NHA V Roxas
NHA V Roxas
NHA V Roxas
Roxas went to the Regional Trial Court (RTC) to compel NHA to comply with the
terms and conditions of the order of payment and the notice of award. The RTC
ruled in favor of Roxas, declaring him the legal awardee of the subject lots with a
total area of 320 sq. meters. The RTC ordered NHA to execute the corresponding
Contract to Sell at the cost of P1,500 per sq. meter. The RTC also ordered NHA to
pay Roxas P30,000 by way of reasonable Attorney’s Fees. NHA appealed; however,
the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed RTC’s judgment and later rejected NHA’s motion
for reconsideration.
2. Whether or not Roxas has the right to acquire the subject lots at
Pl,500.00/square meter; and
3. Whether or not Roxas should be awarded the Attorney’s Fees.
3. The main relief in the RTC judgment, which granted Roxas the right to acquire
the subject lots at P1,500/square meter must be distinguished from the
secondary relief for attorney’s fees of P30,000. The former falls under the
ordinary course of the management or disposition of the Dagat-dagatan
Development Project undertaken by the NHA, while the latter does not fall in the
usual course of activities of the NHA under its charter. Pursuant to Section 26 of
Presidential Decree No. 1445, Roxas should first bring up the awarding of the
attorney’s fees to COA prior to its enforcement against the NHA.