BP 220 - 3
BP 220 - 3
BP 220 - 3
8. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 150 and below 3.5% of gross
lots or dwelling units per hectare area
10. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 161-175 lots or 5% of gross area
dwelling units per hectare
11. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 176-200 lots or 6% of gross area
dwelling units per hectare
12. Parks and playgrounds allocation for 201-225 lots or 7% of gross area
dwelling units per hectare
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13. Parks and playgrounds allocation for above 225 lots 9% of gross area
or dwelling units per hectare
15. Required for economic and socialized housing pro- Parks & play-
jects 1 hectare and above grounds, Mul-
ti-purpose center
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19. Required facilities for projects 1 hectare and above Multi-purpose
with 2000-2499, 2500-3000 saleable lots and/or center
dwelling units Convenience/Re-
tail center
High school
Tricycle terminal
20. Community facilities allocation for 150 & below lots 1.0% of gross floor
or dwelling units per hectare area
21. Community facilities allocation for 151-225 lots or 1.5% of gross floor
dwelling units per hectare area
22. Community facilities allocation for above 225 lots or 2.0% of gross floor
dwelling units per hectare area
23. Hierarchy of roads for economic housing projects Major, minor, mo-
with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and below, above 2.5 tor court, alley
- 5 hectares
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25. Hierarchy of roads for socialized housing projects Major, minor, mo-
with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and below, above 2.5 tor court, pathwalk
- 5 hectares, above 5 - 10 hectares
27. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 8 meters
ing projects with project size ranging: 2.5 hectares
and below
28. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 10 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 2.5 - 5 hectares,
above 5 - 10 hectares, above 10 - 15 hectares
29. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 12 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 15 - 30 hectares
30. Width of major road right of way for economic hous- 15 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 30 hectares
31. Width of minor road right of way for economic hous- 6.5 meters
ing projects with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and be-
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low, above 2.5 - 5 hectares, above 5 - 10 hectares,
above 10 - 15 hectares, above 15 - 30 hectares, above
30 hectares
34. Width of major road right of way for socialized hous- 8 meters
ing projects with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and below
35. Width of major road right of way for socialized hous- 10 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 2.5 - 5 hectares,
above 5 - 10 hectares, above 10 - 15 hectares, above
15 - 30 hectares
36. Width of major road right of way for socialized hous- 12 meters
ing projects with size ranging: above 30 hectares
37. Width of minor road right of way for socialized hous- 6.5 meters
ing projects with size ranging: 2.5 hectares and be-
low, above 2.5 - 5 hectares, above 5 - 10 hectares,
above 10 - 15 hectares, above 15 - 30 hectares, above
30 hectares
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40. Width of motor court right of way for economic and 6 meters
socialized housing projects
55. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 15 meters 1.3 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 1.2 me-
ters sidewalk
56. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 12 meters 0.8 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 1.2 me-
ters sidewalk
57. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 10 meters 0.8 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 1.2 me-
ters sidewalk
58. Width of planting strips and sidewalks for 8 meters 0.4 meters planti-
right of way ng strip, 0.6 me-
ters sidewalk
63. Road pavement for major, minor roads and motor Asphalt or con-
court crete
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68. Minimum lot area for single detached, economic 72 square meters
69. Minimum lot area for duplex/single attached, eco- 54 square meters
71. Minimum lot area for single detached, socialized 64 square meters
72. Minimum lot area for duplex/single attached, social- 48 square meters
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76. Minimum lot frontage of single detached, irregular lot, 4 meters
economic & socialized
84. Length of block wherein an alley shall be required to over 250 meters
be provided approximately at midlength
85. Minimum floor area for single family dwelling, eco- 22 square meters
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86. Minimum floor area for single family dwelling, social- 18 square meters
88. Minimum level of completion for socialized housing Shell house with
doors and win-
dows to enclose
the unit
93. Minimum quantity requirement of independent water 150 liters per capi-
supply system, provided by developer ta per day
96. Shall be provided by LGU to communities for fire Fire hydrants, cis-
protection tern
99. Distance of poles for street lighting to be allowed less than 50 me-
every other pole ters
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105. Allowable dimensions and area of court for quadru- 1.5 meters by 2
plexes and corresponding maximum separation meters, 3 square
fence or wall height limit meters minimum,
2 meters maxi-
mum fence or wall
110. 5%
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Private open space requirement for
lots bounded on 3 or more sides by streets, etc.,
118. Maximum floor area coverage of mezzanine floor 50% of floor below
131. Minimum tread [exclusive of nosing and other projec- 0.20 meters
133. Number of risers [steps] wherein handrails are no less than 4 risers
more required
138. Distance from the narrow side of the tread to the point 300 millimeters
where the required tread depth must be provided
[winding/circular stairways]
144. Minimum extension of firewall above the roof and 0.30 meters
beyond the building edges
145. Means of direct vehicular access to property for mul- Public street
ti-family dwellings and condominiums
146. Maximum floor area for non-residential use for mul- 25%
ti-family dwellings and condominiums (%)
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BP 220
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162. Parking requirement for multi-family dwellings and 1 parking slot per
condominiums 8 living units
163. size of an average automobile car parking slot [diag- 2.5 meters by 5
onal & perpendicular] meters
165. Maximum distance of off-site parking from the project 100 meters
169. Height of building where automatic fire alarm sup- more than 15 me-
pression system is required ters
171. Minimum life span required for using indigenous ma- 25 years
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174. A parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets Block
occupied by or intended for buildings
175. Shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board or HLURB
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183. A dwelling on 1 lot containing separate living units Multi family
for 3 or more families, usually provided with common dwelling
access, services and use of land.
184. a habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum Shell house
requirements for a housing core with the folowing ad-
ditional components being included as part thereof:
1) all exterior wall to enclose the unit; 2) openings for
doors and windows; 3) plumbing fixtures; 4) electrical
wiring within the unit; 5) floor
185. A habitable dwelling unit which meets the minimum Complete house
requirements for a shell house with the following ad-
ditional components being included as part thereof;
all windows and doors and partition walls for sepa-
rating functional areas
187. fire resistive time period is the length of time a mate- Fire resistive time
rial can withstand being burned which may be 1 hour, period rating
2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, or more
188. any wall which separates 2 abutting living units and Firewall
extends vertically from the lowest portion of the wall
which adjoins the 2 living units up to a minimum
height of 0.30 meter above the highest portion of
the roof attached to it; the firewall shall also extend
horizontally up to a minimum distance beyond the
outermost edge of the abutting living units.
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191. A portion of a subdivision or any parcel of land in- Lot
tended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for build-
ing development
192. A wall used only by the party upon whose lot the wall Lot line wall
is located, erected at a line separating two parcels of
land each of which is a separate real estate entity
193. A dwelling on one lot containing separate living units Multi family
for 3 or more families, usually provided with common dwelling
access, services and use of land
195. Shall refer to areas allocated for the following pur- Open space
poses: a) circulation; b) community facilities; c)
park/playground; d) easements; e) courts
196. A wall used jointly by two parties under easement Party wall
agreement, erected upon a line separating 2 parcels
of land each of which is a separate real estate
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[Annex 2.B] 1 tree per saleable
Ratio of trees to be planted to saleable lots lot
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