Tectonic Amalgamation of Crustal Blocks Along Gadag-Mandya Shear Zone in Dharwar Craton of Southern India

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Vol.80, July 2012, pp.75-88

Tectonic Amalgamation of Crustal Blocks along Gadag-Mandya

Shear Zone in Dharwar Craton of Southern India


Geological Survey of India, 15 Kyd Street, Kolkata - 700 016
Presidency University, Kolkata
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The crustal scale Shear Zone that can be traced from Gadag in the north to Mandya in the south in Dharwar
Craton of southern India is considered as the boundary between two subcratonic blocks namely the Eastern Dharwar
Craton (EDC) and the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) in published literature. The present study on the Gadag- Mandya
Shear Zone (GMSZ) in the Javanahalli-Hagalvadi sector has brought out a detailed account on the disposition, geometry
and kinematics of the shear zone, and also the distinctive structural patterns of the two adjacent supracrustal belts,
namely the Chitradurga schist belt (CSB) in the west and Javanahalli schist belt (JSB) in the east. The JSB has an overall
N-S striking and gentle easterly dipping geometry, the structural features of which are indicative of a predominant non-
coaxial deformation and westward transportation of the supracrustal assemblage. In contrast, deformation in the CSB,
which is defined mainly by a flattening type of strain, has produced an overall verticality of the structures (dominant
foliation, axial planes of regional folds).
Difference in metamorphic grade is apparent from the mineral assemblages in the rocks of these two belts, while the
JSB showing an amphibolite facies CSB is restricted to green schist facies mineral assemblages.
The 2 to 3 km wide, N-S striking, prominent ductile shear zone, GMSZ, has affected both CSB and JSB rocks and
also the syntectonically emplaced Bukkapatna granite. The geometric and kinematic evidences from both the belts and
the GMSZ point to an E-W horizontal compressional regime. The gentle dipping, amphibolite grade JSB and its underlying
gneisses acted as an allochthon which got amalgamated with the subvertical, green schist grade CSB by a top-W thrusting
along the GMSZ. The subvertical CSB impeded further up-dip movement of the eastern block, resulting in the subsequent
development of N-S trending sinistral strike slip shear along the contact of the two contrasting belts to accommodate the
continued E-W compression. The linear Bukkapatna Granite, synkinematically emplaced along GMSZ shows evidences
of both magmatic stage and solid state deformation in the shear zone.

Keywords: Amalgamation, Shear zone, Syntectonic granite, Javanahalli, Chitradurga, Karnataka.

INTRODUCTION Gadag in the N to Mandya in the S for a strike length of

The major N-S to NNW-SSE trending crustal scale Shear about 400 km and ii) it is not restricted only along the eastern
Zone, bordering the Chitradurga schist belt (CSB) to its east, margin of the Chitradurga Schist Belt (CSB) (Fig.1).
has been considered by many workers as the boundary Although for a major part the shear zone is confined to the
between the two contrasting subcratonic blocks of the eastern margin of the CSB, this also veers away from the
Archaean Dharwar Craton of southern India, namely the margin of the supracrustal belt and continues further south
East Dharwar Craton (EDC) and the West Dharwar Craton through the eastern gneisses.
(WDC) (Drury and Holt, 1980; Drury, 1983; Kaila et al. The idea of the two subcratonic blocks in the Dharwar
1979; Rollinson et al. 1981; Chadwick et al. 1989, 2000, Craton was initially introduced in the mid 70’s (Viswanatha
2004). This high strain zone of crustal dimension has been and Ramakrishnan, 1975, Swami Nath et al. 1976;
variously described as Chitradurga Eastern Boundary Fault, Radhakrishna, 1976), based mainly on the differences in
Chitradurga Eastern Boundary Thrust or Eastern Margin lithological and metamorphic characteristics, although the
Shear Zone by various authors. However, in this paper, the demarcation of the boundary between the two along
shear zone is termed as ‘Gadag-Mandya Shear Zone’ the Closepet Granite was quite arbitrary. From a study of
(GMSZ) for the simple reason that (i) it is traceable from DSS profile indicating the contrast in crustal thickness

0016-7622/2012-80-1-75/$ 1.00 © GEOL. SOC. INDIA


shear zone at the eastern margin of the

CSB, but they overlap in a diffuse 200 km
wide intersheeted zone of basement
orthogneisses, Neoarchaean granites and
schist belts. Drury and Holt (1980) and
Drury (1983), based on their LANDSAT
imagery study, also postulated that the
boundary between the deeper Archaean
crust of Eastern Dharwar and shallower
crust of Western Dharwar is manifested in
the form of a major thrust along the eastern
margin of the Chitradurga schist belt.
Chardon et al. (1996, 1998) and
Choukroune et al. (1995, 1997), contrary
to the model of plate tectonics, proposed
a model of sagduction and mantle plumes
in which the denser and heavier
sedimentary and volcanic basins passively
sank into the basement gneisses and granite
diapers rose up. Jayananda et al. (2000)
also proposed plume activity in a
transpressive setting for the extensive
granite plutonism in the EDC. However,
Fig.1. Geological map of Dharwar Craton showing the study area, major lithotectonic the presence of refolding in different
components and the crustal scale Gadag Mandya Shear Zone. scales, thrusts, strike-slip shears and
evidence of E-W to NE-SW shortening
Kaila et al (1979) put the boundary at the eastern margin of clearly suggest that horizontal compression, rather than
CSB and inferred a low angle thrust at this boundary. vertical tectonics, was the dominant stress regime during
Rollinson (1981) corroborated this view by quantification the Dharwar deformation. The present work also supports
of P&T using the coexisting mineral assemblages and the idea of horizontal tectonics to explain the structural
equilibrium thermodynamic calculations while constraining complexities in the Archaean rocks of Dharwar.
the geothermal evolution of the Pre-Dharwar crust of Although there has been some detailed work in the
Southern India. northern part of this high strain zone (Chadwick et al. 2000,
Chadwick et al (1989, 2000, 2003), put forward a plate 2004, 2007), the GMSZ, nevertheless, warrants further
tectonic model for the Dharwar craton in which a Late systematic field studies especially in its southern part, not
Archaean oblique WNW directed convergence of two only for demarcating its disposition, geometry and
distinct cratonic parts along the eastern margin of kinematics, but also to constrain its role in the tectonic
Chitradurga belt, analogous to the Mesozoic- Cenozoic evolution of the eastern and western crustal blocks. We
convergent settings. The western part of the craton has been present here a detailed structural account of a portion of the
interpreted by them as the foreland to the accretionary arc, GMSZ in the Javanahalli-Hagalvadi sector, which offers a
that is the EDC, termed as ‘Dharwar Batholith’ and unique opportunity to study features of tectonic
represented by the younger granitoid intrusives including amalgamation involving juxtaposition of two supracrustal
the Closepet Granite in the east. NE-SW shortening and belts and syntectonically emplaced granite along the GMSZ.
sinistral transcurrent displacements in the foreland and arc The position of the Javanahalli schist belt (JSB) in the
are consistent with arc- normal and arc- parallel Dharwar stratigraphy has remained controversial, as has
displacements during the Late Archaean oblique been variously correlated with Palaeoarchaean Sargur
convergence along the eastern margin of CSB. Subsequently, Group, Neoarchaean Bababudan Group, basal part of the
Chadwick et al. (2007), in a little departure from their CSB itself or as a separate transitional belt (e.g. Sheshadri
previous postulation, opined that the foreland and et al. 1981; Ramakrishnan and Viswanatha, 1981; Ghosh
accretionary complex are not sharply separated along the Roy and Ramakrishnan, 1985). From our present study we



are led to believe that JSB comprises a distinct lithotectonic and occasionally contains alternating centimeter-wide chert
unit, representing a deeper crustal level assemblage, different bands and boudinaged granitic veins. The mineralogy is
from CSB rocks, and tectonically emplaced as allochthonous calcite, dolomite, epidote and minor quartz. Occasional
sheet along the GMSZ. We carried out detailed lithological garnets were also recorded in the rock (Ghosh Roy and
and structural mapping over a rectangular area of about Ramakrishnan, 1985). There are only a few BIF bands within
700 sq km between Javanahalli in the north and Hagalvadi the amphibolites of JSB but because of the dominantly gentle
in the south covering the major part of the JSB in the east, to subhorizontal disposition of the JSB, the harder BIF bands
the GMSZ and the Bukkapatna Granite in the middle and a spread over a large area, forming a number of low mounds.
portion of the CSB in the west. The JSB, CSB and the GMSZ The BIF bands are composed of quartz, magnetite, grunerite
have distinct structural and lithological characters and have, ± garnet.
therefore, been discussed separately. Quartzite bands, occupying the higher contours and
occurring in association with amphibolite as lowermost
marker horizons, show well developed primary banding as
observed in Manchaldore and Muchhavirahalli areas. The
The distribution and disposition of the different litho- rock is composed mainly of quartz with little muscovite with
components of the two belts and GMSZ are shown in the or without fuchsite. The quartz biotite muscovite schist with
geological map (Fig.2). The granitic and migmatitic gneisses or without garnet is recorded only at a few places mostly in
underlie the rocks of the JSB. Both JSB and CSB contain association with the BIF bands. Cordierite- anthophyllite
volcano-sedimentary sequences but have distinctly different rock is recorded in minor quantity in the eastern part of the
association. mapped area near Battiganhalli as small patchy intercalation
within the BIF and amphibolite. The rock is composed of
Gneisses Underlying the JSB anthophyllite, cordierite and quartz with minor biotite. These
JSB rocks are underlain by well- banded and foliated units are considered as metamorphosed magnesian pelites
quartzofeldspathic gneisses maintaining an overall (Ghosh Roy and Ramakrishnan, 1985). The small, nearly
concordant relationship. The gneisses are in general altered, unmappable bands of quartz- sillimanite schist occur in the
composed mainly of fine to medium grained alternate biotite- Manchaldore area in association with amphibolite and BIF.
rich and quartzofeldspathic bands. At places, such as north The mineral assemblages of different rock types of the JSB
of Ranganathapuram, evidence of in situ migmatisation can indicate a middle amphibolite grade of metamorphism.
be noticed, as patches of coarse leucosome are found to
occur in the boudin necks or parallel to foliation in the Chitradurga Schist Belt (CSB)
gneisses with the appearance of neocrystallised feldspar The dominant rock types in the study area of the CSB
grains. include metabasalt and metagreywacke-argillite sequences
interspersed with bands of quartzite, polymict conglomerate
Javanahalli Schist Belt (JSB) and BIF. Metaultramafites and metabasic intrusives occur
The litho-units of JSB comprise amphibolite, calc- in the west of Janakallu. Metabasalt occurs at the core of
silicates, crystalline limestone, quartzite, BIF, quartz biotite an antiformal closure, defined by the BIF bands that
schist, cordierite-anthophylloite rock and quartz-sillimanite separate the unit from the argillite- greywacke unit occurring
schist. Amphibolite (ortho) is the dominant lithounit of the to the north in the Ajjanahalli mine area. This is greenish
JSB, consisting of metamorphic hornblende, plagioclase, grey in colour, fine-grained, schistose and composed of
actinolite, and minor quartz, and carbonates. Garnet is rare. chlorite, actinolite, sodic plagiaclase, quartz and calcite. The
Relict gabbroic texture could be recognized at places. Coarse argillite-metagreywacke unit is a well-bedded, soft, friable,
to medium grain size of the metamorphic assemblages are schistose rock composed mainly of quartz and chlorite with
often obscured or replaced by a strong fine grained mylonitic minor sericite. A number of major BIF bands and thin
fabric characteristics of a shear zone. Well banded calc- (unmappable), bedded carbonate layers occur as
silicate rocks, composed of diopside, actinolite, calcite, intercalations within the argillite-metagreywacke sequence.
plagioclase, sphene and garnet, are commonly intercalated A narrow lensoid body of polymict conglomerate occurs
with the amphibolites. The crystalline limestone, observed within this greywacke-argillite sequence. This is a diamictite/
mainly in the Javanahalli area and west of Huyildore, occurs matrix-supported conglomerate, composed of large cobble
as a narrow band within the amphibolite. The rock is grey, and pebbles of quartzite and BIF embedded in an argillitic
but coffee brown when weathered, banded, hard, crystalline matrix. The two or three major BIF bands and a few minor



Fig.2. Geological map of the study area showing the various litho-components of the Javanahalli Schist Belt (JSB) and Chitradurga
Schist Belt (CSB) and associated granites and gneisses

ones occurring mostly at the contact between the metabasalt tremolite, chlorite and opaques. The large lensoid
and the argillitic unit got repeated due to large-scale upright metagabbro bands occurring within the metabasalts and
F2 folding. They are well-banded units, composed of argillites are coarse, crudely foliated unit composed of
alternate quartz and hematite/magnetite layers. chlorite, actinolite, plagioclase and epidote. The mineral
There are two to three bands of well-bedded quartzite, assemblage of the CSB indicates a low grade greenschist
associated with metabasalt and argillite in the eastern most facies of metamorphism.
part of the Chitradurga Belt. Mineralogical constituents
include quartz, muscovite with or without fuchsite. Cross Intrusive Bukkapatna Granite
laminations are recognized at places. The metaultramafites, This is emplaced as a large sheet like body, showing a
occurring as small lensoid patches is composed of talc, linear N-S (approx.) disposition between CSB and JSB rocks



in GMSZ extending from Javanahalli in the north to beyond having gentle easterly dipping axial planes. Both bedding
Hagalvadi in the south (Fig.2). Another small body of the surface/ banding in schist belt rocks and gneissic foliation
granite is traced east of Hagalvadi. The granite is in the underlying gneisses define the form surface for this
predominantly porphyritic in nature, defined by the F1 folds (Fig. 3a, b, c) that commonly show very high
megacrysts of K-feldspar and occasional plagioclase, amplitude/wavelength ratio with the development of a
embedded in a coarse groundmass of quartz, K-feldspar, prominent axial planar schistosity (S1). The pervasive S1-
plagioclase (albite to oligoclase) and minor biotite. In the schistosity, defined by subparallel alignment of hornblende,
absence of the megacrysts, the rock shows a coarse actinolite, biotite, epidote, flattened quartz and carbonate
hypidiomorphic granular texture. Sericite mica has grains, is observed in the amphibolites, calc-silicates, quartz
developed profusely by conversions of feldspars in the mica schist etc.
mylonitic and ultramylonitic parts of the granite. The second deformation (D2) has mainly produced tight,
Heterogeneous deformation greatly modified the grain size asymmetric, overturned mesoscopic folds (F2) (Fig.4a,) and
and texture of the rock within the shear zone. Modally, the
Bukkapatna Granite falls in the field of ‘Granite’. a
Discontinuous linear enclaves of the schist belt rocks like
quartzite, metabasalt etc occur within the sheared granite at
its contact with either of the schist belts. However,
occurrence of such enclaves in a high strain domain does
not necessarily establish the intrusive nature of the granite,
as they might represent tectonic imbrications along the
sheared contact between different lithounits.

Other Intrusives
There are several other minor intrusive granite bodies
in the JSB observed around Ranganthapura, Huyildore, b
Sakshihalli, Tuppadakona areas (Fig.2). This is a fine to
medium grained homophanous granite, composed of quartz,
K-feldspar, plagioclase and minor biotite and occasionally
hornblende. These granites and the pegmatoidal tongues,
veins and apophyses impregnating the supracrustals of JSB
are regarded as products of remobilization of basement
gneisses in zones of higher grade of metamorphism (middle
amphibolite facies) (Ghosh Roy and Ramakrishnan, 1985).
We interpret these bodies as possible product of partial
melting of the basement gneiss. Numerous younger mafic
dykes, mostly doleritic in composition, cross the area with
two prominent trends - one subparallel or at a low angle to
the regional trend and the other across it (Fig.2).


The two supracrustal belts and the GMSZ have distinct

structural characteristics and therefore are discussed

Structure of the Javanahalli Schist Belt

The rocks record three phases of deformation, of which Fig.3. Early folding in Javanahalli Belt (a) Recumbent, isoclinal
the earlier two (D1 &D2) are quite pronounced in nature. folding of banding in crystalline limestone, (b) gentle,
The structures of first deformation (D1) include tight to inclined, isoclinal folding in BIF, (c) recumbent folding in
isoclinal mesoscopic near-recumbent non-cylindrical folds gneissic banding of underlying gneiss



refolds (Fig.4b, c) on the bedding in BIF and crystalline This dominantly asymmetric, overturned geometry of
limestone, on the S1 schistosity in amphibolites and calc- the F2 folds control the outcrop pattern of the rocks of the
silicates (Fig.4d) and on the banding in gneisses. The axial JSB. For the most part, the JSB rocks are flat lying, gentle
planes of F2 folds broadly strike N-S, showing wide easterly dipping, except near its western boundary where
variation in dip resulting in overturned to near recumbent the beds are steep in the narrow western limb that is in contact
geometry. Asymmetry of the folds indicates a consistent with the GMSZ. Because of their flat lying, gentle to
westward vergence. Although F2 folds are observed mainly subhorizontal disposition for most part, the JSB rocks have
in the mesoscopic scale, one large scale, mappable, F2 a outcrop pattern in which the underlying rocks are often
overturned antiform defined by the quartzite bands could exposed at lower topographic levels. Thus gneissic basement
be recognised in the southern part of the area near is found to occur as inliers well within the schist belt as
Manchaldore and Muchchavirahalli. This large scale fold, recorded in Tuppadakona–Sakshihalli area and conversely
congruous with the minor F2 folds, has an asymmetric, outliers of the supracrustals float over the gneisses at places
overturned geometry with a narrow, steep easterly dipping especially in the eastern part near Kallambella. Cofolding
to subvertical overturned western limb and a wide, well of gneissic rocks with the schists is quite common in JSB.
spread out, gentle easterly dipping to subhorizontal normal The overturned, asymmetric geometry of the folds with
eastern limb (Fig.10). These asymmetric F2 folds have N- their consistent eastward dipping axial planes with variable
S striking and moderately easterly dipping axial planes and dips, westward vergence together with subhorizontal
a northerly or southerly shallow plunging to subhorizontal disposition of the longer limb indicate non-coaxial (shear
fold axes. The dip of the axial planes varies from near- related) deformation and transportation of the lithopackage
horizontal to about 40oE, though they are predominantly from east to west along the GMSZ implying a thick-skinned
gentle easterly dipping. The axial planar dip decreases with (tectonic) thrusting. This top-west movement brought the
increasing tightness and asymmetry of the folds. At places a medium grade amphibolites facies JSB rocks and its
crude S2-crenulation cleavage, axial planar to these folds is underlying gneisses up in juxtaposition with the green schist
developed. grade CSB.


Fig.4. Late folding in Javanahalli belt (a) Overturned asymmetric folding of banding in crystalline limestone showing westward vergence,
(b) Overturned asymmetric westerly verging late fold superposing on tight isoclinal early fold in BIF, (c) Overturned late fold
superposing on early fold in crystalline limestone, (d) Gentle inclined overturned asymmetric folding showing westward vergence
developed on the early schistosity in amphibolite.



Structure of the Chitradurga Schist Belt

like structure cannot be altogether ruled out. First generation
folds (F1), though not formed on macroscopic scale, are
The CSB is one of the most important and studied belts quite conspicuous by their presence in smaller scale (ranging
of the Western block of the Dharwar Craton, as this has from small scale to as big as several metres in dimension).
attracted the attention of good number of earth scientists They are, in general, plane non-cylindrical in nature. Strong
over the years. Structural framework and the evolution of non-cylindricity, where unaffected by later folds, has at
different generation of structures in CSB, especially in the places given rise to sheath/eyed folds without any evidence
northern and the central parts of the belt is well understood of fold superposition. In the area of our present discussion
from the number of published work (e.g.Mukhopadhyay et the CSB rocks show similar deformation history has also
al. 1981; Mukhopadhyay and Ghosh, 1983; Mukhopadhyay been deduced by us elsewhere.
and Baral, 1985; Chadwick et al. 1981a; Naha et al. 1995) Tight to isoclinal mesoscopic folds with high amplitude:
and unpublished work of Geological Survey of India over wavelength ratio and a penetrative schistosity are the
the past several decades. Various tectonic and structural manifestations of the first phase (D1) of deformation in the
models have been proposed on the structural evolution of CSB rocks (Fig.5a). The early schistosity (S1) is defined by
the belt. The salient findings that emerged from their work elongation of chlorite, actinolite, epidote in metabasalt and
indicate that the rocks have undergone two prominent phases by the flaky chlorite, sericite and flattened quartz in the
of deformation (D 1 and D 2) controlling the regional argillite- metagreywacke unit.
structures and NNW-SSE tectonic trend of the belt, followed The second deformation (D2) is mainly represented
by a relatively mild episode of deformation (D3) producing by open to tight, shallow plunging upright folds (F2) on the
cross folding and rotation of early structures in local scale. bedding and crenulations on S1 schistosity, having a N-S to
Regional structures are defined by several large scale N10°E-S10°W strike and subvertical to steep easterly dip
northerly or southerly closing antiforms and synforms on of the axial planes (Fig.5a, b). A prominent axial planar
N-S to NNW-SSE striking subvertical axial planes and low crenulation (S2) cleavage (spaced and disjunctive type) is
to very steep northerly or southerly plunge. Most of the common. Approaching the proximity of the shear zone
authors emphasized that these large-scale structures of this (GMSZ) towards east, there is gradual increase in F2 fold
belt are produced by D2 deformation that has a strong tightness accompanied by intense development of S2
influence on the regional disposition of the belt. From our cleavage. A large scale upright moderate northerly (35o)
field studies over the last two decades (unpublished work) plunging F2 antiformal fold having complementary synforms
we also subscribe to this view and strongly believe that all and antiforms is defined by the BIF bands occurring at the
the large scale fold closures in CSB belong to second boundary of argillite-metagreywacke sequence and
generation structure. Plunge reversal along the strike of large metabasalt at Ajjenahalli Mines and Neralegudda area
scale folds (F2) is due to non-cylindricity (strongly curved (Figs.2, 10). The axial planes of these folds show a gradual
hinge line) of the folds, and the possibility of regional sheath- swing/rotation in their orientation from N10°E in the west

Fig.5. Folding in Chitradurga Belt (a) Tight isoclinal early fold refolded by broad open upright late fold in BIF, (b) Early schistosity
folded into tight upright chevron folds in micaceous quartzite



away from the shear zone to N-S in the east near the N-S and sericite streams, is subparallel to the magmatic stage
trending GMSZ indicating a sinistral drag along the shear deformation fabric (Fig.7b). The presence of both pfc and
zone. Drury (1983) also attributed this swing of the limbs mylonitic fabrics and their mutual parallelism coupled with
and axial planar traces of the large folds to the effect of its confinement within the shear zone and linearity in
intense shearing along the major lineaments one of which is disposition, all argue in favour of the syntectonic nature of
at the eastern margin of the CSB. emplacement of the granite. Geometric characteristics of
Late broad open cross folds were recorded at places that very well- developed S-C and C-C' fabrics and subhorizontal
dominantly have an E-W striking and subvertically dipping quartzofeldspathic stretching lieation on the C-surface of
axial planes. the mylonite foliation in granite mylonite clearly indicate a

Gadag Mandya Shear Zone (GMSZ)

The N-S trending GMSZ occurring between JSB in the
east and CSB in the west affected rocks of both the schist
belt at the contact and also the syntectonically emplaced
intrusive Bukkapatna Granite (Fig.2). Narrow discontinuous
bands of quartzite, amphibolite and other litho-units of either
of the schist belts occur as deformed enclaves in granite
near Gayathri Dam, Hagalvadi and other areas.
Strain heterogeneity within the GMSZ is evident from
the development of proto- to ultra-mylonite zones. Thin,
anastomosing bands and stringers of mylonite and a
ultramylonite are produced in close association or well within
the protomylonitic zone. Within GMSZ, amphibolites of JSB
show conspicuous grain size reduction through dynamic
recrystallization and converted to mylonite showing a very
strong N-S striking and steep easterly dipping mylonitic
foliation (C) and subhorizontal mineral lineation. Mylonitic
foliation is again intensely folded into variably plunging
asymmetric folds on subvertical to steep easterly dipping
axial planes (Fig.6a). The folds show consistent sinistral
asymmetry on plan and a conspicuous westerly vergence on
vertical section (Fig.6b). The sheared amphibolite, having
a crumpled appearance, is ubiquitous all along the western
margin of the JSB in the study area. The mineral lineation
on the foliation plane, defined by fine acicular amphibole /
grains, is broadly subhorizontal. Shear bands, recorded in
the sheared rocks of the belts, adjacent to the sheared granite,
show consistent sinistral sense of movement. The quartzite
bands of both JSB and CSB are also converted to mylonite,
defining well-developed mylonitic foliation, lineation and
shear bands (Fig. 6c).
The porphyritic and megacrystic Bukkapatna Granite
shows both magmatic stage pre-full crystallization fabric
(pfc) and also solid-state deformation fabric. The magmatic
stage fabric is defined either by the randomly oriented
euhedral/ subhedral feldspar phenocrysts or by an average c
sub-parallel alignment of the K-feldspar megacrysts in the Fig.6. (a) Plan view of a prominent subvertical mylonitic foliation
less deformed or undeformed sector of the granite (Fig.7a). in amphibolite, (b) westerly verging folding of the mylonitic
The mylonitic foliation (C), defined mainly by the foliation in amhibolite, viewed on section, (c) sinistral shear
preferential alignment of feldspar augen, ribbons of quartz banding in sheared quartzite



sinistral sense of strike-slip movement (Fig.7c). A N-S was earlier reported by the authors (Roy et al. 2008). The
trending prominent subhorizontal stretching lineation stereoplots of poles of the mylonitic foliations and the shear
defined by quartz ribbons and elongated feldspar grains on bands show an average N-S/N10°W-S10°E strike and
the foliation plane is recorded in the sheared granite N30°W-S30°E strike respectively with steep easterly to
(Fig.7d). ⌠ – porphyroclasts of feldspar are common in the subvertical dip whereas the stereoplot of the stretching
protomylonite zones whereas both ó and ä porphyroclasts lineations indicates a prominent N-S trending subhorizontal
are observed in the mylonite and ultramylonite zones. In plunge (Fig.8a, b, and c).
the ultramylonite zones extreme grain size reduction and All the kinematic indicators that include S-C and C-C'
near absence of feldspar porphyroclasts and fabrics, ó and ä porphyroclasts, fold asymmetry as observed
neocrystallisation of sericite transformed the rock into on plan and the subhorizontal stretching lineation points to
foliated quartz-sericite rock or phyllonite. The different a sinistral strike slip movement along the GMSZ. However,
subzones comprising protomylonite, mylonite and the consistent westerly verging asymmetric folding of
ultramylonite within the sheared granite more or less mylonitic foliation, observed on vertical sections, also
correspond to a progressive increase in strain, as evident suggests to the presence of a component of thrusting along
from grain size reduction, progressive disappearance of the shear zone.
feldspar porphyroclasts and generation of sericite mica,
decrease in angle between S- and C- planes and increasing Microstructure of the GMSZ
aspect ratios of the quartz ribbons. Synchronous Microstructurally, the granite protomylonites are
development of pseudotachylyte and mylonite in this belt characterized by weakly developed fabric, defined by the

a b

c d

Fig.7. Sheared Bukkapatna Granite, (a) euhedral K-feldspar megacryst in less deformed granite, (b) magmatic stage deformation fabric
defined by alignment of feldspar megacrysts shows parallelism with mylonitic foliation, (c) well developed shear band(C'),
viewed on plan, showing sinistral sense of movement, (d) prominent stretching lineation on mylonitic foliation in sheared quartz



N elongated quartz and feldspar grains showing undulose

extinction. K-feldspar porphyroclasts, yield to both brittle
failure producing fragmented grains and also to crystal-
plastic deformation shown by deformation lamellae and
grain refinement through recrystallization. (Fig.9a, b).
Granite mylonite zone is made up of medium grained
feldspar porphyroclasts set in a fine grained recrystallised
matrix with an attendant foliation fabric development. At
places there is considerable enrichment in phyllosilicate,
principally of sericite generated by hydration of feldspars.
Elongated ribbons of quartz show development of subgrains
and recrystallised grains as a result of dynamic
recrystallisation. (Fig.9c) Feldspars are deformed both by
fragmentation and recrystallisation. Deformation induced
(a) exsolutions in feldspar grains, asymmetric non-fibrous strain
shadows at the low stress margins of feldspar porphyroclasts,
and the development of shear bands (C') are present (Fig.9d).
N The angular relationship between C and C/ confirms the
sinistral sense of movement.
The ultramylonite zone in granite shows a pronounced
enrichment in white mica. Feldspar porphyroclasts are fewer
and smaller having rounded, to elliptical shape and are
sparsely present in a very fine groundmass composed of
quartz, feldspar and mica. Intense mylonitic foliation (C),
defined by subparallel alignment of white mica and ribbon
quartz in the matrix, gave rise to subparallel banding
alternately rich and depleted in white mica. Stair stepping
of the feldspar porphyroclasts with their long axis at an acute
angle with the mylonitic foliation (C) indicates a sinistral
sense of shear movement.
The ductile behaviour of quartz but brittle-ductile
(b) behaviour of both feldspars, presence of pseudotachylyte
and neocrystallisation of sericite in the granite mylonites
N establish the green schist grade (about 400oC) condition of
deformation in the GMSZ (Passchier and Trouw, 2005).


From the study in GMSZ, it is quite apparent that the

supracrustal belts – JSB and CSB, situated on its east and
west respectively, in the Javanahalli-Hagalvadi sector, show
distinctly different geometry and kinematic pattern.
The JSB rocks spread over the gneisses as gently dipping
sheet for its most part. In the western part of this belt the

Fig.8. Stereoplot of poles of (a) mylonitic foliation (c) showing

N-S strike and steep easterly dip (104 data point) (b) shear
bands showing NNW-SSE strike and subvertical dip (33
(c) data point), (c) stretching lineation showing N-S trend and
subhorizontal plunge (36 data point).



a b

c d

Fig.9. (a) Deformation lamellae in feldspar porphyroclast, (b) Fragmentation and sinistral translation of feldspar porphyroclast along
the mylonitic foliation, (c) Shear band defined by stream of mica, indicating sinistral movement, (d) Ribbon quartz and feldspar
porphyroclast in sheared granite.

rocks gradually become steep dipping to subvertical where mesoscopic and mappable scale consistently upright, shallow
they are sheared in GMSZ and are juxtaposed with CSB to moderate northward plunging folds with a prominent
rocks (Fig.10). The primary foliation (So) in rocks of JSB subvertical axial planar cleavage (S2) (Fig.10). This is
and the gneissic banding in granite gneiss is congruously indicative of a dominant flattening type of strain resulting
folded into tight to isoclinal, recumbent to gentle inclined from E-W compression in the CSB.
folds during the earliest recognisable deformation event (D1). There is a distinct lithological difference too between
The S1 schistosity, being axial planar to these recumbent to these two belts. The lithologic association and the mineral
near recumbent folds, is subhorizontal to shallow easterly assemblages in JSB indicate an amphibolite facies of
dipping were unaffected by the later deformation (D2). D2 metamorphism whereas those of the CSB indicate a low
produced asymmetric folds and refolds having consistent grade greenschist facies metamorphism.
westward vergence and eastward overturned geometry. The two to three km wide N-S trending GMSZ affects
These broadly N-S striking asymmetric folds having steep the rocks of both the belts occurring at the margin of the
to gentle overturned to near recumbent geometry with shear zone and the centrally emplaced Bukkapatna Granite.
variably eastward dipping axial planes and gentle, shallow The linear shape of the granite body and its restricted
N-S trending fold axes is indicative of a strong non-coaxial occurrence within the shear zone, the parallelism between
deformation in the JSB and the associated gneisses. the magmatic state and the solid state deformation fabrics
In contrast, deformation in the CSB generated an overall in the granite signifies its syntectonic emplacement along
verticality of the structures. The early deformation (D1) of the shear zone. The GMSZ is characterized by a prominent
the CSB is manifested by mesoscopic, tight isoclinal folds N-S striking mylonitic foliation with subvertical to steep
and a penetrative schistosity (S1). The second phase of easterly dips, NNW-SSE striking shear bands and a very
deformation (D2) gave rise to N-S to NNE-SSW trending consistent subhorizontal lineation. The westward vergence



Fig.10. Map showing structural trends in different litho-tectonic units in the study area.

of the folds developed on mylonitic foliation within the The N10°E-S10°W striking axial planes of the F2 folds
shear zone is the only preserved kinematic evidence of a in the Ajjanahalli Mines area of CSB gently swings into
westward movement of the JSB. However, majority of the parallelism with the N-S trending GMSZ at the shear zone
kinematic indicators like S-C fabric, shear bands, sinistral boundary. This observation underlines the syn or Late-D2
asymmetric folding of the mylonitic foliation recorded on (of the CSB) status of the sinistral strike movement along
plan and subhorizontal stretching lineation indicates a the GMSZ.
dominant sinistral strike-slip movement along the shear The geometric and kinematic evidences, therefore,
zone. The microstructural evidences like ó and ä indicate an overall E-W horizontal compression. At the early
porphyroclasts, stair stepping structure, shear bands etc stage of deformation there was an up-dip, westward
also corroborate the sinistral strike slip movement. The displacement of the eastern block of JSB and the underlying
brittle to ductile behaviour of the feldspar porphyroclasts, granite gneiss that brought it into juxtaposition with the sub-
presence of the deformation lamellae, flame perthite etc, vertically disposed CSB along the eastern margin of the latter
myrmekitic intergrowth at the margins of K-feldspar by a thrust movement, as shown in a schematic diagram
porphyroclasts, the presence of pseudotachylyte along with (Fig.11). The thrust component is only evident from the
mylonite and the conversion of feldspars into stream of westward vergence of the asymmetric folds developed on
sericites indicate that the shear zone developed under low- the mylonitic foliation. Shackleton (1995) has described
grade (green schist facies) metamorphic condition. these structures as Pre-diapiric flat lying thrusts and related



suggestive of continuity of deformation

in the same crustal level. Also there is
no evidence in support of super-
position of multiple mylonitic fabrics
in the shear zone. We, therefore, infer
a single progressive event showing
early and late stages of structural deve-
lopment. The 2 km wide Bukkapatna
granite got syntectonically emplaced
along the GMSZ during the sinistral
transcurrent shear movement, by the
mechanism of strike slip dilatancy
pumping (Brown, 1997). The solid-
state deformation features of the
granite indicate that the shear zone
deformation outlasted the emplace-
ment of the granite.
From the above discussion
inference can be drawn that the JSB
does not represent the basal part of the
CSB as was earlier envisaged by
Ghosh Roy and Ramakrishnan (1985).
Rather it represents a different crustal
block that got amalgamated with the
Fig.11. Schematic representation of the model of amalgamation of the eastern Javanahalli crustal block of CSB along GMSZ.
Block with the western Chitradurga Block and syntectonic emplacement of granite However, establishing its older or
along the CEMSZ. younger stratigraphic status with
respect to Dharwar geology is beyond
compressional structures that developed at an early stage of the scope of the present paper. Well-constrained
tectonic evolution of Archaean greenstone belts. The geochronological data is warranted to resolve this issue.
presence of easterly dipping thrust at the eastern margin of
the CSB has already been envisaged by Kaila et al (1979)
in their study of Kavali-Udupi DSS profiling. The
subvertically disposed CSB, a major lithotectonic constituent The structural study on the crustal scale GMSZ involving
of the West Dharwar Craton, acted as a rigid block that two adjacent supracrustal belts and the intrusive Bukkapatna
hindered further up-dip movement of the eastern granite in the Javanahalli-Hagalvadi sector, has lead us to
allochthonous sheet resulting in a change in the pattern of conclude that
movement from an up dip to a N-S transcurrent one, along 1 The amhibolite grade JSB with its underlying gneisses,
GMSZ, at the contact of these two contrasting blocks to forming the eastern block, was transported westward
accommodate the continued W-directed compression along the N-S trending GMSZ as an allochthonous
(Fig.11). The preserved kinematic indicators in the GMSZ crustal block and got tectonically amalgamated with
overwhelmingly indicate the sinistral sense of strike slip the western block comprising the greenschist grade
movement. Chadwick et al. (2000) has also assigned a ‘late’ CSB.
status to the sinistral transcurrent shear with respect to their 2 Subsequent to its juxtaposition against the subvertical
model of duplex structure near Gadag in the northern part CSB, a sinistral transcurrent movement in the GMSZ
of CSB. However, in the absence of any compelling continued to accommodate the overall east-west
evidence it remains debatable whether the thrusting and the compression.
subsequent strike slip shear are the result of two separate 3 The Bukkapatna Granite was emplaced syntectonically
deformational events or of one single continuous event. But, along the GMSZ as a result of strike slip dilatancy
there was no change in metamorphic conditions, which is pumping during the sinistral transcurrent movement.



The shear zone deformation outlasted the crystallization D. Mukhopadhyay, Emeritus INSA scientist, for his guidance
of the granite pluton. and constructive suggestions during our field work.
Publication of this paper is authorized by the Director
Acknowledgement: We express our since thanks to Prof. General, Geological Survey of India, Kolkata.

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