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ISSN 1330-3651 (Print), ISSN 1848-6339 (Online) https://doi.org/10.

Subject review

Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal


Abstract: This paper gives an overview of effective technologies for coal-based electricity generation. The introductory chapter presents the development of efficient
electricity production from the end of the nineteenth century to the present, and the emphasis is placed on the examination of modern efficient technologies for electricity
production in the 21th century with a detailed comparison of hard coal combustion (PCC) and fluidised bed combustion (CFCB) technologies. Pollutants such as carbon
monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) occur during the process of coal combustion. SO2 and NOx cause the acid rain and CO2 gas is the most
responsible for the greenhouse effect. With using the new fire-resistant steels based on nickel, the TPP with advanced ultra-supercritical steam parameters (A-USC) with t
= 700 °C and working p = 350 bar are expected, and also, this will increase the efficiency above 50%. In this paper, this and other emerging technologies have been
presented as well as the comparison of their characteristics.

Keywords: characteristic comparison; coal; efficient technologies; environmental pollution; optimization; power plant lifecycle

1 INTRODUCTION - HISTORICAL EFFICIENCY  Similar energy efficiency results were achieved in new
DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR coal-fired power plants in Denmark, the US, Japan, China
Due to the environment, the question is whether the
A broad overview of historical parameters achieved in coal is compatible with sustainable development. Are the
the consumption, emmision and efficiency in the electricity new measures taken to reduce consumption of fossil fuels
production, i.e. power generation is presented in Tab. 1. and increasing the efficiency of energy transformation of
coal into electricity appropriate? The new clean coal
Table 1 Broad overview of historical comsumption, emmision and efficiency technologies are being developed without the growth of
parameters in power generation
Consumption Emisssion Efficiency
warming. As a large number of coal-fired power plants are
Year at the end of their lifecycle, is it possible to achive clean
tce/1 kWh CO2/kWh Ƞ/%
End of XIX century 0,01230 37 [1] 1 coal-based electricity production by replacing them with
1900-1910 0,00670 2,5 5 new clean coal technologies?
1925 average 0,00080 2,1 15 [2] This paper aims to present the overview of the new
1970 0,00028 0,76 43
1992 0,00031 0,85 38,90
efficient and clean technologies in order to try to answer
these questions.
Main remarks and historical achivements are presented
 Increasing the efficency was achieved using a steam
Specific energy consumption is expressed in the
relationship of fuel heat consumed for production of 1 kWh
 In 1926, the plant "Klingenberg" in Berlin
of electricity and is the reciprocal value of the degree of
commissioned a turbogenerator with power of 80 MW,
power plant efficiency:
(then the largest in the world, fuel coal), reached the
highest efficiency 27%, consumption of 0,000045 tce/kWh
1 3600 kJ / kWh
and CO₂ emissions of 1,2 kg CO2/kWh. qTE   100, kJ/kWh (1)
TE  TE
 In 25 years, fuel consumption is reduced by more than
two thirds [3].
 In the second half of the 90s, an efficiency of 47% was Specific energy consumption is expressed as a specific
achieved in the TPP Nordjyland in Denmark with fuel consumption (kg) for producing 1 kWh of electricity
supercritical steam parameters and coal. (kg/kWh). η is expressed at lower heating fuel value. Total
 Brown coal and lignite plants have lower efficiency (gross) and annual net (operating) η differ. Overall η is the
due to the nature of coal in relation to mineral coal total production of electricity in the generator divided by
(moisture content). the heat consumption of fuel in the boiler of thermal power
plant (TPP), and for the net η, electricity at the doorstep of
 In Germany, new energy blocks on lignite achieved a
the power plant is calculated (total minus the local TPP
net efficiency with DTV of 42,3% (Lippendorf, 2  920
consumption). Annual η is the annual production of
MW, 260 bar / 554 °C / 583 °C) and 45,2% (Niederaussem
electricity (gross or net) divided by the annual energy fuel
K, 950 MW-net, 260 bar / 580 °C / 600 °C, in operation in
consumption. The net η coal plants can be defined by the
2002 year) [4].
expression [7]:
 Net efficiency greater than 43% is expected in the
power plant Neurath (Germany) powered on the Rhine ηTE = ηRC · ηt · ηg · ηk · ηs.p. (2)
lignite with power of 2  1120 MW (272 bar / 600 °C / 605
°C) [5].

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Enver AGIĆ et al: Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal

where labels and guiding values η for the steam  USC Ultra-super critical plants
temperature of 580 °C at the entrance of the modern turbine  PCC pulverized coal combustion
are:  FBC fluidized bed combustion
 ηRC = ηC · ηex = 0,65 · 0,94 = 0,61 ili 61% - Rankine  PFBC fluidized bed combustion under pressure
efficiency at ηC = 65% and content of exergy in steam  CFBC circulating fluidized bed combustions
at ≈ 94%;  P-CFBC circulating fluidized bed combustions under
 ηt = 93% - efficiency of modern steam turbines; pressure
 ηg = 98% - efficiency of modern electric generators;  IGCC integrated gas combined cycle.
 ηk = 91% - efficiency of modern boilers; While FBC and CFBC take place at atmospheric
 ηs.p. = 93% - efficiency of auxiliary equipment of the pressure in steam generator, the PFBC and P-CFBC
TPP (own consumption approximately 7%). combustions take place at elevated pressure, which
Net efficiency of modern coal plants by improving improves the characteristics and the overall efficiency.
conventional technologies would be 47% (61%* 93%* Emerging IGCC (Integrated Gas Combined Cycle) is
98%* 91%* 93%). e.g. Danish power plants on coal dust based on the PFBC which adds a carburator in which
"Nordjylland 3" of 400 MW, put into operation in 1998 synthetic gas is generated. Heat from the gasification is
with two of overheating and steam parameters: 290 bar / used for steam production in steam turbine while the
580 °C / 580 °C / 580 °C [8] have such efficiency. synthetic gas burns in a gas turbine. The plant has a very
Efficiency can further be increased by introducing new high degree of efficiency (57-59%) [14].
materials and improvement of thermal schemes by Also, at the global level, significant investment and
optimizing its components [9]. research efforts are put to increase technological feasibility
However, majority of existing coal power plants have and economic viability of using coal to generate electricity,
lower efficiency (e.g. in Bosnia and Herzegovina brown with most attention focused upon reducing CO2 emissions.
coal or lignite are used, having a lower efficiency and At present, the technology of separation and storage of CO2
technology from 1970s). Today's coal plants are in most from the combustion of fossil fuels is expensive, costing
cases 30-40 years old constructions, with subcritical steam from 40 USD/t CO2 to 60 USD/t CO2 [15]. This gives a
parameters (530 °C to 540 °C and 140 bar to 180 bar), and gain of about 3,5 USc/kWh to 5,5 USc/kWh on electricity
degree of thermal efficiency of 36%- 39%. prices, with average efficiencies of coal plants of 35%.
Unfinished project “Lukovo" Šugarje in Croatia [10]
predicted efficiency over 43%, while the last built German
and Danish power plants on coal achieve a maximum
efficiency of 47%. The most recently constructed coal
plants with ultra-supercritical steam parameters (> 600 °C
and > 300 bar) provide efficiency levels over 50% [11].



Today, in the 21 century, special attention is devoted

Figure 1 Advanced technologies for the coal combustion [13]
to the energy consumption in the developed countries. This
is a first-rate issue in each country [12]. Relevant
recommendations of the European Commission (document 3.1 The Pulverised Coal Combustion Technology - PCC
"Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for
Large Combustion Plants", July 2006, Chapter 4, section The pulverised solid fuel (coal) combustion
4.5.5. Thermal eficiency) are used to recommend the technology (PCC) is used by approximately 90% of all
technologies and determine minimal efficiency of new coal coal-fired boilers. Grinding and drying of coal in order to
power plant units. They are presented in Tab. 2. increase efficiency is becoming more common. The level
of efficiency in the process of exploitation is significantly
Table 2 Relevant recommendations of the EC on net thermal efficiency of the influenced by soiling, coal quality, steam presure and
best available techniques for large coal combustion technologies steam temperature. Efficiency is increased with raising
Technology of coal Net efficiency rated (installed) power of the block and with greater
combustion new units,% availability, in case of optimal load. Additional measures
PCC 42-45%
FBC ˃ 40%
to increase the efficiency are coal drying and use of waste
Lignite heat from flue gases.
CFBC ˃ 42%
Where: PCC - pulverised coal combustion, FBC - fluidized bed Supercritical parameters to achieve efficiency increase
combustion and CFBC - circulating fluidized bed combustion. are used for blocks with a capacity greater than 400 MW.
Power plants on coal with supercritical parameters can
Although the overview will focus on PCC, FBC and reach the energy efficiency over 42% depending on the
CFBC technologies, these are only a segment of advanced quality of coal and the block size. For block-based
technologies for power generation from coal combustion combustion technology of pulverized coal (PC) it is hard to
and gasification where overall possible solutions are reach the net efficiency over 42%, which can only be
presented in Fig. 1. realized by using so-called ultra critical (USC) steam
Where abbreviations stands for: parameters (pressure 250-275 bar, fresh steam temperature
 EFCC external combustion in combined cycle > 585 °C). These steam parameters require technical

1052 Technical Gazette 28, 3(2021), 1051-1059

Enver AGIĆ et al: Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal

minimum of more than 370 MW. With the current state of un-burnt smaller airborne particles and abrasion i.e. wear
technology for conventional PCC coal plants, the layers deposited with large particles.
maximum achievable performance is about 46%. This The main suppliers of PCC boilers are: Alstom,
performance is achieved in subcritical and supercritical Babcock Power (BP), Babcock and Wilcox (B & W),
conditions (steam temperature of about 610 °C instead of Babcock-Hitachi (BH), Foster Wheeler (FW), Hitachi
the current 540 °C). Corp., Mitsui Babcock (MB ), Ishikawajima Harima
Heavy Industries (IHI), Rafako, SAS, etc. The size and
Table 3 High-efficiency PCC power plants classification of the existing steam blocks suppliers,
Power plant Rated power Efficiency Type reference list of blocks built after 2004 is presented in Tab.
Neurath (D) 2  1100 MW 43 PCC
Walsum (D) 750 MW 43 PCC
Today, the rated power of a steam turbine with PCC
Šoštanj (SLO) 600 MW 43 PCC technology is in the range of 50 MWe to 1300 MWe. From
Ledvice (CZE) 660 MW 42,5 PCC the point of utilization of economies of scale, most of the
Civitavecchia (ITA) 3  660 MW 45 PCC new blocks have capacity of more than 300 MWe, and less
Tušmice (CZE) 4  200 MW 37,82% PCC than 700 MWe, because of the significant influence of such
large blocks on power system in the case of failure or other
Development of PCC technology is focused on: unplanned downtime.
 increasing the thermal η - by increasing steam
 parameter from the boiler/ on the entrance of the steam 3.2 The Fluized Bed Coal Combustion Technology - FBC
 flexibility of the boiler operation at lower loads and, Research and implementation of fluized bed solid fuel
 meeting the environmental demands (flue gas (coal) combustion (FBC) emerged as an alternative to
emissions). boilers with combustion of pulverized coal (dust) in the
chamber, looking for cheaper and more efficient solution
Table 4 Reference list of blocks 200-660 MWe[16] for reducing sulphur-oxides (SOx) from flue gases. The
Boiler Foster Babcock &
Alstom Rafako development of FBC started with Winkler patent for the
supplier Wheeler Wilcox
gasification of lignite (1922)[17], used for different
& Veatch, WPS, PT
Polska Grupa purposes since then. Over time the main FBC goal has
Client wnia evolved into a "clean energy for the future" [18].
Bechtel, PLN Energetyczna
Patnow II
Power Corp. The test plant with the bubble (stationary) fluidised
Construct. bed started in US in 1965 with the aim of controlling SO2
2009,2006 2008, 2006 2004 2009
Dallman #4, Weston 4,
emissions. To date, four generations of FBC have been
Patnow developed and they belong to the clean coal technologies
Object Springerville TanjugJati Belchatow
blok 1
#3 B (CCT). FBC is known for its ability to burn substandard
USA, fuels with low calorific value, fuels with high ash content
Country USA,USA Polska Polska
and high humidity. Other benefits are reduced emissions,
200 Mwe, 590Mwe,
460 MWe 2004 t/h re-use of non-hazardous by-products from the
400 Mwe 2x660MWe desulfurization (eg. Gypsum) and the possibility of
Coal,Coal Coal,Coal lignite lignite applying this technology in already built facilities.
fuel The fuel that makes 1-3% of the material layer mass,
Boiler burns in a hot bed of inert material (quartz sand, ash,
Alstom Alstom Alstom Siemens limestone/sorbent) due to flow-through of air from the
ŠKODA Holding
ČEZ bottom of the combustion chamber in a state of levitation
Praha Invest HSE and shows properties similar to liquid (state
2016 2014 2016 2013 of fluidization) [19]. Fluidization occurs when the fluid
Object Ledvice Šoštanj Ledvice
flows arround particles of solid material in the opposite
direction of gravity, and apparently reduces their weight.
Country Czech Slovenia Czech Germany
Rated At the time of transition from hibernation to the fluidized
power/steam 660 MWe 600MW 660 MW 750MW state, the resistance force of gas passing through layer of
production particles is equal to the weight of particles in the layer.
Primary Since the fluid has mutually separated particles of layer, it
lignite lignite lignite hard coal
can no longer hold shear force and begins to behave like a
PCC process is extremely complex and depends on liquid. A layer of fine-grained solid material which has
several factors, because getting the boiler surfaces on the these characteristics is called a fluidized bed. High speed
gas side dirty is not recommended for coal with high ash dispersion of fuel inserted in a large mass of inert material,
content or for problematic coal from the combustion point. intensive mixing of fuel, a large surface area for the
PCC technology includes preliminary preparation of coal, exchange and transfer of heat through contact with the
grinding and drying the logs in dust outside the boiler in an particle layers allow combustion of the fuel at a lower
installation in which a process of coal grinding and drying temperature (760-900 °C) as compared to boilers with air
is conducted. Depending on the type of coal, the cobustion. Lower teperature is resulting in a significant
combustion takes place at temperatures between 1100 °C reduction in forming thermal NOx, while the effective
and 1700 °C. The process of making is the combination of retaining of the sulfur and halogen in the combustion
two opposite processes: agglomeration i.e. deposition of chamber is achieved by introducing limestone or dolomite

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Enver AGIĆ et al: Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal

in layer. Combustion of solid fuel in a fluidized bed is a The fluidized bed was maintained so that the flue gases
transition process between the combustion in the from the combustion chamber are introduced into the
combustion layer and in the air. These are the newer cyclone (separator), where the larger unconsumed particles
technologies, flexible in terms of fuel use of different of layer (sand and ash) and fuel are separated from the flue
quality. A stable activity on the low power and significant gases, and then they are reintroduced i.e. recirculate
reduction of pollutant emissions (SO2 and NOx) are fluidized bed. Because of the recirculation of materials the
positive sides of this technology. name of the technology is circulating fluidized bed.
Depending on the regime of fluidization i.e. speed of Depending on the size and speed of combustion, some fuel
flow-through gas through the layer, we differ [20]: particles can be recirculated 10 to 50 times, and their time
stationary or bubbly fluidized bed (BFB) and circulating of stay in the boiler is a tenth of a second. For combustion
fluidized bed (CFB). Tab. 5 shows the comparative technologies in the circulating fluidized bed (FBC), a net
analysis of these two types of boilers. efficiency over 40% is required, which (along with the
specified parameters of steam) is achievable in practice and
Table 5 Comparative characteristics of boilers with stationary (bubble) (BFB) proven on reference plants. The projected level of net
and circulating fluidized bed (CFB):
efficiency with FBC technology is 40,82%.
Parameter BFB CFB
Combustion temperature / °C 760-870 800-900 Fuel combustion in the CFB boiler gives lower
Fluidizing velocity / m/s 1-3 3-10 emissions of NOx compared to PCC technology, and higher
Middle steam parameters emission levels of N2O. SO2 emissions can be effectively
Steam flow / kg/s 13-139 12-360 and economically reduced directly by injection of sorbent
Steam temperature / °C 150-543 180-580 (limestone) in the layer which upon reaction with sulfur
Steam pressure / bar 10-160 10-275
from the flue gases drains away from the process together
with the ash. Therefore, construction of chamber for
Boilers with CFB have an advantage in the field of
desulphurisation of flue gases is not needed. The
higher power (over 100 MW) in burning low-active coals
technology is suitable for low-calorie coal with a large
and in the terms of the sharp emission regulations. They are
amount of ash, which is difficult to translate in the
almost exclusively steamy, industrial, and they have been
pulverized coal and coals whose characteristics are subject
recently integrated in the electric power systems. The
to change. The technology is also suitable for the
initiators of the development and expansion of the CFB
combustion of coal as the main fuel to whom the fuel of
technology are regulated market, regulations for the
inferior quality is added, (eg. Scrap). Designers Supplier of
environmental protection, specificity of region and it is
equipment is Foster Wheeler and Alstom for Turow, and
bound to the available fuel (its quantity and quality). Some
the power plant owner is PGE- Polska Group
constructed FB boilers:
a. BFB boiler Metso Power ACZ [21] for burning waste; The main suppliers of CFBC boilers are: Alstom,
b. CFB boiler Alstom Sulcis, Italy (340 MWe steam
Austrian Energy & Environment, Babcock and Wilcox,
parameters: 197 bar, 565/580 °C, 1026 t/h), 2006;
Foster Wheeler, Metso. Overview of the blocks with
c. CFB boiler Metso Power CZMIC, Manitowoc Public
athmosferic FB (BFB aor CFB) boiler of unit capacity
Utilities, Wisconsin, United States (160 MWth, 60
above 150 MWe is presented in Tab. 6.
kg/s, 103 bar, 541 °C), burns petroleum coke, brown
Benefits of technologies with wet limestone process
coal, 2005;
are that it is cheap and avaliable in nature, a by-product
d. Foster Wheeler Energy CFB boiler in Turow'u Poland
(gypsum) has a market value, low consumption of ground
(3 × 557 MWth, 195/181 kg/s, 170/39 bar, 568/568 °C)
limestone and a high degree of separation of SOx. Lack of
fuel-lignite, 2003 to 2004;
technology is the low temperature of unsaturated wet flue
e. Foster Wheeler supercritical [22] CFB boiler, Lagisza,
gases (conditional use of materials flue-resistant acid),
Bedzin, Poland (996 MWth, 361/306 kg/s, 275/50 bar,
producing waste water, the higher the investment value -
560/580 °C), 2009.
complex equipment plants and use of materials resistant to
Today, boiler units for FBC have developed the rated
acid, additional CO2 emissions because of the reaction of
power of typical PCC boiler. The FBC technology is based
limestone and of SO2, greater surface area.
on the introduction of coal particles about 3 mm into the Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) are for the PCC
hot turbulent layer in which, from the bottom of the boiler, technology slightly lower. For PCC technology, building a
the air needed for combustion is developed. The amount of plant for desulfuration by wet process is essential, which
fuel in the layer is approximately 1% to 3% of the base requires larger investments, more maintenance costs,
material, and the remaining is ash, sand and sorbents, larger required area for the plant construction.
required to start the process. Due to the initiation of air the Abrasive slurry and corrosive flue gases are the main
whole mixture becomes fluidized and abrasive bits of coal reason for the application of special anti-corrosion
are added into the layer. Because of high combustion protection and use of pumps resistant to abrasion and
temperatures (750 °C-950 °C) and a long period of stay in corrosion. For the block with CFBC boiler, it is possible to
combustion zone, the particles of coal burn quickly, which desulfurate in the boiler, upgrading the plant for
gives a lower value of emissions of combustion products. desulfuration by wet process and so reduce the
For combustion in the CFB boiler mixture of fuel, consumption of limestone. If the removal of the powder
sand, ash, sorbate and air, which is initiated from the particles from the flue gases uses the electrofilter or bag
bottom of the firebox, the boiler achieves high speed, the filters, the emission values are around 30 mg/Nm3 for both
particles are whole time in the flue gases. technologies.

1054 Technical Gazette 28, 3(2021), 1051-1059

Enver AGIĆ et al: Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal

Table 6 Overview of the blocks with (athmosferic) BFB and CFB boilers of rated power over 150 MWe
Location eration
Company/ Power plant Supplier Type power Start Fuel
/ kg/h of
Tennessee Valley Authority Paducah, KY CE (1) BFB 160 Brown coal 3,5% sulphur
Texas New Mexico ABB-CE (1) CFB Designed for lignite,
Bremond, Texas CFB 2 × 160
Power Company 2*160 1990 burns even petroleum coke
Brown coal 20% of ash, 0,3%
Nova Scotia Power Point Aconi, Nova
Pyropower (2) CFB 180 1993 chlore, petroleum coke, coal from
Corporation Scotia
Electric Power BFB
Takehara, Japan Hitachi (BFB) 340 1995 Brown coal from import
Development Corp BFB
GEC-Alsthom- Brown coal with 30 % ash, 4 %
Electricité de France, Gardanne Provence, France CFB 250 1996
Stein (1) sulphur
KEPCO Tonghae, S. Korea KHI/ABB-CE CFB 230 1998 Korean anthracite
anthracite, brown coal and
National Power Supply Thatoom,Thailand Pyropower (2) CFB 2 × 150 1998
1998- Brown coal 23% ash, 44%
Turow Power Station Silesia, Poland Pyropower (2) CFB 3 × 230
2000 humidity
AES, Warrior Run Cumberland, MD ABB-CE (1) CFB 180 82 2000 Brown coal
155 t/h
First Energy, Bay Shore Toledo, Ohio Foster Wheeler CFB 155 psig of 2001 Petroleum coke
Alholmens Kraft Oy Finland Kvaerner CFB 240 2001 Wood, peat and lignite
Poland's Electric Power 2 × 450 1995
Zeran, Poland Rafako CFB Coal
Industry t/h 2001
JEA Jacksonville, FL Foster Wheeler CFB 2 × 300 2002 Brown coal, petroleum coke
Tractabel Power, Red Hills ABB-CE (1) CFB 2 × 220 2002 Lignite
Guayama, Puerto
AES ALSTOM Power CFB 2 × 250 181 2002 Brown coal from import
2002 Brown coal 23% ash, 44%
Turow Power Station Silesia, Poland Foster Wheeler CFB 3 × 260
2004 humidity
Anthracite, low-energy coal and
Donbas Energo Ukraine Lurgi CFB 200 2003
Reliant Energy Seward, PA ALSTOM Power CFB 2 × 260 2004 Low-energy coal
Maysville, Unwashed, Brown coal with a
East Kentucky Power Coop ALSTOM Power CFB 268 2004
Kentucky lot of sulphit
ENEL Sulcis Sardinia ALSTOM Power CFB 220 858 2004 Various coals
Taiheyo Cement Shikoku, Japan Foster Wheeler CFB 168 2005 Brown coal
2006 Anthracite 35% ash and 3,5%
Baima Sichuan, PRC ALSTOM Power CFB 300
Kaiyun Power, Units 1 & 2 Yunnan, PRC ALSTOM Power CFB 2 × 300 2007 Lignite
Baima, Sichuan
Dong Fang Boiler Group ALSTOM Power CFB 2 × 300 2008 Brown coal
Shanghai Boiler Works Yunnan, PRC ALSTOM Power CFB 2 × 300 2008 Lignite
Foster Wheeler, 2008 Brown coal 12% humidity and
PEK Lagisza, Poland CFB 460 (3)
Energia Oy 23% ash
2009 Petroleum coke and biomass if
CLECO,Rodemacher #3 Boyce,Louisiana Foster Wheeler CFB 2 × 300
East Kentucky Power Coop, Maysville, 2009 Unwashed, Brown coal with a lot
ALSTOM Power CFB 278
Spurlock # Kentucky of sulphit
TXU, Sandow #5 Milam Co., Texas Foster Wheeler CFB 2 × 300 2010 Lignite
Easti Kentucky Power Coop, Winchester, Unwashed, Brown coal with a lot
ALSTOM Power CFB 278
Smith# Kentucky of sulphit
(1) Now ALSTOM Power (2) Now Foster Wheeler (3) Cycle with supercritical parameters

3.3 Research Projects 760 °C (The USA). It is possible only by the development
of new fire-resistant steel with large enough creep strength
Various energy technologies that will enable greater at such high temperatures. That is why the development
utilization of coal energy are being developed. Available programs are realized in the United States, Japan and the
technologies based on coal, today have reached 43-45% EU [23].
efficiency compared to the world average of 28-30%, the By the development of new fire-resistant steels based
specific CO2 emission of 730-930 g CO2/kWh, as on nickel, thermal power plants with these advanced ultra-
compared to the world average from 1.100g CO2/kWh to supercritical steam parameters (USC) with operating
1400 g CO2/kWh with an appropriate reduction in specific temeperature of 700 °C and pressure over 350 bar will
fuel consumption. Reached steam temperatures and have increased efficiency above 50%.
optimization of plant components, have enabled efficiency According to the European project AD700 (Advanced
of TPP on stone coal to 47% and TPP on lignite to 45%. 700 °C Pulverzed Coal-fired Power Plant), usage of
A further increase in the efficiency of "classic" coal alloyed steels (Super Alloy) on the basis of nickel is
fired thermal power plants is only possible by increasing needed, which would use fresh steam pressure of
the temperature of steam up to 700 °C (Europe) or up to approximately 375 bar and the temperatures of 700 °C to

Tehnički vjesnik 28, 3(2021), 1051-1059 1055

Enver AGIĆ et al: Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal

720 °C but it needs to have adequate tensile strength and The heat of condensation (evaporation), the heating steam
the yield strength during the ongoing 100.000 operating and Brid's steam coal are used. By combination of such
hours of work. Super alloy should have a yield strength of advantageous conditions, it is possible to increase
about 100 N/mm2 at 750 °C. The material, a candidate for efficiency for extra 5% when using the coal with moisture
the aforementioned conditions of steam temperature content of 50%.
between 620 °C and 720 °C is the alloy Inconel 617 Another way of reducing specific CO2 emissions at
(NiCr23Co12Mo). TPP on coal dust is a combined combustion of coal and
Achieving such a high initial steam parameters would biomass (Effects of co-firing), by adding the biomass
enable thermal efficiency of 52 to 54,5%, depending on the carbon in the amount of 10% to 20%. Calculations and
application of one or two overheating secondary steam. experiences show: with net efficiency of 40% for each
Large companies on EU electricity market realize the addition of biomass of 10%, reduction of the specific CO2
European program COMETES 700, and it is implemented emissions is 56 g/kWh [24].
in more power plants in the EU. On the specific elements PFBC plant efficiency is above 42% (HHV). The
of the boiler (superheaters and intermediate superheaters results show that the second generation of PFBC thermal
steam collectors, pipelines), parts are made of materials units has as high efficiency as 46% (HHV). PFBC plant
that will be evaluated for their durability bed (creeping) development aims achieving the efficiency of
and high temperature corrosion in the real conditions of the approximately 54%, and up to 70% reduction in NOx and
atmosphere gas in the boiler. Primarily, this applies to the SOx, and reduction of CO2 emission.
austenitic steel and materials based on nickel. The pre- Lack of CFBC technology is higher consumption of
drying lignite with deducted steam turbine with a low- limestone, a critical place is the exit of flue gases from the
pressure (low temperature heat) is proposed. combustion chamber where flue gases are changing
There are two procedures for external dry lignite which direction. The pipes in this part of the boiler are protected
are in the development: mechanical dewatering and by the masonry walls, protected by cyclone and by the
thermal drying in a stationary fluidized bed with steam. drain of hard particles back into the combustion chamber.

Table 7 Comparison of characteristics of combustion technology PCC and CFBC

Characteristics PCC CFBC
FUEL CHARACTERISTICS a) the sensitivity of the quality of coal − larger + smaller
b) the possibility of combustion
− no + yes
problematic coals
c) requirements by granulation of fuel for extremely accurately + accurately
distribution in boiler specified specified
d) mixing + the best

TECHNICALCHARACTERISTICS a) technical minimum + low

+ wide − narrow
b) range of block rated power
(300÷800 MWe) (to 460 MWe)
c) gradient of load changes + high − lower
d) Availability > 90% > 90%
e) time for cold start + shorter − longer
f) additional power − larger (BFCB) − larger (fan blower)
− larger(mills,burners,FGD,
g) the complexity of the plant + smaller
h) floor area of building blocks − larger + smaller

ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS a) emission values of NOx - higher values of NOx + lower

b) emission values of CO 0 lower
+ optimization of
c) injection process NH3 for SNCR 0
d) desulphurization in the combustion
no yes
e) temperature control in the combustion
0 the best
f) quantity of products desulphurisation smaller arger
g) use of products application / use conditional use
h) waste water from FGD − requiring treatment 0
+ smaller − larger
i) solid waste and waste water
− water must be treated + none
j) use of flying ash and desulphuration
+larger − smaller

ECONOMICAL ASPECTS a) investment costs − higher* + lower

− might be high
− might be high
b) operational costs (erosion, material
(mills, installations, …)
fatigue, …)
c) electricity prices − less competitive + competitive
*) Include cost of catalyst for the separation of NOx from flue gases.

1056 Technical Gazette 28, 3(2021), 1051-1059

Enver AGIĆ et al: Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal

3.4 Comparison of Combustion Technologies A comparison of costs for PPC over CFBC is
presented in Tab. 8.
Finally, an overview comparison of different
characteristics of PCC and CFBD combustion technologies 4 CONCLUSION
has been made and presented in Tab. 7.
The advantages of using CFBC technology include: The consumers will certainly reduce energy
 investment, operating costs and electricity prices, consumption which will result in reduction of the
 a wide range of fuel flexibility and the fuel environmental pollution [26]. Although the world is
consumption, committed to reducing CO2 emissions in the next fifty
 stable efficiency on partial loads, years, its emissions will still be significant [27].
 effective cleaning of flue gases is only in the boiler, Since its introduction and use started in the early
 waste water does not have the facility for twentieth century, PCC technology has maintained a
desulphurization, dominant role in the production of electricity from coal,
 technical minimum (without reserve fuel), and currently represents more than 90% of installed
 flexibility of action depending on the load.
capacities in the world. Grinding and drying of coal in
From the standpoint of the degree of development, a
order to increase the efficiency is becoming more common.
great progress has been made with CFBC, as a stand-alone
technology. Fuel for these types of boilers is coal, lignite, At the level of efficiency in the process of exploitation, it
biomass and a mixture of coal and biomass. In CFB significantly influences soiling, coal quality, pressure and
combustion plants, a higher degree of combustion temperature of steam. Efficiency and availability are
efficiency is achieved in the combustion chamber than in increasing with economies of scale, or as units with higher
BFB, more than 99%. In terms of low-temperature power, in case of the optimal load [28].
combustion, effective binding reaction is conducted with In addition to increasing the efficiency of coal drying
SOx particles limestone-CaCO3, lime (CaO), and produced and utilization of waste heat from flue gases, supercritical
CaSO4, which is guided by the ashes from the boiler. parameters for increase in efficiency are used for blocks
At relatively low temperature, in the combustion capacity greater than 400 MW, depending on the quality of
chamber, a smaller quantity of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is coal and the block size.
formed, which is important for the environment. Efficiency CFBC is the simplest technology for coal combustion,
of thermal power plants with FCB combustion of coal is due to the construction of devices for the introduction of
similar to conventional PCC ones. The experience of the fuel as a combustion chamber; a flue gas cleaning process
previous two thermal power plants with the CFB-boilers begins in the combustion chamber, represents the best
and supercritical parameters, Foster Wheeler will use as the compromise of efficiency and ease of installation,
basis for developing a set of such blocks with the environmental requirements and economic indicators. The
supercritical steam parameters of 800 Mwe [25]. biggest advantage of this technology is flue gas
Operating expenses of CFBC technology are lower desulphurization in the boiler combustion chamber; it is
than in the PCC. Fuel supply in the combustion chamber is possible to achieve the required emission of SO2 in flue gas
simple, fuel is only crushed, flue gas cleaning does not of 150 mg/Nm3. With supercritical parameters and a steam
require additional installations (desulfuration is in the
turbine it is possible to increase the degree of efficiency of
boiler). Maintenance costs for PCC boilers are higher for
the block to 0,4%, additional refrigerator of flue gases from
plant and for cleaning flue gases but for CFBC boilers these
costs may be higher due to erosion and fatigue. The new power plants is often built and increases energy
investment value of blocks with PCC boilers is higher than efficiency by 0,6% and enables the use of a cooling tower
for CFBC boilers, because of the additional facililties for for flue gas.
cleaning flue gases. Due to lower construction costs and The technology of production of electricity from fossil
operating costs, CFBC boiler technology is more fuels with zero emission of CO2 in atmosphere has not been
competitive than PCC technology. Various studies developed yet to the level of commercial viability, but its
compare these two technologies and state a difference realization can be expected in the next decade. Advances
of approx. 7%. Technology with CFBC boilers with sub- in the development of clean coal technologies should be
critical parameters has certain economic advantages over taken into account in strategic planning capacity expansion
the technology of PCC boilers. in the power system, because relying on various primary
The cost of technology with CFBC boilers and PCC is energy sources, partly on coal, can ensure long-term
conditioned by current scale on the market, and the reliability of electricity supply.
difference is relatively small. The difference is greater in Newer CFB boilers are able to burn up to 20% biomass
the example of coal with the high sulfur content. Block with little change in the boiler design. Addition of
boiler of PCC requires more space to build. limestone in CFB boiler has the unwanted side effect of
applying for the production of a much larger quantity of
Table 8 The cost comaprison for PCC over CFBC technology
solid waste unsuitable for use as a replacement for cement.
Fuel / %
This is in contrast to the steady sales of fly ash and gypsum,
100 102
Efficiency block to TPP* Might be larger to 0,5%
produced by PCC boiler with wet FGD.
Construction work / % 100 90 Fluidized bed combustion is gaining more than ever a
Investments / % 100 90 ground among traditional ways of combustion due to high
Operational and maintenance
100 90
fuel flexibility. To conclude, a CFBC technology
costs / % compared to PCC has:
The price of electricity / % 100 95
* - Refers to the lower calorific value

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1058 Technical Gazette 28, 3(2021), 1051-1059

Enver AGIĆ et al: Overview of the Efficient Tehnologies for Power Generation Based on Coal

Contact information:

Enver AGIĆ
(Corresponding author)
The authorized court expert for electrical engineering,
Tuzla, Ul. ARBiH 19/IV/15, 75 000 Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of J. J. Strossmayera in Osijek,
Kneza Trpimira 28, 31 000 Osijek, Croatia
E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering, University of Novi Sad,
Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
E-mail: [email protected]

Tehnički vjesnik 28, 3(2021), 1051-1059 1059

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