D365 Fin Ifrs
D365 Fin Ifrs
D365 Fin Ifrs
1 Executive summary 04
2 IFRS overview 06
3 IFRS requirements applicable to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance 07
4 Financial reporting 08
IAS 1, “Presentation of Financial Statements”
IAS 7, “Statement of Cash Flows”
IAS 8, “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates
and Errors”
IAS 10, “Events after the Reporting Period”
IAS 34, “Interim Financial Reporting”
IFRS 1, “First time Adoption of International Financial Standards”
IFRS 8, “Operating Segments”
IFRS 10, “Consolidated Financial Statements”
IFRS 3, “Business Combinations”
IFRS 11, “Joint Arrangements”
5 Assets and inventory 24
IAS 2, “Inventories”
IAS 16, “Property, Plant and Equipment”
IFRS 16 “Leases”
IAS 36, “Impairment of Assets”
IAS 37, “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”
IAS 38, “Intangible Assets”
IAS 40, “Investment Property”
IFRS 5, “Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
6 Foreign currency 40
IAS 21, “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”
7 Revenue recognition 43
IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”
IAS 20, “Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of
Government Assistance”
IAS 23, “Borrowing Costs”
8 General ledger concepts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance 51
9 U.S. GAAP vs. IFRS 52
Overview of U.S. GAAP, and identification of ERP differences
between U.S. GAAP and IFRS
10 How Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance supports the compliance 53
11 Appendix A – Relevant Standard updates issued; not yet effective 58
5 PwC | Support for IFRS in Dynamics 365 Finance
2 IFRS overview
This section discusses selected IFRS requirements that are applicable to software
systems, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance, for the management of enterprise
financial resources; however, this is not intended to represent the complete list of IFRS
standards. For each standard, the section provides an overview of the requirement
followed by information about how Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance can support
the standard.
7 PwC | Support for IFRS in Dynamics 365 Finance
4 Financial reporting
16 PwC | Support for IFRS in Dynamics 365 Finance
IAS 34 sets out some criteria to determine IFRS 1, “First time Adoption of
what information should be disclosed in International Financial Standards”
the interim financial statements. Overview
These include:
An entity moving from national GAAP to
• Materiality to the overall interim IFRS should apply the requirements of
financial statements IFRS 1. It applies to an entity’s first IFRS
• Unusual or irregular items financial statements and the interim
• Changes since previous reporting reports presented under IAS 34, ‘Interim
periods that have a significant effect on financial reporting’, that are part of that
the interim financial statements of the period. It also applies to entities under
current or previous reporting ‘repeated first-time application’. The
financial year basic requirement is for full retrospective
application of all IFRS requirements
• Relevance to the understanding of effective at the reporting date.
estimates used in the interim However, there are a number of optional
financial statements exemptions and mandatory exceptions
The overriding objective is to validate to the requirement for retrospective
that an interim financial report includes application.
all information that is relevant to The mandatory exceptions cover areas in
understanding an entity’s financial which retrospective application of the
position and performance during the IFRS requirements is considered
interim period. inappropriate. The following exceptions
Support for IAS 34 in Microsoft are mandatory, not optional:
Dynamics 365 Finance • Hedge accounting
See IAS 1 for more information. • Derecognition of financial assets
and liabilities
• Non-controlling interests
• Classification and measurement of
financial assets
• Embedded derivatives
• Leases • PPE
In difficult situations, the precise facts For top-side adjustments, changes might
and circumstances will affect the analysis be appropriate at the transaction level in
under IFRS 10. IFRS 10 does not provide Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance,
‘bright lines’ and requires consideration of because Financial reports adjustments at
many factors, such as the existence of the consolidation level might not
contractual arrangements and rights be sufficient.
held by other parties, in order to
assess control.
23 PwC | Support for IFRS in Dynamics 365 Finance
5 Assets and inventory
27 PwC | Support for IFRS in Dynamics 365 Finance
Reform in 2020 to replace interest rate
benchmark (e.g., LIBOR, EURIBOR, and
TIBOR) with alternative benchmark rates
led to the introduction of a required
practical expedient effective for periods
beginning on or after January 1, 2021. If a
change results directly from IBOR reform
and occurs on an ‘economically
equivalent’ basis, changes will be
accounted for by updating the effective
interest rate.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, some
lessors provided relief to lessee by
deferring or relieving them of amounts
that would otherwise be payable. For
periods beginning on or after June 1,
2020, lessees have an exemption from
assessing whether a COVID-19 related
rent concession is a lease modification,
which should be applied retrospectively
without restatement and disclosed. This
practical expedient is available for lease
payments due through June 2021 to
capture rent concessions granted now
and lasting for 12 months.
Certain properties are classified as • IAS 16 if they are held for use in the
investment properties for financial production or supply of goods or
reporting purposes in accordance with services. Owner-occupied property
IAS 40 as the characteristics of these does not meet the definition of
properties differ significantly from owner- investment property
occupied properties. It is the current value • IAS 2 as inventory, if they are held for
of such properties and changes to those sale in the ordinary course of business.
values that are relevant to users of Initial measurement of an investment
financial statements. property is the fair value of its purchase
Investment property is property, for consideration plus any directly attributable
example, land or a building, or part of a costs. Subsequent to initial measurement,
building or both, held by an entity to earn management may choose as its
rentals and/or for capital appreciation. accounting policy either to carry
This category includes such property in investment properties at fair value or at
the course of construction or cost. The policy chosen is applied
development. consistently to all the investment
properties that the entity owns.
IAS 21, “The Effects of Changes in An entity may have foreign operations, for
Foreign Exchange Rates” example, overseas subsidiaries, branches
Overview or associates that maintain their
accounting records in their local currency.
Many entities do business with overseas Because it is not possible to combine
suppliers or customers, or have overseas transactions measured in different
operations. This gives rise to two main currencies, the foreign operation’s results
accounting issues: and financial position are translated into a
Some transactions, for example, those single currency, namely that in which the
with overseas suppliers or customers, group’s consolidated financial statements
may be denominated in foreign are reported (presentation currency).
currencies. These transactions are The methods required for each of the
expressed in the entity’s own currency above circumstances are summarized
(functional currency) for financial reporting below.
IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with IFRS 15 specifies how and when revenue
Customers” should be recognized as well as provides
Overview: specific disclosure requirements. The
standard provides a single, principles
In May 2014, the IASB issued IFRS based five-step model to be applied to all
15, superseding IAS 11 and 18 and a contracts with customers. Significant
number of IFRS Interpretations management judgment on accounting for
Committee (“IFRIC”) interpretations, revenue recognition may be required, and
effective for periods beginning on or after the adoption of the standard has resulted
January 1, 2018. in pervasive impacts on people, policies,
processes and systems. Companies are
finding that circumstances such as tiered
pricing, marketing offers (including
volume discounts), contract modifications
and a host of other potential contract
terms are creating issues that require
careful consideration under the new
Many revenue transactions are
straightforward, but some can be highly
complex. For example, software
arrangements, licenses of intellectual
property, outsourcing contracts, barter
transactions, contracts with multiple
elements, and contracts with milestone
payments can be challenging to
understand. It might be difficult to
determine what the entity has committed
to deliver, how much and when revenue
should be recognized.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance provides Management Reporter is used for the
the capability to define and share any creation, distribution, and analysis of
number of charts of accounts, fiscal financial statements and other financial
calendars, and currencies. The general reports, and is included in Microsoft
ledger for a company or legal entity Dynamics 365 Finance.
defines a combination of a specific chart Management Reporter provides out-of-
of accounts, a fiscal calendar, and the box report templates that can be used to
functional and reporting currency. report on Microsoft Dynamics 365
Furthermore, attributes for main accounts, Finance general ledger data. These
fiscal calendar, and currencies can be templates can be modified to meet
defined per legal entity. specific business needs.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance provides
support for global businesses and
intracompany and intercompany
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance supports
a vast array of financial dimensions.
Accounting rules are defined, based on
the chart of accounts and the
organizational hierarchies, to provide that
the appropriate dimensions and
dimension values are captured for each
accounting entry. These rules should be
used to confirm that correct information is
available for financial and management
Management Reporter for Microsoft
Dynamics ERP supports the creation of
statutory and operational reports based
on general ledger data.
The following table outlines relevant standard updates which have been issued, but are
not yet effective as of the publication of this document.
May 2020 Amendments IAS 37 Periods beginning on or after To clarify that when determining if a
regarding the costs to January 1, 2022 contract is onerous, the ‘cost of
include when assessing fulfilling’ a contract comprises the
whether a contract is ‘costs that relate directly to the
onerous contract’ (e.g., incremental costs of
fulfilling that contract or an allocation
of other costs that relate directly to
fulfilling contracts).
PwC contacts
Contact Microsoft
Dynamics 365 for Operations IFRS Discussion
[email protected]
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