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BP 220

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1. 1st of the basic needs of human settlements Water

2. 2nd of the basic needs of human settlements Movement and cir-


3. 3rd of the basic needs of human settlements Storm drainage

4. 4th of the basic needs of human settlements Solid and liquid

waste disposal

5. 5th of the basic needs of human settlements Park/playground

6. 6th of the basic needs of human settlements Power

7. Diameter of trees to be preserved 200mm

8. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 150 and below 3.5% of gross
lots or dwelling units per hectare area

9. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 151-160 lots or 4% of gross area

dwelling units per hectare

10. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 161-175 lots or 5% of gross area
dwelling units per hectare

11. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 176-200 lots or 6% of gross area
dwelling units per hectare

12. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 201-225 lots or 7% of gross area
dwelling units per hectare

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13. Parks and playgrounds allocation for above 225 lots 9% of gross area
or dwelling units per hectare

14. Parks and playgrounds allocation, incremental addi- + 1% increment

tion for over 225 lots or dwelling units per hectare for every 10 or
a fraction thereof
above 225

15. Required for economic and socialized housing pro- Parks & play-
jects 1 hectare and above grounds, Mul-
ti-purpose center

16. Required facilities for projects 1 hectare and above n/a

with 10 & below, 11-99 saleable lots and/or dwelling

17. Required facilities for projects 1 hectare and above Multi-purpose

with 100-499, 500-999, 100-1499 saleable lots and/or center
dwelling units

18. Required facilities for projects 1 hectare and above Multi-purpose

with 1500-1999 saleable lots and/or dwelling units center
tail center
Tricycle terminal

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19. Required facilities for projects 1 hectare and above Multi-purpose
with 2000-2499, 2500-3000 saleable lots and/or center
dwelling units Convenience/Re-
tail center
High school
Tricycle terminal

20. Community facilities allocation for 150 & below lots 1.0% of gross floor
or dwelling units per hectare area

21. Community facilities allocation for 151-225 lots or 1.5% of gross floor
dwelling units per hectare area

22. Community facilities allocation for above 225 lots or 2.0% of gross floor
dwelling units per hectare area

23. Hierarchy of roads for economic housing projects Major, minor, mo-
with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and below, above 2.5 tor court, alley
- 5 hectares

24. Hierarchy of roads for economic housing projects Major, collec-

with size ranging: above 5 - 10 hectares, above 10 - 15 tor, minor, motor
hectares, above 15 - 30 hectares, above 30 hectares court, alley

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25. Hierarchy of roads for socialized housing projects Major, minor, mo-
with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and below, above 2.5 tor court, pathwalk
- 5 hectares, above 5 - 10 hectares

26. Hierarchy of roads for socialized housing projects Major, collec-

with size ranging: above 10 - 15 hectares, above 15 tor, minor, motor
- 30 hectares, above 30 hectares court, pathwalk

27. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 8 meters
ing projects with project size ranging: 2.5 hectares
and below

28. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 10 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 2.5 - 5 hectares,
above 5 - 10 hectares, above 10 - 15 hectares

29. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 12 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 15 - 30 hectares

30. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 15 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 30 hectares

31. Width of minor road right of way for economic hous- 6.5 meters
ing projects with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and be-
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low, above 2.5 - 5 hectares, above 5 - 10 hectares,
above 10 - 15 hectares, above 15 - 30 hectares, above
30 hectares

32. Width of collector road right of way for econom- 8 meters

ic housing projects with size ranging: above 5 -
10 hectares, above 10 - 15 hectares, above 15 - 30

33. Width of collector road right of way for econom- 10 meters

ic housing projects with size ranging: above 30

34. Width of major road right of way for socialized hous- 8 meters
ing projects with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and below

35. Width of major road right of way for socialized hous- 10 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 2.5 - 5 hectares,
above 5 - 10 hectares, above 10 - 15 hectares, above
15 - 30 hectares

36. Width of major road right of way for socialized hous- 12 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 30 hectares

37. Width of minor road right of way for socialized hous- 6.5 meters
ing projects with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and be-
low, above 2.5 - 5 hectares, above 5 - 10 hectares,
above 10 - 15 hectares, above 15 - 30 hectares, above
30 hectares

38. Width of collector road right of way for socialized 8 meters

housing projects with size ranging: above 10 - 15
hectares, above 15 - 30 hectares

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39. Width of collector road right of way for social- 10 meters

ized housing projects with size ranging: above 30

40. Width of motor court right of way for economic and 6 meters
socialized housing projects

41. Width of motor court carriageway for economic and 5 meters

socialized housing projects

42. Width of alley 2 meters

43. Width of pathwalk 3 meters

44. Minimum right of way of interconnecting road 10 meters

45. Minimum right of way of major road 8 meters

46. Minimum right of way of collector road 8 meters

47. Minimum right of way of minor road 6.5 meters

48. Minimum right of way of motor court 6 meters

49. Minimum right of way of alley 2 meters

50. Minimum right of way of pathwalk 3 meters

51. Minimum dimensions of setback at entry of subdivi- 3 meters deep by

sion projects for loading and unloading of passen- 5 meters wide

52. Shall not be used as access to property but only to Alley

break a block to serve pedestrians for emergency
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53. May be used as pedestrian access to property for Pathwalk

socialized housing projects

54. Maximum length of pathwalk 60 meters

55. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 15 meters 1.3 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 1.2 me-
ters sidewalk

56. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 12 meters 0.8 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 1.2 me-
ters sidewalk

57. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 10 meters 0.8 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 1.2 me-
ters sidewalk

58. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 8 meters 0.4 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 0.6 me-
ters sidewalk

59. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 6.5 meters

right of way
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Optional planting
strip, 0.5 meters

60. Minimum thickness of asphalt for major, minor roads 50 millimeters

and motor court

61. Minimum thickness of concrete for major, minor 150 millimeters

roads and motor court

62. Compressive strength of concrete for major, minor 20.7 megapascals

roads and motor court at 28 days

63. Road pavement for major, minor roads and motor Asphalt or con-
court crete

64. Road pavement for sidewalks, alleys and pathwalks Macadam

65. Minimum distance of offset intersections, corner to 20 meters


66. Curb radii 6 meters, 4.5 me-


67. Slope of crown of roads 1.5% to 9%

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68. Minimum lot area for single detached, economic 72 square meters

69. Minimum lot area for duplex/single attached, eco- 54 square meters

70. Minimum lot area for rowhouses, economic 36 square meters

71. Minimum lot area for single detached, socialized 64 square meters

72. Minimum lot area for duplex/single attached, social- 48 square meters

73. Minimum lot area for rowhouses, socialized 28 square meters

74. Minimum lot frontage of single detached, corner lot, 8 meters

economic & socialized

75. Minimum lot frontage of single detached, regular lot, 8 meters

economic & socialized

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76. Minimum lot frontage of single detached, irregular lot, 4 meters
economic & socialized

77. Minimum lot frontage of single detached, interior lot, 3 meters

economic & socialized

78. Minimum lot frontage of duplex/single attached, eco- 6 meters

nomic & socialized

79. Minimum lot frontage of rowhouse, socialized 3.5 meters

80. Minimum lot frontage of rowhouse, economic 4 meters

81. Maximum units per block/cluster of row houses 20

82. Maximum length of block/cluster of rowhouses 100 meters

83. Maximum length of block 400 meters

84. Length of block wherein an alley shall be required to over 250 meters
be provided approximately at midlength

85. Minimum floor area for single family dwelling, eco- 22 square meters

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86. Minimum floor area for single family dwelling, social- 18 square meters

87. Minimum level of completion for economic housing Complete house

88. Minimum level of completion for socialized housing Shell house with
doors and win-
dows to enclose
the unit

89. Front setback 1.5 meters

90. Side yard setback 1.5 meters

91. Rear yard setback 2.0 meters

92. Minimum distance between communal wells 300 meters

93. Minimum quantity requirement of independent water 150 liters per capi-
supply system, provided by developer ta per day

94. Buffer distance from sources of pollution or contam- 25 meters

ination for protection of ground reservoir

95. Water tank capacity of elevated reservoir 20% average daily

demand + fire re-

96. Shall be provided by LGU to communities for fire Fire hydrants, cis-
protection tern

97. Capacity of water tank of a multi-storey building 20% average daily

demand + fire re-

98. Distance of poles for street lighting per pole to be 50 meters


99. Distance of poles for street lighting to be allowed less than 50 me-
every other pole ters

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100. Sewage disposal systems allowed communal or indi-

vidual septic tank

101. Minimum drainage pipe diameter, RCP 300 millimeters

102. Means of direct access to single family dwelling public street or


103. Minimum horizontal dimension of courts and yards 2 meters

104. Minimum width of passageway from inner courts to 1.2 meters

street or yard

105. Allowable dimensions and area of court for quadru- 1.5 meters by 2
plexes and corresponding maximum separation meters, 3 square
fence or wall height limit meters minimum,
2 meters maxi-
mum fence or wall

106. Minimum length of sides of triangular court exempted 3 meters

from the 2 meter minimum dimension rule

107. Private open space requirement for 50%

interior lot, residential

108. Private open space requirement for 20%

inside lot, residential

109. Private open space requirement for 10%

corner lot, residential

110. 5%

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Private open space requirement for
lots bounded on 3 or more sides by streets, etc.,

111. Private open space requirement for 25%

interior lot [All Others (not residential)]

112. Private open space requirement for 15%

inside lot [All Others (not residential)]

113. Private open space requirement for 15%

corner lot [All Others (not residential)]

114. Private open space requirement for 5%

lots bounded on 3 or more sides by streets, etc.
[All Others (not residential)]

115. Minimum fire resistive rating of firewalls 1 hour

116. Minimum headroom clearance/ceiling height 2 meters

117. Minimum ceiling height of mezzanine floors [above 1.8 meters

and below]

118. Maximum floor area coverage of mezzanine floor 50% of floor below

119. Minimum number of entrance/exit for occupant load 1

not more than 10
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120. Minimum number of entrance/exit for occupant load 2

more than 10

121. Minimum clear height of doors 2 meters

122. Minimum clear height of bathroom and mezzanine 1.8 meters


123. Minimum clear width of 0.80 meters

main door

124. Minimum clear width of 0.70 meters

bedroom/service door

125. Minimum clear width of 0.60 meters

bathroom door

126. Minimum area of windows for habitable rooms [% of 10%

floor area]

127. Minimum area of windows for bathrooms [% of floor 5% or 1/20


128. Minimum ceiling height of roof porch for required 2 meters

windows to be allowed to open into it

129. Minimum clear width of stairways 0.60 meters

130. Maximum riser height 0.25 meters

131. Minimum tread [exclusive of nosing and other projec- 0.20 meters

132. Maximum height between landings 3.60 meters

133. Number of risers [steps] wherein handrails are no less than 4 risers
more required

134. Height of handrails on stairs 0.80 to 1.20 me-

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135. References for measuring handrail height To top rail from

leading edge of
the tread

136. Minimum clearance of handrail from wall 38 millimeters

137. Minimum tread depth at any point [winding/circular 150 millimeters


138. Distance from the narrow side of the tread to the point 300 millimeters
where the required tread depth must be provided
[winding/circular stairways]

139. Maximum variation in the height of risers and width 5 millimeters

of treads [winding/circular stairways]

140. Maximum distance between landings [ladders] 1.8 meters

141. Minimum number of light outlets and convenience 1 light outlet

outlets per activity area 1 convenience

142. Minimum thickness of firewall 150 millimeters

143. Construction/material required for firewall Masonry con-


144. Minimum extension of firewall above the roof and 0.30 meters
beyond the building edges

145. Means of direct vehicular access to property for mul- Public street
ti-family dwellings and condominiums

146. Maximum floor area for non-residential use for mul- 25%
ti-family dwellings and condominiums (%)

147. Minimum setback for 1&2 storey multi-family 2 meters


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148. Minimum setback for 3 storey multi-family dwellings 2.3 meters

149. Minimum setback for 4 storey multi-family dwellings 2.6 meters

150. Minimum setback for 5 storey multi-family dwellings 2.9 meters

151. Minimum setback for 6 storey multi-family dwellings 3.2 meters

152. Minimum setback for 7 storey multi-family dwellings 3.5 meters

153. Minimum setback for 8 storey multi-family dwellings 3.8 meters

154. Minimum setback for 9 storey multi-family dwellings 4.1 meters

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155. Minimum setback for 10 storey multi-family dwellings 4.4 meters

156. Minimum setback for 11 storey multi-family dwellings 4.7 meters

157. Minimum setback for 12 storey multi-family dwellings 5 meters

158. Minimum distance between (a) buildings and (b) 4 meters

eaves for 1-2 storey buildings 1.5 meters

159. Minimum distance between (a) buildings and (b) 6 meters

eaves for 3-4 storey buildings 2 meters

160. Minimum distance between (a) buildings and (b) 10 meters

eaves for buildings more than 4 storeys 6 meters

161. Minimum distance between (a) buildings and (b) 2 meters

eaves with blank walls 1 meter

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162. Parking requirement for multi-family dwellings and 1 parking slot per
condominiums 8 living units

163. size of an average automobile car parking slot [diag- 2.5 meters by 5
onal & perpendicular] meters

164. size of automobile car parking slot [parallel] 2.15 meters by 6


165. Maximum distance of off-site parking from the project 100 meters

166. Minimum floor area of a living unit in multi-family 22 square meters

dwellings [economic]

167. Minimum floor area of a living unit in multi-family 18 square meters

dwellings [socialized]

168. Minimum floor area of BP 220 condominium projects 18 square meters

169. Height of building where automatic fire alarm sup- more than 15 me-
pression system is required ters

170. Number of storeys where elevator is required 6 storeys and be-


171. Minimum life span required for using indigenous ma- 25 years

172. Validity of development permit from date of issue 3 years

173. a public way with a width of 2 meters intended to Alley

break a block and to serve both pedestrian and for
emergency vehicles, both ends connecting to streets.
It shall not be used as access to property

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174. A parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets Block
occupied by or intended for buildings

175. Shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board or HLURB

176. Single-family detached dwelling unit containing three Cluster Housing

or more separate living units grouped closely togeth-
er to form relatively compact structures.

177. Facilities or structures intended to serve common Community Facili-

needs and for the benefit of the community, such ties
as neighborhood/multi-purpose center, drugstore,
school, livelihood center and the like

178. A building designed or used as residence for one or Dwelling

more families

179. A dwelling for 1 family which is completely surround- Single detached

ed by permanent open spaces, with independent ac-
cess, services, and use of land

180. a dwelling containing 2 or more separate living units Duplex/Single at-

each of which is separated from another by party or tached
lot lines walls and provided with independent access,
services, and use of land. Such dwelling shall include
duplexes, quadruplex or terraces, and cluster hous-

181. A single-attached dwelling containing 3 or more sep- Row house

arate living units designed in such a way that they
abut each other at the sides, as in a row, and are
separated from each other by party walls; provided
with independent access, and use of land. There shall
be a maximum of 20 units per block or cluster but in
no case shall this be beyond 100 meters in length

182. Shall mean single family per lot Single-family


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183. A dwelling on 1 lot containing separate living units Multi family
for 3 or more families, usually provided with common dwelling
access, services and use of land.

184. a habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum Shell house
requirements for a housing core with the folowing ad-
ditional components being included as part thereof:
1) all exterior wall to enclose the unit; 2) openings for
doors and windows; 3) plumbing fixtures; 4) electrical
wiring within the unit; 5) floor

185. A habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum Complete house
requirements for a shell house with the following ad-
ditional components being included as part thereof;
all windows and doors and partition walls for sepa-
rating functional areas

186. A type of housing project provided to average income Economic housing


187. fire resistive time period is the length of time a mate- Fire resistive time
rial can withstand being burned which may be 1 hour, period rating
2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, or more

188. any wall which separates 2 abutting living units and Firewall
extends vertically from the lowest portion of the wall
which adjoins the 2 living units up to a minimum
height of 0.30 meter above the highest portion of
the roof attached to it; the firewall shall also extend
horizontally up to a minimum distance beyond the
outermost edge of the abutting living units.

189. That part or end of a lot which abuts a street Frontage

190. A dwelling, or portion thereof, providing complete Living unit

living facilities for 1 family, including provisions for
living, sleeping, cooking, eating, bathing and toilet
facilities and laundry facilities, the same as a sin-
gle-family dwelling.

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191. A portion of a subdivision or any parcel of land in- Lot
tended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for build-
ing development

192. A wall used only by the party upon whose lot the wall Lot line wall
is located, erected at a line separating two parcels of
land each of which is a separate real estate entity

193. A dwelling on one lot containing separate living units Multi family
for 3 or more families, usually provided with common dwelling
access, services and use of land

194. The purpose for which a building is used or intended Occupancy

to be used. The term shall also include the building or
room housing such use. Change of occupancy is not
intended to include change of tenants or proprietors

195. Shall refer to areas allocated for the following pur- Open space
poses: a) circulation; b) community facilities; c)
park/playground; d) easements; e) courts

196. A wall used jointly by two parties under easement Party wall
agreement, erected upon a line separating 2 parcels
of land each of which is a separate real estate

197. A public way intended to be used only as pedestrian Pathwalk

access to property for socialized housing projects. It
shall have a width of 3 meters and a maximum length
of 60 meters

198. That portion of the subdivision which is generally not Parks/play-

built on and intended for passive or active recreation grounds

199. Refers to housing programs and projects covering Socialized hous-

houses and lots and homelots only undertaken by ing
the government or the private sector for the under-
privileged and homeless citizens which shall include
sites and services development, long term financing,
liberalized terms on interest payments, and such oth-
er benefits in accordance with the provisions of R.A.
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7279 or the urban development and housing act of

200. [PD 1185 annex] 56 cm

(a) least dimension (b) minimum area of window clear 0.45 square me-
opening as egress for sleeping room and (c) maxi- ters
mum height from floor 122 cm

201. [PD 1185 annex] 90 cm

Minimum width of exit access from sleeping rooms to

202. [PD 1185 annex] Class A, B or C

Interior finish for new buildings [class]

203. [PD 1185 annex] Class A, B, C or D

Interior finish for existing buildings [class]

204. [PD 1185 annex] Class B

Stairs [Class]

205. [Annex 2.B] 5 meters

Recommended distance between shade trees

206. [Annex 2.B] 3 meters

Recommended distance between ornamental trees

207. [Annex 2.B] 3 meters

Vertical clearance from the topmost part of the orna-
mental trees to the primary electrical power distribu-
tion lines

208. [Annex 2.B] Coconut and oth-

Trees not allowed in all designated planting strips er high growing

209. [Annex 2.B] 1 meter

Height recommended for potted planting materials

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[Annex 2.B] 1 tree per saleable
Ratio of trees to be planted to saleable lots lot

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