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Hydrochlorothiazide side effects and how to avoid them Hyerochlorothiaa st rn vg. 172022 QP wescty reviewed by Koren Be Common nyctochlorohiayce cde effect | Serious sie effect | Weight changes |Elecalvte imbalance | Sun sesihity | Severe allergic oF skin reactions | Chest pain |Jlet pain | Hae lose Side effects tele | Contnindcatons | Warnings Ilaeractions [How to avod sige elects, weight changes, electrolyte imbalance, sun sensitivity, sn ir lose rm. Hycrechlretian 1s 2 generic crug comment prescrised 0 lower bleod pressure in people dlagnesed wi ressure, but tis azo used torecice swelling of the ext (ue to congestive heart failure aecite, or reste ricosteroids or estrogen. As ath ure fe increazes the elimination of water ang salt through theUrine, This help to beng down blooe pressure, Many of nycrachlorothiande' side eects are relatecto ts chretic tects Some side eects are avoicable, some can be minimized, ane ethers may require mecieal intervention. he mest comman side eect of hyeraehlorathiande i tow potassium levels, «dice fect ofthe drug's dure elects Anywhere fom 1 to 4 of people taking hysrochlorethiazie will eventual have depleted potassium levels. Many ofthe other common side elects are alse relates tothe bodys increased elimination of water and eletrlyes + Low potassiam + Low sodium + Low magnesium + Low chloride + Elevatee blooe sugar + Elevate cholesterol and fat levels + Elevates ue aie levels, + Ofthostatie nypatension (dizziness ane ver'ge when standing) + Diarmes + Abdominal pain + Weakness + Headache + Hairloss Serious side effects of hydrochlorothiazide ysrochlorothiazide's most serious sie effects incluce: + Dangerously low potassium levels + Elecralyce imbalance + Sun sensitivity + Abnormal neartveats+ Swollen + Skin cancer + Kidney dysfunction + Kidney faire + Anemia + Low white blood cell counts (whieh can interfere with the Body's billy Yo fight infection) + Low platelet levels (nieh can cause bruising a Sleeding} + Angle-lacure glaucoma + Worsening eflupus + Severe allergic reactions or seiaus skin reactions Weight changes Hydrochlorothazide etminates more water ftom the body than usual, so body weight may decrease, Thats niee to see an 9 ttvoom scale, butts Fat or muscle weight I's water weight ‘When hydraenlorathiazice is stopped, the water weight wil arabably elu in shat order Electrolyte imbalance Elecralite imbalances ares common and sometimes serous side efecto hycrachlerethiazie “The drug can cealete the body of one or mare electrolytes, inelucing sodium, potsesum, magnesium, ad chloride. can also increase calcium levels. The effects seem to be dose-elated While the incizence of electrolyte problems has nat Been determined, they are common enough ‘that people faking hydrochlorothazice need tobe perioclealy tested for elecrolyte levels paticulary potazsiom. People taking hydrochlorathiazide should knaw the signs of eleciobte depletion, particular hypokalemia, or low potassium, suchas weakness, atigue, muscle ramps, and constipation. Contact healthcare professional any of these symptoms are notice Sun sensitivity Hydrochlorotiazide i associated with an increased risk of certain skin cancers. The medication causes sun sensitvity Patents who take hydrachlorothiazce shoulé vist their dermatologist on a regular bass for skin sereerings. Also, people who take tis drug should aveid tanning beds and avoie the sun when possible. When in the Sun, it's important te wear prtectve clothing ane apply and reapply sunsereen (oat least SPF 30} frequent Severe allergic or skin reactionsIrate cases, a serious allergic or skin reaction may occu These reactions ean be lvetiveatening or cause death. Ifyou netce any ofthe flloing symptoms, get emergency medical nelp right away. Symptoms of a serous allergi reaction can include hives ecu breathing, or swelling of ‘the face lips, tongue, or throat. Symptoms ofa serous skin reaction may include sore throat, fever burning eyes, re or purple rash, or bisterng er peeling skin. Chest pain ydroclorothazide has not been assocated with causing or worsening chest pain. However its frequently combined with other bloos pressure drugs that may worsen chest ann. When toking more than one prescription erug, i's sometimes efit to determine which drug's responsible for individual sie ettects. Chest pain is 2 serious symptom, so make sure to tll the preserbing heattneare provider Joint pain Joint pain snot aside effect of hycrochlorotlande, However, the dug ean worsen some types of festng joint d seases. Because hydrochlarothiaide reduces the ud volume of blood, esuts in ® percentage increase of other substances in the blood lke uric acid, I ure acid levels get high enough the excess crystallzes inthe joints. This €an cause o worsen gout an arvuite candtion fue to ure aie crystals builng up in the joins. How often hydrechloratniazide contioutes to gout ‘are-ups is unknown, butte joint pains cera painful ang sometimes debiatng Hair loss “Thinning hairs side effec of thazige lureties. The hairloss won'thappen all st once as does with some drugs, such as cancer erugs. Instead wil ake 2 fewmontns. The incidence s unknown, but remember that hydreclorethiazide is typically used wrth other blooe pressure drugs. One type of blood pressure drug, beta blockers, are alse associated with har loss and hair thinning. The gooe news s that drug-induced hairloss is usually reversible once the fending drug has been stonpec How soon do hydrochlorothiazide side effects start? Hydrochlorathlaride's duet effects begin within an hour er two of aking the capsule or tablet and peak in ene to ve hours. Some sie etfets may appear during that time, including dare nausea, and vomiting. Allergic reactions, however, caulé happen very rapicy even ate taking te fist dose. Many omer side eects are delayed and could take cays, weeks, er months te manifest. How long do hydrochlorothiazide side effects last?“The body wll adapt to hydrochlorathiande, so some side etfects may get beter overtime as you get used to the mecicine. These that can wil mostly resolve ater the drug has been stonaee, Daticlary the mast common sde effects. Even hai loss atten reversible wnen caused ay crags Ike nysrochlorotiazde What are the long-term side effects of hydrochlorothiazide? Most ofhydrochlorothiazide’s side effects wll get better ater the drug has been stopped Some ray requle time to get better such as allergic reactions at gout, Some side effets such a skin Cancer ot Kidney damage may have long-teim or Melong consequences Hydrochlorothiazide contraindications Hydrochlorotazde is too dangerous fer some people to take: + Kidney problems: people with reduced kney function (ezeatinne clearance o ess than 10 ‘lUminute; altrough some references recommend not using hydrecnlerathianide t creatinine clearance is unde” 30} or iabilty:0 produce urine ania} cannot take hydtochlorethianide without risking keney damage or fare + Newbome with jaundice: Jaundice can be worsened in newborns who are gen hydrochlorthiazide + Allergies: People allergic to hycrochlorothisuice or sulla chugs cannot safely take the drug Pregnancy yoehlorothlazide is not restete or use in pregnant women, In terms af sk t's nthe same Eategory as acetaminophen and prenatal utamins However, t's corsigered ask tthe fetus in Women wih preeclampsia o”simlr placental problems are general should nat be used Anyone whois pregnant a planning te become pregnant shoulé consul thelr heatheate provider fo medial guidance before taking hyerochlorethiazide Breastfeeding ‘Aheathcare professional might sugges other treatment option: for breacfeecing women, trough hydrochlorethiazi¢e (at lower doses isnot contraineicated in those cases. Nursing babies could develop serious problems from the small amounts of nycrachleothiazide present in breast mik. action, hycrechlorotiazide may affect breastmilk production. Infact. is often usec off-label in higher dases to suppress lactationChildren Hydioehlorothazide is FDA-approved fr use in ciléen as young as newborns Hydrochlorothiazide warnings Like a uretes, hydrochlorothiazide may cause problems because of pre-existing heath concitons or other issues. Cautions Hyd:eehtoretazide can cause problems In people with certaln medical conttons. In some eases, hydrechiorethiarige may worsen the concltion, tke gout, or bing fen secon te, ike pancreatitis. These medical or ahysieal eaneltons neluce: + Diaberes + Electrolyte prostems + Dehyaration + Anistory of out + Aniston of swollen pancreas + Liver orkidney problems + Ireguar heartbeats + Aristory of seizures + Lupus In addon, bydrochlorethiazide may cause problems in older patients including ow soaium and {als Finally, the rik fornon-melanoma skin cancer goes up when taking hysrechlrothiazide, afisk thats greatest for white patients Abuse and dependence Hydroclorothlazide is not associated with rug abuse, dependence, or witherawal Overdose [A hyerochlorothiazide overdose can cause a hazaréous depletion of electrolytes, so immed ate medical care is needed if an overdose is suspected. The symptoms ofan overdose may include + Nouses+ Dizziness + Weakness + Muscle pain + Dry mouthairst, “The maximum dosage will depend on age and the contin belng eated. The maximum adult doze for hypertension e SO mg per day or lug retention, the maximum daly dase i 100 mg Recalls Hydrochlorothlazice recalls ae rae an limited to quality problems at incvidual manufactures. Hydrochlorothiazide interactions People using hydrochlorethazie often are taking ether drugs. Some ofthese can be sky when ‘taken with hyerochlrothiaice: + Other blood pressure medications, though commonly prescribed with hyérechlorothiazde, Inerease the risk for low blood pressure + Comticosterolds such as prednisone increase the risk of eectolye loss when taking + Bile resins (such as cholestyramine) can make It hacer forthe body to absorb hydrochlorothianide + Antidiabetic drugs may be less efectve because thiazde diuretics can increase blood suga levels + Nonsteroidal antinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspii,ibuprfen. and naproxen ‘may reduce the effectiveness of hydrachorothazie and inerease the risk of kidney damage + Some drugs ike amineglycoside antibiotics are thium can damage the keheys; they are ‘more likely to damage the kizneys when taken witha ciuretic biturates, sedatives, and apiad increase the risk of enthostatc hypotension and, as & result, may inerease the risks of accidents, fining, and falls + Stimulants (such as Adderall increase blood pressure and s can decrease hydrochlarahiaide’s ettecivaness at lowering blood pressure. + Marplan(isocarboxazie, an antidepressant inthe monoamine oxidase inhibitor MAGI} crug class, is never gven with ctugs that lower blood pressure because the combination could cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Other drugs inthe MAOI class can have the ame effect and should not be taken with hyerochlorethiazceFoods and ctinks to avoid when taking hydroehlorthiande include aleoho, excessive amounts of catfene, ana duretic eibs lke dandel on, hiniscus, or green tea, How to avoid hydrochlorothiazide side effects Diuretics lke hydrochlorthiazde often involve unwanted adverse effets, but they are important teats in fighting high blood pressure. A few guidelines ean help both to minimize sie etfects and maximize the aeug’s Benes, 4. Take hydrochlorothiazide as directed Understand ane folw all the directions given by the pescriser er printed on the prescristion label ‘The standard dose is 12.5-50 mg ner cay for hypertension and 25-100 mg daly for edema. Generally ti best 0 take hydrochlorothazide inthe moming. Ths is because f makes you nate, and taking it at night would cistuptyour slees ‘Whatit you miss 9 dose of hydrochirothizide? fa dose is mised, take hwhen remembered However it's almest time for the next dose, skip the missed dose, Take the next schedlee dose atthe regular time, Do not double up on doses te try to make up for a missed dose 2. Give the prescriber a complete medical history “The most worrisome side eects involve worsening existing metical cantons, so make sure the presenbing healthcare provider nas an entre mecicalnistory. especially 1 Kidney aisease + cou + Diabetes + Low potassium + High caleium + Narrow angles inthe eyes or a istry of glaucoma + Seizure clsorcers + Heart sate problems + Any upcoming parathyroid tests + Pregnancy or breastfeeding 3. Give the prescriber a list of all drugs being takenDrug interactions are another major source of side etfects, so make sure the preseribing heakncare provider has 2 complete picture othe prescription drugs, overthe-counter medications, and ‘vtamins oreletary supplements being ‘aken, partiular + Blood pressure mecications + Conleosternids + tam + NSAIDs 4. Do not miss follow-up appointments or tests Staying safe on eiretics may reeuite fllan-up visits ane tests. In ths way, sige fects an be cortected before they become hazardous. 5. Drink plenty of fluids f avoid dehydration, chink plenty of clear luk throughout the day, Avokd going outside i it's hot I nyatochlorohiande s Belng used to treat Td retention, folew the Mull restetions given by the presenibing heatveare prove! 6. Avoid laxatives Laxatives can cause dehydration. The risk s even greater when taking dlutetls, The best advice Is not to use laxatives casually when taking diuretes. If constipation isa problem, get medical advice bout the mast stable treatment 7. Skip the calcium supplements Hysrochlorothazice can increacecalcim levels in the body. taking calcium or vitamin D supplements tall to the preseriber about continuing those supalements 8. Avoid taking a late dose Hysrochlorathiazide can be taken at any me of day but fake le, could inerere with sleep by requiring trecuent rips tothe bathroom, Mest people preter to take hycrechlorothizide nthe moming. 9, Use sunblockydroehlororslazide increases the rsk of developing non-melanama skin cancer. That isk approximately ples for aeople with white skin, Avoid the sun. i's unavoidable, use high SPF sunsereen,ané reapply tequenty especialy you are swimming ander sweating, How to treat side effects of hydrochlorothiazide Not al hydrochlorthiazige side effects ar avoidable, They ate manageable, though. Same can be ‘managed at home, but others may reque heattheare professional, Dizziness \when standing up, stand up slowly and careful standing up brings an an attack of eizziness or lightheadedness, st dawn immeciacely. The primary goals to void injures brougnt on oy afl ‘Once the spinaing or ightheadedness has stopped, then stand up slowly to prevent a relapse Repor symotoms of dizziness to your heatthcare provider Dehydration It any sign of dehyeration is noticed, immediately chink clear flds such as water or sports etnks. Cantnet 3 healthcare provider for medical advice, An extreme case of dehyration may require 8 Visio the emergency room. The symptoms of dehydration Include: + Thiet + Dry mouth + Dry eyes + Urinating less than four times per day + Dark and strong-smeting urine + Dry skin + Dasriness + Drowsiness + Tiredness + Iegutst of racing heartbeat Electrolyte imbalances Electrolyte imbalances, including potassium depletion, can quickly develop into a serious medical conciton, so calla healthcare professional for meciealadviee if any of the symptoms of electrolyte imbalance ae notices+ Increased hist, + Weakness + Lowenersy + Muscle cramps or muscle pain + Constipation + contusion + Abnormal orfast heartbeats + Tisging Eye problems Getimmeciate emergency mecca veatment i eye pain, vision changes, “halos or blurred vision re experienced when taking hycrochirotnazige. These coule be symptoms of frm of slaucoma that progresses very rapichy Allergic reactions {A skin or sllergle reaction to hydrochlorothiaide or any ether drug can be vety serious, top taking the rug and get emergency mecieat care at any sign af a severe skin a allergic reaction + Wheezing + Shortness of breath + Trouble breathing + Sweling ofthe fee, ps, tongue, oF tot + Red or purple rash + Blistering er peeling skin + Sk pain + Fever + Sore twoat + Eye pain and burning Sources + Datgincuced alopecia A review ofthe Heratue, Therapie + Duigincuced haitoss and hair growth Incidence, management and avoidance, Drug ‘Soety+ Hydeoehlorothazide. Epocrates + Hyarocnlorathszide cagsule prescribing informas '. National Linrary of Mecicine + Hydrocnlorothiazide drug summary Prescribe’ Digital Re‘erence [MORE ARTICLES ON: Hearthealth Medication side effects ‘ALSO READ How much is hydrochlorothiazide without insurance? Hydrochlorothiazide costs $17 without insurance. Learn how to get hydrochlorothiazide at a lower price or find cheaper alternatives. pe, 2025 Managing weight loss on Adderall ‘Stimulants lke Adderall con suppress your appetite, but that doesn't make them safe for weight lossSigns of clogged arteries I’simportant to take blockages seriously —here is what to watch for oe 18,2028 How much is metoprolol succinate without insurance? Generic metoprolol succinate, costs $46. Here's how to save on metoprolol succinate er without insurance, Using ACV for blood pressure ‘This common household iter may boost your heart health by lowering blood glucose and cholesterol or 5, 2025 Low BP during pregnancy This condition is common for expectant moms but is easily treated with at-home remedies SingleCareEa © 2025 SingleCare Administrators ll Rights Reserved. Bipharmacy suosttut for professional medicalaavce,dagross, treatment Aways seek te advice of your ysclen er tmayhoveamedcolemargency, mediately cal your pyselon orl,
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