A Day in The Life
A Day in The Life
A Day in The Life
Updating Your Software
It is important to update your software as soon as an
update becomes available for download. The
Update Manager is used to obtain and install files
that update the federal and state packages of the
Drake Software program. You can download your
updates manually or set up your software to receive
them automatically.
1) From the Home window of Drake Software, go to Tools > Update Manager to open the
Drake Update Manager dialog box.
2) Click Get Updates.
3) The software checks for updates and, if any are found, prompts you to install them.
4) Click Yes to continue the process, or No to close the message box and return to the Drake
Update Manager.
5) If you clicked Yes, the software alerts you that all users must exit the software and that the
software must be closed, then asks for confirmation.
6) Click Yes to continue the process, or No to close the message box and return to the Drake
Update Manager.
7) When your response is Yes, the program will be closed and the update installation process
will be completed.
You can set up your program to automatically install updates.
1) From the Home window of Drake Software, go to Tools > Update Manager to open the
Drake Update Manager dialog box.
2) From the Drake Update Manager, select Auto Update Settings. This opens the Auto
Update Manager.
3) In the Options section, make sure the automatic updates are On.
4) Select a time for Next Check. This is the time the system will check for, download, and
install updates.
5) To exit the screen, click Hide when the feature is turned on, Exit when the feature is turned
off, or press ESC to close the dialog box without saving any changes.
NOTE: If you choose to install your updates automatically, select a time that typically no one will be
working in the software, since all users must exit the software and the software must be closed
during the installation process. The downloading computer must be left on and have an Internet
connection. An update reminder will be displayed until you update your software.
1) Press CTRL+O.
2) In the Open/Create a
New Return dialog
box, enter the client
ID number.
3) Press Enter.
Returns are prepared in data entry mode. Navigate through the tabs to find specific screens.
Access data entry screens from the Data Entry Menu by either:
Get Help ________ Open Tax Planner ________ Doc Mgr ________
Calc Summ ________ Calculate & View ________ Calc / Print ________
Calculating a Return, Then Display a Summary Result Page
To calculate a return from data entry, press CTRL+C or click Calculate from the toolbar.
Results are displayed in the Calculation Results window. The top section of the Summary tab contains
rows referring to the federal return and all state returns prepared for this individual or business. The columns
list income, taxable income, total tax, refund or balance due, payment method, and an eligibility indicator for
The EF Messages section lists any problem that would prevent e-filing. Double-click the message for a full
description of the EF message (or see the Message pages in View mode). If the EF message is displayed
as a blue link, double-click to go directly to the data entry screen in question, and in some cases the exact
field. Return Notes, located at the bottom of the window, are for informational and diagnostic purposes and
do not prevent electronic filing.
To view the return, press TRL +V . The return is calculated first, then the View/Print screen
is displayed. (Optionally, you can select in Setup > Options if you would like for the Calculation
Results window to open before you are directed to View/Print mode.)
E-mailing Returns
The Drake E-mail program allows you to send and receive e-mails directly from within Drake Software.
From within a return, on the Data Entry, select the Email button. An e-mail window is opened with
the client’s data file automatically attached. Because the client data file can be opened only with
Drake Software, this feature is typically used when e-mailing a Drake Software Customer Support
Representative, not your clients.
To e-mail your clients some or all of their tax return documents, use the Email feature in
View/Print mode.
To send a return to a client from View/Print mode:
NOTE: Even though you must open a specific return to indicate your e-mail settings,
those settings will apply to all of your returns, not just the return you are in. From
View/Print, go to Email > Email Setup.
When you address an e-mail in the Drake Email program, you have several address books from
which to choose.
To access the address books, click the To button to view the list of address books:
o Drake Software Support Address Book – Contains general Drake e-mail addresses, such
as Customer Support, Accounting, Federal/State, and Spanish.
Drake Document Manager (DDM)
The DDM is part of the Drake Software suite and offered as part of your Drake package. It allows
you to develop a paperless office by storing files electronically.
When you update a return from the prior year’s software into the current year’s software, you
automatically create a folder in the DDM for that client. This also brings forward prior-year DDM files
year by year, so that each year will be listed under the client in the current year DDM.
Use any of these methods to open the DDM:
o Click the DDM icon on your desktop.
o From within data entry of a return, click Doc Mgr to go directly to the client’s folders within the DDM.
o From the Archive button in View/Print mode, go to Archive > Document Manager to open the DDM.
1) Go to View/Print mode and select
the forms to save in PDF
2) From the toolbar, click the
Print drop arrow. Select
Print Selected Form(s) to
PDF document.
3) Next, the print dialog box
is opened. Notice that the
printer selected is the
Drake PDF Printer.
4) Click Print.
Archiving Returns
When a return is archived:
o A current version of the client
file is archived. The copy or version that is saved can be restored in the future if necessary.
Create as many archives or “versions” of the return as you would like.
o A PDF of the return is created and saved in the client’s DDM folder.
Electronic Filing
To e-file a return in Drake Software, take the following steps:
1) Calculate the return. Verify the return is eligible for e-file from the Calculation Results
window. You will have a green check mark on the Federal line and on the line for any eligible
NOTE: If the Require ‘Ready for EF indicator’ on the EF screen field is marked on
the EF tab under Setup > Options, you must first indicate you are ready to transmit
the return by making sure the Ready for EF field has an “X” in it on the EF screen in
data entry.
NOTE: When clicking Send/Receive, not only are you transmitting the returns
selected, you also are downloading any federal and state acknowledgements that
have been posted by Drake. To pick up acknowledgements without transmitting any
returns, click Acks Only.
4) Process Acknowledgements. Once your acknowledgements have been “picked up,” go
to EF > Process Acks to process the acknowledgements. You will be able to view
information about the acknowledgements in a report.
3) Click Go. The IRS explanation of the code is displayed in the lower box.
Backing Up Client
We recommend that
you back up your files
frequently during tax
season. Backing up
your files ensures the
files are available in the
event of a disaster,
such a hard drive crash.
Setup>Macros allows you to create macros for use in data entry. For your reference, you can
print a list of your macros from Setup Macros, using the Print button.
On the Drake Software Home Screen, select the “Setup” menu, then the option “Macros”:
Then this screen will be displayed:
Setting up Macros
1. After selecting Setup > Macros, and the Setup Macros dialog box is open, you’ll find
available keystrokes displayed in the Hot Keys column. The Data column contains the
data string associated with the keyboard shortcut.
2. Double-Click in the Data column, next to the keyboard shortcut you want to use. The Edit
Macro screen is displayed. (See the next page for a screen shot.)
3. Type the text and/or controls to
4. When done, click Save, or press Alt-S.
Operation Symbols – These codes will, during macro execution, perform these functions:
< Moves the focus back one field (Less-Than Symbol)
> Moves the focus forward one field (Greater-Than Symbol)
~ Escapes the screen and saves the data (Tilde ~ AKA that squiggly line thingy)
? Pauses to wait for input (Gets input from you then resumes macro execution)
[D] Inserts the Current Date (Note the square brackets – NOT parentheses)
[FJ:##] Field Jump (## is the field number in which you want the cursor positioned)
[FF:##] Field Forward (## is the number of times to move ahead)
[FB:##] Field Backward (## is the number of times to move backward)
[HOME] Initiates the Home Key
[END] Initiates the End Key
* Will bypass the multi-selection window while a macro is running (Asterisk)
+ Will tell a macro NOT to clear flagged fields as the macro is running (Plus)
# Represents initiation of “Toggle Heads Down Mode” (Pound Sign or Hashtag)
[NEW] Creates a new screen selection; for example *C[NEW]> opens a new
Schedule C. *C[1]> will open the first Schedule C where multiples exist.