Whats Is A Database

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Name: Chama Munyenyembe

ID number:
Due date: First Tuesday of opening.

1. What is a Database?

There are many definitions of what a database are available from various sources. According
to Derclaye (2005: 981), database can be defined as “an organized collection of information,
usually with one central topic.” She adds that the word ‘organized’ is a key part of the above
definition. Otherwise, a shoebox full of business receipts might be considered a database. In
general, if you must look at every scrap of data until you find the one for which you’re
searching, you don’t have a database. You just have a shoebox full of things.

Gunjal, (2003) postulates that an organization must have accurate and reliable data for
effective decision making. To this end, the organization maintains records on the various
facets maintaining relationships among them. Such related data are called a database.

Generally, a database is an organized collection of related information. The organized

information or database serves as a base from which desired information can be retrieved or
decision made by further recognizing or processing the data. People use several databases in
their day-to-day life. Dictionary, Telephone directory, Library catalog, etc are example for
databases where the entries are arranged according to alphabetical or classified order.

The word 'DATA' means a fact or more specially a value of attribute of an entity. An entity in
general, may be an object, idea, event, condition or situation. A set of attributes describes an
entity. Information in a form which can be processed by a raw computer is called data. Data
are raw material of information. The term 'BASE' means the support, foundation or key
ingredient of anything. Therefore base supports data. A 'DATABASE' can be conceived as a
system whose base, whose key concept, is simply a particular way of handling data. In other
words, a database is nothing more than a computer-based record keeping. The objective of
database is to record and maintain information. The primary function of the database is the
service and support of information system which satisfies cost. In short, " A database is an
organized collection of related information stored with minimum redundancy, in a manner
that makes them accessible for multiple application".

2. What is Database Management system?

A database management system (DBMS) is a software system that allows access to data
contained in a database (Derclaye 2005). The objective of the DBMS is to provide a
convenient and effective method of defining, storing and retrieving the information contained
in the database. The DBMS interfaces with the application programs, so that the data

contained in the database can be used by multiple applications and users. In addition, the
DBMS exerts centralized control of the database, prevents fraudulent or unauthorized users
from accessing the data, and ensures the privacy of the data.

A DBMS is essentially a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access this
data. This collection of data is called the Database which facilitates storage, retrieval and
management of information. A DBMS consists of a collection of interrelated data and a set of
programs to access those data. The collection of data, usually referred to as the database. The
primary goal of DBMS is to provide an environment that is both convenient and efficient to
use in retrieving and storing database information. Database systems are designed to manage
large bodies of information. The management of data involves both the definition of
structures for the storage of information and the provision of mechanisms for the
manipulation of information. In addition, the database system must provide for the safety of
the information stored, despite system crashes or attempts at unauthorized access. If data are
to be shared among several users, the system must avoid possible anomalous results. DBMS
is a software system which manages the databases providing facilities for organization access
and control. DBMS is like an operator for database. Database is passive where as DBMS is
active one. It provides the interface between the data file on disk and the program that
requests processing.

3. What are conceptual models and Physical models?

According to Yarlagadda, (2016) a Conceptual Data Model is a coordinated view of

connections and ideas on a database. The motivation behind making a conceptual data model
is to build up entities, their characteristics, and relations. Hardly, no detail is available on the
actual database in this data modeling level. Business partners and information planners
typically create this data model. The three vital inhabitants of the Conceptual Data Model
include; Entity: something certifiable. Attribute: Features of an entity-relationship: Reliance
or connection between two entities. A conceptual data model's qualities include; offering
Association-wide inclusion of the business ideas since this kind of Data Model is planned and
produced for a business audience (McCaleb, 1999). This model is established independently
of hardware provisions like location data storage capacity or programming determinations
like DBMS seller and innovation. The emphasis is to address information as a client will see
it in this present reality. Conceptual data models referred to as Domain models make a typical
jargon for all partners by setting up fundamental ideas and degrees.

Yarlagadda, (2016) proposal that a Physical Data Model represents a data set categorical
implementation of the information model. It produces the composition and offers information
base deliberation. This is an outcome of the lavishness of meta-information presented by a
Physical Data Model. (Siau, 2001) The physical data model also helps visualize data set
construction by repeating data set segment keys, requirements, lists, triggers, and other
RDBMS highlights. Attributes of a physical data model include: The physical data model
illustrates data requirement for a single application or undertaking; however, it perhaps
synchronized with other actual data models dependent on task scope. Data Models have
relationships between tables that tend to nullability and cardinality of the relationships—
produced for a particular rendition of a DBMS, location, data storage, or technology to be
utilized in the project. Segments ought to have default esteems, careful datatypes, and lengths
doled out. Crucial and Foreign keys, perceives, records, access profiles, approvals, and so
forth are described.

4. What is a relational database?

Adams and Riede (2002) proposal that relational database is a collection of data items
organized as a set of formally-described tables from which data can be accessed or
reassembled in many different ways, without having to reorganize the database tables. In
other words a relational database is a set of tables containing data fitted into predefined
categories. Each table (which is sometimes called a relation) contains one or more data
categories in columns and each row contains a unique instance of data for the categories
defined by the columns. When creating a relational database, you can define the domain of
possible values in a data column and further constraints that may apply to that data value.
Talking about individual elements in a database, this could be a species, a geo-object etc the
term. entity is used very often. Entities may have attributes and relationships to each other.

5. Identify the features of a relational database.

According to Philips (2022) Relational databases need ACID characteristics. ACID refers to

four essential properties: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These features
are the key difference between a relational database and a non-relational database.


Atomicity keeps data accurate. It makes sure all data is compliant with the rules, regulations,
and policies of the business. It also requires all tasks to succeed, or the transaction will roll
back. Atomicity defines all the elements in a complete database transaction. 


The state of the database must remain consistent throughout the transaction. Consistency
defines the rules for maintaining data points. This ensures they remain in a correct state after
a transaction. Relational databases have data consistency because the information is updated
across applications and database copies (also known as ‘instances’). This means multiple
instances always have the same data. 


With a relational database, each transaction is separate and not dependent on others. This is
made possible by isolation. Isolation keeps the effect of a transaction invisible until it is
committed. This reduces the risk of confusion. 


Durability means that you can recover data from a failed transaction. It also ensures that data
changes are permanent.

6. Explain what Data redundancy is and how it can be avoided. Give examples were

Data Redundancy occurs when the same data set is stored in two or more places. Data
redundancy involves an organization storing the same data in multiple locations at a time.
This happens frequently, especially within organizations that manage or use significant data
stores. Data redundancy can occur accidentally or intentionally, depending on the
organization's approach to information storage. For example, it may accidentally happen
when organizations implement new data storage strategies or systems or move to a central
data storage system from a database. This can cause errors during processing and performing
transactions. An organization may also implement intentional data redundancy to guarantee
data accuracy and protection.

Here are four ways an organization can reduce data redundancy in its databases. Firstly, we
can leverage master data. Master data is the sole source of common business data that a data
administrator shares across different systems or applications. While master data doesn't
reduce the incidences of data redundancy, it enables organizations to apply and work around a
particular level of data redundancy. Leveraging master data ensures that an organization can
update a single piece of information if it changes. This system ensures that redundant data
remains up-to-date and offers the same information.

The second method is database normalization. Database normalization involves efficiently

arranging data in a database to ensure redundancy elimination. This process ensures that a
company's database contains information that appears and reads similarly throughout all
records. Normalizing data typically includes arranging a database's columns and tables to
ensure they correctly enforce their dependencies. Various companies have special sets of
criteria regarding data normalization, and thus, different approaches to data normalization.
For example, a company may wish to normalize a province category with two digits, while
another may opt for the full name.

The third method is deleting unused data. This is because another factor contributing to data
redundancy is preserving the data pieces that the organization no longer requires. For
example, organizations may move customer data to a new database and keep the same data in
the old one. This can lead to data duplication and storage waste. Organizations can avoid this
redundancy by promptly deleting the data it no longer requires.

Lastly, companies can also design database architectures with in-house applications that can
read directly from databases. The relational databases ensure that the organization has
standard fields and enables it to match up records and link tables. This method makes it easier
for the organization to identify and remove the repetition.

7. Explain Database normalisation and its importance

According to Munoz (2022) database normalization is simply the process of removing errors,
anomalies and duplications within your collated product information. This is done by
analyzing the information within your product tables and the links between related
information. Normalization is an essential part of product information management,
preventing data from being replicated in two tables at the same time or unrelated product data
being gathered together in the same table. In addition, normalization helps to streamline your
data, simplifying your database and making it more concise.

Database normalization is important for the following reasons (Munoz 2022). Firstly,
because it leads to a logical map. This means that With improved storage and mapping, your
data will be more logically arranged and easier to find and utilize for departments across your
business. The second reason why database normalization is important is that is leads to
reliability and consistency of your data is greatly increased, as your database will be free
from outdated information, duplications, and an ambiguous link hierarchy between your
products. The third reason is establishing a database that clearly shows how data from
different tables relate to each other. This will improve the visibility of data connections within
your database, better informing teams across your organization. In addition, it is important
because  is helpful for your business in implementing data management software, such as
a PIM tool. With an organized database, installing a PIM is quicker and easier, easily
connecting to your database without delays or the need to correct synchronization
problems. Further, Improved security is another benefit, as normalization ensures data can be
more accurately located. Lastly, normalization reduces cost to a business because it is much
easier to maintain the databases you already have and to make new additions. It’s also faster
to connect data sources to any internal or external system, as no revisions are necessary to
ensure that the data sent is correct.

8. Distinguish between a Primary key and a foreign key

Keys are one of the most important elements in a relational database to maintain the
relationship between the tables and it also helps in uniquely identifying the data from a table.
The primary Key is a key that helps in uniquely identifying the tuple of the database whereas
the Foreign Key is a key that is used to identify the relationship between the tables through
the primary key of one table that is the primary key one table acts as a foreign key to another

Primary and foreign keys commonly work together to link tables in a relational database.
They each do something different to characterize and link tables. A database table has only
one primary key. A table's primary key acts as a unique identifier. The primary key values
identify specific records and prevent duplication of records. Null values are not permitted in a
primary key. Primary keys generally should be read-only because they must be consistent to
maintain the unique identity of the table.

On the other had foreign keys link two tables together. It is possible to have more than one
foreign key in a table, and they can accept a null value. Foreign key values do not need to be

unique; duplicate values can be stored in foreign key columns. Foreign keys do have to link
back to columns with unique values. Those columns are frequently primary keys.

9. Explain the different types of table relationships.

There are three types of table relationship. A one-to-one, one-to-many and a many-many.

A one-to-one (1:1) relationship means that each record in Table A relates to one, and only
one, record in Table B, and each record in Table B relates to one, and only one, record in
Table A. For example, One given person can have only one driver’s license number. One given
driver’s license number belongs to only person. In a one-to-one relationship, either table can be
considered to be the primary or parent table.

This is a one-to-one relationship where each table is a one side.

A one-to-many (1:N) relationship means a record in Table A can relate to zero, one, or many
records in Table B. Many records in Table B can relate to one record in Table A.
The potential relationship is what's important; for a single record in Table A, there might be
no related records in Table B, or there might be only one related record, but there could be
many. For example, One given order can possibly contain many items. One given item belongs to
only one order.

This is a one-to-many relationship where the orders table is the one side and the items table is
the many side.

In a Many to Many relationship, one or more records in a table relate to one or more records
in another table. One given product can possibly belong to many categories. One given
category can possibly contain many products.

This is a many-to-many relationship where each table is a many side.


Adams, Till & Riede, Klaus. (2002). RDBMS -an introduction to Relational Database
Management Systems. Adams, Till (2002): Advanced User Guide. Digital publication in:
Riede, K. (2004): Global Register of Migratory Species - from Global to Regional Scales. ,
on enclosed CD-ROM under: /biblio/PowerUserGuide.pdf Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag.

Derclaye, E. (2005). What is a Database?. The Journal of World Intellectual Property. 5. 981 -
1011. 10.1111/j.1747-1796.2002.tb00189.x.

Gunjal, B. (2003). Database System: Concepts and Design.

McCaleb, M. R. (1999). A conceptual data model of datum systems. Journal of Research of

the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 104(4), 349.

Munoz, A. (2022). Why is Database Normalization so Important.


Phillips, A. (2022). What is a Relational Database? Features & Uses.


Siau, K. (2001). Advanced topics in database research, volume 1. IGI Global.


Electronic Journal. 3. 1-9.



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