It gives me great pleasure to express my gratitude towards our Chemistry teacher Mrs. NEERJA CHATURVEDI for her guidance, support and encouragement throughout the duration of the project. Without her motivation and help the successful completion of this project would not have been possible .And I would also like to thank my family and friend for their support throughout my project.
Evaporation is the process whereby atoms or molecules in a liquid state (or solid state if the substance sublimes) gain sufficient energy to enter the gaseous state. The thermal motion of a molecule must be sufficient to overcome the surface tension of the liquid in order for it to evaporate, that is, its kinetic energy must exceed the work function of cohesion at the surface. Evaporation therefore proceeds more quickly at higher temperature and in liquids with lower surface tension. Since only a small proportion of the molecules are located near the surface and are moving in the proper direction to escape at any given instant, the rate of evaporation is limited. Also, as the faster-moving molecules escape, the remaining molecules have lower average kinetic energy, and the temperature of the liquid thus decreases. If the evaporation takes place in a closed vessel, the escaping molecules accumulate as a vapour above the liquid. Many of the molecules return to the liquid, with returning molecules becoming more frequent as the density and pressure of the vapour increases. When the process of escape and return reaches equilibrium, the vapour is said to be saturated and no further change in either vapour pressure or density or liquid temperature will occur. Factors influencing rate of evaporation:1. Concentration of the substance evaporating in the air. If the air already has a high concentration of the substance
evaporating, then the given substance will evaporate more slowly. 2. Concentration of other substances in the air. If the air is already saturated with other substances, it can have a lower capacity for the substance evaporating. 3. Temperature of the substance. If the substance is hotter, then evaporation will be faster. 4. Flow rate of air. This is in part related to the concentration points above. If fresh air is moving over the substance all the time, then the concentration of the substance in the air is less likely to go up with time, thus encouraging faster evaporation. In addition, molecules in motion have more energy than those at rest, and so the stronger the flow of air, the greater the evaporating power of the air molecules. 5. Inter-molecular forces. The stronger the forces keeping the molecules together in the liquid or solid state the more energy that must be input in order to evaporate them. 6. Surface area and temperature. Because molecules or atoms evaporate from a liquids surface, a larger surface area allows more molecules or atoms to leave the liquid, and evaporation occurs more quickly. For example, the same amount of water will evaporate faster if spilled on a table than if it is left in a cup. Higher temperatures also increase the rate of evaporation. At higher temperatures, molecules or atoms have a higher
average speed, and more particles are able to break free of the liquids surface. For example, a wet street will dry faster in the hot sun than in the shade.
Experiment no.1
To compare the rate of evaporation of water, ________and __________.
Materials required:
China dish, Pipette, Beaker, Weighing balance Measuring flask, ________, Distilled water, _________, Watch
1. Take three china dishes. 2. Pipette out 10 ml of each sample. 3. Dish A-_________ Dish B-Water Dish C-_________ 4. Record the weights before beginning the experiment. 5. Leave the three dishes undisturbed for an hr and wait patiently. 6. Record the weights of the samples after the given time. 7. Compare the prior and present observations.
Water (gm) Weight of dish Weight of (dish + substance) before evaporation Weight of (dish + substance) after evaporation Weight of substance evaporated (gm) (gm)
Inference and conclusion: The rate of evaporation of the given three liquids is in order:_________>_________>Water
Reason: Water has extensive hydrogen bonding in between oxygen atom of one molecule and hydrogen atom of another molecule. But this is absent in the case of _________.
Experiment no.2
To study the effect of surface area on the rate of evaporation of __________.
Three Petridishes of diameter ___ cm, ___ cm, and ___ cm with covers ,10 ml pipette and stopwatch.
1. Clean and dry the petridishes and mark them as A, B, C. 2. Pipette out 10 ml of ________ in each of the petridishes A, B and C cover them immediately. 3. Uncover all the three petridishes simultaneously and start the stopwatch. 4. Note the time when diethyl ether evaporates completely from each petridish.
Observation Table
Petridish Mark Diameter of petridish Time taken for complete evaporation
It will be observed that maximum evaporation occurs in petridish with largest diameter followed by smaller and the smallest petridish. It is therefore, concluded that rate of evaporation increases with increase in surface area.