Edible Coating

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This is to certify that Abdulrahaman, Jelilat with the matric number 125/18/2/0064 did the
research on this seminar and did a presentation on it.

……………………………….. ………………….
Dr. Olawooye (seminar lecturer) date

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Dr. Olawooye (Head of department) date

This seminar research is dedicated to Almighty God, my parents and my course mates, I say
a very big thank you.

I want to use this medium power appreciate the almighty God, the giver of life for seeing me
through this semester, I am extremely grateful.
I thank my wonderful parents, MR &MRS ABDULRAHAMAN for their immeasurable
supports towards the journey of this semester.
My profound gratitude goes to my seminar lecturer, Dr. Babatunde Olawoyefor his
guidance, teaching and support throughout the research process of this seminar. Thank you
very much sir. May God shower his choicest blessings upon you.
Also to my course mates, I am extremely grateful for your endless support, you guys are the
best. Thank you so much.

Title Page i

Certification iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgement v

Table of contents vi

List of Tables vii

List of Figures viii

Abstract ix


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Justification 2


2.1 Edible Coating 3

2.2 Characteristics of Edible Coating 3

2.3 Edible Coating for Variety of Fruit and Vegetables 4

2.4 Edible Coating Classification 4

2.5 Various types of Edible Coating 5


3.1 Application Method of Edible Coating 11

3.2 Herbal Edible Coating 11

3.3 Advantages of Edible Coating 12

3.4 Disadvantages of Edible Coating 12




List of Figures
Fig 1 5
Fig 2 6
Fig 3 7
Fig 4 8
Fig 5 9
Fig 6 10

Fruits and vegetables are in high good on unique buyers these days due to their nutritious
benefits. Due to their perish environment, fruits and vegetables have a short shelf life.
Spiders, microorganism, and preservatives impact or damage about 30% of fruits and
vegetables. Regarding the circumstances during transport and preservation after harvesting.
Fruits are preserved in this way. And vegetables is a significant challenge for the entire
planet. Edible coating is a good way to solve the problem. This difficulty provides edible
rotection for fruits and vegetables. It is advantageous for the benefit of both customers and
the environment. Herbs consumption outer layer are now commonly utilized extent a
nutraceutical, and it's good for the consumer's health. Edible coatings come in a variety of
forms, including plasticizers, lipids, and hydrocolloids. These have effective structure
qualities against O2, CO2, with other gases. Moisture and water vapor are two types of



1.1 Background

Fruits and vegetables are key components of a daily diet and have become increasingly
popular in recent years among the general public. They are a storehouse of information.
Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, dietary fibers, and taste
Compounds that are susceptible to biotic and abiotic stresses. Fruits and vegetables
Vegetables are highly perishable, and there is a lot of waste during the post-harvest period.
Microbes, insects, respiration, and transpiration all cause losses [R.T Wari, 2014].
External influences include the makeup of the atmosphere, such as O2, CO2, and ethylene.
Internal factors include the species, temperature, ratio with stress factors, whereas external
factors include the species, temperature, ratio, with stress factors.
Cultivar and its stage of development. Furthermore, undesirable foreign of the fruits and
vegetables the meat of vegetables might come source unique body, causing the fruits and
vegetables to decay faster. Browning, odd flavor, and texture break are all signs of
biochemical degradation lowering the quality of fruits and vegetables and posing a risk to
consumers harmful microorganisms are present [E.H. Garrettet et all 2003].
Marketability of fresh food is influenced by several critical quality parameters. Texture,
color, appearance, flavor, nutritional content, and microbiological safety are all factors to
consider. These organism change, ripe level, and maturity stage pre-harvest are all quality
elements to consider, as well as post-harvest circumstances. Fruit and vegetable post-harvest
losses are a severe problem since they quickly deteriorate during handling, shipping, and
storage. To improve the quality and shelf life of fruits and vegetables, edible coatings are
applied [S.Kumar 2017].
Fruits and vegetables with edible coverings have a longer shelf life. These can also be safely
consumed as part of the product and do not impart any undesirable characteristics to the
food. Fruit and vegetable outer layer or films extend the longevity of fruits and vegetables
while also being environmentally benign. New edible films and coatings have been produced
in recent years with the inclusion of different and edible herbs, antimicrobials, and other
ingredients. Fresh fruit and vegetable preservation chemicals [P.Luis 2011]. To prevent the
loss of firmness and moisture, edible coatings are used. They are in charge of differentiation,
growth, with breathing value.
Edible coatings reduce oxidation browning with microbe increase in fruits with vegetables
such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and cherries, among others [S.Kumar 2017]. Edible coatings
or edible films help to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by minimizing moisture
loss, solute migration, and gas exchange, among other things, as well as physiological

diseases. Edible coatings have a high potential for controlling browning, discoloration, off
flavor, microbial activity, and shelf life of fruits and vegetables.

Edible coatings or edible films have been used to preserve food for millennia in the food
industry; this is not a novel preservation method. Waxing on fruits and vegetables, for
example, and cellulose coating in meat casings [R.G.S. Jamie, 2015]. China has been using
edible coatings since the 12th century. It wasn't until 1922 when waxing on fruits was
devised and used professionally on fruits and vegetables for the first time [C.P.M.A, 2014].
Films and coatings that are edible act as a barrier against chemical, physical, and biological
Consumers estimate the freshness and quality of fruits and vegetables based on their look. In
the fresh cut fruit industry, the most common and difficult problems are maintaining and
controlling fresh quality, spoiling growth, and pathogenic microorganism. Edible coating is
the solution to this problem. Edible coating adds a layer of protection to fresh fruits and
plant and able have unique similar result extent changed environment stored in terms of
changing inside liquid proportion. Different consumption outer layer have recently been
used to successfully preserve seed with plant like oranges, apples, grapefruit, cherries,
cucumber, strawberry, tomato, and capsicum. The success or failure of edible covering of
fruits and vegetables is entirely dependent on the management of internal gas composition
[MSM, Salley 2017].

2.1 Edible Coating
Consumption outer layer be a surface covers of significant result allowed occur consumed
and serves as a structure to oxygen, outside bacteria, moist, and free physical motion in
substance. A semipermeable structure is supplied in edible coating, with the achieve of
extending longitivity by reduction moist and free moving, liquid loss, oxidation response
rates, and breath, as completely as reduction physiology absence on green cut fruits [E.A.,
Baldwin 2016].
According to Pavlath and Orts[2009], many types of materials were employed for coating
and wrapping various fruits and vegetables to lengthen their shelf life, and this is considered
an edible coating when consumed together with foods, with or without removal.
Fruits and vegetables with edible coatings or edible films have a lustrous appearance.
The average consumption outer layer thickness is less than 0.3 mm. The important benefit of
consumption outer layer is that it extends the shelf life of fresh or modified fruits and
vegetables while also protecting them from postharvest and environmental deterioration. The
outer membrane of fresh fruits and vegetables is protected by an edible covering. The edible
coatings are employed as a nutraceutical and as a carrier of texture enhancers and
antioxidants. Edible coatings should be stable at high relative humidity and are typically
considered safe. Tasteless, colorless, and odorless edible coatings or edible films should
have high mechanical qualities. [P.I. Undurraga, 2014] Edible coatings have excellent gas
and moisture barrier characteristics.
2.2 Characteristics of Edible Coating
These coatings give fruits and vegetables a protective layer and extend their shelf
The molecular structure, molecular size, and chemical makeup of edible coatings determine
their properties [Press Boca Ratin, florida, 2003]. These characteristics are as follows:
 Edible coatings have good water, moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ethylene
barrier qualities.
 It improves the aesthetic and mechanical handling of fruits and vegetables to keep
their structure and color.
 Edible coatings contain active ingredients such as antioxidants and vitamins, which
improve the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables without compromising their
 These coatings give seed with plant protective layer and extend their shelf life.

2.3 Edible Coating for a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables
Neat seed with plant be perish, with around half of all fresh produce deteriorating during
harvest, handling, transit, and storage. Edible coatings are crucial in dealing with this
problem. Whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are coated with edible coatings [R.K.
DhallA, 2013]. Fruits and vegetables that have been coated include the following:

Fruits: Orange, Apple, Grapefruit, Cherry, Papaya, Lemon, Strawberry, Mango, Peach, and
other edible coated fruits, as well as fresh-cut Apple, fresh-cut Peach, fresh-cut Pear, and
other edible coated fruits.
Tomatoes are one of the vegetables used in this dish. Cucumber, Capsicum, Cantaloupe,
Carrot, fresh-cut Potato, fresh-cut Cabbage, fresh-cut Tomato slices, fresh-cut Onion,
Lettuce [A.R.M 2015]

Figure 1: Edible Coated of Fruit and Vegetable [Ali.M. 2013].

2.4 Edible Coating Classification
To improve the function of consumption outer layer, edible coatings havewater sets, such as
lipid-based or waxes, and hydrocolloids or hydrophilic groups, such as polysaccharides-
based, protein-based, or a combination of both groups [K.Warriner, 2016]. Edible Coatings
are made from natural ingredients and are not chemically synthesized. It is commonly used
to improve the look and shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Edible coating has several
advantages over conventional synthetic coatings, including edibility, nontoxicity, and cost
effectiveness. Polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids are commonly used in edible coating
materials. The edible coatings are split into three categories, which are as follows: [I.G.
Donhowe 2017].
 Polysaccharides, proteins, and alginate are examples of hydrocolloids.
 Fatty acids, acryl glycerides, and waxes are examples of lipids.

 Protein/protein, polysaccharides/protein, and lipid/polysaccharides are examples of
With the addition of surfactants and plasticisers,consumption outer layer significant be made
from a changed of nature essential like polymer, molecules, and organic compound.
Assumed mechanical, barrier, be color features of edible coatings, which regulate gas
transfer and moisture loss in fruits and vegetables, are critical to their function and
performance [D.Lin, 2018].


Hydrocolloids Lipids Composites

Polysaccharides Proteins Fatty acids Bilayers

Gums Collagen Waxes Conglomerate

Starch Gelatin


Figure 2; Different types of Edible Coating (D.Lin,& Y.zao, (2008) 2.5

Various types of Edible Coating
 Hydrocolloids are hydrophilic polymers that can be found in animals, plants,
bacteria, or manmade materials. Polyelectrolytes with hydroxyl groups include
Alginate, Carrageenan, Pectin, Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, Xanthan gum, and Gum
Arabic. Hydrocolloids are now widely employed as a coating producing agent
solution to coat fruits and vegetables and manage their color, texture, flavor, and
shelf life. [P.A.Williams & G.O.Phillips, (2003)] Vegetables All hydrocolloids, in
general, dissolve partially or fully in water. The main application of water is to raise
the viscosity of the aqueous phase (continuous phase), i.e. the thickness of the gelling
agent [E.A. Baldwin et al, (2017)]. As a result, they operate as an emulsifier effect of
There are two types of hydrocolloids:
 Polysaccharide-based and  Protein-based
 Polysaccharides-based edible coatings are typically
placed on fresh and minimally processed fruits and
vegetables by creating a modified atmosphere to limit
their respiration rate. Its increased mechanical handling

properties and carrying capacity for additives [J.Bai, &
A.Plot to, (2012)].
Chitosan, starch, alginate, cellulose, pullulan, carrageenan, gellan gum, and other
polysaccharides are commonly utilized for edible covering of fruits and vegetables [L.J.
Harris et all. (2005)]. Water soluble polysaccharide-based edible coatings have weak
moisture barrier characteristics. However, it has a moderately low O2 permeability.
Polysaccharides are polymer chains with strong gas barrier qualities that produce a favorable
modified environment that extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables without causing
anaerobic conditions [E.A. Baldwin et all. 2017]. Crispy, hardship, compact, viscous
exllence, adhesive, and viscosity are all qualities that polysaccharides provide to a range of
food coatings. These are the coatings that are listed below.

 Cellulose Derivatives
Cellulose can be found in abundance in nature. It's made of an anhydro-glucose polymer
with a lengthy chain. Cellulose is reacted with alkali, then treated with the proper chemical
reagent, resulting in a cellulose chain of anhydro-glucose monomers as a substitute.
This procedure was carried out under strict supervision (J.C.F. Murray, et all (Krochta
(2007) ). The reagents for substitution are listed lower a. Methyl cellulose is mold next
b. Hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) is formed by propylene oxide,
c. Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) is formed by mixing chloromethane and
propylene oxide,
d. Methyl ethyl Cellulose (MEC) is formed by mixing chloromethane and chloroethanes,
and e. Carboxyl Methy
Film forming qualities can be found in Methyl Cellulose, HPMC, HPC, and CMC films or
coatings [J.C.F Murray et all (2010)].

Figure 3; Structure of Cellulose(J.C.F.Murrayetall)

A polymer chain containing two repeating units of anhydro-glucose or -glucopyranose

residue connected through a 1, 4-glucosidic linkage is used to make cellulose derivatives.
The number of glucose monomers polymerized is indicated by the letter 'n' in this chemical
The average number of –OH groups substituted per anhydro-glucose unit is defined as the

DS (Degree of substitution). In general, modified cellulose derivative edible coatings and
films provide a colorless, odorless, and tasteless solution. It has strong oil and fat resistance,
is water soluble, and is somewhat permeable to moisture and gas transmission [J.M.Krochta
(2007)]. The mechanical barrier qualities of cellulose edible coatings and films are
determined by cellulose molecular weight, with higher molecular weight cellulose having
better barrier properties [J.M.Krochta, 2009]. When compared to other materials, Methyl
Cellulose has a high moisture barrier and is the least hydrophilic [J.J.Kester& C.Milder
Johnson (2007)].
These changed constituent imitative be available contain particle and snow shape, and they
are naturally hygroscopic [J.C.F. Murrayet all. (2001)]. The gas and water barrier qualities of
cellulose derivative coatings and films, on the other hand, are poor. Because polysaccharide
derivatives are hydrophilic by nature, their mechanical characteristics are weak.

Edible coatings are usually made of Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose. It's a nonionic,
watersoluble macromolecule that can gel when heated [P.Walstra, (2007)]. Propyl oxide and
chloromethyl combine to form HPMC [J.C.F.Murray et all (2010)].

Figure 4; Structure of HPMC (J.C.F. Murray et all)

Assumed Hydroxy methane constituent be separated into pips surface: member has the
Methoxy set, which be hydrophobic, and the other contains the Hydroxy 193 Propyl group,
which is hydrophilic. HPMC be dissolved in coldness swelling and,later dissolving member
swellimg, produce a variety of viscosity properties depending on the step of catalyst and
compound. Distinct varieties of HPMC be available on the browse, each with a separate
quantity and molecule mass.

 Carbohydrate Imitative
Assumed many quantity polymer is starch. Cereal grains, such as wheat, maize, and rice, are
sources of starch, and cereal grains are members of the Poaceae family.

Potatoes and other tubers, as well as legumes, are high in starch [P. Waltra,2007)].
Anhydroglucose units are found in starches. Starch is a homopolymer made up of two types
of polysaccharides: swelling dissolved complex carbohydrate and swelling insolvable
amylopectin. Complex carbohydrate,on the second side, is a line o straight series D-glucose
chain (1-4 linkage), whereas amylopectin be a branches glucose series (1-6 linkage).
Amylose is an useful starch derivative for making films and coatings [M.Rodriguez et all
(2006)]. High amylose maize starch or potato starch coatings and films have a high level of
durability during long-term storage. The glucosidic linkage keeps these chains together.
Amylase aids in the breakdown of starch derivatives, resulting in the formation of dextrin
[U.Satyanaray &U.Chakrapani (2011)]. Corn starch, for example, is a suitable source of
starch amylose for coating and film production [A.M.Mark et all (2009)]. Corn starch-based
films and coatings have physical properties that are similar to those of polymer thin layer
and outer layer, such as being crass, no odour, variety, and nonpoisonous. It is
physiologically aborb and O2 and CO2 semi-permeable.

 Chitosan
Chitin be a edible polymer produced from chitin. Chitin is primarily present in the shells of
crustaceans. After cellulose, chitin is unique many popular nonpoisonous and nature
substance used to make edible coatings [N.F.Shahidi et all (2013].

Figure 5;Structure of Chitosan (R.Kumar (2006)

Chitosan has good character features without any additives or oxidation, like useful oxygen
structure and carbondioxide permeability, as well as antibacterial activity against
microorganisms. Chitosan is a biopolymer with exceptional mechanical characteristics.
Chitosan has a high viscosity, equivalent to
Natural gums [Q.P. Peniston (2006)]. Chitosan is a clear and transparent covering that
extends the longitivity of seed and plant. Its surface is generally smooth, lustrous, cohesive,
and free of fractures [C.Reiberro et all (2007].

 Gum
Polysaccharides are sugars that make up the majority of gums. Because of their texture,
gums are employed in the manufacture of edible coatings for fruits and vegetables.
Gums are split into three sections in generala. Exudate gums (e.g., gum Arabic)

Extractive gums (such as guar gum) b. Microbial fermentation gums (e.g., xanthan gum).
Gums are water soluble. Xanthan gums are made through a fermentation process that
involves microbial extraction. Because of its high viscosity, it spreads quickly in water and
can be found in both cold and hot temperatures. To make equal coatings with good adhesive
properties in wet batters, a mixture of gum Arabic, guar gum, and xanthan gum is utilized
[M.H.S et all (2014]. Mesquite gum forms a coating when a small amount of lipid is added,
and it has good water barrier properties [M.H.S et all 2014].
Chocolate numerous marine plant, which is linked to mention Pheophyceae group, is used to
make salt. Salt is made up of Alginic sour salts. The chemistry compound of salt be
(C6H8O6) n, and it be a line series polymer of D-mannuronic sour and L-guluronic sour
molecules. I approach member specified condition of a colourless, lurid, fibre snow.Na salt,
which be extracted source chocolate algae, be mentionsuperior form of salt. Salt is an
effective moisture and water vapour barrier [G.L.Robertson (2009)].

Figure 6; Alginate monomers, Beta-D-mannuronate and Alpha-

Lguluronate[K.T.Draget et all.(2013)]
Alginate retains good characteristics that make it valuable in the food industry [R.Kumar
(2006)]. It possesses a one-of-a-kind colloidal property that includes stabilizing, thickening,
suspending coating, or film-forming gel forming and stabilizing emulsion [J.W.Rhim
(2008)]. Divalent cations such as Ca, Mg, Mn, Al, and others are utilized to make alginate
coating materials, which are employed as a gelling agent.
Reduced shrinkage, moisture retention, food color, and smell are just a few of the benefits of
alginate. Alginate is used to make strong edible coatings or films, but due to its hydrophilic
nature, it has a low water resistance [W.Borchard et all (2005)].

 Pectin
Pectin is a polysaccharide generated from plants that can be found naturally in fruits and
vegetables. Pectin is an effective moisture barrier for low-moisture fruits and vegetables, but
it is not a good moisture barrier for high-moisture fruits and vegetables [E.A. Baldwin et all
(2018)]. It's a diverse collection of acidic polysaccharides. It's most typically found in citrus
peel and apple pomace. Pectin polysaccharide has a complicated structure, consisting of -1,
4-likedgalactouronic acid residues [Dhanpal et all (2012)]. Pectin is a polysaccharide that is
made up of 1, 4-linked d-galactouronic acid residues. HMP (High Methoxy Pectin) is an
effective pectin compound for film and coating production. A flexible film and coating were
created using a combination of citrus pectin and high amylose starch. Pectin is dissolved in
poly vinyl alcohol and is stable at 180 degrees Celsius [Q.Fang &M.A.Hanna (2008)].

 Carrageenan
Carrageenan is a water-soluble polymer that contains a linear chain of partly sulphated
galactans that can be used to make coatings or films.
Carrageenan is a sulphated polysaccharide that is isolated from the cell walls of various red
seaweeds in the Rhodophyceae family [W.Borchardet all (2005)]. During mild drying,
carrageenan coatings or films create a gelation mechanism that results in a 3-dimensional
network formed by polysaccharide double helical and a solid coating or film after solvent
evaporation [T.Karbowiak et all (2006)].

 Agar
Agar gum is a galactose polymer derived from the red seaweed Rhodophyceae family. Agar
is a colloidal hydrophilic substance made up of agro pectin and agrose [G.L.Roberto et all
(2007)]. It's commonly used to impart rigidity to microbiological media. For temperatures
above the initial gelation temperature, agar acquires a significant gel melting point
[N,Natarajan & B.W.Sheldon, (2008)]. Agar gels are established at a low temperature and
melt at a high one. Because of their ability to form a firm gel at low concentrations and the
ease with which they can be extracted [N.F.Stanley 2007]. In the food sector, agar is
commonly utilized.

 Protein Based Edible Coating

Edible coatings made of protein come from both animals and plants. Milk protein casein,
whey protein, zein (from maize), gluten (from wheat), soy protein, and other plant-based
proteins are edible coating materials, while animal-based proteins include egg albumen,
collagen, and others [E.A.Baldwin et all (2018)]. Protein-based edible coatings have great
fragrance, oil, and oxygen barrier qualities, as well as strength, but they are not effective
moisture barriers [J.M.Krochta 2010)]. Its closely packed hydrogen bonded structure is the
explanation for its high oxygen barrier property [G.S. Banker (2007)]. At low relative
humidity, protein-based edible coatings have strong O2 barrier properties. Because of its
hydrophilic nature, protein-based coatings are not good barriers for water vapour, but they
do have strong organoleptic and mechanical qualities. [J.M. Krochta& C.Milder Johnson

 Casein and Whey Protein

Casein is a milk protein that is present in micelles and is found in all casein species.
One micelle contains 104 peptides and has a molecular weight of around 105 kda. Because
of its amphipathic character, casein is often utilized in the creation of emulsions. Ends that
are both hydrophilic and hydrophobic. The most prevalent casein is caseinate.
This is a product that dissolves quickly in water. Casein is mostly utilized in the food
industry as a coating. Because edible casein coatings are simple to make this is due to their
secondary school being open. [S.H.Muhugh &J.M Krochta (2006)] Structure

 Zein
Maize is used to make zein proteins, which are generated from corn gluten flour. Alcohol,
glycol esters, and zein protein are immiscible in water and dissolved in aq. The zein protein
has excellent film-forming, coating, sticky, and binding characteristics. CornZein protein is
helpful in preventing color change, hardness, and weight loss in fruits and vegetables, as
well as extending their shelf life. It also has good O2 barrier properties. CornZein coatings
and films have a much greater water vapour barrier than other edible coatings and wrapping
films, roughly 800 times higher. The thickness of a zein coating determines all of its
qualities [J.W. Park et all (2006)].
 Lipid Based Edible Coating
For many years, lipid-based edible coverings have been employed to preserve fruits
and vegetables. They give meals a gleaming, glossy appearance. Carnauba wax and
beeswax are the most prevalent lipid-based coating compounds. Mineral or vegetable
oil, wax, and paraffin wax Lipids have a high water barrier.

[V.Morillin et all (2006)] Capacity In comparison to other coatings, wax coatings

have excellent moisture barrier qualities. Compared to other lipid-based and
nonlipid-based coatings made of oil, fat, and wax are popular.Because of its
greasiness, it is difficult to apply to the surface of fruits and vegetables.It has a thick
consistency and a rotten flavor [G.L.Robertson (2009)]. Lipid and polysaccharide
Proteins are employed to improve the barrier characteristics of coating materials.
The following are the most common lipid-based coating materials:
 Waxes
 Lacs
 fatty acids
 Alcohols as well as
 Acetylated glycerides and cocoa-based materials
This classification is based on the chemical makeup of molecules, such as the
hydrocarbon chain, polar compound, chain length, number of acetylations, and
unsaturation, among other factors [F.Debeaufort et all(2018)].  Composite Based
Edible Coating

Composites, also known as multicomponent films and coatings, are made out of a

mix of protein, polysaccharides, and lipids. This is utilized to increase edible

coatings and films' mechanical strength, moisture barrier, and gas barrier qualities

[T.D. Phan, (2008), W.Borchard et all 2018)]. Composites are split into two types,

according to Han et al., [L.J. Harris et all 2005)].

 Bilayers Composite

 Conglomerates

[MA.Garcia et all (2006), H.Pol, et all (2009), C.S.Young et all (2008)] Bilayer

composites are made up of two layers with the same or distinct coating materials,

such as protein/protein, polysaccharides/protein, lipid/lipid, and

lipid/polysaccharides. Sucrose, propylene, monoglycerides, proteins, water, waxes,

and fatty acids are some of the components used in this form of coating.

 Plasticizers

Plasticizers are added to the edible coating solution to improve mechanical

properties. These have a low molecular weight and are coated with protein to

improve and modify their structural ability [J.M.Krotcha et all (2008), CPMA,

(2014)]. Water is a plasticizer that is both natural and effective. Glycerol, fatty acids,

Sorbitol, propylene glycol, sucrose polyethylene glycol, and monoglycerides are the

most frequent plasticizers used in coatings [J.M.Krotcha et all (2008), J.M.Krotcha

(2007), R.Sothernvit &J.M.Krotcha(2008)].


3.1 Application Method of Edible Coating
Different procedures should be used to apply edible coatings on fruits and vegetables. These

techniques are

a) Dipping

b) Brushing

c) Extrusion

d) Spraying

e) Solvent casting

Fruits and vegetables are dipped in coating solution for 5-30 seconds in the dipping method,

which is commonly used for applying edible coatings to fruits and vegetables [J.M.Valverde

et all(2009)]. It's simple to use on most fruits. Edible Coatings are applied to beans and

extremely perishable fruits and vegetables such as strawberries and berries using the

brushing process. Spraying, extrusion, and solvent castings are the other three processes

employed in the food sector. Extrusion is the best approach for applying EC for industrial

purposes when compared to other methods [J.M.Valverde et all (2009)]. It is based on the

thermoplastic qualities of edible coatings.

3.2 Herbal Edible Coating: A Novel Idea

Herbal edible coating is a new food business method. Aloe vera gel, Neem, Lemon grass,

Rosemary, Tulsi, and Turmeric are some of the most prevalent herbs utilized in edible


Antimicrobial qualities are found in herbs, as well as vitamins, antioxidants, and vital

minerals [M.Douglas et all (2010)].As recently Aloe vera gel is commonly utilized in

coating on Fruits and Vegetables, because of its antibacterial function, it also decreases loss

of moisture and water. Ginger essential oil, clove bud oil, turmeric neem extract, mint oil,

other essential oil and extracts are also utilized in edible coating of Fruits and Vegetables.

3.3 Advantages of Edible Coating

Edible coatings have several advantages [S.Gullbert & B.Biquet (2006),

M.O.NesperosCariredo et all(2005), H.J.Park et all (2005)].

 Edible coatings improve acid, color, flavor, and sugar retention.

 Fruit and vegetable quality should be preserved during storage.

 Weight loss and firmness loss are reduced.

 Reduce the amount of polymer packaging and trash.

 Edible coatings can be eaten with fruits and vegetables and contain nutrients that are

good for your health.

3.4 Disadvantages of Edible Coating

There are some drawbacks to edible coatings [El-Ghaouth et all (2008), J.W.Park et all


 A thick coating can prevent oxygen exchange, resulting in the formation of an


 Edible coatings have good gas barrier qualities, which causes anaerobic respiration

in fruits and vegetables, disrupting the natural ripening process.

 Some edible coatings are hygroscopic, allowing microbial growth to flourish.


Edible coatings have been used in the food business for many years to keep fruits and

vegetables fresh. Coating materials include hydrocolloids, waxes, and proteins, among

others. Researchers have developed new edible coverings that are both safe and eco-friendly,

and can be safely consumed with fruits and vegetables. Edible Coatings, according to this

study, improves shelf life, reduces water and moisture loss, delays the ripening process, and

prevents microbiological growth in fresh fruits and vegetables. Herbal edible coating is a

new concept in edible coating that was recently introduced. It produces better results and has

a positive impact on one's health. Herbal-coated fruits and vegetables are nutrient-dense and

can be used as remedies.


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