CIVL 433 - 2020 Syllabus
CIVL 433 - 2020 Syllabus
CIVL 433 - 2020 Syllabus
Lectures:1 10:00 – 11:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays
First class: Mon. Jan. 11th, No class: Mon. Apr. 5th, Last class: Wed. Apr. 14th.
Calendar Description
CIVL 433 (3) Advanced Concrete Design
Design of continuous reinforced concrete building frames and structures.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading. [3-0-0]. Prerequisite: CIVL 430.
Course Objectives
As a technical elective course, CIVL 433 builds on the foundational knowledge from CIVL 430.
It provides an advanced level of knowledge for someone that is expected to work as a structural
engineer designing concrete buildings.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this course, it is expected that students will be able to design, in
accordance with CSA Standard A23.3-2014, components of concrete building structures including
short and long columns, beams subjected to bending moment, shear and torsion, one-way and two-
way slabs subjected to gravity loads, concrete shear walls subjected to seismic demands.
Mark distribution shown only applies to students that achieve a passing grade (50%) for all
examinations; otherwise, the final grade is the combined examination grade (mid-term
examination 20%; final examination 80%).
The recommended textbook (not required; but very useful for anyone that will work in structural
design) is: Cement Association of Canada (CAC) Concrete Design Handbook, 4th Edition, 2015. This
handbook includes CSA Standard A23.3-2014, the Commentary to CSA A23.3, and textbook chapters
on the design of concrete structures. The book must be purchased from
The regular price is $230 (plus tax and shipping), while the special student price is $181 (plus tax
and shipping). You must call Orderline Customer Service at 1-888-361-0003 to get the student price.
Shipping one book to the UBC area is estimated* to be $24.85, thus the total price for one book is
$181 + 24.85 + 12.28 (tax) = $218.13. Shipping 10 books is estimated* to be $38.29, thus the price
per book reduces to $194.38 for a large group order. (* estimates provided by Orderline)
Professional Conduct
At all times, students are expected to adhere to the highest professional standards when
communicating or interacting with their classmates, the course TAs and the course Instructor.
Statement from UBC: During this pandemic, the shift to online learning has greatly altered teaching and studying at UBC,
including changes to health and safety considerations. Keep in mind that some UBC courses might cover topics that are
censored or considered illegal by non-Canadian governments. This may include, but is not limited to, human rights,
representative government, defamation, obscenity, gender or sexuality, and historical or current geopolitical controversies. If
you are a student living abroad, you will be subject to the laws of your local jurisdiction, and your local authorities might limit
your access to course material or take punitive action against you. UBC is strongly committed to academic freedom, but has
no control over foreign authorities (please visit,33,86,0 for an
articulation of the values of the University conveyed in the Senate Statement on Academic Freedom). Thus, we recognize that
students will have legitimate reason to exercise caution in studying certain subjects. If you have concerns regarding your
personal situation, consider postponing taking a course with manifest risks, until you are back on campus or reach out to
your academic advisor to find substitute courses. For further information and support, please visit: