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Iligan Medical Center College- Basic Education

Laya Extension, Pala-o Iligan City

The Importance of Proper Guidance and Counseling in Schools to Students

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the subject


Kyle Orlanes

Fayte Enario

Ezekiel Amores

Neil Villarin

Practical Research 1

April 2023


Title Page...................................................................................................................................1

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................2



Guidance and counseling are important educational tools for shaping a child's
orientation away from negative ideas planted in the child by his or her peers. Counseling
and guidance principles originated in ancient Greece and Rome and It was critical to direct
students to exhibit acceptable attitudes and behaviors both inside and outside of school.
(Ackson Chisenga. 2021). Hence, there is a need in the school for a counselor to assist the
child in shaping their future through counseling therapy according to (Nalanda
International School, 2022). Guidance counselors are certified professionals who work in
schools or academic institutions to assist and advise students on academic and personal
decisions. They provide private counseling to students, assess students' ability and
potential, and collaborate with other professionals on student issues as (Mansiha Dhami,
2020) .

Guidance and counseling are important educational tools for shaping a child's
orientation away from negative ideas planted in the child by his or her peers. Counseling and
guidance principles originated in ancient Greece and Rome and It was critical to direct
students to exhibit acceptable attitudes and behaviors both inside and outside of school.
(Ackson Chisenga. 2021). Hence, there is a need in the school for a counselor to assist the
child in shaping their future through counseling therapy according to (Nalanda International
School, 2022). Guidance counselors are certified professionals who work in schools or
academic institutions to assist and advise students on academic and personal decisions. They
provide private counseling to students, assess students' ability and potential, and collaborate
with other professionals on student issues as (Mansiha Dhami, 2020) .

According to (BetterTeam, 2020), Guidance counselors should be accessible and authentic with
excellent communication skills and a profound interest in helping students to attain their academic and
career goals. Top candidates will display natural leadership qualities with remarkable problem-solving
and conflict resolution skills. School counseling is an evolving field, affected by state and national
educational policies, economics, and school reform (Gysbers & Henderson, 2001; Herr, 2001; Paisley &
McMahon, 2001). The school counselor’s role is not only defined by educational agencies, but it is also
impacted by the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which calls for educators, including school
counselors, to be involved in efforts to close the achievement gap through increased accountability (U.S.
Department of Education, 2001).dual counseling.School counselors need to be trained to implement a
counseling program while still meeting the needs of individual students (ASCA, 2010; CACREP, 2009).
In fact the training of school counselors should emphasize both program development and outcomes
(Brott, 2006).

Students are going through some of the most difficult times of their lives. Even the most well-
adjusted child finds the transition from childhood to adulthood difficult. Aside from the influence of the
family, the school and the school environment have a significant impact on the lives of young people. The
most that other influences can do is assist each young person in coping with the changes and wrought
associated with adolescence, developing a sense of responsibility, and making definite and significant
personal decisions. In short, families and schools have a responsibility to assist young people in their self-
development toward becoming self-fulfilled and well-adjusted adults.

Other countries provides proper counseling. It is clear that school counseling has made
significant progress in the United States and are deeply embedded in the way a given country addresses
the educational needs of its populace. In Japan, the goal of high school counseling is to "help every
student develop abilities of self-understanding, decision-making, life planning, and action-taking to be
able to adjust in the career options he or she decides to pursue" (Watanabe-Muraoka, Senzaki, and Herr,
p. 101).

According to (Bonz Magsambol and Crisitna Chi, 2020). In the Philippines, Acknowledging the
need for guidance counselors during the pandemic, Mateo said that DepEd has partnered with different
organizations to help them address the need for psychosocial support among students and teachers. Aside
from this, Mateo said that DepEd is also training teachers to provide counseling to students. DepEd has
also ordered Schools Division Offices (SDOs) to set up a phone hotline or online platform to provide
remote mental health services for schools without a registered guidance counselor.

In Iligan City, Guidance Counselors in MSU-IIT visits different companies and Schools where
their alumni are connected to find out how they are, and if employed, some information about their work
and their employers published by (MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, 2014.

Moreover, studying the impact of Ramadan on academic performance can provide a unique
opportunity to understand the relationship between spiritual practices and academic success. It can also
highlight the importance of cultural and religious sensitivity in educational settings, as Muslim students
may have specific needs and requirements during Ramadan that must be accommodated.

This study is solely concerned with the positive and negative effects of Ramadan to Muslim
student’s academic performance, it is mainly focused on Muslim students only. It covers how Ramadan
practices can influence students during school days and what are those specific effects. The data collection
will be conducted to 50 randomly selected Grade 11 Senior High School Muslim students in Iligan
Medical Center College, S.Y. 2022-2023 which will represent the population. Each of the respondents is
given the same questionnaires to answer.

The study's findings will be applicable only to the study's respondents and will not be used to
assess the effects of Ramadan on academic performance of Muslim students who do not belong to the
study's population. The main source of this study will be the online sources and the questionnaire, which
is prepared by the researchers.


(Indonesian Journal of School Counseling, 2016) stated in his study that the school counselors
have a professional role to be involved in implementing education in schools (Reiner, Colbert, & Pérusse,
2009). The role of school professionals is to link work with the aim of improving schools (Dahir & Stone,
2009). Education aims to improve the quality of students so that it becomes complete, integrated, and
balanced, in accordance with competency standards. Implementing the education offered by school
counselors through guidance and counseling services to assist students in gathering information and
making plans for the future (Myrick, 2011). Accountability and student academic performance have
compelled the counselor to examine the role of school counselors in fostering academic success. In the
age of disruption 4.0, counselors have a role to use information or approaches to guidance and counseling
to students that are based on research through counseling and guidance research, and student school
completion (White & Kelly, 2011). Counseling interventions have significant positive effects on students'
behavior, problem-solving skills, and career knowledge (Whiston & Quinby, 2009). School counselors
can benefit from conducting guidance and counseling research to better understand the needs, problems,
prevention programs, and interventions for students.

Counsellia: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 9(1), 2019 53-64

According to the research investigation of (Dr. Ashiq Hussain Dogar, 2011), one of the oldest
forms of worship practiced by Muslims and nations all over the world is fasting. The Muslims must
observe a strict fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan, which is obligatory in Islam for every eligible
man and woman. They aim to review the effect of fasting in Ramadan on mental health of university in
Iran on way back 2017. Based on the results of their study, they claimed that students’ fasting during
Ramadan increases their mental health. They interviewed 200 fasting Muslim Indians; it showed that
fasting in the Ramadan has been effective in reducing their stress, anxiety and depression. Therefore, they
conclude that it is important to understand the religious approaches, deep mystical views and valuable
Islamic principles for maintaining mental health.
British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences ISSN: 2046-9578, Vol.1 No.2 (2011)

According to the study of (International Journal of Advanced Educational Research, 2018),

Human life has problems and problems. A man has always tries to best efforts to overcome the difficulties
or adjust to his environment. The present education scenario primarily based on ICT. The students learn
from various media like T.V, news papers, internet etc. Some time they did not accept the knowledge
because they faces some confusion in a particular knowledge which was came from various sources.
Present time has come to exchange our knowledge with the students. We can see that many students are
faces stress, depression, anxiety and so on.
Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 384-386 (2018)

As said by (John Erwin Prado Pedroso, 2022), The COVID-19 pandemic's sudden transition to a
new learning environment has caused significant changes in the educational process and practices (Strear
et al., 2021). A rash of mental health issues, including depression, sleep deprivation, and anxiety, have
been linked to the unanticipated implementation of government lockdowns and social isolation, as well as
a number of home issues, deaths, illnesses, and uncertainty regarding COVID-19 (Rath & Beland, 2020;
Savitz-Romer et al., 2021; Pincus et al., 2020). All of which negatively impact students' drive to succeed
academically and lead to behavioral problems in schools (Pincus et al., 2020). Virtual or online guidance
and counseling programs have been widely adopted by educational institutions due to the difficulty of
obtaining and implementing face-to-face or real-time guidance and counseling services during this time of
crisis (Mielgo-Conde et al., 2021; Harrichand et al., 2021). Guidance counselors had to find new,
inventive, and effective ways to carry out their duties as a result of the shift to online guidance and
counseling services.
Volume-2| Issue-1 | Jan-Feb-2022: Implementation of Guidance and Counseling Services during
the COVID-19 Pandemic

According to the study of (Mghweno Penueli Eliamani, 2014), Services for counseling and
guidance are crucial. Tools for promoting human development, particularly in adolescence
stage. Rapid growth is a hallmark of the adolescent stage and transformation: physical, social,
spiritual, and moral intellectually. Most teenagers attend secondary school, which is why counseling and
guidance services are urgently required. As stated by Bark (2003), direction and counseling are the
support services provided by qualified and experienced individuals to anyone, regardless of age to assist
him in organizing his own daily activities, growing own decisions, form his own opinions, and carry out
own weight. Braddock (2001) also claims that, The goal of counseling and guidance in schools is to raise
academic performance and encourage constructive learning attitudes and behaviors, as well as more
purchases and applications of hostility resolution skills, and decrease school dropouts.
African Journal of Guidance and Counselling ISSN: 2142-6785 Vol. 1 (1), pp. 007-015, March,

In a recent paper by (Laily Puji Astuti , 2021), stated that environmental factors, such as the
spread of the Covid-19 virus pandemic, have an impact on guidance and counseling during the new
learning process. As a result, different types of services in guidance and counseling are expected to be
provided depending on the needs of the students at the time. During the COVID-19, counseling and
guidance are required. students need counseling due to the pandemic. It is expected that guidance and
counseling in schools will be able to modify a service project and find a solution based on the difficulties
it is currently experiencing. Professional counseling in schools places an emphasis on skills and
techniques for guidance such as counseling, consultation, and coordination (Gybson & Henderson, 2012),
aiming for guidance such as problem-solving and stressing the value of effective communication in
students to bring about change in themselves. Counselors have an essential role in the education system
and provide direction and guidance to students in schools.
IJAGC: International Journal of Applied Guidance Counseling : Vol. 2 No. 1, February 2021, pp.

(Maria Margaretha Sri Hastuti, 2021) stated in her study that Due to the Covid-19 pandemic,
countries have implemented several new protocols, such as work from home, study from home, social
distancing, and physical distancing (Boshra et al., 2020; Chu et al., 2020; Koh, Naing, & Wong, 2020;
Liebrenz, Bhugra, Buadze, & Schleifer, 2020; Qureshi, Suri, Chu, Suri, & Suri, 2021; Sammer, Sher,
Huisman, & Seghers, 2020; Savić, 2020). In a similar vein, since the government enforced the work from
home and stay at home regulation, all educational activities are conducted from home in Indonesia. As a
result, teachers must conduct their lessons from home, and students must complete their homework from
home using online resources and school-set schedules. As a result, online services are also provided for
counseling and guidance.
According to Hurley (2023), students who experienced an intensive Ramadan performed on average
better at subsequent international student performance tests.This might be because the various social
activities during Ramadan contribute to young people developing new social contacts and a common
identity within their school class. School counselors must be inventive, creative, and productive in order
to provide online guidance and counseling services (Perdana & Shofaria, 2020; Petrus & Sudibyo, 2017).
These qualities help students avoid the boredom brought on by the change in learning patterns and make
it easier for the counselor to choose the right services (Nugroho, 2020). As a result, intensive guidance
and counseling services should be provided throughout the pandemic (Meleo-Erwin, Kollia, Fera, Jahren,
& Basch, 2021; Karaman, Eşici, Tomar, & Aliyev, 2021). Communication in online guidance and
counseling services can happen synchronously or asynchronously. While synchronous communication
takes place simultaneously, asynchronous communication causes a delay between the contacts (Barak,
Klein, & Proudfoot, 2009; Dowling & Rickwood, 2013). Situmorang (2020) refers to a suitable
counseling service for the pandemic situation, which is typically referred to by a number of terms, such as
web-based intervention, computer-mediated therapy, cybertherapy, online counseling or therapy, and e-
therapy (e-counseling) (Dowling & Rickwood, 2013). Both synchronous online counseling conducted via
chat and video conference as well as asynchronous online therapy have been widely used (Chester &
Glass, 2006; Bambling, King, Reid, & Wegner, 2008).
60 | Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, 6(2), 2021, 60–70Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling,
6(2), 2021, 60–70

The study of (Mubiar Agustin, 2020), In general, students' primary goals upon entering college
are to secure a job, pursue interests and talents, and make friends. These findings are consistent with
research by Goldsen in the United States, which found that 35% of students attend tertiary institutions
primarily to learn science, 36% place a strong emphasis on developing the knowledge and skills necessary
for future careers, and 17% enroll with the intention of making friends (Supriadi, 2001). According to the
goals of students enrolled in tertiary institutions, it would seem that the majority of students have high
expectations for the institutions they enter. This circumstance, at least, illustrates how students who enroll
in higher education are expected to have unique advantages as a support for their ability to compete and
have strong bargaining power in the careers they will pursue in the future with the help of Guidance and

Journal of Elementary Education : Volume 4, Number 1, February 2020

Based on the research of (Muh Farozin, 2020), he stated that recognizing and exercising with
complete awareness of can improve their health, productivity, creativity, and innovation, religious
customs based on expectations of students' behavior needing educational services (teaching, guiding,
and/or educating) Guidance, counseling, regular training, and education and encouragement for a
favorable environment. Learning is a deliberate and intentional attempt to foster a culture of the process
of learning and teaching so that students actively maximizing their potential for spiritual growth, self-
control, personality, intelligence, and the abilities required by their society, country, and state [1].
Although counseling and guidance are essential components of the goal of education is to help and shape
students. in order to reach full and ideal independence development. Services for guidance and
counseling are organized, unbiased, sane, and ongoing efforts that are made by the advisor or mentor
who provides guidance and counseling to encourage the growth of students or clients to attain
independence through the capacity to comprehend, accept, lead, decide, and realize being responsible for
your own happiness and he had success in his life.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 462

In the research paper of (Mine ALADAĞ, 2013), it is stated that the importance of skills training
can be attributed to the fact that it gives new counselors a concrete, yet manageable, framework that aids
them in comprehending the counseling process; as a result, counseling skills Pre-practicum training is
accepted as the first step education for counselors. Furthermore, training in counseling skills is typically
used before oversight and practicum training.
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v13 n1 p72-79 Win 2013

(Elijah, Karen, 2011) said in their research that working school counselor discusses the
importance of giving gifted and talented students specialized guidance and counseling services.
Unfortunately, some school counselors may not have the skills or training necessary to offer these
services, and some may have prejudices and attitudes that make it impossible for them to work effectively
with these students. However, school counselors can offer specialized skills in service delivery. This
discussion looks at gifted students' academic, career/vocational, social, and affective needs as well as any
areas where they might need specialized help. The American School Counselor Association's (ASCA)
2004 Ethical Standards for School Counselors can
14 serve as a guide and support system for school
counseling professionals as they pursue the education and training required to better meet the needs of
gifted and talented students, who are in fact included among "all" students that they are urged to help.
Journal of School Counseling, v9 n14 2011

As stated by (Rahim, Maryam; Hulukati, Wenny, 2021), Central to the creativity development in
elementary schools are competent teachers. Enhancement of teachers' competence could be done through
the provision of guidance handbooks for the teachers. As based on the problem statements, this research
was aimed at developing handbooks of guidance and counseling that could improve teachers' competence
in providing quality guidance and counseling services; the handbooks were expected to help teachers in
cultivating the creativity of elementary school students. Book 1 Guidance and Counseling Implementation
Plan, Book 2 Service Materials, Book 3 Teachers' Guideline, and Book 4 Evaluation Guideline were the
designed handbooks for this research and development study. Using a pre- and post-test for one group, a
quasi-experimental method was used to assess the effectiveness of the handbooks. The experimental data
analysis revealed that tcount > ttable because the values of tcount and ttable were 7.665 (significance level
of 0.05 (14)) and 1.76, respectively. This outcome demonstrated that the manuals were useful for
increasing teachers' capacity to deliver high-quality guidance and counseling services, which helped the
teachers foster the creativity of elementary school students. In a nutshell, it is advised that teachers use the
handbooks to encourage students' creativity.
European Journal of Educational Research, v10 n2 p657-670 2021

In the research of (Dabone, KyeremehTawiah, 2015), Guidance is frequently viewed as a form of

leadership or direction given to a person to help him or her make decisions about their present and future.
Contrarily, counseling is viewed as a psychological process that aids a person in developing self-
awareness and problem-solving abilities for use in daily life in the community, the home, and the
classroom. Guidance and counselling is an integral part of modern academic programmes.
Ghana, indeed has a long and documented history on guidance and counseling (Danquah, 1987).
Stakeholders in education are faced with a myriad of problems albeit social, religious, financial
or psychological. The worst victims have also been students and their educators. Whereas
guidance and counselling is seen to be an effective management tool for peoples’ problems
whether this has been transcended to the field of academics and specifically academic
performance is still seeking solutions. According to a report by the West African Examination
Council in 2013 revealed that more 0.73% of candidates who sat for the West African Secondary
School Certificate Examination in Ghana failed in all subjects. Again, just a year after, 3.07%
failed in all subjects.
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences: Vol.5, No.8, 2015

Based on the study of (Khairi Bintani, 2019), Those who can assist students with complex
problems are to solve these issues, you need a professional. therapists in higher education is crucial for
assisting students overcoming obstacles and avoiding mistakes adjustment. The availability of counseling
and guidance the need for services in tertiary institutions is critical to support for one's social, academic,
and professional goals the growth of students. although the position is structurally sound the education
has not included a listing for the college counselor. Indonesia has a system [7]. Nevertheless, the
development and to enhance the availability of counseling and guidance in Universities are still
operating. One of them is by construction. a counseling and guidance service unit selected by the chief of
the concerned university.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 462

In the study of (Tivanny Octasya, 2021), it is stated that The spread of the corona virus initially
had a significant impact on the world's economy. But at this point, the effects were also felt in the
educational community. This situation has many people affected. Face-to-face learning activities have
been discontinued by countries, including Indonesia. has inspired the government or academic institutions
to develop a substitute method of education for those students who are impacted or who are unable to
engage in face-to-face instruction straight into class. According to UNESCO, more than 39 countries have
closed their educational institutions. educational institutions where 421.388.462 students are affected by
this policy both at the secondary and tertiary levels. In light of this, the introduction of the idea of a lesson
as Face-to-face learning cannot function well when applied. When learning in person, there will be the
first delivering the learning concept and its goals. Afterward, instruction continues until its
comprehension and growth. In an emergency, these phases are regarded as not going well current
circumstances (Charismiadji, 2020).
Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling, 2 (1), 2021, 27-33

In the paper of (Alexander Gbenga Ogundele, 2014), It is quite obvious that no country can
advance without judicious use of her natural resources for the benefit of all of the populace. construction
of infrastructure (roads, railroads, electricity, water in pipes, and communications Health care (and other
services) are crucial to improving the the country's economic system. To strengthen the economy In this
era of global economic expansion, grow meltdown, we must raise all factors' productivity. (Land, labor,
capital, etc.) used in production. Due to this inevitably result in the growth of the industries, the
agricultural, tertiary health, and export industries economy. Equally, it will raise the employment rate,
national income and the economy's growth rate. Students graduates from colleges today lack the
necessary skills to contend their new jobs. This perspective is supported by the assertion made by Akano
in [2] that the field lacks certain skills
engineering with computers. He continued by saying that there is a knowledge gap in the information and
technology sector and that university graduates only have a theoretical understanding of it. According to
Okafor in [2], there is a significant gap between what the school offers and what employers are looking
for [7]. According to this expert, employers prefer to hire people who can use their skills and abilities to
advance the company. It is impossible to overstate the importance of skill development in the rapidly
expanding other economic sectors. For this to come to pass, policies and objectives.

American Journal of Educational Research, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 1, 50-53

According to the paper of (Ita Karina Bancin, 2019), The school serves as a single incubator for
the attitudes and behaviors of students. Behavior and attitude are shaped by the environment. When the
existing social relations fall short of expectations, students occasionally discover that they are
independent individuals who do not require the assistance of others. Students' ability to self-regulate in
social situations must be improved, which calls for a supportive environment. Students who have the
capacity for self-regulation in the form of social connections not only perform well academically but also
build strong social networks. By doing this, they will avoid social issues like being shunned as haughty
despite having strong academic credentials or being unable to build rapport with others. According to
Khuziakhmetov, Shafikova, and Kapranova's (2015) study, the significance of the Study is constrained
because social interactions with school graduates demand more than just subject-specific knowledge.
moral standards serve as the foundation for interpersonal interaction skills as well as competences. The
judgment can be understood to mean that interpersonal skills are developed in addition to academic
ability during the course of school interactions that follow moral standards.
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019, pp.06-11

The paper of (Putu Agus Indrawan and Andriyani E. Lay, 2019), stated that Information
technology is evolving quickly and provides a lot of convenience. to people in their quest for knowledge.
the realization of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution's Informational needs are easily met thanks to the internet,
which offers a wealth of resources. information is transferred quickly (Riyanto, 2011). Since joint
development is well known, Technology requires a change from the traditional learning paradigm to a
technology-based paradigm. paradigm for learning. Professional teachers are additionally necessary for
superior learning. Teachers from the pre-digital era, however, have encountered challenges in establishing
successful communication with kids or students who were raised in the digital age. customs and They
undoubtedly learn in ways that differ greatly from the ways that their parents and teachers learned. the
earlier. Students on the one hand, teachers and parents on the other, are frequently affected by this.
however, grew impatient with the students' and teachers' lack of understanding and teachers.
Volume 5, Issue 3, 2019 Special Edition: Science, Applied Science, Teaching and Education

(Retno Wihyanti, 2019) stated that, One of the reasons why GC in Indonesia for primary schools
is still expanding is the role of the classroom teacher as the guidance counselor and replacement for the
role of the special GC counselor or teacher (Adhiputra, 2013: 27). The capacity of students to complete
developmental tasks is closely related to the implementation of GC in schools. The researchers came to
the conclusion that GC is the provision of assistance using specific skills and techniques for learners to
be competent, creative, realistic, and capable of making responsible decisions based on the analysis of
the statements of several education experts regarding the meaning of GC. As a result, GC
implementation in primary schools will effectively support the educational process. In Indonesia, GC
implementation in primary schools is still largely under the control of classroom teachers. As a result,
special GC teachers or counselors are still extremely uncommon in primary schools. However, it has
long been a problem that classroom teachers' performance has suffered when they are given additional
responsibilities as GC teachers.
Elementary Education Online, 2019; 18(2): pp. 482-495

According to Pullah Mitto Tiego, Stephen Kiriungi Kamore, (2015), A thorough school
counseling program addresses methods to improve academic performance, promote career awareness,
create a work-ready environment, promote self-awareness, encourage interpersonal communication skills,
and impart life lessons All students need success skills, which are an essential part of their schooling.
Dehir, C. Teenage pregnancy, bullying, alcohol and drug abuse, violence, and truancy were listed as
serious issues facing principals in a study by Onderi & Makori (2013). These challenges and issues had a
negative impact on the school's overall operations, including test scores. In Kenya, there have been more
reports of violence in secondary schools in the local newspapers. These Reports detail bullying, occult
practices, drug abuse, numerous homicides, property destruction, riots, and school strikes and unplanned
closings. Lack of direction from the authorities is one of the causes of this aggravated situation. Nyutu, P.
N., and Gysbers, N. C. are parents and educators. (2008).
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Vol 4 No 3
November 2015


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