4th Alligators Crocodiles
4th Alligators Crocodiles
4th Alligators Crocodiles
Look closely at the reptiles pictured below. Can you tell which one is the crocodile and which
is the alligator?
Many people confuse crocodiles and alligators, and it's no wonder - the two animals are
closely related. However, if you know a few facts about each animal, I think you'll be able to tell
them apart.
• Both crocodiles and alligators are large, 4-legged reptiles that live primarily in warm tropical
swamps and rivers.
• Both have good eyesight and good night vision. Having their eyes on the top of their head
helps them see prey when they're swimming underwater.
• Both have a special additional eyelid called a nictitating membrane. This clear eyelid keeps
their eyes moist and clean. Since it is clear, crocs and gators can see through this eyelid even
when it's closed.
• Both have excellent hearing and senses of smell. Their ears and nostrils have flaps that close
when they dive underwater.
• How long can alligators and crocodiles stay underwater? While they usually stay under for a
half hour or less, they can hold their breath much longer. Alligators and crocodiles can spend
two hours or more underwater while resting.
• Both animals have huge, powerful tails that help them swim and fight predators. But the tails
serve another function as well. Their tails store fat that can be used for nourishment when
food is scarce.
While these facts may be interesting, they're not helping you determine which picture is the alligator
and which one is the crocodile. To help you tell them apart, let's discuss how these two animals are
• While both are crocodilians, they are in different groups or families. In fact, there are three
families of crocodilians. There's an alligator family, which includes alligators and caiman.
There's also a crocodile family. And there's a third group called gharials, which are an
endangered group of crocodilians from India.
• Alligators and caiman have u-shaped, rounded snouts. Crocodile snouts are more pointed
and v-shaped. Gharial snouts are very long and slender. In fact, the gharial's snout is so
slender that it can only catch and eat fish. Alligators and crocodiles eat all sorts of animals.
Since you're probably wondering what a gharial looks like, here's a picture:
• An alligator's wider upper jaw overlaps its lower jaw when it closes its mouth. Because of this its
teeth don't show. A crocodile's upper and lower jaw, however, are about the same width. So
when a crocodile closes its mouth some of its teeth still show.
• While many crocodiles live in freshwater, some also live in saltier sea water. The largest
crocodilian of all, the Estuarine Crocodile of Australia and Asia, is an example of a species
that can be found in both fresh and saltwater. Alligators are found only in freshwater habitats.
Look back at the two pictures on the first page. Now that you know your crocodilians, you should
be able to tell which picture is the croc and which one's the 'gator. To the left, you see an American
Alligator. (You can tell by the shape of its snout.) To the right, a Saltwater Crocodile.
2. Crocodiles live...
a. only in saltwater b. only in freshwater
c. in both saltwater and freshwater d. only in India
3. According to the article, how are mother alligators and crocodiles different from mother
turtles and snakes?
In your own words, write a paragraph describing how to tell the two animals apart using
only your eyes.
2. Crocodiles live...
a. only in saltwater b. only in freshwater
c. in both saltwater and freshwater d. only in India
3. According to the article, how are mother alligators and crocodiles different from mother
turtles and snakes?
Mother alligators and crocodiles watch over and protect their young.
A nictitating membrane is a clear eyelid. It cleans and moistens the eyes of alligators and
crocodiles. It also allows them to see underwater.
h 4. hatchlings d. mix up