CMS-830-03-GL-00001 Rev 0
CMS-830-03-GL-00001 Rev 0
CMS-830-03-GL-00001 Rev 0
This guideline describes the methods to be used in the preparation of Specifications, Calculations and
Drawings within the Civil and Structural Engineering Group and the Offshore Group.
This guideline applies to all personnel within the Civil and Structural Engineering and Offshore Groups.
The following personnel have responsibilities defined in this procedure:
Civil & Structural Engineers
4.1 General
4.1.1 This guideline describes the methods adopted by all Civil & Structural groups and
personnel within CB&I to assure a level of consistency in developing and preparing
technical documents globally across all offices.
4.1.2 It is the responsibility of the Civil Engineering Department to determine the applicability
of the recommendations in this guideline.
4.1.3 Checking shall be in accordance with CMS-830-03-GL-00002: Checking of
Specifications, Calculations and Drawings.
4.1.4 Quality control shall be in accordance with CMS-830-00-PR-01010: Quality Control of
Design Documents.
4.1.5 Storage and archiving of documents shall be in accordance with CMS-830-00-PR-
00018: Archiving and Storage of Project Documents.
4.2 Specifications
4.2.1 Preparation and format of specifications shall be in accordance with CMS-720-01-PR-
00110: Preparation and Format of Specifications.
4.2.2 CB&I specifications shall be based on Client Specifications and on Corporate CMS
Specifications, and the applicable building, concrete, drainage, earthworks and
Structural Steelwork Specifications for Civil & Structural Construction.
4.2.3 Specifications shall indicate the minimum requirements for design performance,
materials, workmanship, testing and construction tolerances where appropriate.
4.2.4 Amendments shall be clearly indicated by the specification revision number in
accordance with CMS revision procedures as mentioned in CMS-830-00-PR-01010:-
Quality Control of Design Documents.
4.2.5 Unofficial abbreviations shall be avoided in the text of specifications and the CMS
standard terms of glossary shall be adopted, where appropriate.
4.2.6 Where National Codes and Standards are referred to in CMS documents they shall
carry their full reference:
e.g. BS 8110: Part 1, ASTM D422
4.2.7 The revisions of cross-related project specific documentation are to be included in their
reference unless directed by the Project.
4.2.8 The documentation is deemed to be the latest revision as identified by the project
document index.
4.3 Calculations
A front sheet shall be provided for all sets of calculations indicating as a minimum: the project
name and number, subject, signature, date of signature of the originator, checker, and
approving Engineer, revision nos. and issue description.
Where appropriate, calculations shall contain suitably dimensioned sketches of the
design item.
Software is available on the company network to assist in the preparation of
Maximum use shall be made of this software to aid efficiency.
An index of all calculations shall be maintained. , and completed calculations shall be
filed and retained in the job filing cabinets until transfer to the Company archives.
Completed calculations can be stored in documentum, pdocs or idocs.
Calculations shall be retained by the Civil Engineering Department
All calculations shall be checked and approved prior to the 'For Construction' issue of
related drawings.
4.3.1 General
The following notes may be of assistance to Lead Engineers in instructing Engineers
how to perform their calculation work. Basis of Design (Design Manual)
Establish a clear basis of design to cover:
Scope of work including deliverables.
Codes and regulations.
Soil report and foundation advice.
Design loads.
Design load cases to be considered (try to minimize number of
Allowable deflections.
Design philosophy and selection of materials.
Reference to Discipline Quality Plan with associated listing of
applicable company procedures, practices and standards. Design approach
Lead Engineers shall ensure that the design approach taken by their
Engineers meets with their prior approval. This may mean that the
Engineers shall check with the Lead Engineer on items such as:
Which method of calculation shall be used; computer analysis,
spreadsheet or hand calculations?
Type of analysis (finite elements, 3D, 2D). The engineer should
determine the quickest method.
Structural modelling ("static schema").
Minimize the calculation work by standardizing structures as much as
Limit the selection of structural steel shapes to those that are readily
available and therefore cheap to buy.
If practicable, use standard designs for items like small platforms, pipe
supports, etc., with a certain assumed load. Simple Structures
Structures should be kept simple as this minimize the engineering effort
and usually also the construction cost.
4.3.2 Reporting Purpose of reporting
Reporting on civil/structural calculations is done for the following purposes:
Provide data (dimensions, configurations, structural shapes,
reinforcement, etc.) for civil/structural drafting.
Show parties concerned that the structure satisfies the requirements of
the client, the authorities (local codes and standards), and CB&I.
Provide engineering data concerning the structure to parties like
detailed engineering contractors, authorities, etc. Reporting effort
1. Each calculation report should be produced at minimum cost and
should be as concise as possible, while still being adequate for its
purposes. This means that neat, hand-written calculations and
sketches are usually perfectly acceptable if they can be scanned
and filled electronically.
2. All the hand calculations shall be prepared on the CMS or standard
pre-printed calculation sheets or forms.
3. When using WORD or MathCAD, Engineers should be aware that
the quality and quantity of the printout may easily exceed
4. Minimizing cost also means that detailed computer printouts are
often not required. As a rule, they should not be included but made
available only upon request.
5. For extensive calculations or for more then one calculation per
structure it is recommended to make a multi-section or multi-
volume calculations report. The format may be simplified for
calculations requiring little documentation.
6. All computer input files and other software files used to prepare
calculations should be included in documentum, Pdocs or Idocs in
their native file format. Report Contents
Each set of calculations must have a standard front sheet (CMS-720-01-
FM-90000) which shall remain attached to the set of calculations at all
As a rule, calculation reports should contain:
Sketches of the structure (plans, elevations, sections), showing main
elements with sizes.
Structural model of the structure and a brief description.
Equipment list (major items only) with equipment loadings.
Design loadings and specific requirement not mentioned elsewhere
(e.g., in codes, specifications or basis for design).
Main pipe loadings.
Loading schemes for governing loadings.
All hand calculations (e.g., base plate calculations).
Relevant computer input.
Results of computer calculations (unity checks, reinforcement
requirements, etc.).
Structural details that have been assumed in the analysis and that are
essential for the structural behaviour (e.g., stiffener plates, moment
connections, hinges, sliding connections, etc.).
If considered relevant: bending moment and/or shear force diagrams,
deflection diagrams.
Term Definition
PDMS Plant Design Management System
PDS Plant Design System