niobium, platinized titanium, or mixed
metal oxide for cathodic protection systems. The
consumption rate of precious metal anodes is less
than that of other relatively non-sacrificial
anodes. However, precious metal anodes are more
vulnerable to damage and loss particularly during
cleaning and reconditioning of the tank.
NOTE: Any pinhole, cut, scratch or other damage to
the anode cable exposing bare copper to the
electrolyte will result in early failure of the
impressed current cathodic protection system. For
this reason, special, extra heavy insulation is used
on anode cable.
No. [8] [_____] AWG, stranded copper wire conforming to ASTM B 3 and
ASTM B 8. Provide wires with [2.8 mm110 mils [_____] thick, ASTM D 1248,
high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE) insulation] [a primary
insulation of ethylene propylene rubber and an outer jacket of chloro
sulphonated polyethylene insulation]. Wires shall be [3050] [6100]
[_____] mm [10] [20] [_____] feet in length [of sufficient length to extend
to the anode header cable [junction box] without splicing].
[Drill] [Cast] a recess [150] [_____] mm [6] [_____] inches deep in one end
of the anode. Attach the lead wire to the anode with an anchor device.
Not more than 10 mm 1/2 inch of bare wire shall protrude from the anchor
device. Attachment shall withstand a 1446 Newton 325 pound pull without
loosening the wire or anchor device. Fill the recess with an epoxy sealing
compound [, leaving sufficient space for a plug]. [Provide non-metallic
plug flush with the anode end surface.] [Install a heat shrinkable anode
cap over the attachment, cap shall extend not less than 65 mm 2 1/2 inches
on the lead wire and 75 mm 3 inches on the anode.] Cable to anode contact
resistance shall not exceed 0.02 ohms.
Attach the lead wire to the center of the anode with an anchor device
suitably fastened to the wire. Not more than 20 mm one inch of bare wire
shall protrude from the anchor device. Encapsulate [each side of] the
connection point with [a minimum of 152 mm 6 inches [_____] of] high
voltage insulating compound mastic and 102 mm 4 inches [_____] of epoxy
resin. Attachment shall withstand [4000] [6675] [_____] N [900] [1500]
[_____] pounds pull without loosening the wire or anchor device. Provide a
non-metallic [plug flush with the anode end] [end cap] to prevent chaffing
of the anode lead wire. Cable to anode contact resistance shall not exceed
0.02 ohms.
[[Solidly crimp] [and solder] the connection between the anode rod or
ribbon and the lead wire. Seal the connection [with two layers of half
lapped mastic tape covered with a heat shrinkable sleeve] [in cast epoxy].]
[Tin and anneal the copper wire and hydraulically swage the tubular anode
onto copper bushings in contact with the wire. Place a 28 mm 1 1/8 inch
long copper sleeve, inner diameter slightly larger than the tubular anode
outer diameter, over the tube prior to swaging.] Cable to anode contact
resistance shall not exceed 0.02 ohms.
Air-cooled rectifiers will be used for most
applications. Where highly corrosive atmosphere
exist, the equipment will be oil-immersed in a tank
type housing. For hazardous area applications,
oil-immersed equipment will be provided with an
explosion-proof or dust-ignition-proof housing, as
appropriate. Transformer tap adjusters will be
provided in cases where an automatic system is not
provided. Variacs should not be used where
subjected to corrosive or marine air atmospheres.
2.4.1 Transformers
a. Output voltage, dc: [9] [12] [18] [24] [_____] volts [as
b. Output current, dc: [8] [16] [24] [32] [_____] amperes [as
[2.4.4 Enclosure
NOTE: Choose this paragraph for air cooled
rectifier enclosures or the paragraph below entitled
"Oil Immersed Enclosures." Oil immersed enclosures
Provide a complete wiring and schematic diagram of the power unit showing
both the ac and the dc connections to anodes on the inside of the cabinet
door. Show and label components.
NOTE: A minimum of five coarse and five fine taps
is recommended to provide sufficient voltage
adjustment. Variacs should not be used where
subjected to corrosive or marine air atmospheres.
Provide separate panel voltmeter and ammeter, not less than 63.5 mm 2 1/2
inch [round] [rectangular] 2 percent full scale accuracy at 30 degrees C
80 degrees F, temperature stability above and below 30 degrees C 80 degrees
F of at least 1 percent per 5 degrees C 10 degrees F. Provide toggle
switch for each meter.
NOTE: Remove this paragraph if not required in the
2.4.12 Fuses
[0.01] [_____] ohm, [6] [_____] amp, with an accuracy of plus or minus one
percent. [Shunts shall conform to MIL-I-1361 [rating as shown]].
NOTE: Any pinhole, cut, scratch or other damage to
the anode cable exposing bare copper to the
electrolyte will result in early failure of the
impressed current cathodic protection system. For
this reason, special, extra heavy insulation is used
on anode cable.
[UL 83, Type [THW] [THWN] [TW]] [UL 44, Type RHW,] [UL 854, Type USE],
stranded [solid] copper conductors, gage (AWG) and color coded as indicated.
The anode wire material shall sustain current densities of 100 ampere per
square meter 10.764 square feet in an oxygen generating electrolyte for 20
years. The manufacturer shall certify that a representative sample taken
from the same lot used to construct the anode, has been tested and meets
the following criteria:
UL 486A-486B.
UL 510.
2.8.7 Splices
NEMA ICS 6. Metallic or non-metallic with terminal board, [5] [8] [_____]
terminal posts and lockable lid. A non-metallic enclosure shall be high
impact strength molded plastic. The unit shall be of standard design,
manufactured for use as a cathodic protection test station, complete with
cover, terminal board, shunts, and brass or Type [304] [316] stainless
steel hardware. Provide removable terminal board for easy access to
wires. Mount the test station atop 1830 mm 6 foot long polyethylene
conduit with anchor.
NEMA ICS 6, Type [3R] [4X] [_____] enclosure with [clamped cover] [Type
[304] [316] stainless steel hinges and [clamped] [latched] cover] [and
padlocked hasp]. Provide enclosure constructed of [galvanized steel]
[painted steel] [aluminum] [fiberglass] [non-metallic] construction with
terminal board and labeled with nameplate. Enclosure mounting posts shall
be [galvanized steel pipe,schedule [40] [80] [_____]], [wood post, full
length pressure treated with pentachlorophenol] [as indicated]. Mount
enclosure 1066 mm 42 inches above finished grade [as indicated].
Provide terminal boards for anode junction boxes, bonding boxes, and test
stations made of phenolic plastic [3] [6] [_____] mm [1/8] [1/4] [_____]
inch thick with dimensions as indicated. Provide insulated terminal
boards with the required number of terminals (one terminal required for
each conductor). Install solderless copper lugs and copper buss bars,
shunts, and variable resistors on the terminal board as indicated.
Permanently tag test station terminal connections to identify each
termination of conductors (e.g. identify the conductors connected to the
protected structure, anodes, and reference electrodes). Permanently
identify conductors by means of plastic or metal tags, or plastic sleeves
to indicate termination. [Color code each conductor as follows:
Provide clevis assemblies, 6.35 mm 1/4 inch flat steel with a spool opening
of 53.975 mm 2 1/8 inch, 114.3 mm 4 1/2 inch long to the centerline of the
spindle. Provide porcelain spools, with an outside diameter of 57.15 mm 2
1/4 inch and an overall height of 53.975 mm 2 1/8 inch.
Provide pin insulator assemblies, 100 mm 4 inches long overall and 6.35 mm
NOTE: Use the following paragraph where nameplates
are fabricated to identify specific equipment
designated on the drawings.
Electrical installations shall conform to IEEE C2, NFPA 70, and to the
requirements specified herein.
NOTE: Proprietary systems of anode installations
are available for areas where icing is expected.
For such areas paragraph entitled "Icing Climates"
below should be included.
Arrange anodes in the tank [and riser pipe] as shown in the drawings [so
that protection can be provided to surfaces without exceeding potentials
[in the vicinity of the anodes] that will be detrimental to coatings].
Suspend anodes from roof [plate] [structure] by means of factory-installed
connecting wire designed to support the anodes in air [before submergence]
without failure of the electrical wire insulation or the electrical
conductors. Prevent contact between anode and tank surfaces such as
man-access hatches, ladders, heater pipes, and stay rods.
Anode hangers shall electrically insulate the anode suspending wire from
the tank steel. Handholes
NOTE: A single split-bolt will work loose when
wires it connects are moved. Minimum of two split
bolts will prevent this from happening. In water
tanks, split bolts are used (above water line only)
because working space is limited and hydraulic or
mechanical compression tools may be cumbersome and
hazardous to use. At ground level or in trenches,
compression tools can be used conveniently, and
swedged sleeve connection produced by such tools is
more reliable than split bolts.
NOTE: Splices are not allowed below water level.
Locate under-roof electric wire splices above the high water line and seal
water-tight using a minimum of two 1/2-lap layers of butyl rubber tape
followed by two 1/2-lap layers of plastic tape.
3.1.3 Rectifiers
NOTE: For impressed current systems only.
Connect the structure wire to the tank [_____] [by use of an exothermic
weld kit] [by brazing]. Clean the structure surface by scraping, filing,
or wire brushing to produce a clean, bright surface. [Weld connections
using the exothermic weld kits in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. Test the integrity of the weld, prior to coating, by
striking with a 908 gram two pound hammer.] [Cover connections and
surrounding cleaned surface with an electrically insulating coating
compatible with the existing coating.] Installation
Provide for possible evolution of gases from anode reaction and ventilation
3.4.1 Minimum
3.4.2 Maximum
The Government reserves the right to witness tests. Notify the Contracting
Officer [5] [_____] days prior to performing each field test. Quality
control for the cathodic protection system shall consist of the following:
NOTE: Additional testing may be required, based
upon the specific project or design. All tests
listed below may not be required. Designer should
consider the project requirements for selection of
test procedures.
Perform the tests in the presence of the Contracting Officer. Include the
cost of an additional anode with the longest lead wire for the destructive
test in his bid. Choose one completed anode of each type with lead wires
NOTE: Paragraph entitled "Wire for Power Service"
for impressed current systems only.
Test wire for power service at 600 volts or less to determine that the
wiring system and equipment are free from short circuits and grounds [by a
minimum of two megohms]. Perform the test with a megohmmeter having a
500-volt rating.
NOTE: For impressed current systems only.
NOTE: For galvanic systems only.
NOTE: For all types of cathodic protection systems.
(3) Across the bottom of the tank in a line between the two
vertical lines at [915] [_____] mm [3] [_____] foot intervals.
Conduct final field testing of the cathodic protection system utilizing the
same procedures specified under, "Initial Cathodic Protection System Field
Testing". Inspect, test, and adjust the cathodic protection system after
one year of operation to ensure its continued conformance with the criteria
outlined below. Commence the performance period for these tests upon the
completion of all cathodic protection work, including changes required to
correct deficiencies identified during initial testing, and preliminary
acceptance of the cathodic protection system by the Contracting Officer.
The Final Cathodic Protection System Field Test Report shall be certified
by the Contractor's corrosion engineer and included as an attachment to the
operation and maintenance manual in accordance with Section 01 78 23
NOTE: There are restrictions on the type and extent
of training. Training is usually on-site, 2 days or
less. Factory representatives or others provide
basic instructions to facility maintenance and
operation personnel. If more extensive training is
required, i.e., student travel, special consultants,
etc., consult the Contract Division Director and the
head of the Comptroller Department for assistance.
-- End of Section --