Proceedings of The International Conference On Wavelet "/nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, July
Proceedings of The International Conference On Wavelet "/nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, July
Proceedings of The International Conference On Wavelet "/nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, July
of Electronics and InfonnationEngnineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan, China 2Department ofElectric InfonnationEngineering , Wuhan Polytechnic University,Wuhan, China
3State Key Laboratory of InfonnationEngineering in Surveying, :rvrapping and Remote Sensing,Wuhan University,Wuhan, China E-l\AIAL: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected], [email protected]
Fingerprint matching is an important issue in auto matic fingerprint identification systems. There are dif ficulties about fingerprint matching based on neighbor hood. One is the size of the neighborhood can not be determined readily, the other is the feature in the neigh borhood can be affected by the noise. To deal with these problem, we developed a novel algorithm for fingerprint matching based on local structures to efficiently extract neighboring minutiae features. Neighboring features present the information of peripheral minutiae which directly connect with the central minutiae on topology. We use one feature vector to present neighboring fea tures from different samples. The samples considered as the same class can make the proposed algorithm robust to rotation and translation of fingerprint images. The experiments are conducted on FVC2002, and the results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
and for evidence of the crime all over the world. In the work of fingerprint matching, the characteristic features is the core. around this topic: tures. :rvrany studies have been conducted how to capture features, how to ex
tract features, how to select features, and how to use fea There are several useful features categorized into three levels[6]. Level 1 features, such as pattern class and ridge pattern, provide the macro details of the fingerprint impressions. Minutiae belongs to Level 2 feature. Level 3 features are micro patterns,including ridge width,edge con tour, pores and other permanent details. The level 1 feature has no uniqueness,however it can provide the general clas sification of the fingerprint in statistical analysis. Utilizing the level 2 feature is the main method to discriminate fin gerprints. It provides sufficient infonnation[ll] to enlarge intra-class distance and reduce inter-class distance until fin gerprints from different people could be recognized. So far, Level 3 feature has been used as a supplementary method to provide extra discriminatory information, partly due to the instruments of capturing fine level 3 feature are expensive. :rvrany approaches about fingerprint matching have been shown in literature, and the most popular fingerprint match ing algorithms are based on minutiae. It is necessary to So as to capture accurate information about minutiae.
Fingerprint matching; graphical structure; biomet rics; pattern recognition
With the advent of electronic connection in our society,
nonnal-quality fingerprint images, the performance of these approaches relying on minutiae is better than most other method[lO]. Though minutiae are divided into many cat egories, it usually adopts two types of minutiae: bifurcation and ridge ending, shown in Fig.l. ridge Tico and automatic personal identification has been becoming an im portant issue in many field. However, traditional idenfica tions widely used, like ID card and password, cannot meet the need of more accurate and safe personal identification. Fingerprint recognition is a popular technique to overcome the disadvantages of traditional identifications, and provide a more accurate and private solution,With the development of Automatic fingerprint identification system(AFIS), fin gerprint identification is widely used in identification units
Kuosmannen[14] proposed a method to create a minutiae descriptor, which sampled a set of local orientation val ues unifonnly around the minutiae point. Cappelli[3] in troduces another minutiae point called Minutia Cylinder Code(MCC) to combine nearest neighbor-based methods and fixed radius-based methods to utilize their advantages
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Wavelet "\nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, 10-13 July,
descriptor, to combine the preceding advantages and over come these drawbacks. First, the descriptor is defined and its characteristics are presented. Then the descriptor is ap plied on the topology of fingerprint minutiae and extract features, so each central point can be represented as a fea ture vector, and these feature vectors can be converted into feature values. Finally, we use feature vector sets from dif ferent fingerprints to finish verification. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 defines the proposed descriptor and presents its characteris tics. Section 3 describes the process of matching algoritllm. The experiments are presented in section 4. Section S shows the conclusion and future work.
Figure 1. A par t of a figure impression with r idge bifurcation and ridge ending. The circle presents the ridge bifurcation, and the rect angle presents the ridge ending.
and eliminate their drawbacks. Chang[4] combined Hough transform and 2-D cluster appproach to correctly identify the missing patterns and pseudo-patterns. The researches of Starink[12], Le[16], Tan[13] are around the topic of en ergy minimization. Bishnu[2] studied the 2-D partial point set pattern matching, and introduces some simple assump tions for approximate match. Weber[l7] used a template based algorithm to recognize fingerprint simply, that was simpler than Hough transform. Udupa[IS] improved We ber's method, to consider the problem of fingerprint match ing as comparing between two corresponding feature sets. Moreover, point pattern matching in fingerprint is Global minutiae matching has two also considered as global minutiae matching and local minutiae matching. disadvantages[3]: computationally demanding and lack of robustness. The state-of-the-art idea is about how to make the performance of local matching reach the global level. Based on neighborhood, local minutiae matching is very efficient, and tolerant against spurious and missing feature points. However, they have their own shortcomings. First, if the radius of neighborhood is fixed, as a threshold, the value of radius is not easy to determined, because location of minutiae is inaccurate and fingerprint images have non linear distortion, and the minutiae near the neighborhood border may be lost. Second, if the number of the points in neighborhood is fixed, the methods are sensitive to missing and spurious minutiae. In this paper, we introduce a novel minutiae-based local Let T and tively.
Figure 2. (a)an original fingerprint image. (b)The minutiae set. (c)The topology net.
I be
sponding to the template and the input fingerprint, respec Unlike other matching techniques, the representa tion of minutiae vectors are considered as feature vectors whose elements are the fingerprint minutiae[lO]. The ele ments of the vectors can be described by some fingerprint features, like type, orientation, location of minutiae and so on. Most popular minutiae matching approaches consider each minutiae as a triplet
{.T, y, B},
where the
x, y B is the
{x, y },
x, y means the
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Wavelet "\nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, 10-13 July, 2011
Xi - Xik :::: 0, Yi - Yik :::: + 1800 Xi - Xik < S + 3600 Xi - Xik :::: 0, Yi - Yik <
Now the neighboring features are presented as the differ ent distances and the different angles to the central point. In order to process these information, the different neighbor ing points are mapped to be on a feature circle neighborhood.
C, and the
Let r be the radius of
number of the point
Figure 3. There has some marked point on this topology net, which is from A to J. Let A be the central point. The neighboring points are B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, while J does not be longs to the neighborhood of A, because the connection between A and J is not direct, re lying on F or other points.
C, and the
on the circumference of C is 8r, shown in Fig.4. One neigh boring point is mapped to one point on the circumference of
1, 2, ... ,NT,
shown in Fig.5,
C. C is extended to a feature vector where the point in the circle C, corre V , while
the point corresponding to
I and T respectively.
sponding to the small angle, is mapped to the low position of the feature vector feature vector the large angle, which is mapped to the high position of
is the point in the neighborhood which has the direct con nectivity to the central point mi ,that is, the connection be tween mi and mik does not rely on any other point.
In feature vector
V , the
non-zero ele
and value
where k point
Vposition Vweight
The feature vector
points, the function Con presents the map from the central
connectivity in topology net. Let d be the Euclidean distance between the neighbor hood point and the central point, and S be the slope from the neighborhood point to the central point.
fingerprint image. In the several capture of fingerprint from the same person, the fingerprint images have obvious differ ences in vision, one of which is the rotation. This difference leads the absolute locations of neighboring minutiae to be variable, resulting in the feature circle and the feature vec tor, while the pattern of one fingerprint will be changed.
Yi - Yik Xi - Xik
However, the relative positions between the neighboring points and the central point are invariant. vector So the feature
by counterclockwise from
V min.
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Wavelet "\nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, 10-13 July, 2011
W is
(1 3) where j value
weight vector
7 4 5 6 3 0 7 2 1 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15
0,1,2... , Sr - 1,
lection and
the pattern corresponding to the smallest weighted value in ogy net, we can get a feature vector
WV is presented by Vmin.
I-1 t-8r
(1 4)
Figure 4. N P is the number of points which have the distance r from the central point. The central point is denoted by 0, and other digits pres ents the point related to N P. When radius R is N P is
S min be the vector set of all the Vmin in one finger print image. in which, the V";'in presents the Vmin corre
Let sponding to the ith minutiae, and the number of minutiae.
where i
minutiaenum presents
N P is 8; When radius R is 2,
When radius R is r, N P is 8r, ex The template fingerprint minutiae vector T and the input
Now the operation of circular shift, left shift or right shift, is used to deal with the feature vector be the feature vector set translated from V:
where i
(1 2)
S min each, STmin and SImin, and the corresponding Vmin is presented as VT min and VImin. min SImin [VIImin' VI2 in' .. " V .1.rmin uti aenU m j (1 6) m STmin [VT;'in, VT';'in, ..., VT,:l:utiae nu mj (1 7)
template fingerprint minutiae vector I have a denoted by
= =
circular shift, and Viis the feature vector after shifting i ele
presents the various patterns caused by rotation. In order to make the fingerprint matching algorithm robust to rotation, instead of patterns in
VI:nin is composed of VIeight and VI;osition VT';' in is composed of VT;ei ht and VTiosition The matching is divided into locaf matching and global matching. Considering VI:nin and VT";'in, we can calcu
where ,while late the local matching score. Let the starting score be zero. the position of the element the distance sector
SV ,
2 .-
high position
DS is presented as
(Bb, Ub) (Bb,Sr)
Sr Sr Sr
(1 8)
upper boundary of
8r 8r2 8rl
large angle
low position
VT;;"sition - DTH, Ub
same position of the feature vector. Figure 5. The transform process from a fea ture circle
to a feature vector
of VI:nin, VI:nin and VT';'in. Otherwise the elements of non-zero value VTn
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Wavelet "\nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, 10-13 July, 2011
vious methods are all finished on FVC2002 database. Table 1 shows the results. method Tico[14] Chen[5] Benhammadi[l] Lumini[9] Liu[8] Zsolt[7] Our method DBl(%) 4. 0 4. 6 4. 2 4. 2 4. 3 4. 3 3. 5 DB2(%) 4. 2 5. 3 2. 6 3. 9 4. 0 4. 8 3. 9 DB3(%) 7.1 8. 9 10. 6 15.0 10. 1 7. 5 5.6 DB4(%) 7. 7 6. 7 5. 1 6. 7 4. 6 4. 6 4. 2
1. EER
in VT in and the elements V I ;::in corresponding in V I ;"in the VT and VI '!,ight is described by DW, there is a threshold called VT H, if the absolute value of DW is are compared using the weight. The difference between
representation technique for fingerprint verification. It uti lizes neighbor structure information to match the point pat terns at principle preliminarily, and carries on global match ing at last. The proposed representation is invariant to rota tion and translation by analyzing the relationship of minu tiae(genuine and spurious), not capturing more information about fingerprints. As the matching method by relationship of point sets, the structures are robust to missing and spuri ous minutiae. Then, the structures are not influenced by the resolution of fingerprint images, which is convenient to deal with the fingerprint matching at different resolutions. In ad dition, local noise only affects the structures in a local field, resulting from the structure has a good structure stability. If the noise affect the whole image, like white noise, this problem should be solved in preprocessing stage, and it has been given some attracting solution in many previous work. Experimental results show that the performance of the pro posed algorithm is efficient. In future work, we would like to optimize our algorithm further and try to achieve the bet ter performance, which includes the consideration to deal with the large difference of two feature sets in waiting com parison. Then we will consider affect to the structures by the nonlinear transformations of fingerprint images. Con sidering the structures as a "tension" draw on analogy with
smaller than VT H, the element is matched, and the local matching scoreLMSbetween the two feature vector adds one to itself.
One feature vector VT ';'in in STmin is compared with every feature vector in SImin. The feature vector which has the biggest LMS is the matching vector to the
tor in SImin, and the two feature vectors are considered as a matching pair, each of which has aLMS. The number of local matching scores is equal to the element num ber of STmin. Then the sum ofLMSis the global matching score GMSbetweenSTmin andSlmin. Let N umberT is the number of non-zero value element inSTmin. If matched. image T and I are matched. Otherwise, T and I are not
We perform experiments on
physics, we want to measure the non-linear transformation through the change of the structures.
3200 fingerprints from 400 different fingers, to evaluate the performance of our algorithm. The test is performed with Matlab under Windows XP on Celeron M, 1.6GHz and 1536M machine. The result is measured by the value of equal error rate (EER) experimented on
This work was supported by the grant 60973154 and
61075015 from the NSFC, NCET-07-0338 from the Min istry of Education, China. This work was also partially supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Cen tral Universities, HUST:201OZD025, and Hubei Provin-
and compares our algorithm with previous works at evalu ating the performance of the proposed methods. These pre-
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Wavelet "\nalysis and Pattern Recognition, Guilin, 10-13 July, 2011
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