CMS User Manual (Incomplete Draft)
CMS User Manual (Incomplete Draft)
CMS User Manual (Incomplete Draft)
User Manual
Work in progress….
Create an Event Smartform
This brief guide covers the usage and technical implementation of Event Smartforms
within the CMS.
Within this folder are subfolders corresponding to event year. The Events folder is
organized this way to make it easy to locate an event based upon the year to which it
is assigned.
Creating an Event Smartform
To create a new Event, open the folder where you wish to create the event
smartform and select the following: New – Smart form – Event:
When creating an event smartform, name it the same name as the event, word for
word. Once named, be advised that changing the name will change the URL
(address) of the page on the internet.
Location and Event Languages
Event location and event languages are obligatory fields. Failure to complete either
field will prevent the publication of the event page.
Visual Banner
When creating an event page, you must provide a visual banner: the image to be
displayed on the All Events page.
Select the image icon ( ) next to the Visual Banner field. You will be confronted
with the following window.
From the left panel, navigate to the folder containing the image you want to insert. In
this case, the image should be under Training and Events – All Events – Events –
Select the image and click Insert ( ). The image is inserted into the content. (You
can also double-click the image.)
By default, a tab is a Subtitle and a Copy (Text) field, with a possible image.
To create a new tab, use the additional tab icon ( ) and/or for an additional
paragraph field, click on the add paragraph icon ( )
Description tab is required, all other tabs are optional. If you do not want a tab to be
visible, do not fill it in.
To create event rates and credits, use the rates and credits fields on the event page
Rate field
To add a rate or credit field, use the tab icon ( ) and/or the add rate icon ( ) or
add credit/hour icon ( )
Event rates and credits are displayed on the right hand side of the event page:
Registration fee description and Registration alternative are optional fields. The
content of these fields is displayed on the right part of the page, under the rates.
Registration Link is the important part of the page. It is the place where you insert
the contact email, ROL page, external link or PDF registration. By filling this field,
you open registration for users.
Select the Registration link icon ( ) to add a registration link. You will be
confronted with the following window.
Search for the URL link
Select the link and insert
To add a document, use the document field on the event smartform:
Select the content ID icon ( ) to add a document. You will be presented with
the following window.
The Summary menu in the Event page form needs to be completed. Here you write
what will appear as a description of the event on the “All Event” page. The
description will also appear at the top of the event page in bold and is the lead/hook.
The second to last menu to complete in the Event smartform is the Metadata menu.
Please note that StartDate and EndDate must also be completed so that the event
appears in the All Event page. Without these dates the event page will never show
up on the website. Note that there is a section called “Modules Configuration” that is
at the top. This permits you to provide a customized right navigation for the event
page, beneath the registration links and prices. For information on how to configure
a module configuration, please see the chapter on Module Configurations in this
user manual.
The last menu to complete in the Event smartform is the Category menu.
It is important to follow the above image specification to avoid display issues on the
ICC webpage.
Uploading Images
Please note that images are saved under the Library tab and not the Content tab.
To upload an image, select the Library tab and open the folder where you wish to
upload the image (e.g., Library – News and Media – Articles – 2015)
Once you have selected Add, you will be prompted to a new image smartform.
Follow the steps below to properly upload your image.
This brief guide covers step-by-step instructions on how to properly upload and
insert a document via the CMS.
Upload a Document.
Documents are saved under Data. The location of the document is determined by its
subject/content. For example, a DRS document would be saved to the following
location: Content – Data – Documents – News – Brochures – DRS
Step-by-step illustration on how to upload a new document to CMS
Make sure to utilize the document title for both Title and Meta Title fields.
Illustration of a DMS Document smartform.
Inserting a Document
Once a document has been uploaded to the CMS, it can be inserted into a
smartform via the Document (s) field.
Please refer to the documents section in the Event Smartform chapter for further
instructions on how to insert a document into a smartform.
Create a News Smartform
This brief guide covers the usage and technical implementation of the News
smartform within the CMS.
The Articles folder contains subfolders corresponding to year. It’s organized this
way to make it easy to locate a news smartform based upon the year it was created.
Creating a News Smartform
Under the Articles folder, select 2015 (or whichever year the article was created),
click on New and then select the News smartform.
When creating an news smartform, name it the same name as the news article, word
for word. Once named, be advised that changing the name will change the URL
(address) of the page on the internet.
Select the image icon ( ) to insert the image to be displayed on the News article.
Refer how to insert an image for instructions.
Event location is an obligatory field. Failure to complete the field will prevent the
publication of the news page. If location cannot be determined, you may use “Paris”
as the default location.
Incorporate article text via the Copy (Text) field by clicking on the Edit Rich Area
Field icon ( ), you will be prompted to the following window
You may copy and paste text into the Edit Rich Area Field. Make sure to exclude
the first paragraph of the article text, this will be added to the Summary tab.
Adding a link
Often, a news article will contain Links that will need to be manually incorporated
into the Edit Rich Area Field:
Please note: To break a hyperlink, select the hyperlinked text and click on the
Remove Link icon ( ) next to the URL address bar.
The Author field is an obligatory. Failure to complete the field will prevent the
publication of the news page.
To select author click the AuthorID icon ( ) next to the Author field. You will
be directed to the following window
If the Author cannot be determined or not found, please contact the
Media & Communications department for assistance.
The Summary tab contains the first paragraph of a news article. Text entered will
appear in bold and is the lead/hook of the news article page. Use the Paste Plain
Text function to avoid formatting issues.
Paste the first paragraph of the news article into the Paste Plain Text textbox
Once you have filled in all required content, you can Save and Publish the news
You can now view the page on staging and see the results of your work:
Once you have published your news smartform, CMS will automatically synchronize
it to the main ICC page.
Please note that synchronization is automatic. Synchronization runs every hour on
the hour.
This brief guide covers the usage and technical implementation of Policy smartform
within the CMS. Much like a Standard Page, Event, or any other Smart form on the
ICC portal, creating one requires that you complete a form.
To create a new Policy page, open the folder where you wish to create the policy
smartform and select the following: New – Smart form – Policy:
Once created, you will be presented with the following smart form.
Completing a Policy Smartform
When creating an news smartform, name it the same name as the news article, word
for word. Once named, be advised that changing the name will change the URL
(address) of the page on the internet.
Policy Commission(s)
Incorporate article text via the Copy (Text) field by clicking on the Edit Rich Area
Field icon ( ), you will be prompted to the following window
To insert a hyperlink into the text, please refer to Adding Links section in the News
Smartform chapter of this manual.
Select the image icon ( ) to insert the image to be displayed on the Policy page.
Refer how to insert an image for instructions.
PDF Documents
To add a document, use the PDF document field on the policy smartform:
The Contacts field is obligatory. Select Search icon ( ) next to the Contacts field.
You will be directed to the following window
The Summary tab contains the first paragraph of a policy page. Text entered will
appear in bold and is the lead/hook of the policy page. Use the Paste Plain Text
function to avoid formatting issues.
Paste the first paragraph of the policy text into the Paste Plain Text textbox
Selecting Topics will ensure the proper categorization of the policy page.
Publishing a Policy smartform
Once you have filled in all required content, you can Save and Publish the policy
You can now view the page on staging and see the results of your work:
Synchronizing a Policy smartform
Once you have published your policy smartform, CMS will automatically synchronize
it to the main ICC page.
This brief guide covers the usage and technical implementation of Module
Configurations within the ICC Content Management System (CMS) known as Ektron.
Module configurations are the technical term for the assembly of “modules” or
“widgets” that make up the right navigation of the majority of pages on the ICC web
portal. They are built and integrated separately into the layout of a page after the
page is created.
Module configurations are created using a Module Configuration Smart form. Much
like a Standard Page, Event, or any other Smart form on the ICC portal, creating one
requires that you complete a form.
Within this folder are four subfolders. For the purposes of this guide, we will only
focus on one of these folders and its subfolders – Category. This is where all new
module configurations should be placed.
As you can see from the above graphic, the Category folder is organized much like
the rest of the portal. This is no coincidence. The module configuration folder is
organized this way to make it easy to locate a module configuration based upon the
page to which it is assigned. When creating a module configuration, place the new
module configuration in the same folder beneath the Category folder where the page
to which it is assigned is located in the main navigation structure.
For example, if you want to create a right navigation for an Event, the proper location
for this module configuration is in the following folder: Content – Data – Module
Configuration – Category – Training and Events – All Events
When creating a module configuration, name it the exact same name as the page to
which it is being assigned. If the page is an event, name it the same name as the
event, word for word. If it is a news article, name it the same names as the news
article, word for word. You get the picture.
As this section title describes, there are three types of module configurations
available to you. These are the general categories of module configuration module
types, not the range of modules you can use.
Content Selector:
The content selector module type permits you to display pre-existing content in the
system. This content can range from banners, buttons, videos, testimonials, sponsor
galleries etc. to a range of other content provided it has already been placed in the
system. We will examine them all in a subsequent section.
Query Builder:
The Query Builder module configuration permits you to execute a query on content
and display a subset of all content that matches the conditions of your query. You
can use this to display a list of news that is related to a specific taxonomy or
categorization in the backend from a specific folder for example. You could also use
it to display a list of upcoming events from a specific subject area. This module type
is used when you want to create a section on the right navigation that updates itself
regularly without your intervention.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the code that makes up a web
page. Used when no other module configuration module type is possible, HTML
permits you to inject raw code into the right navigation to display content. We use
this code to inject Flickr photo galleries for example or to display videos from non-
ICC video channels. Be warned; do not use this module type unless you know what
you are doing. The slightest error in your syntax or code can cause catastrophic
failure of your web page.
A file browser will appear and show you the contents of the website for selection
Depending on which module view you have chosen, the content you need to select
will vary. If you are creating a bookstore module, you will need to locate and select
Product smart forms, if you are locating a page for an article widget, you will need to
locate a standard page smart form, etc.
Article Widget
This is what an article widget looks like when featured in a properly configured
module configuration:
This is what it looks like in the backend when properly configured (example 1)
The content (view) view displays the full content of a specific page you designated in
the space allotted to it in the right navigation. This widget is used vary rarely and if
not used properly, can cause an ugly appearance. It is for this reason that we advise
against using it at all in the right navigation as it is better suited for use in the center
of the page given that the majority of our content is laid out for such a presentation.
For the purposes of illustration, here is what it would look like in the right navigation if
we used it there to display the Chairmanship and Secretary General Page:
The image gallery rotator used to be the method ICC used to display photo galleries
on the website. Unfortunately, it was quite unwieldy to use and required a great deal
of work to format images prior to use and a lot of work to configure. Plus, the
presentation quality was quite low, oftentimes resulting in distorted images that were
stretched horizontally or vertically beyond recognition. This is what they used to look
like in the right navigation when configured properly:
Example Image Gallery Rotator Widget
Fortunately, we have since replaced this widget with embedded Flickr galleries which
achieve the same goal but in a much more attractive and user friendly approach.
These Flickr galleries are embedded using the HTML view noted above and appear
like this when properly configured:
A Flickr Gallery
A News widget permits you to statically display one or more unique news articles.
Note that this does not update itself automatically; it simply displays a single article
until such time as you decide to manually change it. This is what a news article
widget looks like when properly configured:
A single news article displayed using the News Content Selector Widget
The policy widget permits you to display one or more records stored within the ICC
document center. It displays the title of the policy and enabled a visitor to click a link
to view the document center record describing it. This is what a properly configured
policy widget looks like:
A standard page widget renders the picture, title and summary of any standard page
smart form with a read more link in the right navigation. It is a quick “teaser” of the
content located therein. This is what a standard page widget looks like:
Video Widget
All videos used on the ICC website originate from YouTube. Once added to the ICC
YouTube channel, they are then added to the ICC video gallery using a Video smart
form. Once added to the video gallery, they become a content record that can be
used across the portal in video widgets. This is what one of these video widgets
looks like:
Example video widget
Slider Widget
The slider widget is the widget that powers the main rotating slider graphic banner on
the home page and on certain subpages of the ICC portal. As such, it is rarely used
given its size and necessarily limited usage. There are two presentations for the
slider widget, large and small. The large slider is only authorized for the home page
and the small sliders are only authorized for home-page-like pages. This is what
they look like:
Large slider
Small slider
The person widget displays the photo and title of an individual with a link to their
person record. This is what it looks like:
A person record
Book store widget
The bookstore widget displays the covers of up to two books that when clicked, take
you to the ICC store page for the particular book in question. This module queries
product smart forms from the Data – Products – ICC bookstore folder and displays
them next to each other as follows:
Testimony Widget
The testimony widget queries the testimony smart forms from the Data –
Testimonies folder and renders a single testimony in quotes. This is what one looks
The product asset banner widget displays banners in the right hand side of the page.
Banners are presently template to look like blue buttons according to the ICC
website templates adopted when the website was launched. A product banner asset
widget is composed of a single banner graphic that when clicked, links to a
designated page either on or off the ICC website. This is what they look like.
This module was originally designed to display sponsor graphic logos that linked to
an ICC sponsors page. It was never fully completed during development of the
website and consequently renders improperly and links to a dead page. Do not use
this module.
The sponsors gallery / rotator queries the Sponsors folder and returns selected
sponsor records in a rotating gallery that when clicked, takes the visitor to the
sponsors web page. It requires that sponsor record smart forms be created prior to
use and mandates a graphic size of 300px x 300px to be used. Larger or smaller
graphics will become distorted if not used properly. Please us .PNG files for these
logos. This is what a sponsor gallery looks like:
Flash News
Flash news modules query flash news smart forms and display individual records
selected from the backend. They are then displayed with their title, date and
summary. No read more link is offered because flash news has no page. It is a brief
blurb that contains all necessary information. Flash news is used very rarely on the
portal, primarily for large events reporting live from the scene in bite sized chunks of
information. This is what one looks like.
Events widgets permit you to select one or more unique record for feature in the right
navigation. These records must be changed manually when they expire and do not
automatically update. They query the event smart forms and look like this:
Event widget in right navigation
External Events
External events are nearly identical to regular events except they are blue, do not
have links to the sub tabs of the events page and can point to pages not on the ICC
web portal when clicked. They require an external events smart form to work
properly. This is what one might look like:
Much like the Content Selector Views, QueryBuilder module types possess several
layout options to render different content in different ways. We will go over each
Title will display content you select in the subsequent configuration settings and
display it ordered alphabetically either A-Z or Z-A by selecting this option.
News will display news content by displaying News Smartforms in chronological
order starting with the most recent or the oldest articles as defined in the Order by
Events (Compact)
Compact events are displayed in a small format in the right hand navigation. These
will automatically be updated as events age and either disappear or appear
depending on how the module is configured. Here is an example of a compact
events module configuration.
Events (Extended)
The events (extended) view displays an enlarged view of the event data in the right
navigation. This widget is used vary rarely and if not used properly, can cause an
ugly appearance. It is for this reason that we advise against using it at all in the right
navigation as it is better suited for use in the center of the page given that the
majority of our content is laid out for such a presentation.
Extended events querybuilder module used in right navigation
Publication / Bookstore
This is a non-functioning module and should not be used.
Sponsor (Landing)
This module was originally designed to display sponsor graphic logos that linked to
an ICC sponsors page. It was never fully completed during development of the
website and consequently renders improperly and links to a dead page. Do not use
this module.
External events are nearly identical to regular events except they are blue, do not
have links to the sub tabs of the events page and can point to pages not on the ICC
web portal when clicked. They require an external events smart form to work
properly. This is what one might look like:
Flash news modules query flash news smart forms and display individual records
selected from the backend. They are then displayed with their title, date and
summary. No read more link is offered because flash news has no page. It is a brief
blurb that contains all necessary information. Flash news is used very rarely on the
portal, primarily for large events reporting live from the scene in bite sized chunks of
information. This is what one looks like. Note that excessive sized texts will
disfigure the appearance on the page.
All other settings than the layouts option within the QueryBuilder settings will be
addressed in the section as they all serve to modify the layouts in one fashion or
another or define the content that the layouts eventually render.
Order By
When displaying content programmatically through a query, you need to order the
content and tell the system how to do so. The first of two fields that permit you to do
this, the Order By field allows you to specify whether to order the content by
relevancy, title, publication date, start date or end date.
Order by options
Order Direction
One you have defined how you want your content to be ordered, you need to define
the direction you wish it to be ordered. Your options here are Ascending or
Descending e.g. upcoming events or past events, A-Z or Z-A.
Results Type
Given that multiple content types exists on the portal such as smartforms, PDFs,
etc., you can restrict the range of content that appears in the output to specific
content types to prevent erroneous content from mixing in. You wouldn’t want a PDF
to appear in your news feed for example. The range of restrictions you can
implement are below.
Total Results
Here is where you define how many results or records you wish the module to
display. You can choose any number but most people choose between 3-5.
Randomize Results
This option randomly orders the results. It is never used but nice to know it is there
just in case.
Randomise Resutls
Offer RSS?
RSS feeds permit users to access content using an RSS reader without having to
access the website directly. Used occasionally for news feeds, it permits the user to
subscribe to an RSS feed and receive updates. Nearly all content on the portal is
deactivated for RSS feeds given the weak functionality present.
Offer RSS?
Search Text
Entering search text in this field will configure the module to only return content that
contains the search text you define and nothing else. If content you wish to feature
doesn’t possess the exact phrase you type into this field, it will not be displayed in
the final output.
Like search text, entering text in this field will configure the module to only return
content that contains the keywords you define and nothing else. Given that
keywords are not used on the portal, the chances of it ever turning up anything are
slim so don’t use it.
Areas defines where on the portal you want the query to look for the content you
wish to feature. If you want to return news article results, you might specify the
News and Media folder here. If you want to return events, you might specify the
events folder here.
Click the ContentId link to find the folder you want to search through
Locate the folder in the “Areas” taxonomy tree where your content is located
Note: you can display content from multiple folders by selecting multiple areas.
Simply click the areas link at the bottom of the areas menu to add additional areas to
the query. The query will combine the results to display them.
The topics section contains the same record locator or file navigator as the areas
menu but it requires that you specify data from a different taxonomy. The topic! So
far we have programmed the module to query a specific folder, order the result a
specific way and display a certain number of results but we haven’t told the system
what subject matter we would like displayed. This is where this is done. So, click
the ContentId link and open the file navigator.
Topic selector
Note: you can display multiple topics by selecting multiple topics. Simply click the
topics link at the bottom of the topics menu to add additional topics to the query. The
query will combine the results to display them.
HTML Module Type
There really isn’t too much to say about the HTML Module type other than you must
know and use properly formatted HTML code in this section if you intend to use it.
For a good primer on basic HTML, the easy stuff, check out It will go over the basics.
To do this, you will need to edit the page (not the module configuration) and specify
that the page use your module configuration in the Metadata properties of the page.
Here is an example of a standard page metadata tab where you can see the option
to attach a module description:
Once you have done this, click PUBLISH in the content record and the module
configuration will be attached. You can now view the page on staging and see the
results of your work.