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Type of article: Case Report
Dewi Fitria Anugrahati1 , Rizky Ernawati1, Windi Irsya1, Yulianti Kartini Sumur1,
Sukaton2, Kun Ismiyatin2
1Residentof Conservative Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya,
Indonesia, 2Staff of Conservative Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga,
Tooth discoloration due to intra coronal bleeding after trauma can cause aesthetic disturbances and
appearance. Internal bleaching is a non-invasive method to restore tooth color which is performed after
endodontic treatment by placing a strong oxidizing agent in the pulp chamber. Aim of this study was to
report the success of internal bleaching procedure to restore discolored teeth due to trauma. A 44-year-old
female came to Conservative Dentistry Universitas Airlangga with chief complaint of the upper right insisor
tooth looks darker than the adjacent teeth. The patient had fallen 10 years ago from her motorcycle and her
tooth had been painful and then the pain disappeared. In intra oral clinical examination, it showed that tooth
11 had discoloured, vitality test of tooth 11 showed no response to electric pulp test. Radiographic view
showed that radiolucen in periapical area and no fracture was found. At the first visit, treatment of single
visit root canal using rotary instrument and gave dressing calcium hydroxide. A week later on the second
visit, internal bleaching with hydrogen peroxide 35% was done. After bleaching, calcium hydroxide was
applied to neutralize the oxidizing agent and then re-evaluated for the color. At the third visit, it showed that
the tooth colour was obtain as desire from C3 to A3 (Vitapan Classical). The internal bleaching procedure
on the traumatized tooth was the best option to restore the function and aesthetics according to the original
tooth colour and also provided benefits in terms of saving time, lower price, and maximum results.
by placing the active ingredient in the pulp chamber, A week later on the second visit, internal bleaching
followed by closing the tooth cavities. The results with hydrogen peroxide 35% was carried out for 7 days.
obtained depends on the etiology of discoloration and Previously, it was carried out tooth colour recording
for a satisfactory result bleaching can be carried out for before treatment and intra oral photographs. Previously,
two to four times the application4. The case report aims the tooth was cleaned using a rotary brush and pumice
to demonstrate the success of non-vital teeth whitening powder to obtain the actual colour. The tooth colour was
that has discoloration after the endodontic treatment matched using Vitapan classical shade guide. In this
performed using a walking bleach technique with a good case, the initial colour was C3 and the colour which want
prognosis and without side effects to achieve was A3 colour.
Case Report The working area was isolated with rubber dam
and coronal access was carried out by reopening the
A 44-year-old female came to Conservative
temporary patch using a rounded diamond bur. The
Dentistry and Endodontics Clinic Airlangga University
root canal filler material was ejected to a depth of 2 mm
with chief complaint of the upper right insisor tooth
below the CEJ by using a hot plugger that has been given
looks darker than the adjacent teeth. Patient had fallen
a stopper to provide a place for cervical seal material.
10 years ago from her motorcycle and her tooth had been
The depth of filler intake was confirmed again using
painful and then the pain disappeared. The patient wants
periodontal probe. Tooth 11 cavity was irrigated with
her tooth colour same as the adjacent teeth. Patient does
sterile aquadest until clean and dried. The cervical seal
not has a history of systemic diseases.
was made by applying 2 mm thick glass ionomer cement
Extra oral examination shows symmetrical face, no following the cervical stripe outline. The resultant
abnormalities of the lips, the left and right mandibular shape from a facial view is the “bobsled tunnel” outline.
glands are unaffected and painless. Intra-oral examination The outline from the proximal view resembles a “ski-
showed that crown of tooth 11 is darker in colour than slope” (Figure 1, 2).5 After the cervical seal dried, the
the adjacent teeth. Hygiene of the oral cavity is good, it bleaching material in the form of hydrogen peroxide gel
shows an overview of radiolucency on periapical area. 35% (Opalescence Endo, Ultradent Product Inc., USA)
Examination of negative percussion test, negative bite was applied to the labial part, then the pulp chamber was
test and negative palpation. given with cotton pellet and covered with glass ionomer
cement. The patient was instructed to control 1 week
Radiographic view after endodontic treatment later.
shows the radiopaque depiction of the crown to the apex
which means that it fills the hermetic root canal. There On the third visit, a subjective examination was
is widening of lamina dura, alveolar bone resorbtion conducted, it was no complaints from the patient.
and radiolucen in periapical area which are smaller than Objective examination showed that tooth discoloration
before endodontic treatment. from C3 to A3 (Vitapan Classical). Two weeks later, the
tooth was restorated by composite materials which in
On the first visit, the patient was given an accordance with the tooth colour.
explanation of the procedure to be performed. The cost
of treatment, side effects can occured, possible outcame On the third visit, a subjective examination was
to be achieved, failures and complications about the use conducted, it was no complaints from the patient.
of bleaching material understood by the patient and then Objective examination showed that tooth discoloration
carried out the signing of informed consent. The next from C3 to A3 (Vitapan Classical). Two weeks later, the
step was to do single visit root canal treatment using deposition was carried out by composite materials which
rotary instrument and given dressing calcium hydroxide. in accordance with the tooth colour.
1074 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1
treatment than making of the crown and labial veneer severe dentine loss. The cervical seal/barrier used
in the stained teeth. The chemical process in bleaching is the glassionomer to cover endodontic obturation.
occurs when the whitening material is applied to The coronal height closes the dentinal tubules and
the teeth, usually using oxidizing materials such as corresponds to the external epithelial attachment. The
hydrogen peroxide, chlorine or sodium hypochlorite. barrier thickness is approximately 2 mm, and is located
Although the bleaching process is a complex chemical 1 mm below the cemento-enamel junction6,8.
process, the basic principle of the majority of bleaching
This protection is carried out to prevent the
processes is the step-by-step oxidation of the dye with
occurence of internal bleaching side effects in the form
decomposition. Bleaching material is oxidizing, reacting
of external root resorption. Resorption occurs because
to the organic structure of a hard tooth tissue, pigments
of chemicals diffused through the dentine tubules and
which have long chains slowly degraded into simple
cementum defects. The leakage which occur can cause
molecules such as carbon dioxide, oxygen and water
cementum necrosis, inflammation of the periodontal
which have a brighter colour, inorganic molecules are
ligament so that eventually root resorption occurs. The
not broken down, the reduction-oxidation reaction
application of bleaching material leads to denaturation of
which occurs in the bleaching process is known as
dentine protein with oxidizing agents and pH acid which
redox reaction. In general, unstable peroxide becomes
induces foreign body reaction. A low PH of bleaching
unstable free radicals. These free radicals oxidize other
material can damage tissues due to the optimal acidic
environment for osteoclas activity results in the root
Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent. The resorption8–10.
use of high concentration of hydrogen peroxide must be
In this case, restoration after internal bleaching
careful because it is unstable thermodynamically and
using a composite resin. The remaining peroxide of
can explode, because it must be placed in the refrigerator
the bleaching material, especially hydrogen peroxide
and stored on a dark container. Bleaching materials can
can affect the strength of composite bonding, so it is
be applied using the plastic and plugger instruments and
advisable to wait several days after bleaching before
must be replaced every 3-7 days. Usually it takes 2-4
the composite restoration is performed. The placement
sessions depending on the intensity of discoloration.
of calcium hydroxide in the pulp chamber for several
The patient must be reminded to pay attention to her
days is useful for buffering acidity caused by bleaching
teeth everyday so as not to overbleach. 8 When this
material is in contact with teeth, hydrogen peroxide
will loose and penetrate into the surface of enamel and
dentine due to the relatively low molecular weight of
peroxide (30 g/mol). These reactive molecules attack Internal bleaching procedures for traumatized teeth
dark chromophore molecules and long chains and break was the best option to restore the function and aesthetics
down these molecules into smaller, more colourless, and according to the original tooth color.
more diffuse molecules6,8.
Funding : None
The success of the intracoronal bleaching in
Conflict of Interest: None
endodontically treated teeth depends on the etiology,
the precise diagnosis, and the selection of appropriate Ethical Permission : Approved
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1076 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1