Nadir Baloach, Et Al
Nadir Baloach, Et Al
Nadir Baloach, Et Al
Nadir Baloach1, Muhammad Yousaf2*, Shah Fahad2, Muhammad Ansar1, Bashir Ullah2,
Wajid Parvez Akhter1 and Sayed Hussain3
Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430070, P.R.China
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang Province, China
*Corresponding author
Allelopathy is natural, environmentally weed and it may inhibit the germination
safe and inexpensive approach (Inderjit and growth of several other crop plants
and Duke, 2003). Allelopathic interference and trees. The plant contains parthenin a
has been exploited as a weed control sesquiterpene lactones, phenolics and
strategy and a substitute to the synthetic fumaric acid (Kanchan and Jayachandra,
chemical herbicide (Narwal, 2000; Jabran 1980).
et al., 2008). Parthenium is an allelopathic
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(6) 354-363
Tefera (2002) reported that parthenium vegetable protein (Fahad et al. 2013). It is
allelochemicals can be used as alternatives also an important grain and a staple food
for achieving sustainable weed crop of Pakistan and accounts for nearly
management. Parthenium extract 36% of the total cropped area, 30% of the
significantly inhibited the seed value added by the major crops and 76%
germination of Eragrostistef L. Due to of the total production of food grains
released phytotoxins from leaves (Stephen (Fahad et al. 2013). Although wheat
and Sowerby, 1996). The release of production has increased in our country,
phytotoxic chemicals of platinum might be but average yield does not go beyond 30-
involved in the decline of plant 35% of its optimum potential and this rate
biodiversity (Adkins and Sowerby, 1996). is very low as compared to other advanced
Its allelopathic effects might be happen wheat producing countries of the world
through leaching, volatilization, root (Hussain et al., 2007). To meet the rising
exudations and by its decomposition demand, wheat production should be 18.86
(Adkins and Sowerby, 1996; Khan et al., million tons against present 16.8 million, a
2012). Inhibition of seed germination and shortfall of 2.36 million tons (Hassan,
seedling growth of many crops have been 2007). Among the yield limiting factors,
reported by parthenium extracts viz, barley weeds intervention is one of the most
(Hordeumvolgare L.) and maize (Zea important, but less recognized constraints
mays L.) (Rashid et al., 2008). in Pakistan (Fahad et al. 2013). The
Sesquiterpene lactones, phenolics and in present research was initiated with the
particular parthenin are found to be objective to explore the effect of
inhibitory for seed germination and growth parthenium water extract alone and with
in many plants (Swaminathan et al., 1990). low doses of a commercial herbicide for
weed management and higher yield of
Reduction in weed population due to wheat.
parthenium water extract was reported by
(Batish et al. 2002a). It is concluded that Materials and Methods
Parthenium hysterophorus L. can be used
as a tool for weed management, but still To investigate the effect of the parthenium
needs comprehensive study to completely water extract alone and with reduced rates
explore its potential effects against of herbicide for weed control in wheat, an
different types of weeds. Cheema et al. experiment was conducted on University
(2003) suggested the possibility of Research Farm Chakwal Road, PMAS
combination of allelopathic water extracts Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi
with lower herbicide rates for effective during rabbi season, 2011-2012. Wheat
weed management. The use of water variety Chakwal-50 was sown as a test
extract of allelopathic crops alone and variety at a seed rate of 110 kg ha-1.
with low doses of herbicide is an Individual plot size for each treatment was
inexpensive, environmentally safe and 6m x 8m with row space of 25 cm. A field
effective weed control option (Kim and experiment was laid out using a RCBD
Shin, 2008). design with four replications and eight
treatments. A recommended fertilizer dose
All over the world, what is the most (150-120-90 kg NPK ha-1) was applied in
widely used as staple food grain and in the form of Urea, di-Ammonium
human food is the leading source of phosphate and potassium sulphate,
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(6) 354-363
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(6) 354-363
and 86 percent where Parthenium W.E. + ha-1 was sprayed at 30 and 60 DAS
Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 75 ml recorded at 45 and 75 DAS, compared to
ha-1wasapplied at 30 and 60 DAS control. In hand weeding plots weeds dry
recorded at 45 and 75 DAS, relative to weight was reduced by 77 and 92 percent
controls. Hand weeding at 30 and 60 DAS as compared to control recorded at 45 and
reduced weeds fresh weight over control 75 DAS, respectively.
by 85 and 94 percent recorded at 45 and
75 DAS, respectively. In the plots where Data pertaining to dry weight of weeds
alone Parthenium W.E. @ 24 L ha-1 at 30 indicated that recommended dose of
and 60 DAS was applied had reduced Buctril super 60 EC @ 750 ml ha-1applied
overall weeds fresh weight by 46 and 74 at 30 DAS reduced the weeds dry weight
percent compared to control recorded at 45 by 46 and 84 percent recorded at 45 and
and 75 DAS, respectively. Whereas 75 DAS, respectively relative to control
Buctril application @ 750 ml ha-1at 30 while the application of sole Parthenium
DAS reduced weed fresh weight by 29 and W.E. @ 24 L ha-1 at 30 and 60 DAS
80 percent relative to control. decreased the weeds dry weight by 46 and
70 percent. Minimum reduction of 41 and
These results are in the line with the 55 percent in dry weight of weeds was
findings of Shahid et al. (2007) who recorded in treatment where Parthenium
studied the influence of aqueous extract of W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 +
various plants individually and in 225 ml ha-1applied at 30 and 60 DAS was
combination with low rates of herbicides applied.
against weeds of wheat. They observed
that aqueous allelopathic crop extract The results of a current study supported
alone and in combination with low rates of earlier findings of Sharif et al. (2005) and
herbicides significantly reduced weed Bhattiet al. (2000) who testified that
density and weed biomass relative to allelopathic plant water extract in
control. combination with low doses of herbicide
suppressed total dry weight of weeds
Weed dry weight (g m-2) significantly over control in wheat.
Wheat growth and Yield
The perusal of the data given in Table 1
recorded at 45 and 75 DAS showed that Data about plant height presented in Table
foliar spray of all the treatments either 2 showed that Maximum plant height of
solely or in combination suppressed weeds 73.72 and 72.47cm was recorded in plots
dry matter effectively relative to control. sprayed with Parthenium W.E. + Buctril
Foliar application of parthenium water Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 150 ml ha-
extract combined with reduced doses of 1and Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60
herbicide suppressed weeds dry weight by EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 225 ml ha-
69 and 86 percent when Parthenium W.E. 1respectively compared to control. Blum
+ Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 150 (1996) reported that the taller plants were
ml ha-1 was applied recorded at 45 and 75 found probably due to better weed control
DAS, compared to control. Weeds dry in these treatments favoring plant height.
weight was reduced by 49 and 84 percent
in the plots where Parthenium W.E. +
Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 75 ml
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(6) 354-363
Table.1 Effect of parthenium (parthenium hysterophorus l.) water extract alone and with low doses of herbicide for weed control in
wheat on weeds density, weeds fresh weight and weeds day weight all at 45 and 75 DAS
Buctril Super 60 EC @ 750 ml ha-1 at 30 DAS 66.5 ab 38.5 e 43.325 b 46.35 de 5.25 b 7.23 d
(16.08) (75.36) (28.91) (80.10) (46.15) (83.96)
(recommended dose)
Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 58.5 bcd 69.25 b 22.82 d 66.75 c 3.75 c 13.28 c
-1 -1
(26.18) (55.68) (62.55) (71.35) (61.53) (70.55)
L ha + 300 ml ha at 30 and 60 DAS
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(6) 354-363
Table.2 Effect of parthenium (parthenium hysterophorus l.) water extract alone and with low doses of herbicide for weed control in
wheat on plant height, fertile tiller, spike length, spikelets per spike, aerial biological yield, grain yield, straw yield and harvest index
Treatments Plant height Fertile Spike Spikelets Grains per Aerial Grain Straw yield Harvest
( cm) tiller length per spike spike biologica yield Index
( m-2) ( cm) l yield (kg ha-1) (%)
68.85 b 212.25 c 8.38 b 16.64 c 44.88 c 4010.4-1f)
(kgha (kg hae )
797.8 -1
3212.6 d
(-----) (----) (-----) 19.89 d
Weedy check (control) (-----)
71.22 ab 260 a 9.37ab 17.02bc 53.14 a 5513 b 1534.1 a 3978.9 ab
Hand weeding at 30 and 60 DAS (37.46) (92.29) (23.85) 27.83 a
Buctril Super 60 EC @ 750 ml ha-1 at 30 DAS 69.27 b 243.5 b 10.47ab 17.97 a 51.88ab 4737 d 1267.9 cd 3469.1 c
(18.11) (58.92) (7.98) 26.76abc
(recommended dose) (34.52)
Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 225 72.47 ab 259.5 a 10.17 ab 18.1 a 51.96ab 5429.7 b 1340.9 bc 4088.8 a
(35.39) (68.07) (27.27) 24.70 c
ml ha at 30 and 60 DAS (24.15)
Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 75 72.25ab 257.5 a 9.61ab 17.47abc 52.4 a 5416.7 b 1402.5 b 4014.1 ab
(35.06) (75.79) (24.94)
ml ha-1at 30 and 60 DAS (30.17)
4.38 9.61 2.39 0.92 3.23 102.64 107.03 160.95
LSD (0.05) 2.23
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(6) 354-363
Maximum number of productive tillers i.e. 52.73 was recorded in the plots where
265 and 260 were recorded in plots where Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC
Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1 + 150 ml ha-1was applied at
@ 24 L ha-1 + 150 ml ha-1 and 30 and 60 DAS (Table. 2). The difference
Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC in the number of grains per spike might be
@ 24 L ha-1 + 225 ml ha-1was applied at due to weed suppression. These results
30 and 60 DAS, respectively. Numbers of agreed with Cheema et al. (2003) who
fertile tillers per m-2 in the plots where reported that grains per spike were
sole Parthenium W.E. @ 24 L ha-1was significantly increased with the
applied at 30 and 60 DAS were 246. These application of the allelopathic water
findings are similar to the results of extract. Iqbal et al. (2010) also reported
Naseem et al. (2009) who stated that that increased in grain number per spike in
number of fertile tillers increased with the wheat was due to the weed suppression by
integration of allelopathic extract to the the application of allelopathic water
wheat crop. extracts along with reduced doses of
Data about spike length presented in Table
2 showed that maximum spike length, i.e. The data documented in Table 2 indicated
11.31 cm was recorded in the plots where that hand weeding and foliar application of
Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC parthenium water extract along with
@ 24 L ha-1 + 150 ml ha-1was applied at reduced doses of herbicide significantly
30 and 60 DAS. These results showed that affected the biological yield of wheat
different weed control treatments relative to control. The maximum increase
increased spike length over control. The in biological yield with 40 percent over
increase in spike length may be due to the control was recorded in the plots where
suppression of vegetative growth of weeds Parthenium W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC
(Majeed et al., 2012). Data presented in @ 24 L ha-1 + 150 ml ha-1was applied at
Table 2 demonstrated that the spikelets per 30 and 60 DAS. In the plots where hand
spike were significantly influenced by weeding was done increased biological
different weed control treatments. The yield was 37 percent over the control.
highest numbers of spikelets 18.1 were Results are similar to the finding of
recorded in the plots where Parthenium Mahrajan et al. (2007) who concluded that
W.E. + Buctril Super 60 EC @ 24 L ha-1+ increasing concentration of parthenium
225 ml ha-1 was applied at 30 and 60 DAS. water extract exhibited inhibitory impacts
The effective weed control eventually on seedling growth and seed germination
facilitated healthy crop stand and resulted of cereal crops.
in the maximum number of spikelets per
spike. Effect of allelopathic W.E. along Grain yield of the crop is the function of
with reduced doses of synthetic herbicide the interaction of various genetic and
on spikelets per spike in wheat was also environmental factors including the yield
reported by Sharif et al. (2005). components. Any variation in these factors
may be variation in grain yield. All the
Data regarding grain per spike indicated treatments had significant differences
that all treatments had caused an increase between wheat grain yield (Table. 2) . The
in grains per spike as compared to control. maximum increase in grain yield, i.e. 91
The highest number of grains per spike, percent over control was recorded in the
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(6) 354-363
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