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Abide The Sleeper

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Reviewing Harry/Draco classic compilation by Gossymer Abide the Sleeper: Beautiful. furiosity wrote it so it was a wonderful, realistic piece.

After HBP, it depicted Ginny as the Dark Lord and there was this triangle going on between Draco, Harry and Ginny. And in the end, when Hermione, Ron and Harry all together finished the Dark Lord, I was a happy chump. I also loved the reason why Draco changed sides. His father. Though, it may be obvious, it still is the only realistic reason why he would turn away. Because other than that, hes a Slytherin and a coward and he does believe the Dark Lord to be a high mighty force, the winning side, as he calls it even if he might not like the way its done. I think Malfoys disposition would change only if there was a clear reason for it and that is his family. A Catalogue of Ways to Torture Flobberworms, Elves and Harry Potter: I only read a bit of it and started to immediately abandon. Reason? Creepy. Nut-case story, really. I mean it. A Consummation Devoutly to be Wished: A Veela story that is funny, I tell you but extremely cracky. Hot too, in a crazy sort of way but not fun that realistic fictions are. A Different Kind of War: Cant enter. Ugh. A Fracture of the Minds Eye: How this got to be a classic, I will never know. All I know is that I hated this fic and wouldnt ever wanna read it again. Fucked up, really. I mean, Remus? I can handle the guy with Snape, but the line draws on Harry Potter. And Lucius Malfoy, I hate it when they try to put him together with Harry, no matter what the circumstances. I am extremely against rape so this wasnt enjoyable in the least. The fact that Draco got bored with HarryI was utterly disappointed. There was no plot, no point to this fiction. And I dont recommend it to someone with a preference for passion and emotional porn. Cause this was just angst. No emotional porn. Nope, not at all. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin: I always love Furiositys fictions, because theyre so amazingly realistic and original. The details and frankly, everything that goes with it so I read this fiction like, two times. And its written in both POV, so that was good. A very good fiction. I cant criticize it at all, because its awesome. It gave us a lot of insight in the Slytherin portion of the book. It was like, knowing how Slytherin felt and why they resented Potter. I mean, its not that hard to imagine their hatred for Potter. In fact, Id hate Potter too with all the Gryffindors getting all special treatment to one House only and Slytherin not being appreciated at all. Good fiction. A House with a White Picket Fence: I dont know. A good one-shot, worth reading but not really as enjoyable or good. I mean, the idea wasnt realistic. I thought Draco was highly shy and humble, which he would probably be after war but it wasnt like him so I couldnt agreeably go for this fiction. Nor its sequel. But its a good read. A Lesson in Negativity: A lot of fictions have this idea that Harry will take in Draco

when hes at his worse (Ex: strayed on the streets) and then, they will suddenly fall for each other. To me, the idea isnt as appealing or realistic, anyway. Its a good one-shot, but lacks substance or originality. I thought the writer was just repeating what weve already seen before. A Mile of Revelations: Its incomplete, thats all the argument I have, but other than that, It was a simple fiction which didnt really hold appeal to me until Draco had turned back to human and Harry had started to empathize with his situation. Its a good fiction, well-written, and realistic- as far as all others fictions go but I found myself skimming around the edges of lines and paras. I guess it didnt hold my interest but I read it till the end, since it held my curiosity to see what will happen. A Plague of Legends: I got as far as chapter one, and then, I just turned away. For whatever reason, I suppose it was the blatant show of Blaise/Draco pairing that really put me off but, it just didnt have its appeal ready. I cant read through pages and pages of Blaise and Draco action when I dont even have good plot to work with and the plot simply boggled me. I dont like confusion, if you know my drift. A Priceless Gift: I dont know. Its probably the future of Harry and Dracos pairing that we all like to imagine, but Id rather not deal with the fluffiness of it all. The babe and hun nicknames just truly blew me off. I will tell you once again, I do not like fluff (much). A Sea Change: No entry, though I am curious to what it is. Someday, I will know but right now, busy. A Slytherin in Gryffindor Clothing: Draco is awesome in this. I love him to death. And I am reading this the second time just to get it in my head again. Irresistible fiction, really. Funny, I laugh half to death at some of Draco-ness of it all. I love the narration, I love the funniness. The only thing is that Dumbledore was behind it all and then, there was the other parallel world thingy. But it was tolerable once you got to know everyones POV on the matter. So, no, I didnt really hate it. A thousand Beautiful Things: I dont know. It was realistic, original- very original, actually and a very good fiction. I would say its awesome except it is such a slow, gradual process that its hardly fan fiction and more like a novella and you know how I hate novella. So yeah, good read and all but not reading the sequel just for another slow, torturous run-down of Harry and Dracos screwed up romance. It was a good read, just for the reason that it was one of my first ones of H/D pairing and I rather liked it for the tension and conflict. Snapes portrayal was right on. I admire the writing and envy it. Nobody can write such description that the this author did. Not my cup of tea, but immensely refreshing. Ab Epistulis: I dont know if Harrys the type to write a book, really but I guess, if you went through stuff Harry went through, youd want to vent out too. Although, I think Harrys vent-out is more in something more practical, I didnt mind the fiction. It- its

welcoming. I was convinced at the end of the fiction that Draco and Harry might not be a bad pairing, but it was such a bland dynamic in the fiction that it didnt catch the whole drift of their relationships appeal. But it was a good read, nonethless. All Bets Are Off: I like the mindless, cracky fics sometimes simply for the reason of mindless enjoyment they serve. It was a pleasure, really, to read this fiction. All the women and men trying to get his attention and Harry vs. Draco in a different, sexual way. I rather liked it just for bizarreness of it. It was serious in the end and showed none of Harrys so-called shyness. He was aggressive, and to the point, which is good. I like players and Harry as a player was hot. Also, I didnt have to think much during it which was good. Allegiance and Sedition: Harrys relationship with some other boy, I have to say wasnt a good start but when Draco and Harry started to get it together, I was interested. It was a good read, overall. I wont read it again, if I have to because as I said, I just cant deal with the whole various pairing thing, especially if its other guys with Harry or Draco. I guess, though, its better than Sirius or Snape. I try not to be traumatized by other peoples imagination. Its a wonder Ive survived this long in this crazy den of fantasia. ** All the Proud shall be: How to review this story? First of all, this was brilliant. No mistake whatsoever. Nothing awful that made me annoyed. I like this story so much. I mean, the complete understanding and depth of the characters, the way they react and act and why they do, its so simply displayed. It is inspiration flowing out the page. It is magical. Draco being so beautifully described; his fears, his needs, his faade and his shy and uncertain love for Harry. And Harry. Oh god, Harry. All this time Ive never thought much of him, because as most writers described him, I got the idea that he was a hero who had survivors guilt most of the time, was awfully broody, was treated horribly in his childhood, made friends with Ron Weasley (And became kind of his yes-man), awkwardly clumsy, and wanted to save everyone. But this time, I cant believe Ive ever thought of him that way. This character, if hes no Harry Potter, then I dont know who he is. If circumstances were different. If Draco didnt love his family oh so very much, if he wasnt such a child- told to grow up all of a sudden when sixteen, if there was just a bit of time just for the two of them to indulge in each other, in a slow, gradual intimacy, if Voldemort wasnt looming behind themambling ever so close to his mission of destroying Mudbloods and Harrys world-- then, I think this could happen. Because Harry was actually the one to notice Malfoys suspicious behavior. He figured it all out in HBP that Draco was up to something and although, he was cold and calculating about it, I think we cant blame him for it because he had already lost Sirius and wouldnt- couldnt take another death of someone closer. So, I know the reason why Harry was so paranoid and suspecting, he wanted to protect anyone he loved dearly from harm. And Draco was to be that enemy. I dont particularly like it when Hermione and Ron are degraded in a story, just to have some highlights of Draco and Harrys relationship more, but I think this was perfect. Im full of praise for this story. First, the narrative is just divine. Divine because I can ACTUALLY, REALLY, Honest-to-god relate to it. I am Harrys body while reading this story, every word is mine because I understand them so simply. Its VERY realistic. Very sweet and

soft and fluffy yet, angst lurks in the shadows. This was sad and unbelievably intriguing. I mean, the story isnt much- theres not really a big plot somewhere- its just Draco and Harry finding each other- its a romance but a romance unlike others. Because the writers understands and knows the relationship and the characters involved and she takes care of the faults and tensions that should have been but arent there because, Harry is perspective enough to see, to read through Dracos flaunts and taunts and everything. I found myself sometimes wondering when the inevitable unpleasantness of angst would come full force yet, everything was laid out gently. Nothing was just slammed hard on your chest. You had time to take in the hurt and pain and then, see through it. The characters were angry sometimes, and tense but, you were always aware that in the end, the hopeful moment will come soon too. Thank you, author, you have done a tremendous job. Alternate: Ah, Alternate. Hmm, how should I put it? Lets see, A Very Good Read. One of the finest. I recognize it as being the top ten list. Its very exhilarating reading about Potter and Malfoy playing a Quidditch Match together, just for funzies. And their bets. Its lovely. I loved the whole concept of it and the way Draco won the last match for Harry, and gave him the snitch. It was all very sweet. Loved it. An Unlikely Pair or Like a Car Wreck: Funny, angst. I Dont even know! This was a fiction I was laughing at and then, wanted to just snort at for its clever work. Harry is in denial, or something and he doesnt respect Draco or he refuses to do that and there are these crazy killing thoughts but he never goes with it because deep inside, he loves Draco. And Draco wants some respect. I love the idea almost too much. A good read and probably in the One-shots Id Love To Read Anyday list. And Just Plain Wrong: Just like the title, this fiction is JUST PLAIN WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS. It has Voldemort winning the war and probably fucking Harry with Snape which I dont really want to read or imagine. Egh. Probably, someday if I had enough mental barrier against my imagination and reading, I would probably read it without feeling sick about it. But not now. Sick, man. Sick! And The Water Runs Red: Not available. Strange. And We Are At Our Apogee: A story within a story. It is so easy to lose yourself in a story and this was one of those One-shots where I did. One of the reasons why I loved this is Draco and Harrys character and the narration. Its after the war scenerio and about Dracos revenge yet, its so sweet and sad and fluffy yet, not even fluffy, just misery mixed sweetness. Its a good fiction. Only, I wouldnt read it two times in a row because its damn sad. Angels and Devils: Draco and Harry turn into um, what do they call them? Angels? I really dont know. Anyway, Draco becomes Harrys mate and Harry Dracos. They try to stay as far away from each other cause theyre attracted to each other and want each other like, OMGNOW! but luck has it that they touch and feel and they do the things they want to and its a good story. Very realistic. Only problem is, I didnt get to see any hot

action. Ugh. With passion like that, why cant the writers just try to make a realistic, but hot story? But no. Were just too pure to mention the good parts. THE GOOD, YUMMY PARTS D: Beautiful World: Depressing, kinda. OOC Draco and Harry. Not as good but I liked the imagery and details. Just dont think Malfoy will be that way or Harry. Beneath You: I read up till the end but, it stopped in its appeal when they started talking about fate changing. The thing is, they didnt know Hermione and Ron would be together in the end or that, Harry would end up with Ginny. Yeah, the readers knew and thats how it sounded. Just a reader writing their opinion and not Harry, himself. The fact that Harry has nightmares about Ginny touching him is just No, please. Big Dick, Come Quick: The beginning of this, I always really like to see because here Draco is, with his fetish for big cocks, and here Harry is, with the big cock. It is a hot and a very amusing read. I always like reading it because its so amazingly incredible. I can imagine Draco being hungry for a big cock and then, falling for Harry, in the end. So cute. Black Magic by Moonlight: I think Draco and Harry have a established relationship already so I guess, Im not curious enough to read about a crossover that I dont even know about. If I know who is Anita someday, maybe Ill try it. Right now, no. Blue Vase: Another fiction like And We Are At Our Apogee but more agreeable read. This one, I can believe is realistic. The other one, I dont know, there wasnt much backstory. This, I could understand and it wasnt as sad as the last one so yeah Blush & Preparation: Very dirty language, and I suppose, its hot. I didnt feel a lot of it but I guess Im not in the mood but its a good read. If youre into the whole, Oh Harry, youre beautiful. I want to fuck you so much, gods! kinda fiction. Em. Body and Soul: a heartbreaking fiction. I like it. At first, it was a bit confusing but the thing is, Harry has become a ghost and Draco still is holding onto his dead body. Which is just, so sad. I guess. I feel the sadness but its not that bad so I guess, its not like crushing sadness. Just an inevitability. Bond: I noticed a lot of aspects were mentioned in the story and I loved how slowly, and gradually the writer took their story. Yes, they honestly hate each other; Malfoy and Harry and theyd probably never feel certain of their relationship if not for a bond. I loved that in the end, Malfoy made the choice he had to. As I said before, a lot of aspects. I liked that the writer covered it all up. Loved it. Definitely worth a read. Borrowed Time: Basically, Harrys dead and Malfoy misses him terribly. So terribly that hes going fucking crazy and utterly mistreating his students, as a teacher. Snape is weary of his attitude but knows he cant do much and fires him immediately. At first, I

didnt know what it was about and it was perfectly reasonable since some firsty was sending a letter to his mum about his Professors or something. It was not until later when I found out, I just felt sick with sadness. I guess I cant handle Draco when hes helplessly fucktarded. Anyway, not a good read. A one-shot, thank god for that. Breakfast in Bed: Dont know what breakfast in bed has to do with it except its one of those fluffy ones with enough spice to not make you utterly nauseated or turned off but still make you critical enough that the situation was so utterlyI dont even know, clich? I mean, anniversary, really. I guess Im not into that stuff. Sometimes I am but anyway, its a One-shot so I guess, its like sweet indulgence for a moment after all the angst and stuff. It works. For me, I want angst now. God. Cactus Angels: Sex games. Harry being a bottom who likes pain and Draco being as arse/ass to him while also wanting him. Its a seduction plan and its not really realistic but hey, humorous enough and hot enough until you realize thatnah, you really dont want to read the whole thing so you leave it half-blank. Perhaps, youll come back later to decide that the story would be worth reading whole but right now, youre just jealous that Dracos always getting some and Harry none. What? I love Malfoy but hes fucking insane with his tactics. Egh. Poor Harry. Carpe Draconis: I loved this story at the beginning because Draco got the shine this time and Harry was at the side-lines, watching this angel spread his wings and take a chance on his own. And I think thats great and all except Harrys the real hero in all this and I thought Draco outshone him when in reality, he was nothing more than a coward who knew what his situation provided and let his father make his decisions for him. I think he deserves pain and hostility for all his utter shite attitude but I also love him because that is the weakness that I fucking love about him. I dont want Draco to shine, hes too far gone into darkness to do that, I want him to take Harrys side, to admire him and never really want anything in return for the allegiance but unexpectedly, Harry would fall for him, some way or another, notice Dracos pain and what he went through. But not be like in this fiction. This was just all that you fear in canon and fanon mixing together. Change My World: so, this fiction. No. Just please. I dont do the whole oh, challenge him into a kiss and hell kiss you back because thats what rivals, who hate each other, do right? No, thats not it. That not why I didnt like it. The situation was pretty good until Harry decided that giving Malfoy a goodnight kiss directly would be a good idea. I mean, he could try and be subtle and slow for once but no, the writer had to straight on make Harry go for the target. I was thinking something along the lines of Harry leaned his head close to Draco, who backed away, panicked and looking ready to push him when Harry stopped just before his lips and gave a laugh. Hah. You shouldve seen your face, Malfoy. when Malfoy realizes that he was just being made fun of and not being kissed like he had thought he would be. His face heated in embarrassment and anger. He seethed and cursed Harry, his eyes taking on an odd but determined glint. and thus, my conclusion. The writer didnt have patience to make it subtle enough so I guess, it has to become one of those games. Egh.

Choices: An attempt to write fanon with canon, while also being doubtful. I can guess the writers hesitance or amateur intentions while writing the first chapter. The plot is so common but it is different because Malfoy is afraid and in doubt and has his arms around his knees like a baby, in a compartment. You really dont see scenes like that. And Harry suddenly finding himself sympathizing or even thinking about Malfoy voluntarily is preposterous. Just for a while, it is ridiculous. I guess I was hoping for some abstract writing again but you get what you get. Also, like all epilogues seemed to indicate, it was beyond fluffy. I guess I never do close in on cloud nine. Anyway, curious story but, eh. Not much climax or conflict which makes their passion seem a bit under the weather. I guess you can say, the plot wasnt interesting enough. Heh. Cicadas: A One-shot I didnt even bother with reading as in the end, it entailed the signs of Draco dying. Ehem. Yes, I want angst but not outright tragedy. There are some things I refuse to even think about and I hate, hate, hate death fictions. Clearly an idiot: Interesting story, I can tell from after, but I wont read it now since I am so bloody tired but sounds interesting, will read it when I need that kind-of Auror fiction. Right now, angst baby. Coming Together: Interesting beginning except when I finally find out that the guy Draco is talking to is not Harry Potter but James Potter, some alternate personality. Honestly, have I not have enough of anime to see that I would actually bother with this? I mean, its because Im so tired of pseudo-complex things and defense mechanisms and FREUD that an alternative personality just seems to take the cake. I know, I know, Freud didnt invent split-personality disorder and although, its rare, its not impossible and people have come to hail these symptoms of having another personality for some traumatizing reason or other. But Harry? Honestly! And its just not that its not believable. Id probably like it if Draco hadnt gotten so obsessed with James Potter. They seemed to make the REAL Harry Potter into an innocent child, up in his own bubble or something. I guess, I know I would probably write rubbish like this too except, I dont like reading about it. Commencement: I found an odd kind-of humor in this. I probably criticized it like Snape would to any student from Gryffindor. And I try, and the story was really good. Ill be honest. It was GOOD. Awesome. I loved the whole sex thing, the bonding thing and the whole, you know, drunk thing. Except I didnt understand why Harry would be lonely on his celebration day and Hermione and Ron would look at him with twin looks of hostility. Seriously? What the hell had they been eating? I mean, this is what happens when you add fanon to canon. Again, What. The. Hell. I loved the story, it was better than every other ones and it was well-written too. A professional writer, probably. It was nice reading it out loud. I liked it. I just cant help that my mind always senses the wrong before I can find the right in all of it. Contingency: A very humorous beginning with complete Draco-ness that I immensely enjoyed. I loved quoting a lot of what Draco said and then, things took to a serious turn and it wasnt so bad. I liked it, just for the hilarity of it all and the whole Longbottom

thing. I guess its not as bad a crack pairing and I felt the same shock Draco felt at Nevilles inclusion into all this. I also loved the reactions and the actions that end up turning over in this fiction. Everything was so amazingly set, like, I read and I knew this is what I wanted for my fiction. A Two-shot with a sequel called Weakness which is not much, Ive read it. Anyway, good read. Corridors of Power: I must say, well-written, articulate story that I am not reading at this moment but will be sure to read in the near future when my head isnt aching. But Ive skimmed it and the dry humor, the muggle/wizard ideas still mixing around with the idea of Lords and the Parliament and Potter being interested in Politics while Draco mucks around, finding everything disinteresting. Which is interesting it its own way. I like it. It seems funny and I might read more except right now, I am in no mood of reading so I guess, I will. Daisychin!Draco: I was dreading on reading this. Actually, it is probably one of the only fictions I didnt read. I guess its because the title just assured me of how unbelievably cracky the fiction was going to be and it was. In a way. But it was play-acting fantasy and I just chuckled in dismay at that. It was hot though. A Nice hot but I just couldnt get over the whole idea of Draco in a sunny dress and calling Harry daddy. Really. I mean, Sick, man. was all I had to say and I didnt even read the whole thing. Just skimmed it and knew that it was far from being plotty or anything. A cross-dressing fic with an Electra complex factor to it except that it wasnt, either. Ugh. Sick, man. Sick. And amusing. Diagon Burning: God, dont remind me. This was like, one of those fictions that you read and laughed at and laughed and laughed and never stopped. It was hilarious and I loved every moment of it. Right up until I realized that we werent really going to get a straight H/D action and that was actually what I needed at that moment. But their tussles and trysts were described by observes, bystanders who saw the both of coming out of a room together with snogged-up expressions and you never really knew how it began. And probably, didnt want to since I realize that the writer was honestly bizarre about everything. The fact that it was funny had nothing really on the simply explicit tumble of it all. It was amazing and so very terrifying since I am afraid of crack and this was crack in its finest forms. One of the cracks I admired. I didnt finish it though. Probably would, someday. If I had time. Dont think I will now. Good story. Just not my cup of tea. But its enough to say I liked it for the barely ten chapters that I read through. Immensely satisfying for my humor, that was. Disintegrate: A one-shot that I dont really think has any main point or plot except it flows with Dracos fear and denial of his growing attachment and feelings of love for Potter. He is scared and he has a lot of experience with sex but doesnt want to go all the way with Harry. Honestly, it revolves around love and all that shitless reluctance that you find in players who find themselves seriously in love with a passionate person. And its something I see a lot in other pairings so no, its not that big of a deal but its good. Oneshot I dont mind reading list, totally.

Distortion of an Alchemist: Em, not a title that sounds appealing. I mean, alchemy; sounds like science and Im not a freak for science. Its pending and I cant read it yet but Ill try to read it because I have read what the writer has written before and its not that bad, I suppose. Dont know. Disturbing the Peace: Draco is desperate for sex, finds Potter instead and seduces him in his drunk-deadness. A Oneshot Ill probably read some other time for the sheer enjoyment of it. There Harry is, speaking out the things Draco cant remember and then, making Draco feel hot under the whole story because Harry is seducing him with his simple touches and I go all, Ah, this is fan fiction. and it is a gratifying fiction with Auror Potter and Draco who has nothing to do but shag. I mean it. Heh. Its nice. Draco And the Non-Potter: I laugh, courageously at the shit that can be pulled out of peoples brains. A one-shot and a good one at that. Nice to read and look at when its so short and easy. I think my brains a bit dead recently with all the complex and abstract things it has been pulling recently. I needed something simple. This was simple and helped along with my petty ride for the joyous road of The exclamations marks are turning my stomach. I liked it. Not much else to say about such a short one-shot. Draco in Darkness: Draco is blind and Harry helps him. When I first heard of the story, I was not ready to read it. I was dreading it actually but I dont know how but I got my balls together and read it and found myself immensely into it. Its realistic, in a very weird, fanon kind-of way but it fits, you know. Like, Dracos pride and how he stood up for his own self even if blind. It felt incredible to see that kind-of determination in Draco and I feel he could be that way. Im not sure. I guess I was convinced that he could be that way and thats why I had a hard time feeling that anything was wrong with the story. It was good and how gradually they fell in love. I loved that. I loved the whole feel of it. It was good. Slow yet, quick. Good and sad but also, sweet. And this was the type of sweet I could handle. Dracos Folly: I cringe from abuse so I definitely am not reading this nor can you assume I will. Its ridiculous but my fear and rejection of abuse stems from my extreme dislike for it to actually tactlessly come in between love and all that. I feel even S&M has limits. If a person is not enjoying it, I dont like it. I dont know about this one but I guess, I cringe. Drawn: Not that Im not curious but right now, I have no access to the story so I wont bother with it. Later, maybe. Olivia_Lupin, have to remember the name. Droit Du Seignur: Its not that Im against anything domestic like marriage but that involved with M-preg, and Lucius/Harry. I just decided not to risk it even though it may not have abuse. Its also the kind of thing that makes me nervous. I mean, what the hell with the plot and all. Lets just forget the real Harry Potter reality and build a nice fantasy land where Draco and Harry are alright with each other and Harry has Dracos baby. Egh. Egh. I mean, no offence to M-preg. I actually like it, a bit. You know, the husbandywifey sappy thing that goes on, its mildly nice for the pairings intense romance but

honestly, I cant handle it sometimes. Eclipse: This is probably one of those stories that I was mildly interested in. It appealed to me because I found that it made sense that Draco blamed Potter and wanted revenge and was using this opportunity to bring him to the Dark Lord, as a present. I can also believe that Potter can be that stupid and Draco had been smart enough not to cause mistakes. It was not much of an accomplishment though, as I had suspected when Draco brought him to the Dark Lord. Draco fears Him, the Dark Lord but the way he described his feelings for Potter, I knew it fit. It made sense and it convinced me at the end, that that really can happen or could happen if circumstances were that way and if Draco and Harry were slightly bi-curious in reality of Harry Potter fiction. It is not that bad of a story. Overall, Id give it 8/10. Im not being critical though. There were certain things that shook me a bit but it was well-written story. The only reason Im going down on my level of rating is because it was so sad and tragic and the ending has something left to be desired or it must be, that I expected it to be less melancholy or something. Either way, it was GOOD fic. Extracurricular: A parody:: Yes, it is just as mentioned. A parody and a bloody good parody at that. I liked reading it. And the writer is a good writer too so no harm done, I suppose. Faith: HIGHLY UNLIKELY, is all I have to say to this. Egh. As if life could be that pretty. Flame and Shadow: Maya. I dont know much about the writer but its seems shes a famous writer. Good for her except I dont get to read her fictions since theyre all deleted. I guess its all is just fine. Im not sure Id like it from what Ive heard of it sometimes. But eh, who knows? For your own Good: Again, I dont see whats the appeal in S&M, it feels like abuse and inequality and I guess I like the whole spanking thing but not when it becomes too unpleasant to be pleasant in any sexual gratifying way. Its a form of pleasure, I suppose, for some people but I guess, Ive never seen it as anything more than being cruel to your lover. Thats all it comes down to: discipline. Well, fuck me. I dont care about S&M, not this one anyway. Four letter words: Em, Malfoy reading porn, faking a female orgasm (reminds me of Harry and Sally), Harry getting hot and trying to wank in the bathroom, Malfoy showing up to wank too, and then, both help each other, conveniently. Right? Its so fucking unbelievable though but hey, Oneshot and short and to the point, who cares what but at least, it doesnt waste time in dum-dummee-doo. Its good. Maybe. I dont know. I try to imagine Draco faking female Oh. and it is so amazingly awesome to imagine, except I cant. Im such a prude. Four Moments of Mourning: Two words; Ron/Malfoy! XP No, darlings. I am not such a crack-pot as to hope or even imagine that even if it has the main pairing of

Draco/Harry. Its probably a death-fic again and oh the horror. I wont read it. I refuse to mourn, even for four moments. Idiots, all of them. Ridikulus! Friend like me: Reminds me of the saying; with a friend like me, who needs enemies? I think it was that. I suppose. This is a very sad one-shot and I cried (once I read the whole thing). The thing is, half the things the narrator describes are so true, so sensible and they fit. The reality and dreams always distort amongst themselves and I think everyone knows that. Perhaps, Draco knows it as well. That, even if they had been friends, had been together and started to love each other, started to care about each other, Draco would still chose the Dark Lord because in the end, he loves his family and hes a coward and he cant be the one to help Harry. Nobody is, really. And not Draco, at all. Hes not the savior, hes not the type to be by Harrys side and help through it. No. Draco seems to fear much of it all. And in this fictional situation, he feared that Harry would love him, get close to him and die because he was going to betray Harry. Because he had no other choice. And again, it comes back to that choice, right? Friendly Favor: A One-shot, full of sexy friendly favors. But we know all about them, dont we? I liked it. Im getting comfortable with the whole Harry is submissive thing. Though, I hardly credit the innocence sometimes, this time it was portrayed so nicely with the whole obliviousness that I didnt mind. Hmm, though the sex scene did nothing for me at all. I guess Ive got immunity to lemons. For a long time, it has been the same. I do get these twinges but right now, none. Huh. Genesis: Im probably sure I wont admire every M-preg after this because I know some are just shite at it. But this one was well made. The fact that Draco did everything he could to kill it and it wasnt killed just made it seem worthwhile that the baby lived. Its also good to see that pregnant Draco is awesome, in its own sappy little motherly way. It has a ring to it. And the wonderful parallel of HBP incidents. I loved it. Muah! Gold-tinted spectacles: Okay, so Ive read this. Not the whole thing because I was pretty happy to just leave at one point without any real climax to outweigh or misery me. Anyway, I found it hard to believe that Harry was actually willing to see past his sanctimonious righteousness but when the whole magical creature business came, I knew it for a fact that I could just shut my knut and be convinced because it is a well-written, very original story. Well, as original as H/D can get and its a good story so whatever. Hall of mirrors: This story confuses the hell out of me. What the hell is up with the mirrors? I dont know. I dont really fucking care except the fact that Malfoy seems afraid of Ginny whose hexing him and being overtly coy with him. I dont get it. Then, theres the fact that Malfoy IS in The Burrow and hasnt thrown up. Hah. I mean, okay. Anyway, then Harry and Draco familiarize with each other and its really not that bad except it must be sad to want someone and not have them when the quarters and rooms are so tightly bound together and not at all sound-proof. Oh well, nothing a good Silencio couldnt fix. Except theyve forgotten that, havent they? Heh. Idiots. Happily Ever After: If Malfoy was alive, infidelity and betrayal. If hes not alive, denial

and silent dreams of what had been. What Harry yearned to have but never allowed himself. Too stupid and caught up in his Happy Life with Ginny. Which is funny. I mean, the way you look at it. Yeah, theyll have children wholl be great wizards one day and itll be great. A big, homely family but what really is important in the end? The desire for everything to go right in life so everything is normal or the desire to have something you would never embrace because if you do, you know youve found paradise. A paradise that wont last forever but will with every touch and every kiss, and every fucking love they make. I can imagine that and I feel pity for this Harry and his Happily Ever After. Cheers, Harry. Happy fucking wedding. B/W- Happiness in a Tea House- to - If Im your Villain: Access denied. If you dont know me by now: Sex with Draco cross-dressing and Harry liking it a lot. In The Flesh: Sex business. Harry comes to a whore-club kinda place that Draco owns to watch strippers. Then, suddenly, Draco shows up and they have fun because they both had a crush on each other. Probably. Anyway, its a wonderful story. Got me. Two-shot. In Which Draco Malfoy Treats His Classmates to Bad Poetry: As Ron said in the fiction, sweet but a bit odd, that. Nice One-shot. Invisible to see: Draco is his usual obnoxious, caustic self, but his inner thoughts and vulnerabilities give him a measure of charm. Only problem was that wanker, Justin. I hate him, in any fiction given. Just a total wanker, that one. Other than that, wonderful, brilliant, intriguing story! Irresistible poison: I loved this story though, the language and tone was so freaking melodramatic. But it was beautiful how I got Dracos feelings throughout the whole story, I knew what he did and why he did. What that felt like. Then, the second time I had no idea. Which is weird. I guess the first time I was in tune with Dracos feelings, I was inside his soul. Second time, I was in tune with Harrys narrative. Not Dracos. So anyway, its a realistic, original story. Loved it. Its all about Subterfuge: Harry and Malfoy are the only queers in Hogwarts, well except Justin but nobody wants him so Harry and Malfoy chose each other. Except Malfoy is so not the romantic type and Harry is. And so, starts the whole I want to shag you because youre hot but you want romance and I hate romance so Im not going near you dance that Malfoy submerges with. Cleverly done. Brilliant work. Oneshot. Kailish: When It Rises: Draco is about to be marked as a Death Eater but is a double spy like Snape and Harry is in Grimmauld Place, waiting for him. Waiting and Waiting until its 6:30 am when Draco finally shows and finally, finally, Harry can sleep in peace. I think this was terrifying and so, so lovely. I loved the whole suspense of it. Nobody shows it like they did it in this one. You always see Dracos POV more often when Dracos gone for a dangerous mission and returns. And sometimes, Harry is bloody suspicious, not thankful and relieved that Draco has come out of this alive. He doesnt

think about Draco might go through and in this one, he does and I feel pity for him for his anticipatory misery. I loved it. One-shot. Kissing Harry Potter: Awwww. I liked it. It was one of those hot, bizzarringly funny fictions with those beautifully done Aww moments. Cute One-shot. Late edition: Unavailable. Left my Heart: Draco is hot in this. Harry is confused. But a doubtlessly wonderful fiction, nonetheless. Lots of sex with various OCs but the real thing is between Draco and Harry. Lets Pretend War is Over: I dont know how Potter put up with it but he did. He actually handled a convinced-that-he-is-insane Draco greatly in light of how the guy is so retarded and treating Potter like a hallucination. Though, I liked it. It had its sweet moments, amusing too and it was a good read. One-shot. Lettered: A touching concept, that. Malfoy writing letters the whole time and Harry being utterly clueless. I mean, how clueless can you get? Draco put so many hints that you had to be blind or an utter moron. I vote for that. Anyway, I loved the beginning, the due and the ending. I wish I knew Dracos decision but just like the writer, you cannot decide. And Harry will not understand. Not really. Letters in French: A not bad idea, mind you but the way it was executed ended rather badly, in my most bluntly honest opinion. The writer, I think, tried hard enough but there was a gap of feelings and words to be added and it felt like that gap was not filled. And you know how I dont like blanks in between my stories. You dont? Well, now you know. Letters to a Young Gentleman: Draco and Harry correspond through letters because Draco suspects Harry to have sent him a prank which we find out that it was not Harry but the Weasley Twins. I thank you too, George Weasley. Your prank made them correspond and oh, it was such a delightful, humorous read. Ill forever be in your depth (just like Harry probably is. That wanker, getting all the action.) Let the Poets Pipe of Love: I can say with hopeless abandon that this was by far the most greatest story Ive ever read of Harry/Draco pairing. The story I had been waiting for, searching desperately for everywhere and now, its right here. A Rentboy!Malfoy and an Older, still Virginal!Potter ready for some experience. And the thing is, they actually date! Not jump into things like love and all that stuff. It actually depicts the idea of dating! Its wonderful. This story is awesome. I am reccing this to everybody. (Who wont mind a little sex with lots of passionate butterflies) Lightning Letters: As Iris said, it is sad and what had it been worth knowing finally who the author of the Lightning Letters was. But it was living, among the hearts of many people, the touching story of their romance. Huh. I dont know, Draco doesnt seem the

type to sugar-coat Harry but its a nice piece. Not too long. Very short, actually. Which is good. Like Glass: I find Potters withdrawn self a fucking migraine so I am not reading it. Neither should you. Never. Never. Good if you understand what I mean. Look Closer: The only thing that irks me about this story is that THIS WAS MY IDEA!! XXC Im crying, dammit. This was beautiful and I couldnt have done a better job myself. I was actually thinking about the glances and looks and love in the same context these days and I was thinking of writing a story with those things in mind. But this person did it first and in Harry/Draco pairing. And such a great job she had done that I cant complain. This was awesome and I felt very close to melting. The last scene where Draco and Harry act like they hate each other and that, everything is normal while inside, there is fondness and affection and love all brimming in the tear of their eyes. And I guess it isnt close to my idea, that much. So, anyway, GOOD STORY. Love Under Will: I liked it until Voldemort showed up and seemed to control Draco via a strong Confundus charm and Imperius. That ought to be fun. Anyway, the story was, to say a few words, very intriguing, amazingly awesome, and worthy of a read. Id read the whole thing too, except its a WIP. Loved Those of Greater Ambition: Mayas story again. Its not available, dammit! Lustre: I thank the writer for a fluffy, angst-y but not so quite funny and yet, hot, intense oneshot. Long and worthy of reading. Malfoy, PI: Theyre not wizards. They live in LA. Malfoy gets a crush on Potter. Big deal. Not a good story in consideration to my taste. So, no, not reading it. Man of the People: theres democracy and elections in Hogwarts this time and Draco will not stand for it. Since Potter has been chosen as their leader at a landslide, Draco is very pissed. Its a humorous fiction that is very on the mark. Its the funnyness of how hypocritical Draco is yet, he calls himself proudly the Man of the People. I love that. Mark of A Man: Wellit is a binding magic fic with all those, you know, sexy scenes in between. Anyway, Draco wanted the Dark Mark gone and Harry decides to do it for him. Except, they have to marry now and they do. Draco dresses like a wife, and its funny and very hot. Hot-fucking-hot. It was good. Hotty goodness. Masked: Harry is spying on Draco who desires him and is a Death Eater, but only in name. Its a particularly dark fiction and I didnt really like it the first time but its what it is. It would probably be true if not for the war being over. Harry, in desperation, may have cast deception and involved himself sexually with Draco but I find it hard to believe and hard to swallow, really. Matinee: Crack as best. People might think its hot but to me, it was bizarre and

hilariously sexy. Heh. Mirror, Mirror: hotter than that damn wasabi, dammit. Mindless sex but hot. I liked it. Oh, just so you know the details, Harry wants Draco and theyre in a club and theres voyeurism involved. Also, sex against the wall. The kinda thing I love. A lot Oh yes, awesome fiction. Mudhoney: I didnt know until the end that the narrator was Harry. That was how much OOC he seemed. But it was good, except sick and a little not-my-type since Im a romantic and not a you know, fan of whores and such. I like to think Harrys a virgin and Malfoy is too afraid of his father to fuck other men or be fucked by other men. I guess, its just wishful thinking. This however, is highly unlikely, under any circumstances, I tell you. Mutual Interest & Worth the Wait: Access entry denied. Nine Days Till Christmas: Pure Fanon. Harry wants Draco as a date for the Ball? Does Draco say yes? Not at first. Wanna see how Harry convinces him? Not really! :) No Room: Dracos father tries to kill him because he wont permit the Dark Mark and so, hes sent to Grimmauld Place, since he needs protection and hes probably joined the Light side. Now, here everyone is, having a partner to shag with. Draco is the only oddball out. But his room is with Potter. And Ginny is an icicle lately so they get together and its fun. And they get off together. And its sexy, really. Hot. Except, its also damned unrealistic. Or maybe, its not but there are certain things I could do with or without. Oath Breaker: One of the quotes that I found myself enamored by in this story was this one: Youre supposed to be a coward, but then you go teasing lions and cry when you get bit. It is wonderful and explains everything about Draco and Harrys relationship. It really does. While the story is not my normal cup of tea, it made me stay and read until it was over so I guess it had its intriguing factor going on for it. Nicely done. I abandoned it at the twenty-second chapter though. Cant blame me, too long. Objects of Desire: The Golden Trio make a contract of getting their virginities taken at the end of term. And not with each other either. I thought at first that it was going to be a One-shot and that it would be a good one but apparently, Ive been expecting too much these days. Oh well. Obsession: not available. On The Last Day of Our World: Its a miserable world where nobodys there anymore and Draco and Harry are the only one left. Its amazing and all but the part about no people in this world is like a bit of a let-down. Really, it is. And add to fact that ServerusxHarry is being mentioned. Um, no. Definitely no.

Ooh something Shiny: Funny. This was, how do I explain, ahem, lets see: the fighting between Potter and Malfoy was mind-blowing and so correct, in so many ways. And the random undertones and Malfoy talking to Potter Mop! All of it was scandously hilarious. I dont know what Ron and Hermione or even Serverus would say if they saw the scene Malfoy and Potter made at the end. Oscillate Wildly: Doesnt seem like the type I would like to read but still, I tried and it has OCs, from what I can tell. I mean, who is Dr. Mason. Sure, its a curious, wellwritten story but, it really doesnt have much appeal. Per Solum Lacuna; by words alone: The thing is this plot is repeated a lot in a lot of fan fiction of Draco/Harry. Like, Harry and Draco get to know their true selves through anonymous correspondence. This pairing has never had an element of soul mate nonsense to it so it was a new twist. The story was well-written too. The only thing I can actually begrudge against it is the lengthy, long and slow procedure of Draco meeting Harry. It has some of the animosity from the Hogwarts year and I found the writer really tried to put a realistic point to it but still, there were things amiss. Either way, enjoyed reading it (though I hardly did. I just skimmed across it most of the time.) Please Dont Ask Me: Most tragic and yet, the most realistic approach their relationship could have taken, in the end. I mean, Harry did hurry up with marrying Ginny and all but it was to be expected. The fact that he has children doesnt help a bit and Im satisfied that Harry doesnt try the infidelity deal in this story. I can honestly say that adultery bothers me more than anything. I dont like Ginnys character, but I still begrudge her the fact that she is a strong character and shes pretty. I love her for that and that, no matter if Harry falls for the wrong person (like Draco) she would be there to pick up the pieces. Its like shes some anchor and I dont think Harry could leave that. He shouldnt have to. And thats good. I like the story, wouldnt read it again though. Potions With Purpose: Olivia Lupin again. Practicing for the Ballet: a short one-shot that isnt much detailed but somehow, I get it. And its such a simple element yet, very much the only element I can see Harry and Dracos start at the relationship. I mean, honestly, Draco is the type to turn away from any kind of me and you between them. Hes running away and you can see Harrys desperation, the stirring of feelings and the frightening way hes afraid of falling in love. Wonderful in a simple way. Practising the same Religion: Harry was a bit weird in this, I say, weird is an understatement. And I dont mean creepy weird and unlikable weird. Just weird that he was honestly, chirpier than Ive known him. Hes always brooding or stuff in most fictions and it was a big step out in the unknown when hes narrating in first person and having desires for Preggers Malfoy who, I actually thought was good enough characterization. I liked it, in a weird way. Primary Care: not available

Protective Bonds: not available Queen of Hearts: Ive read this. Honestly, how Hufflepuffs/ or was it Ravenclaw? got such an amazing OC is a mystery but the story was good. I liked the characterisation. Loved the blood-lust kinda thing happening with Draco and Harry and loved them both for theirI dont know, unconditional love for one another. Hehe. Big-Bang challenge story. Post-OOP Redemption: A worthless One-shot. I mean, not that good. Meh. Reprieve: furiositys fiction again. This one was about Auror Potter, repressed homosexual getting his attention stolen by Ex-Azkaban prisoner, Draco Malfoy who also owns a club called Pepper-Up. Its a fun story with sex and crime and mystery solving. And in the end, everyones happy. What more can you ask for? Im not complaining at all. One-shot. Requirement: Harry finds a picture of a young Narcissa who I suppose looks a bit like Draco. Meanwhile, Draco is ignoring Harry and Harry wants to fight him, to get his attention. He does, of course, in the end. And how? Well, isnt it obvious? He wanks over Dracos mom in front of Draco. Draco, of course, punches him for it. XD Resistance: Harry, at first, is very resistant to Dracos allure and advances on both kindness and sexual interest. But later, he starts to see Draco, ya know, with renewed interest. And the appeal is there. He gets distracted, jealous, angry and frustrated. And later, he gets scared that Malfoy will die. So, when Malfoy comes out alive on that note, Harry is a very happy man. And he takes Malfoy in his arms and coddles up to him. Which is, Im guessing, a good story. With a twisted plot and all that, it was good read. Resolution: Abandoned it long ago but the first chapter or the beginning of this story was very intriguing. Though, Dracos attitude was hardly like him, some of the times, I found myself drawing a warm and cozy image of the pair. This is a beautiful fiction, Im sure. It has its drama, which is the only reason I didnt read it till the end but I know it will be a good read to anybody else who isnt tired of drama. Anyway, lovely fiction. Well-written and unique. Rituals and Traditions: Funny and a bit hot; Goofy fic, really. It had all the elements needed in a good H/D sex fiction and I liked it. It was, ya know, convenient and beautiful in some ways. Heh. Safe House: Im not impressed with the story for reasons Id like to keep to myself but I will say that the plot-line was interesting yet, it went down-hill in the early chapters. Something I noticed that made me frown a bit. Anyway, doesnt matter. Not a bad fiction but I wouldnt bother with it. Salvation and Sacrament: Hmm, how should I put it? Beware that this is not one should

read if they dont appreciate angst and bittersweet love coming in between. I havent read the whole thing and it sounds so intriguing yet, I cant find myself to read it properly. Same time, Next year: not available. Seamus is Seamus, You are Yourself: Its CRACK. And very OOC. At first, I didnt even want to read it but later, I got into it and read it but there was NO ACTION. Im making a saddy face right now. I mean, it was a simple story to read and I like that but for gods sake, does nobody these days have a mind to put the sex in there?! I mean, if Harry is sexy and Draco is sexy, their sex should have been shown. Argh!! D= Secrets: This is one of those fictions where everything complicated and twisted turns to be a fucking happy ending! I mean it. What the hell, man. Snape cries in this fiction, on Harrys shoulders. That is the worst possible thing Ive ever read since crack. And Remus and Snape become Harrys step-parents. I mean, its great and all that everybodys happy and stuff but honestly? I wouldnt rec it. Its a classic though, all sixty-five chapters of classic. Seeker to Seeker: Not reading this one, officially. I have read the first few chapters and have disliked it immensely. I mean, it made sense up till here (very low) to me. Really the lowest. Seven Minutes in the Garden of Delights: Dracos in denial and theyre playing The Game. You know, the one where circumstances conveniently drop you in the most inconvenient, cracky pairings and you just have to like it because its that fiction. You know what Im talking about. All I can say is, reading it was fun. Ending wasnt that great but eh. A one-shot, who cares? Single Wizard Seeking Game: Nah was the last word in this fiction and it made me laugh hard. Just like Draco to be so completely selfish that he would keep away the fact that he was smitten with Harry and that, Blaise wasnt after him but Harry. I think the whole denim!Draco with his hairs lose would make me crazy too. Amazingly, I wish that were to happen because I know hed be illegally gorgeous. Mine! XD Skirting the Issue: Haha. The moment Draco fell out the common room, I swear I squicked in my mind. Oh yeah, baby! Nothing better than a Malfoy in a skirt, and an Angry Harry who gets what he wants, and Ron actually helps him. Keke. Lol. Our poor Harry, playing Truth and Dare and fucking the next thing that comes out of there wearing a skirt. Nice. Are you gonna keep the skirt, Malfoy. yes, indeed, Potter. I will. Sleeping with the Enemy: It is exactly as the title says and a very effectively written One-shot too. I know later on in the end it gets a little sad? I dont remember clearly but the beginning is very good, funny and sexy. I liked it. Snakes and Ladders: We have a OC son of Harrys (Guess who the mother is? Cho!) And Draco who is, I think, a Potions teacher. History repeats itself because Snape had

been in his place and hated Potter because of his father but Wysten (thats the childs name) is very talented in Potions, ambitious and a Slytherin on top of that. Not to forget the fact that hes also a were-wolf cub. That bit does very nicely for me. Anyway, I think it was a good One-shot. I loved reading it and actually, want to read more but I know I wont get the pleasure. Snakes and Lions: This one was built on the premise of the Chamber of Secrets and how Harry had to check it out. Its in Hogwarts. And Ron and Hermione are dating, finally. Harrys feeling a bit left-out and so, he goes and meets this new correspondent who he does not actually know until later that it was Malfoy. And they actually have, you know, fun. Until there are romantic affiliations between them. I liked it, just for the simplicity of it; its romantic, sweet and slow. God knows sometimes, I cant stand them but sometimes, theyre good enough. Snitch!: This is about Harry and Draco being Partners-in-Crime. While the idea is appealing and intriguing, I mostly, do not read things that arent situated in Hogwarts or something. So anyway, my loss, I know. But I cant read the story. The summary just scares me. If its all the same to you. Stray: Hmm, Dracos a fuck-up. Theres Ron/Draco in here which turned my stomach in a minute when I realized it was he. Egh. This story was a fuck-up. Egh. Struck: The Hottest fiction Ive ever seen. I loved it not just for the spanking, but the banter and the whole Malfoy-panic-driven-insanity. I loved it all the way. It was awesome. Purely. Submission: not available Subtle Nuances: Malfoy becomes a girl for an Auror project. Potter likes the gorgeous girl he has become. And they have sex. Tarah! Ive seen this type of story before so it wasnt like it was all that interesting but hey. You get what you get. Sweet: not available. Tempus Fugit: They go to a future (a bizarre one at that) where they are LOVERS. And they have to pretend to do so now that they are here. Read a few chapters, got bored with the whole drama. Really, the Dark Lords not even defeated yet? Are they crazy? I dont want to stress about the Dark Lord while also trying to enjoy Harry and Draco growing closer together. It just does not happen. The Beautiful Trilogy: He doesnt know Draco Malfoy. Not from Hogwarts. Its as if they dont know each other at all. Um, no. The plot is about this blond guy, Draco in a club and drunk while flirting with Harry, who is inexperienced and in hiding. Ugh. Nah, not really my typa story. The Spy Who Loved The Boy Who Lived: Pretty self-explanatory. The most

unfuckingbelievable plot in my side of town. Honestly. Ron is, I think, the bad guy and Draco wants to help him, desperately. Hah! The Broken Glass series: The war is over but it has broken Draco/Harry. They have an established relationship but there is Hurt/Comfort there. And the title is so clich, I cant be bothered to try and read it. Sorry. The Cicatrix Trilogy: Origin and Haven go both same ways. But Origin is differently done and beautiful actually. This time though, Ill try and read Haven and then, to some other story because the storys plot is very how should I say? Angsty? I dont hate that but at the moment, I need anything but that. The Corruption Trilogy: Harrys become some kind-of monster; vampire, dementor, werewolfetc. I dont even know but either way, Malfoy is given to him as a sacrifice. Harry easily devours him, takes revenge on Voldemort, leaves Malfoy alive even though he should be dead, and then, they go home with Harry corrupted and Malfoy realizing that Harry is a good person, after all. Em. Good story. Very good, in fact. HOTTy in a vehicle! Bam! The Death of A Soul, A Blowjob Beneath a Table, and The Rain of Toads: I dont like Crack, on principle but this made me LOL. I found Serverus death hilarious and more of the fact that Draco cries ugly with snot and all that. I love that! It was just so random and dry and funny. I laughed most of the way. The Depths of Winter: The Devil Wants: The Draco Trilogy: The Dream Verse Trilogy: The Eloquence of Mortality: The Fantasy Trilogy: The Ghost of St. Mungos: The Goodness of their Hearts: The Life in your years: Old Draco and Old Harry. Harry has less time left to live than Draco and theyre seventy years old or so. The Reader: The MOST, and I say, THE LOVELIEST READ!!! XDDD (I dont do capitals or exclamations so you must know that this IS a big deal) Its a one-shot but I prefer it that way. Not because it would be awful if it continued. I can actually imagine

that it would BE wonderful, if its not already but I think the ending was just right. I think the fact that it ended with Malfoy smiling at Harrys book of Quotes was perfect. Yes, I said perfect. Im telling you now, this was genius! GENIUS! :D Ive never felt so emotionally sentimental and happy at the same time. This was amazing. And as always, Aja brings me happiness. Theres something about her writing, it doesnt have forewarnings or foreshadows or uneasiness for the future or no cliffhangers. Its simply divine because she tells you quite rightly the problems, the hurt, without being melodramatic about it. She discusses the feelings of fear, hatred and pain. And nobody cringes away from that angst because its so simply beautiful. And it makes me feel hope at the end of it all. Hope that the future is bright and bubbly and all that fun stuff. Sure, people died. But I think they died in peace, protecting loved ones and being content in the after-life. The Sea and The Shore: A fairytale, a gory one but a fairytale told by a narrator who knew the real story. Of how Draco betrayed his family, of how he kissed Harry, tormented and left to find sanctuary at Dumbledores. It was a one-shot. The Veela Enigma: The Waters of March: Somehow, this is much more believable than other fictions where Draco becomes good. I like him. How could Draco be anything but this now? I liked it.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: The most realistic. An inspiration, brilliantly done prose that will forever remain in my heart. Except for the Ginny/Tonks part. I mean, where did that come from, I dont know. And I dont mind either except, I really dont want to know the details. Transfigurations: Cute in a very Draco and Harry rivalry way. I mean, they were hostile to each other yet, as the story went on and they developed an insight of the other, it just turned so warm and squishy and you didnt need the physical action to tell that what was going on between the two wasnt just nothing. A brilliant way of slowly winding down to a tremendous relationship with odd, and mutual companionship and fluff that makes even a chilly heart like mine melt. Quote I loved: Youll never be finished with me. and obviously, Harry will not be. Hopefully (fingers crossed). We Are the Champions: funniest and crudest joke fest fic Ive ever read. Draco is a near-genius, cross that, a complete genius who cant accept that hes attracted to Potter. Potter of all people!! XD They have a Wanking Contest in which both of them tie and then, they give hand-jobs to each other, which is awesome. And no sex charms were involved! :D I feel so happy for poor Draco. Welcome to the Real World: the Real World is the Muggle world and Draco has been in Harrys mercy here. He is afraid to get out and is, I dont know, much of a coward. Anyway, its great and all except theres a huge fault in it that I cant even begin to

describe. Whatever Life Brings: How terribly believable. Dracos a spy and just so you know, this is Furiositys writing. Which should explain to you why reading it was simple pleasure and nothing more. This writer makes it possible for you to read and not worry about circumstances or amateur monologues. Its subtle, abstract and beautiful. I liked it. I hate that I love you so much. says a lot. Love Harry and Draco in this. Windfallen: Its easy to love Draco. Pansy says in this story and I believe her because honestly, it is very easy to fall for Draco Malfoy, the character. Honestly though, the characters cry too much for it to be believable. Have I ever seen Harry cry in the series? Not fucking lot, I tell you. Just saying. Of course, Malfoyis another story. Written: Come back. Come back, Potter and then, Ill tell you. just about says a lot for how Draco feels for Potter. I mean, honestly, you dont do that unless you want Potter alive and Draco wants Potter alive. Its so freaking obvious and so subtle too. I like it. I imagine Harry would probably grin hearing that. And I liked it.

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