AS 1851.10-1989 Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment Part 10 Emegerncy Warning & Intercommunication Systems
AS 1851.10-1989 Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment Part 10 Emegerncy Warning & Intercommunication Systems
AS 1851.10-1989 Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment Part 10 Emegerncy Warning & Intercommunication Systems
Australian StandardR
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Australian StandardR
This Standard was prepared by Standards Australia’s Committee on Emergency Warning and
Intercommunication Systems in Buildings.
It specifies the periodic inspections and maintenance checks to be carried out on emergency
warning and intercommunications systems installed in accordance with AS 2220.
1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Australian Standard
Maintenance of fire protection equipment
1 SCOPE. This Standard sets out requirements for the (b) Where the system is associated with an alarm
regular maintenance of the emergency warning and system(s), perform a simulated alarm call, operating
intercommunication system in a building (referred to as any one of the alarm test switches. Check that an
‘system’), which complies with AS 2220.1 and ‘alert’ alarm appears at every ECP and at the
AS 2220.2. appropriate zones. Check that EWIS operation is
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. The following automatically initiated.
documents are referred to in this Standard: NOTE: A fully automatic evacuation sequence test should be
carried out in conjunction with Level 2 maintenance routines.
1259 Sound level meters (c) Simulate an emergency condition at each control
2220 Emergency warning and intercommunication panel by setting the key switch to ‘MANUAL’, then
systems in buildings operating function switches to each zone separately.
2220.1 Part 1: Equipment design and manufacture At the same time, test operation of the emergency
2220.2 Part 2: Design, installation and commissioning intercommunication system.
SAA (d) Check the operation of all audible and visual
MP 44 Guide for the use of sound measuring indicators at each ECP.
equipment (e) Check that all control switches are returned to
3 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Standard, the normal operating positions at the control panels.
definitions given in AS 2220.1 and AS 2220.2, and that (f) Check battery electrolyte level where applicable,
below apply. and terminals for corrosion.
3.1 Owner the building owner or his agent.
(g) Record the completion of tests in the logbook,
4 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS. noting any defects, and remedial action required.
4.1 General. In addition to the requirements of this The logbook shall be signed by the Owner.
Standard the system shall comply with any additional
specific requirements of the Regulatory Authority. The 4.2.3 Periodicity. Level 1 maintenance routines shall be
following general requirements shall apply: carried out not less than once every month.
(a) Prior to any testing, the occupants of the building 4.3 Level 2 maintenance routines.
shall be advised that a test is to be conducted. 4.3.1 General. Level 2 maintenance routines shall
(b) No part or component of the system shall be include the conduct of all Level 1 routines, plus the
disconnected, bridged or removed without the necessary measurements, adjustments, repairs to ensure
authority of the Owner and advising the House correct functioning of the systems.
Warden. NOTE: Level 2 maintenance routines should be carried out by
(c) At the completion of the inspection, any persons being competent and experienced in the field of emergency
deficiencies in the system shall be reported and warning and intercommunication systems. It is recommended that
before carrying out these routines, the Owner be consulted in order
shall be rectified as required in Clause 4.6. to obtain comments (if any) on the working of the system.
(d) The Owner shall at all times be kept informed of
4.3.2 Procedure. The procedure for Level 2 maintenance
the current address and telephone number of the
routines shall be as follows:
maintenance company’s service facility.
(e) Before performing any simulated fire alarm call, the (a) Visually check the installation, location and siting
relevant Fire Authority shall be contacted and of all equipment against the system installation
advised of the impending test. records. Record and report to the Owner any
discrepancy found between the records and the
4.2 Level 1 maintenance routines.
actual installation.
4.2.1 General. Level 1 maintenance routines shall
consist of functional checks to ascertain that the system (b) Check battery float charge voltage and current.
is operating satisfactorily and that its components are These shall be within specified tolerances.
free from damage. (c) Carry out the Level 1 maintenance routines as
NOTE: Level 1 routines should be carried out, or supervised, by the specified in Clause 4.2.2, steps (a) to (g), including
Owner or his representative. The assistance of one or more persons a full automatic evacuation sequence test.
may be needed to conduct these routines, but measuring instruments
are not needed. (d) Disconnect the a.c. mains and measure the standby
4.2.2 Procedure. The procedure for Level 1 maintenance battery voltage under full load conditions. The
routines shall be as follows: battery voltage shall not be less than 95 percent of
(a) Visually check the installation that components are the nominal voltage. If less than 95 percent of the
free from damage. nominal voltage, the battery shall be tested (see
Clause 4.4).
AS 1851.10—1989 4
(e) Reconnect the a.c. mains and measure the current (c) The time taken for the battery to reach the
from the battery charger. This current shall be discharged terminal voltage (as specified in the log
within specified tolerances. book) shall be recorded in the log book and is to be
(f) Check operation of all mechanical and electrical greater than 90 mins.
components of the system. (d) The system battery is to be charged to a capacity
(g) Measure the audible signal level and compare it greater than 95% before being reconnected to the
with the level achieved at the previous inspection. system and the temporary batteries removed.
Consult the Owner regarding any changes in NOTE: If required the system battery can be removed from the
ambient noise levels that may have occurred since building to another location to have the capacity test performed.
the previous inspection. Make adjustments as 4.5 Reporting and recording.
necessary to comply with AS 2220.2. 4.5.1 General. All results of Level 1, Level 2
NOTES: maintenance routines and battery tests shall be reported
1. Any additional loudspeakers or increased power levels to in writing to the Owner and be permanently recorded in
existing loudspeakers may require additional battery accordance with the requirements of Clauses 4.5.2 and
2. For sound measurements, refer to AS 1259 and SAA
MP44. 4.5.2 Logbook. The logbook shall comply with the
(h) Check that the frequency of flashing visible signals relevant requirements of AS 2220.2.
is between 60 and 120 flashes per minute. Check The following information shall be entered:
for any building alteration carried out since the
previous Level 2 inspection that may affect the (a) Date of inspection.
visibility of the signals. Make corrections as (b) A list of the deficiencies as indicated in Clause
necessary. 4.1(c) in respect of which it was impracticable to
(i) Record completion of tests in the logbook and rectify on that visit.
obtain the signature of the Owner on the (c) A record of each service call, the fault(s) found and
maintenance visit record (see Clause 4.5). the action taken to remedy the fault(s).
4.3.3 Periodicity. Level 2 maintenance routines shall be (d) A record where any part of the system is
carried out not less than once every 6 months. disconnected, bridged or removed, together with the
4.4 Battery test. reason and the name of the person authorizing such
4.4.1 General. A battery test shall be carried out once
a year in conjunction with a Level 2 maintenance (e) A record of any part of the system which is not
routine. operating.
4.4.2 Procedure. The procedure for a battery test shall (f) Signature of the Owner.
be as follows: (g) Date of completion of each of the recommended
(a) Remove the battery from the system and replace it corrective action(s).
with a temporary battery of the same or greater (h) Signature of the person who carried out the
capacity. corrective action(s).
(b) Discharge the system battery at a current of: The logbook shall be kept inside the MECP.
4.5.3 Reports and records. The results of the inspection
Idis = and the records shall be entered in the logbook. At the
completion of each Level 2 routine, the maintenance
where person shall notify the Owner in writing.
Idis = the discharge current 4.6 Corrective action. Following the inspection or
Iq = the system’s quiescent current testing, any necessary corrective action shall be carried
out as soon as practicable.
Ifl = the full load current of the system
The value of Idis was recorded in the log book when
the system was commissioned.