Marvel - Powers of A Girl (Lorraine Cink)
Marvel - Powers of A Girl (Lorraine Cink)
Marvel - Powers of A Girl (Lorraine Cink)
For my parents.
ISBN 978-1-368-04383-0
Ms. Marvel
Captain Marvel
Animal Companions
America Chavez
The Runaways
Dora Milaje
Daughters of the
Science Squad
Ironhe &
Mary Jane
Matria rchs e Wasp
Moon Girl
Scarlet Witch
Monica Rambeau
Terrific Twosomes
Squirrel Girl
Portraits Poster
Sorry about that. Now, where was awkward. Even the most powerful
I? Oh, yeah! Super Hero is stronger with the help
Before Gwenpool interrupts again, of her allies. So, join me and other
I should mention that I’m Lorraine. I True Believers who dare to seek the
live in New York City, the home of wisdom of Marvel Super Hero Girls.
Super Heroes. I can almost see As I was saying, girls have many
Avengers Mansion* from my office powers, which we’ll explore in this
window! Well . . . kinda. There’s
book. And while, yes, some of these
a building in the way. girls can fly, punch hard, embiggen,
Since I was a girl, Super Heroes talk to squirrels, and occasionally
have been a big part of my life, and emit dangerous sparkles, that is far
now I get to talk about them every from what makes them super. Super
day as part of my work. I live and Heroes come in all shapes, sizes,
breathe this stuff on the daily! I know, races, religions, genders, sexualities,
right?! But, I’ve always wished a book outfits, and musical tastes, but there
existed not just celebrating heroic is one thing that they all share.
women in the Marvel Universe, but GWEN. NO. Anyways, this brings An
T Daring
his is dameS.
the Marvel
can teach us so much more than how
to punch hard (though I am HERE
No Super Hero is born a champion.
Universe. Where
baeS.the personalities, for So what
that, exactly
too). They are canthe powers
teach of a
us about Even if you just so happen to tumble
powers, and straight-up legends of girl?
passion,you ourwere born aselves,
innermost girl, out of the womb flying, punching
countless heroic women have identify
and how as a girl, or
to become ourjust
heroes. hard, embiggening, talking to squirrels,
captivated readers for generations. or emitting danger sparkles, the path
I lo h
o, d she Fang Foom. Although the name maybe the Super Villains. Hopefully, if SPOILER ALERT: When they start
s t
Girl may not immediately any Super Villains are reading this, out, some girls may even work with
ju the
say evoke
fear, Doreen Green has a they will learn to turn over a new leaf some pretty reprehensible people
m eo doing some pretty not-cool things and
n a k ?
surprisingly formidable set of gifts. and stop being Grade-A jerks.
the She is said to have all the powers of a Anyway, while this book will focus on end up becoming heroes, like Black
squirrel and all the powers of a girl. girls and former girls, everybody is Widow and Gamora. Sorry to call you
Stop breaking the fourth wall, welcome to the girl party because a out, ladies, but . . . you know what
* Avengers Mansion is based on a real building in
Gwenpool. We haven’t gotten to you party
NYC,alone is . called
a museum . . well,
the Frick House. Which
you did.
yet. But I can’t wait! is pretty Frickin’ awesome. Here are attributes of a girl that, as
GWEN! Okay, okay. Sheesh! we’ll see, will make super people
’m su Super Heroes.
#BOO an That’s
t! me!
M artis
!Warning! Spider-Woman. Perhaps after deciding that lady
Flaws this is a harder kind of scientists weren’t getting
I just want to get this out responsibility because enough attention. Even
in the open now: This there is no glory, but it the greatest super-genius
isn’t going to be one of doesn’tEmpathy make it any less invests in her mind with
those books where all the Acknowledging
brave. the education, reading,
heroes do everything right suffering and needs of exploring, getting messy,
all the time. In fact, others is the first signal to and stoking the flames of
sometimes these girls any hero that she must herBeing
curiosities. At only
mess up. Big-time. dive into action. These nine
girls see their fellow Girls years
do braveold, Lunella
Sometimes they mess up Lafayette
humans, aliens, and Being brave thecansmartest
is mean
and bad things happen to character in the entire
sometimes whole planets, everything from standing
them and to the people Marvel Universe, but she
and feel their pain, up for what one believes in
they love. Sometimes bad still has a lot to learn.
outrage, and fear. Only to simply saying no to
things happen and it’s not
then will they truly know something one doesn’t
even their fault and they
Sacrifices and
Hard Work how to spring into action want to do. Honestly, the
still have to deal with the
Sometimes doing what is and save the day. When latter is often harder than
fallout. No girl is perfect,
right means giving up Captain Marvel sees the the former. But don’t be
no matter how super. A
other things. Spider-Gwen aliens displaced by mistaken. Being brave
lot more can be learned
would much rather hang Thanos,
she knows she doesn’t mean she always
from failures than from Asking for help when you
out with her ax-grinding cannot feels impervious or is
always winning,
bandmates, the Mary
so need it is return
definitely toa super-
never scared. In fact, what
appreciate these failures! until they have
power. Girls know that a homes
Janes, than save NYC because she knows makes her so brave is that
Learning from mistakes super-squad gets ithow done it
she keepsaregoing
youwhen she
from the Lizard, but you must feel to have nowhere Okay, ready?
and not
It’s moving on Spider-
just for is one way faster than going it
know, not everything can to go. This also sometimes
means she feels the most afraid.
These girls are going to Ms.
heck of a super-power.
Men anymore. Girls can alone, and that
be rock-star jam sessions. must have empathy for Marvel
do somewas petrified
awesome that
take responsibility for a job takes more than one she’d disappoint
Super-powers won’t do all
their actions and their herself,
lady. Whether which it’s canhaving be a They’re going to beat herup
the work for you. boatload harder at times. family by taking
baddies, break through on her vi!
communities. A hero sees equally super backup like Ob
This is why bubble baths Super Hero persona—not
other dimensions, and
the world she lives in and BFFsUsing Captain Marvel Her and to mention putting herself
knows she can use her were invented.*
Spider-Woman, or having save the fricking universe!
in personal peril—but she
powers to improve it. It’s aGirls
wholeuse crewtheir minds.
of confident knew she had to do what
her responsibility to make Take
baes like She-Hulk, or Riri
fifteen-year-old the was right to protect the e,
She Flies.
In that one moment, every little girl
Edge of me . . .
— Carol Danvers,
Captain Marvel
Ace Pilot. Sparklefists. Lady
Vell, his foe Yon-Rogg, and a large alien Avengers as one of their major players.
machine called a Psyche-Magnitron. (Listen, In her early days (and later days, for that
these aliens matter) she had A LOT of drama. The
Avengers and Carol have always been on-
again, off-again, so let’s just say sometimes
she was seeing other Super Hero teams.
Ms. Marvel. As you can imagine, all of this
name-changing had her ready to take a little
solo time.
Carol had always been a military girl, so
when Tony Stark needed to enforce the
Super Hero Registration Act, Ms. Marvel
was ready to lend her muscle to the fight.
All super-powered people were forced to
register with the government, which created
a civil war between Super Heroes. Her best
friends were torn apart and fighting—
anyone who has lived through high school
knows how that goes.
In the wake of all of these global upsets, a
new and super-not-cool power arose:
On a space mission with some “off- Norman Osborn (as in the Green Goblin—
again” Super Hero allies, Carol began to yeah, that Norman Osborn). Well, he tried
channel the powers of a white hole, which to convince Ms. Marvel to join his Dark
transformed her into the ultra-powerful and Avengers, but she refused, because she
knows a jerk when she sees one. Instead she
flame-covered entity Binary. As Binary,
her cosmic powers were nearly limitless. joined the New Avengers to stop
Feeling detached from her home planet, she Osborn’s evil agenda and protect the world
traveled the stars, often teaming up with a in secret alongside Captain America, the
very bohemian band of space travelers biggest teddy bear in the good ole U-S-of-
called the Starjammers and just chilling out A. With only slightly world-ending
across the galaxy. consequences, Osborn was defeated and the
Over time, the white hole Binary drew SuperBUTHeroWHEN
RegistrationDIDAct CAROL
was repealed.GET
her power from began to collapse. Carol Phew! Ms. Marvel had finally found her
b d f d
must now make way and support future NASA (Head of Security, aka
countless times, traveled the cosmos with Ms. Marvel 2.0 (Struck by
and spent tons of time hanging with her Warbird (Give them the bird!)
Douglas how to use her head and not just meditation, and using her mind
before her muscle. This is greatly
her fists. Traveling back in time to WWII,
aided by leaning on her friends.
she was taught by Peggy Carter how
to The
a battle plan, leather-clad
and maybesuper- even
in a
difficult situation,
that? Daisy is straight-up quaking the to Nick Fury, anyway? He has a flying car.
glass ceiling. Daisy’s super-power
(I don’t condone leaving high school for a
isn’t just using seismic vibrations; her true guy with a cool car, just for the record.)
gift is her confidence in her abilities, and By the age of eighteen, Daisy was a Level
the strong moral compass that guides her 10 Agent with the highest clearance at
decision-making process. This strong sense S.H.I.E.L.D. She was completely off the
of right and wrong allows her to assert map until she teamed up with several of
well-defined boundaries, even when it Earth’s mightiest heroes for a covert
comes to super-powerful people. It pushes mission where Nick Fury conscripted the
her to question the rules when the rules are group to overthrow a corrupt foreign
wrong—which can be super hard. Her government. When the secret coup was
personal conviction alone is enough to publicly revealed, Nick Fury was forced to
shake up any villain. But shake-ups are kind go on the run. Daisy remained with
of her thing. S.H.I.E.L.D., but Maria Hill put her on
Daisy Louise Johnson grew up
mandatory retirement at just eighteen years
with her adoptive parents, the Suttons, old, which was not as cool as it sounds.
attending high school like any other Daisy easily could have cracked under the
teenager. . . . Well, until she was recruited pressure but she knew her loyalty was to
by Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury and to the mission. She carried it
* S.H.I.E.L.D. stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement,
Part of Nick
and Logistics Fury’s one-of-a-kind recruiting
off with a knowing smile and a pile of
process? Revealing Daisy’s true origins. smugness.
Daisy’s biological parents were the deceased Nick Fury eventually found Daisy. He
Jennifer Johnson and the dangerously told her that her next secret mission was to
transforming scientist, Calvin Zabo, who put together a team of gifted young people
moonlighted as the monstrous Mister from Nick’s “Caterpillar files.”
Hyde. Learning of her true parentage These recruits were considered
because of their potential to turn into Daisy was hurt, furious, and without a team.
beautiful, butt-kicking butterflies called the In a final letter, Fury apologized and
Secret Warriors. Daisy enlisted a group of encouraged Daisy to build a team her own
young heroes, including the fire- way. Sometimes when things go upside
chain-wielding Hellfire, the superfast down, you have to define what you want
Slingshot, the young god of fear Phobos, and what is right for you. Daisy reinstated
the tough-as-bricks Stonewall, and the Druid and welcomed the Howling
magic-brandishing Druid. Daisy led her new Commandos to continue fighting the
titanic teenage team to take on a secret good fight. Now Daisy could be a leader on
invasion by creepy green shape-shifting her own terms. She took what she learned
aliens called Skrulls. from Nick Fury, coupled with her own
When Nick Fury broke into a moral code, to make a better, smarter, and
S.H.I.E.L.D. base, he found secret files stronger team.
revealing that America’s own government Under the weight of the Hydra scandal,
had been corrupted by hidden branches of S.H.I.E.L.D. fell apart, and a new, more
the terrorist organization known as Hydra. sinister organization named H.A.M.M.E.R.
It wasthemore
Though important
Skrulls were on than
their ever for
way out, took its place, led by Norman Osborn.
there wasanda whole
Daisy her new teamsecret
of invasion
Secret to During this time, Captain America
worry about. to
Warriors Under
remain Nick Fury’sAstutelage,
covert. a first- reinstated S.H.I.E.L.D. in secret, asking
they leader,
time uncovered
Daisythe shadow
faced organization’s
an intense learning During
Daisy her tenure
to follow in Nick as director,
Fury’s Daisy
footsteps to
curve. plot toher
No matter take over the
respect for world.
Nick Fury, recruited
become the two youngest
of the organization’s
director of most the
following anyone blindly can be hard, as it famous agents,inNick
organization Fury Jr.
history. and her
OMG! future
requires a staggering amount of trust. He Daisy Johnson
mentor, Phil Coulson was the . Together
leader they
asked her to remove her teammate Druid as S.H.I.E.L.D.—the
took on Normanmost Osborn’s
powerful less-than-
a liability. Daisy pushed back, but Fury agency in thegroup
scrupulous world! How
flippin’ coolandis
removed him anyway. Daisy was frustrated that?!
returned S.H.I.E.L.D. to its rightful place
and felt helpless. No one wants to be forced protecting America. Daisy eventually
to do anything, much less fire your friend. handed over the title of director to
However, those are the sad and frustrating someone with a bit more experience, but
things that are required when you answer to she kept S.H.I.E.L.D. afloat when they
someone above you. were facing their greatest threat, and that is
Daisy’s anger and growing involvement unquestionably amazing.
with her hot-headed teammate Hellfire Daisy continued to grow as a hero,
(whom she found hot both in temperature fulfilling her lifelong dream of teaming up
and in attractiveness) began to cloud her with the Avengers. Avengers
judgment. Hellfire was more than just a assemble! She aided them against a
smart-mouthed love interest—he was also military-weapon-stealing diplomat, a siege
an informant for Hydra. The information by the gods, and a world-burning cosmic
Daisy shared with him led their team to be entity.
ambushed by Hydra on their next mission. Daisy later united with S.H.I.E.L.D.
During the epic battle, Nick Fury revealed agents Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Jemma
he knew that Hellfire was a double agent Simmons, and Leo Fitz. This time Daisy
and let him fall to his death. The team would have to face her literal daddy issues.
disbanded. Daisy’s Quake powers began to splinter her
C n s t u t i u ?! H llfir ’s d th b d h k h d d h
serum had mixed with her mother’s
dormant Inhuman genes to create her
Quake powers, and only he knew how to
create a cure. As his demure alter ego, the
brilliant scientist Calvin Zabo, he was
arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. and charged with
making the cure for Daisy. This reawakened
his love for his daughter, though Daisy
kept a safe distance. He pined to reunite,
but she could not trust a man who turned genius Moon Girl, the calculating Karnak,
into a literal monster. Calvin did indeed and the flaming-hot Inferno. (Did I mention
cure Daisy; however, he also attempted to she likes hot guys?)
inject her with his maddening Hyde serum. Daisy has learned we cannot choose our
He hoped it would protect her on future parents, but we can choose how we engage
missions the way it had protected him as with them, and we can choose our families.
Hyde. But just because your parents want Sometimes our true family is the friends
to protect you doesn’t mean they are going around us every day. We can lean on
to go about it the right way. Phil Coulson mentors like Nick Fury to guide us when no
interceded, using the serum to go fist-to- one else can. We can enlist our teammates
fist with Zabo, who transformed into and friends to help us win our battles and
Hyde. Using her now-healed vibration pull out victories. And above all, just
powers, Daisy stopped Hyde by opening a because we sometimes quake, that does
crater in the ground that swallowed him up. not mean that we are not super-powerful.
Daisy now works with a new team of
Secret Warriors, including the shape-shifting
Ms. Marvel, the super-
Buff babe. Party girl. Power
Hulk. Taking on this persona made her feel going on adventures together, whether they
Fierce and Formidable. Eventually were zipping back and forth to LA in Jen’s
she learned how to control her She-Hulking totally awesome flying car to see her father
tendencies, allowing her not only to choose or punching out bad guys. But She-Hulk
her body’s form, but to keep her rational wasn’t just spending quality time with Weezi
mental state no matter how green she gets. You also
—she called?
got Ohintoboy,
Over time, She-Hulk took down Trask’s Hi, Shulkie!her
addressing Hey, girl! You
readers and know, way
men, saved the people of Los Angeles from before Gwenpool
tearing through the was
pageseven born,
of the I was
comics as
earthquakes and peril, roughed up passing jumping
people readinto them.theShe-Hulk
white is space and
a woman
After so
villains likemany villains,
Ultima, plus a falling-out
Man-Elephant, and chatting
who is hardwith readers. Hey, reader! That’s
to contain.
with her father and her old friend Zapper,
Man-Killer, and saved a micro-universe—ya great. You’ve inspired future generations, it
know, knew
like ityouwas
She for
metto her
get later
the seems. All in a day’s work for Shulkie!
heck out
BFF, Hellcat!of LA. She packed up her things Also, does anyone have a snack? I am
and road-tripped to New York City, the famished! This much muscle requires
home of Super Heroes. There she fuel. Just toss something into these
answered an ad to join the Avengers. Her pages. PLEASE DON’T TRY TO
fellow queen bee of butt-kicking, the Wasp, SHOVE SNACKS INTO THIS BOOK.
invited She-Hulk to join alongside Hawkeye Fine, I’ll go ask Thor. Asgardian snacks
—beginning a long, antagonistic friendship are HEAVENLY. As I was saying . . .
between the archer and jade giantess. Jennifer was loving working for the DA
While part of the Avengers, Jennifer was and rocking that #HeroLife
THE BLONDE while living at
pretty much crushing it. Jen was feeling herself, Avengers Mansion.
and bringing it as one of Earth’s Considered to be the first woman
mightiest heroes. Unfortunately, she introduced as a Marvel Super Hero,
would get dragged to a planet called the Blonde Phantom splashed onto
Battleworld by an omnipotent alien named comic-book pages as the petite and
the Beyonder, who wanted to create his very modest secretary Louise Grant. At
own gladiator-style battles known as the night, she took on the masked
moniker the Blonde Phantom,
Secret Wars, where Super Heroes and
using her natural athletic ability
Villains of Earth faced off. During this time,
and detective skills to solve crimes
She-Hulk started an ongoing feud with the
big and small.
original mean gargantuan girl, Titania, who
was as strong as she was not nice. Though
Titania and Shulkie could have been buff girl
However, Jen’s lifestyle became a problem.
She partied too hard and was eventually let Fun Fact: Three of the namesakes
go from the DA’s office and asked to move of the legendary law firm of
out of the Mansion by Captain A-stick-in- Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, and
the-mud-ica, who didn’t appreciate her Holliway are all legendary comic-
rowdy parties or overnight guests. book creators: Goodman is Martin
Admittedly, it’s probably not a great idea to Goodman, the original publisher
invite strangers into a home full of special of Marvel Comics; Lieber is the
weapons, government secrets, and heroes real name of the iconic Stan Lee;
who have Super Villains looking for them. and Kurtzberg was Jacob
Fortunately, Jen was offered a job at the Kurtzberg, or as many better know
prestigious law firm Goodman, Lieber,
him, the prolific comic-book
Kurtzberg, and Holliway. However, the big
creator Jack Kirby. Although
boss didn’t want She-Hulk parading
Holliway isn’t a real-life comics
through their offices or bringing her party
persona. pro, he’s still important—he’s the
Jen hadThis wasused
to get kindtoofnota having
bummera But hey, life
for powerful
big, her, because Jen togenerally
persona prefers
hide behind and to character whoisn’t
hires all
Jennifer in
be her muscular green
with her appearance—it
vulnerable, smaller the comics.
problems into submission. She had to use a battle with the intergalactic,
important when she began working with her leaving her traumatized
rival and frenemy Mallory Book. Mallory and literally gray. Jen has
could be prickly and hurtful, but Jen had to been spending more
take the high road and prove her time getting to know
reimbursement. Jen learned to help out the her new anxiety, and
Eventually, Jen took a little time off- right? One day at a time,
justice and do some heavy training with the long before Jen was
After three months of training, She-Hulk’s than ever, and already giving
strength increased so much that she had to major flirty vibes to Thor Odinson.
wear a power-dampening ensemble called What can I say? You can’t keep
Borson—the God of Fear—to take back powerful weapon. But the hammer
Thor’s hammer. What’s worse, he was also once came to Jane when she
wearing the Destroyer armor, which is a was most in need and took on the
big, gnarly suit that could crush a city. appearance of Thor herself! It
With the help of the All-Mother, allowed Jane to hide her secret
Freya (a goddess in her own right), plus identity from S.H.I.E.L.D., and it
theIn past,
the midst
Odinof this
had war, a new Jane’s
stopped battle the Earth, where she started a flirt-a-thon
began when Malekith the Accursed,
relationship with Odinson. He never leader with Sam Wilson, aka Falcon (although at
of the her
found Darkworthy.
Elves, And
waged nowa war
hereacross the
she was, the time he was filling in as Captain
realms. Loki, the God of Mischief,
Thor herself, the worthiest of all! She was, OF America). After a successful mission, feeling
could finallyplaying
fight both
back.sides as ashe
Plus, double
was the heat of the moment and knowing that
agent (he’s the flippin’ god of MISCHIEF).
punching him across the cosmos, so that she must live her life to the fullest, she
He stabbeddarn
felt pretty his fulfilling.
own adoptive(It suremother,
beats grabbed Sam and kissed him. With her body
Freya, with
cancer, anyway.) a poison blade. This Though
ailing, Jane Jane
knew would
now moreultimately havethat
than ever to
immediately stopped the fight between choose between her time as Thor
she must enjoy things while they happen. and
Thor and Odin, as Odin rushed to Freya’s allowing
Live for her
today,body to heal
because you asnever
side to heal her. The brutish Cul Borson continues to be a
what tomorrow may hold.woman strong enough
took the throne in Odin’s place. Asgard to know when to care for herself so she
would have to survive under his brutish may care for others.
rule until Odin and Freya emerged. On Mjolnir it reads, “Whosoever
Things weren’t any simpler for Jane in holds this hammer, if she be
her human form! Her transformations worthy, shall possess the
between human and goddess Thor power of Thor.” Jane was chosen
interrupted her chemotherapy treatments, because she is worthy. You may not have a
and S.H.I.E.L.D. began hounding her as hammer that says it, but you are worthy, too.
a potentially super-powered person and
alter ego to Thor. Luckily her new friend,
S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Roz Solomon,
science squad
G.I.R.L. Vivian
Scientific “Viv”
This badass lab Synthezoid
Pym Labs, where Nadia works in her father computer! She comes complete with
pressure systems. You might even say Iso famed strength. Dr. Calvin has created the
Bloodst Maria
one Marconi
Monster Hunter Physics,
betweenup both heroically
an with the
Avengerof Hell’s
and Kitchen,
an Agent of
Daredevil . TheS.H.I.E.L.D.,
two moved
to San Francisco
splitting togetherbut
with Hawkeye to
remaining his
friend.crime, eat Rice-A-Roni, and
some of Jessica’s
Fact: Jessica’s
powers and even
her control and channel her Hydra agents were actually bodysnatching
powersFor a while
as well as glideJessica
on theremained
air aliens called Skrulls, who replaced Jessica
depowered, and
with her special webbed wings. with their queen in order to start a secret
other Spider-Women
New filled
Do in for her while invasion of Earth. Tony Stark found Jessica
Jessica is a natural blonde, but went
along with other kidnapped and replaced
brunette to hide her secret identity. So, as
Web helped Jessica regain her powers.
heroes, but Jessica was not okay. So much of
the age-old question goes . . . do blondes her life had been taken from her. So much
have more fun? Clearly, the answer is was out of her control. To reclaim power
dependent on your desire to hide your over her life, she worked with
identity and your roots. S.W.O.R.D. (the Sentient World
When Hydra approached Jessica to Observation and Response Department),
become a double agent to infiltrate hunting down the dang invading Skrulls and
S.H.I.E.L.D., Jessica took this informa- making sure what happened to her would
never happen to others.
Gerry with a special alien crib called a
than a love interest for Peter Parker, aka words Mary Jane ever said to Peter
Spider-Man, but I’m here to tell you that’s Parker, and they truly encapsulate the
only half the story. Don’t confuse how essence of this self-assured and dynamic
people might feel about Mary Jane with who dame. When Mary Jane was a girl, her
Mary Jane really is. Mary Jane parents had split, so she enjoyed staying
watson is defined by her confidence and with her Aunt Anna in Forest Hills, Queens,
self-respect. She has always known her next door to Aunt May, Peter’s aunt. Her
worth and has never sacrificed her ambition turbulent home life had resulted in frequent
for any relationship. moves, which left Mary Jane with a rare
Taking on careers as a model, actress, perspective on the impermanence of life
nightclub owner, and businesswoman, she and a need to seem okay to the outside
has shown that she knows how to hustle world. Instead of drawing inward, Mary Jane
and be her own breadwinner. Mary Jane became a sassy, hilarious, flirty young
won’t be waiting by the phone for any fella. woman who was always the life of the party.
She has refused many a suitor because she Their aunts often tried to set the two up,
had her eye on the prize, valuing her career but Peter refused, wrongfully assuming
and freedom over romantic entanglements. Mary Jane would be a weirdo. When she
That being said, when Mary Jane loves finally appeared in his doorway, Peter was
someone, she is willing to make sacrifices shocked to find that Mary Jane was a
as a devoted friend and partner. Mary Jane popular, carefree girl who delighted in not
proves you really can have it all! belonging to anyone or anything. Too often,
Men are drawn to Mary Jane not just her detached attitude was wrongly viewed as
because of her external beauty, but because frivolous instead of life-affirming, but no
she suffers no fools and loves herself too one could deny that Mary Jane was always
much to do anything less than exactly what gregarious. Mary Jane was all about living
she wants. She isn’t playing hard to get, she for the now, because who knows where
is hard to get, because she knows her value. tomorrow might take you?
Mary Jane Watson doesn’t settle—and that Though Peter and Mary Jane dated a bit
is truly intoxicating. We could all be a bit casually in their high school years, he was
more like Mary Jane. too serious for young Mary Jane. However,
after the death of her dear friend
Gwen Stacy, with whom Peter was too heavy, so she left New York for a while
romantically involved, MJ insisted on to work on her modeling career and
helping her friend Peter through the reconnect with her family. If their love was
mourning process. meant to be, it could certainly withstand
Though MJ developed feelings for Peter, some time for them to grow up.
she wouldn’t give in to a romantic Mary Jane returned to NYC and revealed
relationship with him because she wanted to that she knew about Peter’s secret identity
focus on her future. Besides, he was still all along. Surprise! I mean it was kind of
reeling from Gwen Stacy’s death, as was she. hard for her not to know at that point, with
Mary Jane recognized that he needed a him constantly disappearing. Peter and MJ
friend because of his deep depression and fell back into their old rhythm and back into
self-inflicted isolation. This shared their old love, this time with more openness,
mourning brought them together, and from communication, and maturity. Peter
Mary Janecame and something
Peter beganmore.
to date,
As proposed again and she finally accepted,
Peterwas saidbasically
good-byea saint for not
before he ripping
left foroffa despite every eligible bachelor in New York
shortfulltriphead. In the
to Paris, an early days, he
unexpected andwasn’t
very City trying to convince her to stop the
electricabout being
kiss left thema vigilante dressed like a
forever changed. wedding.
spider, so he was ghosting her 24/7. Sure, Although their marriage was happy, Mary
Mary Jane is a free-spirited gal, but Jane’s success as a model and actress
the seeming lack of respect Peter had for intimidated Peter. However, she did not
her, coupled with his running off at the drop allow her husband’s insecurities to impede
of a hat, did not go unnoticed. Mary Jane her own ambitions. She supported herself
made it clear to him what was acceptable andMary
loved rough
behavior. She demanded Peter’s respect and day. She astransitioned
patches, Mary Jane fromdealt
with the to
he gave it in any way he could. acting. Mary
pressures of her
took and
a role
the on
the that
Peter eventually proposed to MJ. Though daytime
she could
becomeSecret a Hospital.
widow She if Peter’s
she considered it, she returned the ring. She fought for her
Spider-Man activities
role to landed
be adjusted
him toin be
had more men to date and more life to live vapidHowever,
way. and mean,
they were
and truly
a more
thrilled three-
before she’d be ready to settle down, if at all. Mary Jane woman.
dimensional announcedGet it, herMJ! pregnancy.
After her sister’s disastrous marriage right Things seemed on the way up as Peter
after high school and her parents’ own made promises to prioritize his family over
divorce, she did not want to make the same Super Hero activities and another hero
mistakes. All of this was waaaay stepped in to take his place. But tragedy
struck when she was poisoned by one of
Peter’s enemies, causing her to lose the
baby. This is an enormous and painful loss
for any excited parent. The couple
soldiered on, but the mourning was deep
and painful. Miscarriage and stillbirth often
aren’t talked about because of their
profound sadness, but Peter and Mary Jane
were there for each other through
everything. Room for acknowledgment and
mourning together was so important for
But even more trouble was ahead. Mary being the vivacious and jubilant creature
Jane and Peter Parker would finally face a she had always been. She focused on her
problem they could not handle. Peter’s Aunt career. She opened two fabulous clubs,
May lay dying and the demon Mephisto both of which were destroyed in Super
gave the couple the option to save her if Hero battles. (Can we say not her fault or
they agreed to allow the demon to go back what?!) After the closing of the second,
in time and erase their entire marriage from Tony Stark approached Mary Jane about
history. Don’t trust a demon, assisting him at Stark Industries.
y’all. Knowing that Peter wanted his aunt Though it was difficult to again be a part of
to live but could not make the tough call, the Super Hero world, working for her ex’s
Mary Jane stepped up to Mephisto and set direct competition, Mary Jane thrived. She
the terms. She agreed to Mephisto’s deal, even had a brief escapade as a hero. She
but he would also never be allowed to come donned an Iron Spider suit to save
near Peter again. History was changed and both Peter and Tony, who were caught up
Mary Jane and Peter were never married. in a losing battle. Though the costume life
Mary Jane saved the day and was arguably was not for her, she certainly remains a
emotionally stronger than Peter. hero, and she does it with style.
Now free of her past strife, Mary Jane Not all heroes have super-
went back to powers.
Guardian. Assassin.
her walls, and for the first time since she was
herself and her people. At one point,
orphaned, she had a family. But don’t get she ot I am to Rocket?
even butted Gamora
heads with stillCarol Danvers and
me wrong,
the Guardians because
they knew
Groot. Gam
for revenge against Thanos.
was on Earth and didn’t tell her. Finally, the How about ora
day came. She stood able to strike a killing
blow against the man who harmed her, the Gro Star-Lord?
man who made her kill. Her enemy. The
only father she had ever known. This was ot I am
the moment she had dreamed of for GROOT. Gamo
decades. However, something in Gamora
had changed. It was all she’d ever wanted, No. No one ra
and yet, there she was, unable to strike. She
was better than that. Better than him.
and hope.”
— Kamala Khan,
Ms. Marvel
Queen. Diplomat. Hair
alongside her husband, Black Bolt, the royal guard and is one of Medusa’s dearest
king, in the royal city of Attilan. Though the friends. Her cousins, the super calculating
Inhumans live in a patriarchy, Medusa has strategist Karnak and the fishy-faced Triton,
much more power than you might assume a round out her inner circle. Medusa and
subservient female monarch to have. Black Bolt also have a child named Ahura,
Because Black Bolt is gifted with a voice whose unstable Inhuman powers have
that can decimate a city (though much caused him to be in and out of various care
handier in a battle than a public address), facilities, creating a point of tension for all
Medusa of Attilan.
They needed to rebuild Attilan anew. And
so they did—in the middle of the Hudson
River. Being stuck in an unsanctioned city in
the middle of a river wasn’t ideal, but at least
there was a good view of Manhattan, New
Jersey, and the Statue of Liberty.
The last of the Terrigen Mists
spread over New York City and New Jersey.
Many humans were killed by the intense
vapors, while others cocooned and began
their InhumanMedusa had seemingly
transformation, lost that
unaware her
they carriedanddormant
her people weregenes
Inhuman reeling, she
at all.
knew she must continue to serve the
Inhumans no matter the cost. Would-be
Oh, and I couldn’t possibly forget the usurpers like her brother-in-law Maximus
royal family’s pet! Lockjaw, the two- the Mad think that being a ruler permits
thousand-pound teleporting canine. them to lord over and command others for
Because of King Black Bolt’s profound their personal gain. That is, in fact, being a
need for Medusa to communicate with dictator. A true leader must serve those she
others, and because of the nature of their leads. She is meant to teach, mentor, inspire,
nonverbal communication, the love and pave the way through her own
between the two of them is profound and goodness, in addition to providing the
intimate. Can you even imagine someone structure in which her people will thrive.
who can tell what you are thinking all the Knowing this, Medusa sought out her new
time? Secrets are few and far between when Inhuman subjects being born from the
you can read every detail of someone’s Terrigen Mists released on Earth. These
body language. However, when secrets newly transformed people needed her.
are revealed,
back Though many did not understand how or
the betrayal
and conspired
is unfathomable.
with his brother
you can why, they emerged forever changed from a
see where
the Mad tothis
is going.
up Attilan
. . . with a Terrigen chrysalis. Together with her fellow surviving
bomb. Sure, he was doing it to defeat an Inhuman royals, Medusa brought together
equally mad Titan named Thanos, and he her new people and helped to guide them in
evacuated most of his people, but the their new lives.
The Terrigen Mists did much more than
Inhuman city Attilan was destroyed, as
Funnew Inhumans.
Fact: In fact, theycity
The Inhuman probably
was their entire supply of the super-power-
Attilan come with a warning.
has existed in many Something
giving substance Terrigen. Attilan fell into
“Side effects
the may include
Himalayas to outerdeath.”
space, The
New York Harbor, and Black Bolt was
on killed a lotside
the dark of people
of theon Earthand
moon, and aleft
assumed dead. Medusa’s heart was broken
hostinjured or adversely
of places affected. Medusa
in between. Now
and her people were strewn to the wind.
hadNew Attilan to lives inmake the Hudsonthe
She could not fall apart, though, because River.
her people needed her. She became the sole
leader of the Inhumans.
difficult decision to rid the Earth of the during their time apart. They no longer were
vapors entirely, though it also meant she the people they were when they were
would not be able to create any future younger. They chose to separate as lovers,
Inhumans. The entire supply of Terrigen but remained partners. They could still love
would be eliminated. Nobody carrying an and co-parent their son, Ahura, serve
Inhuman gene would ever be able to their people, and maintain a deep and
transform into their super-powered state meaningful friendship. Love takes all kinds
again. Despite the crippling effect it would of forms, and sometimes a relationship
have on the lineage of Inhumans, Medusa matures to a place where two people can
knew she must make the decision to save love each other without being in love with
the greatest number of people. Heavy is the each other.
head that wears the crown—or the very Together with the royal family, Medusa
long hair. However you want to look at it. searched through outer space and found a
Black Bolt resurfaced, totally alive, but new source of Terrigen, a purer form called
his relationship with Medusa could never Primagen, and with it, the promise of
be the same. He had betrayed her and their future Inhumans was restored. Medusa
people, leaving her to pick up the pieces. remains queen of the Inhumans, promising
Furthermore, they’d both grown and to serve her people in any situation, no
changed matter how hairy.
Spider-Gwen. Spider-Woman. Spider-
her own father, Captain George Learning that there was another Gwen
Stacy, was leading the investigative Stacy who died in another dimension made
charge in true witch-hunt fashion. And as if it hard for Gwen not to be curious about
that weren’t enough, she was also lambasted what could have been her fate. Jessica
by the press, thanks to the diligent Drew, Earth-616’s Spider-Woman, was kind
muckraking of editor-in-creep J. Jonah enough to remind Gwen that you just can’t
Jameson. compare yourself to others, no matter how
Gwen’s BFF, Harry Osborn, left to join similar they might seem. There is only one
the army and become an Agent of you, and only you can do your life. It’s like
S.H.I.E.L.D. And her girl crew, the Mary Theodore Roosevelt said: “Comparison is
Janes, were increasingly torn apart by the thief of joy.”
Gwen’s depression and absence.
Gwen’s father landed himself in jail after
Spider- admitting his association with Spider-
SwingingGwen by the Gwen knew that her father’s only hope
for staying out of jail was to go through
Need anything? Kingpin Matt Murdock, who was also the
district attorney and didn’t mind making a
Peter Coffee, crooked deal. So in a moment of weakness,
she agreed to work for the Kingpin. It had
Thanks, seemed like the best option at the time, even
if it was making a deal with the devil. The
I’ll takekid. It downside
only was important forheGwen
was that to have to
also happened at
anything with
least one peer
be a mob bossshe
to to, even if he
a boatload of
ninjalive in another
But yadimension. So, when
bacon! assassins. know, hindsight
Miles .
Morales hopped into Earth-65
is 20/20
looking for his father, he and Gwen had an
WOW. Spider-
instant connection. Spider-powers,
tragedies, daddy issues, homework—what
. . . maybe Gwen I just didn’t they have in common? Though a long-
distance relationship didn’t make sense
between dimensions, the two promised to
coffees for
There is no manual for how to be a hero,
stay friends. Didn’t stop them from
smooching anyway. . . .
or even for how to grow up to be a decent
Now she must face the Kingpin, save her
person. Luckily, Gwen could lean on
father, and protect all of New York City.
another Spider-Woman. Well, not literally,
That’s a lot of work for one girl, but she is
because Jessica was VERY pregnant at the
up to the task. She is still learning how to be
time—but she still had plenty of good
a good Super Hero, and how to be a good
advice. When in doubt, a mentor who has
person, too. She is making mistakes along
followed a similar path or has similar
the way, but with a little help from her
interests, or, in this case, has super-powers,
friends, she’s well on her way to being the
can be an important step in anyone’s
best Gwen Stacy that she can be.
growth. Spider-Woman took Gwen on
patrol, and offered advice, which was
sometimes more about snacks than
punching bad guys (pregnancy makes you
hungry) but still helpful.
Perhaps things would’ve turned out
better if Gwen had taken more of Jessica’s
advice, because things weren’t going great.
Her old BFF, Harry Osborn, returned as a
chemical-fueled rage monster. The Mary
Janes teetered on the edge of abject
Valkyrie stood up for herself and what freedom! She rides on the wind and
she believed in, and was rewarded. She took thrives in the space between life and death.
control of her own destiny, which Valkyrie would rather bear bloodied bodies
positioned her to become a leader. This to Valhalla than be with a man who did not
rebel spirit would come to inform her work deserve her. Let. That. Sink. In. We might all
as a goddess and commander for years to value our freedom and bliss over the
come. confines of attachment as Valkyrie does.
As the leader of her fellow Love is indeed a rare gift, but to be tied
Valkyrior, Brunnhilde was charged down for the sake of it is hardly a treat.
with serving Odin, but sometimes she was Valkyrie instead finds fulfillment in her
guided by her own sense of righteousness
and compassion. In fact, Valkyrie once
defied Odin’s decree in order to save a
warrior she felt was worthier than his
sadistic opponent. Odin himself stepped in
to kill her champion (for no one could
disobey the command of Odin as king of
the gods or whatever, blah, blah,
patriarchy). Valkyrie was to be
punished for disobeying him. What was
Valkyrie’s punishment, you ask? To be sent
work and closeness in her relationships with mad by the experience. The Defenders
her fellow bad baes—the Valkyrior. Her life imprisoned her along with Amora the
is full and exhilarating. Though her Enchantress. Finally, being in the presence
punishment was rescinded, it would not be of another woman, Amora knew how to
the last time Valkyrie caused troubles for the break free! She called Valkyrie into Barbara’s
king of the gods or that her freedom was body. Valkyrie freed Amora, but realized she
put in peril. would be better suited to serve the
The Bifrost, also known as the Rainbow Defenders as a hero rather than serving the
Bridge, is the only permanent portal to untrustworthy goddess. Valkyrie became a
Midgard from Asgard. After the events of Defender, and they helped Valkyrie free
Ragnarok, the Bifrost was destroyed, herself from Amora’s imprisonment and
shattering any connection between the two inhabitMistyher own Asgardian body once and
realms. Without the passageway, Valkyrie for all.Knight
Hey, hon, what are
became tired of the heavens. Gods don’t you up to? Valkyrie
really die all that often, so it was pretty I stand in battle
boring. She was enticed by the beguiling against
goddess Amora the Enchantress with the Misty the dark elves.
promise of adventure outside Valhalla’s Knight at you later
I’ll Val-hollah
walls. How could our wild Valkyrie refuse? then. ;) Valkyrie
We must choose our friends carefully, Are you to die in
especially those who lure us with tempting
Misty battle?
promises. Promises that seem to be too
be true. Valkyrie
usedsoon saw that
Valkyrie as her . .Knight
. I hope
strength was being misused
weapon against the heroes of Midgard, for the not. Valkyrie
Enchantress’s own deceitful gain.
taking revenge on men who spurned her. Valkyrie ’Tis my
stood up to
She forced the bewitching
Valkyrie to possess goddess,
the bodiesbut
of Misty regret.
humans on Midgard and wreak Valkyrie’s
was unwilling to surrender havoc in I’mKnight
glad we’re friends,
their place.muscle.
UnderInstead the Enchantress
the control of the
but can
imprisoned Valkyrie’s
Enchantress, Valkyriesoul
tookher blade.
over the
you stop hoping for
body of a well-to-do socialite and women’s Valkyrie is now able to finally live the free
equality activist, Samantha Parrington.
me to die?
and fabulous life she always dreamed of. She
Valkyrie used Samantha’s passion for equal has fought alongside the Defenders,
rights and public visibility as a socialite as a the Secret Avengers, and was even
way to lash out at men under the villainous recruited by a group of interdimensional
trance of the Enchantress. Though Valkyrie EXILES to protect the multiverse from the
was a powerful woman, she did not wish to reality-devouring Time-Eater. Calling on her
spurn men for the sake of it. That was the signature zeal for life, war, and horses, she
misguided desire of the Enchantress slashes her way through the many
coursing through poor Valkyrie’s dimensions with Blink, Iron Lad, Khan, and
musclebound body. Later, a cultist named the adorable Wolvie in the hopes of making
Barbara Norriss saw the errors of her ways all the realms of the heavens and Midgard a
and sacrificed herself to save Doctor better place for all people.
Strange and the Hulk. THE DEFENDERS
later rescued Barbara from the dimension
Monica Rambeau
Powerhouse. Electric personality.
she cannot be the one to strike first. She not old one for you, right
Lang @Antman
turned around someone else’s life! She was for your squirrel friend
able to reach out to him, and make a new @unbeatablesg
Squirrel Girl! Sure!!Stark
any more armor! ENORMOUS!!!
@starkmantony Hear
Tony Stark @unbeatablesg Ugh,
everyone. NO! NO
@starkmantony Does that
@unbeatablesg No GIANT
suit for
Tony Stark Squirrel Girl!
Tippy-Toe Hello?
the silence as a
resounding YES!
Empath. Celestial Madonna. Plant
also raised for this potential, and she was be the messiah of their people. For many
flawless in many ways. However, Mantis was years, Mantis traveled the universe,
ultimately chosen, not just because of her occasionally meeting up with the Avengers.
gifts, but because of her flaws and her true She even briefly dabbled in a romance with
understanding of the human experience. Vision, when they were both single. (See, if
Her loss of love for Swordsman, her desire it’s meant to be, it will be.)
for someone else, her mistakes, her joy, her Mantis was eventually locked away in a
bravery, her jealousy, her gifts, her faults all Kree prison until the galaxy’s most famous
made her perfect for the role. pain-in-the-butt hero, Star-Lord,
Vulnerability, emotion, and poor recruited her to fight some baddies at his
judgment may be seen as faults, but they are side with his band of merry aliens, the
what make us truly human. No one is Guardians of the Galaxy. She even used her
perfect. As a smart guy once said, “To err is empathic powers to help Star-Lord
human.” While no one wants to be a human convince some other heroes to join his
mistake factory, these blunders and their team.
forgiveness are what bring people together. Now Mantis travels the universe helping
A person is perfect because those in need and listening to their feelings.
they are imperfect. Humanity is a Though she has great physical power, she
paradox—get used to it. knows the greater power is one’s mind. All
As the Celestial Madonna, Mantis was life-forms need understanding and empathy,
d it i th i t thi t i
Inhuman Hero. Shape-Shifter.
Geek Girl.
did sort of marry the Son of Satan for a ranks. Hoping to scare her out of the idea,
while. Hey, we all make some dating the Avengers took her on a mission to the
mistakes. Brand Corporation, where her ex-husband,
But some of the best things about Patsy Buzz, now worked. The mission quickly
are her sense of duty, her capacity for turned upside down and revealed that her
forgiveness, and her intelligence. She has ex had become a cruel criminal. With
used her skills as a Super Hero not just to Patsy’s knowledge of her ex and
punch, but to reform criminals and help resourcefulness, the team was able to finally
super-powered people find legitimate career take down the Brand Corporation. They
options so they don’t have to turn to crime. even found a costume for Patsy that had
By helping people before they have to turn to once belonged to a hero named the Cat.
illicit means, Patsy is stopping the need for The yellow catsuit gave the wearer super-
ill-gotten gains before it starts. Now that is a strength, durability, and retractable metallic
smart way to fight crime! claws on her gloves and boots that are
PATRICIA WALKER is a child-star-
capable of slicing through most materials
turned-Super Hero. “Patsy” grew up a and enhance her climbing abilities. The
classic California girl: She was a teen model team was reluctant to have her join their
and commercial actor who spent her days ranks, but she immediately put on the
surfing, studying, dancing, romancing her costume and proclaimed herself . . .
beau Buzz Baxter, and battling her ultimate HELLCAT!
their next gadget. Growing and getting crime—levitating money from an armored
better is a lifelong process. There really isn’t car. Patsy intervened and knew immediately
a finish line. If you work hard, you can that Ian wasn’t really a bad guy—he was
achieve anything. just really broke and very desperate. This
When Patsy returned to Earth, she was turned on a big lightbulb for Patsy. Why
buff and ready to party. She joined THE not start a SUPER-HUMAN TEMP
DEFENDERS and started flirting with the AGENCY to help super-powered people
Son of Satan, Daimon Hellstrom. You’d like Ian find jobs?! Not all super-powered
think the whole “Son of Satan” thing would people want to be Super Heroes, but they
be a major red flag, but sometimes it’s easy do have skills that are ideal for certain jobs.
to ignore obvious signs—like being an In turn, when Ian needed a roommate,
actual demon. Especially when that demon Patsy moved in! Win-win!
is a total hottie. When Daimon’s evil was In a bizarre twist of fate, Patsy’s old
officially removed from his soul, the two FRENEMY, Hedy, inherited the Patsy
d id d t H h B k b k
time, so she couldn’t exactly execute the when she signed it. Patsy re-inherited the
will). Hedy was using the old comics not comic-book rights, which finally gave her
just to make money off Patsy’s likeness, but enough money to keep that super-human
also to torment her! UGH! Finally, with the temp agency open! Patsy spends her time
help of her bestie/attorney, She-Hulk, and helping super-people get jobs instead of
her newfound friends, Patsy was able to falling into a life of crime, and, of course,
prove that the contract was nonbinding, as kicking some evil villain butt on the side.
her mother was under heavy sedation She’s one hell of a COOL CAT.
Legal counsel
A smash at Roommate
parties Sassmaster
childhood pal
Mean girl
Evil Exes:
Buzz Baxter, aka Mad Dog
animal companions
come true by saying it. Well, Nico can! former life, Gertrude Yorkes changed her
Using her STAFF OF ONE, she can bring name to Arsenic and dubbed her new pet
most any request to life—but there is a cost. dinosaur Old Lace. But having A PET
She must be bleeding to summon the staff DINOSAUR THAT CAN READ HER
(which is a lot easier when you have your MIND is hardly the most interesting thing
period). Her magic also requires creativity. about her. She’s too smart for her own
She can never use the same wording for a good, and she’ll let anyone know when
spell twice, or she might elicit disastrous they are wrong. She stands up for civil
results, like accidentally teleporting into a rights, doesn’t tolerate MANSPLAINING,
far-off desert instead of “fumigating” a and is the first to jump to action when
villain made of bees named Swarm. things get tough. Her passion, intelligence,
As with her magic, she also struggled and kindness draw people to her as a
with saying how she felt. With so much natural leader. It’s easy to want to be Gert,
dark magic and feelings swirling inside of because she says what’s on her mind. Oh,
herself, she wasn’t always great at allowing and you know who fell in love with her?
others in. For many years, Nico felt The jockiest boy in school and in the
something for Karolina, but she didn’t Runaways: Chase Stein. Gert exudes
know how to express it. Furthermore, she confidence that is irresistible. Gert doesn’t
wasn’t completely sure if her feelings were have time for “conventional beauty
steeped in friendship or romance. standards.” She has her own style, a body
Thankfully, Nico’s closeness with the other that she feels comfortable in, and a mind
Runaways over the years taught her how to that she values above her external
open up about her emotions and appearance. But real talk, sometimes Gert’s
EXPRESS HER DARKNESS AND wit and confidence get her into trouble.
LIGHT . After this time of growth, Nico While saving her boyfriend and talking
confessed her true feelings to Karolina, and smack to the cruel parent that held him
the two kissed for a second time. prisoner, she was killed. Luckily, Chase
Nico has learned to channel her dark eventually found a way to time travel to
Alias: Lucy in the Sky Alias: Princess
people like to pin assumptions on. Her heck doesn’t mean they can’t be a
parents are both TV actors, she is painfully powerhouse. Molly Hayes might be pint-
pretty, she happily eats a vegan diet, and sized, but she’s the most physically strong
worst of all, she’s nice. Other kids sometimes and durable of the group. Her powers first
see too much “perfection” as a bad thing. manifested when all of this parental drama
They might even use it as an excuse to write caused an emotional response that sent
someone off, because frankly, it’s the easiest Molly into OVERDRIVE. When she lost
way to deal with jealousy. But when you take her cool, her powers surfaced, giving her
a deeper look, Karolina is far from the glowing eyes and an uncanny ability to
perfect kid everyone seems to think she is. exude strength well beyond her weight
Karolina has lived her whole life having to class.
hold her true self back. When on the run Like many growing kids, Molly needs
from her parents, she discovered her truth. massive amounts of sleep and food to
She had always worn a medical alert recover from her exertion. Her abilities just
bracelet, but at the other kids’ urging, she amplify those needs, which is the downside
removed it. Her body filled with of her particular power. But don’t
SPARKLING RAINBOW ENERGY. She underestimate her—Molly is insanely tough.
could fly. She could fight. She could shoot However, Molly’s blind trust can put her
solar blasts. Karolina was an alien called a and the team in peril! From accepting a
MAJESDANIAN all along. Furthermore, magic immortality cupcake from her school
Karolina had been knowingly hiding friend to being super okay with her
something else. All the scrutiny from others grandma’s creepy mind-reading watch-cats,
made it hard for her to feel that she could Molly sometimes gives people a little too
be open about her sexuality. After finally much credit. She’s still a kid, and learning
revealing her developing feelings for Nico, whom to trust can take time and experience.
the girls kissed. Though Nico did not return Although she may not enjoy feeling like
her feelings at the time, Karolina was the baby of the group, the team has a
unburdened. Everyone in the group responsibility to care for her. In turn, she
dora milaje
Royal Guard. Wakandan Warriors.
Adored Ones.
abusing women in his village. Aneka was ideal material for creating
weapons and advanced
arrested for assassinating the chieftan, but
technologies. Due to the metal’s
her lover and fellow Dora Milaje, Ayo, was
scarcity and its high monetary
unwilling to watch her beloved sentenced
worth, it’s made Wakanda a target
to death. Ayo stole a prototype flying suit Two of Black
of outside foes and, Panther’s closest
on occasion,
belonging to Wakanda’s special Dora Milaje
internalguard were NAKIA and OKOYE,
ops, the MIDNIGHT ANGELS, Wakanda’s who traveled the world at his side.
most lethal and skilled warriors. Ayo risked Both
her entire life as a Dora Milaje and her women risked their lives to protect their
personal safety to rescue Aneka. Now free, king, but
the defected Dora Milaje became vigilantes. Nakia’s feelings for T’Challa clouded
They set their sights on protecting her abilities.
Though T’Challa did not view these warrior
women as prospective partners, he couldn’t
deny that he shared Nakia’s feelings. When
Nakia could no longer ignore her feelings
for T’Challa, she was removed from the
Dora Milaje. She could no longer be a part
of the royal guard. Okoye continued on as
T’Challa’s close friend and confidante.
Ce’Athauna Asira Davin (also known as
Chanté Giovanni Brown or as Queen
Divine Justice when acting
as a vigilante) was the princess of the White
Gorilla–worshipping JABARI tribe. After AMAZING ACCESSORIES
her parents were killed in a tribal dispute,
she was raised in Chicago by a Wakandan All Wakandan citizens, including
agent posing as her grandmother. When an the Dora Milaje, are outfitted with
opening became available in the Dora Milaje Kimoyo Beads. These innocuous-
for the Jabari tribe, she was called back to seeming bracelets store an untold
Wakanda to serve her country. amount of power and information,
Many intrepid women have served the serving as smartphones, geo
Wakandan royal family, and there wouldn’t trackers, full medical histories, and
even be a royal family without their
almost anything else you can
protection. Their inspirational teamwork,
commitment to their kingdom and
communities, and incredible work ethic
make these women one of the most
formidable teams in the universe—without
one super-power in sight. WAKANDA
daughters of the
Misty Knight. Colleen Wing.
Not Actually related to Dragons. Or
Each Other.
States to live with her father, Columbia
TManyHESE BABES are ride or die.
Super Heroes are brought professor Lee Wing, when she met Misty.
together by a mutual enemy or purpose, but These two ladies were pretty awesome on
these daring divas teamed up because of their own, but they’d end up being EVEN
friendship. Through peril, near-death BETTER TOGETHER.
experiences, and even revenge, these women Misty and Colleen met under less-than-
have stood together through it all. Their ideal circumstances. In the midst of a West
friendship is boundless and is total Side Manhattan shootout, Misty rescued the
#GOALS. As both business partners and unsuspecting Colleen from the line of fire. It
friends, they have tracked down villains, was only natural the two bonded quickly,
found missing persons, teamed up with becoming best friends. I mean, a woman
Super Heroes, and have always had each who can save your life is a good woman to
other’s backs. Also worth noting, these BAD have around, right? Misty continued to work
MAMMAJAMMAS are masterful martial alongside her NYPD partner, Rafael Scarfe,
artists. You need someone to punch their and Colleen continued her training in the
way through a fight, ’70s kung fu–style? martial arts with her new friend Iron Fist
Look no further. From Afros to women’s (the name sounds pretty tough, but he’s
rights, these chicks are keeping the 1970s actually pretty easygoing for a near-
lifestyle alive and well. immortal martial-artist type).
While patrolling with the NYPD, Misty
raised in New York City. She was at the top Knight tried to disarm a bomb that would
of her police academy’s class, and a star instead literally dis-arm her. (Too soon?)
officer in the NYPD’s 12th Precinct, where Dejected and feeling directionless following
she worked as a detective. the loss of her right arm, Misty decided to
COLLEEN WING’S mother died as a
leave the NYPD. She felt being a civilian
member of the Nail, a women-only strike would be easier than resigning herself to
force within an order of evil samurais called life as a desk jockey. Misty was deeply
the Hand. Colleen was sent to be raised by depressed. But when life hands you lemons,
her grandfather in Japan, where he was a and those lemons take your right hand,
member of the secret service. He taught her your friend teaches you to make sweet,
the ways of the samurai, passing down his sweet lemonade with your left hand!
thousand-year-old sword, called a katana. Colleen used her martial arts training to
Colleen had recently returned to the United help Misty
recover her agility, improve her left-hand headed to Asia to track down his killer, drug
coordination, and most importantly, work lord Emil Vachon. Together they navigated
through her depression. Martial arts teach the Hong Kong underworld. Though they
great mental quietude, patience, and were forced into a number of scary
fortitude using meditation. This helped situations and through a plethora of slug-
Misty to regain her confidence, not just fests, the ladies eventually brought the killer
with her new dominant hand, but in to justice—together.
herself. With Colleen’s help, Misty found Like all truly great unions, the whole is
new fighting skills and coordination that greater than the sum of its parts. Without
made her better than ever before. their shared strength, resourcefulness, and
Tony Stark took an interest in Misty love for each other, Misty and Colleen
Knight’s hero tale and gifted her a BIONIC would not have been able to accomplish
ARM. Misty, now ambidextrous and their great feats. The keys to a successful
sporting an even more powerful right arm, working partnership are trust, respect, and
became doubly lethal. She would soon be appreciation. Each is confident that their
able to use her new strength to return partner is skilled and has the group’s best
Colleen’s favor and friendship. Colleen’s interest
grandfather was murdered in Hong Kong
with no one captured for the crime.
Luckily, her bestie was formerly the best
detective in the 12th Precinct! The two
What if we
Knightwing to
something Colleen
snappier? Wing
We’ve already
at heart. They respect their partner’s needs,
boundaries, and process for getting things
done. And finally, they both appreciate the Heroes for Hire
Misty. . .
covert Super Heroes that have ever existed! YOYO RODRIGUEZ was recruited
Inspo: Be like Sharon Carter—follow your from San Juan, Puerto Rico, as part of Nick
childhood dreams! Fury’s SECRET WARRIORS initiative
under the direction of leader Daisy Johnson,
aka Quake. She is the daughter of a Super
Villain named the Griffin, but was happy to
be recruited by a more heroic organization.
MARIA HILL is resilient, and for good Her superhuman ability to run in any
reason. She survived a traumatic family life direction and then snap back to her original
with an abusive father. She escaped by place earned her the code name
joining the Marine Corps, which was hardly “SLINGSHOT.” Together with the Secret
an escape at all. When Maria made her way Warriors, Yoyo was instrumental in shutting
to S.H.I.E.L.D., she quickly ascended the down the Skrull and Hydra infiltrations of
ranks to become a top agent. Her S.H.I.E.L.D. Nothing gets past someone
willingness to follow even the toughest this fast.
Inspo: Be like Yoyo Rodriguez—go your own
way (and as fast as you like)!
MELINDA MAY is one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s
whole world.
— Lunella
Moon Girl
Inventor. accidental queen.
iron will.
discover something new every day and make the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN
it better. And trust me, something can WOMAN to go into space, in 1992. Riri
always be better. Take it from me, a woman wasn’t often challenged by her education,
writing a book. but she begged one of her teachers to create
As a small child, Riri was highly more challenges to help her be more like
intelligent. Even at a very young age, she Jemison. That way she, too, would have
became fascinated with building something to fight for and against. Her
teacher finally acquiesced and halfheartedly
told her she’d never be as good as Tony Riri trained at Stark’s facility, playing war
Stark at building tech. From that day games with his other armor suits and
forward, Riri set out to beat Tony Stark at learning the finer points of being a hero.
his own game. Things were going pretty great—until Tony
At Natalie’s urging, Riri and her parents was injured during a SUPER HERO CIVIL
attended what was supposed to be a jovial WAR. Seeing a definite need for someone
church picnic in a Chicago park. to take up the mantle, Riri decided to take
Unfortunately, instead of summer fun, shots over for Iron Man as her alter ego,
rang out. Riri’s stepfather and Natalie were Ironheart. Though Tony was no longer
hit by a drive-by shooter in a random act of around to guide her, he was kind enough to
violence. Neither survived the attack. Riri’s leave behind an A.I. system built from his
mother was devastated to lose another own personality and memories. In hologram
husband to gun violence. Riri lost not only form, A.I. Tony Stark continued to assist
her second father, but the only true friend Riri with her day-to-day problems and
she’d ever had. She dealt with her pain by helped her to pilot her new Ironheart
throwing herself into her work like never armor.
before. She Riri
At MIT, shuthadoutall the
of and kept
resources Having mentors is important for young
and busy.
tools Very
that hadbusy.
never Riribeen
graduated from
available to people (and honestly, not-so-young people,
high before.
her school early
Usingand was accepted
materials found into the
on her too). No one knows the trials and
campus, Institute
she reverse engineeredof Technology
Iron Man’s tribulations of a field more than those who
(MIT) suit
mech whenand
she created
was just herfifteen
ownyears old.
CARTER. In the aftermath of the fight, team that solves the problems that adults
Sharon recognized Riri’s can’t solve or sometimes overlook. Riri is
even on the short list for the NOBEL
Red Room Scientist. Small Size. Big
molecular levels. Though Nadia had a rough are trained to be assassins for the KGB.
start in life, it never stopped her unbridled (Black Widow fans, you’ll remember
passion for life, science, and friendship. And Natasha also had a “fun” stay at the Red
what’s even better? She is the namesake of Room!)
the original Wasp, JANET VAN DYNE, Fortunately, Nadia excelled at science like
who was a founding member of the her parents. Recognizing her true calling,
Avengers and the first woman to become her instructors assigned her to the Red
the chairperson of the team! Nadia is Room’s “Science Class,” which allowed her
destined for greatness and has the exuberant to focus completely on her scientific
energy and winning smile to prove it! endeavors. Most girls held at the Red Room
Nadia is the daughter of Hank Pym (aka are never told who their real parents are, but
the original ANT-MAN and the creator of Nadia was clued in on her parents’ research
the shrinking PYM’S PARTICLES) who in hopes of stoking her desire to learn. And
was married before he met the original boy, did it work. She became obsessed with
Wasp, Janet Van Dyne. Nadia’s mother was her father’s studies and, with hard work, she
Maria Trovaya, the daughter of a Hungarian was able to duplicate Pym’s Particles by
geneticist. Science is in her blood! Her using scraps of black-market research. At
parents were happy—until a bunch of the Red Room, she studied alongside other
mysterious foreign criminals kidnapped her gifted girls, like her friend Ying. However, if
mother. Unbeknownst to anyone, Maria was the girls formed too strong a bond, they
pregnant with a daughter. Despite her dire would be separated and one of them would
circumstances, she named the girl Nadia, be replaced by another girl. Despite trying
which means “hope.” Maria died while to hide their friendship, Ying was removed
and sent to another class.
The Red Room was supposed to create well Janet would take the news that her late
heartless assassins and amoral scientists who husband had a secret daughter. However,
would follow any and all orders without Janet reacted surprisingly well because she
question. However, the light of Nadia’s kind desperately needed Nadia’s help. Upon their
heart could not be extinguished. Nadia first meeting, Janet rushed Nadia onto a
would never give up on escaping and being helicopter headed for the White House to
reunited with her family and dearest friend. defuse a microverse bomb. A Super Hero’s
Using Pym’s Particles to shrink herself, work is never done.
she was able to escape the Red Room and The mission was a success and a new
make her way to America. There, she snuck friendship was born! To celebrate, Janet
into Pym’s old New Jersey home, only to treated Nadia to a day of shopping, eating,
learn that he had recently passed away. and learning about her father. It was a
Though Nadia had longed for family her dream! Upon their return, the Russian
whole life, she picked herself up and made a consul general and his men were waiting to
new goal. Using old materials found in take Nadia away. However, something about
Pym’s home, Nadia decided to continue his these guys seemed off. The men were
work, and created a Wasp costume of her members of the covert Russian team
own. She toiled to refine her skills and W.H.I.S.P.E.R.,
Janet and Jarvis anddecided
they planned to return
they would take
presented herself to the Avengers as THE NadiaoftoNadia,
care the Red Room.
which The out
turned Wasps tooka
to be
full-time job.guys, but this
Nadia’s much was
outgoing clear—
It took some convincing, but the Avengers if Nadia
had her stayed in thenew
attracting US, she wouldwherever
friends need to
finally believed Nadia was the daughter of sort out
she herThough
went. citizenship as soon
Nadia’s lifeashad
Hank Pym, especially when she helped them with a great deal of trauma, she never
correct a malfunction inside sentient robot allowed that trauma to define her. She
Vision. Tony Stark’s butler, Jarvis, took chose to let go of her past and live with
Nadia to meetG.I.R.L.
Janet Van Dyne, who was, for hope and gratitude. Nadia embraced her
all intents andRecruits
purposes, her stepmother, her new world with zeal. From donuts to car
only surviving relative, and a fellow Wasp. As rides, there was nothing that Nadia would
you can imagine, Jarvis was not sure how take for granted now that she was free
from the Red Room. A second chance is
• Nadia’s bestie
bomb and the Red Room with it! So, of Unstoppable Wasp would go on to build her
mentors & matriarchs
Wise Friend,
Magical Mentor
This witch has
Even a been a Super
powerhouse Hero
like Captain governess and
Marvel needs magic teacher
someone to for centuries!
look up to and
Under her tutelage, the Scarlet Witch
lean on! Not
blossomed into one of the most powerful
all BFFs have to be the same age, either.
beings in the multiverse. Even after death,
Tracy Burke has been a longtime friend to
Agatha, in astral form, continued training
Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, since
the Scarlet Witch. Just because she’s dead
their early days sharing an office at Woman
doesn’t mean she’ll call in sick. Her
magazine. Tracy doesn’t take any guff, even
adeptness, stern foresight, and empathetic
from Carol. She’s stern, but fair, and she’s
heart have made her Madame
Spider-Man’s Aunt
All hail the
May Parker is
one of the
most Mother! Shuri
and T’Challa
learned it all
ladies in the
Ramonda. After the death of T’Challa’s
mother, N’Yami, at his birth, Ramonda
Hands down. And not just because she
raised the boy as her own. She also gave
adopted Peter Parker, who would become
T’Challa his sister, Shuri, who was born
Spider-Man. When her husband, Ben, died
after T’Chaka died. Ramonda brought her
at the hands of a criminal, she set out to
up to be T’Challa’s equal and friend. After
raise Peter all on her own. Keep in mind
that Peter isn’t her blood relative. Yet she the death of King T’Chaka, Queen
still put aside her life plans and raised Peter. Ramonda held the country together. She
She stood by him through all of his trials remains the figurehead of the Wakandan
and tribulations, from studies to romance to nation. Guiding both of her children as they
becoming a Super Hero. Her clear moral took over running the country, she has
guidance and heart made Peter the provided counsel, encouragement, and
sometimes even hard truths. Ramonda
upstanding Super Hero he is today. May
Freya shapes the way for Wakanda.
doesn’t just matter to Peter, but touches the
lives of those around Queenher withGoddess
her strong r
moral code, big heart, and The philanthropic
upon a big red dinosaur and Terrigen Mist! to monitor the Mists. She knew she needed
She also spends her time outside of school to guard such a precious item. However,
as her alter ego, MOON GIRL, stopping while she was holding the spherical object
criminals, saving those who need help, and during gym class, her coach snapped it up
creating all kinds of inventions in her secret and spun it, inadvertently opening a portal
underground lab. There is really nothing to a prehistoric alternate reality. A huge red
Lunella can’t do . . . except vote. T. rex named DEVIL DINOSAUR ran
Okay, so not everything about her is through, pursued by a group of monkey-
strictly average. Perhaps we should start at like men called the Killer-Folk. (Not the
the beginning. way anyone wants to get out of gym class.)
On the Lower East Side of NYC, Devil Dinosaur snapped up Lunella, and
specifically Yancy Street, LUNELLA lives the Killer-Folk followed them. Seeing that
with her parents and attends school at PS Devil Dinosaur meant no harm, Lunella
20. Lunella Lafayette was rejected from just attempted to leave him under the Brooklyn
about every gifted school there was, forcing Bridge, but the Killer-Folk caught up to
her to continue attending PS 20, where she them. Though Devil Dinosaur helped her
was . . . (how do I put this gently?) not so escape, the Killer-Folk got away and the
popular. Her classmates Zoe, Omni-Wave Projector was
lost. This was especially distressing, could swap minds with Devil Dinosaur
knowing those darn mists were out there— anytime she got emotional or angry, or felt
not to mention what those primitive under duress—particularly if it was a full
primates might do with such a powerful moon. This turned into quite a problem as
weapon. Lunella couldn’t very well ditch the Lunella attempted to fight crime or deal
big red reptile now. with high-pressure situations.
Lunella and Devil Dinosaur were fast Marvin Ellis (under the alias Kid Kree)
friends, but she couldn’t exactly just hang continued to try to capture Lunella by night,
with him in public. She kept him hidden in when her escapades as Moon Girl left her in
her SECRET LAB under PS 20. It didn’t the open. He discovered Lunella’s secret lab
take them long to discover that they had a and followed her inside. He pounced, ready
knack for helping people, as Lunella had the to strike, but he couldn’t follow through.
brains and Devil Dinosaur had the brawn. It Instead he confessed he was totally in love
seemed that things were looking up for with her. While being rather happy not to
Lunella at last! But then Brawn (or Amadeus have to battle him, Lunella could not be
Cho if we’re going by real names) appeared, bothered with love. She was nine, for crying
insisted a dinosaur was too big a out loud! A few days later Mel-Varr’s
responsibility for a nine-year-old, and took parents came to find him and bring him
him into Avengers custody. So home. It was a relief, even if the hubbub did
condescending, Brawn! Lunella couldn’t make Lunella lose a competition for which
accept defeat so easily and went to save her she built a FULLY FUNCTIONAL
friend. Even a fancy high-security cell was This was only the
CYBERNETIC beginning for Lunella.
no match for Lunella’s wits! Lunella and Throughout her
nothing but LEGOs. short life, people had
Devil Dinosaur were making a break for it rejected
Lunellahertookfrom gifted programs,
an intelligence aptitude and
when they ran into the Killer-Folk. Though being endlessly bored in
designed by Bruce Banner, whichclass haddeclared
they of that the worrying
hairy menwasand forrecovered
nothing! her to
be trouble. Finally,
the smartest Lunella
person knew the
on Earth!
the Omni-Wave Projector, Lunella kill
people say, “What doesn’t us
didn’t reason! It’s easy for people to be
makes us stronger,” but in this
notice the Terrigen Mists rolling in. case, what overlooked, but Lunella had finally been
didn’t kill Lunella
body was madeencased
in an egg-like! But acknowledged for what she truly was—
that wasn’t
all she
do. . . . took back to extraordinary!
safety of far heraway
lab inuntil
space,shea Kree
boy As Lunella grew into the idea of being the
When Mel-Varr
named Lunella hopedemerged,to prove
muchhimself to herto smartest person around, she got to know
his father she
by capturing
be exactly Lunella
the cool teenage Super Heroes like Ms. Marvel
same. She
seemed likedidn’t
the perfect
seem different
trophy. at Disguised
all! as and Ironheart, who showed her the ropes.
a human named Marvin Ellis, he tried to Even geniuses don’t know everything!
befriend Lunella at school. However, they Lunella has lots of work ahead of her. She
got into a classroom argument during a even fashioned some Moonbots to take over
group project. At that moment, Lunella’s for her at home and school so she could
full powers made themselves known. She really delve into #HEROLIFE.
appeared to go wild. Say what?! HER BRAIN So obviously, when Moon Girl finally
HAD ACTUALLY SWAPPED BODIES actually traveled around (and even visited
with Devil Dinosaur! It turns out Lunella the ACTUAL MOON), she had a whole
wasn’t just super smart, she also new perspective on life. After seeing so
many different worlds, Lunella realized she
d d D il Di hi
dimension, just as she belonged in hers, no
matter how close they were. Devil Dinosaur
tried to protest and stay with her. Though it
tore at her heart, she knew he needed to go.
Lunella said good-bye and left him in his
home dimension. That’s the hard thing about
being smart—sometimes the most intelligent
thing to do hurts. Especially when the other
person (or in this case dinosaur) can’t see
that it’s the right thing to do.
However, back in New York, Lunella still
craved a partnership in butt-kicking. Solo
Super Herodom just wasn’t for her. Putting she was able to retrieve Devil Dinosaur and
her genius mind to the test, she found that save the Earth from being devoured!
the Fantastic Four were a perfect fit! After After some time, Lunella realized that all
all, they were down to two members (the she was looking for in a teammate was
ever-lovin’ orange rock-covered Thing and indeed Devil Dinosaur, and what the
the cool but fiery Human Torch), and they Fantastic Four really needed was the return
really needed a genius after losing Mister of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible
Fantastic! The Fantastic Three took to Woman. Lunella and Devil Dinosaur said
protecting New York from interplanetary their good-byes and headed off into the
menaces. However, when the chips were sunset to continue to fight crimes, save the
down, Lunella knew their team needed a universe, and protect her fellow kids of New
fantastic fourth—not just to reinstate their York.
catchy name, but to help them beat an
enormous incoming intergalactic threat.
With a little help from her handy robotic
Boss biochemist. Adventurer.
and Hawkeye. Hawkeye said he did not and the butt-kicking was about to get a
agree that a hero should let anyone die, whole lot better. She was forever changed
even a villain. But Mockingbird was too when she was shot by agents of an
traumatized to help the man who had opposing agency called H.A.M.M.E.R. and
brainwashed her. Phantom Rider had was treated with the Super-Soldier Serum
forced her to be his romantic partner INFINITY FORMULA by Nick Fury. The
against her will. Furthermore, Bobbi always Infinity Formula notably gave Nick Fury
believed that it wasn’t the villain’s death but his forever-young appearance and
her perceived infidelity that was the true superhuman strength. Given the choice
cause of Hawkeye’s anger. The lovebirds between death and life, there wasn’t much
divorced once and for all. of a decision to make. The formula was
Despite the couple’s split, Hawkeye and administered, and Bobbi woke up good as
Mockingbird would work together for years newBobbi
with took
someher newfound
additional powers back
power-ups. She
to come. Birds of a feather flock together— to S.H.I.E.L.D., where she
had increased her physical prowess, metagility,
even sometimes after they get divorced. somewhat-not-good-for-long-term-dating-
durability, and ability to heal. S.H.I.E.L.D.,
They still shared a great love and respect for but-still-totally-dreamy-and-cute-British-
however, didn’t really know the side effects
each other. accent-having-fellow-agent
of the formula, so lots of Lance Hunter.
checkups were
required, but that’s the price you paystand
relationships aren’t meant to for
the test of time, especially when both
people are spies with secret missions and
agendas. On the upside, Lance was still
totally down to take on zombies or
opposing super-baddies when the chips
were down—whether he and Bobbi were
dating or not.
Bobbi continues to kick butts and science
up by working with various Super Heroes,
like Spider-Man and the Unstoppable Wasp,
and with biochem research companies. In
fact, she is the mentor of Genius In action
Research Lab (G.I.R.L.), making way for
more young women who, like Bobbi, want
to change the world with science and
After all, every G.I.R.L. could use a good
Genius scientist. Black Panther. Warrior
of the most important women in the long to be the Black Panther, she too wished to
history of the African nation of Wakanda. enter the arena and compete for the mantle
As the daughter of King T’Chaka and in ritualistic combat. The siblings had all the
Queen Ramonda, she was raised with all same training and experience preparing to
the charms and education befitting a rule as both warriors and monarchs, but she
princess, as well as all the physical prowess was urged toward roles that were more
befitting A FUTURE BLACK PANTHER. traditionally expected for a woman in the
Black Panthers, of course, being each royal family. That’s patriarchy for you. She
generation’s chosen protectors and rulers accepted T’Challa’s ascent to the throne—
of Wakanda who are given special powers though it pained her. Fear not, though,
by the Panther God herself. Possessing a Shuri would soon enough find the action for
formidable mind and a warrior’s body, which she so yearned.
Shuri has grown up to serve WAKANDA Under her brother’s rule, Shuri used her
as a scientist, queen, Black Panther, and scientific studies to save Wakanda from
now as the AJA-ADANNA (a guide to Vibraniam contamination caused by Super
Wakanda’s spiritual past and keeper of Villains that was missed by Wakanda’s own
Wakandan lore). chief science officer. Her impressive
But before I give it all away, the most education led to her advancement not only
important thing to know about Shuri is that in government but as headmistress of the
she is capable and adaptable, which both go Wakanda School for Alternative Studies,
a long way. When Shuri sees a task that must where she directed the most intelligent
be done, she dives in and commits hard to youths on the planet. So maybe she wasn’t
becoming the very best she can be. Any task the queen, but her position was a huge
worth doing is worth doing well, whether honor and responsibility, especially in a
it’s scientific research, leading a country, or nation built on advanced technologies
created from its legendary store of the
becoming one with THE ANCESTRAL
world’s most valuable metal. Shuri didn’t
just advise the king, she was masterminding
the weapons
waits for no woman. The cabal that had
nearly killed her brother had come for the
GOLDEN CITY, which needed its
protector. Shuri had no choice but to
woman up and put on the Black Panther suit
to save Wakanda. Whether she had the
powers of the Black Panther or not, Shuri
and innovations of the most technically was going to battle.
advanced country in the world as a very Can you even imagine how brave you
young woman. She also became the must be to face such a powerful cabal alone
headmistress of the Wakandan School for and without super-powers?! In the act of
Alternative Studies, directing the most humbling herself before her people and
intelligent youths on the planet. potentially sacrificing her life for the well-
Shuri finally got her chance at the crown, being of others, she proved to Bast that she
but not at all in the way she had hoped. was indeed worthy. Shuri was granted the
T’Challa was injured in combat against an powers of the Black Panther and became the
evil cabal of Super Villains—which is part true queen and protector of Wakanda. Oh,
of the job description, but not the way you and she totally kicked the cabal’s butts with
want to go out. With T’Challa left at death’s some help from the DORA MILAJE and a
door, someone had to step up to rule whole lot of faith in herself.
Wakanda. Possessing the same Shuri had learned an important lesson.
aforementioned training and royal lineage, Yes, the Black Panther must be confident
Shuri now had her opportunity to prove and mighty, but she must also be kind and
herself worthy. With the backing of the royal humble. Sacrificing herself for her people
court, Shuri made the great and dangerous proved she could be a strong leader and
journey to procure the heart-shaped herb showed maturity. She relinquished her
that gave the Black Panthers their increased former sense of entitlement and earned
endurance, strength, and agility. She faced a ThetheGreat
back trust Mound is considered
of her people. A talented
daunting mission that included fighting a leader leads by example, as
the Jewel of Wakanda the both
with the a
world’s largest Vibranium deposit.
pack of actual black panthers (as in roar!)! pragmatic mind and empathy
This meteoric metal is so valuable
conquered every
the herb sent her onchallenge with
a vision quest not just because of its scarcity as
to Let’s by
be judged takethea moment—Shuri
Black Panther god, was an alien substance, but because of
the first
BAST . Shewoman
would known
either betogiven
conquer the
the great its ability to absorb vibration with
physicallyof grueling
powers obstacleor course
her ancestors that is
be destroyed. its incredibly light and durable
Yikes! the crowd.
Tough heart-shaped herb! Thisherself
Shuri presented was a molecular structure. Weapons and
to taken
by only the strongestthat
proclaimed mensheof suits (like the Black Panther’s) are
the nationtheformantle
deserved centuries—and this young
of Black Panther for made with Vibranium, which is
her efforts IT! Okay—moving
and birthright.
CRUSHED But Bast felt on.
that completely silent, nearly
Shuri was too haughty and proud. Bast indestructible, and easy to wear or
rejected her as the Black Panther, but did carry. Who wouldn’t want to have
not demolish her. a bit of Vibranium?! (Turns out a
Shuri awoke dejected and ashamed, but a LOT of people do, and they’re not
pending war all nice.)
for those around them. It can be tempting As sitting protector, Shuri faced Proxima
to take the lead by force, but the greatest Midnight head-on. These two fierce women
leaders aren’t the ones who shout for faced off, but Shuri alone could not stop
control—they’re the ones who inspire her. Fear not, faithful reader! She did not
confidence and strength in those who look die, but was trapped in a state of living death
to them. (kind of like being imprisoned in her own
As T’Challa convalesced and Wakanda mind). In a dreamlike limbo world called
recovered from the cabal’s attack, Shuri THE DJALIA, Shuri was taught the stories
served as QUEEN and protector of of the ancestors by a spirit guide called the
Wakanda with all the powers belonging to Griot, who presented herself in the form of
the Black Panther. Once he was healed, Shuri’s mother, Ramonda. The Griot taught
the siblings fought side by side as equals, her the lessons and history of her people
triumphing over any who dared to invade through ancient allegories. When T’Challa
their lands. T’Challa did not question was finally able to free Shuri from her
Shuri’s rule; instead he used his newfound dreamlike state, she retained the powers
freedom to focus on helping the Super detailed in the legends she’d learned. She
Heroes across the world protect the could now fly like birds, become tough as
planet. stone, and run faster than fire—in real life.
When a big purple megalomaniac alien Shuri mastered science, diplomacy,
named Thanos invaded Earth, he sent a combat, and now the spiritual realm. Is
seriously nasty alien general named Proxima there anything this woman can’t do?!
No shame
in being afraid.
— America
The Better One. Young Avenger. Straight
Young Avenger
Older Avenger
Venice Beach, CA Brooklyn, NY
Looks good
kate clint
bishop sunglasses
dating circus
out that her father was only human the hard Kate didn’t just fall into Super Hero life,
So many angry exes
way—by realizing he was DEEPLY she sought it out. When armed men began
FLAWED. taking hostages during her sister’s wedding,
Also, the other thing about parents . . . Kate sprang into action, aiding THE
they die. Not to super bum you out, but it’s YOUNG AVENGERS. Later, tracking
just a fact. All people die—which seems down the shape-shifting Hulkling, magical
pretty obvious. We will die someday, too. Wiccan, mech-suit-wearing Iron Lad, and
Heck, even ASGARDIANS kick the bucket, their patriotic leader, Patriot, Kate and new
and they are gods! But just so we aren’t too recruit Cassie Lang, aka Giant-Girl, offered
bummed right now, Kate ends up okay. In their services to the team. The boys were
fact, sometimes death is a super-great quick to refuse, but they quickly learned
reminder to live your life to the fullest! they needed the girls’ help, especially when
But bad news, Kate’s life got worse Kate was able to score a bunch of
before it got better. One day while walking Mockingbird’s and Hawkeye’s old battle
in Central Park she was attacked. The gear from the now-defunct Avengers
incident left her with some serious PTSD. Mansion. When THE AVENGERS
But rather than let the incident ruin her disbanded, the new team of all-teenage
life, she got herself some mental health heroes stepped in to protect New York City,
care and began to train in self-defense as despite the protests of Captain America and
well as other forms of physical combat. Tony Stark.
Endorphins from working out helped to With a big job ahead of them and no
cheer her, the therapy helped her work support or training, the Young Avengers
through her trauma, and the physical managed to save the world from the time-
training made her ready to take on any traveling villain Kang the Conqueror, as well
baddie who came her way again. Bad as stop an alien invasion. The group had
experiences can conquer us, or we can use more than proven themselves. Kate finally
them as a stepping-stone to reach the next stood up to Captain America, who was
level of who we desire to be. What makes continuing to pressure the team to disband.
teammates in the first place instead of falling-out between the two. Kate Bishop
treating them like children, they might not headed west to Venice Beach in California,
be injured now. The Young Avengers were letting Clint’s dog, Lucky, tag along with her.
heroes, and they were never going to stop, In Venice Beach, Kate was cut off from
so he’d have to accept it. (Oh yeah, Kate her father’s riches and had to make money
serves up the honesty piping hot.) like a normal person, so she began taking
Captain America ended up giving Kate a detective cases. However, her father’s old
gift, including new gear, and also giving her criminal dealings caught up with her. After
the name Hawkeye. After all, the archer was doing business with Kate’s father, a not-so-
the only Avenger before her to stand up to nice lady who went by Madame Masque and
him that way. Accepting her new moniker, was known for cloning folks so she could
Hawkeye continued to shoot straight and wear them like skin suits came for Kate.
true for the Young Avengers. As the team And weirder yet, she seemed to find some
evolved, she would meet her all-time bestie, answers about her mother’s untimely death
AMERICA CHAVEZ, kiss a handful of wrapped up in some long-buried family
cute boys, and defeat a whole bunch of evil secrets. With the help of her new Venice
mothers. Well, they looked like mothers, but friends, Kate finally tracked down Madame
they were actually evil interdimensional Masque. Only thing was, Madame Masque
parasites. was wearing a full-on Kate Bishop clone
Kate also took time to learn from her suit! Kate faced off against Kate—battling
mentor Clint Barton and the two worked as both her inner demons and her literal self.
Hawkeyes together—name mix-ups be Madame Masque was defeated, but Kate
darned! For a while, she even helped Clint won’t stop until she’s solved her mother’s
deal with a mob infestation in his Brooklyn murder. Fortunately, she has a lot of great
apartment building. But Clint’s lack of friends to lean on. Sometimes even the
honesty and general lack of emotional other Hawkeye. IT’S NOT HIS FAULT
availability eventually led to a SHE’S COOLER, YA KNOW?
scarlet witch
Chaos Magic. Twin Avenger.
Nexus Being.
she webbed up. Cindy swung excitedly all banded together with every
BRIDE, Morlun took it as a sign that it was Spider-
the way to her family’s apartment to reunite Man/Woman/Animal/Robot in
time to hunt down all of the spider-people the
with them. But they no longer lived there. multiverse to face Morlun and
in the multiverse with his family ofhis evil troop.
Crestfallen, Cindy asked how long ago she Her inexperience
Inheritors as a Super
and consume Hero
them all. put the
could have gone free. Peter explained that team at risk more than once with her often-
Morlun hadFriends
been deadandforEnemies
a while now— impulsive actions. Despite setbacks and
twice actually. She was furious! If he could tragic fatalities, Cindy finally learned to work
come Hector Cervantez
back once, she was sure he’d return together with her teammates to conquer
• Spectro
Morlun and the Inheritors. Cindy was finally
• High school boyfriend
truly free.
• Technically dead
Cindy had to figure out where to start
and what she wanted her new life to be. She
Felicia Hardy got herself an internship at the FACT
• The Black Cat
CHANNEL working for the notorious
• High-end thief
blowhard and former editor-in-chief of the
• Cruel boss Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson. J. Jonah took a
shine to Cindy for being more of a pen-and-
Lola & Rafferty paper kind of gal. (Remember, she missed
• Work at Fact Channel
the whole information technology
• Know Silk’s identity
revolution during her time in the bunker.)
• Very in love The internship gave her a small income that
helped her afford a new place to live with
her colleague Lola and get back on her feet.
It didn’t last long, though—Lola’s new
romance with her coworker, Rafferty, soon
the bunker at least felt safe and was rent- on her Silk costume. Despite Cindy’s claims
free. that she was just a cosplayer, the girls knew
By day, Cindy worked at the Fact she was indeed Silk. Obviously, this was
Channel, and tried to use the company super stressful for Cindy because secret
database to track down her missing family. identities are supposed to be, ya know, secret.
By night, Cindy continued moonlighting as But the girls offered their support! In fact,
the Super Hero SILK. Which quickly they were proud of her and enveloped
brought her in contact with the catty cat Cindy in a huge group hug. Finally, Cindy
burglar the Black Cat, who took a had someone who knew her secret, and she
dangerous interest in her. Noting Silk’s did not have to carry the weight of it all
Super Hero skills, the Black Cat targeted her alone. It’s were
Things important
looking to up
have someone
now, to
as a potential lab rat for her planned black- share yourCindy
because secretsgot
with, because
wind that no
herone can
market Super Villain upgrades. What’s do life alone.
might be hidden in a less-than-fun
worse, the surgeon Black Cat was using to dimension called the Negative Zone. She
potentially slice and dice Cindy knew where figured what the heck, and took her BFFs
the Moon family was. And just as Cindy was along for the ride. What followed was a lot
about to finally get a real lead on where to of fighting of dragon creatures and meeting
find them—the Black Cat killed him. Gah! up with a badass RED KNIGHT—who
On the upside, J. Jonah Jameson took an turned out to be Cindy’s mom, Nari Moon!
interest in helping Cindy find her family, Together, the Moon women saved Cindy’s
She wasn’t
giving her a the
veryonly personlead
tangible whoonwasn’t
her father, Albert Moon Sr., who was trapped
pleased with the Goblin Nation—the
brother, Albert Jr. He was discovered in a like a damsel in a tower. At last, the fam was
halfwayCat didn’t
house care for from
recovering them an
elbowing in
addiction reunited and it felt so good! High fives all
on her turf. Cindy began working
to Goblin Serum that he had developed for the around!
while Cat against
being part their common
of the rival. This
gang called the After a few more weird adventures with
gave her the opportunity to also become
Goblin Nation. Cindy was able to get Albert her surprisingly supportive boss, J. Jonah
double agent,
and help himinforming
gwenpool Saved
for last!!
going to be trapped in a comic-book world, you In fact, I wasn’t really intended to even get
might as well be the star of your own story, ya my own comic book! I was first drawn into the
know?! Totally. But that means she also has Marvel Comics Universe by an artist named Chris
a lot to learn about being a Super Hero, Bachalo as part of a series of Gwen Stacy–
because she doesn’t always take the job themed variant covers. Ya know, after the
super seriously. Valid point. BTW. Are . . . popularity of Spider-Gwen. I was intended to be
are you using Comic Sans? Yeah! It’s fun and a character mash-up of Gwen Stacy and the
fresh and it lets you know I don’t take myself mouthy mercenary Deadpool—and in the picture
too seriously! Whoa, boy. Don’t hate on Comic I was sitting in a pool, obviously. However, people
Sans or I’ll dice you. Okay, okay, no need for loved me so much that they gave me my own
violence—sheesh. Can I write this section origin story and then my own comic book! Pretty
cool, right?!
Now armed with a seeming mixture of
In her home universe, Gwen Poole was a Gwen Stacy and Deadpool costume vibes,
big fan of the Marvel Universe. In fact, after she became Gwenpool—the merc with pink
she left high school, Gwen just spent all of tips. Since Gwen was now stuck in the
her time chilling out and reading
Marvel comic-book world, she didn’t think to pay those bills. It’s unbelievable how
her actions could really hurt anyone, and if expensive even a burner phone is. I mean, data,
they did hurt someone . . . well, she didn’t
am I right?! Gwen took on a series of
really care much about that, either. She first
mercenary jobs through her tailor, Ronnie,
encountered Howard the Duck—who is a
which were executed with a hacker named
Duck detective also from another universe
Cecil. However, things got . . . weird, and
—when she was hired to steal a killer virus
Cecil was killed by the evil mechanical
from a high-class cat burglar named the
Black Cat for the super-evil organization genius M.O.D.O.K. That’s short for Mental
Hydra, who definitely wanted to wipe out Organism Designed Only for Killing, but
the general population. In my defense, I M.O.D.O.K. is a handy acronym! M.O.D.O.K.
thought the Avengers would just handle it or forced Gwen to become one of the personal
agents of his Mercenary Organization
something. How was I supposed to know they’d
Dedicated Only to Killing (so . . . also called
be off-planet?! Luckily, Howard was able to
help her track down the killer virus and M.O.D.O.K.) alongside the high-jumping
help Gwen save the world from being Batroc the Leaper, largely scientific Mega
Tony, and the magic-wielding Terrible Eye.
killed by germs. Tell them how I saved the
M.O.D.O.K. eventually caught on that
day! . . . She drank the killer virus. I DRANK
Gwen didn’t really have all that many
IT! Which was stupid and dangerous. And it mercenary skills and tried to kill her! Using
worked! the new skills Gwen learned from Batroc
Don’t try this Goodkids.
at home, Friends Good
and with some helpBad
Cecil’s ghost (oh
Gwen now had a new comic-book life yeah, did I mention Cecil became a ghost?
with no parents to support her, so she had Batroc
Because he the
she managed to send
to make some
• Costume creator
cheddah M.O.D.O.K. to space with misfiring
• High jumper
• No nonsense • Frenchie
• Natural blond
• Inventor
• Sent to space
rockets. Gwen took over M.O.D.O.K. the about me in this book or when you find a trade
organization and rebranded his foot troops paperback of my collected issues on a library
as the Poole Boys, complete with sassy pink
shelf or you pick up an old issue in a comic-book
matching outfits. Even though Gwen
wasn’t especially great at being a good guy, store, I will live on with you. So, I never have to
she learned that caring about people might be sad because I will always be alive in your
actually help her become a better hero. I mind.
also got a chance to team up with Spider-Man; Oh, Gwen . . . That . . . that was
surprisingly nice.
you know, the cool one—Miles Morales. I am a
But not like when you’re reading on the toilet.
very big fan! But turns out he wasn’t super into
I have standards.
me shooting people in the face, so that kinda
Welp. I think we’re done here.
ended any hope of a long-term team-up. Oh, and
he honestly made me kind of realize that if I
didn’t start to take SOME stuff seriously, I
might turn into a flippin’ Super Villain.That’s a
great thing to realize, Gwen. I’m glad you
on track. Anyway,
them about she of
some evenmyhelped
Mega Tony,
stories! I’veBatroc, and Terrible
honestly had SOEyeMANY turn
over new leaves
adventures. Well,asGwen
but stuck
it turnsinouta
Super Heroes
deadly RPG just aren’t paid
designed by very
the well.
yeah, they
obsessed hadArcade
villain to keep takingupsome
and teamed with
her namesake, jobs.
Deadpool. Yeah! I also
teamed up with Rocket and Groot from the
Guardians of the Galaxy!And she had a run-
in with her evil future self! Yeah, that was a
lot to take, because even if I come off as
pretty irreverent I still don’t want to be EVIL,
ya know? I love Super Heroes—I don’t want to
friggin’ fight them! I want to hug them and be
BFFs. So, I did the only thing I could think of
to get rid of bad future me. I decided then and
there to be good and fight for what’s right. I
would no longer be a mercenary. . . . And POOF!
She disappeared! Because I control my destiny!!
Take THAT, evil me!
Gwen now turned to the more altruistic
path of Super Herodom, but there was
something else waiting for her. That’s right .
. . my comic-book series was coming to an end.
And UGH, it made my heart hurt so much
because I KNOW I’m a comic-book character.
“You and me’ve always
a little removed.
Always . . . dreaming.
Of higher,
faster . . .
to be.”
— Helen Cobb to
Carol Danvers,
Captain Marvel
This is the Marvel Universe. Where the
a hero.
squirrel and
© 2019 MARVEL
Doreen Green