Osborn 2017
Osborn 2017
Osborn 2017
S h o c k Tr i a l s ( P ro C E S S ,
A R I S E , P ro M I S e )
What is Optimal Resuscitation?
Severe sepsis Septic shock Resuscitation Usual care Lactate
Hyperlactatemia Sepsis
Three large international randomized trials (Process, ARISE and Promise) confirmed that
in the general population of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, early goal-
directed therapy did not confer a mortality benefit compared with usual resuscitation.
The ability to generalize depends on the consistency of treatment provided as part of
usual resuscitation in individual hospitals.
All 3 trials used the established definitions for identifying septic patients. Until the
SEPSIS-3 definitions are prospectively evaluated, their associated risks and benefits
are unclear.
Usual care in all 3 trials included early identification using standardized screening proto-
cols, including lactate measurement, early intravascular fluid administration, and early
Normotensive patients with lactate level greater than or equal to 4 mmol/L had a similar
mortality to patients with refractory hypotension with a normal lactate level.
Section of Acute and Critical Care Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, 4901
Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
benefit of EGDT compared with usual resuscitation, how should usual resuscitation be
defined in the context of the data? What interventions do clinicians need to provide
and what is time dependent? This article reviews key findings of the 3 sepsis trials
and reviews the following:
Background on sepsis care before the original EGDT trial by Rivers and
Key elements of ProCESS, ARISE, and ProMISe to assist comprehensive
Options for operationalization and future direction in the evolving care of septic
Death is not the enemy but occasionally needs help with timing.
—Peter Safar
Sepsis mortality before 2001 was traditionally high, with reports of mortality ranging
between 30% and 60%.5–9 There was no universal concept of urgency in the treatment
of septic patients. Care was generally fractured, with little collaboration between the
service line silos of the prehospital service, emergency department (ED), the intensive
care unit (ICU), and the wards. Treatment might focus on using vasopressors to
augment blood pressure with less emphasis on end-organ perfusion, resulting in
ischemic limbs and colloquial names such as “leave ’em dead” for levophed.10 In addi-
tion, universal use of ultrasonography in EDs or ICUs was nonexistent during this period.
After observing severe sepsis and septic shock mortality of 50% in local hospitals,
an institutional quality improvement initiative led to a randomized controlled trial eval-
uating EGDT from 1997 to 2000.4 In 2001, Rivers and colleagues4 reported results of a
new, protocolized resuscitation termed EGDT. EGDT was described as a structured
treatment protocol that incorporated elements consistent with consensus guide-
lines.11 EGDT is designed to optimize tissue oxygen transport through early identifica-
tion and time-dependent hemodynamic optimization of oxygen delivery using
continuous monitoring of prespecified physiologic targets.
Preload: central venous pressure (CVP) was used as a surrogate target for intra-
vascular volume.
Afterload: mean arterial pressure (MAP) was targeted after volume repletion with
vasoactive agents.
Contractility and oxygen carrying capacity: central venous oxygen saturation
(ScvO2) guided delivery of inotropes and red blood cell transfusions.
At the time of publication, this protocol was novel because of the absolute mortality
reduction, the time dependency element, and focus on the level of care rather than
location of care. The absolute mortality benefit of 16% (46.5% to 30.5%) suggested
that this was one of the most effective modalities to date.12–14 Subsequent observa-
tional studies supported a mortality benefit of varying degrees.15
Although medicine traditionally functioned in silos, this study emphasized the level
of care rather than location of care. During this period of time, central venous access,
arterial access, and use of inotropes was generally reserved for the ICU. It was unique
to provide several critical care modalities in locations outside of traditional critical care
settings. Although novel in application, the idea was not a unique concept. Dr Peter
Safar16 described critical care as a continuum beginning prehospital, continuing
with ED intervention, and culminating in ICU admission and management.
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 325
Also unique to the era, this study emphasized deliberate, time-dependent recogni-
tion and management of septic patients during the most proximal phase of hospital
presentation in the ED. As part of the effort to reduce global mortality caused by se-
vere sepsis and septic shock, EGDT was incorporated into the first iterations of the in-
ternational management guidelines of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC).12–14,17
Given that half of the estimated cases of severe sepsis and septic shock originally pre-
sent to the ED,18 the American College of Emergency Physicians representative
worked on the guidelines writing committee, endorsed all iterations of the guidelines,
and actively supported their distribution and implementation.19
Despite incorporation into the SSC guidelines and nonrandomized trials reporting
benefit, adoption was not universal.20,21 Concerns regarding universal adoptions
centered on the ability to generalize, protocol complexity, high control arm mortality,
and financial and infrastructure implications.
To address these concerns, ProCESS, ARISE, and ProMISe, three international, in-
dependent, multicentered, government-funded trials were undertaken. Principal
investigators decided before enrollment to reconcile key protocol design and opera-
tional elements to facilitate combining data on completion for a patient-level meta-
analysis and further evaluation of specific components that would not be possible
based on single trials alone.22
Table 1
Inclusion criteria across trials
Fig. 1. Severe sepsis and septic shock definitions were the inclusion criteria. All 3 trials used
the established definitions for inclusion criteria. WBC, white blood cell count.
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 327
Table 2
ProCESS/ARISE/ProMISe prevalence of hyperlactatemia versus hypotension in the usual
resuscitation group
Antibiotic delivery time is associated with survival in both severe sepsis34 and septic
shock.34,35 Antibiotic initiation was required before randomization in ProMISe and
ARISE (Fig. 2). ProCESS encouraged early antibiotic delivery and, during the era of
the original EGDT trial, there was no universally agreed-on time frame of antibiotic de-
livery except that it be as soon as possible as established by the clinician (see Table 1).
Time Requirements
Time requirements were substantial for all the trials. In the original EGDT trial, ProMISe
and ARISE patients had to meet inclusion criteria within 6 hours of presentation to the
9 9
Fig. 2. Inclusion criteria required in ProCESS, ProMISe, and ARISE. Before patients were ran-
domized in all 3 trials, identification criteria had to be met (requiring early identification/
fluid administration) and antibiotics initiated.
328 Osborn
ED. In ProCESS, patients had to meet inclusion criteria within 12 hours of ED presen-
tation. Once inclusion criteria were met, all trials had up to 2 hours to obtain consent
and enroll the patient (Fig. 3).
Thus, before being randomized into the treatment or usual-resuscitation arms, the
patients required early identification, including either refractory hypotension or hypo-
perfusion (lactate level >4 mmol/L), and early intravenous fluid administration and early
antibiotics (ARISE, ProMISe).
ProMISe and ARISE had 2 arms to which patients were randomized, consisting of
treatment and usual resuscitation. ProCESS randomized to 1 of 3 arms: treatment,
usual resuscitation, and a protocolized standard therapy arm. The treatment arms
consisted of similar processes to those described in the 2001 EGDT articles
(Fig. 4), which entailed continuous monitoring of prespecified physiologic targets,
including CVP, MAP, and central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2), to guide delivery
of intravenous fluids, vasoactive drugs, and packed red blood cell transfusions.
The ProCESS protocolized standard care arm was a 6-hour protocol that consisted
of ensuring venous access (peripheral or central) and administration of fluid and vaso-
active agents to a shock index goal and hourly clinical assessment of fluid status and
hypoperfusion (Fig. 5).
How the protocols were delivered and monitored was similar between trials. ARISE
and ProMISe delivered the protocols within existing resources and required each hos-
pital to have a plan for delivery. ProCESS required a designated team outside of the
ED work flow to deliver protocolized care in the two treatment arms.
ProCESS patients had higher acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
(APACHE) II scores, whereas ProMISe had the higher lactate values, followed by ARISE.
ProMISe had the greatest percentage of patients with lactate levels greater than 4 mmol/
L, and all 3 trial had baseline ScvO2 greater than or equal to 70% (Table 3). All 3 trials had
greater fluid, vasopressor, red cell, and dobutamine administration in the EGDT group
compared with usual resuscitation. Central venous catheters and arterial catheters
were placed in 50% to 60% and 60% to 75% of usual resuscitation patients respectively.
Fig. 3. Timeline overview. a ProMISe and ARISE required inclusion criteria to be met on or
before 6 hours. b ProCESS required inclusion criteria to be met on or before 12 hours. All
3 trials required randomization within 2 hours of meeting inclusion criteria.
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 329
Fig. 4. Early, protocolized resuscitation in all 3 trials were similar to the original EGDT
protocol. (From Rivers E, Nguyen B, Havstad S, et al. Early goal-directed therapy in the treat-
ment of severe sepsis and septic shock. N Engl J Med 2001;345(19):1368–77; with permission.)
The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who
has the disease.
—William Osler
In the evaluation of adults with early signs of septic shock who presented to the ED,
ProCESS, ARISE, and ProMISe reported no significant difference in hospital or
90-day mortality among patients receiving 6 hours of EGDT and those receiving usual
Fig. 5. ProCESS Trial included a third group “protocol-based standard therapy” with a set of
6-hour resuscitation instructions, but the components were less aggressive than those used
for protocol-based EGDT. CVP, central venous pressure; HCT, hematocrit; IVF, intravenous
fluids; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PRBC, packed red blood cells; SBP, systolic blood pres-
sure; SI, shock index; ScvO2, central venous oxygen saturation. 1Central line should only be
placed and used for venous access. During the 6 h intervention, CVP and ScvO2 measure-
ments are discouraged. If time–sensitive fluid targets can be achieved with smaller IVs
(e.g., one 18 g and one 20 g), that is acceptable. 2Only isotonic fluid should be used (e.g.,
saline, lactated Ringer’s). Colloids are neither encouraged nor excluded. 3Fluid replete/over-
load is defined here as a clinical diagnosis by the treating ProCESS Investigator. Signs and
symptoms of overload include jugular venous distention, rales, and decreased pulse oxime-
try readings. Discontinue all IVF (boluses, background rate) once this occurs, until no longer
deemed fluid replete/overload. 4If patient’s SBP is within 10% of known baseline SBP, AND
patient is not deemed to be clinically hypoperfused, the SBP >100 mmHg target can be
deemed fulfilled. Arterial lines allowed if deemed necessary, but not mandatory. Shock in-
dex 5 heart rate/systolic blood pressure. 5Hypoperfusion is defined here as a clinical diag-
nosis by the treating ProCESS Investigator. Signs and symptoms include, but are not
limited to, MAP <65 despite SBP >100, arterial lactate >4, mottled skin, oliguria, and altered
sensorium. 6Transfuse PRBCs for Hgb <7.5 g/dL. 7From time of prompt by protocol (i.e., not
from time of physician order, or from when intravenous fluid bag hung). (From Process In-
vestigators, Yealy DM, Kellum JA, et al. A randomized trial of protocol-based care for early
septic shock. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(18):1683–93; with permission.)
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 331
Table 3
Baseline values versus resuscitation end points
Abbreviations: UR, usual resuscitation; HR, heart rate; CVP, central venous pressure; ScvO2%, central
venous oxygen saturation (%).
Median (interquartile range [IQR]).
Value found in Table 3 from Nguyen Crit Care (2016).51
resuscitation (Table 5). In all 3 evaluations, the overall rate of death was lower than
anticipated. ARISE and ProMISe evaluated ED length of stay (LOS) and reported
significantly higher LOS in the usual-resuscitation groups. However, the maximum
median time of 2 hours from ED presentation is significantly lower than the 6-hour na-
tional average of ED LOS for critically ill patients in the United States.36 None of the 3
trials showed a significant difference in hospital LOS. ProMISe reported an increased
ICU LOS in the EGDT group with ProCESS and ARISE reporting no difference. ProM-
ISe was the only trial of the three to evaluate quality of life and resource consumption.
Quality of life of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock (0.60) was substantially
lower than that of age-matched and gender-matched people in the general popula-
tion (0.80). ProMISe also reported a low probability that EGDT was cost-effective
because of increased treatment intensity in the EGDT groups and no difference in
The benefits of EGDT treatment in the original trial were substantial. Why would 3
trials now show such divergent results? Possibilities include:
The benefits derived in the original single-center RCT might not have been gener-
alizable, and the multiple observational, before/after, historical control studies
were compromised by bias, confounding, sample size, or chance.
Recruitment time could have encompassed practice changes within the institu-
tions that could have modified the effect benefit.
The intervention (EGDT) was not blinded in ProCESS, ARISE, or ProMISe.
However, the risk of bias was minimized through central randomization
and the use of a primary outcome not subject to observer bias. In the orig-
inal EGDT RCT, the ED, where the treatment was administered, was not blinded.
However, the ICU practitioners were blinded to who received EGDT in the ED.
Change of care over the 15 years between trials may have affected the results. The
mortality in the 3 recent trials was substantially reduced compared with those re-
ported by Rivers and colleagues4 (see Table 5). In addition, severity of illness
Table 4
Interventions delivered during a 6-hour period
334 Osborn
seemed greater in the Rivers and colleagues4 trial. The ProMISe and ARISE trial
patients had lower APACHE II scores, and all 3 trials had lower lactate levels
and higher Scvo2 (see Table 3). Patients from all 3 trials received antibiotics
very quickly. Receiving antibiotics before randomization was an inclusion criterion
for ProMISe and ARISE, and ProCESS encouraged rapid administration (Fig. 6,
Table 6). Other care elements, such as lung-protective ventilation, that would
now most likely be part of general practice would not have been in 1997 to 2000.
For the general population of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, rigid
protocols requiring universal application of central venous catheters, red cell transfu-
sion, and inotropes was not effective. Given that the 3 trials had baseline ScvO2 greater
than 70%, it is unclear whether there may be a subset of this patient population that
could benefit from normalizing an abnormally low ScvO2. Important to ensuring individ-
ual intuitional replication of these results is a clear understanding of what usual resus-
citation entailed in ProCESS, ARISE, and ProMISe.
Fig. 6. Timeline overview and results for usual care. a Average of median values from all
3 trials. b Antibiotic administration was required before randomization. Longest time to
randomization of usual care was 3 hours (1.6 hours). c Average time to enrollment of
all 3 trials was 2.7 hours.
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 335
Table 6
Early treatment in usual resuscitation patients
(+/ ) denote means with standard deviation; a point at which all inclusion criteria met in ProMISe
include antibiotic initiation.
Abbreviation: NR, Not Reported.
Median (IQR) unless otherwise noted.
Percent of normotensive, usual resuscitation patients identified by lactate >4 mmol/l alone.
Related to randomization time.
was based on the established definition of severe sepsis and septic shock24
and lactate screening.
Structured screening protocol: all 3 trials had structured screening of ED pa-
tients on arrival and during the ED stay with a standardized tool. Screening
tools allowed consistency among providers.
Lactate screening: using lactate as a component of sepsis screening was
essential. Sole hyperlactatemia (lactate level >4 mmol/L) identified up to half
of the eligible patients. In addition, point-of-care lactate measurement was
found to be effective in further reducing time to identification.
Time to identification: the median or mean time to identification from ED pre-
sentation was less than 2 hours in all 3 trials (see Fig. 6, Table 6).
Treatments provided to patients before randomization:
Early intravenous antibiotics: antibiotics administration before randomization
was required in ARISE and ProMISe and was encouraged in ProCESS. The
median time to antibiotic administration was 1 to 2 hours from ED presentation
in ARISE and ProMISe and less than 3 hours in all 3 trials.
Early fluid administration: before randomization, usual-care patients received 2
to 3 L of fluid between the 3 trials.
Treatments provided to usual resuscitation patients after randomization:
In all 3 trials, usual resuscitation patients received monitoring, investigations,
and treatment, considered appropriate by the treating clinicians.
ED LOS: median ED LOS was 1 hour (ProMISe) to 2 hours (ARISE) before
admission (see Table 5).
definitions that incorporate large data evaluation in conjunction with expert opinion.
This set of sepsis definitions was the first to include rigorous evaluations resulting in
derivation and validation of new sepsis definitions and supporting documents.32
However, the proposed definitions have not been universally accepted.39–41 The
guidelines were not endorsed by the American College of Chest Physicians, the Infec-
tious Disease Society of America, the American College of Emergency Physicians, or
the Latin American Sepsis Institute, among others. The concerns can be categorized
into 2 areas: clinical and operational.
Its authors propose Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) as a tool to
screen infected patients for severe sepsis or septic shock. Infected patients with 2 or
more criteria of hypotension, altered mental status, and increased respiratory rate
were found to be at risk for the primary outcome of death and the secondary outcome
of death with or without ICU stay of 3 days or more (Table 7).
The traditional paradigm has been to treat the sick but cast a wide net, screening for
patients who may deteriorate and treat to arrest progression.1–3,42–47 Many clinicians
consider infected patients with hypotension and/or altered mental status to no longer
be at risk of decline but within an active deterioration phase of organ system dysfunc-
tion and/or failure.42,43,48,49 In the ICU, the higher level of specificity compared with
sensitivity is understood. If a patient at risk for deterioration is missed, the person is
still within a monitored hospital setting and ICU resources can be managed. However,
misidentifying a patient at risk of decline on the floor or in the ED can result in a
different outcome. The investigators show eloquently that qSOFA is associated with
high risk for poor outcomes.38 However, as its authors state, the applicability as a
screening tool remains a question for prospective evaluation and further
Table 7
Comparisons of established, SEPSlS-3 definitions and SSC Guidelines application
Established Definition
(Used by CMS) Sepsis - 3 Definition
Sepsis Presumed/known 2 SOFA criteria (present
infection + 2 SIRS or increased)
Includes: hypotension +
normal lactate (shock)
Severe Sepsis Sepsis + End organ Not a category
dysfunction, Lactate >4
Septic shock Sepsis + Refractory Vasopressors AND
hypotension (+/ lactate >2 mmol/L
Mortality Observed Mortality Sepsis 5 low acuity Sepsis 5 higher acuity
5 Expected mortality
Ratio Observed mortality low Observed mortality higher
Example Expected mortality low Expected mortality low
Mortality ratio, national quality metrics based on established definitions (expected mortality).
When clinicians apply a low acuity diagnosis (sepsis) to a higher acuity patient (SEPSlS-3 definition
of sepsis), the observed mortality will be higher than expected. Results in similar care appearing
worse based on different definitions applied to the same patients.
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 337
discrimination of patients who currently are identified and treated who are not consid-
ered within this paradigm.
System 0 1 2 3 4
PaO2/FiO2, mm Hg (kPa) 400 (53.3) <400 (53.3) <300 (40) <200 (26.7) with <100 (13.3) with
respiratory support respiratory support
Platelets, 103/mL 150 <150 <100 <50 <20
Bilirubin, mg/dL (mmol/L) <1.2 (20) 1.2–1.9 (20–32) 2.0–5.9 (33–101) 6.0–11.9 (102–204) >12.0 (204)
Cardiovascular MAP 70 mm Hg MAP <70 mm Hg Dopamine <5 or Dopamine 5.1–15 or Dopamine >15 or
dobutamine epinephrine 0.1 or epinephrine >0.1 or
(any dose)a norepinephrine 0.1a norepinephrine >0.1a
Central nervous system
Glasgow Coma Scale 15 13–14 10–12 6–9 <6
Creatinine, mg/dL <1.2 (110) 1.2–1.9 (110-170) 2.0–3.4 (171–299) 3.5–4.9 (300–440) >5.0 (440)
Urine output, mL/d — — — <500 <200
Abbreviations: FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen.
Catecholamine doses are given as mg/kg/min for at least 1 hour.
Glasgow Coma Scale scores range from 3–15; higher score indicates better neurological function.
Adapted from Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW, et al. The third international consensus definitions for sepsis and septic shock (Sepsis-3). JAMA
Table 9
Hyperlactatemia and refractory hypotension: prevalence and mortality
Sepsis-3 Definition Sepsis-3 Definition Sepsis-3 Definition Lactate >4 mmol/L
N 5 18,840 Refractory Hypotension Only Lactate >2–4 mmol/L Lactate >4 mmol/L N 5 12,004
Hyperlactatemia Only — 4106 out of 18,840a (21) 1856 out of 18,840 (9.9) 5339 out of 12,004 (44.5)
N (% total)
Hyperlactatemia Only — 1086 out of 4108a (26.4) 555 out of 1856 (29.9) 1397 out of 5339 (26.2)
Mortality N (%)
Refractory Hypotension Onlyb 4135 out of 18,840 (22.0) — — 2186 out of 12,004 (18.2)
N (%)
Refractory Hypotension Onlyb 1226 out of 4135 (29.7) — — 1397 out of 5339 (26.2)
Mortality N (%)
Both Refractory Hypotension — 4295 out of 18,840 (22.8) 4448 out of 18,840 (23.6) 4479 out of 12,004 (37.3)
and Hyperlactatemiac N (%)
Both Refractory Hypotension — 1498 out of 4295 (34.2) 2198 out of 4448 (49.4) 2485 out of 4479 (55.5)
Authors; ARISE data adapted from Table S22 (Mouncey et al,3 2015).
Combined groups 4 and 5.
Combined groups 2 and 6.
Combined groups 1 and 3.
Adapted from Table 3 in Shankar-Hari M, Phillips GS, Levy ML, et al. Developing a new definition and assessing new clinical criteria for septic shock: for the Third
International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3). JAMA 2016;315(8):775–87.
340 Osborn
Observed deaths
MI 5
Expected deaths
There has been no decision to date that third parties will change from using
the established definitions. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services stated
at the time of the SEP-3 definition articles release32,37 that they had no current
plans to change the definitions they were currently using. Because the established
definition of sepsis has a low mortality, the expected deaths are low. In the
proposed definition, patients who would normally be classified as having septic
shock (hypotension plus normal or no lactate measurement) would now be
classified as having sepsis. Although the observed deaths would be higher, the
expected deaths (based on the established, older sepsis definition) would
remain low.
For example:
Observed deaths
MI 5
Expected deaths
Percentages presented with the plus symbol (1) are estimates for example pur-
poses only. Septic shock mortality is based on SSC database. Expected mortality
for sepsis is based on 2016 global report.50
With the publication of 3 sepsis RCTs that do not show superiority of EGDT in patients
with sepsis who have received timely antibiotics and fluid resuscitation compared
with controls, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines revised the sepsis bundles
to the following (http://www.survivingsepsis.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/SSC_
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock 341
1. Identification: it is suggested that it may be prudent to wait for prospective valida-
tion of the proposed Sepsis-3 definitions before universally implementing them
clinically and use the established definitions currently. If clinicians or hospitals think
that using the proposed definitions will facilitate patient care, they should consider
using them.
2. Usual care in ProCESS, ProMISe, and ARISE for patients with severe sepsis and
septic shock entailed early identification with standardized screening protocols,
including lactate measurement, early fluid administration for hypotensive patients,
and early antibiotic administration within 3 hours.
3. Data measurement: there should be some form of data collection and monitoring
for on-going quality-assessment purposes.
Usual resuscitation may have evolved over the last 15 years since the original EGDT
trial. In-hospital and 90-day survival of patients receiving usual resuscitation were
similar to those achieved with EGDT when they were identified early through a
screening program including lactate measurement and received early intravenous
fluids and antibiotics. The addition of continuous ScvO2 monitoring and strict protoco-
lization did not improve outcomes. It is unclear whether there are subpopulations that
might benefit from additional treatment.
342 Osborn
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