First Course Handout - PHY315A - 2022-23
First Course Handout - PHY315A - 2022-23
First Course Handout - PHY315A - 2022-23
Student TAs:
Ayesha Nanda ([email protected])
Yogesh Verma ([email protected])
Bidisha Bhatt ([email protected])
Saddam Hussain ([email protected])
Lab Staff:
Upendra Kumar Parashar ([email protected]), Ph: 6071
Ramesh ([email protected]), Ph: 6071
Course components:
A) Lecture: One lecture per week on various topics related to Modern Physics including
Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter
Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics.
B) Laboratory: Two laboratory days per week in a group of 3 students. Following is a tentative list of
C) Project:
In the last one month of the semester (after mid-sem recess), a small project has to be chosen by each
group after brief literature search (e.g., American Journal of Physics). These may be carried out in research
labs, using central facilities or some simple experiments may be set-up in PHY315A lab itself.
Lab reports and lab work: 40 %
Project (report + demonstration): 30 %
End-sem exam: 30 % (may be two surprise quizzes)
There will be a written end-sem exam (say for about 60 mins) which would be based on lectures and
1. Lab manual is uploaded on the helloIITK portal (
2. Reference for detailed discussion for individual experiments are given in the manual.