Priorities 2007096
Priorities 2007096
Priorities 2007096
seldom apply rigorous priority setting techniques, mainly due to difficulties associated
with estimating research impact ex ante for such systems. This paper presents a
scoring, based on information drawn from a cross-country survey of expert opinion. The
focusing on living aquatic resources, both farmed and wild. The exercise demonstrates
1. Introduction
food security (Evenson and Golllin, 2003). Nevertheless, there is a growing emphasis
prioritizing research activities that are expected to have high impact. While all planning
implies some set of priorities, often informal and implicit, here “priority setting”
assessment” denotes a specialized evaluation process, which may feed directly into
priority setting.
Agricultural systems can be divided broadly into farming systems and natural
resource systems; for the latter, human exploitation largely involves harvesting wild
stocks. Living aquatic resources are a major example: despite the rapid growth of fish
farming in the last few decades, capture fishery still accounted for 62% of global fish
production in 2004 (FAO, 2005). Precedents abound for research prioritization covering
farmed commodities. However, for research in natural resource systems, few studies
attempt to assess impact (Pingali, 2001), let alone undertake comprehensive priority
priority setting. Among these, the favored approach is economic surplus analysis
(Alston, Norton, and Pardey, 1995). However, for research on natural resource systems,
application of economic surplus analysis faces two problems. The first is valuing the
total improvement in productivity of such systems due to research. Contrast this with
farming systems, where experiments and field trials, combined with adoption studies,
can be used to estimate productivity impacts of new technologies. The second is the
research on the poor and the environment. The case of aquatic resources highlights these
issues, as fisheries (covering aquaculture and capture systems) are a major source of
food and livelihood for the poor in developing countries, but face serious environmental
extend the economic surplus approach of Briones et al. (2005) to cover both natural and
farmed systems across all developing regions. To incorporate a broader set of benefits
and costs, we adjust results from economic surplus analysis, using modifiers for equity,
environmental sustainability, and other criteria. These modifiers are obtained also by
priorities. The method represents a practical and replicable technique towards setting
priorities for research on both farmed and natural resource systems The client
organization for this exercise is the WorldFish Center, a member of the Consultative
and reviews related work on priority setting. Section 3 describes the framework for the
current priority setting exercise. Section 4 presents the results. Section 5 concludes.
Elements of priority setting that need to be defined from the outset are: units,
objective, criteria, indicators, and method. “Units” of research are the set of alternatives
or options over which priorities are defined. Categories can be based on type of research
“Objective” is the intended form of the statement of priorities. Some exercises seek to
assign percentage fund allocations to research units; others have a more modest aim of
investment. However, this criterion is indifferent to the distribution of the benefits and
costs. The equity criterion corrects this by making net benefits to lower income groups
The criteria would guide the choice of “indicators” to be used in the assessment.
Finally, “method” refers to the technique by which the indicators are evaluated to
achieve the objective of the exercise. Conventional methods are described in Alston,
measure of size or importance of the research units as an indicator for setting priorities.
crop harvest. Congruence is a popular method owing to its simplicity and the ease of
obtaining data.
impact and cost as approximately uniform across research units. On the other hand,
benefit-cost analysis allows research units to exhibit different supply impacts and
research costs. Streams of future benefits and costs are converted to their current values
through discounting. The method yields familiar measures of project worth, such net
present value (NPV) or the benefit-cost ratio (BCR). This method however requires
reinforce or offset the initial welfare gains from research. Market adjustment can be
extended benefit-cost comparison. Here “economic surplus” refers to net benefits from
the producer’s side and consumer’s side. Computation of changes in economic surplus
requires a baseline supply-demand model for simulating price and quantity adjustments,
between the two, the former is called “aggregated scoring,” the latter “subjective
weights for each criterion are defined, and the weighted average of the indicators
(suitably normalized) becomes the aggregate score of a research unit. These aggregated
scores serve to rank the units. The weights should ideally reflect the value judgments of
2.2. Examples
formal priority setting exercises. Examples are documented for the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Potato Center (CIP), and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
listed above. Details are found in Evenson, Herdt, and Hossain (1996); IRRI (2002);
Kelley, Ryan, and Patel (1995); Thornton et al. (2000); Randolph et al. (2001); Walker
For research on fisheries, which encompass both farming and capture systems,
the most recent priority setting exercise was conducted by The WorldFish Center to
frame its Strategic Plan (ICLARM, 1999a). Research units are defined by region and
aquatic resource systems, the latter being defined as a “zone of convergence of the
resources, their aquatic environment, and human users” (ICLARM, 1999a; p. 2). Based
on Table 2, resource systems are labeled here as follows: Ponds, Lakes, Rivers, Coasts,
and Coral reefs; rounding up the list are soft-bottom shelves and open oceans.
Culture systems cover Ponds, small parts of Lakes and Rivers, as well as
estuaries and lagoons under Coastal waters. Capture systems cover Lakes, Rivers,
Coasts, and all of Coral reefs. Units are also defined by region of the developing world,
divided as follows: East Asia (EA), Southeast Asia (SEA), South Asia (SA), Sub-
Saharan Africa (SSA), Latin America, (LA), West Asia and North Africa (WANA), and
Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The composition of the regions is shown in
SEA). Owing to environmental concerns and the strong presence of the private sector,
WorldFish does not conduct research to raise productivity in marine and brackishwater
Output varies widely across production systems and regions (Table 4). The
biggest share of production comes from marine capture, while the smallest is from
inland capture. Across the regions, the highest total output by far is from East Asia. This
is nearly all from China, the global behemoth in fish consumption and aquaculture
production. Far behind is the second largest producer, which is SEA, followed closely
by Latin America. Inland capture meanwhile plays a big role in Sub-Saharan Africa and
South Asia.
trends show a steady growth in capture output, until a leveling off from the mid-1980s .
Given a likely overestimate of catch from China, global catches may have even fallen in
the 1990s (Watson and Pauly, 2001). As mentioned earlier, much of the world’s stocks
are overfished, with the abundance of many large marine predators having fallen by
90% worldwide, primarily due to fishing pressure (Myers and Worm, 2003).
Poverty also varies greatly across the regions. Based on 2000 data, poverty
Poverty is lowest in East Asia (11%). These overall figures are consistent with FAO
for Asia, 16% for Latin America, and as much as 46% for Africa.
The objective of the first WorldFish priority setting exercise was to sort resource
systems and regions (treated separately) into four levels of priority, i.e. Very High,
High, Medium, and Low. These levels are associated with ranges of budget allocation:
Very High receives 15-30% of WorldFish Center resources; High priority research
The criteria for ranking resource systems are: potential benefits of research,
answer key problems, and research and adoption capacity of intended recipients. These
criteria are subjectively scored by experts, who in turn are guided by information sheets
importance of aquatic resources and their products, and resource availability. Finally,
the summary scores were subjected to group discussion, in which WorldFish scientists
finalized the ranking of priority resource systems and regions. The results are:
• Very High priority: Ponds in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa; Coral reefs in SIDS,
• High priority: Rivers in SEA – Mekong, and South Asia; Coasts in Southeast Asia,
The Plan Annex (ICLARM 1999b) notes the following limitations to the priority
setting analysis. First, the assessment did not directly rank region-resource
combinations, thus omitting region-specific risks and constraints for a given resource
system. Second, the exercise did not undertake a reliable weighting measure to balance
future production opportunities with current production figures. These concerns are
For farming systems (such as aquaculture), the impact pathway of research takes
the familiar route of technological change, increased productivity at the farm level, and
adoption by farmers. For a natural resource system however the impact pathway of
the common pool property of the resource (Ostrom, Gardner, and Walker, 1994).
Harvesting decisions across individuals and over time are interdependent, but resource
the status and value of resources, as well as the likely impacts of human activity,
management actions, and institutional arrangements. Research, both in the natural and
social sciences, fills in the knowledge gaps; it therefore traces its impact pathway
through NRM. A rough parallel can then be drawn between the two types of research:
Based on the foregoing impact pathway, the elements of the framework for
priority setting in the WorldFish Center were identified after extensive consultations
with its scientists and other stakeholders. The units of assessment are combinations of
regions and resource systems. The resource systems are the same as those identified
earlier, namely: Ponds, Rivers, Lakes, Coasts, and Coral reefs (except that we omit the
lowest priority systems, namely soft-bottom shelves and open oceans.) We also retain
the previous regional groupings, except SEA is divided into island and mainland
regions, making a total of eight regions (East Asia, Latin America, South Asia, SEA
Island, SEA Mainland, Sub-Saharan Africa, SIDS, and WANA). There are forty units in
total (= 8 regions x 5 resource systems). To avoid confusion, the term “unit” refers to
one of these forty region-resource combinations, while “research unit” refers to the set
corresponds only to Ponds, and capture to all other systems. This follows the WorldFish
owing to environmental concerns and the strong presence of private research and
extension providers.
The objective of the exercise is to rank the forty research units in order of
priority. The rankings are grouped by priority level for ease of interpretation, namely:
Very High, High, Medium, and Low (respectively ranks 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, and 31-40).
Figure 1. The indicator of the efficiency criterion is the BCR, which is computed using
economic surplus analysis. Shifters for natural resource systems and for farming
systems are separately estimated; the former through expert judgment, the latter through
Expert judgment is also applied for obtaining subjective scores for the modifiers,
corresponding to the remaining criteria. The equity indicator is an average of the Human
Development Index of the UNDP (2003) and a subjective score. The indicators for
with economic surplus using aggregated scoring, with the following weights: 50% for
efficiency, 25% for equity, and 25 % for environmental sustainability. The resulting
modified economic surplus indicator assigns an ordinal ranking to the forty research
WorldFish Center, given their familiarity with WorldFish research, though a number of
external scientists and fisheries managers were also interviewed. The individual
approach contrasts with group scoring, common in priority setting exercises, which may
be biased by group composition and dynamics. The inclusion of external experts also
scientists, and the remainder drawn from various institutions in Asia, Africa, North
America, and Europe. Responses in each questionnaire were elicited only for those
resource systems and regions for which the respondent was prepared to make an
educated guess. All the questionnaires were prepared following pre-testing, multi-
the FAO, namely Fishstat (value and volume of production and trade), FAOStat – Fish,
both Primary and Processed, for fish utilization, processing, and trade. The base year is
2001. The data set of the model is developed along the lines of Delgado et al. (2003).
For aquaculture research, information is obtained from ex post impact studies, such as:
Ofori and Prein (1996); Gupta et al., (1998); Horstkotte-Wesseler (1999); Lane et al.
(2001); Hean and Cacho (2001); Dey et al. (2000); Dey and Prein (2003); Thompson et
al. (2003); Strehlow (2004); and ADB (2005). Assorted secondary information (such as
The baseline model structure and numerical method closely follows Dey,
Briones, and Ahmed (2005), as well as Briones et al (2005). The former describes the
AsiaFish model, while the latter applies an AsiaFish-based model to developing country
regions and natural resource systems (excluding aquaculture). The change in economic
surplus is obtained from a comparison between a scenario with research, and a baseline
future values discounted to their present value (at an assumed discount rate of 5%).
dynamics. The impact of NRM would then be felt through controls on current harvest
(or perhaps harvest effort), resulting in changes in future supply. Briones (2006) offers a
prototypical multi-market model with stock dynamics, but notes major data gaps that
constrain its application to actual markets and resource systems. Rather than force the
exogenous variable projections, except for supply shifts, which differ according to
comprehensive approach can be introduced in future work once the real-world dynamics
elasticities of supply and demand, and income elasticity of consumption. Again we draw
to minimize arbitrary bias: namely, that the elasticities be as uniform as possible across
regions and resource systems; that the resulting parameters permit ready convergence
towards an equilibrium solution over multiple periods; and that model runs yield
systems, the adoption path is calibrated from expert opinion about ceiling adoption rate,
and adoption rate in 10 years. (The initial adoption rate is arbitrarily set at 0.05 %.)
While opinion was surveyed by resource system and region, we opt to apply the average
estimates to all capture systems to minimize bias. The resulting mean adoption in 10
years is 8.7% and the mean ceiling adoption is 17.3%. Such ranges however appear to
be sharply inconsistent with actual adoption trends for aquaculture innovations. Hence
for Ponds, adoption is pegged at 20% in 10 years and 50% maximum. These are
scenario, and the “best-practice” scenario. The latter pertains to an ideal management
regime where targets for biological reference indicators are attained. Research is
to estimate production trends relative to benchmark output for each scenario. Estimates
may vary by time horizon, that is, short, medium, and long term (respectively, years 1-5,
For coral reefs, estimates pertain to future status of coral reef formations. The
proxy indicator of status is the share of reef area by risk classification (Low, Medium,
and High), based on Bryant et al (1998). The link to fish supply is made by eliciting
estimates of reef-related fish production by risk category and region. The resulting
trends are applied to the estimated reef-related marine capture supply, which is obtained
proportion of the value of production for the relevant unit. For Ponds, the proportion
used is 1%. For capture systems the cost ratio to production value is conservatively set
at 5%. This is furthermore adjusted downward by applying the percentage only to the
follows: in farming systems, the percent of agricultural value added that research and
1998). For capture systems, cost estimates are sparser. Balmford et al. (2004) estimate
that adequate protection of coastal and coral reef systems would entail a cost of 5 to
(Arnason, 2000). With few exceptions, this is consistent with data from OECD
countries for 1999 (OECD, 2003). The high end of the percentage agrees with other
estimates of the cost of coral reef protection; for example, the estimated cost of
the value of sustainable fish production (White, Ross, and Flores, 2000). We take the
3.5. Modifiers
with 5 being the most favorable to the priority rank of a research unit. For
environmental sustainability, each of the forty research units is rated through five sub-
practices (30%)
For equity, ratings are elicited regarding severity of poverty (by unit). Here
and exclusion, which are difficult to quantify using conventional poverty measures. As
mentioned earlier, the equity score incorporates the HDI indicator. A regional HDI is
HDI per region can be computed by apportioning the regional HDI, using the relative
percentages of the resource system ratings by region, obtained from the subjective
assumption or set of assumptions used to derive the given ranking. We say that a given
ranking is not “robust” to the change in assumptions if there are large differences
between a given and comparison ranking. Differences are gauged using several
measures. The first set of measures evaluate the two rankings over all the units, and are
composed of the following: the correlation coefficient or COR; the mean absolute
deviation or MAD (the average discrepancy in ranking); and the root mean square
deviation, or RMSD (an average measure where bigger rank discrepancies are weighted
more heavily). To define the last two measures, label the units arbitrarily by the by u =
1, 2, …, 40; let G (u ) be a function that assigns the rank of u based on the given
ranking, C (u ) be similar function for the comparison ranking; let abs be the absolute
MAD = (1 40 ) ∑ abs[G (u ) − C (u )]
u =1
RMSD = (1 40 ) ∑ [G (u ) − C (u )]
u =1
Another set of measures makes comparisons only over a subset of the units.
Here the subsets are based on the priority levels Very High, High, Medium, and Low,
function LG (u ) , which assigns to u its priority level i, based on the given ranking;
similarly we define a category function LC (u ) for the comparison ranking. Finally, let
U i = {u : LG (u ) = i} , i.e. U i is the set of units in priority level i. The mean absolute level
MLDi = ∑ abs [ LG(u ) − LC (u )]
10 u∈Ui
That is, MLDi measures the degree to which the priority level of a unit based on a given
ranking is matched under a comparison ranking; the lower the MLDi , the closer the
4. Results
Table 5 presents the results from the assessment of economic efficiency. The
value of production (obtained from the base data set), which serves as the congruence
indicator, corresponds closely with the production quantities in Table 4. Coasts are the
largest units overall, namely in Latin America, East Asia, and SEA Mainland. Coasts
also tends to be the largest system within each region. The exception is SIDS, where the
whole of marine capture is imputed to Coral reefs owing to the relative abundance of
this resource, making it the biggest system in that region. The second largest resource
system in each region is Ponds, except for Sub-Saharan Africa, where the second
biggest is both Lakes and Rivers. Coral reefs is the smallest resource system in every
The annual supply shift attributed to research varies greatly by resource system.
The biggest shifts are for Coral reefs; expert opinion rated WANA and South Asia as
having the highest potential NRM impact. In the other capture systems the supply shifts
Starting value and annual shift together explain a great deal of the change in
associated with large units and large shifts. In most of the Coral reefs however the large
shifts cannot offset the small size of the units, leading to small changes in economic
surplus. Note however that large systems are not necessarily those which exhibit a
greater change in surplus, as first and second order effects may be greater for a given
proportional shift in supply. This appears to hold for Coasts, especially in Latin
America. Remarkably, change in economic surplus is highest for Ponds, despite their
the Table) would classify East Asia, Latin America, South Asia, and WANA as Very
High priority.
dissemination. The BCRs are well within the range encountered in the literature (see
e.g. Alston et al, 2000). The importance given to Ponds is enhanced further; only SIDS
fails to make it to the top ten ranking units based on BCR. The congruence factor for
Coasts is now doubly offset by the high cost and small economic surplus impact; hence
Coasts tend to be the lowest ranking units. In between are the Lakes and Rivers; Coral
reefs are somewhat mixed. Note that the cost adjustment allows many of the Coral
systems to overcome the inherent size disadvantage – an effect most noticeable in South
The foregoing discussion has noted the variability of the mean supply shift
estimates by region and resource system. For just the capture systems, the coefficient of
variation for expert opinion on research shifters (by unit and time horizon) range from
1.3 to 13.7, highlighting the need for sensitivity analysis regarding these shifts. The
rankings to be compared are derived from following indicators: congruence (which sets
all shifts to zero); economic surplus analysis or ESA (which controls for differences in
cost), BCR (which sets the original ranking for this exercise); ESA and BCR with
greater supply shifts (respectively, ESA-High and BCR-High); and ESA and BCR using
Sensitivity tests are conducted only for the capture supply shifts. The High-shift
comparisons use one standard deviation of the individual responses to the expert
opinion survey. In the case of Coral reefs, the standard deviation is imputed from the
adjustments made for the Coastal shifters of the same region. As the standard deviation
typically exceeds the mean; the Low shift comparisons apply a zero productivity change
(within the adoption domain of NRM). The given rankings are ESA and BCR, to be
The results for COR, MSD, and RMSD are shown in the Table 6. For the first
three columns the given ranking is ESA, and for the next three is BCR. There is a very
high degree of correlation between the three ESA-based rankings (above 0.9);
correlation with congruence is lower (just below 0.8), but still high. In contrast, the
BCR-based rankings show low (to slightly negative) correlation with the ESA-based
rankings. The BCR-based rankings are correlated with one another; however, as these
are ratios, the strength of correlation is weaker than the cross-correlation across the ESA
and congruence rankings. The same patterns are observed in the MAD and RMSD
The MLDi measures are shown in Table 7. The given rankings for the top seven
rows is ESA, while that of the bottom seven rows is BCR. Patterns observed in the
Table closely parallel those observed in Table 6. ESA-based rankings are most closely
matched, followed ESA and Congruence. There is a tight fit across similar rankings; for
instance, units rated Very High under ESA are rated less than a third of a level lower on
BCR-based rankings and ESA- or Congruence rankings. The BCR-based rankings are
most closely matched to each other (but the fit is not as tight as among the ESA-based
rankings). Overall the sensitivity analysis fails to detect instability of BCR rankings or
4.3. Modifiers
The environmental scores and ranking shown in Table 8. The scores are reported
as normalized figures (relative to the maximum score); the third column displays the
actual deviations from the economic efficiency (BCR) ranking (a negative value implies
that the unit ranks better under the environmental criterion than under the efficiency
criterion). Coasts are generally rated as Very High priority, accounting for six out of the
top ten positions. This is understandable given the size of marine fish stocks, although
Coasts in Latin America and East Asia fall under lower priority levels. Coral reefs in
Southeast Asia Island and in SIDS are also Very High priority. A couple of inland
systems (Lakes and Rivers from East Asia), round up the environment top scorers. This
pattern is somewhat the reverse of the efficiency ranking of these units, as shown in the
negative deviations. Ponds in general are rated Low priority as these are artificial rather
than natural systems. Size also matters for the Low priority level, particularly for Coral
Equity scores (also normalized) and rankings follows in Table 9. Grouping the
units by region clearly shows the overall patterns in the scores: Sub-Saharan Africa
units are all top-ranked, as are all the South Asia units (except Ponds). The only other
top-ranked unit is Rivers in SEA Mainland. At the other extreme, Latin America units
are rated Low priority (except for Ponds). Rankings for South Asia and SEA-Mainland
units improve under the equity criterion, compared to their ranking under the efficiency
Final rankings based on aggregated scores are shown in Table 10. The last three
columns report deviation of final rank from the ranking based on a single criterion (i.e.
efficiency alone, equity alone, and environmental sustainability alone). Given the high
weight for efficiency (50%), most of the earlier classifications of priority level under
efficiency are preserved. Ponds occupy six out of the top ten positions; the remainder is
made up by Coral reefs. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are prominent in the Very
High priority level, despite the low weight (25%) given to equity. For these regions
SIDS, WANA, SEA Island, and Latin America. However size is not all that matters, as
Coasts in East Asia and Latin America fall under Low priority given their low
efficiency scores and mediocre scores under the other criteria. The middle levels (High
The final research priorities are not completely divergent from the existing
Africa and Asia. Also consistent is the secondary importance given to inland waters and
coastal systems, as well as to regions such as Latin America and WANA. The high
environment scores for Coral reefs in SIDS and SEA Island also keeps them in the
highest priority level. There are however areas of contrast: other Ponds (in East Asia
and WANA) are given emphasis, as are Coral reefs in South Asia and Sub-Saharan
5. Conclusion
analysis, congruence, and subjective scoring. Analysis may be based on multiple criteria
to take into account impacts on the economy, on the poor, and on the environment.
However, unlike for farming systems, research in natural resource systems has seldom
been subjected to these methods, as estimation of research impact has been problematic.
For such systems, evaluation of priorities is often based on informal judgment and
casual analysis.
This study conducts a modified economic surplus analysis for research on both
based on sensitivity analysis. Compared with existing strategic priorities of the Center
possible by modified economic surplus. Some of the earlier priorities were maintained,
such as an emphasis on poor developing regions in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa;
this highlights the consistency rather than trade-off between efficiency and other criteria
for these regions. On the other hand, some new results emerge, such as a stronger and
prioritization over all types of agricultural systems. Such techniques are not intended to
This study was funded by the WorldFish Center. The views expressed in this
paper are the authors’ and not of any organization. The authors are grateful to Chen Oai
Li for research assistance; to the survey respondents, for sharing their time and
expertise; and to the editor and anonymous referees, whose substantive comments have
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List of Figures
List of Tables
research centers
Table 1: Summary of priority setting elements in selected international agricultural research centers
Center Units Objective Criteria Indicators Method
IRRI Regions Allocate budget Supply requirement Projected demand; yield gap Aggregated scoring with
Ecosystems shares by unit Equity Per capita calorie deprivation equal weights; modifiers
Sustainability Rice area under unfavorable include the gender
Presence of alternative environment (%) development index and
research supplier National agricultural research yield gap
ICRISAT Themes Ordinal ranking; Efficiency NPV of production increase (with Benefit-cost analysis
Cumulative Equity modifiers) Aggregate scoring with
investment Internationality Poverty incidence and female equal weights
requirement Sustainability illiteracy rate
Simpson index
Subjective scoring
ILRI Themes Ordinal ranking; Efficiency NPV of production increase (with Benefit-cost analysis
Cumulative Equity modifiers) Aggregate scoring: 30%
investment Internationality Poverty index efficiency, 25% poverty,
requirement Sustainability Simpson index 20% sustainability, 15%
Capacity-building Subjective scoring capacity-building, 10%
Subjective scoring internationality
CIP Projects Ordinal ranking Efficiency NPV of production increase Benefit-cost analysis
Poverty Poverty index Aggregate scoring
CIMMYT Constraint x Ordinal ranking Efficiency Production index Aggregate scoring: 50%
region x Poverty Poverty incidence efficiency, 30% poverty,
ecology Presence of alternative Extent of subsistence farming 20% alternative supplier
research supplier
Ponds Small freshwater bodies, usually artificial, where aquaculture is possible. Includes flooded fields where aquaculture is
integrated with agriculture.
Lakes Primarily freshwater, includes reservoirs, and small water bodies. Lakes are natural waterbodies. Reservoirs are natural or
artificial waterbodies primarily used for irrigation, power generation, and household water supply. Small water bodies have a
surface less than 10 km2.
Rivers Includes floodplains and streams. Streams and rivers are flowing waters, while floodplains are low-lying areas adjacent to
watercourses, subject to periodic or near-permanent inundation.
Coasts Coastal waters include estuaries and lagoons, and critical habitats, such as mangroves. Coastal waters extend up to 10 m in
depth, encompassing most fishing grounds of small-scale fishers.
Coral Coral reefs refer to continental and island shelves in tropical oceans in which reef-building corals are dominant features.
Latin America (LA) Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana,
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela
South Asia (SA) Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Sub-Saharan Africa Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic
(SSA) Republic of, Congo, Republic of, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia,
Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique,
Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Reunion, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo,
Uganda, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe
West Asia and North Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian
Africa (WANA) Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, Turkey, Libyan Arab Republic
Relative to ESA
Congruence 0.30 1.00 0.60 0.30
ESA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BCR 0.90 0.80 0.60 0.90
ESA – High 0.40 0.50 0.30 0.20
BCR – High 1.50 1.20 0.50 1.40
ESA – Low 0.10 0.40 0.30 0.00
BCR – Low 0.90 1.10 1.10 0.70
Relative to BCR
Congruence 1.20 1.20 0.60 1.80
ESA 0.50 0.90 0.60 1.20
BCR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ESA – High 0.90 0.90 0.70 1.50
BCR – High 0.50 0.90 0.40 0.40
ESA – Low 0.60 0.80 0.70 1.30
BCR – Low 0.60 1.10 0.70 0.40
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