Supervisor Self Evaluation

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Supervisor’s Name: ______________________________________________
Supervisor’s Status: _____Primary individual supervisor
_____Other (group, secondary, interim

Supervisee’s Name: _____________________________________

Please evaluate the quality of the supervision you provide using the ratings and criteria below.

The purpose of the evaluation is to inform the supervisor of their strengths and weaknesses and
to help the supervisor to improve their practice of supervision.

The evaluation process is optimally an ongoing part of the supervisory relationship. Both
supervisor and supervisee should strive to talk openly about how the supervision is going, how
well learning is taking place, and what needs improving.

Both supervisor and supervisee can complete this form. Then, they exchange forms and discuss
the evaluation. The form is kept by the supervisor being evaluated.

Please indicate the degree to which the following behaviors are characteristic of you as a
supervisor using the following rating scale:
5 very true
4 fairly true
3 as likely to be true as untrue
2 fairly untrue
1 very untrue
 Provides Atmosphere for Professional Growth _____
 Demonstrates a sense of support and acceptance _____
 Establishes clear and reasonable expectations for my (supervisee) performance. _____
 Establishes clear boundaries (i.e. not parental, peer, or therapeutic). _____
 Makes an effort to understand me (supervisee) and my perspective. _____
 Encourages supervisee to formulate strategies and goals without imposing his/her own
agenda. _____
 Recognizes supervisee strengths _____
 Conveys active interest in helping me grow professionally _____
 Is sensitive to the stresses and demands of the residency _____
 Helps me to feel comfortable discussing problems _____
 I feel comfortable talking to my supervisee about my reactions to him/her and the
content of our meetings _____
Supervisor’s Style of Supervision
 Makes supervision a collaborative process _____
 Balances instruction with exploration, sensitive to therapists’ style and needs _____
 Encourages therapist to question, challenge, or doubt supervisor’s opinion _____
 Admits errors or limitations without undue defensiveness _____
 Openly discusses and is respectful of differences in culture, ethnicity, or other individual
diversity _____
 Enables the relationship to evolve over the year from advisory to consultative to collegial
Supervisor Models Professional Behavior _____
 Keeps the supervision appointment and is on time _____
 Is available whenever I need to consult _____
 Makes decisions and takes responsibility when appropriate. _____
 Makes concrete and specific suggestions when needed _____
 Assists therapist in integrating different techniques _____
 Addresses countertransference issues between therapist and client _____
 Raises cultural and individual diversity issues_____

Impact of Supervisor:
 Provides feedback that generalizes or transcends individual cases to strengthen
supervisee’s general skill level _____
 Shows concern for supervisee’s personal development as well as residency performance
 Facilitates supervisee’s confidence to accept new challenges _____

The most positive aspects of this supervision session are:

The least helpful or missing aspects of this supervision session are:

With regard to this supervision, the experience might improve if:

Adapted by L. Kittredge and K. Lenhardt, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Postdoctoral Residency Program,
from Supervisor Feedback Form by S. Hall-Marley (2001), in Falender & Shafranske. Clinical Supervision: A
Competency-Based Approach. APA, 2004, pp 273-275

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