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You Thank you. I'm Cheyanna and as we time it being this evening, it is a really
momentous and awesome occasion here in Canada to get them up here and bring this
wonderful information to us and teaching. We have, I guess, had a little bit of a
manifesting group to get out of here. I'm Cheyanna. and so, you should write
something down.
Thank you all. Thank you all for coming. Thank you all. And thank you, Monica.
Well, hi. I'm as a Tanya or Michael for short.
And if you like it shorter, you call me as. All right. I'm the lesser half of this
known as Figa Two in waiting
this is Figa One on the right
I'm going to do just a little job of saying
in this situation, and I'm totally amazed which is fun in a way, to see so few
people here and particularly to find such a wonderful warm reception I think that
we could say for each other and ourselves
that we haven't been anywhere on the planet where we've felt instantly open to and
with people that have approached us and have welcomed us and have brought the
organisation to the level it's been brought to for this event. You've done just an
amazing job.
We're so impressed with you guys
and one of the things that never gets talked about
is how we get impressed by you people. It really happens a lot more. A lot more.
Anyway, the thank yous are not done because we'll continue doing that with you all
the way through the weekend by way of presenting the work the best way that we know
how. I don't really get to say much simply because I can't condense this in a way
that does justice to the material. But what I want to say to you is that welcome to
the freedom teachings as they say what they are of the Andorite temple and world
order and what Acharya will do during the course of this weekend and for those of
you who decide to come to the round table classes the following weekend is she will
begin to introduce you to material which is pre-pre-ancient if you like if you want
to play the language of the spiritual movement it's very very old it relates
entirely to the principles of creation the function of creation, our role in it and
so on so you'll understand that since creation is pretty damned old then this work
also is as well the last time it existed on the planet as a body of teaching was
over 210,000 years ago the last time it existed in book forms, elements of the
whole was about 2,000 years ago in the time of the people that you refer to as
Jesus or Jesuit or in terms of the material Jesuit 12 John the Baptist and Miriam
some of these books existed then and it's significant that they were during the
time that the reorganization and planning of what we should be taught from a
scriptural and religious perspective that the Bible let all of this material out
why? because it is your heritage and why? Because it is your key to personal
spiritual power. Everything that we stand for and represent without trusting
anybody and anyone, without asking anybody to believe us or to do as we tell them
because we don't. Everything is about your freedom. Everything is about your right
to express and fully realise spiritual being. and in our language as the angelic
human you were and still are but you were created to be as guardians of this
planet, as guardians of this galaxy and as major players in a very very big game
bigger than you realize now and I hope as big as you could come to realize before
the weekend ends anyway, that's my stuff, here's the best stuff.
Thank you.
Thank you, Azirkania, very much for your flattery. I would like to again welcome
all of you here and thank you for coming to this workshop. This is an introductory
workshop on Kathara healing. It's Kathara healing level one and an introduction to
Kathara Healing Level 2, which has recently been put into the program. I say
introductory and it's kind of funny. For anyone here who has looked through the
manual for the Kathara manual, you will see that an introduction in our world is
rather detailed. There's a lot of information that we're going to cover. Before we
get into technicals, I would like to first of all thank Monica and everyone that
has participated in bringing us up here. It is an honor for us to come up here and
share this information with you. It wasn't an idea that we had actually had time
for this year because our schedule is very crazy going all over internationally and
teaching and doing planetary good work. But a situation came up where one of the
people who was teaching Kathar couldn't come here and somebody had to come and
bring the material to you because there were already people registered to come. So
we were brought up here by Monica and the people who were working with her. And I
would like to thank Monica and Cicely and Alexis and whoever else has helped to
bring us here because it is an honor. I've always wanted to come to Canada to bring
the teachings. Since I was a child I visited once in the Ontario region and I
always liked it here. I just felt the energy, I resonated with it in a way I
couldn't understand. So this is a place that I always wanted to be able to come to
bring these teachings and now we're here. So I'd just like to thank everybody and I
hope everybody can appreciate the effort of those people who organized this because
they did most of the work of putting it together just like we've done most of the
work of putting the program together. Now, the program that we're going to spend
the next, well this evening and two days exploring is called Kithara, excuse me,
the Kithara Biospiritual Healing System. Now this is a healing program that is
built on what is called divine blueprint science. This is an ancient science that
is more advanced in its way than what is called science in our world today. Yet it
is completely translatable into what we call science today. What is most important
about the bio-spiritual healing system that's called Kethara is that it gives us an
opportunity to begin to understand the reality of what we are made of. Most of us
have some idea that we have a mental body of some sort, a mind that is aware of
having a physical body and most of us hope at least that we have a spiritual body,
whatever that might be, because that's our connection to something larger than
here, bigger than here that gives us purpose and reason. Some people call it God,
some people call it spirit, some people don't call it anything, but they sense that
living life force that they're a part of, whether or not they have a body. Now, not
everybody realizes that the body is just a very tiny part of the anatomy of the
human being. It's only a very tiny part of the anatomy of matter. We're in a system
that we have our bodies here, but we're also in a world that appears to be three-
dimensionally solid. It appears to be made of particles, and our scientists tell us
about quarks and all sorts of little subatomic particles, protons, electrons, all
those things. So there's obviously a thing called matter that's out here. But
behind this thing called matter, both the matter that our bodies are made of and
the matter that the planet is made of, there is much more of an anatomy of energy
structure. There's a structure called the cathartic grid that bring us up to the
point where what is not manifest becomes manifest as matter. The power of the human
being, the power of the human being as a spiritual creation exists in those realms
of anatomy that are beyond what we see in the three-dimensional form. Those are the
areas of our anatomy that literally direct what our physical bodies will do. They
direct our birth process, our aging process, our growth process. They direct
whether we will be healthy or sick. If we don't understand the anatomy that exists
behind our matter, we are going to be at the mercy of that matter. If our body gets
old, we're not going to know what to do to change that, to stop it, or to fix it.
If our body gets sick, we're going to try to fix it from the outside in, but if
there's something wrong in the templates beneath the matter, we're not going to be
able to create a permanent fix or a permanent healing. Kathara healing takes us
into the core template of matter. It takes us not only into the levels of healing
or holistic healing that are identified in things like Chinese acupuncture, which
deal with meridian lines in the body with Reiki systems of healing, which deal with
the subtle energy bodies and chakras and using symbol codes to work with them.
Beneath all of those levels of your body anatomy, your subtle body anatomy, there
is a core structure that governs what your chakras are going to do, what your
meridian lines are going to do, and what your matter particles are going to do.
What's fascinating about learning your anatomy, it's like we've been going through
thousands of years thinking that we only had, let's say, one hand and one leg. And
we've been trying to get along with that one hand and one leg, not realizing
there's a whole other half of our body, that if we learned how to use it, we would
be able to walk and function much better. The other half of our body, their
anatomy, that we have not been using in the last 25,000 years especially, has been
called the cathara grid. The subtle energy systems that get into the primal life
force currents and how they come through the body template to manifest what we call
our physical form. But they don't only manifest the physical form and this is why
we call cathara a bio referring to biology, spiritual healing system. Spirit,
consciousness, the consciousness that makes you aware of who you are today, that
helps you to remember who you were yesterday, who you were as a child, the part of
you that allows you to visualize who you might like to become or where you might
like to go in the future. This part of you that you call consciousness is your
spirit. It's right here with you. It's not separate from you. The cathara grid
template that your body matter manifests on is also the template of energy that
your consciousness manifests into dimensionality through. It's what gets you into
your body. If there are template problems within the human body, which right now
there are on a global scale and there have been for 25,000 years, if there are
problems in the template, there will not only be problems with the matter form,
there will be problems with the consciousness as it tries to get into that matter
form. Right now, the way things work in our system is when we are in spirit form,
before we enter a process called fetal integration, where we as spirit
consciousness come into a body vehicle to have an incarnation here, we have a
problem with the body pattern here because of template distortions, which means as
soon as the consciousness comes into the body and intertwines itself with the DNA
template, with the gene code, the DNA template literally shuts off about 90% of the
consciousness. The part that's left here grows. This is what becomes a person that
you grow to be here. But the rest of who you are, who you were when you came in, is
who you still are, but you don't remember it because you can't bring the memory of
yourself as a spirit directly in because the body serves as a light switch. It's
turning most of the current off, most of the current of your consciousness. Now the
current of your consciousness, if you had it fully embodied as a human being with a
human template, you would have a minimum of 12 dimensions of consciousness, not
just seeing a three-dimensional reality field, but you would be able to access and
move your consciousness and your body through 12 dimensions of matter, which means
different matter density levels. We were, once upon a time, a species that was
immortal. Our bodies did not die. That is not a natural condition for the human
body form. However, we've been dying for a very long time on this planet. There's a
reason why we've been dying on this planet, and that reason is a genetic mutation.
It's a genetic mutation that has been rendered on the deepest core template level
of the subtle bodies, the way our gene code in chemical terms evolves, is not what
it was intended to be. It is not functioning on its original divine blueprint. So
we find ourselves trapped as consciousness in a mortal body form that has a very,
very short lifespan that progressively deteriorates before our eyes. By the time we
hit 35 years old, we start to feel it. We start to feel what's called the death
hormone. It starts to kick in and it starts to make you tired when ten years ago
the same thing didn't make to kick in and it starts to make you tired when ten
years ago the same thing didn't make you tired.