IET Renewable Power Gen - 2020 - Bollipo - Critical Review On PV MPPT Techniques Classical Intelligent and Optimisation
IET Renewable Power Gen - 2020 - Bollipo - Critical Review On PV MPPT Techniques Classical Intelligent and Optimisation
IET Renewable Power Gen - 2020 - Bollipo - Critical Review On PV MPPT Techniques Classical Intelligent and Optimisation
Review Article
Abstract: Maximum power extraction from the photovoltaic (PV) system plays a critical role in increasing efficiency during
partial shading conditions (PSC's). The higher cost and low conversion efficiency of the PV panel necessitate the extraction of
the maximum power point (MPP). So, a suitable maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique to track the MPP is of high
need, even under PSC's. This study gives an extensive review of 23 MPPT techniques present in literature along with recent
publications on various hardware design methodologies. MPPT classification is done into three categories, i.e. Classical,
Intelligent and Optimisation depending on the tracking algorithm utilised. During uniform insolation, classical methods are highly
preferred as there is only one peak in the P–V curve. However, under PSC's, the P–V curve exhibits multiple peaks, one global
MPP (GMPP) and the remaining are local MPPs. Hence, Intelligent and Optimisation techniques came into limelight to
differentiate the GMPP out of all LMPPs. Every MPPT technique has its advantages and limits, but a streamlined MPPT is
drafted in numerous parameters like sensors required, hardware implementation, tracking in PSC's, cost, tracking speed and
tracking efficiency. This present study aimed to address the advancement in this area for further research.
IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452 1433
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above lack the real-time implementation procedures of these MPPT
techniques. Therefore, this paper furnishes the hardware
information of the particular technique by different authors done in
various platforms with their tracking speeds and efficiencies. Also,
parameters of these techniques, their flowcharts, and a clear
explanation of MPPT algorithm implementation is explained in
brief. In this review, an attempt is made to study the performance
of each MPPT technique based on their classification. Mainly their
immense comparison regarding parameters like control strategy
implemented in particular MPPT, micro-controllers used, sensors
placed in their application is enlisted. The fundamental objective is
to give ongoing innovation advancements in MPPT techniques.
The remainder of the paper is sorted out as follows: the
significance of tracking methods in PV systems is discussed in
Section 2. MPPT classification for PV systems is given in Section
Fig. 2 MPPT Controller, Solar PV block diagram 3. MPPT techniques based on classical methods are reviewed, and
their comparisons are included in Section 4. Then, various
energy harnessed by the respective array or module is intelligence and optimisation methods are illustrated in Sections 5,
comparatively low due to the dynamic nature of solar insolation. In 6, respectively, and their parameter comparison is also included. At
[7], Koutroulis, et al., modified two parameters in real-time, to last, the paper finishes up with a conclusion and future findings in
harness maximum power. In order to harness optimised power, Section 7.
both control parameters duty cycle (D) and the switching frequency
of the converter has to be altered. As the power generated from the 2 Significance of tracking methods in PV systems
PV panel is low, it has to increase to some ratio. The DC–DC
converter will do this. This converter makes use of PV energy as One of the most significant and testing tasks for MPPT Controller
input and output is the external load or storage supplies connected is track MPP under PSC's. Partial shading is a phenomenon that
to it. Also, these converters will make an uncontrolled DC source happens in a PV array because of uneven exposure of light to the
to a regulated one. Das et al. in [8] coined new high gain converter solar panels. Usually, the change in irradiation may happen because
for 3ϕ PV stand-alone system, which reduces partial shading and of the entry of clouds, bird droppings, and building shadows. The
parasitic capacitance effects on PV source. Fig. 2 shows a size of the array depends mostly on the power required by the
schematic diagram of the PV system with maximum power point application. Under uniform irradiance, same insolation strikes the
tracking (MPPT) controller. The framework consists of solar-based panel results in the same output current from all panels. During
PV array, power converter, MPPT control algorithm block and the PSC's, shading of at least one array results in the generation of less
load. Generally, during uniform irradiance conditions, just a single current, which directly accounts for the power loss. The
maximum power point (MPP) is created on the P–V curve of a dependence of this operating point on environmental parameters
solar array where the PV module delivers its most significant yield like angle of solar insolation, temperature, and shading makes the
power at that particular point. Under the partial shading conditions process a bit complex. As these parameters vary continuously,
(PSC's), the P–V curve of the module displays various local MPPs MPP also varies [19, 20].
(LMPP's). In general bypass diodes, are used to decrease the hot- Whenever, the configuration made of numerous solar cells
spots on PV modules. Placement of these diodes in return generates combined in series to form a module, variable insolation on one
various LMPP's, and at the same time, the controller has to track cell leads to rupture the lamination if not attended properly. So, as
the global MPP (GMPP) despite various LMPP. Dhimish, et al. [9] to decrease the effect from this operational condition, bypass
provides the novel hot-spot mitigation technique using MOSFET's diodes are connected in anti-parallel to the cells. As an outcome,
connected panel, and forward-looking infrared i5 thermal camera is significant voltage differences will not emerge in the reverse-
used to observe these hot-spots. The power loss due to the hot-spot current direction of solar cells. At-least one anti-parallel diode is
effect by these diodes has a prominent effect to consider. Because sufficient for 15–20 cells in the configuration. These diodes are
of different LMPP's, it is tough for the traditional MPPT's to helpful in the flow of current through the PV module, especially
distinguish the GMPP on the P–V curve. Thus, to accomplish this during the shaded condition and at deficient levels of voltage and
most extreme productivity from PV frameworks, some best MPPT power. This configuration in this study uses KYOCERA solar
algorithms are utilised [10]. To mitigate these limitations, KC200GT, a high efficient multi-crystal PV module as the solar
especially in PSC's, analysts have proposed few strategies and panel, which consists of four modules in three rows with bypass
techniques in the literature. In [11], Ghasemi et al., introduced a diode in each row and blocking diode as shown in Fig. 3. So that
two-step methodology based on the GMPP tracking algorithm in particular shaded panels are bypassed using anti-parallel diodes
which the proposed algorithm tracks effectively than particle (D1) which also mitigate hot-spot (increase of heat in particular
swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm in PSC's. Huang et al. [12] area) effects on the panel. In the same manner, blocking diode (D2)
introduced a methodology which predicts the MPP at a very faster is used to block the penetration of surges into the system.
rate based on a natural cubic-spline-based prediction model and Simulation results give multiple peaks, i.e. various MPPs due to the
this proposed algorithm is incorporated into the iterative search presence of shading. Out of these MPP's, one is GMPP and
process. Coelho et al. [13] gives the new temperature based MPPT remaining them are LMPP's for the whole array [21] and their
sensor, which is sophisticated in design aspects. This method presence in resultant I–V and P–V curves for the shaded panel are
utilises the fact that the module voltage directly depends on the PV shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. For numerical analysis [22] of
panel surface temperature. In [14], Karami et al., detailed at least the MPP, Batzelis et al. detailed the MPP in both uniform and non-
40 methods, includes advanced classical methods like three-point uniform conditions precisely considering all the parameters, mainly
weight comparison method, parasitic comparison, β method, includes the insolation and temperature. During MPP, the
intelligent, and optimised techniques. However, this paper only derivative of output power P w.r.t output voltage V equals zero. As
confined to comparing the five parameters, mainly on algorithm Fig. 6 depicts the both Impp and V mpp, the MPP is tracked according
tracking. Podder et al. [15] made a comparison depending upon the to the load line with the use of appropriate MPPT technique. MPP
tracking nature. Nearly 50 techniques are reviewed, stating their in uniform conditions is described by the (1).
merits and demerits. Comparison of different mathematical
calculation/meta heuristic-based MPPT is made by [16]. Choosing dP dI Impp
=0⇔ = − (1)
an MPPT for a particular application is important during the design dV mpp dV mpp V mpp
process. References [17, 18] distinguished some of the MPP
parameters in the literature. However, the review papers mentioned
1434 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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Fig. 6 I–V load curve depicting MPP
• Classical MPPT.
• Intelligence MPPT.
• Optimization MPPT.
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Fig. 7 Basic classification of tracking techniques
method, the required sensors are limited to one, i.e. for voltage
measurement in order to have the PV module voltage V PV to get
the proper duty ratio for the converter [29]. The method is simple,
fast and easy to implement but shows limited precision. This
technique requires to measure the V oc at regular intervals.
Moreover, this technique applies to the condition where
temperature variation is less [30, 31]. Leedy et al. [32] done
Fig. 8 Schematic block diagram of CV MPPT technique
hardware implementation of this technique utilises TL494 IN from
Texas Instruments for PWM generation. Wang et al. [33] done the
practical implementation of the novel MPPT algorithm using CV
constant current (CVCC) DC–DC converter, which is enabling the
researchers to find the optimum point precisely. This algorithm
uses FM80-150VDC from OutBack Power Systems as a
commercial product to check the effectiveness of this MPPT.
Fig. 9 Schematic block diagram of ARV MPPT technique 4.2 ARV MPPT technique
Optimisation-based techniques [25, 28] include PSO, grey wolf ARV-based MPPT system is the extension strategy to CV
optimisation (GWO), cuckoo search CS-based, ant-colony technique as it has the presentation of flexibility to dynamic
optimisation (ACO), and artificial bee colony (ABC). These climatic conditions. The deliberate radiation and temperature levels
methods tend searching true MPP in dynamic environment adjust the RV for MPPT. The schematic block model of ARV
conditions also. PSO method is a faster tracking algorithm with MPPT method is given in Fig. 9. The working scope of the
reduced steady-state oscillations. Moreover, the implementation of radiation at a given temperature is separated into several divisions,
these techniques is easier with the help of low-cost and the comparing RV is recorded off-line in a truth table. The
microcontrollers. GWO can search for optimum point of working error between the reference and assessed PV voltages is
at a faster as if like wolf continuously searching for its prey. This compensated using the corresponding proportional–integral (PI)
GWO is the best evolutionary technique with independence on controller to generate a reasonable duty cycle proportional to the
system knowledge. CS-based MPPT is also a bio-inspired fitting converter that is used.
algorithm uses the nature of brood parasitism and thereby The proposed ARV procedure does not require transient
implementing levy flight methodology to obtain optimum MPP interruption of the PV module. It considers the climatic conditions
point. ACO and ABC are two emerging methodologies that also by estimating the temperature (T) and irradiation (G) levels
utilise the evolutionary-based algorithm implementation. These utilising two additional sensors than the traditional CV system and
techniques require fewer temperature and voltage sensors than one extra sensor than P&O method makes this system a bit costly.
classical ones. However, the increase in efficiency compensated for this factor.
Lasheen et al. [34] gives the simulation comparison of this method
4 Classical MPPT techniques with the CV technique. The efficiencies came almost similar
( > 99.7%) for both techniques in constant radiation (near to
4.1 Constant voltage (CV)-based MPPT technique 1000 W/m2) conditions. However, for CV efficiency falls to 98.3%
The ideal working purpose of this MPPT is to make the PV power when irradiation falls to 400 W/m2 whereas this ARV technique
to operate near the MPP by controlling the PV voltage and holds the same efficiency in all variable radiation conditions.
comparing it to a fixed reference voltage (RV) equivalent to the
V MPP. This technique of CV used for uniform irradiation conditions 4.3 Fractional short circuit current MPPT
and neglects the effect of both insolation and temperature. This CV
This technique, also called as an off-line method, appeared to be
technique estimates MPP point a bit far away from the genuine
simple in its algorithm implemented in MPP tracking procedures.
MPP. Thus, the working point is not coordinating the MPP, and
Usually, it happens that current at MPP (Impp) happens at the
consideration of different topographical positions are necessary for
the optimum RV to decrease the error value. The schematic block proximity of short circuit current Isc under some random
diagram of the CV MPPT technique is shown in Fig. 8. In this
1436 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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manufacturer. As found in the above condition, this strategy is
additionally founded on estimation. It is most appropriate for low
voltage, high current applications as it is mostly based on the rule
of approximation. As the operation of this method depends on the
estimation, it is then viable for uniform irradiation conditions. The
drawback in this method will be the irregular measurement of V oc,
which results in unnecessary usage of power. After getting the
approximated value of V mpp, a closed-loop controller is used to
reach the desired voltage. Since the connection is just an
estimation, the PV array, in fact, never works at the MPP. Frezzetti
Fig. 10 Block diagram of Off-line MPPT method et al. [37] coined an improved FOCV technique named ‘smart
timer’, which can able track MPP in PSC's also. This smart timer
Table 1 Methodology of HC MPPT estimates the frequency of the sample and holds the circuit. The
Change in Change in Next perturbation hardware implementation of this technique is done, and
terminal power effectiveness is compared with conventional FOCV. This technique
voltage holds good for low power consumption applications, so had an area
positive positive positive (increment in duty ratio D) of broader scope. It uses the LTC1440 Estimator, DG412
positive negative negative (decrease in duty ratio D) Estimator, NSL-19M51 Smart timer for the sampling and holding
negative positive negative (decrease in duty ratio D) the values that it is tracking.
negative negative positive (increment in duty ratio D)
4.5 Hill Climbing (HC) method
This method is a mathematical optimum point searching algorithm.
The basic working principle of this method starts with the
appropriate initial guess to the solution, most likely to be an
arbitrary point. Then the search goes towards the best solution with
the steps of incremental change to the solution obtained. If the
obtained solution yields another best optimum point, then the
search will be repeated with the same increments. This process will
continue until there were no more improvements in the solution
[38]. The fundamental way of working procedure of these
strategies appeared in Table 1 and is the same for the remaining
techniques, but the calculations/algorithm differs for every one of
them. Two techniques are usually found in this category [39], i.e. P
& O and InC. Ahmed et al. [40] gives a detailed analysis of
selecting the initial step of the perturbation, which necessarily
should be taken care of, for faster convergence of optimal working
point. Teulings et al. [41] gave the implementation of this
technique with the microcontroller analogue–digital (A–D)
converters. The main contrast between P & O and HC is the
Fig. 11 Conventional P & O with fixed perturbation step perturbation variable. The working of InC mainly depends on the
slope of the power–voltage (P–V curve), whereas the P & O has
environmental conditions [35]. The current at MPP can be voltage as a control variable. HC technique has a duty ratio (D) as
calculated by using the (2). the perturbation variable. This HC method is the best and simple
technique implemented in any microcontroller. Also, it requires
Impp = Ki ∗ Isc (2) neither sensors for irradiation and temperature nor the solar PV
where factor Ki ranges in between 0.75 and 0.9. The
implementation of this technique is shown in Fig. 10. 4.6 Perturb and observe MPPT
This technique is appropriate for low current and high voltage The P&O is one of the most used MPPT techniques in the literature
applications. Above condition uncovers that this strategy is just an and easily implemented in practice by most of the authors [26, 35,
approximation, and consequently, it does not work at definite MPP. 42]. This technique relies upon the trial and error method in
Besides, the whole day operation requires irregular estimations of searching and following the MPP. P & O calculation compares the
Isc, resulting in the loss of power. A novel hybrid method of FSCC power obtained in two points on a P–V curve and then compares
with P & O method is explained in [36]. This combination the position of voltage. Then the voltage is updated accordingly
enhances the overall tracking efficiency, i.e. gives 93.4 and 91.93% (either to left or right of P–V curve) in order to track the MPP.
during normal and dynamic weather conditions, respectively. Block diagram representation of this P&O technique is shown in
Advancement in this technique is, it is implemented by connecting Fig. 11.
dSPACE DS1104 embedded card directly to the Simulink Fundamentally, this strategy checks for the change in PV cell
environment and without using the irradiation sensor also. power (dP), then checks for the sign of PV cell voltage (dV ).
According to the values obtained, D is perturbed. P–V curve data is
4.4 Fractional open circuit voltage MPPT used to analyse the actual movement of the operating point.
Depending on the curve, if the (dP/dV ) is positive, then the actual
In this method, as it is named as an off-line parameter or the FOCV point seems to be in the left half of the MPP; else in negative half.
MPPT, open circuit voltage V oc is considered as an off-line Moreover, this process proceeds until (dP/dV ) equivalents to zero.
parameter as given in the same Fig. 10. The relation between The algorithm flow chart is shown in Fig. 12. At the extreme point
(V mpp) and V oc is given as of any P–V curve, MPP is given by (4). The position of MPP
(either left or right) is determined by using (5), (6).
V mpp = Kv ∗ V oc (3)
The estimation of Kv is somewhere in the range of 0.7–0.8 [18, 24] = 0 = MPP (4)
and can be known with the help of the data-sheet provided by the
IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452 1437
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> 0 Left side of MPP (5)
< 0 Right side of MPP (6)
1438 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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curve can be represented by a straight line dP/dI = 0 [14]. A
straight forward simple circuit is used, to analyse and recognise the
converging purpose of these I–V and P–V curves. The main idea is
to transform the non-linear circuit into the linear one, such that the
linear control strategies can be easily applied. Ovono Zue et al.
[56] gave the broad analysis with numerical equations by using
small-signal analysis on the system. Simulation performed by
Guisser et al. [57] on the proposed non-linear control, which is
based on input-output feedback linearisation give accurate results
in both real and estimated conditions.
IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452 1439
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dP d(VI) is accomplished. In this technique, the values of PV voltage and
= (11)
dV dV current are sensed using two sensors. Besides the low efficiency of
the PV system, the addition of power converters will increase the
the chain rule for the derivative of products yields ripple content. The switching actions of the converter will also
make this situation a little worse. These all conditions will add up
dV dI to the ripple content increase, thereby directly affecting the PV
I +V =0 (12) system output power [26, 70–72]. Boonmee et al. [73]
dI dV
implemented the grid-connected PV system by the help of this
dP dI RCC technique, and the setup consists of two interface components
I+V =0 (13) like a dSPACE DS1104 controller board with TMS320F240 slave
dV dV
processor and I/O interface board CP1104. This method shows
1 dP I dI good results for controlling the grid current by utilising P-Q
= + =0 (14) controller. Furthermore, THD is well within the IEEE and IEC
V dV V dV
standards with the value of 4.6 % in the grid current produced by
At peak power point, the grid inverter. This technique utilises the pyranometer model
Novalynx Corporation/240-8101/2 to measure the irradiation
dP I dI during experimental testing. The comparison of various parameters
= 0, + =0 (15) in this classification is given in Tables 2 and 3. Table 4 gives the
dV V dV
contribution of different classical MPPT techniques based on
If the operating point is to the right of the curve then we have literature.
< 0, then if 5 Intelligence MPPT techniques
(16) 5.1 Artificial neural network (ANN)
I dI
+ < 0, V is decreased, ANN is the intelligence-based advanced MPPT technique, due to
V dV
its inherent nature of the learning process and biological nature of
I dI neurons. Fundamentally, the ANN can be represented by a directed
if + > 0, V is increased . (17)
V dV
> 0 then if
I dI
+ > 0, V is increased,
V dV
I dI
if + > 0, V is decreased . (19)
V dV
1440 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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Table 2 Comparison of MPPT techniques based on classical algorithm [10, 18, 26, 35]
Technique Sampling Tracking Tracking SP Complexity Parameter Periodic Stability A/D Efficiency, % Cost
rate speed accuracy tuning tuning
CV low slow low V simple yes yes no A 72.8 [38] INEX
ARV low medium medium V&C simple yes yes no A, D 98 [34] INEX
FOCV low slow low V simple yes yes no A, D 92.4 [35] INEX
FSCC low slow medium C simple yes yes no A, D 93.4 [35] INEX
P&O low slow medium V&C complex no no no A, D 97.6 [26] affordable
improved P & O medium medium high V&C complex no no yes D 96 [50] EX
HC medium medium medium V&C simple no no no D 54.12 [38] EX
InC low slow medium V&C complex no no yes D 98.5 [26] affordable
RCC high fast high V&C complex yes no very stable D 96.4 [26] EX
DC-Link high medium high V&C simple yes no yes D — EX
capacitor droop
on-Line MPP medium medium high V&C medium yes no yes D — EX
search algorithm
look up table low fast high I&T simple yes yes memory D 98.4 [35] INEX
method based
linearisation low fast low I medium yes no yes D — INEX
based MPPT
Note: SP, sensed parameters; V, voltage; C, current; I, irradiance; T, temperature; A, analogue; D, digital; EX, expensive; INEX, inexpensive.
Table 3 Classical MPP tracking techniques: simulation, implementation of hardware and remarks [14, 15, 18, 58]
Technique Control G I (DC–DC) or Simulink/ Tracking in Remarks
strategy (DC–AC) hardware PSC
CV InC no DC–DC Matlab no CV technique uses only one sensor and PI controller,
which makes its performance fast and robust.
ARV SM no DC–DC Matlab no two additional sensors are needed for irradiance and
open circuit voltage InC no DC–DC Matlab no FOCV is an indirect method which adjust proportionality
MPPT constant K w.r.t changes in irradiance and temperature.
short circuit current InC no DC–DC Matlab and no FSCC is also an indirect method same as FOCV
MPPT hardware
P&O SM no DC–DC Matlab and no algorithm is of normal level, make use of only one sensor
hardware for the tracking purpose.
improved P & O SM no DC–DC Matlab no distinguishes the local peaks and the Global peak in no
simulation time to increase the tracking speed.
HC SM no DC–DC simulation no implementation is independent of PV array parameters
InC SM no DC–DC Matlab and no very adaptive for different solar environments, best
hardware dynamic nature, and the oscillation around the MPP is
RCC InC no DC–DC DSP yes less number of parameters required such that complexity
reduces. Quickly to converge to MPP.
DC-Link capacitor MM no DC–DC Matlab and no this is best for the system which is connected in parallel to
droop control hardware the line and control is done in a bi-directional way.
on-line MPP search MM yes two stages DSP yes tracking speed increased, tracking error reduced.
look up table method InC no DC–DC Matlab and no this tracks MPP faster than other conventional methods,
hardware but it requires a lot of off-line calculations and colossal
storage space .
linearisation based SM yes DC–DC Matlab no linear control can also be possible on non-linear systems
Note: GI, grid integration; InC, incremental conductance; SM, sampling method; MM, modulation method; PSC's, partial shading conditions.
chart where the nodes and the edges will be the neurons and the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid, and Log-sigmoid. Two distinctive
synapses respectively [81, 82]. The model of a neuron is given, and primary sorts of ANN's structure emerge from how the neurons are
its activation function (AF) formulation is shown in Fig. 18, where associated with one another: the feedforward neural network
Z is the argument of the AF and is given by the (20). (FNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN). The ANN with a
multi-layer feed-forward system, i.e. overall three layers input,
M hidden and output layers are shown in Fig. 19. The input to this
Z= ∑ XmWm + α (20) technique can be the PV module parameters like V OC and ISC, the
environmental information like irradiance and temperature, or any
combination of these two. Furthermore, the output will be the V MPP
X1, X2, …, XM are the M incoming signals, W 1, W 2, …, W M are the
or V ref or GMPP. The process is done in the essential hidden layer,
related synapses weights and α is the bias parameter. Generally, AF
adjusts the weights and bias to estimate the best-targeted value, i.e.
is a converter of a linear function to non-linear function, consists of
IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452 1441
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Table 4 Classical MPPT techniques, previous work done
Ref. Year MPPT GI CV DC–DC Observations
no. converter
[33] 2016 CV no array V boost the proposed algorithm's working is compared with a company manufactured high-
converter efficient MPPT, namely solar charger with advanced MPPT function, FM80-150VDC
from OutBack Power Systems.
[34] 2017 ARV no V boost this method is an improvement to CV, and this ARV based MPPT is modelled and
done simulation against conventional P & O and CV MPPTs.
[35] 2017 FOCV no V & C boost in this paper, intelligent novel FOCV connected fractional order InC is coined, and
operation is done in Matlab.
[35] 2017 FSCC no V & C boost in this paper, a novel hybrid FSCC with P & O method is performed on dSPACE
DS1104-based experimental setup, and the initial guess of a proportional constant is
selected in an intelligent way such that irradiance sensor is not required.
[26] 2017 P&O no V & C boost PV system is simulated using variable irradiance and temperature, but due to fixed-
step perturbation, huge oscillations are present, which reduces overall efficiency.
[74] 2018 variable P & O yes V boost (LPF) in this, MPP is achieved by using an efficient methodology of variable step P & O
[40] 2012 HC no V or C boost the essential factor of the initial guess for the perturbation variable is demonstrated
converter with numerical analysis.
[75] 2015 InC yes V or C boost thermoelectric generators are connected as the load to the system where InC with
converter boost converter supplied the load. The performance of this InC has compared with P
& O also.
[76] 2016 RCC yes V & C boost the RCC technique is utilised with Fuzzy based MPPT, and the PV system is
converter integrated into the grid. As the Ripple is always present in the converter, there is no
need for separate perturbation variable.
[77] 2017 DC-Link yes V & C push–pull the essential factor of sizing of the DC-link capacitor is explained, and this technique
capacitor is compared with the current control method for the integrated grid system.
[78] 2007 on-line MPP yes V & C boost real-time data is taken into consideration so; the process is done at a faster rate; the
converter MPP is acquired quickly. This method is simple, cost viable and can be applied to
large PV systems as it requires only two measurements.
[79] 2013 look-up table no V boost both reference irradiances and temperatures are directly obtained from a 2D look-up
converter table. As the process of searching is not there for perturbation variable, it is very fast
in tracking GMPP.
[80] 2011 linearisation no V boost in this, IOFLC (input–output feedback linearisation control) is employed with InC
MPPT converter MPPT control for the integrated grid system, and results show that the MPP is
tracked at a faster rate. THD limits are well within grid standards like IEEE1547.
Note: GI, grid integration; CV, control variable; LPF, low pass filter; V, voltage; C, current.
1442 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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rules, which is one primary component out of three. In general,
fuzzy technique comprises of three stages, namely fuzzification,
rule base query table (fuzzy rules), and defuzzification [94, 95].
In fuzzification, the inputs of PV parameters are transformed
into the linguistic variables, i.e. crisp quantity is converted into
fuzzy quantity (fuzzy set). Mainly if-then rules are designed to give
linguistic variables input and output relational parameters by
utilising the human knowledge to design for appropriate
application need. Defuzzification is an inversion process to
fuzzification, where mathematical relations are used to extract
linguistic or crisp inputs. In this process mainly maximum
membership function, centroid method, weighted average methods
are utilised for computation. In the defuzzification procedure, the
FLC output is changed over from a linguistic variable to a
numerical variable, and this will be giving as an analogue signal to
the converter used. The rule base table is the core part of the FLC,
where the tuning of the technique to our application is made. The
working of FLCs lies in the continuous change of the duty ratio in
the converter from the information of change in error and the
voltage error with the aim of panel voltage will be equivalent to the
maximum voltage(V mpp). With the comparison of instantaneous PV
array voltage with the RV, the voltage error is calculated. In
Fig. 20 Detailed implementation of ANN method contrast, the RV is the maximum voltage of the module at that
instant of solar radiation. In this way, the most significant voltage
and RV changes as indicated by sun powered irradiance. The
implementation of this technique for a solar PV system is
represented in Fig. 21. Usually, the inputs to an MPPT fuzzy logic
controller are an error E and a change in error ΔE is expressed in
(21) and (22).
IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452 1443
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results showed that operation converges to the MPP in several tens
of milliseconds [103]. Bianconi et al. [104] performed the
hardware implementation of this current sensing algorithm along
with the P & O technique. In this implementation, the 100HZ
voltage oscillation noise was successfully removed without using
an additional feedback loop. Thus SMC provides the best MPP
tracking with this hybrid combination. Bianconi et al. [105] gives a
novel fast current based SMC technique.
Rn + 2 = Rn + 1 + Rn(n = 1, 2, 3, 4, …) (24)
R1 = R2 = 1
R3 = 2, R4 = 3, R5 = 5, R6 = 8, R7 = 13… (25)
Fig. 23 Flowchart of Sliding mode controller Fibonacci series mainly comes into working for restricting the
operating point and its length. The flow of the process of the basic
Fibonacci method is shown in Fig. 24, which represents the setting
of the operating length with those Fibonacci numbers. This
intelligent algorithm always decreases the range making sure that
the optimal point always lies inside the range. Two points V 1, V 2
are selected and the function f ( = P) i.e. f (V 1), f (V 2) is used to
locate the maximum point by the use of the searching algorithm. If
this condition f (V 1) < f (V 2), then maximum point must occur in
between [V 1, V max] where V 1 = V min, V max=V max. Then the search
process is adjusted to new range [V min, V max]. Otherwise, if
f (V 1) > f (V 2), then maximum point must occur in between [V max,
V 2] where then range will change to V min = V min, and V 2 = V max.
The downside of this search methodology is that the range of
search will be reversed if the insolation change happens drastically.
So choosing the best operating range at the initialisation will be the
solution for this so that the operating range will not go out of the
limit [106]. So, Ramaprabha et al. [107] comes with a solution to
this problem by adjusting the power ripple and widening the search
range by accurately approximating at the time of initialisation.
Improved Fibonacci search algorithm flow process is shown in Fig.
25. Experimentation is done with this technique to track GMPP in
Fig. 24 Search process of Fibonacci series based MPPT PSC's, and it is easily capable of tracking. This method is fast,
accurate, and it neither requires sensors to estimate irradiation and
make the system parameters to stay on the sliding surface temperature nor accurate system model. Reference [108] is the
irrespective of the change occurred in the source side. It utilises conference paper of this Fibonacci series based MPPT technique.
only one current sensor, thereby reducing the overall cost of the
system. Tan et al., clearly explains the design aspects of the sliding
surface [100]. 5.5 Gauss–Newton approach based MPPT
This method depends on computing the variation of the PV The Gauss–Newton method is the fastest one among these
power versus the PV voltage and calculated by using the (23) mathematical computational MPPT techniques. It is named after
two great scientists Carl Friedrich Gauss and Issac Newton. It is
dPPV dIPV mainly used to solve non-linear problems associated with the least
S= = IPV + V PV ∗ (23)
dV PV dV PV square approximation. As it is a modification of the Newton
method, it should minimise the sum of a squared value of that
where S will discover the exact value of operating voltage particular objective function. The central postulate of this method
dependent on the area of the MPP. The procedure of hardware is that no need for computing the second-order derivatives, which
implementation based SMC is shown in Fig. 23, where the are very complex to solve. This type of intelligent methods reduces
stepwise flow process is given. Thus, DC/DC converter is the no. of iterations by accurately approximating the initial guess
controlled by the above strategy [101, 102]. This strategy, for the values of the function. So there should be a trade-off between the
most part, utilises a hysteretic mode control of the DC–DC computation/memory Vs No. of iterations while selecting these
converter. It is rapid; however, experiences an unstable switching algorithms for unconstrained minimisation [18, 109]. In Gauss–
frequency in the converter utilised. Simulation and experimental
1444 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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Fig. 25 Flowchart for Fibonacci algorithm based search MPPT
Table 5 Comparison of MPPT techniques based on intelligent algorithms [84, 93, 94, 112]
Technique Sampling Tracking Tracking SP Complexity P T Periodic Stability A/D Efficiency, % Cost
rate speed accuracy tuning
ANN high medium high I&T simple yes yes very stable digital 98 [28] expensive
FLC high fast high V&C medium yes yes very stable digital 97.87 [95] affordable
SMC high very fast medium V&C high yes no very stable digital — expensive
Fibonacci series high very fast high V&C medium yes yes very stable digital — affordable
Gauss–Newton medium fast medium V&C high no no stable digital — affordable
Note: SP, sensed parameters; V, voltage; C, current; I, irradiance; T, temperature; A, analogue; D, digital; PT, parameter tuning.
IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452 1445
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Table 6 Intelligent MPP tracking techniques: simulation, implementation of hardware and remarks [18, 27–29, 84]
Technique Control strategy G I Simulink/ Tracking Remarks
hardware under
ANN back propagation yes simulation and yes the ANN has to train with the appropriate irradiation and temperature
hardware along with the V ref or V mpp. Extensive data is needed for the training
procedure. PV information like module utilised, no. of modules and
shading patterns have to be considered.
FLC fuzzy inference yes Matlab & yes this technique is implemented without the knowledge of the PV system,
system hardware and also its inputs are imprecise.
SMC current sensing yes Matlab/hardware yes the sliding mode controller (non-linear) is implemented such that the
sliding surface will be useful as the trajectory for the optimum point
Fibonacci continuous range yes Matlab and yes the MPP is intelligently tracked at a very faster rate by inherently
MPPT updation hardware updating its range. The method uses the Fibonacci series based
searching algorithm for approaching the optimum point.
Gauss–Newton reduction in MSE yes Matlab and yes the algorithm is off at a faster level, uses a mathematical approach for a
MPPT hardware reduction in iterations, no need of solving second order derivatives.
Note: GI, grid integration; MSE, mean square error and PSC's, partial shading conditions.
where the velocity part Ψi speaks to the progression size. The track at the starting whereas the conventional one took 2 s to reach
velocity is determined by the (30). the MPP. At time t = 4 s, variable insolation makes the system to
search for MPP again, and it took 0.1 s, and at t = 8 s, this hybrid
ψ ik + 1 = wψ ik + c1r1[Pbest − xik] + c2r2[Gbest − xik] (30) combination took just 0.1 s to track the GMPP. The overall
efficiency of the system is getting increased by this novel
where w is the inertia weight, c1 and c2 are the increasing speed combination of PSO -InC. Badis et al. [118] made a similar attempt
coefficients, r1, r2, Uϵ(0, 1), Pbesti is the individual best position of by cascading PSO with GA, and it decreases the complexity to
some extent. Ishaque et al. [119] also coined an IPSO, which will
molecule i, and Gbest is the best position of the particles in the
decrease the steady-state oscillations. Ghasemi et al. [11] well
whole population [116]. The objective function is characterised as explained the IPSO methodology in both simulation and hardware
given in (31). platforms (Atmel AVR ATMEGA16A microcontroller) and results
gave the optimum efficiency by realising the circuit with the low-
P(dik) > P(dik − 1) (31) cost controller itself. Thus, both cost viability and efficiency of the
system are acquired by this technique. Many papers provide the
The fundamental strategy of this method is given in flowchart PSO technique operation under PSC's. Literature works [120, 121]
shown in Fig. 26. Since the PSO strategy deals with the basis of the are the two recent conference papers, and their contribution is also
search method, the GMPP can be tracked with no trouble. Some helpful to know the performance of this technique.
literature clarifies the following of MPP point with improved PSO
(IPSO) technique bringing about decreasing the steady-state 6.2 Grey wolf optimisation
oscillations. The particles can be instated effectively around the
MPP to keep away from both unnecessary and excess searching, The GWO calculation based MPPT procedure gives the idea of
and a circumstance in which the swarm effectively looks the zone leadership attribute depicts the leadership hierarchy and chasing
turns out to be too little which return the genuine MPP in lesser mechanism of grey wolves proposed by Mirjalili et al. [122]. Grey
time. Robustness to control parameter is the main postulates of this wolves are viewed as at the top of the natural food chain, and they
technique. Abdulkadir et al. [117] gave the improvised technique want to live in a pack. Alpha (α), beta (β), delta (δ) and omega (ω)
by cascading this PSO with InC methodology and the system is are four sorts of grey wolves that are utilised to duplicate the
well able to track the GMPP than a conventional one. It takes 1 s to administration property among themselves. To scientifically show
1446 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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Fig. 26 Flowchart of PSO algorithm
the social pecking order of wolves while planning GWO, we easier to find the GMPP under different irradiance conditions,
consider the fittest arrangement as the alpha (α). Thus, the second while it requires more time to transfer all the ants into the MPP.
and third best arrangements are named as beta (β) and delta (δ), Fewer ants give a better convergence speed. However, they can
separately. The remainder of the competitor arrangements is quickly become trapped in one of the local power peaks. The size
thought to be omega (ω). It even has an application in the field of K of the solution archive should not be smaller than the dimension
robotic scheduling and image thresholding. The standard of the problem. The flow of an implementation of this technique,
methodologies used are of searching, revolving around, and including parameters to be considered initially is given in Fig. 27.
importantly, searching until the upgraded result is chased. For Maskell et al. [126] gives the comparative analysis among the
evaluation wellness factor is resolved, and utilitarian streamlining classical methods with ACO method. ACO-based MPPT algorithm
agents are utilised as benchmark work. Mohanty et al. [123] made provides better performance to find the GMPP under various
an extensive comparison between the P & O, IPSO and GWO shading conditions. As a result, it ensures to abstract more power
techniques. Hardware implementation is done with interfacing from the PV arrays. Sundareswaran et al. [127] done the real-time
platform of dSPACE1104 along with the TMS320F240 DSP and implementation of this technique with P & O. A case study is being
inorder to sense both voltage and current, a hall effect sensor is implemented on the solar power plant (1 MW) which is integrated
used in order to feed to the controller with real-time data. Mohanty to the grid at Sivaganga, Tamilnadu, India. Four methods, namely
et al. [124] again proposed a hybrid GWO assisted P & O ACO, PSO, P & O and ACO, P & O methods are compared for
methodology tackles the challenging issues of obscure hunt spaces. their efficient tracking with convergence speeds under pre-defined
GWO is demonstrated to be the best calculation in light of its eight shading patterns. The proposed hybrid technique achieves
effortlessness, flexibility, independent system and local optima faster convergence speeds in all shading conditions.
avoidance [18].
6.4 Cuckoo search based GMPPT
6.3 ACO based MPPT
CS technique has been viewed as a standout amongst other
This paper exhibits a novel ACO [125] based MPPT technique to optimising calculations. The core thought of CS can be outlined by
track the GMPP in variable insolation conditions. brood parasitism, which lays its eggs inside the homes of different
The ACO joins a greedy search algorithm, positive feedback birds and can be grouped into interspecific, nest takeover and
mechanism and distributed computing. ACO has a reliable capacity cooperation. Multi-objective design of CS optimisation procedure
to search through the ideal solution. The greedy search algorithm is well explained by Deb et al. [128]. For straightforwardness in
rapidly locates an acceptable solution and improves the portraying the approach of CS, presently utilisation is done in these
effectiveness of the system. The positive feedback mechanism three rules: (i) each cuckoo lays each egg in turn, and dump its egg
guarantees that the ACO detects the best optimal solution. in arbitrarily picked home; (ii) the best quality of eggs within that
Distributed computing encourages ACO to stay away from nest will persist to the following generations; (iii) the quantity of
premature convergence. The hunt procedure is restarted inside a accessible host homes is fixed, and the egg laid by a cuckoo is
period, and re-initialisation is executed relying upon the identified found by the host bird with a probability of [0, 1]. For this
climatic conditions for optimum working. In this MPPT algorithm, situation, the host bird can either discard the egg or relinquish the
the parameters required to be decided by the user include the home, and construct a new home. For effortlessness, this
number of ants (M), the size of the solution archive (K), conclusive presumption can be approximated by the part dad of the
convergence speed constant (ξ), and the locality of the search n homes are supplanted by new homes (with new irregular
process (Q). The number of ants influences the convergence speed arrangements). Whenever the bird find out's the egg is not of his
and the accuracy of the optimisation process. More ants mean it is own, it will destroy the egg via levy flight. It is well explained by
Yang [129].
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Fig. 27 Flowchart of ACO-based MPPT algorithm for PV systems
For a maximisation issue, the quality or fitness of an answer can gave the ABC-based MPPT technique, and results of ABC are
necessarily be relative to the objective function, and this function compared with the PSO and enhanced P&O (EPO) methods. The
will be based on the three rules as mentioned earlier. Ahmed et al. efficiency of the ABC technique is almost 99.99%. The interesting
[130] studied this technique characteristics by implementing thing is the tracking speeds, which are as follows, i.e. 4.234, 9.375
simulation and comparing the obtained results with P&O method. and 1.425 s for ABC, PSO and EPO methods respectively.
The results show that it takes 45 ms for P&O, whereas cuckoo However, the efficiencies are falling when the shading patterns are
methodology tracks within 22 ms itself. Also, it senses only voltage changed instantaneously. Padmanaban et al. [133] recently coined
and current, so two sensors are enough, thereby it is better in new hybrid ANFIS - ABC technique which is the best technique so
economic aspects also. Nugraha et al. [131] recently gives the far. The hardware implementation of this technique is done in the
novel approach to improve this technique by cascading with the DSP platform. The system is grid integrated one, and results show
golden section search (GSS) technique. The process is like the first the efficiency is 98.39% while keeping grid voltage and current
CS technique will track the area nearer to MPP, and then the GSS THD 2.3 and 2.5% is well in limits. Li et al. [134] is also recently
is used iteratively for searching the exact GMPP. By this novel ABC implemented conference paper, which compares this
hybrid methodology, GMPP is approached at a very faster rate technique with the other three techniques in terms of tracking
without reducing the tracking speed. speed and efficiency.
The comparison of various parameters of this particular
6.5 Artificial bee colony MPPT Optimised based MPPT techniques is given in Table 8. The
contribution of different optimisation MPPT techniques based on
The ABC algorithm is one of the best technique for obtaining an literature is given in brief in Table 9. Novel methodologies in this
optimum value of GMPP. It emerges from the food searching optimisation technique is explained in Literature works [135–138].
process of honey bees. The honey bees live in the colonies, search
for food by dividing themselves into groups. Likewise, the best
MPP is also searched by the assigning the process of tracking
7 Conclusion
procedure individually. Honey bees are broadly classified into three This paper reviewed a wide range of MPPT techniques in order to
types, mainly employed, onlooker, and scouts. The procedure is enhance the maximum power from the PV system under PSC's.
started by the food information gathered by the employed honey Extensive literature survey is presented for various MPPT
bees. This information is followed to the onlooker honey bees in a techniques with the consideration of specific parameters.
systematic mathematical approach. At the same time, alternate Moreover, it is inferenced from the literature that utilisation of the
food is searched by the scouts. The end objective is to gather MPPT controllers is the best way to track the MPP under PSC's,
information regarding the most abundant food source. If the which paved a way to enormous research. The current review
number of employed bees is more abundant in the group, the better comprises of detailed explanation of working procedures along
the performance, the algorithm has. This process of food searching with the process of flow representation for each MPPT technique.
is well employed to PV systems for searching the optimum point In this review, out of all MPPT techniques available, some
by using the proper AF. By this technique, one GMPP point where techniques are chosen and classified into three groups depending
maximum power is available is tracked at a faster rate. With the upon the tracking algorithm utilised to track MPP under PSC's.
help of this nature of MPP searching, Sundareswaran et al. [132] Some parameters knowledge is beneficial in order to apply a
1448 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
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Table 8 Optimisation-based MPP tracking techniques: immense classification [11, 27, 28, 122, 125]
system independency high high high high high
ability to track under normal conditions high high high high high
ability to track under PSC's high high high high high
algorithm complexity simple medium simple simple medium
dependency of initial design medium medium medium medium medium
oscillations around MPP no no no no no
sensed parameters V&C V&C V V&C V&C
parameter tuning no yes yes yes no
stability very stable stable stable stable stable
analogue/digital digital digital digital digital digital
converter Used boost buck–boost boost buck–boost boost
grid integration yes yes yes no yes
cost very expensive affordable affordable affordable expensive
simulink/ hardware simulation simulation simulation simulation simulation
efficiency, % 99.89 [123] 99.91 [123] — 99.97 [131] 99.78 [132]
Note: PSC's, partial shading conditions; V, voltage; C, current; V & C, voltage and current.
Table 9 Comparison of different global optimisation-based MPPT approaches from previous works.
Authors Ref Year MPPT Grid Control DC–DC Controller Contribution
technique integration parameter converter
Chao et al. [139] 2015 improved PSO no duty cycle boost PIC cognition, the inertia weight of
microcontrollers each particle in PSO and social
learning factors decreases or
increases exponentially.
Fathabadi [140] 2016 unified algorithm yes duty cycle boost microcontroller MPPT can be designed without
MC68HC11E9 sensors.
Kofinas [141] 2015 big Bang-Big no current buck DSP ANN have been adapted via off-
crunch with ANN line learning approach of the (BB-
Ahmed et al. [130] 2013 CS no voltage buck–boost Matlab simulation CS-based algorithm is simulated in
converter Matlab and compared with P&O.
Results are CS is fast converging
than P&O.
Ahmad et al. [142] 2014 CS & PSO off-grid voltage buck–boost Matlab simulation studying CS performance under
converter gradual, step and rapid changes in
irradiance and temperature.
Rezk [143] 2016
teaching– no duty cycle boost Matlab simulation evaluating the performance of
learning-based TLBO algorithm.
Fathy [144] 2016 mine blast no duty cycle boost Matlab simulation evaluating the performance of
optimisation MBO algorithm.
Mirhassani et [145] 2015 improved PSO no duty cycle boost DSP increasing speed of MPPT through
al. the improvement of PSO using
variable sampling time strategy.
particular MPPT technique. So, design aspects like algorithm algorithms and can be applied to any PV systems without
complexity, sensed parameters, converters used, grid integration, previously knowing their nature. To conclude, this study will be a
tracking speed, ability to track MPP in PSC's, control parameter valuable reference for a researcher to pick the advantageous MPPT
and required sensors are necessary. Merits and de-merits of these that is suitable for a specific application.
techniques are also discussed and ordered them in tables.
Moreover, the hardware platforms for all these MPPT techniques is 8 Acknowledgments
barely discussed in the literature available so far. So, an attempt is
made to study and discuss both software and hardware platforms The Authors gratefully acknowledge the support offered by the
for these techniques. Furthermore, their efficiencies are enlisted Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of
along with their tracking speeds. To be precise, all classical Science & Technology, GoI under the Grant No: ECR/
algorithms are most reliable for uniform irradiation condition with 2017/000316 for this research work.
less algorithm complexity and tracking speed is low compared with
other techniques. Intelligent techniques are gaining momentum in 9 References
this era as they are best techniques for MPP tracking in different
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1452 IET Renew. Power Gener., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 9, pp. 1433-1452
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020